A New Mutant (MX,XO,UC,ADULT) COMPLETE....4/20

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A New Mutant (MX,XO,UC,ADULT) COMPLETE....4/20

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Title: A New Mutant
Author: LizNdAlec4eva a.k.a Hayley
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Too bad!
Synopsis: Liz needed a hot guy!! Brennans the one!!
Category: Crossover Roswell/Mutant X Liz/Brennan
Rating: Teen
Feedback: If you aren't too busy.
Summary: Liz is a very powerful mutant who knows Adam. When he calls for help, she goes immediately but what happens when she meets sexy mutant Brennan Mulwray? What happens when she has to choose between Mutant X and returning to Roswell? And what happens after that?

Author Notes:
-Set after ‘Departure’
-AU in Mutant X
-I don’t know where MX is set, so pretend its in NY.
-Liz is different in the fic to the TV version.


Liz Parker groaned into her pillow as her cell phone rang. She lifted her head and looked at her red glowing alarm time 1:44a.m. Liz done the automatic math in her head, figuring out what time it would be in New York.
She knew it had to be him; Liz hadn’t spoken to any of the Pod Squad since Tess had blasted off into space almost a week ago. Max was busy searching for his son, Maria was busy with Michael, Kyle was spending time with his dad and Isabel was too focused on her new fling with lawyer Jesse Ramirez to care about anyone else. No one but Liz knew about Jesse and Isabel, and she only knew because a few nights ago she had been out walking and has seen them in the park kissing and holding hands. Liz couldn’t wait to see how Max would react when the shit hit the fan with that.
Max had dropped by one or twice, but her parents had always told him she was out or busy. Liz knew that if they talked, she would end up telling him all her secrets from Future Max, not sleeping with Kyle to the fact that she was a very powerful new mutant.
That’s right! She, Liz Parker, was a new mutant. She could create electricity through her hands and she was a feral, which meant all her senses were heightened, she could fall from a great height and land on her feet, she had reflexes that were amazing, she could jump really high and she could kick some serious ass.
Liz also knew that if she told him about her abilities she would end up telling him that she goes into ‘heat’ every 6 months, had done so since she was 15 and because of her heat she was definately not a virgin.
Liz wasn’t proud of what she had done with the 7 guys, but she didn’t regret it either.

With a sigh Liz got up and out of bed, walked over to the jeans she had thrown over her chair, dug around in her pockets for her cell phone and answered the ‘thing’ that had awoken her.

“This better be major.” Liz growled down the line.

“How’d you know it was me?” A warm fatherly voice chuckled and judging by the loud background noises, she was on speakerphone. This was new; Liz talked to him every week and had done so for the last 2 years and not once had she talked to them, even though she knew everything about them.

“Well Adam, you’re the only person who would call me at 2 in the morning, so what’s the deal?” She asked.

“Eckhart, he’s back and he’s cooking up a plan for a bigger, better Gynomex…..and we kind of need your help in taking him and that company down for once and all.” Adam stated.

“Wait, Adam why do we need her. I mean we are Mutant X after all, we should be able to take him down” A new voice entered the conversation; Liz decided it was Shalimar's as it was smooth and confident.

“Because Shalimar, I’m not only a new mutant, I’m a very powerful one.” Liz put extra emphasis on Shalimar’s name. “Adam count me in, I need to get away. I’ll leave now so have bike waiting for me when I touchdown. I’ll call.” She continued after a pregnant pause.

Adam approved her request and they said their goodbyes. She then started getting ready; packing, washing, brushing her hair deciding to leave it down as it was lovely and wavy and dressing in a blue super-girl tank top, black leather trousers and black boots. Her make-up was natural, just the way she liked it.
Liz walked over to her desk after phoning up the airport to reserve a seat on the next flight out. She pulled out 3 pieces of paper and started writing.

Dear Mom and Dad,
I know this is sudden, but Adam called saying he needed my help. Since things in Roswell have been out of control recently, I decided to go help him and MX. I will call and write as much as I can. I don’t know when I will be back. I have also sent letters to the others saying I needed to get away for a while. Please don’t tell them more than you have to.
I love you both

She folded the first note and placed it on her bed before starting the next letter.

