Forgive to Forget (M/L AU ADULT) A/N; 31/5/09 [WIP]

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Forgive to Forget (M/L AU ADULT) A/N; 31/5/09 [WIP]

Post by Emz80m »

Title: Forgive to Forget
Author: Emma
Category: M/L (Alternative Universe without Aliens)
Rating: ADULT
Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell I’m just borrowing the characters for my fictional enjoyment :D I also don't own Regarding Henry (just in case you think this story might be like it :wink: )
Summary: This story follows Max and Liz’s journey where they learn that sometimes forgetting doesn’t mean forgiving.


Elizabeth Evans stares at her daughter’s large amber eyes and has to look away before her emotions get the better of her.

“Where’s Daddy?” The little girl turns and asks.

Addison Evans had been staring at the front door waiting for her father to arrive for the past hour and Liz had no idea how to explain to her almost three year old that Daddy probably wasn’t coming again, just like he hadn’t the week before.

Liz sighed. “I’m not sure honey. Maybe he just got caught up at work. I'll ring him,” Liz offered.

She turned and picked up her phone and dialled her husband’s mobile praying that he would pick up and confirm that he was simply running late, or better yet only around the corner. Anything to basically avoid the look of sadness in her daughter’s eyes. Despite the way her father treated her it was obvious to everyone that she was her father’s daughter.

“You’ve reached Max, leave a message.”

Liz closed her eyes in frustration. “Max, its Liz. Where are you? Addison is waiting for you. Please call me as soon as you get this.”

Addison watched as her mother put the phone down. “I’m sorry honey but Daddy must be busy at work,” Liz told her.

It broke Liz’s heart to watch her little face drop, before she removed her back pack from her shoulders and placed it down in the corner before walking off towards her bedroom.

“Damn you Max,” Liz cursed as her eyes filled with tears.

Week after week it was the same thing. Max would either be late or not show up at all for his visitation with Addison and every week it just became harder and harder for Liz to stand by and watch her husband hurt their daughter. Sometimes Liz wondered why he even bothered to go through the facade that he was interested in sharing custody of Addison to begin with. Since the day she had been born he had never shown once ounce of interest in his daughter and Liz doubted he ever would. But despite that, Addison loved him and Liz knew that she couldn’t deny her daughter her father.

Liz and Max had split up two years earlier but as of yet Max had never made a move to file for divorce. Liz often wondered why. Two years ago she had been left with no choice but to walk out on her marriage and away from a man whom she had once thought was her soul mate, but who had turned into a complete stranger. Yes she loved him. She had come to the conclusion she probably always would but one thing that had become crystal clear to her was that Max would never love her back the way she wanted or needed him too.

The separation hadn’t been easy. Luckily for Liz, Addison was only 8 months old when Liz had walked out so she didn’t remember her mother crying herself to sleep every night and Liz swore she would never know the heart ache she felt at not being able to give her the best of everything. Liz refused to take a penny from Max or his family, even in child support, which meant that most weeks Liz and Addison barely made ends meet on Liz’s meagre wage.

Liz was interrupted from her thoughts by her ringing phone.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hello is this Elizabeth Evans?” the caller asked.

“Yes it is. Who am I speaking to?” Liz replied.

“Mrs Evans, my name is Sandra and I’m calling from Roswell Memorial.”

Liz’s frown deepened as she continued to listen. “I’m very sorry to have to tell you this over the phone but your husband was admitted earlier.”

Liz felt her heart stop. “Max? Is he ok?” she asked.

“I’m afraid he was involved in a rather serious accident and he is currently in surgery,” she explained.

“Oh God,” Liz cried.

“You’re listed as his emergency contact.”

“Yes thank you. I'll be down straight away,” she told her.

Liz hung the phone up slowly as she contemplated what to do. It was Friday afternoon and she already knew that her best friend and neighbour, Maria, wasn’t home to babysit for her.

“Shit,” she cursed realising she was left with no choice but to take Addison with her despite the time and the cooling weather.

“Addy!” she called out as she raced towards her bedroom.

She found her daughter sitting quietly at her small table drawing and she looked up, showing her mother her red eyes, when Liz entered the room.

“Honey we have to go somewhere, so put your warm jacket on, ok?” Liz instructed her.

With a silent nod the little girl did as she was told and soon Liz had her tucked safely in the back of her black SUV racing towards the hospital. It had been one of the few luxuries Liz had allowed herself to take from her life with Max, and only because she knew that there was no way she could work and care for Addison without a car to get them around.

As Liz drove the twenty minute drive to the hospital she pulled out her mobile and rang her sister in law’s number. As expected it went straight to voice mail.

“Isabel its Liz, there’s been an accident. It's Max. You should get to the hospital,” she said briefly.

After hanging up she immediately dialled Max’s parents and left a similar message when she also received their answering machine.

“God please let him be ok,” she whispered to herself.


When they arrived at the hospital Liz bundled Addison into her arms before approaching the emergency room desk. The litter girl had fallen asleep in the car and Liz had never been more grateful for that. The last thing she wanted was for Addison to realise that something was wrong with her father.

“Can I help you?” the nurse asked.

“I was told my husband was brought in,” Liz replied as she licked her suddenly dry lips. She was afraid of what she would be told.

“His name?”

“Max Evans,” Liz replied.

The nurse consulted the computer for a few minutes before turning sympathetic eyes back to Liz.

“He’s still in surgery but if you’d like to take a seat then someone will come and speak to you as soon as they can,” she said.

“Thank you,” Liz nodded.


It felt like hours that Liz sat waiting before someone approached her.

“Mrs Evans?” the young doctor asked.

“Yes.” Liz nodded.

“I was attending your husband’s surgery,” he explained.

“How is he?” Liz asked.

“They’re just finishing up and they’ll take him to recovery. He suffered a few broken ribs and one of them pierced his lung. We managed to repair it though and hopefully it won’t cause any further problems. He also suffered a fairly severe knock to his head and we’ll need to monitor that to make sure there isn’t any swelling of the brain.”

“And if there is?” Liz asked almost panicked.

“Then we’ll take steps to relieve it,” he replied.

Liz nodded as though she understood but she didn’t.

“So is he going to be ok?” she asked simply.

The doctor smiled. “It's looking good but like I said the next 24 hours will tell us everything we need to know.”

“Thank you,” Liz smiled through her tears before looking down at her daughter. Her beautiful daughter who looked more like her father every day.

“Can I see him?” she asked.

“I will make sure the nurse comes and gets you once he’s settled.” He nodded before he walked back the way he had come leaving Liz to cry silent tears of relief. Her tears weren’t just for the man that her daughter adored they were for the man she knew she would most likely always love.
Last edited by Emz80m on Sun May 31, 2009 5:31 am, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: Forgive to Forget (M/L AU ADULT) One; 14/9

Post by Emz80m »

Thanks everyone :D


Liz had no idea how long she sat there crying but all too soon she heard the familiar sounds of heels running up the hallway and looked up to see her sister in law approaching.

“Liz, what’s going on?” Isabel asked frantically.

Liz wiped her eyes and did her best to compose herself before explaining everything she knew. The last thing she wanted was to look a mess in front of Isabel Evans. Max’s younger sister was polished and perfect even in the most distraught of situations and Liz knew that she would probably always feels intimidated by her, especially since Liz knew first hand that her sister in law didn’t like her very much to begin with.

“When can I see him?” Isabel asked.

“The nurse will come and tell us when he’s in a room,” Liz replied.

Isabel nodded. “Thanks for being here,” she said as though she seemed surprised that Liz would put herself out to come.

“Of course I’m going to be here,” Liz whispered. “He’s Addy’s father,” she added.

Isabel nodded. “How did you find out anyway?” she asked Liz.

“He still has me listed as his emergency contact,” Liz replied in a whisper. She instantly saw the surprise in the other woman’s eyes and looked away. She had wondered herself several times since receiving the phone call why Max had never bothered to change it. They had been separated for over two years now and apart from sharing small talk over Addison they barely talked.

“I guess changing it just slipped his mind,” Isabel said. She pulled out her mobile phone then. “I should call my parents,” she informed Liz.

“I left them a message after I left yours,” Liz informed her.

Isabel seemed even more surprised at this piece of news which Liz expected. Phillip and Dianne Evans had never made secret their dislike and disapproval of Liz. As far as Liz was concerned the feeling was mutual. Since the day she had been introduced to them they had done everything they could to ruin her relationship, and later her marriage with Max and the only thing Liz could say she was relieved about over the breakup of her marriage was never having to see them again.

Unfortunately their dislike for Liz carried down to her daughter as well and as such they had never been interested in having a relationship with Addison either. Liz had never been good enough for Max and her daughter was not good enough either. For that Liz was sorry. But mostly she was sorry for the Evans because they had no idea how wonderful their granddaughter was or what they were missing out on. Personally though, she often thought that Addison was better off not knowing them. Liz just hoped that in the future Addison didn’t resent her for it.

Looking back up at Isabel, Liz noticed her staring at the small girl in her arms.

