Turn Off The Light (AU,A/I,MATURE/ADULT) PT5 1/3/06 {WIP}

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Turn Off The Light (AU,A/I,MATURE/ADULT) PT5 1/3/06 {WIP}

Post by aliensister »


thank u faithlee (babylisou -Ann) oxoxoxox


SUMMARY: Isabel is an Enigma full if dark secrets.Could Alex be her beacon of light through the darkness.

Isabel walked into the school wearing her usual daggy black low-riding khakis that showed off the A on the small of her back with large angel wings spreading from either side of the A to her each of her hips and her tight black wife beater, her little red dragon tattoo peeking out from the strap of her wifebeater as well as the usual accessories thick leather studded belt and studded bracelets to match and usual jewellery nose, lip, tongue and eyebrow rings (think Lonnie with Isabel’s hair she made quite a picture in contradictions with her grungy punk and her long mane of preppy blonde hair that reached half way down her back but was in a sloppy bun at the nape of her neck). Her worn out combat boots scuffing the ground as she rounded the corner only to be knocked to her ass when she ran into someone coming the other way

"You little dickhead, I’m gonna kick your ass....."Isabel grumbled until she saw who it was she had knocked into. There in front of her sat a slightly dishevelled Alex Whitman tall, sort of lanky Alex Whitman, wearing a dark blue button down shirt with all the buttons done up, a pair of dark blue jeans, his joggers and his chocolate brown hair sort of gelled into spikes on top of his head.

"Oh shit sorry, Isabel I just wasn't looking where I was going” Alex said reaching out his hand to help Isabel up.

"Yeah well I noticed that when I was knocked to my ass "said Isabel sarcastically, refusing Alex's hand to get up she started to dust the dirt off herself while sneaking glances at Alex as he also began to dust himself off, checking him from head to toe and then scolded herself as her thoughts began to fly south for the winter. You see Isabel is that little boy in 2nd grade who kept bullying that little girl cause liked her and to Isabel Alex is that little girl (not that she thinks of Alex as a little girl far from it!) that she so desperately like but is unable to show it. Isabel winced as she bent over to brush the dirt off her pants.

"Are you ok, Isabel?" Alex asked when he saw her wince

"I'm fine dweeb, now if you'll excuse me I have better things to be doing with my time” she said nastily and began to stalk away but not before Alex could grab her arm and swing her around so Isabel faced him.

"Isabel, if your not...ok you can tell me, I’ am here if you need me” Alex said. Isabel just shook her arm free and began walking off but stop a couple off feet away from him and quietly said "your better off not knowing Alex".

Isabel locked the cubicle door in the girls washroom, lifting up her black wifebeater sighed and stared at the deep purple bruise from her left hip and ending just below her left breast.

"Ah another Hank Guerin original” she said sarcastically as her eyes began to mist up.

"Oh Alex it doesn't how much I want to tell you, your just better off not knowing” Isabel said wiping her eyes and sitting down on the toilet seat.


Last edited by aliensister on Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:04 am, edited 17 times in total.
For Tess in Roswell Revisited
Turn Off The Light
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Post by aliensister »


SUMMARY: Isabel is an Enigma full if dark secrets. Could Alex be her beacon of light through the darkness.

*I would like to thank Nelly Furtado's song turn off the light (thus the title) for the inspiration *the amazing Lindsay for being my beta*my sister beccy for encouraging me * baby sis molly for Amelia*


thanks for the FB keep it comin'


Isabel; walked up the stairs that led to the pathetic excuse for and apartment that she lived in with her mother Diane Guerin and stepfather HankGuerin, unlocking the front door she stepped into her small lounge room that was furnished with two small mustard coloured couches and an old worn-out lazy-boy with a hole in the headrest that had been covered by duc-tape it was placed in front of the black and white television they had had a coloured tv but in one of hanks alcohol included fits of rage he had put his foot through it! She could here her mother rustling in the kitchen, cleaning the mess off alcohol and broken plates and glasses after the little “session” last night. Her mother finally came out of the kitchen with a black garbage bag in her hand and a black eye that had graced her face thanks to hank.

