You Can't Go Home Again (CC,M/M Mature) Ch17 (4/21/05) (WIP)

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Chapter 11

Post by area52 »

You Can't Go Home Again

Chapter 11

The testing wasn’t as bad as Maria thought it would be. Dr. Sumner took plenty of skin and blood samples, but she wasn’t cut open on an operating table like she had feared for the past three years.

She didn’t get to wear her regular clothes. They gave her this very unfashionable hospital-like gown that did nothing but keep her legs cold. Dr. Sumner provided Maria with her own “cell” for the past two and a half weeks. It was white, of course, and all it held was a bed, a toilet and a sink. Maria spent most of her time in there.

She never got to see her mother or anybody else again. Every day she would ask, demand, and even scream, but nobody obliged. Not knowing what happened to her mother was really starting to get to Maria. Her father didn’t know either, and he was playing, “undercover agent.”

Maria played along as her father had ordered. It was starting to get hard though. The longer she waited for Brian to figure her a way out of this mess, the more anxious she became. Maria also thought that Dr. Sumner really did want her on that operating table…and it frightened her to no end.

As she pushed the sickening thought from her mind, Dr. Sumner entered, holding his famous chart. He never put that chart down, ever. And the way he was always happy and smiling kind of creeped Maria out.

“Hello Ms. DeLuca. How are we doing today?”

Maria followed with her usual question. “Where is my mother?”

“How’s your shoulder? Is it still sore?”

“I want to see my mom.” Maria stated firmly and loudly.

“How about we take a look at it?” Dr. Sumner said, reaching for Maria’s shoulder.

Maria stood up and slapped his hand away. “I want to see my fucking mother god dammit!”

Dr. Sumner stepped back, but he didn’t lose his cool. “Ms. DeLuca, if you aren’t going to cooperate, then I’m afraid I am going to have to sedate you. Do you want that?”

Maria didn’t answer. Sumner took that as a “no.”

Nodding he said, “Good.”

Maria sat back down on her bed.

Sumner looked over his chart and sighed. “Well, I see that I’m not taking any samples from you today. But, I will be escorting you to Agent Henderson’s office for questioning.”

Maria rolled her eyes, trying to make it seem like she was irritated. In reality, she was relieved. Brian was actually pretty decent to her. He wasn’t pushy, he respected her feelings, and he never once asked about her friends’ supposed alien status.

Maria had really started trust him.

Sumner escorted Maria out of her cell and down the long hallway to her father’s office. Stepping inside, Maria could clearly see that Brian was agitated, and it made her heart beat faster. Sumner brought Maria to one of the office chairs and sat her down.

“Agent Henderson, I’ve brought Ms. DeLuca for questioning.”

Distracted, Brian didn’t answer at first. Then, he looked up and smiled. “Thank you doctor.”

Sumner nodded and then promptly left. Brian didn’t return to his seat. He began pacing around the room nervously.

“We have to act fast Maria.”

Maria looked at her father, her heart beating a mile a minute.

“Is something wrong?” she asked.

“I think I found your friends.” He said quickly.

Maria straightened in her chair. “What?”

“I have a pretty good lead. I haven’t told anyone yet, which is why we have to hurry.” Brian stated, pacing back and forth.

“Hurry for what?” Maria said. He was really starting to scare her.

“My superior is starting to get suspicious. He wants to know why I can’t seem to crack an eighteen year old girl.”

“So, what do you want to do?”

“I’m telling you what I want to do. You’re going to escape.”

Maria’s face brightened. “Escape?”

“Yes. I have a plan, so you have to listen carefully.” Brian said, returning to his desk. He didn’t sit down; he merely leaned over it, using his arms as pillars, so that he was face to face with Maria.

“Tomorrow night at exactly 8:45, I am going to visit you in your cell for some routine questioning. You of course, aren’t going to give me the answers that I want, and I’m going to leave, irritated. But, I’m not going to lock your door properly.”

Maria nodded, her mind spinning.

“You are going to wait until 9:15. A guard will pass your door. Wait five minutes, and then leave your cell. There shouldn’t be anyone in the hallway then. Make a left out of your room and travel down the hallway. When you come to a corner, make a right. You should be familiar with that corridor, it’s the one Sumner takes you down for testing.”

“Okay.” Maria said, trying to absorb every word.

“Instead of making another right into the testing room, you are going to continue down that corridor until you see the front desk. The guards are real idiots. They hang around the lounge and play poker. Hide underneath the front desk, they won’t see you. Right across from that desk is the exit doors. Outside those doors, I will be waiting in a black SUV for you.”

Maria nodded again, and Brian thought that she had zoned out.

“Maria, listen to me. At 9:30, the guards will change shifts. You have 30 seconds. That’s all I can wait. Do you understand?”




Brian nodded and opened the door. Sumner was just coming down the hall to get Maria.

“So Henderson, how’d it go?”

“Any day now, she’ll crack.” Brian lied.

Sumner nodded.

Maria walked up and down the isle of the quickie mart, scanning the shelves for Pepto. Brian had chosen to fill up the car. Maria had five minutes.

Maria shuffled through the isle when something caught her eye. A pregnancy test. She didn’t know why it even got her attention, but it made her think back to when she had her last period.

Over two months ago.

Maria gasped quietly. “Oh no. No, no, no.”

The craving for Tabasco sauce, and the throwing up…it all made sense now.

Shaking her head, Maria whispered to herself. “Uh uh. No way. No, I’m not pregnant. I’m not pregnant. It was just a bad burger, that’s all. No, I’m not pregnant.”

Still, she found herself grabbing a pregnancy test and stuffing it under her shirt. Then, she quickly fled the store.

Brian was waiting in the car for Maria when she entered.

“Where is it?”

“What?” Maria asked, horrified.

“The Pepto.”

“Oh…they didn’t have any left.”

“Oh…well, I got some ginger ale from the soda machine.” Brian said, handing her a can.

