Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by Beautiful86 »


Author: Beautiful86

Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell are not mine. They belong to Jason Katims. The title and partial plot are based on the title, Echo by Incubus. I take no credit for anything. I also must acknowledge Dreamgirl7 who helped me with this story. Her ideas were part of it. I HAVE READ A LOT OF FICS BUT NOT ALL OF THEM. IF THIS IS PARTIAL TO ANY OTHER I APOLOGIZE. I MEAN NO INFRINGMENT.

Category: M/L, T/?, all other CC

Timeline: Takes place at the end of Surprise. Almost everything is the same, with one exception. The closing scene of the eppy is much like the opening of my story, so no credit taken.

Summary: For some unGodly reason, Liz went in to the plant after Tess instead of Isabel. She was uncharacteristically and unreasonably hysterical. The story picks up there. There will be some similarities, but I will mention and disclaim them before each part.

Author's Note: This is my first fic ever. And I'm really nervous. I don't think it's too good but I'm working on it. So ::takes deep breath:: on with the show!

An italic sentence is a thought.


There’s something about the look in your eyes
Something I noticed when the light was just right
It reminded me twice that I was alive
And it reminded me that you’re so worth the fight
Oh, yeah

My biggest fear will be the rescue of me
Strange how it turns out that way

Could you show me dear, something I've not seen?
Something infinitely interesting
Could you show me dear, something I've not seen?
Something infinitely interesting
Oh, yeah

There’s something about the way you move
I see your mouth in slow motion when you sing
More subtle than something someone contrives
Your movements echo that I have seen the real thing
Oh, yeah

Your biggest fear will be the rescue of you
Strange how it turns out that way

Could you show me dear, something I’ve not seen?
Something infinitely interesting
Could you show me dear, something I’ve not seen?
Something infinitely interesting



“There’s your Red’s,” Maria stated matter-of-factly. Isabel was hysterical. Her heart was beating a mile a minute while hundreds of sweat beads dripped from her forehead. Liz felt her heart lurch for her friend. It wasn’t every day that Isabel Evans lost control. But what Liz was seeing before her was real. Isabel Evans was about to cry.

“I’ll go.” Looking back, Liz could not pinpoint exactly what it was that made her step up, but there must have been something that she’d felt in that moment.

“Liz, don’t be crazy. You’re not even capable of helping her,” Maria hadn’t meant to sound so venomous but Liz was talking crazy. Isabel was determined, as well, to not risk Liz’s life. She’d be at Max’s mercy if she allowed his once and always love to put herself in danger.

"No, Liz it has to be me, it has to. Tess was seeking me for a reason. She needs it to be me."

"Isabel, you are in no condition to fight right now. You finished telling me that your head is killing you. Just go back and meet the others, okay? I...we will be fine."

“Why do you want to do this Liz? We all know how you feel about her.”

“I left Max for a reason. I’m not about to let that reason die.” Liz stood defiantly, silently asking for more rebuttals.

She quickly turned on her heels and sprinted towards the fence, not giving either girls a chance to argue. Slowly, Liz climbed under the fence and headed into the power plant. Quietly, she began to search the building for any signs of a blonde. Liz screeched to a halt when she heard a cry of agony. She recognized that voice. Keep crying Tess. Lead me to you.

Cautiously, Liz found herself trotting down a stairwell. She silently cursed herself for not being able to see that well in the darkness. Thank God for flashlights. Liz felt the breath leave her when her eyes landed on the still form that belonged to her soul mate’s destiny. The woman that had sparked the only feelings of loathe she felt in her life looked so helpless, so helpless and still. Please be okay, Tess.

Liz had never really liked Tess, but this wasn't about hate or resentment anymore. This was about a sixteen year old's life, and while she may not be completely innocent, she was still a very young person who deserved a chance at life.

"Tess! Tess, can you hear me? Oh God, Tess, answer me!"

"Liz?" Her voice was so broken and vulnerable.

"Yes, can you move at all?"

Tess struggled to sit up, but collapsed in exhaustion.

"Tess, listen to me. You have have to get up, okay? We need to get out of here, and we need to do it, now! Now get up Tess! Get Up!

Liz was determined to make it out of here alive, but she could not leave the petite blonde behind.

Why is she here? Why does she care what happens to me? Stop thinking, Tess. Just lean on Liz. With each breath, Tess found it harder to keep her grip. It was only the girl of equal size shouting in her ear that kept her from losing consciousness again.

"Come on, Tess," Liz said while groaning. Liz realized that she would have to carry the injured girl out of there. I wish Max were here.


"Tess...come on...we are almost out! We need to go."

"Liz, I can't. I can't go on!" Tess couldn’t help it. She collapsed against Liz in a fit of exhaustion. Her captor’s words combined with her torture tactics had taken its toll. Even Tess, the soldier of soldiers, was being defeated.

Liz, knowing she’d soon be unable to hold Tess’ entire weight, turned the corner and entered a room. She carefully laid Tess to rest on the floor against the wall while she went back to dead bolt the door.

After scurrying back to Tess, Liz saw that she was closing her eyes.

"No, Tess. Stay with me, dammit! Don't die on me!" Tess opened her eyes briefly to look into the concerned brown across from her. Liz was actually concerned about her. Miracles never cease. Liz turned her back on Tess suddenly and stood up. There were footsteps approaching. Crap! She had no idea what to do now. She was so scared and desperately wished she were at home wrapped in Max's arms.

What the hell had she thinking? Rushing into save an alien? How would she fight off someone? Liz began to tremble when thinking about all the knowledge she had inside her head about her friends, and how easy it would be for something to take it.

Congresswoman Whittaker came from behind the door and smiled.

"It's you." Liz felt utterly betrayed. Though she quickly determined that the feeling of betrayal was sparked from her own actions. She’d let herself down by not being able to see past an enemy in her own midst.

"Parker, you always were a smart one. I have been watching you for some time now. You have impressed me, that in itself is very impressive."

"Why would you be watching me?”

“You’re my key.” The answer was simple, seemingly explaining. Yet it only accomplished a wave of confusion overcoming Liz.

"I want the Granolith,” Vanessa explained. Liz was certainly a good actress. What more would she expect though?

"The what?"

"You don't honestly expect me to think that the key to the Granolith doesn't know what or where it is, right?" If she’d been anyone else with any other knowledge, Whittaker would be convinced that Liz had no idea what she was talking about. She knew better though.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Liz shrieked. This woman was utterly insane. “You’re crazy!”

“You’re lying!” Whittaker could feel her temper brewing. She didn’t like being lied to. Collecting herself, Vanessa raised one eyebrow. “Perhaps this will jog your memory, highness.” Her hand shot out as a burst of power emitted from it. Liz was sent flying back and landed next to Tess.

Quickly recollecting herself, and trying desperately to ignore what felt like a broke rib, Liz grabbed for Tess’ arms. Together, they launched themselves out of a window located behind them. Landing hard on the ground, Liz scrambled to help Tess up. With strength she didn’t know she possessed and adrenaline running strongly through her veins, Liz carried Tess through at least five more rooms.

Eventually reaching a quad area, Liz knelt to let Tess rest. For the first time, Liz observed the small girl’s injuries. Her face was badly bruised, with a large gash on her forehead. Her framed stomach looked inhumanly awkward and Liz knew almost instantly that a few ribs were broken. Tess’ right knee was swollen, undoubtedly a side effect of being thrown left and right. Finally, her left ankle looked bruised and purple. Tess had received quite a beating.

Almost in slow motion, Liz turned as she heard footsteps quickly approaching. Instinctively, Liz hovered over Tess. As Vanessa came into view, she spoke in a mocking tone.

“How sweet. Reunited at last. So sad to cut it short.” With no time to think about what her words could mean, Vanessa raised both hands. In that instant, Liz knew it was soon over for her.

Her life quickly passed before her eyes. Tears welled instantly at the thought of her mother and how devastated she would be. Her heart broke when she pictured Maria’s face once Liz was gone. Alex would know that she’d always be with him, guiding him in her own way. Her next thought was of Max and how grateful she was for having been in his arms for even a minute. She hoped with all of her heart that he knew that she never regretted a single moment. With all of her being, Liz cried out to Max her love.

Without thinking, Liz crouched down and covered Tess’ broken form. Hearing her whimper softly beneath her, a feeling of utter failure encompassed Liz’s heart. She’d failed not only herself, but Tess as well. Now, because of lack of ability to fight, Tess’ life would soon be over too.

Forgive me, Lord. Forgive me for killing Tess. Liz shut her eyes tightly as she heard Whittaker breathe sharply. This was it.

Her time was now.


Should I keep going or fall off the face of the earth?:D
Last edited by Beautiful86 on Fri Dec 24, 2004 12:33 am, edited 16 times in total.


AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>
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Post by Beautiful86 »


Little_Mermie22-Yes, I love Christina! She's is my absolute favorite. Dude, I even bought her concert on DVD. In ranks, she is first, Destiny's Child comes in second. Yay, fellow Xtina fan!!
lizard_queen wrote:

This bit for some reason made me think about Buffy and how Dawn was the key to that alternate demension and what not... but anyway, this is Roswell, not Buffy, so i must ask: Huh? Liz is the key to the Granolith? How does that work?
I didn't even realize that! I'm sorry. This story has nothing to do with that one, but I do suppose in some ways the basic basic plot can be tied to Buffy. No infringement. :D
lizard_queen wrote: It's excellent for your first fic, and i so cant wait for more of this to see where your going to take this. Oh, and will there be any dreamer action any time soon? :wink: Sorry, but i gotta ask.
I'll never tell!!! Haha!! But for your enjoyment purposes...I went on a writing fiasco. Here's part one!! yay....


Chapter One

Must. Keep. Running.

Max was running faster than he had ever in his entire life. The sheer velocity of his speed was enough to astound anyone watching. He wasn’t appearing to be getting any closer though, at least according to his own mind. Please be okay, Liz. Please. His thoughts were repeating over and over.

An image was roared to life in his head, making it possible to run even faster. Now leaving Michael, Kyle, and the Sheriff behind, Max was gaining speed. A single picture resounding in his head was giving him his strength.

For all Max could think about was the slideshow Pierce had shown him in the White Room. And he seemed to only remember one part…

The part where Liz was dead.


Liz faintly registered a cry of shock, followed by a large explosion. With eyes shut tight, she waited for her attacker to follow through on her plan.

But she never did.

Extremely hesitantly, Liz opened one eye. When her surroundings seemed calm, Liz opened the other eye. Her senses felt Tess breathing hard beneath her. Probably because I’m laying on her. She slowly stood up, afraid that it was a trap. Looking around, Liz found herself staring into five pairs of astonished eyes.

“Max?” Why was he looking at her as though she were a stranger? What had he seen? He thinks I killed Whittaker. He thinks I’m an animal. Tears were threatening to build as Liz couldn’t look away.

“Max? Max, what is it?” But he couldn’t speak. Nothing had prepared him for what he saw when he finally reached his destination. He was ready to battle Liz’s captive and take their life for threatening hers. He was ready to fall to his knees and beg time to reverse when he was too late. He was ready to become a shell of his former self having lost Liz.

He wasn’t ready for what he saw.

When his feet finally reached the quad, he stopped immediately. His eyes met Liz covering Tess as much as possible, obviously willing to die protecting her. More than that, he arrived just in time to see a brilliant white light surround the two women in his life, shielding them from the blast of power that came from his congresswoman’s hands. The skin screamed in terror as her shot bounced simply from the girls and made a round trip. Just before she exploded into a thousand pieces, Max caught a look of admiration in her face. As soon as it happened though, it was over and part of him wondered if he imagined it.

Liz gave up trying to talk to him as he just stared into the sky. Her attention turned to Tess. Her eyes were shut and her face pale. She stooped down to feel for a pulse. Ok, so she’s alive. She just doesn’t look very alive. Kyle must have been thinking along the same lines, for he was at her side in an instant.

“Is she going to be ok, Liz?” Kyle looked into her eyes earnestly. Liz felt her heart cry for him. He honestly cared for Tess.

“She’s a fighter, Kyle.” He offered a small smile in return. She’s just trying to make me feel better. Gently, he scooped Tess’ broken form into his arms and walked back to Max’s jeep. Max would heal her later, he was sure of it. Michael realized that Maria was in his sight and went off in search for her while the Sheriff followed behind Kyle.

And there stood Max and Liz. As infinite as time itself.

“Are you ok, Liz? Are you hurt?” The concern in his eyes left her breathless. How she loved this man.

“I’m fine.” She turned to walk and flinched, her torso betraying her. She knew without looking that Max was aware of her sudden change in demeanor.

“You’re lying.” He was completely observant of her abnormal looking ribs. “You’re hurt.”

“I know.” Silly thing to say really, but Liz couldn’t help it. Of course she was hurt, she’d survived her first extraterrestrial attack. No proof of the battle would have been ridiculous.

“Come here, please.” Stubbornly, Liz glanced at him. He sighed. “Liz, I promise. I won’t look anywhere. Just…let me heal you. Please.” Still avoiding his eyes, she moved closer.

“Fine.” Max smiled inside. Liz could be so stubborn sometimes. Why, he did not know. But something in her made the thought of vulnerability a nuisance, something that only happened when absolutely necessary.

He reached out and as gently as possible, covered her wound. Without warning, an onslaught on images hurled at him.