Dear Kyle,
You are one of my best friends and the only person I felt I could turn to during Alex’s death, you didn’t tell me I was crazy when I thought he was murdered and for that I will always be grateful. I know it’s not much, but I wanted to tell you that I love you, I love you like the brother I never had. I might be seeing you soon so stay out of trouble or I’ll kick your ass Valenti!

Sighing she put Kyle’s address on the envelope that held his letter before placing to the side and starting on the final letter.

Hey guys!
This is a difficult note to because I have no idea what to put down. Things in Roswell have become too much and I feel like I’m suffocating, so I decided to leave, I decided to breathe again. I’m not telling you where I’m going and don’t even bother asking my parents as I have told them not to tell you.
Max I loved you, I really did but you put me up on this perfect pedestal and I’m feel like I need to fall off. I’m not perfect, I’ve made mistakes but I don’t regret them as they only made me stronger and taught me lesson.
I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I will be keeping a close eye on you all, so be good. Good Luck with the search.

Half an hour later Liz was sitting in the cab on her way to the airport. She had posted Kyle’s letter and sent the other one to Michaels knowing he’d be more rational. Liz looked in the rearview mirror and she could just see the Roswell welcome sign fading into the background and for the first time in a long time, Liz Parker felt free.

Around 7 hours later Liz was picking up the keys and helmet one of Adams people had dropped off for her at the desk. She easily found the yellow motorcycle. She mounted the bike, secured her bag, put off the helmet and set off for the Sanctuary.
Soon she was driving up the dirt tracks that lead to the entry.
Slowly she entered the garage, scoffing as she saw the 2 matching silver BMW’s, the orange bike and the big black Harley. Liz walked through the gorgeous building already knowing where to go as Adam had sent the blue print and security codes to her in case of an emergency. She came to the top of a stair well, seeing Adam and the gang either sitting or standing around the dojo.
Liz didn’t alert them of her presence; she just listened to Adam singing her praises.

“- now Liz is great, really nice if you gain her trust, so promise me you’ll be nice?” He told the four mutants.

“Oh Adam, you make it sound like I can’t take care of myself AND like I’m some kind of saint.” Liz interrupted before anyone could say anything.

Everybody’s head swung in her direction and she could feel their gazes burning holes into her. Adam stepped up and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek leading her down the stairs. A guy with dark blonde hair and green eyes stepped up. He was cute but short and not Liz’s type.

“Hi, I’m Jesse Kilmartin” He introduced himself.

“Liz Parker” She returned.

Next a gorgeous guy with brown hair and eyes stood forward. He was tall about 6’3 and was well built. He had to be Brennan.

“I’m Brennan Mulwray, nice to meet you” He said with a flirty grin

“Liz….Nice to meet you to Sparky.” Liz said with a little chuckle.

Out the corner of her eye she saw a blonde woman step forward. She had a territorial look in her eyes, but Liz didn’t know why as she couldn’t smell her scent on Brennan. ‘So this must be Shalimar’ Liz thought.

“I’m Shalimar Fox” She growled.

“Aah, the girl from the phone, I’m Liz” Liz returned with a raised eyebrow at Shalimar’s show of territory.

The last person stood up. It was a woman with short red hair and green eyes. She was tall and slim, but really bad fashion sense judging by the baggy boho dress that was the total wrong color for her.

“Hi there, I’m Emma. It’s so nice to meet you; Adam has talked non-stop about you since the phone call.” She finished with a friendly grin.

Liz felt a slight tug at her mind and knew that Emma was trying to get a read on her.

“I’m Liz. Nice to meet you also.”

Now that all the introductions were done. Liz picked up the bag she had dropped, asked Adam where she would be staying. He the pointed her in the direction for her to go in.
Just before she reached the corner she turned.

“Oh and Red you try getting into my head again, I’ll make you regret it.” With that said she headed to her room.