“Hey baby” Diane said concerned “how ya feelin”
“Oh um…..like someone kicked the crap out of me oh wait that actually happened “ Isabel replied icily

“I told you to just stay away from him when he’s like that”

“Its been working’ really well for you, hasn’t it” Isabel said as she grabbed her mums chin to take a closer look at her black eye that had her mothers eye nearly swollen shut and the cut on her cheek where he had back handed her

“Oh mum why do you stay with him,” Isabel said sadly

“Cause I love him and underneath he’s really a good person” Diane said as she planted a kiss on her daughter’s forehead
“Really” she insisted as she went back to cleaning


Closing her bedroom door she could see her 3 year old daughter/sister Amelia asleep on the bed. About 3 years ago Diane had fallen pregnant with hanks baby and with Hank being a drunk and her mother not wanting any more kids she wanted to get rid of it but she was already 5 months pregnant abortion wasn’t an option so she thought about adoption but Isabel freaked. This was a little girl, a little sister, her little sister! Isabel already had 2 brothers Michael Guerin (hanks only son) and Isabel’s twin brother Maxwell Evans. Max, Isabel and their parents lived in Roswell until they were 5 when their father died in a fire, leading their mother to drink and become an alcoholic. While in a bar in las cruses Diane met hank, they married 6 months later and Diane, max and Isabel moved to las cruses to live with Hank and Michael. Michael, max and Isabel become close, fast. With the alcohol and beatings they needed each other to lean on! Amelia began to stir in the sofa bed they shared in her room Isabel sat on the edge of the bed and started to think about the conversation or rather the argument that had led to her being Amelia’s mother not sister at 15.

//Flash back//

Isabel had cornered her mother in the lounge room

“How can you do this!” Isabel shouted

“I don’t want it” Diane said trying to remain calm

“Its not an ‘it’ she’s a baby with a heart beat and a brain and 10 little fingers and toes” Isabel seethed

“You don’t understand, I don’t want it” Diane yelled
“No your right I don’t understand explain it to me!”

“ I cant, it wont its mother, I j…”

“You are its mother it’s growing inside of you”

“No Isabel I’m an incubation pod, a mother is someone who loves, cares and nurtures the child. I cant be its mother. Your father, oh god your father was my soulmate and I may love hank but I don’t want to be the mother of his children” Diane said sobbing as she sank to the floor

“Then give her to me” Isabel said strongly

“What no! You’re 15 and baby you’re smart you have a…. a future oh baby you could have such a bright future”
“I can handle it max and Michael will help me”

“You’ll have to do it, I won’t help”


Diane looked up at Isabel “you really want to do this don’t you”
Isabel crouched down in front of her mother “yes” she said determinately

//End flash back//

On Amelia’s birth certificate they wrote Isabel as her mother and her father unknown. Very few people knew the truth and that’s the way it was going to stay. Now it was basically just Amelia and her, Max and Michael were gone.

Last edited by aliensister on Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
For Tess in Roswell Revisited
Turn Off The Light
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part 3

Post by aliensister »

IAM SOO sorry guys its just major issues with my family at the moment
forgive me please!!!

thank you to everyone who left feedback you guys are awesome

heres chapter3

Diane cautiously peered through the door to her daughter’s room

“ah , Isabel…”

“yeah mum” Isabel said tearing her gaze away from the small child sleeping beside her to look at her mother.

“Um Hank just called and said he was going to be late home because he was going to pub with a few old friends so I thought …..yeah”

“thanks, I’ll wake Ami and we’ll go”

“ok” Diane said closing the door.

“Ami, Ami wake up princess” Isabel said stroking her daughters hair .

“mummy?” Amelia groggily said wiping the sleep from her eyes as Isabel pulled her to sit on her lap.

“hey baby guess what?, were going to see uncle Kyle would you like that?”

“Yeah” Amelia said jumping up and down on Isabel’s lap

“ok, well you grab some stuff to play with at uncle Kyle’s and I’ll get shoes and jacket”


Amelia held Isabel’s hand as they entered the culder sack , Kyle’ house was smack dab in the middle , his blue and white striped 1970 ford mustang lay parked in the driveway the amount of time, money and Kyle had put in that car still amazed Isabel , she was more of a motorbike kind of girl . Amelia‘s squeals of delight brought Isabel out of her trance .

