Aliens & Witches (CC,TEEN) complete Nov 21, 2010

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Aliens & Witches (CC,TEEN) complete Nov 21, 2010

Post by ken_r »

Aliens and Witches


Title: Aliens and Witches
Author: ken_r AKA Kenneth Renouard
Disclaimer: These characters belong to the Roswell TV show.
Rating: teen
Couples: conventional
Summery: a vague shadow of canon. Max and Isabel Evans, along with Michael Guerin are aliens. Their personalities are much like canon. Elizabeth Parker and Maria DeLuca are curanderas in training. They work in the Crashdown restaurant as waitresses. Maria’s Mom, Amy DeLuca works in an herb shop owned by the Parkers. Liz’s great grandmother was a renown curandera or herb doctor. She also practiced other arts which some would call magic. In this profession, they would call her a bruja or witch. The girls are targeted by a crazy man, who is trying to kill them. Max, Michael and Isabel all come to their aid. All three aliens express doubts about magic. Liz and Maria have questions about the powers of aliens. They are forced together when fighting their enemies.

Sorry, no Tess this time

I wrote this for fun. I have mixed anthropology, history, religion, fantasy and Roswell together with a flavor of the southwest. Please read this story for fun and I hope you are amused.

Brujaria is a nature religion some would compare it to Wicca in Europe. Don’t let the followers of either hear you say that. Brujaria is as varied as there are writers explaining it. Brujaria does not seem to loose its Catholic roots. It has been said that it is the old religion of Mexico, which has been baptized. I don’t pretend to explain the fundamentals of Brujaria. The research I did was interesting. Please remember, I wrote this just for fun. I wanted to make the aliens look at their own powers the way others might see them. For the first time, they are faced with something they don’t completely understand. I do not mean to offend anyone on purpose so perhaps I will offend everyone equally.

Aliens and Witches

Max Evans was a slender boy of about 16. His sister was over on the other side of the commons area of their high school with her friends. They were her friends not his. Personally, Max couldn’t see what Izzy saw in them. He could see them from his vantage point laughing and giggling, pointing out boys and whispering secret things about them. This was not the Isabel who Max knew. The girls were telling dirty jokes and making suggestions about the young males of their attention. This wasn’t Izzy. At home Max had never heard Isabel say anything cruel or naughty about anyone. Isabel called this fitting in. Max called it pretending.

Max didn’t know how to pretend. Well, you could see what that got him. Max was eating alone. Sometimes, Isabel would break from the crowd and she would sit with him. That was considered correct by her standards as she was watching out for her brother. Several of the girls had asked for an introduction to the soulful-eyed young man. Isabel wouldn’t do that to her brother. First, Max would be angry to feel that he was being pushed into even a slight relationship. Second, Isabel would eat and hang out with these girls, but she didn’t want the association to be any stronger if they became close to her brother.

Max was hardly paying any attention to what he was doing. It could be seen that his hands just went from the lunch sack to his mouth with out him even knowing what he was eating. Across from the crowd Isabel was with, there were several other girls and boys all crowded around a table laughing and talking. They came and went, but Max only had eyes for the one girl. Right now, she was sitting, leaning against the chest of the football hero and he was pulling her close.

Liz Parker, dark haired, petite with flashing brown eyes, now, laughing at something that her friend, Maria DeLuca, had just said. She was leaning against the hero and he had encircled her with his arms. Kyle was glorying in the fact that he could feel the weight of her breasts on his arms as he pulled her close.

Liz and Maria were inseparable. Maria was a little taller than Liz. She was a little more filled out. She had blonde hair that had been tinted. That was one of the few amenities that her mother allowed and no matter how tight money was Mamma DeLuca tried to always have enough to let Maria have her hair done. DeLuca and Parker both worked for Liz’s father as waitresses in their restaurant-café. Liz was saving for college and Maria was trying to buy a few more things that a girl her age wanted. In the same building, as the Crashdown restaurant was a small shop of novelties, herbs and potions. It was called “Amy’s Shop of Hope,” both shop and restaurant were owned by the Parker’s. Amy DeLuca depended on the tourist trade, but she also had another and more consistent clientele.

In the Southwest there were many places like hers, supported especially by older Hispanic women. Those who ran these shops, along with those who religiously used them were often called curanderas. These women were wise in the use of herbs. Some said that they might also be wise in other things, like magic. Many of the women were suspected of being Brujas or what Anglos would call witches. These brujas or witches could be dangerous if you crossed them, but they never were believed to get their power from any devil or evil being. This was a fiction that the Church had concocted in Europe. Their power came from a more ancient source. These women, like their counter parts in the so-called old world, just knew things, things that the normal people did not. Men called brujos also dealt in these arts. There are things, beings or maybe, something else out there that aren’t seen by every body. The bruja had learned to control and be at peace with some of those “what/who-evers.”

When you entered her shop, you would be met by shelves, full of commercial herb remedies. You would find bins of different flours and ground seeds. Many of the elder women would come here to purchase the ingredients that their mothers taught them to use. Then, if you followed the paths further back in the store, you found bags of herbs collected by many of the Hispanic villagers from all over New Mexico. There would be dyes and seeds from the reservation in the west where the Native Americans who knew the value of plants would preserve to sell to those like Amy who would, likewise, appreciate their healing or artistic, values. At the rear of the shop, Amy had a work-place, a bench with mortar and pestle which were handed down with the running of the shop from generations long ago. Here you might find other ingredients known only to those favored with the gifts and skills. Some were for curing and others were for other darker things.

The elder members of the community would come to see Amy to discuss herbs and cures. They had been slow, but the knowledge of the young Anglo woman was slowly gaining their trust. As their trust grew, they were welcomed into the furthest reaches of the establishment. They might not divulge the arts they had been taught by their elders, but they would discuss the arts and what they could do. This was reserved for the few believers left in the world. It was, also, where Amy instructed Liz and Maria in the knowledge that had been given her by Claudia. There was more. Claudia had writings that were even before her mentor, Carlotta. This was the heritage that would be given to Maria and Liz.

In recent years, there were more and more Anglos and even some younger Hispanics, looked to the herbs and potions of the curandera to care for their health. In larger cities, they might be part of, “Health Food” stores, but if the proprietors were as passionate as Amy, they would only differ from “Amy’s Shop of Hope,” in their size.

Some would say that this was superstition, but modern medicine was discovering every day that medicine was more than running the bugs out of their patients. The mental health of the patient, many times, made a greater difference in the curing of people, than the modern “magic” of the doctor’s office. Modern Medicine had made no in roads into the problems of self-esteem and amour. Amy would offer advice in both.

It was also found, that many of the herbs had beneficial effects on those who took them. Pharmacists and doctors attended years of college to learn the effects of medicines. Curanderas spent life times at the side of a trusted relative learning the lore that had been passed down for generations.

Amy O’Hara, had been raised by her grandmother, who had lived on the east coast. She had memories of walking with her “abuela.” (Amy was now even thinking in Spanish.) They would search the woods and Amy would be instructed in plant lore gained from generations of Europeans as well as lore learned from Native Americans. Amy was rebellious and her grandmother did not consider that a fault. When Amy was 15, she had run away from home, joined a hippy movement and found herself in Taos, New Mexico.

The movement fell apart. The locals decided they did not need the lessons of free love and freedom from hard work to be presented to their children. They gave the movement notice to be out of town. Amy O’Hara and Carlos DeLuca found them selves heading south. They hitched-hiked and, from time to time, they would stay at different places to make crafts, paint pictures and try to earn enough on which to subsist. They spent a time in a town just north of Albuquerque called Madrid. This town was miss pronounced by the locals as, “Mad’ rid,” not like the correct pronunciation of the Spanish. The old mining town was now principally the location of entrepreneurial hippies. Same life style, but now they held jobs of sorts and depended on sales to tourist to keep them going.

Amy and Carlos soon found themselves in Roswell, located in the southern part of the state. Amy announced she was pregnant. At first Carlos, was willing to give her his name. After caring for a child for a few years and being forced to take menial day jobs to survive, Carlos announced to a tearful Amy and a confused four-year-old daughter that he had had enough; Carlos disappeared.

Amy, now just over twenty-one, had responsibility. She had a daughter to care for. Trinkets made of tin cans and leather belts with nails and rivets for decoration were just not enough. She cast about town looking for something more permanent. She found a herb shop beside the Crashdown Café run by two elderly Hispanic women. Amy’s grandmother had taught her much about the herbs used by their family. The two women were getting old and they welcomed the young mother who seemed to have both knowledge and passion for herbs. They dearly loved the little girl with the pouty lips. They knew both of them had had a hard life. With the blessing of the owner of the shop, they employed the Anglo woman. Most of this was common knowledge about town.

Max only saw the two girls. One, who he had had a crush on since he had started school. He felt it, when he saw her with Kyle. Max had always felt that she was beyond his grasp, so he had to accept her choice of boyfriend and modified his feelings to her.

“You have it as bad as I do,” a voice spoke up.

Max looked up to see a slender geeky fellow that he only knew slightly. “What do you mean?” Max asked. The boy, named Alex, had been one of those who usually were around Liz’s group.

Alex opened his own lunch bag. He rummaged through it and pulled out a sandwich. “I see you every day sitting looking at Liz. At first, I thought you might come over and join us. I bet you can’t even tell me what was in your sandwich today.”

Max caught himself. What had been in his lunch bag? “I am sorry if I was that obvious,” Max stated.

“Hey, no problem,” Alex replied. “I know what it is like to want someone who doesn’t seem to know you are alive.”

“I guess Liz or Maria haven’t seen me watching them?” Max asked.

“Oh, Maria has, but Liz doesn’t believe someone would go for her without the amulet,” Alex replied.

“She has Kyle under her spell,” Max said with some sadness.

“That is what I mean. Kyle bragged a couple of weeks ago that he didn’t believe in amulets or spells. His girl friend, Vicky Delaney, had just broken up with him and someone suggested that he seek out a love amulet. Kyle said they could have no influence on a guy like him. That was just too much for Liz and Maria. Liz will release him soon. She has no intention of playing baseball with Kyle. I understand that Vicky has already bought another amulet from Maria. Kyle will wake up and he will see Vicky waiting for him. He will see that he wasn’t getting anywhere with Liz, so no one gets hurt. Maria and Liz will sell a dozen amulets after this.” Alex was trying to explain.

Max knew that in the language of love, Vicky was supposed to have circled the bases with Kyle many times. Why she left him was still a mystery. “Alex, you and Liz are the top science students in school. Don’t tell me you both believe in amulets and magic?” Max asked.

“Well, you could argue with Kyle when he comes off his cloud. Why would a jock who has never dated anyone except cheerleaders suddenly ask the academic diva out?” Alex questioned.

Max turned to Alex. “You said I had it as bad as you did. Why don’t you buy an amulet and solve your problems?” Max asked.

“Liz won’t sell me one, neither will Maria. They say that unless the girl I am interested in shows some interest in me, I would just get hurt. You see, I think I am in love. I am in love at least with a dream,” Alex explained as he gazed over at the group where Isabel was holding court.

“You and me both. I supposed that an amulet wouldn’t help me with Liz, if I had to buy it from her in the first place,” Max chuckled.

For the first time Alex smiled. “Yeah, I guess we both will just have to hope for a break somewhere.”

Max, Isabel and their only friend, Michael Guerin were eating at Tico’s Taco Stand. Max would have preferred the Crashdown, but Tico’s place had a large front lot with tables scattered about. They could eat and have relative privacy as they talked. “What did Alex have to say today?” Isabel asked.

“He was explaining some sort of story about Liz and Maria selling Love amulets,” Max explained.

“Of course you don’t believe in that stuff, do you?” Isabel asked as she held her hand over her taco to reheat it. Tico didn’t always manage to melt all the cheese.

Max looked at Isabel. “Probably no more than any one would believe that you had powers,” he said.

Isabel sniffed, “We were born with powers.”

Michael growled, “You mean hatched, don’t you?”

Isabel was right back at him, “We may have been kept in pods, but we all have belly buttons and that says we were born at one time.

Michael said, “It isn’t as if we were human, after all.”

“Well, maybe, Liz and Maria were born with powers of some sort,” Max stated. “We don’t really know much about humans after all.”

Isabel sniffed again, “I do. I have searched through the minds of every girl in my group. None of them have any sign of powers.”

Michael grunted, “As if they were the best cross section of humans to research.”

Isabel looked down at Michael. “I have also dream-walked most of the football team. They show no signs of powers either,” she stated.

“That still doesn’t give you a good grasp on humans,” Michael complained.

“Maybe so, Michael, but so far the three of us are the only beings who possesses any thing like powers. We don’t think of them as magic, they are just things we do that humans can’t.” Isabel had been trying to find out more about the inhabitants on the rock called Earth, where they had found themselves.

It had been Max who decided they must be related someway to the crash of 1947. He had read everything in the library about aliens. While most of it was garbage, he found references to some of the skills that the three of them possessed.

Max and Isabel had been found walking along the road ten years ago. They had been totally naked and, although not like feral children, wild to get away when the Evans couple approached them. They knew nothing about normal living in a house. The Evanses, who were both lawyers had found them and they were determined to keep them. Michael was found, much later, by a cowboy, riding the range. He lifted the little boy up to his saddle and transported him to the authorities. Michael was in the welfare system when he discovered first, Isabel one lunch time when she shared her lunch with him and later Max, when Isabel felt there was something different about him.

As they grew up and read stories about monsters from outer space taking over the world, they all three decided to never let others see what they could do. Their greatest oath was to never tell any human about themselves.

They each found education in their own way. As soon as he learned to read, Michael started to devour anything he could. He found that he had almost a photographic memory and he read at a very high speed. In class he became bored with the educational system and he started learning on his own. After this, keeping him in school was a trial.

Isabel became infatuated with doing what she called the right thing. She learned from others, along with her schoolwork. She attended school because that is what young ladies did.

Max was the loaner. He learned from everything around him. He read, but unlike Michael, Max looked to technical and historical references for his education. Somehow Max was developing feelings that had not invaded the other two yet. Max was developing a longing for companionship. That companionship was directed at one girl. Isabel dated, but she usually could hardly wait to get rid of her suitors. She enjoyed the camaraderie of the girls in her group. They all dated and they endlessly talked about their current boyfriends. Isabel could join in, but her reluctance to discuss intimate things made them even more convinced that Isabel, to some chosen few, was a real tiger. Several boys claimed to have tamed the tiger and they bragged that they had full knowledge of the ice maiden, but on questioning their brags fell through.

Michael had convinced himself that he was a soldier. His hormonal urges, as they grew, he intended to direct to someone who would give him knowledge. He intended to use his masculine charms to seduce answers to the questions he had. So far, he didn’t have any targets, but Max had mentioned Maria and Liz. Max would have a fit if he fooled around with Liz, but the other one would bare study.

The fateful day, the turning point in all their lives was the day when Michael and Max were sitting in the Crashdown observing the two waitresses. A strange man walked into the restaurant and sat in the front near the door. He had a trench coat on and a hat pulled down low over his eyes. Maria brought him coffee, as the front of the restaurant, was her section, today. Liz was working the rear where Michael and Max were sitting.

The strange man stood up and let his trench coat drop open. Those looking up at him gasped. He was totally naked. He must be a flasher. “Do not suffer the Witch to live among you,” he shouted. With that, he drew out a long barreled revolver and began to fire at Liz.

