Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 10, 7/5/16

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 9, 6/16/16

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Oh no......
After all of the cat and mouse games Liz got the meds, and at the last minute was able to pitch them to safety.
Please, please contact Liz's dad at this point. They need an attorney and all the help possible.
I'm sorry Max had to hear that "they" had Liz.......that just might put him over the edge.
This is wonderful but heart breaking story.
Will Max be able to survive??
Thanks for returning Carrie but stay away so long next time.
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Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 9, 6/16/16

Post by flyawayraven »


Just how is Max supposed to survive this? Heartbreaking!

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Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 9, 6/16/16

Post by dreamon »

So happy that you posted! And what an incredibly heart wrenching part! Can't wait for more!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 9, 6/16/16

Post by clueless »

Caught up with this and it's great!!!!
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Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 9, 6/16/16

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Missing this Carrie!
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Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 9, 6/16/16

Post by Superman86 »

Just discovered this fic, don't know how it took me this long but I am officially HOOKED!!! Please update soon this is an amazing, emotional fic :D
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Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 10, 7/5/16

Post by jake17 »

Carolyn x2

Thank you so much for all the sweet fb, especially since I've been gone for so long, so nice really! :)

Chapter ten

Long dark eyelashes fluttered as he slowly woke hearing the familiar sounds of the hospital distant and muffled as if in a dream.

Drowsy from the meds Max found it hard to move, to fully understand where he was, or how much time had passed.

A sliver of light cut through the darkness from the hallway revealing flashing machines around him faintly beeping and whooshing as he raised his hand to make out the IV piercing his arm.

Feeling as if a twenty pound weight was sitting on his chest, he struggled to sit up but was quickly stilled by a small hand resting gently on his shoulder.

“Please Max, don’t move.”

Recognizing her voice instantly, he turned his head to find Liz right by his side gazing down at him, looking weary as if she had been beaten down emotionally.

Forcing a smile she fought back tears while placing a tender kiss to his temple.

“It’s about time you decided to wake up.”

Her attempt at lightning up the situation was foretelling to say the least.

Liz was never good at hiding her feelings, but the stress covering her young face was alarming, it was clear she was trying to hide something horrible, something that upset her a great deal.

None the less the pure relief and happiness he felt having her there, looking down upon him, knowing she was safe, pushed the foreboding news she was hiding in the background, at least for the moment.

Swallowing hard against the dryness of his throat he signaled to a pitcher of water sitting on the tray table beside his bed.

Jumping up Liz poured some in a cup and placed the straw to his dry lips.

“Just take it slow, don’t drink too much at once, you’ve been through a lot.”

Waving it away he attempted to speak caring little for himself, as always he was much more concerned for her.

She was barely able to make out what he was saying as he reached out to her using all his strength to take her hand in his.

Knowing what a monster his foster dad was, all kind of horrific thoughts flooded his mind.

Whatever abusive treatment he endured over the years paled in comparison to the what the teenage foster girls suffered during the nights spent with that bastard.

Just the image of Liz in that house, trapped with that man, alone, defenseless, was enough to bring him to tears.

“Liz, did they hurt you… did.. Jim - “

Her heart melted under his emotional stare that looked like the amber glow of a sunset hovering over the horizon of a vast dark ocean.

Realizing what he was so afraid of she moved closer sweeping her hand over his exposed collarbone sending chills over his body.

“No, Max, I promise you. Nothing happened, I was barely there a few hours before the police showed up. No one touched me.”

Pressing her hand to his skin his eyes slid shut as he breathed out a shuddered sigh of relief.

“I was so worried… I felt so helpless, I’m so sorry for all of this Liz, I never should’ve allowed you to be involved in my fucked up life.”

The severe hoarseness of his strained voice suddenly turned into a harsh cough.

Wincing, he grabbed his chest as a sharp pain shot up beneath his rib cage causing his pulse to sky rocket alerting the intensive care nurse on duty.

Liz’s wide eyes flew up to the monitors knowing she didn't have much time to warn him.

“Max listen to me, you have to stay calm, if you don’t they’re going to sedate you and we won’t be able to talk again till tomorrow. Please, for me, just take slow deep breaths and try to relax before the nurse comes in.”

