A New Slayer (Finished)

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A New Slayer (Finished)

Post by jojotheorange »

Title: A New Slayer
Author: jojotheorange you can also find at fanfiction.net
Rating: R for now
Summery: Takes place after the season finale of Angel. So don’t read if you have not seen all of Angel season five and all of Buffy season seven. What happens when a friend returns with a secret?
Disclaimer: I don’t own any thing expect my hands and my mind. If I add a person to the story that is not in the show well I tell what they look like. Okay on with the show.

Chapter 1

"That was hell. Literately." Spike was saying to everyone after the battle was over. Everyone was broken, beaten, and, very bloody. Gunn who had sustained injuries from the fighting of a few vampires was in the worse condition of all four of the remaining Angel and Co.

"Hey Angel aren't we supposed to shanshu?" Spike asked Angel.

"Spike it doesn't matter. It probably wasn't real to begin with. All these years of fighting the good fight with the hope of being human dangling there in my face never coming true with all the shit I have done for humanity. It's not real Spike get over it. Any way I signed my chance at being human away. " Angel said to his friend of old getting angry at his own words.

"I don't know why you guys would want to be human any way it's so over rated. I mean you have the whole death thing that happens all to suddenly. Also you have stupid people to put up with being dead is just so much more fun." A very familiar feminine voice called to the vampires from a distance.

"Angel isn't that Buffy?" Spike asked in disbelieve to Angel.

"No it something much worse." Angel said to Spike. Angel could smell that it was Buffy it just wasn't human it was a vampire. All Angel could feel was a slight bit a jealousy that it hadn't been him to turn his Buffy into a vampire. Angel did not want to know want Spike was thinking.

"Come on boys it was bound to happen sooner or later. What Angel little mad that it wasn't you that did the dirty deed?" Buffy asked him mockingly almost reading his mind. Buffy had a surprise for Angel it was doximal a drug that would temporary bring back Angelus until Buffy could get the soul out for good.

"I don't like this." Gunn said.

Angel, Spike, Illerya, and Gunn were all attacked by Buffy's new goons in there weaken state they were quickly knocked out cold.

"Nice job boys. No grab what we can for and lets go before the sun comes up okay." Buffy told her minions. Buffy's minions grab a knocked out Angel as their master had order.

"Sorry if this kills the rest of you." Buffy said to the unconscious group of three. "But I have plans."

A/N: Sorry if this is confusing. Bear with me all right. I am not very good with the english or writting it for that matter so please be gentle in reviewing.
Last edited by jojotheorange on Mon Oct 03, 2005 3:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by jojotheorange »

Chapter 2
A quick Authors Note: So any who this is chapter 2. I am a big fan of maquisleader who writes fanfiction about Angelus/ Buffy or Angel/Buffy. In these fanfictions this author writes that Angelus talks to Angel inside his head so I am going to borrow that idea and give credit where it is due. Angelus thoughts will appear in this font. Thank you maquisleader. To read my favorite authors fanfiction please go to http://maquisleader.com/buffy/ ON with the show. Did I mention that I Own no shows by the name of Angel or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Now on with the show.

Angel woke up disorientated and chained to a bed.

‘What the hell is going on?’ Angel thought to himself. ‘How did Buffy become a vampire? Which vampire would be stupid enough to turn a slayer? Why weren’t we warned?’ Angel mind was running in circles around itself trying to figure out what was really going on.

‘Just give it up all I know is I going to find the vamp who did this and kill them horribly.’ Angelus said to Angel.

‘Where the hell did you come from. I have not heard a sound out of you since I was kicking Hamilton ass.’

‘He was kicking your ass and it was not until he let slip about the blood of the senior partners running in his veins did you start to win. Besides I am trying to think what Buffy would want with you especially now that she is a vampire. You’re nothing expect a whining cry baby soul boy.’

Angel was going to respond with something but the door open and in walked Buffy.

“Ah you’re awake.” Buffy headed toward the bed. When she got there she climb on top of Angel and pulled out a needle of some sort filled with something. “I will give you a whole two guess to what is in this needle.”

‘Say Doximal because that is what it is and I know it.’

“Come on Angel. Just guess. For me please.” Buffy told him

“Angelus thinks that it is Doximal. I think he might be right. So now that I played your game. Who turned you?” Angel asked trying not to look at the demon now inhibiting his former loves body.