Liz carrying Tess. Liz screaming at Tess not to die. Liz being thrown against stairs, landing next to Tess. Liz thinking she was going to die. Liz’s thoughts about her life. Liz thinking how much she loved Max.

“There. All done," he choked out. It never ceased to amaze him, how much she loved him back. Max knew that Liz was aware of their connection. She knew what he had seen. She gazed deeply into eyes and thanked him whole-heartedly. Knowing she couldn’t feel this way about him, she turned to walk towards the Jeep when Max stopped her.

“Why did you do it, Liz? Why did you endanger yourself like that?” Max thought about how he could have lost her and it tore at his insides. What would life be like without Liz Parker? The thought was too much to even think.

“I don’t really know. I just…I couldn’t let her die. I had to know she was safe. I don’t know why. Until I actually got there, I still resented her. But the second I laid eyes on her, all I could think about was getting her to safety. I can’t explain it.” Ridiculous much? Liz really could not explain it. Something else had pushed her, something she knew nothing about now.

With her last sentence, Liz walked into the night, knowing Max was not far behind.


The alarm clock buzzed to life. Tess Harding cringed inwardly, knowing that it was time to get up. Class started in an hour. She thought of all the ways that she could lay in bed for longer. I could not shower…and then smell all day. I could not wear makeup…and watch everyone turn to stone all day. I could not do my hair…and…not do my hair! She smiled widely, having won the internal battle and rolled over after slapping the alarm quiet.

An hour and a half later, Tess stumbled through the classroom doors, effectively turning the attention to her. She’d woken up later than she’d planned…and did her hair. Hence, she was half an hour late. Without thinking, Tess sat in the first seat at her disposal. She flipped her notebook open with pen in hand, ready to catch up on the lecture. Of all the classes to be late to, Tess had to be late to Chemistry, her favorite.

Secretly, Tess was somewhat of a science nerd, though no one would ever know.

“Today we assigned lab partners for the next quarter, Miss Harding. Yours is Miss Parker so feel free to sit beside her next time.” Tess cursed the fates for throwing her with Liz. They needed to talk about last night. Tess needed to talk about last night.

Thankfully, she was later than she’d realized and the bell rang, dismissing the classes. Tess rose from her seat and headed for the hallway. The room seemed claustrophobic all of a sudden.

Tess’ breath caught when she realized that Liz hadn’t been in class that morning, as she was headed towards her from the wrong direction. Her eyes were unfocused, so Tess took the opportunity to take in her appearance. She looked tired. Her hair was piled into an elastic and there were circles under her eyes. Tess ducked into the girls’ restroom as soon as Liz’s eyes met hers.

This was going to be a long day.


I hope to have the next part written by Friday. I have finals for the rest of the week. Stupid college! I could, of course, abandon my Pre-Law course and just read fanfic forever....but I might start to smell after a while!

Oh!!!! I had an idea! After every post, I want to recommend another fanfic to you guys. I'll try to make them different, but some might be the same. For Day #1:

The Screaming Alien

It's soooooooooo funny!! Ok...bye bye. Wish me luck!![/url]


AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>
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Post by Beautiful86 »

Oh my buddha! Did Kath7 really just reply to my story? I think I'm gonna do a cartwheel. I'm going to do a cartwheel, then I'm gonna faint,

Seriously, I am such a huge huge huge fan of your work. I especially love Starstruck...

OK anyway...on with part two...I found some spare time today. This is the scene where Liz and Tess remove a horrible scene burned into a dreamer's mind forever.

quick disclaimer: no infringement intended on ITLATTB.

Seriously though, i love yall's feedback!!


Chapter Two

Liz tossed and turned throughout the night. Sleep did not come easy to her, for when Max healed her, he accidentally sent her a flash of his own. Though, it was less clear than the others she had received. There were merely feelings to it. And she had heard a distinctive name whispered, Drisana. Liz had never been more confused in all her life.

Finally, at about three am, sleep won the battle Liz had been fighting. She fell into a restless dream state, unable to remain still for more than a few minutes. She’d found herself in the middle of the most bizzare dream. When she awoke, she wrote down all that she could remember. Just before heading to school, Liz tried once more to decipher the meaning of it all.

Sitting with a young girl, I knew I loved her. She was my best friend. I know who she was, yet I have no idea. All of a sudden, we are in a chapel or something like a chapel. I know that I was getting married and she was beside me, my maid of honor of sorts. I could feel her happiness for me. Suddenly, we are running through a hallway. It gets dark and I become increasingly frightened. I can feel the need to protect her with my life. She was my responsibility of sorts. I can just remember feeling that I had to protect her. Odd-looking creatures surround us, I don’t remember what they looked like. I can still feel the fear that my friend was going to die. I also remember a sudden feeling of ultimate betrayal. I heard my friend scream the name Drisana, as I don’t resist fighting anymore. The despair of betrayal was the last thing that I felt. Just before I woke up, my friend was shrieking in agony and I remember her yelling something like Vilandra and then she said words I did not understand and have no way of deciphering.

Liz had read her writing and reread her writing. And she still had no idea what it had meant. Either way, it didn’t help the fact that her head was pounding and the woman at table 35 was shouting for some more Dr. Pepper.

Nor did it help the fact that a certain Max Evans had not left that damn table in the corner all day. Why couldn’t he just leave well enough alone? Did he have to pursue her like this? Does he want me to suffer more? Liz knew she was being ridiculous. But a girl has the right to be ridiculous every once in a damn while.

The ultimate reason for her despair walked through the doors at that very instant. Liz felt her stomach morph into a hundred butterflies. The cause walked in a straight line to her, obviously seeking her attention.

“What time do you get off today, Liz?”

“Um, I should finish with my side work at about eight. Why, Tess?”

“I need to talk to you,” Tess answered. Seeing the resistant look in her eyes, she quickly added, “please.”

Liz agreed shortly after that, planning on meeting Tess in the Roswell Downtown Park. Once the sun set, the crowds bustled out of the restaurant and Liz finished right on time. Max had left at about six-thirty, finally realizing that she wasn’t going to talk to him when Maria came to take his order. Max knew he wasn’t sitting in Maria’s section…

Tess was waiting on a bench, gazing at the stars when Liz arrived. Without even looking up, Tess greeted her.

“So what’s up, Tess?” This time, her blue eyes went from the stars to Liz Parker’s brown eyes.

“I really needed to talk to you.”

“About what?”

Tess chuckled. Liz really was modest. Last night, she’d risked everything to save someone she cared nothing about, and still took no credit. Truly amazing, I suppose. Tess knew that she wouldn’t be able to be that big of a person. I’d probably expect something in return.

“Let’s take a walk, Liz.” Figuring she had nothing to lose, Liz let Tess take the lead. They walked in a peaceful silence, each lost in personal thoughts. When they reached their destination, Liz looked up and was moderately surprised.

ROSWELL OBSERVATORY, the sign read. Why had Tess taken her here? To gloat? To rub her destiny in her face? Calm down, Liz. Just calm down.

“I want to show you something,” Tess said as she focused the rather large telescope. “Look, here it is.” Liz cautiously walked over and peered into the eye of the scope.

“Is that your planet?” she asked tentatively. All she needed was proof that she’d been right about destiny. This must be why Tess brought her here, to prove that Liz had to let go.

“No,” she replied simply. “But Nasedo used to tell me that you could see that star from our planet. He called our planet Antar. I suppose that was the name.”

“Must be beautiful on Antar,” Liz said calmly, though inside a storm was raging. Why would Tess bring me here? I saved her life! This is her payback?

Tess took a deep breath and before she realized she was speaking, she was blurting out things that she never would have concieved saying. “Liz, I never meant to take over your life,” Tess began. “You have to understand that since I was coherent, Nasedo has drilled this idea of destiny into my head. I remember the day we found the three of them. I’d never been so excited in all my life. I thought I would finally have a family…” Liz glanced at Tess to see that she was staring off into space with what looked like tears pooling in her eyes.

“Tess,” she started to say, but was cut off.

“Please, let me explain. I at least owe you that.” Tess’ eyes had not moved from the star, yet Liz could see that a single tear had made its way onto her cheek. “When I got here, Max wasn’t waiting for me like Nasedo always said he would be. Max was completely in love with you. Nasedo convinced me that he was just bored with life and I had to make him see. So I did…” she trailed off. After taking a deep breath, she began again.

“Liz, what you did for me last night was nothing short of heroic. I’ve caused you nothing but pain since the day I crossed the city limits. But last night…you carried me out. You covered me with your own body to try to save me. You screamed in my ears to keep me moving because you knew I wanted to give up and just rest,” Tess was openly crying now.

“I heard it. Somehow, I heard you pray for forgiveness. But you didn’t ask for forgiveness of your sins or anything…you asked Him to forgive you for killing me. You blamed yourself. I wasn’t unconscious yet and I heard you tell me that you were sorry. That you could do that, that you could be so willing to sacrifice your own safety for me, someone who has done nothing but underhanded, deceitful, completely horrible things…it’s truly amazing.”

Tess collected herself enough to look into her eyes squarely. “I will never forget what you did for me. No matter what happens, I hold you in the highest of respects. You’re truly are amazing, Liz. And I thank you for saving my life with everything I ever was, am, and ever will be.”

Liz was completely unprepared for a thank you. She’d been ready for anything but that. She opened her mouth in reply when Tess held her hand up, obviously not done yet. “I also wanted to apologize for the way things turned out between us. I hope that…” she trailed off, unsure if she was ready to burn the bridge before her. “Well, I just…I will never ever forget you or how great you are. It’s no wonder Max loves you the way he does.”

Liz, unaware that she was actually moving, reached out and hugged Tess. “I don’t know what made me go in there in the first place. I was still resentful and untrusting, but when I saw you, broken and dying, something else took over me. I can’t explain it.”

She was mentally debating on whether or not to tell her about her dream, but decided against it. What good would it do anyway?

They parted ways that night with a new respect between them. Liz found it incredible that Tess Harding could thank her for what she’d done. Maybe miracles truly did exist…


Chapter Three probably up by Saturday.

Here's a teaser though.... :twisted:

Running. Always running. Tess woke with a start. This is getting friggin ridiculous. She'd awoken at three am for five days straight now. Always the same dream triggering it. She was always with a girl, and that girl always died. She could not determine who it was exactly, but she knew without a doubt that she loved her.

Tess sighed as she closed her eyes. I suppose it's time to tell Max. She rolled back over and began fighting the stars to let her sleep all over again. Earthly nights sure did suck.

At five am, she resentfully threw the covers across the room and huffed in frustration. Sleep just wasn't a joy Tess Harding was meant to experience. Looking around and wondering what to do now, she changed into some running clothes and decided to exercise her frustration out.

Around the corner, up the hill, left of Broadway, left again on Main, right down Mullberry, and finally a long stretch down 4th St. Tess was out of breath. She realized that she'd ended up at a place she'd never seen before and saw a figure moving conspicuously. Who was up in Roswell at 5 am? She inched closer, ready to warp at a moment's notice. She relaxed, however, as she realized that it was a young boy...about the age of fourteen she guessed on a cell phone.

He made eye contact and Tess would swear she saw recognition flicker in them, but it was over quickly. The boy smiled, acknowledging her presence and slowly walked away. He had brown spiked hair...and almost looked like Michael.

Tess shrugged and continued on her journey. She never looked she never saw the young boy turn around and smile...

- - - - -

Ok fic recommendation... drum roll please!!!

Born of the Stars by Kath7


AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: San Antonio, TX. Home of the NBA World Champs of 2005!

Post by Beautiful86 »

Yall are getting spoiled. But i wrote Chapter Three today. Just remember that these characters are not what you remember them to be. Tess is not evil. Liz is not whiny and weak. And Max is not stupid. Isabel is still pissy. And Michael is still...Michael.

Thank you so much for your feedback. It really is that one thing that makes me want to write and write. Because I actually have people that want to read my writing. It's humbling really...

On with the show..

* * * * * *

Chapter Three

Running. Always running. Tess woke with a start. This is getting friggin ridiculous. She'd awoken at three am for five days straight now. Always the same dream triggering it. She was always with a girl, and that girl always died. She could not determine who it was exactly, but she knew without a doubt that she loved her.

Tess sighed as she closed her eyes. I suppose it's time to tell Max. She rolled back over and began fighting the stars to let her sleep all over again. Earthly night sure did suck.

At five am, she resentfully threw the covers across the room and huffed in frustration. Sleep just wasn't a joy Tess Harding was meant to experience. Looking around and wondering what to do now, she changed into some running clothes and decided to exercise her frustration out.

Around the corner, up the hill, left of Broadway, left again on Main, right down Mullberry, and finally a long stretch down 4th St. Tess was out of breath. She realized that she'd ended up at a place she'd never seen before and saw a figure moving conspicuously. Who was up in Roswell at 5 am? She inched closer, ready to warp at a moment's notice. She relaxed, however, as she realized that it was a young boy...about the age of fourteen she guessed on a cell phone.

He made eye contact and Tess would swear she saw recognition flicker in them, but it was over quickly. The boy smiled, acknowledging her presence and slowly walked away. He had brown spiked hair...and almost looked like Michael.

Tess shrugged and continued on her journey. She never looked she never saw the young boy turn around and smile...

“I saw her. I saw her! She was here. She was here! Avathana was here!” The young boy could barely contain his excitement. He actually physically saw her with his own two eyes.

