Page 12 of 88

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 8:59 pm
by isabelle

"Hey, why don't you wait with her,"Alex says and disappears before I can answer. Liz has already left as well; she's a few yards away on the pay phone. I'm completely stunned, and I find myself just standing here for a moment, unsure of what to do. Why would Alex do that? I thought he would want to stay with Liz. Is he that shy? He didn't mind going after her at the house.

I check my watch. It's just about midnight. I had been thinking to cut out of here at about one, myself. I certainly understand Liz wanting to go home now. Liz hangs up the phone, and I move over to talk to her. "You got your cab?" I ask.

"Yeah. It should be here in fifteen minutes. I'm going outside to wait."

Suddenly, I feel really protective. I know there are some areas of Miami that are really dangerous after dark. I have no idea what kind of area we are in. But then I remember the bouncer at the door. And there's probably still a line of people waiting to get in. It's not like she's gonna be alone. But still...

"I, uh, I promised Isabel I'd meet her upstairs."

"Sure," Liz nods. "I'll see you in the morning."

Liz walks away, and I watch her until she gets to the door. I shake myself, and head on upstairs. I find Isabel at the bar, talking to a tall guy with brown hair. Why exactly was I hurrying up here to keep my promise with her? Michael is about halfway down the bar talking to a girl I don't know, while Alex talks with Maria in the back. I wonder where Kyle, Tess and Lilly have gone. I go up to Isabel and say hi.

She gives me an icy look. "Sorry, Max. I'm busy"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I signal the bartender and order myself a drink. Suddenly, I'm feeling pretty tired, too. I envy Liz and her soon-to-arrive taxi.

"Brother?" Asks the brown-haired guy.

"Nah. He's nobody." Isabel tells him. If she thinks that's gonna bother me, she's wrong. I collect my drink and am moving over to the table where Alex is sitting with Maria when I'm intercepted by Tess.

"Hey Max," she says, and then turns to the guy who had been walking with her. "I'll catch you a little later, okay?" He nods, and moves off.

"Hey Tess. I was about to go join Alex and Maria."

"Nah," she says. "Let's go over to the rail."

We stand there, watching the dancers and talking while I watch the minutes tick away. Soon my drink is gone, and it's 12:16. Liz is probably gone by now.

"Tess? I think I'm gonna go."


"Yeah. I think I'll go back to the house." She looks at me uncertainly, so I try again. "It's been great talking to you, but it's been a long day, and I'm tired. I'll see you soon." I give her hand a squeeze and then head downstairs, trying to hurry without running.

I get to the door in time to see Liz look up and start walking towards the curb. I hurry after her, and reach the cab at the same time she does.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 12:24 am
by Sugarplum7
<center>~*~*~*~*~*~ Liz’s Part ~*~*~*~*~*~</center>

Not knowing the type of neighborhood I was in, I chose to stay closer to the door. I was standing there waiting for the cab for a little over ten minutes before I heard someone speak to me.

“Leaving so soon?” I turned to see the doorman, or bouncer as the case may be, ask me as he let another couple into the club.

“Yeah. Big day today and most likely an even bigger one tomorrow.”

“Did you already call a cab?” He asked. His presence did not appear to be as menacing as one would think. I am guessing that he asked to know whether or not he should call one for me.

“Yeah. They said fifteen minutes, but it is probably going to be give or take five to ten minutes.” I wrap my arms around myself. Not because of the cold since the night was rather warm, but more for comfort purposes.

“None of your friends are going to wait with you?” He asked, pushing back a few people who felt that they could bypass the crowd in front. “You came with Lilly and Maria right?”

I nod a little before speaking. “Yeah. They all seemed to be having a lot of fun, and I didn’t want it to end for any of them on my account. I am a big girl, and I can take a cab home by myself. Besides, you are keeping me just as much company as I would wish for.” I push the hair that had fallen in front of my shoulder back as I smile at him.

“Well, it is a good thing you came prepared. Lilly is not known to leave until well after four, for the most part.”

“I expected as much. That is the reason I brought some cab fare with me tonight.”

“Smart girl.” I smile at his comment and realize something.

“I am so sorry. I hope you forgive me. My manners seem to have disappeared. I don’t even know what my mother would say. My name’s Liz.”

“No need for apologies, Liz. Erik,” he says presenting his hand.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Erik,” I say as I take his hand.

“Likewise,” he says and releases my hand. “Where are you from?”

“Georgia. I’ve been there about all my life. This is my first time living outside Georgia. It has been quite the experience.”

“I would imagine,” he says before turning his attention back to the crowd lining the outside of the building. “Like everyone so far?”

“Yeah. They are all so different, but--”

“It looks like I’ll have to hear about this all later. Your cab has arrived.”

I turn to see that he is correct. The unmistakable yellow cab was approaching the building.

