Welcome To My World (AU,WA, M/L,Adult) (Complete)

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Post by Itzstacie »

Wanted to drop this off along with the new part.


Funniest Fic - Welcome To My World

Chapter 40

Liz’s POV

Well as you can see in the end the girl got the boy and we will live happily ever after and all those that doubted me, you can shove a stick where the sun don’t shine.

Such a shame we wasted so much time hiding behind our feelings, that we could have been together longer. Don’t worry I plan on making the most out of the time that’s left. I know you’re sad to see me going…Don’t lie I know you are.

But fear not in the words of the Terminator ‘I’ll be back’.

Now don’t look at me like that, I know your depressed but really there really isn’t much more to tell you right now.





I’m serious okay, I’ve told you all I can.

Okay okay sheesh you’re a hard crowd, there is one more thing I can tell you, the night of Maria’s birthday party, But you’ll have to wait a few more minutes because I know you are going to love it.

Graduation is coming up soon and I can honestly say I had the time of my life in high school. My friendships stayed strong and I even managed to snag a hot alien king, don’t you just envy me.

I’m not depressed about picking up and moving on becoming an adult as they say, because I know my friends will be right there with me.

I meant that literally too, all of us are moving to college together, Its great I know. The four of us girls managed to get an apartment together while the guys did the same.

I know…I know what you’re thinking but it was really cheap this way, plus it saved the parental units from having massive heart attacks.

Just between you and I those weekly sleepovers that were completely shut off, well I guarantee that they will resume.

So I guess your wondering what happened at Maria’s birthday party. I’ll tell you as we end this chapter in my world.

It started out nice and innocent…I swear it did, it happened at the Crash Down after we talked my father into closing the night and strict orders that we clean up what we mess up.

I could say the highlight was Isabel and Tess hiring a stripper for Maria. I can honestly say I have never seen Michael turn that shade of red before.

On a side note here not a good idea to piss off the boyfriend, especially when boyfriend is an alien.

I think that poor stripper is going to be looking for a new line of work. I could have sworn he was going to piss in his g-string when Michael made all the alien knickknacks start dancing and talking to him.

In the end Tess had to mind warp him into forgetting what happened, with the exception of Michael chasing him out with a broom.

For me the highlight was the presents, I can look back now and laugh about it because I have to admit it really was a great joke, but at time all I could do was choke on drink.

I should have known he was up to something when I saw him sitting there with a smirk. I started choking the minute she unwrapped the bundle of carrots, she quirked an eyebrow at him and he just smiled patting my back ‘there’s more’.

She unwrapped the other one I thought she was going to shit a brick right there when her eyes got big ‘Oh My God’ she screamed when she saw the movie.

He started laughing then ‘thought you might like to practice more’.


Of course all I could do is continue to cough while my boyfriend sat there laughing his ass off. ‘Payback for the mirror babe’ he said.

‘Tell him what…what did you tell him’ the others ask clearly confused.

‘Nothing’ Maria growls.

‘Oh come on Maria lets tell them’ Max says.

‘If you open your mouth I will cut off your pecker and shove it up your ass’.

‘Okay okay no need to threaten my precious’.

Alex snorts ‘what are you Gollum”

‘Bite Me’

What am I doing while this is going on, I’ll tell you I’m laying with my head on the table trying to get rid of that annoying little tickle inside my throat.

‘Oh Liz dear’ Maria sings out and I look up to get a face full of cake.

All I could do was sit there with my mouth hanging open and the others laughed at my expense.

‘Oh yeah’ I said digging my hands into her cake and shoving it back in her face using my other hand to shove it in Maxs ‘that’s what you get for opening your mouth’.

It turned out to be one of the best food fights ever and with the help of a few alien powers my father never knew what a disaster his restaurant was that night.

So I hope you enjoyed your little trip into my world, and like I said don’t fret because soon you’ll be back living in my world.

The End

A/N dont panic...I know there is stil unanswered questions, but I felt like it was time to end this one here. Dont worry the funs not over yet with.

Living In My World (coming soon)


Yes thats right I decided to do a sequal to this...I'm not sure when I'll start posting it, I have one other fic that is out right now. I want to get a little more into that one before I start posting this one. I want to thank everyone who has read this and left feedback or lurked. I didnt think I could pull funny off but you all proved me wrong. So thank you for taking the time with this story.