Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE) 10/29/15 COMPLETE

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE), Ch 44 8/17/15 p. 28

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So very sorry for bothering you will you please please come back and post more really really soon? I can't wait to find out if Isabel and Maria will tell Max what they found. If Liz will tell Isabel or Maria about Max and Tess. If Max and Liz will talk. So please come back and post more really soon?

L-J-L 76
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE), Ch 44 8/17/15 p. 28

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So very sorry for bothering you will you please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read if the girls tell Max and Michael about the note; If Liz will tell Maria or Isabel about see Max and Tess in bed together; If Liz will talk to max and what she will tell him. So please please come back and post more really really soon?

L-J-L 76
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Chapter 45

Post by max and liz believer »

So, due to horrible pain in my mouth from gingivitis around a wisdom tooth, I haven't slept in 48 hours, so let's see how this goes. Fortunately, the chapter is pre-written :roll: , but the following responses to your feedback is not. So if you spot some words you don't recognize, it might just be Swedish, which means that my mind has gone into temporary hibernation.

Carolyn (keepsmiling7) - Eventually, she will be, of course. This is a dreamer-fic after all, and I've always been pro happy endings :D Tess is one sneaky alien... Thank you for the feedback!

Helen (Roswelllostcause) - This story is pulling you into Freak Out Town as well...? :oops: :shock: You should really get home, lock all doors and windows and hide yourself under a blanket with a flashlight, or something. You seem to have frightening neighboring towns... Things are still dangerous for the group. And Tess... Well... Thank you for the feedback!

L-J-L 76
P.S - Please please please please say someone will kill the mega bitch Tess really really soon? Please??????
Hehe... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Isabel found a liking to Liz a long time ago, when Liz first started working at the same workplace as Liz. And Maria is also growing fond of the petite brunette. There's a true friendship blooming there. And will Liz and Max talk about what Liz saw between Max and Tess? Hopefully. But maybe not just yet... Thank you for the feedback, the vehemence towards Tess ( :lol: ) and the bumps! <3

saori_1902 - Yes, unfortunately she remembers Max and Tess "together". She doesn't remember anything of what happened to her when she was abducted... Thank you for the feedback!

Eve (begonia9508) - It actually was FBI that kidnapped Liz, even though it doesn't seem like their "style". The Special Unit is, however, not your "regular" FBI. They don't seem to adhere to the same rules and don't really care about breaking a law here. This, because, they feel they need to do this to protect the world against otherworldly threats. Thank you for the feedback!

Okay, the "previously"-section is going to be a short one, since my brain is not with me right now...

Previously on "Lethal Whispers"...

The gang is on the run from the FBI (the special unit). Michael and Maria are pregnant. Tess wants Max. Tess doesn't like Liz. Liz saw Max and Tess making out heavily. Liz was abducted by the FBI, given a truth serum and can't remember anything from the incident (or what she told the FBI). Liz was returned to the group with a warning that (basically) the FBI would find them if they tried to run.

Liz remembers what she saw between Max and Tess, and is therefore not really on speaking terms with Max. The group is not following the FBI's "advice" on staying put.

Oh, and waaay back (in case you've forgotten): Liz's mother was killed in a freak car accident. Liz was fatally injured in that same accident but brought back to life (and health) by a young Max.

8 hours earlier
Special Agent Joel Martin

“Agent Martin,” the authoritative voice said behind him. Joel recognized the voice as belonging to Agent Powell, head of the FBI’s Special Unit, before he turned around to let his eyes confirm.

“Agent Powell,” Joel nodded at the black-haired tall man.

Agent Powell took a seat next to Joel in front of the large one-way window. On the other side of the window was Elizabeth Parker, restrained to one of their interrogation chairs. She had just been brought in and was still under sedation.

“Did the retrieval go well?” Agent Powell asked, his eyes fixed on the girl.

Joel nodded. Ms. Parker had made it easy for them. She had gone outside, in the dark, alone. “Yes. Without a hitch.”

“Good,” Agent Powell said, elongating the word as if his mind was somewhere else. “So this is the girl? Elizabeth Parker?”

Joel nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“And according to your investigation, she’s completely human?”

“Well…” Joel licked his lips. “She has something of an interesting background as well.” Agent Powell turned interested gleaming eyes on him and Joel hurried to add, “But nothing like the background of the suspects, sir,” to not give his superior the wrong impression.