“Thanks,” I tell him as I turn around.

“No thanks needed. Just be sure to come by again, Liz.”

“I promise. Nice speaking with you, Erik,” I tell him as I smile and make eye contact. I shake his hand before I leave, and he nods his head in agreement.

The one of the most unexpected things happened. Max is standing beside me, opening the door for me. I looked up to his face, and I know he would see the apparent shock that registered. How else was I supposed to react? I thought that he was staying with the rest of them! I thought that I would finally have a chance to relax, to be on my own. It was not that I wanted to be alone. I just don’t want to be alone with Max. He just makes me so uncomfortable in that . . . in a way that I have to try my hardest to fight an unwanted attraction.

I blink as I try to remember if I had said anything in the time that I had spent looking into his face. Nice, Liz. Stare at him. That won’t make him think that you are crazy.

“Hi, Max!”

“Hey, could I possibly join you?”

Join me? Join me?? Join me! No! No, you can’t join me! You can’t captivate me beyond the boundaries of logical, comprehensive thought! You can’t join me, so that I find myself fighting the urge to curl up against you for warmth or protection. But even as I thought that, another thought waged war against it. A single word; the exact opposite--Yes! Join me, stay with me, talk with me, look into my eyes, get lost with me, or all of the above.

What is it about you that does this to me? What is it about you that affects me so deeply? Is it your eyes? Is it your smile? Is it your kind spirit? It is your gentle soul? What is it about you? Why do you always leave me speechless? Do you feel the same way? Does your mind keep spinning with thoughts? Do you struggle for logical sentences around me? Do you fight the urge to wrap your arms around me?

“--okay? Liz?” What? How long was I thinking? “Liz?” Max asked me once more, trying to get my answer.

“Oh, yeah. I was just . . . Thinking.” He seemed to think over that excuse. Mulling it over in his mind, trying to find out if there was any truth to my excuse for being . . . somewhere else. He seemed to know that I was not being entirely truthful, but enough truth that he did not need another answer.

“May I?” he asked.

“If you are sure that you want to leave, then yes.” I smile and nod my head. “Yes, you may join me.” I smile again as I slip into the car and slide over to the other side of the seat. I take a deep breath, trying to clear my head.. I close my eyes and lean up against the back of the seat. I do not know how long my eyes were closed, or how concentrated I was on calming myself that I did not even hear Max enter or close the door, but I did feel the car’s movement out into main traffic.

The movement brought my mind back to the car and Max looking questioningly at me.

<center>~*~*~*~*~*~ End Liz’s Part ~*~*~*~*~*~</center>

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 1:00 am
by Luvya

As soon as I find Maria I sit down with out asking.
"How good are you at planning suprise partys?" I ask her. Waiting for a reply I take a look at the drink she's having. Looks like a Bloody Mary to me. One of previous jobs was a bartender so I know almost anything about drinks.
"Hows the Mary?" I ask aswell. While I wait for a reply to both questions now I spot Isabelle at the bar talking to Jake and Max. Jelously rides above me. Max 'knows' I like Isabelle and yet he still talks to her. Mind you I haven't said a word to her apart from Hello. That bites. I sigh and wait for a reply.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 6:07 am
by isabelle
Poor Max! He says nothing more than "hi" to Isabel before she blows him off, but that's what Alex sees. :? At least Maria was turned the other way, so hopefully she didn't see him with Izzy and Tess.


I'm doing pretty well with Candy when I see Alex walk by. He makes a bee-line for Maria and sits down. In moments their heads are bent together like something more than friends.


It's not enough that she's falling all over Max, now she's getting cozy with Alex, too? How is it that these girls can't see how amazing I am? I got the body, the hair, and of course, the Guerin charm. How did I manage to become the outsider? East Coast girls must be crazy.

Except for Candy, anyway. She seems to like what she sees. I continue to pour on the charm for her, while I try to figure out what I can do to get through to the girls in the house.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 11:43 am
by ~Ruby~

"Brother?" Jake asks nodding his head towards Max.

"He's nobody." I state, I feel like a bitch because I told Max to go away since I was busy but its the truth. Jake is just wow, he's funny and witty and I find myself hanging on his every word, Jake is seeing me! He's not making do while he waits for Tess or Maria to cut in, he isn't watching Liz wondering god knows what. I'm not playing the game anymore, I am not going to fall over myself trying to impress Max anymore.

"So Isabel where are you from?" Jake asks, showing an interest in me that not one of my house mates had shown.

"New York," I state pushing my hair behind my ear

"Tell me about your friends! Tell me about Max and the others!" He says and I wrinkle my nose in a touch of disgust

"They aren't my friends! Just house mates, people who I was thrown together with because destiny needs a good laugh." I state right now I am feeling more of a outsider then Michael. It was hard feeling so alone in a room filled with people.

