Will you still love me? (A/I,CC, TEEN) (Complete)

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Will you still love me? Pt.21 (A/I,CC, TEEN) 20-Apr-06

Post by StargazerUK »

A/N: As promised. :D

Chapter 21

Maria shot a darting look towards Michael before she looked back at Liz. “So what are we going to do, who’s going to share?”

The group of teens all looked a little nonplussed by this surprising turn of events. Even Michael had stopped laughing and was now taking the problem a little more seriously than he had been. As each teen looked at their nearest companion it became clear that they were each silently eyeing the other up with every person in turn being considered by the others as a potential tent partner.

When Alex’s eyes fell upon Isabel he could swear he saw her blush slightly as she gently dropped her gaze for a moment. Just as he fought to stop his trademark grin spreading across his face he caught a glimpse of Max giving him a cold hard stare. They may have just formed a clandestine pact with a promise to keep the girls safe, but it was clear that Max wasn’t going to be too welcoming to the idea of his sister sharing a tent with a teenage boy.

After fixing Alex with a look of death for even considering the possibility of him sharing with Isabel Max found himself drawn to look at Liz who was clearly lost in thought, no doubt trying to come up with a solution that would suite everyone. As he found himself simply gazing upon Liz he got the strangest feeling. When he broke his prolonged look at the object of his desire he saw Alex fold his arms across his chest in a defiant gesture. When he fixed his new tall friend with a proper look he could read in Alex’s face a look which simply said ‘You’ve got to be kidding me’.

Max dropped his head, slightly embarrassed at not only getting caught gazing longingly at Liz, but also at getting caught while thinking about the possibility of sharing a tent with her. It wasn’t as though he could deny it or even find fault with Alex’s silent accusation, he’d just warned Alex off of thinking the same think about his sister.

“Well I suppose Max and I could share.” Isabel finally stated, breaking the prolonged silence. It was clear Isabel wasn’t even going to try to hide her contempt for such an idea, but it was clear there weren’t too many workable options and with her and Max as brother and sister it at least made sure there was no hint of impropriety, which she couldn’t swear to if she was left alone in a tent with Alex all night.

“Actually, Isabel, I think I have a better solution.” Liz cut in with a gentle smile. “If Max and Michael share, you and Maria can share and I’ll share with Alex.”

“Really?” Isabel questioned in surprise.

“It’s not a problem. We all know there are certain pairings we simply can’t have, not least if it gets back to our parents.” Liz fought the urge and lost as she sent a brief glance towards Max. “Maria and I have known Alex forever and both look upon him as a brother, but the fact that he isn’t really our brother takes the ‘ewww’ factor out of us sharing.”

“Liz is right.” Maria added. “We’ve had many sleepovers with Alex and he wouldn’t dare try anything with us so it really isn’t a problem. Whether it’s Liz or me that shares, it doesn’t matter. It wouldn’t even be a problem if our parents find out, they trust Alex.”

“Erm…do you mind if I say something?” Alex softly broke in.

“Sure, sweetie.” Maria smiled at her friend. “What is it?”

“Would one of you kindly let me know if you happen to find my testicles lying around here somewhere!” Alex cried out loud, catching them all by surprise. He made a point of directing his next comments specifically at Liz and Maria. “I’m not quite sure if you girls are aware, but it isn’t too much fun having yourself emasculated in front of your new friends!”

Both girls went to speak, but Alex threw up a hand to stop them before he carried on. “I know you both love me and I know neither of you would ever want to hurt me, but you have to understand that being dismissed so readily doesn’t do my flagging reputation or my own self-belief any good. I would never, ever want either of you to feel threatened or uncomfortable around me, but in the same breath I wouldn’t want either of you to simply think of me as one of the girls and not look at me as a man who might have inappropriately checked out your ass from time to time or thought how hot you both look when you get all dressed up to go out!”

“You think we’re hot!” Maria asked, a broad smile spreading across her face.

“Don’t change the subject, Maria.” Alex scolded. “I’m very mad at you both so don’t think a cute comment or a sexy smile is going to get you out of this one!”

Alex turned to head back to the jeep, but looked back over his shoulder as he started to move away. “If you want me I’ll be giving myself a hernia trying to lift the remainder of our stuff out of the jeep while at the same time trying to prove to myself that in here…” Alex pointed to his chest. “…somewhere beats the heart of a man and not just some Bridget Jones wannabe.” Alex stopped abruptly and glared at both girls again. “You see! I shouldn’t know who Bridget Jones is nor should I have watched every episode of Little House on the Prairie with you guys.” Alex stormed off while still mumbling to himself. “…I should be watching Baywatch and learning how to fix cars…”

The group stood in silence for a moment. Even Michael was taken aback by Alex’s outburst, so much so that he knew now wasn’t the time for an inappropriate comment. “Can you guys give us a minute?” Liz asked gently as she turned to follow Alex, quickly shadowed by Maria.

“Hey, big fella.” Liz greeted the back of Alex as he struggled to lift a large backpack from the rear of the jeep. When he lowered the bag to the floor he turned to look at Liz and he noticed Maria slowly come up to join them. Both girls could see the sheepish look on his face and the feelings of regret that were oozing out of their friend.

“Please tell me I just didn’t do what I just did!” Alex dropped his head and stared at his shoes as he continued to speak. “I didn’t mean for it all to come spewing out of me in the way that it did. I just meant to pass comment on the fact that I would once, just once, like to be looked upon as the opposite sex. It’s not like I want to start dating either of you or anything else for that matter, I love you both too much for that, but for my egos sake I could do with you both pretending to be a little coy around me.”

Maria reached up and rubbed at Alex’s arm affectionately. “We stopped getting changed in front of you, sweetie, and it wasn’t because we suddenly got all coy or anything. You stopped being this geeky little ten year old that we could share a bed with and became this geeky big man who we love and desperately want in our lives, and always will.”

“It’s not that we don’t see you as a guy, trust me you’re nothing but a guy to us, but you’re our guy and we want you in our lives, every minute of every day given the opportunity.” Liz added. “We were worried that you would think we were shutting you out if we changed things so as long as it didn’t get uncomfortable between us we wanted things to stay the same. Sure, we can’t share a bed together anymore, but I hope it won’t stop us from sharing a room…”

“Or a tent?” Alex cut in, realising how much he had overreacted. He had taken Liz’s original comment about sharing a tent as a slight on his manhood when in fact it was testament to how the girls both felt completely and utterly comfortable in his care, something he had strived to achieve over the years. He wanted them to feel safe with him, he wanted them to be at their ease when he was around and he had succeeded so what did he have to complain about?

“I feel rather foolish now.” Alex stated softly. “I’m sure Isabel, Max and Michael will be hugely impressed by my outburst, they probably think I’m some sort of lunatic.”

“Oh, I doubt that somehow.” Liz offered. “You forget that Max and Isabel are brother and sister so I can’t imagine their relationship being much different to ours and from what I have learned about Michael he spends as much time at the Evans house as at his own so he’s almost a surrogate brother to Isabel as well.”

“What does that mean?” Alex pressed.

“It means that they probably have the same obstacles and hurdles to overcome in their relationships as we do.” Maria added. “You are starting to get to know Isabel better than any of us so can you honestly tell me that you don’t think she has made Max and Michael watch a chick flick or two in their time?”

Alex visibly perked up at hearing his friends reasoned explanations. “I suppose you’re right. And even if you’re not, I think I am so keen to blank this embarrassing event from my memory that I am willing to lie to myself so I can believe what you have said is true.”

At hearing movement behind her Liz glanced over her shoulder and noticed their three friends slowly moving to the jeep to join them. She quickly looked back at Alex and leaned in close before whispering. “Trust us on this, Alex. We know girls and it’s clear that Max and Michael are as much a part of Isabel’s life as you are of ours.”

“And we wouldn’t have it any other way.” Maria added.

“So are you guys ready to get started?” Max questioned as the group reformed. “If you just give us a couple of minutes for me, Michael and Alex to load up the rucksacks we can head off.”

Alex was thankful that his new friends seemed willing to simply ignore his outburst and more than that he caught Isabel giving him a secretive smile that was clearly meant for his eyes only, which caused his heart to leap. With a sudden sense of bravery and with the knowledge that Isabel was still behind him he decided to start his new friendship as he planned to go on…with honesty. “Can I just say I’m sorry for my diatribe back there? I’m sure I probably scared the hell out of all of you, but despite the rumours I’m not some neurotic teen working through his issues in broad daylight, simply a guy who forgot his place in his friend’s lives, but is now happily back on track.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Max tried to reassure Alex. “You should meet some of Isabel’s so called friends from school. I know what you were talking about isn’t quite the same thing, but some of her cohorts would simply dismiss Michael and me as though we weren’t even there.” Max saw Liz and Maria go wide-eyed at that comment so he moved quickly to appease them. “I don’t mean you dismissed Alex, I mean that even though sometimes you know it shouldn’t matter how certain people react to you it can still hurt. Just like you two, obviously you never meant to hurt Alex and I’m sure deep down he knew that, but it can still touch a raw nerve.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” Alex smiled at Max. “It’s not even as though I want Liz and Maria to look at me that way just…”

“…you want other people to.” Isabel interjected. She paused for a moment, solely looking at Alex. “I know exactly what you mean.”

That revelation surprised everyone even more than Alex’s comments a few minutes ago, but it seemed Isabel was happy with her openness as she didn’t blush, didn’t shy away or drop her head. She simply looked around the group, making sure she got her point across.

“If you guys have finished this whole ‘opening up to everyone’ moment we need to get a move on if we are going to get where we are going and set up camp.” Michael stopped abruptly and suddenly started to shake his head as he turned away mumbling. “You see what they’ve done to me! I’m all ‘let’s get going, we have to go camping’ I don’t want to go camping, I want to be at home in front of the TV watching sports…who the hell goes camping?”


Twenty minutes later they were moving through the woods, keeping to the well worn path. Max and Liz had taken a look at the maps that were on display back at the parking area before they left. It was decided that as it was their first trip out that they would not stray too far from the beaten track, but also that they would try to find somewhere a little quiet without too many fellow campers about.

It hadn’t taken very long for the bitching and moaning to start and unsurprisingly it was Maria, Isabel and Michael who were the main voices to dissent. The three boys were carrying the main burden of equipment, but to Isabel’s chagrin there was still enough gear left over to mean that each girl had to carry at least some tools and equipment.

“Are we nearly there yet?” Maria called from the back of the line of wanderers. She had tried to start off all up beat and enthusiastic, mainly because Liz had told her to, but after the first few minutes of traipsing through the woods it had soon lost it’s appeal and she had slowly fallen to the back of the line as her little legs showed less and less willingness to continue.

“It’s really not far now, Maria.” Liz called from the front where she was travelling along beside Max. “We’ll be there in a couple of minutes and then we can set up camp.”

“Set up camp?” Maria repeated, Liz’s words filling her with dread. “I thought the guys were going to set up the tents, isn’t that what guys do? It’s why we brought them along.”

