Eight life's, one destiny -AU/CC- Completed

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Eight life's, one destiny -AU/CC- Completed

Post by Lindsey »

OK, since I can't find my story I'll repost it and I'll even give an update.


Eight life's, one destiny

Rating: ADULT eventually
Disclaimer: Don't own, promise to return them to the evil one a.k.a. J.K.
Author: Lindsey (cindyvandenbempt@hotmail.com)
Category: AU M/L, M/M, I/A, K/S
Summary: The whole gang is alien, no tess in the gang I will bring her in the story later. The story start with Liz being captured
“ “ = talking
‘ ‘ = mind talk
Part 1
It was clear daylight when she got captured. She had been at the mall at the time. They had grabbed her and dragged her to an awaiting van. She had told her brother, in her mind, to run. He had first refused but before they lost contact he had given in realizing that he couldn’t help her if he was captured too. They had brought her to a government facility and locked her up in a glass cage. Everyday they came in and did some experiments on her and after they did them they left again, they never said a word to her. She had been there already for two weeks, two long weeks without food, they only gave her some water and that was it. The only reason that she was still alive was her brother, every night he dream walked her and gave her some of his strength.
When she woke up this morning there was something different, a familiar face between the “doctors”. A girl, a girl she hated more then anything, Pam Troy.
“Well, well if it isn’t little alien Lizzie Parker.”
“What do you want Troy?”
“So hostile today and I thought you would be happy to see me.”
“Let me out and I’ll show you how happy I am to see you. Why did you do this to me?”
“Why? Why? I’ll tell you why, because you’re an alien freak who has been in my way for the last time, that’s why.”
“How did you find out?”
“I followed you out in the desert one time and saw you use your powers.”
Liz looked at her for a second and then she turned around and went to sit in a corner of her cage. She closed her eyes and tried to contact her brother, for half an hour she tried to get in and the finally she got in.
‘It was Pam Troy.’
After just saying that sentence she left her brothers mind and opened her eyes just in time to see Pam pulling somebody in the room with her.
“You’ve got to see this.”
“See what?”
A tall guy asked her.
“The alien I captured.”
The guy looked over to where the cage was. He looked at the frightened girl in the cage and felled connected to her.
As there eyes met, for the first time in two weeks Liz felt save, his eyes they were so soulful, so beautiful. She snaps out of the trance she was in when she heard Pam’s voice.
“We are going to be experimenting on her some more, you should come, then you can take some experiments for yourself.”
Liz face froze when the guy answers Pam.
“I would love to. I need some entertament anyway.”
“Take her to the experimenting room.”
Pam yelled to one of the guards who then opened the cage and shot Liz with a sedative. Liz slumbered to the ground and the guards dragged her out to the experimenting room.
End part 1
Part 2
When she woke up, she was strapped down to an examination table.
“Good, she’s up, we can get started. It was a good idee of you to wait until she was awake again this way we can see every effect we have on her.”
The guy looked at Liz for a couple of seconds before turning his attention back to Pam.
“I know”
“Why don’t you start with you’re experiments, we’ll do ours later.”
He walked up to her.
‘Don’t be afraid, I’m on you’re side. Do you think you can run?’
‘How did you get into my mind?’
'That doesn't matter, Can you run?'
'I think so.'
‘Good, I’m going to release one of your hands, as soon as it’s lose I want you to race it.’
'Just do it, or I won't be able to get you out.'
He looked straid into her eyes and picked up the scalper.
‘Don’t worry, you just race your hand and I’ll take it from there.’
He looked in her eyes one more time to see if she was ready and then brought his scalper down over her arm, not cutting her until he came to the straps. He slid thru the straps and immidially her hand went up. At the same time the guy used his powers to knock everybody down, making it look like Liz did it. The only one who was still standing was Pam. She raced her gun to Liz and shot at her at the same time that the guy took her down with his powers. He saw the bullet coming and threw up his shield. The bullet froze in mid air. He undid the other straps from her body and helped her up.
“You ready to get out of here?”
"I was ready two weeks ago."
He pulled her after him out of the room.
'Stay behind me, got it?'
'Got it'
'Don't say anything out loud.'
'I'm not stupid you know.'
Once they got outside he leaded them to his car. Before they reached it he felt Liz fall, she had fainted. He gathered her carfully in his arms and carried her the rest of the way to his car.
Softly putting her in de car and then speeding out of the parking lot. It wouldn't take them very long to figure out what happend.
He looked at Liz still form and wonderd how somebody could her hurt. She looked so small and fragile. He was affraid that she would break any minute, but seeing her face that was all covert with bruses he knew that she wasn't as fragille as she looked.
End part 2
Part 3
It was dark outside when she woke up. She was in a bed, the guy was asleep in a chaire next to her bed.
It was like he knew that she was up cause he opened his eyes and smiled up to her.
“Hi, feel better?”
“Not really. What's your name?”
“I’m Max Evans”
“Liz Parker, so what, you're alien?”
“Yeah. Look I’ve got you some new clothes. I hope you like them.”
He gave her a bag with the clothes, in there were also some showering stuff.
“Thank you.”
He smiled at her, he knew she didn’t trust him and he also knew that when he would get her to calm down she would trust him much easier.
“There’s a shower in there if you want to take one. I’m going to get us some food.”
Liz just nodded. She picked the stuff up and went into the bathroom.
“I’m going to lock the door. O.K.?”
As she heard him leave she wondered why he was doing this, she knew that she was supposed to be freaked out about him locking her up. But she wasn’t, she was calming down and feeling some what save again. She got under the shower and stayed there until Max had returned.
“Liz? You still in the shower?”
“I’ll be out in a second!”
He had spread the food out on the bed and was waiting for her to come back in the room. When she did he gasped, she looked beautiful, she was wearing a long white flowing dress.
“You look beautiful”
She just smiled and went to sit next to him on the bed.
“Mmm, Pizza.”
He smiled at her reaction as she eagerly took a piece out of the box.
He asked half jokingly. And regretted it when he saw her sad look.
“I haven’t eaten sinds they captured me.”
“Oh, my god, how long ago was that?”
“Two weeks ago. Were are we?”
“In a motel”
“O.K. more specifically, were are we going?”
“Some place save”
“Can you also give the answer I was looking for?”
“I’m sorry, we’re going to my sisters home.”
The pizza was up and he heard her stomach grumble for more. She looked embarrassed about it.
“How about I go get another pizza?”
“No, that isn’t necessary.”
“It’s O.K. I would love to go and get another pizza, don’t worry about it.”
He got of the bed and picked his jacked up again. She was about to protest but he held his hand up to stop her.
“I’m locking the door O.K.?”
When he got back he noticed that Liz had fallen back to sleep. He gently covert her up after he had put the pizza’s down and got back in his chair, if she woke up he would heat the pizza’s up for her.
When Max woke up Liz was still asleep. She was stirring in her sleep and than suddenly she screamed.
“Liz, wake up.”
She shot up, completely shaking. He got up the bed and took her in his arms. Softly he rubbed her arms till she calmed down.
She nodded against his chest.
“Want to talk about it?”
“Want something to eat? We have pizza or pizza.”
“Excellent choice, I’ll heat them up.”
After they had eaten and showerd they were on the road again.
“So how far away from your sisters are we?”
“We’ll be there in about nine hours.”
“O.K., I’m going to try and take another nap.”
He nodded, if she had looked at him more closely she would have noticed the sad look on his face. He had hoped that they would talk a little, he wanted to know everything there was to know about her.
A soon as Liz closed her eyes she started to dream walk.
‘He bro.’
‘Liz, god I was worried about you, I couldn’t get in last night. I thought something happened.’
‘Something did happen’
‘I’m free, somebody got me out of there.’
‘Where are you, tell me were you are and I’ll come and get you.’
‘I don’t know where I am.’
‘How can you not know were you are, you’re out, you should at least know were you are.’
‘I fainted when we left the facility and woke up in a motel. O.K. And know we’re in the car again on the way to his sister. We should get there in nine hours.’
‘How can you trust this person Lizzie?’
‘Because he got me out, he got me out and that’s enough for me to trust him, I’ve been there for two weeks, two miserable weeks and he got me away from al that, he saved me when the were about to see how my internals looked like. You know what, I’m out of here’
And with that she opened her eyes and looked over at Max.
“What time is it?”
“nine thirty.”
“So, where you from?”
He looked at her and then looked up to the sky and back to her again. She looked at him for a second and than started laughing.
“I meant were do you leave here on earth.”
“New York. You?”
“Roswell, New Mexico”
Suddenly Max didn’t know what to say anymore, he wanted to ask her so many things, but for the moment the only thing he could think of was how beautiful she looked.
“We’ll stop to eat in about two hours, is that O.K. with you?”
The next two hours they spent in silence, Max was sneaking looks at her every once in a while and Liz was looking at her surroundings. She looked up at him when they pulled of the free way and stopped at a small diner.
“Let’s eat.”
He said to her as he helped her out of the car. He couldn’t help the grin that got on his face as she smiled up at him. As they got in he resisted the urge to put his arm around her, he had to remind himself that she wasn’t his. He snapped out of his thought when he heard her voice.
“Do you see a phone here?”
“A phone? I would like to make a phone call.”
End part 3
Last edited by Lindsey on Sat May 08, 2004 4:09 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Lindsey »

