Created to be Cherished (M/L Adult) A/N 1/20 [WIP]

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Created to be Cherished (M/L Adult) A/N 1/20 [WIP]

Post by touched by an alien »

Title: Created to be Cherished

Author: Touched by an Alien

Category: AU. M/L but I can garentee everyone else is in here somewhere. Although at the beggining there is going to be some Z/L but not alot.

Rating: Adult

Disclaimer: Characters from Roswell belong to The WB, Melinda Metz, and UPN, not me.

Summary: In the crazy world of glammer and beauty, young and carefree Elizabeth Parker enters into the world of modeling when an angent finds her walking on the street one day. Little does she know what comes with the cost of being famous, and little does she know the constant push for perfection in the industry. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll tempts her on her path to startem, but one day she finds a man that might be able to save her from the distructious life... her photographer.
This fics pretty much inspired by the movie "Gia"

Author’s note: This fic pretty much reflects the paths the rich and the glamnerous take. Liz Parker isn't the sweet innocent person that was in Roswell due to some events such as growing up in New York and never knowing her father. She's potrayed as a free, confedent spirit unlike no other. Besides the basic idea of a supermodels life, that's pretty much the only simularity between this fic and the movie "Gia" everything else is from my own screwed up mind :wink:

Thank you so much to singerchic4 for the perfect banner

Chapter one- A Model’s Heart

November 18, 2009

“And we have a very special guest with us tonight. The stunning Elizabeth Parker ladies and gentlemen,”

The beautiful brunette gracefully walked across the stage as the crowd cheered and screamed for her. Her long, dark hair framed her unforgettable face that was known to millions of people from thousands of different places across the world. Lusted by men and hated by women, no matter if it was lust of hate she was still known as the model of perfection among the flawless.

Anyone could see by taking one glance at her, that she was free, wild even in spirit… untouchable perhaps. With complete self-confidence in the palm of her hand, she would always be known and talked about as the angel who was her own and belonged to no one else… fearless and with out a care in the world.

“Elizabeth Parker in all of her glory. It’s amazing to meet you Liz,” the host ushered her to sit. A sly smile graced her lips as she sat into the guest’s chair and glanced shortly toward the crowd before looking back at the man.

“You have had quit a life haven’t you?” he asked in amazement.

“You could say that,” she agreed with her head held straight and confident like it always was and always would be. She said the words without a smile or a frown. She had a look constantly that made one wonder what secret was hiding behind her eyes.

“So are you happy… about how much you have accomplished?” he asked clearing his throat.

“I…” she whispered before she gazed away for a minute before turning her head back upwards, “Yeah... yeah I am.”

“Wait... you hesitated,” he inquired with a raised eyebrow as he became more intrigued.

“Hmm,” she lifted her eyes to him and smiled with out saying anything else.

“So what is in a model’s heart?” he asked with a small smile.

“Hmm, what’s in a model’s heart?” she whispered to herself trying to figure out the answer to the question. What was in a model’s heart? Truthfully, she had wondered that very question herself and had of yet to find its answer.

“Well surely if you don’t know then no one does,” the host returned.

She smiled.

***************** *************************** *****************

New York May 6, 1999

“Yo, Liz you come’n or what?” Ava yelled towards the back.

“Hell no. I’ve gotta life of my own to live,” Liz yelled even though she was already halfway through the back room’s doors as she grabbed her thin leather coat.

“Cornball,” she rolled her eyes and hopped off the restaurant’s counter.

“Freak,” she returned as she followed her outside.

“Call you later?” Ava asked causually.

“Yeah,” Liz said back as she turned the corner. She put on her jacket that matched her black wife beater, leather pants, and boots while combing her hand through her neck length hair and pushing back her bangs with a toss of her head. She must have passed millions of people each day in New York City. She never wondered who they were, because she sure as hell didn’t even know who she was yet.

“Lizzie, damn you look’n good today,” Rod said with his head tilted as he looked her up and down.

“Eatcha’ heart out,” she returned as she walked on past him.

“Baby why ya gotta do me like dat,” he yelled back. The only response that he got from her was her flicking him off as she kept on walking.

As she walked into the music store, she heard the normal dinging of the bells from the door. Shelly the usual counter person nodded to her and turned her attention back to the magazine in her hand.

Walking past her, she went into the far back of the rows of cds and records. She skimmed her usual section before hearing a rough voice behind her, “Can I help ya miss?”

She smiled slyly as she turned around and leaned on the shelf. “You know princess were gonna to have ta stop meet’n like dis,” Zan smiled as put both of his arms against the shelf and trapped her from moving.

He lowered his head and stole a long kiss and lifted her hips as her legs rapped around his. She laughed as he pushed her against the shelf and made it shake. She could have sworn it was going to fall. And then before she knew it, she felt the hardness of the floor hit her back as Zan lost balance and fell with her. She cracked up laughing below Zan and tried to hold the laughter in when she saw Shelly looking over at them from a cross the room.

“How’s it goin’ Shell,” Zan asked seeing as they had just been caught.

When she didn’t say anything and rolled her eyes, he smiled sarcastically before saying, “Great, nice talk’n to ya too.” Liz couldn’t quit the light laughter under him even as he got up and pulled her off of the floor.

“I gotta go any ways I’ll see ya lata” she said as she patted him on the chest and started to leave the store.

Zan pulled her back before asking, “You alright?”

“Fine,” she smiled smally, comfortingly before turning towards the door and into New York’s crowds again. She didn’t want to admit to herself that she was dodging Zan more and more often. She wasn't trying to get involved with anyone… including him. She kept to herself, took care of herself, that was the way her life had been, and she was going to keep it that way. It was the only sure way to not get hurt in the end she had decided.

She had let one person take care of her once along time ago and that was her mother. And yet where was her mother when she had needed her most? She had left her when she was twelve years old to fend for her own in the great big city of New York. The only good thing her mother had left her was two months of paid rent for the apartment.

She drew in her breath and tried to forget about the past as she entered into the old café that she’d been in a thousand times before. “Yo Robbi, can I get a coffee to go, or you getten so lazy now that you tell your customers to serve themselves,” she yelled towards the back.