This could only mean one thing…

* * * * * *

“And it’s always the same dream. I always wake up crying, screaming Vilandra.” The three looked puzzled. It was obvious to them that this dream meant something. But what exactly?

Max had thought it strange when Tess had come to him, asking to speak with just him and Liz. Why would Tess want to be in a room with Liz? Didn't they hate each other? He did, however, notice that Liz’s face suddenly paled. “Liz, what is it?” Without a word, she turned and headed upstairs. About two minutes later, she flew past the double doors, her journal in hand.

“Max, look. Every dream that Tess has been having, everything right down to the color of the chapel, it’s all here.” Liz took a deep breath and looked at Tess. “We’re having the same dream.”

Max’s mouth fell open in response. Liz sat across from Tess now, both of their minds working rapidly to try to solve this puzzle. Tess’ eyes brightened suddenly. “I have an idea…”

* * * * * *

Liz’s heart was beating a mile a minute. She was standing in the same spot, the same spot that her life changed all those months ago. She looked up into the four pods and wanted to instinctively run. She would stay strong though. She would finish what she started.

“So what exactly are we doing here, Tess?” At this, she had no response. What were they doing here? She thought that if they went back to where they were born… What Tess? The answers would just pop up and say ‘you found me’? A sudden movement startled her from her thoughts.

“Ayue heruid uihew. Oh jkuyih sklyu weiud. L’osthre awiu asddwiu. Ahjouedl aas dhy dowuen.” Max had Liz by the arms. Terrified, he began to shake her.

“Liz! Liz stop! Please, stop it. You’re scaring me!” But she couldn’t hear him. She just kept speaking, getting louder and louder, in a language that was so familiar to him. Suddenly, she pushed him violently away from her and began walking towards the pods.

“Hwereu! Joiudhy ajkiyud kjiodo jkheyid,” were her words as she slipped through the bottom right pod. Max and Tess followed behind her quickly and here astounded at what they found. Liz was standing beneath a giant inverted cone, shouting more and more words that seemed so familiar, yet they had no idea.

Her eyes closed quickly as she sank to the ground in exhaustion. Max was by her side an instant later. “Liz? Oh God, Liz?”

“Max,” she replied wearily. What happened? Where were they and how did they get here? Tess knelt in front of Liz, concern written across her features.

“Are you ok, Liz?” Her heart was fluttering in her chest. And as sudden as it started, it stopped. She remembered what her mind had cried when Liz fell. The name that was repeated over and over in their dreams. She had internally cried out for Drisana.

“Tess! Tess, I remember you,” Liz exclaimed. She could remember it as though it were yesterday. “You were standing behind me and you were laughing. We were in a huge room, I was looking at something….” Her mind reached hard to remember. “I was looking at a painting, a painting of my future husband! You were laughing…oh God. I remember!”

Tess reached out and touched Liz carefully, preparing to hug her. As soon as their bodies made contact, the Granolith hummed to life. Three shocked eyes looked up quickly as the room began to spin. The last thought Liz had before losing her vision was of Tess. She was frightened for Tess. Her mind seemed to be screaming. Screaming for Avathana.

* * * * * *

“That dress just doesn’t fit you. Why do you try? You know you’re getting fat.” Drisana laughed as she threw her pillow at her baby sister.

“You’re one to talk tubby. You should think about buying some soap too. You’re beginning to break out. Not to mention…I think your boobs are getting smaller.” Avathana waved her hand dismissively.

“You’re just jealous.” Drisana rolled her eyes. Leave it to her, she thought. She turned and looked at her sister. What would she do without Avathana? She’d been there with her through everything. Never once had Avathana turned her back on Drisana. They were sisters, but they were best friends.

Avathana’s eyes grew sad suddenly. “Tomorrow is the anniversary.” It was true. Their parents would be dead five years tomorrow. Drisana walked over to hug her sister.

“It’s ok to be sad. Remember what mother always said. It is better to cry for your loved ones that not to acknowledge that they’re gone.” She trailed off as Avathana leaned into her arm, resting her head on her shoulder.

"Remember the way we used to sit outside with them? He used to tell us that we would go somewhere, you and me. He said that we had bigger destinies. Ones that would fulfill our people's every need. He said that you and I would change the world..." she trailed off, pain evident in her voice. "He was so full of it."

Drisana laughed. "Mom used to tell me that one day it would be my responsibility to take care of you. She used to tell me that you would be the best thing in my life for a long time. Looking back, I think we had the wisest of parents."

"I miss them, Ana."

“I miss them too. I remember the way father always told me to take care of you. He made sure that I knew just how to. He knew you were a pain in the ass.” Mission accomplished, Avathana chuckled.

- - - - - - - -

Faster. Run faster. Get Avathana out. Run faster.

Drisana was running as fast as her short legs would allow. She made sure never to let Avathana’s figure leave her sight as they heard their enemies quickly approaching. Then it all happened so fast…

They advanced quickly. Too quickly. Drisana lost control of the situation and a large creature grabbed Avathana. “NO! LET HER GO!” She was screaming as loud as she could. Guards surrounded her as well. This was it. They were going to die. She had failed her sister. They were so close. They had been so close to the ship.

Drisana fought, though she had nothing to fight for. Her husband, Zan, was dead. She’d watched him die. His second, Rathermo, was deceased as well. All Drisana had was her sister, and the hope of tomorrow.

The Triad has convened to clone the Royal Four and the heir to the kingdom, Avathana, should something happen to what was left of the Royal Family. After a betrayal from within, the throne was left to the queen’s sister. But it looked like Drisana and Avathana ended here. Without their bodies, cloning would be impossible. Her eyes shot up into her killer’s eyes and tears immediately flooded her own.

She hung her head, unwilling to fight against someone she loved so dearly. Her heart shattered into a hundred pieces as her beloved drew a dagger from her cloak. She apologized to Avathana in her heart. As her husband’s, her king’s, sister drove the dagger hard into her body, Drisana saw tears pool in her cold eyes.

Just before her life drained from her, she heard her sister cry for her. She cried a name that would echo through time and space. She cried a heartache that would echo into the next life. As a life was taken, a life that would echo into a new world, all that could be heard was a shrill scream.

Father Time would never forget that day. It stood out against all others. The day that the infinite Drisana and Avathana fell. The entire planet, the entire revolution, was depending on that very act, on that day. The day when the world's precious Ana and Ava would be no more.

- - - - - - - -
Liz shot up quickly, breathing hard and clutching her chest. Tess was immediately next to her, relief strewn across her face.

“What happened?” Max demanded. Liz looked into his eyes and saw all the love that he’d ever had for her, in this life…and in the last one. She drew in a shaky breath and spoke words she never thought she would.

“It was Isabel, or Vilandra. She killed me. She killed you,” she said as she looked at Tess. “Isabel started the revolution. It was her.”


Ok...what did you think? Am I reaching too far? Feedback purrrty please? Here is my recommendation...

Unforgivable Memory

Edited to say that now for real, i should have it up by sat. chap. 4 i mean


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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: San Antonio, TX. Home of the NBA World Champs of 2005!

Post by Beautiful86 »

Hey all! I just realized that I've never even told you guys my name! name is Kyrie. I actually found someone else that has my name. There was once a little Roswell comm. by the name of Ginette's. There was a person there named Kyrie as well. Just in case any people who were once there are here...I am not a doctor in my thirties. She was another Kyrie! I am an 18 year old freshman at OLLU studying Pre-Law. OK? Ok...yay! Hey guys!

Sorry that I've been away for so long. Thank you for keeping this on the first page. I love you all for it!!! Ok..this chapter is sort of short so I apologize. But Max and LIz...well...yeah just read...

quick disclaimer: line directly from SH, no credit!!!

* * * * * * * *

Chapter Four

"No, Liz. It was not Isabel. The same way that I am not Zan, she is not Vilandra. Isabel did not kill you, Vilandra did." Max had to ensure both Liz and himself.

She looked into his hurt eyes. He was right. They were not the same person as they were in their former lives. Liz didn't even know who she was in said life. Tess saw the conflicting emotions scurrying across each face and suggested that Max take Liz home.

Once arriving at Tess' house, Liz walked her to the door. "Please be careful, Tess." She couldn't help it. Perhaps knowing that Tess was family made it easier, but Liz already felt all of her resentment slipping away. As did Tess.

"I will. You too. Call me in the morning. I think we should really talk." Liz smiled and hugged her newly found sister. Slipping quietly back into the jeep, Liz felt lighter than she ever had. It didn't matter that they had no answers. It didn't matter that Tess was lied to. It didn't matter that Liz just realized her parents have lied and she isn't exactly of this earth.

All that mattered was she had a real family. And though she'd found it in the oddest of places...and people, Tess was her family nonetheless.

As Max watched Liz smile for the first time in months, he felt his heart melt into mush. It's no wonder that Zan had fallen for Drisana. If she was anything like Liz, he'd be damned not to love her.

* * * * * *

"Are you sure you're ok Liz? You don't need anything?" She was still unsure, however. It was ridiculous, really. Tess was her sister. While they weren't friends like they'd once been, Tess wouldn't stand in her way anymore. She knew that without a doubt.

"I'm fine, Max. I just...I really need some answers." Max figured it was only fair. Not only was Liz no longer human, but she was a queen of an entire planet. And she and her sister, or former enemy, were destined to save said planet. Hell, I'd really need some answers too!

"Liz..." He began. How would he say that something that could be horrible for Liz was the best thing that had ever happened to him? He was meant for Liz. This was the best day of his life! "Please, just let me talk ok? Don't interrupt me."

Liz nodded. "Today has been the best day of my life, Liz. I've always known that we belonged together, but now I concrete evidence. You and I were married. Not me and Tess. You and me. And while I don't know how you feel, I can't help the fact that this is the best thing that has ever happened, I mean ever! I've always known you, Liz. It wasn't a mistake when I healed you that day. Looking back, I remember my heart cried Drisana when you fell. I was just too busy to notice it. I love you, Liz. I loved you then and I love you now. You're my soulmate. My heart, Liz. You're my life..."

Max was suddenly interrupted by Liz's lips crashing upon his. He felt his heart, the one that had just formed solid, melt all over again. His arms instinctively circled Liz's entirely small form as he held her close to him, unwilling to ever let her go again.

Liz heard a small whimper escape his throat, and she pressed on. Her tongue dashed quickly into his mouth, teasing him gently. After being unable to take it any longer, Max deepened the kiss. His hands buried themselves in her beautiful silky hair as hers roamed his back muscles under his shirt.

They both knew that this was right. This was meant to be. Their bodies simply fit too well with eachother to be coincidence. It was right. What she said to Maria all those months ago was true. Her and Max felt right in a way that nothing ever felt right in her life. As Max carried her petite form to her bed, Liz let out a whimper this time. She wanted him. She wanted him to claim her as his. She wanted him to take her and never let go.

"Oh my God!"

They tore apart at the interruption. Suddenly, Liz's fear grew with an fierce intensity. Her heart fell into her stomach and her brain seemed unable to function as Tess turned quickly and ran down the fire escape.

Maybe Tess wasn't so sure about Destiny after all.


(Probably on Wednesday! OMG if you guys kept this on the first page I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE you forever!!!!!)

Ok fic recommendation....drum rolls please!!

As I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Ok love you all!!

Bye now,


AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: San Antonio, TX. Home of the NBA World Champs of 2005!

Post by Beautiful86 »

yall have humbled me with your feedback! I appreciate it so much. It's such an inspiration as well. It makes me want to write and write and write.

I am extremely happy with this chapter. I think everything fell together rather nicely. I have to remind you to be patient with Michael. He isn't the Michael we all loved yet. He is still stubborn and pig headed. But he'll come around... :D Again, I hope you guys like this chapter. It's longer because I couldn't seem to tie it up. I wanted yall to go out with a bang. Remember, this is before anything. Before even ETOW. Ok without further ado.....



Chapter Four-B

Liz’s breathing was alive in her ears. She couldn’t find Tess anywhere. Oh God! What if she left Roswell? No she wouldn’t. She couldn’t. They had just found out who they were. She couldn’t leave now.

Tess felt Liz approaching and felt her apprehension grow. Would her sister be angry with her? She hadn’t meant to run out on them like that, it was just that…old habits die hard.

“Tess!” Liz ran to where she sat below the tree.

“Hey, Liz.” She immediately felt guilty about the fear in Liz’s eyes. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see you. I’m so sorry…” Tess cut her sentence off.

“You don’t have anything to worry about. I was just surprised. I wanted to talk to you and when I saw you guys, I guess I just freaked. Old habits die hard,” she said, repeating her previous thoughts.

“I understand.”

Tess looked into her eyes and drew a deep breath. “I want you to be happy with Max. I’m not sure how all this destiny crap came about,” she lied. “But you and him should be happy together. You deserve it.”

Liz’s eyes lit up but Tess felt her heart drop further. Liz was incredible. But if she knew just how deep her deception went, would she still want to be her family?


Tess couldn’t sleep. Nothing new, exactly. But there was a reason this time. She couldn’t stop thinking about her lie. Every time she closed her eyes, she remembered her conversation with Nasedo about Liz.

“I recognized her! Why? When I saw her, I wanted to run over and hug her all of a sudden. Why Nasedo? I know you know.”

“It’s your imagination. Isabel was probably near by. You were close on Antar.” He was lying through his teeth and hoped that she believed him.

