Into The Dreaming (CC,M/L,TEEN) A/N, pg 5, 11/05/05 [WIP}

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Into The Dreaming (CC,M/L,TEEN) A/N, pg 5, 11/05/05 [WIP}

Post by Applebylicious »

Title: Into the Dreaming (aka DreamMax ) :lol:
Author: Lindsay
Category: M/L + CC
Rating: TEEN - due to language and sex-u-a-lity
Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell belong to The WB, Melinda Metz, and UPN.
Summary: Jumping off from the Pilot; Max Evans wakes up one September morning to find the last three years of his life were all a dream. What will he do when that dream starts to come true?

Author’s Note/Dedication: Thanks to Angel, my wonderful beta and friend, Tasyfa for being there to bounce ideas off of as well, and my muse and inspiration, Deejonaise. Also, thanks go out to my good friends at Land of Dreams for listening to me when I was plotting, specifically Eccentric One, SarahMarie, LusseLelle, Breathless, BelevnDreamsToo and alienmom. I also want to thank the very talented Hybrid-Angel for the gorgeous fic banner.

Any similarities to any other story out there are purely coincidental. I don’t have any definite plans on how long this fic will be, so don’t ask. Also, if at any time something offends you or you don’t like the way things are going for whatever reason, not that I’m planning on that, but if it happens…I’d rather receive your response in a private message. If I see it on this thread, I’m going to get upset since I just asked nicely. :) Okay, I think I got everything, I hope you all enjoy…


Into the Dreaming

<center>Prologue – Into the Dreaming</center>

“If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts…”

- Counting Crows

The room was dark, save for the occasional flicker of moonlight that spread across crumpled sheets where a figure lay sprawled. Soft strains of music could be heard floating through the air, low and soothing. There was no reason why it should have caused disturbance, but then things are often unexplainable.

Max Evans reclined flat on his bed, one arm tucked around his pillow as his eyelids fluttered. Caught in a tranquil state of half-awareness, he drifted along the edge of slumber and waking, his mind hazy and unclear.

Adam Duritz’s husky croon filtered through the night, singing of dreams and memories. For a long moment Max continued to lie still and breathe softly, then without warning he suddenly shot up with a gasp.


He grabbed his temple with a hiss as feelings and images flashed through his mind like a film on fast forward. He fell against the bed, trying to sort the images, trying to understand what it was he was seeing.

Tawny flesh smeared with blood. Brown eyes staring at him with wonder and fear.

Liz, LIZ! You have to look at me. You have to look at me...

“Oh my God,” he breathed, seeing through another perspective as he placed his hand on Liz Parker’s stomach. Saw the connection spring to life, felt the rush of emotion that overflowed him.

The images flashed again, some filled with pain as he saw things he couldn’t comprehend. Glimpsed himself strapped to a table, needles prodding his arms as he screamed out in terror and frustrated rage. Felt the cold sweat dripping down his back.

Then he was running for his life, his heart racing as he turned to see the person next to him, pulled her close before jumping off of a bridge into the murky depths below.

Whispered words, hushed voices.

I want to be with you, Liz. I love you.

I love you…

Before he could accept the feelings sweeping through him, they changed yet again. He felt the pain of loss as he watched a funeral taking place, heard the sound of his sister weeping over the faceless person inside the casket.

Then anger, confusion…betrayal. His heart felt as though it were being ripped from his chest as he watched a cab driving away from him, then he was staring into big blue eyes.

I’ll be here for eternity…

Disgust, horror. Oh God, what had he done? Why couldn’t he remember?

His breath came heavily, his throat working as he fought to rise up from the torrent of emotion. His fingers curled into claws, tearing at the cotton sheets beneath him, legs thrashing.

A sudden serenity flowed through him as he pictured a small chapel located within a grove of trees. A hesitant smile crept over his features and a low purr escaped his throat as he turned in expectation. His hands searched but came up with nothing.

His eyes finally opened, and he blinked groggily as he raised his head. “Liz?” he managed thickly, glancing around for his wife.

His wife. The words never failed to drag forth an amazed joy from him, and he was constantly aware of how lucky he was. He had her…he didn’t deserve her, but he had her. Somehow, through it all, she still loved him.

Sitting up and rubbing his lids, he tried again. “Mmm, Liz? Where are you, babe?” His voice sounded strange to his own ears, husky and thick with sleep, but filled with a sort of innocence he had lost over the last three years.

Still only half-awake, he stood and stretched lazily before stumbling towards the bathroom on the other side of the hotel room. They had to leave soon, he could already see the streaks of pink signaling dawn’s approach in the distance. Better to be on the road by the time daylight struck.

He reached his hand out for the doorknob, a jaw-cracking yawn splitting his lips. His hand met solid wall. He frowned, fumbling around for the crease where the bathroom door began.


Opening his eyes, he stared at the soft blue paint in sort of dazed confusion. Then his eyes widened and he let out a sharp cry as he stared at himself in the mirror perched on the wall.

“Holy shit!” he whispered, staring at his sixteen year-old reflection. Spinning around, he took in the plaid bedspread, the neatly arranged shelves and the computer glowing softly across the room, and realized at once he was back in his bedroom on Murray Lane.

With a low curse, he dove for the calendar, his heart beating a rapid pulse in his chest as a frown crossed his features. He skimmed the chart, mumbling incoherently as he searched for the date. When he found it, he fell back on his butt with a whoosh, blinking.

“September 18th,” he whispered out loud, squeezing his lids shut in denial. It couldn’t be…could it? He flipped the calendar over and the year stared back at him mockingly.


“Jesus.” He ran a hand over his face, shaking his head free of the confusion and panic that threatened to consume him. This couldn’t be happening, there wasn’t a way…it was impossible…but wait.

Suddenly his mind began to clear, he remembered going to bed last night in this very room. He remembered going to school the day before, sitting in biology and trying to keep from staring at Liz Parker as she worked. He remembered going to the CrashDown afterwards and watching her inconspicuously while listening to Michael whine about everything under the sun.

Oh God, was it all a dream? Everything? Somehow that knowledge brought a terrible pain to his middle, because despite the anguish he had experienced during those few minutes of dreaming, he’d also felt more than he’d ever had a chance to in his life. And the thought that it had only been a dream, he wasn’t really married to Liz…

“Christ, married?” he laughed brokenly. “You really are losing it, Evans.” With a sound of disgust, he stood and threw the calendar back onto his desk before turning to make his way back to bed. Only, now he wasn’t tired.

He lay there for several moments, staring at the ceiling as his mind worked. He’d never had an over-active imagination, not that he wasn’t creative, he just…didn’t dream of the impossible. Sure, he had moments when he stared into soft brown eyes and he wished for more, that things could be different. But he wasn’t given to creating entire delusions that left him questioning his own whereabouts.

In fact, he was always getting hell from Isabel because she thought he was too serious, that he…holy shit. With a grunt, he levered himself up and nearly knocked his skull against the headboard. He was out of his room in an instant, padding softly towards the bedroom at the other end of the hall.

Early morning light illuminated his sister’s sleeping form and without sympathy he reached out and shook her awake, his face a mask of tight control. When she simply snuffled and turned away, he shook harder.

“Go away,” Isabel’s muffled voice sounded, and any other time Max would have laughed at the petulant note in his sister’s voice. He knew Isabel was anything but a morning person, and it was a long-running joke in the Evans household over who would have to awaken her on days when her alarm failed. But this time…

“Wake up, Iz,” he said firmly, taking a seat on the bed as she groaned and grumbled. Wearing a tight-lipped smile, he listened to her curse him before she finally rolled over and met his gaze with a pouty frown.

“What time is it?” she demanded, shoving several blonde strands from her face. “And what the hell are you doing in here? Do you want me to turn all of your clothes pink for a week?”

He ignored her threat and went straight to the point. “Did you dreamwalk me?”

She stared at him, blinking her brown eyes several times before saying, “What?”

He made a sound and rolled his eyes. “You heard me, Iz. Did you dreamwalk me tonight? Did you play some kind of joke on me, because it wasn’t funny.”

“Max, what are you talking about?”

“I know you think I’m too serious,” he said, standing and pacing back and forth as she stared at him in befuddlement. “But you know how I feel about you…playing with my mind,” he finished, shooting her a glance. “And using Liz was not cool, Iz. Lay off, okay?”

“Liz?” she parroted, then fell back with a groan. “Oh God, don’t tell me you had some kinky dream about Liz Parker. Seriously, Max…get out of my room before I throw up all over my brand new sheets.”

“Stay out of my head, Iz,” he called before leaving the room, comfortable in the knowledge that at least now he knew why he’d dreamed what he dreamed. And knowing his sister wouldn’t stoop so low again, now that she’d been caught.

Isabel watched him leave before rolling her eyes and pulling a pillow over her head. “Liz Parker,” she mumbled. “You, brother dear, need more dream-help than I can give you.” With that, she fell back asleep.

<center>Chapter One – I Must Be Dreaming</center>

“It's only in my mind
Not real life
No, I must be dreaming…”

- Evanescence

“Mr. Evans, nice of you to join us.”