“Aha,” Agent Powell said slowly and leaned back in his chair, braiding his fingers together to rest on top of his belt buckle. “So what’s this girl’s story? Why is her background interesting? Her mother was killed in a horrendous accident and she survived, correct?”

Joel knew that Agent Powell had been through the notes and suspected that the man was very well aware of Ms. Parker’s story. But for some reason, Agent Powell wanted to hear Joel’s take on the information.

“That’s correct, sir. She didn’t have a scratch on her, which in itself is something of a mystery. But I’m getting reports that hint to a Diane Evans being at the scene of the accident, just after it happened.”

Agent Powell couldn’t hide his intrigue and whipped his head to Joel, breathing, “Evans? Any connection to our suspect?”

“She’s Max Evans’ adoptive mother.”

“Ha…” Agent Powell scoffed incredulously and leaned forward in his seat, his elbows digging into his thighs, his fingers slowly caressing the short beard on his chin as his eyes were trained on the unconscious girl in the next room.

“If these reports are correct, we can’t rule out the possibility that Max Evans did something to Elizabeth Parker at the scene of the accident.”

“Leaving her unscathed, without an injury on her,” Agent Powell filled in.

“Correct, sir,” Joel answered.

“But no reports of any interaction between Elizabeth Parker and Max Evans during their upbringing?”

Joel shook his head. “Apparently, they first met - by chance - at an office party at the end of August.”

“Fate works in mysterious ways,” Agent Powell mused and there was a moment of silence between the two agents, before Agent Powell asked, “She’s a prodigy, this Ms. Parker?”

“Yes, sir,” Joel replied. “A genius, by IQ-standards.”

Agent Powell nodded slowly.

“But other than that, there’s nothing suspicious about her upbringing or her life,” Joel added.

“Well, I guess we’ll find out, either way,” Agent Powell said and threw Joel a smile. “She’ll wake up soon. I think you should handle the questioning, agent.”

Joel had hoped he would and looked at his superior with a look of respect and gratitude. “Thank you, sir. I won’t disappoint.”

“Good,” Agent Powell nodded and rose from the chair. With one final look at the still form of Elizabeth Parker, Agent Powell moved towards the door. Hand on the doorknob he turned around and said, coldly, “Don’t be too kind on her, agent. Do what needs to be done to get the answers. She won’t remember what you did afterwards anyway.”

Joel felt a chill run through him. His intention had never been to harm innocent people, and even though Elizabeth might not be completely innocent, she was still human. But this case could be the breakthrough of his career, he couldn’t mess it up by being too kind. Besides, like Agent Powell said, Ms. Parker wouldn’t remember anything anyway.

“Of course, sir. Thank you, sir.”

With a nod, Agent Powell opened the door and left the room, leaving Joel alone to stare at his prisoner through the window.
Present time

It had gone much better than expected. She couldn’t claim to be a fan of the FBI, but under the circumstances they had greatly assisted her own agenda (based on the suspicions that Liz had actually been abducted by the FBI; Liz claimed to have no memory of her abduction) of putting a wedge between Max and Liz.

Liz had been nothing short of fearful of Max since her return and Max was wallowing in self-pity, leaving it to Tess to be the main comforter. The others seemed more than happy to leave that job to her; they seemed more than a little fed up with Max’s predictable behavior. They hadn’t even objected to Tess staying with Max in her and Isabel’s room, while Isabel stayed with Liz.

The annoying detail to all this self-loathing was of course that Max was not really up for anything except lying on his bed with the blanket covering his head. After a couple of attempts at conversation, Tess had given up on the basis of the dialogue being more of a monologue. But at least she was there in silent comfort. She was there for Max. Something she’d make sure he wouldn’t forget.

But by dawn, Max Evans had transformed into another person. From the pathetic martyr that had curled down beneath the covers, he greeted the new day with purpose and power. His gentle hand on her shoulder woke her up.

“Hey,” he said softly. “It’s time to leave.”

Tess looked up at him, at the shadows cast across the lower parts of his face due to his neglect to shave these last couple of days, and couldn’t help but notice the dark look of determination in his eyes. He exuded power and authority, making her stomach coil in a delicious manner.

“Okay. Is there time to shower?”

He looked over at the front door and, rather reluctantly, answered, “Sure. A fast one.”