The patrons of the Crashdown, like all good westerners, hit the floor at the first sign of the revolver. The strange man vanished out the front door and everyone looked around to see if anyone was hurt. As the patrons began to rise up back to their seats, it was seen that the bloodied legs of a waitress were showing behind the counter. Maria screamed and Max and Michael both jumped up. “No, Max don’t,” Michael yelled. Max just shrugged him off.
Last edited by ken_r on Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:38 pm, edited 31 times in total.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Aliens & Witches CC, teen Author's note June 25 2010

Post by ken_r »

Please look at the author's note, Anthropological review above. It contains several links that are important to the story.

mary mary

Chapter 2

Michael was a true friend. He couldn’t stop Max, but he was at his back. He sent Maria to call an ambulance and the rest of the people to look for the flasher. Max bent over the small girl. She looked like a crumpled doll lying there. “Liz, look at me,” Max implored. He opened her blouse and around her neck he saw a glowing medallion. She also had hanging from a thin leather string a tiny silk bag, which gave out a fragrance. Max didn’t have time to look at the either the medallion or the small sachet. Max called his powers into play. He traced the bullet’s path and was busily trying to repair the wound. In the distance, he heard a siren. Michael was snapping his fingers to come on. Max threw Michael the keys to his jeep and saw that he wasn’t going to have time to complete what he was doing. Well, at least now she had a chance at life.

Max and Michael had fled. The sheriff was looking for a strange flasher with a long barreled pistol and Liz was in the hospital. The Crashdown was closed down. Isabel was making her plans for tonight. The entertainment on stage would be Alex. Alex was the friend of Liz and Maria. He was the first guy she had scheduled to dream-walked, who wasn’t part of her “in” crowd. He was just a normal guy. Now that was a bit unfair. Alex was one of the smartest boys in school.

Isabel looked at her notes. She couldn’t take the notes with her, in a dream-walk, but she wanted to make sure she found the answers she was looking for. She always did this. Dream-walking sometimes was distracting. Isabel had dream-walked Pauley one night. Pauley was a friend of Kyle’s. Isabel had a whole list of things she wanted to know about him but once in his dream she lost all directions. The first thing was Pauley noticing her. He came at the dream Isabel and began to remove her blouse. She let him go for a brief time. After all, this wasn’t really happening. Pauley and Isabel were both just in a dream. Suddenly, a bed appeared. Pauley’s efforts were so clumsy that Isabel stepped out side his dream circle and then, when she came back in, Pauley paid her no more attention. He was with one of the cheerleaders. She was telling him how wonderful he was. Pauley was taking off his clothes and the cheerleader was ravishing his body. Isabel had to shake her head. No matter who was with him in a dream, Pauley was still Pauley. What girl would want to be pawed and mauled like that?

Isabel entered Alex’s dream bubble. It was dark. There was a door. Isabel entered. Inside, Alex was standing dressed in a tux. Isabel looked down at herself and saw that she was dressed in a red gown. Isabel felt his hands as he led her to the dance floor. This dream was getting away from Izzy, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to stop it. As she was watching, the dance floor receded just like in a movie. Now in the foreground another Alex was standing with Liz and Maria.

“Please, sell me an amulet,” Alex pleaded.

Both Liz and Maria were shaking their heads. “Alex, if she would show you any consideration we would ‘give’ you one. If you tried to use an amulet now, she might come to you, but the second the amulet wore out, she would run away. Isabel just hasn’t shown any interest in anyone, but her own crowd,” Liz said

Isabel now had a second to wonder how she was dancing way in the distance with Alex and standing at the same time where she was listening to Liz and Maria talk about some sort of amulet. It took even more seconds for her to realize that the person Alex was talking about was herself.

Alex’s dream went dark. Isabel stepped out of the bubble for a minute to let it re-stabilize. When she stepped back into the dream, Alex was sitting at the hospital where he had been all evening. The dream was totally different. Liz was lying in a bed with all these tubes coming from her body. Maria came up to Alex and put her hand on his shoulder. Max had told Isabel a little of the Crashdown problem. Isabel tried to walk over to where Liz lay, but this was Alex’s dream and Isabel couldn’t see or approach anything that Alex didn’t see or approach.

This time when Isabel fell out of the dream bubble, she stayed out. Looking at her list she checked off what she had learned. Alex showed no signs of powers, but he believed that Liz and Maria had some ability. Isabel wasn’t sure what that ability was.

Isabel lay in her own bed thinking. What were these amulets? Max had mentioned them and so had Alex in his dream. They seemed to be connected to Maria DeLuca and Liz Parker. Neither of these girls had ever attracted Isabel’s attention. Now would not be a good time to study either of them. They all were traumatized by Liz’s assault.

When Maria entered the hospital room, she saw that they had removed the two things usually hanging from Liz’s neck. Maria knew that Liz would be worried about the Medallion, but the love Amulet, well, she was about to release Kyle anyway. Liz had been told by her grandmother, that the medallion would bring her protection. That was important. Liz needed to get the medallion back as soon as possible.

That was the funny part. Liz’s grandmother, Doctor Claudia Goldstein-Parker, had been an anthropologist. She had been in the southwest studying folk tales and lore. She had met Carlotta Elena Gutierrez-Parker. The dark Hispanic lady was married to the handsome Stuart Parker, a business man in the town of Roswell. They had one son, Alejandro. Doctor Goldstein had traveled all over the southwest. She had written several books both about folklore and also about artifacts of the southwest. She mostly studied artifacts of the Native Americans who used to live in the area, but lately, she had become interested in Hispanic folk stories and folk medicine. Why would a learned lady give her grand daughter a so-called magical medallion?

In her travels Doctor Goldstein kept finding herself attracted back to Roswell. More and more she found herself infatuated with Carlotta. They would talk endlessly about tales Carlotta had learned at her grandmother’s knee. As their friendship deepened, Claudia found herself introduced into family secrets. These were things she was implored not to publish. These were the things only discussed in whispers in the back room of the Shop of Hope. Spending so much time with the Parkers, Claudia found herself attracted to Alejandro. Eventually, they were married and they had a son, Jefferson. Alejandro was not destined to have a long life. Claudio hoped she, at least, had made his life happier. Alejandro died when their son was 12. Jeffery became a handful for the now, single parent professor.

Maria listened to the doctor. “Liz is coming along very well. The wound is closing, faster than expected. She is a healthy young lady and should be out of here soon. The only thing is, we can’t find the bullet,” he explained.

“Well, she was raised as a curandera and her great grandmother was a bruja of renown. Maybe, she is more than a bit of a witch herself,” Maria said with a teasing voice.

The doctor smiled, “Let’s get our littlest witch cured so she can get back to school.”

They did let Maria return the medallion to Liz before she left. The amulet or the small, fragrant sachet, Maria pushed away. “Throw it away, it served its purpose,” she informed them.

Kyle was shaken by the news that Liz had been hurt. He was also feeling guilty. He had intended to break up with her soon. Last night, Vicky had called him and he had sneaked out to her house. Her parents were sound sleepers so Kyle stayed until almost morning. He had used his last condom so he had to remember to get some more.

Kyle explained to Vicky that he wanted to wait until Liz was seen to be well before he broke the news to her. Vicky kissed him and said she understood.

Kyle visited Liz the next day. Of course, he had no knowledge that the spell had been broken, when the amulet had been removed from Liz, by the doctors. As soon as it was burned in the trash, Kyle would be completely free.

Kyle seemed to be at a loss as to what he should say. Endearments seemed hypocritical considering the night he had spent with Vicky. Liz reached out for his hand. “That is okay, Kyle. We had fun, but I think Vicky really loves you. Don’t worry about me. I will be fine.”

How did she know? Kyle would never understand women. Liz had confused him the most. Kyle just wanted to have fun. He knew that to Liz, school was important and everything else had to revolve around that. Now, while he was worrying about her health, Liz released him with apparently no anger. This had been a truly no-fault breakup.

Liz continued to heal rapidly. She was sent home before the week was up, a few more days and she would be back at school. Now, she had her closest friends with her every minute that school was out. Well, Maria had to work since Liz was out. But, they soon moved Liz into a corner of the restaurant where she could watch the people come and go. There had been no word of the flasher.

Liz was ready for school. She had to be careful, but she didn’t want to miss any more studies. “Chica, have you talked to Max Evans since you were hurt?” Maria asked.

“No, Maria, why should I?” Liz inquired.

“Well, when you were shot, he and Michael sort of took over. They sent me to call an ambulance and told the other people to look for the flasher. You might want to ask him what else happened,” Maria said.

“Is something supposed to have happened?” Liz ask.

“Liz, the doctor never found the bullet. Maybe, Max someway pulled it out. The doctors said you healed very rapidly. Max was pretty upset when he saw you hurt,” Maria explained.

When Alex saw her, he came running with his arms wide open. When he saw the grimace on Liz’s face he laughed and instead of hugging her, he just held her face and lightly kissed her. “I scared you there, Parker, admit it,” Alex exclaimed.

“Alex, if you had grabbed me, I would have screamed so loudly that they probably would have arrested you for assault. And, if the pain was as great as I can imagine, I might not have forgiven you, letting you rot in jail,” Liz told him.

“Aw, Liz, we can’t have you in more pain. I will try to remember,” Alex stated.

At lunch, Liz found herself surrounded by friends and customers. If they lost Liz or Maria, they didn’t know what they would do. The charms and amulets the girls sold, could be found nowhere else. Those who knew the Kyle story, were even more convinced. Isabel was once again, with her so-called friends and Max was sitting alone, at least until the tall, young man sat with him.

“What is the story on Liz, Max?” Alex asked.

“Story, no story; I heard she got shot,” Max stated.

“Come on Max, I know that. I spent several evenings at the hospital. Maria said you and Michael took over when she was hurt. What did you do?” Alex inquired.

“Nothing, Alex, I just held her hand until the ambulance arrived. A person in pain should not be alone. I doubt she even knew I was there,” Max explained.

“Have you talked to her since the shooting?” Alex asked.

Max waved at the crowd around Liz, “I think she has more than enough company. I don’t think she needs me,” Max said with a touch of sadness.

“Why don’t you stop by the Crashdown tonight and, at least, let her tell you that,” Alex said.

Max made his decision. He wouldn’t say anything to Izzy about it until he was back. Walking into the Crashdown that night alone was one of he more difficult things Max had done.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Aliens & Witches CC, teen ch 2 June 27 2010

Post by ken_r »

mary mary

Chapter 3

Max blinked several times, as his eyes became accustomed to light inside. Maria was bustling from table to table. Max saw Mrs. Parker and said, “Mrs. Parker, my name is Max Evans and I am a school mate of your daughter’s. I was wondering if I might see her a few minutes?” Max had trouble getting all that out.

“Oh yes, Max, you are the boy who held her hand waiting for the ambulance. Follow me,” She invited.

“Hey, Max, tell Liz to hurry up and get well. I don’t know how long I can hold up without her,” Maria yelled.

There were a few calls from the crowd, “Aw come on, DeLuca, just work a little faster.”

“Now we know who does all the work here, DeLuca.”

As they walked up the stairs, Nancy Parker said, “They are working Maria pretty hard. Jeff and I are trying to take some of the weight off her, but we will never be as good as either Liz or Maria are as waitresses.”

Max smiled, “I think both of the girls are favorites around here.”

Max was led to a door, which opened to an uncovered porch over the Crashdown. Looking back, Max could see that the porch opened to Liz’s bedroom through an open window. This was the moment Max dreaded. He seldom knew what to say. He was so unlike Isabel.

Max saw Liz sitting in a recliner chair, covered by a blanket. Liz didn’t get up, but she held out her hand. “Hi, Max. I am so glad you came to see me! I know in school you do not like crowds. I asked Alex to try to get you to come.” Her voice seemed a little weak.

“Well, Liz, I don’t know you as well as some of the others do. I didn’t think you would care about seeing me. After all, you are still trying to get better,” Max explained.

“Max, there are many things about that day that are unclear. It seems somehow, that I may owe you something. Maria said that you and Michael took charge and maybe, kept me from bleeding to death,” Liz said.

While she was talking, Max noticed the glow through her blouse. He pointed to it. “What is that, Liz. It was glowing when I was sitting with you.”

Liz pulled the out the chain. The medallion was glowing brightly. “Oh, Max, this was given to me, by my grandmother. Her mother-in-law said it would call protection for me when I needed it. Her mother-in-law, who was my great grandmother, was a legendary curandera and bruja, what you might call a witch. She dealt in magic of all kinds. When it glows it means that I am protected.”

Max frowned. “You don’t believe in that stuff do you? You are one of the smartest girls in school.”

“I don’t know, Max. I guess, the proof is in what you believe. Maybe, you should talk to Kyle,” she said.

“What is with Kyle? Did he dump you or something?” Max asked.

Liz smiled. “No, I released him. We were never suited for each other. Vicky Delaney wants him. I think they will both be happy.”

“You mean you don’t care?” Max asked.

“Not really, I am not ready to go as far as Kyle wants, so after going with him a few weeks, I released him to pursue someone who is ready. That makes things much happier and better.”

Max looked at her for several seconds. “Alex says you sell love amulets.”

“Oh, Max, do you need a love amulet?” Liz inquired.

“No, Alex told me they wouldn’t work for me, anyway,” Max stated.

Liz laughed, “I am sure he told you that both parties have to be together half way or they don’t work. If you ever get to that place of half way, come back and I will make you one.”

Max said with apparent sadness, “I don’t imagine that time will ever happen. Thanks anyway.”

Liz frowned, “What is wrong, Max, don’t you like girls?”

Max was flustered, “Of course, I like girls, but I don’t see any special one really liking me.”

“Maybe, you will be surprised, Max. Now, I want to ask you a question. What happened to the bullet that was supposed to be in me?”

That caught Max completely off guard. “I don’t know, Liz. I just sat with you until the ambulance arrived,” he explained.

“There is more to it than that. I remember you saying ‘look at me’ several times. You were holding my head up and your other hand was on my bare stomach,” Liz stated.

“I am sorry if I embarrassed you. I pulled your blouse open to see if I could stop the blood.” Max was blushing. Just thinking of his hand on her bare flesh, now, that there was no emergency, made him queasy.

“No, Max, no embarrassment on my part. I think you did more than that. If you do not want to tell me what you did, I will let it go for now.” She reached for him and Max by reflex leaned over. Liz put her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Whatever it was, thank you, Max. Thank you for whatever you did.”

Nancy Parker had respected her daughter’s privacy, but the confused expression on Max’s face told her that he was more than just a schoolmate, even if he didn’t yet know it. She looked over at Maria who was laughing. Maria understood.

As soon as Max was at home, he went straight to his room. He had no sooner sat on his bed when he heard a clearing of her throat from Isabel. She was standing in the doorway. “How was Liz tonight?” she asked. Max might think she was psychic, if he did already know of her many powers.

“She is better. She still seems weak. Maria is being worked to death,” Max said. Then, he turned to Isabel, “Liz is a very strange girl. She claims her great grandmother used to deal in magic. I asked her straight out about the love amulets. She says that if both parties are inclined that way, they work. She said some confusing things about Kyle. She seemed agreeable to the fact that he broke up with her and was back with Vicky.” Max was explaining.

“Yeah, the rumor is that Vicky bought a super amulet from Maria. She was bragging that from now on, she would have him completely tied up. She said it cost $15,” Isabel laughed.

“She, also, said some confusing things about the shooting. She thinks I did something more than just hold her hand,” Max stated.

“Smart girl, you may have to be careful Max. It is too clear already that you have a terrible crush on her. If she loves you back, she might be dangerous,” Isabel said.

Max looked up at Isabel, “I might know someone who has a crush on you, also.”

Isabel smiled, “Who, Alex?”

“Yes, how did you know? I don’t ever see you looking at anyone, but those silly girls you eat with,” Max replied.

