Switching Places (FF, M/M, Child,) COMPLETE

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by Redrumm »

Is anyone still reading this? Because I don't want to continue posting if no one's reading. Also I'm not so good with the whole breaking and entering, secrect agent, spy stuff so please bare with me.

Chapter 21 - The Rescue

Following Max’s plan the eight friends had split up into three groups. Liz, Alex, and Kyle stayed behind with the cars. They patiently waited, staying alert and ready to start the cars and leave as soon as the others came running back. Not having any way to know what was going on or any way to talk to the five aliens, the trio tried to keep each other optimistic.

The next group was the three alien girls, Beth, Isabel, and Ava. They were coming to the building from the back. Their job was to sneak in, rescue Amy, and get back to the cars unnoticed. But that is something that is always easier said than done.

The last group was of course, Zan and Max. They were coming from the front; their job was to be a diversion so the girls could get in and out without any problems. They knew the girls could protect themselves, but they didn’t want to take the chance of them getting hurt.

"Do you think they are going to be safe back there?" Beth asked, talking about Liz, Alex, and Kyle, she was worried for their safety knowing that they didn’t have alien powers to protect themselves with.

"It’s not them I’m worried about." Isabel said as they followed Ava through the trees toward the building where Amy Deluca was being held.

"Shhh! Keep you voices down." Ava whispered as she stopped walking and crouched down behind a bush. "There are two guards up there." she whispered, pointing to where the two men where standing guarding the entrance.


On the opposite side of the building the guys were having the same problem. "Okay, so the count is five really big guys." Zan said as they watched the scene before them. Just then a car pulls up.

"Make that five really big guys, two important looking men, and one woman." Max corrected as two men and a woman got out of the car and walked into the building.

"So how do you want to do this? With powers or without?" Zan asked.

"I prefer not to use our powers until it’s absolutely necessary." Max said.

"Without powers it is."


"This is where you come in Ava." Beth said. Ava nodded and closed her eyes concentrating. Then suddenly she got up and walked out into the open motioning for the others to follow her. They quickly did as they were told, having full faith in Ava’s powers.

"This is so strange." Isabel said as she stood in front of one of the men. He was looking straight through her, like she wasn’t even there.

"It’s not strange it’s freaky." Beth said watching the other guy.

"Come on we don’t have all day." Ava said as she used her powers to unlock the door and the three girls walked in.


Max came into view, seeing him come out of the woods the guards began yelling and started coming over to him.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing here? This is private property." one guard said. Three others were bringing Max toward the door where the one who had spoke was standing. The remaining guard was standing at the corner of the building.

"Look I don’t mean any trouble, my car broke down a few miles back. I was wondering if I could use your phone to call someone." Max said. But before the man had time to answer the guard that was at the corner suddenly fell to the ground. Surprised at this two of the guards holding Max went over to him and they too fell to the ground. While all eyes were on the falling guards, Max passed his hand over the walkie-talkie the head guard was holding.

"Go see what’s going on." the head guard said to the only other guard remaining. He nervously went over, gun ready to shoot. But then he too hit the ground.

The head guard quickly brought his walkie-talkie to his face to call for backup, but it wouldn’t work. Irritated he threw it down. Not wanting to get hurt like the others, but wanting to know what it was, the guard told Max to go over and see what was happening. Max slowly walked over, but as soon as he reached the four guards piled on the ground, his fate became the same as theirs.

Now the last guard knowing he had to find out what was happening started for the pile of men. He reached the pile and started looking them over. Then suddenly there was darkness.


As soon as the girls got into the building they realized they had made a big mistake. In their hurry to get in the building, they forgot to find out if anyone was right inside. The room was small with a door on the opposite end, but first they had to get past the guy that was shocked at their presence. He quickly grabbed his gun, but Beth fired first.

"Whoa!" was all Ava could say about the frozen form of the guard.

"Can we do that?" Isabel asked shocked.

"Nope, sorry. Now lets get moving before someone finds him." Beth said as she quickly learned from their mistake and cracked the door open.

"It’s clear." Beth whispered and walked down the hall as the others followed.


"It’s clear." Zan said then reached down to help Max up off the ground. "I can’t believe they actually fell for that."

"No, I can’t believe you hit them with that!" Max said when he noticed Zan holding a bat.

"What? Did you want me to use a pillow to knock them out?" Zan said defensively as he made the bat disappear.

“I thought we weren’t going to use powers.” Max said.

“I can’t help it. It’s a curse.” Zan said smiling. Max shook his head and led the way to the front. They got to the door and listened before going in. When they didn’t hear anything, Max opened the door while Zan was ready to fire if needed. But luckily there was no need, because the big room was completely empty.

"Is it just me or does this not feel right?" Zan asked. Just then four men came in the door on the opposite side of the room and several others came up behind Max and Zan.

"It’s not just you." Max said.


The girls were walking down the hallway and suddenly Beth felt a hand stop her. She looked back and saw Isabel pointing to a video camera. Beth was just about to freeze it when Isabel stopped her again.

"That would cause suspicion." she whispered as she used her powers to keep it pointed away from them as they kept moving.

Finally they came to a door; they were deciding whether to go in or not, when suddenly their choice was made for them. Someone was coming! They quickly went in the room; luckily it was only a storage closet. This would be so much easier if Mike or Travis were here. Beth thought as they hid in the closet.

Once they heard the sound of the people walking away, Isabel cracked the door open to see if the coast was clear. Seeing that it was, they came out and continued on their way. Every so often they met other people, who Ava mindwarped into not seeing them. After listening to several different conversations the girls managed to figure out where Amy was being held.

"The end of this hall and we're there." Beth said. Just then a door opened. Not having anywhere to hide, Ava immediately mindwarped the woman coming out so she wouldn't see them.

"That's what Landon said, Sir." The woman spoke into her phone.

"We have the boy and someone else is with him…No, it’s not the girl. It’s another boy. I'm on my way there right now to question them." She nodded to whatever was being said to her.

"Yes, Sir. I'll bring them to you myself. They say they have the crystal if it's…" The girls couldn't make out what else was said because she turned a corner.

"They have the guys!" Isabel said scared. Memories of what had happened to her brother in the White Room kept coming to her mind. "And what does she mean they have the crystal? I thought we left it back at Michaels’ apartment."

"We did leave it. Don’t worry, Iz, they can take care of themselves. They'll be alright." Ava said not really believing it herself, but trying to cheer Isabel up.

"Ava's right we have to save Amy first. She doesn't have any powers to protect herself like Max and Zan do. Besides I bet they planned to get caught and say they had the crystal to buy us some time. And if they didn't I'm sure they could escape before we would even get to them." Beth said, putting a little too much faith in her brother and Max.

Not wanting to discourage her with the truth, Ava and Isabel nodded and decided to try and be brave for Beth no matter what happened.


Max and Zan had been taken into separate rooms for questioning. Apparently The Following had been expecting Michael and Maria to come and save Amy and were more than a little upset that Max and not Maria had come.

Landon was not pleased at all. The girl was missing and Tatiana was sure to blame him for it. He had called her a few minutes ago and told her everything. She had said she was on her way to "oversee" things. Oversee! The nerve for her! She just wants to make me look bad and get on Marcus' good side. Landon thought to himself as he and Zack made their way to where Max was being held.


Zan set at a table in a small room. The only light was from a lamp that hung above his head. It reminded him of scenes from old cop movies. Is this supposed to scare me into talking? Zan asked himself, but before he could answer the door opened and in walked a woman carrying several papers. She sat down across the table from him the papers laying face down in front of her.

"I've been told that you have the crystal." She said more as a statement than as a question.

"I do." He replied.

"Give it to me and you and your little friend may go."

"What about Amy?"

"Who? Oh, yes, the woman, your girlfriends' mother. She can go too of course." She said smiling.

"As soon as you let us go I'll give it to you." Zan stated.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that. My boss would not be very pleased if I let you go without getting the crystal first."

