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Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 26 8/15/19

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 1:41 pm
by keepsmiling7
I'm so glad Liz called Max to take her to the dr. appt.
Sister seems to always have questions and comments to make.......Isabel is no different.
LOL.......Max hasn't had a date in two years. Maybe that will soon be changing.

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 26 8/15/19

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 10:54 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Max and Liz have a lot of matchmakers trying to help them.

RoswellFan68 Uh why didn't Liz go to Michigan State? You get some answers here.

Carolyn Yes it is good Liz called Max to take her to her doctor appointment. Oh I am pretty sure Max will be going on a date before too long.

Part 27

Max pulled up in front of Serena's apartment building to find Liz waiting. Liz walked over to the jeep and got in.

“Thanks again for doing this.” Said Liz
“It's not a problem. Actually it gives me a chance to get away from Isabel for a while.”
“Isabel is in town?”
“Yeah. She wanted a break from Alex and Charlie.”
“Your mom told me about their son.”
“Yeah he looks a lot like Alex. But is blond instead of brunette.”

Liz just nodded.

“Liz we really need to talk about what happened when we broke up. Isabel said something about Sean.”
“Sean was pissed as you know when I wouldn't have sex with him. I think I was the first one to say no to him. I actually thought he was going to rape me, but he left me at Buckley point instead. The Sheriff didn't just happen to find me. Tommy Stevens and Karen Lucas saw me walking. Tommy only had a car with two seats. He called Kyle who called his dad who had just gotten off work. The Sheriff picked me up and took me home. Anyway Sean found out about me and you going out. He started to stalk me when he was in town after he left for that job he took. He watched us more than once make love. A week before senior prom he came to me and told me if I didn't break up with you and go to college far from you he would force me to watch him do all kinds of horrible things to my cousin Caitlin. Caitlin was just a little kid. I had to protect her.”
“Why didn't you just tell me the truth? Liz, I would have helped you protect her.”
“Max, can we finish this later?”

Max parked in front of the office building that Liz's doctor was in. He got out and came around to help her get out.

“You do know that I don't need help.” Said Liz
“A gentleman always offers a hand to a lady when getting out of the car. Or getting in for that matter. But you jumped in before I could offer.”
“It's been a while since anyone helped me in or out of the car. Well not counting valets. You know for valet parking?”
“Yeah. James didn't help you?”
“When we were dating sure. Even for a good part of the first year we were married. But it stopped after that.”
“Well you know my mother. How do you think she would react if she found out she were to find out I didn't at least offer you a hand.”

Liz smiled and let out a soft laugh. Back in elementary school Mrs. Evans spent some time as a lunch mom. She helped watch the kids on the playground. It was back in third grade Liz had been knocked on the ground by a fifth grade boy. Liz remembered that Max had been nearby playing with Michael, Kyle and Alex. Diane Evans had seen what happened and yelled at Max to help her up. When he didn't react right away, she yelled at him again. He finally did then help her up. After recess she had seen Diane talking to him to the side. Max just nodded that he understood.

“She wouldn't be happy. Like back in third grade and you didn't help me up right away after I had been knocked down.”
“Yeah. She told me that day that, even if I didn't like girls at the time that a gentleman still offers to help a lady up.”
“That is one of the reasons I fell in love with you. You are the perfect gentleman.”

Max smiled as they walked into the office. Liz raised an eyebrow when she noticed how nervous he had gotten. Of the half dozen people in the waiting room there was only one other man.

“Max, I am here to see my doctor that only treats women. You knew that there wouldn't be many men here. Heck I would think that you would be ok with this since you are a doctor.”
“Liz, I work in the emergency room of a children's hospital.”
“Last time I checked you would have done at least a little OB & GYN in medical school.”
“I did one rotation and was uncomfortable the whole time. Liz, this may surprise you but there is only one female body I have ever wanted to know everything about.”

Liz blushed. She went to sign in at the desk. She then took a seat next to Max. One of the other women gave them a smile.

“You two make a lovely couple. This your first?” said the woman
“Uh we are just friends. Yes this is my first.” Said Liz
“You do look familiar. Where do I know you from?” asked the woman
“Uh I'm not sure.” Said Liz
“Wait I know you are married to the oil guy that is funding terrorists!” said the woman
“First off I divorced that asshole. Second I am the one that turned him in.” said Liz
“Never said you supported the traitor.”
“Ms. Parker?” asked a nurse.
“You stay here Max. Uh I am having an ultrasound today. I might ask them to bring you in for that.”
“Sure Liz.”

Liz headed off with the nurse. Max let out a sigh and sat back in the chair.

“She loves you.” Said the woman
“Excuse me?” asked Max
“That little lady you came with. She loves you. Bet she wishing you were her baby's daddy not her ex.”

Max didn't know what to say. But he knew if Liz asked him to he would act like a father figure to her baby.


Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 27 8/16/19

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 12:53 pm
by keepsmiling7
So glad to finally know about Max and Liz.
Of course she would protect Caitlin from Sean.
Even being a doctor, it was brave of Max to go with Liz. Bet he'll make the best father figure ever!

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 27 8/16/19

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 4:26 pm
by L-J-L 76
Finally Max knows why Liz broke up with him to protect her cousin Caitlin. Wow that was a memory for Max and Liz to have when they were little. So Max wanted to see Liz's body. The lady in the waiting is room is right Max and Liz do make a loving couple. So it seems everyone knows that Liz is divorced from James the terrorists. Love how Liz wants Max to see the baby. Agree with the lady that Liz loves Max and is wishing that Max is the father of her baby.

L-J-L 76

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 27 8/16/19

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:57 pm
by L-J-L 76
Please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 27 8/16/19

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:50 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz would do anything to protect Caitlin, even give up the love of her life. Liz knows Max would be the best father figure her baby could have.

L-J-L 76 Max does now know the truth. Everyone that sees Max and Liz together knows they belong together.

Part 28

Liz sat in the exam room waiting for the doctor to come in. This was a different doctor then the one she saw during her first pregnancy. She had never felt comfortable with him. James had made her go to him. This doctor Liz liked a lot better and wasn't uncomfortable with at all. There was a knock on the door and the doctor came in. Dr. Bethany Anderson was in her late forties, her auburn hair was just starting to show gray.

“So how are you feeling today Liz?” asked Dr. Anderson
“Not too bad. Still a little queasy in the morning. But I didn't throw up.”
“That is an improvement over your last visit. I have some of your tests results over all you are pretty healthy. Your blood pressure is a tiny bit high. But with everything going on in your life right now it is understandable. Try and relax a bit more. Go out and have fun. Your iron is also a little low. That can be fixed by eating a nice steak or hamburger.”

Liz let out a soft laugh at the though of the reaction James would have at the thought of a doctor ordering her to eat a nice juicy hamburger.

“Is something funny?” asked Dr. Anderson
“Just thinking of the look on my ex's face if you told him you want me to eat a hamburger. He thinks anything like that is low class and not fit to be eaten.”
“Makes you wonder how he is handling prison food. Doesn't it?” asked Dr. Anderson

Liz's eyes went wide and she let out a laugh.

“Oh my god! He has to be starving!”
“Well why don't we see how the baby is doing?”
“Uh I came with my friend Max. Could he come in?” asked Liz
“Sure. I will have someone bring him in.”
“Ok uh his name is Dr. Max Evans. He is a pediatrician in the ER at the children's hospital.”
“Sounds like a good friend to have.”
“Yeah he is.”

Five minutes later Max came in and sat in the chair he was told too.

“So Dr. Evans, I am guessing you have seen this done before?” asked Dr. Anderson
“Uh yeah, in medical school. Though it was later in the pregnancy.” Said Max
“Well with Liz's history of abuse and the fact she did miscarry before, I want to make sure everything is going as it should. It will also pinpoint exactly how far along Liz actually is.”
“I wouldn't think it was more than three or four months.” Said Liz

Dr. Anderson exposed Liz's stomach and applied a gel. Liz made a face as the cool gel hit her skin.

“Sorry it's a bit cold.” Said Dr. Anderson
“No kidding.” Mumbled Liz

Dr. Anderson moved the wand around as she watched the screen. Finally she stopped and smiled. Liz and Max looked and could see a small black blob on the screen.

“That is your baby, Liz. The heart beat is strong. Based on the size and development I would say you are around four months.
“Liz this is beautiful. Thank you for asking me to be here with you.” Said Max
“Thank you Max. Not many guys would do this. Come to a doctor appointment like this with their ex girlfriend pregnant by another man.”
“I am not like other guys.”
“No you aren't.”

Dr. Anderson watched the two of them together. She had to wonder what went wrong between the two of them.


Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 28 8/18/19

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 7:37 am
by keepsmiling7
Hope Max will take Liz out for that hamburger after this office visit. After all, her iron is low.
Everyone can tell these two belong together!

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 28 8/18/19

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:35 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Oh I am sure that Max will help Liz follow doctor orders to improve her iron level.

Part 29

Caitlin sat in a back booth of the Crashdown. She was getting frustrated. She really hated the art class she was forced to take. She ripped the piece of paper off her pad balled it up and threw it at the trash can behind the counter just missing hitting Michael. Michael picked up the paper from the floor and uncrumpled it. He turned it every which way trying to figure out what it was suppose to be. He whispered to the waitress by the shake mixer and then headed into the kitchen only to return with a plate of chili cheese fries. He took the strawberry shake he asked the waitress to make and headed over to Caitlin. He placed the fries and shake in front of the girl before sitting across from her.