“Thanks. This might help.” Maria said, half-smiling and sipping the soda.

Brian sighed. “Okay. I might have some alarming news Maria.”

“What?” Maria asked, looking at her father with wide eyes.

“I think we’re being followed.”

“What!” Maria said, turning and looking around.

“Don’t do that. They might see you. It’s a black Lincoln town car. I saw it a couple miles back.”

“Oh God.” Maria said.

“Before you panic, I’m not sure that they’re following us. It could just be a coincidence. We’ll drive some more, and if they’re still following us, well, we’ll take it from there. Okay?”

“Okay. God…I need my Cyprus oil.”

Brian smiled. “Your mother teach you that?”

Maria nodded.

“You look just like her you know. Beautiful.”

Maria looked at Brian and smiled a little. Then, they sped off.

A few minutes later, Agent Johnson came walking out of the quickie mart and hopped into the car.

“Here Frye, got you some chips.”

“Thanks Johnson. So, anything interesting go on in there?” Frye asked, opening his chips.

“Yeah. The girl stole a pregnancy test.”

“Think she knows?”

Johnson shrugged. “Well, if she doesn’t, she’ll know soon.”

Frye shook his head and started up the car. Then, they took off too.


Just taking the time to thank all of those who read my fics. Thank you!
I'm only happy when it rains
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I'm only happy when it rains.

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Chapter 12

Post by area52 »

You Can't Go Home Again

Chapter 12

Four hours and a few speeding cars later, Kyle was determined to stop. “I should’ve worn more comfortable sneakers.” He whined.

“Shut up you freakin woman.” Michael yelled. He was tired too, and his feet hurt as well, but he wasn’t going to give up on Maria just yet.

Michael turned and stuck his thumb out towards the oncoming car, but it just whizzed by.
“Shit.” Michael whispered.

“You know, I have had it up to here with you Guerin.” Kyle said, raising his hand to about the top of his forehead.

“You do nothing but bitch. You are more loud, whiney and talkative than Maria ever was and I didn’t think that was possible. What is wrong with you?” Michael asked, gruffly.

Kyle’s annoyed featured turned to hurt. “I’m sorry. I’m just…I’m just afraid.”

“Why don’t you practice your mantra or whatever it is you do?” Michael said.

Choosing to ignore the snide comment, Kyle continued, “I’m afraid for my dad. I…I have this weird feeling that I’m never going to see him again.”

“So what now? You want to go back?” Michael asked, stopping and facing Kyle.

“No. Yes. I don’t know.” Kyle said shakily.

“Well you can’t go back now. We risked everything leaving the group like we did. We probably won’t ever see Max or Liz or Isabel ever again.” Michael yelled.

“I know that!” Kyle yelled back.

“So what do you want to do, because I have no problem going alone? I like it better that way anyway.”

Kyle just looked at Michael. Michael was determined to get back to Maria.

“Aren’t you scared? Aren’t you scared that you’ll never see Maria again?”

For the first time since Kyle has known him, Michael cracked. “Scared? Scared? I’m fucking terrified man! You think that that thought hasn’t crossed my mind a million times since we started walking? There is not a second that goes by where I say to myself that Maria’s gone.”

Michael threw his bag down and paced angrily. “But I have to keep going for Maria. I have to believe that somehow, some way, Maria is still alive. If I let myself believe for even a second that Maria was dead, I’d run right in front of that fucking truck.” Michael said, pointing to the headlights of an oncoming truck.

Kyle looked at the truck and then at Michael.

“So I’m not going to stop Valenti. And I’m not going to give up. Neither should you.” Michael said, walking away from Kyle.

Kyle was about to nod when he noticed that Michael was headed toward the nearly deserted highway.

“Michael. What are you doing?”

“I’m not giving up!” Michael said, stepping on to the highway and directly into the speeding truck’s path.

“Michael!” Kyle shouted, his eyes darting between Michael, the truck, and the lessening space between them.

“Getting hit by a truck isn’t going to HELP!”

A loud, long HONK could be heard from the truck, but it didn’t slow down.

Michael put both of his hands out in a stop formation. “Stop! STOP!”

Kyle ran right to the edge of the highway and shouted. “Get out of the way!”

The truck was coming fast, but Michael didn’t budge. Kyle prayed to Buddha and any other god that would listen that Michael would move, but Michael stood his ground.

The brakes on the truck screeched in protest as the trucked tried to stop, but the road was slippery from the light dew that covered it. The headlights completely covered Michael now as he continued to yell, “Stop!”

“Stop, stop STOP!” Kyle yelled, closing his eyes and looking away as the truck slid until it seemed just inches from Michael.

A loud Honk drowned out Kyle’s screaming.


Liz touched Max’s shoulder as he drove down the moonlit highway. Max was doing about ninety in a fifty-five mile an hour zone. Needless to say, he was upset.

“Max, you need to calm down.” Isabel said from the back, holding on to her seat for dear life. She wanted to get to Roswell quickly, but she wanted to be in one piece when she got there.

“Calm? How can I be calm? We left Roswell to get away from the Special Unit. Then, everyone in Roswell just disappears! Bam! Just like that. Gone. Now, Khivar is back, in your husband’s body no less, and to top it off Michael and Kyle decided to play heroes and run off on their own, against our vote! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE CALM!”

Isabel flinched. Max yelling was a very uncommon thing. Max was a very laid-back kind of guy. It took a lot to get him going, even under the worst of circumstances. But once Max got to that breaking point, there seemed to be no calming him down.

Liz rubbed Max’s shoulder lightly and said, “Flipping out isn’t going to help anyone. And doing ninety is only going to get us arrested or killed.”

Max looked at the speedometer and let his foot up. “Sorry.”

They had been traveling on the highway for about an hour and a half and there was no sign of Kyle or Michael.

“They couldn’t have gotten far on foot.” Max mumbled to himself.

“Well find them.” Liz assured him.