"Well then I can't give it to you." He said as he leaned back in his chair smiling.

"GIVE IT TO ME!" she screamed as she slammed her fists on the table. Her change of emotion was so sudden it took all that was in him not to show how scared he had suddenly become.

"As I told the two guys that were in here before, I don't have it with me." He said.

"Then tell me where it is." She said through clenched teeth.

"Let us go first." He said defiantly.

"Fine then, don't tell me. But we will get it back. Mark my words, FREAK!" She yelled storming out of the room, tossing the papers at him.

Zan grabbed the papers. What he saw shocked him. They were pictures; pictures of him and Beth using their powers the day before. He couldn't believe it. Zan put his hand in his pocket and gripped the crystal hoping it would help to calm him down and help him figure out what to do next.
Last edited by Redrumm on Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Redrumm »

Thanks for the great reviews ultimatepickupline, buffster, and Jessibelle47.

ultimatepickupline - It's nice to know someone didn't think the breaking and entering was bad. And thanks for the birthday greetings.

buffster - I'm glad you like my fic.

Jessibelle47 - Thanks for the birthday greetings. I loved the super long review and here's the super long reply to go with it. :)
Chapter 18: I'm glad you liked the name thing, I thought that was something that they would do, because they are such a tight group. I enjoyed writting Maria as a cheerleader, it was so funny. Yeah, the powers are cool. It took me forever before I finally decided what powers I wanted each kid to have.
Chapter 19: I would love to have someone come from the future and tell me what it was like too. You'll just have to wait and see if Beth tells anymore.
Chapter 20: Yeah, Maria is easily scared. (I had fun writting that too.) You'll just have to wait and see about the Mike thing.
Chapter 21: Causeing trouble is the only way M&M's kids could do things.

Chapter 22 - Caught in the Act

After the movie was over the gang was hanging around the house. The guys were playing video games down stairs, while the girls were upstairs in Beth’s room talking.

"So did you do it?" Anna questioned Maria.

"Do what?" she asked confused.

"Break up with Andon, of course!" Anna said irritated that Beth hadn’t mentioned it since that morning.

"Oh, no, not yet." Maria said as she continued to flip through the magazine she was looking at.

"Wait, are you thinking of dumping Andon?" Ava Marie asked wondering if she had heard wrong.

"I can’t believe it either, Marie. I mean they’ve been going out for almost six months." Emma said still shocked by it all.

"Don’t do it, Beth. Take it form someone who knows. Don’t do it unless you REALLY don’t want to be with him anymore." Ava Marie said. At this all the attention was suddenly off Maria (which she didn’t mind at all) and on Ava Marie.

"Have you told Zan that you still like him?" Emma questioned.

"I can’t just go up to him and say, ‘Hey, Zan, I was stupid yesterday when I broke up with you and I want to get back together.’ Yeah, right! Like that’s gonna work. He hasn’t even looked at me all day!" she said upset. He better not look at you. Maria thought to herself, then started to worry when she remembered who was in the room with, but she calmed down when ir was obvious the twins didn't hear.

While Emma and Anna tried to help Ava Marie get the courage to talk to Zan, the guys were having a similar conversation downstairs. "All I’m saying is she told me in Spanish that she really liked you man." Jason said to Mike.

"You should totally go for it." Travis said.

"I don’t think so guys. I mean Janine in nice and all, but she’s not really my type." Mike said hoping it would end the conversation, but knowing it probably wouldn’t.

"You’re 'type' wouldn’t happened to be an alien we all know and love, would she?" Jason asked knowing the answer was yes.

"No comment." was all Mike said.

"That’s a yes!" Jason said laughing.

"Man, just go upstairs and tell Beth that you like her." Travis said irritated at how long Mike had liked his cousin and done nothing about it.

"She has a boyfriend or have you forgotten? and keep your voice down someone could hear." Mike said as looked around the room for the girls.

"They're all upstairs, calm down and Andon is a minor detail." Jason said.

"I hardly call Andon, the captain of the football team, a minor detail, Jason!" Mike said almost yelling.

"You guys sound like a bunch of girls." Michael said sick of the conversation. At his words they grew quiet and then suddenly began playing video games as if the "girly" talk had never occurred. I new that would work. And there’s no way I’m letting him get anywhere near Maria, just incase he trys something. Michael thought.

A little later the girls came back downstairs to hang out with the guys some more and put their plan to work. Maria was not liking the plan at all.

"Zan, could you get us some chips or something." Emma asked.

"I’ll help." Maria said jumping up to help Michael.

"Beth, I need to ask you something." Anna said.

"Let me help him and then you can ask me whatever you want." Maria said.

"No, it can’t wait."

"It’s ok, I can get the food by myself." Michael said, clueless as to what was about to happen.

He went into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips, when he turned around he found Ava Marie standing right behind him. "Hi." he said not sure what else to say.

"Hi." she said quietly. There was an awkward silence.

Not feeling to comftable with Ava Marie, Michael started to leave, but she stood in his way and stopped him. "Zan we need to talk."


Across town future Michael and Maria were having their monthly dinner ritual. The whole Pod Squad would get together and have dinner once a month. It had started because they had all gotten so busy with their lives, that they didn’t get to see each other often.

A lot had changed since they were teenagers. Michael was now a highly respected artist and his work was very sought after; Maria became a talent scout for a record company. Max became a doctor, while Liz took over the Crashdown (Of course her friends helped her out from time to time). Kyle was now a middle school football coach and Ava had became a youth counselor, she wanted to help kids so they would not make the same mistakes she had made while growing up. Isabel modeled for awhile but when she got pregnant with Jason decided to be a mom; now she was trying to find her place in the working world again. Alex had decided to put his skills to good use and became a computer programmer.

So here they were, all eight sitting around a table talking, laughing, and just enjoying being together. Gradually the talk turned toward their children and that’s were things got interesting.

"I just don’t know what’s gotten into Zan and Beth. Everything was fine and then yesterday….." Michael said trailing off not really sure how to explain it.

"Zan is blowing up at everyone and Beth…isn’t." Maria said. "She didn’t even get mad when Zan punched Andon." At this Kyle spit his drink out, Alex chocked on his food, Max shook his head smiling, and Michael just sat there proud. All the women were in total shock.

"He did what?" Isabel asked her friend, hoping she had heard wrong.

"He punched Andon." Maria stated again, causing all the men to laugh and congratulate Michael on bringing his son up right.

"It was awesome guys! I knocked him out cold!" Michael said.

"I mean, I kissed him he didn’t kiss me." Maria said at the same time.

"Who did you knock out?" Maria asked realizing what he had said.

"Who’d you kiss?" Michael demanded at the same time. Everyone shared confused glances, and Ava gasped.


The kids were sitting around watching reruns of old TV shows when Ava Marie came running out of the kitchen and straight out the front door, crying the whole time. Startled they all just stared at the door not sure what to do. Finally Anna gained her senses and went after her sister. Maria went to see what Michael had done. If anyone knows how rude Michael Guerin can be it’s me. Poor girl she didn’t stand a chance. He better not have ruined things for Zan. Maria thought as she went into the kitchen.

"What happened? Marie just……" but she didn’t get to finish what she was saying because Michael kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her closer to him. Then suddenly they heard, "What in the world!" Pulling apart they saw Mike and Travis standing in the door way, looking shocked and completely grossed out.
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Post by Redrumm »

Thanks for the reviews.

rosebard22 - I'm glad you think it's interesting. I hope you continues to be interesting.

ultimatepickupline - It makes me happy that you think that part was so funny. For what's going through their minds you'll just have to wait and see.

dreamsatnight - Thanks for the review, I'm glad you the lats part was funny. I hope it continues to like it.

Jessibelle47 - It makes me happy that you think that part was so funny. And yes the truth will be found out soon. There's nothing you could say or do to get out of that one without telling the truth.

AN: I just want to remind everyone that I'm not so good with the breaking and entering, secrect spy stuff.

