The Escorter (Mature/ Adult, L/M) COMPLETED

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The Escorter (Mature/ Adult, L/M) COMPLETED

Post by touched by an alien »

Thank you so much mrsjbehr. Love it!

Athur: touched by an alian

Summery: This is based on the movie The Wedding Date: Elizabeth Parker is surprised when she finds out her little sister Tess is getting married to Kyle Valinti. Not only is she pressured by her family to bring a date, but also her ex-fiancee Kivar (kiv) is going to be there and liz wants to make him regret ever loosing her. So she hires an escorter from the yellow pages to fly all the way over to the English countryside where the wedding is to take place. Who is it? That's right none other than Max Evans. Max is extremly good looking, charming, and know what he's doing when it comes to his job. Many would call him a playboy, but Max never get's romantically invovled with his employers...until he meets her.

Rating: Mature/Adult

Disclaimer: We all know i didn't create or have anything to do with the show roswell. So that takes care of that :D

Athur's Note: Hey guys, I know i shouldn't write another fic. But no body would take my chalenge on the other thread so i decided to take things into my own hands :P


"I can't believe I'm doing this," Liz said to herself while walking into the airport. She didn't even know who she was looking for. She'd never met him, never seen a photo of him, and never realy talked to him before- unless you count talking to an answer machine talking. Maria was going to die when she found out about this.

Let us back up a moment and explain. You see Liz is going to her baby sister's wedding and she'd never even met the guy Tess was marring. She had however however met Kivar, the best man of this great event. Oh, yes she'd met him before, she wished she didn't but none the less she did. Kivar was her ex-fiance. The term 'EX fiancee' is used because of one simple fact: he'd cheated on her during their engagement, with one of her bridesmaids no less. 'Scumbag' she thought.

Oh, but it gets better my friends, much better. Her family has pratically forced her to bring a date. She knew exactly what she'd here if she didn't bring someone. The familar phrase: "Oh Liz honey why don't you have a special someone? Your sister is already tying the not."

Yes Liz knew she is the big sister; she should be the one getting married first. They didn't have to point it out to her. Maybe if she tatooed the word 'Gay' on her forhead, they'd leave her alone. Hey it could work.

So that leaves the problem: she needed a date and needed him fast. She must have been crazy that day that she called him after stumbling over the add in the yellow pages- an escorter. You see after she read the add, Liz came up with a supossedly genious idea that would kill two birds with one stone. Bring a charming date to the wedding to not only satisfy her parents, but also to make Kivar green with envy.

'Max' was his name. He asked her to wait for him at the airport because he was running late. Judging on his sexy voice on the phone, he probably had two or three girls waiting for him if you know what I mean.

As Liz sauntered down the semi-buisy halls, she noticed more than a cuple of stares from the male species. She wasn't dressed slutty of anything but on the contrary. She just always got that kind of attention. It was one of the traits of the parker women.

Taking a glimps downward, she took a final check at what she was wearing: a slim white coat, knee level, that was perfect for New York weather, underneath her coat could be seen a baby blue dress that was low cut and matched the length of the coat, and last but not least her white five inch strapy heels. She thought she looked good. Added with her starbucks coffee, it gave her the whole New Yorker style.

"Final call for airflight 119 to England," Dame where was he. Pushing the escaping straids that fell loose from her pinned hair, she looked around for Mr. Max Evans.

"Miss. Parker?" a very sexy and smooth voice came from behind her. Liz turned around slowly to the man she was going to spend the entire weekend with.

'Oh My God.'

A/N-short prolong i know but i'll continue if you guys want me to :wink:
Last edited by touched by an alien on Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:31 pm, edited 53 times in total.
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chapter 1- Headed for the Heart of Pain

Post by touched by an alien »

Ahh... You guys make me so happy. Thanx for the feed back!
you guys are going to have to excuse me if my English knowledge is off, Im from the US and so ...but Im gonna try my best :D

LegalAlien-thanx i hope ya like the fist chapter
prettyfulpink- thank you for the feed back . I realy appreciate it
Emz80m- i'm so glad ya found my other fic. :wink:
ShatteredDreamer- Ahhh...i appriciate it. and i strongly suggest ya see the movie on the DVD. I comes out August 18 in the US any ways :?
anonymousarfan- here another little slice of it. Hope ya like :wink:
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257- hope this gives a little bit of an idea of whats up ahead. P.S. iv' always though your scene name was so clever :wink:
g7silvers- glad ya want me to continue...hope it stays that way-lol
RASaero611-lol yes mame. As youv'e ordered another part :P
icequeen- ohh girl ya gotta see the movie. Its so good :sigh :wink:
Maxsgurl- heres th next chapter for ya girly... Im realy glad for your feed back :D

Chapter 1-Headed for the Heart of Pain

"Elizabeth Parker," he asked again with dazzeling and knowing eyes. Their eyes met as she nodded. The only word that could captivate or explain this man's eyes would be 'intense.' He held his hand out to her; Liz took it, but was surprised when he brought the delacate hand to his lips and kissed it, never loosing contact with her eyes. "Max Evans," he said gently. "Liz," she spoke without thinking. He smiled and nodded his head. One of the first things liz noticed about this 'Max' was that he never once let his eyes fall downwards to intake her body, he only studdied her face. Most men would either gaze their eyes all over her curves or do that stuppid thing men do with their necks to check a girl out, but not him he was... different.

His face was nothing to ignore either, although their was much more to stare at beside it. He had long hair that went down to his neck -shady but gorgous. One could see he hadn't shaved in a day or two, buat none the less it gave him a mysterious ora. Her eyes romed downward to his armani clothes. The dark brown jacket was in his hand that of course matched his pants and white button up shirt that made him glow.

"I'm sorry to make you wait. I don't usually travel when it comes to my job," his words brought her back to reality. "It's fine," she smiled politly while taking another sip of her starbuck's coffee. "I'll get these," he said. 'oh god he smells good, smells like cherries and suduction.' she thought quietly while he leaned to the side of her. Before she could refuse, he had already picked up her suitcase and gave the stuartist his ticket. She followed him, what else could she do? She was still stunned by his appearance. She'd expect hansome but not...

"Miss?" she looked up as the stuartist held her hand out for her ticket. From the corner of Liz's eye she could see Max's smile that was directed at her as he waited patiently. "Have a nice flight," she smiled. Liz thanked her and they made their way through the bording hall until they came to the entry of the plane. "After you," he spoke calmly. "Such a gengtlemen," Liz smiled while making her way to their seats. Max brought her bags up to the luggage cart. Liz sat down while taking the advantage of the view before her,"...but then again thats you job right?" Max brought his gaze away from the compartment and was now directed upon her. He seemed to be studding her," If that's what you want." Eyes were now directed back to the cart, as he shut the door and slid beside her. Liz gulped, while figuring out what she should say. Why was she at such a lost for words when it came to him? She was use to talking to hansome men; it came with having a rich family.

"So why England?" he asked her with a clear of his throat. "Huh...oh, well thats were my sister and parents live. So naturally she wanted the wedding there," she explained. "So...your sister lives in Europe and you live in New York?" he asked with a hint of confusion in his smile. "It's a long story," she said nervously, while looking out the window. He only nodded and caught the hint to stay away from the subject.

"Welcome to Delta Airlines. We will be taking lift off shortly. If you'd like to watch a movie during your flight..."


"Coffee?" she looked up as he held out a steaming cup. "Oh thank you." Max sat down with his own coffee as he glanced at the movie that was playing. "I didn't think they served coffee on this late of flights." "They don't," he smiled," but I convinced the stuartist that it was an emergancy."

'Probably more like charmed the stuartist,' she thought. "So listen, before we land, is there anything I should know about your family," he asked professionaly. "Um, well my sister's name is Tess; the guy she's marring is kyle. My mother's name is Nacy, father's is Jeff. As for friends, my best friend Maria is going to be here in a cuple of days. It's mostly family that will be over for the next two days," she explained.

"And what about you?" he asked as he listend intentley. "Me... um no I don't think so...well actualy there is something you should probably know. You see the best man at the wedding is my ex fiancee, and I want him to be..." she stopped in the middle of the sentence as her eyes contacted with his. "You want him to be jelouse." he said knowingly. Max could read people, as well as they could read themselves. It was apart of his job, and this girl's face was an open canvous. She only nodded he head speachless.

"Done," he said with a small smile. After another moments gaze, he returned it back to the screen. 'He's so professional and ...distant.' she thought,'but I guess you have to be in his job.'

The view from driving down was nothing compared to the long nine hour flight that had taken. The country side was beautiful from far away but even more gorgous up close. "You'd never see something like this in New York," max said as he took in the scenery the roads curved around mountains on the left side, and on the right was the sea. "I know," Liz smiled," All ya see in New York is buildings and cell phones."

Most of the ride was silent as they made their to Liz's parent's house. Where all the family members would be at the grand party in celabration to the wedding. She could picture it now: with their gucci and armani clothes and their painted on smiles. A get together of fonnies and rich barbie dolls.

Suddently a noise could be heard under the car, as it swerved. It scared both of them to death. Max turned the wheel to the left while instinctively putting a protective hand in front of liz's body to make sure she didn't get hurt. "Are you alright?" he asked as soon as the car stopped. "Yeh, what happend?" she asked shakely. "I think one of our tires just blew, stay here and I'll go check it out," as he got out of the car.

By the shaking of his head and sigh of his voice, he was right in his presumption. And of coarse there was no extra tire. "Well it look like were walking the rest of the way," max said when he opened her door. "Maddamme," while holding out his hand. She took it hesintly. Trying to egnore the tingling sensation where his hand laid.

"Can I ask you something, Liz?" that was the first time he'd ever called her that. It scent chills down her back. "Sure," she was still a little light headed, because he hadn't let go of her hand yet. "Why did you hire me?" turning his head torwards her as he asked. "I mean you don't strike me as a kind of woman who needs to hire someone for their company," he explained with a smile on his face. Maybe because he thought she was ammusing of maybe because he saw her blush.

Elizabeth Parker blush. I think not. There were very few instances where she had blushed, and yet none of them were over a man. "It's my family, their..." she looked at him again while searching for the right word. "Well you know the families that don't care how you live or what you do as long as you're happy?" "Yeah, I demly recall," he smiled. "Well mines exactly the opposite." He laughted,"Well no family is perfect."

'Man, how long is this road?' she thought as they kept on walking.

"So what's your family like?" she asked. She knew so little about him, except his name, profesion, and hansome features. Max looked away, almost immediatly with drawing from the subject. "Hey, look at that. Were here," he said in a slight relief, but liz caught it. 'Distant,' she thought again.

The house was gorgous, a small step down from a stone castle. Parked cars already lined the long drive way. They were now only mere steps away from the double cherry wood doors. She so didn't want to do this. He must have noticed, becuase he stopped from walking and turned in front of her. "It's going to be fine. Trust me I've done this a million times. You've got nothing to worry about," he whispered into her ear as he brushed a straind of hair out of her eyes. "I promise, I'll make sure you get through this," never looking away form her deep doe eyes. She didn't know why, but she believed Max and his words brought her heartbeat back down.

He smiled and started to walk towards the door, pulling her with him.

'Deep breath, breathe.'