Max tucked his head down as he made his way around the lab tables, avoiding a glance at Ms. Hardy’s face as he mumbled an apology. He knew it was simply paranoia, but it seemed like every eye was upon him as he took his seat and stuffed a pencil in his mouth.

He waited until Ms. Hardy turned and continued the lesson he’d interrupted, then bent to drag out his notebook from the bookbag he’d dropped at his feet. As he straightened, he met the curious gaze of his lab partner and his breath caught as he froze.

“Max, is everything okay?” Liz asked softly, a wealth of concern evident in her voice as she brushed her thick brown hair behind her ears. He tried not to stare dumbly at her gently curved lips, but when she repeated his name he looked away as a blush crept across his cheeks.

“Fine,” he answered a bit gruffly, stealing another sidelong glance in her direction as he tore open the notebook. Clearing his throat, he added, “Just lost track of time.”

She lifted a brow, a confused expression flittering across her face before she carefully masked it with a smile. She leaned towards him and his eyes flew up wildly as she whispered, “I thought you were never late. You’re always here when I come in…” She paused, licked her lips, and he fought the urge to groan. She let out a soft giggle and shook her head. “Wow, that sounded pretty weird, huh?”

“What?” he managed, still focused on the fact that not seconds ago he’d been within reach to…do what? Kiss her? In a biology lab with at least twenty other students? Christ, that dream had messed up more than his sleep. Now he was thinking things he had no right to think.

He tuned back in to hear her say, “…stalkerish, don’t you think? I swear I’m not stalking you…I just noticed that you always are here before me and…I should just stop now while I’m ahead,” she laughed nervously. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?” he echoed dimly, the blood pounding in his ears as he stared at her. Funny how he’d never noticed the tiny freckle below her right eye, yet he’d somehow known it was there. Just like he knew that there was one just like it on her inner…

“Can I get a bathroom pass?” he demanded brusquely, standing up and avoiding Liz’s surprised gaze as heads swiveled their way. He battled momentary embarrassment, especially when Ms. Hardy narrowed her eyes at him. “It’s an…emergency,” he mumbled. A few people snickered, and he felt Liz’s brown eyes piercing him as he shifted.

“High maintenance today, aren’t we?” the teacher answered dryly, but nodded her acquiescence.

He nearly dove for the door, his legs eating up the floor in long strides. Once in the empty hallway, he fell back against the wall and closed his eyes.

“Get a grip, Evans,” he muttered, shaking his head. “It was just a dream, you aren’t involved with her.”

Saying it out loud didn’t diminish the feeling that he should be involved with her. That he had as much a right to talk and laugh with her as Kyle Valenti…the sheriff’s son. And Liz’s boyfriend. He let out a soft groan, rapping his head twice against the solid wall before turning on his heel and heading for the restroom.


He spun around to see Michael Guerin’s familiar scowl peeking out from behind a set of lockers. “What are you doing, Michael?” he sighed tiredly, moving to join his friend as Michael gestured towards him. “Why aren’t you in class?”

“Why aren’t you?” Michael retorted. Max lifted the bathroom pass and he snorted. “I can’t believe you need to have a pass to take a piss. And they call this the land of the free.”

Max rolled his eyes, but couldn’t keep his lips from twitching. “Oppression at its worst.”

“Listen, can I stay with you guys tonight?” Michael blurted out, a hesitant expression crossing his features as if he expected to be turned down.

Max was slightly taken aback by his outburst. Not that it was abnormal for Michael to stay at the Evanses, but it was usually Isabel or himself who had to extend the invitation. Other times he just showed up. He couldn’t recall Michael ever actually asking to come over. “Yeah, sure…is everything all right?” he wondered.

Michael’s jaw tightened almost imperceptibly, but he managed a cocky grin before replying, “Peachy. See you later.”

With that he turned and walked off, leaving Max subdued by the entire conversation. He knew that Michael hated living with Hank, his foster father, and the situation brought nothing but guilt upon Max’s shoulders everytime he pictured his friend sleeping in a trailer while he and Isabel lived in a nice home with parents who loved them.

Yet everytime he or Isabel offered to help him or even displayed concern, Michael became stony and withdrawn. Max had learned to simply stop asking, but it didn’t diminish his worry for his best friend.

He glanced down at the restroom pass in his hand and sighed. He’d already been gone too long. With a heavy heart, he shot a glance down the corridor where Michael had disappeared before turning and heading back to class.


Later that day, Max drove down the dusty road towards home. He tuned out the familiar sounds of Michael and Isabel arguing and concentrated instead on the sound of John Fogerty’s raw voice warning about a bad moon on the rise. His fingers tapped against the steering wheel, the wind fluttering his thick black hair across his brow.

“Max!” Isabel’s annoyed tone broke into his peaceful serenity minutes later, and he glanced over to see her watching him. “Were you even listening to me?”

“No,” he grinned honestly. “Sorry, I was thinking.”

Only then did he realize what he was thinking about. He was imagining another drive down dusty roads, soft glances and rapidly beating hearts. His smile faded as he imagined Liz staring at him through brown eyes filled with hope and…love?

“Max! Hello? I can’t believe you’re acting so spacey today,” Isabel complained, reaching back to pull her long blonde hair into a ponytail.

“Well, he is from outer space,” Michael joked lamely. He rolled his eyes, falling back with a grunt and staring out of the windows as Isabel launched into her diatribe.

“If you’re planning on going to that grease-pit and mooning over little Miss Scientist again, count me out,” she declared, not bothering to hide her disdain for Liz or her family’s restaurant. “I made other plans.”

“Okay,” Max stated evenly. “I’ll just drop you off at home. Michael, you coming with?” He glanced at the rearview mirror and caught his friend’s gaze.

“Yeah, what the hell,” Michael shrugged. “Not like I’m missing anything back at home sweet home, except maybe Hank’s Happy Hour.”

Isabel and Max exchanged uncomfortable glances at his snide tone, but they chose not to comment. Max nodded and lapsed into silence as Isabel sighed and leaned forward. “I can’t listen to this anymore,” she stated out loud.

Max and Michael groaned as she spun the radio dial until the sound of empowered chick rock blared from the speakers, a la Courtney Love. The two males grumbled beneath their breath, but silently nodded their head along with the music.

As he pulled up along the driveway, Max opened his mouth to speak but Isabel cut him off with a quick kiss against the cheek as she gracefully exited the jeep in a flash of long limbs and flowing blonde hair. He stared after her, slightly amused by her eagerness not to go to the Crashdown.

Michael wasn’t as amused, in fact he was downright suspicious. “What’s she up to?” he wondered, his eyes narrowed as they followed Isabel’s progress towards the house.

Max shrugged and started to back out onto the street again. “She probably has another date.”

Michael bristled slightly. “She shouldn’t be dating so damn much, has she forgotten the fact that we’re fucking—”

“I don’t think she has,” Max broke in wryly. “Chill out, Michael, you know how Isabel is. She needs to feel…normal.”

What’s so great about normal?

The sudden flash had him gasping as his mind flooded with images and he swerved, narrowly missing the car that pulled out in front of him. With the sound of a horn ringing in his ears, he pulled over and threw the jeep in park as he breathed heavily.

“What the hell was that?” Michael demanded, leaning between the two front seats and staring in shock at his friend. “Christ, Max, do you have a death wish?”

“I’m sorry…I just…” he swallowed, shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut as his heart rate began to slow. “I don’t know what happened…I just…”

“Spaced out?” Michael answered sarcastically, recalling Isabel’s earlier words. “Well, that’s all fine and dandy when you’re at home fantasizing about Liz Parker, Maxwell, but when it’s my ass on the line…”

“I know,” Max answered defensively. He rolled his shoulders before mumbling, “Frickin’ Isabel.” What the hell had she done to him with her tricks of boredom? He fully planned on having a longer discussion with her on the repercussions of her dreamwalking after he and Michael got home.

They rode the rest of the way to town without mishap and in companionable silence. As he pulled into a parking spot in front of the CrashDown Café, Max heard his friend snort under his breath at the flashing spaceship that served as a sign for the popular restaurant.

“I can’t believe we eat at a place like this,” he grumbled, getting out and stretching his legs as he grimaced at the alien paraphernalia adorning the outer walls.

“Everyone else does, and we’re just like everyone else,” Max reminded him in a low voice. “Besides, the burgers are good.”

So is the help, he couldn’t help but think as they walked inside and his gaze automatically lit on a petite brunette wearing a turquoise and silver uniform, a matching pair of antennae perched on her head. The image made him smile, even as he grimaced at the bad representation of his kind.

He lingered behind as Michael made a beeline for their regular booth, studying the line of her body and momentarily wishing she would turn around and look at him. Notice him.

When she did, he couldn’t stop the rush of warmth that coursed through him upon their gazes colliding. Awareness dawned in her eyes and she offered him a small, friendly smile. He returned it, hoping to whatever higher power existed that she couldn’t read his feelings all over his face.

It had never been this bad, the need to touch her. As it was, he could barely refrain himself from walking the few feet across the room and taking her into his arms, Michael and the rest of the customers be damned.