“Played my game. Oh no you have not played my game. Because it you would have played then it would be you behind those dark eyes but Angelus.” Buffy told him. “By the way it is not that important on who turned me. You should not worry about that because soon it won’t matter.” At that Buffy took the needle and jammed it into Angel’s leg.


“Oh my. Spike can you here me?” Spike heard a very familiar voice in the back of his head. “Spike if you can hear me then I need you to open your eyes and tell us what happened. Giles I found Spike. He is in pretty bad condition and looks like well for a lack of a better term death.”

“Okay Willow. Did you find Angel?” Giles asked from up top the stairs.

“No. I think she took him.”

“Damn right she took him after she kicked the crap out of all of us. So Red you want to tell me what the hell is going on?” Spike asked Willow sitting feeling he would be bruised for a very long time.

“I not very qualified to say what happen being the fact that I was not any where near Rome when this happen to Buffy. Out of the two people who where there when it happened one of them is dead and we still have not found the whole body. Maybe he can help fill in the blanks for you.” Willow said sounding as if she were living a nightmare all over again. The person she pointed to was the Immortal.

“Why is he here? He can’t be of any use all he does is steal your women and sleep with them. Then after that your woman is like oh Spike the Immortal did this and this.” Spike said at seeing the Immortal.

“Come on now Spike your just mad because Drusilla found me glorious in the sack back in the 1950’s. Any way there are more important things on hand to talk about that don’t involve Drusilla.” The Immortal stated feeling great because this vampire was still jealous.

“What happen to Buffy?” Spike asked the simple question that would not have a simple answer.

“Isn’t oblivious what happen to Buffy.” A voice came from inside the hotel. “She was out fighting your kind, got ambushed, and turned. The greatest part of the whole thing is Buffy is kind of a natural at being a vampire. So there Spike that is what happened.” The voice was that of Xander. Who looked as if he had been hurt pretty bad by something or someone?

“Who did it?” Spike asked.

“Well gee at first we thought of Angel or Angelus really, but that really does not fit the theory being the fact that so many vampires claimed to have done it.” The Immortal said.

“Why do you care so much?” Spike asked the Immortal.

“Look Spike I did not come here to pick a fight with you. I am here because the woman I love is dead. She is the only one who did not think it was weird that I won’t ever die. What can I say I loved her. And now she is dead. So that is why I am here.” The Immortal respond having a little tears come to his eyes.


“Angelus. Angelus. Are you awake?” Buffy asked the chained up demon.

“So you never answered Angel question who did turn you?” Angelus asked feeling in control for the first time in a long while.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Buffy replied getting all offended because Angelus should be happy that he was not inside Angel any more. Buffy climbed off Angelus and headed for the door.

“Where are you going? What nothing for me? Come on I want to kill something.” Angelus said to Buffy.

“I promise when I come back with the witch we can do a bunch of fun things. Like killing people and well other things. As soon as Willow removes that soul that still plagues your body. Don’t leave me now.” With that Buffy headed out of the room to get her a witch.


AN: I plan on writing more for well some closure to the series for my own mind sanity. Thanks to people who are reading this and if your not you should be. So please review. Thank you so much. Sorry my chapters are so short this is my first fanfiction. so what do you all think?
Last edited by jojotheorange on Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by jojotheorange »

Authors note: Angelus can hear Angel’s thoughts. Another thing this probably won’t make any sense but I am a huge fan of all the vampire movies and books. If you notice each different book and movie has it’s own vampire mythology. So what I am going to do is combined each element like there are different breeds of the vampire. Just read and you will understand I promise. If not email me.

Chapter 3

‘This is great. Someone turned my slayer. I was supposed to do it. Who would be stupid enough to turn a slayer?’ Angelus was lost in his thoughts

‘You would be. Come Angelus you have always wanted to turn Buffy so she would be yours forever. But I still would like to know who did turn her. And why did she leave you chained to the bed?’ Angel was asking his alter ego

‘Where did you come from? I have never heard you before. My day keeps getting better and better.’ Angelus was royally pissed. Buff kidnapped him and left him chained to a bed. Angelus was totally in the dark about what Buffy was planning on doing.

‘Hey Angel. Did Buffy smell kinda different to you?’

‘Yeah, she did. She kind of smelt as if a vampire like us didn’t turn her. More of the Dracula persuasion but you know there are so many different types of them that it is hard to tell which is which.’

