Someone, Anyone (M&M, CC/UC, AU, Adult) COMPLETE, 01/20/16

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Roswell Fanatic
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Location: Somewhere. Anywhere.

Part 65

Post by April »

Was Jesse sincere? And will he ever be sincere in the future?
It's all up in the air right now. Jesse might not actually be a horrible guy; he might just be involved in some really messed up things. Or he could truly be a horrible guy. Isabel's banking on the former.
A part of me had hoped that the drama would've opened her eyes. Like walking against a wall, can open your eyes for the real thing in front of you. Apparently it made her even more blind. What a mess!
Yes, instead of this being the wake-up call Isabel so desperately needed, it seems that it's pushing her even further down her shame spiral. :(

Michael and Maria don't have time to be dragging their feet. Not only do they have to move across country, find a place to live and start school. ......they have to do it all with a kid!
Yes, they have no time to waste. And Maria knows this, but sometimes she gets so caught up in and distracted by her relationship with Michael that she doesn't always make it a priority. And of course Michael doesn't really have any idea what he's getting himself into, because he's . . . well, Michael.

And I think Tess did the right thing. She can't do anymore for Isabel. She did what she could do. It is really too bad at this point.
Yeah, at some point, Tess just had to let go of what little remained of her friendship with Isabel and hope for the best. There's only so much a person can do to save someone, because eventually they have to save themselves.
Jesse is scum. Courtney and Eric are scum too and yet Isabel still hangs out with them.
Isabel won't admit it right now, but she pretty much feels like scum herself, so she probably feels right at home with them, like she belongs. he dead yet? OMG I am sorry but seriously...he is such a waste of space.
He's really an awful guy. His whole personality and attitude towards life is so draining.

Thanks for the feedback!

For those who read my fic 521 back in the day and recall parts of it, there is a subtle reference to a certain scene of it in this part thrown in just for the heck of it.

Part 65

By Michael’s estimate—and by Google Maps’ estimate—it was going to take a good sixteen to seventeen hours to get to Tuscaloosa, if you factored in a few stops here and there for food and bathrooms. Michael’s plan was to drive it all in a straight shot, stopping only when necessary. Leaving Friday evening would allow them to get there around 8:00 or 9:00 the next morning, giving them plenty of time to go look at some apartments before the game. But hopefully they didn’t spend too long looking at apartments, because he really wanted to go tailgating with Maria.

“Alright, stuff’s all packed up,” he announced when he came inside after loading everything into their new car. “Let’s get this show on the road.” The house was quiet, though. No Maria, no Dylan waiting eagerly by the stairs. “Maria?” he called.

She came out of Dylan’s bedroom a moment later, looking worried. “Oh, Michael, I don’t know what to do,” she fretted.

“What’s wrong?”

“Dylan’s sick. He was complaining about a sore throat this morning, so I stayed home with him, but now he’s not feeling any better. Now he’s getting a runny nose, and he’s sneezing and--”

“Okay, kids get colds all the time,” he reminded her. “He’ll be fine.”

“I know, but he can’t go on a road trip like this.”

Oh, crap. He sighed, knowing she was right. Dylan hadn’t even come running up to him to give him a hug after he’d gotten home from school, so that probably meant he was really under the weather. Poor kid. “Alright, so what does that mean for us?” he asked. “Are we not goin’ now or what?”

“Well . . .” She looked painstakingly frustrated. “I wanna go. But I feel like I have to stay and take care of him.”

Well, that settled it then. If she was staying, so was he. The trip wouldn’t be any fun without her. Kyle would be down on the sidelines, so he wasn’t going to drive all the way there by himself so he could watch the game by himself.

Dylan started calling, “Mommy . . .” from the bedroom, and Maria obediently headed back into the bedroom to see what he needed.

Dammit, Michael thought. Why did this have to happen? All he wanted was this one weekend to get away with all the crap they always dealt with here in Roswell. He’d been looking forward to it from the second Kyle had given him the tickets.

He heard his mom’s car pulling up outside, and inspiration struck. He hurried out and got to her as she was getting out of the car.

“Honey, what’re you still doing here?” she asked. “I thought you wanted to be on the road by now.”

“I did, but I had detention after school.”

His mom gave him a look.

“What? Mr. Frost is an ass! I called him out on it today and he made me stay after school.”

“Maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself,” she suggested.

“I can’t.”

Completely used to it, his mom actually laughed a little and patted his cheek. “Well, you’d better get going soon.”

“Yeah, slight problem: Dylan’s got a cold,” he informed her.

“Oh, no. Poor thing. Springtime, sinuses . . .”

“Yeah, Maria says he can’t go, so . . . we’re kinda stuck here unless . . .” He trailed off, giving her a hopeful look.

“Unless what?” she asked warily.

“Unless my wonderful, beautiful mother agrees to watch him for the weekend.”

She put her hands on her hips and didn’t respond right away, like she was biting her tongue momentarily. “Michael.”


“You can’t just spring this on me. I have to work tomorrow.”

“You’re your own boss. Give yourself the day off.”

“I’d have to find a replacement. Tina and I were gonna go shopping tomorrow. We can’t very well do that if I’m taking care of a sick toddler.”

“Mom, please,” he begged, not opposed to getting down on his knees if that was what it took. “We gotta go.”

“To a football game?”

“We were gonna go look at apartments, too. We’re being responsible. We wanna figure out where we’re gonna live when we move there.”

Her on-edge expression softened, and he knew he had her with that. She was so used to him being careless that she couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to help him get a head start on his plans for the future. “Fine,” she relented. “I’ll watch him.”

“Thank you. You’re the best mom ever.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, then darted towards the house to tell Maria the good news.

“Michael,” she called after him.

He stopped on the porch, itching to just get going already. “Yeah?”

She stared at him seriously and cautioned, “Keep in mind, next year, you won’t have me to fall back on. Or Amy or anyone. It’ll all be on you and Maria. Do you think you can handle that?”

He was well aware of how much his mom did for him. This was just another thing to add to an already long list. “Yeah, we’ll be fine,” he assured her, truly believing that they would be. If something like this happened next year, they’d just have to miss out on whatever they had planned. But for now, they still had some help. Why not utilize it?


It wasn’t going to be a complex drive to Tuscaloosa. Just a long one. Michael was really hoping his new car would make it through the drive, because the farthest he’d driven it up until this point was to school and back. It was going to be so embarrassing if it conked out and he couldn’t fix it. Although, a flat tire . . . that he could handle. He knew how to fix one of those, could do it right on the side of the road. Maybe, if it came to that, Maria would be impressed by his machismo.

“Are you sure you’re gonna be able to drive this whole way?” she asked him as they drove down the desolate highway that night.

“I’m good,” he promised.

“Because it’s a really long way, Michael.”

“Babe, I got this. I’m a good driver.”

“We could switch off, if you get tired,” she offered.

“No, Maria, I’m fine,” he reiterated. “I’m a guy.”

She made a face. “What does that mean?”

“This is how you do it when you take a road trip somewhere. The guy drives so his woman can sleep on the way there. It’s like a romantic, considerate thing. Roll with it.”

“Well . . .” She curled her legs up underneath herself. “That is kinda sweet.”

“Besides, I drank, like, five Red Bulls in detention today.”

“Ugh, I hate energy drinks.”

“Yeah, I know, so do I, but they worked. I’m fuckin’ wired.” There was no way he could nod off, even if he wanted to. Tomorrow night at this time . . . then he’d be tired. But his plan was to just keep knocking back those energy drinks for as long as he needed them, and he was pretty sure it would work.

“I wonder how Dylan’s doing,” she pondered sadly.

“You gotta stop worrying about him,” he told her. He loved Dylan, too, and he would have much rather had the little guy in the backseat, making the trip with them. But that just wasn’t the way it had turned out. “He’s fine. You just talked to my mom an hour ago. She said he fell asleep, remember?”

“I know, but I just feel so guilty,” she confessed. “I feel like I should be there with him.”

“Maria, you can’t be with him all the time.”

“But I’m his mom. And he’s sick. And I know it’s just a cold, but . . . I feel guilty.”

“He’s in good hands with my mom,” he reassured her. “When I was little, I got strep throat about four times in one year. And every single time, she made me this chicken noodle soup. But it was better than the stuff straight outta the can, you know? She had some little secret. I bet she gave that to Dylan tonight, and he’s already feelin’ better.”

“I hope so,” Maria said. “I’ll call again in the morning. Don’t mind me if I call a lot tomorrow.”

“No, that’s fine. But don’t forget, you gotta let loose this weekend, too, have a good time.”

“It’s not all about having a good time, though,” she reminded him. “We’ve gotta be serious about this apartment stuff. When we meet the landlords, we can’t seem all irresponsible and immature.”

“But we are irresponsible and immature.”

She huffed, “Speak for yourself. I haven’t been irresponsible and immature for a long time.”

“I’m just kidding.” He couldn’t help but feel that many of his attempts at humor during this excursion so far had fallen flat. “You’re very edgy tonight, aren’t you?”

“I’m sorry,” she apologized. “It’s just . . . this moving thing’s kinda stressful, and with Dylan being sick . . .”

“I know.” He reached over and squeezed her hand. “We’ll figure it all out. And just remember . . . at least we’ve got a car.”

“We’ve got a car,” she echoed. “That’s halfway paid off.”

“No, don’t say the second part. Just say ‘We’ve got a car.’”

“We’ve got a car,” she repeated, folding her arms over her chest. “I’ll feel better when we have an apartment, though. Do you like that one we looked up on that one site? The one that only costs five-hundred a month?”

He scrunched up his face in disdain. “Not really.” It didn’t have a pool.

“Why not?”

“Uh, because it’s in the ghetto.”

“Michael, it’s Alabama. There is no ghetto.”

“Yeah, there is. And that apartment’s smack dab in the middle of it. I don’t want you and Dylan livin’ there.”

“But we have to pick out something we can afford.”

“Uh . . .” he groaned. This whole money situation was really starting to piss him off. He was tired of thinking about how many bills they were going to have to pay and how they were going to manage to pay them. It stressed him out just as much as it stressed her out, so he just didn’t want to worry about it. His mom and dad had managed just fine for the past eighteen years, and neither one of them had ever had a great job. Things tended to work themselves out if you just let them.

“Michael, I’m sorry,” she apologized again. “I don’t mean to be a nag about this, but it’s stuff we have to think about.”

“Yeah, I know,” he grumbled. “Trust me, I got a lot of other stuff to think about, too. Like all these football practices I’m gonna have to go to, what classes I’m gonna sign up for. I don’t even know what the hell I’m gonna study, Maria.” He didn’t really care about getting a degree. He knew it would help him out in the long run when it came to getting a well-paying job someday, but for now, it just seemed like more studying. And studying was something he’d never been very good at, nor particularly enjoyed . . . unless he and Maria were employing their body part methodology. Phosphorous.

“I don’t even know where I’m gonna work,” she worried. “And it’s always so fun to answer questions during job interviews about why you didn’t finish high school and if you think being well-educated is a good quality in an employee.”

“Hey, put me down as a reference,” he told her.

“I can’t use you as a reference, Michael. You’re my boyfriend.”

“They don’t have to know that. For all they know, I’m a former boss or a coworker. Named Ricardo Fuego.” He grinned.

Finally, that got a laugh out of her. “You sure? Not Doctor Love?”

“No, I think that’d be way too obvious.”

“Oh, and Ricardo Fuego’s not?” she teased.

“Fine, John Smith or something. I don’t care. Just put me down as a reference so, when they call me, I can tell them how amazing you really are.” He wriggled his eyebrows before adding, “In bed.”

“Oh, shut up!” She whacked his shoulder playfully, and he sensed her easing up, letting the stress slip away as some of his carefree attitude rubbed off on her. Mission accomplished.


The first two apartments Michael and Maria went to were so shabby on the outside that they didn’t even bother looking at the inside. The third one looked nice on the outside, but those looks were deceiving, because on the inside, it was a dump. They were both hoping the fourth place, Gateway Apartments, would be the charm. It was just a few miles away from campus, and judging from what they had seen online, they both thought it looked promising.

They met Gus, the landlord, and he seemed like a nice guy. He was on the heftier side and insisted they take the elevator up to an apartment they had for rent on the third level, because he couldn’t handle walking the stairs.

“You two ain’t from around here, are you?” he said as they got onto the elevator car.

“How’d you know?” Maria asked.

“Well, spring game today. If you’re from Bama, you’re wearin’ Bama gear.”

“Unless you’re an Auburn fan,” Michael pointed out.

“We don’t speak about that team in this building, son.”

Michael chuckled. “Then I’m guessing you don’t speak about the historic Iron Bowl? The kick-six. I don’t care what side you were rootin’ for; that was one of the most epic, incredible football plays of all time.”

“Yeah, we definitely don’t speak about that.” Gus punched the number three, and the elevator doors shut. “You two goin’ to the game today?” he asked.

“Yeah, got pretty good seats,” Michael replied.

“You oughta stop and get some proper clothes. Roll Tide. You find that stuff everywhere around here.”

“We’ll have to get a lot of Alabama clothes,” Maria said. “Michael’s going to college here next year. He’s gonna be on the football team.”

“Really?” Gus’s whole face lit up as the elevator slowly rumbled to a stop.

“Well, I’m just gonna try to make it as a walk-on,” Michael said, stepping out.

“What position you play?”

“Wide receiver.”

Gus nodded, motioning for Maria to go in front of him. “That’s good,” he said. “We need some young talent every year.”

“My best friend’s Kyle Valenti,” Michael added.

Now Gus’s face really lit up. “The quarterback we landed?”