"Tell me about them, what you thought of them, tell me about your friends back home and your family, hates, dislikes I want to get to know you Isabel, everything about you!" Jake says and I am taken back, its feels a bit soon to be sharing life history. I think he can tell what I am thinking "I don't play games Isabel, if I want something I am going to get it, no matter what! he leans forward whispering my ear "I want you!"

My world starts spinning and I reach out, grabbing Jake's arm to steady myself. what the hell is wrong with me?

"What makes you think that I want you?" I ask my voice sound husky

"You're still here aren't you?" he says his fingers running lightly down my arm causing Goosebumps to spread

"I should be going!" I whipser swallowing nervously

"Meet me tomorrow for lunch,"

"Is that a request or a command?" I ask raising an eyebrow

"Take it the anyway you please baby," he smirks "Tomorrow, meet me outside Starbucks" He leans forward kissing me lightly on the lips before walking away.

I watch him leave before covering my fast beating heart with a hand.

I need a drink!

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 8:12 pm
by isabelle
Hmm. Seems like Isabel is giving up awfully easily. What is happening to the Maxwell fan-club? Max has only been around for less than what, eight hours?, and the girls are giving up on him already. :(


I manage to catch Liz before her cab goes, but then I have to ask her three times if it's okay for me to share it with her. Under other circumstances I would take that as a hint and not stay, but I do want to get back to the house and it's only a short ride. She did say it was okay when she did finally speak up. I guess I'm gonna have to take her at her word.

I watch her as the cab pulls out into traffic, wondering if I should say anything. She seems to be lost in her own thoughts. I don't want to intrude.

Looking at her, I realise again just how beautiful she is. No, she's not tall and blonde, or heavily made up. But she looks just fantastic. Naturally lovely, and fresh. She makes me feel... different. Better. I don't know how else to say it. But also, just a bit nervous.

Eventually, she looks up at me, and I realise I've been staring. I quickly turn my gaze to the window behind her, looking at the scenery and glancing back at her enough to be an attentive listener.

"I thought you were meeting with Isabel," she says.

"Yeah, so did I. When I got there, she was with some other guy and she blew me off." I tell her.

"Someone from the house?" she asks.

"No. Just some guy who was trying to pick her up." I shrug. It's not like she'd been my date, or something.

"I am sorry," she says. I guess she thinks my feelings were hurt. "Is that why you're leaving?"

"No. I was planning on leaving early anyway, and I thought as long as you already had a cab, we could split the fare." I give her a smile that I hope is friendly and re-assuring.

Liz nods, and looks out the window. Is that my cue to shut up? Probably. And really, I don't know what to say. I don't want to look like an idiot or something. And I am beginning to feel like my brain is going in slow motion. But I do want to get to know her. After a moment, I decide to risk a conversation starter.

"So, tell me something about you. What do you do at home? Why did you decide to come on the show?"

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 1:10 am
by Luvya
~*^*~Alex's Post continued~*^*~

I soon start relising that Maria's not in the mood for talking so I exuse myself to go to the bar. I need.... I don't know what I need... I'm starting to think that we should of stayed at 'home' tonight and get to know each other. I decide to head towards the nearest phone booth instead. I know I wanted Max and Liz to be alone for awhile but.... Now I'm not sure..... He likes Isabelle... I think....

I'm now standing still. Probably looking like a total dork but I don't know what to do. I'm confused. I have a major headache. Ohhh no this can't be happening again.... Please no.... And then I blank out....

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 3:56 am
by Sugarplum7
Again? Uh oh! What happened to Alex? Who is going to find him first? I hope it is just something minor and he doesn't need a trip to the hospital.

<center>~*~*~*~*~*~ Liz’s Part ~*~*~*~*~*~</center>

I smiled a little at what he had asked. I was starting to wonder if this was all part of some master plan that Max had concocted to get to know me since I seemed to run away as soon as we found ourselves alone . . . together.

I resisted the urge to shake my head when I banished the thought. Max may be many things that I don’t know about, but some kind of mastermind behind different plots and ploys did not seem to be in his repertoire.

“Something about me,” I repeat as I turn a little to face him. “Well, you already know where I am from, how old I am, why I stopped playing piano, when my birthday is, and all I know about you, Max, is that you are from New Mexico.” I look up into his face as the passing lights outside shine on his face and set it into shadow.

“As you know, I am from Georgia, and at home I spend time both working and in school. I am, or was, a waitress at one of the local restaurants when I wasn’t in class or studying. I go to Emory, and am working on attaining my Bachelors in Political Science with a minor in Psychology.

“Tell me a little about yourself, and then we can both get into why we are on this show.” I take a deep breath as I try to look into his eyes without losing my nerve. “It’s only fair.”