Chapter 23 - The Rescue Part II

Beth led the way to the door that Amy was behind. Listening closely the girls didn’t hear anything, so they pushed the door open and went in. The room had no windows and the only door was the one they had just come through. The room was completely black; they couldn’t even see their hands in front of their faces. The girls grabbed each other to make sure they were not alone. Suddenly a voice was heard from somewhere in the room.

"Why don’t you just get it over with and kill me? Because no matter what you say or do to me I’ll never tell you where you can find my daughter!" GRAN! Beth thought when she heard the familiar voice. She felt happiness engulf her as she groped her way across the room to Amy.

Realizing Beth had let go of her arm and was trying to get to Amy, Isabel thought she’d help a little. She used her powers to form a small amount of energy in her hand as a light. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for Beth to run the rest of the way to Amy and embrace her. Amy was more than startled to see her daughter, but was relieved to see she was ok. She grabbed Beth and held her close, hoping everything would be alright.

"What are you doing here?" Amy asked Beth still not letting her go. "How did they find you?"

"They didn’t find me." Beth answered not letting go either.

"What do you mean?" Amy asked looking at Beth confused.

"We came to rescue you." Ava said. At her words Amy looked up and noticed the others for the first time, unfortunately she also noticed the light coming from Isabel’s hand.

"How are you doing that?" She asked confused.

"It doesn’t matter. We have to get out of here and find the guys." Beth said, worried about her brother now that she knew her grandmother was safe.

"Guys? Is Michael here too?" Amy asked suddenly getting mad.

"And Max. We heard someone saying they were caught. We need to find them and get out of here." Isabel said also worried about her brother.

"I knew this had something to do with him. This is all his fault, isn’t it? He got in trouble and now me and you are mixed up in this mess too. When I get my hands on him I’m going to…."

"SHUT UP!" Beth said cutting her off. "If you say one more thing about him, so help me, I’ll leave you to rot in here!" Come on, tempt me and I’ll show you just how much like my father I really am. Beth thought angrily.

"Maria, what in the world has come over you?" Amy asked astonished at her reaction.

"We really need to get out of here before someone finds us." Ava said trying to break up the fight.

"Yeah, let’s go." Beth said glaring at Amy before joining Isabel and Ava at the door.


Max was sitting on the floor of another windowless room with his back to the wall. There was nothing else but him in the small room. At least it’s not dark. Max thought as the door opened and Zan was thrown in. Max was immediately at his side helping him up from where he had fallen.

"What’d they say to you?" Max asked as they sat in his original spot on the floor.

"They wanted to know where the crystal was and where Maria was. They also threatened to hurt my friends and family if I didn’t tell them what they wanted to know. What about you?" Zan said.

"They wanted to know who I was, where the crystal was and they threatened to torture me. Same as you." Max answered.

"Do you think they know about the others?" Zan asked.

"No, they would have said something otherwise."

"Yeah, you’re probably right." Just then the door opened and in walked the two guys in suits who they had seen arrive earlier and who had questioned them. The boys stood and faced them, both trying to think of a way to get past them and out the door.

The obvious leader of the two looked at Max and said, "A deals a deal. I let you go; you tell me where the crystal is. So start talking." He barked.

"What! Don’t tell him anything! I can’t believe you would sell me out like that!" Zan yelled at Max.

"I’m sorry, but you gave me no choice. How can you expect me to trust you if you don’t tell me the truth." Max said hurt.

"Stop talking to each other and talk to me! Where is it?" he asked again through gritted teeth.

"I can’t tell you where it is, but I’ll show you." Max said.

"Fine. Zack get some guards to meet us out front with the Squealer." With that both men turned and left. Landon picked up his walkie-talkie and ordered several guards to take the prisoners out front 15 minutes. The two teens where left to contemplate what had just taken place.

"I can’t believe this." Zan said still shocked.

"I know, he actually thought I would betray you and give him the crystal." Max said amazed. "Nice acting by the way. I almost believed you where hurt I betrayed you."

"What can I say, it’s a gift." Zan said laughing.


In the woods and away from the building; Liz, Alex, and Kyle where still waiting by the cars.

“Guys, I’m getting worried. They’ve been in there way too long.” Liz said not able to wait any longer.

“I was just about to say the same thing.” Alex said also worried.

“Do you think we should go in after them?” Kyle asked.

“No, I have a better idea.” Liz said digging in her bag.


The girls made their way back through the building at a much quicker pace than before and soon where at the place where they had hid in the closet. Here they stopped.

"So here’s the question, do we get Amy to safety and then come back for the guys or do we look for them now?" Isabel asked wanting to save her brother, but not wanting anything to happen to Amy, who couldn’t defend herself.

"We should go back to…" Ava said trailing off as they heard foot steps approaching. What is with this spot? Beth asked herself as they all hid in the closet once again. Gradually the voices became clearer and the conversation was heard.

"Hurry up you two, Landon’s waiting."

"Shut up! You didn’t just get betrayed by someone you trusted." said Zan’s familiar voice. Then the sound of flesh hitting flesh was heard.

"That’ll teach you to tell me to shut up." the guard said laughing. Anger surged through Beth’s body and unknowingly so did her powers. The doorknob she was holding glowed red. From his place on the floor, where he had fallen after he was hit, Zan clearly saw the change and quickly took matters into his own hands.

"Do you happen to know what the Fahrenheit is?" Zan asked as he got up off the floor.

"What are you talking about?" the guard asked confused.

"I bet it’s almost at boiling point." Zan said. The guard was about to respond to Zan with another blow to the head, but he didn’t have time to because the closet door flew open and Beth stormed out. Before they even knew what had happened all three guards were frozen solid.

"I HATE that name and you know it!" Beth screamed at her brother.

"Yeah, but it got your attention didn’t it." Zan said smiling at how easy his sister could get mad.

"Maria…how did you do that?" Amy asked so quietly that no one heard her, while Max looked on shocked at Beth’s powers.

"Could you save it and yell at me later." Zan said cutting off whatever it was Beth was saying to him that he wasn’t listening to.

"He’s right we need to get out of here." Isabel said having a feeling that Beth was about to do something to Zan. The others nodded in agreement and followed her lead out.

When they got to the room where Beth had frozen the guard earlier, the noticed he was gone and all that remained was a big puddle of water.

"That wouldn’t happen to be some of your handiwork would it?" Zan asked his sister.

"What can I say, it’s a gift." Beth said laughing.

Knowing Ava was getting weaker from the constant mind-warping the guys went out the door first ready to fight, while Beth and Isabel kept Amy and Ava between them as they followed the guys. When they got out into the open suddenly they were surrounded.

"Not again." Zan said rolling his eyes.

Four people moved to the front of the crowd. Zack was in the back, while Landon and Tatiana were on either side of a man, who none of them had seen before. He clapped his hands in approval.

"Well done. You managed to sneak in, rescue the woman, get caught, and almost escape. Very good, indeed. I would have lost respect for you if you had not at least tried to escape." he said.

"Who are you and what do you want with these innocent children?" Amy said stepping forward.

"Innocent! Apparently they have been keeping some things from you. Tatiana the pictures." he said. She came forward and handed the pictures she had shown Zan to Amy. She reluctantly looked at them and then fell over in a shocked faint.

"Now tell me where the crystal that you stole from me is." he said to Zan and Beth. "And all of you may live."

"Never." Beth stated defiantly.

"Landon show them what happens when I don’t get my way." the man said.

"My pleasure, Marcus." Landon said, with a sickening amount of happiness, as he pulled out a gun and walked toward Amy, who was just waking up.

"Last chance to save her life." Marcus said. When no one responded Landon raised the gun, aimed at her head, and was about to pull the trigger when Zan jumped in front of the group.

"Okay! Okay! You win! You can have it, just don’t hurt anyone." Zan pleaded.

"I knew you could see reason." Marcus said.