“Well, I’ll be damned. Quite the buzz about him around here. He as good as they say he is?”

“Yeah,” Michael assured him. “He’s better.”

They headed down the hall, the two guys still talking about football, Maria hanging behind, liking that Michael was getting along so well with this guy, this guy that could very well be their landlord for the next four or five years. It was important to make a good first impression.

“So let me guess, sweetheart,” Gus said to her. “You must be a cheerleader.”

Maria laughed a little at the irony of him saying that. “No, I’m just a waitress.”

“She’s the best waitress,” Michael proclaimed.

“Oh, I’m sure. Alright, well, here we go.” Gus opened the door to apartment 317. He didn’t even have it locked, which was kind of reassuring to Maria. That must have meant that he trusted his residents, and hopefully that meant this was a safe, easy-going place to live. “This is what our two-bedroom units look like.”

Maria and Michael went inside, and she was immediately more impressed by this place than the last one. It wasn’t huge by any means, but it didn’t need to be. It had a nice open feel to it.

“You can see you got a full living room, kitchenette, counter,” Gus showcased. “Probably got room for a table if you got one.”

Maria smoothed her hand over the counter. Even though it wasn’t new, everything in the kitchen looked nice and clean and well-maintained. Not that she and Michael would be doing a whole lot in there. Neither one of them knew a whole lot about cooking.

“Hey, balcony,” he remarked, looking out the sliding doors.

“Yeah, some of our units have balconies, some don’t,” Gus said. “I think all the ones we have for rent right now, though, do. And all the ones in this particular building come with garages.”

“Well, that’s good,” Michael said, smirking goofily, “ ‘cause we got a car.”

“We got a car,” she echoed quietly. “Can we see the bedrooms?”

Gus chuckled. “Lady who knows what she wants, huh?”

“Hell yeah, she does.” Michael winked at her and headed down the hall. She followed him, and Gus stayed out in the living room.

“Yep, just have a look around,” he said. “Two bedrooms, bathroom, washer/dryer hookup. Not a bad space.”

Michael stopped to look in the bathroom while Maria went and surveyed the bedrooms. The bigger one, which would obviously have to be theirs, looked just slightly bigger than the room they were in now. And the smaller bedroom, which was adjacent to it, was bigger than what Dylan was currently sleeping in. Nothing looked dilapidated or like it was falling apart. Everything seemed to be in pretty good condition.

“Now would it just be you two?” Gus called to them.

Maria walked back out into the living room and said, “No, I have a son.”

Michael cleared his throat as he came out of the bathroom.

We have a son,” she corrected. She hoped he understood that, when she said things like that, it wasn’t because she didn’t view him as a father figure to Dylan; she just wasn’t used to referring to anyone as Dylan’s dad.

“Oh, yeah? How old is he?”

“He’s three. But very well-behaved.”

Gus laughed. “They ain’t pets, honey. You don’t gotta have permission to bring kids in here.”

“Right, of course.”

Michael went over to the sliding doors again and looked out over the balcony. “Is there a pool?” he asked.

She rolled her eyes. What was with this boy’s sudden pool obsession? Was he wanting to play naked Marco Polo or something? Because that was never ever going to happen.

That was most likely never ever going to happen.

“No pool,” Gus answered, “but there’s one in walking distance, about five blocks east of here. Real family-friendly place. Pretty good location around here. You’re close to just about everything you need.”

“And how much is rent?” Maria asked, afraid that all her hopes for this place were about to come crashing down.


Well . . . that wasn’t the highest number ever; but it wasn’t the lowest, either. “Per month?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And does that include the garage or anything else?”

“Water and garage and trash. You gotta pay for utilities, electric, cable/internet.”

She was already trying to think about what they could cut back on. Maybe she could convince Michael to go without cable TV. It wasn’t likely, though. He would want the priciest cable plan, the one with all the soft-core porn channels.

“It’s pretty affordable,” Gus recapped, “for the quality you’re gettin’.”

“Yeah, I like it,” Michael declared.

Maria didn’t want to enter into any sort of contract just yet, though, without exploring a few more options, so she said, “Well, you know, we’re kinda just looking at places today, trying to figure out what our price range is.”

“Sure, sure,” Gus said. “Well, say, listen, you two seem like a nice little couple. We’d love to have you here.”

“We’d love to be here,” Michael said.

“Possibly,” she added.

“Well, we usually got at least one two-bedroom up for rent at a time,” Gus said. “You just let me know if you think this is the place. And—just throwin’ this out there . . . you two married yet?”

Maria completely froze. Where had that come from?

“Not yet,” Michael said, shooting her a quick smile.

“Well, I am an ordained minister,” Gus revealed. “So if you want . . . move in, and we do the damn thing right here.”

Maria laughed nervously. Oh god, he wasn’t being serious, was he? Because she wasn’t having her landlord do her wedding, no matter how nice he was.

“Gus, you’re a pretty funny guy,” Michael remarked. “But I think when I put a ring on this one here, it’s gonna be a little more sophisticated than that. You know what I mean?”

“Of course, of course.”

Maria felt like her heart was speeding up at the mere thought of it. This talk of marriage, putting a ring on it . . . it was head-spinning, but in a really good way. And the fact that Michael had already mentioned it before just made it seem even more real.

Gus’s phone rang, and he took it out of his pocket and looked down at who was calling. “Just a minute,” he said, answering. “Yeah?” After a moment’s pause, he said, “Alright, I’ll swing on by in a minute. We’ll get it taken care of.” He put the phone back in his pocket and said, “I’m sorry, y’all. I gotta go take care of somethin’ for one of the other residents. If you wanna stay and look around a little more, though, you have at it. I’ll make sure I see you before you leave, alright?”

“Okay,” Maria said, liking the fact that he was a hands-on landlord who didn’t just say he would help his residents with things but apparently really did. “Thanks.”

“See you in a bit,” Michael said, and Gus waved to them as he left the apartment. When he was gone, Michael turned to her and asked, “What do you think?”

“I like it,” she said. “The rent’s a little bit higher than what I was hoping for, but it’s nice.”

“Yeah, I’m kinda pissed there’s no pool, but . . . Gus seems pretty cool, huh? Laid-back.”

“Yeah. And it’s important to have a good landlord.”

“It is,” he agreed, making his way towards her, his gaze focused, intense.

“What’re you looking at?” she asked.

“Just you.” He literally licked his lips, and the sight of that really turned her on. “I’m just picturing you in one of my t-shirts, standin’ in this kitchen, makin’ breakfast.”

“Makin’ Poptarts, most likely.”

He slinked his arms around her waist, pulling her close against him. “Do you want to?” he asked, his voice low and throaty.

“Make Poptarts?”

“No.” He chuckled, then got that serious, intense look in his eyes again as he slipped his hands underneath the back of her shirt. “Do you want to?”

“Oh.” It clicked. She got it. Understood what he was asking. “Here? Now?’

Right here, right now.” He grinned mischievously.

“But this isn’t our apartment,” she protested.

“Yeah, but it could be. And don’t you think, before we make a decision on it, we should test it out, see if it feels right?”

“Oh my god.” She couldn’t believe what he was suggesting, even though she could believe it. Michael was so sexually uninhibited, and it was rubbing off on her, too. He was awakening so many sexual desires and fantasies she hadn’t even realized she had, and it seemed that, whatever he suggested, she always ended up enjoying herself. But she really didn’t want Gus to walk in and find them going at it in a place they hadn’t even agreed to rent yet, because that would totally destroy the good impression they had managed to make.

“Oh, yeah, you want to,” he said confidently, already moving his hands down to reach down the back of her jeans and cup her ass.

“You have to make it quick,” she told him. “He’s coming back.”

“Oh, I can make it quick.”

“Quick but good?”

“Always good.” He pressed his lips to hers, not bothering with slow, gentle kisses this time. His tongue dove right in to explore her mouth and his hands squeezed her ass. Before she knew it, he was mumbling, “The bedroom, the bedroom,” and backing her down the hallway in that direction.

Oh god, could this be our bedroom? she wondered as she tumbled into it with him. The things they could do there . . . the things she longed to do . . .

“There’s no bed,” she pointed out as she hurriedly undid his pants for him. “What’re we gonna do?”

“I guess I’ll just have to . . . do you up against the wall then.” He grabbed her and lifted her up, backing her up against the wall, pressing her back against it hard.

“Oh . . .” she moaned. Already, it felt so good, and they hadn’t even really started yet.

He pushed his pants down so he could take his cock out, pressing it up against her, rubbing his groin against hers. “Do you want to?” he asked again.

“Hell yes.” When it came to sex with Michael, there was nothing she had ever wanted to do more.

He unfastened her jeans even quicker than she’d unfastened his and dragged them down over her hips almost frantically, like he couldn’t get to it fast enough. “I’m gonna fuck the hell outta you,” he promised, spinning her around. “Bend over.”

She did as he instructed, pushing her hips back, bracing her hands against the wall. Before they got too caught up in it, though, she reminded him, “Condom.”

“Already workin’ on it.” He ripped open the small foil package and unrolled the condom onto his stiff cock seamlessly.

“Oh, Michael, please . . .” She didn’t even have time to finish, though, because all of a sudden, he was just in her, all the way, filling her, thrusting right from the start. “Oh my god,” she gasped. “Yes.”

“Fuck,” he grunted, grabbing onto her hips so he could really grind her.

“Oh god.” She felt so aroused. As much as she loved making love to Michael Guerin, there were times, like right now, when it felt equally as good, or even better, to just get fucked by him. When they went at it like this, it made her feel like she was something beyond just his girlfriend. More like . . . his mate. Like he was mating with her.

“Do you like that?” he asked gruffly as his skin slapped against hers. “You like how my cock feels?”

She smiled dazedly, liking the dirty talk almost more than anything. “Yes, I love it.”


“I fucking love it.” She wanted to say more, be more graphic, because she knew that, when she talked dirty to him, he went out of control. But she felt like she could barely breathe with the way he was raging into her, each thrust a hard, jarring one that rattled her to the core.

But suddenly, he stilled, his cock still nestled inside her but not moving now.

“Don’t stop,” she whimpered, needy in the moment; but he just grinned at her devilishly.

Oh, you bastard, she thought. He was playing with her, making her work for it now. Desperately, she started to press herself back against him, recreating that thrusting sensation. But it wasn’t the same, because she couldn’t do it as fast as he could.

“Yeah, that’s it,” he encouraged, seeming to enjoy watching her work. “Back up on it, baby.”

She kept up her movements, getting very exhausted very quickly, and she felt thankful when he grabbed her hips and started thrusting again. He just had the perfect rhythm to pound her. And she so wanted to be pounded.

Leaning forward, he whispered in her ear, “I swear to you, I won’t stop ‘til your legs are shaking and the neighbors know my name.”

“Uh!” she cried as he slammed his cock into her. Her legs were already shaking, so she wasn’t sure how she’d be able to walk around campus after all this. “Oh, Michael!”

“Say it again,” he urged, pulling back on her hair.

With her neck arched back, she cried out, “Oh god, Michael! Fuck!”

“Come here,” he said, wrapping his arm around her stomach, straightening her up. “Come on.” Still somehow managing to stay inside her, he walked her out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, flipping on the light switch as he bent her over the counter. Michael really had a thing for doing it in the bathroom, and he often confessed that he wished they could do it there more.

“Look at how good we look,” he said, staring at their reflections in the mirror.

Oh, they did look good. She loved the sight of him behind her, coupled with the feel of him inside her. It looked like an image that was just meant to be. “Please keep going,” she begged, feeling like she was close. She wanted to get off on this so badly, because it felt so freaking hot.

He started moving again, grunting and groaning the way he tended to do, and out of habit, she closed her eyes.

“No, open ‘em,” he told her.

She did. She would have done anything he told her to do in that moment.

“Watch yourself,” he said. “Watch yourself get fucked.”

“Oh . . .” Getting to see it happening made it even more amazing. Pseudo-voyeurism. Yet another thing she’d had no idea she would enjoy as much as she was, but Michael had her begging for it, reveling in it, and completely getting off on it.

“Cum with me baby,” he murmured huskily, reaching around to rub her clit.

“Oh, fuck.” She had to fight to keep her eyes open as her orgasm built up in her. When it hit, she couldn’t help but let them fall closed as it washed over her, consumed her, elevated her. He came just a few seconds later after a few more thrusts, pressing his whole cock up into her as he exploded. She was able to open her eyes again and watch his expression as he did so. He got this look of concentration on his face when he had an orgasm, like all he could do was focus on what he was feeling for as long as he was feeling it. The guy really did just love sex, and at this point, she suspected she loved it as much as he did.

“Quick but good?” he asked as he came back down from it.

So good.” She kind of wanted to do it again.

Unfortunately, Gus came back in the apartment, hollering, “Hey, you two, you still here?”

“Shit,” Michael swore, quickly pulling out of her. He pulled his jeans up, grimacing as they scraped over his still slightly hard erection, and refastened them without taking his condom off. She put herself back together in a hurry, too, just in time. Gus came and found them in the bathroom.

“We were just looking at the mirror,” Maria managed to get out, holding onto the counter she’d just been fucked over. “And the sink. It’s a . . . it’s a good sink.”

“Good bathroom,” Michael added. “Bedroom, too.”

“Pretty great, huh?” Gus agreed enthusiastically.

“Yeah.” Maria felt dazed, but happy and very satisfied. “It was great.” Her legs were, as he had promised, shaking.


Michael insisted that they head to the game after the tour of the Gateway apartment, and Maria didn’t require much persuasion. After their little romp, she felt all fun and excited, totally not in the mood to look at more apartments. Besides, they seemed to have found the right one if they could swing it financially.

