Beauty and the Geek (AU,M/L,NA, MATURE) Pt 8 7/19/05 [WIP]

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Beauty and the Geek (AU,M/L,NA, MATURE) Pt 8 7/19/05 [WIP]

Post by Gidget2 »

OOOOO Look at the pretty Banner Lorastar Made for me:

Title: Beauty and the Geek
Author: Me!! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Quit Your Complaining!!!!
Rating: TEEN and up
Summary: Max- Geek; Liz- Beauty. Max has loved Liz from a far. Well not really, they live next door to each other and are sort of friends. Well you’ll see!!!
Banner: I would LOVE it if someone could make me one!!!!!
Feedback: Always, ALWAYS appreciated!!!!!!
Disclaimer: I own absolutly nothing, not Max, not Liz not all the other crazt people in the story!!!
A/n: I PROMISE, PROMISE not to neglect my other fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And here we go:


Ever since Max stepped off the bus in third grade he’s only had eyes for one girl, Liz Parker.

Max never acted on his emotions and feelings for Liz. Always thinking more with his head than with

his heart. The main thing that always stopped Max from going after what he wanted was his

status, geek. That four-letter word was more then just a stereotype, it was chaining him and abusing

him. Liz Parker knew of Max, but not greatly. To her Max was the nice kind boy who was usually her

lab partner. It’s senior year, will Max get the girl of his dreams before schools out or will his status

prove to be a problem?


Max’s POV

“Yo loser catch!”

As I go to catch my textbook, I fall and hit the ground, hard. Greg, the leader of the pack starts laughing causing a chain reaction. As I scramble to correct myself and grab my books, a very nice pair of legs walks up. ‘Liz’ I sigh to myself.

“Here.” She says lowering to my level handing me my book. I stutter a thank you rising up off the ground. “You’re welcome.”

She stands quickly and turns towards Greg shoving his chest, “Lay off him Greg.”

“Awww, Parker why do you always have to ruin the fun?” He whines dramatically.

“Fun? You think that this is fun? Grow up!” She says before leaving us to go chat with that Deluca girl.

“I swear that chick needs to get a good lay.” Greg says, eyes watching her. His words are so cruel that I walk up to him, close.

“What? Did that comment offend you or something? Scram!” I am like 3 inches taller then him, yet no one is as intimidating as Greg Solomon. I quickly leave cursing at my stupidity. “Why did I back down?” I murmur to myself, thinking back to Greg’s words.


Liz Parker is the sweetest most beautiful person I have ever met, and for Greg to say such horrific things…Ugh!

I continue to walk through the halls waiting for the bell to signal first period. “Maxwell!” Michael says greeting me.

“Michael you actually decided to show up today? I’m shocked!” I say pushing my glasses up my nose.

“Har dee har har, Maxwell.”

Michael Guerin is the quintessential bad ass. Why he spends his time around me is still a mystery, to everyone. “Maxwell, I’m thinking that you should get some new threads. Isabel could help us out you know. She is after all the fashion queen.”

Isabel is my popular sister who graduated last year and is taking time off before going to college. “Michael what’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I ask looking down. “What the heck is wrong with a flannel shirt and jeans?”

“Maxwell, Maxwell, Maxwell.” He says steering me in the opposite direction that I was going. “First off, your shirt is tucked in, tightly tucked in. Second high waters are not considered jeans in my book.”

“Well that’s your book, not mine. I am perfectly comfortable in what I’m wearing.” I say disentangling his arm from my shoulder.

“Maxwell how do you expect to score with the ladies if you dress like their grandfathers? They don’t want to date people that old.” He says shuddering.

“Michael-” My words are cut off as the bell signals.

“Later dude!” He says backing up and bumping into that Deluca girl. Mary, Maurie, Maureen, Marie, Oh Maria! As I take one glance back towards them I see Maria chewing Michael out and I chuckle to myself as I enter first period. Geometry. Yay.

As I enter the class my eyes immediately zone onto Liz. God she’s a beauty. And you’re a geek, there’s no way that you have a chance with her. I sigh and sit down in my chair as Mr. Seligman begins yet another boring lesson. I groan inwardly. To relieve myself of the torture of his annoyingly dull voice, I stare at Liz. Thankfully she was put to 3 seats in front of my to my left.

I take in her long silky hair and the subtle curves of her body. Don’t look shocked I am a guy you know. She’s wearing her jean skirt and black tank top with a white button up shirt covering it. She’s just so… so… so incredibly amazing.

As if sensing eyes on her she turns back and looks at me, causing me to look down and blush. Crap, caught!

I look back up and see that she’s still looking at me, smiling. She turns back to face the front. Huh, that was odd.

“Mr. Evans, am I distracting you from something?” Mr. Seligman asks. Crap!

“No, why would you think that?” I ask innocently.

“Well you seemed to be in a deep conversation with yourself.”

Crap I was talking out loud?

“Ohh… Sorry.” I say, as snicker course throughout the room. *Sigh* Man my life sucks.


“Man do I hate that Maria girl.” Michael says plopping down next to me.

“Why?” I ask my eyes scanning for Liz.

“Because….. Hey buddy who are you looking for?” He asks smirking.

“Umm… No one in particular, why?”

“Right. Oh hey look there’s Liz!”

I quickly turn my head. Crap. “Uh huh, you sure you’re not looking for anyone?”

“Why do I even talk to you?”

“Because everyone needs companionship.”

“Geez’ Michael can that sound anymore gay?” Alex asks sidling up to the table.

Alex Whitman, a fellow geek and my sister’s boyfriend, I know, shocking! But they love each other and everyone’s finally gotten used to the bombshell of last years senior class dating the class clown/nerd. After all she is related to me.

“It can, but you know I love you.” He says gay-like.

I inwardly groan as everyone turns to watch Michael chase Alex around the table. “I knew it all along.” Maria says walking past the table with Liz.

She looks towards me before turning her head away. “Yeah, yeah blondie. Leave, this is an A B conversation, so C you’re way out of it.” Michael says sitting back down.

“Real original.” She says stomping off.

“Man, you sure ticked her off.” I observe watching the two girls sit down. Well, mainly Liz.


Liz’s POV

“Uhhhh!!! That guy is so infuriating!”

“Maria, calm down! Sniff some cypress oil or something.” I say as she over dramatizes the situation. I look back towards the table housing Max, Michael and Alex and find them all laughing. My eyes are drawn towards Max immediately and I can’t help but feel sorry for the way Greg treated him earlier. “Hey Parker.”

“Well speak of the devil.” I mutter. “Hey Greg.”

“I was thinking you, me, movie.” He says.

“Really?!? Cuz’ I was thinking you, me, never.” I quickly turn back around and start munching on my lunch.

“Your loss.” He says heading back to his table.

“Liz!! What’s wrong with you?? That was Greg Solomon!!” Maria shrieks.

“Your point.”

“Liz sweetie, when the hottest guy in school asks you out you say YES!” Maria says.

“Greg? The hottest guy in school??”

“Who else, the loser over there?” She says pointing to wards Max.

“Maria that’s mean.”

“No hun, what’s mean its you turning down Greg.”

“Whatever Maria, and Max is not bad looking.”

“Who said I was talking about Max? And hun, yeah he is.” She says looking towards Max. “I mean who wears that crap and his glasses are so thick and his hair is entirely to long.”

“Yeah, but given the right look I think that he… he…”

“He what sweetie?”

“He could be way hotter than Greg.” I spit out.

“Max (giggle) Evans (laugh) Yeah right! (Laughing continues)”

“Maria you are so mean!” I say looking towards Max. Okay, so he wasn’t great to look at, but given he right look, he would be Mr. Perfect.

“Liz, I know that you had a thing for him when we were like what 10? But you need to get over that, you can do way better then that.” She says.

“Like who Greg?”

“Now you’re catching on.”

*Sigh* It hopeless. “Maria Max is the sweetest guy and if Greg ever treated me that way Max does I’d fall head over heels, but lets face it that’s never gonna happen. No one is that perfect. Max has everything I want emotionally and Greg well you already said it, he’s hot!”

“Aye Chica, do you really think Max could look hot?”

“Given the right look yes.”

“Then let ‘Ria see what she can do.”

Uh oh, this can’t be good. “Maria, what does that mean?”

“You’ll see leave it all to me.”

Great, just great! Awww, Poor Max!


Max enters the room with Michael and his eyes immediately catch mine. I haven’t really ever been able to tell the color of his eyes because his glasses are so large. He avoids my stare as he takes his seat next to me.

“Kyle will you please switch partners with me!” Maria whines glaring at Michael. I stifle a laugh as she smacks his head when he’s not looking and quickly turns around acting innocent.

“They are pretty amusing.” Max’s deep, rich voice breaks through my thoughts.

“Yeah they are.”

“Hey Max is your buddy always an ass?” Maria asks.

Max and I look shocked because for one Maria has never uttered a word at him thinking him beneath her. Before he can reply Mr. Synola enters the class. As the class moves on I can’t help but wonder what Maria’s trying to pull?

Last edited by Gidget2 on Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:15 pm, edited 21 times in total.
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen
Alison: I want the shirt that says 'I don't have A.D.D....Ooooo look a chiken!'

Me: Where? Where? (turns head from left to right)
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by Gidget2 »

Hey guys!!!!! Thanks for all the feedback, i didn't think so many people would like it. Well I hope you all like the next part, cuz' i think it kinda sucks. I only had like 45 mins. to write it.

And here we go:

Part 2

Liz’s POV

“Maria!” I shout catching up with her.

“What was up with you in biology? You like never, ever talk to Max.” I say.

“Well I decided to start my major life changing plan, for Max of course.” As we walk down the hallway she smacks people because her hand gestures are so large. Does anyone know why she’s still my best friend? Anyone?

“Maria, what exactly do you have planned?” I ask warily. I would hate to see Max get highly embarrassed, because he usually does. He seems like a private person that hates the spotlight.

“You’ll see Chica.” She winks at me before running ahead to catch up with Michael and………….SHIT Max!! I groan inwardly as she puts her arm around Max and says very loudly, “What up girlfriend?” Man do I fell sorry for Max. I quickly catch up to them hoping to save Max from the humiliation Maria has caused me so many times.

“Uhhh…. I’m not the gay one, he is.” Max says confused.

This comment not only causes me and Maria to crack up it causes Michael to turn beat red. “Girlfriend you and me are gonna get along just fine.”

“I told you, He’s the gay one.”

“Maxwell shut up!” Michael says smacking the back of his head. “What are you up to blondie?”

“That’s exactly what I’d like to know.” I mutter.

“Oh, you know I’m just hanging out with my two favorite girlfriends.” She says encircling Max and me. “Nothing to peculiar, why?”

“Well first no matter how much Max looks like a girl he’s not your girlfriend and secondly I had no clue that you and Parker over there were lesbians.”

Uh-oh, Michael’s last comment my just be that in fact. I can practically see the steam pouring out of her ears. Thank goodness most people are exiting the school, Maria likes it when there aren’t many witnesses.

“You self-centered chauvinistic prick!”

“Spell chauvinistic Blondie.” Michael says smirking.


“Cuz’ I’m thinking that you shouldn’t use words that you can’t spell.”

I look towards Max as he tries to hide his amusement. Maria lets go of us and walks close to Michael she can be pretty intimidating even though she’s like 5’4. “Let’s get this straight gayboy you’re a C-H-A-U-V-I-N-I-S-T-I-C prick. I can spell it. Now as I was thinking earlier when you cut into my girlfriend time, this is an A B conversation so C your way out of it.” She pulls Max and me towards the exit passing Michael.

“What was that about?” I hear Alex Whitman ask.

“Dude she like totally stole my line!”

“And your LOOVVEERR.”

I her Max let out a mutilated groan as he hears the words. “Uhh…M-Maria Why a-are you taking me to y-your car?” Max asks nervously.

“Well seeing as how you live next to Liz here I thought I’d drop you both off.”

“How do you know where I live?” He asks warily.

“Liz of course.” She says smiling.

“Oh.” He answers staring at me as we enter the car.

“Maria I am so gonna kill you.” I whisper in her ear as she starts the engine.

“Really? Cuz’ I was thinking that you’d worship me when I’m done.”

“Guys is this like a dork out reach program or something?” Max asks pushing his glasses up his nose.


“A prank of some sort?”

“Nope.” Maria answers again.

“Then why the hell am I in the same car with Maria Deluca and Liz Parker?”

“We were just trying to be nice. Damn, Chica you don’t need to get all pissed.”

Max sighs and yet again pushes his glasses up his nose. I notice this as I stare at him through the sun visor mirror. I fell a push to ask, “Max why do you wear glasses? Are you cross-eyed?”

He looks shy as he answer staring back at me in the mirror. “Umm I’m just near sighted that’s all.”

“Why are your lenses so thick then?” Maria asks joining the conversation. I fight the urge to use Michael’s line.

“Ummm well I guess I feel a lot safer with them being thick. It sounds kind of stupid, but-”

“No it doesn’t sound stupid, they’re like a safety blanket. If you’ve noticed I tend to have this necklace on,” I say turning to face him. “It was my grandmother’s.”

“So Max why don’t you take your glasses off every now and then, or wear contacts. I mean, like I know that your safe if there thick or whatever, so?”


“Could you take them off?” I ask wanting so badly to tell the true color of his eyes.

“Uh, sure.” He says taking them off slowly.

I try to stifle a gasp, as I take in his eyes, hazel. Gold with green flecks in them. “Beautiful.” We both murmur before blushing.

“Guys hate to break the staring contest, but we have arrived.”

As we are both shocked into reality Max exits the car and as soon as he does I chew Maria out, good. “Maria, what the hell are you trying to do?? Embarrass him and me to death? Gosh, I cannot believe you! I swear if you try anything at all that would make Max pissed at me I will-” My words are cut off as Max opens my door awaiting me to get out.

I look towards Maria and she just smiles, knowingly. She winks at me as I get out of the car. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, I figure I owe you.”

Oh so that’s why he did it. “Yeah.”

“Later girlfriend, oh and you to Liz.”

I suppress a giggle as Max looks on in mortification. “I’m not like that you know.”

“Like what?” I ask innocently.

“Like Michael.” I burst into laughter as we start to walk to our separate houses.

“Bye, Max.” I say running up the steps of my house.

Max’s POV

“Bye Liz.” I state as she closes the door behind her.

I enter my house unaware that my sister was watching me through the window. “Max?” She asks as I head up the stairs.

“Yeah.” I pause looking towards her.

“Are my eyes playing tricks on me or did I just see you come out of the car with Maria Deluca and Liz Parker?”

“Umm, no I did come out of that car.” I say.


“I dunno they just offered me a ride home.”


“I dunno! Geez’ Iz, what’s with all the questions?”

“I just don’t want to see you get hurt that’s all.”

“And how would riding in a car with Liz and Maria hurt me?”

“Max, you don’t really know them and all of a sudden the ask you to ride with them and you’re a…….. and well they’re ……..”

“I’m what? A grade A geek and they’re what? Popular?” I shout. “And because of that HUGE difference, it’s impossible to even consider us being in the same vicinity of each other right?!?”


“No save it.” I run up the stairs and slam my door. I can’t believe her! I look out my window towards the other house, Liz’ house. It seems that when we moved in that God was shining down on me, because Liz’s room is directly across from mine. Why is my status always the problem? As I look through Liz’s window she enters and starts changing. Oh Holy Shit! I quickly cover my eyes and turn away. I really shouldn’t be looking, Must fight the urge to see Liz nak- *RING* *RIING* My thoughts are jarred as the phone rings.

“Hello Evan’s residence, Max speaking.” I say.

“ He girlfriend it’s Maria.”

“Uh hey, did you want to talk to Isabel or something?”

“Nope. I wanted to talk to you, I was thinking that maybe we could do something tonight, with Liz maybe.”

“Ummmmm…. I kinda had other plans.”

“With who?” She demands.

“Michael and Alex.”

“Oh, well you can bring them along to if you’d like.”

“Okay, well where are we going?” I ask warily. I barely know Maria and Liz.

“Just you know Liz’s house.”

“Ummm sure, what time?”

“Like 6:00?”

“Yeah okay.”


“Bye.” I hang up and stare at the phone in my hand. I swear today had been by far the oddest, craziest day in my life and I have a feeling that it’s only going to get odder and crazier. ‘Well,’ I wonder looking in to my closet, ‘what am I going to wear?’ What are we even doing?


“Maxwell, remind me again why we’re here?” Michael asks as I ring the doorbell.

“Because you want to prove to them that you’re not gay.”

“Okay Max, then why am I here?” Alex asks.

“Because Isabel and you are mad at each other.”

“Oh okay.” He says as Maria opens the door.

“Max, Alex, Gayboy, glad you could make it!”

“Maria who’s here?” Liz asks coming out from around the corner in a small black bikini. Oh my, I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. As she sees us a confused look passes over her features. Yes Max, focus on those features.

“Hey Liz.”

“Hey Max, Alex, Michael.”

“So what exactly will we be doing?” I ask looking toward Liz.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, we’ll be swimming and having a barbeque in Liz’s backyard.”

“Oh.” I say nervously. They’re going to see me in my trunks?

“I hope you brought you’re stuff.”

“Umm, no. But, thankfully I live next door.”

“Hello? What about us Max?” Alex asks.

“Well Izzy has yours in her room, lord knows why. And Michael you can borrow mine. “

“Well, I’m glad that you’ve sorted al of that out.” Maria states happily.

“Yeah, well I guess that we’ll be back in a few.”

“Kay, don’t be too long.”

AS we leave the house I say, “Michael I think that you’re right, that Maria is kinda scary.”