“Maybe you should take her home?” Isabel suggested.

“I just want to make sure Max is ok first,” Liz replied.

Liz was surprised at the warmth in her sister in law’s eyes as she stared at her niece. Because of her parent’s feelings, Isabel had also never had anything to do with her niece and it was obvious by the way she was looking at her that Isabel regretted that.

“I didn’t have anyone to look after her,” Liz added in a whisper feeling the need to explain why she would bring her to the hospital. “I’m glad she’s slept through it all.”

“What will you tell her?” Isabel wondered.

“That depends on what the doctor says.” Liz shrugged.

“Isabel, Liz!”

Both women looked up and smiled affectionately as Michael Guerin approached them. Michael was Max’s best friend since childhood and both women thought a lot of him.

“Is he ok?” he asked worried.

“He broke some ribs which pierced a lung but the doctor said they were able to repair it. They are slightly concerned that his brain might swell from a knock to the head but they said they’ll just have to wait and see,” Liz explained.

“God, how did this happen?” Michael asked.

“I’m not sure. The police haven’t been by,” Liz explained.

Isabel excused herself then to go outside and call her parents leaving Michael and Liz.

“You ok?” Michael asked concerned.

Michael Guerin was probably the only person in Max’s life that Liz could actually say she liked. Since the day she had been introduced to him she had seen all the qualities in him that Max loved. They were like brothers and Michael had never been anything but supportive towards her. Even when she had left Max, Michael had been the only person to call her and see if she was okay, or if she needed things. He still did. Yes, Michael Guerin was a wonderful man and sometimes Liz wished that she had met him instead of Max.

“God Michael, if something happens,” Liz cried.

“He’ll be ok. This is Max, he’s a fighter.” Michael tried to reassure her.

“What will I tell Addy?” Liz asked.

“The truth.”

“God Michael, I don’t want to be the one to tell my daughter her father is...” Liz chocked unable to get the final words out.

“It won’t come to that,” Michael told her throwing an arm around her and pulling her and Addison against him.


“Mrs Evans, you can see Mr Evans now.”

Liz, Isabel and Michael all looked up when they heard the nurse’s voice.

“Thank you,” Liz replied.

“He’s just down the hall,” she nodded before walking away.

They all stood and wasted no time walking towards the direction of Max’s room. When they reached it Michael and Liz paused. Liz because she wasn’t sure that she would be welcome and Michael because he wasn’t sure he was ready to see his best friend in the hospital. Isabel however wasted no time walking into the room and to her brother’s side before bursting into tears.

“Maybe I should go?” Liz whispered.

“Why?” Michael asked.

“I feel like I’m intruding. I don’t think Isabel wants me here and I know when Phillip and Dianne arrive they definitely won’t.”

“Fuck ‘em.” Michael shrugged.

Liz sighed.

“Look Liz. Phillip and Dianne Evans have spent too long controlling Max’s life, and Isabel’s. You’re Max’s wife and the mother of his child. You’re more entitled than any of them to be here,” he informed her.

“I’m not his wife,” Liz whispered.

“Really? Because unless Max got himself a new lawyer he hasn’t even enquired about getting a divorce.”

Liz’s head snaps towards Michael. Michael had been Max’s lawyer since Liz had known him. According to Max he couldn’t trust anyone more than Michael and knew that his best friend would look after his affairs to the best of his interest, so Michael’s words shocked Liz.

“He’s never loved anyone the way he loved you.” Michael added.

“Michael,” Liz choked. “Don’t,” she warned him knowing that she couldn’t handle his words right at that second. She couldn’t believe that they were true because everything that Max did was to the contrary. He didn’t want her or Addison.

“Okay, I won’t as long as you stop saying you don’t belong here,” Michael replied.

Isabel emerged crying then. “He looks terrible,” she wailed throwing herself into Michael’s arm.

Liz used her sister in law’s preoccupation to slip into the room. Addison was a heavy weight in her arms but Liz wasn’t concerned as she moved towards her husband’s bed.

“Oh Max,” she whispered. Readjusting Addison she reached out for his hands as silent tears poured down her cheek. Isabel was right; he looked so pale and sick.

“Please be ok Max,” she cried as she squeezed his hand. “Our daughter needs you so much, so please be ok.”

Feeling Addison beginning to stir Liz reluctantly backed out of the room.

Isabel was nowhere to be found but Michael stood waiting. “Come on. Let me take you home,” he suggested when he saw her tear stained face.

“Don’t you want to see him?” Liz asked.

“He’ll be here when I get back.” Michael nodded.

“Where did Isabel go?” Liz asked.

“Back outside to ring her parents again,” he said. “Let's go,” he said before leaning in to take Addison out of Liz’s arms and carrying her towards Liz’s waiting car.


When they arrived back at Liz’s apartment Maria rushed out of the door to greet them and stopped short at the sight of the man carrying her niece.

“Liz, where the hell have you been?” she cried.

It didn’t take long for Maria to see her friends face, “What happened?” she asked alarmed.

Instead of answering Liz let Michael into the apartment and he entered and went looking for Addison’s room.

“Max is in the hospital,” Liz explained as she followed him inside knowing that Maria would also follow.

“Is he ok?” Maria asked. Personally Maria thought that Max Evans was a grade A ass but she knew her best friend loved him, and she also knew that it would break her niece’s heart if something happened to her father.

“I’m not sure, they have to monitor him,” Liz replied brokenly.

“Oh Liz I’m so sorry.” Maria tried to comfort her.

Michael entered the room then and for the first time paid attention to the pixie blonde hugging Liz.

“Maria this Max’s best friend Michael, Michael this is Maria Deluca,” Liz introduced.

If Liz hadn’t been so upset over Max she might have noticed the eyes and looks her two friends were exchanging.

“Nice to meet you,” Michael offered with his hand.

“You too,” Maria replied.

“Liz, why don’t you try and get some sleep? I'll go back to the hospital and I'll call if anything changes,” Michael suggested when he reluctantly pulled his gaze away from Maria.

After a few seconds of considering the suggestion Liz nodded.

“Thank you Michael,” she whispered moving forward to hug him and kiss his cheek.

“Is she going to be ok?” Michael found himself asking Maria as Liz disappeared into her room.

“I'll stay with her,” Maria informed him.

“Thanks, you’re a good friend,” Michael nodded.

“So are you apparently,” Maria replied with a smile.
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Re: Forgive to Forget (M/L AU ADULT) Two; 19/9

Post by Emz80m »

Thanks everyone!


Liz flinched when her phone began ringing before casting a glance over at her daughter who played quietly in the corner. Every time it rung at the moment she dreaded answering knowing that it could be the call that she never wanted to get. The call that her husband, the man she loved and the father of her daughter, was gone. Liz had no idea how she was supposed to deal with that so instead she would just pray that the phone didn’t ring. Because if it didn’t ring it had to mean that things were stable, that Max was still fighting for his life.

Addison had asked about her father for the past two days and Liz had been too big a coward to tell her what was going on. The truth was Liz had no idea. She hadn’t been able to return to the hospital. Mainly because she couldn’t explain where she was going to her daughter without upsetting her, but mostly because she knew that the Evans’ would be there and that their presence would be unwelcome. So instead she waited for the precious updates Michael offered.

Michael had called from the hospital the night of the accident to inform Liz that Max’s brain had indeed begun to swell and the doctors had taken him back to surgery. It had been a hard 24 hours since then waiting as they all new every second was critical.

“Hello?” she answered

“Liz it’s me.” Michael replied.

Liz remained silent just waiting for him to deliver the news he had.

“He’s stable, he hasn’t woken up yet but they’re hopeful he will in the next few hours,” he whispered.

Liz covered her mouth to hold the sob inside. She didn’t want to alert Addison to her anguish.

“Oh thank God,” she whispered back.

“I'll call you the minute I find out he’s awake,” he promised then.

“Thank you Michael.”

“You're welcome.”


Michael frowned as he studied the tall brunette sitting by her brother’s bed side. Isabel had barely left Max’s side.

“Isabel maybe you should take a break?” he suggested.

“No,” she shook her head. “Someone should be here when he wakes up,” she told him.

“I'll stay for a while.” Michael promised.

“Thank you Michael but I really just want to be here when he wakes up.”

All the Evans family had been by to see Max. The only noticeable absence was his current girlfriend, the thorn in his side as far as Michael was concerned.

“I couldn’t help but notice there’s been so sign of Tess.” Michael commented.

Isabel looked up. “She’s in Europe.”

“Did someone call her? I mean doesn’t she even want to be here?” Michael asked.

Tess Harding was the bane of Max’s existence. She sucked the life out of everyone she came into contact with and Michael had no idea how his best friend had been able to get back together with her after his separation with Liz let alone the years he had spent in a relationship with her beforehand. In reality Michael knew it had nothing to do with want, desire or love. It was obligation. Phillip Evans expected his son to be with Tess Harding and Max found life easier to give in to his father than to fight for the things that made him happy. It angered Michael and saddened him at the same time. Most people envied Max Evans. He was rich and powerful as the Vice president of Evans International but no one knew the real torment in Max’s life. That he constantly had to live up to his parents expectations of him or they made his life a living hell. Michael though understood. He‘d seen his best friend suffer through it all of his life.