Michael took her tailgating, which, he said, was something everybody needed to experience at least once in their lives, whether they were a football fan or not. She’d never been tailgating before, but she knew she’d be doing a lot of it next year with Tess and Jim Valenti, at least. And hopefully Michael’s family would be able to make the trip once in a while. At least Krista and Tina, anyway.

It was amazing to her that Michael could just happen upon some random group of friends, barbecuing and drinking in the parking lot, and fit in with them right away, as if he’d known them for his entire life. She had plenty of people skills of her own and was perfectly comfortable hanging out, but he was on another level. After a few beers, he was tossing a football around the parking lot and helping grill up burgers. And nobody seemed to mind that he had just wandered in. Maybe that was the point of tailgating. It was a party where anyone and everyone was invited, as long as you were a Crimson Tide fan.

Seeing him so free-spirited made her feel free-spirited, too, and she had a couple beers and danced around to country songs, even though she didn’t like country music, with the other women who were part of the tailgate group. Even if there hadn’t been a game coming up, if this had been all they had come here for, it would have been worth it, because it was a good time. And not the wasted, low-life good time high school parties tended to be. Just . . . fun. Good old-fashioned, harmless fun.

Having never been to a college football game, let alone a college where football was the equivalent of life itself, Maria was amazed when they went into the stadium. She stayed close to Michael, holding his hand so she wouldn’t get separated in the crowd, and he tried to locate their seats. Eventually, though, he just sat down and pulled her down beside him.

“Are these our seats?” she asked. They were a little closer than she’d thought they would be.

“Hell if I know,” he mumbled. “If anyone tells us to move, I’ll tell ‘em to go fuck themselves.”

“No confrontations,” she told him, taking her cell phone out of her purse as it vibrated. She saw that she had a text from Krista, whom she’d spoken to earlier that morning. It was just a quick message letting her know that Dylan was up and around and playing with his toy cars now.

“Ooh, yay,” she squealed.


“Your mom just texted me. She says Dylan’s feeling better.”

“See? I knew he probably just had a twenty-four hour thing.”

“I’m so glad.”

He leaned towards her, nudging her shoulder, and asked, “You don’t still feel guilty about coming here without him then, do you?”

“No, I do,” she mumbled in admittance as she sent Krista a quick text back.

“What? Why?”

“Michael, I’m a mom. I feel guilty about everything.” She sent the message and put her phone away, looking out on the sea of people surrounding her. Holy crap. It was overwhelming. There were so many people dressed in crimson, and she was one of them. On the way to the stadium, they’d stopped in the university store and bought a few clothes, which were way overpriced but somehow irresistible. Hers was a fitted tee that said Roll Tide, and Michael had gotten a loose t-shirt that simply said Dynasty, but the A in the word was the Alabama logo.

“You ever been to anything like this?” he asked her.

“No.” She was starting to understand why people got so into football, though. The atmosphere was electric. “This is crazy.”

He said something, but it was so loud, she couldn’t even hear him.


He leaned over and spoke directly into her ear. “Just imagine what it’s like for a real game.”

“Oh my god, I bet it’s nuts.”

“Yeah, Kyle and I went to their game against LSU this year. It was wild.”

“I guess I’ll have to get season tickets next year,” she said. “Wonder how much those cost.”

“Don’t worry about the cost,” he told her, waving his hand into the air to attract the attention of a kid who was walking around trying to sell hot dogs. “Hey, over here!”

The kid, who couldn’t have been much older than Tina, came over to them and asked, “How many?”

“You want one?” Michael asked her.

“Uh, sure.”

“You got anything else in there?” Michael asked the kid.

“Just hot dogs.”

“Fine, we’ll take three.”

“You’re having two?” she asked him.

“No, you are. I’ve seen the way you eat.”

She hit his arm, pretending to be offended, but he was right. She could put down a lot of food when she was hungry, and even after all the tailgating goodness, she was starving.

“Nine dollars,” the kid said as he handed over three foil-wrapped hot dogs.

“Nine . . . fuckin’ dollars,” Michael cursed, taking a ten out of his wallet. “Keep the change, kid.”

“Thanks. Hot dog!” the kid continued to yell as he marched up the steps. He had either walked around a lot already or that container was very heavy, because he was sweating.

“The food’s expensive,” Maria remarked.

“Yeah,” he agreed. “I really need a burger, though.”

“You already had a burger today.”

“I need another one. And somethin’ to drink. And something cold. And something sweet. I need a lot of candy. I don’t care how much it costs.”

“Did you bring enough money?” she asked.

“Yeah, I swiped two twenties from my dad’s wallet.”

She gave him a disapproving look. “Michael . . .”

“Don’t give me that look. I don’t even feel bad about it.”

She sighed. Well . . . why would he? For all the crap he had to put up with from his dad, she supposed she could turn a blind eye to his . . . well, stealing, technically.

She bit into her first hot dog, disappointed that she couldn’t put any ketchup on it and continued looking around. There was one particular section of people who were her and Michael’s age. Most of them were standing, and they all looked like they were about to spontaneously combust with excitement. “Is that the student section?” she asked.


She gazed at them longingly, wishing she could be a part of it. Not one of them looked like they had a care in the world. There were guys with their shirts off and letters painted on their chests to spell out Roll Tide, and girls who seemed perfectly comfortable forgoing an actual top and wearing a simple bikini top with jean shorts instead. They were trying to get the wave going, and even though they were failing miserably, it looked like the effort itself was fun.

Down below, on the sidelines, there were the cheerleaders. Not just girls on this squad, but guys, too. They were lifting the girls up, and the girls were holding signs, getting the crowd to start yelling “Roll!” on one side of the stadium and “Tide!” on the other. That definitely was the motto around here.

When Tess came here for her freshman year, she could be one of those cheerleaders. At the very least, she would be a student in the student section. She would totally and completely belong in some way.

She looked down at the players’ sideline, where Kyle was already in the midst of belonging. There were too many people, though, and she couldn’t spot him directly, but she knew he was down there, already getting to know the other guys on the team.

“You alright?” Michael asked.

She realized she must have looked spacey. “Yeah,” she replied. “I was just watching the cheerleaders and stuff.”

Michael grunted. “Male cheerleaders. That’s so gay.”

“I bet not all of ‘em are gay,” she wagered. “In fact, I bet a lot of them really enjoy their job. Look.” She pointed out an extremely bulky guy who was lifting up a petite girl on one hand. “He can probably see right up her skirt.”

“Huh.” Michael looked contemplative. “Screw football, then. I’m becoming a cheerleader.”


“Just kidding. Your skirt’s the only one I wanna look under.” He grinned, then leaned in and kissed her quick.

He got the rest of his food, and they ate and talked until the team ran out onto the field. That was when Michael’s expression changed from one of casual enjoyment to utter intrigue. His eyes lit up. His whole face lit up. When the team took to the field, the crowd thundered, but Michael was absolutely silent. He just watched, clearly amazed, clearly more inspired than he would ever let on, and Maria saw how much he really loved this game. She’d never realized it before, just how deep his passion for this sport went, but now she was seeing it up close. It was written all over his face.

“That’ll be you out there next year,” she told him.

He smiled. “Ah, maybe.”


“Maybe,” he repeated. “It’ll be Kyle out there next year. That’s for sure.”

“Yeah, but you two are such a more lethal combination together,” she pointed out. “I’m sure the coaches will see that.”

“Maybe,” he just kept saying, probably not wanting to get his hopes up. “Hey, so which side’s gonna win here? Crimson or White?”

“Duh, Crimson.” Like she knew. She didn’t know who any of these players were, let alone many of the rules for the game. If she was right, it would be a lucky guess.

He scoffed at her prediction. “White. Let’s bet.”

“What do you wanna bet?”

“I don’t know. Something sexual.”

“Of course. Hmm . . .” She had a couple of ideas in mind, but something told her he had some pretty imaginative ideas of his own. “I don’t know, I’ll have to think about that.”

“Standing sixty-nine,” he blurted.

“What?” Was that what it sounded like? Because that sounded . . . really difficult.

“If the White team wins, and therefore I win . . . I wanna try it.”

Luckily it was so loud there that no one else could hear what he was saying. Or hear her agree to it. “Okay.”

“Okay.” He looked pleased that she’d agreed to it so readily.

“You’re not gonna win, though. I’m gonna win.”

He laughed in derision. “Oh, yeah, right. You don’t even know how many points a touchdown’s worth.”

“Yes, I do!” she argued. “Seven.”

“Six,” he corrected.

“No, it’s seven.”

“It’s six. You get the extra point and then it’s seven.”

“Oh.” She just stared at him, silently admitting defeat. Yeah, he had this one in the bag. Standing sixty-nine, here I come.

While the game was going on, Michael explained the plays to Maria, tried to tell her why they were doing certain things, why certain moves were allowed and others were classified as penalties. He was surprisingly patient when she asked him to explain the refs’ arm motions, and all in all, it seemed like he enjoyed being able to impart some of his knowledge. It was so cute watching a boy who hated studying and learning in all forms ironically enjoy teaching things to her.

Michael had taught her a lot, actually. More than he would ever know.

Near the end of halftime, Kyle came up into the stands and found them, looking like a wide-eyed kid in a candy store as he got a glimpse of the next years of his life here. “You guys made it, huh?” he said. “What do you think?”

“Offense looks like shit,” Maria blurted.

Kyle gave her a surprised look.

She motioned to Michael and said, “That’s what he’s been saying this entire time.”

“Well, they do,” Michael said. “Look, man, from what I’m seein’, there’s no way either of these guys are gonna start at quarterback. You’re gonna wipe the floor with ‘em.”

“I don’t know, I think they’ll probably put me at backup to start,” Kyle said modestly. “But who knows? So did you guys tailgate?”

“Yeah,” Michael replied. “I learned how to grill better.”

“That’s good. Good life skill. Where’s Dylan?”

“Um . . .” There it was. The guilty feeling again. Maria made a face. “He’s at home. He’s got sick. I still feel really guilty about not being there with him, so . . .”

“How’s life down on the sideline?” Michael asked before she could start feeling too guilty again.

“Dude, it’s awesome,” Kyle raved. “It’s pretty hectic, though. Actually, uh . . . I’ve been droppin’ your name a few times. The assistant offensive coordinator wants to meet with you.”

“The assistant offensive coordinator?” Michael didn’t seem very impressed.

“Hey, it’s a start,” Kyle said. “Come on down there, man. He says he’ll squeeze you in before the next quarter.”

Michael looked at Maria, then back up at Kyle. “Just me?”

“Well . . . it’s not like they can let everyone down there,” Kyle said apologetically. “Sorry, Maria.”

“No, it’s okay.” That made sense. She wasn’t a cheerleader, and she wasn’t even a student. She was just . . . a casual fan. A casual fan who was only a fan because her boyfriend was going to be a player. Oh, well. It was what it was.

“Well, I don’t wanna just leave you here,” Michael said. “I’d feel . . .” He trailed off, rolling his eyes at himself. “Guilty.”

“Just go,” she urged. “I’m fine here. I won’t even move. You should go meet this guy.”

Still, he looked reluctant, but he was giving in. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, go.” There was no way she was going to tell him to stay here with her, not when he had a chance to get his foot in the door. It was too important.

“Let’s go, man,” Kyle said, already heading back down.

Michael sighed, setting his drink down. “I’ll be right back,” he promised, kissing her cheek as he followed his friend.

Yeah, she thought, letting her supportive smile fade. No, you won’t.

It was fine. Really. She knew it must have taken a long time to get down to the sideline, and then an even longer time to find this assistant coach and actually strike up a conversation with him. She knew it wasn’t Michael’s fault that he was gone for the entire third quarter. That was just the way it was.

The second half of the game was far less interesting for her. Penalties were called, and she had no one to explain them to her. Plays were run, and they happened so fast that she couldn’t even make sense of them. She gathered that the White team was still playing better, though, and the score showed that they were still winning. So, yep, she was definitely losing that bet.

Halfway through the fourth quarter, she was starting to feel ready to go. Her back felt sore from sitting there for so long, and she was starting to feel like she was getting a sunburn. The people in the student section were still having a grand old time, though, and the cheerleaders were still cheering. They all still belonged there.

It was weird, but . . . without Michael sitting next to her, she worried that it was painfully obvious that she didn’t belong. Maybe even a new shirt couldn’t hide that fact.

He finally got back with only about five minutes left in the fourth quarter, all apologies. “I’m so sorry,” he said. “I didn’t know it was gonna take that long.”

“It’s okay,” she assured him.

“First we talked to the assistant guy, and then we talked to another guy, and then this other guy came along. I didn’t get to meet the head coach, though, obviously, but . . .” He shrugged.

“Well, it sounds like you met some people, so that’s good,” she said.

“Yeah. And the White team’s gonna win, so that’s even better.” He smirked and wriggled his eyebrows.

“You perv,” she teased.

“You know it. Want anything else to eat?”

“Actually . . .” She twisted her torso to the side, trying to stretch out. “Do you think maybe we should just go? Try to beat the crowd?” A lot of people were already leaving.

“Oh, shit, I just got back.”

“I know. But there’s only, like, five minutes left.” She really wanted to check into their hotel and maybe lie down and take a nap for a couple of hours. The lack of sleep was really starting to catch up to her.

“Yeah, alright, we can go,” he said, but before he got up, he grabbed her hand and looked her right in the eye. “You sure you’re not mad at me for goin’ down there?”

“I’m sure,” she told him. “It’s fine.” And that was true. How could she be mad that he was getting a head-start on his future? No, she wasn’t mad. Not mad at all. Just a little sad. She wished she could have gone with him.

