Roswell Revisited (AU/CC Mature) Thread #3

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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"I was just offering to beat the crap out of some imbusiles for Maria." Kyle says, answering my question, and as he does, I follow his gaze, my eyes resting on the table full of jocks. What a bunch of assholes. I can feel myself tense, but I ignore it. Maria can take care of herself. Just because I feel like protecting her every minute doesn't mean I need to.

"have you seen her mad?" he questions further, laughing. I smile as I glance in her direction again, then reply.

"No, but I can only imagine she's a bit scary."
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Post by DaisyMae24 »


So Liz is covering for Maria tonight. Guess that's not so bad. Maybe I can get to know her a little better since we're all hanging out together more. Besides it won't be so bad, Alex will be here too.

I head over to a table and take their order. After filling their drinks and taking them to them I walk over to the booth where the others sit and notice Kyle has joined them now. "Can I get you anything Kyle?" I ask with a smile, looking at Alex out of the corner of my eye.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"No, but I can only imagine she's a bit scary." he chuckles and I may a face showing him that he has no idea. "Dude, I am on the school's wrestling team. I play football, baseball, and basketball. I will face a 6 ft 4 guy missing three front teeth who wants nothing more than to drive me into the ground, and I'll do it with a smile on my face."

Pausing for dramatic effect I continue, " But you can't force me to do anything that would cross that 5'4 green eyed woman over there." Laughing at the expression on his face I conclude,
"But sometimes it's kind of good to have that force to be reckoned with on your side." :wink:
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


I laugh as Kyle cements just how intimidating he thinks she is. I mean, I've only known her for a few days, and already, she seems to be mentally stronger than I am. I mean, to deal with what she's had to, you've got to be pretty tough.

"But sometimes it's kind of good to have that force to be reckoned with on your side."

I smile at him before asking another question. "So how long have you known Maria?" I haven't really ever talked with Kyle either, but hey, why not make today that day? And besides, though I don't want to admit it, it's an easy way to find out some more about the girl I've been staring at all morning.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Michael shifts forward and his gaze moves from Maria back to me. There's a look in his eyes that I recognize instantly. Ah.. So he's got a thing for her. Well, normally I'd give him the third degree and be super cautious about 'letting' Maria go out with him. (letting is a term I am coining rather loosely seeing as how you don't tell Hurricane Guerin what to do.)

But he seems to have fairly noble intentions I guess I'll just wait and let this one play out before I put my big nose in their business.

"So how long have you known Maria?" he questions and I try to supress a smile.

"Oh we go way back." I admonish letting myself back track over ten years. "All the way from our Ninja Turtles and Candy Land stage to now. We still play Ninja Turtles every once in a while ,but that's beside the point." I stop myself before I get off track he doesn't want to know how we still play flashlight tag in the summer of how Maria has this theory that we should all share ice cream cones ,because that way you get all flavors. (I think she just likes to eat mine.)

" I used to be quite the lady's man even at a young age..." I grin at Tess and raise an eyebrow suggestively before continuing,

" and I would pull all the little girls hair. Granted not the most mature thing in the world ,but it's what little boys did. All the girls would squeal and run away. Some girls would tell and others would just avoid us all together, but not Maria. I remember the day I met her quite vividly." Tilting my head back I continue

Cue the nostalgic music...

"It was the first day of Kindergarden and she was on the playground in the sandbox building a castle. I noticed her right away. She wasn't wearing a brand new dress like the others were. In fact her's was rather ragghed and torn but all the same she looked really pretty so I did what was expected. I marched myself over and pulled her pigtail. Instaed of crying and running away she punched me right in the nose."[/i]

Laughter erupts from the table and I grin good naturedly.

"Well, you can imagine my surprise. I just got hit in the face by a girl. I was outraged. How dare she embarrass me in front of my friends? Then I say that in the process of annoying her I had stomped on her sand castle. The look on her face broke my heart. So after I stopped bleeding... I offered to help her remake it."

Turning so that I can look over at the one I am speaking of I smile widely.

"And that's the one and only time I have ever been beaten by a girl in anything." I assure the group hoping my masculinaty is still intact. :wink:
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Post by aliensister »


"We could always go with the hairbow system."

"Green means all can be seen. Yellow means we are fairly mellow. Red means we are in the...."

"Um... well you get the gist of it."

maria walks off as the light bulb finally goes off in my head OH! red...bed! god iam soo blond sometimes!