‘You don’t think the vampire you turned her is Dracula do you?’

‘Which Dracula?’

‘I don’t know. Even he would be stupid enough to turn a slayer. I just wish I knew who killed my Buff.’

‘Me too. Me too.’ Angel said trying to make his other half feel better.


“Oh please like you were ever going do anything for me?” Buffy said hearing the Immortal’s statement about how he loved her. Please who the hell was he kidding. “If you cared so much why didn’t you give up immortality for me? Is that not the question of the hour or what”? Buffy said with a grin.

“Holy shit where did you come from?” Spike asked because he didn’t sense at all.

“Doesn’t matter. I came to get Willow. Actually I came to take Willow. So where the witch.” Buffy asked because she could not sense Willow anywhere.

“I don’t know. But say Buffy who turned you?” Curiously Spike asked her hoping she would not hurt him.

“Hey Spike did any one ever tell you curiosity killed the vampire. And why do you care? And why does every one want to know?” Buffy said getting pissed. At this point Buffy should have realized that Willow had probably been gone for quite some time but she didn’t. She was to busy antagonizing Spike.

“So this was the slayer?” Gunn asked coming do the stairs with a tranquilizer gun. He had to admit that she was quite hot for a vampire . He had the gun so he could put her down with out having to fight her and that was the watchers plan so he could have the witch restore Buffy soul.

“I know what is going on. So I am going to say this once and only once either Willow comes and takes out Angelus soul or people are going to die horribly starting with her girlfriend Kennedy. So Spike give her that message please.” With that Buffy was out the door before Gunn had the chance to put her out.

“Oh great now we have a psychotic former slayer that is now a vampire who wants to get her former lover on the team loose still.” Gunn said stating the rather obvious.

“This day keeps getting better and better.” Spike said

Authors note: Sorry this is so short but I have nothing more to write for this chapter. So does everyone understand what is going on so far? If you have any questions please fell free to email me or leave me a message.
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Post by jojotheorange »

Authors note: Sorry if my last chapter confused any one. I am sorry really truly I am. All right lets ignore my comment about different breeds of vampire in the last chapter okay. I was going to take that somewhere but a close friend advised me not to. Some one asked if Connor was going to be in this one. As of right now I am not sure if I want that hellspawn in my fic but I never know I might want to add him for some purpose or another I don’t know yet. I promise that this fiction will get better with the up coming chapters. Another thing the reason these chapters have been so short is because my creative juices are not flowing right now. So on with the show.

Chapter 4:

Angelus was alone in his thoughts about what was now going on. He could hear nothing, which meant he was truly all alone where he was being held. Even Angel hadn’t said anything since they were discussing which vampire might have turned Buffy. Angelus then heard the jingle of the doorknob as it was being opened.

“You’re still here good. I was the white hats were going to steal you back from me and then we would have had a problem,” Buffy said. It sounded as if there was some anger in her tones.

“Couldn’t find Willow?” Angelus asked in a singsong voice. He could tell he was making her angry but he did not care. She wouldn’t tell him who turned her into the thing that she now was. And besides he felt the Doximal wearing off which meant that Angel would be in control very soon if Buffy didn’t figure it out.

“Shut the hell up. I don’t need you telling me off my failures right now so shut up.” Buffy told him.

Angelus was beginning to realize something usually when a vampire got angry they would vamp out so to speak especially the younger ones who hadn’t had time to learn to control that anger they felt. Buffy was getting pissed with him so she should have vamped out. So that could only mean one thing.

“We were right it was him. I be damned. I didn’t think he would have the balls to do something like that. So was the original or all the wannabes?” Angelus was asking after having that huge light bulb turning on inside his head.

“What are you talking about? Are those chains on to tight?” Buffy asked truly sounding like Angelus confused her.

“Dracula. Was it the original one from the 1800’s era or the idiots who get turned and then call themselves Dracula? It is a simple question. Answer it for me.”

Original. It took a long time for you to figure it out. What gave it away?”

“Well I was making you really mad and I still didn’t see any forehead wrinkles. So it had to be Dracula one of the only four vampires in history without those. Now one of five including you. So how is he? How bout the brides how are they. Last I remember of them they were great in bed. Wait I am confused how did he of all vampires turn you when I couldn’t?” Angelus asked finally.

“I let him.”