TBC . . .

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Re: Someone, Anyone (M&M, CC/UC, AU, Adult) Part 65, 06/27/1

Post by keepsmiling7 »

It's good to be back and catch up on this story.
Poor Isabel......there's no turning back for here.
And little Dylan, I've missed him
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Re: Someone, Anyone (M&M, CC/UC, AU, Adult) Part 65, 06/27/1

Post by sarammlover »

I wish Maria would just get her damn GED. Move forward with her own life. SHe is so adamant that Michael get into college and think about finances but then gets all mopey when she does. She should start thinking about herself now...better her own situation! Great update!
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Part 66

Post by April »

Happy 4th of July to anyone who's celebrating!

There is definitely no turning back for Isabel now. It's very sad and very frustrating.

I wish Maria would just get her damn GED. Move forward with her own life. SHe is so adamant that Michael get into college and think about finances but then gets all mopey when she does. She should start thinking about herself now...better her own situation!
Maria is so used to settling and making sacrifices in her own life that she's sort of become accustomed to the idea that there just aren't many options for success in her future. And if she was a single parent, that might be true, but now with Michael in the picture, this could open up some new opportunities for her. Of course, though, never wanting to hold him back, her primary objective is to make sure he succeeds.

Thank you for the feedback!

Enjoy a little of Ed Sheeran's "Give Me Love" today if you'd like when you see :)

Part 66

It was good to see Dylan feeling better, but he was definitely starting to get rambunctious. A full day of not being able to play was beginning to unleash itself as he got bored with his cars, shoved them aside, and crawled up onto his bed, giggling.

“What’re you doing?” Krista said, starting to collect his toys for him. But then she figured that was something he had to do himself. “Come back here.”

He just smiled giddily and started jumping up and down on his bed.

“Dylan, you have to put your toys away,” she told him, trying to sound stern and steadfast in the midst of his adorableness.

“No,” was his defiant response.

Dylan . . .” She tried to use that warning tone, but she feared she’d never been very good at it. Michael had surely never responded to it.

“I jump high!” he exclaimed, trying to touch the ceiling, getting nowhere close. “See?”

“I see, but do you see all these toys you still have out? You need to put them away.”

“No!” he whined.

Yes.” He was reminding her so much of Michael that it wasn’t even funny.

“I jump high!” he yelled again.

“Just come put away your toys, and then you can jump as high as you want.”

For whatever reason, something changed his mind, and he hopped down off the bed, reluctantly getting back down on the floor so he could put his cars and trucks away in the storage tub where they belonged.

“Thank you,” she said, patting his head. Feeling drained for energy, she went to fix his covers, because she’d just made that bed when he’d finally gotten out of it a few hours ago, and now it was all messed up.

From the doorway, she could hear her husband’s judgmental laughter. “What the hell are you doin’, Kris?”

“I’m just making the bed,” she replied, not allowing herself to be distracted from the task at hand.

He crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head. “Ridiculous.”

Fed up with his little commentary, she finally just tore all the covers back, figuring Dylan would be getting in there and hopefully falling asleep in a short while anyway. “What?”

“Just . . . look at you. Raisin’ a kid who ain’t even your own?”

She shot a worried look at Dylan, but he was focusing on putting his toys back. It was a slow process, but he was getting there. Not wanting him to overhear anything Andy was saying, she made her way towards her husband and pushed back on his chest, forcing him out of the small bedroom. “Do you have to say things like that around him?”

“He didn’t hear me. Besides, it’s true.”

She made a face at the overwhelming smell of alcohol on his breath. It was only early evening, and apparently he’d already been knocking them back like a champ. Like he always did. “I’m not raising him; I just agreed to watch him for the weekend.”

“While our son and that girl of his go get it on in some cheap motel room?”

“They went to the spring game.”

“Oh, that must be fun,” he said bitterly. “That must be nice to be able to go to somethin’ like that, just take off for a little road trip ‘cause you got a mommy at home who’s willing to play babysitter.”

She rolled her eyes, not because she disagreed with him, but because she was annoyed that she partially did agree. “It’s not just a fun weekend. They’re looking at apartments, too.”

“Oh, I’m sure,” Andy said sarcastically. “I’m sure that’s what they’re doing right now.”

“Look, I’m glad that they’re trying to get a plan in place,” she said. “If I can help in some way, then why not?”

“Because you do too much for ‘em,” he claimed unwaveringly. “You cook their meals, pay their bills, look after their kid . . .”

“Well, some people might say I do the same for you,” she shot back.

His eyes clouded over with anger, and she really feared, not for the first time, that he was going to hit her. That this would be it, that he wouldn’t keep it inside anymore. He’d just snap.

But he didn’t. Instead, he glared at her and returned the topic of conversation back to their son. “You know as well as I do they’re not ready to be out on their own. They’re not gonna make it when they don’t have you to fall back on, or that girl’s mom.”

“That girl?” she echoed incredulously. “That girl’s name is Maria.”

“Whatever. She’s not a bad a girl,” he admitted. “But she’s a bad situation.”

She stuffed her hands in her pockets, sighing reluctantly, taking another quick glance in at Dylan to make sure he was still occupied. He’d gotten his dinosaur toys out now. “I know it’s not ideal, watching our son fall so hard for someone who’s got a lot of baggage, but . . . I think he really loves her.” As much as she was wary for Michael and Maria, she really did want it work out for them. Michael had become a better person with her, and she had never known him to be so kind with a girl.

“I really loved you,” he pointed out.

The words were like a knife to her heart, and she almost broke into tears right on the spot. Did he not hear himself? Or was he well aware that he had just used the past tense and no longer cared if it upset her?

“Look, the bottom line is, our screw-up of a son isn’t ready to raise a kid,” Andy announced confidently, looking in at Dylan. “He’s still a kid himself.”

Was he? Krista wasn’t so sure anymore. At the beginning of the year, the answer had been clear, but now . . . sometimes, she watched him, watched the way he looked at Maria, and she could have sworn . . . he was becoming a man.


( :) )

The hotel Michael and Maria were staying at looked average enough on the outside, but it had one major thing going for it on the inside: the bathroom. What was it with them and bathrooms today?

The tub was quite large, circular, more like the size of a hot tub than anything else. Maria thought it looked relaxing; Michael thought it looked like a pool. So needless to say, they were both eager to try it out, though for different reasons.

Michael filled it up and made sure it was warm enough, then undressed her. She got in and enjoyed a semi-striptease as he took off all of his own clothes and got in with her. He seemed amazed that a tub this big could actually exist as he moved all around in it, occasionally splashing her or blowing bubbles at her as she reclined against the side.

“Maria . . . this is awesome,” he raved. “This is the best part of the whole room. We gotta get one of these.”


“Yeah. To put in our apartment. I mean, it’s not a pool, but . . . hey, next best thing.”

“I don’t think we can fit a tub this big in an apartment,” she said, not bothering to add that they could never afford such a thing.

“Oh, I’ll make it fit,” he promised, grinning suggestively.

She rolled her eyes at his goofiness as he splashed her again. When he got in playful moods like this, he was hard to resist. He was always hard to resist. “You look so young,” she told him.

“Well . . . I am young.” He moved towards her, rubbing his hands against her legs beneath the surface. “So are you.”

“Yeah, but . . .” It just wasn’t the same. Michael had this youthfulness about him that hadn’t been dimmed yet, and maybe never would be.

“Come here.” He closed the distance between them, reaching underneath her to cup her backside. She held onto his shoulders as he repositioned them so that he was now the one leaning back against the tub, sitting with her on his lap.

“You look so cute with your hair wet,” she said, brushing it off his forehead.

“I look cute all the time,” he bragged.

She laughed a little at the truth of that statement. But sometimes cute transformed into just plain sexy, like it had in that apartment today.

Holding onto his arms, she leaned back, giving him the perfect view of her stomach and breasts as she got her own hair in the water, soaking it. When she sat up straight again, he had a wide-eyed, open-mouthed look on his face.

“Cute?” she asked.

“No, more like beautiful.” He smoothed her hair away from her face, getting his fingers tangled in the wet strands. “Are you tired?” he asked.

She nodded slowly and admitted, “I’m very tired.”

“Me, too,” he agreed. “I’m very tired. We could just go to sleep, if you want.”

“We could.” She knew that wasn’t what was going to happen, though, because it wasn’t what either of them wanted to happen.

“Do you wanna just go to sleep?” he asked, probably partly out of consideration and partly because he was teasing.

She shook her head, smiling. “No.”

“No?” His hands swept up her back, pulling her torso closer. “Good, ‘cause . . . I don’t want to, either.” And then he was kissing her. Soft, tender kisses this time, the exact opposite of earlier that day. It was just as pleasurable, but in a different sort of way. She loved that Michael could be wild and rough with her, and in a matter of hours just switch it up and be so utterly gentle. When he kissed her and held her like this, it was like he was treating her like a work of art, like she was precious.

She tried to reach over him to pick up his jeans from where they lay discarded on the floor, but she couldn’t quite reach. “Just a minute,” she said, pressing her index finger to his lips.

“What?” he asked.


“Oh.” He lifted her out of the water, using the opportunity to press featherweight kisses to her stomach. It tickled.

“Farther,” she said, still unable to reach.

He hoisted her up some more, his face at the perfect position to nestle between her legs now and kiss her lower lips the same way he’d been kissing the upper ones.

“Okay,” she said as she got a condom. She opened it and handed it to him as he put her back down in the warm water.

“You put it on me,” he told her.

“You’re not supposed to put it on underwater.”

He groaned, looking all reluctant as he moved her off of him and stood up in the tub. Good lord, she thought, practically mesmerized by the sight of all those water droplets on his body. He was very hard and ready to go, so she reached up and stroked his length a few times before sliding the condom on, making sure it was snug so it wouldn’t slip off while they were doing it in here.

“That’s my girl,” he said as he got back down in the water, scooping her up onto his lap again. He just held her there for a moment, rubbing her back, staring at her with a look of absolute devotion in his eyes.

It was almost too much to look him right in the eye, because she felt like she was getting lost in him, like she had been for a while now. Did it ever stop being a good thing to get lost in another person? Or was it always okay? Was it always okay to just feel happy and loved and not worry about the consequences?

She trailed her hands over his chest, admiring the shape of his body, the feel of his skin beneath her fingertips. She could feel him slowly entering her, his hips starting to move, so she started to move her body, too, pressing down on him as he pressed further up into her. And soon enough, they were making all sorts of little waves in the water surrounding them.


The drive back to Roswell was a long one. Maria once again offered to take shifts so Michael could rest, too, but he insisted he was fine. She fell asleep in the passenger’s seat that afternoon and didn’t wake up until they were only about an hour away. By the time they got home, it was almost 10:00 at night. Michael looked exhausted, like he could barely put one foot in front of the other as he trudged in the house and called, “Anybody up? We’re home.”

“Shh,” Maria said. “Maybe they were sleeping.”

If they had been, though, he’d woken at least a few of them up. Dylan came darting out of his bedroom in his jersey, exclaiming, “Mommy!”

“Hi, honey,” she said, bending down so she could scoop him up in her arms and hug him.

Krista came downstairs in her pajamas and robe. “Hey, you two,” she said. “Did you have fun?”

“Yeah, we had a lot of fun,” Michael replied.

“How are you?” Maria asked her little boy. “I hear you’re feeling better.”

He nodded emphatically. “Lots.”

“That’s good. I missed you.”

“Missed you, too, Mommy.” He voluntarily gave her a kiss on the cheek that totally warmed her heart, then reached out for Michael.

“Hey, buddy,” Michael said, lifting him up. “Did you take care of things around here while we were gone?’


“I bet you did. You were the man of the house.”

“I’m so glad you’re not sick anymore,” Maria said, squeezing his adorable little toes. “I was worried.”

“Oh, he’s fine now,” Krista said. “In fact, I had a hard time getting him into bed tonight.”

“And now he’s out of it again.” Maria shot her an apologetic look. “Sorry.”

“Oh, it’s fine. So how was the game?”

“It was good,” Michael said. “I met a few of the coaches.”

“Oh, that’s great. I’m glad.”

“And we found an apartment we think we like, too,” Maria added.

“Really? Excellent.”

“What’s that?” Dylan asked.

“What, an apartment?” Michael tickled him a bit. “It’s where we’re gonna live next year, buddy.”

He frowned and asked again, “What?”

Oh, crap, Maria thought. She hadn’t gotten to talk to Dylan about the move yet. She’d been waiting for the right time, trying to figure out the right way to put it so he’d understand and wouldn’t freak out about it. “I haven’t actually explained any of this to him,” she admitted. “I guess I should.”

“Oh, sorry,” he said. “I thought . . .”

“It’s okay. I’ll just . . .” She set her bag down, exchanging it for Dylan instead, and carried him back into his bedroom to clue him in about what was going on.

“Wanna play?” he asked, heading straight for his toys after she set him down on his feet.

“No, Dylan, come here,” she said, sitting down on the bed. She patted the empty space beside her and repeated, “Come on.”

He nearly tripped on his jersey as he made his way over to her, and she helped him up on the bed. “Sweetie, there’s . . . there’s something I have to tell you that I meant to tell you before,” she started in, hoping he’d take the news well. The reason why she’d been putting this off was because she was worried how he was going to react.

Dylan yawned suddenly and announced, “I tired.”

“I know, but I want you to listen to me for a minute, okay?”

He smiled dopily.

“Okay.” God, could he be any cuter? “Listen, honey . . . within these next couple months, you and I . . . we’re gonna be moving.”

“Mooing?” he echoed incorrectly.