"Here take it." Zan said as he pulled the crystal out of his pocket. There was muttering and yelling from his friends behind him, but he ignored their comments. Landon grabbed the crystal from Zan’s outstretched hand and gave it to Marcus.

"Kill them." Marcus said as he stared at the crystal.

"What! But you said." Zan yelled.

"Apparently you’re not the only actor around here." Marcus laughed as he got into a car and started to drive away. Seeing the retrearing car, Zan couldn't take anymore. The ground began to shake and everyone became scared. The car car stopped as the ground parted in front of it. Marcus and his driver jumped out of and ran away.

"Earthquake!" Shouted a few guards and the rest followed Marcus' example and ran off in different directions to find safety.

Beth turned around and set the building on fire, while Max grabbed the pictures and stuffed them into his pocket.

Suddenly sirens were heard and blue flashing lights were seen. Before the teens knew what was happening the cops were rounding up the scattered members of The Following and hauling them away.

The five teens and Amy Deluca stood there wondering how the police had found them, but were happy that they had. Soon they saw Liz, Alex, and Kyle coming toward them. Many hugs were shared, as well as, many shouts of relief, happiness, and joy.

"I’m glad you’re all safe." Jim Valenti said as he came up to the group.

"You’re not the only one." Max said smiling with his arm around Liz.

“Sheriff, how did you know to find us here?” Ava asked, knowing the others were wondering the same thing.

“Liz called me and filled me in. I got here as fast as I could.” Jim said glad that he'd arrived in time.

"Now that we are all safe, I demand to know what is going on." Amy said.

"Alright we’ll tell you, but not here." Beth said.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by Redrumm »

ultimatepickupline - I'm glad you liked the last scene and all the tension. I wasn't sure it had written it very well.

roswck - Welcome to the story! I'm glad you like it.

Jessibelle47 - Amy will definantly have a LOT to say about what happened.

AN: (F) Michael or (F) Maria - means Future Michael or Future Maria. (P) Michael or (P) Maria means Past Michael or Past Maria.

Chapter 24 - Nothing's Ever Completely Forgotten


“What happened? Marie just...” but Maria didn’t get to finish what she was saying because Michael kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her closer to him. Then suddenly they heard, “What in the world!” Pulling apart they saw Mike and Travis standing in the door way, looking shocked and completely grossed out.


“We can explain!” Maria said trying to get them to understand.

“You…and…you……were…” That was all Travis could get out before he put his hand over his mouth and ran out of the room. Mike stood completely still, eyes wide and mouth hanging open, staring at the pair in disbelief.

“What’s wrong with him?” Jason asked, refering to Travis, as he came into the kitchen, oblivious to what had just happened. “What’s going on?” he asked when he saw the looks on the remaining three.

“Nothing. Nothing’s going on. Nothing happened.” Michael said trying to figure out what to do.

“Nothing happened!” Mike said finally regaining his voice.

“Yes, nothing happened.” Michael stated firmly.

“Me and Travis walked in on them…” Mike began to explain.

“Don’t say it!” Travis said as he came back into the room looking pale.

“This is not good! This is not good!” Maria muttered to herself as she paced in front of the sink going into a full Maria rant. Just then Emma and Anna returned with Ava Marie.

The girls had barely stepped foot into the kitchen when their powers started working overtime. Suddenly Emma was curled up in a ball on the floor screaming and crying from all the intense emotions and the twins were grabbing their heads in pain from the overload of thoughts coming from their friends.

Being the only one still with rational thought, Jason grabbed Travis and shook him until he listened. “Trav, get Emma out of here now!” Travis slowly nodded, touched his sister, and teleported back to their home. At least Jason hopped he went back home. He’s so out of it he could end up anywhere. Jason thought, but knew it was too late to worry now. He then got Mike’s attention and had him help calm the twins down and gain control of their own minds again.

While all of this was going on Michael had grabbed Maria and snuck out the back door. They got into the car and flew out of town. “Where are we going?” Maria asked when she realized they had just left Roswell.

“To the Pod Chamber.” he said not taking his eyes of the road.

"What are we going to do?" she asked freaked out.

"I don't know." he said mentally kicking himself for being so stupid. What was I thinking? They were right in the other room! Michael thought.

“I can’t believe this.” Maria said from her place on the floor of the chamber a short time later.

“I’m sorry.” Michael said from beside her.

“For what?” she asked confused.

“It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t kissed you none of this would have happened. We might have been able to find the crystal and get back to our own time, but no, because of me, we’re stuck here forever.” he said still angry with himself.

“Why’d you do it? Kiss me I mean, when they were right in the next room?” Maria said, asking the question that had been plaguing her since it happened.

“Marie kissed me. I was so disgusted and mortified that I was kissing Isabel’s daughter. All I knew was I needed to get that thought out of my head. And then, like an answer to my prayers, you walked in.” Before Maria could respond Travis appeared in front of them.

“What do you want?” Michael asked already on the defensive.

“I was told to come and get you.” he said obviously still picturing the scene in his head.

“We’re not going anywhere.” Michael said.

“I was told not to come back unless you two were with me.” he said disgusted that he was forced to retreive them.

“Who told you that?” Maria asked.

“The adults.” Travis said as if it was a stupid question.

“We’re defiantly not going now.” Michael said.

“We’ll go.” Maria said calmly.

“What? Are you insane? You want to go back there? Who knows what they’ll do to us?” Michael said shocked.

“They are our family, they’re not going to hurt us.” she said.

“Fine.” he said giving in. Travis grabbed hold of both of them, then the Granolith Chamber disappeared and was replaced with the Guerin living room where everyone was sitting around waiting.

“What is this some kind of intervention?” (P) Michael asked when they appeared.

“We know who you are.” (F) Michael stated.

“Well I’d hope so. You wouldn’t be a very good father if you didn’t.” Jason said, which received him a smack on the back of the head from Anna.

“What do you mean? Aren’t they Zan and Beth?” Anna asked confused and worried.

“We’d better explain.” Liz said.


“It was awesome guys! I knocked him out cold!” (F) Michael said.

“I mean, I kissed him he didn’t kiss me.” (F) Maria said at the same time.

“Who did you knock out?” Maria asked realizing what he had said.

“Who’d you kiss?” Michael demanded at the same time. Everyone shared confused glances, and Ava gasped.

“It’s happened.” she said.

“What do you mean it happened? What happened?” Kyle asked his wife.

“Do you all remember when Amy was kidnapped by The Following?” Ava asked.

“Yeah, that was the same time Michael and Maria found the crystal, but what does that have to do with this?” Alex asked.

“It has everything to do with this, because that wasn’t Michael and Maria that helped us rescue Amy.” Ava said.

“Of course it was us, we remember it.” Maria said.

“And we remember them being there.” Isabel said.

“You only remember it, because I’ve made you believe that’s what happened.” Ava said upset that she had been deceiving them.



“How could you?”

“We trusted you.” was their alarmed replies.

“Would you guys give her a chance to explain. I’m sure she wouldn’t have done this unless there was a good reason.” Kyle said defending his wife.

“Thank you for believing in me, Kyle.” Ava said happy that someone still trusted her.

“You better have a good excuse.” Michael said angry.

“I’ve dreaded and looked forward to this day for years. I knew you would be angry and possibly want to hurt me because of it, but I made a promise and I intended to keep it.” she said.

“Who’d you make a promise to?” Liz asked.

“All of you.” Ava stated.

“What do you mean?” Max asked.

“You asked me to make you forget and not let you know the truth until the time was right.”

“And what is the truth.” Isabel asked completely confused.

“It’s easier for me to show you than to tell you.” Ava said as she released the hold she had on all of them.

Suddenly a foggy feeling left the seven friends and then a feeling of clarity took it’s place as all that had been forgotten came flooding back to them. They all smiled and every one but Michael and Maria started talking.

“It wasn’t Michael and Maria it was Beth and Zan!” Alex said as he realized the truth.

“When she froze those guards I was so amazed.” Isabel said replaying the event in her head.