Liz couldn’t help but let slip a laugh at Maria moaning. She glanced over her shoulder to look back at her best friend who was being shadowed by Alex in an effort to stop her falling completely behind. “If the guys are setting up the tents that means we have to get some wood for the fire and start preparing food.”

“Did someone mention food?” Michael cut in, clearly having missed the earlier part of the conversation.

“We have plenty of food, Michael.” Liz replied to the large boy’s unmindful question. “In fact half of the weight of our bags is taken up by food so it means it will be that much easier when we leave tomorrow because I don’t doubt that you guys will have it all eaten.”

Now that the mention of food had refocused Michael’s mind he decided it was time for mischief. “Are there any bears or snakes in these woods?”

No sooner had the words come out of his mouth when he felt a shove in the back. When he turned slightly and looked down he found Maria pinned to the back of him, clinging on for dear life. “Do you say bears and snakes?” She asked nervously as she glanced around frantically.

“Maria, ignore Michael. He’s just trying to scare you.” Isabel offered, trying to reassure the fraught young girl.

“Well he’s doing a very good job.” She replied breathlessly. “That’s it! I don’t want to offend either of you girls but I am not sharing with you if there are bears or snakes about, I’d rather share with one of the guys.”

That comment caused everyone to stop and turn to look at Maria. “What makes you think you will be any safer with one of the guys rather than me or Isabel?” Liz asked out of curiosity.

“Oh, I don’t.” Maria countered while still looking apprehensive. “It’s just us girls always smell so sweet and pretty, which no bear in his right mind is going to want to eat. They like rotting, horrible things to eat so I think I’d rather share with someone like Michael.”

“Hey!” Michael cried, finally levering Maria off of him.

“Serves you right.” Isabel smiled smugly as she brushed past Michael. “You got Maria into this state and now you can deal with her.”

As the group moved the last few hundred yards to their camping area all Liz, Max, Isabel and Alex could hear was Michael, still back down the path with Maria, trying to convince her that he was only joking.

“There aren’t really bears here, Maria. It was only a joke.”

“Oh, no! You’re just trying to calm me down. If I thought it was an option I would turn round and go home now, but Liz would never let me. As far as I’m concerned we’re all sleeping in the same tent with me in the middle.”

As the forward party reached their destination and dropped their bags they took a look round the clearing. “Not that I have any camping experience to go by, but this looks as good a place as any to pitch the tents.” Max stated, trying to muster some confidence within the group.

“Looks good to me.” Liz agreed. “So I guess we should start setting up the tents.”

After a moment Liz glanced over at Isabel while both Max and Alex were busy starting to unpack the equipment. With a silent nod of her head she gestured towards the unsuspecting Alex and smiled gently.

Isabel stared at her for a moment, unsure what she meant and then it dawned on her. “Erm…Alex, I wondered if you would like to give me a hand collecting some fire wood?”

Both Max and Alex stopped what they were doing and looked back at Isabel. Slowly lifting himself up from his crouching position, a smile quickly spread across Alex's stunned face. “I’d love to.”

To be continued…
Last edited by StargazerUK on Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Will you still love me? Pt.22 (A/I,CC, TEEN) 10-May-06

Post by StargazerUK »

A/N: Usual Story, writing and posting on the same day when I shouldn't. Please forgive any errors if you see them before I get to them. Cheers, David

Chapter 22

“I hope you didn’t mind my little piece of meddling.”

Max stopped hammering in the remaining tent peg for one of the tents and turned to look at Liz. “Sorry? I didn’t quite catch that.”

Liz fought the urge to blush as Max focused his full attention on her. “I was just saying, I hope you don’t have a problem with Alex and Isabel going off to hunt for fire wood.”

Max smiled warmly at Liz, but also frowned slightly. “I’m not sure I understand.”

“I’m sorry, I’m not explaining myself very well.” This time Liz did blush. “It was me who got Isabel to take Alex with her while hunting for fire wood. My guilty conscience has been eating away at me ever since they left so I was just hoping that you didn’t mind me interfering.”

Max’s frown soon disappeared and his warm smiled was replaced by a full on grin. “Liz, trust me when I tell you that Isabel never does anything she doesn’t want to do. Some times she might gripe and moan, but if she ends up doing something it means that on some level, for whatever reason, she wants to do it. You weren’t meddling.”

Liz almost let out an audible sigh of relief at hearing Max’s reassuring words.

“Couple that with the fact that they both seem pretty into each other these days means if she didn’t ask him then I’m sure he would have asked her.” Max continued. “I’ll have to admit to not being overly keen on any of Isabel’s previous suitors, but Alex is clearly different, which is a good thing.”

“Suitors?” Liz repeated with raised eyebrows and a broad smile.

“I’m in the company of a lady so I was looking for a polite way to describe them rather than some of the more colourful terms Michael and I normally use.” Max explained.

“Such as?” Liz pressed, enjoying this more open and relaxed Max.

“Nothing too rude, I leave that to Michael, but they are normally from the football team or basketball team so they’re usually jocks of some description or complete airheads who are popular solely because their family has money and they come to school in flash clothes and even flashier cars.”

“Not like people of substance and character who come to school in ex-military jeeps?” Liz decided to tease Max a little now that they were clearly becoming more comfortable around one another.
“I’m just happy being myself.” Max confessed. “That’s why it’s such a relief to see Isabel so interested in Alex. He’s clearly a nice guy who treats people the right way and isn’t out to impress anybody, which for a date of Isabel’s is something new and very welcome. I think Isabel will be good for Alex and at the same time I think Alex will be very good for Isabel.”

Liz nodded readily in agreement. “On that we can agree. Alex really is a great guy and the fact that for whatever reason Isabel seems to have finally realised that, no one is happier about it than me. Accept maybe Alex.” Liz added with a grin. “I’m not sure if you are aware or will be happy to know that Alex has had a crush on your sister for quite some time. The important thing to remember with Alex is he isn’t just about the looks or the social status, in fact those things mean almost nothing to him, but he clearly sees something in Isabel, which we are all beginning to see lately…” Liz paused for a moment. “…I’m sorry, that must have sounded very rude.”

Max shook his head slightly. “I know exactly what you mean, don’t worry. You haven’t offended me or my absent sister. Isabel has always been a complicated soul and even our family know she can be hard to live with sometimes, but she has a good heart and is always trying to help and protect those closest to her, even if it doesn’t always seem that way.”

“Well she seems pretty taken with Alex and with Maria always looking out for him I think Alex is now the safest person in Roswell, not that he needs it.” Liz let out a little laugh and quickly threw her hand to her mouth to block it.

Max felt a suddenly pang of guilty at hearing Liz’s innocent words. Little did she know what had become of Alex in the other timeline, but one thing was for sure. With Isabel watching out for him this time, nothing was going to happen to him.

“Don’t do that.” Max quickly stated before dropping his head slight upon seeing Liz’s surprise reaction to his words. “I’m sorry, I just mean you have a beautiful laugh and you shouldn’t hide it.”

“Thank you.” Liz suddenly found her walking boots incredibly fascinating as she dropped her gaze.

Their new found relaxed feelings around each other had led to the inevitable uncomfortable silence. Neither was probably willing to admit it, but they were both very happy to be where they were and with whom they were with, however, it didn’t mean they had simply bypassed the sometimes awkward and uncomfortable silences that befall new couples, not that they were a couple…yet!

“For goodness sake! How difficult can it be?” A voice yelled from behind them.

“If it looks so easy why don’t you do it?”

Max and Liz had never been so pleased to hear the bickering voices of Maria and Michael. Both turned and looked beyond the tents to the other side of the small clearing and saw Maria standing with her hands on her hips as she looked down at a kneeling Michael who was apparently having a problem trying to get the fire started.

“I’ve seen people do it all the time on the TV so why are you having some much difficulty?” Maria pressed.

Michael quickly stood up so he now towered over the diminutive girl who had been berating him. “Well there are three reasons that I can think of straight away. Firstly, I’m sure they have a lot of experience of lighting fires out in the woods as well as having the right equipment. Secondly, I’m sure they don’t leave the required equipment back at the car as we have done. Finally, and probably most importantly, they don’t have some shrill little pixie constantly whining in their ear.”

Both Liz and Max had an undeniable urge to step back, cover their ears and wait for Maria to go bang, but to their surprise there wasn’t any Deluca explosion. On the contrary Maria remained perfectly calm and silent as she reached over and took the knife and the piece of flint from Michael before she crouched down over the gathered tinder and started to try and create a spark.

Liz turned to Max, at first in amazement at Maria’s lack of hysterics after Michael’s comments and then in confusion at exactly what the two of them were doing.

“We left the matches and firelighters back in the car by mistake. Michael was going to go back and get them, but when I made a joking comment about him not being able to do it the old fashion way with a knife and a piece of flint be took it as a challenge and all the while we’ve been putting up the tents and Alex and Isabel having been hunting fire wood he’s been trying to start a fire.” Max explained. “I told you before that I borrowed most of the camping gear from Milton and he likes to be at one with nature so he carries a knife and some small pieces of flint with him when he goes camping. He also keeps a small bag with firelighters in and, in a separate tin box, some matches. For those of us who don’t embrace nature as we all should, as he puts it.”

Michael was getting more and more infuriated by Maria’s actions with each passing moment. He wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, it wasn’t Maria herself that he found annoying, but each thing she said or each thing she did it brought a reaction out of him. This latest incident was a prime example. He was trying his best and she was moaning, so nothing new there, but when he shouted at her he was all prepared and happy to receive a tongue lashing in return…but nothing. Now he felt all shitty for being mean to her when in fact he was only giving as good as he had been receiving.

“Let me try that.” He said gruffly as he crouched down beside Maria.

“No, I can do it!” She cried as she pulled the knife and flint away from his out stretched hand.

“You’re going to hurt yourself.” Michael called. “And worse still you might hurt me!”

“And that would be a bad thing, would it?” She countered.

“Look!” Michael shouted loudly, catching Maria by surprise. He was shocked when he saw Maria almost recoil from him and he realised he had gone too far. He took a deep breath and lowered his voice to little more than a whisper. “Look, I’m sorry about what I said. I was just getting a little frustrated with not being able to get this fire started and I think I was taking it out on you.”

“It’s not like you scare me or anything.” Maria stated defensively. “I’ve had bigger lumps than you shout at me and it had no affect.”

Michael went to raise his voice again, but caught himself just in time. “I said I was sorry and that I didn’t mean to shout.”

Maria glanced over at Michael with her big, soulful eyes. “Apology accepted.”

“Good.” Michael nodded. “Now can I please have the knife and flint?” Michael could see Maria was still unsure, but then he remembered something Max was always telling him. “You can do things the hard way or the ease way’.”

Michael gently reached out his hand a little further. “Please.”

Maria stopped and thought for a moment before she placed the knife, handle first, and the piece of flint into Michael’s large hand. “I was only trying to help.”