“That reminds me, Max. You owe me big time. Several of the girls have asked me to introduce them to you. I always find excuses,” Isabel purred.

“Gee, thanks, Isabel. Please don’t let any of them get to me. There is only one girl I want and I am afraid she would be impossible,” Max stated.

“Then, thankfully, you helped save her. As long as she is alive, nothing is impossible,” Isabel said as she went back into her own room. For the rest of the night, Max lay back on his bed and thought. He did manage to catch a few winks toward morning.

Max saw Liz at school the next day. There was no chance of getting to talk to her. As she went from class to class, there was no shortage of people offering to carry her books.

At lunchtime Max was, as usual, sitting alone. Alex finally came by. “Liz says you went to see her last night. That is a first step. I know she wanted you to come. Now, if I could only find a first step,” Alex mused as he gazed at Isabel. “She doesn’t even know I am here.”

“Oh, she knows you are here, Alex. You just have to find a way to get her away from that crowd. With them, she is so much not like the Izzy I grew up with,” Max stated.

“What do you mean Isabel knows about me? She has never even looked my way,” Alex said. This was getting him excited.

“Oh, Izzy has her ways. Again, the hard part is to try to get her away from the crowd. Then you will find she acts totally different,” Max said. Alex was a nice guy. Max was just getting to know him. He might be good for Isabel. That was something that Max couldn’t handle. That would probably be up to Alex.

Alex went off to digest that information. As Max was cleaning up his lunch stuff, Michael came by. “Hey, Michael, what brings you to school today?” Max asked.

“Relax, Maxwell, I am on a mission. A mission to learn about those love amulets,” Michael stated.

“Hey, Liz has enough problems, don’t go giving her any more grief,” Max ordered.

“Back off, Max. I don’t give grief. Liz is your problem. I am researching the other one. The blonde whose mother runs the herb shop,” Michael informed.

“How are you going to do that?” Max asked.

“First, I am going to observe. Then, I will find a way to be with her. From then on, it is Michael charm which will win,” Michael said.

Max couldn’t help from laughing. If there was such a thing as Michael charm, Max had never seen it.

Then, Michael said, “I think I am going to have to see Isabel. That should get me started.”

Chapter 4

That night when he was at home, Isabel asked him, “Did you speak to Liz?”

“No, there were too many people around her,” Max answered.

“Well, the Advanced Biology classes are going to combine next semester. You might try to get her for a lab partner,” Isabel informed.

“How do you know so much?” Max asked.

“Those bubble-headed girls are a wealth of information. I, also, found that half of them have bought those love amulets from Maria and Liz. They will barely speak to either of them, but they do buy the amulets. They all swear by the amulets,” Isabel told Max.

“What are you going to do tonight, Izzy?” Max asked. He was thinking of asking her to dream-walk Liz.

“Not tonight, Max. I am all booked up. I will have a full night of it,” Isabel said without further explanation.

It was about midnight when Isabel got out her yearbook and started doing her thing. That which she did best. “Let’s see, DeLuca, Maria,” she said to herself. Isabel pressed her finger on the picture of Maria and waited. The dream bubbles soon came. She kept thinking of Maria and soon a slightly erratic bubble appeared.

Entering the bubble, Isabel almost fled. The bubble was filled with boys. It took several seconds for Isabel to see that the boys were all generic. None of them took on any particular form. Maria was in love with boys, but she definitely did not have a boyfriend. Alex was there, but it was clear that he was no boyfriend. He was more like a brother. As Isabel moved closer to Maria, she saw that Maria didn’t really trust boys; of course Alex excepted. Isabel saw that Her fear rose from the desertion of her father. Isabel saw into the herb shop. She saw Maria and Liz making the amulets. They were putting in special fragrances and spices. Amy leaned over the girls. “That is right, tie them tight. That is the way my grandmother did them.”

Now that was interesting. That told Isabel a lot about Maria. Would Michael have the sense to use this information? As she was leaving the bubble, she heard Jeff Parker talking to Maria. “Do you know of any boy at your school who would like the part time job of fry cook?” Jeff asked.

The rest of the evening was reserved for herself. Tonight, Alex wasn’t worried about Liz. His mind was clear. Isabel would be on a fact-finding mission, just like in the news programs. Alex was very interested in music. It varied among pop songs to cool jazz, then, there was a little country western and finally, it degenerated into that crap that Michael listened to. Well, you couldn’t say the boy had any prejudice, in music, at least.

Alex didn’t just understand computers, he could make them run. He could understand what made them act up and how to correct it. With a boyfriend like that, there wouldn’t be any more $70 trips to the geek squad as they leered at her as if she was some kind of stupid. Wait up. Isabel caught herself. “Am I talking about boyfriend or is this just a research project?” She kept on going. Alex was totally loyal to Liz and Maria. They had befriended him in grade school when he was so alone.

It was two o’clock when Isabel finally woke up completely. She knew that Max was going to want to check on Liz pretty soon. She was exhausted, now.

The only thing different from normal was that Isabel met Michael before school. What was different was that Michael was even at school. She told him a little about Maria. “Jeff Parker is looking for a part time fry cook. That would give you a chance to be with Maria.” she told him.

Michael was at the Crashdown right after lunch. “Mr. Guerin, I need a young man who would work part time as a cook, but you weren’t in school today were you?” Jeff asked.

“No, I came right here before someone else heard about the job,” Michael explained.

“Well, if I were to hire you, school attendance would be mandatory. I can’t have it said I am employing a young man and interfering with his education,” Jeff stated.

“Just give me a job and I promise I will make my school attendance the most important thing in my life,” Michael almost pleaded.

That night just before closing time, Isabel entered the Crashdown. She took a booth off to the side not near anyone already there. Maria came up. “What can I get for you tonight, Isabel?” she asked. “The grill will be shutting down in a few minutes, but the soda fountain is working and we have desserts.”

“Just a lemonade for starters. I want to talk business with you and Liz when you have a few minutes. I see she is back working tonight,” Isabel said.

Maria went over to Liz and whispered something in her ear. Then, she came back. As soon as the last customer is out then we are all yours.” Maria couldn’t but wonder what Isabel wanted with them.

The two girls sat across from Isabel and waited. “I assume, like doctors or lawyers, you two are discreet in your business. You wouldn’t let any one know that I bought something from you, would you?”

Maria and Liz looked at each other and then nodded. “We promise,” they said almost in unison.

“I want a love amulet.” Those words shocked Maria. What would the ice queen want a love amulet for. All she had to do was thaw a little and the entire football team would fall at her feet. “I want a special one. What information do you need?” Isabel said.

Of course, it isn’t necessary, but if we know who it is for, we can make it stronger,” Liz said.

“What if I said it was for Alex, your friend?” Isabel queried.

Maria jumped up. “No, we won’t let you hurt Alex. Please Isabel, do not do anything to hurt him.”

Isabel shook her head. “Why would I do anything to hurt him? I want to approach him and I do not want the embarrassment of being completely rejected. That is all.”

Maria was looking at Liz. Liz had a strange look on her face. “Isabel, it would be a very powerful amulet and I am afraid it would cost ten dollars,” Liz stated.

Isabel nodded and reached into her purse to extract the bill. “How soon can I get it?” she asked.

Liz continued, “We both are working tomorrow. Come by after six and we will have it for you.”

Isabel paid for the lemonade and left. Once she was out of the restaurant Maria turned to Liz. “Did you ever hear the like?”

Liz pressed her finger to Maria’s lips. “We promised that we wouldn’t say anything, so here is what we are going to do.”

Michael was in school early the next morning. He went to class and even did the homework. “Mr. Guerin, do you think you can make your grade up this late in the semester?” Mr. Bruner said.

“Probably not, but if I am going to try to start doing things differently I should start now. Then, I will be prepared next semester when I can, make the grade up,” Michael explained.

At lunch Isabel said, “I broke down and bought an amulet.”

“Who is he guy?” Linda asked

“I am not telling,” Isabel replied.

“Boy, someone really wants to get laid,” Charlotte said as she tossed her curls.

Isabel just smirked. Soon the conversation went on with the other girls telling of the luck they had with their own amulets. Of Course, Vicky Delaney just smiled. “I got the best the girls had. I have already had Kyle over last night circling the bases like a panting puppy.”

Isabel wondered what would be the result of her experiment. Alex might prove to be a strong mate after all.

That afternoon as he was leaving school, Liz called to Alex. “We made something for you. Please use it wisely.” She handed Alex a small amulet. The cloth bag tied with a leather lace.

After school, Michael presented himself to Jeff Parker. “Did you attend classes?” Jeff asked.

“Yes sir, I even finished my homework.” Michael replied.

Jeff smiled, “Then get in there with José and he will start you out.” Michael now was employed. He also was working with Maria.

The time was about six that evening. Isabel came in and took a small booth. She asked for a lemonade and waited. Maria leaned over and whispered, we will have a break in a few minutes. Isabel gave her well known, imperial smile and waited. Liz quickly slid into the seat opposite Isabel. Maria was right behind her.

Liz took a small box out of her pocket and slid it across the table to Isabel. Peeking in the box Isabel saw a light blue sachet of silk cloth. The fragrance was delightful. The whole thing was strung on a dainty lace ribbon. “That thing attracks boys?” Isabel asked incredulously.

“No, wearing and believing in it, attracts a certain boy. It is not generic. This one is tuned to Alex,” Liz explained. “Remember, you promised not to hurt him.”

Isabel raised her eyebrows. “What if we are not compatible? You know until we get to know each other, we can’t tell,” Isabel stated.

“Well, just remember he is our friend. If things don’t work, then let him down easily. We are good friends, but we might not be good enemies,” Maria said.

“Are you two threatening me?” Isabel asked.

“Isabel, no, we are not threatening you, but we think a lot of Alex so please take care of him,” Liz pleaded.

Isabel frowned, “What was all that about Kyle? Weren’t you just playing with him?”

Maria laughed. “No, not really. Kyle told all the girls that the amulets were fake. He said that a man would not be affected by one of them. His flirting was why Vicky dumped him. Well, Liz just put a spell on him and for four weeks he followed her around like a sick puppy. Vicky asked to buy a powerful amulet, so if the hospital hadn’t taken the amulet off, Liz would have removed it in a day or so. Now, he is back with Vicky and she is giving him such a ride that he has no intention of straying.”

Isabel looked at the two girls, “If you don’t have boyfriends why don’t you make amulets for yourselves?”

Liz spoke up. “I haven’t found a guy that I really want. I would probably try to catch him the normal way.”

Maria said, “Yeah, it isn’t as if there are a lot of guys of quality running around out there.”

Isabel nodded and said, “Well, we will see how this works.” Then, she left.

The next day at lunch, Max had sat down and was looking across the commons for Liz. He hadn’t seen her yet. Max felt his hand drop down into the lunch bag with as little foreknowledge as always. When his mother asked Max how he liked his lunch, he never could remember what he had eaten. Alex had just joined him when Isabel approached. “Hey, “Max, Alex, I was just coming over to see how my brother was doing. No, Alex, don’t get up the three of us can have a picnic.” Isabel brought out a carton of deli sandwiches along with packages of chips. The three of them sat and talked through the lunch hour. By the end of lunch, Alex had asked Isabel to the next dance, at least, he assumed he had. They were talking about the band and setting a time for Alex to pick Isabel up. When Alex left for class, he couldn’t believe that this really happened.

That night as they were doing their homework, Max knocked on Isabel’s door. “Come in,” she said in a melodious voice.

Max entered and saw Isabel in shorts and a tank top. Around her neck, he saw a lace ribbon and hanging from the ribbon was the amulet. “Do you now, believe in those, Isabel?” He asked.

She smiled, “We shall see. The proof will be in the action, as the girls say.”

Both Liz and Maria saw that a new worker was in the kitchen. Liz whispered to her father. “Yes daughter, Michael asked for a job and I contacted the school. We made a deal. He can work here as long as he keeps up his schoolwork. The counselors thought that this was a splendid idea,” Jeff answered.

As the weeks progressed, Max again, found himself alone. Alex was off somewhere with Isabel. Liz was still across the commons with her friends and several girls talking to her. Liz never carried any of the sachets to school. She didn’t want to try to explain this to the authorities. She always told the girls to see her before or after work, either at the Crashdown or at the herb shop. With all eyes on Kyle and Vicky, business was good. Isabel and Alex had gone on their first date and Alex had proven himself. Two of the boys in Isabel’s former group had come up to her during the dance, “Come on, Izzy, dump the geek and come with us. We will show you a better time.”

Alex had turned away and for a minute, Isabel thought he might run. The turning just brought him nearer to the tormentor. Alex spun around and one of those ungainly elbows caught the preppy boy in the chest. He went down. Alex took another step and grabbed the other boy in a wrist lock. With a smile and a twist, he said, “Don’t we want to go to another sand box to play?” The boys had no idea of the hours Alex had spent in the self-defense classes.

Isabel had been pawed over and she had wrestled with dates, but never was she treated so much as a lady as she was with Alex.

Then one day, when Max was just sitting listlessly eating whatever was in the lunch. He felt a presence and Liz was standing beside him. “Are you all alone now, Max?” she asked.

“The only people I ever ate with were Isabel and Alex. I guess thanks to you, they now are more occupied with each other,” Max stated with a little more bitterness than he intended.

“I am sorry Max. I was just trying to help. They both care for each other. I just pushed it along,” Liz explained.

Max gave a little laugh, “Yeah, I know, I am happy for both of them.” Max turned his attention to the little brunette, “Do I need a amulet to ask you out?”

Liz giggled, “Why Max, would you take unfair advantage of a girl by using magic?”

Max looked at her, “Don’t you?” he asked. “Don’t you use magic to attract boys?”

Liz for a minute was almost aghast. “No, Max, I try to help others, but I would never use the amulet unfairly.” Then, she looked at him, “If you are talking about Kyle, I was just teaching him a lesson. His comments were hurting business. He now is more than satisfied. He is back with Vicky and maybe, he won’t stray so much.”

Max laughed. “You should be testifying before congress. I guess you can convince almost anyone about the amulets. Well how about the date?” he reminded her?

Liz, again, looked carefully at Max. “You are serious, aren’t you? Where would you propose to take this date?” she inquired.

“Well, we could start with a diner at a place where you do not have to buss tables. Then, I understand that you are a shark at nine-ball and miniature golf, so I could either try to teach you humility or maybe, make a fool of myself at either of these. That might be pretty good for a first date,” Max explained.

“Ooooh, first date, that sounds so much like the start of something. Let’s see. First dates bring on second dates and that brings on…”

Max stopped her, “Liz, before you have us retired in a vine-covered cottage, let’s try to survive first date.” Max was blushing.

Liz giggled; he was so much fun. He took many things very literarily before he saw she was teasing. “Yes, Max, that sounds perfect for a first date. Do I have to loose on purpose to keep you for a second date?” Liz asked him.

Max looked at her with mock seriousness, “Play your heart out, Elizabeth. Rest assured I will be trying everything I can to protect my reputation of superiority in those sports.”
Last edited by ken_r on Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Aliens & Witches CC, teen pg 2 ch 4 july 4 2010

Post by ken_r »

mary mary

Author note: Eull Gibbons was from a homesteading family. Some of them looked down on him because he didn't work 20 hours a day in the hot sun as did most homesteaders. When he became famous for his day, They all wanted to brag about his relationship. He always wanted to be a writer. Finally he found success in telling stories about the wild plants he had learned about in his youth. he appeared for Post Grapenut flakes on TV. He never dealt in any magic, but other wise he was like Amy of this story.