“You’re lying!” No such luck!

“Prove it,” he replied simply. Tess straightened in response and lifted her chin high.

“As your queen I order you to tell me why I recognized her!!” With each word, her voice grew louder until she shouted the last one. Nasedo fought hard to hide a smirk. He didn’t have to follow her orders anymore than he had to protect her.

“I am telling you the truth.” Tess seemed satisfied at last. She huffed in frustration but could see no other solution. She inhaled deeply, and released her anger, getting back to their previous discussion.

“Now, then, highness. I need you to remember the exact plan. It has to be exact, Tess. Do you understand?”

“Yes. I understand, I just…I don’t know why it has to come to this.”

He placed his hand on her shoulder for support. He looked her squarely in the eyes and reminded her. “You have to do what you were destined to do. It’s what I taught you.”

She sighed, once again. She trusted Nasedo. If he said that she needed to go to such extremes, then she needed to go to said extremes.

Tess closed her eyes and fought back tears. She hated herself. She had lied to them all and it caused the one person who had ever given her a chance pain. Liz would be horrified. She wasn’t even sure if she would still want to be her sister.

She chuckled softly as she realized how her feelings had changed so quickly. Not two weeks ago, Tess had been willing to run over Liz if it meant getting her destiny. But she’d been offered a family. A real family. Liz was her family. The thought made her warm inside and at the same time made vomit rise.

She was going to hurt Liz, again. She decided that she was going to tell her the truth. She would tell all of them. Tomorrow… Tess rolled over and tried to fight to sleep. It was no use though. Her guilt was weighing down on her way too much.


Liz could feel the fear rolling off of Tess is waves. She’d asked Max to call a meeting, but prompted Liz to drop by an hour before. Now they sat, on Kyle’s bed, holding hands.

“I want to try to use the memory techniques Nasedo taught me. I don’t know how well they work considering what I remember isn’t true.” Liz looked into her eyes and felt sympathy for the lies she was told her whole life.

“It’s ok, Tess. Let’s just do it.”

“Ok, let’s just form a connection.”

As soon as their eyes met, they felt a familiar pull. Giving in, Tess felt Liz’s energy enter her mind. The familiarity of the feeling was reeling. Both girls gasped as they felt their energies mold into something more powerful. Emotions swirled around Liz. Fear, anticipation, sorrow, happiness, relief. But the most oppressing emotion was guilt. Tess was incredibly guilty about something.

On the other side, Tess felt similar emotions. But her most apparent emotion was happiness. Liz was truly happy that they’d found their connection. She looked forward to their future as siblings. It made Tess’ guilt increase five fold. Now more than ever she was afraid of Liz’s reaction.

Across town, the Granolith was swimming with life. As the connection formed deeper, it exploded with a brilliant light. And the girls at the Valenti house were thrown deeply into memories of a previous life. Flash after flash hit their minds as their entire lives flew before their eyes.

Drisana jumping excitedly as she held her baby sister. An older boy reprimanding both of them after fighting. The girls crying together as the older boy was taken away. The girls growing up together. Drisana holding Avathana when their parents died. Avathana crying with tears of joy as her sister said yes to a man’s proposal. Their reunion with the older boy. Drisana fearing that Avathana would die. Avathana crying out in agony as she held Drisana dead. The older boy coming in and surprising the men about to surround Ava. The boy fighting valiantly until he was deceased. Avathana felt darkness surround her while she was murdered. Avathana’s last memory was looking at Drisana and the older boy dead next to her and feeling lost without them. Avathana whispered I love you Drisana. I love you Rath. And then she died.

Liz and Tess flew apart with tears falling. About twenty seconds later, they were embracing each other and crying together. Ten solid minutes later, Liz regained her composure. Her eyes widened instantly as she realized who the older boy was. At the same time, Tess had put the equation together as well. For the hundredth time that night, the girls gasped in unison.

The doorbell rang interrupting their thoughts. Tess’ eyes flew to the clock as she realized it had been an hour and fifteen minutes. Time flies when you’re remembering your last life.

Five minutes later, the seven were circled around the Valenti living room. Liz, sensing her sister’s uneven feelings, started the meeting.

“Tess and I have found out some rather interesting things in the last 24 hours. Before we start, please do not interrupt us. It is a long, mostly unbelievable, story but we know that it’s true. Please just bear with us.” All nodded in agreement so Liz began.

“Tess and I had been having the same dreams for a while. Tess finally went to Max and I, feeling that it was me in her dreams. Before I go on, I have to say that the other night when I rescued Tess it was something else guiding me. I had this instinct to protect her at all costs. I wasn’t sure where it was coming from, but it was definitely there. Anyway, I had been recording the dreams and Tess had as well. They were the same dream. They always ended with us dying. So we went out to the pod chamber and that’s when things get weird.” She rested her voice for a while and looked to Tess to help her. Sensing her sister’s fatigue, she picked up.

“When we got there, Liz began to shout in what we can only guess is Antarian. She was possessed by something and we think it was the Granolith. She found the Granolith. Oh, you guys don’t know what that is,” she said at their confused faces. “When Liz had me, Whittaker was a skin, as you all know. She was telling Liz that she wanted a Granolith and that she was the key. So anyway…Liz crawled through the bottom pod and there it was. She was still shouting in an unearthly language. She collapsed and I went to her. When I touched her, the Granolith came to life and Liz fell unconscious. When she woke up, she said that she had remembered her previous life. Her name was Drisana. Mine was Avathana. Michael was Rathermo. Avathana was her sister, Drisana was married to Zan,” she said looking at Max. Tess realized what part of the story she had come to.

Liz jumped in before she could go on, however. “Isabel, what we’re about to tell you is not easy. You just have to remember that we are not them. They died a long time ago. You are not who she was.” Isabel nodded, not liking where this was going. Liz and Tess exchanged a look before Tess continued.

“Vilandra was your name. She betrayed the throne and joined the rebellion. Vilandra actually killed Drisana with her own hands.” She ended quietly and had made sure that she never said you killed Liz. Tess tried very hard to distinguish the two, for Isabel’s sake. At her paled face, Liz quickly tried to help her. “We are positive that there is a reason behind her betrayal. If we are a representative of who we were then, I am more than sure that Vilandra could not have just turned her back on her kingdom…or family.”

Alex slipped an arm around Isabel in support. She was breathing hard and had tears in her eyes. Liz felt incredibly guilty about pounding them with this, but they needed to know everything. Divided they would fall.

“There’s more.” She steeled herself for what she would tell them tonight. Liz interrupted her, misinterpreting her intentions.

“Tess and I connected tonight and remembered more. We pretty much just saw what we had initially seen but there was one more thing. There was an older boy this time. He was taken away from us when I was nine and Tess was seven. We were reunited with him at the palace. And we figured out who he was when Tess remembered dying. It was um…well he was our brother. We both remember loving him. And it was um…” she struggled, not knowing how he would react.

“It was me.” Michael had known since he walked in. He could feel it. He felt the pull that he’d been ignoring from both Liz and Tess. It was ten times stronger now. So strong that he could no longer deny it.

“Yes,” Tess replied. “Michael was, is, our brother.”


After breaking the news, the group disbanded for a few minutes. Thirty two, to be exact. Michael actually had tears in his eyes when he grabbed Max’s keys and sped off in the jeep. Tess and Liz were apprehensive about his reaction. They wanted him to be in their family, they wanted him to have one. But it was up to him now.

Tess had gone over to comfort Isabel. She knew that Isabel was mature enough to distinguish the past from the present, but hearing that your previous self killed your whole previous family…well it was hard enough to say.

Finally, at Tess’ request they all rejoined around the living room. Michael had just walked in and sat next to Maria, not glancing at either girl now known as his sisters. She glanced at Liz to see if she was worried too. She rolled her eyes at Tess, and she couldn’t help but chuckle.

She took a deep breath and began the story that would change her life. She had separated herself from her sister and Max, knowing that this would hurt them the most. She cleared her throat and began.

“When I arrived in Roswell, I felt a pull towards Liz. Nasedo chopped it up to an illusion on my part. He had convinced me since I was coherent that I was a queen of a planet and my king was waiting for me somewhere. When I got here, he went into planning mode. Looking back, he seemed to be expecting Max loving Liz. He launched a well thought-out plan, too thought out even. He convinced me that I had to convince you all of the destiny I thought I had.” She felt Liz’s eyes on her, trying to dissect her intentions. Her hands were sweating and she was sure the people of Springfield Massachusetts could hear her heart beating.

“That day in the pod chamber…” she knew they were catching on, but she had to be out with it. “Your mother was never there…it was all a mindwarp.”



So what did you all think? Did you like it? I hope so. My plot is moving along rather nicely I'd like to think. Haha. Ok so fic one of my favorites...

Strong, Dangerous, and Undeniable by Destinee

I love this story. It wasn't ever finished but I have come up with my own fairy tale ending. Haha..

Ok, please respond. Feedback! I live for it.




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Location: San Antonio, TX. Home of the NBA World Champs of 2005!

Post by Beautiful86 »

I just couldn't stay away! I had to post my next chapter.

Thank you so so so much for the feedback. I can't believe that so many people are enjoying my fic.

Aliensister-Thanks for always reading my fic.

Tasyfa-Wow. I can't believe you're posting on my fic. I am humbled. First Kath, now you. What's next? Is Applebylicious going to? I think I might die.

HopelessRomantic-Thanks for reading my story. But hurry up and get over to yours and keep writing! Hurry...go...well...after you read chapter five anyway.

Thank you to everyone else who has posted here. You don't know how much it means to me to know that someone else is enjoying my fic!


Chapter Five

“That day in the pod chamber…” she knew they were catching on, but she had to be out with it. “Your mother was never there…it was all a mindwarp.”

Isabel was on her feet instantly. “You bitch!” she cried. “How could you?! Didn’t you know what that would do?” Tess looked down, incredibly ashamed. Isabel took this as a sign of indifference and stomped over to where the much smaller blonde sat. Just before she could reach her, Liz appeared in her line of sight.

“Liz get out of my way!” But she simply crossed arms. Isabel was struck dumbfounded. Shouldn’t Liz be the most upset about this? Wasn’t it her own heart that was broken that day?

“No, Isabel,” she said shortly.

Isabel’s mouth hit the floor. She rolled her eyes and stormed out of the house, slamming the door while she went. The impact of the hit shook the walls of the living room. Maria and Alex stood up slowly and looked at Liz as though she were crazy. She looked at her best friends pleadingly but they were too angry. That mindwarp had caused them both immense pain as well. Following in Isabel’s footsteps, they followed out to the jeep, slipping out a little quieter than her.

Tess looked up at Liz who still had her back to her. She was standing still, seemingly unmoved, but Tess could feel differently. Liz was shaken with betrayal, the feeling making her want to vomit. The tears that she had been fighting valiantly spilled onto her cold cheeks as Liz continued to not look at her. Tess chanced a glance at Max who was staring at her with an unreadable expression. He looked away and shook his head slightly, as though baffled as to why he thought he could trust her.

Her heart broke a little more when he stood and glanced at Liz. He spared Tess no other look before he turned and walked out the door, completely cold. She looked towards her last hope and found Michael staring at the floor in disbelief. Her heart broke just a bit more to know that his first impression of her as his sister would be betrayal. When he looked up at her, she pleaded with him not to hate her, to understand why she did it.

He opened his mouth to speak but found that he had no words. He’d just found his family. While he was driving, he ended up parked in front of the trailer where he grew up. He thought about how he was raised and the life he now led. He had sisters, two of them. He had a family. The thought was terrifying and inviting all the same. Now he was torn. Should he side with what he knew to be his blood or the two that were there for him as a child?

“Tess,” he started. How would he say this? “I don’t hate you. Part of me actually understands why you did what you did. But…now…I feel…” he trailed off. Unable to speak anymore he stood up and repeated the actions of the four before him, leaving Tess and Liz alone.

“Liz?” she asked half-heartedly. She wouldn’t be able to handle it if Liz hated her too. Tess stood up behind her and turned to face her older sister. Her heart broke completely as she saw tear tracks on her cheeks. She opened her mouth to apologize when Liz put her hand in the air, signaling that she shouldn’t say anything. She looked into Tess’ eyes for the first time and felt anger flare to life.

“Do you know how hard this had been for me?” she asked, her voice dripping with venom and disdain.

“I do, Liz, and I’m so sor…” Liz cut her off.

“No. Not that. I found out that I’m not human! Or I am but something messed up. I am the queen of some God-forsaken race of aliens who were abandoned when my king and I were murdered by my sister-in-law! My entire life has been a lie. This one and the last. The only thing keeping me together was that I had a family that would accept me no matter what. You were my sister. I felt it. I knew it in my heart. The fact that the last few months have hurt more than anything in the world was fine, because I had Max. I had you! But it was you all along. You are the reason I have lost so many nights of sleep. You are the reason that I walked away from my destiny!” She trailed off and took a deep breath before she totally lost it.

Just then, the image of Max’s tear filled eyes flashed before her as she remembered the day she left him. She saw Tess throw herself at Max while still in Liz’s presence. She saw Tess heal the bruise on Max’s cheek after Nasedo died. And something filled Liz. It was anger to the point of breaching past anger. It was something foreign, something alien. Before she knew what was happening, Liz’s hand shot out and collided with Tess’ cheek.