She smiled slowly. A quickie it is, she thought and let the covers fall to her waist as she sat up.

She took satisfaction in the dilation of his pupils and the redness to his cheeks as her upper body was exposed. She was only wearing a bra. A lacy pink bra, which transparent material barely hid her full breasts and hardening nipples.

To her disappointment, he quickly looked away and walked over to the door. She was slightly impressed by how steady his voice sounded as he said, “I’ll be outside.”

“We shouldn’t be alone, remember?” Tess said, just as he placed his hand on the door knob.

Before he had a chance to answer, she rose from the bed, exposing her curvy body to him in only panties and a bra. She was a bit disappointed that he was standing so far away, too far away for her to be able to read his body language properly. But she knew that he was watching as she sauntered over to the bathroom door. “I’ll just be a second.”

She could feel his hesitation in the stiffness of his body as she threw him an inviting smile before she stepped into the bathroom. She left the door ajar as she turned on the shower to let the water turn warm. She stood in front of the bathroom mirror as she unclasped the bra and stepped out of her panties. It didn’t really matter that Max couldn’t see her, that he was probably still over by the front door, the fact alone that she was standing naked with an open door just a few feet away from him was enticingly erotic.

She let her eyes drift closed as she slowly traced her index finger down the curve of her breast and circled her excited nipple, imagining Max’s hands on her. She let her other hand trace down the expanse of her flat stomach, letting her fingers flutter across her femininity, the area cleanly waxed giving it the softness of a baby’s bottom. Her head fell slightly backwards and her tongue sneaked out to wet her lips as she touched herself.

“Tess.” His voice outside the bathroom ripped her out of her fantasy with a soft moan of pleasure.

“We don’t have much time.” His voice was stressed and impatient and Tess sighed.


She got into the shower and showered quickly, trying to prepare herself for being back in the car with the forced company of the others. Hopefully, she would be in the same car as Max.

He was relieved to see this other side of Max. The three of them had always assumed that Max was born with natural leadership characteristics, even though Max rarely wanted to shout it out from the rooftops, being more comfortable in the background.

But there was something in the way Max spoke, in how he commanded attention and respect, that told that he was meant to lead. That was very much evident in the wake of Liz’s return.

They were stopped at a pit stop and they had a regular road map spread out over the hood of one of the rental cars. Before going on the run, they had opted for a regular map instead of using applications in cell phones or GPS’s, finding that the old method of navigation was preferable in giving a better overview and preventing being traced.

Max placed his index finger at a city just a couple of miles to the west. “I think we should go through here.”

Isabel leaned in to look at his suggestion. “You think we should get off the highway?”

“He’s right,” Michael said. “They’re more likely to put up road blocks on the larger roads.”

“Are we still aiming for Vancouver?”

Max nodded. “It’s small enough to be less conspicuous and large enough to hide us. Hopefully a lot of places to disappear underground.”

“And it has an airport,” Isabel said faintly, voicing what they were afraid to admit. That they might, eventually, have to leave the country.

When no one commented on Isabel’s observation, Michael returned his attention to the map and pointed to where Max’s finger had just been. “So we follow 11 and get on 16-“

“But that’s the long way round,” Isabel interrupted.

“It’s either that,” Max interjected, “Or we get onto 7 W and drive towards…” he moved his finger along the highway, “…Calgary.”

“That might save us some time,” Michael said thoughtfully.

“This whole detour along small roads will waste us a lot of time anyway,” Isabel pointed out.

“Yeah,” Max said. “Unfortunately. So. Going back through Calgary or continue up to Saskatoon and head west?”

“I think we should-“


The three of them spun around, instant adrenaline rushing through their veins, as Maria came jogging out of the convenience store.

“What is it?” Michael asked, instantly worried. Was something wrong with the baby? He walked quickly towards her to meet her halfway. He heard the others follow in his trail.

Maria’s cheeks were flushed as she caught her breath before saying, her voice lowered, “We’re on TV.”

Michael’s heart stopped and he snapped his eyes to Max. Max looked as white as Michael felt.

“We’re on the ‘Most Wanted’.”

“Newspapers?” Max asked, his voice thin.

Maria grimaced. “We made the front page.”

Max began folding up the map as he barked, “Get Tess and Liz. We need to leave. Now.”