“Yay Uncle Kyle , Uncle Kyle” Amelia said dragging Isabel by the hand

Isabel grabbed the key to the front door from under the welcome mat, Kyle left it under there for two reasons one was so Isabel could always get in and just in case Kyle managed to lose his keys which happened often.

As Isabel opened the door , Amelia shot off in search of Kyle. Isabel could hear music it was there warning song for Isabel and Amelia so they didn’t walk in on something they didn’t want to see.

“Kyle, Amelia’s coming up keep it pg”

She heard a faint thanks as she began to sing

“Suckers love is heaven sent
You pucker up our passions spent
My heart’s a tart , Your body’s rent
My body’s broken yours is bent
Carver your name into my arm “

Isabel walked into the kitchen to the to the freezer and got out the double choc-chip ice cream and the fudge sauce out of the fridge .

“Instead of stressed I lie here charmed
Cause there’s nothing else to do
Every me and every you”

Isabel jumped onto the counter that gave her the best view of the stars through the window , she began to dig into the ice-cream while she thought about her encounter with Alex this morning .Isabel was torn she had the walls for a reason if nobody got in than she couldn’t hurt anyone and they couldn’t hurt her. There was silence as the song changed it was another of favourites.

“You and me we used to be together
Everyday together
I really feel that I’m losing my best friend
I cant believe this could be the end
It looks as though your letting go
And if its real than I don’t want to know”

She had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t heard his footsteps as he walked into the kitchen but she felt his hand on her shoulder and jumped when faced the person who had startled her from her thoughts


again im sorry for not posting sooner !!!!

luv mel a.k.a aliensister
For Tess in Roswell Revisited
Turn Off The Light
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Post by aliensister »

hey guys im back! and i have a new chapter for you!!!!! im so sorry it took soo long!

hugs and kisses mel

PART 4..lol

"Alex?... what the hell are you doing here?" Isabel was shocked
Alex and kyle were very much from different circles, hell they
weren’t even in the same year! Kyle was a jock and Alex was a
nerd, a geek, and that was putting it nicely.

Alex didn’t take offence to Isabel’s harsh tone, by now he was used
to it. He just laughed and took a seat next to Isabel on the counter.

"Shock ya huh? Geek and the jock hanging out? Being best buds?" He
said with a smile.

"Well, yeah there's that and the fact that I know Kyle back to front
and if you and him were suddenly best friends he would have told
me!" Isabel raised an eyebrow and graced Alex with one of her rare
smiles that she saved for him only, not that Alex knew that.

Alex held up his hands in a surrendering gesture.

"Ok you got me! You know my sister Serena? Well Kyle has some how
managed to capture her heart" Alex chortled, which sent waves of
butterflies to Isabel’s stomach.

"Mummy eew! Mummy tell Uncle Kyle its gross, yuck yuck mummy tell
him to stop and the poor girl mummy she was infected!!!" screamed
the blonde four year old as she came running into the kitchen, with
a face of pure disgust that only a four year old could pull off and
still look cute!. Isabel hopped off the counter and picked up her

"Oh hunny what did that disgusting Uncle Kyle do this time?" Isabel
asked trying to hide her laughter as Kyle and Serena came running
into the room behind Amelia, looking very dishevelled. Isabel
wasn’t stupid she knew what Kyle and Serena were doing when Amelia
had walked in on them.

"Oh mummy it was sooo gross, there was tongues and ...and... it was
gross!" Amelia replied with shudder. Isabel could no longer suppress
it as the laughter bubbled from her chest, it was infectious as Alex
joined the laughter.

"And mummy, poor Rena’s going to get cooties! And is there a cure?
Mummy what if she gets really sick? Mummy will the doctor be able
to fix her?....I never wanna get cooties!" Amelia had began to
talk really fast without breathing, making Isabel and Alex laugh
"Oh buddha it wasn’t that bad and there's no such thing as cooties!"
Kyle said as he went to the fridge and grabbed out a bottle of
water. Isabel was laughing so hard that she had to put Amelia up on the
counter where she had been sitting so as not to drop Amelia.