Begonia, Eve, blessings for your mother, Carole and i cared for mine for almost 20 years.

Chapter 5

It had now been a week that Michael had been working at the Crashdown. Tonight, the three of them would be closing. Tomorrow night, Liz was off, reportedly, on a date with Max. Michael was cleaning the stove and preparing to mop the kitchen. He could hear Maria and Liz laughing and talking in the front. They were putting the chairs on the tables in preparation for a fast mopping. It took about a half hour to close up.

The girls’ mop bucket was now sitting beside the one he had used when he heard, “Hey Michael, come on in and take a break before we leave.”

Michael sat down at a table with Maria. Liz was at the fountain, “What will you have Michael, soda?” Liz pointed to the sign behind her which listed the flavors of soda, “or lemonade?”

“Make mine Lemonade, if you please,” Michael returned. He reached across to a nearby table and grabbed a spare bottle of Tabasco sauce. Tabasco sauce was not that popular in the southwest, but one customer had requested it with his steak.

Liz brought the three drinks, diet and no caffeine for herself and Maria and the lemonade for Michael. Michael stirred in a dollop of Tabasco Sauce before he started drinking it. Maria made a face. “Where did you learn to do that?” she asked.

Michael shrugged, “Somewhere in the welfare system, I guess. I lived with some pretty strange characters along the way.”

“Tell us about yourself, Michael,” Liz requested.

“There is not much to tell. I don’t remember anything before the system. I was never cute and cuddly, so I was bounced from place to place a lot. You can’t blame everything on my case officer. I guess, he was doing the best he could,” Michael related with a bit of rancor. Michael looked up. “Now, your turn,” he stated.

“Well, I live in a single parent home with my mom,” Maria started.

“That is one more than I ever had,” Michael growled.

“Yeah, well some say that my mom is a little kooky, but she is all I ever knew. She works hard at the herb shop to keep us together. The herb shop, is owned, by Mr. Parker. His grandmother left it to him. I want to be a singer someday and I sell love amulets,” Maria smiled. There, she had encapsulated her whole life for Michael to see.

Liz started, “Maria’s great grandmother and my grandmother taught Amy a lot. My great grandmother was truly a curandera and a bruja. That is a curing lady or a medicine lady, if you want, and a witch. A witch, because she believed in magic.”

Michael looked up. “Do both of you really believe in that magic stuff? How can a sweet-smelling amulet bring a lover to you?” he asked.

Maria smiled, “There has to be some attraction to start with. If you are sitting in a car making out with your girlfriend and you smell that sweet fragrance from the sachets lying between her breasts, you just naturally keep following the scent.”

Liz blushed a little, “And, as you are following the fragrance, guess where you end up? If no one gets slapped, then nature just takes its course.”

“How did that work on Kyle? Your seduction of him is the talk of the school?” Michael asked.

Liz was more than a little embarrassed, “With Kyle, you only need opportunity. A dirty sock probably would have worked just as well. His bragging was hurting our business. I just took him down a peg or two. I never was willing to go as far as he wanted me to.”

Michael looked at both of the girls. “Aren’t you giving me your secrets? What makes you think that I might not blab to everyone at school?” he asked.

“Those who have success, won’t take the chance. The unbelievers won’t listen to what anyone says. Besides, we haven’t given away all our secrets. How do you think …” Maria stopped at the frown from Liz. She had been about to say Isabel and Alex. They had promised to keep that secret.

Michael stood up and looked at Maria, “Do you need someone to walk you home?”

Maria looked at Liz and Liz shrugged and then, nodded. “Yes, Michael that would be nice,” Maria said. For tonight, that was the extent of ‘Michael charm.’

Late in the 19th century Señor Chow’s ancestors were in a coolie line being smuggled into the United States by way of Mexico. Things were bad in China, but the trip to the new world was only a slight cut above slavery. Late one night, a group of them made a break. They finally settled in Chihuahua City in Mexico. They were industrious and soon they had the industries that the Chinese had been doing for years up and running. They had laundries, tailor shops and restaurants. Señor Chow’s forbearers had taken what they remembered in oriental dishes and fixed them with what they found in Mexico. The mixture was successful. Much later Señor Chow immigrated to the States. He landed in Roswell and his restaurant was welcomed, now with the young people, especially. Señor Chow had acquired a jukebox and he made a small space for a dance floor. He also placed a couple of pool tables in the back of the restaurant.

Señor Chow knew Jeff Parker as a competitor and ally in the restaurant business. When he saw Jeff’s daughter with that shy young man, he pulled out all the stops. He placed them in a dark corner of the dining room and his waitress placed a wine bottle candlestick on the table. Wine bottle candlesticks were always fun to play with. You could break off one of the streams of wax and re-melt it to travel a new stream. Both Liz and Max were plying their skill at wax sculpture as the waitress brought the entrée. Modern Chinese cooking imported many ingredients that Señor Chow’s ancestors in Mexico did not have. Señor Chow continued the way he had learned in Mexico along with the traditional methods that were available now. There were not many restaurants which featured Mexican-Chinese cooking.

When the Señor saw that his young customers were finished eating, he placed the first quarter in the jukebox. He chose what he hoped was a romantic melody. It must have been acceptable, as Max and Liz were soon slow dancing.

Max checked out cues and a set of pool balls from the cashier. Liz hadn’t been bragging. She ran the table the first set. Liz was an expert. Of course, when trying to make a shot across the table while keeping one foot on the floor, Max steadied her. Liz, finally, scratched on the third shot of the second set. “Now, we shall see what a pro can do,” Max said.

Liz saw that He called and made some difficult shots. Maybe, she would meet her match. The restaurant was almost empty. Señor Chow had told them that in about a half hour the place would be closing. Max would have to hurry if he wanted to maintain his skill along side that of Liz.

Almost no one noticed a man wearing levies, a bulky sweat shirt and his hat pulled down over his eyes. He walked halfway back without waiting for the waitress to seat him. “The witch must not live among us,” he cried.

Everyone looked up, but all they saw was that ungainly long revolver. Where he could hide the thing was beyond any of them. They hit the floor. The strange man was targeting Liz again. This time when he fired, there was a green shield between him and the witch. His bullets seemed to just hang in the air. After six shots had been fired, the green field went down and the man barely made it out the door chased by a brilliant orange fireball. There was some burn damage to the doorway.

Señor chow came running out of the kitchen. He was carrying his short barreled shotgun. “Who the hell was that pendajo?” he yelled. He was standing in the doorway. There was no one insight. Way off in the distance you could hear a siren. One of the shop keepers had already called the sheriff. (pendajo means literally pubic hair, in the southwest it is used for fool)

You could hear the Señor mumbling in English, Spanish and even Chinese. Curse words in Chinese were all he remembered from his grandfather. “Damned Gringo, estupido carbrón,” was heard. Then, he suddenly remembered the young couple in the back room. He quickly put the shotgun down and ran back to see to their welfare. (estupido means like it sounds, that is stupid, carbrón means goat, but here it is a catch-all word for almost everything bad, from SOB to bastard. Pronounce the “b” like a “v”.)

Liz was in tears and Max was sitting beside her, holding her close. She seemed to be unhurt. About that time, the sheriff arrived.

Jim Valenti, Kyle’s father, was a second generation law man in Roswell. He fancied himself to know almost everyone in the town. He saw Max and Liz in the back room holding each other. It was obvious that they were traumatized by the event. Chow came up to the sheriff. “Damn it, Sheriff, what is with people? He don’t want no money, so it wasn’t a hold up. He just comes screaming in here and shooting up the place.” Chow was shaking his head.

A couple other customers were interviewed by the sheriff, but they all said the same as Chow. Some strange man just pulled out a long-barreled revolver and began firing. Since most of the customers were down on the floor before the first shot, they didn’t know who he was shooting at. None of them remembered what the man had screamed.

One by one, Jim dismissed each of the customers. He went back to where Max and Liz were sitting. “Miss Parker, this is the second time you might have been a target,” he said.

Max mumbled, “My father might be working on some touchy cases, I just don’t know. If he is, the man may have been after me.”

Jim nodded. He had noticed that Max had shoved something under the table. Jim would check later. “You kids better run along home. If word of this gets around, your parents will be fit to be tied until they know you are safe” Jim called to one of the deputies and asked him to take Max and Liz home. “Max, I will check with your father to see if he has any leads. Liz, I think we better, consider that this is the same man who shot you, before. I think you should be very careful.”

Jim waited until Max and Liz had left. “Hey, Chow, give me a hand, please,” Jim called.

Together they moved the table and under the base were six bullets all showing they had been fired through a barrel, but showing no deformation as having struck any thing. Jim picked them up. “Someone said he was carrying a old-fashioned western revolver. If so, we may get lucky, he is carrying six cartridges in the cylinder. That means he doesn’t know much about guns and he may report to a hospital with a stomach wound.” Old western single action revolvers were always carried with only five shots loaded. The way they were constructed, if the hammer was over the sixth chamber and it was loaded they could easily go off in the belt or holster.

Max and Liz were whispering in the backseat of the patrol car as it took them home. “Max, thank you,” she said.

“For what, Liz?” he asked guardedly.

“For not saying anything about what that dreadful man said. I remember his voice. He was calling me a witch. I think he meant it as an evil person. Max, I am not evil. Neither was my great grandmother. The term Bruja used to describe us is just that we know magical lore. We know things that modern people have forgotten. We always use it to help people,” Liz stated.

Max held her close. He still didn’t really believe in magic. Now, he did believe in powers. Liz hadn’t mentioned that at all. Max was glad he hadn’t caused any more damage when he sent a power blast at the strange man. Max noticed that through her sweater, he could see the bright glow of the medallion. It seemed even brighter than it had been the other day.
Roswell 1891
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Aliens & Witches CC, teen pg 2 ch 5 july 12 2010

Post by ken_r »

mary mary
L-J-L 76

Chapter 6

Liz was still shaking when she was talking to Maria the next morning. “That horrible man was back. He was screaming about witches and shooting at me. This time he missed. He could have hit either of us. I just do not see how he missed. Señor Chow came out with his shotgun and chased him off. Max was holding me the whole time.”

Max and Isabel were on their way to school, “What did she see, Max? Do you think she knows anything strange about you?” Isabel asked.

“I don’t think so. She didn’t mention the shield and she had no idea about the bullets on the floor. I hid them. The power blast was just reflex. I shouldn’t have done that, I know,” Max answered.

Later Max was with Michael. “I didn’t have as exciting a time as you did, Max. But I did learn a bit about Maria. She doesn’t have any powers to speak of. I can’t tell how much of that magic stuff she really believes in. I didn’t have any money, so we are going to wait until I cash my check next week to actually go on a date.” Michael was learning about Maria.

Isabel and Alex were eating lunch behind the gym where they had some privacy. Alex was very quiet and that was unusual. “What is wrong, Alex?” Isabel asked.

“I just can’t figure why someone wants to shoot Liz. She has never hurt anyone. Most people like her,” Alex mused. Isabel could see that he was very worried and distracted.

“I don’t know, Alex. The man must be deranged someway. It is frightening the way he is after Liz,” Isabel agreed.

That night the three aliens were together talking. “He isn’t that bad of a shot,” Max stated. “The bullets were very close together when they met the shield. If I hadn’t made the shield, Liz would have been dead for sure.”

“Max, as far as I can tell from Maria, the business of the herb shop is with the older Hispanics and the kids at school. None of them would be involved with something like this,” Michael related.

“Right now, Michael knows more about them than anyone else. Or maybe, you, Isabel, picked up something from Liz and Maria when you were doing business with them,” Max said.

Michael looked up, “You, Isabel, did you buy an amulet?”

Isabel laughed and drew the laced ribbon from under her sweater to show the small sachet or silk cloth. The fragrance was immediately apparent. “Yes, it is a test. I tried it on Alex and so far, it seems to be working.”

Michael turned to Max, “I suppose you have one of those, also,” he stated.

“No, Alex told me it wouldn’t work for me because Liz would be making it.” Then, Max looked a little perplexed, “I wonder if she is using one of her own on me. I didn’t feel anything strange.”

Max taking the sachet in his hand, leaned over to smell it. “It is no worse than some of the perfume I smell on some of the girls in class. It doesn’t do any thing for me,” he said.

“I should hope not,” stated Isabel. “It is made just for Alex. It only works on people who have an attraction for each other.”

“Then, I guess we need more information about who is after Liz,” Max stated.

“How can a trio of high school kids find out anything like that? If the sheriff doesn’t know who it is, then do you expect us to learn anything?” Isabel stated with a little bitterness. Sometimes, it was so unfair to be young. Of course, when she thought of Alex, being this age was just perfect.

“I will just have to stay close to Liz,” Max said as he shook his head.

The three of them were closing up the Crashdown. Michael was mopping out the kitchen, Liz was bagging the trash and Maria was carrying the bags out to the alley where they would be picked up.

Maria was slow. Liz was ahead by three trash bags. Liz looked in the kitchen to see if she had stopped to talk to Michael. “Michael, have you seen Maria?” Liz shouted.

Michael looked up, “No, maybe she locked herself out in the alley again. That had been a joke for some time. Maria taking out the trash one night while singing to herself had allowed the back door to close. Of course.` the door locked and it was too solid for those inside to hear her yells and her small fists hammering on the door. Liz had finally thought to look out in the alley and found an angry and scared Maria crying in frustration. The only damage had been that Maria was the target of jokes for the next few evenings.

Tommy Jones had been a normal young man until that day when as he was thrown from the horse; then, he had been kicked in the head. He suffered severe concussion. The doctors at the hospital treated him, but they were disturbed at some of the results they saw. They couldn’t exactly narrow things down but Tommy was not quite the same later.

Tommy still tested above average in intelligence by the school authorities. The school diagnostician said that there had developed, holes in his memory. Most things Tommy would remember one day. Then the next day he couldn’t even remember that he had known them. His mind started to drift into strange thoughts. In visual tests, it was observed that while filling out the answers, he was doodling very strange pictures. Nothing was said when he dropped out of school. He held several jobs and generally was not seen as dangerous. He was just a squirrelly young man. As he went from Job to job, he became more of a recluse. He read a lot of comic books. One series of comics was about a Witch hunter. The hero wore a broad brimmed hat which Tommy thought looked like a typical western hat, tights which Tommy had no way to acquire and went around dressed in a cloak ridding the world of witches, werewolves and vampires. Tommy had traveled to the midwest and somewhere along the way, he had flashed a group of young girls. He had no idea of why he did it, but it did give him a rush. It also attracted the cops. They never caught Tommy because he left town quickly. Back in his memory, he remembered the bizarre fact that some of the Hispanic boys he had hung out with had mentioned brujas or to his Anglo mind, witches, in Roswell. That was where he was needed.

Tommy zeroed in on, “Amy’s Shop of Hope.” First, get rid of the younger witches. They were the most active. Then, he could destroy the older witch later. His first attack was going to be made as pure as he could make it. Thus, the shooting at the Crashdown. He stood up with no encumbrance of clothes, pulling the old weapon from under his trench coat, he fired at the young witch.

Tommy had failed twice. After she survived the shooting at the Crashdown, Tommy followed her into the Chinese-Mexican restaurant. She must have hooked up with a warlock of some sort. The warlock had blocked the bullets and sent some demon to chase Tommy as he fled. Tonight, Tommy saw the other young witch alone in the alley. She had no idea that he was there. Roswell was the place Tommy should be. It was a hot bed of witches and others who practiced magic. Flashing took a lot of preparation. It was cold tonight, besides. Tommy was waiting in the alley dressed in a dark sweater and dark slacks along with his broad brimmed hat, of course, much like he had been dressed at Señor Chow’s.

