Healing (CC,M/L,TEEN) 1/1 [COMPLETE] 11/23/04

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Healing (CC,M/L,TEEN) 1/1 [COMPLETE] 11/23/04

Post by Shinigami »

Title: Healing
Rating: YTEEN-TEEN (Just want to be safe here)
Couple: CC M/L
Author's Note: When commenting, please keep in mind that this is my first Roswell fiction, not to mention the only thing I've written in a while. Basically, this may very well suck.

Disclaimer: Roswell and its trademarks, characters, etcetera aren't mine. I'm borrowing them, and I'm getting no profit from this.

Summary: An alternate ending to "End of the World", one many fans will most likely prefer.

The pain. God, the pain.

I can't move. I can hardly think. She's in bed with him. It's indescribable, like having your heart torn out. All I can feel is the pounding in my head, and the pain in my chest. Our eyes touch for a moment before I manage to turn and run to the ladder, climbing down as fast as I can.

I run for two blocks before I have to stop, the tears so thick I can't see. How could this have happened? I stumble to a bench on the sidewalk just before the energy drains from me, leaving me helplessy sobbing, holding my face in my hands. I feel as if my life has been taken from me. I feel so lost, so...empty. I've nearly given up being the salvation of an entire race for her, and she's thrown it all away.

Something in the back of mymind tells me this isn't right, that Liz would never do something like this, but I can't help but know what I saw. I'll never be able to forget it. Maybe the others were right. Maybe we need to follow our destiny. We're here for a purpose, and yet, I can't help but think about how much I loved her, still love her. Never again can I love someone the way I loved her. Anyone else will always be second best.

I hear footsteps now. I don't dare to look up. Whoever else is out this late must be part of our group. Hell, by tomorrow we may not even have a group anymore. I don't want anyone to see me like this, especially Michael or Isabel. As the steps come closer, I realize I can't even compose my voice enough to sound decent.


Somehow I find the strength to look up at her. This girl who I would still give my life for. The girl who looked so guiltily at me when I saw her with Kyle.

"Max, I-I'm sorry. Oh, God. I'm so, so sorry. Max, it wasn't-we didn't-"

She stops and fumbles for words.

"It's just, someone told that I- I had to make you fall out of love with me, and nothing else would work, and, God, I couldn't, Max."

She slowly pulls herself to me, sitting next to me and throwing her arms around me as she buries her face in the shoulder of my leather jacket. I don't understand, but I know she didn't betray me. I lower my face next to her, my tears flowing into her dark hair, taking in her scent, as we both release the pain and frustration of the past several weeks, clinging to each other.

My doubts are gone. I know my destiny.
Absence of proof is not proof of absence