“Told ya Maxwell.”

“Guys? What the hell am I going to look like in front of them? I’ve never really taken my shirt off in front of non-related girls.”

“Maxwell, buddy, where the hell have you been?”

Liz’s POV

“Maria, what are they doing here?”

“Who I don’t see anyone.”

“Yeah, that’s because they left, but they’ll be back in a few.”

“Oh, well –“

“I though that this was a girls thing?”

“Well if you think of them as girls as I so often do then-”


“Okay, okay I wanted to see what I’m going to work with.”


“Meaning I want to see what Max looks like without most of his disgusting clothes on.”

“Maria! What exactly are you planning to do with Max?”

“You’ll see!”

I groan aloud. The doorbell rings.

“Looks like they’re back!”

“Maria.” I whine quietly behind her.

“Hey guys.”

As she ushers them in I see Max wearing a white shirt and blue trunks and surprisingly his glasses are off. He must feel so embarrassed right now. “Well let’s go to the pool.”

As we exit the sliding glass doors Maria takes off her shirt and I quickly glance at the guys. Alex and Max seem unfazed, thank goodness. However, Michael looks awestruck, interesting. Maria grabs my arm as we head to the other side of the pool leaving the guys to get ready to jump in. I go in using the steps as I look towards Max, I notice his eyes on me.

“Kay boys, pool time!” Maria shouts diving in.

Alex and Michael go in leaving Max standing alone. “Come on Max!” Maria shouts next to me.

He turns around to take off his shirt leaving us to look at his backside. “He does have a nice butt.” Maria states.

As he turns around Maria and I gasp. “Damn.” Maria whispers. And all I can do is stare, at Max’s heavenly form of male masculinity.

“I never thought under all that was-” Maria stops. As he jumps into the pool, I pray that I don’t die of shock and giddiness.

"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen
Alison: I want the shirt that says 'I don't have A.D.D....Ooooo look a chiken!'

Me: Where? Where? (turns head from left to right)
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by Gidget2 »

Hey Guys!!!!! You guys are sooo sweet to say that!! This part was kinda pointless, just fill sometime till’ the big stuff….. Yeah so here ya go!!!

Part 3

Liz’s POV

“I am so going to enjoy working on top of him.” Maria states as we watch Max swim backstrokes.


“I mean work on him.”

If she wasn’t my best friend……

As he gets out of the pool, the water dripping off his body, he turns towards us and smiles. Sigh, Maria and I wave back flirtatiously. Wait, Maria and I??

“Ahem!” I cough loudly.

“What?” she asks jumping.

“Maria.” I say in a warning tone. “Behave.”

“Oh I always behave Lizzy you know that!”

Max comes walking towards us. I stare at his hard stomach and huge arms and impressive chest. I swear he could easily have come from heaven. “If only we could do something about his hair.” Maria whispers in my ear.


“Hey Max.” Maria and I say at the same time. I elbow her in the stomach and straighten up. “So are we gonna start the barbeque anytime soon? Cuz’ I’m famished.” He says rubbing his wonderfully toned 6-pack. What I wouldn’t give to run my hands all over his body an-

“Well, we can start now.” Maria says linking her arm through Max’s dragging him into my house. I look over and see Michael and Alex playing with water guns. I chuckle as Alex slips into the pool. “Hey Alex are you okay?” I ask lending him a hand.

“Peachy keen!” he says smiling hugely.

Maria and Max come out with the meat and Max looks to be confused. He looks towards me and I turn away before he realizes that I have been looking. Great, I’m freaking out over Max just like when I was ten! I remember the time I walked up to talk to him and I slipped in some pudding. Worst part is that I was wearing a skirt. Michael walks over to help start the grill cuz’ apparently Maria and Max are BBQ retarded. As Michael walks towards him I see Maria’s eyes practically glued to him.

Interesting. Very interesting. “Hey Michael when you’re done helping them could you help me dry off?” I ask watching Maria. Her lips twitch and her eyebrows furrow. He, he, he time to taste your own medicine! As I look towards Max he looks I don’t know Mad? No that’s not quite right. Hmmmmmm.

“Uh, sure.” He says.

“It’s okay Michael I got it.” Max’s says walking towards me. Oh sweet Jesus, I think I’ve died and gone to heaven!

“Here.” I say handing Max the towel and turning around.

“Right.” As Max dries me off gently, I wonder to myself how getting wiped down with a towel can be so I dunno hot. Geez’ I hope I’m not going to become kinky like Maria. Not that she- Awww, screw it, she likes to be paddled. But you didn’t hear it from me!

“D-Done.” Max stutters.

“Are you cold?” I ask.

“Nope.” he says, his voice a little to high. “I’m going to get in the pool again.”

“Okay, but I thought that you wanted to eat.” I say looking as Alex and Michael giggle staring at us. “And plus,” I say, “The waters kinda cold now.”

“Yeah I realize that.” He says backing up the towel covering his lower half. He must be cold if he’s wrapping that around himself.

“Okay.” I say eyeing him warily.

“That was odd.” I say walking up to Maria, her Michael and Alex laughing. “What?” I ask glancing to where Max is.

“Chica you are so naive.”


“Forget it, let’s cook some burgers!!!”

As the night went on we found ourselves bonding, forming a friendship. Around the patio table sat me, Max and Maria on one side and on the other side Alex and Michael. “So Michael why are you always by Alex, you’re sitting by him like right now.” Maria states. She always has to pick a fight with him, doesn’t she?

“Well I’m gay aren’t I?”

“Okay, before this turns into a fight, all I have to say is I put my money on Maria.” Max shouts.

“What? That little blonde pixie?” Michael asks incredulously.

“Hey I may be little, but I am tough!” Maria says standing up.

“Guys, guys cool off!” I say as Alex hysterically laughs.

Maria sits down with a huff and Michael sticks his tongue out. “Oh real mature Guerin.”

When it gets close to ten my parents arrive home after having dinner with their friends. “Well, it’s kinda late, I guess we should get going. I had a nice evening.” Max says standing up. Michael and Alex stand up and Maria and I walk them to the door.

“Goodnight guys.”


“Hey dudes!” Maria calls out as they head to Max’s house. “You wanna hang out at the mall tomorrow.”

“Maria, would you please stop bugging them. What if they don’t want to-”

“Yeah sure.” They say in unison.

Maria looks towards me smirking.

“Hey Maria.” My parents say walking into the living room.

“Lizzy, guess what.”


“Tess is going to be staying here for senior year, isn’t that great?” My mom asks.

My whole world crashes, Tess is coming to Roswell? “Yeah that’s….That’s great.”

“I know.” My dad kisses my forehead and follows my mom up the stairs. I look towards Maria and she looks pissed.

“Tess.” She whispers viciously.

Tess Harding is my cousin, my stuck up rich little priss of a cousin. When she visited us like 4 years ago she was constantly flirting with Greg and Kyle. It drove us crazy, Maria and me. I believe at one point in time she was even hitting on Max. We were only 13!!

“Senior year is so going to suck.” I say. “Are you spending the night?”

“Yep.” We walk up the stairs and I try to think how exactly I am going to keep Tess away from Max. “Why does she have to come back?” I groan into Maria’s shoulder.

It’s bad enough that she flirts with every guy, but if she ends up like Max, there’s no way I could compete with her. She’s the voluptuous blonde of every guys wet dream. Max would never pick mousy Parker over Tess. Arghhhhh!!!!!!!

Max’s POV

“Michael, what’s with all the sexual tension that I sensed between you and Maria?” Alex asks.

“I have no clue what you’re talking about dude.”

“Don’t you?”


“Are you sure?”



“Uh huh.”

“Guys shut up. Michael you like Maria we all know so Alex, shut up!” I say staring to wards Liz’s window.

“Max, stop being a peeping Tom and join the human race for once!” Michael says.

“I am NOT a peeping Tom!” I shout embarrassed.

“Yes you are!” Isabel yells out from her room. I groan as Alex and Michael start cracking up.

“Hey dude, why aren’t you with Izzy?” Michael asks.

“Cuz’ it’s guys night.”

“Then why did we spend it with Maria and Liz?” I ask.

“Well, I…. I dunno.”

“Figures.” I sigh.

“Max what are you looking at?” Michael asks popping up beside me sitting on the window bench. “Nothing, the curtains are closed anyway.”

“See, you are a peeping Tom!” Alex exclaims joining us.

“Okay guys I don’t think this bench is big enough for us.” I say.

“Shhhh.” Michael says.

I turn and look out the window seeing the curtains open and lights come on. Shit! We duck hoping that they didn’t catch us. As we peer over the bench at Liz’s house we find Maria and Liz going into the bathroom. “They’re probably going to take a shower.” He whispers.

“Together?” I squeak.

“Well they are lesbians right?” Alex asks.

“No.” I whisper back. “See look Liz is going in first.”

“Why are we whispering and kneeling at the window bench?” Isabel asks popping up beside Alex.

“Ahh!” We scream.

“What?” She asks.

“Nothing, it’s nothing.” I say as we get up.

“Okay. Little bro, your friends are odd.” She says.

“Hey!” Alex exclaims.


“I am not odd.”

She looks at him ‘like yeah you are.’

"Izzy, don’t you have any girlfriends to hand out with?” Michael asks.

“Who like you?” She asks smirking.

“Izzy.” I say.

“I’m leaving, I’m leaving. Oh, by the way Liz is out of the shower and Maria is going in.” She says winking at us. Immediately after Iz leaves the room we look to wards the window and crouch down. “Guys we are so pathetic, we shouldn’t look it’s wrong.” I whisper turning around.

“Speak for yourself Maxwell, I’m going to see a very naked Liz Parker.” Michael says.

“Me too.” Alex says.

“Fine.” I am so weak.

As Liz starts to take of her towel Maria comes out of the bathroom. “I knew they were –”

“Michael, don’t start.”

Liz proceeds to turn around and take of the towel. Maria is facing towards us and we she looks we duck. “Shit, you think she saw?”

“Liz’ has a very nice ass you know.” Michael says.

Suddenly the phone starts ringing. “Hello?” I say.

“Max, buddy how are you?” Maria asks.

I swallow, “Good.”

“Great! So we’re on for tomorrow, say 12am?”

“Yeah, sure.” I say relieved.

“Good, by the way we closed the curtains, sorry!” I hear Liz’s laughter in the background as Maria hangs up.

“Dude, did they see us?”

“Uh huh.”



“Liz does have a nice butt.” I say.

“So why do you think that they’re hanging out with us all of a sudden?” I ask.

“I have no clue.”

“Like you ever do Michael.” Alex says.

“Maybe, it’s a bet or something.” Michael.

“What do you mean?”

“They could like take the dorkiest dude and I dunno.”

“Like She’s All That.” Alex states wide-eyed. We look at him oddly and continue.

“No, not necessarily.”

“Well let’s sleep on it, cuz’ we have to go to the mall tomorrow.” I say taking off my glasses.

“Dude, it’s barely eleven.”


“Whatever, you sleep.”

“Fine, good night Alex.” I say hopping into bed.


“Night Gayboy.”

“Nigh- shut up!”

I laugh quietly before nodding off.


12:00, MALL

“Dude, where are they?” Michael asks.

“I dunno.” I say searching around.

“Hey guys!” the say popping up behind us. “Where’s Alex?”

“Oh he’s shopping with Izzy somewhere.”


I take in Liz’s beauty. She’s wearing Black jeans and a white t-shirt yet she looks more beautiful then anyone I have ever met.

“So why are we here exactly?” I ask.

“Well Max, me and Liz got to talking and we both agree that you should-”

“Come shopping for music and stuff like that.” Liz finishes.

“Oh, okay.”

“Yeah.” Michael says unenthusiastically.

“Okay, let’s start over there.” Maria says pulling me with her.

"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen
Alison: I want the shirt that says 'I don't have A.D.D....Ooooo look a chiken!'

Me: Where? Where? (turns head from left to right)
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Location: Florida

Post by Gidget2 »

I hope this makes up for such the long wait!! I am so sorry it’s hurricane season down here in Florida And so the powers going and coming and then we get more school work to take home to make up for the days we miss and IT SUCKS!!!!

Part 4

Liz’s POV

As Maria and me surf through the CD’s, I feel eyes burning holes into my back as I turn around to look and everyone seems occupied. “Maria, why do I get the feeling like I’m being watched?” I ask nudging her causing her to drop all 5 of the CD’s she was holding.

“Aye, Chica!” She mutters kneeling to clean it up.

“Sorry.” I say as I follow her to the floor. Once the floor is cleaned and Maria moves to the next isle, I feel that odd sensation again. I look quickly and everyone seems preoccupied. “This is starting to get annoying.” I mutter. As I look through the CD collection of the store I slam into someone without noticing. “Oh Crap, I ‘m sorr- Oh, it’s just you, move.” I say trying to side step Greg.

“Just me, Parker? Why do you have to be so mean to me? It breaks my heart.” He says clutching his hands to his chest.

“Greg whatever you have planned in your sadistic mind, I am not in the mood for it. Now, MOVE!”

“No, I was hoping that maybe would could get to know each other.” He says leaning against the side of the CD rack.

“Greg, I would rather not like to know anything about your childhood, life or lack there of. Now please move!” I say shoving at his chest. He doesn’t budge.

“Is there a problem here?” Max asks popping up with Michael.

“Awww, how cute! Trying to protect her Evans? I could easily beat your ass, so go back to whatever it is that you people do.” He says poking Max’s chest.

I look at Max a silently tell him to be careful. “Look Greg, you’re a reasonable guy right?” Max asks.


“Great, then find a reason to be somewhere else.”

“Why you little-”

“Finish that sentence I dare you.” Michael says getting in front of Max.

“Look Guerin, I don’t have a problem with you, so stay out of it.” As the arguing escalates I quietly move by Maria and we watch.

“What is he doing here?!? Maria whispers in panic.

“I dunno he just you know started being, well Greg and made fun of Max and so yeah.” I say shoving my hands towards them.

“Great, well I guess I’m going to have to take care of it.” She says pushing up her long sleeves and marches towards them.

“Hey Greg!” Maria says tapping him in the shoulder.

“Wha-” He gets cut off as Maria slams her fist into his face. Michael stares at her in awe and Max appears to be stifling his laughter, his eyes twinkling.

“Let’s go boys, Max hurry up!” She says rushing out of the store as people run up to Greg.

We walk around until Maria finds a hair salon. Oh crap, Max is in for it now. I quickly rush towards Maria and whisper in her ear, “Not now Maria, later!”

“Now is always better than later.” She says grabbing Max’s arm to pull him in. Michael just looks on confused. ‘Yeah, well Michael when you hang around Maria you’re always confused.’ I think to myself. I pull Michael in and follow Maria to the lady at the front. “Hi, Maria Deluca.”

“Hi.” The lady says dully.

“How long would it take for Manny to be done with all his clients for today?”

“You’re in luck, he just finished his last one.” She says with a slightly thick New Yorker accent.

“Great.” She says turning towards Max. “Max, sweetie, apple of my eye, sugar pie, honey bun-”

“Maria cut to the chase.” he says slightly embarrassed, his ears tuning red.

“How would you like to get that hair out of your gorgeous eyes.” She says smiling hopping from one foot to the other.

“What? No, I thought that this was just a regular outing, not a-”

“Max, trust me.” She says simply.


“Max, Maria can be a tad bit outrageous. But if you can’t trust her at least trust me.” I say looking at him. Wow, I am so good! Boo-yah! He looks towards Michael for help then relaxes knowing he’s at a loss. “Fine.” He says in a small voice and I begin to feel really horrible. I look towards Michael and he glares. Suddenly Manny enters the area and Maria walks up and gives him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. I hear the sound of knuckles cracking and look towards Michael. Ohhh…… Right.

“Max.” I say walking up to him as Maria greets Manny.


“You don’t…. I mean…. If you don’t wanna do this, it’s perfectly understandable.” I say looking at my feet.

“Naw, it’s okay. My hair has been getting kinda long lately.” He says smiling at me.

“Maxie.” Manny calls out. “Come here darling let Manny have a look at you.”

As he walks around Max and touches parts of his hair he goes, mmm-hmmm, repeatedly. Max’s face and ears have turned red as Manny whispers something in his ear. Lord knows what that hairdresser has on his mind. “Hey Michael I could introduce you to Manny if you like.” Maria says with a smirk on her face.

“Sorry, I like my men with a vagina.” He says.

“Well that can always be arranged, Manny does work two jobs and is paid exceedingly well. He could get his thing done if you guys hit it off.” Right now, all I want to do is crawl inside a deep dark hole where Maria’s statements can’t even reach me.

“Uh, guys I’m going to head over there to Max.” They wave me off with their hands and start bickering like little children.

“Hey.” I say reaching him as he sits down.


“Excuse me Lizzie, I have strict orders from Maria, saying that you can’t see him until his hair is done.” Manny says.


“Uh, uh sweetie.”

“But I-”


“Fine.” I mumble walking back into the waiting room.

“Would you shut up for 5 seconds pixie!”

“Don’t call me Pixie! Butt face!”

“Frilly Blonde!”

She gasps and continues, “Man who likes men with vaginas!” She screams loudly and everyone turns to look. People passing the hair place stop mid-stride. “Opps.” She says innocently as Michael looks on with a death glare before stomping off.

“I KNEW IT!” Greg shouts from outside the salon.

I hear Max Laugh.

Manny whistle.

Girls gasp.

Maria groan.

“Maria!” I exclaim smacking her.

“I didn’t…. I…. Aww screw it, I’ll go get him.”

I sit in the waiting area for about 20 minutes when Manny walks into the waiting room. “Presenting,” He shrieks, “The new the ever handsome Max Evans!” Max walks into the room and turns the head of every woman in the room.