“You’ve got a lot of lip sweetheart,” he said with a shake of head as he got to the counter and started to make her coffee. She ignored the middle-aged man who was starring at her from across the counter. Until she finally got her coffee did he walk over.

“Can I buy that for you?” he offered as he sat next to her and studied her face.

“I don’t let strange men buy me drinks,” she returned without even giving him even a glance.

“Well, that’s good to know since I don’t either,” he returned before saying with amazement, “You… have a face of an angel.”

She turned to him and starred. That was a first. She had heard just about every pick up line known to man, but that was a new one for her. She had noticed he had a clean white button up shirt with black slacks on. He was most definitely not from the neighborhood. She caught a slight British accent in his voice, but it was nothing too noticeable. He wasn’t bad look either she supposed.

“Jade… Jade Foster,” he held his hand out for her. She didn’t move a muscle to take his hand, instead she just kept giving him a stare that was unnerving usually to most. The truth was alot of people were naturally unnerved by her and her fearless attitude. He, however, didn’t even flinch. Instead he just dropped his hand before asking with a sly smile, "So tell me angel… have you ever thought about modeling?”

A/N: should I continue? Let me know :wink:
Last edited by touched by an alien on Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:25 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Post by touched by an alien »

Hey guys Thank you SO much for the feedback I was happy when I got it. Oh, before I forget- alot of the Q's were if it was going to end like Gia- it's not I promise you. Pretty much it was inspired by Gia, but besides the whole suppermodel life thing, everything else is going to be my own imagination :wink: I do promise the eventual happy ending, because I don't believe there's any other kind 8)

Chapter 2- Couldn’t hurt…

“… So basically that’s all you’ll have to do. Just go to a couple of my other associates to see that gorgeous face of yours, and then we’ll know where we stand. If they like you as much as I do, we’ll have a done deal. Then we can set up a few photo shoots for various campaigns…” he explained with ease as if he had done it a thousand times before.

“Woe! Woe! ! Woe hold on pale. Look I’m not interested in some scam where you get girls to where bathing suites in your attic for some sick, twisted…” she started as she got up out of her chair with her hands in the air for a retreat.

“I assure Ms. Parker that I’m authentic. Look if you like you can stop by my office around five. I can show you all the proof that you need. It’s up to you Ms. Parker, and to tell you the truth your not the only girl in the world who’s got a pretty face. You should take this while I’m still offering it,” he informed her with seriousness.

“Then why do you care? If there are so many pretty girls out there, then why do you care if I show up or not,” she replied with her arms crossed.

“I don’t care. My job has nothing to do with caring, but I have a feeling about you. You could be… exquisite even timeless, but the only way that can happen is if you show up. Now if you’ll excuse me Ms. Parker, I’m late for a meeting,” he said as he grabbed his suitcase and began to walk towards the door. He turned around and paused to say one more final thing to her, “I do hope to see you there Ms. Parker.”

She stood in the middle of the floor for a long time after he left. Lifting her hand up, she looked at the business card he’d placed in her hand a few moments ago. She didn’t know what was she going to do.

She rolled her eyes as she got out of the yellow cab. Through the entire drive she had mentally kicked herself a thousand times for actually showing up at his office. She felt stupid for actually even considering it.

Paying for the cab, she slammed the door and began to walk into the very tall, glass building. She walked up to the office and the woman directed her to the ninth level, and of course it was the highest floor in the building.

“Elizabeth, oh I’m so glad you came. Claire hold all my calls please,” he said with a smile as he motioned her inside his office. Then that’s when it finally hit her that this guy was for real.

“So… have you been convinced enough from what you’ve seen to believe I’m serious about my offer?” Jade smiled while he sat down on his leather chair and leaned back in ease.

When she didn’t give him an answer he immediately jumped to business. “Alright Ms. Parker, the first thing were going to have to do is have you sign a contract. Nothing fancy just a standard precaution. Basically we’re responsible for finding you and giving you to another company. You see… if my friend likes you as much as I do, then I’ll get paid just for discovering you. Are you following all of this Ms. Parker?”

“What friend?” she asked skeptically as she turned the wooden chair around to sit in it unconventionally.

“Miss Maria Deluca,” he confirmed with a sly smile, “She’s somewhat a very interesting person to meet. I think you two will get along very nicely.”

Liz fidgeted in the waiting room. She studied the fake Barbie dolls that had passed by her for the past half hour. She rolled her eyes when another one passed by her. The truth was she was only there because of the money. Waitressing was simply not paying for her rent. If she didn’t get some extra cash soon, then her landlord would throw her out.

A brunette and another blond sate down in the row of chairs that were across from her. “Let me guess, you’re Betty and she’s Veronica?” she said with an arrogant smile while she lifted her black booted foot up onto the table with disinterest even as the two girls threw snooty glares at her.

“Elizabeth Parker, Ms. Deluca will see you now,” the assistant informed her as she got up to lead her towards the door. Liz shot out the words, “Bite me,” when the assistant studied Liz as she passed her with a grotesque look.

Sighing her way in, she found the first thing that caught her attention was all of the fancy new art up on the wall. You know the kind of art that looks like someone took a bucket of paint and threw it on the canvas and then proclaimed it to ‘art.’ Well, they decorated the walls as a huge window shinned sunlight over them. Liz was slightly impressed as she saw the hard wooden floors and cherry oak colored desk.

“Elizabeth Parker,” the dirty blond said slowly as she had of yet to look up from her papers that were on her desk. Liz took a seat and watched the slightly older woman in front of her as she flipped through files casually. The woman had a white business pantsuit one that was flattering. The woman could almost be model too. Liz would have thought she was one if didn’t know any better. The only thing that was missing was the fake Barbie doll look that all the other had.

Finally after looking up from the stacks of papers, the woman smiled and leaned back in her chair as she studied her. “So you’re the one that has Jade raving? Do you know why you’re here Ms. Parker?”

“Not really. Look no offence but the only reason I’m doing this is for the money. I could care less about models or whatever the hell you guys do here,” she explained bluntly as she crossed her arms and made a slight nod to move the hair out of her face.