It was the only thing Liz could do. She had to continue to think about finding Michael and Kyle, because the other thoughts were just too much. The prospect of Maria being alive excited Liz to no end. With Maria came the hope that her parents were alive as well. But, with that excitement came fear. Her vision had showed Maria struggling with what looked like F.B.I. agents to Liz. And the vision of Max in the white room made Liz want to throw up. So, she kept her mind on one thing, and she would deal with the rest of it as it came. It was all she could do to keep from screaming.

Isabel thoughts wandered to Jesse, and an overwhelming feeling of guilt washed over her. It was her fault that Khivar had overtaken Jesse. It was also her fault that everyone in Roswell was gone. Khivar had somehow used that purplish rod to wipe out everyone in town for her.

“Roswell belongs to us now…”

It was her fault that everyone’s parents were gone.

A single tear slid down Isabel’s cheek as she thought about what Jesse must be going through.

And then promised herself that she was going to get rid of Khivar once and for all.

“I’m coming Jesse.” Isabel whispered, wiping her tear away.


Kyle opened up one eye to see if Michael was flattened and he didn’t believe what he saw.

The truck had miraculously stopped just a few inches from Michael. It was then that Kyle realized that he had stopped breathing, and he began gasping as he ran to Michael and the livid trucker.

Michael stayed put as the man got out of his truck and stomped over to Michael.

“Are you outta your friggen mind! I coulda killed you!” The man said with a southern drawl.

Michael looked at the man with pure determination. “We need a ride.”

Kyle ran over to Michael and put an arm around his shoulder. “Jesus man, I thought you were a pancake!”

Not taking his eyes away from the man, Michael stated again, “We need a ride.”

The trucker looked at both Kyle and Michael. “You boys aren’t…together are you?”

Kyle immediately removed his arm from Michael’s shoulder. “Oh god no. I’m not…I mean we’re not…we’re just friends okay?”

“Are you going to give us a ride or not?”

“You sure scared the be-Jesus outta me boy.” The trucker laughed, grabbing a cigarette and a lighter from his plaid shirt pocket.

After lighting it, the trucker said, “How far are you goin?”

“As far as you’re willing to take us.” Michael said, relaxing a bit.

“I’m goin to Fargo.”

Michael nodded.

“You boys are welcome to join me.” The trucker said, extending his hand.

“We will. Thanks.” Michael said, shaking the man’s hand.

Kyle shook his hand next. “We really appreciate it. I mean, we as in two normal heterosexual boys—“

“Shut up Kyle.” Michael stated, walking to grab his duffel bag.

“Right.” Kyle said. The trucker just shook his head and laughed.

“You sure got some balls standing out in the middle o the road like that.”

Michael nodded again and jumped into the truck. Kyle followed, and then the trucker got in.

“I’m Barney.”



“Well, here we go boys.”

Barney honked the horn and Kyle jumped.

“Are you sure you’re not…” Barney asked, smirking.

“I’m not gay!” Kyle yelled and Barney laughed.

Kyle looked at Barney and then at Michael, who just looked straight ahead.


Hey ppl. I hope you're all still liking the story. Thanks for the feedback AngelicFairy. You really keep my spirits high. Thanks to everyone else who continually reads it.

I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it
I'm only happy when it rains.

Pour your misery down on me...

--Garbage "Only Happy When it Rains."
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Chapter 13

Post by area52 »

You Can't Go Home Again

Chapter 13

Brian pulled into a gas station, looking in the rearview mirror as the same Lincoln pulled in behind them. Maria jumped out, holding a hand over her mouth, and ran to the restroom.

Brian got out of the car and went up to a gas station attendant.

“Ten dollars on pump 1 please.” Brian said, handing the attendant a ten. The attendant nodded.

“Could you put it in please? I have to use the restroom.” Brian asked. The attendant nodded.

Brian thanked him and slowly walked over to the Lincoln.

“Sir, he’s approaching the car.” Frye radioed in.

“Well, you remember the plan.” The boss replied.

Frye nodded. “Yes sir.”

Johnson unlocked his holster and nodded at Frye, who did the same and put the radio down.

Brian approached the car and knocked on the driver’s side tinted window.

It rolled down completely, exposing Agent Frye and Agent Johnson.

Brian was about to reach for his gun when Frye flashed him his gun.

“Now, now, let’s not get excited Agent Henderson. Or should I say, Mr. DeLuca.”

Brian looked at Frye, his face hardened in anger. “The boss sent you?”

Frye nodded. “Yes. You are to lead us to the aliens.”

Brian stared him down. “If I refuse to take you there?”

“You won’t refuse to take us there.”

“Why is that?” Brian asked.

“Because, you want to keep your daughter…and unborn grandchild out of harms way. Am I correct?”

Brian’s face softened. Frye smiled, amused that he had struck a nerve.

“You’re lying.”

“Sumner reported it the night Ms. DeLuca escaped.” Agent Johnson said, pulling out a folded piece of paper. He handed it to Frye who handed it to Brian.

Brian studied the report. It looked authentic. It looked like Sumner's signature. And it looked like it said Maria was indeed pregnant.

Brian looked again for Maria, a hint of tears pooling in his eyes. She hadn’t come out yet.

“What do you want?”

“We want to make a deal.”

Maria paced back and forth in a dark, dungy unisex bathroom of a gas station. After having to pull the car over twice so Maria could throw up, Brian thought that at least a gas station rest room would be better. He was wrong.

The bathroom walls were a gross yellow, probably from age and lack of care and were riddled with stupid messages that began with “for a good time call…” A dim, flickering, bare light bulb hanging from the middle of the pipe lined ceiling barely lit the room up. Rust creeped about the bottom of the toilet and inside the bowl. The toilet paper was strategically stuck on an old, useless pipe sticking awkwardly out from the wall. The sink was just as disgusting, holding a combination of mold, mildew, and rust. A small, greasy mirror hung just above the sink.

And there was an extremely fowl odor.