"Ya huh! Yes there is! Cindy L. from playgroup said her big sister
Wendy got it from kissing her boyfriend Peter and she wasn’t able
to sing no more and she was heaps sick!"

"She did not"
"Yes she did"

"Na ah"
"Ya huh!" Amelia was now standing on the counter top with her hands
on her hips as she glared at her uncle Kyle.


"Actually Kyle, um its kinda true, Wendy was the leader singer of the
Whits" Alex butted in

" But had to take time off cause she caught mono...I mean cooties" he said nodding.

"Ha! See Uncle Kyle I was right and your stupid" Amelia said
poking her tongue out at Kyle.

"Amelia!" Isabel reprimanded her,"What did I tell you? Don't call people names."

"I sorry mamma...but he is!"

"Maybe so,but dont say it" Isabel said smiling.

"Hey!" Kyle protested, Isabel looked at him.
"Kyle James Valenti, did you or did you not get your head stuck
between two fence railings, while being stark naked?"

"Are you serious?!" Serena giggled

"I was slightly intoxicated at the time" Kyle mumbled with his head
down shamefully

"HA! That’s nothing!..." Isabel was suddenly quietened by Kyle
slapping his hand over her mouth.

"Kwyle wemove your hand fwom my mouf before i bite it!"

"You wouldn’t..." Kyle said but then he looked down at Isabel’s
face and quickly removed his hand

"Good choice" Isabel looked down at Amelia tugging on her shirt.

"I hungry mama"

Alex looked at Amelia what a cutie he thought to himself.

"You know what little lady , i do believe pizza is in order" He
said picking Amelia up and putting her on his hip.

"Yay!" Amelia squealed and clapped her hands in excitement.

"With Pepsi and ..and garwic bread right?" Amelia said wiping her
hair out of her face with her hands in that way that only a four year
old could, using the palms of her hands and giving her mother her
most innocent, angelic face.

" I don’t know.." Isabel said unsure, when Amelia had sugar she had
a tendency to go kind of hyper.

"Aww come on mum" said Alex as he and Amelia gave her their best
puppy dog eyes. Isabel shook her head , her daughter had her
wrapped around her little finger and Alex...well she wasn’t much
better with him.

"Yeah come on Izzy" Kyle chipped in, even Serena joined in their
pleas for pizza causing Isabel to roll her eyes.

"Ok , who am I to be a stick in the mud." A cheer went around the

"But there’s one condition...Alex and Kyle have to deal with the
four year old on a sugar high...ok?" Isabel’s smile could only be
described as one of pure mischief.

"Ahhh.." Kyle tried to back peddle, to get himself out of this
situation. He had seen Amelia on one of her sugar highs, Kyle bit
back a shudder it was a scary thought.

"Hey sure that's fine"Alex readily agreed.

"Woah up there buddy, speak for yourself, I’ve seen this she-devil
on sugar it’s not a pretty sight," said Kyle earning him a punch on
the arm and a glare from Isabel and an admonished "Kyle" from

"Come on man, we’re manly men we can handle an itty bitty little
girl" stated Alex.

"Aww" thought Isabel "..so naive."
"Come on Kyle, you can show me your softer side" said Serena giving
Kyle a look that was far from innocent, causing Alex to groan and
Isabel to roll her eyes.

"Pizza now?" Amelia asked

"Of course princess" Alex replied looking down at Amelia.

"Yay" said Amelia wrapping her hands around Alex’s neck and giving
him a loving squeeze, causing Isabel’s butterflies to dance.

"I am, you know , a princess" said Amelia.

"I have no doubt about it , your too beautiful not to be" Alex said
and then lent in to whisper into Amelia’s ear, "and plus your mama’s a gorgeous queen, but don't tell her I said
that!" He looked up to see Isabel staring at them with a wistful
smile upon her face, "hmm, wonder what that's about?" thought Alex.
Isabel caught and held his gaze losing herself in his eyes as he
did the same, her butterflies moved into her chest and tingles
coursed through Alex’s body. "This is a moment , we’re having a
moment" Alex suddenly realised.