“She’s on her way back.” Isabel replied tightly.

Tess was also Isabel’s best friend.

“Right,” he dismissed.

He was almost ready to tackle Isabel about leaving again when his attention was drawn to Max.


“Max!” Isabel cried realising he was beginning to awaken.

“Liz?” Max whispered.

His words were so quiet that Michael almost missed them.

“Max it’s me Isabel,” she explained apparently not suffering from the same problem as Michael.

“Liz?” Max whispered again.

Isabel looked at Michael helplessly.

“I'll get the doctor then I'll ring Liz,” Michael informed her.

“Michael no,” Isabel shook her head.

Stepping forward Michael touched his friend’s hand. “Hey mate its Mike, Liz is coming, she’ll be here soon,” he assured her.

Isabel glared at him as she stood up and followed him out of the room. Michael caught the nearest nurse and informed her of the development before pulling out his phone.

“Michael you had no right to do that.” She snapped.

“Of course I do. I’m his best friend and if he wants his wife then I’m going to get her for him.” Michael told her pointedly.

“He doesn’t know what he’s saying,” she protested knowing that no good could come of Liz Parker returning to the hospital especially when her parents would be bound to arrive once she rang them to tell them that Max was waking up.

“Sounded pretty clear to me,” Michael replied.


“Look Isabel, just stop it,” Michael snapped. “I know your family hates Liz and that your dad made it his personal goal in life to get her out of Max’s life ok? He won. Yay for fucking Phillip Evans. He’s made Max’s life miserable, he’s back with the gerbil and Liz and Addison are barely an afterthought in Max’s life. But you and I both know that Max has never stopped loving Liz and that she’s the only person he’s going to want when he wakes up. God knows he doesn’t deserve it but I know that Liz will come when I call her, so that’s what I’m going to do, ok?”

Isabel was taken aback by Michael’s speech but she couldn’t deny that his words were not true. Her father had made it very clear that Liz and her daughter were not part of their family and never would be and as such they had all fallen into line, eventually even Max. Isabel also knew that Max still loved his wife and that his life was miserable without her and Addison.

“I just don’t think it’s fair to Liz or to Max,” she whispered in response.

“You know what’s going to happen,” she added.

“I don’t care,” Michael replied firmly. “Maybe this accident was what Max needs to wake him up. Maybe he’ll finally realise that his family is worth fighting for and that your family isn’t.”

“Michael!” Isabel gasped.

Michael hated being harsh to Isabel. Just like Max, Isabel was a victim of her parents but that still didn’t mean he had to like her attitude.

He wasted no time dialling Liz’s phone.


“Liz it’s me,” he informed her. “He’s awake.”

He heard her tears before her words. “Is he ok?”

“He’s asking for you.” Michael told her bluntly.

“What? Are you sure?”

“Yes, I was there. Will you come?” he asked.

“Do you think that’s wise?” Liz asked.

“All I’m thinking about right now is Max. Whether this is good or bad he wants you and I know that you want to see him too.”

On her end of the phone Liz was biting her lip in contemplation. Michael was right; she desperately wanted to see Max. It could very well be her last chance and she didn’t want to miss it.

“I'll be there as soon as I can.”
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Re: Forgive to Forget (M/L AU ADULT) Three; Pg 4, 24/9

Post by Emz80m »

Thanks so much to everyone for your feedback. I hope you enjoy the new part :D


Liz was nervous as she entered the front doors to the hospital. Ever since telling Michael that she would come to see Max she had been second guessing her decision. She shouldn’t be here, she knew that if the Evans were there she wouldn’t be welcome but despite all her second thoughts here she was walking towards his room.

Luckily for her Maria had been home so she had asked her to look after Addison. Liz knew her daughter was very confused about her behaviour and Liz promised herself that if her visit went well with Max and it appeared that he was through the worst that she would tell her daughter what was going on. Liz didn’t like keeping things from her.

When Liz reached Max’s room she found it surprisingly empty and she sighed in relief.

She hesitated at the door for a few seconds before she eventually walked through. Max was lying in the bed, a large bandage was wrapped around his head and he appeared to be sleeping. Stepping forward she placed her bag down and sat down in the seat right next to the bed to wait for him to wake up.

It didn’t take long before Max began to stir and look around the room.

“Liz?” he whispered his eyes focused on her.

Liz smiled as tears began to fall down her face. She couldn’t believe that he was really ok.

“Hi,” she whispered.

Max tried to smile when he heard her voice. “Hi back,” he whispered.

“I’m so glad you’re ok,” she told him.

Max reached out his good hand towards her and Liz didn’t hesitate taking it in her own smaller one.

“Don’t cry. You know I hate it when you cry,” he croaked.

Liz chuckled a little even though she was slightly confused by his choice of words.

“Just glad you weren’t with me,” he said then.

Liz’s smile dropped slightly then. “Do you remember what happened?” she asked.

“No,” he replied. “Michael said I had an accident.”

Liz nodded. She noticed immediately then that Max was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. “I should go and let you rest,” she suggested.

“No, don’t go,” he protested holding her hand tighter. “I’m ok.”

“No you’re not but I'll stay a little longer if you promise to get some sleep?”

“Ok,” he agreed with a smile.

His eyes drifted shut briefly before they opened again, “Liz?”

“Yeah?” she replied.

“I love you,” he told her.

Liz froze as more tears gathered in her eyes. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. They were the words she had longed to hear from him for so long.

She opened her mouth preparing to respond when she looked down and realised that her response didn’t matter; Max had already closed his eyes again and gone to sleep.


Isabel waited nervously in the doorway as she watched the doctors examine her brother.

“Can you hear me ok Max?” he asked.

“Yeah,” he nodded.

“How do you feel?” he asked.

“Like a truck hit me,” Max replied honestly and the doctor laughed.

“It almost did from what I heard.”

“I don’t remember.” Max croaked out.

“Is he going to be ok?” Isabel spoke up and asked.

“We need to run some more tests but you’re looking good Max.” The doctor smiled as he put the torch he had been shinning in his eyes away.

“I want Max to have an MRI and we’ll see how that’s looking and go from there,” he told Isabel on his way out.

“But he’s awake that’s got to be a good sign right?” she asked hopefully.

“It is,” he smiled before excusing himself and leaving the room. Isabel wasted no time moving to Max’s side and taking his hand.

“Thank God you’re ok. I was so scared,” she told him. This was the first time she had seen Max awake other than for the brief second the night before. She just knew that it was a good sign.

“I’m sorry,” he replied his eyes drifting shut again.

“You’re going to be ok. Dad’s organising the best doctors to be flown in to look at you,” she promised then.

“Where’s Liz?” Max asked then.

Isabel frowned. “Liz, don’t you mean Tess?”

“No,” Max denied. “I want Liz.”

“Can you call her?” he asked.

“Max I think you’re confused,” Isabel said.

“I want my wife, Iz,” Max whispered in response.

Isabel froze. “What?” she asked. Although Max and Liz weren’t divorced technically it had been a long time since Max had referred to Liz as his wife. He was dating and practically living with Tess, their marriage was definitely over.

“Liz will want to be here,” he added then.

Isabel had no idea what to do. She didn’t want to argue with Max in his state so instead she found herself nodding. “I'll go call her,” she promised.

Max’s eyes closed then and Isabel waited until she was sure he was sleeping peacefully before making her way towards the door. She was just through the other side when she saw her parents approaching.

“Isabel,” they greeted. “How is your brother, is there any change?” her mother asked.

“He’s awake.” Isabel smiled.

“Oh thank God,” Dianne Evans gasped.

Isabel resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her mother’s over reaction.

“Has he said anything about what happened?” Phillip Evans asked.

“He doesn’t remember what happened. Only what Michael told him last night,” Isabel shrugged.

“He was awake last night?” Dianne asked.

Isabel nodded.

“Why didn’t you call us?” she asked.

“I did. Rosa said you were out at a party,” Isabel replied sarcastically. Isabel knew that only her parents would be out at a party whilst their son lay in hospital near death.

“Yes, well your father had an important business dinner.” Dianne Evans tried to explain.

“Were you going somewhere?” Phillip asked her then.

“Oh um I was just heading out to make a call,” Isabel explained.

“Has Tess come in yet?” Phillip asked.

Isabel frowned at the mention of her best friend and brother’s girlfriend. She had called Tess immediately when she had heard about Max’s condition and so far her friend had yet to make an appearance three days later. It infuriated Isabel deep down. Once she believed that Max had been harsh in breaking up with her but now she was beginning to realise what Max has known all along. Tess wasn’t in love with her brother; she was in love with the idea of him and what he could give her. Isabel knew that if she truly loved her brother she would have been at his side, much like Liz had been, she couldn’t help but think.