After throwing up one more time, mainly because the bathroom was so disgusting, Maria thought it was time to take the pregnancy test. She had already peed on the stick. Now she was just waiting for results. The test was lying just above the sink on the empty, rarely used soap dispenser.

“Please be negative. Please, please, please be negative.” Maria said, pacing in the small space. The test took five minutes, so far, only two minutes and seventeen seconds had gone by.

“Please, please, please be negative.”

That pregnancy test had to be negative. If not, it was over for her.

Three minutes and 42 seconds…

It was going to be negative.

“Please be negative.”

Four minutes 33 seconds…

“Please be negative.”

It had to be negative.

Five minutes…

Maria took a breath and looked at the test. A big, gigantic, humongous plus sign was hitting her in the face. Dropping the test, she held her mouth to keep the loud sob from coming out.

Surpressing the cry, Maria backed into a corner of the restroom and slid down the wall to the floor. She began hyperventilating. She grabbed her stomach and held onto it for dear life. Fear paralyzed her. She couldn’t go back out there, with all of the danger in the world. All the trouble she was in. Maria had two lives to look after now. And that thought struck such terror in her heart that she thought she was going to go into cardiac arrest.

Sweat beaded on her forehead as she looked around the dark room, gasping for air.

Calm down Maria.

She imagined Michael standing over her in the dark bathroom, his face a mixture of anger and concern, as usual.

“What am I going to do?” She asked him. “I-I can’t go back out there. The baby could get hurt.”

I won’t let that happen.

“You can’t help it! You’re not here really. YOU LEFT ME!”

I’m coming for you Maria. You and the baby.

“No you’re not. You don’t even know the baby exists.”

I love you. I’m coming for you.

“You love me? Then why did you leave? Wait, that’s what you’re good at. You say you love me and then you leave me.” Maria said, sucking in ragged breaths of air.

Dammit Maria. I said I’m coming.

“Good. Because when I see you, I’m going to tell you how much I hate you.”

You don’t hate me.

“Yes I do!”

No you don’t.

Maria nodded, and her eyes began to flutter.

Will you calm down!

Maria closed her eyes, she was going to faint. Suddenly, it was as if Michael was picking her up. She could have sworn she felt his lips crash onto hers. It was rough and quick, but full of passion.

That was to calm you down.

Maria opened her eyes. She was still sitting in the corner of the bathroom and she was all alone, but she had stopped hyperventilating. She felt calmer.

Getting up, she brushed her jeans off and took a few deep breaths.

“I’m going to be okay.” Maria said, and then she looked at her stomach and gently slid her fingers across it. “We’re going to be okay.”

Maria looked into the mirror. For a second, she thought she saw Michael standing behind her. She turned, but he wasn’t there. Maria turned back to the mirror and wiped her eyes. She wasn’t going to tell her father just yet. Then, he definetly wouldn’t keep going.

Looking at the pregnancy test on the floor, Maria bent down and picked it up. When she got back up, there was a quick flash in the mirror.

Maria turned again and was face to face with Jesse. But his eyes were black and soulless and a wicked smile spread across his face. He pushed her back with so much force that she jumped into the sink and hit the back of her head against the mirror, breaking it.

She went to scream but he covered her mouth with one hand and placed his other hand on her shoulder. It felt as if he were burning her with an iron; it hurt so much that she thought she was going to pass out.

Maria closed her eyes, moaning in pain. Then, the pain was gone and Maria opened her eyes. Breathing heavily, she looked around. She was alone. Maria pulled her shirt down a little to examine what should have been a burned shoulder. There was no burn mark.

“What the fuck was that?” Maria asked out loud.

Not wanting to find out, she left the restroom quickly.

Maria jumped back into the SUV. Brian looked at her, worry plastered all over his face.

“Are you okay?” Maria asked, trying her best to hid her fear.

Brian smiled. “Yes. How are you feeling?”

“Better.” Maria lied. Things had gotten much worse.

“Do you still want to continue?”

Maria nodded. Then she asked, “Is that car still following us?”

Brian didn’t answer at first, but then he shook his head. “No. I-I guess I was just being paranoid.”

“Better safe than sorry.” Maria muttered.

Brian nodded. “Okay. So, next stop, ‘Norman’s Inn.’”

Then, he started up the car and they left.
“Sir, we have Mr. DeLuca’s full cooperation.”



Until next time.
I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it
I'm only happy when it rains.

Pour your misery down on me...

--Garbage "Only Happy When it Rains."
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Chapter 14

Post by area52 »

You Can't Go Home Again

Chapter 14

“Kyle. Kyle. Wake up. Kyle!”

Kyle slowly opened his eyes, realizing that it was just before dawn, the truck had stopped, and that his head was resting on Michael’s shoulder. Michael jerked his shoulder out from under Kyle’s head. Kyle looked at Barney, who was trying not to laugh.

“Don’t even say it.” Kyle said, embarrassed.

“You boys gonna come inside for some breakfast?” Barney asked, opening his door.

Kyle looked around and saw the greasy spoon diner that Barney was parked in front of.

“Are we in Fargo?” Kyle asked Michael, and he shook his head.

Kyle looked back at Barney, who was outside of the truck, waiting for an answer.

Michael opened his door and jumped out. Kyle guessed it was a “yes” and he jumped out too.

They both followed Barney’s lead into the diner. It wasn’t packed, but it was busy. And it seemed as if it were filled with truck drivers. It was one of those diners.

The three sat down at the counter and a pretty young blonde waitress came up to them.

“Hey fellas. What can I get ya?” She asked, pouring each of them a cup of coffee.

“The house special, darlin.” Barney said, smiling. “And maybe your phone number.”

“Bite me, Barney” The nurse sneered, but jokingly.

“I’d love to honey.” Barney retorted, and the waitress rolled her eyes.

“Come here often?” Kyle asked, and Barney nodded.

“How bout you handsome?” She asked, smiling at Kyle.