<center>~*~*~*~*~*~ End Liz’s Part ~*~*~*~*~*~</center>

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 10:59 am
by isabelle
Luvya mentioned someone having a hangover in the morning, so I'm gonna assume that Alex is merely drunk. If I'm mistaken, just let me know. 8)


I’m trying very hard to not watch Alex and Maria, while I work on getting Candy comfortably buzzed and thoroughly charmed. But it’s not working. I still find myself watching them. I notice when he gets up and leaves Maria alone a few minutes later. I know I don’t know her that well yet, but I still think she looks wrong. Like something is bothering her. I’m debating whether to leave Candy and go talk to her, when I see that she’s been joined by Lilly and Tess. I guess she’ll work things out with them.

Alex moves to the bar behind Candy, where I can see him putting back drinks like they were soda. I have a pretty high tolerance for alcohol myself, so I’m not thinking anything of it. After all, getting quietly drunk had been my plan, too, until Candy came along.

Several minutes later, I’m distracted by a loud thud. I look over and Alex is sprawled across the floor.

My first impulse is to burst out laughing and I do. A good drunk has a way of improving the party atmosphere at any gathering. I raise my glass in salute. “Way to go, Alex!”

But then I realize that nobody’s helping him up. He’s a thousand miles from home and doesn’ t know anybody here but us. The bouncers will be coming to haul him away soon and I know he doesn't have any ID with our Florida address on it.

“Sorry, Candy.” I sigh, and reluctantly get to my feet. Nobody likes the responsible guy. They like the party animal. The lively guy. The one who knows how to have a good time. This really isn’t my type of action. I'm supposed to be the guy getting drunk off his ass, not the damned designated driver.

I kneel down beside him and shake his shoulders. “Hey, Alex! You okay?” The kid doesn’t answer. “C’mon. Talk to me. You okay?”

Still nothing. At least he’s still breathing. When I dump the rest of my drink on his face, Alex moans and pulls back. Great. He’s not gonna die on us. That would really ruin the show. “All right. Let’s go, then.” I pull his arm over my shoulder and haul him to his feet. His head lolls around a little and then he looks at me, blinking, his eyes glazed. Well, at least one of us is having a good time.

He squints at my face, trying to focus. “Hey, what happened to your mustache?” he asks, his words slurring together.

“I don’t know who you think I am, Alex, but it’s time you went back to the house.” I glance at the bartender. “Could you call this man a cab?” He nods and picks up the phone. I start walking Alex towards the stairs. My steps are a little unsteady as Alex's changing balance keeps throwing me off. Or maybe it's the alcohol in my own system. No matter.

Remembering Candy, I look around and spot her at the bar, folding up a napkin. She comes over and pushes it into my pocket. “Sorry we couldn’t finish this properly. Give me a call, okay? It's my cell. You can reach me anytime.”

Well, all right! Alex may have made me miss my chance to get her home tonight, but it looks like I’ll be getting another shot. “Thanks Candy, I will.”

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 9:03 pm
by isabelle

“Tell me a little about yourself. It’s only fair,” she says.

Damn. I can actually feel myself tense up at her words, as if I’ve been caught doing something I shouldn’t. I don’t understand why I’m reacting that way. It’s not really an unreasonable request. I don’t know why she makes me feel so nervous.

It’s true that since my initial conversation with Maria, I haven’t really talked about myself at all. It’s so much easier to get other people to talk about themselves. They usually don’t even notice if I don’t offer personal details of my own, and I don’t usually notice if they don’t ask me. Not that I’m trying to be secretive, it’s just not something I’m accustomed to doing.

“Well…” I say as I realize that the silence is starting to get a bit long. “I guess you’re right. I don’t talk about myself very much. …”

My friends have called me quiet and shy, but I’d never thought of myself that way. I’ve thought of myself as being simply easy-going and friendly, although it’s true that I’ve never liked being the center of attention. Somehow Liz has picked up on that already, and she’s only known me a few hours.

“Why not?” Liz prompts when I don’t continue right away.

“I don’t know. I guess other people just seem more interesting. I like learning about them, and the things they know, the things that are important to them. I like trying new things. Talking to other people about what interests them, opens new possibilities.”

Liz nods. “So… what about you?”

I can see that Liz is not going to be deterred, although I wasn’t consciously trying to divert her. I take a deep breath and try to decide where to start. “Let’s see. For starters, I’m twenty-three. I graduated from Texas A&M University last year with a double bachelor’s degree in History and Literature. I’m currently teaching High School in New Mexico, although I’m still planning to get a masters degree.”

“Teaching. Do you like it?”

“Well, yeah. The kids are great and the job leaves me the summers off. I like to travel. Last summer, I spent a month in California and I learned to surf. I’m really looking forward to discovering what new things I can learn and do here.”

Liz looks like she’s about to ask another question. Fortunately, the taxi is pulling into the driveway already. “Here we are,” I announce, unnecessarily, and get out of the cab.