Instead, he tore his gaze away and joined Michael at the booth. He didn’t bother to glance at the plastic menu, he knew it as well as he knew the back of his hand. Instead, he busied himself with studying the checkered tablecloth and waiting for Liz to approach. He didn’t have to wonder if she would, he knew they were in her section. It was the main reason he’d always chosen this booth. He glanced up and stared unabashedly as she turned away from a table where two patrons sat.

Across the crowded room, Liz Parker bit her lip as she struggled not to grin. She made it as far as the cash register before she caught the reprimanding look of her best friend, Maria DeLuca, and the two girls burst into giggles.

“You are so bad girl,” Maria tsked, enjoying the joke as much as Liz as they glanced over to where two customers were silently gawking over what they believed to be an actual photo of an alien from the crash site.

The two teenagers had never put any stock into the rumors that surrounded their quiet desert town, and they were always amazed at the people who came to Roswell expecting to have a loony alien experience. They always left in disappointment after realizing the town was full of loonies, but all of the human variety.

A streak of wickedness urged Maria to add, “Oh, and Max Evans is staring at you again.”

Liz immediately sobered, a pretty flush stealing up her cheeks as she shook her head vehemently. “No way.”

“Hmm…” Maria grinned and nodded her head as she adjusted the goofy antennae headband.

“Maria! That is like…so in your imagination,” Liz proclaimed, blinking her wide eyes and nibbling at her lower lip. She glanced over her shoulder, and was at once surprised and not surprised to find herself staring into a pair of thickly lashed golden eyes. As soon as she caught him, he looked down and began playing with a packet of sugar.

Her heart began to beat quickly as she wondered…was Maria right? Sometimes it did seem like Max was watching her, but then after the way he’d reacted when she’d attempted to strike up a conversation that day during bio-lab…she’d just assumed he had no interest in her whatsoever.

When he’d finally returned from the bathroom she’d risked one glance at him, but he’d spent the remainder of the period concentrating on taking notes and hadn’t turned to her once. She refused to admit that she felt disappointment over it. And why should she? She wasn’t interested in Max Evans…was she? After all, she had Kyle.

It was that thought that had her speaking up to add, “And even if it weren't, I'm going out with Kyle. I mean, he's steady and loyal, and he appreciates me.” She finished on a breathless note as her friend simply stared at her, slowly shaking her head. “What?”

“Sounds like you’re describing a poodle,” Maria stated bluntly. She opened her mouth to continue, when the sound of loud voices reached their ears, along with crashing glass.

Liz stared in shock as two heavy-set men began arguing at a corner table. She prepared to buzz her father, but the next events that occurred rooted her to the spot as she stared in frozen horror.

One of the men pulled out a gun and waved it menacingly in the face of the other man. “I want the money today, not tomorrow!”

A blast ricocheted through the room, screams renting through the air as people fell to the floor in terror. She vaguely heard Maria crying her name through the ringing in her ears. Everything was growing dim…

“Holy shit,” Max whispered, watching his dream come true right before his eyes as his heart beat a thick tattoo in his chest. The second Liz fell to the floor, he made a sound and jumped up to start towards her.

A hand clasped firmly around his arm, dragging him back a full step. He didn’t even look back as he shrugged Michael off. “What are you doing?” he demanded in a harsh tone of grief. “Let go of me.”

“Max, what are you gonna do?”

He knew exactly what he was going to do, it wasn’t even a question. The fear he’d kept hidden for years disappeared in the face of Liz being shot. All he could concentrate on was healing her, making her whole. She shouldn’t suffer anything, not someone like her…

He stared down at the vision before him, tears filling his eyes as he saw the blood spreading across the front of her uniform. Without thinking, he ripped open the top and bypassed the girlish bra as his gaze searched for the wound. His heart nearly stopped as he saw the blood pouring forth from her lower abdomen with each beat of her pulse.

“What are you doing?

He glanced over and saw Maria DeLuca staring at him through glazed eyes set in a white face. He shifted to block her view as he answered over his shoulder, “Call an ambulance.”

He heard the sound of her scraping feet seconds later, followed by an excited voice as she spoke rapidly into the phone. Michael’s voice joined in as he attempted to keep everyone back as long as he could.

Max took a deep breath, his hand hovering over the wound as he stared at Liz’s pale face. He swallowed thickly before whispering, “Liz…Liz, you have to look at me. You have to look at me…”

Her lids moved, her head lolled once before she slowly opened her eyes and stared at him groggily. He ignored the relief shooting through him, released a breath and nodded as his hand pressed against her skin.

They both gasped as the flashes began. For Max, it was nothing he hadn’t seen. The entire event was an out of body experience, for he knew every moment before it happened. He knew what she was seeing, and as he felt the connection opening once again, even though in reality it was for the first time, it brought tears to his eyes. He blinked them away and concentrated on healing her wound as she gazed up at him.

“You’re all right now,” he whispered as color began to fill her face and she struggled to rise. Everything inside of him screamed to run away, to disappear before someone could discover what he had done.

“Keys! Now!” Michael snapped over his shoulder.

But something held him there that extra instant, holding her bewildered gaze. He glanced up and saw the ketchup. As he broke the bottle and spilled it over her, he whispered, “You spilled ketchup on yourself. I’ll…I’ll explain everything tomorrow. Just don’t say anything, Liz. Please…don’t say anything until we talk.”

She blinked several times before nodding slowly, then began to cough as the sound of sirens drew closer. Max came to his knees, staring down at her and brushing a wayward strand of hair from her face as his finger traced the line of her cheek. His emotions were running high and at that moment, he couldn’t separate what was real and what was simply…a dream.


“Burn that uniform,” he added gruffly, pulling himself to his knees and turning around to follow Michael out of the café. He stopped at the door and found her on her feet, starting towards him as if in a sleepy daze.

How he managed to tear his gaze away and leave he’d never know.

To Be Continued...
Last edited by Applebylicious on Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:22 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Post by Applebylicious »

I'm back and feeling MUCH better - I thank all of you who sent PM's and emails wishing for me to get well soon. :) I'm here with an update for this, and any of you reading Everything's Not Lost, I plan to update that one this Friday. But before we get to any of that...some quick comments...
Angel wrote:Is the real Liz like the one he dreamed about?
I think you'll find that my Liz will differ slightly from the show's Liz, only because the situations will be different.
Will the events in his dreams really happen? Will only some of them?
You'll have to wait and least you'll know before everyone else, lol.
Will Liz be such a doormat in real life? :lol:
Nope! No wiping your feet on this Liz. :wink:
If the same things happen (like the shooting), hopefully Max can help to make the outcomes different (like burning the uniform). But what will that do? What will be the consequences? Will there be any consequences since technically his dream was just a a dream? Or was it? So many questions...
ALL very good questions! Some things will definitely be different...but some might be the same. What needs to be changed? That's what Max needs to ask himself. And how will he do it?
BehindAmberEyes51 wrote:Was it really a dream? or was it more of a set-back-in-time thing? Or just a glimpse of what could be?
Right now, I'm not at liberty to say. :P Evil, I know. But you guys will have to go along the journey with Max, as HE tries to answer the same questions you just asked.

Galliard - Thanks for the awesome critique!! That was SO great...just reading someone who knows how to give constructive criticism without sounding harsh. Much appreciated! :D

And finally...

frenchkiss70 wrote:If Liz burns her uniform everything is going to change. They'll make their own destiny
Tiph, I think that's pretty much the point of the entire story. :) Thanks for putting it in great perspective like that.

Quick note: When my lurvely beta Angel was so meticulously going over this chapter, she caught a slight grammatical error and rushed to inform me, lest the Big Bad Grammar/Spelling Monster (aKa TASYFA!!!) come down on my ass. :? Luckily, we caught it in time. Whew. :wink: Thank you, Angel. Thank you.

All right, onward we go...

<center>Chapter Two- The Aftermath</center>

“Like anyone would be
I am flattered by your fascination with me…”

-Alanis Morissette

The remaining clientele and staff huddled within groups, murmuring over the chaotic events that had unfolded moments before while sirens flashed outside of the cafe. Glances were thrown towards the young woman who sat at the counter, wrapped in a blanket and pale with latent shock as paramedics checked her vital signs.

Jim Valenti studied his son’s petite girlfriend as he approached, boot heels clicking across the tiled floor. He scratched a finger beneath his chin, ignoring the cautious eyes that always followed him. As sheriff of a town as small as Roswell he was well accustomed to the sense of polite vigilance that was afforded him by most. They trusted him to serve and protect, but the presence of law enforcement was and always would be something to be wary of.

When he’d received the call of disturbance taking place at the Crashdown Café, he’d been told nothing but that a young waitress had been shot and was in need of help. The caller had been beyond hysterical, barely capable of stringing two words together. He overheard her speaking now, rapidly firing comments at one of his deputies as the man tried to collect information on the people responsible for the melee.

Apparently Maria DeLuca had been wrong. Liz Parker looked no worse for the wear, despite the shaky pallor that covered her features. Her eyes shined with a strange gleam when she caught sight of him, and she drew up straighter, her expression going carefully blank.

He wondered at that, even as he offered a small smile and inclined his head in greeting. “Miss Parker.”

“Sheriff,” she murmured, pulling away from the shelter of her father’s arms as Jim removed his dusty Stetson, brushing it along his thigh. Her lips curved in a polite, cautious smile.

“Are you all right?” He arched a brow as the blanket fell from one shoulder, revealing the red stain that spread across her uniform. The faint scent of ketchup reached his nostrils and he looked back up to meet her gaze. “You’ve had a bit of a shock.”

“I fell,” she answered in a flat tone, but she couldn’t hold his gaze as the young paramedic stepped away to speak to her father. “I…I fell and spilled a bottle of ketchup on myself. It was really nothing…”

“Miss Parker,” he slid in smoothly. “I’m sure you’re feeling shaken up and would like to get out of here as soon as possible. If you could just answer a few questions for me, then we can—”

“Sheriff!” An excited voice interrupted and he glanced over to see an obvious tourist fighting against the restraint of a few of his deputies. The man grimaced, twisted, and escaped their hold as he came charging up to Jim’s side. “Sheriff, I saw what happened.”

“Nothing happened,” Liz snapped, flushing slightly as Jim turned towards her. She licked her lips, but stared straight unblinkingly into his eyes, “It was an accident. I’m fine.”

“What did he do to you?” The man demanded, excitement lighting his features. “What did he do? I saw him go up to you when it happened, I saw—”

“Get back here, you. Just a tourist, Sheriff, here for the festival. I’ll take care of this.”

Jim started in surprise as the man was pulled aside by the same brawny deputy. His eyes narrowed as the man began struggling anew, shouting words at him as he was forcibly removed from the café.

“Where’s the hole, Sheriff? Where’s the hole?”

“What a wacko,” Maria DeLuca mumbled under her breath, lifting a tiny vial beneath her nose and inhaling sharply. She met Jim’s arched look and smiled wanly. “It’s, uh, cypress oil. I’m feeling stressed at the moment.”

“Sheriff, I understand you need to ask questions…” Jeff Parker, Crashdown owner and more important at the moment, shaken father to Liz Parker, wrung his hands as he approached. “My daughter’s had a rough day. I believe it would be better, if possible, for you to come back when we’ve all had a chance to settle down?”

Because he could see his deputy gesturing towards him from across the room, Jim bit back his impatience. Glancing from father to daughter, he nodded and took silent note as Liz’s shoulders slumped in relief. Just what are you hiding, he wondered in bemusement. “Of course, Jeff. I’ll be by a little later on. You all take care, now.”

He moved across the café, meeting up with his men as they talked amongst themselves. “What do you have for me?” he demanded without preamble. “Did you get a decent description?”

His head deputy turned and faced him with a strange expression on his weathered Native American face. He opened his mouth, frowned, then started again. “Sheriff, we’ve got a bit of an interesting…dilemma,” he chose his words carefully.

Jim lifted a brow, shifted his feet. “A dilemma? I suspected the men would be long gone by now, don’t trouble yourself about not gathering much detail on—”

“It’s not the men, Sheriff.”

“Well then, what the heck is it Deputy Owen?”

“Shots were fired, Sheriff. Witnesses all say the same thing. The gun went off,” Owen reported.

“Deputy, I already know this—” Jim started in mild annoyance.

“There’s no bullethole, Sheriff,” Owen hurried on gruffly. “We’ve looked the place over. There’s nothing. If shots were fired, which all evidence points to yes, then…where’s the hole?”

“Where’s the hole, Sheriff? Where’s the hole?”

Jim frowned as the tourist’s words rushed back through his mind. At the time he’d thought nothing of the man’s excited rambling. But now he understood. And his own enthusiasm was peaking. “Deputy Owen, search the place again,” he commanded brusquely. “Go over the damn walls with a fine-toothed comb if you have to, but do it.” Something else skimmed at his mind. “And find me the person who helped Liz Parker when she went down. I want a name, and I want it ASAP.”


“A name, Deputy,” he repeated, stalking over to stare at the distorted animation of the infamous alien crash painted on the Crashdown wall. His stomach churned, all instincts honed and niggling with strange thoughts…

He turned and caught Liz Parker staring at him, the same look on her face.


“You did what?

Max winced at the shriek that fell from his sister’s lips. Stiffening himself in preparation for the battle to come, he made his voice as gentle and non-threatening as he could. “I’m sorry.”

He could read the fear, the utter terror on Isabel’s face as she stared at him. Michael stood beside her, silent as waves of animosity poured off of his friend like sheets of ice.

He knew they had every right to be worried. He would have been worried as well, if it hadn’t been for the dream. The damn dream that wasn’t a dream. He was still coming to grips with that fact, that somehow, for some reason unbeknownst to him, he’d been saddled with the facts of his future.

The entire ride from the Crash to his home had been spent in silence on his end. Michael had raged about the consequences of his actions, but Max hadn’t heard a single word. He’d driven in white-knuckled shock, mind spinning as he relived the life-changing event…for the second time.

He hadn’t stopped to ponder the implications when she’d been shot. He’d gone on instinct, the desperate need to protect her overriding his natural urge to protect himself. It hadn’t been until he’d kneeled over her and seen her face that his dream had come rushing back to him.

At least he’d had the presence of mind to tell her to burn the uniform. He couldn’t remember why that was so important, but he felt it deep in his gut. As long as that uniform was around, they were all in danger. The details of his dream were fuzzy at best, but he could glimpse vague feelings. Emotions. And they all seemed to point him towards destroying that uniform.

“You’re sorry,” Isabel repeated in a dull voice. She lifted her hands, wrapped them around her throat as she blinked several times. Her eyes were large and glazed with anger and yes, fear. When she spoke again, her voice had grown sharp and shrill. “You’re sorry?

“I told you this obsession you have with Liz Parker would come back to bite us in the ass,” Michael threw in with a hiss of breath. “Christ, Maxwell. We have to leave. Now. It’s all over.”

“Just calm down,” Max held out his hands, palms up as he swallowed roughly. “I couldn’t just…let her die.”

“You couldn’t let her die,” Isabel’s voice cracked and Max closed his eyes against the betrayal that shone in his sister’s gaze.

He needed them to understand. “I had to save her, I—”

“Did you ever think that maybe it wasn’t your decision to make?” Isabel snapped. “That it involves all of us? My God, Max. What have you done?”

“He’s fucked us all over,” Michael stated grimly. “You should have let it go, Max.”

“You don’t mean that,” Max answered softly. He looked them both in the eye, determined to see through the bitter walls they’d thrown up. “I was able to help her, to save her life. I had to do it. Don’t you understand?”

“No!” Isabel wailed. “No, I don’t understand! Liz Parker is…she’s a stranger, Max. She doesn’t know you, know us. You have no ties to her.”

Not true, he thought wildly. She’s…she’s everything to me.

“—every tie to us, Max!” Isabel continued, oblivious to the conflicting emotions raging inside of him. “We’re supposed to protect each other, not destroy one another! How could you?”

His heart broke when tears slipped down her cheeks and she brushed at them angrily. He took a step forward, but she pointedly moved away and into Michael’s arms. His friend’s expression remained stoical, but he caught the hard-edged glint shining in Michael’s brown eyes.

“Isabel, I promise it will be okay,” Max started thickly, hating to see his beloved sister so torn up over his actions. He didn’t reach out to her physically, but allowed the special bond they shared to flare to life. She stiffened, desperately trying to block out his emotions.

“How do you know?” she whispered in defeat. She pulled away from Michael, face blotchy and wet from tears. “Can you promise, Max? Can you swear no one saw what you did?”

He was silent for a long moment, facing their accusing stares. “No,” he finally managed in a rough tone. “No, I-I can’t promise that.”

“Fucking great,” Michael laughed harshly, falling against the wall as he laid his head back. “Was it worth it, Max? You saved your precious Liz, but you’ve fucked us over. It’s only a matter of time before she opens her big mouth. Pardon me if I don’t stick around for it.”

Max bit back a wince when his friend strode by, brushing off Isabel’s hand as the door slammed after his dramatic exit. He stared after Michael, eyes and heart troubled. He reached up and ran a hand through his hair, letting out a ragged breath before glancing over to meet Isabel’s bland gaze.

“I thought I was pissed,” she said quietly. Then turned and walked away.


The door shut behind her and Liz fell gratefully against it, closing her lids to block out the memory of eyes. Staring. Demanding answers. Drawing her in until she could no longer breathe without him. She inhaled shakily and shook her head, regaining control of her senses.

She’d managed to avoid Maria and her father, both who had watched her with barely veiled concern as she’d spoken with the sheriff. God, had he suspected? Somehow she thought so, remembering the look in the older man’s eyes as she’d fumbled to protect Max’s identity. The tourist had almost ruined everything.

Now that she was alone, she could ponder exactly what had happened to her during those few minutes when she’d been sure she was dying. She’d felt it, had heard the voices grow more distant as her body had grown colder. Then, then he’d been there. His hand against her stomach, warm and oddly comforting as he’d gazed down at her with soft eyes that expressed more honest emotion than she’d ever seen before. And somehow…somehow he’d brought her back.

“You’re all right now…”

Was she? She felt fine. She hadn’t lied when she’d told as much to Valenti. She honestly felt better than she could ever remember. She felt…stronger, solid. Yet she’d been shot. A bullet had lodged itself inside of her abdomen. The ketchup had done the job of hiding the truth, but there was blood beneath the condiment. Her blood.

Fingers trembling, she tore off the lightweight jacket that covered her uniform and found what the sheriff and his men had spent the better portion of the afternoon searching for. A hole the size of a dime met her questing fingers, burned around the edges from the heat of the bullet. She sucked in a sharp breath, recalling the surprised pain that had rocketed through her the moment she’d been hit.

“God, Max, what did you do to me?” she croaked, rubbing the fabric between her fingers. The sight caused a queasy churning in her stomach and she quickly removed the dirty uniform, balling it up and throwing it across the room. Away from her eyes. She turned back and stopped short as she caught sight of herself in the full-length mirror that lay propped against the wall.

“Oh my God.” Her mouth fell open, a sound escaped her throat as she blinked in stunned horror. A glowing handprint rested just below her navel, in the exact spot where she’d felt a bullet rip through her. Where Max had laid his hand against her.

Her vision blurred, a roaring began in her ears. She stumbled backwards, breathing shallowly as everything seemed to mix in a frightening whirl. Max’s velvet-rough voice seemed to echo over and over inside her mind.

“My life is in your hands…”

She blinked in confusion, holding her fingers to her ears. Where had that come from? Had he said that, in those few moments when it had seemed as though she’d been inside of him? She’d seen things, felt things that she knew didn’t belong to her.

A scratching noise from the balcony drew her attention and she caught her breath, grabbing a robe as she moved to glance out the window. A dark head appeared above the ledge and she nearly choked when Max’s golden gaze met hers through the glass. His expression was cautious, faint lines of fatigue etching his face. Shadows lingered in his eyes.

She wrapped the robe around her shoulders. She wanted to lock the window, to pretend she didn’t see him. She wasn’t ready for this. But she couldn’t keep away from him. She was drawn to him against her will. Judging by the similar look of resignation on his face, he felt the same way.

She stepped out onto the balcony, keeping a careful distance as he straddled the balcony ledge and stayed silent. The stars shimmered above, soft moonlight spilling over his features and lighting his sad expression. She waited, but he still didn’t speak.

They shared a surprisingly comfortable silence for several long moments, during which Liz studied him beneath her lashes. The sight of him was like a visceral punch to her gut. She’d always thought him beautiful, in a completely masculine way, and the darkness did nothing to hide the facts. But for the first time, he seemed approachable. For the first time she didn’t feel inferior to him, for whatever reason.

When he finally spoke, she started in surprise at his soft rasp. “Are you afraid of me?”

She glanced over sharply to find him staring at her with unreadable eyes. She had the strange sensation of drowning in a pool of soft amber as she watched his sinfully long lashes flutter against his cheeks with every blink. She spoke without thinking, from deep inside of her. “No.”

It was an amazing transformation. Life seemed to pour back in him, lighting him from the inside as he straightened and swallowed hard. The shadows still remained, but she sensed that her answer had been the correct one. He stared down at his hands. “I’m sure you have a lot of questions—”

He trailed off when she parted her robe, uncaring that it afforded him a view of her bra-covered breasts. He’d already seen them before, and right now modesty was the last thing on her mind. She heard him suck in a breath, then watched as his gaze traveled down to the handprint. He stilled, eyes captured by the evidence of his actions. “What did you do, Max?” she whispered, so soft that she hardly expected him to hear her.

His eyes snapped up to meet her gaze. He licked his lips, eyes burning feverishly. “You know what I did,” he reprimanded gently. His fingers twitched as his gaze dropped back to her smooth stomach.

“You healed me.” The words spilled from her lips in a rush of understanding. Her legs threatened to buckle beneath her, but she somehow remained standing up straight as she closed her robe again. “But…how? How did you do, what you did?”

He drew a leg up, the muscles in his thigh straining against denim as he stared out into the night. She wondered why it didn’t feel awkward to have him there, in a place that had solely been her own. Her musings were cut short when he chuckled without humor. “I don’t guess you’d believe me if I told you you really didn’t want to know.”

It wasn’t a question. She thought of Valenti’s cool gaze, nibbled her lip. “I think I deserve the right to know,” she answered softly.

He stared at her, sighed heavily as he dropped his head. “If..if I tell you the truth, everything will change.”

“I think it’s too late for that.”

“Right,” he murmured. When he glanced up again, his eyes were alight with something akin to panic. “Do you believe in miracles, Liz? Things that can’t be explained?”

She hesitated, taken aback by his sudden line of questioning. “Yes,” she answered warily.

“Do you believe that we’re not alone in the universe? That maybe there’s more out there than…than this?”

“Max, I don’t—” She blinked as an indistinct thought began to form in the back of her mind. She licked her suddenly dry lips and stared. “Max…”

“You’ve lived here all your life, Liz. Have you never even wondered?” His voice and expression were anxious as he watched her.

Somehow she managed to laugh, but it sounded forced. “What are you trying to say to me, Max?”

His eyes fell away, a flush stealing up his cheeks that was evident even in the moonlight. “I’m…not from around here.”

“Here? You mean, Roswell?” She was being deliberately dense, but my God…he couldn’t be saying what she was beginning to fear he was—

“Earth,” he corrected in a near whisper. He didn’t look at her, simply sat there stiffly and stared at the ground.

She felt as if someone had pulled the ground out from under her. “Not from…” She trailed off, voice breaking. Rage, swift and volatile, rushed through her. “You don’t have to lie to me, Max.”

It was clear he wasn’t expecting that reaction. He looked up, honest surprise on his face. “I’m not lying.”

She laughed harshly, pointing a shaky finger at him as she backed away. “You expect me to believe that you’re an-an-an…”

“Alien,” he finished through a swallow.

Her mouth fell open, her blood froze. “No.” She shook her head. “Stop lying! This isn’t funny.”

“I know,” he laughed brokenly. “Do you think I’m not scared to death to be sitting here right now? God, Liz…do you have any idea what I’ve done? I’ve risked everything I’ve ever known. But I’m not lying.”

“No…how…” She couldn’t form a complete sentence.

He swung around, letting both legs fall to the ground as he prepared to move towards her. “You know I’m telling the truth,” he whispered fervently. “You felt it when I…when I healed you. I couldn’t lie to you, Liz.”

Oh God, she did know. She’d tried to avoid the truth, but it was there staring her in the face from the moment he’d first placed his palm against her. She’d seen…things. Inhuman things. Things that were now plaguing her mind as she struggled to connect the mysterious young man in front of her with her shy lab partner. “Oh, my God.”

He took another step, blinking rapidly. His voice was a rough rasp. “I would never hurt you, Liz. Never. Don’t be afraid.”

“Afraid?” she laughed maniacally. “You’re an-an-an…”


“Oh, my God.”

“I’m still the same person I was yesterday. I’m still Max.”

“I don’t know who you are!” she cried softly. Strange how that was what bothered her the most. Yes, she was truly shocked at his admission, but there was also hurt swirling inside of her. Hurt that he’d kept the truth hidden from her for so long. But why would he tell you, a voice whispered in her mind.

“You do,” he pleaded quietly, stopping only inches away from her. His golden gaze brimmed with trepidation and something else she couldn’t name. She stared up at him, unable to move as she watched his jaw work. “Please, Liz. You’re the only person I’ve ever told.”

“Why?” she managed to choke out. “Why risk all of this for me?”

He opened his mouth, closed it again and stared at her with such a lost expression that she yearned to take him into her arms. “It was you, Liz,” he answered gruffly. “I’d do anything to keep you safe.”

Something warm and soft curled up inside of her as they stood there together. It all seemed so surreal…it was something she’d always secretly dreamed about, late at night when no one else was around. Max Evans, coming to her window to announce his undying attraction to her. Then she’d finally admit that she felt the same, and they’d—

Only he was an alien. Not from around here. She felt another hysterical laugh bubbling inside her throat, but turned away to stare at the open window through tears that burned her lids. “I-I can’t…deal with this right now,” she whispered in a thick voice.

She felt him shift behind her, heard a shaky sigh. “I understand,” he answered quietly. “I shouldn’t have come here, should have waited for things to calm down—”

“I’m so tired. So confused—”

“—I just felt drawn here, I guess—”

“—don’t understand what’s happening—”

“—feel so—”

“—I’m just so—”


They both whispered the word. Liz went still, slowly turning around to find him breathing heavily, lashes spiked with his own tears. Her throat caught as her knees buckled. “Max, I nearly died today.”

He caught her before she fell to the ground, strong arms wrapping around her stomach as she was crushed against his chest. She felt the short sobs racking her body, heard him whispering nonsensically into her hair as they held each other in a tight embrace. She wasn’t sure who was comforting whom.

“Don’t be afraid.” She caught his hoarse words. “Please…don’t say anything, Liz. You don't understand what'll happen if you do. My…my life is in your hands.”

“What did you say?” she whispered, pulse pounding as she pulled back to stare at him.


Her father’s concerned voice accompanied a knock to her bedroom door. Max started, releasing her as he backed away. She let him, their gazes clinging as he walked backwards towards the ladder. Her throat burned to call out to him, but instead she answered, “O-one second, Dad.”

“Don’t be afraid,” Max whispered again. “Tomorrow?”

She could only nod, watching as he disappeared down the ladder as her father walked into her room. She couldn’t move from the spot, wrapping her arms around her as a sudden chill filled the air after his departure.

“Sweetheart, what are you doing outside?” her father questioned softly at the window. “Don’t you think you better rest? Put the stargazing off for the night? What could be out there, anyway?”

She walked over to the ledge, watching as a lone figure melted into the shadows. She leaned against the ledge and felt her heart begin to race. “A miracle,” she whispered in a voice no one could hear.

Last edited by Applebylicious on Mon Nov 22, 2004 3:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Applebylicious »

<center>Chapter Three – Sea of Waking Dreams</center>

“Oh into the sea of waking dreams
I follow without pride…”

-Sarah McLachlan

Max couldn’t sleep. He felt equal parts exhilarated and miserable. Every time he envisioned the expressions on the faces of Michael and Isabel, heavy guilt settled inside of him. He hated knowing that they were upset with him, hated having to endure the cold silence that confronted him when he’d left Isabel sitting on his bed that evening. Eyes aloof and accusing, piercing the back of his head.

He’d tried to explain why he had to go, tried to make her understand that Liz would never betray them. But it was hard to give explanation to something that he didn’t really know. He felt it, deep inside. But did he really know that Liz would be able to handle the truth? Then, he remembered holding her. Remembered how perfect it was, and he knew. He knew. And his guilt turned into elation, a longing to find himself with her again.

She knew about him now. He’d thought, fantasized, about telling her hundreds of times. Imagined her falling into his arms in the height of his dreams, proclaiming that it didn’t matter. That nothing mattered, so long as they were together. It was extremely cheesy, but he hadn’t cared about that. He’d never actually thought it might happen.

A faint scratching sound broke him from his silent musings, and he sat up on one elbow, eyes trained on the parted window. His hand crept towards the baseball bat he kept by the bed; fingers closing around the hilt as a shadow passed by the window.

He was ready to spring from the mattress when a figure fell through the opening, landing with a solid thump and cursing vividly in a familiar tone that had Max relaxing his stance and dropping the bat to the floor.

“What are you doing?” he asked quietly, not moving as Michael stood and brushed himself off. Their eyes met in the semi-darkness, and Max read the hostility still emanating from his best friend.


The voice didn’t come from Michael, but from somewhere across the room. Max’s head spun around to find Isabel softly shutting the door and padding towards the bed, pajama-clad and sober of expression. He blinked, feeling slightly as if he were under attack, but remained silent, waiting for their first move. He didn’t wait long.

“What did she say?” Michael’s gruff voice demanded as he folded his arms across his chest in typical defiance. “Do we need to hightail it out of here, or what?”

“Michael,” Isabel began with a sharp look. Max understood immediately. Isabel didn’t want to leave Roswell, and neither did he. They both had a home here; a family, and they’d lived their entire lives trying to fit in. Isabel even more so craved to be normal, and once again he felt that familiar remorse creeping up as he acknowledged how he’d ruined his sister’s most fervent dreams. Or so she believed.

“What? We always knew this day might come,” Michael retorted in a loud whisper. “No ties, no connections but to each other. Isn’t that what we’ve always said? I could be ready tonight. What about you?”

It had always been different for Michael. He didn’t possess the need to bind himself to anyone or anything, but simply lived for the day when he’d discover his purpose for being on this earth. If Isabel’s fondest wish was normality and Max’s was Liz Parker, than Michael Guerin’s was…answers. Answers about themselves, where they were from. Why they were here.

“Roswell’s home,” Isabel’s voice was soft in the dark room. “We can’t just…” She looked away, then turned to Max. “What did she say, Max? Will she…will she keep our secret?”

Max stared at his sister’s hopeful expression, even as he read the futility in her gaze. She already believed they were doomed. He opened his mouth to protest, but couldn’t seem to find the words when faced with their silence.

Michael snorted and turned away. “She freaked. We have to leave.”

Isabel inhaled sharply, and Max found his voice. “No. She…everything’s fine. She’s fine. I promise.”

Michael’s features clearly showed disbelief. “So, you told her you were an alien and she said…what? ‘Wow, that’s fascinating, do you know Marvin the freaking Martian?’ Get real, Max. Nothing’s fine. Not anymore.”

“Cut it out, Michael. Max, what exactly did Little Miss Scientist say?”

“Well, we didn’t really get a chance to…talk,” Max began, watching as Isabel’s face fell and Michael’s perked up knowingly. “But she promised not to say anything. At least, not until tomorrow.”

“What happens tomorrow?” Isabel wondered.

Max swallowed, knowing that what he was about to suggest would not go over well with the other two. “Well, I thought…I mean, I think it would be better if all three of us talked to her. Helped explain…some things…”

“You’re kidding me, right?” Michael guffawed. “Maxwell, wake up. It’s over and we need—”

“Does she know about us?” Isabel asked fearfully. It was the first time Max could ever remember his amazonish sister frightened by anyone of Liz Parker’s stature. He wondered why he had the sudden hysterical urge to laugh.

“No,” he managed. “She doesn’t know much of anything. That’s why I thought it might help if we all—”

“I’ve changed my mind,” Michael announced. “I’ll go with you. We’ll all go, and we’ll make her understand. There’s three of us, one of her.”

Max figured where this was going. “Wait a minute, Michael.”

“No. This is exactly how to handle Liz Parker,” Michael mused, scratching his chin thoughtfully. “She has no idea it’s just the three of us. We’ll make her think there’s more, armies of us out there, ready to annihilate her if she opens her mouth even once.”

“My God, Michael.” Isabel looked mortified while Max simply stared at his friend in slack-jawed bafflement. “We can’t threaten her.”

“Why not?”

“Because I said so,” Max spoke up vehemently. “Jesus, listen to you. No, we’re not going to threaten her, so get that idea out of your head now Michael.”

Michael’s expression went sullen, but he nodded coolly. “Fine. But you better figure something out soon, Maxwell, or else it’s sayanara, Roswell.”


Alex Whitman hated gym class. Actually, that wasn’t quite right. He loathed, abhorred, and despised gym class and all the musclebound jocks that came with it. Because Alex wasn’t a jock - he was far from it, in fact. The term “offbeat” had often been applied to him, but he was spared from being called a geek directly to his face only by his association and friendship with Liz Parker.

Liz wasn’t the typical popular high schooler. She wasn’t blonde and gorgeous, or a member of the pep squad, and she didn’t spend her afternoons gossiping with other students. Instead she was known and envied for her quiet prettiness, sharp brain, and the fact that her parents owned the most popular restaurant in town. Not even the star quarterback had been immune to her, much to Alex’s disgust. He couldn’t understand for the life of him what Liz could possibly see in Kyle Valenti, but he chose to keep his opinions to himself. Maria dissed Kyle enough for the both of them.

As if on cue, rowdy laughter filled the locker room as Alex sat on a newly painted bench and tied his sneakers. A quick turn of his head towards the door revealed none other than Kyle and his inane posse of brainless oafs lumbering towards their own lockers and pounding each other in jockish affection.

Alex hunched his shoulders, hoping he’d go unseen as he grabbed his bag and shoved it inside his gym locker. He wasn’t scared of these guys, he just didn’t particularly feel like being their unwilling target of the day. He was halfway to the exit when wide shoulders blocked his path. He bit back a grimace.

“Whitless,” Tommy Billingsley sneered, crossing his arms so that his over-emphasized muscles flexed. Alex had the vague appreciation that he was at least tall enough to stare the meathead in the eyes.

“Tommy,” he stated readily. “What can I do for you?”

“Guess what, Whitless? It’s D-Day. You know, dodgeball,” Tommy joked lamely, inciting a round of chuckles from knowing friends.

Alex noted that Kyle Valenti wasn’t among his teasers, but was silently wrapping a white bandage around his ankle. Alex had to admit, Kyle had technically never joined his friends in tormenting other students, but he’d also never stepped in to make it stop. In Alex’s eyes, that made him just as guilty, so he refused to feel even a pang of sympathy or curiosity over the dark frown that pulled at Kyle’s lips lips as he stared at the locker in front of him.

He moved around Tommy, ignoring the taunts of the others behind him as the soles of his shoes squeaked on the varnished gymnasium floor. With a sinking heart, he noted the students milling on either side of the gym, randomly tossing balls back and forth at each other as they prepared for another harrowing game of dodgeball.

Alex hated dodgeball. Still, he sucked it up and took a spot on the same side as most of the jocks when the teacher blew the whistle, figuring that at least this way he had a better chance of survival. The game began, amidst shouts and the pounding of rubber balls at various body parts. Students dropped left and right as they were declared “out”, and the bottom row of the bleachers filled as the game went on.

Alex hopped out of the way of a ball as it whizzed past his arm, letting out a jubilant cry as he did a little victory dance. From the corner of his eye, he caught a flash of blonde hair striding across the room and immediately froze as he stared in fascination.

Isabel Evans, looking like she belonged on a runway in New York City instead of attending classes at some small southwestern high school, was watching the proceedings with an air of boredom as she fanned her face with a perfectly manicured hand.

For a wild moment, Alex pondered why she would be there since he’d never before seen Isabel Evans anywhere near a gymnasium, and he knew her schedule with embarassing detail. Right now she should be enjoying a free period, hanging out with her billions of friends, or her quiet brother and the weird and scary guy who always seemed to join them.