Alex and Isabel’s staring contest was broken by Kyle clearing his
throat with a stage cough. Amelia looked at Isabel and Alex
curiously they were both blushing as their gazes stared at
anything in the room but each other.

"Um..me and Alex will go order the pizza, what do you guys like?"
Serena asked.

"We’re BBQ chicken lovers babe, thanks" Said Kyle

"Yep yeah me and Serena we’re the pizza order guys" Alex laughed
nervously at his attempt at humour. As Serena tugged him out of the
room by his free arm ,harshly whispering to Alex "pizza order guys"
Alex merely shrugged.

Isabel stared at her nails feeling the heat of Kyle’s stare she
looked up , Kyle’s eyebrows almost reached his hair line as he
leaned against the sink.

"Ok missy care to tell me what that was about?" Kyle asked

"It was nothing" Isabel lied.

"Uh huh, try that on someone who doesn’t know you so well as to
know when your lying" he said coming to stand in front of Isabel
cupping her face with his hands and leaning his forehead against
her so he could look into her eyes.

"I..." She started then nervously bit her lip

"Uh we ordered the pizza" Serena said from the doorway wondering
what was going on here, she trusted Kyle and she knew that Isabel
was more like a sister to him , no she wondered if this had
something to do with her brother and the loving gaze they had just

"Saved by the sexy girl in the doorway but this ain’t over Iz ya
got me?" he whispered.

"Woo! Bring on the pizza" Kyle exclaimed, Serena and Isabel laughed
as Amelia squealed "PIZZA" from the lounge room

"It ain’t here yet we only just ordered it ,belly man" said Serena
poking Kyle in the stomach as he put his arm around her shoulders
leading her with Isabel walking behind them into the lounge room
where Amelia and Alex sat on the floor looking through DVD’s for
them to watch.

" Hey whats with all the Will Smith movies?" Alex asked with Amelia
sitting on his lap ,the DVD’s spread out in a jumble on the floor
before them.

"Cause the man kicks ass" said Isabel taking a seat in the old
brown armchair in the corner ,that made anyone who sat in it feel
tiny.Amelia giggled.

"You sworded mummy" She walked over to Isabel and crawled up into
her lap.

"Tsk tsk I'm such a naughty girl" Isabel said as she began to tickle
Amelia unmercifully . Amelia squirmed herself away from Isabel and
her tickling fingers and ran across the room to Alex who was still
sat on the floor choosing the movies , Amelia threw herself into
Alex’s arms.

"Ahhhh save me Awex" she said burying her head in his shoulder.
Isabel got up from her chair and stalked over to where Alex and
Amelia were huddled together on the floor .

"Mwahahahahahahah I'm going to get yous" said Isabel as she
playfully growled and tackled them

"Noooooooooo!!!" Alex let out a fake girly scream, Amelia giggled
and squealed as Isabel began tickling both of them.

"I dont think so Iz" He said pinning Isabel to the ground and began
to tickle her

" Quick help me Ami " he said tickling ,causing Isabel to squirm.
Alex loved the sound of Isabel’s laughter he didn’t hear it ever
and he had a feeling she didn’t do it often enough!

"RASPBERRIES!!!!" Said Amelia clapping

"NO!!" Isabel looked scared but smiled and laughed because she was
getting tickled

"So raspberries huh?"

"OMG no Alex please! eep!!!!" Isabel pleaded trying to cover her
neck which was the most ticklish part of Isabel’s body .Alex saw
this and went for it ,blowing a giant raspberry on her neck, Isabel
laughed so hard she snorted causing Alex to laugh so hard he rolled
off Isabel and layed on the ground beside her laughing.