“The way he made things out of thin air was so cool!” Kyle said excited.

“I was so scared when he came to the house with her almost dead.” Max said.

“We’re sorry we doubted your loyalty to us Ava.” Liz said.

“Yeah, we should have known you wouldn’t have done anything to hurt us.” Isabel said.

“Wait you guys don’t seem to grasp what this means.” Maria said.

“What are you talking about? Of course we do, you two went to the future and your kids came to the past and helped us rescue your mother.” Alex said.

“No, Alex, that’s not what she means. There’s a reason Maria and I started to get our memories back before Ava realeased her hold on us.” Michael said. “It wasn’t Zan that punched Andon, it was me. And it wasn’t Beth who didn’t seem to care that her boyfreind was knocked out, it was Maria.”

“Do you mean your past selves are here, now?!” Max asked shocked.

“Yes, and if memory serves correctly, your children are about to see us kissing.” Michael said.

End Flashback

“So we rushed over here as soon as possible to straighten this all out.” (F) Maria finished.

“Wait a minute, so your saying that Zan and Beth are in the past and the people we’ve been hanging out with for the past two days are actually Uncle Michael and Aunt Maria?” Emma said not really believing it.

“Is this true?” Ava Marie asked (P) Michael hoping she hadn’t just kissed her boyfriends’ father.

“Yeah, it is.” both Michaels said knowing why she asked. Instinctively both Marias grabbed their Michael also knowing the reason.

“Why did you make them forget?” (P) Maria asked Ava.

“Because we asked her to.” (F) Maria said.

“Why?” (P) Michael asked confused. Why would we want to forget this? he thought.

“Because no one should know too much about their future.” (F) Michael answered.

“It’s really nice to see you guys and all, but I know you want to get back to your time, just as much as we want our kids back in our time.” (F) Maria said.

“Travis, would you mind giving us a lift back to the Pod Chamber?” (P) Maria asked smiling. We’re going home! She thought.

“Sure.” he said as he took hold of them once more.

“Wait, we’ll all go.” (F) Michael said.

The whole group crowded into the cars and made their way to the granolith chamber to say goodbye to past Michael and Maria and welcome Zan and Beth back home.
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Post by Redrumm »

Thanks for the great reviews!

ultimatepickupline - That would scare me too if I saw that. But it was fun writting it.

Arianneleigh - Welcome to the story! It's always nice to have new readers! I'm glad you liked the way I resolved it, I wasn't sure if it was believeable.

Evil Monkey - Welcome to the story! It's always nice to have new readers! I'm glad you like the story and think "it's very addictive" even though "it's weird and confusing at times". I happy you like Zan and Beth and the way I've done M/M, I try hard to make them interesting and fun.

Jessibelle47 - It's always nice to throw people a curve ball every now and then. Glad you liked it.

AN: This story in comming to an end, there's only a few chapters left. But I have a sequel in the works if anyone is interested, it's about the kids.

Chapter 25 – It's Goodbye, Not Farewell

Zan and Beth led the party back to the Deluca home once everything had calmed down. Much to Amy’s displeasure the house was trashed. They all helped out and before long the house was almost back to normal. Kyle and Alex had gone for a food run, while the others continued cleaning. They all felt responsible for the house being messed up.

Once the guys got back and everyone had their fill of food, then it was time to spill their guts to Amy. The whole time the teens had been cleaning they had been discussing whether they should tell her or if Ava should just mindwarp her. But in the end they all agreed that they should be honest with her, besides, as Ava pointed out, her power wasn’t strong enough to keep Amy mindwarped for more than a few months, if that.

With all of them gathered around the living room and Max began.

“What I’m about to tell you is shocking and might even scare you. But you need to know that first, we would never do anything to hurt you or anyone else, we only want to live normal peaceful lives. And second, by telling you this we, all of us, are putting our lives in your hands. We are trusting you with our lives, Mrs. Deluca, don’t let us down.” Amy looked around scared, not sure if she wanted to know anymore. But then remembering what she had seen her daughter do earlier, she realized she had to know. Whatever they’ve got you messed up in, Maria, I’ll find some way to get you out. Amy thought to herself. Finally she nodded her acceptance of the conditions and Max continued.

He told her about Michael, Isabel, Ava, and himself being aliens from Antar, about their planet being taken over and how they were sent to earth. About being found in the dessert and growing up hiding who they were even from their families. He told about the day that changed all of their lives, the day Liz was shot, and how he had healed her; and how Liz, Maria, Alex, Jim, and Kyle had found our about their secret. Max told Amy there was another set in New York and how the dupe Michael and Isabel had killed their Max, and how Ava was their Tess.

Then he told Amy about Tess, how she came to Roswell, how she had betrayed them and left, and about Ava taking her place and no one was the wiser. He told her everything. Even the reasons why Maria would leave for days at a time or come home late with no explanation and why her car constantly needed to be repaired. Finally, Zan picked up the story and told about what all had happened in the last couple of days. They told her everything, everything that is, but that Beth and Zan where not Michael and Maria and where from the future. In fact they didn’t even tell Jim that.

When the story was finished everyone starred at Amy waiting for her reaction. She couldn’t speak all of it was just too much for her. She tried to process it all but kept getting stuck on one thing. My daughter’s dating an alien. My daughter’s dating an alien! My daughter’s dating an ALIEN! Amy kept thinking completely freaked out.

She jumped as Jim’s hand touched hers. “Amy, I know how you feel. I felt the same way when I found out. But you have to remember they’re still the same kids. Just now you know that they’re special.”

“Special! They’re freaks!” Amy said scared. Beth’s heart broke the moment she heard her grandmother say she was a freak. She sat on the floor stunned, tears streaming down her face. For the first time in her life she didn’t have the strength to scream and yell. In fact she couldn’t even speak; finally she got up and walked out the front door. Zan on the other hand couldn’t believe Amy had just said that. Anger filled him and the room began to shake, things began to explode and break. Then finally he broke too.

“I can’t believe you just said that! Why would you say that! Do you deliberately want to hurt all of us by reminding us that we’re different and will never be normal? We just told you how hard it’s been all our lives trying to hide who we really are, for fear of what they might do to us and then you go and say something like that. Max asked you not to let us down, but now you’ve done more damage with one word than The Following did in two days. Look at what you’ve done!” he said pointing to where his sister had gone. Amy looked over and her heart broke to see her daughter so upset. Did I really do that to her? Amy thought.

“Look what you’ve done to her, your own family. I hate you!” Zan said and walked out of the house to find Beth. Amy watched him leave wondering why as bad as she felt for making Maria so upset that she would actually feel ten times worse when Michael said he hated her. It’s Michael, why should I care if he hates me? She thought confused.

A while later Zan and Beth returned to find everyone still in the same places they had left them in. The moment they were noticed Alex asked Beth if she was alright.

“Yes, I’m fine, I just needed some time.” Beth said.

“What about you, are you ok?” Max asked Zan. He only nodded.

“Look we only came back to say goodbye.” Zan said after a moment.

“What you’re leaving?” Kyle asked.

“I could care less if you leave, Michael, good riddance. But Maria you are not going anywhere.” Amy said standing up.

“Shut up! Don’t you dare try to tell me what to do! We’re leaving and going back to where we belong.” Beth said.

“Where you belong? This is where you belong, where your mother is, where your home is.” Amy said confused and scared that she might lose her daughter.

“What do you mean you’re leaving? You said you can’t leave without the crystal?” Isabel said before Beth could respond.

“And you gave that to Marcus.” Ava said.

“No, I didn’t. It’s still at the apartment where we left it.” Zan said.

“What do you mean, we saw you give it to him?” Max said confused.

“You used you powers didn’t you? You made him believe he had the crystal, but he really didn’t.” Liz said as understanding dawned on her. Again Zan merely nodded.

“Like he said we just came to say goodbye.” Beth said.

