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Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:01 am
by Sternbetrachter
okay, thanks :)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:04 am
by KarenEvans

Sitting on the plush sofa in our living room I can't help but glnce at the clock for the hundreth time and nervously drum my fingers on the arm rest of the sofa.What was Max thinking?How could he do this to me,to our people?Nothing good it going to come from exposing us to the secret service.They'll swoop in here any minute and drag me off to god knows where and disect me in the hope of finding some miraculous cure for thier human diseases.Add to that I am all alone in the mansion today.

"Stop it Isabel!" I mumble to myself

Jumping up off the sofa I pace the living room carpet.He must be about ready to meet her.Stupid stupid man!He never listens to me,always thinks he knows best.And what the hell is wrong with Michael?You'd think he'd be a little worried about Max's new plan as well,considering he distrusts the humans almost as much as I do but no...he kept quiet when Max came up with his brilliant plan.Sometimes he takes his role as best friend too far.Both of them just leave me here alone and take off to meet the lady doctor.

"Well those two Antarian nincompoops can marry whichever Earthling they fancy but I'll be damned if I am going to marry one just to procreate and save our race.I'm sure they can do that all on thier own."

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:16 am
by Sternbetrachter
Antarian nincompoop
wow, I can feel the love :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 12:28 pm
by madroswellfan
(ooc: This is terrible! Sorry! :S)

I pace the hotel suite wondering... was this really such a good idea? I mean... I may never fall in love with the girl. Ok I knew all this when I started this but...

I guess I'm just nervous. I want this to work. I really do. Maybe this girl's I'm meeting today will be the right girl. If not... well I have a serious problem on my hands.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:02 am
by littleroswell

I rush across the parking lot and into the cafe. I give a smile and quick wave to Liz before moving to the counter to order my coffee. I should probably have decaf. I don't know who's more nervous, Liz about meeting this potential husband or me with the possibility that I'll see one of these little green men.

It seems to take forever for me to get my coffee and scone, but I finally do and walk back over to the table where Liz is sitting. "Hey, it's about that time, isn't it?" I ask her quietly.


I sigh and look up at Maria and then nod. "Yeah, I guess so. Maria, thank you for coming with me. I just don't know if I would have had the strength to come here alone." I stand up and take my coffee with me as we move to the door.

"You would have," she assures me. "You would have found the strength from the same place you find the strength to face your patients tell some of them that they don't have many options because their cancer is terminal. You have more strength than you give yourself credit for, Liz."

I stop her before we cross the street and give her a hug. "Thanks, I needed to hear that." I don't know what it is but everything seems like it's in clear focus right now. I notice every detail. The streets are still wet from the downpour that we had earlier today. There's a couple flirting and laughing on the opposite corner. Somewhere nearby, there's a man yelling at a construction site.

We make our way into the lobby of the hotel, though we notice a couple of men who are obviously not with the hotel's security. Inside, I'm stopped at the elevators by a man in a suit and glasses. "Miss, are you staying here?" he asks.

I shake my head. "No, I'm here to meet Mr. Evans," I say quietly.

He shakes his head. "I'm sorry but you can't just go up and see him. He's a very busy man and is expecting someone soon."

I grin at Maria and she grins back. Turning back to the guard, I pull out my wallet and open it to my driver's license. "I know, I'm Liz Parker. I'm the person he's supposed to be meeting."

He apologizes and says I can go on up but when Maria starts to follow, he stops her. "I'm sorry but your friend will have to wait down here," he says with an apologetic look.

I swallow hard and look at Maria in fear. She smiles and squeezes my hand. "It'll be fine, Lizzie. I'll just wait down here...finish my coffee. I've got a couple of phone calls I could make anyway. You'll be fine," she tells me. Then I give her a quick hug before stepping onto the elevator and taking a deep breath as the doors close. One of the men from the security, I'm assuming they're secret service, is in the elevator with me to escort me to the meeting.

The doors open on the penthouse floor and I am shaking somewhat as I step off to the door and my escort knocks on the door.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:56 am
by littleroswell

I sigh as the elevator doors close and walk over to one of the benches in the large lobby. There is a family at the counter, checking in or out, and they have two of the most adorable kids I've ever seen. They must be twins because they look so very close in age, maybe 5 or 6. They both have blonde hair and blue eyes, and even though the little girl is dressed in a frilly dress, it's obvious that she doesn't let her brother push her around. Their eyes catch mine and the little girl sticks her index finger in her mouth. The little boy smiles shyly and I smile back and wave at them.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:04 pm
by madroswellfan
There's a knock on the door and for some reason I jump at the noise. I clearly wasn't thinking. I swallow hard before going to sit down on one of the chairs and trying to look vaguely casual. As soon as she enters the room I will stand as a gentleman does. I try to compose myself for a moment, even though my heart is racing.

"Come in" I call out as I put my hands behind my back so she doesn't notice me trembling.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:41 pm
by littleroswell
OCC: Yeah, he's at the hotel with Max and I thought he could be in the lobby and meet Maria, however you want to do that, alizaleven.

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 10:00 am
by littleroswell

"Come in!" a deep voice calls from the inside of the room and my heart starts pounding even harder. I've never fainted before in my life but I'm seriously afraid I might today. I follow the man in the suit into the room and he introduces me. "Mr. Evans, this is Dr. Elizabeth Parker."

Just as he finishes his sentence, I gather my courage and start to look up to see what Max Evans looks like. But I'm swarmed by two other men in suits who start waving wands over me and patting down my pockets. Someone takes my purse and starts going through it. "Hey!" I exclaim, taken off guard.

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:20 pm
by littleroswell
Occ: Nice post, alizaleven.


I feel someone sit on the bench next to me and I turn to look into one of the most handsome faces I've ever seen. I mean, he's drop dead gorgeous...and he's speaking to me. "Hello miss, I just couldn't help but notice how you were with those kids, they seemed to grow a fast liking to you, and you didn't even utter a word. May I ask your name?" he says and I am a little wary. I mean you can't be too sure about the weirdos out there nowadays.

"I'm Maria," I say slowly, giving him a cautious smile. "So are you friends of the kids or something?" I hope he wasn't watching those kids for some perverted reason...or me either for that matter. Although he does seem nice, first impressions and all.