“No, moving. We’re gonna go live somewhere else.”

His eyes immediately widened in fear. “Where?”

“Alabama,” she informed him. “It’s another state. We’re going there with Michael, ‘cause he’s gonna play football there.”

“Football?” His eyes lit up, and slowly, he smiled. “Is Teenie go, too?”

That was going to be one of the hardest things for him, leaving Tina behind. He’d definitely come to view her as an older sister; they had a strong bond. “No, honey, she’s not going. And neither are Michael’s parents. It’s just gonna be the three of us.”

The smile faded, and he pouted. “What about Gramma?”

“Grandma Amy?” Thank God she wasn’t going. On some level, Maria did and always would love her mom, but their relationship was just so stressful most of the time. “No, she’s gonna stay here. But you can still see her sometimes, like maybe on your birthday or Christmas. And you can talk to her on the phone a lot.”

“Okay,” he mumbled in acceptance.

Well . . . at least he wasn’t freaking out. But he didn’t seem particularly thrilled about the news, either. “Hey,” she said, holding his hands. “We’ll still be together.”

“You and me and Daddy?” he asked.


“No. Daddy,” he corrected adamantly.

And here she was, still trying to get used to that when it sounded so normal and natural coming from him. “Yeah,” she said, loving that Dylan had come to think of Michael that way. “Yeah, you and me and Daddy.”


Senior Skip Day. It was a beautiful tradition, one Michael had been looking forward to ever since middle school, when he’d invented Seventh Grade Skip Day and convinced most of his classmates to ditch class with him. Now that the real deal was finally here, it was starting to sink in that he didn’t have many tally marks left to make on his wall now that high school was mercifully almost over.

He, Kyle, and the guys decided to just hang out around town, be lazy, no real agenda in mind. They got hungry fast, though, and of course he suggested the Crashdown, even though he wasn’t sure if Maria was scheduled to work there or if she was at the library today instead.

As they were strolling down the sidewalk, Jase and Bubba were giving Antonio a hard time about his new girlfriend, who they kept mistakenly calling Karen even though her name was Kelly.

“Guys, I’m not goin’ soft,” Antonio insisted. “But she doesn’t go for losers, okay? I gotta step it up if I wanna be with her.”

“Fine, you step it up, keep on doin’ Karen,” Jase said.

“Kelly,” Antonio corrected.

“Whatever. You do her, I’ll keep bangin’ random chicks.”

“Me, too,” Bubba agreed gruffly, though he probably didn’t bang so much as he just lay there like a beached whale and let a girl bounce up and down on his blubber.

“Michael, you get it, right, man?” Antonio said.

“I get it,” he admitted. Sometimes, the right girl came along and just motivated you to change without you even realizing it. Maria had.

Antonio was still looking for more reinforcements. “Kyle?”

“Oh, I’ve always gotten it,” Kyle assured him.

Suddenly, a high-pitched voice called out, “Michael!”

He looked around, trying to spot the source. And when he did, he wished he hadn’t. Amy DeLuca was on the other side of the street, waving her arms to get his attention. When she did, she looked for a chance to cross.

“Whoa, who’s that?” Jase asked, intrigued.

“Maria’s mom.”

“Oh, dude, please tell me you’ve had that threesome.”

Yeah, Amy would have been a MILF if it hadn’t been for her personality. “You guys go on. I’ll catch up with you,” he said, wanting them gone by the time she got over there.

They scrammed, though Jase was practically salivating as Kyle dragged him away, and Amy finally saw an opening in what little traffic there was and darted across the street. “Oh, Michael,” she said. “I’m so glad I saw you. I’ve been wanting to talk to you.”

“Really?” He highly doubted that. Lecture? Maybe. Annoy? Sure. But Amy rarely just talked to him like he was any kind of decent human being.

“Yeah, I just . . . wait a minute, why aren’t you in school? Do you ever go to school?”


She huffed.

“It’s Senior Skip Day.”

“Oh, you would take part in that, wouldn’t you?” She shook her head in disapproval. As if she hadn’t done the exact same thing when she was his age. It really wasn’t even a big deal. “Well, since you’re skipping, I wanted to ask you . . . is there a timeline you had in mind for this little move idea?”

He gave her an angry look. Little move idea? “You do realize we’re not gonna change our minds about this, don’t you? We’re going.”

“Oh, I know. You and your little football dream.”

Again with the little. Why did she think all his plans were so god-damn small? “I could end up playing for the best college football team in the country if I make it,” he informed her. “It’s not a little dream. It’s not a little plan. We went there this weekend, found our apartment and everything.”

“You did?” She sounded surprised, like she really had expected them to back out on this. “So when are you leaving?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Sometime this summer, before summer camp starts.”

“Summer camp?”

He rolled his eyes. “Football, Amy. Again.”

“Oh. I thought you meant . . . canoeing or horse-riding or something.”

“Not so into the horses.”

“So . . . within the next two or so months then?” she asked for clarification. “That seems . . . incredibly soon.”

“Not soon enough,” he muttered. Getting away from his dad would be the highlight. Getting away from this woman’s constant judgment would be an added bonus.

“Does Dylan know?”

“Yeah, Maria told him last night.”

“And was he sad?” She actually sounded like she hoped he was sad. “I’m sure he is. That’s gonna be tough on him. And me. You know you’re basically tearing my family away from me, right?”

“That’s not what I’m doing.”

“Oh, but it is. I don’t have any other children, and I love my grandson so much.”

“I sleep with your daughter,” he murmured, partly just to piss her off, partly to remind himself that he was far closer to Maria than she was.


“What?” Wasn’t about to repeat it, though.

Amy sighed in exasperation, crossing her arms over her chest. Everything about her—tone, body language . . . it was radiating hostility. “You know, I—I wish the best for the two of you. Truly, I do. But to be honest, Michael, I just . . . I don’t know if I see this working out.”

Oh, fuck you, his mind swore, but he kept it inside, knowing Maria would appreciate it if he could try to be the bigger and better person here. “Goodbye, Amy.” He turned and started to walk away.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized, following after him, “I don’t mean to sound rude, but I’m just trying to be honest.”

Save it, he thought. He had his dad for these things.

“You’re both so young, and being out on your own with a child . . . that’s tougher than you know. Tougher than I think you wanna admit.”

He spun around, so fucking sick and tired of people thinking he couldn’t handle being an adult. He realized he hadn’t given them much reason to be confident in him over the years, but he really had changed. For the better. “Are you jealous or something?” he spat angrily.

“J—jealous?” she sputtered, looking at him as if that were ridiculous. “Why on earth would I be jealous?”

“Because you and your husband couldn’t make it work, but Maria and I are gonna be together for the rest of our lives.”

A look of pain flashed through her eyes, and he suspected that, on some level, at least, he was right. But more than that, she really was just being cautious. “You think that now,” she said warily.

“I know it.”

She sighed, shrugging and shaking her head. “Well, I don’t know what to tell you. I hope you’re right; I just don’t think you are.”

“Well, luckily, Amy . . .” He leaned in, feeling furious as he ground out, “I don’t give a shit what you think.” He smiled at her to mask his anger and stormed off down the sidewalk, going fast enough so she couldn’t follow him this time.

“What a gentleman,” she called after him sarcastically.

He’d never claimed to be a gentleman. He just wasn’t a total loser anymore.


Isabel swirled her tongue around her boyfriend’s taut nipple, enjoying the salty taste of his skin, and then pressed a few kisses to his chest as she lay on top of him.

“Oh, Isabel Evans,” he said, touching her hair, “I’m so honored you chose to spend your skip day with me.”

She rested her chin against his chest, gazing at him. “Who else would I spend it with?”

“I don’t know.” Jesse moved his right arm behind his head. “Maybe your little cheerleader friend.”

Isabel felt a pang of sadness when she thought about Tess, but she forced it to be fleeting. “Yeah, we’re not really friends anymore.”

“Why not?”

“Because. We’re just . . . different.” On different paths, going different directions . . . wasn’t that usually what happened with people when high school ended?

“Let me guess: She’s the straight-and-narrow type?” he presumed.

“Pretty much. Got her whole life planned out for her, and of course it’s picture-perfect.”

“Of course.” He rolled his eyes. “I hate girls like that.”

Isabel frowned. “She’s not . . . hate-able.”

“No, but I mean . . . people like that get annoying. They’re so focused on their plans that they don’t know when to live spontaneously and take life as it comes.”

“Hmm.” She drummed her fingers atop his chest, wondering if he knew she was one of those people, a person with a plan. She had Princeton. But she had yet to tell him about it.

From down the hall, she heard Eric and Courtney going at it, both of them yelling at the top of their lungs, completely unembarrassed or ashamed.

“God,” she said. “Do they ever come up for air?”

“Not most days.” Jesse grinned at her and proposed, “We could do it again.”

“Again?” They’d already done it three times. She was starting to feel really tired. A little cuddle time would have been nice.

“Or we could eat something first,” Jesse said.

“I’ll go downstairs and get something,” she volunteered.

“Peanut butter,” he suggested, licking his lips. He probably had various methods in mind when it came to eating that.

“Coming right up,” she said, kissing his lips quickly before she got out of bed. She threw on his shirt and buttoned it up on her way downstairs. Even from down in the kitchen, she could hear Courtney scream as she came, followed shortly thereafter by Eric. That made her wonder if they could hear it when she and Jesse did it. They weren’t nearly as loud, though Jesse was always encouraging her to be louder.

She quickly discovered that she didn’t know her way around this kitchen, because whenever she was over there, she mostly just spent her time in Jesse’s bedroom. As she was looking through the cupboards, Courtney came wandering downstairs without a stitch of clothing on. “Oh, I love my life!” she exclaimed.

Isabel’s first instinct was to not look at her, but then she figured it wasn’t a big deal. Even though she didn’t remember it, there was video proof of the two of them hooking up in the same room, after all. “Your life?” she asked. “Or your sex life?”

Courtney smirked. “Both. Eric’s a freak beneath the sheets. He fucks me so good.”

“Yeah. So I’ve heard.” Isabel managed to locate the peanut butter, but she was hungry for some actual food, so she pulled open the refrigerator door. Not much there. Apparently it had been a while since anyone had gone to the grocery store.

“We’re making a movie,” Courtney revealed. “For the website. I just played a horny maid, and he was the pizza boy.” She stuck her tongue out and wriggled it.

“Well, that sounds . . . really deep,” Isabel remarked sarcastically.

“Oh, trust me, it was deep.”

Isabel couldn’t help but laugh a little. These people were like an extreme version of Michael. They had absolutely no rules, no boundaries, no limits. Nothing held them back, but everything pushed them forward. They always had a good time and never seemed to regret it.

“Sorry I can’t be your costar,” she apologized. “It’s just . . .” All the excuses that came to mind would just sound lame.

“No, it’s fine,” Courtney said. “Not everyone’s into porn. Jesse understands that. Although . . .” She looked Isabel up and down. “I’m sure if you changed your mind, Jesse and Eric would be all over it.”

“Yeah, it’s just that . . . you know, I’m still in high school.”

“For a few more weeks.”

“And in a couple months, I’ll be going to college . . .” She cringed as she said the words. Why? she asked herself. Why would you say that?

“Where you goin’?” Courtney asked. “Around here, I hope.”

“Uh, no, actually. Princeton.”

“Where the hell’s that?”

“New Jersey.”

“Jersey, huh?” Courtney hopped up on the counter, apparently not bothered by the fact that her bare ass was sitting on a surface where other people in that house prepared food. “Isn’t that, like, a brainiac school?”

“Um . . . yeah, I guess you could say that.” She wanted to sound modest, but everyone knew what type of students went to Princeton. Everyone knew it was Ivy League.

“Damn, you’re smarter than I realized,” Courtney teased. “Smarter than I ever was. Jesse’s gonna be impressed.”

“I haven’t told him,” she admitted. “I’m not sure how he’s gonna react.”

“Well, he’ll be sad, of course,” Courtney said, “but proud of you.”

“Yeah.” Yeah, he would be, wouldn’t he? “And just because he’ll still be here and I’ll be way out there, we could still . . . date?” That sounded weird. A long-distance relationship? She’d never pictured that for herself.

“Well . . .” Courtney shrugged. “Maybe.”

“Maybe?” Did that mean . . . was Jesse not into the whole long-distance thing?

“Look, all I know is, if you get up to Princeton and all those bookworms bore the hell outta you, you can always come back to us.”

Isabel laughed appreciatively. “Thanks.” But she knew that that couldn’t happen. Her future was there. She couldn’t stay in this house with these people forever. And she didn’t want to stay in this town.


“You’re really pretty, you know that?”

Maria looked down at Michael with frustration all over her face. “Seriously?” she whined.

“What? It’s a compliment?” He was lying on his back on the living room floor, and beside him, she was on her stomach, trying desperately to quiz him over the study guide Ms. Alvarez had handed out for tomorrow’s English test over . . . some famous play. Hell if he knew which one.

“I know it’s a compliment,” she acknowledged, “and thank you, but you so need to focus.”

“That’s difficult for me.”

“I know, and now you’re distracting me, too.”

“That’s easy for me.”

She rolled her eyes, even though her small smile was a telltale indicator that she liked being distracted. When she looked down at the paper in her hand again, her hair fell forward to curtain her face and brushed against his cheek. He reached up to twist it around his finger, just for the hell of it.

“That’s distracting,” she informed him.


“No, not good,” she insisted, swatting his hand away. “You have to study.”

“School’s almost over.”

“Exactly. Don’t you wanna end on a strong note?”

“Not really.”

She gave him a look. “Just say yes.”