“Maria.” A female voice called, causing both Maria and Michael to stand up and turn towards the tents where they saw Liz and Max staring back at them. “Why don’t you come and help me prepare the food for when the cooking can get started while Max and Michael show us what real men they are by finally getting the fire burning?”

Finally Max moved over to join Michael as Maria trudged over to join Liz and set about getting the food ready.


“Here’s what I don’t understand.” Alex began. “We’re in a wood!”

Isabel stopped and looked back at Alex with a broad smile. “And?”

Alex shook his head. “No, that’s it! We’re in a wood, so why on earth are we hunting for fire wood? We’ve been dragging the stuff back to near the camp site for ages. Surely we are surrounded on all sides by wood.”

“Ah, yes.” Isabel agreed. “But not fire wood.”

Alex frowned. “There’s a difference?”

“Of course.” Isabel let out a little giggle. “Firstly, we don’t want to damage any of the living, growing trees so we can’t just go hacking at the nearest piece of wood…”

“We can’t?” Alex questioned. The regret was evident in his voice.

“…no we can’t!” Isabel confirmed, this time fighting back a giggle. “Secondly, we need dead, dry wood to make a good strong fire to cook the food on so we need to find a certain type. Not just any old wood will do.”

“When did you become all ‘Doctor Quinn: Medicine woman’.” Alex let out a snort of laughter at his own joke.

“Have you ever even seen that show?” Isabel questioned.

“No.” Alex shook his head. “But isn’t she like a frontiers woman or something? I’m sure back then the women knew what wood to burn.”

“Unlike the men of today you mean?” Isabel scowled at Alex playfully. “You’re coming incredibly close to a sexist comment so I would tread very carefully.”

Alex blushed furiously. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“Alex, I kidding!” Isabel quickly moved to reassure her companion. “With both Liz and Maria around you you wouldn’t get the chance to be sexist, I was only messing with you.”

“Of thank goodness.” Alex felt the relief wash over him. “Now hurry up woman and get that wood, it’s nearly time for you to cook my dinner!”

Before even waiting to see Isabel’s reaction Alex took off like a bullet out of a gun. As he darted through the woods back towards the camp he could hear Isabel gaining on him all the time.

“Get back here, Whitman. You’re a dead man when I get my hands on you!”


“We should just go back to the car and get the matches and firelighters.” Max stated resolutely.

“Not on your life, Maxwell.” I’ve been at this for the better part of half an hour and I’m not giving up now.” Michael continued to scrap at the flint with the knife, the occasional spark flying forward, but not enough to set the kindling alight.

“You’re only getting more and more annoyed with yourself and this will not end well.” Max reasoned. “You have nothing to prove to Maria.”

Michael stopped what he was doing and looked directly at Max. “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It doesn’t mean anything.” Max scrubbed at his face. “We’re all getting a little tired and hungry and we need to eat soon.”

“Well why don’t you go and help Maria and Liz and leave me to do this.” Michael offered rather sternly.

“Fine.” Max knew he wasn’t going to win this one. “But when you are ready let me know and I’ll run back to the car for the matches.”

Michael didn’t want to admit it, but he knew his frustration was reaching boiling point. It was a nothing thing he was trying to do and he already knew that no one would care if he couldn’t do it and yet still he continued as though his life itself depended upon his success.

He quickly stood up and glanced over the tops of the tents to see Max, Maria and Liz quietly talking amongst themselves as they laid out the food. He rubbed at his top lip with the sleeve of his shirt as the perspiration began to accumulate after all his vigorous attempts to start the fire began to take their toll.

For a second time he took a look over at the three on the far side of the clearing and he came to a decision. They were on the far side of the clearing from him, they were deep in conversation and their direct line of sight was blocked by the tents anyway. A little burst of power and no one would be any the wiser. They’d have their fire and he wouldn’t have to go all the way back to the car for those damn matches.

True…he wasn’t the most gifted with his powers, but what harm could he do? The tents were far enough away that he wouldn’t harm them and the others were even further away so who would know?

After a third and final look, Michael dropped onto his knees and held out a hand about the kindling. He closed his eyes and concentrated on causing a small spark, a spark that would be just about big enough to set the small bits of wood and dry grass on fire and then, before you know it, he would have his fire.

When he opened his eyes he could see nothing had happened. His frustrations from a few moments earlier came flooding back. He concentrated harder this time, leaving his eyes open. His hand was hovering about eighteen inches about the kindling and with each passing second his determination to do this increased. Suddenly there was a large blast of flame as the entire bundle of kindly burst into a scorching fire. The flame was so big that Michael fell back onto the floor just as he heard footsteps come thundering into the camp.

Michael quickly leapt to his feet to find Isabel come running directly into the clearing where he was standing. He felt a huge surge to relief when he found it was Isabel who had appeared from nowhere, even though he was confident he didn’t hear footsteps until he had set the blaze alight, so no one would have seen him use his powers.

“Oh, wow!” Isabel gasped. “You got the fire going.”

“Yes.” Michael nodded in triumph just as the other three joined them. “It took some time, but I got there in the end.”

“Well done, Michael.” Max slapped his big friend on the back in a gesture of affection as he approached the now roaring fire.

“Yes, well done is right.” Liz agreed. “It can’t have been easy with just the knife and the flint.”

Michael was even more pleased when he saw Maria nodding in agreement with everyone else’s comments as well as seeing the broad smile on her face.

“Hey, have you guys seen Alex?” Isabel cut in. “I was chasing him back and somehow I got all turned around.” She explained. “He should have been here a couple of minutes ago.”

Suddenly Michael felt his blood run cold.

“I’m here.” A voice called from behind where Michael had been standing.

Everyone turned to see Alex stepped out from the wooded area. Michael moved slowly with his head held low and once he had fully turned he lifted his gaze to find Alex staring straight at him with a look of confusion planted firmly on his face.

“What were you doing hiding back there?” Michael asked defensively.

“I think it is me who should be asking the questions don’t you, Michael?”

To be continued…
If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.

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Will you still love me? Pt.23 (A/I,CC, TEEN) 23-May-06

Post by StargazerUK »

Chapter 23

“What’s going on?” Liz asked in confusion as she looked from Michael to Alex, fully aware that something odd had happened judging by Alex’s demeanour. “Alex, what is it?”

Alex finally broke his fixed glare at Michael to glance over at Liz as she spoke to him. As his eyes were drawn to his petite friend he couldn’t help notice the look of horror that flashed across Isabel’s immaculate features. “I’m not sure, Liz.” Alex began. “I can’t really believe what I just saw, but the fact remains I just saw Michael start that fire…with his hand!”

“Are you insane?” Michael suddenly blurted out.

Since Alex had stepped out of the undergrowth Max’s mind had been working overtime to try and find a way to fend off what was now happening. He knew Michael better than anyone so he felt he should have guessed that his best friend would resort to using his powers to start the fire rather than concede defeat to such an innocuous task. “Alex, what you are saying is impossible.” Max cut in. “Michael has been trying to get the fire started for more than thirty minutes now and I am sure you must have walked in just as he got it going.”

“Under any other circumstances I would probably have said you were right, Max.” Alex agreed. “But I have been waiting in those bushes for the last minute or so to surprise Isabel, which is about the time that you left to help the girl’s with the food. In all the time from when you left until the fire burst into life I never saw Michael use the knife and flint once.” Alex refocused back on Michael. “I know how bizarre my accusation is and if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes I would never have believed it, but the fact remains that I saw you hold out your hand and start that fire!”

Suddenly the group fell silent. They each glanced around from one person to the next, all of them with their very own personal thoughts on what had just happened. Maria didn’t know what to make of Alex’s accusation, but she knew her friend and he wasn’t prone to wild charges if they weren’t merited. Liz, being ever pragmatic, was searching for a believable explanation. She, like Maria, knew Alex well enough to know he wasn’t kidding, but at the same time she knew what he was claiming just wasn’t humanly possible.

Max was desperately trying to find some common ground. He knew instantly that if they simply denied what had gone on and tried to carry on as normal that it would tear the group apart, which was the exact opposite of what they were looking to achieve. The possibility of telling them the truth had flashed into his mind, but just as quickly he dispelled that thought as he felt it was still too soon to tell them. Thanks to the insight they had gained via future Liz’s memories he had no doubt in his mind that he could trust them with their secret and that one day soon they would tell them, but just not yet!

Michael and Alex were back simply stared at one another. It wasn’t exactly a Mexican standoff and there wasn’t a hint of malice in either of their demeanours, but it was clear that each was standing firm despite the fact that only one of them could have been telling the truth.

That left Isabel. When Alex had first made his charge her eyes darted to Michael and the initial look on his face made her want to cry. For the merest fraction of a second she could see the look of dismay on his face. It wasn’t so much that their secret could be out that was worrying Michael, more that it was he who had let it slip, the one out of the group who had always been most careful and most suspicious of others.

A moment after that realisation she had turned her attention to Alex. God! She knew she loved him so much already, of that she had no doubt. This timeline was turning out to be a complete mirror image of the other one when it came to her relationship with Alex. Last time out Alex had worshipped her from a far for years before Max’s actions that day in the diner had set off a chain of events that would eventually make her see what a great guy he was. That then meant she had spent the rest of the time playing catch-up, with a tragic outcome. This time round Alex still had his strong feelings for her, but it was she who was much further down the relationship path. Having seen what she had seen and felt what she had felt from future Liz she didn’t doubt that not only did she want to spend the rest of her life with Alex, but with Liz and Maria as a major part of it too. On top of that she selfishly wanted it to start now. No long courtship for her and Alex or grace period before they told them the truth…she wanted it now!

“Tell them!” She suddenly stated while her eyes were still firmly fixed on Alex.

Liz, Maria and Alex all slowly turned to look at Isabel, confused by her abstract statement, but Max and Michael, who knew exactly what she was talking about, both whipped their heads round to focus on their sister in an instant.

“What?!” Michael exclaimed in amazement.

Isabel broke her gaze and turned gradually and purposefully to look at Michael, her mind now clear as to what to do. “I said tell them.” She moved her gaze from Michael to Max who was standing beside him. “It’s the right thing to do and we all three know we are going to do it sooner or later and I think it would be better if we do it now.”

Max had already weighted up the pros and cons of telling their secret now and he still felt it was too soon. That coupled with the fact that he wasn’t in a position to argue the fact with Isabel thanks to Liz, Maria and Alex hanging on their every word meant he had very little room to manoeuvre. “Iz, now really isn’t the time, maybe we can talk about this later.” Max wasn’t convinced that there was any alternative other than to tell them now, but at the very least he wanted time to discuss it between the three of them before they came to a decision.

“Talk about what?” Maria asked innocently, she quickly looked towards Isabel. “Are you saying you have an explanation for what Alex is saying?” She now turned her attention to Michael. “What is going on with you guys, I don’t understand?”

It wasn’t lost on Max, Michael or even Isabel that Maria was slowly edging around towards Alex. None of them blamed her for her actions and all of them knew that she probably wasn’t even aware that she was doing it, but it meant that they each knew that subconsciously, at the very least, Maria was scared of them.