“Um, I’ll have an egg-white omelet with some low salt bacon…” Kyle trailed off when he noticed the look the waitress was giving him and Barney shaking his head in amusement. “Um, whatever Barney’s having is fine.” He said, turning red.

“Okay, two house specials.” The waitress said, writing it down on her notepad. “And for you honey?”

“Make it three.” Michael said, not really paying attention.

“Okay, three it is.” The waitress said, and then went to place the orders.

“Do you mind me askin where you’re all headed?” Barney said, adding sugar to his coffee.

“We’re going to New Mexico.” Kyle said.

“Yeah? Are you goin to Roswell? It’s some pretty freaky shit that’s happenin down there.”

Michael answered before Kyle could. “No. We’re headed to Las Cruces.”

Kyle looked at Michael, guessing that he wanted the conversation to end right then and there.

“Oh. Well, it’s still freaky. Everyone goin missing like that.”

“Yeah.” Kyle said, nodding, sipping some of his coffee. Swallowing it, he made a disgusted face. He was going to ask Barney how he could drink that stuff, but decided to keep it to himself.

The waitress returned with three big plates full of scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausages and toast. Kyle felt nauseous just looking at it.

After placing it down in front of them, the waitress nodded. “Is there anything else I could get you fellas?”

“A triple bypass…maybe” Kyle muttered.

“What’s that?” The waitress asked, leaning closer to Kyle.

“Nothing.” Kyle said, looking at the food, trying to figure out which was safest to eat.

He chose pancakes.

Barney looked on with mild interest and disgust as Michael pulled out a small bottle of Tabasco sauce and emptied it on his eggs and pancakes.

Kyle noticed. “Uh…he likes his breakfast extra hot.”

Barney gave Kyle a look of confusion and then went back to his own breakfast.

Michael went on eating, off in another world.

“So, how much longer to Fargo?” Kyle asked, putting a mouthful of pancakes in his mouth.

Barney took another sip of his coffee and said, “A day or so. Probably be there tonight. You boys gonna step in front of another truck after I drop ya off?”

Kyle nodded, since Michael didn’t seem to pay attention.

“You probably should rest a while. There’s a nice little place called ‘Norman’s Inn’ that I stay at sometimes. It’s cheap. It’s clean.”

Michael seemed to snap to attention at the mention of “Norman’s Inn.” For some reason, that name sounded important.

Kyle looked at Michael. “You think we should stay there a night?”

Michael looked at Kyle. “Whatever.” He said gruffly before returning to his food.

Kyle looked at Barney and Barney shrugged.


Thanks again for continuing to read my story. Sorry it took so long to update it.

I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it
I'm only happy when it rains.

Pour your misery down on me...

--Garbage "Only Happy When it Rains."
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Chapter 15

Post by area52 »

A.N. Sorry it took so long to update. Schoolwork calls and you know how frustrating that can be. Thanks for waiting.

You Can't Go Home Again

Chapter 15

“What do you want?”

“We want to make a deal.”

Brian looked at both agents and sighed heavily.

“Mr. DeLuca, this is your daughter’s life we are talking about here. If we cannot find the aliens, we will detain you, Maria and her unborn hybrid child.”

“What kind of deal?”

“You tell us what you know about the aliens and we’ll stop following you.”

Brian looked for Maria again. Finally, he turned back to Agent Frye, who was smiling in victory.

“They’re staying at ‘Rocket’s Motel.’ As far as I know, they haven’t moved yet.”

“Rocket’s Motel?” Agent Johnson asked, writing it in a notepad. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Brian huffed, anxious and annoyed.

“And where might we reach you, if indeed the aliens have moved?” Frye asked, still smiling.

Brian’s face contorted in anger. “Why do you need to know? I’ve given you all of the information I have. What else could—“

“For insurance. If indeed the aliens are on the move again, we might need your…assistance once more.”

Controlling himself for the sake of his daughter, Brian muttered through his teeth, “We will be staying at ‘Norman’s Inn.’”

“Very good Mr. DeLuca.” Agent Johnson said, writing once again. “When you put a name down in the guest book at the motel, make sure it’s something we’ll recognize so that we may reach you easily.”

“How about Larry Henderson?” Brian said dryly.

“Okay.” Johnson replied.

“Well, I think we’re done here.” Agent Frye said, starting up the car. “We appreciate your cooperation Mr. DeLuca. Good night.”

Brian stepped back.

Before they drove off, Frye said, "Don't try to run Mr. DeLuca. We'll find you wherever you go."

Then, the car sped off, leaving Brian with a big pit in his stomach.

Brian and Maria pulled into the “Norman’s Inn” parking lot just after sunrise. Maria was asleep. Brian looked at her with a sad smile on his face. She had been through so much in such a short amount of time. They had been through so much together, and he didn’t want to ruin the trust that he had just barely gained. But it seemed as if he didn’t have a choice.

Maria seemed to be having a nightmare. She moved around in her seat and yelled occasionally. Suddenly, she shot up out of her uncomfortable sitting position and screamed, “No!”

“Whoa, whoa. It’s okay. It was just a bad dream.” Brian said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Maria looked around, disoriented for a moment and then realizes that she was still in the SUV. “Oh. Sorry.” She muttered, unbuckling her seatbelt. “Where are we?”

“Norman’s Inn. I told you about it a while back.” Brian said.

“Yeah.” Maria nodded, still a little stupefied.

Getting out of the car, Brian asked, “Do you want to share a room, or do you want your own room?”

Maria pondered it for a minute. “I guess I’ll take a room of my own, if you don’t mind.”

“That’s fine sweetie. I’ll be right back.” Brian said, relieved that he wouldn’t have to share a room. That way, if someone did call, he wouldn’t have to deal with her questions.

Walking into the office, Brian was greeted by an abnormally large orange tabby cat. It meowed loudly and began to rub itself on Brian’s pant leg.

An old man came out limping out from a room behind the front desk. “Norman, what are you yapp—Oh, hello there. What can I do for you?”