Part 4
“Oh, there in the corner is a phone. Why don’t you order first and then you can go and make that phone call.”
She nodded and followed him to there table. He was wondering who she would like to call when he suddenly realised that she had been captured two weeks ago and probably would like to reassure her family.
After they had ordered she went to make her phone call. When the food arrived she was still at the phone. He got up and went to her to tell her dinner was ready when he heard her talking.
“You know Mike, this isn’t about you our, our friends, now it’s about me.”
“I know”
“I said I know do you think that I want you to be in danger?”
“Look I know you, Please promise me you’ll get away there, please.”
“Thanks Mike, I’ll contact you O.K.?”
“O.K., I promise.”
Then she noticed Max, she smiled at him and the focused back on the voice on the other end.
“I love you to.”
“O.K. Bye.”
And then she hung up.
“Dinner ready?”
She failed to she the pained look he had on his face that was there since she said I love you to the person she was calling to.
He nodded and went a head to there table. She sat down and they started eating an uncomfortable silence between them.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Who did you call?”
A soft smile spread over her lips as she answered him.
“My brother Michael, he was worried sick about me. Especially because I just left him without saying much earlier. He thought something worse had happened than me being kidnapped.”
“Oh, so what could be worse?”
“Me being dead.”
Max just nodded, a happy smile spreading over his face.
‘He is her brother, thank god. I still have a chance.’
“You finished with that”
He asked motioning to her plated.
“Come on then we’ve got an other six hours on the road ahead of us.”
He extended his hand to help her up. She softly placed her hand in his and let him pull her up. He left the money on the table and they walked back to the car.
The next six hours they talked about a lot of things, but mostly about her capturing, he wanted to know what they had done to her and after a little persuading from his side she told him everything he wanted to know about her kidnapping.
They stopped at a small house in the mountains. A beautiful tall blond ran to the car and threw her arms around Max.
“Maxwell Evans, do you have any idée how much I was worried? Don’t you ever do that to me again, you hear?”
“I hear you Is, where’s Ria?”
“Is, I want you to meet Liz. Liz, this is my sister Isabel.”
‘Nice to meet you Liz.”
“So were did you meet my brother?”
Before Liz could answer Max said.
“Let’s continue this conversation inside now shall we.”
“He Ria”
An other blond tossed her arms around him.
“And who are you?”
“Liz Parker”
“Maria Evans”
Liz just smiled at Maria and than looked at Max.
“Liz is like us.”
Isabel didn’t trust it one bit.
“Like us? You mean adopted like us?”
“No I mean alien like us. I got her out of the lab.”
His two sisters looked in shock from Liz to Max and back again.
‘Well if they can handle that shock I’ll give them a bigger shock.’
“Mike, is going to be so happy. This means that we only have to find one more of us and we can get home.”
Maria and Isabel asked together and then together with Max.
“One more?”
End part 4
Part 5
“Yes one more, in the cave were eight pods. So that means one for Isabel; one for Maria; one for Max; one for Michael; one for Alex; one for Kyle and one for me. So by the process of elimination that means there’s still one more out there.”
They looked at her in shock.
“Oops I think I forgot to mention the fact that my brother and two of my best friends are aliens.”
“Yes, you did forget to mention that part.”
“It’s O.K., Liz, I mean you went to a lot this last two weeks, I think that you’re entitled to forget to mention some parts of your live. Why don’t you dream walk him and tell him to meet us in two days in Seattle. O.K.?”
She went to sit on the sofa and closed her eyes.
“There are more of us out there Max, we’re going to go home. O my god, this is so exiting.”
“Maria, breath.”
“Sorry, I was rambling wasn’t I?”
“Yes baby sis, you were.”
"Max, what did you mean earlier when you said that you've gotten her out of the lab?"
"You remember me answering that ad for a reaserge assistend in a lab right?"
"Wel she was the project"
"Oh my god."
At that moment Liz re-entered the room.
"My brother and my friends wil be in Seatlle soon. Max?"
"Did the lab know about this place?"
"No why?"
"If they find out about that shield thingie of you, you'll be in as much troubles as I am"
This time it was Isabels calm voice that calmed Liz down.
"Look Liz, our parent knew about us being different, they also knew that there would be a possibility that one day we would be discovert and that the goverment wouldn't be abel to deal with the fact that there are aliens. So they set up a bunch of dummy corporetions and bought us a piece of land in the mountance totaly secure. Nobody knows about it and it's absolutly save. So after we get youre friends we're gone go there. there's plenty of space to hold seven people. So there's nothing to worry about."
End part 5

Part 6
Two day’s later

Liz ran straight into his arms.
“I missed you little sis.”
“Who you calling little?”
Max, Isabel and Maria slowly made there way towards Liz and Michael. They saw two other guys coming forward to them also.
“He, why is he getting al the loving?”
“Yah, I won’t my hugs and kisses to.”
“Alex, Kyle!”
Liz yelled, letting go of her brother and she flung herself in there arms.
“Guy’s, I want you to meet Isabel, Maria and Max. This is Alex, Kyle and my brother Michael.”
While everybody said hi to each other. Liz was wandering around. Seeing a shop she liked she got closer to it. Looking at the dresses, when she felt Michael closing in on her, he wrapped his arms around her.
“Don’t you ever do that to me again, promise?”
“I promise”
“See anything you like?”
“That white dress.”
“Well, go try it, I’ll pay for it.”
She turned around and gave him a peck on his cheek.
“You’re the best Mike.”
“I know.”
He followed her inside and then he waited till she was dressed. He noticed that the others had come in to.
“Where is Liz?”
“Fitting a dress, so you’re the one who got her out?”
“Thank you, I don’t know what I would have done if something else would have happened to .”
Max was about to response to Michael when Liz came out of the dressing room. She looked amassing, the long dress looked beautiful on her.
"Well, what do you think?"
"You're beautiful................I mean you look beautiful"
Liz just smilled at him and hen notticed that Micheal was glaring at Max.
'Stop glaring'
'He's cheking you out.'
'Micheal, he did save my life'
'Doesn't give him the right to chek you out and if he doesn't stop staring at you, I'm gone take him down'
'You will do no such thing, he's just concern, I did look bad when I got out of there.'
"What do you mean?"
Max' looked away from Liz with a confused face. Had she seen him staring at her? Had she told Michael. He was about to ask what was wrong when Liz answerd Michael.
"It doesn't mean because he saved me from being internaly examend that nothing else happend. I was there for two weeks, she had me tortured. She hates me Mike, she wanted me to suffor."
"Lizzie, I'm so sorry" He said will pulling her into a hug.
"I'm fine Mike, I just want to feel save again."
"I'll keep you save sweety, I promiss, nobody is ever going to hurt you again. I'll kill them if they try and I promiss you I'll make that bitch pay."