“I think we all just need to take a minute.” Maria surprisingly stated, breaking the deafening silence that had fallen. “It’s not like we are accusing anyone of anything.” She looked slowly around the group. “Worst case scenario is that Michael’s some kind of pyromaniac.” When no one reacted to her little joke she knew she may have gone too far. “Too soon?” She asked looking around the group, hoping for a reaction. “If no one else has any answers then I’m going to get on with getting the food ready. If we’re going to all stand around and stare at each other with questioning looks we may as well do it with a full stomach.” And with that, Maria headed off to get the food.

Liz understood what her best friend was doing. If was clear for her to see that if Maria had stood still a moment longer her urge to run back to the car and drive off as quickly as possible would have overtaken her so she had decided to keep herself busy until she could make sense of what was going on.

It didn’t take long before Alex realised that it was down to him, this sudden change within the group, but what else was he supposed to do? He saw what he saw and he couldn’t deny it. It wasn’t like he was going to accuse Michael of witchcraft or some such thing, but the fact remained that Michael had started the fire with a wave of his hand and he simply couldn’t ignore it nor understand it. That, coupled with Isabel’s comment of ‘Tell them’, meant something was going on, whether they were willing to confess all or not.

“I know this isn’t the best of times to ask this, but can you guys give us a minute to talk?” Max asked gently as he looked from Alex to Liz.

Just as Liz was about to reply she could see Maria, now fully in the land of denial, returning with the food ready to be cooked on the roaring fire. “How about if we get on with cooking the food and you guys go over by the tents to have your talk?”

Max glanced at Michael and Isabel before looking back at Liz with a affectionate smile and nodded before turning and moving away from the fire, slowly followed by his siblings.

After a brief silence Alex felt the need to say something. “I’m sorry. I know I am probably freaking you both out, but I can’t deny what I saw Michael do.”

Before Liz could reply, Maria cut in. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve always known that there was something odd about that Guerin boy and mystical fire starter is as good as anything else I could have come up with.”

Liz decided to just ignore Maria’s comment, aware her friend was coping as best she could, and simply focused on Alex. “Alex, I trust you with my life, but is their anyway you could have been mistaken?”

Alex slowly shook his head. “I know how outlandish my claim is but I know what I saw, Liz. Imagine if you had seen someone make something simply burst into flames and then think how you would feel, how you would react.”

Liz reached over and rubbed at Alex’s arm in an affectionate manner. “I don’t doubt you, sweetie. I’m just trying to clarify what you saw and if you say you saw Michael start a fire with a wave of his hand, so be it. Plus Isabel’s comment of ‘Tell them’ has me a little intrigued to say the least.


“What the hell are you doing?” Michael asked firmly, but in a hushed voice, as he came face to face with Isabel once they had regrouped out of hearing distance on the other side of the tents.

To both Max and Michael’s surprise Isabel didn’t rise to the bait. Instead she remained both calm and relaxed as she had done since a moment or two after the initial accusation by Alex. “There’s no getting the genie back in the bottle now, Michael. What’s done is done so let’s face up to it and then move on.”

“Have you lost your mind?” Michael hissed. “Why the hell are you taking this so well? A month ago you would have been the first one packing if this had happened. Don’t tell me this calm front is all down to lover boy over there.

And still Isabel didn’t rise to the bait.

“The difference is a month ago I would never have believed we could trust people the way I know we can trust Alex, Liz and Maria.” Isabel explained. “If any of you can tell me what exactly is going to change in the next few weeks or months to make it easier for us to tell them then I will listen.” Upon seeing blank faces Isabel continued. “As I don’t believe anything will change and, now that our hand is forced by Alex seeing Michael start the fire, I think we should tell them about us. We know it is going to happen so why not now? At least we are away from town in a place where we have a little privacy and will have a chance to explain ourselves. We’ve seen how Maria took it last time she found out via future Liz, remember?”

Both boys were set to argue the point until Isabel pointed out about Maria’s reaction. If they could avoid having her running and screaming like last time it would be a bonus. If they couldn’t, at least in the woods there are few people and even fewer police officers than in town.

“I don’t think we are arguing the point about actually telling them…” Max began. “…it’s just the timing. If we could hold off for a few weeks and allow them to get to know us a little better.”

“You’re right.” Isabel nodded. “Of course you are right, but we don’t have a few weeks, not anymore.” Isabel turned to look at Michael who had dropped his head. “No one is blaming you, Michael, I promise. The reason we have always kept people at arms length is to stop this very thing from happening, but we knew the risk we were taking and we were willing to take that risk because this is Alex, Maria and Liz we are talking about.”

The next words out of Michael mouth shocked all of them, not least Michael. “And how exactly are we going to tell them?”

Isabel couldn’t hide the grin that spread across her face as she turned to look at Max. “I think that is something our beloved leader should do.”

To be continued…
If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.

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Will you still love me? Pt.24 (A/I,CC, TEEN) 17-Jun-06

Post by StargazerUK »

A/N: Sorry it took so long to get this here, I'll try to not let it happen again. :wink: I'm nearly at the end of this one now, one maybe two more parts and it will be done. As with every other story I have written I already have a new story in mind so as one finishes another will begin. Finally, best wishes to Empress_Luci and the Australian football team who take on Brazil tomorrow. I'm English so my life would not be complete without some sledging from an Aussie lol. :D cheers, David

Chapter 24

“You want me to tell them?” Max asked in surprise.

Isabel simply nodded. “I think it will only confuse the issue if we all try to explain what is going on with us, so if we have you as the main focus it should make it easier for them to take it all in, hopefully.” She added nervously.

“And you think they will believe us?” Michael asked sceptically. “We’re simply going to tell them we are aliens who came from a crashed spaceship back in the 1940’s who are now going to school in Roswell and living amongst them? Not forgetting that we also have information from one of them who just happened to travel back in time to stop another one of them from dying a tragic and meaningless death!”

Isabel shook her head vigorously. “Not exactly, Michael, but I’m glad I now know who to go to if I’m ever in the need of some dramatic flair!” She commented sarcastically.

The three siblings fell silent. The enormity of what they were proposing to do was not lost on any of them. “I wasn’t intending for us to hit them with everything that is going on with us all at once.” Isabel finally continued. “We definitely need to tell them everything, no secrets, but we also need to make sure we don’t overwhelm them with what we have to say.”

“Even if we just tell them the basics I think we have that problem pretty much covered.” Max cut in as he scrubbed at his face with his hands. “Of course you are right, Iz. We can’t give them too much at once otherwise it will all be lost on them.” Max paused for a moment as he glanced from Isabel to Michael and then back again. “Then I guess we tell them.”

“And what if Maria, or Liz and Alex for that matter, decide they want to leave?” Michael questioned. “I’ll admit to not being as worried as I would have been thanks to having seen future Liz’s memories, but we are still assuming that they will just take what we say without going screaming for the hills. What if they don’t take it as well as you hope?”

“Liz will.” Max stated with absolute certainty.

“So will Alex.” Isabel added.

“That just leaves Maria then.” Michael conceded as he turned to move back towards the others. “It’s at times like these that I’m thankful that I am twice her size.” He mumbled to himself as he moved out of earshot of Max and Isabel.

Isabel anxiously turned to look at Max. “What if Michael is right, what if it doesn’t go to plan?”

“If you trust someone, you trust some one. There’s no middle ground.” Max stared at Isabel for a moment. “Do you trust Alex?”

“Yes!” Isabel replied instantly.

“So do I.” Max nodded in agreement. “And we both know we can trust Liz. All we need to do is to keep Maria calm until we have said what we have to say and then Liz and Alex will take over.”

“And how do you propose to do that, exactly?” Isabel asked, intrigued.

“Who’s the most calming and reassuring person you know?” Max questioned. “Who’s the only person that you would feel comfortable putting you at your ease?”

Initially Isabel frowned at Max’s question, but slowly a smile spread across her face. “I take it you want me to say Alex.”

Max simply smiled at his sister as he shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ve seen how you warmed to him in the previous timeline thanks to future Liz and I’m also getting to see how you are acting towards him now so I think, whether you will agree with me yet or not, that Alex is the key to the whole of this group staying and working together.”

Suddenly Isabel’s face turned solemn. “And you think his loss was the reason things slowly fell apart last time?”

“It might not have been the only reason, but I see it as one of the main contributing factors, yes.” Max nodded. “But we’re not going to let that happen this time are we dear sister?”

Isabel visibly perked up at seeing her brother’s demeanour change from one of sadness to one of positive conviction. “Not if I have anything to do with it, it won’t!”


As Max and Isabel moved to rejoin the group they could see both Maria and Liz busying themselves preparing what looked like the side dishes and drinks while Alex occupied his time by cooking some burgers and sausages over the roaring fire on an iron skillet they had brought with them. Rather oddly Michael seemed to be hovering around by Alex, clearly struggling with something.

“You’re going to burn them.” Michael finally stated, rather uncomfortably.

Alex was somewhat taken aback by Michael’s sudden and surprising outburst. “Whatever you say, man.” Alex pulled the skillet from the flames. “I’m no chef so if you think you can do better, be my guest.”

Michael paused for a moment as he stared at Alex who was currently offering him the handle of the skillet and the bar-b-q fork that he had been holding.

“Seriously, Michael, it’s not a problem.” Alex smiled reassuringly. “I didn’t want to do it in the first place and the last thing I want to do is give anyone food poisoning!”

Finally Michael stepped forward and took the offered implements from Alex and moved to the fire. “You weren’t going to give anyone food poisoning…” He offered. “…but they might have been running the risk to breaking some teeth if you had continued to turn the food into charcoal.”

“How’s the food coming along?” Max asked casually as he joined the two guys, pleased that at the very least the awkwardness that had flared up between the two young men from a few moments earlier had subsided, a little.

“Fine.” Michael stated abruptly, he glanced nervously towards Max for a moment before returning his attention to the new collection of freshly cooking meats that he had just placed onto the skillet. “Alex has cooked the meat for those who like their food well-done and now I’m doing things a little more medium-rare.”

“I think Michael’s just being polite.” Alex cut in. “They’ll be using the food I cooked to make cave paintings or something, either that or we can throw it onto the fire and it will burn all night.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.” Max smiled. “Actually, Alex, do you mind if we talk for a minute before we sit down for food?”

Alex couldn’t help but notice the furtive look that Max and Michael exchanged when Max made his request, but if it meant he would get answers to the many questions that he now had, who was he to argue? “Sure.” He agreed.

Max moved slowly away from the fire, cautiously followed by Alex. They didn’t move too far from the camp and when they finally stopped and Alex turned to look at Max he could see all four of the others staring after them. Michael absentmindedly cooking over the fire while the girl’s were feigning getting the side dishes and utensils ready, but they were doing anything but.

“Things are going to get very weird between us all in the next few minutes, we are going to tell you things that you will think aren’t possible, but all I ask from you is that you keep an open mind and that you wait to hear us out before you decide what your next actions will be.” Max asked soberly. “If you give me your word that you will just hear us out then I promise we will tell you what is going on and why you saw what you saw.”