Maria carried the two bags of trash easily. They were just napkins and cardboard food trays. She was thinking about Michael. He had more determination than anyone she knew. To go from the boy with the worst attendance record in school to the perfect student, just because he wanted a job, showed this. Michael was probably smarter than Maria, but he was the first person she had met who, Maria felt, had had a rougher life growing up than she had. They had a date later this week. Michael promised to take her out when he had cashed his first check. Maria was going to go easy on Michael. She would even offer to pay some of their entertainment, if he would allow her.

Maria was wondering, did she need Liz to help her make a love amulet? Things right now were going so smoothly that Maria didn’t want to chance any problems. That was when she felt the rough hands on her throat and the bad smelling breath from behind her. “So, I get to remove the second witch tonight. The first one has alluded me twice. You, my precious, will not be so lucky. They will find your body and then, Roswell will know that a witch hunter is now protecting them.” Maria was terrified. She could feel the tightening of his hand about her throat. She couldn’t scream. It was almost like a movie where someone else was being murdered. Would he break the bones in her throat rendering her without speech just before he made her dead.? Maria was sure this would be the end. Who was Michael? She would never know. What would happen to Liz? That too, would be lost, because Maria would soon die.

Michael was still joking with Liz as he opened the back door. All joking stopped when he saw the dark figure fighting with Maria. Just as Liz joined Michael at the door, Michael loosed a tremendous power blast. With Liz crowding him, Michael had trouble controlling the blast, but it was close enough to knock Tommy away from Maria. Tommy turned. There was the first witch and it looked like she had another warlock with her. This clearly showed Tommy that he was needed in this decadent town. Tommy clutched at his revolver. Tommy had stolen the old single action from his grandfather. It was the closest thing he could find which looked like the weapon used in the comic book. He pulled the revolver free and Michael hit him `with another blast, well almost hit him. Tommy did go scooting down the alley on his butt, from the concussion of the near miss. Three persons of magic were too much, even for the comic book hero. Tommy, still holding his pistol, ran.

Maria was in Michael’s arms. She was choking and clawing at her throat. “I will call an ambulance,” Liz announced.

Michael grabbed Liz. “No time,” he said. “Get a car and take me to Max,” he ordered.

“To Max, Liz screamed. “Why him?”

“How the hell do you think you survived the shooting before? Just get me to Max,” Michael insisted.

As Liz drove, she thought. None of this is logical. Well, surviving her first meeting with this crazy man hadn’t been all that logical, either, and her date with Max, she couldn’t begin to understand.

Michael reached for Liz’s purse. He took her cell phone and thumbed in Max’s number. “Max, Maria was hurt. We will be there in a few seconds.” That was all Michael said.

When they arrived, Michael, still carrying the gasping Maria, ran around to the back window. There, Liz saw Isabel in a dressing robe and Max had just finished pulling up his trousers over his boxers. Michael handed Maria off to Max and he crawled into the window. Isabel helped Liz through the window. The small bedroom was getting crowded. Max had Maria lying down on his bed and his hands were glowing. Liz saw that the skin on Maria’s neck was changing from an angry red to silver and her breathing was improving. The bedroom door was suddenly opened. Philip and Diane Evans were standing, dressed in their bathrobes looking at the crowd in the room. “What is going on, g~uys?” Philip asked.

Isabel looked up, “Mom, dad, someone tried to strangle Maria tonight. Michael thinks it was the same person who shot Liz and also tried to shoot Max and Liz last week.”

“Shouldn’t we call an ambulance?” Philip asked.

Again, Isabel stated, “Daddy, we will explain later. For now, her best chance is with Max.” Izzy could see the disbelief in her parents’ faces, but Maria started to regain her voice.

“Could I have a glass of water, please?” she begged.

Diane disappeared and returned with the water. Maria greedily reached for the water, but Max held her back. “Slowly, Maria. Slowly so it will help heal your throat,” Max cautioned.

They were all in the Evans’ kitchen. Maria had called Amy and told her that she would explain later. Max had slipped a shirt on, but he was still barefooted. Diane had made an ice pack for Maria to apply to her neck and was making hot chocolate for the rest of them. Liz helped Maria out to her car and they had departed for home. Now with just family, Max and Isabel were explaining to their parents what they should have done earlier, when they were much younger.

Tommy was sitting in a cheap hotel room. He was looking at his comic collection. The hunter had never had that much trouble ridding the world of those who practiced magic. Tommy would just have to try harder. He would watch for a while. There must be a way to get at the witches. The forces of good always prevailed.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Aliens & Witches CC, teen pg 3 ch 7 july 18 2010

Post by ken_r »

mary mary

Chapter 7

Amy was now very worried. First, she was sure that Maria wasn’t telling her the whole story. Secondly, this was the third assault on the girls, two assaults on Liz and now, on her baby. Amy was looking through a book written by Claudia. Claudia had been the owner of the herb shop when Amy had first approached the elder Hispanic women working for Claudia.

Amy was surprised when she first met Claudia, because the two Hispanic women in the shop had the demeanor of curanderas who could and would have folk knowledge to use the arts. Claudia, was an Anglo lady and Amy learned that she was also a college professor. How had she come to dabble in what usually was passed down in Hispanic families? Well the two elderly women had accepted the hippy woman with the little girl. There did not seem to be any cultural prejudice among these women. They seemed to sense those who would be able to carry on the art regardless of the bloodline.

Claudia was having medical problems. These were not problems that the curandera could help. Claudia felt that her time might be short. Someone had to carry on the lore to Liz. As partial payment for doing this, Claudia now included Maria in this inheritance. Claudia, when visiting her son Jeff, would also spend time instructing Amy. She instructed Amy to take night classes in Spanish. At first, Amy was perplexed. Then, she saw that Claudia was passing on several books written mostly in Spanish to Amy. The instructions were always to pass on the books and knowledge to both Maria and Liz. Claudia was fearful she wouldn’t live long enough to do this herself.

The Catholic church of the Hispanics in the southwest did not see the knowledge of the curanderas, as an enemy, unlike the stories Amy had been told by her grandmother about witch hunts back east by misguided individuals. Claudia explained that the devil had no place in what she taught. She wrote in her notebook that the way the curanderas saw their work, it had no more to do with the church, than the blacksmith or any other craft. The way Amy’s grandmother saw it, God should have no quarrel with what she was doing, either. The stories Amy was seeing, now, with Liz and Maria, brought back some of the fears her grandmother had related. Witch hunts were not common in the world of Brujaria.

Amy knew Jim Valenti. They had conversed more than once sitting over a cup of coffee in the Crashdown. Amy had considered making an amulet directed towards him. What had stopped her was that she had responsibilities to Maria. Did she have time for any relationship for herself? Carlos DeLuca had hurt her badly when he said he had had enough. Until Maria was grown and on her own, Amy had no intention in complicating her life. Still those coffee meetings stirred a lot in her. She wondered what they did to the sheriff.

Jim was like clockwork. Law enforcement was very unpredictable. Jim liked something in his life under his control. The coffee in the morning with the breakfast crowd at the Crashdown, was one of those things. Meeting the lovely hippy lady wasn’t predictable either, but it was pleasurable. Jim was wishing he could have more. He, too had been scarred when his wife left. He also was trying to raise a son, alone.

Today to his delight, Amy came in and sat down. She was dressed as usual in a print skirt which hung tantalizing to her slender body. She started the conversation. “Maria was attacked last night by the same person who has been stalking Liz,” Amy related.

“Did you make a report?” Jim asked.

“No, that is what I am doing now. Do you have any idea of who it is?” she asked.

Jim shook his head. “All we can come up with is that he is clearly deranged. He doesn’t have any association with Liz. She never saw him before. I am sure Maria doesn’t know him either. For a while, we hoped he was known by Max’s father. Nothing has come of that, yet,” Jim told Amy. “He seems to be following the girls from the Crashdown. I am sure he followed Max and Liz from there when they went to Señor Chow’s. I will try to have patrols come by, especially at night, maybe around closing time.”

It was in the afternoon when Maria had still a couple hours until she had to go to the Crashdown for her shift. Michael was off that night so she was the only one with a time schedule. It was becoming usual for Michael to wait for her to close. Sometimes, he even walked her to work. Michael was delighting in her company as much as she did his. “What happened, Michael?” She asked.

Michael looked away, “You were attacked by a crazy man. We chased him away and took you to Max to catch your breath.”

Maria took his face in her hands and turned it to look her in the eyes. Michael thought those eyes, he so much wanted to get lost in them. This was a totally new experience to Michael. Normally, Michael was working so hard just to survive himself, he didn’t have time to learn how to care for someone else. Now, Maria hadn’t had a very good life growing up either. She was now leaning on him for protection even though she didn’t know it yet. “Michael, I felt something like a wind blow past me and it blew the crazy man away. What was it?” Maria demanded. “Look, Liz is going to be asking Max the same thing. Too many strange things are happening around us.”

Michael now, took her face in his hands. If he had lost her before he even had really met her, he didn’t know what he would do. “Maybe, we should all meet and answer all your questions and those of Liz at the same time. This involves more than just you and me. Let us think about things until the weekend,” Michael explained.

Liz was questioning Max even deeper. He wasn’t much more forth coming than Michael had been. “Max, I was shot. I should have bled to death. There should have been several bullets in my body. Then, Max that man was closer to me than he was in the Crashdown. He fired several times. I wasn’t hit once. What gives?” she asked.

“Liz, I agree you need to know. Especially, since we have not been able to stop this guy. The secret is not only mine. I would prefer that you and Maria meet with us this weekend and let us tell our story our own way,” Max said.

“You mean you and Michael, the both of you are in this secret?” Liz queried.

Max was hesitant, “Yes and maybe, someone else. There are things we promised never to tell. Give us a chance to talk to each other and then, we will try to explain.”

Isabel was worried. Max and Michael told her that they were going to have to tell Maria and Liz the story. It had been difficult enough to tell Philip and Diane Evans. Both of the parents had been more open-minded than Isabel or Max had ever believed they could have been.

If Max and Michael spilled everything to Maria and Liz, where did that leave Isabel, she wondered? Alex was best friends with Liz and Maria. Did Isabel have the right to bring him into the secret just because the boys were telling their girlfriends? Isabel saw that the girls had found out about the strange powers while their lives were in danger. Would Alex, with this knowledge turn away from Isabel? He hadn’t suffered any trauma. Would he look for a more normal girl even though Isabel wore the amulet? What kind of guy would stand with a girlfriend who might get blasted by some crazy man or their greatest fear, a group of men in black? Isabel argued this point, because Alex had always stood by Liz and Maria.

Isabel was musing these thoughts, along with other thoughts that she was not sure she was ready for. Isabel had never in her reality thought about the feel of a guy holding her and the thought that her body could give that guy so much pleasure was a challenge. When dating the football players, Izzy mostly thought about how she could keep them from mauling her. That was also true of most of the boys in her group of friends. The girls all told stories about the fullback’s hands and ow good they felt on their breasts. The girls all bragged how they teased the boys into fits of extreme stamina as they made love. Isabel, always being careful to never mention any names, would moan and shudder as she described what she thought must be how the girls felt. Isabel tried to pretend she was just like the other girls. It would never have been accepted if they found out she was a virgin. Isabel still felt that her body was the house of a princess and someday, she would find the right prince to feel it with her. She noticed that although Alex had been chatting away as she was musing, he now was quiet. Isabel looked up into his worried face. “What is wrong, Alex?” she asked.

Tommy Jones had gone out this night to try to redeem himself. The hero in the comic never took more than one attempt to rid the world of a witch, vampire or were wolf. True, Tommy was just starting out and he was still inexperienced. To be a true hunter, Tommy needed successes soon. The boy and girl he was watching were both close to those who worked in the Crashdown. He had seen them both in the restaurant many times. If they were not a witch and a warlock they were friends of the same and they deserved to die. The streets were deserted. This would be an excellent time to strike. Tommy was making plans.

“Isabel, what was the description of the man who attacked Liz and also attacked Maria,?” Alex asked, all the while giving furtive glances right and left.

“He was thin, wearing a trench coat or a denim jacket. He had a hat pulled down over his eyes and he was carrying a long revolver,” Isabel listed for Alex.

“Houston, we may have a problem,” Alex retorted. He was alluding to a statement made by Apollo 13 when they found their space capsule had a malfunction. “Isabel, I think we have picked up a tail. I have been watching for several minutes. He appears in the light and then, disappears back in the shadows. I have been trying to walk toward a busier part of town.”

Alex had intended to walk across the park. There in the shadows he had hoped to sit at a park bench and really test out the power of the amulet. Alex hadn’t yet discovered the one that Isabel wore. If things had gone his way, he would surely have made several discoveries that night.

There was a flash of parental upbringing, which said this was punishment for having thoughts he did not have the right to possess about the girl at his side. Then, the other side of proper upbringing arose and Alex prepared to protect his girl. He had fought the boys on their first date who were trying to take Isabel away from him. Both his father and mother had always told him that if he was with a girl, he should always treat her correctly and he should always protect her. That was his part of being a man.

Now that Alex had warned her, Isabel also noticed the furtive figure which moved from shadow to shadow. This was a disappointment to Isabel also. She saw that Alex was going to cross the park and she also wanted to test her amulet. They were both going to have to wait. The first human instinct of Isabel was to reach for her cell phone. That is why her parents paid the bill and had given it to her in the first place. Then, the alien instinct that said, “Do not involve the authorities if you can help it,” took over.

Alex could see the main street just ahead. If they kept walking, they soon would be among cars and people and maybe that would give them more protection. Then, Alex heard running footsteps.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Aliens & Witches CC, teen pg 3 ch 7 july 25, 2010

Post by ken_r »

mary mary
L-J-L 76

Chapter 8

Jim had been sitting in the station. It was a slow night. Weeknights were usually like that. On weekends some of the ranch and farm hands would come to town and the construction bosses would let their laborers go to town. These men worked hard and they played hard. They had to be kept in check, but they seldom were mean or criminal. In fact, the last incident Jim had had was with a stickup artist who had tried to hold up the convenience store full of cowboys and farm hands all purchasing six packs of beer for the weekend. When the crook pulled his gun, the men took it away from him and thrashed him senseless. Then they called the sheriff who booked the man at the testimony of the clerk. The workers all just went home to the TV and their weekend games.

It wasn’t really late and Roswell didn’t have a strict curfew. If teens were seen on either side of midnight the authorities would stop and identify them. The reasons for being out would range, from getting something on the far side of the park with a hot date, to completing a science fair project. The officers tried to use sense and hurry the young people home. Calls started coming in. Shots fired near the park. Bright flashes of light were seen on the near side of the park. Someone was yelling somewhere in the park. All these calls were about the park. The three deputies and the sheriff all dispatched themselves to the park. That was where all the excitement was tonight.

When Alex suddenly saw the man in front of them approaching holding something in his hand, Alex pulled Isabel behind him. Alex shouted, “What the hell do you want?” as loud and forceful as he could. The man raised his revolver, that was what he had in his hand, hidden in the shadow.

“Witch and warlock must not be allowed to live.” This time, Alex heard him clearly. This man was completely off his trolley.

Alex was firmly holding Isabel. All she could do was lean around him and create a green shield as the Crazy man fired his weapon. As soon as he quite firing, Isabel sent a power blast right at him. She missed a direct hit because of the way she was trying to reach around Alex. The blast knocked the man down, but he was quickly up and running. He had just had another failure.