The Door opened... 'okey here we go.'
Last edited by touched by an alien on Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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touched by an alien
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Chapter 2-Meeting the family

Post by touched by an alien »

Hi everyone. Here's the next chapter. Love you all.
obsession- the reason why max is so distant is b/c of his job. You see when youv'e got that job, you realy can't have your heart open to people who payed for you to be there personal boy toy or else your heart will get broken. I so glad you found this fic!
ShatteredDreamer- your apsalutly right, the job realy does make you distant in the heart department, and this chapter i let u see max a little more. Still want him to be mr.mysterious u know? Glad your enjoying the fic
RASaero611-whats up his sleeve or whats up his shrit -lol I know which one i'd like to see :wink:
kittens- the reason i didn't give to many details for liz to explain is b/c i want the readers to get a little surpise :twisted: thanx for fb :D
Emz80m-thanx girl, when ya going to update some girls im dying for a new chapter :wink: :D
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257- thankyou so much for the feedback, and i don't think any thing realy wrong with max's family. Its just he doesn't want to get to personal with liz... well maybe he does :wink: but anyways ya never know i might just put somthing lik that in the story
prettyfulpink- you gotta go see the movie girl its' great. :D hope u like the next part.
LegalAlien-maybe he's got problems with his family maybe he doesn't , your gonna half to beat it out of me-lol thanx for the fb
anonymousarfan-lol girl, thanx i loved your feed back. and here's alittle slice of liz's family for ya 8)
g7silvers-geer i hate it when u guys are ahead of me...but the whole bed room arangements are coming up in the next chapter :wink:

Chapter 2- Meeting the family

'Here we go' max thought as the door opened wide. He kept telling himself that this was like any other job; he'd turn on his smile and charms while making every other man in the room jealous. But then why did his stomech rumble when he saw her at the air port? Why did he want to tell her about his family, his personal life, because personal was not a choice in his line of work. No, this wasn't any different from the rest; he was going keep this facade. She's not any more different than the others.

"Liz, oh my God, your here. How are you sweetheart?" a woman who had to much perfum on asked. She looked like she could be forty, but was probably sixty. One could tell that this woman had some work done. Hell, she was practically a quilt.

"I'm fine, Vivian. It's good to see you," Liz replied. 'Aparently I'm not the only one with his gard up,' max thought as studied Liz's new character.

"And who might you be?" Vivian asked as she eyed him from head to toe. She always could be blatent when she wanted to, Liz never minded... until now.

Before liz could give her a piece of her mind, Max beat her to the punch. "I'm Max and you are..."

"Vivian Harding, Liz how come you've never said anything. Max, If your not taken, my daughter would be quit a catch for you?" she asked as she kept her eyes on his body. Liz was about to tell her to go to hell, until she herd max words.

"Oh, the only thing I'm interested in is this one right here," he said while giving Liz a tender kiss on the forhead. Mrs. Harding was practically speechless. She didn't think that a cutie like that would be involved with Miss Parker. The daughter who perfered working for a living than marrying a rich husband.

"Oh, Liz I didn't know you two were..." Vivian started but decide to smile and look happy for them. 'No matter, I'll introduce him to Tess later, and then we'll see who's interested in who. Tess could always do better than the Valintie family.'

"I think you two look like a great cuple," Vivian put on another one of her plastic smiles.

"Baby, could you show me were I can put my coat?" Max asked as he placed his hand on her lower back, where he could feel his skin with hers.

Liz smiled up at him, "of course, excuse us Vivian."

Before Vivian could say another word, they were gone.

As liz took Max's hand, she took the lead and walked up the stairs, mean while giving him a very nice view. He didn't know if she was doing it to him on pupose or if she truley didn't know what a perfect ass she had.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Liz pulled him to the door at the right. He saw the bed that already had coats lying on it. He was diffenatly impressed with the house, he wished he could say the same about the guests. If her family was anything like Vivian Harding, then he already knew why she was so terrified of coming here.

"Listen, Max thank you for...." Max stopped her with his thumb on her lips. 'Man, he's close.' she thought

"I told you Liz, you don't have to worry," as he let his thumb trace her lips and cheek.

She could feel his breath on her face. She licked her lips; as max's eyes followed her pink tongue, he groaned in frustration. 'What are you doing?' his asked himself. Number one rule, don't get involved with your employers.

He had to cover up for what he was about to do. He didn't want Liz to think he was being unprofesional and over stepping the line.

"I'll make sure I take care of you, It is part of my job, remember?" he spoke softly while backing away from her slowly.

He saw something flicker in liz's eyes. Whether it was hurt or realization, either one wasn't good, and then he saw her brick wall again. the one she had had on down stairs.

"Yeah, how could I forget. Your use to taking care of girls for money." she said in flat voice.'guess it was hurt in her eyes that he'd seen a few moments ago.' he thought before the door breezed open.

"Liz, there you are. Vivian said you were walking around with..." the older woman walked in and stopped in the middle of her sentence to find Max. Granted she wasn't oogling him like Mrs. Harding, she was however very load.

"Oh, dear Is this the 'Max' Vivian was babling about down stairs. Well, I certainly can see why. Oh silly me, I have'nt even introduced myself, I'm Nancy, Liz's mother." she spoke as she held her hand out. Max only placed it in his hands and gave it a gentle squeeze instead of kissing it like Liz thought. It made her feel special that he didn't just going kissing every womans hand.

"It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Parker,"

"Oh please call me Nancy. It's not like I'm old or anything. By the way Liz, what took you so long? You were suppost to be here two hours ago. You two have a little too much fun in the car?" she laughed.

Liz was mortified to say the least. "Actually, our car brook down on are way here so we had to walk the rest of the way." Max explained. He felt bad for liz; her head was casted downward and he could see a slight blush. And God forgive him, that he found it sexy.

"Oh you poor dears, Well we should go down stairs; everyone's wondering were you are. " she spoke as she started to move out of the room. Liz looked at him with an apologetic frown. Max only smiled gently to let her know everything was okey and that he wasn't offended.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Max could already tell he was swimming with the sharks. Money could be smelled in the air and prying eyes could be seen all around them. 'Smile and charm' max repeated to himself.

"Liz..." a blond from the other side of the room called. She rushed over to liz and gave her a tight hug. "I .. am glad .. your here." the young and fake blonde said. 'Either she's drunk of she's just weired' max thought as he exaimened her. Finaly when the blonde was done hanging on Liz, she looked up and saw max.

"Oh, who's the pretty boy?" she asked as she took in his apperance.

"Max this is Tess, my sister. Tess this is my date max."

"Wow, parents told ya to bring a babe or forget coming huh?"

Max was a little taken back by her coment, not only about him being cattle, but also the part about there parents refusing to see there daughter unless she brought a hansome man with her.

Liz however wasn't at all taken back by her words. The fact was, well everything Tess said was basically a fact. But now was not the time to feel sorry for herself, she had to be strong. It was the only way to survive in this world that she so long ago said good bye to.

"Oh, I don't know about that, I practically begged her to bring me along with her. I think I'd miss Liz too much to stay away from her for a week." max smile while putting his hand around her hip in a very loving maner.

"Well, Liz you sure did snag you one." Tess said approvingly. Liz wasn't blind to tess's attention. 'I bet right now she's thinking of all kinds of ways of snagging him as she so put it.

Something just accured to Max, if Nancy was liz's mother and Vivian was tess's mother then...they were only half sisters. Everything made since then: why Liz didn't look a bit like tess or the fact they acted completely different. 'complicated' -yeah he'd agree with liz on this one. She was right it was complicated.

"What I'd miss?" a man asked as he slipt his hands around Tess's waist. "Oh nothing Liz was just introducing me to Max here," Tess smiled wickedly. "Ah, so your the new guy, I'm Kyle the groom." kyle smiled genuinly at max as he raised his hand out. "Congratulations," max smiled as he shook his hand. "Thanks man, You know it's always great to have an exta guy around here. I assume you coming to the batchular party?" Max looked at Liz with a slight hissetion.

"Oh don't worry it's not going to be anything like prostatutes or any thing," he smilled at max. "Just strippers," Kyle laughed jokingly. Tess hit him in the chest with her elbow. "Ouch,"

"Oh which reminds me liz the Batcharalet party is tomarrow," tess reminded her. "So I'll have to barrow her for a little while max."

"That's fine as long as there's no prostatutes," max teased back the line accumpanied with a wink directed towards liz.

Tess laughed," no just strippers," she repeated with humor.

'Well maybe things are going to work out just fine.' max and liz both thought.

"What's so funny?" a deep voice behind Tess asked.

Max felt liz stiffen in his arms.

"Kivar," she whispered.

'or maybe it won't be fine.'
Last edited by touched by an alien on Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
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Post by touched by an alien »

OHH, man I so overwelmed with the feed back you guys thank you so much! I am trying to make the chapters longer, since hopefully I'll finish this story before college starts again. Anyways, there's a little bit a some action for ya :wink:

GottaFeedTheMonkey1257-lol, yeah hes diffenatly got a soft spot for Liz, all though he's desperately trying to fight it. Realy hope you like the next part.
Maxsgurl-happy your got up girl, and for him looking sgruffy, you'll find out why he appeared up that way :wink: but he looks good anyway u put right-lol
hazz-yep my sintaments exactly, but I didn't want the ex to shawn or michael, so that realy only left me one guy -Kivvy-lol though he's a pretty hot bad guy doncha think :P
LegalAlien- I agree, Kyle picked a pretty crapy wife considering he's a good guy. And as for Tess trying to make a play...I think ya got a prety good idea of what's going to happen.
Emz80m-thanx girl, I might need your help on the next part so check your pm every now and then for me :wink:
Behrsgirl1230- so glad your enjoying the fic...the funs just about to start :twisted:
Hope Kyle sees Tess for the way she is. He deserves better.
-your apsalutly right, he does deserve better, but will he marry her? Im not tellen :D
Okay isn't her daughter getting married in a couple of days? What the fuck is wrong with these people?
- lol,lol and lol. You got me laughing at that one. Most of your answers are answered in this chapter :wink:
RASaero611-thanx gril for the feed back girl. The next parts a little longer, so more for you :wink:
believer_evans-oh yeah someone thats reading my fic has seen the movie before, honistly i'm trying to make this as far from the movie as possible with out loosing all the highlights. Hope you like the next chapter.

Chapter 3-Jealousy on the rocks

"Kivar," Liz whispered. By the way she was staring at him, max could still tell that she had feelings for him. He knew that face, because he'd seen it directed towards himon dozens of girls. He took the place of a spectator at that moment; he was trying to understand the cercumstances. Max need to know if he was here to make this man jealous or if he was a convienant escort until the real man she had her doe eyes set upon came along, and he needed to know why he desperatly didn't want it to the latter.

"Liz, it's realy great to see you. You look ...." he didn't finish his sentence; he only let his eyes finish his words. Kyle cleared his throat and gave Max a look that let him know he didn't appreciate Kivar's eyes wondering either. Kyle had just met Liz and Max, but he did believe in being civilized, and the way he was stairing at Liz was far from it. Plus, she was soon to be his family. "Well, since Tess has seemed to have forgotten her manners, I'll go ahead and introduce myself," Kyle joked with a small smile, "I'm Kyle, the groom and this is Max, Liz's date," he pointed out purposely. Immediatly, Kivar shifted his eyes away from Liz's stunning body to the one next to her's.

'Time to go to work' Max reminded himself before he reached his hand out. "Hey Kiven," Max said intentionally pronouncing his name on accident. "So how do you know Liz?" he asked while placing his hand on her hip. "It's Kivar actualy, and Liz and I were involved. Liz and I were suppost to be married," he pointed out with jealousy; he was trying to make Max feel the same.