Alex frowned slightly. “So you’re not going to deny it? You’re telling me that I did see Michael start that fire with his hand?”

“One thing at a time, Alex.” Max pressed. “Do I have your word that you will give us a fair chance to explain ourselves?”

“Of course.” Alex agreed. “But why are you pulling just me aside to ask this, shouldn’t you be asking Liz and Maria as well?”

“That’s the thing.” Max paused for a moment. “We have a pretty good idea how you and Liz will react to what we have to tell you, but the problem is we also have a good idea as to how Maria will react.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” Alex wasn’t sure what Max was trying to get at.

“Let’s just say that I have a strong feeling that we might need your powers of reassurance and level headedness to help Maria understand what is going on.” Max could see the look on Alex’s face so he moved quickly to reassure him. “I’m sorry. I appreciate that might seem a little insulting towards Maria, but that is the last thing I meant to do. The only thing I can say to you is that I need you to keep Maria calm no matter what happens and that all will become clear in the next few minutes.”

“As long as you’re not looking to pull anything funky then I can keep Maria calm, but if anyone does anything odd then we’re out of here, promise to you or no promise.” Alex stated forcefully. “Are we clear?”

“Crystal.” Max nodded with a smile. “Are you ready to get some food and change your life forever?” Max didn’t even wait for a reply as he gave an anxious looking Alex a reassuring slap on the back. “Then let’s get started.”


As everyone filled their plates with food and moved to sit around the fire Alex thought about how he was going to get himself situated along side Maria so he could keep his word, with regards Max’s request. He needn’t have worried because as soon as he followed his friends to their seats he saw Maria patting the space on the log beside her that sat in between her and Liz.

Alex’s heart sank as he took his seat in between the girl’s. He hadn’t forgotten Max’s flippant comment about changing his life forever, but more heart-wrenching than that was the fact that Maria was clearly scared. She was doing her best to hide it and to most other people they may well have thought that she was over the worst of her worries, but the fact that the log they now found themselves perched on wasn’t really big enough for three of them and yet Maria insisted that Alex sit with them was a testament to the fact that Maria was not only worried for herself but also him and Liz.

Maria didn’t have a great deal of family and it had long been understood that aside from her mom, Liz and Alex were all the family she was looking for. Couple that with a strange situation where something very weird was happening meant that as scared as Maria was she wasn’t going to let anything happen to Liz or Alex, which in her eyes meant keeping them close.

“We’ve got some things to tell you…” Max suddenly began. “…most or all of which you are not going to believe. The only thing I would like to say before I start my explanation is that what we are about to tell you must stay between us, no matter what. We were going to tell you what is going on with us, but I will admit that we hadn’t intended to tell you so soon. We were hoping for us all to get to know one another a little better, but fate has forced our hand so we are going to do this now.”

It wasn’t lost on Alex, Liz or Maria at just how stern Max looked and, even more telling, was just how serious Isabel and Michael also looked. What had started out as an innocent camping weekend and quasi-bonding session was turning into something else entirely.

“We’re going to tell you something that I can tell you right now, you are not going to believe. It will sound like we’ve been drinking or that we are messing with you as some sort of dare, but trust me when I tell you that no matter what weird and wonderful reasons you come up with for us telling you what we are about to tell you the only thing that is real is that we are telling you the truth because you asked us to tell you the truth…nothing else.” Max stated firmly. “Are you ready?”

Upon seeing all three simply nod their heads in silence Max knew it was now or never. With a final glance to either side to give Isabel and Michael one last chance to change their minds Max knew he was about to change all of their futures forever.

“You’ve all heard of the 1947 crash…”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Everyone turned to look at Maria.

“I’m just saying…” She stated defensively. “…we live in Roswell so you’d think they’d come up with a more original story than…”

Suddenly the flames of the fire shot ten feet into the air, catching everyone off guard before they shrunk down to nothing before the roaring fire eventually went out completely. When the commotion died down they could all see Michael standing with his hand out stretched towards the now dormant camp fire. If anything the look of grim determination that now sat on his face was more eye catching then his abrupt display of power.

“You can either sit and let us tell you what we have to say, which will make things much easier or we can scare the life out of you and you will not only never speak to us again, but you won’t find out what you so clearly want to know.” Max offered calmly as Michael retook his seat.

Maria leaned herself even closer into Alex. “I’ll keep quiet now.” She replied meekly.

Max smiled at his three friends and Maria in particular. “There is nothing to be scared of, I promise. Confused and amazed, maybe, but not scared.” When he saw the three visibly relax at his words of comfort he continued. “We discovered in our early childhood that we had some sort of connection to the downed spacecraft back in 1947. As we got older we managed to piece things together and it seems that we were incubated in pods from the spacecraft and emerged as what looked like six-year-old children. We have been brought up as human, but our human families have no idea of our background or capabilities.”

“Capabilities?” Liz whispered wide-eyed.

Max had to fight the urge to smile when he saw Liz’s scientific mind get the better of her. He nodded. “I think I should come onto that in a minute but sufficed to say what Alex saw Michael do with the fire before and what we all just saw now is a small example of what we can do. I repeat what I said earlier…there’s nothing to be scared of we’re just…different.”

“How many of you are there?” Alex asked tentatively.

Max had to pause for a second to censor himself. “Just us.”

“And no one else knows?” Liz added.

Max, Isabel and Michael simply shook their heads slowly.

“So you are saying you are aliens?” Alex couldn’t believe he was asking that question. He made a point of not look at Isabel as he asked it as he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Max shook his head. “Not aliens, Hybrid’s. We mostly human, hence we look the same as you, but we discovered that we are different as we grew older.”

“Different, how?” Liz pressed.

“The main thing is we can manipulate molecules, like water into soda or a red sweater into a blue one.” Max explained. “You’ve seen Michael use his powers to start the fire, although it isn’t something we encourage as we are all just getting to know our limits and what we are capable of. Rather embarrassingly we think it might be a puberty thing, the older we get the more power we seem to possess.”

“You…you can’t read minds or anything, can you?” Maria stammered.

Max let out a laugh before he could stop himself, but he smiled reassuringly at Maria. “No, no mind-reading and nothing for any of you to be scared of.”

“Max can heal people.” Isabel suddenly blurted out causing everyone, including Max and Michael to look at her. “I just meant that some of our gifts are good gifts, not scary.”

“And your gift?” Alex asked tentatively.

Isabel blushed slightly and dropped her gaze at hearing Alex’s question. “Isabel, can read people’s dreams.” Max answered for his sister. “And she can visit them as well.”

“Their dreams!” Alex repeated a little too loudly. It was his turn to blush.

Isabel tried not to laugh at Alex’s embarrassment, she knew what he was worried about. “I haven’t been in your dreams if that is what you are concerned about, Alex.” She focused her attention on Liz and Maria. “I haven’t been into any of your dreams, I promise.”

“And you, Michael?” Maria asked, her courage returning. No doubt helped by the fact that she still held tightly onto Alex.

“I have a tendency to blow things up.” He stated frankly.

“Michael might be over simplifying things just a little.” Max cut in to defend his sibling. “In many respects Michael’s gift is the most difficult to control so it will take longer for him than it has for us and we are by no means in full control our abilities.”

“And you say no one knows, not even your parents or Michael’s guardian?” Liz asked, looking to set things straight in her mind.

“No one knew other than us three.” Max confirmed. “That is until a few minutes ago, now you guys know as well.”

“You’re taking a big risk telling us like this, aren’t you?” Alex offered, more as a statement than a question.

“We are.” Max nodded in agreement. “But as we already stated earlier, we know we can trust you and we were going to tell you, just maybe not quite this soon. Being completely honest that is the main reason we are out here camping, so we could all get to know each other a little better.”

If the truth be told Max, Isabel and Michael were all pleased that their three companions were taking the news so well, but it hadn’t gone unnoticed that Maria was still clearly a little worried.

“Maria, are you OK?” Isabel asked softly. “Is there anything you want to ask us, we won’t mind?”

Maria shook her head. “No, I’m fine, thank you.”

Maria might have said she was fine but beside the tall figure of Alex she seemed to be shrinking by the minute as she continued to lean into her best friend.

“Do you guys want to go home?” Max unexpectedly asked, causing everyone to catch their breath. He was taking a huge risk by throwing such an offer out like that, but no one was more aware of the consequences to his question than Max himself. It wasn’t like they were holding them hostage, but offering a direct route out of their current situation might be too much for the three friends to turn down, not least Maria.

“No.” Maria stated firmly, much to Max and everyone else’s relief. “I can’t deny that I am still a little apprehensive about what you have told us, but we’ve known you a long time so it’s not like you’re going to do anything to us…” Maria paused for a moment. “…you’re not, are you?”

Max smiled gently and shook his head. “No, Maria. We’re not going to do anything to you.”

“Accept maybe sing a few Boy Scout songs around our once roaring fire.” Alex joked.

“Would you like me to light it again?” Michael offered as he stood up.

“No!” Came a chorus of cries.

“Erm, no.” Max stated more softly second time round.

“Then would you like me to walk back to the car and get the matches?” Michael offered while trying to hide his impatience and failing dismally.

Max smiled at his large companion, seeing this offer as a welcome change in attitude. “That would be great, Michael.”

“I’ll go with you.”

Everyone turned in surprise to look at Maria.

“I can see you all looking at me like I am about to run off screaming at the top of my lungs, but I won’t.” She explained. “I’ve no doubt that the brainiacs Liz and Alex are processing all of this way better than I am, but the fact remains that very little has changed so muscles here…” Maria nodded towards Michael. “…and I will go and get the matches and you guys can eat your food in peace.”

“We’ll wait on the provisions.” Alex offered with a comforting smile. “We’ll need the fire to reheat the food that has gone cold.”

Max, Isabel and Michael all exchanged a quick look. “Actually…” Isabel cut in. “…we have a neat trick that will resolve our cold food problem…”

To be continued…
Last edited by StargazerUK on Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.

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Will you still love me? Pt. 25 (A/I,CC, TEEN) 06-Jul-06

Post by StargazerUK »

A/N: Thanks for all the comments, I sincerely appreciate them all. Your comments are never harrassing me, I'm always very pleased to know what people think, even if they are telling me to hurry up! lol :D

One more part to go, although I think I will have to add an epilogue as I still have things to write, but we are nearly there. This is about story 12 or 13 for me and they all have the same thing in common, aside from Alex and Isabel of course :wink: , they must all end with Alex and Isabel with a HEA else I wouldn't be a Stargazer now would I! lol

I do have another story lined up and it will start as soon as this one finishes. Without wishing to make a promise that I can't keep it is my intention to post the final part to this story by the middle of next week so I can move onto the next one.

Thanks for your patience and I hope this chapter was worth the wait.
Take care, David xx

Chapter 25

“I can’t believe I am going to say this, but you are very quiet.” Michael stated honestly.