End part 6
Part 7
Alex looked at that Maria girl, she was easely telling Kyle her whole life. He also noticed the fact that the other blond was looking around for that Max guy. He walked up to her.
"Hi, so did you, Maria and Max grew up together?"
Isabel looked a him for a few second and then decided to answer.
"Yeah, The Evans adopted us al together. What about you guy's?"
"Well, I was adopted by the Whitmans while my brother Kyle was adopted by the Valenti's. After the Whitmans had adopted me they went out of the country for a while. So me and Kyle saw eachother again the first day of school in the 6 grade, when some older bullie was trying to hurt me and Kyle heard me in his head. We pretty much hung togheter after that."
"What about Liz and Michael?"
"We didn't knew them at that time."
"You couldn't sence them, I mean as soon as Liz calmed down I could sence her in my mind."
"Well they didn't live in Roswell so, no we didn't sence them."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know."
"It's O.K. Micheal moved to Roswell when his foster dad died three years ago. They had put him back into the system and Kyle's parents took him in. The only thing I know about his foster dad is his name and the fact that he wasn't very good to Michael. He doesn't like to talk about his foster dad, the only person he talks to about, wel every thing is Lizzie."
"When did you meet her then?"
"You ask alot of questiones."
Isabel blushed, she coulddn't help it she was currious as hell about the others.
"It's O.K., I was just teasing. Lizzie moved to Roswell a year and a half ago. She and Michael are stronger than me and Kyle I know that much."
"How do you mean."
"Can you talk to your sister and brother in your head?"
"Yes, what's that got to do with it?"
"How far can they go away form you before you can't talk anymore?"
"As long as they are within two mille I can talk to them."
"Me and Kyle to, but Lizzie and Michael, they can talk over a long distance, that is if they don't get druged or knocked out. We haven't tested how far away they have to be, but when they were little they didn't live in the same state and were abel to talk to each other."
Isabel looked in shock at Alex.
'Over state comunication.'
Alex noticed Kyle and Maria coming closer. And decided to tell Isabel a bit more, making sure that Kyle and Maria would here the next part, he started talkking again.
"That's not al, when she's close to someone she can talk in there minds to, the first time she did that she scared the sh*t out of Kyle. God, that was so funny, my big and strong brother scared sh*tless because little Lizzie talked too him."
Both girls burst out in a fit of giggles and Kyle started to chase Alex around.
'I oughta kill ya'
'Oh comon bro, where's your sence of humor?'
'I'll show you my sence of humor.'
At that moment Liz, Michael and Max came out of the shop.
"Lizzie, save me!"
Alex ran behind Liz and used her as a shield between him and Kyle.
"What did you do?"
"Me? I'm an inocent guy. Honnestly"
"Inocent? Inocent! He's telling storry's about me."
"Boy's behave"
Was al she said before getting out between them and walking over to Isabel and Maria.
"I hope she get's better soon."
"Yeah, come on Alex, we can't fight in front of Liz it wil upset her. And don't worry I'll take my revenge when you'll least expect it."
After saying that Kyle left to join the others. Silent wondering if Max and Michael would stay glued to her hip.
End part 7
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Post by Lindsey »

Part 4
“Oh, there in the corner is a phone. Why don’t you order first and then you can go and make that phone call.”
She nodded and followed him to there table. He was wondering who she would like to call when he suddenly realised that she had been captured two weeks ago and probably would like to reassure her family.
After they had ordered she went to make her phone call. When the food arrived she was still at the phone. He got up and went to her to tell her dinner was ready when he heard her talking.
“You know Mike, this isn’t about you our, our friends, now it’s about me.”
“I know”
“I said I know do you think that I want you to be in danger?”
“Look I know you, Please promise me you’ll get away there, please.”
“Thanks Mike, I’ll contact you O.K.?”
“O.K., I promise.”
Then she noticed Max, she smiled at him and the focused back on the voice on the other end.
“I love you to.”
“O.K. Bye.”
And then she hung up.
“Dinner ready?”
She failed to she the pained look he had on his face that was there since she said I love you to the person she was calling to.
He nodded and went a head to there table. She sat down and they started eating an uncomfortable silence between them.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Who did you call?”
A soft smile spread over her lips as she answered him.
“My brother Michael, he was worried sick about me. Especially because I just left him without saying much earlier. He thought something worse had happened than me being kidnapped.”
“Oh, so what could be worse?”
“Me being dead.”
Max just nodded, a happy smile spreading over his face.
‘He is her brother, thank god. I still have a chance.’
“You finished with that”
He asked motioning to her plated.
“Come on then we’ve got an other six hours on the road ahead of us.”
He extended his hand to help her up. She softly placed her hand in his and let him pull her up. He left the money on the table and they walked back to the car.
The next six hours they talked about a lot of things, but mostly about her capturing, he wanted to know what they had done to her and after a little persuading from his side she told him everything he wanted to know about her kidnapping.
They stopped at a small house in the mountains. A beautiful tall blond ran to the car and threw her arms around Max.
“Maxwell Evans, do you have any idée how much I was worried? Don’t you ever do that to me again, you hear?”
“I hear you Is, where’s Ria?”
“Is, I want you to meet Liz. Liz, this is my sister Isabel.”
‘Nice to meet you Liz.”
“So were did you meet my brother?”
Before Liz could answer Max said.
“Let’s continue this conversation inside now shall we.”
“He Ria”
An other blond tossed her arms around him.
“And who are you?”
“Liz Parker”
“Maria Evans”
Liz just smiled at Maria and than looked at Max.
“Liz is like us.”
Isabel didn’t trust it one bit.
“Like us? You mean adopted like us?”
“No I mean alien like us. I got her out of the lab.”
His two sisters looked in shock from Liz to Max and back again.
‘Well if they can handle that shock I’ll give them a bigger shock.’
“Mike, is going to be so happy. This means that we only have to find one more of us and we can get home.”
Maria and Isabel asked together and then together with Max.
“One more?”
End part 4
Part 5
“Yes one more, in the cave were eight pods. So that means one for Isabel; one for Maria; one for Max; one for Michael; one for Alex; one for Kyle and one for me. So by the process of elimination that means there’s still one more out there.”
They looked at her in shock.
“Oops I think I forgot to mention the fact that my brother and two of my best friends are aliens.”
“Yes, you did forget to mention that part.”
“It’s O.K., Liz, I mean you went to a lot this last two weeks, I think that you’re entitled to forget to mention some parts of your live. Why don’t you dream walk him and tell him to meet us in two days in Seattle. O.K.?”
She went to sit on the sofa and closed her eyes.
“There are more of us out there Max, we’re going to go home. O my god, this is so exiting.”
“Maria, breath.”
“Sorry, I was rambling wasn’t I?”
“Yes baby sis, you were.”
"Max, what did you mean earlier when you said that you've gotten her out of the lab?"
"You remember me answering that ad for a reaserge assistend in a lab right?"
"Wel she was the project"
"Oh my god."
At that moment Liz re-entered the room.
"My brother and my friends wil be in Seatlle soon. Max?"
"Did the lab know about this place?"
"No why?"
"If they find out about that shield thingie of you, you'll be in as much troubles as I am"
This time it was Isabels calm voice that calmed Liz down.
"Look Liz, our parent knew about us being different, they also knew that there would be a possibility that one day we would be discovert and that the goverment wouldn't be abel to deal with the fact that there are aliens. So they set up a bunch of dummy corporetions and bought us a piece of land in the mountance totaly secure. Nobody knows about it and it's absolutly save. So after we get youre friends we're gone go there. there's plenty of space to hold seven people. So there's nothing to worry about."
End part 5

Part 6
Two day’s later

Liz ran straight into his arms.
“I missed you little sis.”
“Who you calling little?”
Max, Isabel and Maria slowly made there way towards Liz and Michael. They saw two other guys coming forward to them also.
“He, why is he getting al the loving?”
“Yah, I won’t my hugs and kisses to.”
“Alex, Kyle!”
Liz yelled, letting go of her brother and she flung herself in there arms.
“Guy’s, I want you to meet Isabel, Maria and Max. This is Alex, Kyle and my brother Michael.”
While everybody said hi to each other. Liz was wandering around. Seeing a shop she liked she got closer to it. Looking at the dresses, when she felt Michael closing in on her, he wrapped his arms around her.
“Don’t you ever do that to me again, promise?”
“I promise”
“See anything you like?”
“That white dress.”
“Well, go try it, I’ll pay for it.”
She turned around and gave him a peck on his cheek.
“You’re the best Mike.”
“I know.”
He followed her inside and then he waited till she was dressed. He noticed that the others had come in to.
“Where is Liz?”
“Fitting a dress, so you’re the one who got her out?”
“Thank you, I don’t know what I would have done if something else would have happened to .”
Max was about to response to Michael when Liz came out of the dressing room. She looked amassing, the long dress looked beautiful on her.
"Well, what do you think?"
"You're beautiful................I mean you look beautiful"
Liz just smilled at him and hen notticed that Micheal was glaring at Max.
'Stop glaring'
'He's cheking you out.'
'Micheal, he did save my life'
'Doesn't give him the right to chek you out and if he doesn't stop staring at you, I'm gone take him down'
'You will do no such thing, he's just concern, I did look bad when I got out of there.'
"What do you mean?"
Max' looked away from Liz with a confused face. Had she seen him staring at her? Had she told Michael. He was about to ask what was wrong when Liz answerd Michael.
"It doesn't mean because he saved me from being internaly examend that nothing else happend. I was there for two weeks, she had me tortured. She hates me Mike, she wanted me to suffor."
"Lizzie, I'm so sorry" He said will pulling her into a hug.
"I'm fine Mike, I just want to feel save again."
"I'll keep you save sweety, I promiss, nobody is ever going to hurt you again. I'll kill them if they try and I promiss you I'll make that bitch pay."