Realizing that Zan and Beth were really leaving, the Pod Squad enveloped them in hugs, well wishes, goodbyes, and “we’ll miss yous”. Finally only a confused Jim and an upset Amy had yet to say goodbye.

“I don’t understand, why do you have to leave?” Jim asked.

“The others will explain it all to you. Just know that we love you.” Beth said as she hugged her grandfather. Jim hugged her back unwilling to let the girl he thought of as a daughter leave, but knowing for some reason she had to.

“I’m not too good with saying goodbye so how about……” Zan said trailing off as Jim pulled him into a hug.

“I’ll miss you too, Michael.” Jim said so only Zan could hear, making him smile despite the fact that the comment was meant for his father.

“Take good care of her.” Jim said as they broke apart.

“I will.” Zan said.

“Maria…why…don’t…I love you so much baby.” Amy said with tears streaming down her face.

Beth looked at Amy and then followed Zan out of the house. Beth heard Amy’s cries for her to come back, but she tried to ignore them. She has to realize she can’t treat people like that. I won’t do it. I won’t do it. I won’t…Man! Suddenly Beth turned around and ran back into the house. She grabbed Amy, hugged her and said, “This isn’t farewell, it’s only goodbye.” Beth then let Amy go and ran back out to her brother.

“You ok?” Zan asked.

She smiled and said, “I will be.”

By the time they reached the granolith the sun had already rose. They got out of the Jetta and made their way up to the door of the chamber. Once inside they stood in front of the granolith and grabbed onto something for protection. Zan put the crystal in its spot and then the bright light returned as did the wind, but this time they were ready. When it was all over, they looked around for any sign that they were home.

“Do you think it worked?” Beth asked.

“There’s only one way to find out.” he said as they walked into the pod chamber and he opened the door to the outside world.

“No way!” Beth said shocked at what they saw.
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Post by Redrumm »

ultimatepickupline - I glad you want to read the sequel. It will probably be a while before I can start posting it though.

dreamsatnight - Thanks for the review and yes it's comming to an end.

AN: (P) Michael and (P) Maria mean Past Michael and Past Maria. And (F) Michael and (F) Maria mean Future Michael and Future Maria.

Chapter 26 - Meeting for the 1st and 2nd Time

(P) Michael and Maria stood in front of the group and said their goodbyes. The weirdest goodbyes was to their future selves. That's something I never thought I'd do. (P) Michael thought. The hardest was saying goodbye to the kids.

"We won't get to see you guys again for years. I'm going to miss you so much." (P) Maria said holding back tears. We've just met them and now we have to go. She thought as she hugged Emma.

Finally all of the goodbyes were said. (P) Michael and Maria started up the rock formation and stopped half way up for one final wave goodbye. When they reached the top (P) Michael was about to open the door when it opened on its own. And starring back at them was…them!

"No way!" the Maria double said.

The four stood in silence starring at each other. Finally, Michael spoke, "So you must be Zan and Beth." The other two looked at each other and then at Michael and Maria. But before either one could say anything a voice was heard.

"Is everything ok?" (F) Maria asked from below. (P) Maria turned around and yelled back to her counterpart, "Oh, nothing we just found something that belongs to you."

"Mom! Dad!" Beth said as she ran to her parents, Zan following behind her. (F) Michael was halfway to the top as soon as her heard his daughters' voice. Beth gladly jumped into his loving inbrace.

"I missed you guys so much." She said glad to be home. By this time (F) Maria and Zan had joined the two in a big family hug. Of course the minute that was over Maria had to make sure they were both okay and not bleeding.

Once they were back with the rest of the group there were hugs and "Welcome backs" all around. Even (P) Michael and Maria joined in.

"Do you guys really have to go now? We just got back. We want to spend some time with you two." Beth asked her parents' younger selves.

"Of course we can stay a little longer. I want to spend some time with you too, Baby." (P) Maria said, already getting used to the mother role, as she hugged her future daughter for the third time.

"It's been a long day for all of us. Why don't we all go home and get some rest and tomorrow we'll all take the day off and play hookie." Liz said. Everyone stopped and starred at her.

"Mom, are you feeling ok?" Mike asked a little worried. Mom, want to play hookie! Am I dreaming? Mike thought to himself.

"I feel fine. I just think we all could use a break."

"She's right, when was the last time all of us spent a whole day together?" Max said coming to his wife's rescue.

"It'll be like one big family reunion." Alex said

"One weird family reunion." Jason whispered to Travis.

"Are we going to stand here talking about this all night or are we going home, because I'm exhausted." Zan said and Beth nodded in agreement.

"Do we really have to drive all the way back?" Beth and Emma whined in unison. Much to the girls disappointment they did drive back, but with a little alien help to speed up the trip.

They all slept soundly, (P) Michael and Maria stayed at their future home. Michael slept on the couch, while Maria insisted she had to sleep near her children. So Zan made her a bed in Beth’s room, she fell asleep thinking of what her life was going to be like.

The next morning (F) Maria came down stairs to start breakfast, but was shocked to find (P) Michael and Beth already up and making it. She stood in the doorway watching, trying not to disturb the wonderful moment. They were laughing and talking and having so much run just being together.

"I can’t believe you actually did that." she heard Beth say.

"I needed a car, she was there. So what? And no matter what she says I never kidnapped her." Michael said.

"Oh yes you did, Spaceboy. You stole my car and kidnapped me." Maria said not able to stop herself.

"I distinctly remember telling you to get out of the car. You were the one who chose to stay." he said confidently as he flipped the pancakes.

"Not that argument again." Zan groaned as he walked into the kitchen.

"Fine, we won’t talk about that. We’ll talk about why you two are up so early." Maria said to Michael and Beth.

"I’m up because somebody decided it would be fun to jump on top of me." Michael said glaring at his daughter.

"Isabel Elizabeth Guerin!" Maria said shocked her 15 year old daughter would do that.

"What? I was bored and I didn’t have anyone to talk to, because everyone was asleep. And I don’t know if you know this, but Dad is really hard to wake up." she said.

"Really, Pot, I didn’t know the kettle was black." Zan joked as he picked at food.

"That gives you no right to do that." Maria said ignoring her sons’ comment. "And why were you awake so early anyway?"

"Well, I wouldn’t have been awake if somebody didn’t snore so loudly I thought the house was falling down." Beth said starring at her mother smiling.

"That, my dear, is what ear plugs are for." (F) Michael said as he came into the room. "Your mother always snores when she’s had a long day."

"You know, you could have warned me she was going to wake me up. (P) Michael said to his future self.

"Hey she woke me up, its only fair she wakes you up too." he replied.

"Everyone’s up early this morning." (P) Maria said joining the group. Zan, Beth, and (P) Michael started laughing.

"What? Is there something on me?" she asked as she looked over her clothes.

"That’s why you were laughing at me!" (F) Maria said to her husband as she smacked the back of his head and led her younger self out of the room.

"Would someone please tell me what’s going on?" (P) Maria pleaded.

"Trust me you don’t want to know." her future self replied.

A few hours later everyone had arrived. The men were huddled around (F) Michael and the grill talking and laughing. The women were getting everything ready. And the kids were doing their best to not get pulled into helping.

"I hope you’ve learned your lesson about messing with things when you don’t know what they are or what they do." Anna said to (P) Maria. The girls had all gone up to Beth’s room to "get ready". So far they’d been “getting ready” for an hour and a half.

"Enough about me and Michael. I want to know why in the world you would join the cheerleading squad to impress a guy, Beth." Maria asked.

"I did not join the squad to impress Andon!" Beth said obviously sick of this argument. "How did you find our about Andon any way?" Suddenly Emma started laughing hysterically.

"What’s wrong with her?" Anna asked confused, as Emma laughed harder and harder.

"Oh my gosh! It all makes since!" Emma said still laughing.

"Emma, shut up! Don’t you dare say a word!" Maria said worried she’d out Michael.

"He was soooo mad! I didn’t understand why, but now……Oh my gosh that was so funny!" Emma said almost falling off the bed from laughing.