"You..you ..snorted !!" Alex laughed

"Shuddup!!!" Isabel punched Alex in the arm lightly, laughing. She
looked over at him losing herself in his gaze again. Alex rolled
over onto his side as Isabel did the same, he reached up to brush
some errant hair off Isabel’s cheek and let his hand linger there.
Isabel sighed and let her eyes fall closed as Alex’s hand ghosted
across her forehead and cheek .

end of chapter!...for now lol
For Tess in Roswell Revisited
Turn Off The Light
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Post by aliensister »

Finally i have come to end your suffering lol!!!

thank you to everyone one who left feedback and even everyone one of the lurkers

as always thank you jessica( jeja911) for beta-ing for me
here without further adu...(i dont think thats how you spell it but *shrug*)


Isabel leaned in towards Alex as he did the same. She could feel Alex’s heated breath against her lips as his face came closer to hers. His breath coming out in short pants the same as hers was. A giggle echoed from the other room and Isabel’s eyes snapped open. She and Alex broke away from each other and the guilty pair jumped up off the floor. They noticed that while they had been not paying attention Amelia, Kyle and Serena had moved back into the kitchen and were getting out plates and cups for the soda that sat on counter as the aroma of pizza finally reached Alex and Isabel’s noses. Surely they hadn’t missed the pizza’s arrival but as they made their way to the kitchen , Isabel realised that they had in fact missed it.

" ‘Could've told us the pizza was here." Alex said walking into the kitchen

"I was going to but Uncle Kwyle and Renie said that you and mummy were busy picking out the movies we were going to watch and that if I disturbed you ,you might pick the wrong ones and we’d have to watch a docoomentree and not the dood ones with David Atim...Atim ...yeah him " Amelia said nodding to the last bit like someone else had said his last name and that everyone knew who he was.

"So what movies did you pick, Momma? " she said coming over and motioning for Alex to pick her up , which he did. Put on the spot Isabel thought fast.

"What's your favourite movie sweetie?" Isabel said in overly sweet voice. Amelia’s favourite movie changed like Isabel changed her underwear ...everyday.

"YAY! Braveheart!!!" Amelia squealed and clapped her hands then reached up and hugged Alex in a bear hug.

"Its my Uncle Michael's favourite too!" Alex smiled and nodded

"But first I thought we could watch Shark Tale you know how much you love Shark Tale, don’tcha baby?" Isabel said taking Amelia out of Alex’s arms, she really didn’t like Amelia seeing all that violence at her age.

"Otay....we have pizza now?" Amelia said perking up even further when she thought of pizza.

"Woo! Pizza!" Serena cheered and laughed as she grabbed the paper towels from the cupboard.

"Ladies and Gentlemen , would you like to please proceed to the living room...thank you" said Kyle, giving his girlfriend a kiss on the way through to the living room.


Amelia danced around the room as the credits rolled across the TV screen and the theme song filled the air

Y'all small tuna fish, I'm one big catch
(This is a Shark Tale exclusive)
Y'all small tuna fish, I'm one big catch
(Here we go again)
Y'all small tuna fish, I'm one big catch
(Say what, say what, yeah)
Y'all small tuna fish, I'm one big catch

Ooh, do do do do do do do
Car wash, car wash
Ooh, do do do do do do do
Car wash, car wash

(Yeah, let's drop it on 'em like this)

Ooh, do do do do do do, na na na ah, ooh
Ooh, do do do do do do, na na na ah, ooh

You might not ever get rich, ha
Let me tell you it's better than digging a ditch
There ain't no telling who you might meet
A movie star or maybe a common thief

Working at the car wash (oh oh, yeah yeah)
At the car wash, yeah (ooh, yeah yeah)
At the car wash (sing it with me now)
Working at the car wash, yeah

(Oh, oh)

Come summer the work gets kind of hard
This ain't no place to be if you're planning on being a star
Let me tell you it's always cool
And the boss don't mind sometimes if you're acting like a fool

Working at the car wash (oh oh, yeah yeah)
At the car wash, yeah (ooh ooh ooh)
At the car wash (ow said, now come and work it with me now, yeah)
Working at the car wash, yeah

Said, said, said, sing

(Work and work)
Well those cars never stop coming
(Work and work)
Keep those rags and machines humming
(Work and work)
My fingers to the bone
(Work and work)
Keep on and can't wait till it's time to go home

Hey, get your car washed today
Fill up and you don't have to pay
Hey, get your car washed today
Fill it up, right away

Work at the, car wash
Sharks in the water make they jaws lock
When I swim through the grim, I'm too hot
Y'all can make y'all bets
Y'all small tuna fish, I'm one big catch
Shark's lair, bow down playa
'Cause this right here will be your worst nightmare (nightmare)
Work that, work that, pop back, hurt that
Turn this up and bang it all up in the surface