When she looked back up, the young woman was watching her with a small smile. “I think… this is going to work,” the woman said as her light smile turned into a mischievous grin, “You see if you don’t care about this job, then you can become detached, emotionless from the entire world. If you’re so fearless as you seem to be Ms. Parker, then nobody can touch you.”

Liz started to laugh at the predicament she now found herself in. “What’s so funny?” Ms. Deluca asked with a raised eyebrow and an entertained smile on her face.

“Well I… are you sure you’ve got the right chick?” she asked with a squinted forehead.

“Why wouldn’t I Ms. Parker?” she asked as she sat on her desk across from her.

“Well I mean… look at me. I’m a mess,” Liz stated emotionless, “Have you seen all the other woman out there? I’m not your regular perfection of society.”

“Exactly,” she answered with a bigger smile, “You’re different from everyone else my dear. Being different in this business can be good… very good. But you have to be up for the challenge,” she informed her.

“I guess what I’m asking you Ms. Parker is… are you up to the challenge?” she asked as she stared her straight in the eyes and quietly waited for her answer.

Liz lifted her eyes to the side and thought through it. After a few moments of sitting quietly in the chair as Ms. Deluca watched her carefully, Liz finally sighed and shrugged her shoulders in defeat, “What the hell.”

“Yo Liz you late again!” Rath yelled as she ran out of the back door and slid threw the huge crowd of people before lifting up on the bar and sliding her legs over.

“I know. I know,” she said as she threw off her leather jacket revealing her small black top that was above her belly button and that scooped low at the neck accompanied by her black pants. Her shirt spelled out the words ‘N.Y.C’s finest’ on it.

“You’re late one more time Liz and I’m tell’n Vic,” he warned her, “I’m tired of cover’n for you’re ass.”

“It won’t happen again Rath,” she promised with a straight tone as she tried to catch up on drink orders. She had no grudges against Rath. He’d covered for her more times than he ever should have.

Eventually they caught up on their orders enough for it to return to it’s normal pace. The club was the same as usual Liz noticed. Still it was busy and packed with all kinds of strangers. Liz nodded her head to the heavy pounded music as she poured.

“You plan’n on save’n me a dance peaches?” he asked. She didn’t even need to turn towards the bar’s table to know who had said that.

“If you ask nicely,” she answered back.

He laughed and said, “I thought I just did.”

She turned to finally look at him before nodding her head. He smiled before disappearing back into the crowds on his way towards the door. She had no problems with Zan. In fact she didn’t know what would have happened if he weren’t there last week.

He was the new bouncer for the club. He’d started last week. It was the exact day he had saved her from that sorry excuse for a human who just happened to be drunk. It was a normal night with a normal crowd, and it was her turn to dance on the bar.

The club Red Rock West, where she worked, had this policy that the crowd would decide which hot waitress they wanted to see "shaken it" on the bar. After about an hour they’d pick someone else usually it was during the beginning or end of another shift with a whole different group of waitresses ready and waiting. Liz was pulled up there at least two times each shift. She didn’t mind it though; she had fun while she was up there.

That night she had heard something about a new bouncer that had just started that night, but she hadn’t seen him at least not until the drama had gone down.

“Liz, I’m leave’n. Listen, could you cut that guy off when he’s done with his drink and call him a cab. He’s had enough for the night,” Serena asked as she put on her fur coat. Serena came from lots of money, so she didn’t work at the club for the money only for fun.

“Sure, hey you watch your back,” Liz nodded her head and glanced over at her.

“I will. I’m gonna check out that new club across the street so…hey why don’t you play hooky and come,” she turned to ask with a friendly smile.

“Nah, I can’t loose this job. Vic has been just itching to fire me. I can’t. Wish I could, but I just can’t,” she smiled sadly.

“All right chica,” she nodded her head and waved goodbye.

“Hey can I get another drink over here?” the guy asked with his shady forming beard.

“Sorry, man but I’m cutting you off. You want me to call a cab for ya?” she asked as she reached over to take the shot glass. Her eyes shot up immediately when she felt the stranger’s handgrip on her wrist.

“Ah, sweetheart don’t do me like that,” he said with a slur.

“Get off me man. You’re drunk, and that’s the only reason I haven’t slugged you by now. But I’ve got a short temper, and I’m getting closer and closer to kicking your ass,” she started but was interrupted.

“Liz! Come on your up,” Rachel told her over the hard rocking music. The girls were all a little unnerved about working tonight. Rath wasn’t there or any of the other guys to watch out for them. Some nights it could really get out of hand with their male chauvinistic customers. The only guys that were working tonight were the two bouncers outside.

“Don’t get them too worked up okay?” she asked and Liz nodded her head in understanding.

She stepped up on the bar and heard cheering from the crowd. The music was still blaring when she started to dance. She tried to keep it mild that night as just a precaution. No flirting, no teasing, she just danced.

When she was done, she started to hope off the bar, but a hand caught her ankle. “Keep on going sweet thing. You look’n good,” the drunk from before yelled up.

“Get off of her!” Rachel yelled as she ran over to the side of the bar, but it was too late, and guy had already dragged her down into the caotic crowd. She tried to reach out of his grip but the he was strong, too strong. She cringed when he grabbed her harder.

“Get off of me!” she yelled before kicking him in the groin. He yelped in pain, but instead of letting her go he threw against the bar as the side of the hard wooden bar table hit her in the back. She groaned in pain. Liz held in her breath when she saw him raise his arm up. The drunk was about to clock her, and she knew it. Gripping the table, she held her breath, as she realized how bad this was going to hurt.

The next thing she new, the guy was being pulled away from her and thrown on the floor. She watched in shock when all Liz could see was a strong dark haired guy hover over the guy knocking the drunk out. Every shot he took, his muscles would contract and bulge. Liz should have guessed he was a bouncer by the way he was built, but the thought never occurred to her, since she’d never seen him before.

“You all right?” he asked after he had turned around from knocking the guy out.

“Yeah… yeah I’m all right.”

She sighed as Vic stared down at her with anger from the V.I.P room. She’d never slept with Zan let that be stated. He was just sort of always there for her when ever she needed him. Something just pulled her back every single time they got close. She didn’t know if it had something to do with her emotional detachment from anything living and breathing or what, but she always pulled back… from everyone.