Unlike Kyle, Alex wasn’t a gun expert but even he knew that an old fashion revolver only held five or six shots. Alex released Isabel and took out after the man. Alex had taken several years of self-defense classes. He intended to make his teacher proud. The only thing was, that his mentor always cautioned to never give into anger. Alex had every intention of smashing that man’s face into the ground until he would not be recognizable. This man had shot Liz. He had attacked Liz again, and he had tried to strangle Maria. Alex had heard the words, “allowed to live.” If Alex had his way, he would show the man who had the right to live.

Alex had never played football. Alex was a geek, not a jock. He was gaining on the crazy man. He was only an arm’s length from him. Alex made a flying tackle. He caught the man around the ankles, but he did not nail him. The crazy man leaned over and struck Alex across the head with the pistol. Everything for Alex went white and then, red as the pain mounted.

Alex woke up in the lap of a kneeling Isabel. His face could feel her warm thighs through the dress. Her cool hands were caressing his features. Isabel was crying as she stroked his lips, cheeks and forehead. He flinched, causing her to remember that he had been struck there. All the while, Alex could smell a delicious fragrance. As she bent over him and her breasts caressed him, the fragrance became stronger. Now, he could hear sirens and see, out of the corner of his eye, red lights approaching. Even through the terrible pain, Alex thought he was in heaven, he was being held by his Isabel.

On his arrival, Jim was informed that the crazy man had tried to hurt Alex and Isabel. Somehow, he had missed and when Alex was sure the weapon was empty he gave chase. Alex had brought the man down, but then, the man had struck Alex on the head. The crazy man had, once again, escaped. Jim knew that this might be a good story, but it didn’t line up with a single one of the phone calls. Jim would say nothing tonight, but soon, he really wanted the truth. Sooner than later this crazy man was going to get lucky. Someone was going to get killed.

Jim didn’t give anyone a choice. He dispatched Alex to the hospital and Jim, personally, took Isabel home. Jim reported to Philip Evans that the crazy man had, this time, attacked Isabel. Jim, also, put in a word for Alex. “Alex, the boy with her, fought him off. He is at the hospital with a slight concussion. Nothing serious, he will just need some rest.”

Tomorrow would be Saturday. Max had promised, along with Michael, to tell everything. He and Michael had practiced over and over what “everything” would be. Liz’s parents were putting pressure on her to be more careful, when on dates. That made the dates not very long as the Crashdown closed at eight o’clock at night and both parents insisted they be home by ten. Michael was informed that the date he had been saving up for would be in the afternoon and he had to be on his way home before nightfall. Alex had it a bit easier. He was allowed to come over to the Evans’ home about six in the evening and his parents would expect him home by ten. So far, there had been no daytime attack, except that first afternoon in the Crashdown. The park was crowded so the families felt that the young people would be safe there that afternoon.

Max was the first to arrive. He figured that Maria, Michael and Isabel would be there soon. Liz had called to say that she would be a little late. Her father insisted on driving her to the park. Max was surprised that Isabel brought Alex to the meeting. Alex was still wearing his wrist-band, from the hospital.

Max started at the beginning. The Evans family found the two children walking beside the road in the desert, they adopted us. Michael was found out on some ranch and we didn’t find him until grade school. By this time, he had been made a ward of the state. The three of us learned that we were different and we had powers that normal children didn’t.”

About that time, Liz arrived. “Hey, guys what did I miss?” she asked.

“Max, Isabel and Michael were explaining how they were found in the desert,” Maria explained. Then, she turned to Max, “What can you do that we can’t?”

Instead of Max, it was Isabel who answered, “Well, you have seen that we can heal. Some of us better than others,” she said pointing to Max. “We have some sort of power that we can use for defense. All of this seems to be related, somehow, to the fact that we can change molecular structure.”

Maria shook her head, “Look, don’t call me stupid, but I only took the science that they made me. What do you mean by change molecular structure?”

Isabel nodded. If this hadn’t concerned her, she wouldn’t have studied it, either. The explanation was for people like Liz and Max. “Look at it this way, Maria. We can make things change form or appear to change form.”

Maria nodded. She, maybe, could wrap herself around that given time. She didn’t want to go any deeper in that discussion. “Can anyone else besides you three use powers?” Maria asked.

Michael and Max both looked at Isabel. Isabel said, “We haven’t found anyone yet. As far as we know, we are the only ones who use these powers. We were watching both of you. You seem to have abilities of some kind.”

Maria looked at Liz. Liz just shook her head and said, “My great grandmother was a curandera. She also dealt in spells. She taught my grandmother who was a college professor studying Hispanic lore. Grandmother Claudia married into the family. Her husband, grandpa Alejandro, didn’t live long. My father was 12 when grandpa Alejandro died. Grandmother Claudia passed what she learned, on to Maria’s mom and then, to Maria and me. The curandera is mostly a woman who makes the medicinal use of herbs. It is folk medicine that people used before medical insurance and emergency rooms. The bruja part is another question. Everything we do in a spell is something that the subject wants to do. That is why love amulets only work if the couple are inclined toward each other.” Liz was explaining things that she had thought through for many years.

Max looked at Liz. “There is no more than just encouraging people to do what they want to do anyway?” he asked.

“Mostly, and we build up self-esteem to where they will follow their dreams,” she added.

No one saw Maria give her a perplexed look. Liz thought that was okay; she had no intention of giving away all of their secrets. For generations, Brujas had depended on their craft completely to be seen as benevolent and benign. Since the nonsense with the witch hunter, Amy had been lecturing both girls in some of the darker sides of their great grandmother’s craft. She had stressed that the curses she would teach should never be used in anger, but only for protection.

Max looked very closely at Liz, “Did you use a love amulet on me?” he asked.

Liz was taken back for a few seconds. “Max, even if I did, didn’t you hear that it wouldn’t work unless you wanted it to. You would have had to want to go out with me. The answer is that, no, I didn’t use an amulet.”

Alex now, looked at Liz. “You used amulets on both me and Isabel. Wasn’t that unfair?”

Maria groaned, “Alex, you had been begging for an amulet ever since you first saw Isabel. You two could burn the amulets and you both would do just fine. I advise you not to do so. There may still be things you need to discover in each other. Following the amulets might reveal these secrets to two determined lovers.”

That statement and promise would guarantee that neither Alex nor Isabel would rid themselves of any chance to discover further depths in each other. Max listening, thought. Liz and Maria were still both, consummate (skillful) con artists. But, their intentions were good.

Michael didn’t say anything. He did not believe in the amulets at all. He also saw no reason to set himself up like Kyle had done. He was really liking what he learned about Maria and he did not want anything to change that. Besides, what if she did have more power than she admitted. Arguing was not the way for him to discover it. Better to find out about what Maria could in the privacy of dating.

Later that night, Max and Isabel were talking. “Do you think she was telling us everything?” Isabel asked.

Max shook his head, “No, I think she knows more. Remember, we didn’t tell them everything, either. You mentioned nothing about dream walking. There is still that medallion that she wears. Sometimes, it glows very bright. She says it is to bring protection. I don’t think she even really understands that.”

That night after work, Maria and Liz were told by Jeff, that Amy wanted them to see them. Amy had been working all day in the back of he herb shop. She had several notebooks open and she had two Spanish-English dictionaries opened. Amy pointed to a carefully inked picture of a thin man with a hat pulled low over his eyes, who was carrying some sort of long rod. Under the Picture was the label, "El llamado 'sin-nombre’” Sin-nombre, no name, that was a caricature of the man who had tried to shoot Liz. Amy pointed to the entry in the notebook. Elena Guadelupe,1650 Anno Domini. That was a writing from someone distantly related to Carlotta.

Liz was the first to speak. “That looks just like the man who is trying to kill us. How can that be if the drawing is from 1650?”

Amy spoke up. “Liz, of course it is not the same man. This is just a warning that there will always be someone out there who brings danger to our craft.” Elena Guadalupe, just is warning us that the man with no name is always there. It must be a coincidence that he resembles the drawing.” Amy frowned and said so quietly they were not even sure what she said, “Maybe, there is something deeper in this,.”

“Alex grabbed the man who tried to attack him. It wasn’t a ghost,” Maria said.

Amy pointed to four small sachets. “Tomorrow before school, I want you to bury one of these at each corner of our building. We are fighting a real being, but it won’t hurt to prepare against any non-real beings either.” The sachets smelled pretty bad. Liz had no idea of what was in them.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Aliens & Witches CC, teen pg 3 ch 8 Aug 1, 2010

Post by ken_r »

mary mary

Chapter 9

Tommy Jones was walking the streets of Roswell. It was dark and most of the tourists and locals had gone to what ever their destinations were to be. Tommy was keeping to the shadows. The hero in the comics said he walked in the shadows and was not visible to evil men. Tommy had reread every one of his comics. He was sure now that given a chance he could kill a witch. Tommy was proud of his ability to slink through the streets without the evil men finding him. Suddenly, a black van pulled beside him. Tommy bolted. He ran into a fist which struck his stomach knocking all the air out of him. Tommy felt the prick of the needle and then he felt only peace. Tommy was asleep.

This division of the special unit was so secret that they didn’t even know each other’s names. They all went by colors chosen by computer so no other agent knew their true identies. The computer must have had a artificial intelligence sense of humor. The head of the unit was a large African American assigned to be Mr. White. Second –in-command was a red faced Norwegian man named Mr. Black. The rest of the crew went on like that, Mr. Blue, Mr. Green, Mr. Red and Mr. Brown. Incidentally Mr. Brown was named Ed Brown for real.

When Tommy woke, up he was strapped to a table. Wires and tubes were running under the sheet which covered him. He didn’t have much feeling so he couldn’t tell where the wires and tubes ran.

Mr. White stood before him. “What is your interest in our aliens?”

“Aliens,” Tommy shouted. I don’t care about aliens! I am trying to kill the nest of witches.

Mr. Blue leaned over to Mr. White. “Isn’t the correct term coven of witches?” he asked.

Mr. White glared at him and continued to look at Tommy. “Tell us about the witches, ah…” he looked at his notes, “Tommy.”

“They are mine! I was chosen to destroy the witches,” screamed Tommy.

“That is okay Tommy. We just want to know more about the witches you have been chosen to destroy,” Mr. White stated patting the immobile young man on the shoulder.

“You won’t take them away from me?” Tommy asked.

Mr. White looked at his associates and rolled his eyes. “No, Tommy, we may be interested in the others, what do you call them?” he asked.

“Warlocks, they are protecting the witches. I think they are too strong for me,” Tommy signed. In his mind, he was beginning to think that he wasn’t going to succeed as a witch hunter. Witch hunting had been the first thing that he had believed in for a long time.

Mr. White tried to sound sympathetic. “Yes, Tommy the warlocks may be too strong for anyone except a team of experienced agents. Ah… I mean a team of professional witch hunters. We don’t want to take you away from the witches you have been called to remove, but you may need help with the others. That is why we are talking to you. Maybe, we can work together.”

Tommy looked at his bonds, “Then why am I tied down?”

Mr. White, looked at Mr. Blue and nodded. Blue had injected Tommy with a healthy dose. If Tommy tried to use his limbs for any fast movement, he would probably fall flat on his face. Mr. Blue leaned over and released the straps which held Tommy to the bed. “Tommy, I hope you understand that we had to be sure of you. Witches can take many forms. We have to test every one to see if they are like us or not,” Mr. White stated.

Tommy sat up and blinked his eyes. He knew that he had just started out in his profession. He wondered how the witch hunter in the comics had started out. Was there some college for witch hunters or something? Maybe, you started out with someone who had experience and they became your mentors. There had to be someway to learn the trade.

With promises that they would support him, Tommy, was led by Mr. Brown to the outside. Mr. White said as soon as Brown had returned, “He clearly is a nut case. He may prove useful. If he continues to stalk the two girls then the aliens will not expect us. We can grab all three of them at one time. Pierce will be happy that his special-special unit works so well.”

Tommy was outside. He felt relieved. Carrying out a quest alone was hard. Now, he had someone to ask for help. That was what that big man said, wasn’t it? What was his name, Mr. White or something?

For Tommy, everything started back at the Crashdown. That was where the older witch had her herb shop. There was some attraction to Tommy about that place. Way back in his mind, he should know all about them. If they saw him sneaking around, they would think of him as a man with no name. Sin-nombre, now, where had that phrase come from?

That Sunday, Amy talked to Jeff. He agreed that she was right. The girls needed to attend mass. They were going to face some powerful forces and he didn’t want either of them to loose their way. Jeff had no ability in the arts but he knew that his mother had prepared Amy to pass on all the lore she had learned to both girls. Mother Claudio was Jewish. The arts she had learned were Hispanic and Native American. It would be best, in this case, to follow further Hispanic traditions. What Amy taught the girls about the magic did not have evil or demons in it. Most of the familiars, who aided the Brujas, were natural, like skunks or other animals or insects. Some of them, like the guardians, were on the borderline of natural. They were things the usual person would never meet. When curried and nurtured they were protectors. There was no evil in them, just fierce loyalty to what they were created for, like a big guard, dog but smaller and maybe more powerful.

Amy had drilled into the girls that as they studied that they were not looking for demons or devils. If in their studies they were to find any, they were to avoid them. She hoped thatgrounding them in firm convictions of religious faith representing good, would prevent that. Amy had been raised Catholic by her grandmother back east. Her grandmother was always careful about the Church because of the tales of witch hunting that surrounded it. She did, though, believe that anyone practicing the arts must also have a strong faith to avoid those who were evil, that they might meet.

After mass, Amy had both girls busy reading about influencing things that ordinary people didn’t see. Liz wondered how much this was like what Max thought of as powers. Right now, they were studying about guardians. The four sachets that they had placed around the Crashdown building were guardians.

It was late and the restaurant was closing. Tommy knew what to expect and he, also, knew that the warlock would be guarding the young witch. Tommy cowered under the trash he had piled up at the side of the alley. If he didn’t make any movement, they wouldn’t see him; he was sure.

The back door opened and Michael stepped out. He was prepared, but nothing seemed out of place. He stepped back in the restaurant and picked up two bags of trash. He was followed by Maria also carrying two bags. They pilled the bags in their dumpster. They saw that old man Garcia had pilled his trash in the alley again. Maria knew that Mr. Garcia had arthritis, but she wished he could somehow manage to get his trash into his dumpster. As Michael was walking Maria back to the door, he saw movement. “Maria, look there is something there,” he said.

Sure enough, there were shadows moving at the end of the alley. “Michael, it is probably just stray cats looking for scraps maybe a rat or two,” Maria answered. They closed the door.

Tommy felt movement. He had heard the witch talking about stray cats. He hated cats. Weren’t they always companions of witches? Tommy kicked at whatever was at his feet. He was rewarded by a squeal. Damned animal of the devil, it served it right to be approaching a renowned witch hunter. The squeal from the small black and white animal quickly attracted it’s mother. As Tommy emerged from the trash he was using for a hiding place, momma skunk zeroed in that Tommy, was what made her kitten squeal. Momma switched ends and let go. The babies all learning from Momma by example, added their small part.

Tommy tried to enter his hotel room. The night clerk smelled him the second he opened the door. He pointed Tommy to an alley. There, the clerk gave him a tub of water and a gallon of tomato juice. Tommy spent most of the night trying to be decent enough to get into his room.

Michael wrinkled up his nose. “What the hell is that?” he asked.

Liz shrugged and Maria answered, “That is one of the guardians going off. Michael that man was in the alley tonight when we were out there.”

Maria was thinking Amy had told them that the best tools of the bruja were those of nature. That is why a bruja would treat all animals with kindness.