End part 6
Part 7
Alex looked at that Maria girl, she was easely telling Kyle her whole life. He also noticed the fact that the other blond was looking around for that Max guy. He walked up to her.
"Hi, so did you, Maria and Max grew up together?"
Isabel looked a him for a few second and then decided to answer.
"Yeah, The Evans adopted us al together. What about you guy's?"
"Well, I was adopted by the Whitmans while my brother Kyle was adopted by the Valenti's. After the Whitmans had adopted me they went out of the country for a while. So me and Kyle saw eachother again the first day of school in the 6 grade, when some older bullie was trying to hurt me and Kyle heard me in his head. We pretty much hung togheter after that."
"What about Liz and Michael?"
"We didn't knew them at that time."
"You couldn't sence them, I mean as soon as Liz calmed down I could sence her in my mind."
"Well they didn't live in Roswell so, no we didn't sence them."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know."
"It's O.K. Micheal moved to Roswell when his foster dad died three years ago. They had put him back into the system and Kyle's parents took him in. The only thing I know about his foster dad is his name and the fact that he wasn't very good to Michael. He doesn't like to talk about his foster dad, the only person he talks to about, wel every thing is Lizzie."
"When did you meet her then?"
"You ask alot of questiones."
Isabel blushed, she coulddn't help it she was currious as hell about the others.
"It's O.K., I was just teasing. Lizzie moved to Roswell a year and a half ago. She and Michael are stronger than me and Kyle I know that much."
"How do you mean."
"Can you talk to your sister and brother in your head?"
"Yes, what's that got to do with it?"
"How far can they go away form you before you can't talk anymore?"
"As long as they are within two mille I can talk to them."
"Me and Kyle to, but Lizzie and Michael, they can talk over a long distance, that is if they don't get druged or knocked out. We haven't tested how far away they have to be, but when they were little they didn't live in the same state and were abel to talk to each other."
Isabel looked in shock at Alex.
'Over state comunication.'
Alex noticed Kyle and Maria coming closer. And decided to tell Isabel a bit more, making sure that Kyle and Maria would here the next part, he started talkking again.
"That's not al, when she's close to someone she can talk in there minds to, the first time she did that she scared the sh*t out of Kyle. God, that was so funny, my big and strong brother scared sh*tless because little Lizzie talked too him."
Both girls burst out in a fit of giggles and Kyle started to chase Alex around.
'I oughta kill ya'
'Oh comon bro, where's your sence of humor?'
'I'll show you my sence of humor.'
At that moment Liz, Michael and Max came out of the shop.
"Lizzie, save me!"
Alex ran behind Liz and used her as a shield between him and Kyle.
"What did you do?"
"Me? I'm an inocent guy. Honnestly"
"Inocent? Inocent! He's telling storry's about me."
"Boy's behave"
Was al she said before getting out between them and walking over to Isabel and Maria.
"I hope she get's better soon."
"Yeah, come on Alex, we can't fight in front of Liz it wil upset her. And don't worry I'll take my revenge when you'll least expect it."
After saying that Kyle left to join the others. Silent wondering if Max and Michael would stay glued to her hip.
End part 7
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Post by Lindsey »