Vic squinted and warned her with a glare to get back to work or more like slave labor as she preferred to call it. “Yeah, yeah, yeah I hear you,” she grumbled to him even though she doubted that he could hear her from the music and crowds as she got off of her chair and started back to work. Maybe she would take the modeling thing seriously for a while. It couldn’t hurt right?
Last edited by touched by an alien on Tue May 02, 2006 5:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by touched by an alien »

Hi guys, I just wanted to thank you guys so much for all the feedback. I know its been such along time since I've updated so... I'll be surprised if I get any fb back. But anyways tell me if you guys still want me to continue or what.

Sarah 8)

Chapter 3- Memories that lay within the camera

“The first thing we’re going to have to do is change you’re accent. I realize we’re in New York City, but it’s not very attractive as a model. Elizabeth are you listening to me?” Maria asked from her chair. Liz nodded her head shortly with her eyes casted towards the lively window full of blue skys and wispy clouds from the cold. She hated this, but when her landlord had started to evict her from her building that was the last straw. She knew she had no other choice than to take up the offer.

“Elizabeth,” Maria said to get her attention when she saw the pensive look on the young girls face, “This isn’t a bad thing what your doing. A lot of girls would kill to be in your position or even get an opportunity to have it, but you have to understand that your job isn’t to just smile pretty for the camera. It’s a lot more complicated. In this business you have look out for you and only yourself. I suspect that won’t be a problem for you Ms. Parker.”

“Besides Miss. Parker It seems to me you don’t have that much of a choice.” She paused momentarily, hesitatingly before asking, “You’re struggling aren’t you Liz? I can tell. And you’ve finally realized that you can’t do it all on your own. I bet you’ve been struggling for a while now. Bar tending doesn’t exactly take care of a girl does it,” she nicely in a calm and concerned tone.

Liz simply looked up at her with a lack of emotion and movement. She did catch a sense of defiance in Liz’s eyes though. Maria sighed to herself before getting out of her chair and sitting next to her. “I’ll tell you a secret Liz. When you’re in front of the camera, just pretend you’re someone else. Part of modeling, Liz, is acting. It’s not you the camera is taking pictures of, but only the person your portraying to be. You know that old phrase ‘the camera doesn’t lie’ well it does. In this business no one is what they seem,” she promised, “Okay?”

Liz watched her carefully and nodded as she sat up a little straighter to show her that she could do this.

The blond smiled proudly and patted her on the knee, “Excellent.”



Liz sighed once the second, and the last she might add, interview was over. She hated answering questions about her past. As far as she was concerned she had left it along time ago and never wanted to think about it again. She had buried it and that was exactly where she planned to keep it.

Resting her head on the leather interior once she’d gotten into the limo, she pulled on her dark glasses to hide from the sun and the huge after effects from the previous night. Her head ached and throbbed from the painful hang over. She barely cared to remember what had actually happened the night before. The amount of illegal activity at that party was all she needed to know. Thank god the press hadn’t gotten a hold of it. The last thing she wanted was to deal with was the tabloids.

“Miss Parker, we’ll be arriving at the airport in ten minutes,” the driver reassured her.

“Hmm… where are we going?” she asked nonchalantly. She had such a busy schedule that she had given up the effort to keep track of it along time ago. It was all the same to her anyways. Paris, Hollywood, England, whatever… they all seemed like the same to her. These days she was just going by the motions. What else could she do? She had no one waiting for her… not anymore.

She closed her eyes and thought of something else or anything else except the thought of him. Not now, not ever, she couldn’t wish for something that would never be. She couldn’t wish for a life with him. She’d just be torturing herself in wishing…

It was funny though, after all the things she’d done and seen in her life, the one thing she really wanted was to have a quiet life with such a peaceful man. A simple life of waking up in his arms every morning and reading the newspaper together in bed- that kind of stuff, things she’d never done before nor would she ever be able to do. She knew that she’d give up the fame and stratum if she thought that for one moment it could work between them. It was a silly thought, but often late at nights she found herself wishing and dreaming for that life that was so far from her grasp.

Clearing her throat and asking again where she was going, she pushed back the hurt that still lay within. “I don’t know Miss. I suspect Ms. Delaney will know. She will be meeting you there,” he replied respectfully.

“Right,” she whispered tiredly. Leaning back on the leather soft material, she curled up her legs into the sofa as her arms rapped around them, full of thoughts until she would arrive at the airport to meet her personal assistant. Courtney would keep her from thinking about old memories, because she was always there to remind her future memories and plans that would have to be done. Sadly, Liz closed her eyes and rested. She hated this life… but what else was there for her? It wasn’t him. She hated her life; but, sadly her life was the only thing that she had left.

She was so much in thought that she didn’t even here the driver telling her about their arrival to the airport but soon noticed when the paparazzi were crowded around the corner in front of them. She could barely make out Courtney at the very front of the crowd answering questions and talking on the phone at the same time.

Taking a deep breath and getting ready for the erratic crowds outside, she finally pushed open the car door as camera flashes blinded her momentarily. Her ears started to feel a familiar ach from the people yelling questions and comments at her. She was still amazed that she hadn’t gone deaf yet from the years of having to go through this routine religiously.

“People, people, people, Ms. Parker isn’t up for any interviews today. The only questions she’ll be answering is going to be at the conference in London, thank you,” Courtney said loud enough for everyone to here despite the earsplitting comments still crashing towards them. She took Liz by the arm and led inside the clean, spacious airport as her black leather boots clicked against the white tile floor. She smoothed her short black dress down and pushed her sunglasses on top of her head gracefully.

Liz took a deep breath once she was free from the cramped crowd and irritating paparazzi. “Okay… so we’ve got an twelve o clock appointment in Trafalgar Square for a press conference with Karl Lagerfeld and then on Saturday you’ve of course got a runway for Ralph Loran’s campaign and then Gustavo Arango's spring collection runway two days after that in Paris, although the show for Pepe is begging you to stay in England and show up at there party. They’re desperate to get a hold of you. Ugh, and I still have to set up that appointment with Vogue to let them know you can’t make it the 22end…” Courtney kept rambling.