The sound of skin on skin echoed throughout the room as Liz brought her stinging hand back to her side. She drew in a shaky breath and stormed out the door, slamming it harder than Isabel did.

Tess stood alone in the living room with tears running down her now stinging face. Liz was her only lifeline and now she was gone…


Liz collided with a hard body as soon as she shut the door. She turned angry eyes into the soft ones of Max Evans and felt her anger melt away. He brought a soft hand up to cup the side of her face. He whispered her name ever so softly and fresh tears filled her eyes. She fell into him and he brought her slowly to the Jetta. Maria had left with Isabel and Alex in his jeep. Michael was sitting in the backseat just staring at the stars.

Liz could feel Tess’ pain and it only served to anger her more. How dare she feel pain? When Liz had been suffering because of her? She leaned into Max’s embrace more when she felt her heart shatter. Her family had betrayed her. And then Liz’s mind when into scientific mode.

All emotion flew from her head as she realized that Tess was only doing what she thought was right. She had showed them all that she was different now. Tess had owned up to what she had done. And Liz, her only ally, her only friend, her only family had crucified her along with everyone else.

She stopped walking and turned around. Max sensed her change in emotion and reached for her. “Liz?”

“I know what Tess did was wrong, but…” she trailed off. How would she explain to him that she forgives the girl who faked his mother’s appearance?

“But what Liz? She lied. She lied to all of us. She made you leave me!” he belted.

“I know. I know all of that, but can’t you tell she’s different now? She confessed because she wanted to start new. Can’t you see it?” Max stared at her incredulously. Liz was amazing. Here was the one girl who’d caused her more pain than all of the fates combined and she was willing to forgive.

“I have to go back, Max. I can’t leave her like this.” She turned to go but felt Max’s hand on her arm.

“Liz…I need you tonight. Please. I…I don’t want to be alone.” She felt her heart melt. She couldn’t say no to her king. Liz let Max guide her to the Jetta and they sped off into the night.


After dropping Michael off, Liz promised that they would talk later. She walked around the Evan’s house to the window while Max walked through, letting his presence be known. Isabel’s door was closed and Max knew that it meant she either wasn’t home or didn’t want people to bother her. He opened his door and walked across the room where he knew his wife was waiting for him.

He stopped.

His wife? The word made every ounce of pain fly from his heart as he thought for the first time that he would spend forever with her. No matter what happened next, Liz would never be taken from him again. He smiled broadly. Max opened the window and helped Liz climb through.

As soon as her feet hit the ground, she felt Max’s lips attack her own. Caught off guard by the intensity of the kiss, Liz faltered for just a moment. Max’s arm wrapped around her tiny waist as he brought her closer to him. His tongue traced her lips, demanding entrance. She quickly obliged and reveled in the feeling of his mouth making love to hers. Her arms snaked around his neck and pulled his closer. He moaned in response and kissed her deeper, harder.

She dipped her head back as his tongue left her mouth to travel down. Along every inch of her neck, his tongue danced a devilish dance. He was driving her crazy. Vaguely remembering that they were in her parent’s house, she stifled a moan.

“Max,” she whispered hoarsely. In response, he left a trail to her mouth and kissed her ferociously. It was a desperate kiss. He needed to know that she would be his forever. As their tongues met, their connection flared to life. She felt Max enter her and cried out at the pleasure of it. Max quickly stifled the noise with another passionate kiss. With an unknown force driving him, he scooped Liz into his arms and carried her to his bed.

As the moonlight poured in through the window, Max was breath taken at her beauty. There wasn’t a flaw in her entire face, not one thing wrong. He thanked the stars for bringing him this wonder of a girl. She was everything he’d ever want in a woman and more. She’d captured his heart not just in this life but in the last as well. He leaned down, careful not to crush her, and kissed her softly. He poured every ounce of love he’d ever had for her into that kiss.

Liz felt tears spring to her eyes at the beauty of it. He was so beautiful. Every ounce of him was. There was not a dark or imperfect spot in his heart. As the passion of their kiss slowly turned into one of pure love, they pulled apart and gazed into each other’s eyes.

“I love you, Liz. I love you so much.” This time tears sprang to his eyes as he saw pure unadulterated love shining back at him in his wife’s eyes.

“I love you too. More than you will probably ever know.” She reached up and planted a soft loving kiss on his forehead. He rolled off of her and the night’s events crawled back into both of their minds. Liz felt the melancholy mood change in Max. She snaked a hand to caress his face.

“What do I do? How do I trust her now?” Max sounded like such a child it made her heart lurch.

“I know it’s hard. But she’s trying.”

“How can you forgive her so easily?”

“I know her, Max. It’s weird. But I know her heart. She is trying.”

“I guess, but…” he trailed off, not wanting to say it. Everyone hated her sister. Isabel probably more than anyone.

“It’ll take some time, but they’ll see that she was only doing what she was told.”

Max kissed her forehead as he heard her yawn. He, himself, was drifting off to sleep until Liz stirred suddenly. She shot up straight in the bed and could not believe her knowledge.

“Max, Tess is going to leave Roswell.”



Ok so fic recommendations hmmm.... I think

Into the Dreaming by Applebylicious

Ok so I'm not sure when the next chapter will be up. Probably the more feedback I get, the faster I'll write. :lol:

Have a good week guys. Happy Sunday!


AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>
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Post by Beautiful86 »

Hey guys! Time for chapter six! Now before I start, I want to say that I'm not good with scientific stuff. I write emotions well, I don't really know how to write SciFi. So please bare with me. This chapter is sort of rushed because again...I don't know how to write stuff like this. But this is Roswell and I needed to finally have something happen. I didn't want this to turn into a soap opera. Something had to happen. :D

Quick disclaimer: sort of similar to Destiny eppy but not really. The song belongs to Sarah McLaughlin....

And a quick thanks to my younger sister who helped me develop the background story that will explain what happens. You guys won't have the explanation yet, but it will be explained. I think together, we came up with a very very very good back story with explanations. I hope you guys bare with me so you will get to see it! I'm so proud...ok anyway.

Thanks for all of your feedback. I appreciate it so much!!!

on with the show!!!.....


Chapter Six

The winter here's cold and bitter
It's chilled us to the bone
We haven't seen the sun for weeks
Too long, too far from home

Tess threw her last pair of jeans in the duffel bag. She’d put a depressing song on for good measure, just in case she started to feel better. Every so often she would hear a sound outside and stop, hoping it was someone. But it never was. Kyle had tried to talk to her earlier but she melted the lock and shut the window. She didn’t want solace. She deserved to cry. She’d betrayed the people she was meant to love. Sarah McLaughlin’s words floated to her ears and tears pooled in her eyes.

I feel just like I'm sinking
And I claw for solid ground
I'm pulled down by the undertow
I never thought I could feel so low

Closing the duffel, she took a deep breath. Tess knew that it would be better for everyone if she wasn’t here. She didn’t want them to hurt, didn’t want Liz or Michael to hurt. She’d always known, somewhere deep inside, that she loved Michael. Tess was just never able to determine why. She’d never asked Nasedo about it, for fear of whatever reason he would come up with next. But now she knew, he was her older brother.

Oh darkness I feel like letting go

She wanted to let go. Tess hadn’t lied that night to Max. Nasedo taught her not to get caught up in emotion, but how could she not? They’re my family. She angrily wiped her tears away. She wanted so badly to blame one of them, any of them. Even Nasedo. But it was her own fault. She’d wanted Max so naively that she went against her intuition and everything she knew to be right. She should have known better.

If all of the strength and all of the courage
Come and lift me from this place
I know I could love you much better than this
Full of grace
Full of grace
My love

They deserved more than this. She stopped just before reaching the window and bent her head. She knew this was right. She had to leave. She had to protect them…from herself. Sarah’s next words made her weep. She briefly thought about blowing the damn radio up. But this was imposed punishment. She deserved to feel lower than low.

So it's better this way
I said having seen this place before
Where everything we said and did
Hurts us all the more

Its just that we stayed, too long
In the same old sickly skin
I'm pulled down by the undertow
I never thought I could feel so low

She knelt before the wall and held her head in her hands. She’d gained everything within the span of a week. She had a family. She’d had, in her grasp, a sister and a brother. Liz had never been without a family yet she had accepted Tess so openly. So how would Michael have reacted? She had no doubt that they would be close again, and Tess would finally have people that truly loved her.

Regaining her composure, she readjusted the bag on her shoulder. She flung the curtain opened and audibly shrieked. Liz was standing there, looking even more disappointed than before. She cautiously opened the glass, ready to accept whatever her older sister was going to say.

Liz’s eyes glossed over with emotion. Sure thing, why did I doubt it? As soon as things got rocky, Tess was going to head for the hills. Did she really not care about her new family? Faintly, she heard Sarah McLaughlin’s Full of Grace playing in the background.

If all of the strength and all of the courage
Come and lift me from this place
I know I could love you much better than this
It’s better this way

Anger filled her quickly and Liz’s hand shot out, pointed at the radio. Without warning, it exploded into a thousand pieces and both girls were dumbstruck. Not paying any attention to the shocked look on Tess’ face, Liz felt her fuses shortening quickly.

“You’re leaving?”

Tess looked lost. She hadn’t thought about how it would look to Michael and Liz. They would see it as her giving up, not wanting to try even a little.

“Liz,” she began. That’s when she saw him. Michael walked up to stand next to her, tears in his eyes.

“Michael,” she added softly. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw anger boiling in his eyes.

“You’re leaving?” He couldn’t believe it. He’d just found her and she wanted to bail on them.

“Michael,” she repeated, when Liz interrupted her.

“Yeah, Michael. Turns out she doesn’t want a family huh? I mean, the three of us could have…” she trailed off, glancing at her sister for a second before returning her attention to Michael. “I was willing to forgive her but I guess she doesn’t care. We aren’t worth fighting for, so let’s just go.” They both turned to go when Tess cried out.

“No! Please! Just stop it! I messed up, yes. I take full responsibility for what I did, but that doesn’t mean I did it to hurt you. I was just as surprised to find out that Liz was my sister and even more that Michael was my brother…well not really but still! I’m sorry for what I did but I can’t take it back. I didn’t know any better. I believed everything that the thing told me! And I’m sorry! I’m not perfect. What do you want me to do?” Tess was fuming and she was on a roll. Liz was about to interject but the look in her eyes stopped her.

“So I’m sorry for thinking that you would all be better off without me! It’s just that…maybe it was selfish. But selfish is all I know! You guys just sort of popped up on me so I’m fucking sorry!” After her rant, she took a few calming breaths. She closed her eyes as she realized what she’d said. As much as she wanted to, Tess couldn’t bring herself to be sorry for it though, it was all true. She glanced up into Michael’s eyes to find amusement there.

Now she was pissed.

He was amused! She was pouring her heart out and he was amused. She climbed through the window, prepared to tear him a new ass hole. As she breached touching distance to him, she was surprised utterly. He grabbed her arms and pulled her to him. Surprise quickly melted into happiness as she heard him sigh.

“Tess, I forgive you. I know why you did it, and I forgive you,” he whispered into her hair. For possibly the tenth time in five minutes, tears gathered in her crystal blue eyes. He forgives me! She wrapped her arms around him in response, letting him know that she wanted to be his family. They pulled away from each other slowly, Michael dropping a kiss on her forehead.

Tess turned to face Liz. While she knew that she would love Michael soon, she already loved Liz. She was so strong and amazing. Everything I’ve ever wanted to be. What Liz thought of her meant a lot to Tess. It still shook her to think how differently she saw the world. A month ago, Liz was an insignificant human who stood between her and her desires. Now, Liz was her hero and her first real friend. Wordlessly, Liz reached out and hugged Tess. Through their connection, Liz felt relief spread over her, leaving her breathless.

“I’m so sorry, Liz. So sorry,” she said, through tears. Liz stroked her sister’s blonde hair and whispered her forgiveness.

The girls pulled apart and started giggling. Michael walked forward and hugged his two sisters. Happiness filled his heart when he realized that he’d been given a family. The small girls in front of him were his only. He realized that he loved them, he’d just found them but he already loved them.


Tess was laughing hysterically. Liz was giggling uncontrollably. Michael was glaring heatedly. They were laughing at him! After their soap opera scene in the front yard, they’d decided to spend the day together, skipping school completely. Max would be worried, but Liz didn’t care at the moment. She was making nice with her new family.

Michael decided that he would cook them some food when Liz complained for the fifteenth time that she was hungry. On his way back to the living room, he tripped over seemingly nothing and landed face first in the food. Eruptions of laughter filled the room as their mood slipped from happy to giddy.

“Ok, girls. It’s not that funny!” But their laughter was contagious. He soon found himself laughing whole-heartedly along with his sisters. He smiled brightly inside. His sisters. He loved the sound of that. The happiness that filled him made him laugh harder.

Once they calmed down, Tess told them about all of the places Nasedo had taken her to. She told them stories about Japan and France. How they’d run from the FBI for three years when she was ten and stayed in every foreign city anyone could think of. Liz told Tess stories about Michael when he was younger. She reveled in how stupid her older, supposed to be wiser, brother was. The afternoon passed quickly, a bond forming between the siblings.

At four-thirty, they walked along the Roswell streets, on their way to the Crashdown for Liz and Michael’s shift. Entering the familiar restaurant, they suddenly felt three pairs of astonished eyes on them. Isabel stormed up to them, Alex and Maria in tow.