“Emma,” Adam started “you can’t do that, Liz has some trust problems.”

“Adam, I’m sorry but I also have trust issues.” Emma said.

“Emma, I get that. But your ex didn’t get the woman you hate pregnant, the same woman who killed your best friend and then ran with said ex’s baby.” Adam scolded.

“So, what’s Liz’s power?” Jesse asked trying to change the subject

“Powers” Adam corrected “and she’s feral and is also like Brennan.”

“Wait, she has Shal and Brennan’s powers combined?” Asked Emma.

“Yes, she’s very powerful and highly skilled. She’s also like a daughter to me, so please play nice.” With that he walked away.

No one except Shalimar noticed the Brennan was silent during the whole conversation. Brennan’s eyes were still trained to the corridor where Liz had disappeared through only minutes ago, his thoughts filled with the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen and goes by the name Liz.
Last edited by LizNdAlec4eva on Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:28 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Post by LizNdAlec4eva »


Brennan, Shalimar, Jesse and Emma all watched in awe as Liz trained on the dojo.
She had been for about a week now and had settled in well, Brennan and Jesse had welcomed her into their little ‘family’ with open arms but the girls had only talked to Liz when it was necessary. Liz had phoned her parents a few nights ago, they understood why she needed to leave Roswell, what with Tess and Max and their baby drama and Alex dying, and they knew she was suffocating there. They were also pleased that the guys from Mutant X were accepting her, though she was sure she heard her father mention something about a gun and male parts if they hurt his baby girl!
Her parents had also mentioned that Max and the others had stopped by at least once a day to badger them into telling the gang where Liz was. She was upset and angry at this because she had clearly written in the note not to ask her parents about her whereabouts and not to bother them.

As Liz came out of them hologram on the dojo, she noticed the others staring at her from the pond. She gave them a smile and picked up her towel, wiping her face which was damp with sweat. She then decided she needed a shower and started heading towards the bathroom.
Liz could hear footsteps behind and turning around she saw Brennan walking quickly to catch up with her.

“Hey Sparky what’s up?” She grinned at him.

“Nothing much I just wanted to say WOW, you sure can kick some ass!” He said enthusiastically.

“Thanks, listen I’m gonna jump in the shower ‘cos I’m really sweaty and hot!” Liz said.

Brennan could see that, her skin was covered in a layer of perspiration and usually that would turn him off a girl, but on Liz it just highlighted her collar bones that he wanted to suck on and because she was wearing a sports bra and low-cut sweat pants the sweat in the dip in between her breasts made them look even better, there was also a bead of liquid running down her flat, toned stomach that he could see himself licking off.
With that said Liz turned and started heading for the bathroom again. She stopped and turned abruptly when she heard Brennan mutter ‘can I join you under?’ his breath.

“I’d like that a lot Sparky, but I don’t think that showers big enough for two people and I don’t think Blondie would like that either.” She nodded her head in the direction where Shalimar was glaring at them with the familiar territorial look in her eyes. Liz then winked at him and this time got to the bathroom to shower without any interruptions.

At The Pond

“So you and Brennan are getting pretty friendly with Liz, huh?” Emma asked as Jesse flipped through a car magazine.

“Yes. So you and Shal have done nothing but avoid her like the plague!” He countered.

“Touché.” She grinned, hoping to make it less awkward.

“Emma look, Liz is really nice okay. I’m not asking you to become her best friend but at least try to be civil towards her because I think Brennan is starting to fall for her.” Jesse asked.

“Okay, I’ll try. Not promising anything but I’ll try.” She answered.

“That’s all I ask.”

They then went back to sitting in silence, with Emma meditating and Jesse reading his magazine.


A/N: I know it's short, hopefully the next part will be longer.