"Emma what!" Beth said irritated.

"Okay, okay, I’ll tell you." she said finally calming down.

"Oh no." was all Maria said as she covered her face with her hands.

Meanwhile outside the guys were eating as much food as they could when their mothers weren’t looking.

"So Zan I’ve got to know what in the world possessed you to punch Andon? Not that I’m upset about it, I’m just wondering?" Travis asked.

"What are you talking about?" Zan asked confused.

"Son, I believe you’re asking the wrong Guerin." Kyle said as he walked past.

"Huh? What do you mean the wrong…Oh!" he said as he saw the smug look on (P) Michaels’ face.

"Let’s just say he had it coming." (P) Michael said.

"Wait a minute. You punched Andon, Beth’s boyfriend Andon. And everyone thinks it was me!" Zan said shocked.

"Your welcome." (F) Michael said hearing the conversation.

"You know Beth is going to be really mad when she finds out." Zan said smiling. I wish I could have been there to see that. Zan thought.

"Not that I condone you punching your daughters’ boyfriend, but I hot to know why." Alex said excited to hear the details.

"Yeah stop holding out. What happened?" Mike said. That jerk deserves everything he gets. Beth’s way to go for him. Mike thought to himself.

"Well I saw him kissing Maria." (F) Michael began.

"Then I went into the Crashdown pulled him off her and knocked him out cold." (P) Michael finished proud. All the guys started laughing and saying how they wished they could have been the one to do it. At least I’m not the only one who hates the punk. (P) Michael thought. Then suddenly they heard a scream coming from the house.

"HE DID WHAT?" Beth yelled.
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Post by Redrumm »

dreamsatnight - I'm glad you liked the ending and you that you enjoy the story. I hope it wouldn't be too long before I can post the sequel.

ultimatepickupline - I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I hope it wouldn't be too long before I can post the sequel.

AN: (P) Michael and (P) Maria mean Past Michael and Past Maria. And (F) Michael and (F) Maria mean Future Michael and Future Maria.

Chapter 27 - The Final Goodbye


Then suddenly they heard a scream coming from the house.

"HE DID WHAT?" Beth yelled.


"Something tells me Daddy’s Little Angel just found out he punched her Prince Charming." Zan said laughing.

"She her temper is worse than her mother's." (F) Michael said trying to hide his nervousness.

"Serves you right, Michael. You knew what you were doing." Max said.

"Actually, no, I didn’t. I knew a guy was kissing my girlfriend. I didn’t figure out who he was until he woke back up." (P) Michael said.

"What on earth is she screaming about?" Isabel asked as the women joined the guys.

"Oh no! Not now." (F) Maria said shaking her head.

"What?" Liz asked her friend.

"Beth just found out, Michael punched Andon." (F) Maria answered.

"You do know this is all your fault, right." (F) Michael said to his wife. Just then the back door flew open and Beth stormed out with the other girls following close behind.

"I can’t believe you punched, Andon!" she yelled at her father.

"Look if you want to yell at someone, yell at me. I’m the one who just did it." (P) Michael said calmly.

"Why would you do that?" Beth asked as she rounded on (P) Michael.

"What would you do if you saw that punk you call a boyfriend kissing someone else?" he asked.

"I’d kill him and her." she replied coldly. "But what does that have to do with anything?"

"Ask her." he said as he pointed to his girlfriend. Beth turned around and looked at a very pale faced Maria, who was doing everything she could not to look at the teen.

"Well?" Beth asked.

"Michael was being a jerk and I was mad at him. I wanted to get back at him, so I kissed Andon, knowing he would get mad and jealous." she said fast.

"Wait a minute let me get this straight! You were mad at dad so you kissed MY boyfriend knowing he would get mad and hurt or possibly kill Andon!" Beth said, her anger constantly growing. (P) Maria merely nodded.

"Are you insane! Who would do something like that!" Beth said, still too mad to comprehend it all.

"Beth, shut up!" Ava Marie said. Everyone looked at her shocked. None of them would tell Beth off when she was this mad.

"Your dad knocked Andon out. So what! Your mom kissed your boyfriend. Who cares! It happened, it’s done with, let’s move on. It’s not like it’s the end of the world." she said as she picked up a plate and started to fill it with food. Slowly everyone followed her example and soon the incident was forgotten and everyone began talking and laughing again.

A while later, Zan went into the house to use the bathroom on his way back out he bumped into Ava Marie. "Sorry." he said moving to the side.

"That’s ok I just came in to get more ice." she said not looking at him. They stood in silence for a moment and then,

"I’m sorry." they said in unison.

"I should have been more concerned about how you would feel. With me going away to college and you with two years of high school left; I should have known you’d be scared that it couldn’t work out. But I know we can make it work. We just have to…" he said, but was cut off by her voice in his head.

Zan, shut up. When he stopped talking she smiled and spoke.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I’m the one who was stupid. I should have been more supportive, I should have been happy for you. I was dumb and I know it. I was too concerned about myself; I didn’t even stop to think about how you would feel. I’m so, so sorry I put you through this. And I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, if you’ll just take me back." she said hoping he would, but preparing herself if he said "No".


"What’s taking Marie so long to get the ice?" Alex asked as he starred at his drink that was getting warmer by the minute.

"I’ll go see what’s taking her." Anna said as she got up and started for the house.

"In the mean time, do you think you could help a brother out?" Alex asked as he shook his cup in front of (F) Michael. Michael rolled his eyes and grabbed the cup. Suddenly, to the shock and surprise of (P) Michael and Maria, ice surrounded the outside of the cup. Alex smiled as (F) Michael returned the drink, glad it was cold again.

What the....? How did he do that? (P) Michael and Maria thought as they stared at each other in shock and wonder.

Anna walked up the back steps and was about to open the door when she happened to look through the window and see her sister and Zan kissing. She slowly turned around and walked back to the others smiling.

The rest of the day flew by and before anyone knew it, it was time for (P) Michael and Maria to return home. Once again they all went to the Pod Chamber and once again there were hugs and heartfelt goodbyes. Finally, it was Beth and Zans’ turn to say goodbye.

"We’re really sorry abut any trouble we might have caused you guys when you get back." Beth said sincerely.

"Yeah, we kind of left on bad terms with Gran." Zan said.

"Don’t worry about it. Our future selves already gave us a heads up on what we were going back to." Maria said, hoping that would make them feel better.

"Well, I guess it’s time." Michael said as he noticed everyone else returning. They had all left to give the four some time alone.

"Give this to my younger self as soon as you can." Ava said as she handed (P) Maria an envelope.

"One last thing." (F) Michael whispered as he pulled his double aside. "What ever you do, don’t let Kyle throw you a bachelor party."

"Why?" the younger of the two asked curious.

"Just trust me when I say; you don’t want that to happen."

When all the goodbyes were finally said, everyone left the chamber and soon (P) Michael and Maria were alone. They walked over to the far wall of the chamber and opened a compartment the the others had told them about. Inside was the crystal, Michael took it out and stood back in front of the granolith. When both were holding tight onto the granolith, Michael placed the crystal in its spot.


Michael and Maria stood outside her home debating whether they should enter or not. "We might as well get it over with." Michael said. Maria looked up at him worried.

"I don't know, maybe we should wait and let her cool off some. I don't really want to see her if she's as mas as they said she was." she said as she placed her hand in his.

"It'll be okay, I promise." he said as he squeezed her hand to give her strength and led the way inside.
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Post by Redrumm »

ultimatepickupline - I'm glad you liked the last scene I wasn't to sure about it. But you're right it would be weird and cool at the same time.

AN: This is it the last part. I hope you all have enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed writting it. I would like to thank everyone who reviewd, I loved them all, and all the lurkers.

I'm not sure when I'll start posting the sequel, but it shouldn't be too long from now. The name is Lost in Time in case anyone wants to look for/read it.