As if on cue, Anne, his nurse for the next four hours, rushed in holding a syringe in her hand.

Doing his best Max managed to slow his heart rate, while all three of them watched as the numbers slowly began to go down.

Being as nice as possible, Liz looked up at her almost pleadingly.

“He just woke up, he was a little disoriented at first, it took a few minutes for him to fully understand what had happened, he got a little excited, but now he’s fine, as you can see his numbers are almost normal now.”

Turning her eyes towards Max she nodded wide eyed leading him in her lie.

“Isn’t that right Max? Aren’t you feeling better now?”

Giving his nurse a convincing smile, Max whispered calmly.

“I’m fine, promise.”

Hesitating for a moment, Anne checked the read outs from the machines and listened to his heart.

Giving him a hard stare she backed off realizing that what he most likely needed most right now was sitting right beside him.

“Okay, you win this time Max, but if it happens again I’ll have to medicate you.”

Reaching out Liz touched Anne’s arm mouthing the words ‘thank you’.

It was obvious there was more going on than Liz was letting on.

Pressing the button attached to his bed, the head of his mattress lifted to a forty five degree angle so he could be as close as possible to her.

“Well, that seemed very dire… Liz.... is there something I should know?”

Changing the subject, fighting hard to hold back tears that were hovering along her dark eyelashes, Liz leaned in to lift his jet black hair away from his eyes lovingly.

“I do have good news, thanks to Alex’s quick thinking, as I understand it, he took control of the situation, like the hero he is.”

Drowning in the nearness of her, and the sound of her sweet soothing voice Max smiled while brushing his thumb along the palm of her hand.

“He called an ambulance for you, then woke up my dad, who surprisingly enough stayed relatively calm. He immediately called the police and I am happy to report that Jim is behind bars awaiting his court date. Because the judge felt he was a flight risk he was denied bail, the rest of the foster kids living with you have been re homed, so you have nothing to fear from that man any more. He will never hurt you or anyone else again Max.”

Quietly listening, taking it all in, Max took comfort in her voice, in the fact that she was safe, there with him.

“Wait, what about Michael, did he get in trouble for - “

Stopping him right there Liz shook her head. “He’s good, the police, although wishing we had gone to them first, understood that we were just trying to help you. Besides we are all underage, my dad made sure we were all okay.”

Nodding, again relieved, Max pulled her hand close to press his lips to her fingers.

This sweet act of affection broke Liz as tears came streaming down her face.

Quickly brushing them away, doing her best to hide her distress, she let her hair fall across her face like a curtain, hiding her pain as she continued to ramble on, distracting him from the truth that was yet to come.

“You’re never going to believe this, Michael and Maria are practically inseparable now. Somehow she managed to break through that wall of his. She’s madly in love, and to be completely honest I think he is too, if you can believe it.”

Releasing her hand, Max lifted her messy hair away from her eyes, his expression full of concern, whatever this was it was bad.

“Actually I can believe it, underneath all that tough guy bullshit, he’s a big softy. I’m sure she has him tied around her little finger by now.”

Hanging her head down unable to look him in the eyes, Liz nodded while quietly sobbing.

Hushing her, he slid his hand along her neck edging her close to him till they were mere inches apart.

“It’s alright Liz, I think I know what you need to tell me.”

Opening crying now, she held him, shaking like a leaf, unable to deliver the heartbreaking news.

Wrapping his arms around her, Max whispered softly doing his best to soothe her.

“How long do I have?”

Gripping onto his hospital gown, wanting to be as close as possible her heart shattered as she breathed out shakily.

“If they don't find a donor in time... a week, maybe less.”
Last edited by jake17 on Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 10, 7/5/16

Post by clueless »

So you have to get back here asap!

Ps. Great part!
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Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 10, 7/5/16

Post by Natalie36 »

i'm balling
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Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 10, 7/5/16

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Just read through his again and wondered when the FB I left disappeared to?
Then I remembered I posted "over there"......
But now I am waiting for that transplant.........miracles do happen don't they??
Thanks Carrie,
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