“Uh I didn't order this.” Said Caitlin
“True but they are two of your favorites right? At least they were when you were ten.”
“They still are.”
“Good now tell me what has you so frustrated.”
“Michael, why do you care?”
“Cait, I know I was a jerk to you when you were little. But I have changed. I am going to be a father in a few months. Besides I did promise Liz, I would watch out for you.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Liz, is like a sister to me.”
“There is something else. But I know you well enough to know that that you won't tell me.”
“For a kid you are pretty smart.”
“I am not a kid! I will be fifteen next week. I start high school in September.”
“Ok you aren't a kid. So is there something I can help you with?”
“Ok I had to take this art class. The assignment is to draw a landscape we have seen. I didn't want to do a desert because I figure most of the class will. So I was trying to do a view of the ocean. Last summer on vacation my parents took me to Hawaii. Liz sent them the tickets for the airfare and paid for the hotel for two weeks.”
“Well I have never been to Hawaii. But I am pretty good at art. Now as along as you do the work yourself you can have help right?”
“So what is giving you the most trouble?”
“The palm trees.”
“Ok I have seen pictures of palm trees so why don't you try something like this?”

Michael took the pad of paper and pencil and slowly drew a very simple palm tree making sure Caitlin could see how he was doing it.

“I can do that! Thanks Michael!” said Caitlin jumping up and hugging him.
“Anytime kid. Besides Liz did make me promise to watch out for you.”
“Liz, is safe right? That creep can't hurt her any more right?”
“Don't worry about Liz. Nothing is going to happen to her.”

Even as he said it Michael knew there was a small chance that Liz could still be in danger.


Liz sat across from Max in the Horseshoe Café just outside of downtown Dallas.

“So uh Max you going to explain how you got through undergraduate and med school in six years?” asked Liz taking a sip of her milkshake.
“Well as you know I had a lot of AP classes in high school.”
“Yeah seeing I was in most of those with you. I get those count as college credit.”
“Right. So I got to skip to the second year classes in those subjects. I also took summer classes. So I finished undergrad in two and a half years.”
“That is really impressive. But your mom had to be disappointed you didn't come home.”
“She was. But I had no one to really inspire me to come back to Roswell.”
“You mean me.”
“I had heard about you and that creep by Easter.”
“Which creep? My now ex husband or the cheating bastard before him?”
“Both. But I was referring to the one you ended up married to.”
“Max, I wish things had turned out different between us.”
“Maybe things happened the way they were meant to. Liz, lets say James had married someone who only cared about his money and social status. Having lived in that world, would any of them done what you did? Would they have turned in James and his father for funding terrorists?”
“Most likely not. Some of them wouldn't even understand what those documents said.”
“So maybe, I don't know God wanted you to stop this. Liz, I don't want to scare you. But I do still love you.”
“I would be scared if you didn't love me. Max, did you even try and date?”
“A little.”
“You sleep with any of them?”
“Liz, her name was Danielle.”
“I really don't need to hear about this.”
“Actually you do. Dani as she liked to be called had an inoperable brain tumor. She had cancer. She knew that she was dying. She just didn't want to die without knowing what it was to be with a man. She knew I didn't love her, well not like that anyway.”
“But she trusted you. Felt safe with you.”
“Yeah. So I agreed.”
“You made what was most likely going to be her only experience like that special.”
“How did you know that?”
“Because, you made my first time, and every time after special. We never just had sex. Every time it was loving and caring.”
“Yeah. Three months after our only time together she died. She was only nineteen. Her parents gave me a letter after she died. It said that she hoped that I would find the one that got away. The one that owned my heart. Because if the way I was with her a woman that only loved her as a friend was even half of the way I treated her then she was the luckiest woman on earth.”
“Max, give me some time. I am not ready to rush into a relationship with anyone right now. Not even the man that it seems I own the heart to.”
“I will be waiting for you Liz Parker.”

Liz smiled feeling at ease with Max just like she had in high school.


In the back of the diner sat a man watching the two former lovers. He had told that bitch to stay away from Evans or her brat of a cousin would be hurt. If he couldn't have that bitch the only one he hadn't been able to fuck in high school like hell he was going to let Evans have her. Maybe it was time to head back to Roswell and pay the brat a visit.


Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 29 8/19/19

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:14 am
by keepsmiling7
Oh no......poor Cait is in danger.......sure glad Michael will be looking after her.
Loved Max's story about sad she had to die, but Max gave her wonderful memories.
Of course Liz needs time before jumping back into a relationship.......and of course Max is willing to be patient.

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 29 8/19/19

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:18 am
by L-J-L 76
Oh hell no Sean is spying on Max and Liz. It looks like Sean is going to start some trouble for Caitlin, Max, Liz.
Someone needs to warn Jeff, Nancy and Michael about Sean coming after Caitlin. Max needs to stay close to Liz and her baby. Even Serena and Kyle need to stay close to Liz to. Who knows what Sean is up to and what he has planned for Liz and Caitlin. Hoping Michael, Jeff, Nancy, Max, Serena and Kyle will protect Liz and Caitlin form Sean and whoever else comes after them. So glad Max and Liz are becoming close again.

L-J-L 76