Maria simply glanced across at her large companion as they continued their walk back from the car. After Max’s revelations about where they had come from and what they were capable of Maria knew she had a choice to make. She could either start screaming at the top of her lungs and run off to find the nearest road back into town or she could try and stay calm, all the while using any coherent thoughts that she could muster to think things through.

She had offered to accompany Michael back to the car to pick up the matches, which they were going to use to restart the fire, quite simply because it was the bravest thing she could think to do given the circumstances. She wanted to prove to herself, and not just the others, that she could cope with this news they had been given and not let her over active imagination runaway with her.

Surprisingly to Michael, Maria smiled at him. “And I never believed I would say what I am about to say, but I am thinking.”

Michael couldn’t help himself and he let out a little snort of laughter before he could catch himself.

“That’s right, big boy.” Maria scolded. “Laugh it up! Maria Deluca is thinking things over.”

“I didn’t mean to upset you.” Michael shifted his gaze back to the path they were following. “Anyway, I’ve been doing some thinking of my own so if it’s a surprise that you are deep in thought what does it mean if I am doing the same? It must mean the end of the world is coming.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves.” Maria stated defensively after a long pause. “Yeah, we hangout with friends who are more likely to put their brains in gear before speaking unlike the two of us, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have something to say, something relevant I mean.”

Michael and Maria exchanged a look after that comment.

“Oh, who am I kidding?” Maria added. “We’re the pretty ones so who needs to think?”

“Not us.” Michael replied with a smile. “You won’t hear any arguments from me.”


“I’m sure they’ll be fine.”

Liz blinked her way out of her stupor and looked at Max who had just spoken to her. She smiled, a little embarrassed. “Am I that easy to read?”

Max returned her smile. “Sometimes, to me anyway.”

That caused Liz to blush slightly and drop her gaze. “I’m not worried, as such. I’m just wondering what is happening with them. You’ve just dropped a huge bombshell and neither Maria nor Michael are known for their diplomacy. I just hope Maria is alright.”

“She is…” Max stated with more confidence than he actually had. “…or at least she will be. Hopefully nothing will change between us and even if it does Maria has you and Alex to watch out for her.”

“Of course, you are right.” Liz nodded. “I’m sure I am just being silly, but I do fret about her sometimes.”

“And so you should.” Max agreed. “What are friends for?”

Liz stopped what she was doing and simply gazed at Max as he looked back at her. “You’ve taken an enormous risk by telling us, haven’t you?”

Max paused for a moment before nodding. “We have, but only if we have made a huge misjudgement about you, Maria and Alex, which I truly believe we haven’t. You’re not stupid people so you already know what will happen to us if the truth ever gets out. We’d be locked up and experimented on before you can say ‘National Enquirer’.”

Despite his joke remark the enormity and seriousness of what Max was talking about filled her with dread. “I know you are only making light of these matters for my benefit, but I just don’t know how you can laugh about these things…”

“The only alternative is to lock ourselves away and make no other human contact…” Max cut in, his tone more serious than before. “…and what sort of life would that be? The answer is it wouldn’t be a life, that is why we decided to take the leap of faith and tell you.”

“But why us?” Liz pressed. “Why me, Maria and Alex and not your parents or some other friends?”

Max smiled, but not a smile born out of humour or joy, but out of having asked himself the same question a thousand times before. “We’ve never told our parents because we have always wanted to keep them safe, understandably I think you’ll agree. I appreciate that that might seem a callous statement not least because we have just told you our secret so if you follow that logic I have just put you all in danger, but our intention is to try and lead a normal life, or at least as normal a life as we possibly can. Our life so far, with our parents, hasn’t needed them to know so we have nothing to gain by telling them other than giving them a huge secret to keep. As anyone knows the more people who know a secret the more likely it is to come out and that is aside from the fact that a secret that everyone knows is no longer a secret.”

“That explains why you haven’t told your parents, but why tell us?” Liz repeated.

Max sighed heavily and grimaced slightly. “We’ve recently taken the decision to try and live a regular existence, something we haven’t done up until now.” Max saw the frown on Liz’s face and he could tell instantly what she was thinking. “I know outwardly our lives have looked normal, but that is what we have wanted everyone to think, including our parents. When you asked me a moment ago why we hadn’t told our parents or other friends I have answered why we haven’t told our parents, but the truth of the matter is we don’t have any other friends to tell…”

“But what about Isabel?” Liz interjected. “She’s got to be the most popular girl in school, she must have tons of friends.”

“May I ask you a question?” Max’s sudden change of direction caught Liz out for a moment.

“Yes, of course.” She finally replied.

“What would you do for Maria or Alex?”

“Anything.” She replied without hesitation.

“And I believe that.” Max nodded. “What do you think Isabel’s friends would do for her?”

Liz remained silent, beginning to see where Max was heading with this line of questioning.

“Isabel’s always believed the best way to stay hidden is to hide in plain sight. Who is going to think the most popular girl in school has something to hide?” Max asked frankly. “Because Michael tends to keep himself to himself and not join in he is likely to attract more questioning looks than Isabel is.” Max paused for a moment and Liz couldn’t help but notice the pained expression that now sat on his face. “We have each other and that’s about it. Of course Isabel and I have our parents even though they don’t know the whole truth about us. As for Michael, I simply don’t know how he does it. People often wonder why he is so withdrawn and standoffish, but if these people had the upbringing he has had and led the life he has had to lead they wouldn’t even get out of bed in the morning let alone embrace life with a smile in the way that they expect Michael to do, of that I am sure.”

Liz had often watched Michael in the past, finding his relationship with Max an odd one to say the least. Now that she knew the background it all made perfect sense and she suddenly felt terribly sorry for him, not that he would thank her for her concern. She knew Michael well enough to know he wouldn’t be looking for sympathy from her or anybody else for that matter.

“Now that we have decided to try and live as normal a life as possible we knew would have to start making friends.” Max continued. “We don’t mean boat loads of friends who aren’t really friends, we mean real friends, people that we can trust and depend upon.”

“And that’s us?” Liz asked in surprise.

“Am I wrong?” Max questioned with a smile.

Liz shook her head vigorously. “God no!” She stated a little too forcefully. “I mean, no. The one thing I know about Maria and Alex is that they are the best friends any person could ever want or ever have.”

“And you?”

“Me?” Liz fought the urge to blush. “You’d have to ask Alex and Maria.”

“I will...” Max laughed. “…but I already know what they will say.”


Alex tried to concentrate on cleaning the skillet and not on the blond goddess who currently stood beside him opening a large packet of marshmallows. “Stop that!” He scolded when he saw Isabel pop one into her mouth.

“I was just…”

“I know what you were doing...” Alex continued. “…but not until you’ve eaten your dinner.”

“Michael and Maria haven’t returned from the car with the matches yet so who knows how long it will be before we get to eat properly.” Isabel moaned, all the while enjoying her banter with Alex.

Alex stopped what he was doing and looked directly at his companion. “Don’t make me the bad guy in this. If you eat the marshmallows now you won’t eat your dinner and then you’ll be hungry in an hour or so.”

Isabel’s smile grew into a broad grin. “Well, if I get hungry later I can simply have some more candy!” She joked.

“What’s with all the sweet things? I never knew you had such a sweet tooth. It’s amazing you have such a beautiful…” Alex suddenly trailed off, turned his attention back to the skillet and he started scrubbing furiously with his head held low.

“Such a beautiful…what?” Isabel pressed despite having a reasonably good idea what her shy friend was about to say.

“Nothing!” Alex stated firmly as he continued to scrub.

Isabel suddenly grabbed the skillet from Alex’s hands, drawing his full attention back on her. With one swipe of her hand across the skillet it gleamed clean and bright as she placed it onto the folding table that was holding the cleaning bowl and dish water. “Beautiful, what?” She asked in a slow and seductive voice.

“I…I was going to say beautiful body, but I thought better of it as I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.” Alex stammered.

Isabel reached up with one hand and cupped Alex’s chin, lifting it so his eyes eventually met hers. “Why on earth would I feel uncomfortable with you telling me I have a beautiful body?”

Alex wanted to pull his eyes away from the beauty that stood in front of him but Isabel continued to hold him firm. “Saying you are good at Math is a compliment. Saying you bake lovely cookies is a compliment. Saying you have a beautiful body is a completely different animal all together and crosses too many boundaries to mention.”

“And what if I like the fact that you think I have a beautiful body?” Isabel purred at the anxious boy she still held firmly in her grasp. “What if I want to hear you say I have a beautiful body?”

“Well…I suppose, if you don’t mind, then it’s not so big of a problem.” Alex managed to stutter his reply. “Some kind of signal is normally a good indicator that a relationship has changed and that a more intimate comment isn’t necessarily unwanted.”

“A signal?” Isabel echoed. “What, like a kiss?”

Alex managed to nod slightly despite Isabel’s hold on him. “A kiss would be good.”

“Fair enough.” Isabel conceded as she let go of Alex’s chin. Before he could react Isabel reached up and cupped a hand over each cheek as she leaned in to kiss Alex. Before he knew what hit him Alex felt Isabel’s lips come gently, but firmly onto his and he felt the sensation of her tongue brushing the outside of his lips, looking to probe its way inside.

Alex simply followed his natural instincts despite being shocked by Isabel’s intimate actions so he reached round and pulled Isabel tightly into his arms, giving her a firm squeeze as he closed his grip on her causing her to whimper slightly with delight at his gentle but surprisingly strong touch. As the kiss deepened he could feel his tongue softly being massaged by Isabel’s mouth and he knew that if he died that very second he would die a happy man.

Just as he felt things couldn’t get anymore surreal he suddenly felt a strong feeling of longing, which was odd because although he had hungered after Isabel for a number of years he got the distinct feeling that this yearning wasn’t his feeling but Isabel’s! Could it be true, was he feeling what Isabel felt?

A sudden “Ahem!” broke the two of them apart, leaving them both disorientated and breathless. As Alex put his hand to his lips in confusion at the tingling feeling that was affecting the whole of his mouth he found Max, Michael, Liz and Maria all staring at him. Well, at him and Isabel that was. He glanced across at his beautiful companion and despite the flush that crept up her cheeks he couldn’t miss the shy, little smile she was giving him as she too ran a finger across her lips, no doubt feeling the same sensation that Alex had felt.

“When you’re quite ready.” Max finally stated with a stern look directed at Alex. “We’ve got the matches and the fire is back alight so we can finally sit down and get some food.”

Max and Michael turned to head back to the fire while Liz and Maria simply stood for a moment looking at their two sheepish looking pals before they turned to follow the two boys, both sporting broad smiles.

Alex turned to look at Isabel. “I think I’ve upset Max and Michael.”

Isabel simply smiled as she reached over and took hold of Alex’s hand, linking her fingers with his. “So? Let them find their own person to kiss, I’ve found mine.”

Alex returned Isabel’s smile as they moved off towards the fire, although he clearly wasn’t feeling as confident about what had happened as Isabel was. Kissing Isabel was definitely a dream come true for him, but being caught by Max and Michael as he was doing it wasn’t part of the plan.