The radio buzzed. White pushed the talk button. “White here,”

“I don’t know how much that Tommy character is going to help us. There was one alien with the girls tonight and Tommy was hiding in the alley. We don’t know what happened, but someway, he ran into a skunk,” Mr. Green reported.

Maria and Amy shared a small house a few streets away from the Crashdown. When Amy smelled the skunk, she opened the book on her night stand to page where the use of animals was discussed. This part of the book had been translated. It detailed the proper ingredients to invoke the help of brother and sister skunk. Amy was proud of herself that she had made the guardian just right.

Jeff was not so kind. The skunk went off right below his window. He got up and closed the window. “Damned skunks, we are going to have to get animal control over here to take care of them,” he mumbled.

Nancy could be heard to say, “Don’t let Liz hear you say that. Remember she thinks all animals have a place in our world.”

“Well, that place is not cavorting about below my window,” Jeff mumbled as he pulled up the covers.

“Max, you wouldn’t think it, but they may have something with that magic thing. Maria told me about burying the little bags they called the guardians. They put one at each corner of the building. Last night, Maria and I put out the garbage. I looked really carefully, before we went out side. The alley was empty of any living thing as far as I could tell. A little later, the most gawd-awful smell and Maria just says, ‘Michael, that man was in the alley when we were taking out the trash.’ If he was, they surely gave him ‘what fore.’ Later,During Liz told me magic can be just being kind to something and it will return the favor.”

During in-service days at school, the teachers had to attend meetings and the students had the day off. That meant they had a night to stay up late and a morning to sleep in. As the young people were closing up, Max was waiting for Isabel and Alex, Jim Valenti came in. Now it wasn’t that Jim Valenti was a big man, he wasn’t. He was an imposing man. His slender build and his icy stare, Jim could and did, quite often, walk up to bar fights and quietly ask who wanted to go home to sleep with their wife or who wanted to piss blood at the nearby hospital. It was that self-assuredness that made him a lawman. This was more than just a cop. This was a man you talked to when you had trouble. Amy, in her fits of admiration, said he would make a perfect brujo. He had that air about him that said “Things will work out like I say they will.”

Maria set a cup of coffee out for him. He had arrived just before they had shut down the coffee maker. They all were nervous. Jim did that to people who had secrets. When Isabel and Alex came in the closed café, both laughing and joking around, they froze when they saw him. “Guys, now that you are all here lets put our cards on the table.” He turned to Maria and Liz. “That skunk trick the other night was cute. I remember dad talking about that, when some tax man was sniffing around Carlotta and Stuart’s place long ago. Seems Carlotta thought he was being too bold so she set a passel of skunks on him. I had forgotten that until I smelled that stench in the alley. By the way, did your father know that you set that up?” he inquired.

Liz and Maria slowly shook their heads. “Mom made the guardian. She was sure the man would hang around the Crashdown. I guess she was right,” Maria stated.

“Ah yes, Amy DeLuca, the hippy girl from back east. Strange that she would end up with Carlotta’s legacy. I suppose she is giving it to the both of you?” Jim said in the form of a question.

The two girls nodded. Then, Jim went on. “That explains some things, but there are others. For instance, those calls about the park were about flashes of light and shooting. I guess we can answer the shooting. Freddie the flasher was doing all of that. Now we ask, how did he miss so many times? If he is that bad of a shot, why doesn’t give up on guns? There is more somewhere.” Jim took out the six bullets. “These bullets have gone through a barrel of a pistol. The smart boys at the state lab say the barrel was an old Colt 45 cowboy gun. They wanted to know how I collected the bullets with out damaging them at all. Max, these are the bullets you hid under the table at Señor Chow’s.”

Jim gave them all a few seconds to think. “Now, look guys, I don’t remember old Carlotta ever doing anything with bullets, so I think that part was not from Liz or Maria. Flashing lights and bullets all seem to be different from Carlotta’s folk magic. So, there must be more. Guys, Freddie the Flasher is going to kill someone if only by accident. I would like to help, but that takes trust. I just hope it isn’t some bystander who gets hurt.” The sheriff stood to leave at the door he turned, “By the way, there is something else. There have been some black SUVs in town with government plates. We have run a couple of them through the investigation files. They come back classified. One of them was seen near the Crashdown just before that skunk episode. Be careful, if you have more enemies than Freddie, they may be getting together.” With that, the sheriff left. He had planted a seed. Now, he had to see if it would grow.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Aliens & Witches CC, teen pg 4 ch 9 Aug 8, 2010

Post by ken_r »

mary mary

Chapter 10

There were four of them in the Evans’ living room. The three aliens and Alex. The girls were safely at home. “What does the black SUV mean?” Alex asked.

Max made a face. “We have always been afraid of the government. We think they killed or imprisoned the survivors of the crash before we emerged. No one would send a shipment of children without some sort of supervision. There should have been someone to tell us about growing up. We have always kept a very low profile. This business with Freddie is just making us too noticeable. No one as crazy as Freddie would be part of he government, but what if the government somehow got hold of him. What would he tell them?” Max was wondering.

“Well, the sheriff was offering to help,” Alex said.

Isabel shuddered, she had feared the sheriff all of her life. “Question, Alex who would he help? His daddy was the most ardent alien hunter in the southwest according to stories. How does he feel?” She asked.

Michael spoke up for the first time. “We have never asked for help and we don’t need help. We have done just fine, so far, against Freddie. I wonder what his real name is? We will continue doing just fine with our own resources.”

Alex spoke up again. “But, if something were to happen to Liz or Maria, how would you all feel? What if some little kid gets shot by Freddie by mistake?”

Max just shook his head. “Alex is right, if something were to happen to Liz and I hadn’t done all I could to protect her, I couldn’t face it. Michael don’t tell me that you could bare to loose Maria? I know you couldn’t. As for accidents, Freddie is just heading for a mistake somewhere.”

They would wait for the moment to see what happened.

Freddie, or we mean Tommy, stayed away from the Crashdown. He had been back there once since the skunks and he had seen creatures running in the shadows. He was sure that these were familiars or animal spirits who surrounded the witches. Tommy wanted no more of those smelly animals. He watched the older witch. She had a home a few blocks from the restaurant. He also watched one of the younger witches being walked home by one of the warlocks. Recently, the older witch had driven a car to pick up the young one. They took the warlock home several times also. Tommy learned that the warlock did not stay with the witches. This must be the next point of Tommy’s attack. It was the warlock who had stopped Tommy so many times. The first time Tommy was sure he had hit the witch. It was just bad luck that she was saved in the hospital.

Amy woke up at midnight. She lay there for several minutes trying to understand what woke her up. There was a general uneasiness about the night. She decided to just lay there and think to see if it would go away. ‘Let’s see what should we think about. How about the sheriff? That was a pleasant topic. Amy wasn’t even 21 when she and Carlos came to Roswell. Like many southwestern communities being exposed to the counter culture of the hippy movement, the young people were divided between cowboy and those who tended to the new culture. Of course, there were a majority of young people who were headed for college, their degree and jobs to have families and continue the process in perpetuity. These youths hardly knew of the conflict going on under their collective noses. Jim was about the same age as Amy and he was just waiting until he reached 21 and could join the police force like his father.

To their credit, neither side was mean. They just harassed each other. At first when she arrived, even though she was with Carlos, some of the cowboys gave her a bad time. Jim wasn’t one of those. Later when she was obviously pregnant, Jim was the most out spoken about leaving her alone. The sudden disappearance of Carlos put a different light on her. The town fathers expected her to go on welfare like so many of the others in the counter movement. No welfare for Amy. She looked hard for work. Now, her daughter was four and she wanted a solid foundation for her to grow up in. Once Amy was accepted by the elderly Hispanic ladies at the herb shop, Amy became a member of the community. Her daughter was in school and she still had fond memories of the young man who soon became a deputy.

Amy felt something moving outside. She heard a crow or raven calling. Now those birds didn’t call at night. There was something un-natural about in the night. She couldn’t explain to another, but it was like the creature moving was making a breeze which whiffed by her face. Amy got up and standing well back, she watched the yard below. Yes, there was something slinking between the bushes. Amy dialed the police.

A very sleepy Jim answered the phone. He had been late working on reports. “Sheriff’s office,” he answered.

“Jim, this is Amy. There is someone hiding in the bushes near my house. Could you have someone give it a look?” she asked.

Sleep fell from the sheriff’s eyes as he hurried from the office. He called one of the midnight patrols to meet him at Amy’s place. As they both arrived, Jiim turned on his spot light. There in the beam was a slender man with a broad brimmed hat. In the light, his wild eyes took on a red glow. Jim knew that it was just the spot light, but the guy surely looked sinister. Jim swung out of the patrol car and shouted, “Police, stop.”

The man drew the longest revolver the sheriff had ever seen and let off a round at the squad car. Jim ducked, but did not return fire. A gunfight in a residential neighborhood was the last thing he wanted. When the flash of the gunshot disappeared, the man had also.

Jim knocked on Amy’s door. “It was the flasher, all right. Amy either he is again targeting Maria or maybe he now is after you. Amy, I need the kids to come clean with me. They know something else. Things are way out of hand. I need all six of them to tell me all they know. Amy, this fellow has got to be caught,” Jim stated. As he turned to go, “I don’t know as I would recommend those skunks again, but if you have any real good Magic, I would look into setting up something around your own house.

At breakfast Amy turned to Maria. “We had company, last night.” She said.

Maria looked and questioned. “Who was it, mom? I was asleep and I didn’t hear anything except for a firecracker sometime late.”

“It wasn’t a firecracker, Maria. The crazy man was sneaking in our back yard,” Amy informed her. “Jim Valenti came by and chased him off. He fired a shot at Jim. Maria, Jim claims he thinks you have more information about this person. If you do, you must tell the police as soon as possible. He is coming to our home now. Maria, this is getting way too far out of hand.”

Maria nodded. She could tell all that she and Liz knew with no problem but to tell about the other three she felt she needed their permission and she knew the paranoia that Michael felt.

Hanson was a deputy with Jim Valenti. He had heard of he black SUVs that the department was all talking about. He was driving in a residential part of town when he saw one of the SUVs right in front of him. There was a group of students walking down the street. Hanson couldn’t see who they were. The SUV was moving slowly. It clearly was observing the students. So intent was the driver of the truck that the he blew a stop sign. This wasn’t a serious infraction, but the department wanted information and this was a way to get it. Most drivers when caught just mailed in the $100 and said no more about it.

At his siren the SUV pulled over. Hanson called the information on the truck in to the radio and then he taking his ticket book approached the driver’s side. “Driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance, please.” He asked.

The front passenger reached for the glove box. Hanson pulled back and his hand covered his semi auto Glock. No one in the truck seemed to notice. When he had the three papers in hand, Hanson returned to his police car. The driver’s name was Alfred, Blue. The registration was federal and the proof of insurance was from some government organization.

Hanson returned with the ticket written out and the papers to return. He handed the papers to the driver who returned them to the glove box and Hanson handed him his driver’s license along with the clip board so he could sign the ticket. Hanson put on his friendliest face. “You fellows are strangers, what are your names.” Hanson knew he didn’t have valid reason to ask this but sometimes you just got lucky.

There was some mumbling but the passenger answered, “My name is Robert Green.”

Hanson heard from the rear seat, “I am William Red and this is Edward Brown.”

Hanson tore off the receipt and said, “Gentlemen just be careful.” Hanson pointed to the young people who were now way ahead of them. “Kids don’t think. You have to be extra careful when you are driving near them.” With that the SUV took off and Hanson hurried back to the office to see Jim.

Chapter 11

“Jim, I didn’t see them that clearly, but I think the kids they were following were the Crashdown bunch and their friends. Those names they gave. I would like to have had due cause to collect all of their identities, Blue, Red, Green and Brown. Those aren’t even creative,” Hanson explained.

Alex was waiting for Isabel, He had been standing for several minutes. A totally non descript man in a black suit stepped up to him. He flashed a badge. The did it so quickly that Alex barely saw that it was FBI. “Alex Whitman, son of Captain Charles Whitman, US Army Reserve,” the man asked.

Alex nodded.

“We want to ask you about these three people.’ He produced photographs of Max, Isabel and Michael. “Do you know them?”

Again Alex just nodded.

“What can you tell me about them?” the man asked. Alex couldn’t see his eyes behind the dark glasses.

“They are being threatened by a crazy man,” Alex answered.

“Does he say anything when he threatens them?” the man asked again.

“No, he has shot one of our friends and tried to attack several of the others. That is all I know bout them. He tried to attack me once, also,” Alex stated.

The man seemed content with this, “All right, son. If you hear any thing strange about any one please contact us. Give my regards to your daddy.” With that he was gone. Alex thought it was strange that the man gave him no card or anything to tell him how to get in contact with him.

The man had been gone for several minutes when Isabel made her appearance. She saw that Alex was worried. “What is wrong?” she asked.

Alex turned to her, “Let me borrow your cell phone a minute, Isabel.” Alex called his father to come pick them up.

Alex and Isabel were sitting in the back seat of the Whitman’s car. “Dad he knew my name and that you were a Captain in the Army Reserve. He was asking questions about Isabel, Michael and Max. I just told him about the crazy man. I don’t think that is what he wanted.” Alex had always found it easy to talk to his father. The old man seldom seemed to judge him and usually, he listened pretty closely.

Charles turned toward Isabel. “And, you, young lady, do you have any idea why that crazy men attacked you?”

Isabel shook her head. She had always assumed that the attack had something to do with Liz, Maria and the Crashdown.

Alex walked Isabel to her door and when he returned to the car he sat up front with his father. “Do you like her, son?” Charles asked.

Alex nodded, “Yeah, she is the first girlfriend I ever had.”

“Well take care of her, son. She is mighty special,” Charles responded.

Alex hoped for more, but his father when he had said his piece was not inclined to idle chit-chat.

The three aliens and their three human friends were all gathered in Michael’s apartment. His foster father had long since drunk himself into his nightly stupor so there was little chance of being bothered. Maria spoke first. “The sheriff wants to know more about the Freddie the Flasher. The man showed up at mom’s house the other night and fired at the sheriff when mom called him for help. He told mom that he thought we knew more than we were telling.”

Alex spoke up, “There was something strange about a man dressed in a black suit. He questioned me the other day. He knew who I was and I think he knew my dad. If I am right, he was following us in a SUV, one evening, when the sheriff’s office stopped him.”

Michael spoke up. “I thought everyone was satisfied that the crazy person was after Liz and Maria for some reason.”

Alex answered, “He wasn’t throwing marshmallows at Isabel the other night.”

Max replied thoughtfully, “What if two sets of enemies have joined forces? What if now it is all six of us who are wanted by both the crazy man and the black SUV men?”

Liz took out a small bag. In it were four tiny bags all tied with a bow knot. “Amy made these. She won’t let Maria and me work with this. Wear it around your neck. Take it off when you shower. It can’t be allowed to get wet. If you are personally attacked yank the bag off and pull the bow knot. You might feel slight discomfort, but nothing like an attacker would,” Liz instructed. She passed out the small bags and they saw that each of their names were printed on individual bags.

Michael hefted his bag, “What is in here Liz?” he asked.

“Michael, all I can tell you is it won’t call skunks this time,” Liz answered.

Max had no hesitation. He put his head through the string that held the bag. Isabel looked at Liz and then, at Alex. Alex had already placed the string holding his bag over his head and the bag was resting against his chest under his shirt. Only Michael was slow in taking the…what ever it was. Liz leaned close to him and whispered. “It is a guardian, just like we used at the Crashdown, but no skunks.”

Michael had to laugh at that. If he was in trouble, a couple of friendly skunks wouldn’t be run off.