It had been the worst day of his life and even though he had tried desperately to forget, his mind was unfortunately more inclined to plague his memory with crisp details than sweet oblivion.

Just like one probably would never forget their whereabouts upon hearing about the tragedy at the Twin Towers on 9/11, Jeff would never forget where he was on the day his wife died.

He had missed the train home and a glance at the departure board had irritation and frustration roll through him. The next train had been due 1 hour and 52 minutes later, which had meant that he would miss the opportunity to put his daughter to bed, breaking his promise to her that very same morning.

To his surprise, he were to find their apartment empty, silenced in darkness, when he finally got home 165 minutes later.

The blinking red light from the answering machine, indicating a saved message, was the only light source in the dark apartment. He had felt a chill, one of the emotional kind. An ominous sense of foreboding. Call it a sixth sense, call it whatever you like, but there was something that warned Jeffrey Parker as he approached that answering machine and pressing ‘Play’.

“Mr. Parker? This is from the ER at Massachusetts General Hospital. We need to talk to you straight away. Your wife and child has been in an accident. Call us back at-“

But he wasn’t listening anymore, his brain had frozen with fear and numbly he pressed forward to the next saved message.

“Mr Parker. This is from the ER. Contact us immediately.”

The trip from the apartment to the emergency department of the General Hospital is the only part of his memory that remains fuzzy. He wouldn’t be able to recount how he got himself to the hospital or if anyone had approached him on the way there.

The details of his memory drop in as soon as he opens the door to the main entrance and the volume of a busy emergency medical area hits him. Staff in green scrubs rush back and forth across the hallway, disappearing and reappearing from different rooms. Instructions and medicine orders are bouncing back and forth and the air smells of disinfectant, blood and sickness. He remembered taking a step forward and the door swinging closed behind him.

A dark-skinned man in blue scrubs rushed passed him, brushing against his chest and yelling a hasty ‘Sorry!’ over his shoulder before disappearing into a room, the door with embedded windows swinging back and forth behind the man.

Jeffrey remembered looking through the windows in those doors, seeing the nurses juggling intravenous bags, a doctor in the midst of intubating an unresponsive young man with lacerating injuries to his chest while some nurse was yelling off numbers from the adjacent monitors.

He remembered the beeping sounds from various machines, the soft cries from a neighboring room and the stress that saturated the air as he made his way up to the reception area on shaky legs.

He recalled the calmness of the clerk behind the desk, a stark contrast to the energy of the place, as he looked up at the pale father. “Yes?”

“I’m…” Jeffrey cleared his throat. “My name is Jeffrey Parker. Someone called me about my wife and daughter. They’re supposed to be here.”

The clerk held up his index finger, “Just a moment, sir,” before turning to a young short-haired brunette behind him. “Chloe, do you know of a wife and a daughter - Parker?”

“Nancy and Elizabeth,” Jeffrey added, but the clerk was barely paying attention.

“Exam room 3,” the girl by the name of Chloe replied and addressed the clerk, “I’ll tell Dr. Harris.”

The receptionist hopped off his stool and walked around the desk. He was young, in his mid-20’s, with muscled arms and a butch cut which might have given him an unapproachable appearance if it were not for his rather emphatic and kind face.

“Come with me, sir,” he said and took a gentle hold of Jeffrey’s elbow.

Jeffrey let himself be led down the corridor, past gurneys with immobile patients, past even more swinging doors with windows through which he could see more sick people being worked on by the staff. He felt the nausea rise in his throat alongside his fear. In a way, he never wanted to reach Exam Room 3.

The clerk kicked a package of compresses haphazardly abandoned on the floor to the side in front of two closed swinging doors and pointed to a row of three blue plastic chairs propped up against a wall. “Take a seat, sir, and Dr. Harris will be with you in a minute.”

Jeffrey might have gotten a ‘Thank you’ past his dry throat and cracked lips, but in retrospect he wasn’t sure if he had managed even a syllable. He may have simply sunk down on one of those chairs, his eyes vacant as they stared off into the eggshell white wall opposite him. It felt as if he barely had time to blink or catch his breath before a tall man in his late 50’s in a white clinic coat was standing in front of him. “Mr. Parker?”

Jeffrey lifted his gaze and met a cautious expression. He felt anxiety squeeze his heart.

“Are you Mr. Parker?” the man with the cautious expression questioned.