“So what do you think?” He asks smiling.

I just look at him. It’s surprising how one little cut could change his whole appearance. His hair was cut short, but not too short. His forehead was now sheltered with bangs. He looked good. “You look….”

“Hot.” Maria supplies walking up. “But, first things first these are a no, no.” She says snatching his glasses.

“Hey!” He exclaims.

“Ah, ah, ah! Next these clothes are a tragedy. High waters, what in the world are you thinking? Flannel shirt tucked in?”

“Maria.” I scold her for the bajillionth time.

“Come with me Chica.” She says ignoring me, walking out the door.

“Hey wait,” I call after them, “Where’s Michael?”

I fight the urge to pull her hair and call her a blonde pixie. But, that would make me seem like Michael, not that it’s a bad thing or anything. ‘Where is he anyways?’ I wonder watching Max’s back walk faster to a clothing store with Maria. Well, guess I have to go in with them. *SIGH*. We walk into a clothing store and Maria immediately pulls Max towards the pants. She asks his pant size and pulls out five and hands them to him. “Here try these on.” She says tossing them and moving onto the next rack.

“Maria.” I whine. “Can’t you see this is embarrassing him?”

“Mmm-Hmm. “ She says getting more pants.

“And how in the world do you expect to pay for all his clothes?”

She whips out a credit card. “Don’t you just love horribly guilty fathers?” She asks smiling.

“ That,” I remind her, “Is for emergencies only.”

“What could be a greater emergency than this?”

I let out an exasperated groan and tug at my hair. “Maria, where exactly is Michael?”

“I dunno I said I was sorry and he just continued to walk off.” She says her eye twitching. Instantly I know she’s not telling me something.


“Damn my birth defect. Well when he was walking off I kinda shouted out ‘Well don’t be all pissy because there aren’t many guys with vaginas.’ And well, he got even more pissed.”


“What it slipped.”

“Ahem.” Max says behind us.

“I said go try them on. Come on.” She says dragging him towards the dressing rooms. “We’ll wait her and after every pair come out and model them.” She says looking at her nails.

“Do I really have to m-model them?” He asks slightly freaked out.

“Yep. Chop, chop I ain’t got all day.”

He quickly goes into the dressing room. “Oh, and take off your shirt that way we can see if the pants look good. You wouldn’t want us to go through the trouble of pulling it up repeatedly would you?”

I smack her repeatedly. I swear she’s too crazy for her own good. “Umm, no.” Max replies.


A few seconds later, a shirtless Max comes out in some jeans that ride low on his hips. “Lord almighty.” Maria whispers. I fight the building urge to smack her again.

“Well?” He asks embarrassed.

“Come here.” She says.

She walks around Max tugging the pants here and there. “I like them. Liz?” She asks.

“T-they look g-good.” I stutter. What, I can’t help it!

“Well they feel okay.” He says looking in the mirror.

“Okay, try on the rest of them and them we will go look for some shirts. I just love shopping for guys. Especially when they can’t dress themselves.” We leave the stores with about ten pairs of pants and Max has insisted that he pay for half of everything. We head off in another direction when I hear Maria growl. Max and I both look at her oddly before turning our heads to see what the problem was. I start smiling and quickly try to hide it from Maria, Max too has a smile upon his face. He looks so much more attractive when you can actually see the life in his eyes.

Maria continues to growl as Michael walks by us with another girl, Courtney. Maria and Courtney have never, ever gotten along. Maria always thought Courtney an ignoramus and pretty much visa versa. As Maria is distracted with her envy, I quickly grab Max and we run off. We run fast turning at the corners dodging people and all the while never letting go of the other person’s hand. We finally stop to catch our breath.

“Thank (breath) Yo(deep breath)u.” Max says catching his breath. I just nod my head unable to say anything at the moment. We lean against the wall and are silent trying to get back to normal.

When we’re good and ready to get moving a grin spreads across Max’s face. He picks me up and twirls me around chanting, “ Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I start laughing and he puts me back on the ground and we stare at each other. “Y-You’re w-welcome.” I stutter out. His head leans in further and his lips are so close, so very close to touching mine.

Max’s POV

As I lean in, getting ready to kiss her reality snaps me back. Why would the most beautiful girl want me to kiss her? She’d probably be horribly humiliated. “I-I’m sorry." I say pulling back quickly. She looks surprised almost disappointed.

“It’s fine.” She says before smiling at me. “Ever the gentlemen aren’t you?” She asks me as I hold out my arm for her to take. We walk around the mall hoping, no wait, praying that we don’t run into Maria.

“So.” Liz says trying to break the silence and awkwardness.

“Sorry, I guess without Maria here to do all the talking it’s kinda dull.”

“It’s fine.” She says.

“Awww.” Liz says as we walk by a pet store and stop. She taps on the window causing the little puppy to try and lick her finger. She starts giggling as the puppy get frustrated and claws at the window.

“Do you want to go in?” I ask.

“Would that be okay?” She asks smiling up at me.

“Perfectly.” I say. Oh yeah, I’m totally turning into Mr. Smooth.

She hops in front of me like a little 4 year old waiting to play with a puppy. “Parker, you are definitely Maria’s friend.” I say laughing at her behavior. She stops and turns around to look at me, hurt shining in her chocolate pools. “Liz, I was just joking, I didn’t…I…I am so sorry…I”

She starts laughing and I realize that I have been fooled. We enter the store and Liz immediately goes towards the little guy from earlier. “Can I hold him?” Liz asks one of the sales people.

“Sure.” He picks up the puppy and hands him to Liz.

“Aren’t you just the cutest guy ever?” She says.

“Why thank you.” I say making her laugh. I like hearing her laugh, I like making her laugh.

The dog starts licking her face and neck. ‘Damn dog,’ I think to myself. Of all the things to get jealous of, it has to be a frickin’ dog. I walk over to them and start rubbing behind his ears. I have to admit, the darn thing is pretty adorable. “Hi there.” I say as he licks my fingers.

“Aww, I wish I could keep him.” Liz says hugging the dog closer.

“Why can’t you?” I ask.

“I don’t have money for a $500.00 dog. Then there are all the shots, food, treats, to7ys, and time. I can’t be with him all the time!”

“is that the main thing stopping you?”

“Well yeah.”

“How about,” I say taking the puppy, “I pay for half of everything? Cuz’ I must say I am falling for this little guy.”

Liz’s eyes pop wide open in shock and happiness. “Really? You would really do that?” She asks.

“What the heck, we do live next door from each other.” I say.

Liz jumps in to my arms and she tries not to kill our newfound baby. Ummm, not baby, baby, dog baby. “Thank you soooo much. Yay! Oh wait, first let me ask my parents.” She says pulling out her cell phone. “I hope they says yes. She walks off talking to her dad and leaves me to play with the little Pomeranian.

“They said yes!” She screeches causing everyone to look.

“Awesome. Let’s get this little guy home.” I say.


“I wonder how pissed Maria will be.” Liz says playing with our dog.

“I have no clue. Anyways, what should we name him?” I ask.

So this is what her bedroom looks like from the inside.

“I dunno.”

“Okay, how about Rex?”

“Uh-uh. He does not look like a Rex.” She says dissatisfied. “How about Tiger?”

“He’s not stripped.” I simply state. “Hey why don’t we name him Guess.”

“Guess?” She asks.

“Yeah, that way when people ask what his Name is we’ll be like, Guess. Then they’ll guess and it will of course be wrong and we say, No Guess and so forth and so on.” I say.

Liz just looks at me and says, “I think Maria is rubbing off on you.”

“So Guess is out?”



“Hey, why don’t we name him Mojo. That way, when we lose him, we can be like I lost my Mojo.” She says.


“What? Aww, come on it’s a cute name!”

“No how about, Curly?”

“He’s not Curly.” She says. “How about Tootsie?”

“He’s a boy!” I say. “Lucky?”

“Hmmmmm….. Well, NO!”



I stand up and walk towards her bed where she is sitting and say, “Excuse me?”

“You’re excused, because I am so not naming my dog Lucky.”

“He’s our dog.” I say.

She sticks her tongue out at me and I start tickling her. “M-Max Stop!!!!!!!” She screams.

“NOOOOO!” I say imitating her from earlier.

“Max!” She screams and I pause noticing our current position. “I’m s-sorry.” I stutter moving off her to sit beside her.

“How about Tickles?” She asks smiling.

“NOOOOO!” I say again and she smacks me.


“Huh?” Why did she call me baby?

“Not you, his name?”

“Baby.” I repeat.

“Yeah he could be our little Baby.” She says smiling.

“I like it.” I say.

Just as I was about to say something Maria busts through the door. “Uh-oh.” Liz says next to me.


“Maria, Maria chill.” Liz says as Baby start growling in his little puppy way.

“AHHHHH!” She screams as Baby tugs on her pants.

“Maria he doesn’t even weigh 2 pounds yet, Chill.”

I laugh as Maria turns and glare at me. “YOU, I had to go shopping with your buddy for some shirts for you.” Here. She says tossing three bags into the room and the rest of his pants. “LATER!” She says.

“Yeah, she’s pissed.” Liz says.

I look through the bags taking out my shirts. “Care to model the for me?” Liz asks smiling.

“Parker, I am starting to think that your just being nice because you want to see more of my body.” I say smirking.

“Is it that obvious?” She asks dramatically, her hand over her heart.

“Shut up.” I say.

“Take it off!!! WHOOO HOOO!!” Liz shouts as I start to model my new wardrobe. I can’t believe I am taking off my clothes in Liz Parker’s room, much less in her room. So much has changed in the last couple days. “Wait, wait I don’t want Baby to see this.” Liz said jumping up and putting Baby in the bathroom.

As I start taking off my pants Liz’s father enters the room. CRAP!!! “Dad!” Liz exclaims.

“Lizzy what the hell is going on here?”

“Ummm, Mr. Parker I can explain-”

“Shh.” He says. “LIZ?”

“Well you see, Maria bought him a new wardrobe so I asked him to model it for me.” As the talk things out I desperately try to put back on my clothes. After 20 minutes of lecturing and safe sex her father leaves the room. “That was horrifying.” Liz says. “We’re not even going out!”

All I can do is stare at the floor Liz’s father saw me in my boxers and gave a sex talk. “Yeah. Wait till I tell Michael.”

“Sorry.” Liz says walking over to let Baby out. “He’s entirely to young to have heard all that.”

“Well, I guess I’m going to go.” I say gathering my stuff.

“Yeah.” She says looking slightly disappointed. “I’ll see you at church tomorrow.”

“Yeah. Bye Liz, bye Baby.” I say rubbing his ears.


Last edited by Gidget2 on Tue Sep 28, 2004 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen
Alison: I want the shirt that says 'I don't have A.D.D....Ooooo look a chiken!'

Me: Where? Where? (turns head from left to right)
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Joined: Mon May 17, 2004 6:27 am
Location: Florida

Post by Gidget2 »

Damn it took me a while to post this!!!! I am so sorry for the inconvenience!!!!! We’re redoing our house and painting it looks cool…… so far! Well I won’t prolong the long awaited 5th part!

And here we go:

Part 5

Liz’s POV


I am very grumpy right now! I had to come to church with Maria and her mom because my parents said that they had to do something. Then I couldn’t find Max anywhere and my feet smell like piss thanks to Baby.

“Liz, chica relax.” Maria says noticing the tension in my shoulders.


“Yes, you wouldn’t want to look like and Amazon woman in front of Max would you?” She asks smiling.

“Max?” His name immediately brightens my day.

“Yep, he’s heading this way.”

I turn around and watch Max walk me. God he looks amazing. I inwardly sigh and forget all my worries. “Hey Liz.”

“Hey Max, l-looking g-good.” I stutter.

“Thank you.” He sniffs around a little bit. “What’s that smell?” He asks scrunching up his face.

I quickly blush and Maria starts to laugh hysterically. “What?” Max asks confused.

“Just blame Baby.” Maria says walking off to find her mom.

“Baby? He’s here?” Max asks like a little kid.

“No.” I cough and stick out one of my shoes. Max looks down and the back at me and then back at my feet.

“Did you step on him?” He asks confused.

“No! He peed in my shoes last night.”

“Oh, well why didn’t you clean them?” He asks.

“I did!”

“Obviously you didn’t do it well enough.” He says teasing me.

“Shut up.” I say smacking his shoulder.

“Maxwell!” Michael shouts out. He pushes through the churchgoers with Alex at his side. “Parker.”

“Michael! I didn’t even know you went to church!” I exclaim, annoyed by his rudeness.

“Yeah, well….. What the hell is that smell?!?” He says very loudly causing people to give him disapproving looks. “Sorry!”

“Nothing.” Max says quickly. I mouth him a thank you.

“Hi Alex!” I say hoping to avoid any other questions about the umm….smell.

“Hey Liz.” A very awkward silence descends upon us, that is until Maria comes back.

“Lizzie!!!! My mom says that if you want to leave or eat out somewhere that we should leave now. Oh, hey Max, Alex, Gayboy. Alex, don’t you think you should be over there with Isabel? I mean, you don’t want to lead Michael on.” She say as Michael throws deadly glares her way. I don’t blame him.

“Maria! Liz! Hurry up!” Amy says motioning towards the car.

“Hey would you guys like to join us?” I ask.

“Well, I have to ask my mom.” Max says scratching his ear.

When he goes off to find his mom with Michael and Alex tagging along, Maria turns to me and says, “Now if there was only a way to make his ears shrink in size.”

“I like them, I think they’re endearing.”

“You would.”

“We can go.” Max says.

“Uh, guys hate to burst your bubble but there is absolutely no way we can fit five people in the jetta. Oh, wait six plus my mom.”

“I do have a jeep Maria.” Max says.

“Okay, Alex you can ride with us and Liz go with Max, and make sure Gayboy doesn’t make any moves on him. I know he’s sexy now, but I think he likes girls with vaginas.” Maria says. It’s more directed towards Michael, But Max blushes anyway. Awww, It’s so cute, even his ears turn pink. “Liz?…….Liz?………LIZ!” Maria shouts.

“Huh, sorry. What did you say?” I ask embarrassed. How long was I looking at him?

“We have to leave now.” She says slowly.

“Maria, I’m not stupid.”

“No, you’re a little S-O-L-W.”

“Solw? What the hell is solw?” I ask.

Maria takes a minute to think and say, “Oh, I meant slow, you’re S-L-O-W!”

“She’s not the slow one.” Michael mutters. Maria doesn’t here him and starts dragging Alex with her. “Hey wait!” A voice stops her.

We all turn around to look at the very model like Isabel Evans. “Can I tag along?” She asks.

“Uh sure, why don’t you ride with us?” Maria says.

“No, I wanna ride with Max and Liz.” She says my name a little more rudely. “And Michael!” He interjects.

I look uneasily towards Maria as if pleading with her to switch the seating arrangements. “Okay.” Maria says. I quickly shoot a deadly glare her way and walk to the jeep frightened by the all-powerful Isabel Evans. “Woopty frickin’ do.” I mutter to myself.


“So Liz, how long have you known my brother?” Isabel asks breaking the silence.

“Umm, well we’ve had quite a few classes together, since elementary school.” I say.

“Yeah, well that’s obvious. I mean how long have you really known him?”

“Isabel now is not the time!” Max exclaims. Michael stares out the window beside Max. Why did I have to get stuck next to the Ice Queen?

“Max, I’m just curious! Liz?”

“Well, I guess I haven’t truly known him until a few days ago.”

“Really and did this start around the same time he started I dunno acting different, looking different?” She asks, scrutinizing me with her eyes.

I shift uncomfortably, “I guess.”

“We’re here!” Max says, hoping out of the car quickly saving me from further interrogative questions. I enter the Crashdown and turn to look at Max talking furiously with Isabel, while Michael stands by watching with boredom. They enter the Crash and Max immediately walks up to me and apologizes fir Isabel’s behavior in the car.

“Guys! Hurry up would you!” Maria shouts from a nearby booth.


Lunch at the Crashdown was needless to say utterly uncomfortable. Isabel was constantly throwing death glares my way, Maria and Michael continue to argue and I kept stuttering every time I talked to Max. Amy was just horrified by everything Michael said to Maria and quickly jumped to her daughter’s defense. Towards the end Michael was drenched in two cherry colas. Why? Well because of this little incident:

Michael had gotten made at Maria and shouted at her. So Alex said, ”Michael chill out you wouldn’t want her to work her evil voodoo on you would you?”

“Yeah, Maria I’ve been meaning to ask you, do you know witch spells and stuff?” Michael says.

“No but thanks to fencing lessons provided by my dad I know how to handle a sword,” she says threateningly.

“I know how to handle my sword!” Michael says with a smirk.

Maria picks up on his innuendo and replies, “Don’t you mean your dagger?”

“Ohhhhh, she dissed you!” Alex says and the whole table cracks up laughing.

Michael proceeds to call Maria a few inappropriate words.

And there you have it. But then again can you blame him? Max and I shared very little words with each other, maybe because I was too distracted by his leg brushing up against mine.

“Lizzie!!” My mother calls out.


“Come down!! There’s someone here to see you!!” She yells excitedly.

“Kay!” I quickly jolt downstairs, hoping to see Max. Boy was it a shock when I came face to face with-

“Tess!!” I exclaim chewing back the obscenities that threaten to come pouring out.

“Liz, how good it is to see you again!” She says, in a fake sugary sweet voice. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to rip out her breast implants right now.

“You too.” I reply. She walks towards me to give a “hug”. She put her arms around me, but they never actually touched me.