“Liz, are you sure this is a good idea?” Maria asked her friend as she watched her gather her things to leave for the hospital.

Liz sighed as she looked up from her task of packing her bag. “No,” she replied. “But I can’t seem to stay away, especially when he’s asking for me.”

“Oh Liz,” Maria smiled sadly. No one knew better than Maria that Liz was still hopelessly in love with her no good husband but Maria didn’t want to see her get sucked in again. As far as Maria was concerned Max was bad news. He had broken Liz’s heart and been a downright bastard to her and Addison. Max didn’t deserve Liz’s sympathy or time.

“Isabel called me and I told her I’d come. It took a lot for her to call so the least I can do is go back, see Max, and explain to him that I won’t be back until he’s ready for a visit from Addison,” she rationalised then.

“Just don’t get sucked in Liz. Just because he’s injured doesn’t mean you...”

“I know.” Liz interrupted as she threw her bag over her shoulder.

“Addy, mummies going to go now. Be good for Aunty Maria.” Liz said to her daughter who was playing quietly in the corner. The little girl rose to her feet and rushed to her mother’s side to kiss her.

“I won’t be long,” Liz told Maria. “Thanks for looking after her” she added.

“No problem. Be careful ok?” Maria said and Liz knew what she meant. Maria was warning Liz to be careful with her heart and Liz knew that it was advice she needed to take.


Isabel was sitting by Max’s side when Liz walked in.

“Hi,” she whispered nervously.

Isabel smiled at the small girl. She could tell that she was uncomfortable around her just as Isabel was around her but she was thankful that she had came.

“Thanks for coming.” Isabel said.

“It's ok,” Liz replied. “But I can’t keep coming,” she added. “I have to work and this whole thing is just...”

“Confusing?” Isabel guessed. She could read Liz like a book. It was obvious that she was still in love with Max and Isabel suddenly felt very sorry for her.

“Yes.” Liz replied.

“I’m sure once he’s more coherent he’ll stop asking for you, Isabel hoped.

Just then Max’s eyes began to flutter and soon he was looking at the women.

His eyes lit up when they landed on Liz. “Hey babe,” he croaked.

“Hi,” Liz replied.

Max’s eyes opened more fully for the first time then and he reached for Liz’s hands. He frowned when his hands enclosed around it.

“What’s wrong?” Isabel asked.

“Where are your rings?” he asked Liz.

“What?” she whispered.

“Your wedding rings. You’re not wearing them, how come?” he asked.

Liz looked at Isabel in confusion and slowly pulled her hand free.

“Max what are you talking about?” Isabel asked him.

Max studied Liz more carefully then his eyes falling to her body. “Liz what happened to the baby?” he croaked.

This time Liz gasped.

“Oh God,” Isabel whispered as it finally sunk in.

“He doesn’t remember,” Isabel whispered and her words hung in the air as Liz slowly collapsed in shock to the ground.
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Re: Forgive to Forget (M/L AU ADULT) Four; Pg 6, 29/9

Post by Emz80m »

Thanks everyone. Hope you enjoy the new part :D


“Liz are you alright?”

Liz shook her head to clear the fog as she looked at Isabel.

“Yeah, yeah I think so,” she said and tried to sit up. It was then she realised that there were nurses and doctors around her checking her over and that she was lying on the floor.

“Did I faint?” she asked confused.

“Yes,” the doctor replied.

Her eyes turned to Isabel then, “Did you ask him?”

“No,” Isabel shook her head. “We were a little too concerned about you.”

“Liz!!” Max called out to get her attention. Finally Liz withdrew her eyes from Isabel and met her husband’s.

“I’m ok,” she assured him seeing his worried face. It warmed her heart to see him look at her like that, it had been a long time since his amber eyes had held love for her in them and it almost took her breath away.

The doctor and nurses helped Liz to her feet then and into the nearest chair where she caught her breath and did her best to avoid Max’s eyes. She had almost forgotten how easy it was to get lost in them.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” the doctor asked unconvinced.

“Yes I’m fine,” Liz smiled. “I just had a bit of a shock, that’s all.”

After the nurses and doctors left Liz and Isabel shared a look before turning their attention to Max.

“Max?” Isabel began. “Why did you ask Liz about the baby?”

Max frowned as Isabel reminded him of what they were talking about before Liz fainted. Liz had been pregnant and it was very obvious that she wasn’t any longer and he needed to know what had happened

“What happened, Liz? Did we lose it? Was it because of the accident?” Max knew that Liz’s pregnancy had not been planned but he had been happy about it all the same. He also knew that Liz would be devastated if she had lost the baby.

“Max,” Liz whispered. “Addison is fine.”

“You had the baby?” Max frowned in confusion. “When did that happen and why didn’t anyone tell me?” he asked.

“Max what is the last thing you remember before the accident?” Isabel asked.

“Isabel...” Max began to argue. He wanted answers to his questions, not more questions, especially from Isabel.

“Please Max, just answer her.” Liz pleaded also needing to know.

Max was completely confusing her. Did he not remember his daughter? How was Liz going to explain that to her little girl? Her father was already indifferent to her and Liz didn’t think she could stand to see the devastation on Addison’s face if Max didn’t know her.

“I was leaving work in a hurry because we had an appointment with the doctor about the baby,” he explained.

“Oh God,” Liz whispered.

“Liz is the baby ok? You must have had her early, she wasn’t ready,” he asked worried.

Liz smiled a bittersweet smile. If only Max had been as concerned about the baby when she was born in reality. Liz remembered the day Max was talking about because he had been stopped by his father on his way out causing him to be late and whatever the older man had said had upset Max terribly. It was only a month later when everything began to fall apart and Liz suspected that the day Max was talking about had played a big role in the demise of her marriage.

“She’s perfect,” Liz whispered.

Max smiled. “So it was a girl?”

“We have a beautiful daughter Max, her name is Addison Maria Evans,” Liz smiled.


Isabel found herself smiling at her brother’s obvious happiness. She wondered if her father had stayed out of her brother’s life if he would have truly been this happy when his daughter had entered the world. Instead Max had only been further weighed down when Liz had given birth.

“Max...” Isabel began.

“Isabel can I speak to you outside for a second?” Liz interrupted.

Isabel hesitated before nodding and making her way out of the room.

“We’ll be back in a minute,” Liz explained to Max.

“What’s wrong?” Isabel asked when Liz joined her outside.

“I think we should speak to the doctor before we tell Max what’s going on,” Liz suggested.

“Why?” Isabel frowned.

“Because maybe there is a certain way we should deal with this,” she replied.

“Ok,” Isabel agreed. “I'll go and ask for the doctor,” she said wanting to get everything sorted out as soon as possible. Isabel knew without a doubt that Max’s memory lapse was going to spell big trouble for everyone, but especially for Max and Liz.


The doctor seemed shocked and confused when Isabel and Liz explained what they suspected.

“It's not surprising but I had ruled it out when he didn’t show any obvious signs after waking up,” he told them.

“What do we do?” Isabel asked.

“Well firstly we need to explain the situation to Max delicately and then work out the extent of the memory loss and if the reasons are physical or emotional,” he replied.

“Doctor, some of the things my brother has forgotten are very major,” she explained.

“Like what?” he asked concerned.

“He doesn’t remember his daughter being born and she’s almost 3 now.”

“He also doesn’t remember that we’re separated,” Liz spoke up with a whisper.

The doctor’s face softened. “I think we need to tread carefully with this then. If these major events aren’t told to Max delicately it could cause further damage to his emotional well being.”

Liz and Isabel both nodded.

“I'll arrange for Max to see one of our physiatrists as soon as possible.”

“Thank you doctor.” Isabel smiled.

“What do we do now?” Liz asked. Max was already asking a lot of questions. How were they supposed to hold off answering them?

“I have no idea,” Isabel replied glumly.


“What’s going on?” Max asked when Isabel and Liz returned to the room.

The women shared a look before Liz stepped forward.

“Max we have to tell you something ok?” she started. They had decided outside that given the situation that Liz would be the one to break the news to Max about his memory and to explain the recommended course of action.

“You’re scaring me. What’s going on?” he asked taking her hand and squeezing it.

“Max, you’ve suffered some memory loss as a result of your accident,” Liz told him.

“What?” Max asked confused. How as that possible? He remembered his life, he remembered people and places.

“Max, the doctor thinks its best that you see a physiatrist and suggested that we don’t bombard you with too much information, but that day you’re talking about, the appointment?”


“Max that was over two years ago,” Liz whispered.

Liz could tell instantly that the news was like a sucker punch to Max.

“What?” he choked out.

“It's going to be ok,” Isabel spoke up. “We’re going to get you the best help to get your memory back.”

Max looked at Liz then and she could see the tears in his eyes.

“Does that mean our baby is 2?” he asked.

Liz felt her own tears gather as she slowly nodded, “Addy is 3 soon.”

“Oh God,” he whispered and closed his eyes. “I don’t remember my own daughter,” he cried.


“So you’re saying he doesn’t remember a huge chunk of his life?” Phillip Evans asked his daughter.