“You know what would make Max and Michael really mad?” Isabel whispered as they rejoined the group. Before Alex could reply she leaned in even closer and whispered. “Let’s mess with their minds and tell them we’re going to share a tent!”

To be continued…
If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.

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Will you still love me? Completed (A/I,CC, TEEN) 13-Jul-06

Post by StargazerUK »

A/N: As promised, have fun! :D David xx

Chapter 26

“That wasn’t funny!” Max moaned at his sister.

Isabel was desperately trying not to laugh. “Well it was a little.” She countered.

Max stopped what he was doing and gave his sister a long, steely stare. “No it wasn’t. You know how obstinate you can be and we’re all well aware of your ever increasing feelings for Alex, but telling me you were going to share a tent wasn’t funny. If mom and dad ever found out, even if you were joking, they would blame me and not you.”

Isabel was beginning to think that her little joke might have backfired somewhat. “I’m sorry.” She suddenly stated softly. “It was only meant to be a little fun, I didn’t mean to annoy you or upset you.”

For the second time in quick succession Max stopped cleaning the utensils they had used to eat dinner with and looked at Isabel as he let out a heavy sigh. “No, Isabel, it is me who should be apologising, not you. It was only a little fun and I’m blown it all out of proportion.”

Isabel stepped closer and placed a comforting hand on her brother’s shoulder. “What is it, Max? I noticed you had gone a little quiet even before my joke deceleration with regards the sleeping arrangements. Is anything the matter?”

Max shook his head slightly and gave his sister the briefest of smiles. “No, nothings up, it’s just I think I am suffering from a little buyers remorse.” He could see the confused look on his sister’s face so he elaborated. “While Michael and Maria were at the car and you and Alex were back here cleaning up, Liz and I were chatting and she was asking, unsurprisingly, why we have had this sudden change of heart, why were we suddenly telling three new friends our secret and not our family or other friends?”

Isabel’s face suddenly looked concerned. “You didn’t tell them about future Liz did you?”

“No.” Max shook his head vigorously as he took a step away from his sister and scrubbed at his face with his hands, still keeping his voice low. “I didn’t say anything about that. The one thing I think all three of us definitely agree on is that it would be too much to tell them everything we know, including about future Liz, in one go. We’ll tell them the rest in a few weeks as we discussed. No, my problem is I am just getting a little worried about repeating the same mistakes that happened in the first timeline.”

“But thanks to future Liz we have already changed history completely from the other timeline. No Liz getting shot, no orbs being activated to attract Tess and we’re not going anywhere near the skins. This time will be completely different than last time, I won’t let it be the same.” Isabel stated purposefully, her emotions clearly rising.

It took Max a second, but he finally realised why Isabel was rapidly getting upset, his thoughts turned to Alex. “I’m sorry, Isabel, I didn’t mean to drag that whole incident up again. Of course it will be different this time, we won’t let any harm come to Alex or anyone else for that matter. I was just having second thoughts about whether we have done the right thing, telling Liz, Maria and Alex so soon, but having thought about it I really can’t see any other way.”

Isabel nodded in agreement. “What is it they say? Knowledge is power and trust me my dear brother, we have the knowledge and the power this time.”

Max actually managed a smile. “So you’re telling me I am worrying over nothing?”

“Not nothing.” Isabel shook her head. “We have plenty to worry about, as we always have had, but this time we have lots to look forward to as well, which is something new for us and I intend to enjoy it.”

Surprisingly Max stepped forward and pulled his sister into a hug. “Thanks, Iz. I had basically been thinking the same as you, but one or two doubts started to creep into my mind and I started to get worried. Of course you are right, as long as we take care and remain vigilant I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

Suddenly they heard footsteps and they both turned to find Michael lumbering towards them from beyond the tents, his face a picture of misery. “Are you two going to be long? Sonny and Cher over there have broken out the guitar and are threatening to start singing camp fire songs.”

“And that’s a problem for you, is it?” Isabel asked her sibling with a smile.

“If I hear one round of ‘Michael rowed the boat ashore..’ I’m going to go postal on Alex’s ass.” Michael stated sternly with a menacing expression now firmly fixed to match his demeanour.

“Just Alex’s ass?” Max queried with a slight smile. “Not Maria’s?”

Michael simply growled at Max, refusing to be drawn into their fun and games as he turned and stormed off back towards the others, closely followed by a laughing Max and Isabel.

By the time they had retaken their seats around the camp fire the blaze had died down so they could each see each other without the flames intruding. It was looking like a mild night, but they would keep some semblance of a fire burning in case it turned cold unexpectedly.

When they had sat down to eat their evening meal earlier it hadn’t taken long for Isabel to spring her announcement that she and Alex were going to share a tent. If Max had been indoors when Isabel made her statement of intent he would have hit the roof, as it was he had almost choked on his burger, but that scene was nothing compared to the dirty look that he initially sent Isabel’s way before bringing it to rest upon Alex.

Of course now that he had time to think about it there was no way on earth that Alex would have dared to make a decision like that without Isabel’s input so Max was now silently berating himself for falling for such an obvious rouse. He knew Alex well enough to know he would never suggest such a thing, not least with him and Michael there, but to believe that Isabel was really going to share a tent with Alex should have been a leap too far even for Max’s imagination. He could only put his lapse in judgement down to the pressure of what had gone on that afternoon, his mind no doubt still preoccupied from their earlier confessions.

“I’m sorry, Max.” Alex stated mournfully.

Alex’s comment pulled Max out of his silent musings. “It’s not a problem, Alex.” He reassured his friend with a smile. “I told you earlier that it was me who over reacted and even then I should have known it was Isabel’s doing.”

Alex turned to look at Isabel who had taken a seat next to him when she and Max had rejoined the group. “You’re right when you say it was Isabel’s doing, but in fairness I went along with it so I should take some of the blame.”

“Could someone get me a bucket?” Michael requested rather unsubtly.

“Speaking of the sleeping arrangements...” Maria offered, choosing to ignore Michael’s comment. “… have we decided what we are doing?”

Max glanced around at the group with a slight frown. “I thought we had decided that Michael and I were sharing, you or Liz would be with Isabel and which ever one of you wasn’t with Isabel would be with Alex, is that still ok with you, Alex?”

Alex simply smiled and nodded, hoping not to have to relive his outburst from earlier when they were originally sorting out the sleeping arrangements.

“I understand all of that.” Maria continued. “But that was before we knew.”

It was Liz’s turn to frown. “Knew what?”

“You know.” Maria nodded indirectly towards Max, Michael and Isabel.

Liz was still confused. “I understand what we now ‘know’,” She made a point of emphasising the word ‘know’. “…but how does that change things? We still can’t be sleeping any different to how we sorted it earlier, that hasn’t changed.”

Maria was clearly getting impatient. Whether it was that she wasn’t making herself understood or that they didn’t understand what she was saying was still unclear. “Once again, I understand that. What I am trying to say is that when we sorted things out earlier with regards the sleeping arrangements we didn’t know what we now know…”

It seemed as though they were going round in circles, but before anyone could butt in for a third time Maria continued.

“…because we now have people who by all accounts can turn three two man tents into two three man tents or even one big six man tent.” Maria turned to Max specifically. “I’m not wrong, am I? Or have I misunderstood what you were saying earlier?”

Finally the penny dropped and everyone finally understood what Maria was getting at.

“You’re saying, now that they no longer have to hide their abilities, any of these guys can alter the tent to whatever size we want.” Liz explained out loud despite everyone now fully understanding.

“Yes.” She replied, with a sickly sweet smile, clearly biting her tongue to stop herself from saying something sarcastic, even to her closest friend.

“Do we all really want to sleep in one tent?” Isabel tried to make it sound like a neutral question, but she failed miserably in her attempt to hide her abhorrence for such an idea.

“Six in one tent might be a little too much.” Liz conceded as she looked around at each of the group’s faces.

“How about we simply make it two tents of three?” Max offered as a compromise. “We can have girls in one and guys in the other.”

“Which also mean you can keep an eye on Alex.” Isabel offered with a mischievous smile.

“Let’s just say that if we can make it home and tell our parents that we slept in a boy’s only tent and a girls only tent I think our lives will be much easier for the next couple of weeks.” Max argued.

Alex frowned and looked at Isabel.

“He means us not getting grounded for sleeping in mixed tents.” She explained.

Alex continued to frown. “But I thought you guys would be good at lying, what with all you have had to keep hidden over the years.”

“Oh, we are.” Isabel nodded. “But it’s not us we are worried about letting the secret out.”

When Alex glanced at the rest of the group he was surprised and slightly put-out that they were all staring at him. “What?” He asked nervously.

“Alex, sweetie.” Liz looked over to her friend and smiled affectionately. “We all trust you implicitly and you would never willing break our trust but…”

“But what?” He pushed as he stood up, indignant at what was being implied.

“When it comes to girl’s your still an open book and this one girl in particular.” Maria cut in, nodding towards Isabel with her last comment. “If we left you alone in a tent with Isabel, aside from the damage she would do to you, you wouldn’t stop smiling for a week and every time someone mentioned her name you would blush.”

“I would not!” He stated indignantly.

“Alex…” Maria closed the gap between them until they were merely inches apart. She leaned in to get even closer and stretched up on her tip-toes to reach her tall friends ear. “Have you seen the way Isabel looks at you lately?” She whispered softly so that only her friend could hear.

Almost immediately Alex felt the cheeks on his face start to burn as he blushed furiously. “That’s not fair.” He cried, taking a step back from Maria, but making sure he didn’t even look at Isabel.

“All we are saying is that our parents all know one another, even if it is only in passing. Now that they know we have all gone camping together you know that the next time they bump into each other at a social gathering or at the gas station they are going to talk about us and our camping trip.” Liz reasoned, all the while hoping to calm Alex’s annoyance. “If we just keep things plain and simple there will be no chance of a misunderstanding and it will make all of our stories, when we get back to our parents, the same.”

“Fine.” Alex nodded as all sets of eyes remained focusing on him. “But I’m just as good a liar as the rest of you!”


Little over an hour later the gang were preparing to climb into their tents and curl up for the night. There had been copious amounts of moaning and bitching as each small group had prepared for bed. Despite knowing that she was going to be camping in the woods and also that she had brought the worlds biggest supply of camping gear Isabel still wasn’t happy. The only thing that Max, Michael, Liz and Maria were thankful for was that despite all of her moaning they were all fully aware that she was actually toning down all of her complaining because Alex was there. Alex, unlike the others, was oblivious to it all. When Isabel spoke he simply heard birds chirping and harps playing. He was very much in the honeymoon period when it came to the object of his affection. Nothing was too much trouble when it came to Isabel and all of her comments were appropriate and understandable given the circumstances as far as he was concerned.

“We can’t go to bed yet.” Michael stated, his voice almost pleading. “It’s only 9:30pm. I can’t go to bed at 9:30pm, I haven’t been to bed at 9:30pm…ever!”