"Oh, Kiv, come one let's not talk about the old days," Tess said nervously. She did not want a big drama during her party, and she knew they could play out a big one. "Lizzie, why don't you go find dad. I'm sure he'd love to meet Max," she changed the subject. Liz let out the breath she was holding in. "Okey," she said while slipping her hand into Max's. "We'll be seeing you around Kiv," Liz dismissed him. "Count on it," Kivar said directly towards Max. Max only smiled slyly while walking past them. When Kivar looked back at them, he almost lost it; Max had his hand right at the bottom or her back nearly caressing Liz's ass.

Max knew he was watching them as they left, so he gave him something to in fact look at. Liz, however, didn't know Max's little plan; she was to taken back by his hands. They were so big and warm, and they were almost...

"So, that was him,huh?" Max asked in a sooth voice. "Yeah," she whispered weekly. "Nice guy," he said sarcastically,"What the hell were you doing with him. You could do so much better Liz." Before Liz could even think about his comment, she heard a familiar voice.

"Angel, there you are. How's my girl?" an older man in a buisness suit asked. "Hi, daddy," Liz said unenthusiastically. "And whose this young man?" he asked. "THis is Max Evans, Max this is my father," she introduced. "Hello, Mr. Parker," max smiled. "Oh, please call me Jeff; what am I an old man," he joked," What took you two so long. It's almost seven," Mrs. Parker dejected. "We had car trouble," she answed shortly. "oh well, the party is already dying down. Why don't you two go ahead and get unpacted. Your mother and I have to go to diner with Govenor Harding, so you two will practically have the house to yourselves," Mrs. Parker said with a smile.

"After they said their goodbyes to the people they passed by on there way upstairs, they finally made it to Liz's room. Somehow, their bags had walked from outside all the way into her room. 'One of the perks of being rich he he decifered. The room, by the way was nice. It's white walls, hardwoodend floors, and big open window were very refined, but that wasn't that realy caught max's attention. What realy made Max's heart beat jump a little faster was Liz's bed. It was a deep red with black silk sheets. Never had he seen a bed so tempting.

"Your room huh?" Max asked as he tried to look anywhere else but the suductive matress. "Yeah, well it was anyways," Liz answered. She saw the way he was looking at her bed; it made her start to regret the sleeping arangements.

As if on que, Max spoke up," Listen, why don't you take the bed and I'll take the floore." He was trying to be a gentlemen, although the thought of sleeping with liz all night did sound appealing. "No,no I brought you here, so..." she started, but Max butted in," No, Liz it's okey. It's not like I have'nt don't it before." Liz sighed; it kind of hurt to know that this was a regular protocal to him, and that she was nothing but a mere job. "Max, were both old enough to be able to sleep in the same bed. It's not a big deal...realy," she said seriously. Once the words left her mouth, she knew she was going to regret it later on that night. "Okey," he nodded finally. "So...where do I put my bag?" he asked.

****** ******* *******

After they had unpacted, it was already eight, and they had to go through a bruch in the morning, Liz was going to help Tess with planning, and later that night they had to go to the batchaler/ batchalerat parties; So they realy did need to get some sleep.

While Liz was in the bathroom changing, Max quickly undressed until he only had boxers on. It was when he was under the covers when Liz came breezing smoothly out of the bathroom doors. She had a light purple silk teddy that came up a little highter than mid-thigh. Max gulped when she began putting on lotion. 'Jesus, either this woman is trying to get to me, or she just doesn't know that she is,' he thought. Hs'd never seen a woman so tempting as Elizabeth Parker, and believe him he'd seen many.

When Liz was done massaging her body with her strawbery oil, she pulled he covers down and gently got in. 'Talk about accward, being in a bed with a complete, gorgeous stranger,' Liz thought.

Liz didn't mover once she got into the bed. For one, she was so concentrated on trying to figure out what to do or say to max. The other reason was because she was exhausted; it had been a long day.

Finally, when she was about to drift off to sleep, she felt movement on her side and could feel max huvering over her. She looked up to find him smiling while reaching over her to turn off the lamp. Before Max laid back on his side of the bed, he let his face come a little closer to until his lips brushed against hers. "Goodnight Liz," he smiled and slowly laid back down.

'Complicated' he thought again,' very complicated.

****** ******** *******

Liz squinted her eyes as the light blinded her from her sleep. Liz stretched her arms, forgetting that she was sharing her bed with someone else. Suprisingly, he was no where to be seen, until she heard the shower running. She didn't even want to think about that image; it could only result baddly.

She started to sit up when she got a sight shocker. Their in front of her was Max in nothing but a towel, and now stairing at her with a wild look in his eyes. She gulped as she took in the sight of dripping water all over his body. His hair was in his eyes, and she could tell he'd shaved his face. The towel couldn't be any lower. She could even see the strip of hair around his belly button and down to his...

He cleared his throat with a smile on his cocky face. She blushed from getting caught. "Sorry," she whispered as she turned her head in hopes of hiding her flushed face. "Don't be," he said in a gruffy voice,"It's what you paid for; feel free to look," he said teasingly as he walked towards his bag. When he grabed the bag, he glanced up at her face. Max smiled proudly of the disbelief on her face. He ment it as a joke, but it came out the opposite.

"You better start getting ready. The brunch is at eight, right?" he asked over his shoulder and closed the door as if not expecting an answer. "Get a hold of your self," she told herself while falling back unto the bed.

"Get a hold of your self Maxwell," he swore to himself in the merer, "She's just another girl, remember."

Next part is the batchalor/ batchaloret party :twisted:
Last edited by touched by an alien on Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:51 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
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Post by touched by an alien »

Hey guys, heres the next part. I thought this scene needed some lyrics so whats the biggest gigilo song you can think of… Well I though the Annie Lennex song “your so vain” was perfect but it was too old school so…I used janet Jackson/missy elliot’s version. Thanx for the amazing feedback!
p.s. I got the bachoralet party from toni braxton’s music video

Maxsgurl- thanx girl… Yeah I know, Max fresh out of the dryer, can you say yummy-lol
g7silvers-lol same here girl, same here..Hmm maybe Jason will change jobs, I can see it now
aussietrueblue- oh thankyou so much, I was worried that they weren’t showing enough attraction between each other, but I had to make it look like they didn’t want to fall for each other…sorry that sounded a lot better in my head!
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257-hear ya go the party, thank you so much for sticking with me. P.s. I like your signiture. That was diffenatly one of my fav. Parts in season 3
Icequeen-he he he , this was a fun chapter to write. So hope ya get to read it girl and thanx for the fb
LegalAlien-yep, things are about to get very, very interesting-lol thanks 4 the feed back
Behrsgirl1230-hey, have you seen the movie before…dame I hate it when people are ahead of me –lol
RASaero611- that goes double for me girl! I would have done the same thing, great minds think alik
Hazz- lol yeah I know, someone should yell to them that-“would you stop all the prancing around and get it on already” –thanx girl
Prettyfulpink-hope you like the next part. There’s alittle bit of action for ya. ENJOY, I know they will!

Chapter 4- Your so Vain

Liz thought that things couldn’t have gotten worse after the brunch, but she was oh so very wrong. After the arrogant comments and crude gossip from breakfast, both Liz and Max were ready to get away for the day; however, Tess insisted that her sister stay and help plan the wedding details. Liz very much doubted that her sister needed help with wedding. Knowing her sister, she probably had every ribbon and flower in perfect order; but she couldn’t say no, so she went along with it anyways.

Finally when Tess was satisfied with the caterers, it was already seven a clock and Liz was tired. She had to get dress for the bacheloret party and be at the Caesar Hotel, and the same went for Max except was expected at The Soho. In England they called them hen and stag parties; it was the final blow out for the soon to be wed couple and Liz knew the two parties were definitely going to blow.

“Liz, you just about ready? Max asked as he fixed his collar in the mirror. He had black sliming jacket and pant and a white untucked, button up shirt; it was casual and yet hansom. When he heard the door open and turned around, he was speechless. There in front of him was Elizabeth Parker in red leather pants and black sleeveless blouse that was cut extremely low. They looked like complete opposites; Liz was a hot biker chic and Max was a hansom businessman. “Ah, Liz?” he said confused and speechless.

She was trying not to laugh at Max face, but it was absolutely priceless. Liz hadn’t told him about the dress code for the bacheloret party. “ It’s for the party; it’s a ‘leather and lace’ theme,” she laughed lightly. “Oh, I see; so I’m ok…” he gestured at what he was wearing, and Liz nodded her head. “It’s just the girls; you look fine,” she assured him. Max smiled and asked, “Just fine huh?” He moved closer to her, which made her stutter, “Well… I mean you… you.” He smiled devilishly, “You’re shaking Liz; I think that means better than fine,” he spoke smoothly as he backed away once he’d proven his point and walked to the door; Liz just stood their in shock. “Ya coming?” he chuckled. Once she was past him, she could here him laughing. “Ass,” she said while hitting him over the head lightly.

“So this is it,” she pointed out from the driver’s seat. The bar looked civilized as Max walked out of the car and studied it. “ So, you sure you’re going to ok in there?” she asked behind him as she shut the car door. “ Me? Yeah, I’m always ok. How about you, are you going to be ok at the…” he stopped mid sentence as he forgot where the bacheloret party was being held. “ The Caesar Hotel. Yeah, I’ll wing through it,” she answered with an unhappy face on. He only nodded and began to walk away; Max was trying not to let her sad eyes get to him, and only the way to quit was cold turkey. However, when he got to the door, he couldn’t resist her and turned around. “Liz,” she heard him ask before she turned around. “You look amazing,” he said with a charming smile that made all the bad stuff from today disappear. She didn’t have enough time to thank him, because he was already gone. Liz smiled to herself as she got back inside the car and drove away to the hotel.

“Max, there you are,” Kyle yelled from the bar. They had rented the entire place to themselves for the night; something that he was very sure they usually didn’t do, or so Liz said. “Yeah, Kyle,” he smiled back as he walked towards them. Max actually liked Kyle; he was a decent guy. He just wished Kyle knew what he was getting himself into with Tess’ family. “What’ll ya have my man?” the bar tinder asked. “I’ll have whatever he’s having,” with a pat on the back to Kyle. “That’s my man,” he smiled slightly drunk. “And don’t you worry about Lizzie she’s going to have fun tonight,” he winked at him. Max didn’t know what that meant, but he had a bad feeling about it. “I’m sure she will,” Kivar’s voice came from behind Kyle. “My assurance about having fun at this party, however, is dwindling,” Kyle joked towards Max. “Kiv,” Max greeted with a straight face. “Max,” Kivar returned with just as much excitement. “Kyle,” Kyle stated his name dramatically making light fun of the two enemies.

“Ah, we’re already starting the male bonding fights?” a scrawny but tall man asked. “Na, Alex, we’re getting along just fine aren’t we guys,” with a knowing smile. “Here you go, man, Vodka Tonic on the rocks,” the bar tender said while shoving the drink towards Max. “All right, and keep them coming,” Kyle shouted as the rest of the men in the bar shouted with approval. ‘This is going to be a long night,’ Max thought as he glanced towards Kivar.