Jeffrey realized that he had to say something, but his head only managed a nod in confirmation.

The doctor exhaled slowly and his expression turned serious. Professional. “Your wife and daughter were brought in here about two hours ago. They’ve been in a serious car accident.”

Was this a dream? Wasn’t he supposed to wake up now?

“Your daughter was in shock and was hooked up to IV fluids immediately. We haven’t found a single scratch on her. Considering the state of the car and…and the condition of your wife, it’s nothing short of a miracle that you’re daughter is unharmed.”

His mouth was very dry. “She’s okay?”

His croaked question was answered with a nod, “Yes. You’re daughter is fine.”

“And my wife?”

He already knew that something bad had happened. He had know this from how the doctor seemed to omit details of his wife. The expression on the doctor’s face turned darker and Jeffrey had a fleeting sympathetic thought towards the doctor concerning the misery of being the messenger of this kind of information before he felt his body start to crack at the seams.

“Your wife was brought in with extensive damage to her chest and heart. She was found without a pulse and not breathing at the site of the accident. The EMTs and our staff made considerable attempts at revival but the damage to her heart tissue was too extensive and we couldn’t bring her back.”

“How…?” Jeffrey whispered, unable to voice his full question, but the doctor seemed to understand what he wanted to know.

“Your wife’s injuries were caused by a metal pipe; it…” the doctor cleared his throat uncomfortably before continuing, “…pierced through the car’s windshield and through your wife’s heart.” As Jeffrey felt incomprehension swirl around his thoughts, the doctor added quietly, “I apologize for your loss, Mr. Parker.”

The last words were muted in the dullness that was spreading throughout his mind. There was an exploding tension in his heart and even though he couldn’t register it, tears were streaming down his face.

All he could think about was that he had to get to Lizzie. Had to see his daughter.

“Where’s my daughter?” he whispered, desperation tinging his voice.

The doctor looked at him with such pity that Jeffrey felt like throwing up. The doctor pushed at the swinging door next to where Jeffrey was seated. “In here.”

Jeffrey would never forget how small his daughter looked in that hospital bed. There was dried blood in her hair and on her throat, but the staff had put her in a hospital gown, removing the rest of his wife’s blood.

That’s what they had told him afterwards anyway, that Liz had been covered in her mother’s blood.

He had barely taken in the sight of the IV line attached to Liz’s small arm or the oxygen line attached to her nostrils to supply her with oxygen. He had only seen her. His beautiful, innocent, fragile little girl.

She was all he had now. All he had.
So when his daughter had told him, on a day in October little more than a week ago, that she was going to travel around the world, Jeffrey felt his world start to slip apart.

Of course, he had wanted her to feel free to travel and experience things on her own, but he couldn’t help but grow instantly sick with worry. It was with strong reluctance that he let her go. He hadn’t wanted to tell his daughter at the time that he’d had a really bad feeling about the whole thing.

The trip was just so sudden. She had never expressed wishes to travel around the world before. And she had just started her new job. Why would she leave that right now…?

He had the terrible foreboding that something wasn’t right, even before she had kissed him goodbye with tears in her eyes and a mumbled, “Love you, Daddy.”

Her farewell in itself hadn’t helped matters much, having felt like a final goodbye.

Now, as he looked at the photographs on the TV-screen of his daughter grouped together with the faces of five strange people around Liz’s age, with the news reporter claiming the depicted persons as wanted by the police and the FBI, he had that feeling again.

That feeling of darkness and foreboding that he had felt just before pressing that button on the answering machine twenty years earlier which had led him to the death of his wife.

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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE), Ch 45 8/21/15 p. 29

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Oh this is so not good! First someone needs to hit that trampy blonde slutty homewrecker in the head and hope that some sort of sense in knocked into her! Max doesn't want anything to do with her! Oh and don't get me started on those scum bags of the FBI! This is so so not good! Hurry back!

Having escaped both Freak Out and Crazy Towns pull for now!