“Aww, see I knew you guys would get past what happened.” My mom says kissing my cheek to head off in another direction. When she’s out of sight I turn back and find Tess looking at me with disgust in her icy blue eyes. “What?” I ask politely, well as politely as I can. I mean come on its Tess!

“What are you wearing?” She asks.

I look down to see a pair of well-worn jeans and a white tank top. “Clothes, which needless to say, is more than what you’re wearing.” I reply. I take in her outfit, which looks like two pieces of cloth glued to her body.

“Funny.” She says.

“Not really, because no one wants to see your skanky as-”

“Liz!” My mother shouts.

“Yes?” I call, glaring back at Tess.

“Show Tess to her room please!”

“Okay.” I say walking ahead of her. When I notice that she isn’t following me I turn back and see her standing in the same place, her arms crossed over her chest. “What now?” I ask. She points to her bags. “Are your arms and legs broke?”


“Then you get your damn bags and follow me.” I watch as she hopelessly tries to gather all of her bags, all seven of them. “Ever heard of traveling light?” I ask. I know, I know, I’m being mean. But then, what can I say she brings the worst out in me. Just as she has a handle on all bags the doorbell sounds causing her to drop everything and freak out. “Just a sec.” As I walk to the door I glare at Tess.

“Hello!” I say cheerily swinging open the door. “Max!” I exclaim, feeling happy and a little worried considering the gerbil and her implants in the same room.

“Hey Liz, I was wondering if Baby could stay with me for another night.” He says nervously.

“Oh, sure.” I say.

“Hi there.” Tess says in what she thinks is a seductive voice.

“Hi.” Max says looking her up and down. I feel my heart plummet as he looks at her. “I’m Tess.” She say holding out her hand. “Max.” He says taking her hand.

“Max, as in Max Evans?” She asks shocked.

“Yeah, and your that girl, the one that use to put ferns in her hair.” He says. He actually can remember that? As I watch their exchange towards each other, I feel my heart crack. How the hell am I going to compete with Tess? She’s got the whole sex thing going on and what guy could resist that?

“Okay, well goodbye Tess. Goodnight Liz.” He says walking out of the house.

“I am so going to enjoy living here.” She whispers in my ear.

“Great, you can start you life, by picking up your bags and making your way up the stairs.” I say walking ahead of her. Why did she have to show up now? Of all the times she could have picked from she does it now? I take her to her room, the room directly across from mine.

“So Liz.” She says plopping onto her bed.

“What?” I snap.

“Is Max seeing anyone?” She asks.


Max’s POV

“I wonder what she’s doing right now.” I say aloud.

“Why don’t you go over and see?” Alex says plopping down next to me.

“Uhh, because why would I need to go over there?” I say.

“To see what she’s doing.”

“No, I mean I don’t want to look all stalkerish.”

“Newsflash Max, you already do.” He says laughing.

“You know, you and Michael are such good friends.”

“We know. Why don’t you ask for some sugar or something?”

“Too obvious.” I say.


I just stare at him.

“Yeah, I know too obvious.”

“I’ll just head over and say whatever pops into my mind.” I say standing.

“What if her underwear pops into your head and you ask to borrow a pair?”

“Alex, just because that happened when you were stalking Izzy, doesn’t mean that it will happen to me.”

“Oh sure, that’s what I thought too.” He says. I just shake my head and walk out the door towards Liz’s house. Okay, what am I going to say? I need a hammer, no. A CD, no I don’t even know what kind of music she listens to. Maybe I’ll just go with the sugar, no. God I am so pathetic! Before I realize it, I’m already standing at her door. Okay, deep breaths, relax and smile. I ring the doorbell and wait. I hear a few banging sounds inside. Hmmm, wonder what that could be.

“Hello!” My angel says in a singsong voice. “Max!”

“Hey Liz, I was wondering if Baby could stay with me for another night.” I say nervously.

“Oh, sure.” She says uneasily glancing behind her.

“Hi there.” A blonde girl says to me. I glance over her and find myself wanting to hide. Could this chick please put some clothes on, I mean no one wants to see her skanky as-

“Max.” I reply shaking her hand, realizing that I had been looking at her. I look towards Liz and see hurt shining in her eyes, but she quickly hides it.

“Max? As in Max Evans?”

“Yeah, and your that girl that used to put ferns in her hair.” I say remembering that this was Liz’s cousin. I swear she was so stupid. She would take my mother’s fern out of the yard and stick them in her hair! What she was trying to do, I still have no idea.

“Okay, well goodbye Tess. Goodnight Liz.” I say hoping to avoid another confrontation with this girl, something about her just isn’t right. I walk back to my house thinking about Liz’s face. I wander, what could have possibly hurt her.

“Maxie-poo!” Alex says. “So, did you ask for a pair of her underwear?”

“No, I asked if I could have Baby for an extra night.”

“Aww, you’re no fun. Max are you okay, you look a little I dunno sick.”

“Liz’s cousin is back in Roswell.” I simply state.

“Ohh, you mean the one that threw herself at anything with a shadow.”

“Yeah, and she makes me feel uncomfortable. She looks at me like I’m a meal or something.” I say.

“Yeah, well I’d steer clear of her, who knows what you could get from her. I have to go soon, you know, school.” He says getting up to spend time with Izzy.

“Later.” I say. As I a silence falls upon me I think of Liz, and just how beautiful she looked today, even if her feet did smell like piss. Speaking oh which-

“Baby!” I shout. Before I know it, he’s at my feet jumping up and down. “Jeez’, that was quick!” I exclaim. I reach down and pet him and I can kinda smell a little bit of Liz on him. Our little “baby”, man, If Michael or Alex ever heard that I would never hear the end of it. ‘Aww, Maxwell, when did you become a mushy sap?’ I wonder to myself.

Baby runs off into another room and I’m left alone in the dark wondering about the blonde haired blue eyed girl next door, and how to avoid her at all costs.


“Hi there!” Pam troy purrs running her hand up my chest. Okay, what the hell?!?!? I was at my locker when Pam just walks up and starts…. touching me.

“Um…Hi.” I say trying to disentangle myself from her tentacles.

“What’s your name?” She asks batting her eyelashes. Oh for God’s sake! Ewwwww!!!!! Her hand is touching my pants. I swallow convulsively and look around for some help. “LIZ!” I call out as she walks through the front doors, with Tess. Crap! She notices the discomfort Pam is causing me, and rushes to help. Thank the Lord! See, this is why I am so thoroughly in love with Liz Parker, even if she doesn’t feel the same way.

I notice Pam’s confused and irritated look as Liz approaches. She always did hate Liz, I never understood why though.

“Pam.” Liz says as she reaches us.

“Parker.” Pam replies tight lipped.

“Hi I’m Tess.” Tess says holding out her hand towards Pam. Probably happy to find another person who views Liz the same way she does. Pam just ignores her hand and continues to glare at Liz. Which leaves Tess to talk to me. “Hi Max.” She says smiling brightly.

Could someone please give the girl some clothes!! Okay, it’s not as disgusting as yesterday, but she’s only wearing tight caprees and a really small tube top. “Tess.” I nod.

“Wait, Max?” Pam Troy exclaims snapping out of her heated glare.

“Yes,” Liz says linking her arm through mine, “Max Evans.” Pam just stares blankly as if she doesn’t recognize my name.

“Who?” Okay, so she doesn’t know my name.

“Just forget it Pam.” Liz says, her arm still linked with mine, much to Tess’s annoyance.

“Oh my God!!!!!!!! You’re…You’re Max Evans?” She asks appalled.

“Yes he is, and we have classes to get to so bye Pam.” Liz says tugging me away. Tess follows behind us until we reach the guidance office. “Just go in there.” Liz says.

As we walk by ourselves, arms still linked I feel a tingling sensation run through my arm and my body. “L-Liz?” I strangle out.



“Yeah, well I figured I owed you considering the whole fiasco with my dad.”

“Yeah, well thanks anyway.” I say stopping. She turns and looks back at me and we stare at each other for what seems like forever. It would be so very easy to kiss her right now-

“Maxwell!” Michael shouts.

“Damn it!” I mutter. Liz just looks at me shocked to her a curse from me.

“Michael.” I say a little tense.

“Liz.” He says looking towards her. “So are the chicks digging this new look Maxwell? No longer do you dress like their grandfathers.”

“I guess they do.” I reply.

“Oh my goodness gracious.” Michael says looking past us. “Who in the worlds is that fine lady.”

Liz tenses beside me as if knowing already who it is. We spin around and see Tess walking towards us with a purpose. “That’s my cousin Tess.” Liz says through gritted teeth.

“Mm mm mm mm mmmmmmm! Damn she is one hot tamale.”

“We established that already.” Liz says.

“Hey there I’m Tess Harding.” She says to Michael.

“Michael Guerin.” He replies.

“Yeah and sorry to say Tess, he’s batting for the other team.” Maria says walking up.

“Huh?” She asks confused.

“He’s swinging the other way.”

“What?” She asks still confused.

“He butters the other side of the bread.”

“I’m still not getting you.”

“He prefers to handle balls instead of kicking them.”

“Nope, still ain’t getting it.”

“He sticks his coins in the back slot.”


“He climbs the ladder differently.”

“Oh for goodness sakes he’s gay!” Liz says. It takes all my will power to keep from laughing. Michael turns red from embarrassment. Poor Michael.

“Oh.” Tess says simply.

“I’M NOT GAY!!” He shouts earning stares from the other students. The bell signals and Liz and I decide to get out of there before Michael bursts. Liz and I enter our first period together laughing from what happened. As I take my seat away from where Liz sits I notice the classroom has become silent since we entered.

I mouth Liz a ‘What’s going on?’ She just shrugs her shoulders. Candi, a Varsity cheerleader, walks up with her crew, to my desk. “Hi there.” What is it with the ‘Hi there’ crap? Can’t they just say hello like normal people?

“Hi.” I say looking towards Liz.

“So what’s your name cutie?” Candi asks. Liz just rolls her eyes and gets ready for class to start. Isn’t she going to help me?


“Max, I like that name.” She says batting her eyelashes at me. Her cronies laugh as if it’s trhe funniest thing that they’ve ever heard.

“Yeah, so did my parents.”

They laugh and continue to bat their eyelashes and show some cleavage. They are so obvious that it sickens me. The only girl I would ever want to fawn over me would be-

“Liz!” Candi exclaim as she walks up.

“Candi.” She says. Liz walks over to my right and leans down to whisper something in my ear. Knowing that her actions are pissing the other girls off I smile.

“Hi.” She whispers. “Well, I just wanted to let you know that it seems your new look has girls foaming at the mouth.”

“Well I owe it all to one person.” I whisper back forgetting the other people around us.

“Yeah, well I’m sure Maria will be happy to know that.”

“I didn’t mean Maria.” She smiles at my comment and a staged cough breaks us out of our trance. “Yes?” I ask turning back to face the rabid beasts. “So where are you from?”

“Roswell surprisingly.”

“Really?” a girl behind Candi asks.

“Yeah, cuz’ I think I would definitely remember someone like you.” Candi purrs.

“Well apparently you didn’t, because I’ve noticed Max since he has lived next door to me for the past I dunno, 17 years.” Liz says.

“Max? As in Max Evans?” Before anything else can be said and done, Mr. Seligman enters the classroom. This is going to be an utterly long school day.

Last edited by Gidget2 on Wed Feb 02, 2005 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen
Alison: I want the shirt that says 'I don't have A.D.D....Ooooo look a chiken!'

Me: Where? Where? (turns head from left to right)
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Post by Gidget2 »

I’m glad that you all enjoyed the last part! It’s was fun to write the whole gay part. Oh and I forgot to use a good way to say he’s gay! “He prefers Adam and Steve instead of Adam and Eve.” Well sorry for the wait! Here’s the next part and I think that it kind sucks… So be nice.

And here we go:

Part 6

Max’s POV

“Ohh Max!!” Tess shouts out behind me as I walk through the halls to my next class. I groan, can’t these little drones leave me alone for like 2 minutes? Honestly, do they not have anything greater to do than flip their hair, bat their eyelashes, wink suggestively, and giggle at the stupidest things? Well, then again that is a lot. “Hey Tess.” I say politely. I was always raised to be a gentleman. “So where are you headed to?” She asks batting her eyelashes.

That’s one.

“Oh, to my next class.” I say unenthusiastically. Tess in turn, laughs hysterically.

That’s two.

“That’s great.” She says flipping her hair back.


“So Max, what’s your favorite subject? Mine is Sex ED.” She says winking suggestively.

“And number four ladies and gentlemen.”

“Huh?” Tess says.

Oh, said that out loud didn’t I? “Nothing.” As she walks beside me talking incessantly in my ear, I can’t help wondering if I was really evil in my past life. I mean, I had to do something bad to deserve this. Please if there is a God, get her away from me! “Maxwell!” Michael shouts. Guess that’s going to have to work. “Michael!” I say cheerily.

“Yeah…” Tess says fidgeting nervously.

“Uhhh, what’s wrong?”

“Let’s just say I’m a Homophobe.” She says before heading in the other direction. Wow, I’m shocked that she even knew what a Homophobe was! “Hey Michael.”

“Hey…Why did Tess leave.”

“Because she’s a Homophobe.”

“Homophobia is just gay.” He says.

“I know.” I sigh. “I got to get to class. I’ll see ya later.” I say heading to my next class, biology.

As I enter the classroom my eyes immediately zone on Liz. She smiles at me as I walk to sit beside her. “Hey.”

Unlike the rest of the girls at this school she knows how to greet people normally. “Hi… Did you know that your cousin is a Homophobe?”

Liz looks startled for a moment then says, “I didn’t even know she knew what a Homophobe was!” I laugh remembering that was what I thought. Before any other words can be passed Mrs. Branscum enters the class ready to start. “As you may already know, West Roswell High is having a Sadi Hakins Dance. As a diligent worker at this school, I am forced to encourage you to participate girls. However morally wrong I think it is to encourage women to ask men out, I must keep my mouth shut. But then again this school isn’t paying me enough to keep my views to myself…”

As Mrs. Branscum enters another one of her rants I zone her out, only hearing the pounding of my heart. Girls will ask the boys? Does that mean Liz will ask me? I mean sure there are tons of other good-looking guys at this school, but… But we have a baby! As soon as I think the last part the entire class turns and looks at me. Crap, did I say that out loud? What is it with me today?

“What was that Mr. Evans?”

“Ummm… Nothing of relevance.” I squeak out. I’m pretty sure my ears are turning red right now.

“Okay, anyways where was I? Oh yes! And they think that just because they help put a roof over my head that…”

“Max?” Liz whispers beside me, nudging me in the stomach.


“Who do you have a baby with?” She asks eyeing me.

“Oh, I was just thinking about my sister and-”

“Isabel?” She says making a face.

“No, she need a uh…quote from a television show and… I was just thinking of one when it popped out.” I finish.

“Ohhhh… Max I was umm… Well, I was just wondering… Would you-”

“I hate our government!” Mrs. Branscum explodes breaking through our conversation. Damn It! What was Liz going to ask?

“It’s kinda funny considering that this is American History.” Liz says.

“Yeah… So you were saying?”

“Ummm… Would you like-” The bell rings cutting her off.

“What the fuck?” I exclaim.

“Mr. Evans I will not have that kind of language in here. So if you be so kind as to stay here for a moment.”


“It was an order not a question.” She says.

“Well, I guess I’ll leave you to your doom.” Liz says smiling. “I’ll talk to you at the lunch table.”

“Yeah okay.”



“You know what I can’t stand?” Mrs. Branscum says.

“Uhhh… The government.”

“No teenagers.”

Then why do you teach at all? I almost said out loud.


I rushed quickly to the lunchroom got my food and head towards Liz’s table. When I reached it Maria was the only one there. “Hi Maria. Do you know where Liz is?”

“You know what I like about you Max?”


“You say hi and the ask your question. Unlike other people,” she says loudly “You say hi to me first, without me asking.”

“Well, it’s polite.”

“Here that Gayboy? It’s polite!” Maria enunciates every word.

“So Maria, do you know where she is?” I ask getting anxious.

“Ummm… I believe that she walked of with Greg.”

“Greg? As in Greag Solomon?!” I exclaim.


“Oh see there she is.” Maria says pointing behind me. I turn to look and feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. My dream girl sitting at Greg’s laughing and flirting with him. I slump down to the table staring at my lunch. “Awww, Chica I’m so sorry.” Maria says.

“Maxwell, why aren’t you sitting with us, at our table?” Michael asks inviting himself along with Alex. They sit and Maria moves away from Michael towards me. “Hey! Why are you scooting it’s not like I have a disease!” Michael exclaims.

“As far as you know you don’t, but who knows what you could have contracted from the sluttish girlfriend of yours.”

“News flash pixie I don’t have a girlfriend!”

As they continue to bicker I just stare at my lunch poking and picking at it. “Hey is every thing okay?” Alex asks me. I just shake my head no and nod my head in Liz’s direction. “Dude, there are plenty of fish in the sea.” He says.

“But none like her.” Maria hears me, and stops fighting with Michael.

She gets a cat-like smile on her face and says. “Hey Max, I have an idea on how you can get Liz.”

“Maria if she’s happy with Greg and wants to be with Greg then that’s good for her. As long as she’s happy I’m okay with it.”

“Awww, you are too sweet. But Max, this is Maria you’re talking to. I know everything about Liz. And If you want the girl we gotta work together on this.” I look towards Michael and see his confused expression towards Maria brighten.

“Yeah buddy if you want to know if Liz has feelings for you say yes when a girl she hates asks you to the dance.”

“Like Pam Troy!” Maria says.

“Or Candi with an I!” Alex imitates.