Isabel had just finished explaining Max’s memory loss to her parents.

“That’s right.” she nodded.

“He’s lost about 2 and a half years,” Isabel frowned.

Phillip Evans could barely contain his excitement at his daughter’s latest revelation. If Max couldn’t remember the past 2 and half years then Phillip suspected that he probably didn’t remember much about his so called wife or daughter, or their relationship.

Isabel frowned at the smile on her father’s face. Only he could find something good in Max’s situation.

“He’s devastated,” she added.

“I’m sure he is,” her mother whispered clearly upset unlike her father.

“The physiatrist has recommended that we all have sessions with Max to talk about the memories he’s lost and to help him recover them.”

“Why?” Phillip asked. “I think this is the best thing that has ever happened to him. Maybe without past 2 years he will be able to get on with his life. He’ll have no memory of that child or his divorce, I’m sure Elizabeth can be convinced to simply explain that they grew apart and parted ways.”

Isabel’s anger grew.

“He remembers Liz being pregnant. It's the first thing he asked about in fact. We’ve already told him he has a daughter.”

“That was stupid and what do you mean by we?” he asked.

Isabel realised her slip up then. “Michael,” she lied.

Phillips eyes narrowed. He could always tell when one of his children was lying to him. He could tell when most people were lying. It's one of the things that had helped him get to where he was in his business.

“Has that girl been to visit him?” he asked.

“He asked for her, several times in fact. He thinks they’re still together.”

“Well someone needs to inform him otherwise. They’re divorced and he’s with Tess,” Phillip said angrily.

“Divorced?” Isabel spluttered. She realised her second mistake too late. It was obvious that her parents thought that Max had divorced Liz already.

“Yes,” Phillip said. “Aren’t they Isabel?”

“I-I don’t know,” she lied.

“Don’t lie to me Isabel you’re terrible at it and I won’t tolerate it!” he yelled.

“No they’re not Dad. He’s never even enquired about it ok!! He loves her and they’d probably still be married if you’d left them alone,” she yelled.
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Re: Forgive to Forget (M/L AU ADULT) Five; Pg 8, 5/10

Post by Emz80m »

HI everyone, thanks for your feedback. I hope you enjoy the new part :D


“So Max, you must be feeling very confused and overwhelmed at the moment.”

Max stared blankly at the doctor sitting across from him and thought about his comment. Of course he was confused, of course he was overwhelmed. Somehow in the space of a week he had lost over two years of his life and he had no idea if he was ever going to get them back.

“You could say that,” he replied quietly. “The worst part is all the secrets, no one wants to tell me anything that’s going on,” he added and his voice rose slightly to show his frustration over the situation.

“I made that call Max,” Doctor Wilson informed him.

Max looked up surprised, “Why?”

Didn’t he understand how hard the past few days had been? How upset he had gotten with his friends and family because they wouldn’t answer his questions.

“Max,” the doctor began gently. “You’re family came to me because they were quite concerned about you’re missing memories, they were concerned because you’re life has gone through some dramatic changes.”

“Yeah, I became a father and I don’t even remember,” Max whispered feeling defeated. Would he ever get the memories back of his beautiful daughter’s birth? Would he ever see her at all? He couldn’t remember her little face and had only been allowed to see photos of her. Liz refused to bring her to visit saying that it would just upset her when she realised that he had been hurt and that she wouldn’t understand why he didn’t remember her.

“You’re very upset about that?” he asked seemingly surprised.

“Of course I am.” Max replied, “Apart from the day I married Liz it would have been the happiest day of my life,” he said confidently.

The doctor frowned as he wrote down some notes.

“What are you writing?” Max asked curiously.

“Just taking some notes for us to talk about when we have an appointment with Liz,” he replied.

Max’s mood seemed to improve at the mention of his wife. “When is that?” he asked. He had noticed Liz’s absence the past few days and had felt it profoundly. He wondered what it was that was keeping her away. Liz insisted it was caring for their daughter but somehow Max didn’t believe it.

“Tomorrow,” he replied. “I’ve also organised for your sister, your friend Michael and your parents to have a session with you too.”

“I don’t understand why we need to do this.” Max said.

“Don’t you want to know about the last two years of your life? This is the best way to ensure you receive all the information from the correct people, Max,” he explained.

“Ok.” Max nodded. He had little choice and he knew he would just have to be patient whilst everything was revealed.

“Today though I want to talk to you about your life that you remember,” he told Max. “Were you happy Max?” he asked.

Max thought about the question. “Yes, as much as you can be when you have my life and responsibility,” he told him honestly.

“What do you mean by that?” the doctor asked.

“I’m Vice President of my father’s business. Sometimes I think my father believes that because I work for him he can run my life.” Max told him, “then again my father has always thought he could run my life,” he added bitterly.

“You don’t get along with your father?” he asked.

“Other than work we don’t really have a relationship,” he stated.

“What about your mother and sister?” he asked.

“My mother used to be the best,” Max smiled remembering. “When we were little she was like a normal mum but as we got older and my father started taking an interest in what we did and how it affected him and business things changed.”

“How did they change?”

“She stopped standing up to my father. Whatever he said was gospel, even if it was wrong. I knew that she didn’t agree with him but she’d never stand up for us.”

“How did that make you feel?”

Max laughed. He’d always wondered what therapy was like and now he knew it was exactly like he’d always suspected which was why he never went despite the fact that he probably should have.

“Angry, sad but mainly disappointed,” he whispered.

Doctor Wilson nodded and added more notes.

“You’re sister and you are twins?”


“Are you close?”

“We used to be,” Max nodded.

Max knew that the doctor was probably seeing a pattern forming with Max and his family relationships and wondered what he would say about it.

“When did it change?” he asked.

“After I broke up with her best friend and married my wife instead,” Max replied.

The doctor sat and studied Max and waited for him to continue. “My family don’t approve of Liz,” he finally revealed.

“How come?”

“Because of her bank account, but mainly because she doesn’t give my father any advantage in business.”

“Did your ex girlfriend, Isabel’s best friend, do that?” he asked.

“Yes,” he nodded. “Tess’s father and my father have done business together for years. Tess is an only child and Ed Harding is old school like my father, which means he wanted a son to leave his fortune too. My father and Ed planned for Tess and me to marry and eventually I would run everything.”

“That must have been an exciting prospect for you,” the doctor stated.

“Hardly,” Max replied. “It was just another way for my father to be in control of my life.”

“Is that why you broke up with Tess?”

“Yes and no,” Max replied. “Liz was my secretary and I was always very attracted to her. We became involved whilst I was still with Tess. I’m not sure how it happened but we fell in love so I broke up with Tess. My family figured it was just a phase I was going through but it wasn’t. Then Liz fell pregnant and that was all the reason I needed to make her my wife like I wanted. We eloped.”

“You’re family was upset I assume?” he asked.

“Furious,” Max nodded. “I expected it at first but I figured that they would get over it eventually because they loved me. I thought my mother and sister would be happy to find out they were becoming a grandmother and aunty,” he added.

“They weren’t?” the doctor asked.

Max noted, not for the first time since the questions had started, that the doctor remained emotionless and didn’t react to the details Max was revealing. Max couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about the situation.

“No, they didn’t want anything to do with Liz or our baby,” he whispered.

Doctor Wilson nodded and made some more notes.

“What about your father? What did he say?”

“He demanded that I get an annulment, he told me that the whole thing could go away with a nice healthy cheque,” Max snorted. “He never believed that Liz was with me for anything other than my money and he was furious that I didn’t get a pre-nup.”

“Why didn’t you?” Wilson asked. “I mean you’re obviously a smart educated guy I thought that would have been a given for you with any women being how wealthy your family is and the extent of your business.”

“Because none of that mattered,” Max shrugged. “Liz is having my baby, the heir to the Evans Empire and even if things don’t work out with us I want her to be looked after, she deserves to.”

“You said is, Max. Remember Liz had the baby,” Wilson pointed out.

“That’s right,” Max sighed.

“Let's talk about your feelings about your child,” he suggested then.

“Which feelings would you like to talk about?” Max asked sarcastically. “The sadness that I don’t remember her birth, her first words or steps?” Max asked. “Or how about how frustrated I am that I can’t even meet her?”

Wilson nodded in understanding. “That’s understandable Max, eventually we hope you’ll get most of those memories back. That’s why we’re here.”

“How?” Max asked.

“Max as you know the doctors here have done extensive tests on you since you’ve been brought in, as well as since your amnesia became apparent and they can’t find any physical reason why you would have lost your memories of the past 2 years only. It's understandable after the head injury you suffered to have some after affects, some amnesia but such a large specific block is very unusual,” he explained.

“What are you saying?” Max frowned.

“I have reason to believe that your memory loss is a psychological thing rather than a physical thing,” he replied.

“I don’t understand.”

“Max, I think there is a reason you don't want to remember the last 2 years of your life, a reason that at the moment you don’t remember. I’m hoping that in the course of the sessions with your friends and family that we can find the core of the problem.”