Eight life's, one destiny

Rating: ADULT eventually
Disclaimer: Don't own, promise to return them to the evil one a.k.a. J.K.
Author: Lindsey (cindyvandenbempt@hotmail.com)
Category: AU M/L, M/M, I/A, K/S
Summary: The whole gang is alien, no tess in the gang I will bring her in the story later. The story start with Liz being captured
“ “ = talking
‘ ‘ = mind talk
Part 8
After Kyle and Alex little chase they decided to go grab something to eat before they would go to the save house.
Al trough dinner Michael and Max were watching her like hawks. They both had made sure that they were sitting next to Liz.
Dinner had gone by without dificulty's for witch Kyle greatful was. Kyle also notticed that every time that Isabel wasn't looking his brother was stealing glances at her.
Payback was gone be a real bitch, he would make sure that Alex new that. He was already planning to inbares his brother infront of Isabel. His attension shifted back to Liz, she started to get irretated by the attention and looked like she was about to explode.
"So Max"
"How did you get into the lab?"
"I worked there as an assistand'
"Hé, I didn't know that she was the project, I thought I was suposed to do test on plants, not test on MY OWN KIND!"
"Michael, you might want to shut up"
"Why the HELL would I want to SHUT UP, do tell me Kyle, do tell me."
"Maybe because you're starting to upset your sister?"
Michael turned around to see Liz looking at him, as soon as there eyes crosed she turned around and walked away.
'No Michael, just leave me alone.'
Michael started to go after her but Maria stopt him.
"Max, Kyle go see Liz."
"She's my sister, I'll go after her"
"No, you and I are going to have a little talk, over dare."
Maria took him away from the other's.
"Who the HELL do you think you are, what the f*ck gives you the right to decide who's going after my sister. She........"
Michael was cut off by Maria's kiss. She was kissing him in full passion, it only took him a few seconds before he was responding to the kiss.
Pulling her up into his armes, she was flushed against his body. She felled his cock grewing hard against her.
He was sucking on her neck.
"God that feels good."
"Why,.................... Why are you doing this?"
Steping slightly back. "Why am I doing what?"
"Kissing me."
"Because I wanted too, beside your kinda cute and if I didn't kiss you, you would probebly gone after my brother. And I can only handel so much ......."
Michael's lips where on here's again.
"You talk to much."
She smaked his arm, she was about to say something when Alex came over to them.
"Are you guy's ready? Cause some people would like to leave."
"Yeah, were ready."
"Good, let's go then."
"Wait a minuted, who is riding with who?"
"Well, since you two weren't there you didn't get a say in the seating arangements. You two are riding with me and Isabel and Max, Liz and Kyle are riding in our car."
"No. Liz is riding with me."
"Sorry Michael but that's a big no no. Beside they already left."
"Chill Michael, it was Lizzie's idee, she thought that you and Max didn't get along, I wonder where she got that idee."
'Lizzie. Lizzie answer me'
'What Mike.'
'How can you do this?'
'Do what? You need to get over yourself, Mike.'
'Get over myself? My little sister got kidnaped and she's telling me to get over myself because I'm trying to protect her.'
'Mike, you could try and loose some of that additude.'
'What additude?'
'The additude you show against Max.'
'I don't have an additude against Max.'
'I'm closing or connection Mike.'
'Lizzie, no.'
'Bye Mike, I'll see you at the first stop, be nice.'
And with hat Liz blocked Michael out of her head.
Isabel shot up.
"What, what happend?"
"I think Lizzie got enough of his additude and shot him out."
"Poor Michael."
"Poor Michael? Have you noticed the fact that he's been in you brothers face like all the time?"
"He's worried about his sister, that's all."
"I was worried about Lizzie too, you don't see me giving your brother all the additude."
"Let's just go before we get into a fight."
Isabel got into the car and waited till the rest got in.
When Isabel, Michael, Alex and Maria got to the first stop they imidially spotted Kyle who was leaning against his car.
"Where's Liz?"
"Well hello to you to Michael. Now keep your voice down cause Liz is asleep."
Michael looked into the car to see Liz sound asleep on Max's shoulder.
"What the f*ck"
Maria put her hand on his lips.
"Shuu, you'll wake her up."
Softly pulling him back to there car and ino his seat.
"But she"
"Shuu, it's OK, your sister is a big girl and my brother won't hurt her."
"Beside, there both a sleep and Kyle is with them."
She went to sit in his lap.
"She's my little sister."
"And she will always be your little sister, but you got to trust her. Your gone loose her if you keep reacting like that."
"But what if"
"But what if nothing Michael. If Max makes her feel save, then let her feel save, isn't that what you wanted?"
"He makes her feel save?"
"Do you think that she would be in that car with him right now, do you think that she would be asleep right now if she didn't?"
Lowering his head.
"I supose your right."
"I'm always right, just so that you know it."
She smiled at him and snugeld up closer to him.
Isabel and Alex looked at the two in the car.
"Whoah, you got a hell of a sister."
Isabel's face fell a little.
"What do you mean?"
"She got Michael to calm down. Trust me that's not an easy thing to do. He's as hot headed as you can get them."
"What ever, let's go"
She said as she got into te car.
"What's her problem?"
"She like's ya bro."
"I said she likes ya, it's like cristal cleare that the girl likes ya. Don't know why since I'm the cute one."
"What ever you say man, what ever you say."
"Look she looks pissed, so why don't ya get into the car, keep an eye on the two lovebirds in the back and try to not to get on the girls bad side."
"You know, the two making out in the back."
Alex looked at Michael, who was indeed making out with Maria.
"Let's get back on the road OK?"
"Sure Bro."
End part 8
Part 9
It was early in the morning when they arrived. Maria got out of the car and opend the gate. When they stoped two stops earlier they all switched drivers. Maria had taken over driving and Michael was sitting next to her. Isabel and Alex where in the backseat asleep. Isabel was resting on his chest. In the other car Kyle was a sleep on the backseat, while Max was driving Liz was softly talking to him.
"Where here."
They drove up to the house.
"It's big."
"Did you come here often?"
"No, this is maybe the 10th time or so."
He parked the car next to the other car.
"Come on, you can pick your own room."
"Sure. Kyle, wake up will ya where here."
"Yeah, yeah I'll be there in a sec."
"Not a morning person is he?"
"Let him sleep, he'll find us when he feels like getting up."
Liz and Max got out of the car and together they walked up to the others who were waiting at the door.
"Where's Kyle?"
"Your brother didn't feel like getting up, so I told Max to let him sleep. He'll find us when he needs us, or when he get's hungry, what ever comes first."
"Let's give you guy's a tour now shal we?"
Maria said while opening the front door.
"OK, so the living room is in there, dining room, kitchen, basment, computer room, inside pool, the outside pool is true there and the bedrooms are up this way."
She said while pointing everything out. She was walking up the stairs while she conyinued talking.
"There's also a small gym in the basment. Let's go, keep up a bit will ya, so you guy's can pick out a room. This one is mine and that's Isabel's and at the end of the hall on the right that's Max's room."
"Whoah, Isabel, when you said that there whas enough room for all of us, I didn't think it was this big."
"Told ya, it wouldn't be a problem. Now pick out a room."
"I'll take this one"
Michael said when he went into the room next to Maria's.
Alex took the one next to Isabel's room and Liz took the one between Alex's and Max's room. Witch left Kyle the room over Liz's room or the one over Max's room.
"You don't have to yell, Maria, I hear just fine."
"You got the chose of two rooms. the one next to Michael across of Liz or the one over Max's room."
"I'll take the one over Lizzie. So what's there to eat?"
Michael answerd his question while walking out of his room.
"We don't feed ya until we got the car's unpacked."
"No but's Kyle, unpack NOW."
"I'm hungry."
"Who cares?"
"Michael, I'm hungry too, can't we eat first?"
"Sure sis. We can eat first."
"Maria, do you got some food around here?"
"We got cerials."
"OK, is it alright if we eat first before we unpack?"
"Sure. MAX!"
"Be a nice brother and go get the food out of the car"
"Why can't you do it?"
"Now Max!"
"I'll help you Max."
"You don't need to help him Lizzie he's a big boy, he can get it al alone."
"It's OK Maria, I wan't to."
And after saying that Max and Liz went to the car and got all the food out.
"We're gone have to go into town to get some more food."
"When do you wan't to go?"
"After we have unpacked."
"Good I'm redy then."
"What do you mean?"
"Well I didn't exacly pack you now."
"I'm sorry, we'll get you some new stuf OK."
"What's going on?"
"Nothing Alex."
"Don't nothing me Liz. Now what is it."
"She's upset about having none of her stuf."
"Lizzie, why didn't ya tell me? After you where taking we got on the move just like you told Michael. We took our stuf and your stuf. Michael even took your dairy, it took him a while to find it but he did. We didn't bring all of your clothes, but we got everything you hold valiuble with us."
She tossed her armes around his neck and was crying.
"Hé, what are you crying about, I thought you would be happy knowing that we brought your stuf."
"I am Alex, I am."
Picking her up in his armes and caring her inside he asked Max.
"Can you take those bags inside or do you need a hand?"
"I can take them."
End part 9
Part 10
After they had eaten Maria orderd the guy's to get all the stuf out of the car.
"Max? Are these Isabel her stuf?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Thought I give you a hand. Michael and Kyle grabed Lizzies stuf so I figured since you got two sisters I lend a hand."
"Thanks man."
While they where moving the bags into the house, Michael came back out.
"Need another hand?"
"Yeah, Maria's stuf is still outside, if you could take that."
"Sure, no prob."
"That was the last bag."
"Let's let the girls know."
"Where are they anyway."
"Knowing my sisters, they are still in the kitchen, probebly making a shoping list."
"Let's go and see then."
"Are you two getting along?"
"Why wouldn't we Alex?"
"Because you been hostile to him like since you first got to know him."
"What ever. Lizzie, where are you."
"Over here Mike."
"We would like to inform you lady's that your bags are in your rooms and that you can start to unpack. How aboutt if the first two people that finish go into town and get more food, I asume you lady's made a shopping list."
"Well, yes Michael, we did, it's on the counter."
"Let's start unpacking then."
Max and Liz where the first ones to finish unpacking and where on there way to town when Isabel came down followed by Alex.
"So Isabel, where is the pool?"
"Inside or outside?"
"This way."
"Why don't we go for a little swim? It will get your mind of other things."
"Sure, why not"
"Le's get changed then."
'Not that I wouldn't mind a litlle bit of skinnie dipping, but we can't have everything, now can we?'
When Isabel got back to the pool Alex was already in the water.
"Come on in, the water is great."
"I don't know."
"Come on Isabel, don't be shy."
"No, I don't think I'll get into the water just yet."
Alex got out of the pool and walked up to her.
"Are you sure, I mean the water is really great."
"Yep, I'm sure."
"A pitty, a real pitty"
He said before he swung her over his shoulder and jumped into the water with her.
"Yes Isabel."
"How could you?"
"Verry simple I picked you up and tossed you in. It's about as simpel as doing this."
He said before he kissed her.
'God I hope she doesn't hit me.'
After a few seconds she started to respond to his kiss. her hand tangeld itself into Alex his hear and her legs snuck around his waste. Moving over to the side of the pool he leand her up against the side as he continued kissing her.
"God I wanted to do this since I first saw you."
"That was yesterday Alex."
"So, are you mad at me."
His face fell.
"I'm mad at you because, you ain't kissing me no more."
She smiled at him while his whole face lighted up and his lips atact her's again.
Upstairs In Maria's room, Michael and Maria where making out.
"God Michael, that feels so good."
She said while rubbing herself against him.
End part 10
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Post by Lindsey »