(Work and work)
9 to 5 I got to keep that fat stack coming
(Work and work)
No matter how big the shark is, the right keep running
(Work and work)
Washing cars ain't no place to be a superstar man
(Work and work)
That's why I work, and work

Working at the car wash (ohhh, yeah)
At the car wash, yeah (come on work, baby work it, say now)
At the car wash (ahh)
Working at the car wash, yeah

So come on, come on, come on, come on, come on

Ooh, do do do do do do, na na na ah, ooh
(Now keep it coming)
Ooh, do do do do do do (woo, so), na na na ah, ooh
(You may not ever get rich, but hey)

Hey, get your car washed today (hey)
Hey, get your car washed today
Hey, get your car washed today (phenomenal hit)

The empty pizza boxes sat abandoned on the lounge room floor. Isabel groaned and curled further into the arm chair.

"Evil pizza and evil pizza making people for making it soo yummy."

"Told you, you wouldn’t be able to eat more pizza than us boys," Kyle said smirking and flexing his muscles. Alex rolled his eyes from his position as he laid out on the floor while Serena laid with her feet across Kyle's lap.

Sharing an evil grin with Isabel , Serena took her feet off Kyle's lap and pushed him off the lounge.

"Since you boys are soo good and won the eating contest you's can clean up" Serena said once again getting comfortable on the lounge.

"Ooh I so concur" Isabel said with her eyes closing. The boys began to grab the pizza boxes both knowing not to argue with the girls. Alex knew what Serena was like and the same with Kyle and Isabel.

Putting the pizza boxes into a large metal garbage can that sat out in the backyard of Kyle’s house, Kyle stopped as he put the lid back on the bin and looked at Alex with a serious expression

"If you hurt her, I’ll stick my boot so far up your ass you’ll be tasting leather for weeks!" warned Kyle glancing down at his leather cowboy boots

"Ditto for 'Rena" Alex replied and then smirked.

"You watch 'Sex in the City'?"

"You recognized the reference?" said Kyle causing Alex’s grin to disappear.

" Let's never speak of this again," said Alex.

"Agreed" replied Kyle as the boys turned and walked back into the house .


As the boys moved around the kitchen Isabel got up and looked to Amelia who was beginning to roll around the floor as she came down from her sugar high.

"Hey baby girl, it’s way past your bedtime" she said scooping Amelia up into her arms.

"Aww mummy but I’m not *yawn* tired." Isabel nodded.

"I can see that little one but if you don’t sleep now, we can't go to the park in the morning." Amelia wrapped her arms around Isabel’s neck and snuggled her head into the crook of her neck and shoulder.

Finally finished the boys came back into the lounge room and plopped down on the sofa with Serena.

"Is Alex coming with us to the park tomorrow, mummy?" Amelia asked already half asleep. Isabel's eyes met Alex’s slightly scared but she wasn’t sure if she was scared he would say yes he would come and spend the day with her and Amelia or that he wouldn’t.

"It would be my pleasure." he said looking straight into Isabel’s eyes, making her inside heat up and quiver. Tiny snores filled Isabel’s ears as she looked down to see that Amelia had pasted into the land of dreams.

"Righteo, I’ll go put this one down and be back." Isabel said softly as she padded into the guest room that Kyle let her and Amelia have for when they stayed over. It was basically just a double bed and a chest of drawers that had been filled with Isabel’s and Amelia’s clothes that they had left there over the years. The room also had Amelia’s stuffed toys and pictures she had drawn stuck up on the walls.

Using a skill one develops when having a child, Isabel pulled the covers down with the one hand that she didn’t really have free. Laying Amelia down, Isabel tucked the blanket in around her daughter. Isabel knew in blood Amelia wasn’t her daughter but in all the ways that counted she was.

"Mummy?" Amelia said her voice hoarse from sleep already.

"Yeah baby?" Isabel said smoothing out the hair that fell across Amelia’s forehead and placing tiny kisses across her face.

"I like Alex, he’s nice." Amelia sighed sleepily and closed her eyes again as sleep claimed her once more.