Usually when Courtney started talking about her schedule, Liz would ignore her or just try to ditch her, but she was actually listening to her in hopes of a need for a good distraction or even something mildly entertaining, but those days it was difficult to fulfill the challenge.

Liz sighed and nodded her head to her as she heard her entire schedule in hopes of not dying for boredom that she knew would come any ways from the ten hour flight that she was being forced to take. It was purgatory being stuck on a plane for hours on end with nothing to do.

She slipped her hand in her leather coat and pulled out the small white pills. Taking a couple more sleeping pills than what was recommended, she popped them into her mouth before taking a swig of Evian and tried to push back the craving for something much more stronger from her mind. She knew she didn’t have anything else in her bag as she mentally reminded herself to get a little pick me up the second they landed in London.

Screwing on the top of the water bottle, she froze in the middle of her movements and brought one of her hands closer to see. Her hands were already starting to get the shakes as she watched her small hands quaver uncontrollably. ‘The junkie edge’ many liked to call it. She gripped her fist together and tried to control her craving.

“It must really suck being you,” a fourteen-year-old girl remarked as she stared at her with envy a few feet away. Liz’s hand fell down to her side to hide the drugging trimmers.

“You have no idea,” she remarked back before passing the girl with a high turned chin and walked confidently towards the plane.


“I feel like some groupie hoe,” Liz remarked in front of the mirror before Maria laughed quietly as she waited outside the dressing room in her pin stripped suit and halter.

“Liz, I’ve got other clients that I could be with, but I need to make sure the clothes the company is temporarily buying for you actually fit and look okay. And don’t get use to this either; this is just temporary until you get enough money to pay for your own. These clothes are going to help you get a job,” Maria reminded her.

“Yeah, well I hope you guys got a receipt because I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing this,” she remarked as she tried to make the flimsy fabric cover more up of her body.

“It can’t be that bad Parker. Am I going to have to kick you out of there? I’ve got the boots to do it,” she warned.

Liz heaved a sigh dramatically before walking out in front of Maria and looking her straight in the eye with little patience. When she saw Maria’s face light up and smiling instead of agreeing with her that the thing was terrible, Liz didn’t understand why.

“Perfect,” she smiled while eyeing her thoughtfully. She pulled Liz towards the mirror and smiled triumphantly at the black loose material that was sleeveless and at mid thigh. The front of the dress was at the top where it draped across her chest and slightly off her shoulders but was low cut enough to make sure she couldn’t wear anything underneath it, and if that didn’t then the back of the dress made sure of it. It was completely backless as it showed off her tan skin. It looked like something someone would where to a club.

“And where exactly am I wearing this to?” she complained as she kept fidgeting under the mirrors reflection. Maria took hold of her moving arms gently and placed them at her side before raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

“In order to get a respectful interview, you have to be at least heard about by a couple of important people. That’s why you’re going to the party with me tonight. I’ve got to show you off, and tonight’s perfectly good as any,” she smiled, “I could say the same for this outfit. You’re going to have to wear high heals though. Your height is the only problem with your look that we can’t fix. Shauna will get you a couple of pairs just for these occasions.”

“Party?” she asked.

“Channel’s coming out party for the new year,” she smiled wickedly.

“Coming out party,” she whispered with node.

“Suiting don’t you think,” she smiled ironically.

“Maria Deluca in all her glory!” a fanatical guy came waltzing up next to them as he kissed each side of her cheek as she did the same, “Darling you look just… delicious.” Liz had a pretty good hunch the guy was gay, but hell knows since you could never really tell those days.

She gracefully pushed her bangs out of her face as she glanced up at the huge building hammering with music. She felt naked in the black dress with her hair pinned up loosely, but she never showed it, not for one single second did she loose her cool. She held her head high and kept melancholy with a confidence streak. “And who is the breath taking creature?” the extreme man asked as he eyed her with a friendly smile.

This is Elizabeth Parker,” Liz answered back as she regarded to the man who was talking about her as if she weren’t even there.

“I take it she’s the new flavor of the month?” he asked teasingly, “Oh, and she’s spicy too Maria. I like,” he smiled as he linked arms with both of the girls, “Shall we ladies.”

Liz was not to say the least prepared for what laid ahead. A black carpet was laid out for the rich and beautiful to strut their stuff on as they smiled at the cameras and posed nonchalantly. “Are you ready?” Maria asked.

Liz nodded her head with assurance, as she was about to enter into the lion’s den. “It’ll be over quickly anyways right,” she spoke surely. It was just a rug. How bad could it be?

“Sweaty this is half of the party. It’s publicity in action. This is most of the business part of the night. Just think of it this way… in half an hour you’re face and name will be imprinted into the mind’s of New York’s finest, then after business comes pleasure. Inside you can play all you want,” she referred to the thriving club which was only a mere twenty feet away. Never once did Liz think getting into a damn building would be so difficult.

“Now lets go show you off to this city,” she smiled as they had finally stepped onto the black rug and into the shinning cameras of fame.

Liz smiled confidently before her five-inch heel hit the black carpet into the spot light. Suddenly this enormous amount of adrenalin pumped through out her system as she was suddenly getting into the attention. Cameras flashed and reporters started to ask a name for the new face they hadn’t, until now, seen.

Maria answered the questions for her and warned them that soon they’d be seeing her a lot more. Liz must have met dozens of well known men and women, all be it she couldn’t pronounce half of their names.

She turned her back and turned her head back at the camera confidently with a smoldering temptress smile, as the poses seemed to become natural. By the time they were met the end of the carpet, she’d even gotten mildly used to the blinding flashes of light and loud music coming from inside.

“You’re a natural,” Maria said eyeing her as two young men opened the doors. If Liz new any better she could have sworn she saw a moment of surprise in her eyes.

Liz smiled but stopped dead in her track once the scene was placed in front of her. The place was huge had two levels to boot as the walls were illuminated with an aqua blue color by the lights. There were small-elevated places on the sides of the wall for girls who wanted to dance on them while purple of pink drinks were served all around from the squared bar that laid in the middle of the entire place. Liz could feel the music hammer through her chest as dancing bodies were all around that night looking to have some fun.