Chapter 28 - The End and the Beginning of an Adventure


Michael and Maria stood outside her home debating whether they should enter or not. "We might as well get it over with." Michael said. Maria looked up at him worried.

"I don't know, maybe we should wait and let her cool off some. I don't really want to see her if she's as mad as they said she was." she said as she placed her hand in his.

"It'll be okay, I promise." he said as he squeezed her hand to give her strength and led the way inside.


Michael and Maria had come back to their time an hour after Zan and Beth had left it. They hoped that was enough time for Amy to calm down. Michael opened the door and they walked in. Everyone had already gone home, so the only person left in the house was Amy. She was sitting on the couch holding a picture if Maria and crying.

"Mom?" Maria said. At her voice Amy turned around and seeing her daughter, she jumped up and pulled Maria into a hug.

"I’m so sorry, Baby. I didn’t mean what I said. They’re not freaks; they are some of the best kids I’ve ever met. I was just shocked and after every thing that had happened, I lost it." Amy said trying to make her daughter understand.

"Mom, it’s okay. I’m back now and I’m not going to leave again." Maria reassured her mother. "Michael and I aren’t really stupid enough to run away together." At the mention of Michael, Amy looked up and noticed him for he first time.

"Thank you for bringing my daughter back." Amy said as civilly as possible. Be nice to him, for Maria’s sake. It’s for Maria, for Maria. She kept thinking to herself.

"Look, Mrs. Deluca. I know I’m a screw up and a disappointment. I know I’m not what you wanted for Maria and I know she deserves so much more than me. But I love your daughter and I would never do anything to hurt her. I would give my life to protect her. Maria knows this and I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to prove it to you too if I have to. Because I know how close you two are and I don’t want to be the thing that separates you. So if you don’t want us together anymore I understand. I won’t date her anymore, but I’m going to keep coming around, working hard and doing everything in my power to make you believe I’m worthy to be with her." Michael said. Then he turned and started to leave.

"Michael, wait." Amy said. "I may not approve of everything you do and I may not believe you’re good enough for Maria, but I’m willing to be proven wrong. How about we start with you joining us for dinner tomorrow night. I might not be able to say that I like you yet, but after what you just said I can at least say that I have respect for you." she said sincerly.

"Deal." he said as he held out his hand and she shook it. Maria was so happy at the small victory that she could almost cry. I’m not crying now, but if they hug I definitely will. She thought.

The next day after school the Pod Squad, minus Michael and Maria, were at the Crashdown talking over what had happened the last couple of days. The bell over the door rang and the group looked over to find Michael and Maria walking towards them.

"I was going to ask if you were Michael and Maria, but seeing as you’re holding hands, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you are." Alex said. Maria smiled and nodded as Michael pulled up two chairs to the table.

"When did you get back?", "How was it?", and "What’s it like there?" Where just a few of the many questions asked. They answered some and refused to answer others, simply stating what (F) Michael had told them, "No one should know too much about their future."

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Maria said, "I was told to give this to you." she said as she handed the envelope to Ava.

"Who told you to give it to me and what is it?" Ava asked.

"I don’t know what it is, but you gave it to me. Well your future self did anyway." Ava opened the envelope and pulled out a letter. She silently read it to herself and then folded it up and stuffed it back into the envelope.

"What does it say?" Kyle asked his girlfriend.

"She told me something I have to do and how to do it." Ava said cryptically.

"What do you have to do?" Isabel asked curious.

"You have to make us forget, don’t you?" Michael said knowingly.

"Not just you two, all of you and only if you want me to. She told me it was up to you guys." Ava replied.

"I say we all vote." Max said.

"As much as I’d love to remember what happened, I vote to forget." Maria said which made everyone look at her confused. After everything she’d seen they thought she’d have been the last of all of them to agree to forget.

"If we didn’t get Ava to make us forget in the first place none of this would have happened. We would have known about the whole thing and been there waiting when me and Michael arrived, or have figured it out very quickly." Maria explained.

"She’s right. I’d love to keep these memories, but then it might not happen at all. And I really don’t want that to happen." Michael said.

"Well I guess that settles it. It wouldn’t be fair if we remembered and Michael and Maria didn’t, so the only logical solution is for all of us to forget." Liz said matter-of-factly. Everyone nodded in agreement with Liz and Ava smiled.

"She said this is what would happen." Ava commented. "I’m sorry you all have to forget and I get to remember, but it’s the only way." Ava then closed her eyes and drew on the power she only just found out that she had.

Immediately their memories were clouded and forgotten. Then new "memories" replaced them. When it was all finished everyone "remembered" that Amy had been kidnapped by The Following and they rescued her (but with Michael and Maria not Zan and Beth), that Amy was finally told the truth, and Michael and Maria’s dramatic scene with Amy the night before. Then everyone started talking unaware of what had just happened. As everyone continued talking, Ava began to think about the last lines of her letter.

It’s a hard burden to bare, knowing that your lying and keeping a secret from the people you love and care about the most. Just stay strong and don’t loose heart, because everything will work out in the end.

Ava smiled as hope grew in her heart. I won’t let them down. I can do this, for however long it takes and no matter how hard it may be. She thought to herself and smiled with new resolve and hope.

The End


AN: Here's a sneek peek of Lost in Time. I hope this gets you interested in reading it.

Lost in Time

"I can’t believe they were all over each other like that with you right there." Emma said to Beth as they walked into the Pod Chamber.

The whole group was there now that the two girls had joined them. It had become a weekly tradition for the eight friends to hangout in the chamber after school.

"Who?"Anna asked curious.

"Mindy Andrews and Andon the jerk!" Emma said mad.

"Can we please not talk about him." Beth said obviously mad as well.

"You know he still runs whenever he sees me." Zan said laughing.

"Well I would too, after that beating you gave him when you found out he cheated on Beth." Mike said, glad he had been there to witness Zan beat him to a pulp.

"I can’t believe it’s been two months since Mom and Dad came to the future." Beth said suddenly changing the subject.

"And since we went to the past." Zan said to his sister from his place by Ava Marie’s side.

"It’s not fair. You two got to go to the past. What about the rest of us." Travis said just before he tripped over Anna’s book bag and knocked Jason face first into the wall. The others started laughing and didn’t notice that they were both starring at something.

"Guys you’ve got to see this." Travis said not taking his eyes off what he was looking at. They all huddled around and saw a compartment had opened in the wall and a black almost marble looking box was inside.

"When I fell my hand hit the wall and a handprint started glowing under my palm. Then this compartment opened up." Jason explained.

"What do you think it is?" Emma asked.

"There’s only one way to find out." Jason said as he opened the box. A collective gasp followed.

The inside of the box was covered in a blue material, which could only be described as satin. And in the center was a necklace with a large pendant in the shape of a diamond.

The pendant itself was made up of four smaller diamond shapes. The top one was blue, the one on the left side was yellow, the one on the right side was green, and the one on the bottom was red. Travis reached in the box and was abut to grab it when, Beth grabbed his arm. "Travis, stop! You don’t know what it does."

"I’m just going to get a better look at it. Holding it isn’t going to do anything." he said as he shook out of her grasp. He reached in and picked up the necklace, then held it up so the others could see.

"Like I said, nothing happened." Travis gloated. Just then the necklace broke and the pendant landed in pieces on the floor.

"Nothing happened, huh." Beth said glaring at Travis as she reached down with the others and picked up the pieces, eight in all. The pendant had broken into the four different colored pieces and they in turn had broken in half making eight small triangles, each about an inch in size.

As they all stood back up, each only having one piece, Anna spoke, "Oh my gosh! Guys I know what this is!" she said as she grabbed Zans’ arm, seeing he had the other half of her yellow one. "It’s the…" but she didn’t get to finish her sentence, because a bright blue light surrounded them all. As suddenly as the light had come it left and Travis was alone in the Pod Chamber.

AN: What is the pendant? What does it do? What is it for? Where did everyone go? Why is Travis alone? These questions and more will be answered in my next story. :twisted: