Game Of Love - (M/L Mi/L ADULT AA) COMPLETE; Pg 13, 12/1/06

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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hi everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I'm back with a new part for you. I wanted to also let you know that I am now behind in writing this, I only got it back from my wonderful beta tonight so i could post. What does this mean you ask? Well it means that you might not get parts every Tuesday, you'll get them as i write them, that could mean once a week or maybe more, right now i don't know. I'm not really writing much at the moment. I start something and i don't really stick with it. I need to find my muse again.

Anyway, thanks for your feedback. I hope you like this part


Part 20

“You’re nervous aren’t you?” Max asked Liz.

They were in his jeep on the way to Albuquerque where Liz would meet Max’s parents and his sister Isabel. Liz knew from the way that Max talked that he was close to his family. They had treated him as their own, and accepted his alien origins without question. He was especially close to Isabel but had warned Liz that she wasn’t easy to win over.

Max didn’t think Liz would have a problem though. Isabel knew who Liz was to him in their past life, as well as who she was to him now. His soul mate.

“Yeah. I know how much your family mean to you,” Liz turned to look at Max. “What happens if they don’t like me?” she bit her bottom lip nervously.

Max chuckled at her. “Baby, that’s impossible,” he assured her. “They’ll love you because I love you, and besides what’s not to love?”

“I love you too,” Liz smiled back.

Liz settled back in her seat, a little reassured by Max’s words, and let her eyes close.

Eliza paced nervously as she waited for Zan. It had been a mere three months since his father had suddenly passed and Zan had been coronated. But tonight she was anxious to see him, so that she could share the wonderful news with him.

Ten minutes later, a tired Zan entered their bedroom.

“You’re home,” Eliza grinned.

Zan smiled at his wife, he sometimes wondered where she found all her energy. He hated that he had hardly seen her in the past months but with his father’s death, his coronation, and picking up his fathers duties as King of a planet, and head of the Council.

Zan pulled her into his arms swiftly. “Oh, it’s so good to see you my love,” he sighed.

“You look tired,” Eliza frowned when she pulled back and noticed the bags under his eyes.

Zan smiled weakly. “I am tired but never too tired to spend the night with my beautiful wife. Let me take you to dinner?”

“Actually I already arranged for us to have dinner in here tonight,” Eliza grinned.


“Yes, I had some wonderful news to share with you actually,” she told him.

Zan sat down in the loveseat near their bed and pulled Eliza onto his lap.

“Tell me everything.”

Eliza shook her head. “No not yet. First I want you to go and have a nice relaxing shower and by then dinner should be here,” she said.

“Ok,” Zan complied.

Whilst Zan was in the shower Eliza put on the sexy lingerie she had purchased and then wrapped the light pink silk robe that Zan had bought her over the top of it.

“Is there a dress code for dinner?” Zan called out.

“Yes,” she called back. “Nothing.”

Zan emerged a few minutes later with just a towel around his waist and smirked at his wife. He looked at her small robe covering her body and his mouth watered as he imagined how little she was wearing underneath it.

“Do we really have to wait for dinner?” he asked.

Eliza blushed as she felt the heat of his stare all over her body, she giggled, “Yes,” and at the same time there was a knock on the door, and she opened it to let the servant wheel in their meal.

“This look wonderful,” Zan told her as they ate out on their balcony, which overlooked the palace gardens.

After his fathers death his mother had offered to move out of the master suite but Eliza and Zan were both happy with their room, and Eliza loved her garden view.

“Thank you, I wanted you to have all your favourites.”

Zan smiled and caressed her hand across the table. He loved how well Eliza knew him.

They talked about things happening in their lives while they ate dinner, once they were done Eliza took Zan’s hand and led him over to the edge of the balcony. Eliza was unable to hide her smile as she thought about Zan’s reaction to her news.

“What did you want to tell me love?” he asked.

“I went to the Doctor this morning,” she informed him with a grin. “I haven’t been feeling so well and I decided to get it checked out.”

Zan frowned, he didn’t know she had been unwell and wondered how he had missed it. He knew right then he needed to make some changes or he would never get to see his wife, and his future family.

“He told me that we’re pregnant,” she whispered then.

“Wha…” Zan gasped.

Eliza took Zan's hand and led it to her abdomen. “We’re having a baby Zan,” she cried.

“Liz we’re here,” Max whispered.

Liz woke slight confused to where she was but when she met Max’s heated stare she smiled.

“We were having a baby,” she whispered.

“What?” Max asked confused.

“On Antar,” she clarified. “I was pregnant.”

“Oh Liz,” Max sighed.

“Do you think that means that somewhere up there we have a son or a daughter?” she asked.

Max frowned as he thought about her question. It had been over 50 years since they had been sent to earth and they had no idea how many years they had been married and happy before their death.

“I don’t know sweetie. I guess its possible,” he told her as he reached over and ran a hand through Liz’s hair.

Liz nodded understanding what he meant. If their child had survived then they were most likely on Antar.

“Liz, I’m sure if we have a child out there somewhere they’re fine,” he smiled. “Zan and Eliza would have made sure of that,” he added.

“You’re right,” she smiled.

“Are we there?” Liz asked when she realised they had stopped.

“Yeah,” he smiled.

Liz sat up and realised for the first time they were out the front of a beautiful two-story house. It was fairly big but not overly extravagant she thought.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

Liz smiled and took Max’s hand. “Ready, as I’ll ever be,” she smiled.


“Hey,” Michael greeted as he walked into the backroom and saw Maria reading a magazine.

Maria looked up and smiled slightly. “Hey,” she replied before turning back to the magazine.

To both Maria and Liz’s surprised Michael had taken Liz’s advice and given Maria space over the past month. It had been a good thing for both of them. Maria was talking to him again and Michael had taken the opportunity to get his feelings for Liz and Maria in order.

He wasn’t ready to say he was completely over Liz but at least he able to accept the fact that they were over and it was helping him see Maria in a completely new light. It probably helped that he was finding the way she completely ignored him, very attractive.

“I thought Liz was on tonight?” he said when he noticed that she was in her uniform.

“Sorry to disappoint you,” she replied without looking up.

Michael sighed. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he said.

Maria looked up and was surprised to find he was serious. “She went with Max to Albuquerque to meet his folks,” she informed him. Maria watched for any type of reaction from Michael about the news. It meant that Liz and Max were getting more serious, even Michael would realise that.

Michael nodded. “Cool,” he turned back to his locker and pulled out his work uniform. Michael completely ignored the fact that Maria was sitting there and ripped his Metallica shirt off in front of her before pulling his Crash shirt over his head.

Maria shifted in her seat as she stared at his body. He looked good.

Michael smirked when he turned around and noticed that Maria was staring at him. She quickly diverted her eyes when he turned back around but he had caught her and it surprised him by how it made him feel inside.

“I’ll see you out there,” he winked at her as he walked past and into the bar.

Maria threw her magazine down as soon as he was gone. She had been reading the same line over and over again since he had entered. “It’s going to be a long night,” she sighed.


“Mum, Dad I want you to meet my girlfriend, Liz Parker,” Max introduced.

Liz had been in awe at the beautiful house that Max had grown up in. There were photos of him and Isabel all over the walls and it was easy to tell how much the Evans loved their children.

“Liz, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Max talks about you all the time,” Dianne Evans smiled. It was hard to believe that the small but very beautiful girl in front of her was the one who had been able to tame her wild, passionate son.

“You too Mrs Evans,” Liz grinned already loving Max’s mother. She was everything he had told her.

“Oh don’t be silly call me Dianne.”

Liz was surprised when Phillip Evans pulled her into a hug instead of shaking her hand. “Welcome to the family,” he said simply and then winked at her. Phillip and Dianne had long accepted when Max had told them about Eliza, and then Liz that she would be the girl that Max would make his life with. It was after all destiny.

“Where’s Isabel?” Max asked.

“Oh she’s just on the phone with her new boyfriend,” Dianne smiles. “You know how she is.”

“New?” Max queried, why hadn’t he heard anything about a new boyfriend.

“Yes,” Dianne said. “And she likes this one so leave him alone,”

“He’s coming?” he wondered.

“Yes,” Phillip replied, “I think he’s running late though.”

A few minutes later they heard Isabel steps down the stairs and before Liz could blink a beautiful blonde had flown into Max’s arms.

“Hey princess,” he grinned, “I want you to meet someone.”

Liz almost gasped at the pure beauty of the women standing in front of her, she was every bit the super model and Liz instantly felt intimidated.

“Isabel this is my girlfriend Liz Parker,” he grinned. “Liz this is my sister Isabel.”

Liz immediately put out her hand “It’s so wonderful to meet you Isabel, Max never stops talking about you,” she smiled.

Isabel cocked her head to the side and studied the small brunette who had captured her brother’s heart in every sense of the word. Liz immediately felt about 2 feet smaller than her already short height but felt instantly relieved when Isabel’s face broke out in a grin.

“It’s great to meet you too, and Max never stops talking about you either, I’m glad that he remembers he still has a sister,” she teased elbowing Max in the side playful as she took Liz’s hand.

Max looked over his shoulder as he rubbed his side, wondering what the hell had come over his sister. His mother just smiled at him and mouthed a word that at the time he couldn’t quite understand.

Twenty minutes later when the doorbell rang he finally met the reason for the change in his sister. Standing on the other side of the door was a tall lanky guy who was grinning from ear to ear. “Hi you must be Max. Izzy told me all about you. I’m Alex Charles Whitman, her boyfriend,” he grinned.
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hi everyone, thank you for reading and for leaving feedback I hope you enjoy this next part

dreamer destiny

Part 21

“So Alex what do you do?” Max questioned the man sitting next to his sister.

Alex looked up and smiled at Max, it seemed that he hadn’t been able to wipe the grin of his face since he arrived. In a matter of seconds the lanky brunette had won over the heart of his mother as well as Liz.

“I’m a computer programmer,” he informed him.

“Wow,” Liz’s eyes widened impressed.

“I’m surprised they need computer programmers in Albuquerque,” Max commented while he ignored the glare he received from his sister.

Max wasn’t stupid, he knew that the reason Isabel had gone so easy on Liz was because of Alex. She had wrongly assumed that if she had been nice as pie to Liz that Max wouldn’t do the big brother 20 questions on Alex.

“I run my own business actually,” he smiled proudly.

“Oh Alex that’s wonderful.”

“Liz runs a business too,” Max informed his family he didn’t want his girlfriend to get outshined. This dinner was supposed to be about meeting Liz, not Isabel latest boyfriend.

“What type of business, Liz?” Alex asked.

“Oh it a restaurant in Roswell called the Crashdown and after college I opened a bar alongside it with my best friend Maria,” she explained.

“Sounds great, we’ll have to come and check it out one night,” Alex replied. “What do you think Iz?”

“Sounds great,” she agreed.

After dinner the family moved into the lounge room and Dianne Evans left to the kitchen to organise desert and coffee.

Liz took the opportunity to pull Max aside to find out what his problem was he had been rude to Alex on a few occasions. “Max what’s wrong?” she asked.

“What? Nothing,” he denied.

“Why are you being so suspicious of Alex?” she asked.

“I’m not.”

“Max you’re one step away from being rude, you’re upsetting Isabel,” she pointed out.

Max sighed, “I’m sorry I just don’t like the way he came in and stole the spotlight. Tonight was supposed to be about you getting to know my family.”

Liz smiled and kissed Max’s cheek. “Sweetie, thank you but I can’t tell you how glad I am that Alex is here. I don’t deal very well with the 20 question game and having him here has taken the spotlight off me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Besides I’ll have plenty more opportunity to get to know your family better”

“I love you,” he smiled.

“I love you too,” she smiled back. “Now go place nice.”

Max walked into the living room and took a seat across from Isabel and Alex. He could see the warning look that Isabel was throwing his way and he nodded and smiled at her.

“So how did you guys meet?” he asked curiously. Isabel had never brought a guy like Alex home before. Normally she would date men that were only interested in the way she looked, or her job.

“Well I was doing a photo shoot in New York,” Isabel smiled at Alex.

“And I was there trying to win an account,” he added.

“And Alex literally knocked me off my feet,” she laughed.

Alex blushed. “Yeah well I always thought being such a klutz was a curse, now I know it was a blessing.”

Liz and Max smiled.

“So what about you two?” Alex asked.

Liz and Max shared a look “Well….”


”Rath,” Zan smiled as his friend entered his office.

Since Zan had reassigned Rath he hadn’t seen his old friend. The last time had been three months earlier when Rath had come home to attend his father’s funeral.

“How are you?” he asked.

“Good,” Rath smiled. At first Rath had resented Zan for sending him away but the more time he spent away the more he realised why he had done it. Rath had fallen in love with Eliza, it was wrong and what was worse was that Rath knew if Zan hadn’t sent him away he would have tried something inappropriate.

Eliza had been upset at first and demanded to know what Zan was doing so Rath had told her that he had requested the transfer and apart from the funeral he hadn’t seen her.

His new assignment was as head of security for Eliza’s family. At first it had been boring but then Faith had returned. It was a full time job keeping an eye on the feisty blonde and she kept him on his toes.

“How is Faith?” Zan smirked. The last time Faith had visited she had admitted to Eliza that she was falling for Rath and Rath had admitted to Zan that she wad driving him crazy, Zan knew Rath well enough to know that it meant he had feelings for her but he didn’t want to.

Rath grunted, “Good, she came with me to visit Eliza.”

Zan smiled. “Excellent. Eliza had some news to share and I know she’ll be glad that Faith is here.”

“News?” Rath asked curiously.

“Yes,” Zan nodded. “We’re having a baby,” he told him proudly.

“Wow, congratulations,” he told him. “She must be over the moon,” Rath knew how much Eliza adored children having seen it first hand while protecting her.

“We both are. We haven’t told my mother or Liz’s parents yet so could you keep it to yourself please?”

“Of course.”

Rath took a seat across from Zan then. “I was hoping we could talk business,” he informed him.

“Of course,” Zan replied.

“Now that you’re King I was wondering when I would be taking my position as you second?”

Zan sunk back in his chair and thought about Rath's question. Since birth Rath had been his second in command. Rath had trained in the arms for years for the role but the problem was that no one had expected King Phillip to pass when he did. Khivar had been his fathers second his whole life and Zan knew that Khivar would not be happy if he was retired.

“I don’t know,” he replied honestly. “I don’t know what to do with Khivar.”

Zan had never liked his fathers second, never trusted him but his father had respected him and they had been friends.

Rath nodded his understanding. Khivar had trained Rath and he knew he was one of the best but he also thought that Khivar would understand that it was now Rath's turn to lead the army, to be the general.

“I’ll talk to him,” Zan promised. “I’ll call him in and discuss another position with him.”

“Thanks,” Rath smiled.


“King Zan,” Khivar greeted as he entered his office. His tone was dripping with sarcasm though and showed the little respect the elder man had for his king.

“Khivar, thank you for coming,” Zan replied and gesturing for him to take a seat.

Khivar nodded and sat down.

“I asked you here because I wanted to discuss with you your position,” Zan started.

“What about my position?” Khivar asked defensively.

“Well as you know Rath is my Second in Command and now that I’m King I feel it’s time that he took his place as General of the Armies,” he explained. “I realise that you are not ready to retire and I wanted to discuss some other options or positions for you.”

Khivar scowled. “I’m the General of the Armies. Rath is not experienced enough.”

Zan nodded his agreement. “You’re right but he also won’t learn if he never takes his place, I can’t afford to wait until something happens and we’re at war.”

“I’ll agree to have him come and work with me for a while that way he’ll get some more experience.”

Rath had already spent a considerable amount of years learning along side Khivar and Zan thought Rath would consider it an insult to be sent back there.

“I appreciate that but I think that Rath has probably learnt everything he is going to learn. He now needs to put it into practise, earn the men’s respect,” Zan told him.

“What are you saying? After 20 years of service to your father you’re just going to cast me aside?” he asked angrily.

“Not at all. You will certainly be looked after like you always were by my father,” Zan told him.

That however wasn’t good enough for Khivar. “You’re going to regret this,” he hissed at Zan.

“Are you threatening me?” Zan asked shocked.

Khivar stood and laughed in Zan’s face. “I don’t made threats Zan,” he told him before turning and storming out of the office.
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hi everyone. Thanks for being patient. I have the new part for you and I've already started the next part too! Hope you enjoy :D

Part 22

Max woke up gasping from his dream. Liz who was also sleeping beside him sat up and turned towards him concerned.

“Are you ok?” she asked.

“The dreams,” he breathed out as he buried his head in his hands, “they’re getting more intense.”

“I know,” she agreed. Liz hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the possibility that she could have a son or daughter on another planet. She knew that if she did that they would be older than she was but it didn’t stop her wondering, it wouldn’t stop haunting her.

Max shook his head trying to shake the remnants of the dream from is mind. “I wonder if they’re leading somewhere?” he asked.

“I hope so,” Liz agreed as she reached over and pulled him to her body.

Liz caressed Max’s arms for a few minutes listening to his breathing, she could tell that he was struggling with going back to sleep.

“What is very bad?” she asked.

“No, but it was intense,” he replied.

Pushing herself up Liz moved from beside Max and lay on top of him.

“Let me help you take your mind off it,” she whispered just before her mouth crashed down on his.

Their naked bodies rubbed together sensually and once again Max was thankful that they didn’t wear anything to bed.

Liz kissed a trail from Max’s mouth, down his neck, over his chest until she reached his belly button. Max knew where she was heading and only groaned in appreciating when she dipped her tongue in his belly button before pulling it back out.

Max’s cock was hard by the time Liz reached it. Her small hand pumped it a few times before she finally leant in and closed her mouth around it.

“God Liz,” Max moaned.

Liz smiled around his cock and continued to suck on him, alternating between sucking and licking him. Her small hand played with his balls.

“Fuck,” Max hissed. “I’m coming,” he warned her.

Liz sucked him harder until she felt his hot liquid in her mouth. She sucked him dry and then cleaned his flaccid cock up with her tongue.

Max pulled her up his body and immediately kissed her. “That was so fucking good,” he told her when they broke apart.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Liz smiled, happy that she had been able to distract him from thinking about his dream if even for a few minutes.

Liz yawned then and cuddled her face into the side of Max’s neck where they both found peaceful sleep again.


Michael looked up over his paper at Maria who was serving the morning breakfast crowd. Agnes hadn’t shown up for her shift so Maria had gotten stuck working it.

“Did you want anything else?” she asked as she walked over to his booth and began to clear his plate.

“Nah,” he shook his head.

“What are you doing today?” he asked.

Maria shrugged. “Working at the moment, not sure later on.”

“Want to do something?” he asked.

Maria’s mouth opened in shock. “With you?”

“Yeah,” he nodded and wondered what the big deal was. “We could catch a movie or get something to eat.”

“You just ate,” Maria pointed out.

“If you don’t want to that’s cool,” he told her.

“No it’s not that, I’m just wondering why now?” she asked.

Michael sighed. “It’s just a movie or dinner Maria,” he pointed out.

“Ok,” she told him.

He pulled a ten out of his pocket and placed it on the table. “Ok well I’ll call you later,” he said.

“Ok talk to you then,” Maria smiled.


Liz was doing bookwork when Maria finished the breakfast shift.

“Whare you doing in a Crashdown uniform?” Liz asked.

“Agnes didn’t show up,” she sighed as she fell down on the couch beside Liz.

“Oh,” Liz frowned. “We really should do something about her.”

“Yep,” Maria agreed. “But who else are we going to find to work the morning shift?” she pointed out.

“Ok, so I’ll hold of firing her until we find someone else,” Liz smirked knowing that Maria was right. It was hard enough getting the casual staff to start that early on the weekend and Liz didn’t want to get stuck with it herself.

“Did you go to the gym this morning?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Liz nodded. “How’s your program going?” she wondered

“Good,” She answered. “I’m really looking forward to getting out in the dessert and practising our powers,” she admitted.

“Yeah me too,” Liz admitted.

“So what are you doing with your day now?” Liz asked curious.

“Actually I think Michael and I are going to do something,” she shrugged trying to play it off as casual.

“Really?” Liz smiled. “So does that mean things are going well with the two of you?”

“I don’t know,” Maria admitted. “I sort of decided to back off and since then he’s been showing a lot more interest in me.”

Liz smirked, “Guys always want what they can’t have.”

“True,” Maria grinned.

“So I wanted to talk to you about something,” Liz said.


“Well you know how Max has been spending a lot of time here, mainly because we don’t feel comfortable as his apartment since its next-door Michael,” Liz explained.


“Well I was wondering how you would feel about him moving in here?” Liz asked and then bit her bottom lip as she waited for Maria’s response.

“Here?” Maria asked. “That’s fine with me, besides this is your apartment Liz, you just let me live here. I could move out if you like?”

“NO!” Liz objected. “The last thing I want is for you to move out but it just seems silly for Max to pay rent when he’s never there.”

“I agree,” Maria smiled. “So ask him to move in.”

“You would really be ok with that?” Liz asked.

“Completely ok with it,” Maria told her as she jumped up from the lounge. “I’m going to grab a shower.”

“Ok,” Liz smiled.

She looked back to her computer and bookwork but all of a sudden she wasn’t interested. Instead she hopped up and after jotting a note to Maria she grabbed her keys and headed out of the apartment.


The gym was busy as Liz walked in. The receptionist smiled at her as she approached.

“Is Max around?” Liz asked.

“He’s out in the main gym area with a client,” she informed her.

Liz smiled her thanks and walked on through despite the receptionist obvious disapproval. Liz was sure that most of the staff noticed the “extra attention” that she got from Max. Most of the time they arrived together for Liz’s workout and Liz no longer paid either.

Liz spotted him instantly. It was hard not too. He was hottest person in the place and most people were looking at him. He was spotting a guy in the corner as he used weights and the tank top that he had on was doing nothing to cover his toned body as it stuck to his body.

Liz leaned against the wall and waited for him to realise she was there. It didn’t take long before he lifted his head and gazed around the room until his gaze fell on her and he grinned.

“Hi,” she mouthed.

He grinned back and after he said something to the guy he was working with before jogging over towards her.

“Hi yourself,” he replied with a bright grin that Liz knew he saved just for her.

“What are you doing here?” he wondered.

“I just wanted to see you,” she grinned.

“Well I’m glad,” he whispered.

He leaned in and kissed her briefly. It wasn’t enough for either of them but they were both aware that they had an audience.

“I should let you get back to work,” she smiled.

“Yeah probably,” he smiled sheepishly.

“Come over for dinner tonight?” she asked.

“I would love to,” he told her.

“I’ll see you then,” she told him. Liz leaned in for one last kiss then before taking a step back and making her way out of the gym with a smile on her face, because she could feel Max’s eyes on her the entire way.


Maria read Liz’s note as she made her way into the kitchen to fix something to eat. She had just opened the fridge and was pulling open some topping for a sandwich when the phone rang.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Hey Blondie.”

“Michael, hey,” she greeted nervously.

“So tonight, dinner and a movie?” he asked. Michael had a habit of being blunt, but he didn’t see a point in beating around the bush.

“Yeah that would be great,” she replied with a smile. God she was glad he couldn’t see her right now or he would run a mile. Liz was right, the hard to get angle was working.

“Ok well I’ll pick you up at seven if that’s ok,” he asked and all his earlier confidence seemed to be gone.

“Sure. I’ll be ready,” Maria told him. “See you then Michael.”


Maria did a little happy dance as she hung up the phone. Finally things were starting to look up for her. Now she just had to find the perfect outfit to wear.

“Hmm I wonder if I can drag Liz to the mall?” She thought to herself.
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hi people. Thanx for the feedback i love hearing from you guys. I hope to be back later this week with another update. I hope you enjoy this :D


Part 23

“Just take deep breaths,” Liz tried to coach Maria.

Liz had been trying to prepare a special dinner for her and Max whilst as the same time helping Maria get ready for her date with Michael.

Maria had no idea where Michael was taking her to dinner and was in a panic about what to wear. Should she get dressed up, or would it be more casual?

“Ria sweetie, you’re totally over thinking this,” Liz told her. “This is Michael. You’ve known him for years.”

“Yeah, but I’ve never been out with him before,” Maria objected.

“I know but if you calm down you’ll realise a few things,” Liz said.

Maria took a deep breath. “Ok I’m calm,” she told her.

“Good,” Liz smiled.

“First, there are a limited number of dressy restaurants in Roswell. When have you ever known Michael to frequent one of them?” Liz asked.

“Never?” Maria guessed.

“Right,” Liz smiled. “So dressy cas is the way to go.”

Maria sighed in relief. “Thank you so much Liz.”

“Don’t thank me just have a great time,” Liz replied. Liz was so happy that things were finally going well for Maria. Everyday she felt guilty about the part she had played in Maria’s unhappiness and she would never forgive herself for it.

In the end Maria decided on a three quarter length black skirt and a bright green halter-top. Liz helped her curl her hair and casually pin it up and with a wave of the hand Maria gave herself a natural looking made up face.

“You look beautiful,” Liz told her.

“Thank you,” Maria grinned, “and I still have fifteen minutes so how can I help you?” she asked.

“Don’t be silly,” Liz said as Maria followed her to the kitchen.

Liz had decided to cook a roast and it was in the oven with the roasted vegetables. All that was left was to set the table and to steam the corn and carrots, which she knew Max loved.

“No, let me do something to help you since you helped me. Besides, if I sit down I’ll go insane,” she said.

“Ok,” Liz smiled. “Could you set the table?” she asked.

Maria nodded and Liz handed her the items that she had gotten out already. A dark red tablecloth, candles and her mother’s china and cutlery were all there.

“Wow,” Maria said.

“Yeah I thought I would go to a bit of trouble,” she shrugged. “Make it special.”

“You going to ask him tonight?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Liz smiled.

“Good luck,” she told her.

“Thanks,” Liz smiled and then looked at the clock and realised Max would be arriving any moment as well as Michael.

“Could you watch this while I get changed?” Liz asked.

“No problem chica,” Maria shushed her off.

Liz quickly rushed to her and room and pulled the casual red dress she had put out on. After that she ran a brush through her long hair, leaving it down because she knew that Max preferred it that way, and with a wave of her hand refreshed the little make up she had on her face.

Liz returned to the kitchen just as there was a knock on the door. “I’ll get it,” she told Maria.

She watched as Maria straightened herself in case it was Michael.

“Hey Liz,” Michael greeted from the other side of the door where he stood feeling nervous.

“Hi Michael,” she smiled. He was dressed quite nicely she observed but at the same time still casual in his dark jeans and button up shirt.

“Is Maria here?” he asked as he cleared his throat.

“Sure, come in,” she said stepping aside.

“You look nice,” he told her.

“Um thanks,” Liz replied awkwardly for some reason she had never felt comfortable with Michael compliments. “Max is coming over…” as much as she hated it things were still awkward between them.

“Cool,” he smiled he could read her awkwardness clearly.

“Hi Michael,” Maria smiled when he looked up. She head heard him comment on how nice Liz looked and she instantly felt jealous but pushed it aside.

“Hey,” he smiled back. “Wow, you look beautiful,” he said and was rewarded with a 100-watt grin from Maria because he had just said the perfect thing.

“Should we go?” she asked as she stepped forward to close the gap between them.

“Sure,” he said.

“Have a nice night Liz,” he said.

Maria kissed Liz on the cheek as she picked up her purse and whispered a thank you.

Maria and Michael were barely through the door when they ran into Max.

“Hey guys,” he greeted.

“Hi Max,” they both replied before they continued down the stairs.

When Liz heard Max’s voice she pulled the door open and smiled. “Hi.”

Max stopped and took in her beauty. “Hey baby,” he whispered before stepping forward and handing her the bunch of white roses. “For you.”

Liz gasped. “Max they’re beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you,” he whispered as he took her into his arms and nuzzled her neck with his nose.

“God you are so perfect you know that?” she told him with tears coming to her eyes.

“No, we’re perfect together,” he replied kissing her lips gently.

Liz stepped back then and walked into the kitchen to find a vase for the beautiful flowers.

Max looked around the room and smiled at the romantic table setting.

“What’s the occasion?” he asked as Liz walked back in with the vase full of roses.

“Does there have to be an occasion for me to cook for my boyfriend?” she asked.

“Of course not,” he replied.

“Good,” she smiled. “Dinner’s ready so I’ll just go serve it. Can I get you a drink?” she asked.

“Yes please,” he nodded knowing that she would know what to get him.

Five minutes later Liz emerged with two plates and two glasses of cherry coke.

“Wow,” Max said when he saw the roast on his plate.

Liz blushed. “I hope it tastes as good as it looks,” she said.

Max took a bite of the meat and his mouth watered. “It tastes better,” he assured her.


They ate in silence, sharing loving looks across the table.

Max cleared their dishes even though Liz objected and when he was finished they sunk into the couch together.

“What’s for dessert?” he asked.

“I thought you could have me,” she whispered huskily.

Max leant in until he was mere centimetres from her lips. “Hmm my favourite.”

He closed the final distance and kissed her mouth thoroughly. When he pulled back Liz’s lips were swollen and he smiled.

“I love you,” he told her. “Thanks for tonight.”

“Your welcome,” she smiled “I love you too.”

They continued to cuddle and Liz fiddled nervously with the buttons as she tried to find the best way to broach the subject of him moving in.

“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he asked sensing her dilemma.

Liz smiled. She loved the fact that he knew her so well.

“I wanted to ask you something,” she told him. “Feel free to say no though, ok?”

“Ok,” he smiled.

“I was wondering if you wanted to move in here?” she asked. “With me,” she added.

Max’s smile turned into a full on grin. “Really?” He asked.

“Yeah,” she smiled relieved that he seemed to like the idea. “I mean you’re here most of the time anyway, and you’re wasting all the money on rent, and besides I kind of like having you around.”

“I’d love too,” he told her.

Liz squealed in delight and threw her arms around his neck.

“When can I move in?” he asked.

“Whenever you like,” she told him.

“How about now,” he whispered before he stood up, scooped Liz into his arms, and carried her into the bedroom when he intended on loving her all night.


Michael and Maria’s dinner had gone relatively well. Michael had taken her to Senor Chows since they both liked spicy food. They were now on their way to the movie theatre and even thought they were quiet they were both had smiles on their faces.

“What do you want to see?” Michael asked as they stood in the ticket line.

“How about Rumour has it?” she suggested.

Michael scrunched his nose up. “Um how about King Kong?”

Maria shook her head. “Oh I know! What about The Stone Family it’s supposed to be funny.”

Michael considered it and looked at his other options. “Chronicle of Nania - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe?” he asked as a last ditch effort.

Maria considered it then nodded. “Ok,” she had read the book and wanted to see the movie anyway.

After they purchased their tickets, which Maria insisted on paying for despite Michael’s protests, they made their way to the candy bar.

“I’ll get this,” Michael told her.

“Not its fine I can pay for myself,” Maria objected.

“No,” Michael snapped.

“And why the hell not?” she asked her hands on her hips.

“Because this is a date and on dates I pay for things,” he blurted out.

Maria immediately softened and cocked her head to the side as she regarded Michel whose face was covered in blush from his outburst.

“This is a date?” she asked.

Michael shrugged. “Yeah.”

Maria broke out in a smile. “Ok, I’ll have a coke, a mint choc top and some popcorn,” she told him.

Michael’s eyes widened as he wondered where Maria intended on putting all that food.

“We just ate how are you that hungry?” he protested.

Maria rolled her eyes. “You can’t watch a movie without all the essentials,” she replied. “I’m going to go to the bathroom I’ll meet you back here,” she told him

As Maria sauntered off she missed the grin that Michael had on his face as he watched her go.
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Post by Liz86000 »

Well, things are FINALLY starting to look right!! :D :D

Liz86000 :wink:

A lady's imagination is very rapid.--Jane Austen.
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: HI everyone. Thank you for the feedback. I love hearing from you guys. I'm back early with a new part and will do my best to get the next part ready on time for an update on Tuesday too. I hope you enjoy.

HBGO - Welcome back

Part 24

Eliza watched concerned as Zan sat on the balcony over looking the palace. Things had been stressful to say the least for the past few months and she knew it was starting to take a toll on her beloved.

Sensing her near Zan turned and smiled when he spotted her. Her stomach was expanding more each day and he couldn’t wait until their little one joined them, he just wished that his child would be coming into a more peaceful world.

The people of Antar had been at peace for a very long time but now that was coming to an end. Khivar had caused unrest when he refused to step down at General and Second and it had made the job that Rath had to step into so much more difficult. Men that had served for his father for many years had disappeared and Zan suspected more strongly every day that Khivar was putting an army together behind his back.

Zan held out his hand to his beloved and she took without question and came into his arms.

Zan nuzzled her neck and placed his hand on her rounded stomach.

“I just spoke to Faith,” she spoke quietly.

“How is she?” he asked.

“Down,” she informed him. “She misses Rath.”

Zan instantly felt bad. He had taken Rath away from Faith and placed him in a terrible situation, he now wished he had left sleeping dogs lie, but he also realised that he could never have trusted Khivar.

“She should come and stay,” he suggested.

Eliza nodded. “I thought you would say that,” she told him. “She’ll arrive tomorrow.”

Zan grinned and kissed her slowly.

“Your father has already contacted me about a betrothal between them,” he informed her with a smile.

“Really?” she asked excited.

“Yes really,” he chuckled.

“What did you say?”

“I told him that I would leave it up to Rath,” he said, he didn’t add that Rath had informed him that he would ask Faith if she would like to marry him as the next perfect opportunity.

Happy with his answer Eliza snuggled against his chest.

“Your mother is worried,” Eliza confided. “She went into town today and she said that there was a lot of unrest.”

Zan sighed. “I know. I don’t know what to do about it though. Khivar has earn't a lot of respect over the years, he’s spreading terrible untruths.”

Eliza smiled sadly at her husband. “You are a good King,” she whispered. “A kind and generous King, stand by your people Zan and they will stand by you.”

Zan smiled at his wife’s words. “How did I get so luck to find you?”

“I think I found you,” she teased.

Zan rubbed her belly. “I can’t wait till he or she arrives,” he told her.

“Me either.”


Liz looked over at Max who was still sleeping peacefully and pulled herself out of bed being careful not to wake him.

Her dream was still fresh in her mind and she suspected from the memories they were receiving that they were close to the end and she wondered what it all meant. Was there a lesson to be learnt or was it just something crazy that happened when she connected to Max.

She walked into the kitchen quietly and started making some coffee. Her thoughts turned to Maria then, her and Max had been in bed when Maria had gotten home and too exhausted from their lovemaking to hear her come home.

As though Maria knew Liz was thinking about her she emerged tired and rumpled from sleep.

“Morning,” Liz whispered.

“Morning,” Maria smiled back.

“Coffee’s on but it will be a few minutes,” Liz informed her.

“Thanks,” she smiled.

“So…” Liz said.

“Yeah so….”

“Spill,” Liz demanded. “How was your date?”

Maria’s face lit up with a smile. “It was great,” she said.

“Great? That’s all your going to say?” Liz asked.

“Yeah, I mean it was dinner and a movie and Michael admitted that it was date which was great too.”

“So you had a good time?” Liz asked.

“The best,” Maria admitted. “Michaels different,” she confided. “A good different.”

“I’m so happy for you,” Liz told her.

“How about you? Is moon doggie moving in?” Maria asked.

“Yep,” Liz grinned.

“Oh that’s great,” Maria told her. Maria looked Liz over then. “So if Max is here and in bed why are you up?”

Liz chuckled. “You know me too well.”

Maria shrugged. “Two life time thing.”

“Yeah,” Liz sighed.


“Dreams,” Liz confessed. “I think they’re nearing the end, things aren’t going to well and we’re on the verge of a war.”

“Oh,” Maria frowned. She was still jealous of Liz’s abilities to remember things. Apart from the one dream she had about Rath having feelings for Eliza she hadn’t had another.

“I just couldn’t go back to sleep right now that’s all,” Liz tried to smile the worry away.

“It’s in the past Liz, it can’t hurt you now,” Maria told her.

“I know,” she whispered. “But there’s something that I haven’t told you, something that changes everything.”

Maria frowned. “What?”

“I was pregnant, Maria,” she confessed tears in her eyes.

“Oh Liz.”

“I remember finding out and telling Zan, and last night I saw myself heavy with the baby and Zan and I were so happy, we couldn’t wait for him to arrive.”

“Do you think you had the baby before you were killed?” Maria asked concerned.

“I don’t know,” Liz said. “On one hand I don’t want to think about the idea of my unborn baby dying too soon but the thought that my child was left parentless on another planet kills me too. I just wish there was a way of knowing.”

Maria placed her hand on tops of Liz to comfort her. “I know its hard sweetie but you have to remember that it isn’t you. You’re not that person anymore and if your son or daughter did survive I’m sure they’re fine and that they understand.”

Liz knew that Maria was right but the dream felt so real and when Liz woke and realised she wasn’t pregnant any longer she instantly felt a loss like no other.

“I think I’ll talk to Michael about the memories,” Maria suggested then. “Maybe if we connect and work together we can start retrieving ours too.”

Liz offered her best friend a small smile. “That sounds like a great idea.”


Michael smiled when he opened his door and came to face to face with Maria.


“Hi,” she smiled back.

He stepped back so she could enter his apartment.

“Can I get you something?” he asked.

“No thanks,” she replied.

Michael offered her a seat then and sat across from her once she was seated.

“I wanted to talk to you about something,” she started. “You know how Max and Liz are getting the memories?”

“Yeah,” he nodded.

“Well Liz suspects that they’re getting them because they’re connected and I was wondering if you wanted to try connecting to see what we can trigger?”

Michael looked at Maria surprised. Usually he was the one pushing to learn things where as her and Liz didn’t seem so worried. They had started training their powers the week before and Michael realised how behind the three of them were in comparison to Max who had used his powers all his life.

“Did something happen?” he asked.


Michael shrugged. “I just didn’t think you’d be that interested.”

“Well I’m intrigued by what Liz tells me,” she shrugged, “and I thought that we might have some of the missing memories to put the pieces together to find out what happened to us. Liz said they’re on the verge of war and she thinks that we’re nearing the end.”

“Ok,” he said. “What do we do?”

“Well I’m sure there is some very good techniques to connect but I have a particular favourite,” she shrugged.

“Ok,” Michael agreed moving to sit next to her. “I’m in your hands.”

Michael didn’t realise literally that he would be. Maria cupped his face and a few seconds later her lips were on his.

Her lips were soft against his and when she swept her tongue along his lips he opened for her. They’re tongues tangled together as Michael cupped the back of Maria’s head and pulled her closer to him.

Michael couldn’t concentrate on anything but the feelings that Maria was evoking in him. Sure this wasn’t their first kiss but it was unlike anything Michael had experience before and he felt utterly lost.

When the flashes hit they were so intense that he had no control over them and soon he was lost. .


Rath and Faith stood in an embrace by the door as they quietly said goodbye. Rath didn’t want to leave her, they were newly engaged, and he had fallen for her hard over the past few months.

“I love you,” she confessed her eyes shining with tears.

“Me too,” he smiled. “Don’t fret my love. I’ll return to you soon and then we’ll start planning out marriage.”

“Good,” she smiled.

“Don’t go Zan,” they heard Eliza beg.

“My love I have to,” he sighed.

“No you don’t,” she cried. She was very heavy with child and her face was covered in tears. “I don’t feel good about this, Zan please,” she begged.

Zan took her in his arms as best he could and kissed her with all the love he felt. “I must my love but I will return to you, I will always return to you.”

“I love you,” she cried.

“I love and adore you, you are my everything Lizie,” he whispered.

Eliza calmed down a little and Zan handed her to her sister. “Look after her Faith,” he asked.

“Of course,” she nodded.

They watched as Zan led Rath down the long stairways in their uniforms, armed and dressed for what they could only describe as the beginning of a war.

Once they were out of sight Eliza broke down all over again and for the first time since Faith had let Rath out of her arms she realised that it might have been a mistake.
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Post by Emz80m »

Hey guys,

I'm still working on the next part and then i have to send it off to my beta. She's great, and usually pretty quick so all going well I'll post this tomorrow night, Thursday night at the latest.


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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hi people, thanks so much for your patience and feedback. Glad you liked the last part. A big thank you to my beta Ki Ki for getting this back so quickly to me, you're the best chica. Anyway I hope you like this part.

To all the Aussies out there Happy Australia Day!

Part 25

“AHH!” Eliza screamed out in pain. “ZAN!”

“Shh Lizie,” Faith soothed her before she turned her concerned gaze to the Doctor.

Eliza had been in labour for hours and Zan had not gotten back yet. Word had been sent that Eliza was in labour but so far there was no sign of Zan and Faith was beginning to think that he was going to miss the birth of his baby.

Faith looked to Vilandra who stood by the door. “No word,” she mouthed.

“Breathe Lizie,” she encouraged her sister.

“I want Zan,” Eliza insisted. Something didn’t feel right she was positive of it.

“He’s on his way,” Vilandra spoke up to assure her but somehow Eliza wasn’t comforted by her sister in laws words.

“Vilandra,” Eliza sobbed.

Vilandra moved forward and took the hand Eliza held out.

“Promise me,” she whispered. “Promise me that if something happens you will take him and you will make sure he is safe,” she sobbed.

Vilandra was surprised by Eliza’s words. “Nothing is going to happen Eliza,” she assured her.

Eliza shook her head she knew in her heart that Zan would not return and she felt her life force draining the longer her labour went on.

“Promise me.”

“I promise,” Vilandra said.

The heir to the throne of Antar was born screaming less than an hour later and Eliza held him and kissed his small face. “Evan,” she whispered.

“That’s beautiful,” Faith smiled.

“Perfect,” Vilandra agreed.

Faith and Vilandra watched as Eliza traced Evans cheeks and before leaning in and kissing him tenderly. “Mummy and Daddy love you so much my little Prince,” she cooed.

“Long live the Prince,” Eliza whispered as her eyes started to close.

“Lizie?” Faith questioned.

The Doctor moved to the Queens side in an instant. “Take the baby,” he instructed Vilandra and she followed his orders immediately cradling her nephew in her arms.

Evan started screaming the moment he was removed from his mother’s arms, and at the same time a large explosion broke out rocking the palace walls.

Faith automatically looked up at Vilandra when the shaking stopped. “Take him,” she ordered.

“No,” Vilandra shook her head. She had no idea what to do with a small child, he needed his mother and father. Vilandra was sure that any second Zan would come charging through the palace halls and take his son into his arms.

“You promised!” Faith roared. “Take him and go!”

Reluctantly Vilandra nodded and quickly fled towards the walls when she knew there was an entrance to the under ground tunnels.

The Doctor looked up regretfully once Vilandra was gone. “I’m sorry there is nothing I could do.”

Faith wailed in agony collapsing onto her sister. She didn’t look up when the doors burst open and an exhausted and injured Rath fell into the room.

“Faith,” he whispered.

Faith’s head shot up at his voice and she moved to her injured love quickly.

“Rath what happened?” she cried.

“Ambush,” he whispered. “Zan’s gone,” he sobbed.

Faith sobbed with him. “Eliza knew,” he told him. “She’s gone too.”

“Baby?” he asked breathlessly.

“I sent Vilandra away with him.” She told him.

“Good,” he nodded. “Go. Faith. Khivar is coming!”

Rath was so tired, it had taken everything he had left to escape and return to the palace, his thoughts on Faith and Eliza’s safety foremost in his mind.

“No, not without you,” she sobbed. “Not without my Lizie,”she added.

“Please Faith,” he pleaded but his pleas went unheard.

Khivar and a small Army of men had trapped Zan, Rath, and the half a dozen soldiers with them the minuted they entered the small town. They had fought with everything they had and were proud that only a handful of Khivar's men were still standing. In the end it was Rath and Zan, and the minute Zan saw the opportunity he ordered his best friend to flee at all costs and placed the Queen and heir to the thrones safety in his hands.

He had failed.

“I can’t believe Zan chose a coward to replace me,” Khivar spat as he looked down on Faith and Rath.

His knowledge of Palace security and lay out meant that with one small bomb he had been able to enter the grounds, and now that he was here and Zan was dead he planned on taking the throne. The only thing that stood between him and the crown was Vilandra and he knew it would not take much to take care of her.

“And this is the Queen’s whore of a sister I assume?” he continued.

Faith looked up at him with fire in her eyes and quickly got to her feet. Her small hand reached out to slap his face but Khivar caught it before it could make contact.

“You can watch me kill him and then I’ll show you how a real man feels,” he told her.

Faith spat in his face and watched in satisfaction as he wiped it off. She never saw his fist coming as is slammed against her face and sent her flying across the room.

“You’ll regret that,” he spat.

So focused on Faith, Khivar failed to notice that Rath had gotten to his knees. He held out his hand and pulled every last remnant of energy he had to it.

Khivar turned just as Rath released the energy. It was powerful enough to knock him across the room just as Rath collapsed lifeless on the marble floor.

“NO! Rath!” Faith cried and quickly scurried towards him.

She shook and cried for him for a few minutes before she heard the footsteps. Khivar’s soldiers were coming but there was no way that she would allow them to take her and make her their whore. She didn’t know if Khivar was dead but she planned on making sure of it. She pulled Rath’s knife from his pocket and approached his body. He was on his back, his eyes closed but she could see from the slight rise and fall of his chest that he was alive. Without hesitation she gripped the knife and with all her strength she speared it right through his heart.

As soon as the guards entered the room and saw Faith standing over their leader they shot at her with they’re energy guns over and over again.

Faith felt like she was being cut in two but as she collapsed to the ground she had a smile on her face. Soon she would be joining Eliza, Zan, and Rath and she knew that for the time being her nephew was safe thanks to Vilandra.

“Long live the Prince,” she whispered

Maria pulled out of the connection with a sob.

Michael quickly pulled her into his arms completely rocked by what they just experienced. They had just witness there deaths, in a sense they both just discovered what it felt like to feel your life draining from your body but it was the feelings of anguish that they both felt at leaving the other were the worst.

Maria sobbed against Michael’s chest. She couldn’t believe that that was how it ended but she got a small bit of satisfaction out of the fact that she knew Khivar was dead and that he would not have been around to cause any trouble for Vilandra after that.

“Oh god,” Maria pulled back when she realised.

“I have to tell Liz,” she said.

“Tell her what?” Michael agreed that Max and Liz needed to know what happened, and how they had died but it didn’t need to be right that second.

“You don’t understand Michael, we died, but Vilandra and Evan didn’t!”

“You mean Eliza and Zan’s baby?”

“Yes,” she nodded. “Liz will want to know that he was safe, he may even still be alive,” she said.

“Ok,” he agreed. “We’ll head over there now.”


Liz and Max were unpacking boxes when Michael and Maria entered the apartment.

“Liz?” Maria called out.

“In here,” Liz called back.

Maria rushed into Liz’s room. “Good you’re both here,” she panted. She had practically run up the stairs to get to Liz.

Liz looked at Maria concerned. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Come into the living room. I have to tell you something,” she told them before she turned and headed out to the lounge where Michael was waiting.

“Hi Michael,” Max and Liz greeted him when they spotted him in the seat next to Maria.

“Hey,” he replied.

“What’s going on?” Liz asked.

“Well after our talk I went and spoke to Michael,” Maria started to explain. “I suggested we connect because I thought it might trigger something inside of us.”

“Did it?” Max asked as he looked between them.

“Yes,” Maria nodded.

Liz’s eyes went wide. “Did you remember something?”

“I know how we died,” Maria blurted out.

“Wh-what?” Max stuttered out.

“We remember our deaths,” Michael said.

“Wow,” Liz whispered. “What happened?”

“That can wait,” Maria shook her head. “Lizzie, I know how we died but I also know your son survived.”
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: HI everyone. Thank you so much for your feedback, i hope you enjoy this next part. Also, thanks to everyone who made it to my authors chat last Friday! loved talking to you guys.


Part 26

“Wh-what?” Liz asked with wide eyes. She blindly reached for Max’s hand.

“What are you talking about, Maria?” Max, who was the calmer of the two asked.

“When Michael and I connected I remembered,” she said. “I remember the night that Liz gave birth,” she whispered.

Liz’s eyes filled with tears. “My son?” she whispered.

“Yeah,” Maria answered her own eyes brimmed with tears. “You named him Evan.”

Liz let a sob go as she turned to Max. “We had a son.”

Max smiled adoringly at Liz, “Evan,” he whispered.

Liz turned back to Maria and Michael then. “Show me,” she demanded.

Maria and Michaels eyes went wide. They could understand why Liz would want to see it but they were reluctant too because they knew from first had experience that it wasn’t very nice to experience your own death. On top of that neither of them really knew exactly how to show them.

“If we all connect and you picture it in your head you should be able to share the memory with us,” Max told them.

Michael nodded. “Ok, how do we do this?”

“Concentrate on your connection to Maria, then take my hand. Liz, you should try to initiate a connection between you and Maria then she can bring Michael in and you can bring me in,” Max explained hoping that he would be able to work out his confused words, it all sounded complicated.

Liz nodded and the four of them all held hands.

Liz and Max’s connection flared with ease but it took a little longer for Michael and Maria who weren’t used to it yet. Liz then connected with Maria, soon Michael and Max were there, and they had a four-way connection, which awed them all. They all felt complete in a way they had never imagined. Even though Michael and Max weren’t siblings they still felt a kinship, a bond as such through their connection that hinted at how close Zan and Rath were in their past life’s.

Maria concentrated hard and soon the events of Evan’s birth were playing out right in front of all their eyes again. When it was over Liz abruptly severed the connection and collapsed sobbing into Max’s arms.

“No, no, no,” she chanted against his chest and all Max could do was hold her and cry. It had tortured him to watch what had happened and not be able to do anything, his present self and his past self.

“Shh,” Max tried to soothe her as he ran his hand up and down her back.

Eventually Liz cried herself out and with a small smile to Maria and Michael, Max carried her back to their bedroom.


Michael sat down next to Maria without saying a word.

“Did I do the right thing?” Maria asked him. After she watched Liz break down she second-guessed her decision to tell her about their son. Maria had thought Liz would be happy that her son was alive and hopefully safe somewhere she had never expected her to get so upset.

“Well we couldn’t keep it from them,” Michael pointed out.

Maria nodded she knew he was right. She had never thought for a second about keeping anything a secret.

“I think her emotions just got the best of her,” Michael told her. “It was hard enough watching someone who is essentially you die, but add to that, giving birth and only seeing your son for a second, it must be pretty hard.”

Maria nodded and smiled at Michael. “When did you get so wise?”

Michael shrugged and looked away embarrassed and Maria turned back to her view of the kids playing swings in the park.

It surprised her when she felt Michaels hand cover her own on her lap. She looked down at it and then slowly turned it over and let their fingers entwine.


“Hey,” Max whispered as he gazed over at Liz on the bed and noticed that her eyes were finally open. She had been asleep for over an hour and Max anxious for her to wake up so they could talk.

“Hey,” she whispered back.

“You ok?” she asked him.

Max hesitated before he nodded. “It was the past,” he said. “But it must have been hard for you, Michael and Maria,” he acknowledge. He knew how hard it was to stand there and just watch Liz crying out for him whilst giving birth, but then when he watched her and their friend die it had been torture.

“Do you think he’s out there somewhere?” she wondered.

Max smiled. “I know he is,” he told her. “Vilandra would have raised him to be the finest King Antar had ever seen.”

Liz choked on a sob. “Yeah.”

Max moved towards her and lay down on the bed so he could face her. He pushed a stand of loose hair out of her face and dried her tears away with the pads of his thumbs.

“I know it hurts,” he acknowledged, “but we have to believe that they had a better plan for us, someone sent us here so we could have another chance. I-I think he would understand that, I know Vilandra would have made sure he knew how much we loved him…” Max eyes were filled with tears but he refused to let Liz get lost in the memories. He understood her pain over their son but by now he would be a grown man.

Liz nodded through her tears.

“Do you think he knows about us? Knows that we’re here on earth?” she wondered.

“I would think he would know everything Liz, he is a King,” he said. The truth was Max had no idea. He didn’t know if Vilandra and his son had been successful at escaping Khivar, or beating him and the worst part was he had no idea to how to find out.

Liz smiled. “Long live the Prince,” she whispered just like her former self had done in her memory.

Max pulled her closer then and kissed the top of her head. “Long live the Prince,” he repeated.


The next few weeks the four aliens were only shadows of their former selves. It was very draining and at times painful trying to work through their memories but in a way it had also made them closer.

They spent a lot of time together and for the first time since meeting there was no tension they were just friends enjoying being together. There was no pressure to train or to find out why they were here; they were all content to live normal lives.

They were all together at the girls and Max’s apartment eating pizza and before they intended to watch a DVD when someone knocked on the door.

Max shoved the last of his pizza in his mouth and pulled open the door.

He was confused when he saw the short bald man on the other side. He had no idea who he was.

“Um hi,” he said.

The man studied him and nodded.

“Can I help you?” Max asked his alien senses started to kick in, something didn’t seem right about the guy standing in front of him.

“If I could come in your highness I will explain everything.”

Max’s eyes went wide when he called him your highness.

“Who are you?” he asked on alert.

“I am Xaviour, Your highness,” he answered.

“Max who is it?” he heard Liz call out.

Xaviour smiled he already knew that the royal four were all inside. But hearing the sweet sound of his Queen’s voice had made his trip worthwhile.

Max stepped aside and allowed him to enter. Xaviour followed him into the lounge room where the other three looked up curious.

“This is Xaviour,” he told them.

Xaviour bowed slightly. “Your Majesty,” he greeted Liz. “Lady Faith, Lord Rath.”

Michael was on immediately alert and scrambled to his feet.

“Who are you?” he demanded palm outstretched.

“Please you have nothing to fear from me, I’m unable to hurt you,” he told him.

“Who are you?” Michael asked again.

“I am Xaviour I was sent to Earth as your protector,” he explained.

“What?” Max blurted out.

“If you would allow me to explain I believe I might be able to answer some of your questions.”

Max nodded and with one look at Michael, the taller alien lowered his hand and sat back down.

“If you’re our protector, where have you been?” Max asked.

“I’m afraid that I was detained when you came out of your pods, I lost track of you for a very long time until you matured enough that I could pick up on your aura’s. It wasn’t until I came across Max a year ago in Albuquerque that I knew where you were, he led me to Roswell where the rest of you were.”

“Why were you detained?” Michael asked suspicion laced in his voice.

“My wife was giving birth at the time.”

“You have a family here on Earth?” Liz asked surprised.

“Yes, Serena my wife accompanied me from Antar.”

“Wow,” Maria smiled.

“If you’ve known where we were for the past few months why haven’t you come to us?” Michael asked.

“I believed that you all had a path to walk and that my interference would prevent that,” he told them honestly.

“And we’ve walked our path now?” Liz asked intrigued.

Xaviour smiled at the young Queen. She was just an insightful now as she was in her past life.

“Almost,” he smiled.

“Can you tell us what’s going on, on Antar?” Maria asked then.

Xaviour nodded. “I know bits and pieces.”

“Our son?” Liz blurted out.

“Khivar?” Michael asked at the same time.

Xaviour nodded at both their valid questions. “All in good time, all in good time,” he assured them.
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Post by Emz80m »

Hi everyone. Thank you for reading and leaving feedback. I'm on the verge of finishing this so there wont be much more to go. I hope you enjoy this part


Part 27

The aliens sat and waited for Xaviour to start talking. Maria had made him a cup of coffee and he had joined them in a few slices of pizza and all that was left now was for his to answer the questions they had for him.