Liz took a deep breath before entering the hotel; she knew this was going to be a long night. This was going to be some bacheloret party. She’d heard all about what was going to go down tonight, and it sounded…interesting to put it lightly. The girls had rented the presidential suite for the night. The deal was, according to Tess, once all the girls had arrived the men would enter the elevators one by one. You see this was an open invitation for a one-night stand. Tess had rounded up the most gorgeous men in England and given them a rather large some of money to appear at the hotel. Each one would have the turn to get on the elevator and once they got to their room they would strut their stuff, and who ever called dibs first got a one-night stand with the hunk of a man. One could call it an auction for men with out the auctioneer having to pay.

She could see them now lined up at the elevator and waiting for their turn to get a hot one-night stand. Liz didn’t get a look, since Tess had told everyone to go up the left side entrance instead of the front. She had to give her sister props for this one; it was a really good and inventive plan. Only her sister would think of having her bacheloret party at a hotel, then pay men to come up the elevator and do a sexy little dance until someone claimed him for the night. ‘Room 118, this is it,’ she thought to herself as she knocked on the door.

“Lizzie, my big sister, your just in time. I all most thought you weren’t going to come because of Max,” she exclaimed. Liz could already tell Tess was drunk as she hugged her and smelt the alcohol. “Oh this is going to be so much fun. Max will never know I promise,” she squealed, “and I want you to meet someone; this is Lonnie, Lonnie this is Liz,” she introduced, “she lives in New York too.” Liz smiled at her and said hi. She was a very beautiful woman. Lonnie had short brown hair and nice curves, and by the way she was dressed Liz could have known she was from New York without Tess telling her so.

“Alright, Ladies, get ready to have some eye candy,” Serena yelled before everyone started talking in excitement as eyes were fixed at the elevator door.

“Tess is a great woman, you know man… she’s just…great,” Kyle slurred drunkenly with his head down on the table. After an hour the men were already pissed drunk. Max had had a few, but was probably the most sober one there at the time. “Ah, man and that girl of yours…Liz, she’s an angel,” Kyle rambled on and on. Max only nodded in agreement. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol or Kyle’s ranting about love, but all the sudden he had this urge to forget his stupid rules and go after Liz. “ Kyle, just shut up about your devoted wife. You already know about the party she’s having,” Alex stated without any hesitation. “ You shut up, Alex. I trust Tess, and all she wants to do… is have a little bit of fun. She won’t do anything,” he said while shoving Alex off the seat. Kivar laughed out, “Yeah right, Valinti. She’s just going to have a little peeking; that’s why she paid all those men to come to the doorstep like dogs, so she could just watch the view.” Max was now very confused at this point, “What are you guys talking about?” Another laugh from Kivar came out before he spoke wickedly, “Ah don’t tell me that your precious Liz didn’t say what was going on to night.” Max only stared at him part hared and half confusion. “ You see while were here being the good little boys drinking, the girls are having themselves a really good time with paid escorts.” Max’s expression froze from Kivar’s words. “What?”

“Take it off baby. Shake it,” Tess screamed as the dirty blond started to take his jacked off in alliance with the 112 “Peaches and Cream” music played over the speakers. This was the sixth guy so far, and Liz was cracking up with Lonnie as they watched the blond do his little striptease. She and Lonnie were practically leaning on each other, because they couldn’t hold themselves up from the laughing fits. These guys seriously needed to look up male stripping as their next job. “I’m sorry girls, but I’m going to have to take this one,” Pam shouted out as she crawled over the girls sitting on the floor enjoying the view. “Have fun with that one girl,” Serena shouted out.

This was crazy, women grabbing guys as if they were cattle and taking them and taking them home as…well cattle. Liz didn’t think she could take any more lap dances and strip teases for the night. Plus, she’d had way too much alcohol to suit her for a millennium. She was just about to call it quits when the song “Son of a Gun” came on by Janet Jackson. “All right girls. I think I’ve had too much fun for the night I think I’m gonna…” Liz stopped mid sentence when she looked up at the next elevator guy.

Hazel eyes met hers as she stared up at the familiar, and hansom creature in front of her. He greeted her by a cocky smile and a charming wink.

Sharp shooter into breakin hearts
A baby gigolo ¨c a sex pistol

He had each arm propped up on the elevator doors and had his head tilted to the side while he let his eyes memorize her body. Jesus, if he didn’t stop looking at her like that she was going to burn alive.

Hollerin at everythin that walks
No substance just small talk
Know why you feelin on that girl’s behind
You gotta sleezy one track mind

Cheers and hollers woke her up from their sizzling stare. All the girls were screaming as they took in the goods of Maxwell Evens. “Girl, I sorry but he’s going home with me tonight,” Serena said while getting up to take him, but before she knew it she had Tess stop her with a smiling grin on her face, “ Trust me Serena, he’s already taken,” Tess smiled knowingly at her big sis.

Working your work until you think you find
Who’s goin home with you tonight

“ What are you doing here?” Liz asked in disbelief. She’d never been more excited to see him, especially since he was looking at her like a starved man.

I betcha think this song is about you
I betcha think this song is about you

“Get in,” he said lustfully. When she didn’t move, he grabbed her waist and pulled her into the elevator with a cheering crowd in front of them.

I betcha think this song is about you
I betcha think this song is about you
Don’t you
Don’t you

“Max, your sup’ post to be…” she couldn’t remember her what she was going to say because after his lips crashed hers, she’d lost all coherent thought.

Sweatin me but I’m not your type
You think you irk me and you’re so right

-Janet Jackson,Missy Elliot "Son of a Gun" (Your so vain)
Last edited by touched by an alien on Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
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Post by touched by an alien »

OH MY GOODNESS I CANT BELIEVE THE FEEDBACK. You guys are the best, I just got to check my story today. and i was in complete and uder shock :shock: I really love you guys. I felt so thankful for the fb that i started on my computer and started typing the next chapter for you guys.
And i realy hope you guys like it :D
and i'm still going to do a personal note to each and everyone of you, even if if takes me all night :P

stargrl678- I so happy you found this chapter, and I hope you like this next one. It answer's your question
Maxsgurl-lol thanx girl. I didn't think I was leaving everyone on a cliffhanger so... i hope the chapter was fast enough for ya :wink:
Behrsgirl1230-lol hehe Im evil aren't i, well I tried my best not to be this time :lol:
prettyfulpink-thanx girl for sticken with me. I always love your fb :wink:
urpersonaloddball- thanx chica...I could picture the bacharleret party myself. with little ass shaking men in tight suits... ya gotta laugh at that right
Emz80m- omg thanx for the help girl. Your advice did help and i know i'm going to need help on the next chap. after this one so check your email every now and then :wink:
RASaero611- kivar is pretty pricky huh... that's what makes him such a good bad guys not to minchen a nice butt too-lol
OmegaRam1- apsoulutly argree with ya girl, her family is E.V.I.L. -thanx so much for the fb :D -by the way i'm 100% with ya on him 'qualifying' as a perfect place for max belonging at those elevators-b/c hell it's his profession
googi-i honostly didn't mean to be cruel. I promise :D Hope this chapter make up for it :wink:
aussietrueblue-heres a little somethin somethin for ya-lol (nookie wise)
LegalAlien- dame it i hate when people can see straight through me :wink:
I am a dreamer-lol I'll right i'm realy sorry for keeping you guys on your seat. Maybe this will make it up to ya :wink:
obsession-lol I'll right I'll go to church and repent: Dear father forgive me i have comitted this sin of giving my reader a heart attack-lol
Erina258- I thought it would be special for him to be speachless considering he never does that-thanx for the fb girl
neck-hope this was soon enough for you guys and I REALY hope you guys like the next part :twisted:
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257- thank you so much for your fb, I always love it and I'm so glad you thought that part was hot! I was allittle worried :wink:
martine- All your answers shall be answered in the future -lol, but seriously thank you so much for you fb and hope you like this next part! So glad you found my fic!
WildSphinx-Yeah, happy you found my little baby. I need all the readers i can get: gimme gimme gimme
janesdilemma-hope you think the same about this chapter...It's pretty hot if i do say so myself :D
ayznshorti-love the fb keep it coming 8)
icequeen-ahh thanx gurl, i all ways enjoy your fb, and thanx for sticken with me :P
g7silvers-I agree with ya apsalutly, he's lost his control all because of the small brunette :wink:
FSUMSW94- so glad you found my fic girl enjoy the next part pretty please
hazz-lol thanx gurl, and i promise all your answers are answered in this next part :P
Earth2Mama-lol thankyou SO MUCH for the fb- i always get a crack at your humer. Enjoy!!!

Chapter 5- A druken Night or a Sober Morning?

Luscious lips met hers as he kissed her expertly. ‘This boy really knows how to kiss’ she thought as his mouth gently sucked on her rosy lips. When he started to caress her bottom lip with his hot tongue while sucking on it, Liz moaned in complete pleasure. It gave all the encouragement he needed to probe his pink tongue into her tender mouth. Max massaged every inch of her lips, inner walls of her mouth, and most importantly her warm tongue while he cupped her angel lit face.

She tasted like sweet and juicy strawberries. Max thought he was going to die right then and there; her flavor was affecting his taste buds and other parts of him so to speak. Let the record show that he wasn’t that drunk; he may have not been completely sober, but awake enough to know that he desperately wanted her.

All he had meant to do was take her home and away from the so-called escorters Tess had paid for, but Max had seen the men outside the elevator and had heard their conversations. They had no idea what being a gentlemen meant; he also knew if they had any thought about become professionals in this business, then they would not get far at all. A couple of them were bragging about getting a good lay tonight, and the others were joking along with it. Although he didn’t want to admit to it, it had caused a since of possession in Max that he’d never felt before. When he’d seen her in those tight red leather pants and staring back at him with just as much lust, he forgot about the rules. Those same rules that had kept him from getting hurt in the end, or from getting to close to a woman who was just using him as a pet, rather than have genuine feelings for him.

She was different from all the rest. She had an innocent heart that made him want to protect it from getting torn or hurt in any way. He knew it when he’d first met her in the airport even though he denied it as long as possible. He was tired of pretending that he wasn’t attracted to this woman, or how her smile spread through his body like warm wine, or how his stomach rumbled every time he saw her.

Max slid one of his hands away from her framing face and drew around her waist to bring her closer to his raging body. She gasped for breath as she let her fingers wonder through Max’s jacket to caress his chest. Jesus he couldn’t get close enough to her, and she fit so perfectly into his fire lit body…so perfectly.

“Dame, where can I get some of that,” a deep voice shouted out along with hollers and catcalls. Max and Liz drifted out of their hot haze to see a ton of men gathered around for the show. When he glanced back at Liz’s face, he saw her glaze-filled eyes caused by passion and he knew he had to get her out of there. Max took her hand and pulled her towards the exit doors. Having dozens of men check Liz out with lustful eyes wasn’t what he had in mind for this evening.

The night’s cold air hit their burning bodies like a heavenly snowstorm in the summer. It felt so refreshing to get out of that hotel, but now Max didn’t know what to do. He didn’t exactly have this planned out, and he definitely didn’t know what to say to her beautiful eyes that looked up to him and asked what they were going to do now.

“Come on, I’m taking you home,” he whispered seductively into her ear. It sent chills down her entire body. She only smiled and nodded in agreement. They walked in the quiet night with the moon shinning brightly down upon them. Dead silence drowned the streets as they walked to the car with the breeze blowing gently through the night’s air.