"Me too angel, me too." Isabel stared at the wall , lost deep in thought. Not only had she spent the night with him but met his sister and now thanks to her daughter she was going to have to spend tomorrow with him. Isabel cursed the fates, it was easy to fight how much she liked Alex when he wasn’t everywhere she turned. Isabel’s hand came to rest over bruised ribs and she sighed this was why she couldn’t let him in, it was hard enough to look after Amelia and herself without having to look after Alex too.

Isabel walked back into the lounge room, as Serena and Alex were getting up.

"Hey Is, munchkin fast asleep?" said Alex with a lopsided grin.

"Yep, was asleep before I even put her down" Isabel said proudly.

Alex made a face at Isabel as Kyle and Serena attempted to give each other tonsillectomies causing Isabel to laugh and Serena and Kyle to break away embarrassed.

"Okay okay Alex, I'm ready to go." said Serena as Alex made another impatient gesture.

"Hey I need my beauty sleep if I'm to go to the park with Isabel and Amelia tomorrow" he said poking his tongue out at Serena.

"You don't have to Alex...I’ll just tell Amelia you had stuff to do, it’ll be ok we’ve done it before" Isabel said unsurely, a little disappointed as if Alex had already said no.

"Hey it’ll be my pleasure." Alex replied with a huge smile.

"Ok but only if you're sure." she said biting her lip. Alex’s eyes drawn to the bitten lip as she released it from between her teeth. Not able to speak he nodded.

'God, I'm such an idiot getting all in a bother cause she bit her lip , but god what I would do to be that lip...' Alex thought to himself.

"Um...so what time do you want me here tomorrow?" he said clearing his throat.

"About 10? Gives me time to get Amelia dressed"

"And get up, our Izzy loves to sleep." Kyle added smartly as Isabel poked her tongue out at him.

Serena poked him in the side and leaned up to kiss Kyle once more. Alex smiled and walked over to shake hands with Kyle, nodding in a 'nice to meet you' kind of way. Taking a deep breath "Just do it" he muttered to himself as he walked over and hugged Isabel, who tensed but slowly began to relax and wrapped her arms around Alex and her head came to rest on his shoulder.

"Alex, stop hoggin the girl!, I wanna hug her too!" Serena laughed and pushed Alex, who rolled his eyes and released Isabel, who was promptly hugged by Serena but Isabel’s eyes still locked in a battle of gazes with Alex who mouthed ‘bye’ and turned to grab the keys for his car. With one last tight squeeze Serena released Isabel and blew a kiss to Kyle

"Bye bye guys" Serena said as she bounded after Alex, closing the door behind her.

As the door closed Isabel finally let out the gasp of pain she had been holding in, Kyle was at her side in a second his arms around her holding her up and silent tears rolled down her cheeks. Kyle asked for no explanation, this was not the first time something like this had happened not the first injury of hers he had tended to, not the first time he had patched her up after one of Hank's beatings.

Walking her over to the sofa he sat her down and went into the kitchen to grab an ice pack and the medical kit. Kyle lifted her shirt and had to look away, he felt the anger boil his blood.

"Dammit Is! Why didn’t you tell me sooner I could've patched it" he demanded with no real anger directed at her. She simply shrugged causing him to sigh. This is how it was with Isabel, the way it had been with Max and Michael too but they got out, they were safe. Tending to the wound and wrapping the bruised ribs he thought about how Max and Michael had begged Isabel and him to come with them. But Isabel wouldn’t leave without Amelia ,who Diane was still pregnant with and even then the boys had nowhere to stay and she had told them she wasn’t going to let Amelia live without a home. She said she needed an education so she could support her daughter, so Isabel stayed and Kyle stayed to look after her even though Isabel would never admit it, he did look after her.

Kyle and Isabel had made a pact that after she graduated they would leave, take Amelia and head for Boston where Max and Michael were. Putting the medical kit away Kyle sat down next to Isabel on the couch, placing a small brotherly kiss to her forehead and placing her hand in his.

"Soon" Isabel whispered in promise and squeezed Kyle’s hand as he nodded, both with their eyes closed as they thought of the way things would be better.

end of chapter

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Last edited by aliensister on Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
For Tess in Roswell Revisited
Turn Off The Light