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Re: A New Mutant (Mutant X xo) ADULT...Prt2...19/1

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Part 2

Liz leant against the doorframe and watched as Brennan went through his weight training. She had now been here with Mutant X for 2 weeks. 14 days. And every single one of those days she had been attracted to him. For 13 of those days she had felt her feral side urging her to claim him, make him hers and she would’ve if she didn’t want to step on Shalimar’s toes. She was the only member of MX that hadn’t warmed up to Liz. Emma had apologised to week ago to her for the way she had treated her, which Liz had accepted.
She was brought out of her thoughts as Brennan placed the weights back onto the stand and flashed her a grin that made Liz go weak in the knees. She felt his eyes travel over her body which was dressed in a blue sports bra, a pair of grey three quarter length sweatpants and black sneakers, her hair was up in a messy bun with her face free of make-up and since she had just finished training herself, her skin was covered in a thin layer of perspiration.
Liz decided that if he got to look, so did she. She took in his white wife beater, black sweatpants and white sneakers. Their eyes met and Liz returned Brennans smile with one of her own and started walking over to him.

“Impressive.” She stated about his weight lifting, but her eyes were focused on the muscles revealed by the tight top he wore.

“Really?” He asked smoothly.

“Uh-huh.” Was the only answer he got as she placed her arms around his neck and she smirked when his hands came to rest on the top of her butt.

“Well Miss Parker, lets see what else I can impress you with.” Brennan whispered as he lowered his head. Just as their lips were about to meet they heard Adams voice shouting for everyone to meet him in the lab.
Liz sighed and pulled away from him. She could see the frustration on his face and knew that it probably mirrored hers. They smiled warmly at each other, not wanting anything to become awkward between them and headed to meet the others arm-in-arm with Brennan telling Liz stories that had her giggling all the way.

Once they got to their destination, they were glad to see Emma and Jesse arriving at the same time. Liz pulled her-self up onto a clear nearby desk and was happy when Brennan settled in between her legs, her front up against his back. She then wrapped her arms around his neck smiling when he brought one of his hands up to clasp one of her own and settled his other one onto her knee. Liz noticed out the corner of her eye that Shalimar was staring at them, but was glad to see that the oh-so-familiar possessive look wasn’t was as fierce as it usually was. Maybe Blondie was getting used to them being seen together like this. Liz was brought from her musings as Adam began to speak.

“Okay, so the good news is I found out where the new Gynomex is.- Bad news is that it’s right in the middle of the woods and no matter which way we go in we’re going to be detected, except by foot. But that’d only be if you wore -” He was cut off.

“ARMY COMBATS, HELL YEAH!!” Liz exclaimed her personal love for the style, eased the tension in the room and got a chuckle out of everyone at that.

“Anyway, Liz is right you’ll all need to wear camouflaged clothing and split up into to teams. Emma and Jesse together, Shalimar and Brennan together and Liz you’ll manage on your own. The plan is to take down the three main buildings, Eckhart office, the DNA lab and the building in which the main sever and the microchip that holds all of Gynomex’s work. Now, the hard part is actually getting to the buildings, it seems the security has been increased ten-fold.” Adam took a breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, hoping to relive some tension before continuing. “I think we should go in now, so go get changed.”

Twenty minutes later the 5 of them were boarding the double helix, with Adams voice travelling over their com-links and since Liz was on her own she had been given a temporary one. He told them the directions to the new Gynomex and they soon set off.

They arrived within 15 minutes, Emma and Jesse set off first on their one mile walk to the DNA lab. A few minutes later Brennan and Shalimar were about to set off, when Shal caught Liz’s eyes she saw that they were telling her to take care of him, she did a little nod to show she understood and they set off to take out Eckhart office.
Liz sighed and cleared her head of all thoughts. She had changed into a green halter top, khaki combat trousers and black combat boots; she had also pulled her hair back into a tight bun.

Soon, she had set off on her 2 mile hike to the building that held the microchip and the main server.

Liz got there within 10 minutes, her feral side starting to pump the adrenaline for her and luckily managed to get inside the building without getting seen. She immediately noticed a guard standing at the door she wanted to go through. She gave a little shock making him unconscious and quickly entered the room, quietly closing the door behind her. She scanned the room for occupants and only noticed one man leaning over the main server computer, with salt & pepper hair and a white lab coat on who hadn’t noticed her yet. She crept up behind him, stopping about 2 feet away and whispered.


