The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 38, 11/27/12

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 32, 4/4/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

Sorry to disappoint, everyone... Work has been hectic this week as I've been putting in extra hours. Tomorrow after work, I'm leaving to go out of town for Easter and am anticipating on arriving home late Sunday night. With that said, my plan is to work on the next chapter on Monday (as I have off that day).
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 32, 4/4/12

Post by Michelle in LA »

Normally, that would sound cool, but she was just released from the hospital with a head injury. Not usually the formula for romance. The timing just never seems to work out for them.
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 32, 4/4/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

I wouldn't jump to conclusions right away.

Before writing the chapters, I talked w/ a few people who know something about head injuries, crime scenes, and sentencing (for criminals) so this (the story) could be as realistic as possible. However, remember this is a story so anything can happen. Although, I am taking Liz's pain and suffering into consideration.

Besides, who said romance always has to entail sex? Max knows Liz is injured and knows they'll need to be careful, so let's wait and see what he has in mind... Massage w/ scented oils? Bathing together (where he washes her)? Kissing & cuddling? (etc.)

** NOTE: Remember, not all relationships are a 'simple' where things just fall into place. Some, have issues (big or small) that cause difficulties in which if things are meant to be, they will. With that said, the relationship between Max and Liz is like that. I can however promise that things will eventually work out for them as this is my story after all.
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 32, 4/4/12

Post by Michelle in LA »

I definitely have faith in you! If I didn't believe they'd be together, I wouldn't be reading this story. ;) I'm just enjoying the angst a bit — the, er, romantic angst is the best kind! ;)

And your description of their possibilities already has my eyeballs rolling back in my head. :shock:
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 32, 4/4/12

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Please please please please please come back really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 33/Pt 1, 4/13/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

Sorry for the delay everyone. Things at work have been hectic to say the least.

As this chapter is taking longer than anticipated to write, I'll be posting it in sections as I complete each part. Thus, this is Part I.

Chapter 33 / Part I

Max & Liz’s Penthouse…

The movie ended; the food was gone. Sitting around, Liz and her friends debated what to do while they waited for Kyle to call. “What do you want to do?” Isabel asked.

Suddenly, cell phones beeped and everyone frantically scrambled to find their phone.

“It’s mine…” Isabel stated.

“No, it’s mine…” Serena stated.

“No, mine…” Courtney stated.

“I think everyone received a text,” Ava stated reading the message from Michael. Looking around the room at the others, she smiled. “Has anyone heard from Kyle yet?”

Reading Max’s text, Isabel looked at the clock and smiled. “No, not yet…”

As if on cue, Isabel’s cell phone rang. It was Kyle. Tess was packed up and out the door. To ensure she didn’t return, he arranged for someone to follow her at a distance. Setting her cell on the coffee table, Isabel sighed. “That was Kyle… Tess has left the building…”

“Thank God. Her constant whining was getting to be annoying,” Pam said.

“No kidding…” Ava chimed in.

“Whatever happened to Elvis?” Serena asked.

“Oh, he left the building years ago,” Isabel replied sending a text message to Max. Everyone laughed.
The Viper Room…

Max’s cell phone beeped. Reaching for his phone, he read the text and turned to Michael. “Kyle called… Tess has left the building.”

“That’s great. So, now what?”

“I just need to put my tools away and clean up.” Wiping down the tables and tattoo gun, he began putting his tools away.
Max & Liz’s Penthouse…

The party was winding down as everyone changed back into their street clothes; Liz into her pajamas.

Courtney sighed. “Sorry to break up the party but my shift starts in an hour so I need to get going…”

“I need to get going too. I need to get back to the office to start processing Tess’s dismal paperwork.” Ava stated reaching for her purse and cell phone.

Walking themselves to the door, they said their ‘goodbyes’ leaving Isabel, Pam, Serena, Maria, and Kenya with Liz.

“Kyle should be home soon, so I better get going too…” Serena said.

Isabel looked at her watch. Alex was finishing his shift in Deuces Wild (casino). “Alex is almost done with his shift too, so I should also get going.”