"Okay, as to Maria, sounds like a plan. Liz, sorry I seem to be ruining your lunch, and Tess, I'm not sure whether to be flattered you think of me as a 'type', or whether to be insulted at the comment."

"i'd go with flattered" i laugh

"Hey Everybody. What's shaking?" Kely slides down into the booth beside me and our sides brush together and it's like pins and needles go up and down my side...aww crap i think im blushing! ...he didn't shave and it looks hot on him , this is soo wrong!

"Hey Kyle, whats up?"

"Nothing much."

"I was just offering to beat the crap out of some imbusiles for Maria."

"She declined as always. She's lil' miss independent. Thinks she can handle everything by herself. Well, truth me told I feel sorry for the assholes if the ever piss her off. I have you seen her mad?"

the conversation goes on around me but im busy being all tense and glaring at the jocks at the other table, what jerks! jerky jocks! god where do they get off upsetting Ria! grr! i finally tune back into the convo as kyle tells about Ria punching him in the face.

"Well, you can imagine my surprise. I just got hit in the face by a girl. I was outraged. How dare she embarrass me in front of my friends? Then I say that in the process of annoying her I had stomped on her sand castle. The look on her face broke my heart. So after I stopped bleeding... I offered to help her remake it."

"And that's the one and only time I have ever been beaten by a girl in anything."

"aww thats soo cute that you offered to help her remake the castle" i say with a smile, no wonder there such good friends
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


The bubbly blonde beside me pipes up. "aww thats soo cute that you offered to help her remake the castle." The sweet look on her face makes me instantly grateful and scolding myself for sharing the story.
"It's not cute." I assure her leaning over in such a way that I got a whiff of her perfume. Mmm What is that? Lavender.

Shaking my head as if to erase those thoughts like an etch a sketch I continue my little speech. "Puppies and old people are cute. I'm one of the hottest bacholors at West Roswell High." I inform her with a chuckle. "I am rugghed and manly." I ressure her in case she didn't already know. The last thing in the world I want is for this hot blonde to think that I'm just some 'nice' guy. That would put me quicker on the Guy Friend list than taking her shopping.

"So...I hear Maria is moving in with ya. You sure you know what your getting yourself into?" I tease her as my eyes wander over her delicate features. She really is quite beautiful.
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Post by aliensister »


"It's not cute."

"Puppies and old people are cute. I'm one of the hottest bacholors at West Roswell High."

"I am rugghed and manly."

leaning in closer to Kyle enough so he knows my intentions but it's not obvious to everyone else

"your right your not cute..and i prefer manly and rugghhed..."licking my lips i look him up and down, this is my first attempt at coming onto a guy so i hope this is working *fingers crossed* "very sexy"i smile and pick up a straw from the table and fiddle with it pretending to be preoccupied.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


I don't know how to describe it ,but all of a sudden it's like everything changes. The once shy and blushing new girl turns into this gorgeous and unihibited seductress before my very eyes. I swear if I wasn't the one who saw it I'd swear I was lying. She leans over and I can't help but get a good peek at her cleavage. Darting my eyes away like a true gentleman and then quickly back in a moment of weakness and then back up to her eyes. Their piercing blue in a way that I've never before wittnessed. She truly is spectacular, and I kinda think she's flirtting with me.

"you're right your not cute..and I prefer manly and rugghhed..." She gives me the once over nad licks her lips in a sensual fashion that must undoubtly be a sin, or at least illegal. Whatever's worse. Her smile harms my heart and um... other body parts as wel as she fiddles with her straw 'pretending' that we didn't just have a moment. Oh Thank you Buddha! I just might get some if I play my cards right.

"Well, if thats sure type I'm the man." I state before giving her my award winning smile. "And if you wanted a tour of the town or something I could give you a ride." Putting emphasis on the word ride I hope she understands its implications. :wink: :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by aliensister »


"Well, if thats sure type I'm the man."

"And if you wanted a tour of the town or something I could give you a ride."

hmmm...gotta say i think Kyle might just be able to scratch my that sounded slutty , im not really ..just a reallest not sure i really trust in relationships.i turn my eyes back to him.

"well i haven't seen much of the town and the uh...ride deffinatly sounds like something i'd be interested in" i tuck the stray hair behind my ear and give him one of my broadest smiles.
For Tess in Roswell Revisited
Turn Off The Light