Brian studied the man. He was old, probably in his seventies. He would have been a few inches taller if it wasn’t for his hunch. One eye seemed to be a faded, milky white and pale blue…he was probably blind in that eye. And his white hair seemed thin underneath a faded green baseball cap.

“Hello. I would like two rooms please.”

“Two rooms you said?” The man asked, leaning in toward Brian.

“Yes.” Brian said loudly. The poor bastard was deaf too.

“You’re not alone?” The man asked.

“No. I’m with my daughter. She’s in the car.” Brian said quickly.

The man nodded. “Its twenty five bucks a room, a night. How long are ya staying?”

“Probably just one night.” Brian said, handing the old man a fifty.

“Okay. I’ll be back with the keys. Sign the book.” The old man shouted, limping away.

Brian looked at the guest book, grabbing the attached pen. Almost fighting himself, he reluctantly signed, “Larry Henderson.”

When he was done, the old man came out with the keys. “There you go, rooms seven and eight. They’re nice and clean for ya.”

Brian took the keys, thanked the man, and went to the car. Maria was leaning against the car waiting. The sun shone brightly in her eyes, so she had a hand on her forehead. Looking around, she nodded in satisfaction.

“It’s nice.” Maria said when Brian got within earshot.

Brian nodded and handed her the key to room eight. “There you go. Wash up, and take a normal nap.”

Maria nodded and then gave her father a hug. “Thanks dad.”

Brian hugged back very gently.

Maria noticed. “Something wrong?”

“What? No. No. Everything’s fine.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” Brian said.

They separated and Maria went over to her room. Once she stepped inside, Brian released his breath.

“I hope you understand…” He whispered to himself before going into his own room.

Agent Robert Johnson was no rookie. There were thirty long years of training and experience with the government under his shiny black leather belt. When he was asked to join the Special Unit, he thought he was being tossed aside. Like everyone else, Johnson thought the Special Unit was disbanded. But that was not the case. About six months before he joined the Special Unit, it was reinstated and was being funded by an undisclosed source. Johnson’s salary almost doubled when he joined, so he didn’t have a problem there.

The only problem Johnson had was the fact that he was looking for aliens. Aliens. ET. Personally, he thought it was a waste of time. After thirty years, though, he wasn’t going to start questioning anyone above him. So, he just did as he was ordered without question. Now he and his younger partner Agent Thomas Frye were searching the rooms of a seedy motel just outside of North Dakota. It didn’t get any lower than this.

Johnson had to give credit to Frye. The man was barely in his thirties, only had two years experience, but was handling the job like a pro. The way he handled Brian DeLuca a few hours earlier impressed Johnson. It also scared him a little. Frye would make good on his threat to collect Ms. DeLuca if the aliens had indeed run away. Frye took his job very, very seriously.

So seriously in fact, that half an hour ago, when Johnson had stopped searching the now empty rooms of “Rocket’s Motel,” in hoped of enjoying a long overdo cigarette, Frye continued to search, almost tearing the room apart.

Well, Frye’s work had paid off.

“Hey Johnson. Look at this.” Frye said, handing Johnson a crumpled piece of motel stationary.

Johnson flicked the cigarette away and read the stationary with much interest.

I’m sorry, but Kyle and I are going back. Keep going. Be safe.


“Well, well, well. It looks as if they’re headed back.” Johnson said.

Frye immediately took out his radio and contacted the boss.

“This is Agent Frye, reporting.”

“Hello Agent Frye. What news do you have for me?”

“Sir, the…subjects are not here.”


“They seemed to have left sir. But, we found a note.”

“A note? What does it say?”

“Apparently, two of the people in question have decided to return to Roswell.”

“And the others?”

“We don’t know sir. Either following them or continuing on.”


“What do you suggest sir?”

There was silence for a moment.

“Do you know where Mr. DeLuca is?”

“Yes sir. Norman’s Inn. Do you want me to contact him sir?”

“No, that won’t be necessary Agent Frye. I want you to pay him a visit. I’ll send some…reinforcements.”

Frye smiled menacingly and Johnson felt a chill go up his spine.

“Yes sir.”

I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it
I'm only happy when it rains.

Pour your misery down on me...

--Garbage "Only Happy When it Rains."
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Chapter 16

Post by area52 »

Chapter 16

In a fluffy white robe and running a towel through her finally clean, damp hair, Maria sat down on the hard mattress in her room. The hot shower felt good, despite the high pressure of the water, which stung a little.

Hopefully her father would be back with her washed outfit…the only thing she owned at the moment. Brian had stopped by earlier to pick up her clothes and give her the necessary cosmetics he bought at the small drugstore across from the motel: A hair brush, a tooth brush, some tooth paste, mouthwash, and deodorant. She would have to live without make-up.

Running the brush through her hair and grabbing for the remote, Maria decided to watch T.V. Maybe she could lose herself in a movie for a while.

No such luck. The only channel that seemed to come in clearly was a local channel. And the news was on. Throwing the remote down, Maria brushed her hair and watched.

“In other news today, the mystery surrounding Roswell, New Mexico has increased as authorities continue to search for the city’s residents. Just over three weeks ago, the people of the alien-themed city of Roswell disappeared without a trace. It’s as if they were abducted. When asked how serious this matter has become, the Sheriff said this:

‘There have been no new discoveries since my last statement. However, we are in constant contact with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the White House regarding the disappearance of the people of Roswell, New Mexico. The F.B.I. has been very helpful in this matter. Hopefully, in time, we will find a clue as to how so many people might have disappeared in such a small amount of time. I am sorry to say that those who have come to search for their loved ones will not be allowed into Roswell until we have found the cause of this mass disappearance. That is all for now.’

When asked if he believed that the residents of Roswell have been abducted, the Sheriff smiled and said, ‘I’m not going to rule anything out.’

Vanessa Hernandez, channel eight news.”

Maria shook her head in disbelief. Everyone in Roswell was gone. Well, at least her mother wasn’t one of them. Although, she didn’t really know where her mother was, or any of the other parents she met that one-day in the Special Unit’s facility. Hopefully, they were all okay.