Grabbing their purses and cell phones, they said their ‘goodbyes’ and promising to stop by the following day; walked themselves to the door leaving Maria, Pam, and Kenya with Liz.
Five minutes later…

Maria looked at her watch. “Michael should be home soon so I really should get going. I’ll call you tomorrow,” she promised.

“I’ve been looking to redecorate and now that Tess is gone, it’s the perfect opportunity,” Pam stated
reaching for her purse and cell phone. “I’m going to get going to check out the conditions.”

“Mind if I join you? I can help you create floor plans.” Kenya chimed in.

“That would great…”

“I’ll meet you downstairs.”

Saying ‘goodbye’ Pam let herself out as Kenya helped Liz gather her things. Then, following her to her bedroom helped her get situated. “Max is downstairs in the Viper Room,” she reminded her. “If you need anything before he gets back, call either Pam or myself on our cell phones.”
Arriving back home, Max wandered through the penthouse looking for Liz. Her bedroom door was closed. She must be sleeping.

Continuing down the hall, he stepped into the bathroom. Turning on the water he started filling the Jacuzzi. Leaving the Jacuzzi to fill, he walked into the kitchen and opening the refrigerator took out a bowl of fresh strawberries and a large bottle of sparkling water. Placing the items on a tray with two glasses, he filled the ice bucket with ice.

Returning to the bathroom Max set the tray on the ledge before testing the water temperature and turning on the jets. Then, rummaging around in the linen closet, took out several candles Liz had stashed and lit them. Taking a step back, he surveyed the room. Perfect.
Closing the bathroom door, Max walked down the hall and softly knocked on Liz’s door before slowly opening the door. “Max… You’re home.”

“My last appointment cancelled.” Crossing the room, he sat on the edge of the bed. Giving her a gentle hug, and tenderly kissing her; took her hand. “Come…”

Raising a questioning eyebrow, she looked at him. “What?”

Standing up, he helped her out of bed. “Come with me, Sweetie…”

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” Leading her down the hall, they stopped by the bathroom. “Close your eyes…”

“Um… Okay…”

Opening the door, he led her inside. “Open your eyes…”

“Omigod…” Taking in the candle lit room, she turned embracing Max.

Softly kissing her forehead, lips, neck and collar bone, he worked his way down kissing and caressing her body as he slowly removed her clothing. “Oh Max,” she softly moaned. Carefully lifting her, he sat her on one of the seats in the tub; then sitting on the ledge removed his own clothes. Easing himself into the tub, he sat down lifting her onto his lap embracing her in his muscular arms.

Nibbling on her earlobe, he reached up and cupped her breasts; massaging them as her nipples hardened. Throwing her head back, Liz moaned.

Tightening his embrace, he held her against his well-sculpted chest. Tenderly kissing her collar bone, he slowly worked his way to her neck, licking, sucking, and gently biting. “Oh, Max…” Liz moaned.

Taking a strawberry from the bowl, he held it up to her mouth. Taking a bite, she closed her eyes and sighed. “Mmmm…” Together they sat sipping sparkling water while feeding each other strawberries; savoring the moment.

Setting her glass on the ledge, Liz shifted her position. Gazing into his hazel eyes, she smiled; claiming his sultry lips for a passionate kiss. He moaned. Breaking the kiss, they quietly sat caressing each other; losing track of time.
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 33/Pt 1, 4/13/12

Post by mary mary »

So glad to see you back...hope work has evened out for you. :wink:


"Age is just a state of mind"...I think that's mine? I could be wrong! I'm old, so sue me.
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 33/Pt 1, 4/13/12

Post by mary mary »

either none or two...sorry

"Age is just a state of mind"...I think that's mine? I could be wrong! I'm old, so sue me.
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 33/Pt 1, 4/13/12

Post by Natalie36 »

missed you but so worth the wait :wink:
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 33/Pt 1, 4/13/12

Post by begonia9508 »

:( Oh, I forgot the strawberries for the week-end! :roll:
Sorry but it is true, I forgot to buy some for me... Let say that Max had a reason to have them, reason that I don't have! :lol: :wink:

Wondering what will be with Tess! It was too simple and she accepted too easily her defeat, which can't be real... Let see...

Thanks and waiting for more! EVE :mrgreen:
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