“You let him. How could yet let him turn you? Why?”

“Because I was tried of the same old same old. And plus it is a really long story that I don’t want to go into.”

“Well I am chained to a bed and you have no witch plus the sun is about to rise. We have time trust me.”

“Fine. You want to know I tell you. It all starts with Dawn who like always was in trouble.”


“We’re back.” Willow said coming in from the outside world her hands filled with bags.

“Find everything you need? Because Buffy was hear looking for you and said that if you didn’t take out Angelus soul people are going to start to die horribly starting with Kennedy.” Spike told Willow.

“I have everything except an Orb of Thesula which the guy at the store said wouldn’t in till next week. So unless there is one hanging around the hotel we’re screwed.” Willow said sounding defeated.

“Buffy was here. Did she say anything about me?” The Immortal asked who went with Willow hoping to get some good deals on the supplies they would need to rein soul Buffy and he would have her back.

“Actually she was more concerned with finding Willow. Wait a minute. Who turned Buffy? You guys do know don’t you.” Spike asked not knowing that he was about to her the same story his grand sire was getting told.

“All right Spike. If you must know it was Dracula the original not the wannabes. It all started with Dawn.” The Immortal told him.

“What do you mean it all started with Dawn?” More and more questions were now running though Spikes head.

“Look Spike you knew Dawn she was very curious about things dealing with the world of slaying. You know she was always in trouble back in Sunnydale. Well she got into some big trouble while we were in Rome. Buffy did what she had to do in order to save Dawn.” Giles said in a sorrow sort of tone.

Spike knew that Buffy was the closes thing to a daughter that Giles had so he must have been coping pretty badly. Also what Giles said was true Dawn was always getting into trouble.

“You guys said you thought Angelus turned her when you first got here. But you knew this whole time it wasn’t him. None of this makes any sense. You want me to believe that Buffy let Dracula turn her in order to save Dawn. No way I don’t buy it. There is something your not telling me. Where is Dawn by the way?” Spike asked suddenly.

“She is dead. Thanks to Dracula’s brides. You know what I think we all should get some rest save your questions for tomorrow. Please Spike I can’t deal with this right now.” Bitterness now filled the voice of Willow.

“Shouldn’t some one keep watch?” Gunn asked.

“No the sun is out. Buffy won’t risk getting lost in the sewers trying to find her way here. So no one needs to worry. Lets get some rest. We have a big night ahead of us.” Giles said.

Authors Note: If this sucks please let me know and I stop writing it. Also any ideas you wish to tell me about email me at icyvixen69@hotmail .com.
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Post by jojotheorange »

Authors Note: This is going to start off with Buffy telling Angel the story on how she became what she is. Okay questions / comment email me. I am going to give the Immortal a name and a face this chapter. If I could pick he would look like Stuart Townsend (Lestat in Queen of Damned) his name Julian. On with the show.

Chapter 5: How it happened.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Flashback to the night when it happened xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

“Has anyone seen Dawn? I haven’t seen her since I yelled at her for the failing grade in Mythology. She should know her myths and such.” Buffy called through the Council’s office in Rome.

“Sorry Buff, have not seen your sis all day.” Called Eva, who was one of the older slayers in age wise.

Buffy was starting to worry it was almost sunset which meant vampires and other things going out and feasting on the innocents which, meant Dawn. Not that she was as innocent as she had been living in the United States. Buffy was now checking every room of the Council making sure Dawn was not up hiding out from her.

“Hey Buffy. Has any one seen Buffy?” Julian aka The Immortal yelled through out the Council. ‘We have a date I swear she would forget her head if it was not attached.’ He thought to himself.

“Hey Eva, have you seen Buffy? We are supposed to have a date tonight and she told me to met her here.” Julian asked the slayer.

“She is looking for Dawn. Now if you don’t mind I am off to see the wizard,” Eva said but saw the confused look on the Immortals face. “Never mind. I am off to slay me some demons.” With that she walk out the door just as Buffy was coming down the stairs.

“There you are. Come one where going be late for dinner,” Julian said but saw the look on Buffys face and asked her “what is wrong?”

“I can’t find Dawn anywhere. And it is sunset so that means that vampires and everything else that goes bump in the night is out there right now with my sister who is most likely alone. I have to find her.” Buffy declared.