“So what, you’re all ok with this now?” She was irate! This bitch had betrayed them all and Michael and Liz were so stupid to forgive her. Tess watched her two older siblings mindlessly step foot in front of her, prepared to fight for her, and was humbled. So this is what makes life worth living.

“Back off Is,” Michael said shortly. He knew Isabel was seeing red but she would get over it.

“You’re taking her side?!” Isabel had been the one to be there for him when he was little. Now he was betraying her too?

“No, there are no sides to be taken, Isabel.” Liz knew that she needed time, Isabel was a rational person. She was a kind person; she was just hurt right now.

“How could you forgive her so easily? She hurt you the most!” Isabel knew where they were coming from, but the pride in her refused to let her back down.

“Because she’s different now. She owned up to it. She is sorry for it. And she didn’t know any better,” Liz said calmly, matter-of-factly. She could feel her emotions rising, wanting to defend her sister. She knew that heated feelings would only make the matters worse. Besides, that’s what Michael was for.

Alex sighed. Liz was right. He’d known last night as well. It takes a big person to admit that you betrayed your friends and be willing to accept any judgements they would pass. Knowing that Isabel might never speak to him again; he forgave her in his heart. She was becoming a good person. If Liz could forgive her, then she must be. With that thought, he stepped around Isabel and between Michael and Liz. He wordlessly reached out and hugged Tess, letting her know that they were ok.

Isabel’s jaw dropped. Maria gasped behind her and she felt slight relief. That left Max and Maria. So she wasn’t alone yet. I totally jinxed that one. Max walked in the front door and saw his group in the middle. Luckily, only Kyle and his dad were their current patrons, otherwise they would all be in trouble. Knowing exactly what the scuffle was about, he knew he had to place his loyalties. While he loved his sister dearly, she could let her emotions sway her judgement. Even though he hated to admit it, Max would side with Liz in any situation. Curse of being married. He hid a smile. He just loved those thoughts.

Max strolled up to the group and placed an arm loosely around Tess, winking at her. The smile that lit her face let him know that his message was received loud and clear. No hard feelings here.

“Now you’re ok with this too Max?” Had the whole world gone mad? Isabel thought that surely she was hallucinating. Yes. That was it. Someone had slipped PCP into her drink and she was hallucinating.

“Isabel. She was wrong and it was horrible. Everyone knows that. But it happened and she’s sorry. So…” he took a deep breath, knowing that this could cause a rift between him and his sister. “I forgive her.”

Tess leaned into him. She’d never felt so light. They knew her secret…and they still forgave her. While Isabel and Maria still didn’t, she had the mass.

Maria, like everyone always did, sighed. They were all right. Tess was obviously sorry, for yesterday when Isabel was clearly going to beat her into a pulp, she hadn’t even moved. She’d been willing to accept any punishment. Maria wasn’t ready to be her friend, but she wasn’t one to carry around a grudge.

She made no move to touch Tess like the others had, she just simply stepped around Isabel and stood next to Liz. Her best friend grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Maria knew that Liz was telling her that just because she found her sister, that didn’t take away from Maria’s sister status.

Isabel stomped out of the restaurant, leaving the six behind. She knew that she was being irrational, but this was just too soon. She couldn’t forgive just yet. She found herself at the Roswell Downtown Park. Kicking a rock that was in her way, she reflected on what she was.

She realized that she could be incredibly selfish. She wanted everything her way. When Max and Michael tried to protect her, she just pushed them away. She’d been given a tremendous gift and she took it for granted every step of her journey so far. She had a family now. A real family. They knew her deepest and darkest secret and they still accepted her. Max, Michael, Liz, Maria, Alex, and yes…Tess too.


She realized that he’d given her a chance for something amazing. He cared about her so much and she never fully realized it. Until now. With a new attitude filling her, she turned and walked, along the way preparing her speech to her family. She would tell Alex that she was ready. She would tell Tess that they were ok. She would hug Max and Michael. She would thank Liz for bringing them all together. She would laugh with Maria because…well…Maria was just cool.

With the sun setting low in the sky, Isabel walked with a bounce in her step. She’d be there in five minutes.


After apologies were had, Isabel joined her friends with a happy heart. She and Alex had a long conversation and decided to take it slow but that they would be together. After making amends with Tess, she’d never felt so happy. As Christina Aguilera played in the background, the six were gathered around Liz’s home entertainment center. While the night was enjoyed incredibly, Tess couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. Or someone. Kyle’s face flashed briefly before her eyes but she quickly shook it off.

As the group calmed down, Michael brought up a highly sensitive subject. “So uh…Liz blew up a radio earlier.” Her eyes widened instantly, having forgotten about it.

“Yeah, she just raised her hand and boom, sent my radio flying,” Tess stated, recalling the conversation.

“Well, I was really upset and it just happened.” Max looked at her with concern in his eyes. He acknowledged that Liz had been carefully avoiding her alien status, concerning herself with only Tess and now Michael.

“I think that we should go out to the pod chamber, again. The others have never seen the Granolith and maybe we will get some more answers,” Max said. When the other five agreed, they found themselves on their way to the desert.

Upon arrival, Michael, Isabel, Alex, and Maria followed Max, Liz, and Tess through the bottom pod and entered the chamber. It hummed quietly as they entered, as though it recognized their essences.

“It so far has only done something when Liz and I were connected. That’s the only thing that has caused a reaction,” Tess explained. “So maybe if the three of us connected, it would react differently.”

Michael and Liz stepped forward, open to the idea. As Isabel and Max stood back with the others, the siblings realized that this would be their first time connecting with the knowledge of their brotherhood. Gently, Michael took Liz’s and Tess’ hands in his own. The three closed their eyes and were soon connected. They felt their energies combine and meet in the middle. Michael had to fight back tears as he realized how much his sisters already cared about him. He felt subconscious Liz comfort him while subconscious Tess hugged him. After a couple of minutes, after getting to know each other through a connection, they realized that no immediate happenings were taking place. They slowly pulled away and broke apart from each other. Forgetting for a minute that there were other people with them, they hugged each other like they had earlier. Liz felt so safe; the only other time she’d felt that comforted was when she was in Max’s arms. Tess felt happier than she ever had, knowing that there were two people who loved her. Michael felt more complete, knowing that he finally had a family.

Max stepped forward, obviously confused while they noticed that Isabel, Alex, and Maria were walking around the chamber strangely. “Do you guys hear that?”

“Hear what?” Liz didn’t hear anything. Tess and Michael shook their heads in the negative.

“I totally found it!” Alex exclaimed while lying with one ear on the floor of the chamber. Isabel rushed over and pushed him aside. Ignoring his rebuttal, she waved her hand over the tile and a glowing one appeared. She pushed her hand into it and the tile was released.

“As soon as you three connected, a beeping sound started. It sounded like the one that went off when Liz and I found the first one. So we’ve been looking for it,” Max explained.

Isabel uncovered a third orb and handed it to Alex, while she pulled out an odd looking book. By this time, the other four were crowding over her. Michael scooped the orb up and inspected it. Tess was next to him and without asking, took it from his hands. “It look the same,” she said.

Michael gave her an annoyed look and swiped the alien device back from her hands. “I had it first, thank you.” She rolled her eyes while she heard Maria laugh.

“Yeah, she’s definitely your sister, Michael.” Maria had originally been jealous of Tess and Liz, but after seeing her almost-boyfriend so happy, she couldn’t help but be elated for him. He deserved a real family. Besides, Tess really had changed. Perhaps it was time that they become friends. That would be nice. Who would of thought? Liz’s voice brought her from her thinking.

“I think we should try something now. There are three orbs and three of us,” she said, pointing to her siblings. “The Granolith seems to react to Tess and me, so maybe if we try it, something else will happen.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, and the three held their respective orbs and focused. Nothing happened. Opening their eyes, they silently agreed to try harder one more time. Still nothing. The Granolith hummed along, as though mocking their efforts. Max had an idea but was hesitant about it.

Liz seemed to sense his turmoil and walked to stand next to him. She placed her hand in his as a sign of support. He drew a deep breath, knowing his hypothesis would hurt Maria and Alex.

“I think that the pairs should each have an orb. Liz and me, Isabel and…and Michael, and Tess on her own. Since Liz and I were king and queen, Isabel and Michael were to be married, and Tess wasn’t with anyone that we know of.” He glanced up at his “sister-in-law” to see her reaction. She smiled at him, showing him that she wasn’t affected.

“I think that’s a good idea,” Liz said. She wanted to back him up, even though she knew that Maria’s feelings were going to be hurt and Alex would probably want to hit Michael. They gathered around their orbs and concentrated on each other and their mission. Nothing happened. They reached for each other a little harder, wanting this to work.

Michael was the first to give up as he huffed in frustration. Nothing was happening. Although it felt like…well, he couldn’t quite put his finger on what it felt like. Maria and Alex noticeably relaxed when a successful attempt wasn’t achieved.

“Maybe there is someone missing from your circle,” Alex offered. “There is obviously a missing pod,” he said pointing to Liz. “So maybe there was someone else with her?” He was really just pulling things out of the air, but it did sort of make sense…right?

“It does feels like something is missing,” Tess stated simply. “It’s like the energy is there, it’s just lacking that one thing. It can’t quite reach high enough.”

Isabel walked away from Michael in pursuit of the book they found, hoping some answers would be in there. She shrieked when she stumbled across a page with six pictures on it. She dropped the book inadvertently, shock overcoming her emotions.

Tess walked over to pick it up where she left it. She flipped to the page that Isabel had seen and repeated her actions, almost exactly. Her eyes widened and she simply stared before dropping it from her hands as well.

Alex was amused. They looked so silly dropping that book. He walked over, prepared to be the first to hand it to someone. Once he arrived on the same page, he felt his eyes grow wide with shock. He didn’t drop the book, he just sort of stared at it. But being Alex, he had to quip something. “Oh…ok…that’s why.”

Liz rolled her eyes and walked over. “Oh just let me see it.” Instantly, her scientific mind went into overdrive as she thought over all of her years of knowing this person. She realized that she’d always been drawn to him, as though she knew him but never thought anything of it. Looking up from the book, she walked over to Maria.

“Hey, Mare…um…do you remember telling me in the eighth grade that you’ve always thought that Kyle was weird?”

She nodded.

“Well…you were right.”

Max grabbed the book from her hands. He had to see for himself. Sure enough, the face of Kyle Valenti stared back at him from a book from his home planet.

What the hell?


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Location: San Antonio, TX. Home of the NBA World Champs of 2005!

Post by Beautiful86 »

Hey guys! Again...thanks so much for your feedback.

Ok a few quick disclaimers: 1) the chapter has things that closely resemble Destiny. No credit. I also used a thing or two from Julius Ceasar by Shakespeare, no credit. I also used something from Aladdin. No credit!!!

Ok on with the show....

and remember....I LIVE FOR FEEDBACK!!!


Chapter Seven

They walked through the hallway, laughing and talking. Tess had never had so much fun in her life. He really was a great person to be around. He was funny, really funny. What touched her the most is that he completely accepted her, with no if, ands, or buts. She realized while he made her laugh uncontrollably that she did recognize him, as though it was something deep inside of her that knew him. Perhaps even loved him.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

Tess blinked and felt her face grow red. He’d caught her staring at him. She had been staring at him? She blinked again, remembering the sole purpose of this conversation.

“Um, what are you doing today?” Three nights ago in the desert, she, Liz, and Max came up with a scheme to…trick him? Trick was too harsh a word. Manipulate? Even worse. Well, they just came up with a scheme.

“Well, nothing today. Football practice was cancelled because it has been lightning.” He found himself gazing at her while her eyes turned towards the window. After sitting across from each other in the library, he had a perfect view of her face. She was beautiful. From her soft blonde curls to the manicured tips of her fingers. She turned back to smile at him and suddenly, she was moving in slow motion. The smile that spread across her face made his heart skip. The twinkle in her amazingly blue eyes made his breath catch in his throat. His Tess was truly beautiful.

What the hell?

His Tess? Kyle absentmindedly shook his head in the negative, as though shaking away all of those ridiculous thoughts. They were ridiculous after all. She was obsessed with Max Evans. Getting him was all she cared about. Anger boiled in his center as he refused to be jealous. Why was he so wonderful? First Liz and now Tess.

“So that’s when Nasedo and I got married and had twelve kids. It’s really amazing, alien sex. Oh and it’s really big too.” Kyle blinked as he heard her for the first time. He must have missed something important.

“Sorry, what did you say?” Surely, he had heard her wrong. Concern flashed briefly in her eyes. His heart melted. She was so amazing. She was so beau…his thoughts stopped immediately. When had he become such a sap? He saw amusement fill her features and realized that she had just been getting his attention.

“I asked if you would do me a favor?” When Kyle had gotten all “lost” on her, she couldn’t help but feel elated. Was he thinking of her? Did he recognize her too?

“Sure, Tess. Anything.”

“Ok, so a lot of stuff has happened in the last few days. Like Liz and Michael are my sister and brother, Liz is a queen, and stuff like that.” At his raised eyebrows and totally confused face, she smirked. “I’ll explain later. Anyway, yesterday we connected with a communicator that we found. Again…later. Anyway, it didn’t work because we think that we need a male and a female essence for it to. And I didn’t feel comfortable asking Alex, so would you help us? I mean, just once and then we’ll leave you alone.”