Maybe she was waiting for a chance to talk with her newest boyfriend du jour? Everyone in school knew that Isabel Evans dated a lot, but never anyone more than once. She went through the males of West Roswell like a mack truck, never even breaking a sweat, yet no guy had ever gotten any further than a single kiss. It was mind boggling, and a challenge many teenage males couldn’t resist.

Alex was so intent on trying to figure her out, he forgot to pay attention to his surroundings. That’s when it happened. From across the line, a ball flew at his stomach, knocking him backwards and taking most of his breath away as he wobbled on his feet. He cradled his arms across his stomach and glanced up just in time to see a second ball hurtling straight at his face.

Oh, Jesus. Pain skyrocketed through him as he fell with a thud to the ground, stopping the game as whistles blew and people began running towards him. Everyone was talking at once and the sound mixed with a faint roaring in his ears as he struggled to open his eyes. Had Isabel seen him get beaned and fall to the ground like a pansy-boy?

His lids lifted, blinking rapidly as he tried to focus on the people standing around him. Sure enough, Isabel’s eyes were on him, an expression of disgust coloring her features before she turned and walked away. His head fell back, eyes closing as his heart raced. Freaking wonderful.

“The hell’s your problem, Billingsley?” he overheard Kyle shout angrily. Wincing in pain, Alex turned his head and caught sight of the school’s star-jock shoving his friend back. “He was down!”

“I didn’t see it,” Tommy sneered, but cowered against the ire of the other male. “The little shit was still up when I threw the ball.”

“The only thing around here that reeks like shit, is you,” Kyle answered in a disgusted tone. “Get out of here before I let Whitman take a shot at your lame ass.”

Tommy’s mouth worked like a fish, but in the end he turned and slunk away to the locker room as Alex managed to sit up on his elbows. Kyle approached, holding out a hand that Alex studied warily before allowing himself to be pulled to his feet.

“You all right, Whitman?” Kyle questioned, not unkindly, but not in a voice that made Alex think he wanted to become best friends. Kyle’s deep blue eyes were staring at him intensely, and for whatever reason, Alex bit back the smart-ass comment that was bubbling up in his throat.

“Just fine, Valenti,” he wheezed, still out of breath from the blow to the middle. The fleeting memory of Isabel Evans had him adding inwardly, Except for my pride.

Kyle nodded, but remained silent for a long moment. He shifted from foot to foot, sliding a hand behind his neck and rubbing thoughtfully. Finally, he opened his mouth. “Look…Tommy’s an ass, bro.”

Alex blinked. “I think I’m well-aware of that fact. Bro.”



“Move back!” the rough sound of the gym teacher’s voice broke through the throng of students, and Alex looked over to see Coach Norris approaching at full speed. “Whitman, you alive?”

“Yeah, coach,” Alex muttered dryly. “For better or worse.”

“Good. Next time, keep your eyes on the ball. Or bring a note. Dress in!” the hefty man blew his favorite accessory and everyone rushed into the locker room while Alex stood by in bemusement. Kyle followed his friends, then paused and turned back. Alex lifted a brow, waiting to hear whatever else the guy had in mind to say.

“Keep it real, Whitman.” And then he was gone, limping slightly on his bandaged ankle as Alex stared after him.


Liz felt trapped. She could feel two pairs of eyes on her as she pretended to diligently take notes while Mr. Seligman droned on. She resisted the urge to turn around, knowing she’d be met with the same accusing glare and one soulful gaze that threatened to completely turn her brain to mush.

The tip of her pencil snapped as she pressed hard against the paper, causing her to jerk and nearly knock over the stack of books by her elbow. She garnered a few strange glances from nearby students and felt like screaming. Everyone always expected her to be calm and in control of every situation. Of course, she expected that of herself, as well. But there were exceptions…

Despite herself, she nibbled her lip and turned slightly to glance at Max Evans. He wasn’t even feigning interest in the lecture, but was gazing back at her with those fathomless golden eyes that seemed to see straight through her. An almost imperceptible shiver coursed through her, and she turned back around. Then looked again.

This time he offered her something resembling a smile, although it fell extremely flat considering the circumstances. He’d told her something she wasn’t sure she could believe, and they both knew it. She’d had the entire night to ponder Max’s revelation, but her mind and heart were still at odds. Deep down she knew Max would never hurt her, as he’d said, but she couldn’t help but feel as though he belonged in a straight jacket.

At first, she’d been angry by his outrageous claim that he wasn’t human. Then she’d been overwhelmed by the events of the day and had pushed her anger aside in favor of the comfort he offered. How odd, that even in these strange circumstances he should make her feel so safe. She’d always felt drawn to him, but had brushed it off as the typical unrequited high school crush. Judging by the way that he’d looked at her the night before, it wasn’t just one-sided.

It was you.

Something soft and warm filled her, and she felt the heat of his gaze once again on the back of her neck. She bit her lip, itching to turn around. But instead her gaze snared on the dark stare of her best friend. She knew she wasn’t being very covert about avoiding Maria, but it was all she’d known to do after Max had told her…what he’d told her. She’d sworn she wouldn’t tell anyone, and she wouldn’t. At least, not until she had another chance to talk to Max. She’d been angry, then comforted. Now she wanted answers. And she would get them, one way or another.

He’d said, “Tomorrow.” But she didn’t know where or when, and the anxiety was nearly killing her. She was on the verge of ripping out a piece of notebook paper and penning down the questions she planned to ask, just so she wouldn’t forget, when she was tapped on the shoulder.

She started, turned around, and a crumpled sheet of paper was shoved into her hand. The messenger rolled her eyes to the back of the room, then continued chewing her gum and struggling not to fall asleep. Liz met Max’s intent gaze, then glanced down at the note. Unfolding it carefully, she quickly read the message as her heart began beating rapidly.

Meet me in the eraser room after this period. We need to talk.

The eraser room. She absently lifted a hand and wrapped it around her throat, reading the note a second and third time. Did he have any idea of the implications? Surely he did…the second floor eraser room was West Roswell legend. And she’d never been inside.

The sound of the bell had students jumping up and scurrying away as Mr. Seligman shouted out the night’s homework assignment, but Liz barely heard anything as she continued staring down at Max’s neat handwriting.


She jumped; spinning around and shoving the note behind her back as Maria approached. She tried for an innocent expression her voice coming out unnaturally high-pitched. “Maria!”

Maria’s blonde brows furrowed as she tried to catch a glimpse of Liz’s hands. “What are you hiding back there?”

“What? Nothing!” Liz shrieked, tearing the paper into bits and striding across the room to toss them into the trash. “What’s up, Maria?”

“That’s what I wanted to ask you,” Maria started slowly, watching Liz with narrowed eyes. She struggled for a calm she didn’t feel as she caught sight of Max Evans disapearring down the corner that led to the second floor.

“What is it?” she asked desperately, turning to meet Maria’s gaze. “Maria, I’m kind of in a hurry and—”

“What happened yesterday?” Maria interrupted, wrapping her arms around herself. “Liz, I called like thirty-seven times after you went up. I know you were there.”

Liz’s heart sank as she read the hurt and question in her friend’s tone. She glanced down, clasping the straps of her bookbag in a white-knuckled grip. “I wasn’t feeling well,” she blurted out. It wasn’t far from the truth. Shock felt very similar to sickness.

“Are you all right?” Maria wondered anxiously. She took a step closer, reaching into her purse with frenzied movements. “I got this new stuff from my mom’s shop, it helps reduce stress and I really think you might—”

“Wait,” Liz held up a hand and had to laugh. “I’m fine, really. I’m here, aren’t I? Calm down, Maria.”

“Oh God, Liz, I was so scared,” Maria’s voice threatened to break and Liz caught the gleam of tears filling her best friend’s green eyes. “I…I thought you were…the gun…”

Sensing impending disaster, Liz grabbed her arm and steered them both towards the nearest girls’ restroom. Luckily, it was empty, so she quickly embraced her friend as Maria broke down into noisy tears. “Shh…I’m fine,” Liz whispered soothingly, but her own heart was pounding in remembrance. Thanks to Max, I’m fine.

Maria lifted her head and wiped at the mascara running beneath her eyes. “I thought you were shot. I was so sure, there was blood everywhere—”

“Ketchup,” Liz corrected more sharply than she’d intended. Maria blinked through her tears. “It was ketchup,” she added more softly.

“It was a lot of freaking ketchup,” Maria replied sarcastically. “Liz, it was practically pouring out of you. I was there, and I saw…” She paused, eyes turning skeptical as she watched Liz. “I’m not sure what I saw, actually. Liz, when Max went up to you…”

“Maria, I have to go,” Liz interrupted again. She began backing away. “I’m sorry, I’m going to be late for class. We’ll…we’ll talk about this later. I promise. I’m fine, I have to go.”

“Liz, wait! What about Max…Liz!”

“I have to go!” Liz called back, leaving Maria standing in the bathroom as she raced down the corridor. She ran into two people, muttering pardons as she headed for the second floor flight of stairs. She took them two at a time, hair flying behind her as she turned the corner and found herself staring at the door that read Eraser Room.