Max knew he shouldn’t be driving, but guessing on Liz’s clumsiness she had had a lot more drinks than he did. When he opened the door for her to get in, she fell directly over both seats. “Opps,” she lightly laughed at herself as she tried to sit on the right seat. When Max got onto the other side of the car, he saw Liz gaze upon him with starry eyes. She bent over to his side and laid a gentle kiss on his lips and said quietly, “ Thank you Max for coming to get me.”

“Your welcome he whispered in a heated breath caressed Liz’s lips, because of their closeness. She smiled back at him before she leaned back to her side of the seat. Max started the car while trying to figure out what he was going to do.

‘Your going to take her back to her room, tuck her in, and say goodnight. And your going to keep on your side of the bed,” he told himself as they started to get closer to the house. It was wrong to kiss her when she was drunk like this, let alone do something even more intimant with her. Max knew that he’d never forgive himself for making a move on her when she’s so vulnerable, and he’d be even more torn up if she regretted it in the morning.

The drive back was nice. Liz thought it was very calming; when she was a little girl, she used to ask her babysitter to go driving at night. She loved the bright blue glow that the moon set to everything it touched. It made everything seem so much simpler in life.

“Looks like someone’s home at the house,” Max told her as he saw the lights beam through the glassed windows of the manchin. “Mom and dad are having a party in the east wing tonight,” she mumbled. He had to admit she was a quiet drunk, and hated himself for finding it another quality of her beauty.

“Well, none the less, I don’t think it’s a good idea to go into the entrance. We’ll just have to sneak in,” he spoke while parking the car and helping Liz out of the car. “Is there another way to your bedroom?” he asked as he studied the house and looked back at her, but she was gone. He started to panic until he saw her petite frame walk to the side of the house.

“Liz wait. Where are you going?” he asked in a whisper while fallowing the small and spunky brunette. “You asked if there was another way in. Well, there it is,” he pointed out with her finger. “You joking me right?” he asked in a soft laugh when he saw her point to the tree right next to her bedroom window. “No,” she said with a straight face.

“Liz when was the last time you did this?” he asked before she started to climb, but she didn’t answer; she just kept climbing the ever-growing tree. He started to laugh at himself, because of the situation that he was in. If Max had asked himself a week ago if he would ever be climbing a tree with the girl of his dreams while trying to sneek past her parents into her room, he would have said ‘never in a million years.’ Yet, here he was climbing.

Liz finally got up to the window with max right behind her. He helped her slip inside while almost breaking the dame branch and falling. “Here,” she said unenthusiastically while pulling him through. “ Ouch, that hurt,” he whispered in pain. “Ugg, you men are such babies,” she whispered back while taking of her shoes and leather coat off. What he didn’t expect her to do was start undressing the rest in front of him. She was almost making it a strip tease with her eyes staring right back at him, knowing that he was watching her every movement.

He almost laughed when she struggled to get her blouse off. “ Do you need some help,” he laughed. Max couldn’t see her face, but saw her head nodding while covered in the black material. He stood in front of her, before gently bringing the shirt over her head only to reveal soul full eyes staring straight through him. Liz gracefully brought her arms down from her head and waited for him to finish undressing her.

‘Jesus, I shouldn’t do this… I’ll just get her dresses for bed and then let her sleep,’ he tried to convince himself. When Liz lay back onto the mattress, he brought his eyes to her red pants. Max gulped and slowly brought his big hands to her hips. Once the button and zipper was undone Liz lifted her hips up in open invitation. He swore to himself as her hips were driving him to the brink of insanity.

Tugging the leather material off of her beautiful legs, Max took in the sight of Liz lying on the bed half naked. ‘How could I think I could do this without getting more involved,’ he thought to himself.

When he stopped his actions, Liz sat up and pulled him towards her on the bed. She didn’t want to think about this or over analyze it; she just wanted to feel. “Liz, we shouldn’t…” he started in a plea. She could tell by the way he was starring at her, that he wanted her; She just had to convince him. So she turned him over so she was on top and had the control.

Liz brought his hands over his head and held them there while straddling his body. “Liz please don’t do this,” he begged. Max wanted this so bad, and he couldn't stop her. She was going to have to do it or there was no hope in keeping his hands off her; he wanted her too much.

She didn’t pay any attention to his words only let on hand glide down his chest and start unbuttoning his shirt. His chest was heaving erratically, caused by her innocent touches and small kisses on his smooth stomach. Once his shirt was fully open, it gave Liz the full view of his perfectly sculpted muscles. She licked her lips in lust, making Max hips buck uncontrollably upwards. He was completely helpless, and this woman showed no mercy what so ever. She let her one wondering hand slip past his abdomen and caressed his lower member so lightly that he could barley feel the touch. Nonetheless, Liz was rewarded with a torturous hiss.

Liz liked the reaction she got from max, so she gave his hardening member a squeeze before Max groaned in agony. At this point Max was at the point of ‘clothes bad, naked Liz good’ scenario. His head was completely dead and gone when it came to this women’s sweet hands. She dipped her hands inside his pants and boxers to come into contact with his extremely huge member, and she loved the feel of him in her hands; nothing felt better. “Oh God Liz…” he moaned at the sensation.

As soon as she unzipped his pants, she immediately undressed her remaining clothes with her free hand. ‘ She’s fucking beautiful’ he thought once she was completely naked, and when he felt her hand on his member again and then the tip dipping into her slick walls. He started to protest; he was still fighting this because he didn’t think he could take her regretting this in the morning, but as soon as she grinded into him with one smooth movement he fell apart and gave into her wishes.

Max wanted to freed by her small hands so much, but she wanted to be in control and so he gave it to her. “Max,” she moaned in her head arched up in passion.

She felt so good: her tight walls caressing his extremely hard member in every movement she made. He let his head fall back, in tortureous groans and growls. They were inseparable at that moment. If the world were ending, they would still make love until the last second came.

Whimpering in frustration, she bent over max and kissed him hungrily, just as he had kissed her in the elevator. It was so full of passion and maybe even love and that’s all it took for both of them to go over the edge in bliss. She collapsed on his chest while letting go of his hands.

Max immediately wrapped his arms around her in protection, passion, or comfort, he didn’t know. What he did know was that he wasn’t going to let her go. He was going to be here for her no matter what.

The early mornings rays greeted Max in warmth as he let his gaze fall on the girl in his arms. He smiled lightly as she snuggled into his chest. Looking at her rare and breath taking face, he realized that she looked the most beautiful in the morning. Most would look their worst, but not Elizabeth Parker. She had a glow to her skin, and was naked without any makeup to hid her pretty face.

He slipped out of the bed, and went to the kitchen. He wanted to surprise her with breakfast. Finding freshly squeezed orange juice and fruit, Max put it on the cart along with Cheerios and milk for the cereal. When he passed by the vase of fresh roses, he smiled and stole one of the counter as a mornings gift to Liz.

He effortlessly brought the trey table into the room without making a sound, but she was already up.

“Hey,” he smiled at her waking form. When she didn’t answer back, he studied her face, which was covered in confusion. “You ok,” he asked worriedly.

“Um… yeah, I guess so… but, what happened last night?” she asked him. His smile fell, and his eyes filled with mortification.

‘Oh, God… she doesn’t remember.’

thanx guys. Luv you all :wink:
Last edited by touched by an alien on Sun Aug 28, 2005 12:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by touched by an alien »

Thank you guys SO much for the feedback. Usually I would post a personal note to each and every one of you guys, but all of your comments were asking the same questions "Did she realy forget?"-lol So hope you guys like this next chapter! :wink:

Vicki LVCM

Chapter 6- Cold Turkey

“You don’t remember?” he asked in disbelief. Liz shook her head no before looking around in her surrounding, and then she noticed the empty packets of condemns on the bedside counter. She also noticed that she had no cloths on under the deep red sheets. Pulling the covers tightly against her breasts. “Oh God, tell me we didn’t…” She stammered at him while meeting his unbelievably hurt eyes.

Max started to breathe heavily, because he couldn’t understand how stupid he could have been. Here he was hopping she wouldn’t regret last night, and now he was just hopping she would remember it. “Tell me what happened last night, Max…please,” she begged in confusion. It was at that point realization hit him, and it hit him hard. ‘She really doesn’t remember any of it,’ he thought with his broken heart.

‘This is what happens when you let your feelings get to you,’ a voice whispered in his head. He had let himself go and had forgotten about the rules completely. Just look where it had gotten him. Immediately his wall of bricks started to build themselves up again. His defenses had been down last night, and this morning it had grown to Fort Knocks. “You went to the bacheloret party last night. You were a little drunk and we came back here,” he shrugged like it was nothing at all.

“And?” she asked for more. “And…you asked for my services to you last night,” he stated distantly. “What does that mean? Did we sleep together?” she almost shouted. She was completely confused and hysterical right now. “Yes, that is what I’m here for, to please you in any way,” he stated coldly. Max’s eyes, even though they were directed at her, had no emotion in them whatsoever. “You don’t think that MAYBE I was too drunk to ask for that,” she exclaimed. She’d only known Max a few days, but she expected more than this from him. He had never, and she meant never, been less than a gentlemen to her.

He snarled and let his eyes do a double take on her body before speaking again, “You seemed pretty sure of yourself last night.” Max had no idea where these crud remarks were coming from. Even when they had met at the airport, he hadn’t been this guarded towards her, but it was better than getting hurt. He was mad at Liz for not remembering, and he was even angrier at himself for letting this happen.

Before Liz could yell a razor remark that matched his, the door flew open suddenly, and all hail Maria for her perfect timing as always. “Liz… Oh my G…” she gasped as she saw the extremely tall, dark, and hansom man standing right next to Liz’s almost naked form. “Sorry…I… sorry,” she stuttered as she grabbed her bags and slammed the door shut.

“Shit,” Liz whispered cursedly. She forgot that today was when Maria arrived for the wedding. She carefully wrapped the dark material around her body self-consciously as she walked into the bathroom. “Better hurry up Princess. We got to go to another brunch this morning,” before she slammed the door hard. She was trying to block out his annoyingly calm and steady voice. She had once thought that he was distant. Well, she was wrong… he wasn’t distant like a mile is, he was practically across the fucking universe.


“So Liz how was the bacheloret party last night?” Kivar asked across from the massively long table. The brunch was once again outside on the patio, blessing everyone with its green scenery. Kiv saw Max flinch at his comment, and he smiled to himself. “Oh yeah, Liz how was it. I wished I could have been there, but those dame undependable air flights had me at the air port for almost two days,” Maria sighed, “Tess said something about elevators and men? I wasn’t really listening to her,” she finished while rolling her eyes.

Maria and Tess had never really gotten along; they were almost complete opposites. Maria spoke her mind and believed that truth was the best one could do. Tess, however, put a plastic smile on to everyone she met. She wanted everyone to think she was the dutiful daughter.

“Oh, it was just…uh,” she stuttered. How the hell was she suppost to tell Maria about the party when she couldn’t even remember it. “It wasn’t that great,” she down casted her eyes while speaking. “Come on, there must have been a few juicy details,” Maria persisted while studing her face. Ever since she had gotten here, Liz seemed to be somewhere else. Which brought her to her next point. Who was the hottie sitting next to Liz as her date? She usually had met whomever she was dating, and yet she’d never seen this stud before.