“Now we’re ready to play,” Maria smiled before leading the way into the chaotic club.
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
Addicted Roswellian
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Post by touched by an alien »

Hi guys. So this is my last attempt with this story. If it doesn't work out well... I've got plenty of other ideas for other fics but. Please let me know what you think. Do you guys want me to continue? :roll:
Thank you to all the feed back. I really appreciate it :D

Chapter 4Not what you expected

The club buzzed as the hot and heavy air filled her lungs. The iridescent lights sprung through out the building as sweaty bodies danced around shamelessly. She smiled to the intoxicating mood. Glowing purple drinks were being served all around, and she could already see the second level where people were at the bar ordering up their favorite drinks, letting the night and its pleasurable creatures take over. There was never enough seduction in this place, although they claimed this was the one place where it could always be found. Liz noticed a few celebrities gathering up at the V.I.P area. One of them nodded his head towards her and winked. Yeah, she could get use to this life style.

“Now, don’t you just feel like the luckiest girl in the world,” Maria smiled at the starry eyed look on Liz’s face. Liz raised an eyebrow.

“Come on,” Maria pulled on her arm before taking her up the stair where the seculed couches and bar for celebrities were.

“Listen, doll. I gotta few clients that I have to deal with tonight. Why don’t you order a drink? Your deserve it, and while your at it, you might as will have a little extra fun with a stranger to night while your at it. Remember you’ve got a photo shoot tomorrow though,” she winked wickedly and patted her on the back before heading towards a few glamorous people. Liz smiled and intended on taking up on Maria’s orders.

A few drinks later, and Eli was starting to get bored. The environment made it extremely easy to let everything go and to just have fun, but she still felt jaded. It wasn’t the place; it was just her nature. “I’ll have another,” she told the bartender. He winked and fixed another tranquil drink for her.

“That one’s on me,” a deep handsome voice came from behind her before the heated body sat down next her. When she felt his strong-arm brush against hers, she turned her head, ready to object until…

Auburn eyes with golden flecks stared into her. Her heart rate boiled and heat swept through her body as he flashed her a smile and turned to order his drink. Gazing back at her, his eyes fell from her eyes and studied every other inch of her body extremely slowly. When he was done, he returned his attention back to her angelic face with lust filled eyes. He swallowed before looking away and thanking the bartender.

“You’re a model aren’t you?” he asked with a mysterious smile before taking a shot of bourbon.

She shook her head, “No, not really.” She was betting that he was though with those high-toned cheekbones and well-built body. His arms bulged, as he turned the shot glass over. His white button up shirt only enticed his dark brown hair as it hung over his eyes sexily.

“G*d, I hate these things,” he swore drinking another shot, “It’s all business in this industry.”

“And what industry might that be?” she questioned turning her head gracefully towards him.

He smiled and answered, “The industry of image. Don’t you ever get sick of it?”

She laughed, “I told you. I’m not a model, so I wouldn’t know.”

He turned his head and smiled wickedly before leaning towards her until they were only a mere breath away. G*d did the man smell good. “I don’t believe you,” he countered with a raised eyebrow. His gaze faltered and dropped to her lips. He looked back into her eyes and slid away from her again.

“Sorry,” he apologized.

“For what?” she asked even though she knew why. Not many men apologized to her before for almost kissing her.

He sighed before looking back at her with surreptitious, soulful eyes, “What’s your name?” Dodging the question.

“Liz,” she replied.

“Liz?” he breathed, “Can I tell you something with out you getting angry?” he paused and stood to hover over her and breathed quietly into her ear, “I wanna kiss you… but,”

“But,” she asked. Her senses breathed in his masculine scent only a breath away from his lips. She could feel his pulse race from where her hand lay.

She swallowed and closed her eyes when his voice came to her ear and whispered, “But I won’t… unless you ask.”

“And happens if I never ask you,” she questioned. His hand ran down her exposed back lingering heat behind in its place. He smiled and stared into her eyes with amazement and a hint of entertainment just about to answer before...

“There you are. People are asking for you,” a man came from behind and pulled on his arm firmly. Never once did the stranger break contact from her eyes. He nodded to the man as smiled with a sighed and a small shake of his head. Still amazement filled his eyes. She wondered what he found so amazing.

“I have to go,” he sighed in regret.

She smiled and said, “I know.”

He nodded with a small smile and began to remove himself from her before whispering quietly in her ear, breath caressing her cheek, “Just for the record Liz, I would have kissed you if you’d only asked.” With sparkling and glazed eyes he nodded to her one last time and left her. She watched him until he was lost in the crowd.

Sighing to herself, she turned and swung back around to the bar table in her chair and signaled for another drink.

Taking the martini with a smile, she walked over to the railing and watched the swift and sweaty bodies dance seductively to the coursing music on the floor below her. She swallowed when she glanced over in the corner and found her enigmatic stranger talking to a couple of beautiful blonds. When his head turned towards her, she turned her own and prayed she wasn’t caught looking at him. She swallowed when she could feel his heated eyes on her, and again against her better judgment she looked back at him. He smiled.

“You wanna dance?” a voice asked leaning into her from behind.

Glancing up, Liz nodded towards the blonde young guy who was probably a model too. She looked back down towards the dark haired stranger noticing his smile slowly disappearing, watching them both quietly from below. She finally turned away slowly on her strapped heals when a very tall blonde with beautiful curves leaned into him and said something that made him smile sweetly at her, but even as Liz turned she could still feel his eyes on her.

After getting into the crowd, she smiled as the music matched her pulse. Liz swayed to the familiar music trying to get into the seductive beat. She’d even forgotten about the blonde until his hand grazed her arm. She shrugged away from his touch and somehow lost him to the crowd carelessly.

The greatest romance that’s ever been sold

Her arms rose to her hips as she swayed and grinded into the air surrounded by a hundred other dancers fully lost in the music. Throwing her head back carelessly, Liz sighed and breathed in the hot air of the club completely transfixed into its slow rhythm.