Maria placed the brush down on the nightstand beside her bed. She was tired and needed sleep. Looking around her bed, Maria realized that the remote was gone.

“Hmm. Where the hell did it go?”

The question didn’t stay in Maria’s head for long. She wasn’t one of those lazy people who spent all of their energy looking for a remote instead of just getting up and turning off the T.V. manually.

Standing up and shuffling over to the T.V., Maria reached her hand out to push the power button, but suddenly the T.V. went off. Her finger was a good inch away from the power button.

“Maybe it shorted out.” Maria tried to reassure herself.

She knew what happened. But, she had to test it out. Stepping back about three feet, Maria pointed to the television and thought, “on.”

Instantly, the T.V. came on.

Closing her eyes and breathing heavily, Maria thought, “off.”

The T.V. shut off.

“Oh Jesus.”

She definitely wasn’t going to sleep now.

Isabel stared at the open road and sighed. There was no sign of Michael or Kyle anywhere, and they had driven pretty far. She had been driving for about three hours and she was hungry. Max and Liz were sleeping in the back.

To her right she saw a greasy spoon truck stop diner and decided to pull over.

When the car stopped, Max woke up.

“Iz, what’s going on? Did you find them?” He asked groggily.

“No. Not yet. We need to stop for a while.”

Liz started to come around too. Max sat up; gently pushing Liz into a sitting position as she wiped her tired eyes.

“Why do we have to stop?” Max asked

“Because, we have been driving for hours, there is no sign of Michael or Kyle anywhere, and we need to eat.”

Max looked at Isabel. “Don’t you think we should keep going then? What if they got a ride? They could be halfway to Roswell right now. And what about Jesse?”

“We’ll get the food to go.”

Max nodded. The three got out of the car and stretched their cramped limbs. Then, they walked into the diner and up to the counter.

A bubbly young waitress came shuffling over. Apparently, her shift was long and almost ending. Grabbing her pad, she mumbled, “Hey, what can I get ya?”

“Um, can we get food to go here?”

“Yeah sure.”

“Okay, um…” Max said looking at the chalkboard filled with specials. “Um, three house specials to go.”

“All right.” The waitress said, scribbling the order in her notepad. “Anything else?”

“Yeah. Do you have any Tabasco sauce?” Max asked quickly.

The waitress stopped writing for a second and smiled. “That’s weird. There was a guy here a while ago…poured Tabasco sauce all over his breakfast. It was disgusting.”

Liz, Max, and Isabel all exchanged excited glances quickly.

“This guy. What did he look like?”

“Um, he was tall. He had long brown hair. Kinda gruff. Very quiet.”

“Was he with anybody else?” Max asked anxiously.

“Yeah. He was with Barney and this other cute fella. I think his name was Kent or Kevin…”

“Kyle?” Isabel interjected.

“Yeah. Kyle. He was cute, but I think he was one of those homosexuals.”

Liz’s eyes went wide and she put a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. Isabel smiled.

“Do you know where they were going?” Max said excitedly.

“Hey, why do you wanna know so much?” The waitress asked, suspicious. “You know them or something?”

“Yeah. They’re friends of ours. We kind of got in a fight and they took off. We’re hoping to find them.” Liz lied quickly.

“Well, I think Barney is headed to Fargo. So there, I guess.”

“How long ago did they leave?”

“Um, like three or four hours ago.”

“Okay. Okay, thank you.”

Max looked at Isabel and Liz. “Let’s go.”

The three ran out.

“Hey, what about your order?” The waitress asked, but they were already gone.


I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it
I'm only happy when it rains.

Pour your misery down on me...

--Garbage "Only Happy When it Rains."
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Chapter 17

Post by area52 »

Hey guys. Sorry it took so long for me to update. School is ending for me soon, and all of my professors have decided to bombard me with tests and papers. I promise, when school's out, I'll update more regularly. In the meantime, thanks to everyone who's feedbacking. I really, really appreciate it.

You Can't Go Home Again

Chapter 17

Brian slowly walked to Maria’s room door, holding her folded clothes in one hand and a bag of food and drinks in the other. As he approached, he could faintly hear the sound of the television being turned on and off. And it looked as if the lights were doing the same thing. Then again, it could have just been the sun reflecting off the window. Stopping just outside her door, Brian called to Maria.

“Maria, honey. It’s me. Is…is everything okay in there?”

There were a few moments of silence before Maria answered, “Um, yea. What do you want?” Maria’s voice could barely be heard over the noise of the television. Brian had to strain to hear what she was saying.

“I have your clothes and I brought you some food. Can I come in?”

“Um. No. I’m not really dressed.” Maria said. It sounded like she had been crying. Brian wanted to charge in there and ask what was wrong, but he didn’t think Maria would be too happy with that.

Brian didn’t want to push it any further. “Okay. How about I just leave them out here by your door?”

“That’s fine. Thank you.” Maria said quickly.

Brian nodded to himself and slowly put the clothes and food on the mat outside her door. He wondered what she was doing in the room that the T.V. kept turning on and off. Maybe the T.V. wasn’t turning on and off. Maybe the reception was just bad.

Sighing, Brian turned away and walked back to his room. Once inside, he sat down on the bedside next to the telephone on the nightstand. And he waited.

Maria sat at the top of the bed between the pillows, against the wall. Her arms wrapped around her knees that rested under her chin. Tears streamed down her face as the T.V. and the lights flickered on and off rapidly. Rocking back and forth slightly, she chanted in her head over and over, “Stop. Stop. Stop.”

She whispered her new mantra. “Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.”

Panicking, she said it louder and louder until she was practically screaming. “Stop. Stop. STOP!”

The light bulb above her suddenly popped and she jumped.

It had worked. The T.V. and the lights turned off. Maria had made it stop. Getting up off the bed, she looked around the room, panting. Then, she opened her door and took the clothes and food inside.