Too confused to object, Kyle found himself obliging her request. Liz? An alien? And Tess’ sister? Too confused. Too confused.


“Ok Kyle. You just have to look at me. I’m going to form a connection so that this will work. Once you feel me in your head then just concentrate on the orb. I guess you could…just keep picturing light coming out of right here,” Tess said, pointing to the symbol in the center of the orb.

Kyle couldn’t believe he was sucked into this. How dearly Tess owed him. Big freaking time! Nevertheless, he nodded in agreement.

“Ok, are we all ready?” Max asked. When no one objected, Maria and Alex took a few steps back. Alex noticed quickly that they were, unknowingly, in the formation of a circle to one another.

Max and Liz connected easily, their minds quickly joining as one. In their fantasy world, where they journeyed off to, they knelt before a fire. Liz leaned into Max’s strong embrace while he nestled into her. Closing their eyes, they easily leaned onto each other and focused on what Tess had said. Let there be light!

Isabel and Michael connected just as easily, having done it so many times as children. Their peaceful place was much different from Max and Liz’s. They met on a playground and sat on adjacent swings. They clasped their hands together and focused as well.

Since it was the first time connecting to Kyle, Tess led him to her favorite place. It was a peaceful beach where the sun was setting and the tide was falling. She felt him hesitate modestly and reach for her hand. Without words, they walked along the shoreline until they reached her cove. She smiled at him for reassurance.

“This feels so familiar, Tess. Almost too familiar.” Tess smiled back at him. She’d been coming here in her mind since she could remember. It made her frighteningly happy to share it with Kyle now.

“Like you have been here before?” Suddenly, the thought flew into her head and wouldn’t leave her. Perhaps this is why it is so peaceful here. Did she and Kyle share this same spot in their former lives? Were they in love? Luckily, Kyle had been so enthralled in his déjà vu that he hadn’t noticed her thoughts.

“I have been here before. I know I have.” She placed her index finger over his lips to silence him.

“Shh, concentrate now,” she whispered. They stood there, looking into each other’s eyes dreamily as she felt their energies combine. The familiarity of the sensation shocked them both, achieving a cry of surprise from Tess.

Six eyes shot open as the same beeping sound went off and a hologram appeared. There was pain in seven hearts, as they remembered a day that resembled this one. Each longing for his or her own reason.

A man appeared, dressed formally. He looked as though he were a soldier, the top soldier. He opened his mouth and his next words shocked the eight teenagers beyond a reasonable belief.

“If you are seeing me now, it means you have pieced the puzzle together. We wanted you to find each other in this life so that perhaps the mistakes your predecessors made will be amended. I would like to take this time to clear up all questions in regards to your identity. To start, Zan was the beloved king of our people. We have sent his bride, the lovely and equally respected Drisana. Her young sister, Avathana, and announced heir to the throne. Zan’s sister and formal advisor, Vilandra, in hopes that amends will be made. Her betrothed Rathermo, Zan’s second in command, and older brother of Drisana and Avathana. And the young warrior, Daniello, who fell in love with Ava and died for Zan. We have also sent a book that tells your story. If you connect and feed it to the Granolith in the indicated place, it will be translated to Earth language. We send these things in hopes that you will come back and free us from Khivar’s tyranny. Please take care of one another. You six and you six alone hold the answer for our system’s Golden Age. We await your return. With due respect, your highnesses.” He kneeled before the six teenagers and bowed his head, before flickering and eventually fading.

Kyle was, of course, the first to speak up. “I guess you guys have to go find that Daniello guy now huh?” And then seven worried eyes flew to him.

“What?” Maria, never one for small talk, grabbed the book from its corner and walked over to Kyle. She opened it to its designated page and showed it to him. He took it from her, curious as to her reaction. He blinked several times, trying to convince himself that he was hallucinating. The same perpetrator that slipped Isabel some PCP had dropped some in his chili dog earlier because he was seeing his own face stare back at him. Ok…Kyle was in an alien book from Max Evan’s home planet. Right. Hallucinations.

Alex walked over to Isabel and poked her with his elbow. “I found Daniello! What did I win?” he asked while pointing to Kyle. Suddenly, the room was spinning and his head was really light. Kyle heard Tess call his name before he fell into darkness.

She was at his side immediately. Carefully, Tess cradled his head in her lap. This had to be hard on him. Liz hadn’t quite dealt with it yet and she was sure that her sister was the strongest of the group. So if she was afraid, how would he react? The other four had grown up knowing that they were different. These two just got early Christmas presents. Sarcastic thoughts would not help now. She dutifully pushed them away as she looked up to see Max and Liz hard at work trying to find the “designated place.” Ever the scientists.

“It’s over here, Max!” He rushed to her side immediately, with the book in hand. The Granolith accepted it eagerly, closing the hatch once it encompassed the whole thing. And then the most peculiar thing happened.


Nothing at all. If you connect and feed it… Liz knew that she and her sister had to connect in order for it to be a success. They were somehow linked to the inverted cone. Tess, sensing her thoughts, gently laid Kyle’s head down and crouched next to Liz.

“Ready?” Liz grabbed her hand and the connection was made. Visiting their connected place for the first time, Liz realized that they were in a tree house. We are so weird. She heard her sister laugh next to her. Yeah but weird in a good way.

Max’s gasp brought them back to reality as their eyes turned towards the center of the room. The Granolith was swirling with symbols and letters. It was flashing the most brilliant colors the group had ever seen. Alex laughed out loud when it was done. The Granolith made a “ding” like a kitchen timer. So much for sophisticated science huh?

Michael was the first to grab for the translation, before Liz snatched it away. He’d only gotten to the title. The Royal Circle.

Kyle groaned. He woke up to Tess’ face and felt warm inside. If he was an alien, at least he’d get closer to her.

“You’re just in time for story hour!” Alex exclaimed, receiving a slap on the head from Maria. Kyle sat up straighter now. If this would explain his current cloud of confusion then he was all for it.

Max sat Indian style next to Liz and opened the translation. His hands were shaking. This was it. The answers to all of their questions. Well hopefully. Liz leaned into him and he noticed everyone getting a little more comfortable. This wasn’t a good place for that. But he knew that no one, not even Liz, would have patience enough to wait for any other place. So he began his tale…

“Some of the things in this story are hard to hear. Some of them will make you wonder about your place or your heart. Just remember, my royalty, that you are not them anymore. You have been given a second chance.” Max took a deep breath and focused on reading the story.

“It all started when a boy loved a girl. His name was Zan and he was to be king of a mighty world. Her name was Drisana and she was an orphan. They met at a summer market after Zan ran away from the palace. He was instantly taken with her. They began to converse by letter secretly until Drisana’s seventeenth birthday. From now on, we will call her Ana, as that is what our queen was referred to as. When Zan proposed to her, Ana and her sister Avathana, or Ava, moved into the palace. They were then reunited with their older brother, Rathermo, or Rath. He had been taken at fifteen to train for the command of Antar’s army. The wedding arrangements were quickly made and the four of them became inseparable. Zan’s sister and advisor once king, Vilandra, was not happy at all with the marriage. She grew more jealous and resentful by the day, feeling as though Ana was stealing her brother.

“Uprisings were beginning on Ouryia, our sister planet. A man named Khivar, with the goal of Zan never becoming king, led the resistance. They thought him too emotional and immature. When the crowning ceremony commenced, Ava and Ana were officially inducted into the royal family. Unbeknownst to the crown, Vilandra had been conversing with Khivar and fallen madly in love with him. She began to work inside for him, sending him as much information as she could. Vilandra was a wonderful woman, yet no one can understand why she would betray her family. She and Zan had stopped getting along since he found out that she hated his wife. Perhaps that is why.

“Any how, Vilandra developed a scheme that would be the downfall of the House of Antar. Khivar’s second in command, Daniello, would pose as a prince from Euterio, a neighbor planet. Since Euterio and Ouryia were allied, they had no objections. Daniello would be sent as a suitor for young Ava who would need to wed soon. There were many suitors after her, both because of her access to power being sistered with the queen and being as beautiful as she was. However, the plan backfired and Daniello soon found himself very much in love with the young princess. He soon proposed to her. He realized however, that he could no longer lie to her or the House that she loved. Daniello requested an audience with the Royal Circle: Princess Vilandra, Prince Rathermo, Princess Avathana, Queen Drisana, and King Zan. In front of Vilandra, he sold her out, betraying their covenant.

“Vilandra soon escaped confinement and fled the planet. She brought to Ouryia and Khivar all of the secrets that the House of Antar had. And the revolution began. With their new information, Ouryia and Euterio quickly convinced the other two planets in our system that Zan was reckless and didn’t deserve to be king of the planet considered the capitol. Aryiedu and Querto quickly allied with them and brought hell down upon the House of Antar. Rathermo had trained his army well, and they fought valiantly for the honor of their beloved Circle. When Vilandra’s betrayal spread throughout the system, the revolution against Zan grew stronger. For everyone thought that if his own sister did not love him, what sort of man must he be?” Max trailed off, unable to read much farther. The tears springing in his eyes were against his will as he fought hard to keep them from Isabel’s line of sight. This would be hard enough on her.

Maria stood and walked over to where he sat. Liz was clutching at him and he was holding her just as tight. Isabel had tears streaming down her face while Michael, Kyle, and Alex listened with intense interest. Tess was looking down, almost certain that she couldn’t handle the tale of their deaths.

Maria took a deep breath and picked up where Max left off.

“As the rebellion grew, Rath’s army dwindled. Zan and Ana, who had been trying to negotiate peace, were forced into hiding when the Second was captured. Daniello, who had come to love Zan and the Circle in his own, sneaked out of their safe haven to rescue Rath. He, unknowingly, gave away their location by this act. When he reached the enemy’s camp, it had been cleared and Rath was to be presumed dead. He dreaded the moment when he would have to tell his young bride, as he and Ava were married in their secret quarters, that her brother was dead. He didn’t want to let down his new queen either. Daniello never made it back to what was left of the Circle. He was ambushed three miles away and legend has it that he fought with mighty strength, that he fought for Ava. A story was spread quickly throughout the rebels that his last words were her name whispered. The remains of the Royal Guard and the Circle quickly fled into the night when news of their casualties was reported. King Zan had to carry Princess Ava, as her grief stricken heart would not allow her to move.

“Five days later, a leak from inside gave way to their final hour. Zan led his army away from his queen’s location. Knowing that he would die for her, she sneaked behind, prepared to use any means necessary to save him. She was captured and was forced to watch her husband murdered. No one is sure how, but she escaped from their control and fled with her sister. They ran down the Famusito Hall, where Queen Ana had been married to King Zan, trying to reach freedom. It turned out to be a futile effort, as Vilandra predicted this. They were ambushed as well. Men surrounded both women as Vilandra herself murdered Queen Ana. Legend says that Ana fought hard against her captors until she saw that it was her sister-in-law who was going to finish her. Ana collapsed, unwilling to fight someone she loved.

“Ava’s captors realized what they had just done and released Ava momentarily. She flew to her sister’s side and cried with unbelievable anguish as she held her dead. Vilandra snapped her fingers and the men quickly surrounded her again. Just before her death, Rath surprised everyone and came rumbling in. He fought hard for his sister, knowing that she was all he had. His weakened status, however, forced him down. They say that he cried while dying, knowing he’d lost Ana and would leave Ava there alone. Ava put forth no fight against her attackers, having nothing left to fight for. Once the scene was finished, the bodies were collected and taken to the garden of the palace. Vilandra stood at Khivar’s right hand, tears in her eyes, as he showed the people their remains. And it is recorded that he then looked at Vilandra and thanked her. He told her that she was no longer needed, and plunged the same dagger into her that she’d used to murder her queen.

“Vilandra was filled with horror as she realized what she’d betrayed and why she’d done it. Her last words were that of remorse and apology. What was left of the Triad, Zan’s secret cabinet, discovered what Ava and Ana had been working on. They had invented a device that could clone and contain massive amounts of energy. They called it the Granolith. They had engineered it so that in order to operate both girls must be alive, well, and connected. Their purpose for this invention was a contingency should the Circle fall.

“Thus brings us to where we are right now. As you read this, our planet’s system is enslaved in Khivar’s tyrannical ways. The Revolution was a mistake in all parts, and all citizens realize it now. We have successfully cloned every member of the Royal Circle, including Vilandra and Daniello. There were debates on whether or not to send Ava’s groom but he fought hard and well for his king. It was decided that he deserved a second chance as well. We prepared three different ships, with random pairings. There were six clones, two to a ship. Originally, the heirs would be paired. The King and Queen, Vilandra and Rath, and Ava and Daniello. After Vilandra’s betrayal, Ava was announced and declared the official heir to the kingdom. However, with the delicate state of our society, we randomly paired them up. Zan and Vilandra, Ava and Rath, and Ana and Daniello. We await your return each day and hope that you find each other. Come and help us, as we believe in the power of the Royal Circle.”

Maria closed the translation and looked around. Wow. That was quite a tale!

Not a lot happened here because I had to explain their back story. Ok...well....

reply to me~ pwetty pwease?



AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by Beautiful86 »

Hey guys! Well...this is it. This is the last chapter! haha...don't worry there is a sequel coming out. But as for Echo...the echoing is all done. I really hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I did. Ask my sister or Jenn, I loved to write it. The feedback that I recieved was awesome as well.