“Uh . . . yes?” He couldn’t have sounded any more unconvincing if he’d tried. “I can’t help it, Maria. I hate studying. Unless it’s the periodic table. Phosphorous, remember?” He grinned, wriggling his eyebrows.

“Yeah, I remember that.” A blush swept across her cheeks. “But I’m sorry, there’s no way I can make Hamlet sexy.”

Ah, Hamlet. So that’s what it was. “Okay, I have to confess . . . I didn’t read one word of it,” he revealed.


“It was boring. And you know how Shakespeare is. He always sounds like he’s writing in a different language. Besides, someone told me it was just like The Lion King, so I just re-watched that.”

Her mouth dropped open in disbelief. “How are you gonna take this test tomorrow when all you’ve done is watch The Lion King?”

“I was pretty much just banking on dumb luck,” he admitted. “Maria, come on. It’s Shakespeare. It’s awful.”

“Well . . . yeah, it’s pretty bad,” she agreed.

“You ever read Hamlet?”

“No. But we had to read Romeo and Juliet when I was in ninth grade.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s one of the reasons why you dropped out.”

She gave him a sharp look, as if to say that she didn’t like hearing jokes about that.

“Sorry,” he apologized.

“I made it through the first page of that play, couldn’t go any farther,” she confessed. “And I bombed the test. Big surprise.”

“Okay, screw this,” he said, seizing the study guide from her. “I’ll just look over the SparkNotes.” He crumpled up the study guide and tossed it up onto the couch, happy to put this upcoming test out of his mind. “There.” His English grade was, miraculously, a C. He could bomb this test and still be fine for the semester. Go figure.

“This was not productive,” she mumbled, shaking her head.

“Nope,” he agreed, scooting in even closer to her so that the side of his body was pressing against hers. “Can I quiz you on something?”


“Okay, not a quiz. More like a question,” he rephrased. “Somethin’ I was wondering about randomly while I was in the shower this morning.”

“Oh god.”

“Before we started hooking up . . .” He reached up to trace his index finger over her full, luscious lips. “How often did you masturbate and think about me?”

“What?” she shrieked. “Michael, that’s . . . that’s kind of personal, don’t you think?”

“Maria, I’ve literally put my dick up your ass,” he reminded her bluntly. “Nothing’s too personal.”

She laughed a little. “Okay, fine. I’d say . . . about three times a week. And at least two times a week I was thinking about you.”

He glared at her, thinking she was serious for a moment. But then he saw that look of playfulness, and he knew she was teasing him. “Ha, ha, very funny.”

“No, every time,” she admitted. “What about you?”

He sighed. “Oh, well, after I figured out how much I liked you . . .”

“Which was when?”

“Christmas, when I heard you sing for the first time. After that . . . man, I was strokin’ the stallion about every single night.”

“Stroking the stallion,” she echoed laughingly.

“It is a stallion,” he boasted.

“Oh, I never said it wasn’t.”

And suddenly it’s feeling a little frisky, he thought, squirming a bit. Wasn’t going to help. Hopefully she was in the mood, because they’d both been too tired to do it after they’d gotten home last night, and now he was feeling the withdrawal effects. “Hey, all this talk of getting off,” he said as he eased her onto her back and crawled on top of her, “really makes me wanna get it on.”

“Everything makes you wanna get it on,” she pointed out, rubbing her legs against his sides.

“Well . . .” He shrugged in admittance. Facts were facts.

As he started to make-out with her, she kept trying to pull away and use logic. “We can’t do this here.”

“Why not?” More attempts at kissing.

“Because it’s your living room floor.”


So? It’s your living room floor. Not exactly private.”

“Screw private,” he muttered, slipping his hand in between their bodies to touch her somewhere . . . well, private. “We can do it wherever we want.”

She actually looked like she was giving in—even though she never really would—when the front door swung open suddenly.

“Or not.” He tore his mouth and hands away from her and sat up. Oh, great. His dad was home. “Hi, Dad.”

The older man just glared at them in disgust. “What the hell are you doin’?”

“Nothing,” he lied ineffectively.

His dad grunted. “Yeah, I’ll bet.” And then he headed into the kitchen, but instead of doing what he usually did by grabbing a beer, he kicked a chair. It fell to the floor loudly.

“What the--” Michael got up and headed into the kitchen, and Maria followed him. “What the hell, Dad?”

“Don’t talk to me!” he roared. “I went in for a fuckin’ job interview Saturday, and they call me today and tell me they gave it to someone else. Some fuckin’ kid who’s not even gonna graduate. You know, like you.”

“No, I am graduating, Dad. Not that I expect you to be there to cheer me on or anything.”

“Whatever, he’s that type, you know? That type who’s never worked a day in his life.”

Michael clenched his hands into fists, feeling automatically furious. But Maria stepped up beside him and whispered, “Just ignore him.” So he tried to. But that was really hard to do when he was making a spectacle of himself in the kitchen.

“You know why they wouldn’t fuckin’ hire me?” He picked up a glass of wine off the counter, took one big swig, and gripped the bottle neck so tightly, it looked like he was about to break it with his bare hands. “ ‘cause of that DUI I got this summer. I wasn’t even drunk.”

“Apparently you were.”

“No, I wasn’t. Not that night. The cop just had it out for me.” He took another drink, then made a face and kept on venting. “Who the hell got wine? Your mom? I can’t get drunk off this shit!” Raging, he turned around and threw the bottle at the wall. It shattered on impact, and a mixture of liquid and shards of glass fell all over the floor.

Maria yelped, and Michael immediately positioned himself in front of her, just in case his dad decided to throw anything in their direction. “Calm down, Dad,” he said.

“You want me to be calm?”

“Yeah, shut the fuck up. You’re gonna wake up Mom and Teenie. We just got Dylan back to sleep.”

“Oh, yeah.” His dad laughed angrily. “That’s what I’m supposed to care about: a grandkid who ain’t even mine.”

Michael felt his girlfriend tense, so he quietly suggested to her, “Why don’t you go upstairs?”

She didn’t budge, though. She stood beside him, holding onto his shoulders.

“You know what? I hate my fuckin’ life,” his dad complained. “I hate livin’ here. I hate not havin’ a job, but I hate the jobs I’m applying for. And I hate how you think you’re so much fuckin’ better than me.” He pointed a finger at Michael. “You’re not better.”

“You are,” Maria assured him, her voice a comforting whisper that only he could hear.

“I hate it all,” his dad ranted on his way past them. “I hate it.” And with that, he was on his way back out the door.

Michael let out a heavy exhale. That had been . . . bracing. As conversations with his dad usually were. The only thing he hated was that Maria had been witness to it. “I’m sorry,” he apologized on his father’s behalf.

“It’s not your fault,” she said, slipping her arms around his waist as she rested her head against his back as she held on tightly, supportively.

He put his hands on top of hers, so thankful he had her, especially in moments like these. With her, he was heading somewhere in life, somewhere where he might actually be able to accomplish something and step out of his dad’s overwhelming shadow. Without her, his life would have spun out of control, much like his father’s had.

He was bound and determined not to become that man. No matter what.

TBC . . .

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Re: Someone, Anyone (M&M, CC/UC, AU, Adult) Part 66, 07/04/1

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Yes Mom and appears that Michael really does love Maria, baggage and all.
Amy needs to get over her jealousy.....
Little Dylan seemed okay about the move.....
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Re: Someone, Anyone (M&M, CC/UC, AU, Adult) Part 66, 07/04/1

Post by Eva »

Chances are big that it's true what they say: Michael is overestimating his move to Alabama. But by judging him before that, his dad & Amy are chasing him even more away.
Take a look at Eva's world
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Re: Someone, Anyone (M&M, CC/UC, AU, Adult) Part 66, 07/04/1

Post by sarammlover »


Andy - Time to have a heart attack. Sorry but he is a totally miserable asshole. He is a bad husband and father and should suffer a heart attack.....maybe then he will know what it feels like to have his heart HURT.

Krista - TIme to kick Andy's ass to the curb. He doesn't provide ANYTHING. He is a drain on her heart, her wallet and her emotions. He is terrible to the kids and to her and she would be better off without him.

Michael - I am SO glad he stood up to Amy. She is such a whiny bitch and almost good for nothing. She DID watch Dylan, once. I am also glad to know he does not want to end up like Andy. And him going to school and trying hard will hopefully get him to a better place than his dad.

Maria - I still think she should work towards bettering her own situation. I know she wants to support Michael and she is in love with him but it would be good to be able to provide for herself, Dylan and in turn Michael too.

Isabel - Girl needs help.

I really feel for Tess right now too. She lost her lady best friend (I think Kyle really is her best friend) and at the end of the school year she is going to lose him too...not emotionally but physically. He won't be there. Maybe she shoudl take summer school, graduate a semester early and join him at college? Ooh. I like that idea.

Great update!
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Part 67

Post by April »

Yes Mom and appears that Michael really does love Maria, baggage and all.
Yes, he really does.
Little Dylan seemed okay about the move.....
He'll be happy as long as he has his mom and his dad. :)

Chances are big that it's true what they say: Michael is overestimating his move to Alabama. But by judging him before that, his dad & Amy are chasing him even more away.
Yes, these concerns that people have are valid, because Michael definitely still has a lot to learn about being an adult, and he really has no idea what he's getting himself into. But at least he's willing to try, and it has to be frustrating to feel such little support.

Sara: Ooh, I like knowing what you think about everyone in the fic!
Andy - Time to have a heart attack. Sorry but he is a totally miserable asshole. He is a bad husband and father and should suffer a heart attack.....maybe then he will know what it feels like to have his heart HURT.

Krista - TIme to kick Andy's ass to the curb. He doesn't provide ANYTHING. He is a drain on her heart, her wallet and her emotions. He is terrible to the kids and to her and she would be better off without him.
Yeah, their marriage is totally in shambles and has been for many, many years now. It's a very sad situation, because Krista is a good woman and deserves so much better.
Maria - I still think she should work towards bettering her own situation. I know she wants to support Michael and she is in love with him but it would be good to be able to provide for herself, Dylan and in turn Michael too.
Right now she feels like she has to direct all her energy and effort to making sure that Michael is successful. Maybe if they get to Alabama and he gets off on the right track, then she'll take some time to focus on herself and her own ambitions.
I really feel for Tess right now too. She lost her lady best friend (I think Kyle really is her best friend) and at the end of the school year she is going to lose him too...not emotionally but physically. He won't be there.
I think Kyle is probably her best friend, too. :) She dreads the thought of him going to college, because like you said, he physically won't be there every single day anymore.

Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it!

FYI: Maria briefly sings part of Dido's "Take My Hand" in this part. I was listening to that song when I decided to scrap my other 2 cover options I had designed for this fic and go with the lone image of the hands reaching out to each other instead.

Part 67

“Isabel Evans, please come to the office.”

Isabel groaned unhappily, stopping just feet shy of the door. What was this about? The school day was over and she was ready to leave. Jesse was out there waiting for her. He was picking her up because her car was in the shop, getting an oil change. She didn’t want to keep him waiting.

Whatever, she thought, deciding to just go and get it over with, whatever it was.

There must have been some big freshman drama that day, because the office was overflowing with acne-infested boys who were trying to act all macho and push and shove each other. Principal Forrester was dealing with them, so Isabel just stood back to give him a minute, hoping this wouldn’t take too long.

“Isabel,” Ms. Topolsky said, peeking out of her office. She gestured for her to come inside.

Oh, great. She’d been worried this would happen. Her mom had probably called the school and asked that they give her counseling. Like that would help.

Reluctantly, she went inside Ms. Topolsky’s office and shut the door to block out the shouting from outside. “What’s going on?” she asked, sitting in one of the over-worn chairs.

“I wanted to talk to you about something,” Ms. Topolsky replied, stating the obvious.

“I’m fine,” Isabel assured her quickly before they could even launch in. “I don’t have any problems; I don’t need any counseling. I’m headed to one of the best colleges in the country, remember?”

“Oh, I remember,” Ms. Topolsky said. “And that’s quite an accomplishment, truly. But there are some things we have to handle around here first.”

“Things?” She didn’t like the sound of this.

The guidance counselor folded her hands atop her desk and sighed heavily. “Oh, Isabel . . . I hate to be the one to have to tell you this, but . . . there have been some concerns expressed about whether or not it’s appropriate for you to be your class’s valedictorian in the wake of your . . . scandal.”

Passive voice, her grammar-oriented brain grumbled. Just come out and say it. “You mean my sex tape?” she asked. “You can say it. I’m not embarrassed.”

Ms. Topolsky, for once, looked very uncomfortable. “Okay, your . . . sex tape. Obviously you know everyone found out about it, and it has generated quite a bit of controversy.”

Isabel glared at her, feeling pissed off that they were even having this conversation. “I don’t see what this has to do with anything,” she dismissed haughtily. “Valedictorian’s all about grades. No one in this school has better grades than me.”

“True,” Ms. Topolsky acknowledged, “but there’s also a—a character clause, I guess you could say.”


“Yes. Whoever is given that title of valedictorian is given it with the stipulation that they have and will continue to represent their school and their class in a positive, respectful, responsible way.”

“Which I have always done,” Isabel reminded her.

“Until now.”

She huffed at the absurdity of this. “This is insane! What do you people want me to do, apologize?”

“I’m afraid it’s too late for that,” Ms. Topolsky mumbled under her breath.

“Oh, I’m sorry then, that I, as an eighteen year-old legal adult, chose to have sex with my boyfriend, whom I really like, and who really likes me.”

“Isabel . . .”