It was almost a week later. They were supposed to have a meeting tonight. Nothing had been seen of Freddie the Flasher. Poor Tommy, Jones didn’t ever know that he now had an official title. The sheriff was keeping tabs on the black SUVs. Except for annoying his officers by not breaking any laws, they were not doing anything. Max was running late. He had been talking with his father about the men in black. Philip was going to look into that. Max was on the far side of the park. He had cut through the trees and was approaching one of the side streets that ran along side the park.

Suddenly, Max felt the worst feeling he had ever experienced. He lost all control of his body. His arms were failing and his legs were kicking. He felt the warm wetness, that embarrassingly enough was his bladder letting go. Somewhere he heard Liz’s voice. “If you are attacked someway pull the tie string of the little bag.”

A human probably couldn’t have done it. Yea, for aliens! Max with the last bit of strength, reached inside his shirt and pulled at one of the strings. It gave way just as Max lost consciousness.

Mr. Blue and Mr. Green, stepped out of the bushes where they had been hiding. They were both carrying TASERs. TASERs were invented as non-lethal weapons for police work. Non-lethal unless you had a weak heart, were extremely scared or any number of things which weakened your hold on life. They had been invented for police use, but before an officer could check one out, he had to experience the TASER himself. Some of the younger officers underwent this experience, but most of the officers just slapped their nightstick in their palm and replied, “No, thank you, ma’am.” The criminal and those who were operating on the edge of the law embraced it.

Blue and Green walked up to Max. He had fallen unconscious, “Don’t suppose we killed him, do you?” Green asked.

“Nawh, he is young and in good health. We probably scared him so bad he fainted. Look, he even wet his pants. Suddenly, there is a cloud of smoke coming from his shirt. Something got set afire,” Blue replied.

They bent over Max and then they were struck by a coughing fit. Both men thought their lungs were on fire. They fell and were scratching their necks.

Maria and Liz both jumped up, “Someone just released Max’s guardians,” Liz exclaimed.

Michael stood up. “Where is he? I will go get him.”

Maria grabbed him. “No, Michael, his guardians only know him. They see you, they will attack you as well. Only Liz and I can reach him. You can help carry him after we get him away from the guardians,” She explained.

All five of them ended up running out of the apartment. Liz or Maria would look up and then point as they sensed the direction of the guardians. They came upon the scene where Max was lying quietly on the ground. There was a dark cloud above him. Two men were bouncing around on the ground and trying to scream, but they were making no noise. Maria stopped the group. “From now on, it is just Liz and me,” she said.

Liz reached in her pocket and drew out two charms. The rest couldn’t see what they were. She tossed one to Maria and they slowly approached. The cloud swarmed around them, but it did them no harm. Maria grabbed one arm and Liz the other and they dragged Max from under the cloud. With Alex’s help, they hoisted Max to Michael’s shoulder. The group quickly departed. “Isabel,” Liz called. “call emergency 911 and report two men choking in the park.” The doctors would treat this like a poisoning and that would probably be correct. The guardians should all die when they sensed that Max wasn’t near them anymore.

To Michael’s relief, Max regained consciousness before they were back to the apartment. He managed to walk the rest of the way supported by Michael and Alex. They sat him down in a chair until he could get up and go into the bathroom to clean up. When he returned, he was wearing a pair of Michael’s pants. Michael turned to Maria, “All right babe, what was all that cloud stuff?”

Maria looked at Liz and said, “That was the guardian. It was tuned to Max only. When he released it, the guardian only knew that anyone except Max was probably an enemy. The Guardian is related to dozens of pollens and other allergenic compounds. It has been resting against Max’s chest and it has something of Max in its make up. That is why it protected him.”

Max could now talk. “What do you mean part of me?” Max asked.

Liz looked up. “Amy collects things of people. She had me steal one of your old toothbrushes. Isabel, I took some hair samples out of a hair brush one time.”

Maria turned to Michael. “When you cut your self, the other day, I took the Klenex you were holding around the cut until you made it stop bleeding.” Then, she turned to Alex. “I think Liz and I have enough of you to make another Alex, if we needed to,” she said half in jest.

Isabel spoke up. “Why didn’t the guardians or whatever you call them attack you?”

“Because the guardians recognize the charms that Amy made for us. They thought that Maria and I help create them, even though Amy did all the work. They wouldn’t turn on their mothers,” Liz answered.

Alex spoke up. “Why would you want to make another me?” he asked.

Liz patted him on the shoulder. “We won’t do that Alex, but maybe if you loose a finger we can grow you a news one, she said. Alex wondered at the twinkle in her eyes if she was still joking or not.

Michael was thinking. “I still find this magic stuff hard to believe,” he stated.

“Well space boy, that green shield stuff and those fiery power blasts are not in the believability section of the dictionary, either,” Maria responded.

Isabel looked at Liz. “I was about to believe that all that love amulet was just building up confidence or something. Is there really something to it?” she asked.

“Isabel, believe what you want, but you and Alex both have at least two more months before the amulet is used up. You might be surprised if you believe in it stronger,” Liz told her.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Aliens & Witches CC, teen pg 4 ch 11 Aug 16, 2010

Post by ken_r »

mary mary

chapter 12

Jim Valenti had a problem. He had a car full of men whose identities were all colors. Now he had a “Blue” and a “Green” in the hospital with severe allergic reaction to something. The doctors had pumped them full of antihistamines, epinephrine and put them on oxygen. Somewhere in town, he had a flasher who shot at people. Then, Jim thought of Amy. Here was a lady that he cared for a lot. She was much like him, except that she cast spells and sold potions. He would personally like to investigate her further. Right now, he had to do something about the colored gang. If Jim had met Mr. White, he might have wondered if that term was racist.

Jim contacted Captain Charles Whitman, US Army Reserve. Jim knew that he had a long history of dealing with spooks ; not the ones who went boo at night, but those men who had false identities and sometimes did bad things to people. They often ran around in black cars.

“Hey Charlie, I got four men. There are more probably, but these men run around in black SUVs and are named after colors. So far, I have Blue, Green, Red and Brown. Do you have any ideas on this?” Jim asked Alex’s father.

Charlie nodded, “Jim, they are deep undercover. I doubt that they even know each other’s real names. Somewhere, there will be a Mr. White. He will be the boss. They sound like alien hunters. What the hell do you have?”

“Charlie, they may be connected to the crazy man who fought your son. We are just learning about them. Two were found choking in the park. The doctor says they were allergic to something.” Jim now had a bit more information. He would see what he could do with it. He really needed those kids to tell him all that they knew. He didn’t know how, but that last park episode had Amy written all over it.

Jim visited Amy, “You have any knowledge about that park thing last night?” he asked.

Amy batted her blue eyes. Maria inherited her brown eyes from her daddy, but the softness of them and the way she used them was strictly from mommy. “Why Jim whatever happened at the park? There were no skunks were their? I assure you I locked all that potion up. We can’t have the good folks of Roswell complaining about foul smelling animals can we?” she asked coyly.

“Two men were found in the park choking with some sort of severe allergic reaction. Doctors can’t say what the reaction was from,” Jim stated.

“Jim, it sounds like they bit into something they shouldn’t have. Maybe, they should watch who they are with. You know some people bring on allergic reactions,” she answered.

Jim chuckled. Getting a straight answer out of a bruja was harder than getting a campaign promise filled by a politician. What a woman, what… a… woman, Jim couldn’t keep from wondering how she was in bed.

Tommy found himself sitting in front of Mr. White. Tommy allowed himself to wonder why an African American would be named Mr. White and his assistant stand just behind him was named Mr. Black. These men did not invite any idle conversation so Tommy dropped that line of thought. “Mr. Jones,” Tommy looked around. It had been so long since anyone had called him by his last name that he didn’t recognize it for a minute. “Mr. Jones,” the voice repeated, “what would you do with one of the witches if you had her in your custody?”

Tommy looked at him and blinked, “Why, I would kill her. I would drive a stake through the place where her heart would be if she were human. “It is said, ‘Suffer not a witch to live among you.’ I would follow what it is said,” he answered.

White thought, how could someone be so fanatically stupid. Now killing aliens that was something that Pierce had ordered and White agreed with. Believing in witches just was too much for the imagination.

“Tommy, we are going to give you one of the witches. You are to keep her and not kill her until we tell you to. If you agree to this, then you will truly be a witch hunter,” Mr. White informed him.

Tommy went straight back to his room. It still had a faint odor of skunk. Tommy didn’t care; soon he would kill his first witch. He picked up his comics and started reading. He completely forgot about supper. Tommy soon would join the ranks of the witch hunters. Tommy wondered if he should get a cape instead of the trench coat.

Mr. White was thinking. They would grab the girl called Liz. He didn’t for a minute believe in that witch nonsense. They would use light weight gas masks. Those kids had something, but government science would thwart it. When they had Liz, the aliens would come to her aid. At least White was counting on this. He really didn’t care what happened to the girl, but he definitely wanted the aliens. When he had all the aliens, let the weirdo kill the girl if he wanted. White had no intention of letting anyone as deranged as Tommy loose with the knowledge he had about he alien hunters. Tommy would be buried in the same grave as the girl.

Mrs. Chavez had been buying at “Amy’s Shop of Hope,” since before the elderly Hispanic ladies had finally both died. Mrs. Chavez knew Claudia very well. She worried first, about Claudia, then Amy, running the shop. How would two Anglo ladies understand the true knowledge that had been in the shop well before Carlotta. Mrs. Chavez knew that there were spirits known to the family for generations, these spirits had been known by the ancient ones. The Native Americans told that. Those who came before had known the spirits and introduced them to those who worked in medicine and other things. One old man talking to Mrs. Chavez had told her that they were truly ancient because there were always those who came before. The time of the first people in this area was unfathomable. Archeologist were always pushing back the time of the first men in the new world. They were doing this just by what they discovered. If they could have asked the spirits, they would have been told that people were here from the beginning.

Mrs. Chavez thought that Amy looked very tired. “How are you feeling Amy?” she asked.

Amy sighed, “There is something coming. I don’t think it is particularly good. I have been reading what Claudia wrote and also, some of the writings from Carlotta. Carlotta’s Spanish is so different from what we have today.”

Mrs. Chavez asked, “Were those skunks your doing last month?”

“Yes,” Amy answered, “there is a man who tried to kill my daughter. He also tried to kill the Parker girl.”

Mrs. Chavez almost whistled, “Both of those girls are the ones chosen to carry on the knowledge of Carlotta aren’t they?”

Amy nodded, “And, they have both been so careful. They study the herbs and work so carefully at learning the spells. You couldn’t ask for better girls. Jim Valenti thinks the man may be after me also. If all three of us were to be killed, that would mean that the whole body of knowledge of Carlotta would be destroyed. We have lost so much to modern things, we just can’t afford to loose any more.”

Mrs. Chavez nodded. “My sister writes from Taos that two women well know for their craft died without any heirs. What their families spent many generations learning is now gone forever. I would just hate that we had no choice but Lovelace hospital and Blue Cross/Blue Shield along with government Medicare.

“Carlotta was a wise woman. I just can’t help but think that there is an answer somewhere,” Amy said as she wrapped the order that Mrs. Chavez had bought every week since Amy could remember.

“I will say prayers for you, and I will search those who I know to see if they have answers, also,” Mrs. Chaves tenderly said.

Amy nodded her thanks. The women with whom she dealt were all so sweet and caring. They all dreaded loosing knowledge of the craft, even though each family jealously guarded their own training.

The padre at the churc was always understanding. His flock was faithful and he tried to understand their references to the other things. His modern training was useless here. He was wise for his age. He fell back on the fundamentals, love and care for each other. As he was thinking, his hand idly felt the small bag in his pocket. Since Mrs. Hernandez had given it to him, at the embarrassment of her children, Father Delesse hadn’t felt a bit of discomfort from the asthma that had bothered him every year since childhood. When Mrs. Chavez asked him to pray with her about Amy DeLuca, her friend, even though the good father didn’t completely understand the references to some danger, he offered her all the comfort he could. When she left, she pressed in his hand a small sachet, which had a sweet aroma. “For luck,” she said. He did find his checkbook which had been lost for four days. It appeared right in the middle of his desk. How could he have missed it? He also found a parking place right in front of the grocery store the next day. In fact, for the next few days several strange things happened. His toast fell off the table, but the jam side landed up. When he went to the bank to deposit the church’s offering that afternoon, he found himself in the longest line, but he managed to arrive at the teller’s window in record time. The bishop called him to tell him that he had heard many great things from his parishioners. Father Delesse had had a very good week.

Mr. White and Mr. Black were discussing the abduction of one, Elizabeth Parker. They had already prepared a place to keep her at Eagle Rock military installation. “Do you think she will have something like they experienced in the park?” Black asked White.

“We will send all four of them. They will wear gasmasks. That should take care of whatever they found in the park with the alien. That could just be some manifestation of aliens. The girl might not have any defenses at all,” White answered.

We best keep the weirdo here also. No telling what he might try on his own,” Black responded. Do you really intend to give her to the weirdo?”

“Why not? We can’t have any loose ends and if we bring her here, she is definitely a loose end,” White stated. Mr. Black just nodded. Mr. White was a very efficient leader.

Jim Valenti had stepped up patrols. This also demanded that he keep in closer touch with the lady, Amy. Not only were their breakfast meetings more often, Jim was given to stopping by the shop to see if everything was all right during the day. Like many men, Jim was given to chewing on tooth picks. He had thrown one away one day while talking to Amy in the shop. As soon as he left Amy had recovered the tooth pick and it now was in a small jar labeled Jim. She had to decide if she wanted to make an amulet or not. Jim was showing enough interest. If Amy decided in favor of the amulet, she was sure that it would be hot indeed. Did she have time right now for a hot relationship?

It was a dark night when the four men climbed the ladder leading to the terrace or porch in front of Liz’s room. Once there, they all donned their gas masks. They quietly forced the window and crept in the room. They were surprised that Liz, while sleeping, had thrown back the blankets and they could see something glowing on her chest. Blue grabbed her face and forced a piece of duct tape over her mouth. Liz awakened in a fright. There were four monsters in her room. This had to be a nightmare. She hadn’t been frightened, this badly by a nightmare, since grade school. Two of the monsters were holding her arms and the third had placed something over her mouth. She tried, but she couldn’t utter a sound. Two of the monsters were still holding her arms. Liz, not realizing she was already awake, tried to will herself to wake up. That was the best cure for nightmares. Now, two monsters were wrapping something around her ankles. They were binding her so she couldn’t move. She felt her arms bent behind her and the same wrapping again. She was immobile and, suddenly, she realized this wasn’t a nightmare. This was reality. Liz was being kidnapped right out of her own bedroom. One of the monsters reached in her night gown and from between her breasts, he plucked the medallion. It was so bright now she could see that they were men, wearing some sort of masks. The medallion was cast into the corner of the room. They wrapped a blanket around her, which made it very difficult to breathe. She felt her self lifted and then, she felt suspended. She felt the floor of some sort of vehicle. In her mind, she knew that it was an SUV, black in color. The last thing she felt was the vibration as the vehicle drove off. No one could see that there was still a light on Liz’s chest. Nor did they see a small point of light following the truck.

In her room, the lost medallion got brighter and brighter. Suddenly it silently exploded. There was no sound, but the shock was so great that Maria was knocked out of bed and found herself sitting on the floor. Amy woke up and then, realized that Claudia’s alarm had gone off. Liz was in trouble. Max, in bed, suddenly jumped up and knocked on Isabel’s door. He whispered, “Liz has been taken.”
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-