The man turned around so quickly Liz could practically hear his neck protest. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get any words out she had brought her fist up and punched him so hard he was out cold.

After performing some flips over the heat beams, Liz managed to collect the microchip. She then walked over to the computer and let the electricity running through her fry it so there was smoke rising from it. As soon as she had done that, the alarm went off and red lights started flashing and Liz knew they had been caught out.

Liz then started heading back to the helix, but before she could get there she had to take out 5 guys with several different kicks, flips and punches.
She soon reached the large plane, done a quick head count noting everyone else was there. They took off in a hurry and Liz took a deep breath and leant back in her seat as her adrenaline rush began to wear off.

Two hours later Liz was sitting around the pond watching the candles float. She and Adam had discussed her staying with the team, she had thought about it for a good 12 seconds before saying yes! She was happy here, she was with fellow mutants and she didn’t have to deal with Max here. Liz had agreed with Adam about him telling the others about her staying because she knew he could explain it better.

She felt someone come up behind her and without turning knew it was Brennan. He sat down beside her, silently took her hand and slipped on her com-link, watching as it recognised her DNA. He then turned Liz so she was facing him, stoking her cheek as he welcomed her to the team. They both started to lean in and shared a deep seductive kiss and before they pulled away Liz gently nipped at Brennans bottom lip, a sensation ran through him at this, something he had never felt before. When they did pull away they were both breathless and had big smiles on their faces.

“Very impressive.” Liz whispered, referring to their earlier conversation. Brennan just grinned and leant in for another kiss.

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Re: A New Mutant (MX,XO,UC,ADULT) Pt2 19/1

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, I know it has been so long since I updated this fic, but my muse for this has disappeared and it looks like she’s not coming back, so I’ve decided to just end this fic. Sorry. But thanks for all the wonderful feedback you guys gave me.


Epilogue – 5 YEARS LATER

Liz Mulwray looked at the bride and groom dancing on the floor, lost in their own world. It had been 5 years since she had ran from Roswell and this was the first time she had been back, she had received an invitation to Maria and Michaels wedding via her parents. At first she had been hesitant to go, she had a new life away from the alien town, and her life was with Brennan. But eventually her husband had persuaded her to go.

She and Brennan had been married for just under four years. They were still with Mutant X but only participated in the missions they were needed for and it had been that way since the birth of their first child. Ten months after their wedding, Brandon Alexander Jeffery Mulwray had been born with his father’s looks and mutation but his mother’s personality. Then when he was 16 months old, Liz had given birth to Billie Claudia Mulwray, her baby girl. She was pure Liz, with the chocolate eyes and friendly personality, surprising since she got her mothers feral mutation. Now just two years later she was pregnant with their 3rd child. She was just 5 months along so her baby bump was visible.

She looked over at her plus one. Emma. The red head had offered to come with her when Brandon and Billie had all of a sudden had come down with the chicken-pox and Brennan had to stay with them. Emma was also the only one available to come since Adam and Jesse, who had been married to Emma for a year, were busy on a mission and Shal and her husband, Richard, were busy with their newborn daughter, Jessica.

Sighing she told Emma they had to get this over and headed into the large hall, where the reception was being held. She felt underdressed, but she was pregnant and couldn’t fit into her dresses so she was wearing a dark purple top that come down to mid-thigh, a pair of black leggings that were covered by her flat over-the-knee leather boots. Her look was accessorised with a long necklace, a large ring along with her wedding and engagement ring and a few bangles. Her hair was loosely curled and in a half pony. Her make-up was done with thick eyeliner and deep purple shadow. She looked good but didn’t feel properly dressed for a wedding reception.

Bringing her hand up, she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, and as she dropped her arm, the light caught her wedding and engagement rings bringing a smile to her face. Looking at them, she was instantly filled with confidence and knew that whatever the Roswellians threw at her she could take because no matter what she had her friends, her husband and her kids to go back to once the day was over.


Hope you guys liked it.

My Numb3rs xo fic. Coming Soon!