“I mean, God knows I’m the only student having sex around here. Ryan Adderman? No way has he ever slipped girls the date-rape drug. And Tess and Kyle, the golden couple? They’ve never done it. And Michael Guerin, your favorite student who you think has so much potential to be so great . . . yeah, he’s a total virgin. For sure.”

Ms. Topolsky took a breath, remaining calm. “Isabel, I’m very sorry,” she said apologetically, “but the decision has been made to remove you as valedictorian from this year’s graduating class.”

Isabel just stared at her in shock and disbelief. This wasn’t just a you’ve-been-warned type of lecture. This was the real deal. No discussion, no arguments, just . . . done. Decision made. “Are you kidding me?” she spat.

“It’s an unfortunate situation,” Ms. Topolsky went on, “but I hope that you learn from it.”

“No, this isn’t fair!” she roared, shooting to her feet. “I worked hard for this! This is mine!”

“I’m afraid it’s not.”

She grunted, helplessly, thinking, Of course not. Nothing’s ever mine anymore. Not my school, not my guy . . . Next thing she knew, they were probably going to ask her to step down as student-body president. Or maybe that didn’t matter to them, since they were so close to the end of the year. Maybe that was the one thing she would be able to keep with her for the remainder of high school.

“Who do I need to talk to to get this decision reversed?” Isabel demanded. “Huh? Principal Forrester? School board?”

“Isabel, who do you think suggested it in the first place?”

“Oh, that’s . . .” She flapped her arms against her sides, feeling helpless again. “That’s just great.” It was nice to know her school and community had so little confidence in her after everything she’d done for them. “You know what? Whatever. I don’t even care. You guys can go ahead and have your stupid graduation with your stupid valedictorian. I don’t need any of this. I’ve already got my letters of recommendation, and my scholarships, and my acceptance into Princeton. I’m smarter than any adult in this school, and you all know it.”

“So act like it,” Ms. Topolsky suggested.

Isabel rolled her eyes, so damn sick and tired of acting like anything. Act like a lady, had been her mother’s motto for her when she’d been a kid. And then, when she’d been a preteen, it had switched to Act like an adult. Why wasn’t it ever okay to just act like herself? The real her, not the one who spent every second of every day caring what people thought.

“I don’t need this,” she decided, grabbing her purse on her way out. The freshman debacle was still going on outside, and one of them smacked her ass on her way out. She turned back around and pushed him with all her might, slamming him back against the door. What a little jackass.

She finally got outside, into the parking lot where Jesse was supposed to be waiting for her. But his car wasn’t there. He was late.

Great. Because this day wasn’t bad enough.

The lot was mostly empty, except for the cars of the track athletes who had practice after school. She spotted a familiar figure, though, one that didn’t quite belong there, but one she longed to see. “Alex,” she whispered. He was opening his car door to get in.

“Alex!” She ran towards his vehicle, stopping him just as he was about to get inside. “Hey!” She didn’t know how she managed to smile in light of what had just happened. It just felt . . . really good to see him. “What’re you doing here?” she asked. “It’s not Study Buddies day.”

“No, your principal just wanted to meet with me. He says they’re not doing Study Buddies next year.”

“Oh.” She frowned, even though she’d expected that. That writing had been on the wall for a while now.

“That’s it? Just . . . oh?” He seemed surprised. “You’re not even gonna fight for it?”

“Well, I’m not gonna be here next year, so . . .” She shrugged. What did it matter to her? Gone were the days when she longed to leave a mark on this school. Besides, she already had. She’d left a video. People would remember her for that much longer than they would ever remember her for some tutoring program.

“I should go,” Alex said, getting into his car.

“No, wait,” she said before he could shut the door. “Is that really the only reason why you’re here?”

“No, actually, before the psychotic freshmen invasion happened, your principal offered me a summer job working with some of the at-risk students,” Alex explained. “SPED kids, behavior ones . . . things like that. I’m basically gonna be a glorified para for them in summer school, but . . . somethin’ worthwhile to do, I guess.”

And that was so Alex, wasn’t it? He was always doing something worthwhile, something good. He was just a good guy, and that would probably never change.

“So you’ll be here this summer?” she asked.

“I’ll be working here,” he said, as if to clarify that they wouldn’t be hanging out or going on anymore dates.

“That’s good,” she said. “Good for you.”

“Yeah. You got plans?”

“Um . . .” She liked this. This was nice. It felt like they were having a friendly conversation again.

“Not making any more movies, I hope.”

And just like that, the entire tone of the conversation shifted, and it wasn’t so friendly anymore. Alex was disappointed in her. Alex was disgusted by what she’d done. “You saw it?”

“Someone sent me the link. I didn’t watch more than a few seconds,” he said. “Didn’t want to.”

He didn’t? That confused her. The guy had a crush on her, or . . . at least he used to. Wouldn’t that means his eyes would be glued to the screen, regardless of what a good guy he was?

“Do yourself a favor, Isabel,” he said, staring at her solemnly. “When you go to Princeton, remember you’ve got a clean slate.”

She could hear the familiar, un-muffled roar of Jesse’s car as it zoomed into the parking lot. Better late than never. “Alex . . .” She didn’t know why, but for some reason, she wanted him to just keep talking to her, to say something that would make her feel less devastated about what had happened in Ms. Topolsky’s office today. “Please don’t leave.”

For a second, he looked hesitant, like he might actually get out of that car and ask her if she was okay; but then he just shook his head and said, “Why would I wanna stay?” He pulled the car door shut and started it up, and without even one more look, he drove off.

She watched him go, even as Jesse sped into the empty spot next to her and rolled down his window. “Hey, babe,” he said, drumming his fingers against the side of his car. “You gettin’ in?”

Alex was gone. So yeah. Yeah, she was.


Dylan was in hyper mood that night. Michael made the mistake of volunteering to give him a bath and put him to bed, believing that he could wear the little guy out. But no such luck. Even when the bath was over and he was trying to dry him off, all he wanted to do was get back in and splash around.

“Dylan, calm down,” he said, drying off his pudgy legs.

But Dylan kicked his feet away and crawled back into the tub in a hurry.

“Jesus Christ,” Michael swore, putting the towel down. “You know you’re not makin’ this easy, kid.”

Dylan just looked at him and smiled as he splashed. It was impossible to be mad at him when he looked so playful and innocent.

Michael decided to let him play around some more, wear himself out, and eventually, after much persuasion, he got him dried off, dressed in the pajamas he wore when his jersey was in the wash, and tucked him into bed. He ended up falling asleep while Michael was telling him a bedtime story he made up off the top of his head.

He felt zapped for energy himself as he trudged upstairs, but his interest was piqued when he heard Maria strumming her guitar. He opened the door to the bedroom quietly and just stood in the doorway, watching her. She seemed unaware, so caught up in singing a song he didn’t recognize.

“Touch my skin
And tell me what you’re thinking.”

God, he loved hearing her sing.

“Take my hand
And show me where we’re going.”

She didn’t do this very often, though. Usually she was so busy with work, or with him. But whenever she did, it was like she was just transported, and nothing else existed to her but the music. It was a beautiful thing to watch, and it reminded him of the moment he’d first realized his true feelings for her, back when he’d heard her sing for the first time.

She pressed her hand flat against the strings to quiet the guitar when she noticed him standing there. “Hey,” she said. “Did you get Dylan taken care of?”

“Yeah.” It had been a process, though. “I don’t know what took longer, getting him outta the bathtub or getting him into the bed.”

“Yeah, he’s a little night-owl sometimes.” She strummed the chords again, cringing. Apparently not what she wanted to hear. She adjusted the fingers of her left hand and strummed again, smiling contentedly when she heard what she wanted to this time.

He didn’t know anything about chords or . . . anything guitar-related, actually; but he was transfixed by the way her hands moved over and around the instrument, and the more he watched, the more he fixated on that left hand. He couldn’t help but imagine how it would look to see a ring on that fourth finger. Just a small one, because Maria wouldn’t want anything too huge and obnoxious. But something just as pretty as she was.

She started humming the unfamiliar melody again, and even though he was still listening . . . he was really wondering now, wondering if he’d been wrong to make fun of Kyle for being a hopeless romantic with Tess all these years. All that talk about ‘the one’ and just knowing it was true love whenever you felt it . . . it didn’t seem so stupid anymore. He got it. He got it all.

As he lay in bed with her that night, his mind was as hyper as Dylan had been in the bathtub. She was fast asleep, but all he could do was lie there and think about it, about the possibility of maybe—just maybe—asking her to take things to the next level. It was a level they were going to reach at some point or another. Why not sooner rather than later?

He had to laugh inwardly at himself as he carefully crawled over her and got out of bed. Man, things changed. At the beginning of the school year, marriage had been a long-off dreaded social outcome and nothing more. Now he was the guy who was all eager to settle down, show how committed to this girl—woman—he was. Things changed a lot.

He headed into his little sister’s room with the full intention of waking her up, even though she, too, was sleeping soundly. “Hey, Teenie,” he said, rubbing her shoulder.

She stirred, squinting up at him sleepily. “Michael? What . . . is it time to wake up already?”

“No, it’s only midnight,” he told her.

“Then what--”

“I need your help.” It didn’t matter if she was way too young to get engaged; she was a girl, so she would know what girls liked.

They stayed up until 12:30, talking about what he had in mind, and she eagerly agreed to go to the jewelry store with him after school the next day. He swore her to secrecy, because if Maria found out about any of this, he’d flip his lid, but he knew he could trust her. If there was anyone who would keep this a secret for him, it was his little sister.

While they were perusing Jupiter’s Jewelry the next afternoon—because God forbid anything in Roswell not have a space name—Tina said, “God, I can’t believe you’re getting married.”

“I’m not getting married,” he reminded her. “I’m getting engaged.”

“Yeah, engaged to be married.”

He thought about it and shrugged. Hell, she had a point. It was all kind of one and the same thing.

“When are you gonna ask her?”

“I don’t know.” He hadn’t thought through the specifics of it; he just knew what he wanted to do, not when and where he wanted to do it.

“Soon?” She sounded hopeful.

“Yeah, probably.” He looked down at a square-cut diamond in the display case, thinking that might be a good fit . . . until he saw the price tag. Maria would kill him for paying that much. This was going to cost him a pretty penny no matter what, but he wanted something at least somewhat reasonable so she wouldn’t freak out about it.

“How soon?” she prodded.

“I don’t know. I think I’m just gonna do it when it feels right.” That was sort of how he lived his life, after all. “I just wanna get this ring so I have it in my arsenal whenever the time comes.”

“It’s so romantic,” she squealed. “I hope Todd proposes to me someday.”

“Yeah, someday. When you’re much, much older.”

“I bet you and Maria will get married,” she raved. “And then—oh my god, is she pregnant?” Hey eyes were wide as saucers as she asked the question.

“No.” Chuckling, he lied, “We don’t even have sex that much.”

She gave him a knowing look. “Oh, yeah, right.”

“No, really,” he insisted pathetically. “We’re good kids. We don’t do that.”

“Whatever, Michael.”

Alright, so there was no point attempting to pull that one over on her. She was a smart kid, and they weren’t exactly subtle about it. At least he’d tried. “Hey, so do you think we’ll make it?” he asked in order to divert the subject. “Me and Maria.”

“Like . . . do I think you’ll stay together?”

“Yeah.” He really wanted to hear her answer, because he valued her opinion way more than Amy DeLuca’s opinion, way more than his dad’s opinion, way more than almost anyone else’s opinion.

“I think you guys are meant to be together,” she said.

He smiled, liking the sound of that.

“Hey, look at this one,” she said, pointing down into a different display case.

He made his way over to her and peered over her shoulder. “Which one?”

She pointed out a small round diamond, with a price tag attached to it that he barely even noticed, because all he could think was, This is it. This is the one.

It was perfect.


Isabel felt . . . sore. Like she’d pulled every single muscle in her body. She’d skipped her afternoon classes that day—because really, what the point in going anymore?—and gone to Jesse’s to hang out. They’d started by watching a movie, but the movie had quickly progressed into sex on the couch. He’d lifted and pulled her legs in so many different directions, she’d thought they were about to twist right off.

“Izzy?” her mom called, her heels clicking on the tile as she came in from the kitchen.

“You’re home early,” Isabel remarked. It was Jim’s night off, so usually she was spending time with him.

“I wanted to talk to you, honey,” she said. “I just got a phone call from your principal.”

Isabel rolled her eyes. “Let me guess: He told you the disappointing news.”

“He said you won’t be the valedictorian after all. Because of the . . .” She trailed off, as if she were unwilling to say it.

“Porn?” Isabel filled in. “Sex tape? Filmed fucking?”

“Isabel, please.”

“What? That’s what it is. And that’s the only reason why they’re not letting me have what’s mine. Isn’t that stupid?”

“Actually . . . I agree with the decision.”

“Of course you do,” Isabel mumbled. “Well, I still think it’s dumb. I’ve worked my entire high school career for this one moment of recognition, and they took it away from me because they don’t like what I did in my private life.”

“Well, your private life’s not very private anymore,” her mom pointed out. “That’s the controversy. What you do is a reflection on your school. They have every right to go a different direction.”

“Raymond Sullivan,” Isabel blurted. “That’s the different direction they’re going. Student body vice president, ranked second in the class. Always the bridesmaid, finally the bride. He’s a whiny little bitch, but I’m sure he’s thrilled.”

“A whiny little . . .” Her mom stared at her in astonishment. “Isabel, since when do you talk like that?”

“You think that’s bad? You should’ve heard some of the dirty things Michael made me say.” She brushed past her mother and headed upstairs.

“It all comes back to him, doesn’t it?” her mom said as she followed her up the flight of steps. “That’s when everything about you started to change, when you broke up with him. Honey, why would you let your whole life go down the drain because of one boy?”