“I believe it would be best if I start from the beginning,” he informed them. “Then you can ask me any questions that you have.”

They nodded.

“You were cloned and mixed with human DNA after your deaths on Antar. Vilandra and your mother organised the entire thing, they were the only royals that survived the civil war that Khivar started.

“Vilandra wanted you all to have a second chance at life but she didn’t know how to do that at first. That’s when she came across some books that Eliza had about Earth. After some research Vilandra realised that it was a perfect place to send you. I was a solider who remained loyal to the throne and I volunteered to accompany you here as your protector. My wife Serena was one of the main scientists involved in your cloning.”

“Where is she?” Liz asked.

Xaviour smiled. “She stayed at home with our children.”

Liz smiled.

“Why were we sent here?” Max asked then.

Xaviour sighed. He knew that they would ask the question eventually. “For many reasons,” he stated. “I have some things for you, Your Highness, that your sister sent for you, hopefully they will explain things to you and help you to understand.”

“Is my sister still alive?” Max asked.

Xaviour nodded, “Last I heard yes. She married a Prince from Lunar after your death and they had a few children of their own.”

“An-nd my son?” Liz asked in a whisper.

Xaviour smiled warmly. “He is the King of Antar.”

“He is?” Liz asked surprised.

“Please understand that I receive very little news from Antar but what I do know is that Evan took over the throne from Vilandra on his sixteenth birthday. Once news reached the other planets that Khivar had slaughtered the Royal Family they sent troops in to do a search and destroy mission. Within days of your death Khivar and everyone who fought with him were killed or imprisoned.”

“How old is he?” Liz asked.


“Yes,” Liz nodded.

“Wow,” Xaviour said. “To tell you the truth I have no idea. The cycle works differently on Antar, it goes much faster and his form is different to yours. I would guess he would be 50 Antar cycles which is equivalent to 75 earth years.”

“Wow,” Maria gasped.

“Yeah,” Liz nodded on the verge of tears.

Xaviour could immediately sense that his words have upset Liz. “Maybe we should continue another time,” he suggested.

“No it’s fine,” Liz said.

Liz knew it would be selfish of her to prevent the others from getting the answers they had wanted all of their lives because she was upset that her baby was now an old man, old enough to be her grandfather.

“How about we just take a break for five minutes,” Max suggested.

When everyone agreed Max offered Liz his hand and led her into their bedroom. He sat down on the bed and pulled her into his lap.

“You ok?” he asked.

Liz nodded and sighed. “I’m so happy that they’re safe,” she told him. “But I guess in my mind I kept envisioning my baby boy,” she smiled as a few tears rolled down her eyes. “But he’s not a little boy and someone else raised him to be the man, the king that he needed to be.”

Max caressed Liz’s cheeks softly. “And are you ok with that?” he asked.

“My mind is but my hearts running a little behind at the moment,” she admitted.

Max smiled and leaned in and kissed Liz softly. “Does it make you feel better to know I love you and need you?” he asked.

Liz giggled. “Yeah it does.”

“And that one day there will be babies that need you too?” he whispered.

Liz looked at him surprised. “You want to have children with me?”

Max grinned. “More than anything” he told her.

It was Liz who leaned in and kissed Max this time. It was a passionate kiss that was quick to grow out of hand. Max’s hands slipped up the side of her shirt and towards her breasts. They were inches from cupping her when Michael banged on the door.

“Come on you two Xaviour is waiting,” he yelled.

Max moved his mouth from Liz’s and his hands from under her shirt. Their foreheads rested against each other.

“We better get back out there,” Liz breathed out.

“Yeah,” Max replied.

They made there way back out into the lounge room where everyone else was already waiting. Max sat in the spare lounge and pulled Liz down close to him as they prepared to listen to Xaviour.

“So you didn’t go into details about why we were sent here,” Michael reminded him.

They watched as Xaviour reached for a bag that he had brought with him and removed what appeared to be another shiny book along with an egg shaped object.

“What are those?” Maria asked.

“These are a message from Vilandra,” He replied.

Xaviour handed the objects to Max. “They are for you.”

Max looked over the objects. The book was similar to the destiny book they had. There was a V symbol on the front which somehow Max recognised straight away as the V constellation.

“Place your hand over the V,” Xaviour instructed.

Max did as he said and they all watched in awe and surprise as a light beamed out of Max’s hand and the V on the book. Then with a loud click the book unlocked.

“Oh my god,” Maria gasped.

Max opened the book and found that it opened like the other book. He unfolded it and with a wave of his hand the Antarian writing translated into English.

To My Dearest Brother Zan,

I feel like part of my heart is missing now that you’re gone. There is no doubt that you died too young and I often wonder how I’m supposed to go on without you. You were born to be a King but now I shall be a Queen until your Son is old enough to rule.

I want you and Eliza to both know that I will do everything in my power to ensure that Evan is safe and is raised to be the type of person and King that you would have wanted and raised him to be. I will make sure he knows what his mother and father were like and how much they loved him. A day will not go by that Evan won’t understand the sacrifices his family made so that we could have a better life, and that my dear Zan is what you have done.

Antar is free from the people who spent many years keeping it down, repressing our planets need to grow. If only father had realised the real truth about Khivar long ago, if only he had the strength to do what you have done.

Thank you Zan.

I have sent you, Eliza, Faith and Rath to Earth. I hope that you all might have a second chance at the life you deserved. A life together in peace. Please don’t worry about us, you have done your service to our family and planet, and now it is time for you to just be Zan.

God speed Zanith, Eliza, Faith and Rathus.

Antar is watching over you.

My love always.


Max choked back a sob as he finished reading the letter from his sister. He turned to Liz who also had tears running down her face.

“Wow,” Maria whispered also clogged up with emotion.

“I know,” Michael agreed.

Xaviour watched them all as they reacted to the news. He could send relief, disappointment, and sadness from them all and he could understand.

Michael was disappointed that they weren’t sent to Earth for a purpose, sad that there wasn’t anyone waiting for them to return.

Maria was relieved. She was content and happy with her life on Earth, especially now that her and Michael were making progress.

Liz also felt relieved but it was overshadowed with sadness. Although she was happy that Vilandra and her son were safe and she was still trying to deal with the emotions that came with knowing all about it as well. Her son was grown and much older than her and he didn’t need her anymore.

Max’s heart ached after hearing his sister’s words. His memories of her more real then they had ever felt before and he suddenly longed for his childhood days on Antar with her. It was something very similar to the way he felt about Isabel and he reminded himself to call his sister that night. He was also relieved that his son had been safe and worried about how Liz would deal with the news. He knew she was strong but he also knew it would take her some time to get past it.

“So what do we do now?” Max asked Xaviour.

Xaviour smiled at them all. “I guess that’s the beauty of this gift that your sister gave you, Your Highness,” he answered.

“Please its just Max,” Max corrected him.

Xaviour nodded. “Max.”

“You’re free. Live your life and be happy,” he shrugged and smiled as he looked at all of them.

“Free,” Liz murmured.

They talked with Xaviour for a while longer before he left leaving them with all the details on how to contact him. He was their protector but he also knew just like they did that they didn’t need him, but if they ever did they would know where to find him.

The four aliens sat together after he left, no one said a word.

“I feel kind of lost,” Michael spoke up which surprised them all. He was usually the last one to express his feelings.

“I know,” Max agreed.

“I’ve spent years thinking that there was another purpose for being here and to find out we’re here to just live our lives is kind of….”

“I know,” Liz whispered but then she broke out in a beautiful smile. “But Xaviour is right, this is our life. We can do whatever we want with it unlike the last one.”

“Anything,” Maria agreed.

They all joined Liz and smiled then as they thought about the prospects for the future. All with their own wishes and dreams and for the first time with the knowledge that they could be and do whatever they want.

TBC... thank you to my wonderful beta Ki Ki for getting this back to me so quickly as usual :wink:

Also, i would like to extend an invitation to my readers to come and join my site (follow the links below). We're only small but i would love for you to join us. :D