“You think that something happened? Like what?”

Wilson closed his notes. “I think that's enough for today Max.”

“What? No!” Max objected. “I want to know what you mean. Maybe I can get my memories back sooner.”

“I think that would be a bad idea Max, that’s why we’ve scheduled the sessions. Obviously something in the past 2 years of your life has upset you greatly, so greatly that you’d rather not remember a huge chunk of your life then actually deal with it. Unfortunately you lived those 2 years and regardless of whether you want to remember or not you need to know what happened during that time but you’re family and I have all agreed that it would be best for that information to be given to you in a controlled environment so that it can’t do any more harm to you,” he explained.

Max didn’t like it but he understood. He reluctantly stood and made his way out of the doctor’s room and back towards his room. He found it hard to believe that something so bad could have happened that he wouldn’t want to remember his daughter but he was willing to play the doctor’s game for the time being. But if someone didn’t start giving him answers soon he would definitely be going looking for them.
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Re: Forgive to Forget (M/L AU ADULT) Six; Pg 9, 12/10

Post by Emz80m »

Hi everyone, thanks for your feedback. I hope you enjoy the new part :D


Max couldn’t stop staring at her. It felt like weeks since he had seen her when in reality it had only been days but the distance between them was so significant. He wondered what had happened between them to make things this way. All his memories of them together had been happy ones but obviously something had changed in the past two years.

“How are you?” Max asked.

Liz looked over and smiled awkwardly. “I’m good. How are you feeling? Michael told me that your sessions with Doctor Wilson have been a bit rough on you,” she asked eager to change the subject to him instead of herself.

Max frowned at the mention of Michael. It seemed his best friend got to talk to his wife more than he did. He wondered if Michael was getting to see Addison too?

“It just feels like we’re going around in circles. I just want answers,” he replied.

“That’s understandable,” Liz nodded.

“How’s Addison?” Max asked.

“She’s good,” Liz told him. “She misses you,” she added. It had been extremely hardly trying to explain to her little girl why it had been so long since she had seen her father. Liz had decided that she needed to tell her the truth about Max’s accident so that she understood her father wasn’t abandoning her after all. It had been hard for her to understand but eventually she seemed to get what Liz was telling her and now she was eager to come and see her father.

“I wish I could meet her.” Max whispered.

“I know and I thought if Dr Wilson agreed maybe I could bring her in later this week?” Liz offered.

Max’s face lit up at her words. “Really?” he asked. He honestly thought he was never going to get to see his little girl.

“Yeah,” Liz smiled and nodded. She was truly happy that Max wanted to meet his daughter, for the first time since her birth he seemed excited to have her in his life.

Silence fell between them again then as they sat and waited for Dr Wilson who was running late for their first session.

“You look nervous,” Max commented as Liz shifted in her seat again.

The truth was Liz was petrified. She had gone through the conversation she was about to have with Max in her mind at least thirty times in the past week but now that the time was nearing she had no idea what she was going to say. Sometimes she didn’t believe her life herself so how was she supposed to explain to Max that he had turned into an asshole and that she had left him and he hadn’t given a shit about her since.

“I am,” she nodded. “Doctors make me nervous,” she added.

“Yeah I remember,” Max smiled.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” Dr Wilson apologised as he entered his office and went straight to his chair and sat down.

“How are you both feeling?” he asked looking at them both.


“Anxious,” they replied together.

Dr Wilson smiled. “Completely expected,” he replied.

“So,” Liz blew out a breath. “Where do we start?” she asked

“Well Liz, with Max’s permission, I think Max and I should explain some of what we’ve been talking about in his session and his feelings about them,” he suggested.

“Ok.” Max agreed.

“Max has been telling me about the issue he has with his family, Liz. Were you aware that his family didn’t really approve of you?” he asked.

“Um yes.” Liz nodded, “I know it was really hard on Max that they didn’t accept Addison.”

“How did you feel about it?” he asked Liz.

“It hurt,” she shrugged trying to not let the tears gather in her eyes. “I loved Max and being with him made me really happy. I never expected to be judged by where I came from rather than who I was and if I made their son happy. I sort of understood Isabel, Tess was her best friend, but sometimes Phillip could be so mean,” Liz answered honestly.

“I hated them for it,” Max spoke up.

Liz nodded; she knew at first how angry and upset Max had been but eventually he had stopped standing up for her, for Addison and for himself.

“Max told me that he hoped things would change when Addison was born, Liz. Did they?”

Liz gulped before looking at Max. “No. To my knowledge your parents have never seen Addison.”

“In two years?” Max whispered

“In two years,” Liz confirmed.

“Liz why don’t you tell Max about when Addison was born, and Max why don’t you explain to Liz how you feel about not remembering all those special moments like Addison’s birth, first word and so on?”

“I hate it,” Max spoke up first. “Knowing that I can’t remember the most important moments in her life sucks,” Max whispered his emotions evident.

“Addison was only a day over due,” Liz told him. “I was at home and my water broke and my contractions started really quickly. You were at work and I didn’t think you were going to make it because you were trying to get across town in peak hour traffic.”

“I did make it didn’t I?” Max asked.

“You did,” Liz nodded.

Max felt a moment of happiness at Liz’s answer until he saw her face. “Did something happen?” he asked.

“To tell you the truth Max I can’t really answer that,” Liz replied. “At first you seemed so happy. You didn’t want to leave our side but you couldn’t stay at the hospital because you didn’t have any clothes or anything with you. You were still in your work suit so you went home to shower, change and sleep the night. The next day when you came back you were different, things were different.”

“How?” Max frowned.

“You were distant from both Addy and I and you went back to work straight away.”

Max couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Did we have a fight?”

“No. It was like all of a sudden you had changed your mind about me and Addison,” Liz admitted.

“I would never do that, Liz.”

“But you did!” Liz cried.

“What do you mean?”

“Ok, let’s back up a little,” Dr Wilson interrupted.

“No!” Max shook his head. “Tell me everything Liz. Tell me what the hell has happened to us? Why don’t you want to be near me? Why does it feel like nothing I remember is the same anymore?”

“Max, don’t do this,” Liz pleaded.

“Tell me!” he demanded.

“Because it’s not,” Liz snapped at him. “Nothing is the same and it’s all your fault!”

“Liz stop!” Dr Wilson said sternly.

Liz was now crying and Max was watching her feeling terrible. He wanted to reach out and hold her like he would normally have done during an argument or when she was upset but he recognised that it was no longer welcome. It was finally apparent to him that nothing he remembered was the same, that there were a lot of secrets to be revealed to him and he didn’t think he was going to like any of them.

“I’m sorry,” Liz apologised.

“It's ok Liz,” Dr Wilson told her. “I just think we need to slow down. We decided to break this news to Max in this controlled environment for a reason,” he reminded her.

“Liz, do you still love me?” Max’s quiet voice asked.

Liz’s head snapped towards him, her mouth opened in shock. “You can’t ask me that,” she finally replied.

“Why not?”

“Because it’s not a fair question,” she told him.


“Ok if you won’t answer that then answer me this, are we still married?” Max asked interrupting Dr Wilson before he could try and stop his line of questioning again.

“Technically yes,” Liz replied.

“What does that mean?”

“It means that we’re not divorced but we haven’t been together for the past 2 years Max.”

Max’s face instantly paled. “What?”

“After Addy was born you just pulled away. You didn’t even show up to pick me up from the hospital. You got caught up in a meeting at work so I had to call a taxi service,” Liz began to explain again. “At first I just shrugged it off as you being busy, distracted, but as the months wore on it just got worse. You paid no attention to Addison and sometimes you barely came home. We began to fight and I even suspect that you began cheating on me.”

“No,” Max shook his head. “I would never do that to you, I love you so much.”

“I stayed for 6 months because I loved you and I prayed every night that the man I married would come back and he’d be so sorry and he would spend every moment of the rest of our lives trying to make up for it and getting to know our precious little girl but it just never happened.”

The tears ran freely down Liz’s face.

“I packed up my car with all my clothes and all of Addison things I could fit and I left.”

“We could have worked things out, Liz,” Max told her, he was also crying now.

“Of course we could have. I loved you and I wanted nothing more than for our marriage to work but you didn’t come after us, you didn’t want us,” Liz cried.


“Yes Max!!!” Liz yelled.

“It took you months to even ask for visitation of our daughter and even now when you have it half the time you hardly show up and when you do you always bring her back early for some reason or the other.”

“But why?”

“I don’t know Max,” Liz whispered. “God I wish I knew. Then maybe I would have been able to get some type of closure.”

“I think that’s enough for today,” Dr Wilson spoke up then.

Max was openly crying along with Liz now and Dr Wilson was unhappy with how the session had gone. He hadn’t wanted everything to have come out so quickly and with so much emotion but Max had been like a dog with a bone, determined to get the answers to all the questions that had been plaguing him for weeks.

“I have to go,” Liz stood up. She couldn’t be in that room anymore, she could no longer sit there and watch Max crying. She wanted nothing more than to comfort him but it wasn’t her place anymore.