“Or Tess Harding.” Michael and Maria say looking behind me. I see Tess moving through the mob of guys running to sit with us, or rather beside me. “Hey.” I say smiling. Suddenly this plan of there’s doesn’t seem to bad.

“Tess, I left something in my locker and I need to get it before fifth period.”

“Okay.” She says smiling. Wow she’s dumb.

“Care to help me get it?” I ask holding my arm out for her.

“Sure.” She says interested. She gets up grabs my arm and we walk out of the lunch quad together. As we leave I catch Liz’s eyes and see anger mixed with other emotions in them. I wish I could sooth whatever she’s feeling. But I can’t when I’m the one that caused it.

Alex’s POV

“So you think they bought it?” Michael asks Maria.

“Judging from the look on both Max’s and Liz’s face I’m sure they did.”

“When you started telling Max you had a plan I got confused, cuz’ I thought we were gonna work on him. But both of them, brilliant!”

“Yep they’re both going to try to make the other one jealous. I wish I could see Lizzy’s face when she asks Max but he’s already going with Tess.”

“Uhhh Guys what in the world are you talking about?” I ask confused.

“Alex we are going to need your help on this buddy.” Maria says.

What have I gotten myself into?

Liz’s POV

Are my eyes deceiving, or did I just see Max walk out with Tess, TESS HOLDING HIS ARM?!? I look over at Maria and see her giving me a shrug of her shoulders saying she doesn’t know what happened either. Greg starts telling another one of his perverted jokes when I get up. “I gotta go.” I say running towards Maria’s table.

“What just happened?” I ask.

“Oh, hi to you too Liz.” Maria says.

“Sorry, hey Maria.”

“Better, he said he left something ion his locker and asked Tess to help him find it.”

“Tess! Not Michael, not Alex, not you, but Tess.” I exclaim.

“Yeah chica.”

“Well I gotta go talk to him.”

“You do that.” Michael says glaring at me.

I run into the school trying to remember where Max’s locker is. But before I can remember he comes around the corner laughing with Tess. “Hey guys.” I say.

“Oh, hey Liz.” Tess says, but Max just gives me a nod. A nod what the hell does that mean?

“Tess could I talk to Max for a second?”

“You talk for a second? Ha, with you it takes an hour.” Tess says but leaves anyway.

“Hey I was ummm… Wondering if you would go to the dance with me.” I finish nervously.

“Umm… You’re a little late, I’m going with Tess.” He says.

“Oh, okay.” I say hearing my heart crack, no shatter into pieces.

“Well I have to go find Tess.” He says leaving me alone in the hallway. Maria’s plan did not work as expected.


I look around for Tess because I am her only ride home, or so I thought. As I get to the parking lot to tell Maria that I couldn’t find her I see Max pulling out with Tess in the passenger seat. That bitch! “Maria your plan did not work one bit.” I say dropping into the seat beside her. “Maybe he just doesn’t have feelings for me.” I say sighing.

“Well I have a back up plan and if Max does have feelings for you it’ll show soon.”

I groan not another one of her “plans”.

“Maria I-”

“Wait, hear me out. You ask Greg to the dance and act like a couple. And if Max does love you then he won’t be able to keep from strangling Greg.”

“I have to act like I like Greg?”

“You did it at lunch!”

“Yeah, but that was for only 30 minutes and I wanted to kill him by the end.”

“Well deal!”



I let a harrumph exit my mouth and I plow back into the seat. “Don’t pull that pouty face on me Parker.”

“Do you really think it’ll work?” I ask.

“Lizzy, Maria always knows what’s best for ya.”

“I don’t know Maria. Isn’t mean to use other people for personal gain?”

As she pulls into my drive way I notice Max still in his drive way and still next to Tess. They seem to be in deep conversation and I don’t know what to think about it anymore. “Maria look he really seems to be genuinely interested in her.”

“Genuinely interested in Tess? Ha! She most likely wants to get into his pants take his virginity and give him some disease. I mean honestly Liz, don’t you want what’s best for him?”

Maria does have a point. Max turns to look at us suddenly as if he knows we’re talking about him. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

“Yes!” Maria exclaims.

“But I’m not happy about being touch feely with Greg.”

“Oh sweetie when all is done and said you will be very happy, I guarantee it.” I bid Maria farewell and walk to wards the interior of my house. A couple minutes later Tess walks in with a huge smile on her face. Please, please tell me he didn’t kiss her! I don’t know if I could handle it. I confront her in the middle of the Upstairs hallway.

“What’s with the dreamy look?” I ask nicely.

“Nothing. I just had a really, really good first day.” She says smirking.

“Really? Why what happened?”

“Max and I are going to the dance together and we have a date tomorrow afternoon, not that it’s any of your business.”

Date… Tomorrow…CRAP! “Yeah well it just so happens that I have a date tomorrow night to.” I reply. Damn it, no I don’t.

“With who?” She asks raising one eyebrow.

“Greg Solomon.”

“Oh, right the huge jock. He’s cute. Not as handsome as Max, but nice looking.” She says smirking.

“Well at least Greg doesn’t have satellite dishes for ears.” Awww, that was mean. I like Max’s ears!

“And here I thought you and Max were friends.”

“We are… Well not exactly...It’s like a really… It’s complicated.” I finish. What do I have with Max?

“Well, I’m sure it is. Well, I going to my room.”

“So am I.”


“Later.” We move past each other and flee the scene.

Well, at least my bedroom is across from Max’s and I can look into it whenever I want. Why did I have to turn into Maria and blab out a huge lie? Now I have to ask Greg to the dance and some how get a date for tomorrow! Why do I even listen to Maria anyway, all she does is make things worse before she fixes them.

I pick up the phone and call the person who makes the least sense to me. “Valenti residence.”

“Hey Kyle.”

“Parker, hey! What’s up?”

“Nothing really I just need to talk to someone friendly.”

“Liz, Buddha teaches us that it is not right to hold inside emotions for the tide they bring when released causes great peril among those you love.”

Surprising, that actually made sense. “Kyle I’m not holding anything in.”

“What you do not say will consume your inner being.”



“Speak normal for at least one conversation with me.”

“I will try but I cannot promise you that of which I do not know myself.”



“So did you meet the new girl today?”

“The blonde with nice curves and blue eyes?”

“As much as I hate to admit it, yes.”

“Yeah why?”

“That would be my very lovely cousin.”



“Okay, now I understand why you called me, she’s annoying you?”

“That and well she’s putting the moves on a guy I really like and I think he’s falling for her.”

“Liz, one cannot fall in love, love falls into ones life.”



“You’re doing it again.”


“You really want to know what’s going on?”

“Liz I cannot force you to tell what you do not wish to be said aloud.”

“Kyle just sit back and keep Buddha out until I’m finished okay?”


I spend the next 20 minutes telling Kyle about everything that has gone down in the last weak. When I am finished I ask him for advice. “So Kyle what does Buddha think about this?”

“Buddha has no answers for this. This is some dramatic shit.”

“Okay, what does Kyle Valenti have to say?”

“Evans is one lucky dude.”

“Because of the makeover and what not?”

“No, because he made you fall in love with him.”

“I thought you said that one cannot fall in-”

“I know what I said, he’s the love that fell into your life. In all my years of knowing and dating you Parker never once did I hear you talk that way about a guy, not even me.”

“So what should I do?”

“All I know is that you shouldn’t have told Tess that it was Greg, you should have picked a guy you felt comfortable with. That way it would be easier to pull off.”

“Who, you?”

“No, I didn’t say that. But if you change your mind I would be glad to help.”

“Well, Tess is dumb and she’ll probably forget it was Greg by morning. So what do you say Valenti want to be my date for that dance and for tomorrow and for whenever else I need you?”

“It would be an honor. I’ll pick you up tomorrow to sweeten the deal.”


“Oh, and Liz be wise how you approach the enemy don’t always underestimate their true power.”

“Okay, thank you oh wise one. Bye.”


Suddenly I’m feeling a lot better about the plan, seeing as how it’s going to be Kyle and not Greg. Ohhhhh, I have to tell Maria.

Last edited by Gidget2 on Wed Feb 02, 2005 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen
Alison: I want the shirt that says 'I don't have A.D.D....Ooooo look a chiken!'

Me: Where? Where? (turns head from left to right)
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Post by Gidget2 »

Hey guys, long time no see…I am so very sorry that I haven’t updated lately, I feel awful about leaving you guys in the dust. It’s just life’s been really hectic and I ‘m sorry if hat seems like an awful excuse…

Thank you for the wonder full feedback!
RoninBehr wrote:Hey GREAT part! I can't wait to see how the date and dance turn out. Wish it was liz and max that had the date and dance together. It's like he said though
But we have a baby! As soon as I think the last part the entire class turns and looks at me. Crap, did I say that out loud?
:lol: that should of been a good enough reason for both of them to go together.

THANKS! I agree them having a baby should have been enough, but you know Maria. As for the dance and the date you’ll just have to see wait and see for what I’ve got in store.

JamieSullivan wrote:Great new part! Hope they all get tired of making each other jealous. Max and Liz need to get together by the end of the dance. I mean come on, they have a baby. :D Can't wait for more!
THANKS! Like I said just you wait and see….Muah ha ha ha!!
SmileeUk wrote:I think Maria's plan sucks! However, I want to see how it goes.

Please post soon!
Yes, well Maria is Maria and there isn’t much one can do about it. Well I can, considering I’m writing her. But I doubt you’ll be disappointed by her plan! Hopefully! Thanks for reading!
r0swell_dreamer wrote:Yay, you updated! That was a great part. That plan of Maria's is a little shaky..I hope it somehow works though. Post more soon!
Yay, I’m updating again! THANKS! Ah, another one with very little faith in Maria’s plan, don’t worry everything will work out. Hopefully, unless my mind takes a turn for the worst!
RASaero611 wrote:hey that was great! i am so happy that you updated!

okay i hope this plan works because max with tess was always a bad mix.

i cant wait to see whats going to happen at the dance and for the next update!
THANKS! Ah, another one afraid of the plan, why cant you all just embrace it? I agree Max and Tess is always a bad mix. But fear not Max has a good head and his shoulders and between his legs. As for the dance just wait and see!
roswellluver wrote:great part! thanks for writing!
THANKS! Keep the feedback coming!
abbs007 wrote:Should be really interesting to see what happens at the dance and how on earth Maria is going to get this plan to work.

Yes it will be interesting! As for Maria have faith! Thanks for reading!

Emz80m wrote:Great part!!

But what the hell is Maria's go.. she ruined everything if she had just left them alone everything would have worked out. If i was Liz i'd be pissed with her when i find out what she's done
THANKS! Ah you don’t believe either, but then again I don’t blame you guys. Shoot if I was in your position I would curse Maria’s name. If Maria had left them alone they would have been fine, but you know Maria, everything has to be better than fine. As for Liz getting pissed, you’ll see!

CherryFlavoredChica wrote:more please
Coming right up! Thanks for reading!
AmberEyed51 wrote:Great New Part.
I love the fact that Tess and Liz got into a mini cat-fight *aww, poor max, his ears are adorable* I cant wait to see what happens at the dance.
THANKS! You liked that cat-fight you should wait for more. Yes Max’s/ Jason’s ears are adorable, it was hard for me to write that! As for the dance you have to wait! Oh and please don’t send Crashdown51 to come and make me update! You know why, cuz’ I just did!
Mariael311 wrote:
“Buddha has no answers for this. This is some dramatic shit.”
That was fucking priceless!! Good part but I so don't have a good feeling aboout Maria and Michael's plan! Someone's gonna get hurt!

Hurry back!
THANKS! Just trust in Maria. As for someone getting hurt, that may just very well be true. But that doesn’t mean it’s our dreamers. Or does it? As for the Buddha line thank you very much for likeing it!
lizard_queen UPDATE DAMN IT!

Also, hows the weather?
Look Update!! Thanks for reading! As for the weather, it’s okay. After all I do live in Florida.

That’s all for now! Thanks for sticking with me people! And here we go:

Part 7

Liz’s POV

As I sit on my doorstep and wait for Kyle to come and get me, Tess comes skipping through the door and greets me with a hello. “Hey Tess. What’s got you in such a good mood?” As if I need to hear the answer. All night long she talked me ear off about Max and she doesn’t even know him well enough. My night consisted of hearing:

‘Max is so cute!’

‘Isn’t it cute when Max does this…’

‘Isn’t it cute when he does that…”

‘I think he looks good in this color…”

‘Did you know that Max is good at biology, I saw his textbook and notes..”

By the time I went to bed all I could think was, ‘He likes her?’

“Max is driving me to school!” She replies.

“How exciting…”

Max exits his house and looks over my way, well Tess’ way, and starts walking towards us. “Good morning Liz.” He says looking dangerously attractive. I really shouldn’t have changed him to where me heart stops every time I look at him. And it’s not just because of what he looks like now, I mean I can see his half smile even more, his eyes, his prominent nose, his proud chin. Everything he always had. “Max.” I smile in his direction.

“Max, I had a great idea for tonight, you and me should double date with Liz and Greg.” Tess says ruining a perfectly good moment.


“Tess, I don’t have a date with Greg…” I say hoping she doesn’t argue.

“Yes you do.” Bitch.

“No I don’t.”

“Yes.” Whore.

“No.” I say more forcefully.

“Yes!” Gerbil!

“I don’t have a date with Greg, I have one with Kyle.”

“Valenti?” Max asks looking at me confused.

“But you said Greg yesterday…”

“Tess I said Kyle, you must have heard wrong.” I reply wishing that she’d just drop it.

“No, I remember, I said ‘Yeah well Greg is cute, but not as handsome as Max.” She say throwing an innocent smile his way. Yeah right her innocent, PUH-LEASE! “Then you said ‘well at least Greg doesn’t have satellites for ears.’” Shit, I knew that was going to come back and bite me in the ass. I risk looking at Max’s face, and I see exactly what I thought, hurt.

“Max-” Before I can say anything more, Kyle’s horn makes itself known. It’s one of those cheesy horns that make some weird song.

“His timing is as impeccable as ever!” I mutter to myself.

“Oh, so that’s Kyle, isn’t he Hindu or something?” Tess asks.

“I’m American, but I practice Buddhism.” Kyle says walking up putting his arm around my shoulder. “Evans.” He nods.

“Valenti.” He replies through clenched teeth. Maybe Maria’s plan might just work. Let’s give it a go on my part, shall we. “Hey, Buddha Boy!” I say ruffling his hair. Oooo… Clenched fists. Yeah, well maybe I should stop the last thing I would want is a fight.

“We should get going.” Max says grabbing Tess’ hands. Maybe a fight isn’t such a bad idea.

“I agree.” I say wrapping my arm around Kyle’s waist.

“I guess we’ll see you there.”

“I guess so.”


“Bye!” I reply storming off taking Kyle with me.

Once In the car I buckle my seat belt hastily and watch as Max backs out putting his arm around the back of Tess’ chair. “Drive!” I bark at Kyle.

“Liz one’s emotions are not for display to those outside one’s body, but rather the words heard when spoken from one’s mind.” Kyle says looking at me.

“Drive!” I shout staring as Max’s Jeep gets further away.

“Liz, anger is not the way but love is.”

“Drive.” I say getting irritated.

“Oysters make my butt itch which causes me to rub myself on a chair or rug.”

“What?” I say looking at him.

“Ahhhh, so butt rubbing obscene stories will get your attention.”

“Shut up.” I say teasing.

“Let’s get this show on the road.” He says.

“That’s what I’ve been saying!” I say exasperated.

“Liz, whining is so unbecoming in a young lady.”

“Says who Buddha?” I say sarcastically.

“No my dad.”

I start laughing realize just how gay that makes him sound. “What?” He asks confused.

“Nothing, just keep your eyes on the road young lady, wouldn’t want any accidents.”

“Yes sir! Wait, did you just call me a young lady?”

“Yes, but you referred to yourself as one first.”

“What? When did I… He didn’t call me a young lady, I was just call you that!” He exclaims pulling into the school parking lot.

“Sure… I believe you Kyle!” I giggle.

“This looks cozy.” Maria says through the window freaking me out. I start to get out of the car when Kyle says, “Parker wait! I got to see what Max does when I do this.” Kyle gets out of the car walks over to the passenger side and opens my door holding out his hand. “Mi lady!”

I laugh over his antics as does Maria and I grab his hand as he let’s me out. I swear, one day Kyle is going to some girl deliriously happy. I look over at Max’s jeep and come eye to eye with Max. Maria walks behind me and grabs my attention away from Max. “What?” I hiss.

“Looking desperately towards Max will not make him jealous.” She says making a tsking noise.


“Lizzie, whose plan is this?”

“Yours… But whose life are you screwing with?”



“Well done Parker!” Kyle cheers from the side.

“I was just giving my input.”

“Well when I ask for it you can give it.” I growl.

“Okay, Okay, sorry.” She says putting her hands up. I realize just how bitchy that sounded. See I’m getting upset and taking it out on Maria, it’s not like she has anything to do with Max and Tess. “I’m sorry Maria, I guess I just let my emotions get the best of me.” I say hugging her.

“I told you holding things in would get to you.”

“Oh shove it Buddha boy!” I say shoving him playfully in the chest.

“Oww, That hurts my Lizzy, it hurts me real bad.” He says pouting.

“Kyle pouting is so unbecoming for a young lady!” I reply smiling innocently.

“Ha, ha, ha!” He replies.

We start and all out smack war laughing hysterically. “Guys, guys I will not be in the middle of this!” Maria shouts as Kyle chases me around her. “Arghh!”

“Hey guys!” Tess says walking up with Max and ruining the mood.