So what do you know, you and me
Finally face to face
Checking each other up and down
In all of the obvious places

She lifted her hands seductively molded her cures all the way up her body until her fingers threaded through her dark hair. Her breath was caught off guard and heavy as her blood boiled hotly. She exhaled as she threw back her head weakly. Perspiration and air filling her lungs that were screaming for air. Her breath became forgotten with the music pounding into her chest.

Was there ever a reason for us to be apart?
The air that fills up this room says, "not hardly"

She gasped when a strong hand enveloped around her waist and pulled her to a hard and exerted chest. His large hands held her firmly against him in possession as his hips met hers from behind, grinding in perfect union. She smiled faintly. She didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.

So this is where you end, and you and I begin...

His breath brushed against her neck, giving her complete comfort. He leaned down and breathed in her hair gently. His fingertips brushed in circles on her stomach exceedingly low and taunting. He melded into her perfectly as her ache grew stronger with every movement of their hips. She knew now how much he wanted her. It was so evident when he was pressed up against her so tightly. She moaned aloud at the feeling of his want grinding against her shamelessly.

The greatest romance that’s ever been sold
The greatest romance that’s ever been sold

Her hand lifted and wrapped around his neck pulling him closer to her as she pushed farther into his aching flesh with her rocking hips. He growled while his hands tightened around her waist rubbing up and down seductively up and down her stomach. It was almost suffocating what he was doing to her. She couldn’t breath. She couldn’t think.

Now your mind is open
To poetry seldom heard
You’re heart has never been broken
Until you’ve heard these words:
"Your body was designed to respond to mine
In spite of your desire to mold me"

Liz moaned quietly just enough for only him to here as his thumb grazed against her breast never once stopping their perfect sway against each other. His strong arms enwrapped her body and took her however he wanted. The man’s lips caressed against her neck making she sure she was shivering in want. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had made her feel this way, like she wanted to let him control her, like she trusted him to do anything and everything to her.

And in the middle of it all -
We kiss and like rain (like rain) we fall into...
The greatest romance that’s ever been sold

“You taste so good,” he whispered into her ear before leaning down and sucking tenderly on her neck. She bit her lip at the intensity. He was sucking on her pulse with such passion. He was gentle and demanding at the same time. She wondered how a man could be both with such seductiveness.

Slowly his hand slipped down to her hip grazing her ass before reaching her thigh. She gasped for air quietly, a silent plea to him as his hand grew closer and closer to the edge of her dress. It was lined with silk underneath and with every movement she made; it caressed his fingertips the farther and farther his hand slipped under the black material.

Oh, I know you can feel me, know that you can dance
But what do you know about the greatest romance?
Not what you think, but what you believe

Her head fell slowly to his shoulder, a slow surrender to him. He had no idea how much of a surrender it was to him. How could he? His touch was so demanding and protective at the same time that it sedative and hypnotizing. She couldn’t stop herself or him for that matter.

She sucked in the hot sultry air from her lips pleadingly. She swallowed as she heard his own breath unevenly and harsh. He was pulling her in with a simple touch of his hand, a simple caress of her neck. She’d never felt more vulnerable.

What was the real reason that Adam never left Eve?
And if the truth sounds like a memory
Then you know it was meant to be… meant to be

“Liz,” he whispered into her ear.


He didn’t answer, but turned her to finally face him. His eyes fell into hers and watched her intimately as he grasped her hips hungrily. His eyes burned with fire and want searching into her own and piercing her breath and thoughts. She stared right back into him with just as much eagerness as everything around them seemed to go in slow motion. The bodies glided and swayed around them with the iridescent lights flashing faintly around and over them.

His eyes fell slowly from her dark eyes to parted and wet mouth. He licked his lips entranced by the simple temptation. He just wanted a taste. He wondered if she was just as intoxicating to kiss as her the rest of her body was, and would he be able to stop himself once he savored her. He leaned down to her with the small angel swaying in his arms.

A breath away from him, she breathed, “I thought you said you wouldn’t kiss me unless I asked you.” Her heartbeat was aching through her chest, as she sucked in the sultry air barely able to take in the atmosphere.

“Then ask me,” he whispered back. She moaned when his heated face caressed against the side of hers. His eyelashes brushed against her cheek tenderly as she griped to hold herself up weakly.

Leave your inhibitions behind come on, come on, and see
So this is where U end (this is where U end)
And U and I begin ...

“No,” she shook her head refusing to be taken easily.

“Ask me Liz,” he asked almost pleadingly. His tone was so contradicting to the way he held her with force and possessiveness and yet he was still asking for permission to kiss her.

“No,” she answered softly. Her nose nuzzled with his as his hands grasped her from behind and took hold of her ass with passion. She breathed before dipping in his arms slowly and sexily showing of her body to his ravenous eyes. His hand grasped her thigh both sweaty and hot from exertion.

When she came back up to look him in the eye, his hair fell over his eyes heatedly but she could still see his mouth, violently in need of just a taste of her lips. He growled and gave in caring less if he had her permission or not. She didn’t stop him.

The greatest romance that’s ever been sold

Cupping her face strongly and slowly, her dark haired stranger fell to her lips and caressed her lips with his before sucking her bottom lip into his. He groaned at how good she tasted, how sweet she was to his hunger.

His tongue thrusted inside her mouth and groaned once he was inside. He made love to her lips the way he wanted to with her body.

The greatest romance that’s ever been sold

Liz clutched at his shirt never breaking the rhythm their bodies had created. His large hands were the only things holding her up. She couldn’t take any more once his leg slipped in between her legs and grinded into her insatiably

“Take me home,” breathed quietly. Gasping for air as his hand caressed her breast before falling to her stomach, he nodded shakily with a heated gaze more than eager to leave, “Okay.”

She moaned as she crashed into the wall with his linger lips sucking passionately on her neck. His breath was just as erratic as hers and her thoughts were as lazy as his while he had her pressed firmly against the wall of his apartment. His knee push into her legs and glided to her heat, teasing her, wanting to take her all at once.

She bit her lip and as he glanced upward her growled at the erotic sight and took possession of her lip greedily. Tending to the bit with his own warm, wet lips slipping in and out of her mouth, bruising her lips with vigor desire. She tasted so sweet and spicy it intensely satisfying and depriving all in the same.