“Liz please,” Max whispered. “I need you,” he pleaded with her.

“That’s the thing Max, you really don’t and right now I just can’t.... I’m so sorry,” she replied before racing out the door.
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Re: Forgive to Forget (M/L AU ADULT) Seven; Pg 11, 24/10

Post by Emz80m »

Hi everyone. Thanks heaps for your feedback, i hope you enjoy the new part :D


Liz almost ran from the hospital. She had never anticipated things going the way they had and she knew that she was just as much to blame as Max was for things getting so out of control.

As she reached her car and crawled into the driver’s seat she let the sobs take over her body. The look on Max’s face as he had pleaded with her not to leave was burnt into her brain. She still didn’t know where she found the strength to walk out the door but she knew she couldn’t have stayed, her heart couldn’t handle it.

Liz had been sitting in the car for ten minutes when she heard the tap on her window. She quickly wiped at her eyes before turning to see who was trying to get her attention. When she saw Michael looking at her in concern she wound down the window.

“Are you ok?” he asked.

“Yeah I’m ok,” she lied

“No you’re not.” he said and made a move to open the door.

Liz surprised herself at how easily she slid into his comforting arms. She had wanted to be comforted by Max this way and to comfort him this way but she just couldn’t do it. Despite that she was still in love with her husband she was also very angry with him. Just because he didn’t remember the past two years, she did.

“I take it things didn’t go to well then?”

“Terrible doesn’t even begin to describe how badly it went,” Liz told him. “Things just spiralled out of control very quickly and I just couldn’t stay. He was pleading with me to stay and I walked out,” she sobbed.

“Shh,” Michael soothed as he rubbed her back. “He’ll understand,” he told her.

Michael stayed wither until she calmed down. “Let me drive you home, you shouldn’t drive in this state,” he suggested.

“No,” Liz shook her head. “I need my car and you’re here to see Max, I’m sure he could really use your company right now.”

“I'll drive your car and get a cab straight back,” he reasoned with her.

Liz hesitated for a second before reluctantly nodding and getting out of the driver’s seat. She knew Michael was right. Her mind was full of too many things to drive safely and she needed to think about her daughter, and driving home was not smart.

“So do you want to talk about it?” Michael asked once they were on the road.

“He asked me if I still loved him.” Liz whispered.

Michael looked at Liz in concern. “What did you say?”

“I told him that it wasn’t a fair question,” Liz replied looking out the window.

Michael nodded, “I can understand that. Besides if you tell him you do we both know that Max won’t let it go. If he thinks there’s hope to get you back he won’t stop until he does.”

Liz knew Michael was right. It was how they had ended up together in the first place. Liz had been hired as a secretary in the typing pool when one day Max’s personal assistance had called in sick. Liz had volunteered to fill in for her hoping that it would help her move up in the company. She had known straight away that Max was attracted to her. He hadn’t made a point of hiding it and she had felt the same but she also knew, just as everyone in the company did, that Max was dating Tess and so she had tried her best to maintain a professional relationship.

When Max’s assistant was forced to resign Max hadn’t hesitated in offering her the job and Liz took it eagerly. After that they had always ended up spending a lot of time together. Max constantly asked her to work overtime and eventually it had led to friendship and then one night when he had offered her a lift home, a kiss. Despite the fact Liz knew it was wrong and that Max would probably never leave Tess for her she hadn’t wanted to end things. She had fallen in love with him hard and fast.

What she hadn’t expected or even planned for was for Max to love her back. When he told her Liz’s mouth had fallen open in shock before she quickly told him she loved him back. Max informed her that night he was going to break up with Tess and true to his word he had done so a few days later. They didn’t come out with their relationship though because they both decided it was too soon after the break up. Things didn’t stay quiet for long though because only twelve months after they started their affair Liz found herself pregnant.

Liz had been scared to death about telling him. She sat on the news for days and already made the decision that she was going to keep the baby no matter what before she told him the news. She honestly believed that he would end things but instead he was over the moon and immediately began talking about her moving in with him. A week later he proposed and before Liz knew it they were on a plane to Vegas. It truly was the best moment of her life. They had been so happy and she had thought they would be forever.

“Hey where did you go?” Michael interrupted her thoughts.

“Just remembering.” Liz smiled.

“Liz, you don’t want to get back together do you?” Michael asked.

“Too much has happened,” Liz whispered. “Besides eventually he’ll remember everything again and things will go back to normal: him ignoring me and his daughter.”

Michael remained quiet not knowing what to say. He knew there was a lot that had happened that Liz didn’t know about. Things between Max and his father that Michael suspected all had to do with Liz and Addison but he remained quiet. It was his legal requirement too but he also didn’t think it would help Liz anyway.

“When is your session?” Liz asked desperate to change the subject from her and Max.


“Good luck. I hope things go better than mine did.”

“Thanks,” Michael smiled.

“Max and I have been friends for a long time. I just hope he listens to me.”

“He didn’t believe me when I told him what had happened. He swore he loved me too much to have ever let things end between us,” Liz whispered.

Michael knew it was true which is why he couldn’t understand why Max had let her go or why he stayed away.

“Maybe there is more to this then you ever knew.” Michael offered.

“Do you know something?” Liz asked suspiciously.

“I know things. Nothing that will answer ‘the what happened to Max’ questions and nothing I can tell you,” he replied.

Liz nodded in understanding.

They arrived at Liz’s apartment then and Michael pulled out his cell and ordered the cab.

Liz waited with him while it arrived.

“Say hi to Maria for me will you,” Michael grinned as the taxi pulled up.

“You should call her,” Liz suggested knowing that Maria would be over the moon.

“I might just do that,” Michael replied.

“Take care Liz,” he smiled and kissed her forehead softly. “I'll talk to you soon.”

“Thank you for everything Michael,” she replied.

“Anytime.” he told her right before he got into the cab.


Phillip Evans looked happy as his guest took the seat across from him. His desk was large and told everyone that the man who sat behind it was powerful and Phillip Evans loved it.

“What did you find out?” he asked.

After his discussion with his daughter and the revelations that his son hadn’t been honest about the state of his affairs Phillip wasted no time contacting the private investigator he kept on retainer. He normally used his services of associates and enemies but as far as Phillip was concerned anyone was fair game.

“Not much that you didn’t already know. Your son is definitely not divorced, neither he or an Elizabeth Evans or Parker have filed for any type of formal separation, property settlement of even custody arrangements.”

“Damn it,” Phillip cursed. He did his best to keep his temper in order. He had wanted to believe that Isabel had just been mistaken about Max’s marriage. Max had told him that he had taken care of everything after Phillip had sat him down and made the situation very clear to Max. In fact Phillip had even given Max a sizeable amount of money to make the whole situation with Liz and her brat to go away.

“I did a credit check as well and there were no red flags. He has no debt and one saving account.”

“How much?” he demanded.

“Quarter of a million,” the detective replied. To him that seemed like nothing for an Evans and from the look on Phillips face he obviously agreed.

“What about her?” he asked.

“Barely a hundred dollars to her name. Works at some dive for minimum wage and tips over the other side of town.”

“Anything else?”


“How could there be nothing. She’s obviously a money hungry bitch and I gave my son a million dollars to get rid of her,” Phillip yelled.

“I don’t know what to tell you. Neither of them has that sort of money.”

Phillips hands curled into fists at his sides.

“Keep looking. I don’t care what you have to do I want to know every cent my son has spent in the last 2 years.”

“I'll do my best but I can’t promise anything. That lawyer of his is very good at keeping things confidential and covers his tracks well,” he informed him. The truth was Michael Guerin was probably the best as far as he was concerned. Most lawyers could either be bought, but he ruled that out right away knowing his long time association with Max Evans, or one of their staff could be. Or at the very least would leave a paper trail. But not this guy.

“Damn Guerin,” Phillip cursed.

“I'll be in touch if I find something.”

Phillip waited until he had left before he threw phone across the room. Damn his son. But if he thought he was going to get away with disobeying and lying to him he had another thing coming.


Tess Harding sighed as entered the all white and brightly lit hospital corridor. She couldn’t believe she had been forced to cut her holiday short to go here. When Isabel had run her to tell he about Max’s accident of course she had been worried and assured Isabel she would immediately return to the states for emotional support to her and to tend to Max’s well being but Tess never said when.

She had begun artfully dodging her friend’s constant calls and cringing when she would finally listen to the irate voicemails about what an uncaring girlfriend she was. It was why she had been fully prepared to also ignore Phillip Evans when he called but after hearing his voice mail she knew she could no longer put off her return.

The fact was Max Evans and Tess belonged together. Everyone knew it, their families and eventually Max had come around to their way of thinking to with a bit of gently persuasion from his father. So Tess had been slightly alarmed and upset to learn that Max’s memory of the past two years appeared to be gone and that all of a sudden that good for nothing ex wife of his was sniffing around once again. No, there was no way Tess would be dumped again for a no class, plain Jane whore. So she hightailed it back to the states and soon she would ensure that her beloved boyfriend remembered her and his responsibility to her and his family.