“Buff, how many slayers are out there? What about 5 maybe 6 Dawn is not stupid you know she will be fine. She is just a little mad about earlier today. She will be fine.” Julian told her in that reassuring voice.

“No she won’t.” Came a singsong voice from the doorway. Buffy knew that it was a vampire her spider sense was in hyper drive at the moment.

“My master has her and will kill her by the stoke of midnight if you don’t come with me alone.” The female vampire said.

“Who is your master?” Julian asked her.

“Oh the slayer knows. She has met him before. And she was tempted by him who drank some of her blood as she drank some of his.”

“Dracula. Great. I am not going alone he is coming with me.” Buffy told the bride.

“Fine. He cannot interfere for he is a neutral being. My master won’t care. No stakes, holy water, and no crosses. Follow me if you wish to see your sister.”

The Immortal pulled Buffy off to the side out of hearing range of the vampire and told her “Buffy, I don’t like this. It is a trap and you know it. He is just trying to get you mad so you won’t be able to fight him at your best. What if Dawn is safe and sound at home or hanging out with her friends. He might not even have her.” Being the Immortal had caused him to run across a few vampires from time to time. Dracula was one of them. He liked to brag about the fact he can control anyone with his mind power including slayers. Not to mention he was the only vampire who actually succeeded in turning a slayer, although that did not last long for the girl awoke and staked herself.

“I know you’re worried about me, but there is a good chance that he does have her. I can’t lose her. I have to find out and if it is a trap I’ll just kick his ass like the last time we met.” Buffy said.

“I can’t lose you Buffy. I love you too much.” Julian told her. He realized that was the first time he had told how he felt. He had wanted to but didn’t know how she would react to being loved by a demon.

“Look, I love you too. But I have to save Dawn. So either you’re coming with me or not but I have to go now.” Buffy told him and turned to the vampire and told her “take me to him.”

The bride gave a quick little smile and off they went.


“I don’t mean to interrupt but you knew it was a trap. So why did you go?” Angelus voice pulled Buffy out of her memory of that night and into reality.

“I was about to get to that part in my tale if you would let me finish,” Buffy told him. “Now where was I? Oh yeah we get to Dracula castle, which was not there the night before. The Immortal and I go in through the front doors as we enter we see Dawn in the middle of the main floor just laying there not moving.”


“Dawn? Are you alright?” Buffy asked her sister. Only one thing came to Buffy’s mind when she saw Dawn that was she is dead.

“She can’t hear you. She is how you say unconscious? Buffy so glad you could make it. It has been a while since we last parted.” Dracula was talking to Buffy as if they were old friends, which kind of made her skin crawl. Buffy was not going to give him that satisfaction of knowing that.

“Let her go. That is the only time I am going to say it.” Buffy told him hoping she was kind of putting the scare in his undead heart.

“Or what? Are you going to stake me? Didn’t you learn anything from my movies? I always come back. There is no way to kill me. Although I must say the movie Van Helsing did a fabulist job of killing me but I can’t fly.” Dracula was mocking her at this point. What he had wanted was for her to come and save the sister by offering herself up to be turned. Slayers always fall for the same trap. Kidnap someone they care about and they come running to rescue them. Slayers without family were the smart ones.

“Let her go and I will give you me,” Buffy said.

She was playing right into his hands. Before midnight Dracula would have a new bride so he could finally rid himself of the annoying three. He took the offer.

“Buffy he is going to kill you.” Julian told her. He knew the dark side always seduced slayers only because the dark side and slayers came from the same origin. Buffy knew when she left the council that she would come to save Dawn and not leave alive.

“Look Julian I love you now get Dawn out of here. Go and warn everyone ok. Please I have a plan that might fail and something bad might happen if my plan does not succeed. Now go,” Buffy watch as Julian fled the scene and began to execute her plan.

“If you want me so bad. Come and get me.” With that Buffy took her trusty Mr. Pointy that Kendra gave and jammed it into herself hoping she would hit her heart.

Buffy fell to the ground and Dracula was there in seconds. He drank what he could and give her his blood till he knew it was enough to change her.

“Foolish slayer. Now you are mine.”


“I totally agree foolish slayer,” Angelus told her. “What happen between you and Dracula? How did Dawn take the news that her big sister was now a demon?”

“Dawn is dead. She died before I was even brought back. I didn’t save her in time. Or at least that is what I got after torturing a bride of Dracula. Did you know he has no desire in the sexual aspects of life? Well that is what I found out. He is no fun. So that is why I can here. To get you.” Buffy told him.