“Then what do you suggest?” Max asked politely. “If there is one thing I am pretty confident of it is that we aren’t going to get a good night’s sleep here and that means we’ll be awake at 5am, maybe 6am if we’re lucky. Without wishing to sound like an old fart the sooner we get to bed the more sleep we are likely to get.”

“I told you we should have brought a portable TV.” Michael moaned.

“Bringing a TV into the woods sort of defeats the object.” Max countered.

“Not if the object is to prevent boredom!” Michael replied in triumph, clearly pleased with himself for thinking of such a retort.

“What about ghost story’s?” Liz offered.

“We can kill some time with a few choice ghost stories.” Max agreed. “We can toast some marshmallows and maybe make some s’mores.”

As Max turned to get some provisions from a rucksack Isabel suddenly became a little flustered. Alex saw this and by the panicked look on her face he could guess what was upsetting her. “Max, I think I ate the last of the marshmallows earlier.” Alex lied.

“What, all of them?” He asked in surprise. “That was a pretty big bag, how did you manage that?”

“Don’t badger the boy.” Isabel cut in, leaping to Alex’s defence. “Anyone can eat as many marshmallows as they like. In fact…in fact it was me who eat the marshmallows and not Alex, he was just being polite.”

“God Damn it!”

Everyone turned to look at Michael. When he saw everyone looking at him he simply shrugged. “With their double act going on they’ve made me want to watch Spartacus! I knew we should have brought a TV.”

“OK.” Maria called. “Everyone shut up, take a seat and get ready to be chilled to the bone. I warn you, after the story I am about to tell you I can guarantee that none of you will sleep tonight…”

“It’s not the one about the man with a hook for a hand, is it?” Michael asked.


“What about the babysitter who’s been receiving calls that are coming from inside the house?” He continued.


“It’s not the one when the couple run out of gas and the guys makes the girl stay in the car while he goes to get help, but a short while later she hears banging on the roof…”

“For God sake, Michael, will you let me tell you what it is rather than what it isn’t?!” Maria cried in exasperation.

“I was only trying to help.” Michael stated meekly, surprising everyone with how hurt he clearly was by Maria’s outburst.

Maria stared at the large boy, suddenly regretting how curt she was with him. She quickly realised that a little diplomacy was called for. “You were right, Michael. It was the story of the man with a hook for a hand, I lied.”

Michael’s face lit up in victory. “I thought it might be, I’ve heard them all at one time or other.”

“I have one.” Liz offered. “But I promise you that none of you will guess what it is.”

When she saw that she had caught everyone’s attention Liz settled back and made herself comfortable before she looked to begin her story.

It hadn’t been the most auspicious of starts for the new group of friends. There had been a few misunderstandings, a couple of unseemly outbursts and even the possibility of things falling apart before they had even been given a chance to begin, but all of that counted for nothing. All that mattered now was that they were here and they were together.

She’d had the strangest feeling all day that their three new friends were still keeping things from them, but given their background and what they had already divulged to them a little patience and understanding wasn’t too much to ask for. She had no doubt in her mind whatsoever that whatever it was they were holding back would come out when they were good and ready. Until then they would simply have to make do with forming what would no doubt be lifelong friendships and bonds that could not be broken, even if it was without marshmallows.

“It was the dead of night and the wind was howling through the trees as the car pulled up outside the empty house…” Liz began


It had been almost six weeks since the friends had embarked on their camping weekend. Weekend? It hadn’t even been a whole 24hours out in the woods let alone a weekend, but it had more than served its purpose. The friends had grown closer, their commitment to one another was now stronger and they were starting to feel comfortable and familiar around one another.

Initially they had drawn a few surprised looks when they began to hang out with one another at school. Isabel more than anyone had been tested over the last month or so, but it had all simply been like water off of a ducks back. She had made her commitment to Alex and she wasn’t changing it for the world, let alone to appease some vacuous witches at West Roswell High.

With each day and week that past the three ‘aliens’ imparted more and more information to their new friends, learning more about themselves in the process, but it soon became clear to Max, Michael and Isabel that they had started to put off the one remaining secret that needed to be told to make sure that there were no walls left between them.

After much soul searching and a brief, but frank discussion, the day had arrived to pass on their final secret. It may have only been one secret, but it covered even more than their initial revelation that they were human/alien hybrids.

Over the previous hour, as with when they had decided to tell their new friends about their original secret, Max had been the main focus of attention as he slowly and deliberately told them about their visit from future Liz and what they had learned about the previous timeline. Max had made sure that he was as thorough as possible as he recounted the story, stopping several times to explain in more detail anything that Liz, Maria and Alex were having trouble following.

Finally, about five minutes earlier, Max had told them the devastating news that in the previous timeline Alex had been killed. Initially his comments were greeted with silence and near disbelief, which had quickly been followed by tears and upset. Max, Michael and Isabel could do nothing but step back and allow their friends to absorb the terrible news and wait for whatever would happen next.

Isabel desperately wanted to comfort Alex but, understandably, Maria and Liz had made a beeline for him and were currently sitting either side of him as they sat together on Liz’s bed.

After several minutes of silence Alex finally broke the hush. “I would never look to make light of what you have just told us, but the fact remains that that was then and this is now. Things are different this time, right?”

All three aliens nodded as Isabel stepped forward. “Everything is completely different. Even before we told you about us we had changed things for the better. We completely understand that this has come as a huge shock to you, but we wanted to make sure that we had no secrets left so we could move forward and get on with our lives…together.”

It took Max a moment, but he finally realised that Liz was staring at him. “That’s why you told us, you knew how we would react.”

“We sort of knew.” Max corrected Liz’s statement. “We didn’t know it would be exactly the same because originally you found out by me healing you when you got shot. That puts a different slant on it as apposed to say finding out while sitting round a camp fire, but yes…we had a pretty good idea of how you were going to react.”

“Is that the only reason you told us?” Maria asked sternly, catching everyone by surprise.

“The only reason?” Max repeated before he shook his head slowly. “No, it wasn’t the only reason, but we must admit it played a part. If you look at it from our point of view, Maria, we had hoped and dreamed of meeting someone like each of you, but we couldn’t risk it because there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle. Once we tell someone our secret it’s out there. Even in this timeline you could have run off and told the sheriff or your mom, we had no real way of knowing.”

“What happens now?” Alex asked, bring all of their focus back to the most important question facing them today.

Max almost shrugged. “We’re not sure to be honest. The fact that we have changed the timeline means we can’t simply look at what future Liz showed us and expect that to happen, it’s different now. The only thing I can tell you is that it was a dozen different things that came together to create the circumstances under which you died and we won’t let a single one of them occur this time round, let alone all twelve.”

Alex smiled warmly to his friend. “Of that, Max, I have no doubt.”

Finally Liz and Maria stood up and in a flash Isabel was taking her seat next to Alex, her hands quickly intertwined with his.

Liz moved to stand beside Max and was pleased to feel a long arm reach around and pull her close. Maria moved in front of Michael and turned to look at the rest of the group. It was all she could do not to scream when she felt a big, heavy arm reach across the front of her, just under her chin, and pull her backwards until she felt her back come crashing into what turned out to be Michael’s chest. No one said anything, not least Maria. Michael was still coming to terms with showing affection for Maria, but he had undoubtedly picked up on the sombre mood and realised that Maria could use a comforting hug.

Suddenly Alex stood up, pulling Isabel with him. “Well people, it seems we have a choice to make. We can either sit here and mope about what has happened in a completely different timeline or we can go downstairs and eat our own weight in ice-cream. What’s it to be?”

Before anyone had answered Michael had released his grip on Maria, turned to open the bedroom door and disappeared along the hallway, no doubt heading for the downstairs kitchen.

“I guess we’re going for ice-cream.” Max stated the obvious as he followed Liz as she dragged him out of the room by the hand.

Alex went to move towards the door but felt Isabel’s hand, which he was still holding, offer a little resistance. When he looked at his stunning companion he was glad to be met by a broad smile. “If you don’t mind, sweetie, I’ll follow you down in a second.”

Alex simply nodded. “Sure. Is everything OK?”

“Everything is perfect.” Isabel leaned forward and gave Alex a brief but tender kiss on the lips. “I promise, I’ll be right down.”

When Alex stepped out of the room he slowly closed the door behind him, leaving Isabel on her own. She slowly turned towards Liz’s beside cabinet and picked up a photo that she had seen on previous visits to Liz’s room. It was of Liz and Maria in their waitress uniforms and sandwiched in between them with the biggest smile possible was Alex. She had always loved that picture and today she loved it more than ever.

Isabel gently ran her finger over the image of Alex, but her eyes focused on the figure of Liz. “I’m sorry, Liz.” She stated out loud despite standing in the room on her own. “I never truly knew what was happening when you came to visit me that first night, which now seems like a lifetime ago. I can’t say what I want to say to real Liz as she will think I am mad and probably won’t have a clue what I am getting at, but I just have to tell you what I sincerely hope you already know. I realise now that you didn’t reveal everything when you showed me the different timeline that you had lived, you kept some things from me and I can only respect your reasons, whatever they are, for doing that. I just want to say I know the sacrifice you made by coming back here and I also want to tell you that I will do everything in my power to make sure that your sacrifice wasn’t in vain. I will spend every minute of every day making sure we are all kept safe and, in particular, that Alex lives a long and happy life. I can’t deny that I hope to benefit from his long and happy life but I hope you will forgive me for that.” Isabel chuckled to herself.

A gentle tap at the door caught Isabel slightly off guard as she hurriedly replaced the picture and wiped at her face where the tears had begun to fall. With a wave of her hand any hint of a tear was removed and Isabel quickly recomposed herself. “Come in.”

The door opened slowly and Liz’s petite figure appeared from behind the door. “Are you Ok, Isabel?”

“I’m fine.” Isabel replied, fully aware of how odd it must have appeared, Liz finding her standing alone in her bedroom with the door closed.

“Will you be long?” Liz asked gently.

“I’m coming now.” She answered with a smile.

“Oh, thank God!” Liz abruptly stated. “If we don’t hurry there’s going to be a fight. It seems we only have one bag of marshmallows left and Alex is currently trying to fend off Michael, saying that he has to keep them for you! Does that mean anything to you?”

Isabel couldn’t help but smile. “I think I have an idea.”

The End.

A/N: And yet another one bites the dust. I sincerely hope you enjoy this story and I’m sorry it took me longer than usual to get it written and posted. Let’s hope it is a one off and not the norm.

I have another story planned called “Without hope or Expectation.”, which I hope to start posting next week.

I also want to say a big thank you for any and all who voted for me with regards best portrayal of Alex and Isabel, which I won for this story. I actually don’t win the “Best portrayal…” award very often if ever, but I would like to think it is down to the wonderful writers out there who do our favourite couple justice in almost every Stargazer story and not that I am not very good at writing them lol.

Finally, thanks for any and all feedback. It’s always much appreciated and gratefully received.

Cheers, David / StargazerUK
If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.