“Liz, honey, I forgot the wine. Can you go get it from the cellar?” Thank God, saved by the mom. “Sure, I’ll be right back,” she smile politely to everyone before getting out of her seat, even though she could feel Max’s heated eyes penetrating over her.

She finally breathed when she got to the cellar on the side of the house. Liz was just happy to get away from the heat of that table. Enjoying the breeze that came through the doors, she took her time and studied the wine labels. Finally, she had decided on Tatenger. Turning wistfully around, she squeaked when she fell into a hard chest. Liz looked up to find a pair of soulful eyes watching her.

“Find what you’re looking for?” he asked in a smooth voice that sent chills through her body. She only nodded and then sighed out, “Max, look I don’t want our friendship gone. Let’s just call last night for what it really was: an honest mistake, and try to forget about it, ok?” His eyes immediately turned back to ice after her words. “Whatever you say Liz. Just don’t forget about the extra payment.”

Liz’s eyes scrunched in confusion, “Max what are you talking about?” He smiled slightly while walking her right into the edge of the open door, “I’m talking about last night, Liz. You’re paying me to escort you to the wedding. That amount doesn’t include me sleeping with you. It costs extra for that babe,” he spoke while getting extremely close to her.

“You’re…you’re kidding right? You want me to pay you extra for having your way with my last night?” she spat back. ‘Dame it, he’s close,’ she thought as his body came into contact with hers.

“Uh uh, correction: what you did to me Liz,” he smirked when she froze every muscle in her body. “I let you do whatever you wanted to me, baby,” he breathed heavily while letting his hands caress slowly down both arms. “Trust me Princess, if it had been me doing things to you, it would have been triple the price, and you sure as hell would have remembered it in the morning,” breathing every word in hot puffs. “ That’s a promise.”

Liz was shaking from his heat, his cold words, or the breeze in the room; she wasn’t sure. Before she even had time to think about a response, he was gone. ‘What the hell was that?’ Liz asked herself stared after him in shock. Why did she care about how cold his voice was to her, or why he seemed even more distant than before?

‘Get it the fuck together Maxwell,’ he commanded himself as he walked back to the table. His heart clenched and ached in such a way, because of that look on her face. It was a look with a mixture of confusion, hurt, and maybe even longing. It was a face of an innocent child’s that just didn’t understand what she had done wrong.

Max took a deep breath before sitting back at the table. Kivar was giving him a look that was completely envious; he probably thought Max had followed her into the cellar to have a quickie or a make out session. Max mentally slapped himself over the head for only wishing that had happened instead of the cruel teasing he had given her.

“So, Max what do you do for a living?” Maria asked questionably. She had a similar idea of what Kivar had imagined what Liz and Max were doing in their absence. “I’m in sails,” smiled shortly for Liz’s best friend. He wasn’t lying about his job; he was in sails just not in a way she would have thought. Sails were a term meaning selling his body. He unconsciously flinched at those words; it was nothing he was proud of, and it wasn’t like this is what he dreamed about doing when he was a kid. It's just what happened and he had to live with it... everyday.

Max eyed Liz from the side when she returned from the cellar. He also noted how beautiful she looked in her yellow sundress. It had strapped sleeves and was low cut. She looked like an angel. ‘Stop Dame It,’ he yelled at himself.

“Liz your just in time; we were just talking about Max’s line of work,” Maria smiled. Liz however almost choked on her water from her comment. ‘Oh no, he wouldn’t tell them would he?’ she panicked. Max tried to hide his smirk, so he turned the other way while covering his mouth. “…Yeah, sails. He’s in the same line of work as I am,” Maria spoke cheerfully. “Oh, yeah,” she nodded her head and took a deep breath.

“You know Liz your Max had quit a few girls at the party disappointed that Max was already taken. Max you sure did fit in well with the rest of the boys. If I didn’t know you were taken by my sister, I might have just taken you for myself,” Tess winked at him. Max smiled politely while rolling his eyes inwardly. This girl was getting married in a few days, and she’s flirting with him. Thank God, Kyle wasn’t at the table. Speaking of Kyle.

“Hey, everyone. I’m sorry I’m late,” Kyle said while kissing his mother-in law on the cheek and sat next to Tess, “So what’s on the topic of discussion?” Everyone looked around and quickly spoke at the same time, “Nothing.” Each person had a different motive for changing the entire subject.


Carnival, who the hell thought going here, would be fun? The majority of the younger side of the family had grouped together and sought out rides and cotton candy for the rest of the night. “Lizzie lets go to the Farris wheel,” Tess insisted while dragging Kyle with her. The last thing in the world Liz wanted to do was to get on childish rides with Mr. Max Even, but she still had to put up the couple act for everyone.

Once they were on, one cart above Kyle and Tess, Liz didn’t say a word to Max. She was so confused about him that she just didn’t know what to say. Trying to enjoy the view, she sat back and took in the city lights. The breeze felt so good against her skin, not to mention her hair not blowing in her face because it was pinned up.

‘Jesus she looks beautiful,’ Max thought when he momentarily looked upon Liz’s face. He hair was up in a loose bun, and little pieces fell around her face that was filled with bliss. Her eyes closed as she took a deep breath and exhaled. She couldn’t look more beautiful at that second if she'd wanted to.

“Liz?” he spoke softly before she turned her head towards him. His breath was caught in his throat when he saw her glazed and glowing eyes. “Yeah?” she spoke softly back. “I…” he paused for a minute before returning, “Never mind,” he said as he turned his head the opposite way.

“Alright crazy kids, where do we wanna go next?” Tess said as she jumped off the Farris Wheel. “Tess, why don’t we let Liz and Max have a little alone time, while I’ll take you to the haunted house,” Kyle said suggestively. Tess got the picture, and before Liz and Max could object they were already gone.

Liz huffed and glanced back at Max until she saw the drink cart and started heading towards it. When Max saw that Liz was buying a beer, he walked up to her in protest. The last thing she needed to do was get drunk again. He didn’t think he could take it again.

“Liz, you shouldn't drink,” he insisted sternly. She turned her body all the way towards Max and raised an eyebrow before taking a sip defiantly. He looked at her heatedly and said, “You drank it any ways,” he said in disbelief. He thought she would at least consider what she was doing. “What are you going to do, Max, spank me?” she replied defiantly once again with heated eyes meeting heated eyes. Max put on a cocky face and smiled wickedly from her suggestion.

Neither of them noticed Maria smirking at their conversation behind them, because they were too caught up in each other’s heated stares. She made a sound to let them know she was there, but neither looked away. “Well, I walked over here to see if you two were alright, but I guess that answers that question,” Maria said in amusement.

Maria could tell that they were already falling for each other, and they were falling hard. The way they looked at each other was enough to convince a stranger that they were in love. Yes, Maria could see it clearly; it was just too bad the couple in front of her didn’t see it as well.

Last edited by touched by an alien on Fri Sep 09, 2005 11:16 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by touched by an alien »

Thank you guys SO much for the fb. For the record real escorts DO pay extra for having to sleep with their employers. At least thats what i've been told-lol. So it is realistic that the payment encrease :wink: Thanx guys again. :D


Chapter 7- Cruel Dreams and cruel bets

Soft skin caressed every part of her body while moving up and down her slowly. She could hear an animalistic groan in her ear and promises of affection float through the dark room. A heavy but strong body fell and rose above her with masculine grace that increased the aching spreading through her. Gentle, that’s what the man above her was-gentle. Every touch was filled with so much love and passion that it made her entire body shake. He pressed soft kisses over her forehead, her eyelids, her nose, and everywhere else he could kiss to comfort her shaking muscles. “Liz,” he moaned as his head came up for air. She knew that voice and more importantly she knew that face…

She gasped for air in the cold bed of the night. “Liz?” the same voice asked from her earth-shattering dream, except this time it was filled with concern instead of pure pleasure. Max turned towards her in the bed before speaking again, “Liz, what’s wrong?" She was shaking and gasping for breath like she had just come out of cold water instead of a heated dream. ‘That was one hell of a dream,’ she thought to herself. “Liz you’re burning up,” he whispered concernedly while feeling her hot skin.

Once she had caught her breath, Liz’s eyes were deeply drawn to the tortured eyes in front of her and saw his moonlighted face. “You’re shaking baby. Come here,” he whispered as he pulled her into his embrace, and God did he smell good. She didn’t know why but she didn’t pull away from Max, instead she clung onto his strong figure and laid her head on his shoulder that was covered by his white T-shirt. He pulled Liz into his lap before caressing her hair with his finger tips and whispered soothing words into the night.

“Shh, It’s ok, Liz. It was just a dream, just a dream,” he kept holding her fragile frame in his arms trying to do or say anything to calm her down. It bothered him more than he liked seeing her in such a condition. “I’m here shhh. Nothings going to happen to you, Liz. I won’t let it,” he promised.

Liz looked up from the crook of his neck and saw such compassion; she knew he wasn’t lying in his words. He really did mean them. Max took a deep breath as he gently glided his hands over her body to make sure she wasn’t hurt in any way. His tips of his fingers scanned her soft skin so he would know that it hadn’t been violated somehow. She was so fragile in his eyes.

He then realized, as he looked into her ageless eyes and soft lips, that he couldn’t be the one to protect her no matter how much he wanted the obligation. He’d only cause the pain instead of preventing it in her heart. Just look how he had treated her in the past few days. He had flirted with her in way that a prostitute would, and despite what he told himself that was exactly what he was. A woman like Liz Parker could never fall in love with a man who sells his body for money. No, It didn’t matter what he wanted, because in the end this girl was far better off with out him. And because of that he would put on a smile for her and be gentle for the rest of the weakened but after that, after the wedding, he would let her go. He’d let the one woman in the world that ever touched him in such a way go, for her sake he’d let her go, because he did love her and did cherish her. And because he couldn’t bare her getting hurt by him…he’d let her go.

Liz’s eyes glistened from his tender touch, as she watched him in amazement. One moment he could be so arrogant and the next he could look upon her with such passion. She didn’t know what had happened in his past to cause this, but she didn’t ask. She wouldn’t ask until he was ready. For the moment Liz just wanted to feel his arms around her in comfort from the surreal dream. She didn’t even know why she was in such a shock from it, maybe because it was he who was the one in it.

“You’re still too warm. I’ll be right back,” he said while walking into the bathroom and bringing a cold rag back into the room. “Lay down,” he whispered with concern. Liz didn’t know why, but she trusted him enough to do as he asked. Her head hit the pillow as she waited to see what he would do.

Every breath could be heard in that room; every movement echoed through the night. Max let his eyes wonder her body before he controlled himself. Letting cold and refreshing liquid slid down her arm, max squeezed the rag gently to let the water cool her hot skin. He could tell Liz’s breathing became as erratic as his, because he could see her breast heaving up and down with such force. Max swallowed harshly as he watched the erotic sight below him.

He let the rag run smoothly up her arm while leaving wet evidence behind and guided it to the other. Max perpetrated her arms all the way down to her fingertips, and paid special attention to each finger and he wetted each pad one by one. Letting his fingers brush her straps away from her shoulders, he let the cold material touch the top of her heaving chest and let it roam up her tempting throat.

The entire time Liz’s eyes were closed in anticipation and passion. The way he washed her body was so intimant that she didn’t even notice her white now see-through top. The water had slowly dripped down her throat and was now spread through her chest. The sight was almost punishment to Max –to see something he could never have again.

Roaming upwards, the cloth was carefully brought to her face. He caressed her cheeks to her forehead and finally down to her pink lips. He wished so much that his hands could take the place of that rag, so he could feel every inch of her body all over again. She was forbidden fruit to him, and she didn’t even know it.

He swallowed before speaking a word, “Better?” She only nodded her head while different trimmers ran through her every vessel. Max felt her arm again and knew she had cooled off a little. Little did she know his body was now ignited with fire.

Groaning inwardly, Max felt the pressing erection in his boxers, and it didn’t help when he looked back down at her wet cotton top. He gently but painfully pulled the sheets over her body and caressed her face before leaving her alone in the room. She only stared after him in breathlessness and feeling cold without him with her.

The night’s quiet sounds crept through the night while some slept peacefully, others who wondered the streets aimlessly, and there were others like Max Evens who were torched from their past and present.


Max was already gone in the morning when Liz woke up, and five minutes later Maria came buzzing through the door with a cheesy grin on her face. “ I thought we learned the rule about knocking yesterday,” Liz smiled sluggishly, but Maria didn’t pay a bit of attention to her comment. She had a lovesick smile on that she must have borrowed from high school, and she fell dreamily down on the bed. “What’s wrong with you?” Liz asked. “Michael’s coming to the wedding,” she smiled and laughed. “Wait, Michael as in ‘drives you crazy’ Michael?” Liz asked knowingly.

Michael was a very good friend of the family. Her father had tried to force she and Michael together, but Liz saw Michael as a brother and visa versa. She’d grown up with him since they were kids, and he was one of the only reasons she didn’t go insane from her family. Maria met him a year ago at a family reunion. The whole entire time they spent yelling at each other, but they were very much in love. It was sort of one of those romances where you couldn’t live with the other one, but most importantly couldn’t live without them either.

Liz already knew he was coming to the wedding, but she hadn’t gotten the chance to tell Maria. No matter, she'd found it out just fine by herself. Liz was guessing that one of the nosy relatives told her at breakfast.

Sighing again, Maria popped out of her haze to ask, “So if your not going to give me any juicy details about the bacheloret party, then at least give me some about your mystery man,” she smiled as she raised her eye brows in suggestion. “Where is Max?” Liz asked as she ignored her friend’s question. Maria sighed again and said, “All of the boys went down to the country club. Their probably playing golf and smoking cigars or something,” she rolled her eyes.

“So we’re going shopping girlfriend,” she sat up and got off the bed. Maria hopped to Liz’s closet. Liz grumbled the word ‘why,’ before her best friend turned around in a look that told Liz she had no choice but to go. After Liz moaned and groaned, she finally got out of bed and took a shower denying the thoughts that it brought into her mind about last night.

Maria almost had a hard attach when she saw the old clothing in Liz room and shouted, “Jesus, Liz when was the last time you were here?” before Liz shouted back, “ Like ten years ago why?” Maria didn’t answer she only shook her head in disbelief. There were still clothes in here that belonged aand should stay in the 80’s. Thank God, Liz brought her bag of clothing with her.

Before Maria started to roam through Liz’s bag to see what she had brought, her eyes caught onto the masculine bag across the floor. She smiled wickedly, before walking over to the bag full of wondrous goodies. Well, if Liz weren’t going to tell her about Max, then she would just take a peak in his bag. She all ways said, ‘what a person has in their bag show who the person really is.’

Maria’s eyes widened as she saw the very tasteful clothing, and the sweet, foreign cologne in his bag. Just as Liz walked back into the room with wet hair and a white rob, Maria found something that made her smile widely. “Maria, What are you doing,” Liz said in disbelief. “Lookie, lookie what I found,” she waved in the air a pair of boxers. “Maria, you can’t just… Maria put’em back,” Liz tried to grab them. “Oh, come on Lizzie, I give the boy four stars for the boxers,” she laughed as she tossed them into Liz face while laughing, “Liz, I’m just giving you a hard time because I’m jealous. He is hot,” she said while jumping on the bed and waving her hand in front of her face dramatically. Liz gave up with a small smile and through the boxers right back at Maria who said jokingly, “Ohh, I think I’ll keep these as a souvenir.”


“ You smoke, Max?” Kyle asked out on the porch of the very impressive clubhouse. “Only cigarettes,” he stated back before Kyle smiled, “Yeah, my too. Not much of a cigar person myself.” He handed him a pack and let max light it. Max sighed in the comfort of it. He didn’t usually smoke that often, but when work was hectic that's when he would have a Salem or a Camel. Work was definitely on the rise for aggravation. Every thought consumed over Liz, and nothing could take his mind of her despite his efforts.

“Well, gentlemen, who’s up for some pool,” Kiv asked out. Max sighed as he heard his voice. Alex, Kyle, and Kiv were thinking about upping the stakes as they decide to go inside and shoot a game by taking bets on winning. “Max, come on man. We needed another guy,” Kyle encouraged. Max agreed after Kiv challenged him. “All right Kyle you’re with me and Alex and Max teamed together,” Kivar said with a gleam in his eye. He was up to something and Max knew it.


“So, I assume you have a dress for the charity event tonight?” Maria said as they walked down the shopping strip. “What? Oh my God, I totally forgot,” she gasped. Her friend just laughed again, “Relax girl, why do you think we’re shopping today.” Sometimes Liz thought Maria knew her better than she knew herself.

“ Chow belle,” a very olive skinned man smiled at the two ladies. “Damn, see Liz you got English, Italian, and any body else from a romantic country here,” she shook her head at the friendly gentleman who was still staring at them.

“Oh my… Liz that’s the perfect dress for you,” Maria gasped in the window while Liz’s breath was taken away by the dress. “Max, won’t know what hit him if you show up in that.”


“Dam it,” Alex groaned. They were getting their asses handed to them on a plate. Kiv and Kyle were extremely good at pool. Max thought he was too, but apparently he was a little rusty since his college years. “And that’s game boys,” Kivar smiled with wickedness. Max let out a pocket full of breath as Kyle gave him an apologetic expression. He was just having the worst weak of his life. “Deal is a deal boy,” Kivar commented again. Great now they were going to have to follow up on the fucking bet -who ever lost had to…
Last edited by touched by an alien on Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:12 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by touched by an alien »

Hey guys. Well here is the chapter I promised you guys today. I always keep a promise :wink: ENJOY and loved the feedback! Thanx Emz, my wonderfull beta for the help :wink:

tabasco drops
and to all my little lurkers!!!

Chapter 8- Ask not what your waiter can do for you

The charity ball was once again filled with over callused men who thought they were gods in their eyes. Hanging on to there pressed sleeves, their wives put on false smiles and pretended to befriend everyone that was there. It was supposed to be a party for the rich and powerful who gave charitable amounts of money to the poor and needy, but most of the men looked upon it as a way to promote their businesses and the ladies took it as a way to promote gossip.

Fancy dresses and refined suites filled the marble building as classical music spread through the air. It was of coarse a big deal to be invited; however, most of the invited guests were not so thrilled. The rich looked upon it as a boring event, and the very few who cared about helping others in need never enjoyed going because of the snooty guests and remarks.

Liz took a deep breath as she walked down the rather large staircase. Every head turned as she gracefully entered the lobby. Elizabeth Parker was breath taking tonight and every man noticed it, especially Max. When he had followed everyone's wondering gaze, he could hardly breath from the sight of her.

She was wearing a passionate red coloured dress that hung all the way down to her feet and trailed behind Liz in the back. It hugged every curve in her body and showed just enough of her chest from the low v-neck. The dress was also sleeveless, and her hair was gently pulled up with pieces falling out to frame her face. Therefore, it showed her temping and delicate shoulders. The slit on the semi-side of her dress revealed teasingly amounts of her beautiful and tanned legs. One could say she was the bell of the ball.

Liz finally reached to bottom of the stairs as every man either knew her or introduced himself to her. She smiled and walked slowly towards Max. When she reached him, he realized something. Instead of making everyone jealous of Liz Parker, it had in fact turned the other way. Every man in the room was wishing they were in Max's place. They wanted to be the one whose hand she placed her own in. They wanted to be the one who received her beautiful smile.

"You look breathtaking," he whispered into her ear with awe.

"Thank you," she smiled with those soul searching eyes of hers and before Max could stop himself he reached a hand up to cup her face and placed a tender kiss on her mouth.

Everyone else was speechless as they watched the couple's passionate actions. It was a very rare thing for the guests to see. They had long forgotten what love looked like, because of their cold lifestyle. Most of the women married for money and the men married so they would have a pretty face at their side, but sporadically did they marry for the kind of love that Max and Liz showed one another.

" Ladies and gentlemen I welcome you to the twenty-fifth annual charity event," a voice announced at the front of the room, and so the party begins.


The night was only half over and Max and Liz had already received dozens of flirting comments from the opposite sex. Max had not seen Kivar yet, and he didn't know if that was a good thing or bad thing. He was desperately hoping that he wouldn’t show up, because if he did then he and Alex would actually have to go through with the bet they had agreed on. On que Kiv walked into the room as he took in the scenery of the ball.

Kivar smiled wickedly when he spotted Max and Alex. He was going to have fun tonight, and he'd get a little alone time with Liz. Max and Alex excused themselves from their present company and walked towards the back hallway. Liz looked a little worried before Max left, so he smiled gently at her and kissed her forehead to let her know everything was ok.

"Liz, you look great," Maria said next to her, "What'd I tell you, I don’t think Max is the kind of guy who usually is at a loss for words, but when you walked in he was speechless." Liz blushed at Maria's comment. Blushing had become a regular thing now, and she didn't know why? Ok, that wasn't true; she did know why. She just didn't want to admit to it.

"So what do you think the they're going to pull off this time?" Maria asked.

"I don't know, but I'm sure were going to find out," Liz said unenthusiastically.

Each year the party would have some stunt that left the guests somewhat entertained. It was probably a way to keep them there as long as possible. Last year they had diamonds for the women to try on during the party, and the year before that they had white balloons and glitter fall from the ceiling without any indication while shooting fire works off outside. Who knew what they'd do this year.

"Guests, as usual, I have a surprise for you all," the president of the ball said into the microphone, "Although this is more for the ladies than the men," he smiled. "I would like you to meet the waiters for this evening," he laughed while gesturing towards the hall.

One by one men came sauntering out with liquid champagne on their treys, the only thing, however, that were missing were their shirts. Different types of male specimens came waltzing through the lobby; some were blond others brunette. There was clapping from the woman but the men were all shaking their heads.

Liz smiled and rolled her eyes at the display. She looked over to Lonnie who was whistling, and Maria grinning from ear to ear. Liz covered her eyes at the display. The boys even had bow ties and white cuffs on their wrists that made them look sort of like strippers that had just stripped their shirts off for their first part of their act.

She stopped in shock when she saw Max and Alex as one of them. "Oh my God, Liz is that?" Tess asked in disbelief. Most of the Parker women and family were speechless when they saw them walk down they same hall way with trays in their hand and dressed the same as the rest of the so called waiters. Max had a knowing grin on his face, while Alex had a nervous one.

When they finally made it towards the Parkers, they sighed in humiliation.

"What in the world are you two doing?" Lonnie asked as she eyed them both.

"It's a long story, but we lost a game of pool. Guess what the looser had to do?" Alex said sarcastically. Lonnie and Kyle just laughed while Maria and Liz shook their heads in disbelief.