Eight life's, one destiny

Rating: ADULT eventually
Disclaimer: Don't own, promise to return them to the evil one a.k.a. J.K.
Author: Lindsey (cindyvandenbempt@hotmail.com)
Category: AU M/L, M/M, I/A, K/S
Summary: The whole gang is alien, no tess in the gang I will bring her in the story later. The story start with Liz being captured
“ “ = talking
‘ ‘ = mind talk
Part 11 - ADULT
"Maria, God baby, we have to stop."
"What if I don't wan't to stop."
"You sure?"
"I haven't exacly done this before."
"Me neither. Michael, make love to me."
Looking her straight into the eyes, he started to slowly undress her. Slowly he pulled her top over her head and then waited while she pulled of his shirt. He kissed and sucked on her neck while her hands where working on the buttons of his jeans.
"Oh Michael, don't stop."
Softly nipping at her neck.
"Don't worry babe, I ain't gonna stop unless you tell me to."
His hands went to the front of her bra and he used his powers to help him open the bra. Maria finished with the buttons of his jeans and was pushing them down. When she didn't get them complitly of she sliped her hand on his cock.
'God I love a men who go's commando.'
He took her hand of his cock and got of of her.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing baby."
He took his jeans of completly and then he took of her jeans and her thong.
"God your beautifull"
She blushed when he started to suck on her breast while he inserted one finger into her pussy. He looked into her passion filled eyes to make sure she was OK.
"You're so wet baby."
"All for you."
He kissed her lips again he inserted another finger into her.
Felling her wetness around his fingers he got down and started to suck on her clit.
She screamed when she came against his fingers and thong.
He was licking her like he hadn't had a drink in years. He kept on sucking and pumping his fingers into her until she came again.
He got on top of her.
"Are you sure?"
Slowly he entered her.
He stoped for a second when he reached her barrier.
"I don't wan't to hurt you baby"
"Michael please."
Placing his hand on her he heald her while he broke true her barrier.
"You feel so good. God your so tight."
Michael was pumping his cock into her. She met his every trust. He was starting to speed up his trusts when he was about to cum he reached in between them and started to rub her clit. They came together.
"I love you too Michael."
He pulled her into his arms and looked at her.
"Are you OK?"
"I'm perfect."
"You sure, mean I didn't hurt you now did I?"
"You didn't hurt me. Now be quite and kiss me."
"What ever my girl wants."
End part 11
Part 12
Liz and Max where in the town they had just finished the last part of the list and where putting everything into the car.
"You want to go to the mall?"
"Would you mind?"
"No, I don't mind. I woudn't ask if you would want to go if I would mind."
Locking the car they went to the small mall.
"Do you needs some more things?"
"No, I just want to look at some shops."
"OK, then."
When they walked by a pet shop Liz looked in the window at some puppy's.
"Look at them, there so cute."
"Come on."
He took her hand and pulled her into the store.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting you a puppy."
"Max. You don't have to."
"But I want to. So Miss Liz pick out the puppy that get's to come home with us."
She huged him and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"Thank you."
She looked at the puppy's.
"I'm going to get some stuf OK?"
"What kind of stuf?"
"Stuf for your new puppy of cours. we can't have the little thing eating of the floor now can we? God knows what Isabel would do to me."
"Al right, I'll see you in a few?"
"You can bet your last dollar on that."
She smilled up at him and started to pet some puppy's.
After Max got everything he thought the would neath for the puppy to the counter he went back to Liz to find her playing with a golden retriever pup.
"You picked one?"
"I like this one."
"Then you get that one"
"Thank you, you're so sweet. Why are you so sweet?"
"I don't know, according to Maria and Isabel I'm a jerk."
"Yeah, well the last time they called me a jerk was when I was working on my gifts and accidently killed there dolls."
"You killed there dolls?"
"I fried them."
Liz bursted out laughing.
'She's so beautiful when she laughs. I can't believe I made her laugh.'
After paying for everything they walked out of the shop.
"Anything else you want to see?"
"Got a name for the pup?"
"I was thinking about calling her Faith, what do you think?"
"Good name."
They put everything in the car.
"Do you want something to drink?"
"Cherry-coke if they have any."
He walked over to the soda machien and got two cherry-cokes. Handing one over to Liz he opend her door and helped her in. After finishing his coke he got into the car.
"Let's go home before you're brother kills me."
End part 12
Part 13
"What the hell is that?"
"Well Kyle, I never knew you where that dence, she's a puppy and her name is Faith."
"I know that it's a puppy, but what is it doing here?"
"Max bought her for me."
"Evans! What the hell do you think your doing, buying her a puppy?"
"She liked the pup, so I bought her the pup. Simple as that."
"Hey, cute pup, who's is it?"
"Evans here bought it for Lizzie. Can you believe it? I mean come on Michael, he's trying to buy his way into Lizzies hearth."
"Aren't you over reacting Kyle. Look at her. When was the last time you saw her smile like that?"
"Thank you Mike. Max, let's get this stuf iinside."
"Kyle listen up, I don't like the way he is with her, but Lizzie trust him."
"This isn't about trust, I trust him, just not with Lizzie."
"That's not the point."
"The POINT is that I don't want Lizzie to be mad at me again. Last time I tried to get her away from him she was pissed at me. I don't want that."
"But, he's trying to buy his way into her hearth."
"Or his just being nice. You've got to admit, if you would have gone to town with her and saw her giving the pup a look like she did when she got out of the car. You would've probebly bought her the pup to."
"Yeah but we're practicly family."
"That doesn't matter. Beside, why would he have to buy his way into her hearth? He's probebly already in her hearth."
"How do you mean?"
"He was there for her when we weren't, he saved her Kyle and there isn't anything we can do or say that will turn Liz away from him."
"Well that won't stop me from trying to protect her."
"I know what you mean, we just have to make shure that Liz doesn't find out."
"What do you have in mind?"
"You'll see, you'll see."
"Ria, where's Iz?"
"Don't know, I think she's in the pool."
"Thanks. Liz, wanna come with?"
Together they walked to the pool where they found Alex and Isabel making out.
Max cleared his throuht and watch how the two suddenly puched each other away.
"Max, Lizzie."
"Hello Max, Mister Withman thank you for the swim but the water is me to cold."
Isabel said while getting out of the water.
She was looking at Alex so she didn't see Faith making her way over to her. Isabel tripped over Faith and fell into the pool, right into Alex his arms.
Liz looked at Max he didn't look like he found the situation funny so gently she started to pull him away from the pool.
"Let's go Max, I wan't to see the garden."
End part 13
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"new" part 14 & 15

Post by Lindsey »

Eight life's, one destiny

Rating: ADULT eventually
Disclaimer: Don't own, promise to return them to the evil one a.k.a. J.K.
Author: Lindsey (cindyvandenbempt@hotmail.com)
Category: AU M/L, M/M, I/A, K/S
Summary: The whole gang is alien, no tess in the gang I will bring her in the story later. The story start with Liz being captured
“ “ = talking
‘ ‘ = mind talk
Part 14
"Let's go Max, I wan't to see the garden."
"No but's I want to see the garden"
She pulled Max behind her to the back door.
"Liz, that's my sister in there."
"Max, your sister is old enough to decide what she wants to do."
"She's my little sister!"
"So, that boy has to keep his hands to himself."
"Nice conclusion."
"I think so."
She said and started to walk away with Faith.
She turned around.
"What did I do?"
"If I want to hear such additude I can listen to my brother."
"What do you mean."
"That you sound like my brother."
"I feel sorry for your brother, baby."
"I think he just pissed my sister off."
"Why would you say that?"
"Look at them."
Maria looked outside to see Liz who looked like she was having a heated discussion with Max.
"There just having a discussion that's all."
"Maybe I should go to her."
"Or maybe you could kiss me."
"I like that idee, but I should go and help her out or something."
Maria sofly kissed him
"On the other hand"
"Alex and Kyle are"
"Down stares, she"
"Can always ask them to"
"Help her."
"Liz? Something wrong?"
"No Kyle there's nothing wrong. I want to get out of here."
Kyle looked first at her and then at Max before saying.
"Let's go for a ride."
"I don't think that it is save to go out."
"Well Max, I don't really care what you think. My Lizzie want's to go out so I'll take her out. And about it not being save. You took her into town yourself."
After that Max said that Liz hit him.
Walking past Alex and Isabel she said.
"If Mike want's to know where I am just tell him that I'm going for a ride with Kyle OK?"
"Sure Lizzie."
End part 14