I want to personally thank you all so much. It means so much to me. Well without further ado...

ps-I took a line from Star Wars. No infringement! :D

On with the show-

Chapter Eight

Kyle sat alone at the lunch table, quietly reflecting on how his life had changed. Six months ago, he’d found out that not only was he an alien and very high in the ranks, but he was married to Tess.


They’d become so close over the last few months. He was positive that he was madly in love with her, and she him. They were happy. They all were. Since the revelations, Liz and Kyle had been taken under Max’s wing. The pod people taught them all about their powers and how to use them. It had taken Liz a while to adjust, but with the help of her seven friends, she’d made it through. The group of aliens had become his family. Kyle quickly learned why Daniello had grown to love the Royal Circle. Once you gave them a chance, they were strong and wise. The power of the group was astounding, standing firm together. The character of the group was astonishing, all for one and one for all being their slogan of sorts.

His favorite queen sat across from him and smiled. He’d grown to love each and every one of them, even Max whom he once declared his nemesis. Liz was the strongest out of the eight of them. She’d changed both Tess and Michael with her mere heart. Now, Michael was one of the most pleasant people to be around. He wasn’t quite a softy, but a definite cry from Stonewall Guerin.

“What’s up, Kyle?” Liz hadn’t missed the thoughtful look in Kyle’s eyes. He was thinking about how different their lives were. She thought about it often as well. Once they discovered who they were, each had problems to work through. Isabel was rotten with guilt for at least two months, until the group met and as said group told Isabel that even if she was Vilandra, her sins were forgiven. Max had, of course, been the initiator in the meeting.


They were happier than she ever thought they could be. Her husband was the kindest most gentle half person to ever walk the face of this planet or any other. Just last month, at Christmas he had taken her to Florida with her parents’ permission. Liz had never been to Walt Disney World and they’d gone for a week. It was the best time of her life. She’d had Max all to herself for a week. Before she left, her parents made sure to lecture her for an hour and a half about STDs and getting pregnant.

Max and Liz hadn’t had sex. Oh, she’d wanted to. But they just weren’t ready to take that step yet. They were very much in love but they wanted their first time to be incredible. From what Tess said, it would be no matter what. See, she and Kyle did the deed about two months ago. Liz still blushed when she remembered Tess waking her up at 7am and gushing about how amazing it felt.

Speak of the devil, Tess sat down next to her sister with a nudge. “You okay?”

Liz smiled reassuringly at her sister and then rolled her eyes when Tess and Kyle got lost in each other. God help us if that’s what Max and I look like! Liz giggled softly as their “googly eyes,” as Alex called it, continued. It wasn’t until she cleared her throat that either remembered her presence.

“Hey gnat. What are you doing?”

Liz smiled at Tess’ oh so affectionate pet name for her. “Nothing, mule. What are you doing?” Tess smiled right back. About four months ago, they had established their nicknames for their respective sibling. Tess was a mule, Liz was a gnat, and Michael was Ugly.

Before Tess could snap back, Max’s arms encircled Liz and she forgot everyone else in the room. She leaned into his embrace as he whispered his greeting. She briefly wondered when her life had become a fairy tale. With alien kings and queens, and royalty and true love and ever after.

While holding his wife, Max briefly wondered the same thing. What a wonderful day that turned out to be. The day that his wife was shot. He chuckled softly at that thought. Such a terrifying event had started the spiral of events that would lead to revelations like no others. Liz was his wife, his soulmate, his destiny. Her sister, Tess, had become one of his best friends. Her brother, Michael, his second in command, had changed entirely in demeanor. Miracles never ceased.

He hugged his wife and kissed her cheek. “Hey beautiful. How has your day been?” She smirked back at him, telling him that she’d gotten an A on her exam.

“Fine, and yours?” Her heart skipped a beat when he leaned into her ear.

“It just got better.” The smile that encompassed her entire face made his heart swim with love. His life couldn’t get any better.

Too soon.

Alex plopped down next to him and grunted with frustration. “Your sister is so difficult!” He huffed and pouted. Max smiled at him. He has no idea!

Isabel came walking in shortly after Alex and sent a glare his way. She plopped down next to Tess and refused to look at her boyfriend. Kyle laughed at his friends. They were so funny sometimes.

Tess’ attention was averted away from the group, as Michael and Maria sat down. Her blue eyes met with a set of curious ones across the cafeteria. That boy. She’d seen that boy before. Where? Where? Where? Tess searched her mind for the answer, knowing that it was lying in wait somewhere.


He was the little boy she’d seen while running all those months ago. Their eyes locked for the briefest of minutes before he flipped his cell phone open and walked out of the quad. What was he doing here? Was he watching them?

Kyle’s hand on her leg brought her out of her reverie. “You ok?” She smiled and leaned into him, trying desperately to shake the feeling. It wasn’t anything to worry everyone about. It was her imagination.



“So how is Isabel going to distract him?” Maria was too excited for words. She and Tess had been planning a surprise birthday party for Alex for a month now, and so far everything was going according to plan.

“How do you think, Maria?” She cocked an eyebrow at her friend. She saw realization enter her eyes and smiled. She could be so oblivious sometimes. It wasn’t that Isabel went public about her sex life with Alex, it was just that…well…it was painfully obvious. The morning after glows, the sudden disappearances. If anyone knew the signs, it was Tess.

“So I got the Hives to play here that night. He’ll be so psyched, he won’t even know what hit him.” Maria smiled in triumph. She really was a best friend. The Hives had not been easy to get. If it wasn’t for her mother’s college roommate’s brother’s best friend’s connections, she would be lost.

“It’ll be great, Mare. A night to remember.” Little did either girl know just how memorable Alex’s birthday would be.

Liz walked in and immediately burst into laughter. Tess on sitting on the floor, covered in tinsel and wrapping paper. The girl obviously hadn’t had much practice wrapping gifts before. So why did Maria assign her to do the task? She mentally shrugged. Sometimes, her best friend was the hardest person to figure out, even for Liz. She walked over and squatted next to her. “Little sister, dear. Are you having some problems?”

Tess rolled her eyes. “Gee, Liz, what gave it away?” She pushed her sister away as an act of independence and said, “I. Can. Do. It. Myself.” When she tore the wrapping paper again, she huffed. Screw it to hell! She waved her hand over the gifts. Tess and Liz watched as they suddenly wrap themselves, and Tess smiled, finally satisfied.

“I told you!”

Liz laughed again. “That so does not count. You totally cheated!” Tess stuck her tongue out and Maria erupted into giggles. It was amazing to watch those two interact with each other. Who would believe that they once considered each other an immense threat to their happiness? Not me, not in a million years.

Michael and Isabel walked into the Crashdown next. Michael walked in a bee-line for Maria while Isabel sat down next to Tess and Liz. “What have you got for me ladies?” The girls looked at each other and at Isabel. Tess, unbeknownst to Isabel, had slipped Liz some silly string while the other girl and their brother walked in. Without warning, devilish smiles spread across their faces as they looked innocently into Isabel’s eyes. Shooting to their feet, they instantly covered the taller girl in stringed puddy, making her shriek in response.

Michael and Maria almost doubled over in laughter at the sight. He wrapped his arm more tightly around his girlfriend and planted a kiss on her crown. No where else would do.


Alex wrapped his arms more tightly around Isabel. “Thank you,” he whispered into her ears. “You’re the most amazing girlfriend.” She leaned into him for support. God how she loved his arms.

“Well, I know that I’m incredible but I can’t take such credit. Tess and Maria planned this whole thing.” Alex pulled away to look at Tess in surprise. He’d known that Maria loved him, but out of the eight, he and Tess were the least close. Maybe she cared about him more than he thought.

As if sensing his thoughts, Tess walked away from Michael and Max to him. She gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. He gave her his best goofy smile which in turn made her laugh. “Happy Birthday Alex!”

He kissed her forehead and replied wholeheartedly, “thank you, Tess.” She caught his double meaning and smiled even wider.

“Well, got to go and mingle!” She spun on her heels, preparing to mingle with her boyfriend when the breath caught in her throat. He was here. He was here. Must find Max. Easy enough. He was laughing with Liz over by the bar. Her sister had sensed Tess’ turmoil and was looking concerned in her direction. She motioned towards the boy at the door just in time for him to walk over to where Max and Liz stood ready. He smiled at their position. Max stood slightly in front of Liz, as though ready to protect her at a moment’s notice. He bowed his head slightly. “Your majesty.”

Max’s eyes widened instantly. Shit. Shit. Shit. Think Max, think! He instinctively looked at Liz for his answers and she motioned towards the back. She knew that Tess and Michael would follow, which meant that the rest would come in tow.

Once safely behind the closed door, Max stepped forward, sliding easily into his leadership role. “Who are you?”

The young boy smiled. “My name is Magnolu, sir. I have come to take you home, your majesty.” He knew that they would find his salutations of respect uneasy, but he couldn’t help it. It was protocol to always address royalty with the utmost respect.

“What?” came the response from Kyle.

“Perhaps my story would be better told from another perspective, Prince Daniello.” Kyle shut up after that. “I have been sent here by your mother, majesty,” he explained, referring to Max. “The Dowager Queen has made contacts with her personnel located here, and they have informed her that you are now ready.” He could feel their turmoil in the placement of trust. “Perhaps, that I may show you I do not lie, your majesty.”

Magnolu stepped forward and held out his arm. A symbol found out of their book was tattooed onto the forearm. “It is the seal that only the Royal Guard carry. It means that I must protect you from anything, with my life if need be. If you listen to your instincts, they will not lead you awry.”

A unanimous vote had been silently cast among the aliens of the eight. The verdict, to trust Magnolu.

“Now that we are all at a decision, perhaps you would let me explain my position here with you. I am here so that you may learn quickly of the society Antarians live in today. I have with me a ship that will carry you back to the planet which we serve. Our scheduled departure is in ten days. I trust that you will be ready by then. I know that you have many questions and we are prepared to answer them all. So…the floor is now open.” As he suspected, all eight teenagers began to talk at once. He smiled slightly at the royalty before him. He’d had to wait six unbelievable months before he could finally even converse with his beloved Circle. Now, he knew undoubtedly that it had been worth the wait.

As each settled down, Kyle asked the first question. “Why are Liz and I human?”

Magnolu smiled at his young prince. So obviously searching for his rightful place, as was his predecessor. Magnolu instantly fought tears back at the thought of Daniello. “As you know, we sent three ships to Earth. As you also know, one of them crashed. That one happened to be the one containing you and my queen. Your incubation pods were damaged so, that we had to maintain them until they eventually died. Yours died thirty years after the crash, you were still a fetus. So one of my crew placed you inside Sarah Valenti’s womb after much, much consideration. Queen Drisana’s failed thirty-three years after we landed, leaving her to be three years of age. She was put up for adoption and later found by the Parkers. Since you came out so young, you were not able to develop your alien side.”

“Why were the four of us together?” Max asked, pointing to Michael, Isabel, and Tess.

“You were originally all placed together. But when the two others gave way, we wanted no confusion. Therefore we left you four in the same unit, in hopes that you would come out together and four of the six would already be assembled.”

“Why did they leave together while I was left behind?” Tess had always been curious as to why her pod was a tad slower.

“It has to do with the amount of energy and power you were to be bestowed with. See, Princess Avathana, you had to be encoded with the powers of the Granolith. You more than likely exceeded your pod within 48 hours of the others.”

“So then if our protector knew all of this, why did he lead me astray for ten years?”

“Your real protectors were murdered by Nasedo. He was a spy sent to Earth by our current tyrant, Khivar. His mission was to destroy the Circle before it even was formed.”

“So then why did he lead her here?” This came from Maria, who had been dying to talk since the start.

“That was also part of his plan. Once he was able to mindwash my Princess, he was to destroy the Circle completely, implanting mistrust and deceit.” Magnolu remembered when they’d gotten news of the happenings on Earth. It had taken an order from the Dowager herself for him not to come and rescue his beloved at once.

“If there is nothing else, your majesties, we will meet again in two days at the Downtown Park. I suspect that you will need time to adjust to our leaving and to say your respectful good-byes.” It pained him to see the hurt that crossed his Circle’s faces as they realized that it would only be the actual six leaving.

Max was instantly confused when Magnolu continued to stand straight, looking awkward. “Is there something else, Magnolu?”

“No,” he replied. How would he say this without embarrassment? “It’s just that…you have to dismiss me before I can leave.” He looked down, sheepishly.

“Oh,” Liz responded before Max could. She looked at him to find him completely uncomfortable. She stepped up as his queen, when he was obviously too weirded out. “You’re dismissed, Magnolu.” Yeah, that was kinda weird.

He smiled at her and backed out of the room, never turning his back to the Circle, as was also tradition. Once the door was shut, an eerie silence filled the room. Steve Madison burst through the doors, laughing and staggering.

“Dude, Alex…are you gonna enjoy your own party or what?” He let the door shut as he walked back out and Alex grimaced. Yeah, what fun!

Ten days later, Max, Liz, Michael, Isabel, Tess, and Kyle boarded a ship that was going to take them to a galaxy far, far away. They were terrified, each for his or her own reason. What would happen to them once they arrived? And would they be ready for their plans?

As Earth disappeared, Liz found only one thought repeating over and over in her head.

The best laid plans of mice and men are laid to waste by fate...



AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>