Max was glad Liz was taking it so well. He thought that she would be embarrassed for her family, but he should have known better. She smiled at him in good humour. Lonnie however, kept teasing Alex the entire time with waiter jokes.


About a couple of drinks and waiters later, Liz stepped out onto the terrace. The night's air brought Liz a cool breeze. It was amazing that after how many times she'd been to one of these things, and yet this was the first time she'd had fun. Then again, She knew the answer to that one as well .Max.

"Kivar," Liz said with surprise when he stood next to her. He offered her another drink, but Liz declined. He was the last person she wanted to be with alone on the terrace. "I never got to tell you how beautiful you look tonight," he whispered while placing his hand on her back. "Thanks," she said uncomfortably as he began to rub the revealed skin of her back almost sexually.


"Hey Maria, have you seen Liz around here?" Max asked as he buttoned his white shirt up.

"Yeah, she's out on the terrace. She needed to get some air," she said while pointing to its direction.

"Thanks," he smiled.

"No problem, stud," she winked at him innocently.

Max reached the door only to find that she wasn't alone. Kivar was kissing her roughly while holding her hands up against the wall so she couldn't move despite her will. Max eyes flared as shoved the door open in anger and his eyes met Kivar's. There was going to be a fight tonight, and all three of them knew it.
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
Addicted Roswellian
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Post by touched by an alien »

Hey guys thought I'd drop this in for ya :wink: I think you'll enjoy...
I want you guys to know I read ALL your feed back and I loved it, I even wrote personal notes to you all, but I forgot to save it on my computer so... BUT i love all you guys and hope yo like this next part!
P.S. I like practically BEGGING you guys to download this song thats in the chapter. You can download the music video here-

Vicki LVCM
Michelle in Yonkers

Chapter 9- Hello

“Get the fuck away from her Kivar,” Max stated with hatred dripping on every word. The moment he saw Kiv forcing himself onto her, he lost all ability to be calm and reserved. Kivar let an evil grin form on his face as he let go of Liz slowly and said, “Oh come on Evans, I was just having a bit of fun. She was after all my fiancée. I just wanted to have a little taste. I’m sure you can understand.” Kivar’s statement was full of mockery and distain, and Max didn’t miss a word of it.

“She’s not yours Kiv… She never was,” he spoke into the silent and cold air. Liz just froze in her place with quiet tears staining her delicate face. She looked simply broken to Max.

“Aren’t you a knight and shinning armor Evans,” Kivar sneered as he walked towards Max until he was nose to nose. “And don’t get all high and mighty on me. You’re just another one of her conquests. She does this to any man who has a pretty face. She’ll make you fall for her and then she’ll drop you, and believe me Max you are no different,” he whispered in anger.

Max just laughed gruffly and returned, “Spoken like a true jealous ex-boyfriend. You want to know what I think Kiv. I think you want what you just can’t have. You’re just a spoiled boy who is used to getting what he wants, except this time you just can’t have her.”

Face full of furry, Kivar was just about to go over the edge when he thought of something and spoke his words, “Who the hell are you kidding I HAVE had her, Evans. Just forget it, she’s not worth this shit. I was just trying to get into her pants one last time anyways.”

‘That’s it!’ was the last thought on Max’s mind before he slammed a right hook into Kivar’s jaw. He went tumbling to the ground with a load knock. He, however, didn’t stay on the floor long. As soon as Max began to walk over to Liz, Kivar turned him around and took a slug at him. Blinding light hit his eyes from the punch as he felt Kivar push his back against the stonewall.

Max quickly recovered and ducked before Kiv got another shot at his face. Hearing a loud yelp from his enemy, Max let his elbow collide into his stomach and pushed his body off of him in defense.

“Oh my God,” Maria’s voice came from behind. Max was momentarily distracted when he turned around to find Liz’s best friend and sister, but it was enough time for Kiv to lunge at Max and knock him off his feet. “I’m getting Kyle,” Tess yelled back as Maria runs over to Liz.

“Get her out of here Maria” Max yells to her as he tries to fight off Kiv. The guy may have been the same size as him, but he had a lot of anger towards him too. He certainly didn’t want Liz in the middle of this.

When she didn’t move Max yelled with all he had, “GO!” It was enough to make both of the girls go inside and away from the fight. Kivar laughed at that point and spoke with gritted teeth, “You really are whipped, boy. I know she’s great in bed, but is she worth all this trouble…Hey I’ll tell ya what. How about we share her fifty-fifty. We can switch every other night,” he joked with venom.

Max yelled and pushed him off of him with just as much force. Kivar’s words spoke of her like she was a simple whore, and that pushed Max far off the edge. “You son of Bitch,” he yelled as dragged him against another wall with his fists.

“What the fuck is going on? Both of you break it up NOW,” Kyle yelled with Tess and Alex at his side. “I don’t know who started it, and I don’t care. Break it up now I mean it,” Kyle spoke as he pushed them apart, “This is getting far to0 out of hand.”

Silence fell over the five people standing outside. It was a miracle no one else from the party heard them too, but as soon as they went back to the party everyone would know what had happened anyways. Both Kiv and Max looked like they had been run over a truck and mugged. Kyle seemed to be thinking the same thing, because he told them both to go out the back gate, and that he’d meet them at the parking lot.

“This parties pretty much over anyways. Lonnie, you drove Alex right? Well take Kivar with you their at the same hotel. Max we’ll take you home,” Kyle spoke while taking Tess’ hand and going back to the party.

It didn’t take long for Kyle and Tess to say their goodbyes at the party, and Lonnie had already dragged Kivar into the car to go home. She was almost as pissed off at him as Max was.

“Alright, let’s go,” Kyle sighed as he walked towards Max and the car. “Wait where’s Li?” Tess only answered with an unhappy grumble, “Maria already took her home. Now you wanna tell us what the hell happened to make my sister freak out?”

Max didn’t answer, and wasn’t sure he should say either. What Kivar did was wrong, but it would completely humiliate Liz if everyone knew that she was almost rapped by her ex-fiancée. In the end, Max decided to let Liz be the one to decide what she wanted to be told and what she didn’t want to be said about tonight.

“Ok well if you’re not going to tell us the story, then are you at least going to tell us who started it?” Kyle insisted although he already knew the answer, but he needed to hear it from Max.

“Kiv did,” he answered shortly. Kyle just nodded his head knowingly. “ Max, you should have just let it go man, what ever he said…. That being said, you drive mean right hook Evans,” Kyle smiled from the mirror. “Thanks man,” Max smiled at Kyle’s never ending humor. He really was a good guy; it was just his wife that he wasn’t too sure about.

Tess had never been rude to him or snooty towards him. It was exactly the opposite with her. Every time they were in the same room, he’d catch her flirting looks towards him. It wasn’t that she was ugly or anything. She was cute in a very cold Barbie doll way, but that’s what turned him off. Every time he saw her fake smile, he asked himself how she and Liz could possibly be related. It was beyond him.

“Well, here we are. Max if mom and dad ask just tell them I’m over at Kyle’s ok?” Tess asked him curtly. He only nodded and waved goodbye to Kyle. “Asta luago,” Kyle yelled to Max as he backed out of the driveway.

Max knew Maria wasn’t here anymore, because her car wasn’t outside. He went straight inside and upstairs to Liz’s room. After he knocked and heard a small ‘come in’, Max opened the door slowly as soft music flowed through the room.

There she was in all her beautiful glory. Liz was laying in her the middle of her big bed while wearing a silk, sleeveless black nightgown. She looked absolutely forbidden with her air pulled up loosely.

When she looked up and saw Max, she began to grow teary eyes. He looked wounded with his torn white shirt and cut face. She leaped off the bed while bringing the sheets wrapped around her body with her, and hugged him with such comfort. Max closed his eyes for the second and embraced her warmth with all he had. He was so tired of keeping his distance from this girl. He was just so tired.

Once Max felt wet tears soak through his shirt, he realized how hurt she must feel emotionally. Liz, however, was worried about how he hurt he was physically. When she finally had enough courage to look into his eyes, she spoke, “Max, I am so sorry. I had no idea that he would do any of this. I…” but she didn’t finish because Max’s lips stopped her. He ever so gently kissed her sweet lips, so she would know that everything was going to be ok.

Finally when he let his hands drop from cupping her face, he took a step back and smiled tiredly at her. “It’s ok,” he whispered before Liz looked at him in awe. How could a man be so caring and gentle as Max Evans?

Liz took in his wounded and hurt appearance, and gulped because of what she was about to do. She pulled him slowly towards the bed, and gently pushed him down. Max just watched with heated eyes as the goddess before him roamed her fingers over his bruised and aching body. Hisses and heavy breathing could be heard through the room as she caressed the wounds. Gentle music played through out the room as they both listened in silence, because the song captured their souls and created a world that only had the two of them living and breathing inside of it.

I’ve been alone with you
Inside my mind
And in my dreams I’ve kissed your lips
A thousand times

She soothed him with every touch, because she was his sedative. Every wound she caressed felt like heaven instead of hell. She healed everything she came into contact with including his heart.

I sometimes see you
Pass outside my door
Is it me you’re looking for?

Was she healing him not only outside but inside as well? Could she long for him the way he longed for her. Every touch made him come closer to that answer. Her hands cupped his face as she looked deeply into his eyes. Running her hand over the deep cut on his forehead, she grew closer until she placed a precious kiss to the wound.

I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You’re all I’ve ever wanted

Slowly and unsurely she place innocent kisses over his wounds. ‘God if she only knew what her lips did to him,’ he thought as blood ran warmly through his body. She couldn’t seem to get close enough to his heated body, so she placed her hands lightly on his shoulders and straddled his lap.

And my arms are open wide
Because you know just what to say

“God you feel…” Max whispered as he felt her sweet breath on his neck.

And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much
I love you

“Max,” she whimpered into his soft hair as she wrapped her arms around his neck loosely. He responded by letting his hands rub her back. God, he could feel her heat, because it was pressed up against his. He wanted to tell her that so much, but he couldn’t.

I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again
How much I care

“Baby, we shouldn’t…I’m no good for you,” he whispered to her. He wanted her so much, but if he truly loved her he’d let her go. He wasn’t so sure he could do that any more; he was already in so deep.

Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
I’ve just got to let you know

She looked deeply into his eyes and found a torturous soul inside. Hurt filled her heart and also her doe eyes. She still wondered if she knew everything about this man or absolutely nothing about him.

Because I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do

“Please, Liz…go to bed,” he pleaded to her as he cupped her face and smellled her dizzy strawberry scent. Letting his forehead rest on hers, Max pleaded again but this time with his eyes. She saw the pain that he was in, and she did this to him. He was trying to be a gentleman, but she could see how hard she was making it for him.

Letting her feelings and body cool off, she slid away from his lap and studied his features. Before she could say anything else he had already pulled the covers away and over her small body. She slowly laid down as he tucked her into the big bed, and she realized that she had never felt so cold in that bed as she did then.

Are you somewhere feeling lonely?
Or is someone loving you?

Max slowly slid down into the covers with her before turning off the lamp quietly and laying down into the night. His thoughts never left the small brunette. He felt so many feeling for the woman that was only lying next to him, and yet was someone who he simply could never have no matter how many times he wished or dreamed of her. She would still only be that: a dream and a wish.

Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven’t got a clue
But let me start by saying I love you

-Lional Richie (Hello)
Last edited by touched by an alien on Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:38 am, edited 3 times in total.
Life is an occasion... rise to it.