work by somewhere87

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work by somewhere87

Post by somewhere87 »

I am a big candygirl, so all my stories will be candy, and most likley stargazer too, as for the rest, they tend to swtich from fic to fic :)

Soon to come:

Meet six teens, all attending the prestigious boarding school : S.t Lauren in N.Y. This is their senior year, hearts will be broken, friendships will be tested, drama awaits, and what happens when a gun is brought into school?[/i]

You will meet:

Liz Parker:
The richest girl in school. Best friends with Maria DeLuca and Isabel Evans.
Have a secrest crush on Maxwell Evans (Isabel's twin) but is also drawn to college boy Sean DeLuca (Maria's cousin).
Her family has always been going to S.t Lauren, and it was decided she was going even before she was born.
After graduation it is decided she will go to Yale to become a doctor.

Maria DeLuca:
Her dad left her and her mom when she was seven. Her mom got rich when the divorce was setteld,
and has been dating rich men ever since.
Her mom sent her to boarding school when she was 14 (all the others came to the school when they were 12). Her best friends ever since are Liz Parker and Isabel Evans. Have no plans for college, her nightmare is to go back to her mom. Has a secret dream to become a singer.

Isabel Evans:
Twin with Max. Best friend with Maria DeLuca and Liz Parker. Her dad is the mayor of New York. The only ones she has ever let in is Liz and Maria.
The three of them now rules the school, and is called the ice queens. Isabel's dream is to go to Paris after graduation and study fashion, however her dad have other plans for his daughter. Is horrified when
she realizes her feelings for new geek Alexander Whitman.

Max Evans:
The Mayor's son, twin brother with Isabel. They used to be close, but
when they arrived to school, Isabel instantly became a member of
the popular crowd of the school, while Max was left behind. Has grown a close friendship with his roomate Michael Guerin. Is in love with Liz Parker. Is probally
off to Harward after school to study law, that is of course if his dad has
something to say about it.

Michael Guerin:
The rebel of the school. He hates is parents, and the school. His closest friend at the school is Max Evans. And he is the only one Michael hangs out with. He also hates "the popular crowd" except for Maria DeLuca, whom he is secretly in love with. After school he has planned to go against his parents's plan, and has decided to run away to become an artist. His mom is typical rich housewife while his dad is the owner of one of the largest companies in the U.S

Alexander Whitman:
The new guy at the school, is instantly attracted to Isabel Evans, and it is his goal to break throw that ice wall. Becomes friends with Max Evans and Michael Guerin. His dad is the new headmaster of the school. Alexander comes straight from public school. He had pretty happy childhood
Michael: I NEVER wanted anyone else, I still don't..- BOYA
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