Yes Tess would see to it that Max didn’t make a fool out of her and the Evans again.

She stopped when she reached his room and watched him for a few minutes. He was staring out the window obviously thinking about something.

“Hello darling,” she greeted and smiled as she floated into the room.

Max turned, startled and his eyes widened.

“Tess.” he stated and then frowned.

“I’m so sorry it took me so long to get here, I’ve been so worried about you,” she told him. “But don’t worry darling, I’m here now and everything is going to be ok,” she told him as she planted a kiss on his very shocked lips.
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Re: Forgive to Forget (M/L AU ADULT) Eight; Pg 13, 2/11

Post by Emz80m »

Hi everyone,

Firstly i wanted to drop this off and say thank you to everyone who nominated and voted. Its so nice to know you all enjoyed Broken :D


Best Alternate Universe with Aliens - Broken

Seconly, i want to apologise for no update but unfortuntely i have had a sick baby and been a little under the weather myself this past week. I know that i used to be a reliable updater but i fear that those days might be over with the change in my life. I hope you can all understand. I will get the new part to you as soon as i can.


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Re: Forgive to Forget (M/L AU ADULT) A/N; Pg 14, 14/11

Post by Emz80m »

thanks for your patience guys

Parker is much better now and so am i so here is a new part. I hope you enjoy :D


“What the hell?” Max yelled and forcefully pushed her grubby hands away from him. “Get off me Tess!”

Tess frowned. That was not the reaction she was expecting or one she would tolerate.

“What do you mean?” she snapped. “I’m your girlfriend Max,” she reminded him with a smug smile, “or has someone failed to tell you that?”

Max resisted the urge to gag. “I heard something about it but I don’t remember any of it.”

“Well I’m here now so I'll just have to remind you,” she said seductively as she ran a hand up his arm.

Max threw her hand away, “No thanks.”

Tess scowled. “What do you mean by that?”

“If you’re my girlfriend Tess then where have you been the past 2 weeks?” Max asked her.

“Europe,” she answered simply.

“Right. You must really care about me for you to rush back to my bedside,” Max snorted. “Do me a favour and just get out, I’m not interested in hearing the story of how we got together I just want it known that we’re not together any more. I’m married.”

Tess smirked, “That didn’t bother you when I practically moved in with you.”

Max shook his head in disgust at himself. He wished he knew what he had been thinking. There had to be a reason for why he had pushed Liz away and turned to Tess didn’t there? He knew he loved Liz and he couldn’t imagine that that would have changed in the last two years especially when they had just had a daughter together.

“Obviously there was something wrong with me,” he told her. “I’m sure Isabel will help you move out quickly.”

“You’re kicking me out?” she asked shocked. The truth was, Tess didn’t really live with Max but she had enough of her things there that it would be easy enough for him to believe that she did.

“That’s what I’m saying.”

“I think you might want to rethink that Max because your father is going to be very upset when I ring and tell him.”

“What does my father have to do with it?” Max asked.

Tess eyed Max carefully. He really didn’t remember. She had thought it was over exaggerated that he couldn’t remember that he was just using the accident as an excuse to get back with his good for nothing wife but obviously she was wrong. Something inside of her felt sorry for him then. The Max she remembered knew what a bastard his father was and understood that making him happy was paramount. This Max hadn’t learnt that lesson yet and Tess wondered who would suffer in the crossfire until he did. She knew that she certainly didn’t want to be one of those people.

“Look, obviously you don’t remember but you and I are a done thing Max. In fact we were supposed to be announcing our engagement at Christmas. I would suggest you come to terms with it for both our sakes,” she informed him.

“I can’t get engaged Tess, I’m already married,” Max told her like she was an idiot.

“So I’ve heard,” she frowned. “A little lie that your father isn’t happy about. Me? I don’t care but you better deal with it quickly and quietly so we can just get on with our lives.”

“I don’t think you understand me Tess. I’m not planning on divorcing Liz. In fact as soon as I get out of here I’m going to do everything in my power to win her back. You and me getting engaged is never going to happen, in fact the phrase ‘when hell freezes over’ comes to mind.”

“Don’t do this Max.” Tess almost pleaded.

Tess honestly didn’t want to marry Max but she knew her father and Phillip expected it and she knew that making their fathers happy was the best move for all of them. She also didn’t like Liz and wanted to get back at her for stealing Max away in the first place. Tess would make sure his marriage was ruined if it was the last thing she did and if Max didn’t divorce Liz and marry her she would make their lives hell.

“It's done.” He said with a hard voice.

“I would appreciate it if you would move your stuff out and return the key as soon as possible,” he told her.

“This is not over Max.” Tess spat.

“Don’t let the door hit you on the ass as you leave.” Max added.

With a scowl Tess whipped back out of the room as quickly as she had entered but Max was wise enough to realise it wouldn’t be the last he had seen of her and the worst part was that something she had said had caused a ripple of fear to run up his back. Max knew without a shadow of a doubt that Tess was right and Phillip Evans would not be happy.


Max was staring out the window when Michael walked in.


Max turned and tried to smile at his friend.

“Everything ok?” Michael asked concerned. He was used to Max’s sombre moods in the past week. Since his session with Liz he had been down and so far Liz had not returned only worsening Max’s mood.

“Tess was here,” he revealed.

“Oh,” Michael frowned. “How did that go?”

“She said something and it made me think.” Max said, “Something about how breaking up with her wasn’t a good idea, that my father wouldn’t be happy.”

Michael waited for him to finish.

“Is that true?”

“Yes, I’m pretty sure it’s the only reason you got back with her,” Michael answered honestly. Michael now knew it was the right time to tell Max the information he had been keeping.

“Max you were doing some things that your father didn’t know about. You had me going to a lot of trouble to hide some of your personal things from him.”

“Like what?”

“Money,” Michael replied, “A lot of money.”

“How much?” Max frowned.

“1 million.”

Max’s eyes widened and he whistled. “Shit. Where did I get that type of money? Most of my money is tied up in shares in the company.”

Michael studied Max and waited. “Do you know where I got it?” Max asked.

Michael nodded. “Do you want to know?”

“Yes,” Max nodded and sat down.

“Your father gave it to you to pay Liz off. You told him that Liz was threatening to take part of the company and that you were going to sell your shares.”

“Ok,” Max frowned not really understanding why.

“So your father gave you the money to pay her out.”

“But I never gave it to Liz?” Max guessed.

“No. Liz would never take a cent from you but I don’t think you even tried to give her this. You never filled me in on what your plan was but you seemed to have one and it was detailed and well thought out. The one thing that was very clear though with everything that you and I did to hide the money was that Phillip was the enemy. You did not trust him Max.”

“I’m not surprised. He’s always been a bastard,” Max replied.

“What did I do with the money?”

“You used it to buy shares in the company but you didn’t buy them in your name.”

“Who’s name?”


“My father would have figured that out though?”

“He barely paid enough attention to Liz or Addison to know there name. We bought them under Addison Parker.”

Max smirked at how smart it was. He knew it would be almost impossible for his father to track something like that. Addison Parker would not come up on any of his radars.


“We thought so,” Michael grinned.

“I don’t understand why I did that though. I mean what did I have to gain from taking money from my father and reinvesting it in the company?” Max shrugged.

“You didn’t really go into details but I had a theory. Want to hear it?” Michael asked.

“Sure,” Max nodded eagerly.

“You were trying to gain the controlling stake in the company.”

Max thought it over then shook his head. “No that’s impossible.”

“No it’s not,” Michael smiled. “Your family owns 51%. Every Evans heir receives 10% which means that between you and Isabel you have 20%.”

“Ok but Dad still has 31%”

“No not any more. Like i said every Evans heir receives 10%. Even though your father doesn’t acknowledge her existence you enforced him to honour his agreement and allocate Addison her share of the company. He signed it over to you until she was 21.”

“Shit,” Max swore. How had he gotten his father to agree to that?

“Oh my God,” he whispered then. “With Isabel’s share I would have controlling power over the whole company”

“Exactly,” Max grinned. “Phillip has no idea but I figured that was the point.”

“But why?”

“Honestly? You never told me but I know 2 things, Max. One, you loved Liz and you never once expressed one single word of ending your marriage. I guess I always figured you’d go back to her and work things out. Two, you hated your father and the control he wanted to have over you and Isabel.”

“Take his company and he wouldn’t be in control any more,” Max whispered.

“What?” Michael asked.

“Take over his company and he wouldn’t be in control anymore. He always used to threaten to disown me and fire me. He can’t do that if he doesn’t own the controlling vote. I could have the board boot him as CEO and he’d only be a shareholder like everyone else. If he didn’t have control over the company he wouldn’t have control over me.”

“I’d say you’re on to something,” Michael nodded excited.

“I think you’re right and now we just have to work out what the next phase of the plan was.”

“My guess is that it would be to get Isabel on side,” Michael suggested.

“Right,” Max smiled. “And that is something I can do.”