Part 15
After Liz and Kyle had left isabel walked up to her brother.
"You do know that you diserved that, right."
"I know, I didn't mean it but..."
"Your inlove with her aren't you?"
Max turned his head to look at Alex and then nodded.
"Then you should know that family is very inportand to Liz, and like it or not. Kyle is part of her family."
"You should also know that the way to Liz her heart ain't with yelling."
"Then how?"
"Well the puppy was a good idee."
Alex said while picking Faith up.
"You could also try giving her flowers, say you're sorry for what ever you said that got her pissed off like that. And then ask her to have diner or something with you."
"Why are you helping me?"
"Because Isabel asked me to."
It was late when Kyle and Liz returned. Alex, Isabel, Maria and Michael had already gone to sleep. Max was sitting in the living room with Faith.
"I'm going to bed, you comming?"
"I think I'm going to go and sit in the garden for a while."
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"No, I'll be fine Kyle. I just want to go and look at the stars."
"OK, Goodnight Lizzie."
"Night Kyle."
She started to walk to the back door when she saw Max.
"Look Liz I'm so sorry for earlier and I'm sorry that I yelled, but I worry and I don't want anything to happen with you. And I was jellouse and..."
She put her finger on his lips to silence him.
"I'm sorry to."
"For what?"
"The last day's where more or less a rush and I go really stressed out and I took it all out on you and I'm sorry that I hit you."
"I diserved it."
"No you didn't, you been notthing but nice to me and..."
This time it was Max who put his finger on her lips.
"So where where you going?"
She had to smile at his sudden change off topics.
"I was going to go outside to watch the stars, want to join me?"
"I would love to."
The two of them went outside and sat together under the stars.
"Do you know anything about stars?"
"Ofcourse I just never seem to be able to find the diffrent sign's."
"Then you're in luck mister Evans. Cause you see over there is Orion and that is Orions belt."
Liz continued to show him the diffrent stars.
After showing him him all the stars she knew they had just sat there in silence and watch the stars.
"Yeah max?"
"Do you want to have dinner with me sometime? Just the two of us?"
"Like a date?"
"No,just as to friends, sharing a meal together. Nothing else."
"I would love to."
She put her head on his shoulder and looked at the stars.
"Max look, a shouting star. Make a wish."
End part 15
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Post by Lindsey »

Eight life's, one destiny

Rating: ADULT eventually
Disclaimer: Don't own, promise to return them to the evil one a.k.a. J.K.
Author: Lindsey (cindyvandenbempt@hotmail.com)
Category: AU M/L, M/M, I/A, K/S
Summary: The whole gang is alien, no tess in the gang I will bring her in the story later. The story start with Liz being captured
“ “ = talking
‘ ‘ = mind talk
Part 16
"Max look, a shouting star. Make a wish."
"Will it come true if I do?"
"I don't know, wha would you wish for?"
"I would wish for...."
"LIZ?! Is tha you out there?"
"Yeah Kyle."
"Look I'm going to go for a ride, want to come?"
"No, I think I'm going to stay outside for a litle bit longer."
"OK, See you later."
"Bye Kyle."
"So what would you wish for?"
"I would wish for love."
It was a little after two when Kyle was driving back.
When he suddenly saw two black van's following a blue mustang.
The driver of the first van was shooting at the mustang.
Kyle turned his car arround and started to follow them.
One of the tiers of the mustang was shot to pieces and the mustang slipt of the road.
The two van's stoped and bothe drivers stept out. Kyle palled when he looked at the two.
Two blond girls stood next to each other and one of the two was Pam Troy.
Kyle got out of his car and started to get closer to the two girls who where looking at the girl in the car.
Making a swift desission he raced his hand and knocked both girls out.
He walked towards the mustang and lifted the red headed girl out of it. He caried her over to his car and then he waved his hand over the mustang setting it on fire.
"What the hell where you thinking? She could be working for the goverment."
"Chill out Michael, nobody saw me;"
"Do you realise what kind of danger you have brought over us? Do you Kyle?"
"I said chill."
Kyle looked down at the girl tha was now sleeping on the couch.
"We'll deal with everythin in the morning. OK Michael?"
"No it's not OK, we don't know who the hell she is."
The girl started to stir.
"Where am I, who are you people."
On that moment Liz and Max came in.
"And where have you been Sis?"
Liz looked at the girl who looked petrified.
"Hi, I'm Liz. What's you're name?"
"I'm Serena."
End part 16
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Post by Lindsey »

Eight life's, one destiny

Rating: ADULT eventually
Disclaimer: Don't own, promise to return them to the evil one a.k.a. J.K.
Author: Lindsey (cindyvandenbempt@hotmail.com)
Category: AU M/L, M/M, I/A, K/S
Summary: The whole gang is alien, no tess in the gang I will bring her in the story later. The story start with Liz being captured
“ “ = talking
‘ ‘ = mind talk
Part 17 - ADULT
"I don't know about you guy's but I want to go to bed."
"That sounds like a good idee, sleep."
Max said while looking at Liz. Directing his attention to Kyle he said.
"Why don't you show Serena the spare bedroom. I'm sure sh wants to get some rest."
Liz went to sit down next to Serena.
"Don't worry, you're save here."
"What's that yelling about?"
"I don't know."
Isabel looked at him, he was only wearing his boxers.
Looking her over, she was wearing a short nightgown.
"Could you, could you please come in here for a second?"
As soon as Alex entered the room Isabels lips where on him.
Isabel puched him on to the bed.
"Do you want me?"
"GOD yes."
She straddled his waist and his hands where moving over her body slowly moving up and down.
She felt his cock harden under her.
Her hands where moving over his naked chest.
He moved his hands down to her breasts and squeezed.
"O Alex."
His hands where pushing the gown up, when suddenly Isabel got of him. Before he could say something she pulled the gown over her head and let it fall dawn. Next's she pulled her panties off and tossed them next to her gown.
"God you're beautifull."
"Thank you."
She moved back over to the bed and pulled his boxers off, stradelling him again. His hands got back to her breasts and started to squeeze them again He then rolled them over so that he was on top. Looking down at her with a devilish grin. He started to suck on her breast.
"Ooh Alex, God, Yes like that."
Alex moved down. Isabel moaned at the lost of his lips on her breast.
"You are so beautiful."
He started to sucked and licked her clit.
"ALEX! O god, that feels so good, don't stop, please don't stop.
She came hard into his mouth.
After she calmed down he softly kissed her.
"You O.K.?"
"I'm more then O.K. But you look like you need a helping hand. Lay down."
Alex rolled over so that he was on his back.
Isabel wraped her soft hands around his painfully erect shaft and gave the head a teasing lick.
Releasing his cock she straddled him and took his cock back into her hand guiding him to where he belonged.
Holding her hips steady for a second before completly entering her he looked into her eyes.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, please Alex."
He guided her down on him only stopping when he reached her barrier he stopped looking into her eyes.
Sensing that he didn't want to hurt her she pushed down breaking her barrier, tears imedially filled her eyes.
Alex didn't dare to move, affraid of hrting her more.
"Isabel, why did you do that?"
"Because if I didn't you wouldn't have."
"We can stop."
"NO! I'm fine, I promise."
She started to move up and down on his cock. Using all of his selfcontrole he stopped her again.
"I don't want to be the reason you're hurt."
"The only way you can hurt me is if you stop me now."
As soon as he released her hips she started to ride his cock.
Moaning her name as she was riding him.
Clenching her pussy riding his cock hard and fast, shoving her pelvis down onto him.
"Alex...........ohhhhh..........Yes...........ohhhhhh..................I'm gonna come!"
Bringing his hand down he rubbed her clit, making her climax hard.
Her juices poured from her core and covered Alex’s cock.
Alex flipped them over and pounced into her.
"Oh Baby......... yes..................yes."
"Come for me Alex...please…do it!"
Alex continued to pump deep inside of her wet passage speeding up with every thrust.
"Alex...............I'm gona come!"
Alex speeded up some more.
Isabel screamed out her orgasme. Each time his cock pushed deep inside of her, she felt another release of cum flow from her body.
Alex drove wildly in and out of her body, pushing her to an other orgasme.
His rigid staff was surrounded in her wetness.
"Say..........say...........that................. you're.....................mine."
Whit that Alex came deep in her, when she felt him come she came again her juices soaking Alex's cock, her cum running down his length and his cock starting to soften, still in her cunt.
"That was amazing."
"Alex, I love you."
"I love you too Belle."
When Alex started to move out of her she wrapped her legs arround his waste.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"I'm just getting of of you, I'm not going anywhere."
Unlocking her legs she let Alex slip out of her. Before laying down next to her he gave her a sweet kiss.
"Go to sleep Belle."
"You'll stay here? Right?"
"Yes. I promise."
Isabel closed her eyes and snugeld into his chest before falling asleep.
Alex woke up with the most incredeble feeling.
Isabel was sucking his cock.
Her mouth took him deep inside and Alex could not withhold the loud moan that escaped his lips.
Her mouth moved slowly at first pulling him further in inch by inch before she formed a suction and pulled back.
His orgasm hit and it hit hard, Isabel sucked harder swallowing everything.
End part 17
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Post by Lindsey »

Eight life's, one destiny

Rating: ADULT eventually
Disclaimer: Don't own, promise to return them to the evil one a.k.a. J.K.
Author: Lindsey (cindyvandenbempt@hotmail.com)
Category: AU M/L, M/M, I/A, K/S
Summary: The whole gang is alien, no tess in the gang I will bring her in the story later. The story start with Liz being captured
“ “ = talking
‘ ‘ = mind talk
Part 18
“So Serena, why where they chasing you?”
“ I don’t know.”
”Come on you must have a thought on why they where chasing you.”
“Like I told you, I don’t”
‘Where not gonna hurt you.’
“Who said that?”
“Who said what?”
“Don’t play stupid I know I heard something.”
Liz entered the room, nodding to Michael and then she looked Serena in the eyes.
‘I said that.’
“what the f*ck, who are you people?”
“Well, I’m Liz but I already told you that, that’s my brother Michael> Kyle is the one that brought you here, he has a brother named Alex but he’s still in bed. That’s Max who has two sisters named Isabel and Maria and the little puppy at your feet is Faith.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it. Who are you?”
“We’re like you, you can feel it can’t you?”
Liz reached out and took Serena’s hand.
“Welkom to the family.”
At that moment Alex entered the room.
“What’s for breakfast? Whoow, who are you?”
“Alex meet Serena. Serena my brother Alex, the biggest loser that we have, he still wets his bed you know.”
“KYLE, what the f*ck is wrong with you telling lies like that.”
“Alex, I’m just telling it how it is.”
”I do not wet my bed and I’m not a loser.”
Liz walked between the two brothers.
“Boys knock it off.”
“But Lizzie, he just….”
“But he….”
“Alex, you did the same when you met Maria and Isabel.”
“But I….”
“Yes Lizzie.”
”I’ll be quite now.”
“How did you do that?”
”Simple they know what I can do with my powers.”
“You’ve got to show me sometimes.”
Max came out of the kitchen.
“Anybody hungry?”
“Alex behave.”
“Morning everybody.”
“Morning Ria.”
“Max, I think that your sister has something going on with my brother.”
End part 18
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Post by Lindsey »

Eight life's, one destiny

Rating: ADULT eventually
Disclaimer: Don't own, promise to return them to the evil one a.k.a. J.K.
Author: Lindsey (cindyvandenbempt@hotmail.com)
Category: AU M/L, M/M, I/A, K/S
Summary: The whole gang is alien, no tess in the gang I will bring her in the story later. The story start with Liz being captured
“ “ = talking
‘ ‘ = mind talk
Part 19
"Max, I think that your sister has something going on with my brother."
"What!? Where are they?"
Liz put her hand on his arm.
"Calm down I'm not sure."
"Why would you think that?"
"Look at the way they are together."
Max looked into the living room and saw Maria rub Michaels shoulders while they where talking to Serena.
"He has to keep his hands............"
"Watch what you're saying, that's my brother you're talking about."
"Besides I think that they have or going to bond."
"To what?"
"Bond. When we found the pods we also found a book. It tells about the bonding, it's our people's way of marriage."
"Well, she's to young to get married."
"Back home you marry at the age of 16, so she's old enough."
Max mumbled something unintelligent and then put his focus on the book.
"What else was in the book?"
"Maybe we should discus this with everybody?"
"I think that's best."
Max grabbed her hand and pulled her into the living room.
"Izzy, Alex, Get you're asses over here."
"What the hell is you're problem bro?"
"Lizzie, Book, talk please."
"Well, when Michael, Alex, Kyle & I found the pods..."
"Pods? What pods?"
"The pods we came out of."
"Oh, OK"
"So like I said when Michael, Alex, Kyle & I found the pods we also found a book, did you guys bring it?"
"Yeah sis I'll go and get it."
Michael ran upstairs and got the book and gave it to Liz.
"Here you go."
"Thanks Mikey. This book go's over the customs of our people and it also go's about us. In it are our old names and what we did before we died."
"We died?"
"Yeah, we are actually our clones but when we where send to earth the well originals where dead and they put there souls into us. We are the people they where, just a bit different."
"So in our past live Isabel was called Vilondra, Maria was Renolé, Serena was Bel'hina, Kyle was Lerazity, Alex was Averny, Michael was Thy' Rath' tin, Max was Zan'dhar and I was Ka'nela. We where or rather are the royal court of the planet Antar."
"My name was Vilondra?"
"Let me see that."
Isabel pulled the book out of Liz her hands. After looking at it for a few seconds Michael spoke up.
"Don't try to understand it, Liz has always been the only one that was able to read from the book."
"How come?"
"She's just gifted I gues."
"What else is in the book Liz."
"Stuff about us, who we where, the fact that you where the king, who we where married to, stuff like that."
"I was King?"
"Extually you are king."
Before Max could say something else Isabel spoke up.
"To whom was I married and does it say I should remarry him?"
"The chose to remarry is yours and you where married to Alex. Does anybody else wants to know with whom he or she was married?"
"Maria, you where married to Michael."
"So Maxie, my darling brother, don't you want to know with who you where married?"
"No Ria I don't."
"Why not?"
"I don't want to know, besides I already have someone in mind that I want to marry and no silly book is going to stop me from asking her to when the time comes."
"OK, Kyle, Serena don't you guy's want to know?"
"No thank you."
"Oh well, so Lizzie who's wife where you?"
"That's between me and the book."
She put the book down and looked outside.
"Now if you all would excuse me it's a beautiful day and I'm going to go and change and then I'm going to go and catch some sun."
Whit that Liz left the room.
Liz was sitting in the sun putting on some sunlotion when Max entered the garden.
"Want me to do your back?"
Liz went to lay down as Max poored the lotion in his hands.
Sofly he started to rub her back.
"Thanks, want to stay outside wih me for a little whille?"
"Yeah. I'm going to go change I'll be right back."
A couple minutes later Max was back this time only in a pair af speedo's.
"Want me to put the lotion on your back?"
"That would be great."
Getting down next to her he moved closer to her so that he was right next to her.
Like he did earlier she rubbed the lotion on his shoulders.
After finishing with his back she got down again.
She had put the music on that she had brought outside with her.
Liz and Max fell asleep after a while.
When Max woke up he noticed the fact that Liz was burned and that there was a note from the others saying that they would be back against 6.
"Liz wake up."
"What, O my god Max, look at you your completly red."
"So are you. Want me to make it better?"
"You can?"
Max moved his hands over her skin and started to heal the dammiged skin.
"Yeah, but what about you?"
"Don't worry Ria or Izzy will heal me when they get back."
He looked at his watch.
"Whitch will be in 2 hours."
"Tell me how to do it and I'll try."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, show me."
"OK, first you need to cleare you're mind and then you have to picture the skin and the you have to picture yourself fixing the skin."
"OK, I can do this."
Liz moved her hands over his back healing the skin.
"Thank you. "
Max leand closer to her and softly kissed her.
When she responded to his kiss he moved even closer to her. He layed hem down so that he was on top of her when he suddenly felt her frees under him.
The he felt the wetness of her tears against him.
"Liz? What's wrong?"
"Please, tell me what's wrong? What did I do?"
"I............I.....................I just can't do this, I'm sorry, I have to go."
Liz got up and ran to her room.
"Liz, Please open this door, Please, I'm sorry............Come on Liz just open the door."
Max had been sitting infront of Liz door for half an hour and still she didn't responded to him.
"Lizzie....Open this door...............I'll open it with my powers if you don't."
Still nothing. Max got of of the floor and put his hand over the lock unlocking the door.
Max entered the room and saw Liz laying on the bed crying.
"Liz, please just tell me what's wrong. You can tell me anything, you know that, don't you?"
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"Because, you'll hate me then."
"I could never hate you. Please tell me."
"You promise?"
"I promise that I will never hate you. Now tell me."
"In the labratory, they...............they........they."
Max took her shaking body in his arms.
"What did they do to you?"
"Did they................? Did they rape you?"
Liz noded, thinkiong that any moment now he would push her away and leave her alone.
"Ssssh, Lizzie, it wasn't you're fault."
"It is my.."
"No Lizzie, It wasn't you're fault, they did this to you. It wasn't your fault sweety."
Max's looked down at her.
"I don't hate you, I hate them but not you, never you."
"You mean that?"
Liz looked up to him as Max leaned down and kissed her.
"Just tell me if I'm making you uncomfrotable."
End part 19