“Tess.” Maria says not looking at her.

“Blonde person.” Kyle replies and I shove him in the side lightly. “I mean fake breasted gerbil.”

“Kyle!” I shout mortified she’s not supposed to know her nickname.

“I’m sorry, I just saw Pam walk by and it slipped.”

“It’s okay.” She says beaming at him. It takes me all but 10 seconds to see her hand entwined with Max’s. Oh puke!

“Hey Max, nice to see you again this beautiful morning!” I say smiling at him.

“Yeah.” He replies shuffling his feet.

“You want The Baby this afternoon?”

“Baby? You guys have a Baby?” Tess asks bewildered.

“No, it’s our dog.” Max replies and I see him squeeze her hand. Right now it’s taking all my strength not to smack Tess and take Max into the eraser room. “But she said the baby.”

“Well our dog thinks himself to be high and mighty so I’ll add ‘The’ in front of his name every now and then. Kinda like a pill is just a pill, then you add ‘The’, and it becomes The Pill. Or when you add ‘The’ in front of fad, and instead of a fad it become ‘The fad’. Ohh, or when-”

“Ahem!” Kyle says breaking me off. “We get the point Minnie Maria.”

“Bite me.”

“Glad to.”

“Anyway,” I say, “That’s why I said The Baby.”

“And people think I’m the talkative one in the family.” Tess says. And I’m thinking, ‘No, they think of you as the sluttish one.’ The bell signals reminding us that we have 10 minutes to get to class, and for some reason instead of being at my locker I’m here. “CRAP!” I exclaim. I start to walk away when I realize it’ll look kind of funny to leave Kyle behind.

“I’ll see you later Kyle, ‘kay?”


I go towards my locker and before I can get there I bombarded by Pam and Candi. “Hi girls.” I say trying to side step them.

“Uh-uh, not so fast Parker. So news has it you’re going back out with Kyle.” Pam says grinning like Sylvester just after he ate Tweety.

“Yeah so.” I say looking at my watch. ‘Could they please speed this whole thing up?’ I think to myself.

“So that means, the you and Max aren’t together.” Candi states.

“No, and we never were.” I say sighing and besides if these girls want him they need to get in line. “Can you hurry this thing up, I’m going to be late to first period.” I say getting anxious.

“So that means he’s up for grabs.” Pam says excitedly.

“Guess again.” Candi says pointing behind me.

“Isn’t that the new girl?”


But I don’t here the rest because the scene I’m treated with as I turn around stops me from breathing. Max… Tess… His arm… His lips… her forehead… Shit, I can’t even put words together. Oh, well I guess I can. I turn around and because Pam and Candi are so distracted I slide past them to my locker.

“Breathe Parker, just breathe.” I whisper once my head is inside my locker.

“You okay in there sweet cheeks?” A voice behind me calls. I groan inwardly not really needing this.

“Hey Greg, and I’m fine.” I say grabbing my books and turning to face him.

“Yes you are.” He says licking his lips looking me up and down.

Ewww!! Disgusting!

“Want me to walk you to class babe?”

“How ‘bout-”

Before I can finish my remark, Kyle shows up, his timing impeccable as always. “That’s my job Greg.” He says grabbing my books and leading me away, his free hand holding mine. “I could have handled it you know.” I say.

“Yeah, but this way I can get back at Tess and Max and Greg all at the same time. Are you okay Lizzy?” He asks as we stop outside my class.

“Yeah, fine why do you ask?” I say biting my bottom lip.

“Liz you really shouldn’t do that it’s a dead giveaway that you’re lying.”

“What is?” Max says popping up with Tess nowhere in sight. Hallelujah!

“She bites her bottom lip when she lies.” Kyle states and they all look at me.

“I do not!” I exclaim then bite my bottom lip.

“Oh I see what you’re saying.” Max says. I quickly say goodbye to Kyle hugging him and leave for my classroom.

Max’s POV

I walk into the classroom following Liz and take my seat near the back, and already the drones pop up around me. “Hey Max!” Candi say slinking up towards me.

“Hey.” I say looking anywhere but her face.

“So are you really going out with that new girl?”

“Yeah, yeah I am.” I say looking at Liz as she looks back at me. I can’t believe that she’s going out with Valenti! It’s not that I don’t like Valenti, he’s a nice guy, I just don’t like it when he’s with Liz. But she probably doesn’t even like me that way, I mean she said I had satellites for ears! Maybe Izzy was right about her…

Maybe Maria’s crazy plan isn’t going to work, maybe I should just give up on the dream girl. Tess seems nice, a little stupid, but nice. But then again, there’s just something about her that makes me want to run to the store and buy a shit-load of alcohol to sterilize myself after she touches me. I guess, I’m just going to have to play this plan out the best I can if I want to see how Liz feels about me.

“Oh so do you have a thing for people in the Parker family?” Candi asks rudely.

“I could have a thing for anyone in any family but yours.” I say ticked off.

I hear Liz chuckle, her back towards me. Candi takes the hint and leaves pissed off. The old Max Evans would have never said anything to spite a girl, but this Max Evans has no inhibitions. Valenti will need to watch his back and Liz’s, because this Max is going to play whatever card I can to get Liz’s attentions to focus on me. Even if it meant playing dirty and using Tess. Oh yeah, the old Max Evans was gone, at least for now.


Through out the day, every guy in West Roswell High has been congratulating me on scoring with such a fine piece of ass. I wanted to puke and drown myself in it; scoring with Tess Harding is the farthest thing from my mind. I walk into the lunchroom, get my food and walk out into the quad where I already spot Liz and Kyle.

“Maxwell, buddy, how’s the whole soap opera thing going?” Michael asks walking up beside me taking a bite off his apple.

“Good… Minus the whole having to touch Tess thing it’s pretty okay.” I say sitting down at our old table.

“Okay, good… So you’re getting Liz all fired up and burning with jealousy.”

“Uh…Yeah… Yeah sure.” I say scratching behind my ears.

“You sound so sure there Maxwell.”

“Mmm-hmm.” I say eating my burger.

“Hey there Maxie-Poo.” Tess whispers in my ear, wrapping her hands around my waist. I look over at Michael hoping for him to help me.

“Tess, the man has a name. It’s Max and when you make it sound like lovey dovey crap your cutting down his pride.” Michael says. Yeah as if I would have any pride after this whole fiasco.

“Oh, I’m sorry baby.” She says slipping across from me to the other side of the table..

I force a smile to my face and nod at her. From where I am sitting I can see Kyle and Liz having their lunch. And watching them together is enough to make me almost lose mine. Them laughing together, talking together, sitting together… ARGH! Would Tess please stop rubbing my leg with her foot, it’s quite annoying and I can’t think straight when all I want to do is take her foot and shove it up her - no wait up Kyle’s ass.

Suddenly a light bulb turns on inside my head, eureka! “Tess?” I ask taking her footy away from my lap.


“Didn’t you say something earlier about a double date?” I ask casually.

“Umm… Yeah with my cousin.” She replies confused as always.

I look over at Michael and he has the what-the-hell-are-you-thinking-you-moron look on his face. “Well, I think I like that idea, I’ll try and talk Liz into it during 6th.”

“Okay, but now I’d rather it be just us.” She says rubbing her foot up my leg.

I shift and say, “Yeah, but you know what they say the more the merrier.”

Maria pile drives her way through a crowd and winks at Michael as she passes. “Uhh…what was that?” I ask.

“What was what?” He replies.

“What just happened, you know Maria?”

“What the heck are you talking about Maxwell?” He asks scratching his eyebrow.

“Maria just passed by and winked at you.”

“WHAT?! Maxwell what the hell are you talking about? I come over here to have lunch with you and suddenly you bombard me with delirious questions! I’m leaving.” He says getting up.

“Max aren’t you going to stop him?” Tess asks.

I don’t reply, I’m still shocked that he used bombard and delirious in a sentence. What the hell is going on in this world?


I enter the classroom and head for my table staring at the ground. “Liz.” I say as I sit down beside her.

“Max.” She replies.

“So you know about that whole thing Tess was talking about this morning?”

“Uh…no.” She says shaking her head.

“You know, when I found out I had satellite dishes for ears.” I snap. Okay, I know I sound like a jackass, but what she said really hurt me.

“Max, I’m sorry about that.” She says putting her hand on my shoulder. I feel this electric sensation run up and down my arm and all through my body. I look into her eyes and feel the sudden urge to just take her out of this classroom away from Kyle and into my world.

“Max? Max?” It takes me a while to realize that Liz was calling my name, trying to get my attention.

“Huh?” I ask somewhat dazed.

“So what about the thing you were talking about earlier?” She asks tilting her head.

She’s so cute when she’s curious. Now, what is she talking about? Oh yeah, that crap. “Oh, I was just wondering if you would reconsider doing a double date with Tess and I?”

“Oh.” Is all she says.

I wonder what she’s thinking. “So?”

“Umm, yeah sure I guess.” She replies giving me a small smile. Huh, it seemed kind of forced.

“Great so I guess we’ll all meet at your house?”

“Guess so.” She says.

“Great.” I reply with false enthusiasm. I mean do I really want to see Kyle hanging over Liz all night? NO! And do I really want to have Tess hanging all over me? Well, if it helps in the Liz area maybe, other than that, OH HELL NO! Before another word can be spoken, Mr. Synola enters the class and starts the lesson.


“Max what in the world is going on in here?” Isabel asks stepping through my doorway.

She’s probably wondering about the piles and piles of clothes strewn about my room.

“Geez’ is it even possible for boys to have this many clothes?” She asks stepping around them coming towards me. “Need help baby bro?”

“Help, sure.” I reply running my hand through my hair looking around the room.

“So what is the occasion?”

“I have a double date with Liz, Tess and Kyle.”

“Okay, so Kyle is Tess’ date and your Liz’s, and you want to impress her.”

“Yes and no, Tess is my date.”

“Whoa, Tess is your date?”



I begin to explain to Iz the whole crazy Deluca plan and what’s happened so far. “And who said you lead a boring life?” Iz says laughing.

“Yeah, so can you help me?” I whine.

“Okay what do you want your look to say?”

“Well, I want a look that makes Liz want to jump me, but at the same time one that makes Tess want to stay away from me.”

“How the hell am I suppose to do that?”

“I don’t know, you’re the fashion guru, so think.”

“Max.” She says warning me.


After numerous:

“Okay, how about this”

and many:


We decide on what I should wear. A black button up shirt with long sleeves - which is great because there’s no skin-to-skin contact – that will be parted with a white t-shirt underneath, dark blue jeans and my black converses to finish it off.

“Not to shabby if I do say so myself.” Isabel says walking around me.

“Yeah and with what, 5 minutes of my time to spare.” I say.

“Max, if you weren’t my brother I kick you in the balls and the castrate you.”

“The feelings mutual.” I say making my way out the door.

“Hey are you implying that I have balls? Hey I’m asking you a question! Max!” Isabel screams after me.

I walk over into the Parkers lawn and ring the doorbell. “I got it!” Tess screeches from the inside and I wince.

“Max!” She says smiling.

Could she be wearing any less? She’s wearing a blue tube top and a really small mini skirt that’s about the same size as her top, and that’s not saying much. “Hey Tess.”

“Come in.” She say and I do.

“Tess who was it?” Liz asks coming down the stairs. Tess screeches something but I don’t hear her, all I do is watch my angel descend from the stairs. God she looks magnificent, now that’s how a girl is supposed to dress. She has black hip hugger jeans cling to her beautiful body, and a whit tank top with a black jacket over it and white shoes.

“Hey Max.” She says smiling at me.

“Hey.” It’s a three-letter word and I barely managed to get it out. It’s shy Max all over again.

“Look, we match.” She says glancing at me attire.

‘We match perfectly.’ I think to myself.

“Yeah.” I reply.

“So all we have to wait for is Kyle, your date.” Tess says loudly, well basically everything she says is loud.

Five minutes pass and Kyle shows up. “Hey!” He says as he gets in the house. He walks up to Liz and gives her a flower. “I picked it up on my way over, my car broke down so I had to walk.”

“Oh, thank you.” She says and kisses his cheek.

I fit the urge to slam him up against the wall, so instead I wrap my arm around Tess’ shoulder. “So, where should we go?” Liz asks as we stand around her hallway.

“Movies, then the park?” Kyle suggests.

We all agree and head out taking my jeep. Can you say tension?

Alex’s POV

“And they’re off.” Maria whispers to Michael and I.

“Kyle said he would suggest movies then the park so let’s get a move on it.” Michael says getting up.

“What in the world are you guys doing behind there?”

“Crap!” Michael exclaims.

“Hi Izzy.” I say as she approaches the bushes.

“What are you doing back here?”

“I lost my earring…”

“Looking for Alex’s contacts…


We all say at the same time. We are so smooth. “Spill.” Iz says crossing her arms.

“Okay, okay. We were spying on Max and Liz.” I say earning a smack from Michael and Maria. “Oww! What was that for?” I ask.

“For not being able to keep your mouth shut!”

“Whoa, wait so you are all in on Maria’s plan to make Liz jealous?”

“Max told you?” Maria asks.

“Yeah, So you all want to help him?”

“Uh, not exactly, see we told Liz to do the same thing that Max is doing, making the other jealous. But that’s not the real plan, the real plan that we have going is-” Yet again I get smacked. “What?!”

“Do you ever shut up?” Michael says exasperated.

“Another plan oh really, do tell.” Isabel says.

“Why in the world did we include him in this again?’ Maria asks Michael.

“Hey it was your idea not mine.” Michael exclaims.

“Just shut up and tell me what the hell is going on!”

“Okay, Isabel once we tell you, you will be apart of this plan and you will help.”

“Wait just how many people are apart of this thing?”

“Just me, Michael, Alex and Kyle.”

“Kyle’s in on this? I thought he and Liz were really an item.”

“Did you not hear Alex-I-never-shut-up over there. We made a plan where they were both were trying to get the other jealous, with out the other one knowing it was fake.”


“Oh why are you spying on them?”

“Well as of to night you can be apart of the plan, were going to the theatre and we are going to watch the same movie and in that theatre we are going to make both of them pour with envy and jealousy. And thankfully, Kyle is going to help by being oh so very loving and charming to Liz. And we shall have fun at the park, that is if they last the long.” Maria says.

“You people are evil. I like.” Izzy says.

“Let’s get going then.” Michael whines.

And we off we go off to torture the poor unsuspecting lovers. Sigh, all in a days work. Thankfully, I got Izzy with me, and hopefully she’ll protect me from the other to idiots that insist on slapping me.


Don’t hate me, I’ll try and post more as soon as I can. I really hate make you guys wait so long. I don’t do it to torture you, honestly. BYE!!!!!!
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen
Alison: I want the shirt that says 'I don't have A.D.D....Ooooo look a chiken!'

Me: Where? Where? (turns head from left to right)
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Post by Gidget2 »

Hey everyone, I'm back with a new part! I know, FINALLY! Truth is that lately I haven't been in a writing mood, and I'm so sorry for making you wait! I have had and awful case of writer's block! I wrote this part for you guys, however I don't feel that I put enough of my heart into it. Frankly I've been more than a little depressed lately and I know that I shouldn't be making up excuses for not updating, but it's true. I hope no one's too pissed at me. I hope this part live's up to what you are all expecting, I'm sort of afraid that it won't. Thank you all so much for encouraging me and enjoying this story!

And here we go:

Part 8

Max’s POV

“So what are we going to watch?” Tess asks cheerily, glancing at me with sad puppy dog look.

“Whatever you want.” I say not adding any sweet pet names like sugar to the end. I want it to look real, but not like real, real.

“Well what if me and Kyle don’t want to watch what she wants?” Liz asks from the backseat.

“Then you’ll have to deal with it” I reply. Okay, I did not mean for it to come out that snappy. I glance over at Tess and see this huge smile on her face. I sigh wondering to myself if this whole setup was worth it. Getting Liz? Yes. Putting up with Tess? No. And the possibility of Liz getting hurt was really starting to make me trash the whole idea. But as I glanced in the rear-view mirror and saw Liz’s head against Valenti’s shoulder, I knew I had to do something.

We arrive at the Cineplex and I look for a parking space. I park and make the first move to get out of the car, the tension was starting to become unbearable. I stand outside waiting for everyone else to get out of the jeep. After warching Kyle help Liz out of the car I realize my mistake and walk to Tess' side to help her out as well. I catch Tess as she "slips", and watch as Liz and kyle walk arm and arm to the ticket booth.Great, they left giving me alone time with Tess...yay...

"So Max..." Tess purrs.

"Yeah?" I ask trying my best to look interested and believe me, it's very hard.

"why don't we ditch these two and go have some real fun." She whispers in my ear. I shudder at the thought of what that fun might be. And Tess, not being the sharpest crayon in thbox, takes my shudder for a different meaning and starts rubbing her hand up my chest. Yep, I am definitely going to burn these clothes when I get home.

"Ummm, Tess I really wanted to watch a movie tonight, and besides you wouldn't want to ditch your cousin."

"Okay." She replies removing her hand from my chest frowning.

"Come on." I say pulling her towards a highly corwded area. Safety first!

"Took them long enough." I hear Liz mutter to Kyle.

"So what are we going to watch?" I ask trrying to lighten up the mood.

"I don't know, you left that decision to your girlfriend. So why don't you ask her?" Liz says rudely. I really hope what happened earlier in the car isn't what's causing this.

"Geez' LIz, what's your problem?" Tess asks flipping her hair.

"I have no problem what so ever," she says staring at her nails, "I just wish that this yappy little bitch could get her nose out of Max's ass long enough to breathe."

"Laidies, please we're in public and in a town this small and lifeless a little tiffy like this will spread like a wildfire." Kyle says holding Liz's arm.

Who the hell uses the word tiffy these days? I watch Liz take a deep breath to calm down and Tess smirk for getin Liz so riled up.

"So... Movie anyone?" Kyle asks as we reach the front of the ticket line.

We decide to watch "Herbie" or at least Tess does. Leave it to the blonde to pick a movie for kids. Maybe these kind of movies are the only ones in which she can follow the plot. Oh well, at least I get to see Lindsay Lohan. As we enter theater number 7 I feel like I'm being watched. Hmmm... that's weird. We all sit in the middlke towards the back of the theater the seating arrangement goes Tess, me, Liz and then Kyle. Yep, that's right I'm sitting next to Liz. If Tess' voice doesn't kill me, the fact that I'm sitting this close to Liz and not touching her will.

As the movie progresses I feel something hit the side of my face and land on my jacket. Popcorn? I look to my right and see that the only person with popcorn is... Kyle. What the hell? What havng Liz isn't enough so he has to throw popcorn? Is he five? I nudge Liz in her side to get her attention and wait facing her.

She turns to acknowledge me our noses brush against each other and I find myself staring into those chocolate eyes of hers. I swallow. "What is it Max?" She whispers. I can feel her breath on my face.

"I... Uhhh... I-I..." What was I going to say again? Oh, right. "Could you ask Kyle to uhh.. stop throwing popcorn at me?"

"What?" Liz asks in a somewhat loud whisper.

"Kyle's throwing popcorn at me and I would like him to stop." I say holding th thrown popcorn up so she could see it. "Max, Kyle is not throwing popcorn at you." She replies.

"What do you mean? This," I say shoving the popcorn in her face, "is proof!"

"Max anyone could have thrown it."

"Yeah anyone could have and that anyone is Kyle." I reply. I know he did it, I mean who else could have?

"Max, Kyle's hands have been either been at his side or in the bucket. If he had thrown anything at you I would have seen him." She whispers back to me. She's right. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I reply dejectedly.

I turn back to watch the move when a feel a gooey Iitem hits my neck. I reach up to see what it was and I'm greeted with the sickest, slimiest thing I've ever touched. I soon realize that the item is infact a spitball. I take a survey of the area and find that Kyle is chewing on a straw taht is pointed in my direction. Son of a Bitch! I wipe my hand on my jeans and tap Liz's shoulder trying to get her attention for the second time tonight.

"Yeah?" She whispers staring at me. What I wouldn't give to kiss her right now, but I have to focus. "Liz, I think Kyle launched a spitball my way."

"Oh my G-" She stops sounding irritated. "Max why would Kyle launch a spitball at you? Just stop accusing him of crap and watch the damn movie!" She whispers loudly, earning her shushes from all around the theater.

"Liz, I'm pretty damn sure it was jock-o over there."

"Max, He is not, N-O-T, doing anything!"

"You're only saying that because he's you boyfriend and in his eyes he can't do anything wrong!" I say glaring at her. Frankly I'm a little hurt that she doesn't believe me. Liz just rolls her eyes and resumes watching the movie. Okay, maybe I'm more than a little hurt. I turn to stare at the screen not really watching it at all, I decide that maybe I should leave Liz alone for now. I mean, I don't want their to be a larger rift between us.

"Shit.." I mutter to myself as I feel a hand rub my thigh.

Liz's POV

After the second time Max accuses Kyle of throwing something at him I get a little agitated. At first I was excited thinking that maybe he was jealous, but now it's just crazy. Kyle isn't doing anything and for Max to call him Jock-o and accuse me of being biased. UGHH!!! Tess has corrupted him and turned him into some evil creature. What does he see in her anyway? Okay, okay so I really meant, what doesn't he see in me? let me ponder this for a few moments...




Owww! What the fuck? I reach up into my hair and pull out a Gobbstopper, and a wet one at that. Ewwww gross! I look around and notice Tess scarffing a box of them down. BITCH! I quickly tap Max on the shoulder and realize just how similar the situation is compared to earlier. "What is it Liz?" Max asks a little to harshly for my taste. See what I mean he's gone evil. What happened to my Max?

"Ummm..Max..I was just wondering if...Uhhh..."

"What is it Liz?" He asks a little bit softer losing the edge in his eyes.

"I think That Tess might have thrown a Gobbstopper at me." I say finally. Ooo, and lookie there the edge in his eyes is back.

"What?" He asks, looking at me like I've grown a third-eye.

"I think that Tess," I point to the she-devil beside him, "threw a gobbstopper at me."

"Wait, so let me get this straight you don't believe me when I think that Kyle threw crap at me and you expect me to believe you."

"Uhh... Pretty much." I say smiling.

"She hasn't done anything her left hand is holding the box and her right hand has been on my thigh all night." He says smirking. Ouch, that stings a little.

"Well, maybe she spit it out, it was wet."

"Liz, just stop and watch the damn movie." He says using the voice I had used earlier when I was annoyed with him.

"Whatever." I say and sit back in my chair and in the corner of my eye I notice Tess' hand stroking Max's leg. I look up to see what Max's facial expression is and see him smirking at me. I glare at him and look back at the screen. I raise my hand towards my neck to grab my locket only to be greeted with nothing. Huh, that's weird I could have sworn that I put it on before we left. I stare at the screen wondering what Tess has that I don't when I feel something hit me again. I reach up and find yet another Gobbstopper. Okay, now I know what she has, or rather is going to get which is my boot up her ass.

"Max." I whisper tappiong his shoulder insistently.

"What?" He asks.

"Your banshee spit another Gobbstopper at me." I say, fire in my eyes.

"Liz, stop humoring yourself. I'm sure that the fact that I chose the banshee over you is hurtful. But, I'm pretty sure that Kyle doesn't want his girl to pine after something she can't have." He says cockily.

"You're dellusional!"

"And you're a bitch!" He backfires. Suddenly I can't breath, I get up suddenly and excuse myself to go to the bathroom.

I practically sprint out of the theater and into the girl's room. I lock the stall door put the toilet lid down and sit there with my head in my hands. How could I have been so wrong about him? I feel my eyes start to tear up and I grab some toilet paper off the roll. Silent sobs wrack through my body, I really thought he was the one. God, I'm so stupid. Someone enters the restroom and stops infront of the stall I'm in and telling from the shoes it's not a girl.

"Liz." Max calls out.

Well I'll be damned. What does he want? I swing open the stall door and glare at him. "What the hell do you want? Come to see the work you've done?" I ask.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay, but obivously you don't need me."

"Obviously." I say walking past him towards that sinks.

"Look Liz, I'm really sorry about what I said." He says sincerely.

"Well don't be." I say turning around.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He asks looking confused and annoyed.

"It means that you shouldn't be sorry for showing me what an ass you truly are. I mean here I am thinking that maybe, just maybe you were different from all the others."

"Look I came here to apologize and see if you were okay, you don't have to treat me like shit!" He yells.

"Why you treated me the same way earlier!" I yell back. Yellings good, very good.

"I said that I was sorry! Damn it why do have to act like a little snot?"

"Excuse me? You were the one bothering me in the theater!" I poke his chest.

"You were the one who accused me of being biased!"

Another poke.

"You're the one dating the whore!"


"You're the asshole who thought accused me of being jealous!"


"You're the only one who's ever called me a bitch!!!"

Shove. Oh yeah, look at me, I'm kicking some ass!

"Well someone had too!!!" Max shouts.

We stand there in the middle of the restroom glaring at each other. I don't know how or when the mood changed from all out war to something sexual but next thing I know Max's lips were descending on mine. And when our lips touched, I was in heaven. He backs me up against the sinks and puts one hand in my hair and and the other at the small of my back. His tongue peeks out and licks my lower lip begging for entrance, I wrap my arms around his neck and oblige to his request. He groans tightening his hold around my waist searching my mouth with his tongue as if he lost something in it. "Max..." I groan arching my head back as his lips reach my neck.

His lips return back to mine and he hoists me up onto the sink counter and I wrap my legs around his waist. God it's never felt this good kissing someone. Soon we break apart leaning our foreheads against each other stuggling to breathe. He pulls his head back and stares at my face tracing my lips with his thumb smiling. His smile is contagious and I can't help but smile with him. He looks into my eyes and suddenly his face gets more serious. "Liz, I'm really sorry about calling you all those horrible things." he says stroking my cheek looking me in the eyes. I can feel regret pouring off him by the buckets, and I realize just how sorry he is.

"I forgive you." I whisper leaning forward to capture his soft lips. "Really?" He asks suprise shining in his eyes. "Yeah, but we've really got to talk." I say in all seriousness.

"Okay." He says sighing in relief. "Remind me to thank Maria later."

"What?" I ask pulling back a little.

"It's nothing, Maria just concocted this crazy plan and it seems to have work." He says leaning forward to kiss me.

I pull back further, "This plan wouldn't happen to be making me jealous by going out with someone I hate and hoping I reveal my feelings to you, would it?" I ask.

"Uhhh... Yeah, how did you know that?" Max asks confused.

"I am going to kill her!!! I am going to tear her apart piece by piece!!!" I scream.

"Who? Tess?"

"No! Maria!"

"Why?" He swallows. "You don't want to be with me?" He asks getting a scared look in his eyes.

"What, of course I want to be with you it's just that Maria and I also concocted a plan, the same one as yours. I was planning on asking you but then she got this crazy idea in her head that I should talk to Greg to make you a little jealous before I asked you to the dance and then when I did you had already been asked by Tess. Which gave Maria the idea to make you even more jealous and profess your undying love for me." I say in one breath.

"Wait so I hung out with Tess and let her touch me for no damned reason. Because if it wasn't for Maria getting that thought in my head to make you jealous you would have asked me to the dance."

"Pretty much." Oh, this does not look good, Max looks pretty pissed.

"So you don't like Tess?" I ask shyly.

"No. Hell NO! So you aren't in love with Kyle?"

"No he's been in on my side of the plan the entire time."

"Good." He says right before kissing me again. After a few minutes he pulls away and we smile at each other. "Are you sure Kyle didn't throw popcorn at me?" Max asks staring into my eyes.

"Yes, he wouldn't do something like that."

"Are you sure Tess wasn't spitting candy my way?"

"Yeah, although I do think she would if she could."

"Then who was doing that to both of us?" I ask out loud.

"Maria." We say at the same time. "But how?"

"I don't know, but this whole situation has Maria written all over it." I reply.

"You realize that we have to get Maria back for all of her meddling right?" Max says.

"Oh yeah."

"I can't believe that my first kiss was in the girl's bathroom of a theater." Max exclaims smiling from ear to ear.

"That was your first kiss?" I ask, shocked.

"Yeah, why?" He asks nervously.

"Wow, you are a really amazing kisser."

"Really? Thanks. Maybe," he says leaning towards me again, "You could help me perfect my technique."

"Maybe." I murmur before we kiss again. I pull away suddenly, "Shit. We have to go back."

He pulls away running his hand through his hair sighing, and then helps me down. "Wait before we go back out maybe we should clean up." I say looking at our reflections laughing.

We exit the bathroom ten minutes later after cleaing ourselves up and formulating a plan. You know what they say, 'Paybacks a bitch' and for Maria it will be. I wonder how she's going to feel when she finds out that her plan went horribly awry. I enter the theater first and explain to Kyle that I'm not feeling well and that as soon as the movie is over I would like to go home. He asks me if I'm okay and I reply no sadly and softly. Time to get our plan a cracking.

Max returns a couple minutes later with popcorn and tells Tess that there was a long line at the snack bar which she seemed to believe. I pretend to act miserable till we get outside the cineplex. "Geez' Liz what got stuck up you ass?" Max asks as he starts the engine on the jeep.

"Leave me the hell alone Max." I yell at him somewhat and Kyle and Tess look on in confusion. "Just drop me off at my house and you and your whore can go do whatever the hell you want." I bite out.

"She's is not a whore! If anyone in here's a whore it would be you!" He yells looking back at me through the rear-view mirror. If this wasn't already discussed I'd kill him. We are really, really going to have to talk later.

"Really," I say choked up, "then maybe I should walk home."

Max stops the car and says, "Maybe you should."



"Liz," Kyle hisses, "What the hell has gotten into you?"

"Just leave me alone Kyle I'll talk to you tomorrow." I say hoping out of the jeep kissing his cheek. I get out and prepare myself for the short walk home, it is Roswell and Max and I agreed to do it. Much to his reluctence though. I ready my eyes up for the waterworks I will be showing Maria assuming tha Kyle lets her know.

Maria's POV

"Okay, what the hell just happened?" Micheal asks as we watch Liz hope out of the Jeep and walk off looking sad and lonely.

"I have no freaking clue." I say. "Let's talk to Kyle after Max drops him off."

"I am not getting a good feeling about this guys. Are you sure you know what you're doing Maria?" Isabel asks me from the back of my Jetta. Frankly I don't know anymore. Of course I wouldn't admit that to anyone especialy if Gayboy's in the car. Not that I care what he thinks of me... Don't look at me like that! No, I don't care what he thinks what so ever.

"Damn it Maria! Watch the road!" Gayboy says grabing the wheel.

"Wha... Oh sorry." I say.

"So guys any idea what's going on and how we are going to fix it?" Alex asks.

"Well first we got to talk to Kyle and the plan from there." I reply. Eyes on the road Deluca. Focus. Nothing like a good pep talk!

Max's POV

HOLY SHIT!!! I got to kiss Liz and my body's still humming!

"Max, what the hell was that?" Kyle asks as we drive on leaving Liz behind. I really wish that she had decided on me driving her home and then fighting, I hate to think she's walk home all alone. But, she wanted it to look believable. I have a feeling she's going to be bossing me around a lot, not that I mind being dominated. However, I think I'll dish out a little too.

"Evans, are you listening to me?"

"Huh? Oh sorry... What were you saying?"

"What the hell's your problem?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I say trying to get my cocky demeanor back.

"Liz, how could you let her walk home? How could you call her a whore?!?"

"Maybe cuz' she is?" Tess replies from my side in a duh-like voice. Damn I forgot she was still here. If only she could really disappear! Oh how I wish Liz was here with me. "Tess we're here now could you get that cute little tush of yours out of the car?" Cute, yeah right!

"But I thought that you were going to drop Kyle off first!" She whines touching my arm. Gross, just gross.

"Yeah, well Kyle and I need to talk a little, okay sweetie?" I wince as I say the last part.

"But Max!" She whines.

"Tess come on, please." I say all sweet like.

"Okay, but you'll call me later right?"

"Umm Yeah." No I will not be calling you.

"Great!" She says before launching herself at me and kissing me on the lips. Not even clothing can save me now, talk about a kiss of death! She backs away and hopes out of the car smiling at me. I peel out of the driveway and start to drive towards Valenti's house.

"So Max, you said we had to talk. You want to tell me why your acting like and ass towards Liz when I could have sworn you had a thing for her?" Kyle asks.

"Kyle, I'm going to need your help."

"Yeah, and you expect me to give it to you? Guess again buddy boy."

"Kyle, just listen to me!" I shouut, we have little time and I need this plan to work.


"Baby, do you really think we need to include Kyle in this?" I ask leaning into capture her lips again. I just can't seem to get enough of them, their so soft.

"Yes, he needs to convince Maria that something we horribly wrong."

"Fine. Do you really want me to throw you out of the car?"

"Max, for the last time yes." She says sighing. "I know you don't want to but it has to look real!"

"Okay, okay you're the boss." I say grining.

"Damn straight." She says patting my ass as she walks out of the rest room.

End Flashback

"So you want to screw with 'Hurricane Deluca'? Are you insane she'll chew you up and spit you out!"

"Kyle she sticks her nose where it doesn't belong and because of her I had to spend three days thinking Liz didn't want to be with me. I had to spend three days prtending that I liked Tess and I hurt Liz because of her." I say, right now we're taking a detour.

"Oh Buddha I pray for your guidence and wisdom." Kyle mumbles to himself. "Fine I'll help you, Maria needs to be put in her place."

"Thanks Man, lets get you home." Great now that Kyles on board we can put this plan into action.

Michael POV

"Where is he?" Maria asks from beside me. Right now we are all sitting on Valenti's porch. "I don't know." I reply.

"Do you ever?" She asks rolling her eyes.

"Put a sock in it Blondie! I've had enough of you running you mouth."

"Kiss my ass Gayboy!"

"Guys stop it, you're acting like children." Izzy says filing her nails.

"Do you always carry that thing with you?" I ask.

"Well you never know when you may need one." She replies blowing on her nails.

"There he is!" Maria says jumping up and running to him as Maxwell drives off. Kyle looks, I don't know, upset or pissed of sad? I was never good with emotions.

"What the hell is going on Kyle?" I ask as they approach.

Kyle's POV

Play it cool Valenti, cool. As Buddha would say... Uhhh... Hmmmm... I don't think Buddha's ever been in this position. "Guys, I think our little plan, "Operation Make Max and Liz Want to Get Their Freak On" a.k.a O.M.M.L.W.G.T.F.O, may have back fired." I say looking sheepishly towards Maria.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!" Maria screeches and starts pacing around my front yard.

"Well we were in the car and all of a sudden Max and Liz start yelling at each other and Liz proceeded to call Tess a whore and then Max said the only whore in the car was Liz and then he kicked her out and told her to walk home and the whole way home he was making lovey dovey eyes at Tess. Then when we dropped Tess off he said and I quote, "I call you later baby. Love you!" I say waiting for the fireworks to start.

"HE SAID WHAT?!" Maria and Isabel shout.

"HE DID WHAT?!" Michael yells.

"I'm confused." Alex says.

"Has Hell frozen over, he hates Tess!" Michael says still in shock.

"Yeah well from where I was standing he's in love with her." There you go Kyle, lie make it look serious. Oh yeah Kyle you are the man! Go Kyle, go Kyle, it's ya birthday. Okay now you're talking to yourself in your head, not cool.

"Kyle, Kyle, KYLE!!!" Maria shouts waving her hand in my face.

Ooops... He, he, he.

"Yeah, sorry I was just worrying about Liz." I say looking distant. I could so win and Oscar for my performance.

"Liz, why?" Maria asks getting worried.

"She walked off and when she turned I could see her shaking. I think she was crying." I say looking distraught. Golden Globe, check!

"Oh crap! Maria look what you did!" Michaels accuses her.

"Is there anything else Kyle?" Maria asks.

"I think her and Max had a fight in the theater, she ran off to the bathroom and then Max went out to get snacks. When Liz came back she looked so depressed, I think her and Max had a confrontation." I say seriously. Academy Award, check! Emmy, check! Brad Pitt ain't got nothing on me. Oh yeah!

"Is that it?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Poor Liz." I say. When Maria finds out what I've done, Buddha couldn't even save me!

"Guys I'll drop you off at Max's house, you talk to him, and I'll talk to Liz." Maria says already walking to her car."Thanks Kyle."

"No problem, make sure she's okay for me." I say as I wave them goodbye. As I walk into my house I praise myself for a great job.

Liz's POV

I walk into my house crying and Tess is already there and she decides to rub tonight in my face. "Aww, Lizzie did Max's comment about you being a whore make you cry? Well it's true. Max would never go for trash like you, I saw the way you were looking at him before we left to go to the movies. He's way out of your league, besides he likes girls with class." She says smirking at me.

I try my hardest not to bust into laughter. Please, she thinks she has class. Whatever! If only Tessa knew what was really going on. But then again she's entirely too dumb. I sob some more and push my way past her towards my room, her laughter follows my upstairs. Argh! I wish I could just smother her in her sleep. The door bell rings, here comes Maria.

"Lizzie." She says softly as she enters my room and takes me into her arms. I almost feel bad for her, almost. I sob harder as she puts my head on her shoulder. "Shhh, it's okay. Can you tell me what happened?" Maria asks rubbing my back.

"Oh Maria, it was awful!" I cry.

"What was?"

"Max...he...he-" I break into sobs.

"He what sweetie?"

"He was s-so m-m-mean, I-I don't kn-know h-how I could h-have b-been s-so wrong about h-him!" I cry sobbing even louder.

"Sweetie you have to calm down, I can't understand what you're saying. Shhh, it's okay. Calm down Lizzie." She says rubbing my back.

I pull back from her shoulder and wipe my eyes, trying to suck in some air. "That's it breathe, breathe." She gives me a few minutes to calm myself down and get my breathing back to normal. "Okay now tell me everything."

I start to tear up as I "remeber" what happened. "Well, we were in the theater and then he started accusing Kyle of throwing pocpcorn and sending spit balls his way and I told him he was crazy. I mean Kyle would never do that and we argued a little and then resumed watching the movie. A couple minutes later I felt something hard hit my head and I found it to be a Gobbstopper and I knew that it was Tess. Max got mad because I expected him to believe me when I didn't believe him.Oh maria he was awful." I say as a tear slides down my face. I hope this looks believable.

"Okay, then what?"

"He accused me of being of being jealous of Tess and said that he knows she isn't doing and thing because herright hand was on his thigh all night and her left on the box. We argued some more and I sat back in my chair to watch the movie and I saw Tess' hand stroking his thigh and when I look up at his face he was smirking at me. Maria he even called me a... a..."

"A what?"

"A bitch."

"No way! Max Evans?" She shouts her eyes getting wider by the second.

"Yeah. I couldn't breathe so I ran to the bathroom and started crying in there so I freshend up and when I went out he was standing in the snack line. He glared at me and I said 'What are you looking at?' and he said, 'A grade A whore!'. He said that infront of everyone Maria, it hurt so much. I thought he was sweet you know, I thought he was different." I duck my head and cry. When I look back up to see Maria's face she has this firey look in her eyes, the I'm-going-to-kill-that-son-of-a-bitch-look. Poor, poor Max.

"Is that all?" She asks.

"No, he kicked me out of the jeep on the way home." I say. "I guess we were wrong about him liking me."

"No, he liked you. Heck, I would even say loved." She says looking confused.

"Yeah, you notice how all those words are past tense. I guess he really fell for Tess and here I am all alone in a fake relationship." I sigh grabbing my pillow. "Sorry your plan didn't work Maria. I guess he didn't care enough about me to begin with." I cry into my pillow. Wow, am I good at the water works or what?

"So what are you going to do now?" she asks me.

"Avoid him as much as possible."

"Well that's kind of hard seeing as how he's dating your cousin."

"Thanks 'Ria, I reallly needed to hear that."

"Sorry, you want me to kick his ass?"

"No, I mean I'm upset, but I'm more heartbroken than anything. I just loved him so much. I can't see him get hurt." I say.

"Wow, you have the biggest heart."

"Yeah, and you are a sucky matchmaker." I say and she winces.

"Yeah well, we'll see."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I ask.

"Max Evans doesn't know what his missing, but he will."

"Maria, no! Haven't you done enough to hurt me?"

"Liz I-"

"Get out!" I yell.



"Okay, okay. I hope you feel better babe." She says as she exits my bedroom. I got to call Max, maybe later I need a shower.

Maria's POV

I can't believe my plan fucked up! It was flawless, it was awesome, it should have worked. I get inside my car and wait for Michael and Alex to exit the Evans residence. How did it fall apart? ARGH!! Michael said that Max despised Tess. Leave it to Gayboy to get it wrong! It should have worked! I bang my hands against the steering wheel. Think Maria, think. How did it fall apart?

Michael opens tha passenger door and gets in. "Where's Alex?" I ask.

"He decided to stay with Iz."

"Okay, so what's Max's story?"

"Well, he hates Liz and loves Tess. I swear he's lost his mind or something!" Gayboy says as I back out of the driveway.

"I wonder where we went wrong?" I say aloud.

"We? Uh, how about just you!" Gayboy replies.

"Me, what do you mean?"

"We both know if you had just left them alone and let Liz ask him to the dance we wouldn't be in this situation!"

Shit, he's write. "You're write, but we both know it would have been better if they came out with their feelings over jealousy. It would have been more passionate, more romantic." I say trying to rationalize my actions.

"Are you on crack Blondie? Now, thanks to you they have no feelings for one another! One, announcing your feelings over jealousy is not passionate and two it's definitely not romantic!" He shouts.

"How would you know?" I ask. He grabs my steering wheel and makes a sharp turn to our right and I have to break hard just to stop us. "What the hell is your prob-" Before I can get anything else out he cover my mouth with his. Well hello Mikey! Wow he's a great kisser.

He breaks away and says, "That was passionate and romantic, now drive Blondie!"

I'm too speachless to say anything back to him, so I just pull back onto the road and drive towards his apartment.

Max's POV

"Max you realize that the wrath of Deluca is not something you want to bring upon yourself, right?" Alex asks from beside Isabel. I just told them what's going on and Michael already left with Maria.

"She's had it coming for her for along time." Isabel says before I can respond. "Remember when she tried to play matchmaker with Mr. Spinoler and Ms. Kaster. She tried to slip him a note that was supposedly from Ms. Kaster, but he thought it was from Maria so he got fired for sexual harassment against a student."

"That's why he was fired? Huh, I always wondered what happened." Alex says. We're all sitting around the counter island in the kitchen eating chips.

"Or how about when she was spreading the rumor about Vince's father being gay and it was true so him and his family had to move." I say grabbing the bowl from Iz.

"Jerk," She says sticking her tongue out at me and I of course return the favor, "What about the time she tried to get Karen Willoner's parents back together? She got Karen's dad wrong so Mrs. Willoner remarried this other guy and became Mrs. Mooner."

"Oh yeah, poor girl. Everyone always asks her if there's going to be a full moon tonight." I say laughing. It really is sad.

"How do you guys know this stuff?" Alex asks. We just shrug.

"Ooo! What about the time she thought that Old Principal Vilden was gay so she set him up her hair dresser guyfriend. Principal Vilden was so grossed out he quit. But before he did that he gave Maria a months detention." Isabel says laughing.

"Wow, I did not know that." I say.

"Hey didn't he do your hair?" Alex asks.

"Shut up!"

"Are you sure that's all he did for Max?" Isabel asks laughing.

"Shut up!" I say.

"Max how do you want your hair cut?" Alex asks Isabel in a gay like voice.

"Uh, I don't know." Isabel says sounding like Urkel and pushing pretend glasses up her nose.

"I don't sound like that!" I say but they ignore me.

"Well you know I can help trim those bushes around the small deck of yours." Alex says.

"Hey you took that from 'Blue Collar TV'! And for your information my deck is HUGE!" I say getting up.

Isabel and Alex are laughing to hard to even notice me leaving. "Small deck my ass." I mumble as I enter my room. I walk over to my bathroom to let Baby out, he jumps on my bed and I follow him and sit down. "Hey little guy." I say rubbing his belly. "Mommy and I are together now, isn't that great?" I ask.

I place him on the floor and he runs out of my room downstairs. "Izzy Baby's coming down." I shout before I shut the door. The house phone rings and I pick up, "Hello?" I say in a sing-song voice into the phone.

"Hey what's got you in such a great mood?" The voice on the other end asks.

"Just this amazing girl, I swear she's and angel!" I sigh into the phone.

"Really, so I guess that means I don't have a chance huh?"

"Pretty much." I say matter-of-factly.

"Max!" The voice exclaims.


"Hey do you think you could go out for a walk?" She asks. I look over at the clock beside my bed and it reads, 9:42. Wow, it's early. Today seems so long! "Yeah, my parents won't be home till midnight, birthday party."

"Oh, cool. My parents jsut got home a few minutes ago. So, ummm... We really need to talk."

"I agree. So I guess I'll meet you at the playground at Roswell Elementary?" I say knowing that you can't see the playground from the road.

"Yeah, could you leave after me, just in case Tess is spying on you?" She asks.


"See you in ten."

"Kay, bye!"


"Liz?" I say swallowing.


"I... I..."


"I'll see you there."

"Oh, okay." She says and I swear I can hear dissapointment her voice. Stupid Evans, but mybe it's a little to soon to say the L- word.

I wait a couple minutes before heading out. "Max where are you going?" Isabel shouts.

"Out." I reply.

"Gee, that was helpful, honestly Max yo-" I suht the door and head to the park to reach my lady. I reach the playground in seven minutes and see Liz on the swing set. Her hair flowing around her beautiful face.

"Hey." I say softly as I walk into her view.

"Hey!" She say smiling stopping het swing. I walk infront of her and grab the swings chains, staring down into her gorgeous eyes. We stay like this for who knows how long. "So." She says finally talking.

"So." I repeat.

She laughs and it's beautiful, the sound the way it lights up her whole face. "I love your laughter." I say tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She blushes and whisper a thank you. "So you, me, talk." I say.

She laughs again. "Sit." She says gesturing to the swing next to her, I oblige. "Is this akward for you?" I ask hoping she's comfortable.

"No. So how did things go with Michael?" She aks as we start to swing.

"Good, but it was more like Michael, Alex and Isabel."

"You're kidding me!"



"You like that word don't you?" I ask smiling.

"Well, I don't know what to say to you." She says.

"Just say anything, I like hearing your voice." I reply truthfully.


"Yep anything."

"OKay, here we go... ANYTHING! How was that?" She asks smiling.

"Smart ass! You know what I mean." I say laughing.

"How's our little Baby?" She asks.

"Good peeing in Isabel's shoes, but that's good."

"Max!" She says laughing. We get silent and just swing, enjoying each others presence. Liz jumps off and waits for me to follow her suit. I jump off to and she leads me to that round spinny thing, you know with the bars and you hold on to hem while someone turns it. I still have no idea what it's called. "Do you remember what happened here?" She asks sitting down on it.

"Umm, not really. Why don't you refresh my memory." I say sitting next to her pulling her into my arms. She smells so good, like strawberries.

"Well I was playing with Maria over there," She point at the huge old oak tree, "and Greg started taunting me and he dragged me over here."

"Uh huh, keep going." I say resting my chin on her head.

"He pushed me on to it and started spinning it and taunting me. It kept going faster and faster and I started crying, but he wouldn't stop. Suddenly it came to a halt." She pauses. "Do you remember why?" She asks looking up at me.

"Yeah. I was watching you and Maria and I saw everything that happened. I waked over grab Greg's arm and pulled him away from you and shoved him to the grown by the wall. Then I walked back and stopped it." I say. I can't believe she still remembers.

"Yeah, from that moment on you became my night and shining armor. I literally became obsessed with you!" She exclaims before blushing and settling back into my arms.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes. Don't you dare tease me, I saw you gawking and drooling at me on more than one occassion!"

"Well, who wouldn't." I say grabbing her chin tilting her head upwards so I could kiss her. She moans and I pull away before things get too heated. "I can't believe I'm kissing Liz Parker. Hell, I can't believe you even want me to kiss!" I exclaim.


"Well, You so far out of my league, I don't deserve you." I whisper.

"Don't say that, never say that! You're such a beautiful person inside and out." She says pulling away to face me, rubbing my cheek.

I lean into her palm. "This is too good to be true. Liz Parker is finally noticing me." I sigh kissing her hand.

"Max, I'll tell you a secret." She says leaning closer to me.


"I've always noticed you." She whisper before kissing me. Her tongue snakes into my mouth and it's not to long before she's straddling me and wrapping her legs around me. "Liz." I breathe as I pull away and rest my forehead against hers. "Hmmm." She purrs. "Slow, we have to take things slow." I say.

"Sorry." She says resting her head in the crook of my neck. "Don't be." I say rubbing her back. She unwraps her legs and sits beside me holding my hand. "Max?"


"You know that I could careless about what you look like right? I like you because you a wonderful person, sweet, funny, honnorable. In a nutshell you're my Mr. Perfect. You make me feel so alive I feel safe and secure in your arms, when I'm with you. I know I sound like a cheesy romantic movie, but it's true. I don't care what you look like and I could care less about what you wear! You know all this right?" She asks shying away from me.

I think about every moment I've had with her, from when she protected me from Greg to when she's kissing me. "Yeah, I know." I say smiling as I squeeze her hand.

She smiles and says, "You could be wearing absolutely nothing and it wouldn't matter!"

"Why Miss Parker, are you tricking me into being naked? I know my bod is sweet but please, control yourself!" I exclaim.

"Shut up!" She says smacking me with her other hand. "What?"

"You know what I meant Evans don't play coy with me!"

"Never!" I say before claiming her lips again. "Max." She sighs against my mouth.


"Slow." Is all she says.

"Right sorry. What time is it?" I ask.


"Really?" I ask suprised.

"Yeah, why?"

"It seems like we've only been out here for ten minutes."

"Well, you know what they say time flies when you're having fun." She says lying her head down on my shoulder.

"And are you having fun?"

"Oh, most definitely. I have a sexy and warm body right next to me what more could I ask for?" She sighs.

"Control yourself! I'm more than just a warm sexy body."

"Yeah, you're right. Your face isn't that bad either." She laughs.

"That's it Parker, you are so going to get it!" I say as I put my hands on her sides and start tickling her.

She squeals and starts smacking me. "Uh uh, you're not getting away from me." I say as she tries to roll to the ground. "Ma-ax, stop!"

"Say it!"


"Say it!"


"You know what I want to hear!"

"Okay, okay. You Max Evans have more than just a nice bod and pretty face." She practially shouts.

"Good." I say as she rolls to the ground and stands up.

"You also have large ears!" She says before running off.

"Hey!" I shout runnig to catch her. I grab her around the waist and pick her up off the ground. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Ummm... To the see-saw." She says placing her arms around my neck.

"You know what you said wasn't very nice."

"Sorry, couldn't help it." She says. I carry her to the see-saw but before I put her down my tongue snakes out and I lick her neck. She squeals loudly and pulls her arms away from me, I have to tighten my grip so she won't fall. "Sorry, couldn't help it." I say as I set her down on the see-saw. I take my place at the other end and we start uhh... Sawing?

"Favorite color?" She asks.

"Black, it goes with everything." I say and she starts laughing. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing you just sounded like your sister."



"Crap!" I exclaim. "Well, what's your favorite color?"


"Why?" I ask.

"Because it's one of the colors of the sunset, and because its the color of your eyes." She says before blushing.

"Are you still trying to get me naked Parker?" I ask smiling.

"Ha, ha, ha. I never knew you were so funny." She says rolling her eyes.

"Well, as lovely as this get together was it's getting late and we have school tomorrow. I really don't want to get you in trouble with your parents."

"Yeah I guess." She says. I wait for her to get off first and then get up and put my arm around her shoulder. "So I'll talk to you in class tomorrow." I say as I walk her out of the playground. "Yeah, could you call me tomorrow after school? We still need to work out the kinks in the "Smash Deluca" plan."

"Yeah of course. Okay so you can head out first, be careful." I say kissing the top of her head.

"Bye." She whispers before leaning up to kiss me. Before I can reciprocate she pulls back and walks off. I whisper a small bye as I try to get my heart rate under control. I lean against the fence as I watch her walk off into the night. "Till tomorrow Liz." I say. As soon as she's out of my view I begin to walk home taking short strides.

"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen
Alison: I want the shirt that says 'I don't have A.D.D....Ooooo look a chiken!'

Me: Where? Where? (turns head from left to right)