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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE), Ch 45 8/21/15 p. 29

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Sure glad Max didn't act on Tess's shower display. She is a temptress with a capital T.
Oh dear, TV's most wanted list........on the road again.
So sad that Jeff had to live through that awful time again.
Please hurry back!
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE), Ch 45 8/21/15 p. 29

Post by saori_1902 »

Great part!!
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE), Ch 45 8/21/15 p. 29

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I can't believe Tess is working with the FBI. Tess is a mega whore. I hate Tess and I hope someone kills her. I can't believe what she is doing so she can get closer to Max. I hate that mega bitch whore. I hope Max is not fall for what the Slut mega bitch whore Tess's plan. I'm glad Max is starting to act like a leader he is. I hope Max and Michael can agree on which way to go. I can't believe Liz and Tess were not there for the planning. Oh no Max, Liz, Isabel, Michael, Maria and Tess are on TV and wanted by the FBI. Poor Jeff now he is more worried about Liz then before. Hopefully Liz will let him know she is fine. Where are Tess and Liz? Is Tess trying to hurt Liz again? What is Tess doing to Liz? Will Liz talk to Tess? Will Liz walk away from Tess? What will happen when Liz and Tess get to Max and the others? What way will Max and others go? Will Liz tell Maria or Isabel about seeing Max and Tess together? What will Maria and Isabel do when they find out? Will Tess let the FBI have Liz again? Will Maria and Isabel tell Max and Michael about the message on Liz's back? What will Max and Michael do when they see the message? Will Max, Isabel, Michael and Maria protect Liz? Will Max, Isabel, Michael and Maria be able to protect Liz? Will Liz tell Max what she saw? What will Max do when he finds out? Will Max and Liz talk? Will the truth come out? Will Liz remember what happened with the FBI? Will Liz stay away from Max? Will Max and Liz try and be in a room together? Will Liz be scared of Max forever? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Liz tell Max what she saw? Will Max try and talk to Liz? Will Max and Liz try and work through what ever is wrong? Will Max and Liz be able to be in the same room together? Will Tess try to get Max to sleep with her? Will Liz see Max and Tess together again? Will Max and Tess sleep together? Will Max try and talk to Liz? Will Max and Liz spend time together? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz admit their feeling to each other? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz sleep together? Who will find out what Tess is up to? Will someone stop Tess? Will someone kill Tess? Will someone make Tess pay for what she did to Liz? Who will find out what Tess did to Liz? Will Max be pissed when he finds out? Will Max and Michael stop Tess? Who will find out about Tess helping the FBI catching Liz? Will the FBI catch Max, Liz and others? What will happen when the FBI do? Will Max, Liz and others escape the FBI? Where will Max, Liz and other go? Will Max, Liz and others be safe? Where will they be safe? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Max and Liz work through their problems? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz admit their feelings? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max, Liz and friends live in peace without FBI and Tess? Will Max, Liz and friends be safe? Will Max, Liz and friends be able to see their family? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids? Will Michael and Maria get married? Will Maria's baby be safe? Will Maria and the baby be fine? Will Michael, Maria and baby live a long and happy life in peace. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends.

L-J-L 76

P.S Please please please please tell me someone in the group finds out what Tess did and what Tess is up to? And Please please please please tell me someone kills her?
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE), Ch 45 8/21/15 p. 29

Post by begonia9508 »

In some way, I am not surprised at Tess but this Max isn't the one from the show and I hope he will see through her pretty soon! :twisted:

And running away... At least, they have powers and could change colors of hear and even facial expressions, as well as cars and clothes; this kind of experience is the one which help you discover what you have in yourself... Being aliens, they never really tested all their powers and now it's the right time to do it...

Waiting impatiently for more! EVE :mrgreen:

PS Wisdow thooth! :? How, that's painful but once its gone, everything goes back to before... I had them with 25 and looked like a duck face, for more than a week... :roll:

In french, we have a saying: mal de dent, mal d'amour which in english is The evil of tooth - the evil of love

I don't know if it is true but it should be maybe for you a consolation! :lol: :wink:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE), Ch 45 8/21/15 p. 29

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So sorry for bothering you will you please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read if Liz will tell Maria and Isabel about what Liz saw; If Isabel and Maria will tell Max and Michael about the message on Liz's back; If Tess will hurt Liz again; If Max and Liz will talk; If someone finds out what Tess did; So Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon?

L-J-L 76
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE), Ch 45 8/21/15 p. 29

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So sorry for bothering you will you please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read if Liz will tell Maria and Isabel about what Liz saw; If Isabel and Maria will tell Max and Michael about the message on Liz's back; If Tess will hurt Liz again; If Max and Liz will talk; If someone finds out what Tess did; So Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon?

L-J-L 76
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