Little did Buffy know the Doximal had lost almost all effect on Angelus. He knew what was going on and if he didn’t let Buffy know then Angel could take Buffy to Willow and have her restore Buff’s soul.

“Come on lover untie me.” Angelus had no idea if Buffy was actually going to be stupid enough to listen to him but he was hoping she might be.

Buffy thought about what Angelus was asking her to do. When she came to her decision she didn’t have time to execute her plan. All that was heard and seen was Buffy slumping over on to the bed.


Authors note: All right look this is not the finale because I want to bring some persons back for this story. I had to finish this chapter so that is the way I decided to finish the chapter this way. So now more questions may be asked such as what happened to Buffy? They all will be answered in the next chapters. So keeping reading and reviewing.
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The Last Chapter

Post by jojotheorange »

Authors Note: Can be found at the end.

Chapter 6: Is this the end?

“It is about time you find her. It’s not like she knows how to conceal her scent. Spike did you not learn anything from me?” Angelus said.

“Yeah I learned not to be an ass, and not to kill gypsies.” Spike told a very pissed off Angelus.

“Your lucky the Doximal is wearing off. Or else I might have to get up and kick your ass.”

“Now boys you are family. Lets not start fighting. And also lets get the hell out of here before someone else finds us.” Willow said.

Angelus was about to say something but felt such immense pain that he could not find the words to say. He felt Angel began to take hold and he felt himself slipping back into his dark little cage inside Angel mind where he could look, smell, and even taste but could not touch.

“What is happening?” Angel heard someone ask but couldn’t figure out which person was talking but that was not the most of his concerns. He felt that he was taking control of his body and Angelus was losing grip. This was always the worst part of losing and regaining his soul. Even if Doximal didn’t really make him lose his soul.

“Alright find the keys and we can leave.” Angel said to the blurry looking group.

“Well we were kind of hoping that you might have seen where Buffy put them.” Willow said.

“Well I did not see where she keep them cause I was tied up this entire time. And what is he doing here.” Angel saw the Immortal and was disgusted.

“Now that not very nice.” The Immortal said.

“If we don’t get out of here soon then Buffy is going to wake up and not be to happy that I am going to work my mojo and give her a soul. So will you all please shut the hell up so I can concentrate on removing Angel’s chains.” Willow said. Then she murmured something that sounding like it might be Latin and Angel chains disappeared.

“Can we go now?” Willow said.

Everyone removed the slumbering demon slash ex-slayer from the bed. They started out. When they got back to the hotel they threw Buffy into a cage that was in the basement while Willow was preparing to get Buffy back a soul. Angel sat down in the basement just watching Buffy waiting for her to wake up.

“Ouch my head hurts,” Buffy said waking up. “So Willow is preparing to get me a soul huh? Are you going tell everything is going to be fine? Or that you’ll take care of me. Are you even going say anything? Fine you know what don’t say a damn thing.” Buffy begin to pace like a person who knows that they are going to be sentenced to death.

“Everything is not going to be okay. When Willow, finishes and you have a soul you are going feel bad for all that you have done. You won’t go crazy like Spike or wonder around for a hundred years looking for a purpose like I did but you will feel something. I’ll be hear for you and Spike will be here for you.” Angel told her

“Is this the end?”

“No this is the beginning of a new adventure on which you have the opportunity to take. In which you will help and do everything that you were doing before you were turned expect sunbathing, or going to church, pouring holy on yourself when you feel dirty and other stuff.” Angel told her. When the light that always consumes you when your soul comes to you. The light surrounded Buffy. Within a few minutes she was up the glow around her eyes was still apparent.

“You are the biggest liar in the whole wide world some big adventure. Way to lie. You should work on those skills.” Buffy said.

“Are you okay?” Angel asked

“Never better thanks.”

“Lets get you out of there.” Angel went to the cage and unlocked it. Angel knew that this was going to be one long road for Buffy because all of her slaying abilities would collide with her new vampire abilities but he knew that he would be there if she needed him.


Authors note: Love the end? Hate it? I needed to finish it because it lost all meaning to me. I still love the shows but this fic needed to end. To those who read and left me feed back I adore all of you so very much and thank you for getting me to type the finishing touches on this fiction. So thank you readers and reviewers.