At the top of the stairs, Isabel whirled around. “My life’s not going down the drain,” she claimed. “It’s just changing. But I’m still going to college; I’m going to Princeton. I’m gonna be a famous author. I’m gonna do all those things I said I was gonna do. Who cares if I have a little fun on the way?”

“Fun?” Her mom huffed incredulously. “It’s not fun for me, Isabel. I’m worried about you.”

“Yeah, you’ve made that clear.”

“And that’s why I ended things with Jim today. I wanna be able to focus more on you while I still can, while you still live here.”

“Which won’t be for much longer,” Isabel reminded her. “What’re you gonna do when I’m living in a totally different part of the country? You won’t be able to keep your thumb on me then.”

“I can’t keep my thumb on you now.”


Her mother sighed, looking shaky as this conversation continued to go in a direction she didn’t want. “Look, Isabel, I know you’re still seeing that boy you made the video with.”

She held back her laughter. Boy? Sure. A twenty-six year old boy.

“I would like very much if you would at least invite him over for dinner and give me the courtesy of being able to meet him.”

“So you can judge him,” Isabel naturally assumed.

“No, just so I can meet him. I can’t forbid you from seeing him, and I understand that. But I just wanna know who it is you’re seeing.”

“You won’t like him,” Isabel told her.

“Why not? Because he’s Latino? I told you, that doesn’t matter to me. Plenty of people around here are.”

“No, because he’s twenty-six.”

Her mom’s mouth dropped open, and her eyes bulged. It was a sight that was almost too hilarious for words. It wasn’t that Isabel disliked her mom or was actively trying to upset her, but there was something so refreshing about doing and saying things that just shocked people. It was nice to be blunt and not worry about the consequences.

“Goodnight, Mom.” She smiled a sort of fake smile and headed down the hall to lock herself in her room for the rest of the evening. For at least ten minutes, her mom would try to talk to her through the door, because she would see this as her mission, as something she just couldn’t give up on. But she would have to understand sooner or later that she couldn’t fix her once-perfect daughter, because Isabel was done trying to be perfect anymore.


Michael groaned, partly out of pleasure and partly out of discomfort, as he lowered Maria to the floor. He collapsed in a heap beside her, trying to regain feeling in his limbs. Good God, the standing sixty-nine had been a challenge, even for him, and it wasn’t very often that he admitted to biting off more than he could chew, at least not sexually. But damn, there was just nothing natural about trying to hold your girl up against you when she was wrapped around you like an upside down spider monkey. And he’d hardly been able to focus on both giving and receiving pleasure while his main concern had been not dropping her on her head.

“Oh . . .” she moaned, sounding like she was feeling the pain just like he was. “I think all the blood rushed to my head.”

“Everything hurts,” he complained.

“Yeah, that was tiring.”

“Tell me about it.” He lay back, feeling like he didn’t even have the energy to stretch out. “I can’t feel my legs. Or my arms. Or my . . .” He tipped his head forward to glance down at his still semi-erect cock. “No, I can still feel that.”

“Did it feel good at least?” she asked, curling up on her side.

“Oh, yeah, it always feels good when you work your magic. I couldn’t return the favor, though.” He always felt less manly when he couldn’t get her off with him, but it just wasn’t realistic to expect to do it every single time.

“That’s okay,” she said. “You were too busy trying to keep us upright.”

Yeah, there had been a few times when she’d started to slip that he’d had to hoist her back up again. Even though Maria was lightweight and plenty easy to lift, the duration of the act alone had been a killer.

“Maybe we should not try this again,” she suggested.

He wasn’t so quick to rule it out, though. “Nah, we just gotta work out the kinks.”

“Or . . .” As usual, she was able to recover from sex before he had, assisted, this time, by the fact that she hadn’t just had an orgasm. She moved up on top of him, straddling his stomach, resting her arms on his chest. “We could just do it the old-fashioned way. Nice, soft surface. Or right here on the floor. I’m good with the floor.”

“You wanna do another sixty-nine?” he asked.

“You got something else in mind?”

“Uh, yeah.” Oral sex was amazing in many ways, but nothing compared to the real deal.

“I thought you were exhausted.”

“Tired,” he corrected. “Not exhausted. I can still do you. I can always do you.”

“How do you wanna do it?” she asked.

Oh god, was that an open invitation? Was she down for anything? Because that was enticing. “Honestly?” he said. “Can I fuck your butt?”

She made a face. “Not when you make it sound all romantic like that.”

“Okay, can I . . . rail on your ass then?” He grimaced as he said the words. God, he was tired. That was the only euphemism that had come to mind.

“That’s worse.”

“Make love to your booty?” Oh, cheesy.

“That just sounds weird.”

Clearly she understood what he was asking, though. “Can I?”

She smiled tauntingly. “No.”

“What? Why not?”

“Because, I have to be in a very specific mood to do that, and I’m just not in that mood right now.”

“What kind of mood you in?”

“Well . . .” She started rubbing her wet pussy all over his lower abdomen right above his cock, which was already hardening again. “I think I kinda wanna be on top.” She grinned mischievously, and he felt his cock spring to the ready. She was often more than willing to let him be the dominant one in bed, because of his experience and pure natural talent; but when she wanted to take control, he was more than happy to let her, because his girl was a wildcat in the sack, getting more and more in touch with her sexuality each and every time they were together.

“I’m okay with that,” he said, putting his hands on her hips.

She pressed her hands to his chest and sat up, giving him a full frontal view of her body.

“I’m suddenly very okay.” Yeah, this would be great. He could just lay there, not having to do any of the work, and let her ride the hell out of him. Watch her breasts bounce, watch her throw her head back in ecstasy as she slid down onto his length over and over again . . . Oh, yeah. This would get him off just fine, and it would be so sweet to watch her get herself there, too.

“Please tell me we have more condoms,” she said, rubbing her backside against his erection.

“Got plenty.” He’d bought them in a bulk supply after the whole pregnancy scare, just to put her mind at ease.

“Thank God.” She reached behind herself to grip his length and started stroking it just the way he liked.

“Baby . . .” he cautioned. If she did that for too long, he was going to explode all over her hand. His first orgasm was still too recent. He couldn’t handle much foreplay.

Unfortunately, before they could get right down to it, his mom hollered up to them from downstairs. “Michael! Maria!”

“Oh, no . . .” she groaned, halting her ministrations.

“Can you two come down here for a minute?”

“I didn’t hear that,” he said quickly, determined to keep going. “Did you hear anything?”

“Let’s go,” she said, getting up.

He just kept lying there, with absolutely no motivation whatsoever to move.

Reluctantly, eventually, he threw on a pair of sweatpants, and Maria, unable to find her own clothes, put on a pair of his boxers and her favorite of his t-shirts. That really didn’t help his horny problem, because she looked so damn good in his clothes, but he got it under control as he headed downstairs. Luckily the sweatpants were loose, so hopefully his mom wouldn’t see anything she shouldn’t.

She was sitting on the couch with an assortment of papers all around her on the coffee table. “Sorry,” she said, “I didn’t mean to interrupt . . .” She surveyed what they were wearing and shook her head. “. . . whatever you were doing.”

It, Mom,” he said. “We were doing it.”

“Michael!” Maria hissed.

“What? She knows.”

“I just . . .” His mother put her hand over her mouth for a moment, as if all this talk of her son’s sex life was making her feel sick. “Here,” she said, handing him a piece of paper. “This is for you.”

“What is this?” He looked it over, his eyes immediately traveling down to the Balance Due part. Fantastic.

“Looks like it’s your move-in deposit for that apartment you’re gonna rent,” his mom said.

It was two-hundred and fifty dollars. That was what it was. “Oh. Okay.” He wasn’t used to this, getting a bill that he would have to pay himself. “Well . . .”

“I just wrote out a check to your mom,” Maria said, “to help out with stuff around here.”

So did that mean she couldn’t write out another one? If so, they were kind of screwed.

“Can you pay it?” she asked him hopefully.

No. He couldn’t. “Well, I kinda just spent some money, too.”

“On what?”

On a ring, he thought. For you. Hopefully you’ll like it, ‘cause I’m gonna be paying it off until December. “Well, on the car, you know. And all the food at the spring game, and the hotel room.” He automatically smirked as he remembered that bathtub. Sure, they could’ve stayed in a regular Super 8 motel, but Super 8 motels didn’t have bathrooms like that.

“So you’re pretty much broke?” she deduced.

“Yeah.” At this point, his savings account, which had been miniscule to begin with, had nothing left in it. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she said. “I think I can pay it.”

“Thanks.” He put his arm around her, hugging her to his side. “See, this is why we’re gonna make it on our own. We make a great team.”

“Hmm.” She took the bill from him, not really saying anything.

He looked to his mom for agreement, but she was looking away, shaking her head as if she were unimpressed.


Isabel avoided all additional contact with her mom that night. It was sad to say, but they were just growing further and further apart all the time. The first strike this year had been her relationship with Michael. Then, her mom’s relationship/affair with Jim. And now this. All of it. Adding wreckage to the rubble.

Maybe this was a good thing, though. Cutting the metaphorical umbilical cord before she headed off to the east coast, asserting her independence, not relying on her mother’s advice for every single decision she made.

Maybe it was all a good thing. She just kept telling herself that.

She went outside and sat down on the porch, feeling . . . very much alone, regardless of how much she wanted to feel all young and free. Despite everything, it was hard for her to know her mom was upset with her. This was the woman who had given birth to her, after all, raised her, always kept a fairly extravagant roof over her head. But they were just on two separate wavelengths about her life right now and probably would be for a while.

She had her phone with her, and without even realizing what she was doing, she started browsing through her contacts. It was probably time to clean the old digital address book out. She didn’t need the phone number of every person she had ever met in there.

It was easy enough, at the start, but when she got to other contacts, specific contacts, it started to get more difficult. Deleting Michael’s name from her phone was hard. Deleting Alex’s was even harder. Deleting Tess’s was probably hardest of all, because it was the one that had been in there the longest. The whole thing felt symbolic, in a way, like she was accepting that these people were no longer a part of her life.

They had probably already deleted her, though. All three of them. Long ago.

She thought about calling Jesse just to see if he would be willing to come over sometime this week and endure an incredibly awkward dinner with her mom. But she hesitated for some reason, and just sat there, staring off into space instead.

She wasn’t even sure if she was thinking about anything or not when a car pulled up out on the sidewalk and shut off its lights. She tensed, her first instinct to head back inside. But for whatever reason, she stayed put as a muscular dark-haired man wearing jeans and a dirty white t-shirt got out. He didn’t look threatening, but he didn’t look typical, either.

“Hello?” she called softly.

He started coming towards the house, his hands in his pockets. He shook his hair off his forehead and smiled at her. “Hey, Isabel.”

She stared at him closely as his face became more illuminated by the porch light, trying to pinpoint how she knew him. He definitely did look familiar, but not like anyone she’d ever gone to school with or met at a party. “I’m sorry, do I . . .” Before she could finish the question, though, it suddenly dawned on her where she had seen those eyes before, that smirky smile, those undeniable ears: in every single family picture from way back when, back during a time she could barely remember. “Oh my god.” No way. After all this time, it was really him. “Max.”

He just kept grinning. “Miss me?”


Maria had felt restless all night. Maybe it was because she’d never gotten to have that orgasm; poor Michael had fallen asleep nearly the second his head hit the bed. She lay next to him, feeling all warm and safe with his arm around her, but for whatever reason, she just couldn’t get to sleep as easily as he had. It wasn’t even that she was busy thinking about something. She just . . . couldn’t sleep.

She lay especially still, hoping that would help her nod off, and just as she was getting closer, feeling more and more dazed, she did that thing where her body just jolted, the kind of thing it did when you had a dream where you were falling fast.

Beside her, Michael stirred, too, having felt her move. “You okay?” he asked, keeping his eyes closed.

“Yeah. Sorry.” Luckily he was used to sleeping with her. Not that she did this sleep-start thing a lot, but once in a while, everyone did.

Maria sat up slowly, trying to shake off the strange vibe she had. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but something was just . . . different. Not with him, not with her, but . . . there was something. She sensed it.

Part of her wanted to go downstairs and check on Dylan, even though she knew she was being ridiculous.

“Lay back down,” he said, grabbing her side.

She curled up against him again, using his chest as a pillow, wishing she were on the other side of him so she could try to fall asleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

“Sure you’re alright?” he asked, tiredly rubbing his hand up and down her back.

“Yeah.” It was hard to feel anything but happy when he had his arm around her. But still . . . she couldn’t shake it. “I just have a weird feeling.”

“Hmm.” He drifted back off to sleep, too out of it to ask what that feeling was about. And that was okay, because she had no idea. But even as she lay there next to him, surrounded by him, that feeling wasn’t going away.

TBC . . .

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Re: Someone, Anyone (M&M, CC/UC, AU, Adult) Part 67, 07/11/1

Post by keepsmiling7 »

That's cruel.......Max finally makes an appearance and all he says is "miss me"? Now you hurry back and explain all of this.
Poor Isabel......she will now learn the consequences of her actions. It was really sad when she was deleting phone numbers from her phone.
Michael......big mistake with Dylan in the bathtub. Bet he learned a lot then.
Last edited by keepsmiling7 on Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Someone, Anyone (M&M, CC/UC, AU, Adult) Part 67, 07/11/1

Post by fadedblue »

...and there is the April I know and love. Oh man, I'm almost excited for how the crap is going to hit the fan. And now that Isabel is starting to become as messed up as we know max is, I can only imagine the damage the Evans siblings will do together!
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