She took a deep breath, glanced both ways, then closed her eyes and put her hand over the door handle. It opened easily, and she was immediately engulfed in darkness. The faint scent of eraser dust filled her nostrils, and she coughed lightly into her hand.

“You’re late,” a soft voice came from the darkness and she jumped before turning around to stare into the shadows.

“I know, I’m sorry, I was…” she trailed off as the overhead light bulb flickered on and she came face to face with Max Evans. He didn’t look happy. And he wasn’t alone.

Next installment will contain the "dream discussion" and might answer a few valid questions that have been brought up in feedback. :) Also, what's going on with Kyle? Read closely, and I'll give a prize to the first person who guess correctly. (Angel and Kay are exempt because they already know, lol.) I'll be updating this again on a regular basis now that I'm at the boredom stage of pregnancy. :roll:

- Lindsay
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Post by Applebylicious »

Ask and ye shall receive... :P

Part 4 – Sweet, Lying Dreams

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams
You say that you have 'em,
I say that you're a liar…

-Tori Amos

“I know you’re wondering why I brought them along,” Max stated softly, keeping his eyes trained on Liz as she stood frozen at the door. She was staring at Michael and Isabel with curiosity and faint intimidation, most likely due to the dark looks they were shooting at her. “Cut it out,” he added beneath his breath, elbowing Michael sharply in the ribs.

“No,” Liz blinked, shaking her head slowly. “I just…I mean, of course they know. She’s your sister and he’s your best friend…” She paused, licking her lips slightly before continuing. “I just thought you said I was the only person you’d ever…”

“You are,” he insisted quickly. “Liz, there’s something I need to tell you. I need you to promise me that whatever I’m about to say, it stays here with us. Promise me you won’t tell anyone - not Kyle, not Maria, your parents—”

“Or the Sheriff,” Michael tossed in sarcastically.

Liz’s gaze bounced back and forth between them. “No, no I-I won’t. I promise. Max, what…what is it? Is it about what you told me last night?”

Isabel made a sound of disgust, sending Max a look that blatantly read, “Is she serious?” Liz flushed, but refused to be cowed by the presence of one of the only girls she’d ever truly envied.

Isabel Evans was what every girl wanted to be. Beautiful, cool, and collected, she had a natural vibrance that in comparison to the normal teenage girls of Roswell seemed almost unearthly…

A sudden thought had Liz’s eyes widening. She blinked, looking first at Michael, then back to Isabel. Her questions must have been written across her features because Max shifted closer, forcing her to meet his sympathetic gaze.

“Ask your questions,” he stated softly. “Don’t be afraid.”

“Are they…I mean, are you all…” she broke off, licking her lips as her heart rate tripled in response to the darkening of Michael’s expression.

Max apparently read her mind, because he paused before nodding almost imperceptibly. “Yes. Michael and Isabel are also…”

“From up north?” Liz finished in a whisper. Despite the shock still roiling through her system, her natural curiosity was beginning to push to the forefront. “How many of you are there out there?”

“Enough to kfind out if you open your mouth about anything,” Michael broke in harshly. “So don’t get any ideas, princess.” Liz took an unconscious step back at the unrestrained hostility emanating from his posture and tone.

“Michael!” Max reprimanded sharply, his eyes narrowing with anger. “We already talked about this. Cut it out.” Turning to Liz, he spoke more evenly, “As far as we know, it’s only the three of us. We’ve never learned of anything to make us believe otherwise.”

“But how…” Liz bit her lip, casting Michael an uncertain glance before continuing. “Why are you here? Why Earth? Where’s your home?”

Surprisingly, it was Isabel who answered. Until now, she’d remained silent, features impassive and unmoved. Her voice, while not as antagonistic as Michael’s, certainly lended Liz no sense of warmth.

“We don’t know. We don’t know anything at all. This,” she spanned her arms out wide, “is all we’ve ever known. It is our home.” There was no mistaking the pointedness of her statement.

Liz nodded, although she was still brimming with questions. “Can you all do what Max did to me? And how exactly does that work?”

“No, We all have our own…powers, for lack of a better word,” Max stated ruefully. “What I did to you was a simple realignment of your molecular structure. I just…filled in the hole, so to speak.”

“Makes sense,” Liz answered dumbly, although in truth nothing was making much sense at the moment. For God’s sake, she’d just found out that not only was her bio partner and secret crush a super-powered alien from outer space, but that so were two of her other classmates. “You know what? I think I need to sit down somewhere.”

“I know it’s a lot to take in,” Max took hold of her arm in a gentle grip. She met his eyes and somehow the understanding shining in his gaze helped wash away some of the doubt and insecurity. “Liz, we mean you or anyone else no harm. All we’ve ever wanted was to blend in, to be invisible. When I did…what I did…I knew it would be okay. Because I can trust you. It’s you, Liz. I can trust you, can’t I?”

His voice was so soft, his expression so earnest that she found herself nodding before she’d fully comprehended his words. The power he held over her was mystifying, yet she felt no fear or resentment. “Yes, you can trust me, Max. All of you,” she amended with a quick glance at Michael and Isabel. “Max saved my life. I’m not going to forget that.”

Max dropped her arm, glancing to his friend and sister for a long moment before his gaze returned to Liz. There was something there that she couldn’t name, but she physically felt him pull away. “Maybe it’s best if you did,” he whispered.

Liz blinked, already opening her mouth to deny his statement, but he hurried on. “Things are going to be tense for awhile. My healing you isn’t going to just go away. There were people there, people who might have seen…something. Something they can’t explain. Most likely, they’ll write it off as a trick of the light, but Liz…we can’t be seen together. Not anymore. Not for awhile, anyway.”

She understood his logic, but she couldn’t deny it hurt. “When can we be seen together?” she wanted to know, almost desperately. “Max, I want to help…”

“Listen to what he says,” Michael interrupted, his tone still edgy but not as unkind as before. “We’re the ones here with everything to lose, Parker. One wrong move and we could end up on some government examination table. You wouldn’t want that, would you?”

Her horrified expression seemed to satisfy him, and Max stepped in with a quietly murmured, “That’s enough, Michael.”

“If you really want to help, find out what your boyfriend’s father knows,” Isabel added nervously. “The Sheriff isn’t stupid. He might look at the facts and realize something’s off.”

The mere mention of Kyle had Max noticeably stiffening, but Liz barely noted the change as her mind began to race. “He questioned me after the shooting and everything was fine, but then this tourist came up and started acting crazy…yelling something about a bullethole. Max, what if they try to look for one?”

He appeared grim. “They won’t find one. There’s nothing we can do about that, but we can keep them from finding out the truth. Did you destroy your uniform?”

Liz bit her lip, a blush rising in her cheeks as they all regarded her expectantly. “Not…yet. I was a little overwhelmed by other…things…”

“That’s okay,” Max soothed before either Michael or Isabel could start. “Just make sure you do. And don’t act like anything’s wrong. Go to work, go to school, go out on dates,” he swallowed hard. “Whatever you do, you have to act normal.”

“Normal,” she repeated softly, wondering if she would ever truly feel that way again. As she stared into Max’s eyes, she wondered if she really wanted to.
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Post by Applebylicious »

11/05/05 -

Hey guys.

This is an extremely difficult note to post, because it sort of signifies the end of an era for me. I hope all of you will understand and support my decision, and not hold it against me for any reason.

As of now, I am officially resigning from writing fanfic for Roswell. This is something that has been on its way for a while now, and the only reason I've been putting it off is because of the wonderful support you all have given me. But I'm afraid my time has come to an end. I've hit my stride, and there's no point in trying to deny it to myself any longer.

I'll always treasure the time I've spent getting to know all of you, and hopefully I've succeeded in entertaining you all as well. That's all I've ever wanted to achieve.

I won't lie and say that this moment doesn't bring me a sense of great relief - as much as I love this fandom, there are things that I hate about it, as well. Those are the things I won't miss. However, the negative pales in comparison to the positive and that's what I plan on taking with me. :)

I've been writing for Roswell since the first season, and never in my wildest imagination did I dream that it would turn out this way. The way you all have taken to my stories means more to me than you'll ever know. I'd like to thank everyone who ever took the time to give me a chance, who left me feedback, who nominated me for an award, who recommended me to a friend. It's because of you that I am where I am today. And you are what has made this journey so incredible for me.

I'd like to take this time to report that just because I won't be WRITING anymore stories for Roswell, doesn't mean I won't be around. I will be - chatting, reading, keeping the Roslove alive.

I will also still be writing, for those of you interested. From now on, I'm actively writing in the Veronica Mars fandom, and you can read any further works by me at The Pink Spy Pen or at My Journal. So if you're a fan of VM, I'd love to hear from you!

And please don't be afraid to drop me a line, anyway - either via PM here, or via my email at

Last but not least, I will finish posting 4th and Inches and probably The Jade Tower, but other than that, I'm afraid I will be leaving some fics unfinished. I'm sorry for that, but I hope you can all understand my circumstances and the fact that Roswell no longer inspires me in that way. Once again, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I'll try to answer the best I know how.

It's truly been a pleasure, everyone.

Much love,

Lindsay (Applebylicious)