It was somewhere around 9:00 at night when Barney dropped Michael and Kyle off in front of “Norman’s Inn.”

“There you go boys. It’s clean and it’s cheap.” Barney said, proud that he would bring business to the inn.

Kyle looked around in mild disgust. “Do they charge by the hour?”

“What was that son?” Barney asked.

“Nothing.” Kyle muttered, lifting his duffel bag. “Thanks for the ride Barney.”

Kyle walked away, taking a look around the place.

Michael quickly took a dollar out of his pocket and discreetly changed it to a hundred dollar bill. Turning, he handed it to the baffled trucker.

“Thanks.” Michael said gruffly.

“Oh, no. I couldn’t take this. You boys were fine company. That’s all I needed.” Barney said, trying to stuff the money back in Michael’s hand, but he wouldn’t have it.

“Take it. It’s the least I can do.”

Barney hesitated for a moment and then finally folded the money and put it in his pocket. “You sure you can afford to part ways with this money?”

Michael nodded, and then extended his hand. Barney took it and shook it firmly.

“Okay. I better be goin. Take care now, ya hear?”

Michael took a step back and waved at Barney as he got into his truck and slowly drove away, honking his horn.

Michael sighed and turned around. The place wasn’t that bad compared to some of the other places he’s stayed in. Kyle, approaching him, thought differently.

“Man, this place is two roach motels away from being a dump.”

“Well, it’s no ‘Caesar’s Palace’, but it’ll do.” Michael muttered sarcastically.

Kyle nodded and they headed for the office.

Maria sat on her bed, biting her nails. Suddenly, the lamp beside her bed started to flicker on and off.

“Oh no, no. That’s not happening again.” Maria said, jumping off the bed. “Stop!” The lamp turned off.

Pacing around the room, Maria talked to herself. “It’s okay DeLuca. You just have to stay calm. That’s all. Just stay calm, and everything will be fine.”

Thinking about what makes her calm, Maria ran into the bathroom. She wished beyond all hope that she had her aromatherapy with her at the moment. Cedar Oil would have come in pretty handy at the moment. But there wasn’t any, so she had to make do with whatever was there. And cheap motel shampoo was all she saw.

Grabbing the bottle she opened it frantically and sniffed to see if the aroma was pleasant. No such luck. There was barely any scent at all. She put the cap back on and threw it down in the shower.

Looking around the room, Maria searched for anything that would have smelled pleasant. Nothing.

Suddenly the bathroom light began to flicker on and off. Closing her eyes to hold back the tears, Maria shook her head and breathed deeply.

‘Come on, come on think! What would calm you down?’ Maria thought to herself.

“Michael.” She stated bitterly. But Michael wasn’t here. There had to be something else.


Maria took a deep breath. The one cigarette she had before she was taken was good. There had to be cigarettes in the drug store or in one of those machines. A nice cigarette would calm her down.

Shaking her head, Maria thought about her baby. You aren’t supposed to smoke when you’re pregnant. It could do damage.

Thinking about it, Maria looked at herself in the mirror.

“One cigarette isn’t going to kill me…or it.”

It wasn’t her first choice but it was the only thing she had.

Charging out of the bathroom and out of her room, Maria ran down the sidewalk to the sign that said vending machines. Maybe there were some cigarettes there.

Sure enough, there it was. Sighing in relief, Maria dove into her pockets, and the realized that she didn’t have any money.

“Shit. Shit, shit, shit.”

She needed a cigarette.

Taking a step back, Maria looked around to see if she was alone. Once she was sure, she concentrated really hard on the machine. Suddenly, the glass window of the machine shattered and Maria jumped. She hadn’t wanted to do that. She just wanted to make a pack fall out of its place.

Well, it didn’t matter. Grabbing a pack, Maria also dove into the basket on top of the machine for a free book of matches, which she shoved in her jeans.

Ripping the plastic off with shaky hands, Maria quickly opened the box and pulled one out. Then, she threw the pack away. Then, she took the matches back out and began to try to light it.

“Now, do you boys want one room or two?” The old man shouted and Kyle flinched.

“Two. Why would we want one?” Kyle asked, scoffing.

“Well, you look a little light on your feet son, if you know what I mean.” The man said to Kyle, smiling.

Shaking his head in absolute bewilderment, Kyle shouted, “Unbelievable! I am NOT GAY!”

“All right. All right. You don’t have to shout.” The old man said, turning to get the room keys.

“Do you believe this Michael?”

“Whatever you say sweetheart.” Michael said, sighing the guest book.

Kyle stood there with his mouth open. He was about to yell when the old man dangled a key in front of his face.

“Okay. You have rooms five and six. Enjoy.”

Kyle snatched the key to room five from the old man. Michael took the other one and muttered, “Thanks.”

Kyle stormed off to room five, cursing the whole way. He quickly opened the door, stepped inside, and slammed it shut.

Michael shook his head as he walked to his door. Putting his duffel bag on the ground, he fumbled with the key. When he finally got it in the doorknob lock, somebody rounded the corner.

Michael looked up and froze. His eyes went wide and he stopped breathing.

Maria struck another match and it didn’t light. Almost crying, she held the cigarette between her lips and muttered.

“One cigarette. That’s all I want is one cigarette. One cigarette and everything will be…”

“Maria.” Her name was called in a strangled gasp.

Maria looked up from the matchbook and stopped in her tracks. The cigarette fell from her lips.


The light bulb above them exploded.

I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it
I'm only happy when it rains.

Pour your misery down on me...

--Garbage "Only Happy When it Rains."
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Author's Note

Post by area52 »

Hey Guys, sorry that I haven't updated in a while. My computer basically died, erasing all of my continuing chapters, so I have to rewrite them again. Hopefully I will get them to you all soon. Thanks a lot for all of the support. It really keeps me going!

Thank You!
I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it
I'm only happy when it rains.

Pour your misery down on me...

--Garbage "Only Happy When it Rains."