Know U can feel, I know that U can dance
But what do you know about the greatest romance?

Her hands threaded through his before he thrusted them above her head and took complete control of her body warming and caressing it. He hotly breathed against her lips as his body trapped her from escape. He was so desperate for her to touch him. She could see it in his eyes. The passion, the hunger, it was all there watching her carefully like a man in heat.

With one final enigmatic stare, the dark haired man grasped her body against his and lifted her in his arms carrying her into the bedroom. Liz could feel the rush and wave from the alcohol and felt completely carefree with what happened next. She didn’t care about the stupid photo shoot she had tomorrow or photographer she had to impress. She just wanted to feel something that she hadn’t felt in a very long time. She wanted to feel alive like she was right now in his arm. She just wanted to feel something other than pain and overbearing weights on her shoulder.

Not what you think, but what you believe
Can U tell me the reason (reason) that Adam never left Eve?

When his body crushed above hers on the soft bed, he ran his fingers over legs never leaving her mouth unattended. He’d never wanted a woman as bad a he did now he swore to himself. He didn’t think it was possible to have so much lust for a woman he’d only just met. She was capturing and seductive; there were no other words to describe it. Slipping his hand inside her dress, he growled at the warmth that was there to greet him. What a temptation…

You brought me
The grapes from the vine, just look and you’ll see

He pealed away the unwanted clothes on her gorgeous body, and paused at the sight at how stunning she really was as her eyes glowed with want for him. He swallowed intensely and brought his lips to hers in a slow, passionate kiss, as his fingers curled underneath her laced panties pulling it down her tanned legs smoothly, caressing every inch of skin he came into contact with. As soon as the flimsy material was gone her hands clutched at his shirt and pulled it of his head eagerly and impatiently.

As her fingers fell to his belt, he closed his eyes forcefully and tried not to loose the restraint. Her chest heaved with exertion as she fumbled with his belt. Liz didn’t know what she was doing to his loins he gathered as he watched her with painted eyes of want. She faltered when his hand covered her own. Her eyes shifted to look into his. It was so intimate the way he looked at her she swore. She almost forgot to breathe when his hand pushed hers farther down south.

“Fuck,” he swore holding her delicate hand there where it was needed. Her fingers rubbed softly against his obvious erection with only his jeans in between the two of them. He gasped for air and gripped the bed sheets as she caressed him. Helplessly, he pushed her farther into him praying he wouldn’t loose his strength right there and yet he could not pull her hand away from him so he could make love to her. He wanted to, but how could he when every caress gripped him inside.

Grinding torturously into her fragile hand, he clutched the bedded material gritting his teeth at the satisfaction his body craved and needed. She didn’t stop touching him either. She didn’t pull away. She was just as hot as he was, as she watched the havoc she was creating inside of him, the moans that carelessly spilt from his lips. He throbbed and ached to be inside her just as much as she wanted the same. She could see it… in his eyes. She could see everything in those soulful eyes.

His hand cupped her breast, caressing her in ways she’d never known. Moaning loudly, her hand gripped onto him tighter. He couldn’t take it any more. Swallowing another quenching kiss, he fell apart in her hands letting a piercing moan escape his mouth. His head dropped as sweat dripped from both of their bodies smoldering each other with hot gasps and low moans that filled the quiet air.

Lingering in the smell of her neck, his lips pressed a slow kiss on her supple neck before gathering the strength to stir and gazed into her eyes. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head with a glint of mischief in his eye, “I’m not done with you yet,” he growled hungrily.

U help me 2 remember the secrets of time
And in return, I will surrender
I will surrender, oh yes, I will to…
The greatest romance that’s ever been sold

Quiet air surrounded her when she woke up from a peaceful sleep. The light hit against her eyes, as she could feel its beams radiate upon her before she even opened them. She breathed in the calm atmosphere as her eye lashes fluttered open to a bright windowed light hitting her eyes brightly without mercy. It was blinding as her hand covered faintly in front of her face, trying to gather where she was.

Confusion began to grow as she glanced around the unfamiliar room, and then she noticed the hand that lay over her stomach gently. Fallowing up the masculine arm, she closed her eyes defeatedly when she saw his face. Everything about last night came flooding back, and she meant everything.

Sighing quietly, she slid slowly away from her stranger’s strong body. Liz tried as carefully as possible to not wake him. He moaned quietly into the pillow next to her and she paused watching him carefully praying that he wouldn’t wake up from his sleep.

His brown hair shelved over his eyes, she could only hope he was still asleep. His arms bulged as they stretched further into the mattress as he mumbled something incoherent. When he fell silent again in his sleep, she slipped off the bed and glanced at the clock. “Damn it,” she swore. She was so unimaginably late even for her. Gathering her clothes, Liz slipped on the essentials before stumbling out of the apartment. She turned with one final glance at her very passionate stranger and left expecting to never see him again.

“Taxi!” she yelled as soon as she was out of the lofty building. She had to get to Maria so she could take her to her photo shoot. She was already three hours late.

“I know I told you to have a little fun Liz, but three hours late,” Maria swore as she ran out of the cab and towards the rather large building.

“I know I’m sorry,” she grumbled grabbing her bag of clothes and fallowing her while not really looking at where she was going. Juggling her bag and other various things Maria insisted that she needed, she stumbled through the ashen and simple building. About half way up the stairs, she stopped in mid step finally noticing the structure of the building.

“What? What’s wrong?” she asked.

Liz shook her head and followed Maria, “Nothing,” she replied pushing the strange thought out of her head.

“Lucky for you ‘Petunia’ the photographer had a late start as well today so he’s still willing to do this,” she prodded as she opened the door and held it open for her new, novice model.

“Hello?” Maria chimed into the open spaced and hard wooden floored loft. The white walls and large space gave her plenty to look at, as it was decorated occasionally with large pieces of artwork. Her back was turned towards the wall speculating a painting when she heard Maria’s chipper voice.

“Hello? Oh, there you are. Well don’t be shy. Get down here and give an old friend a hug,” she laughed.

“Hello Maria,” a deep voice greeted. Her breath was caught in her throat before she could even turn around to the familiar voice. Oh my G*d! It’s him!

Song: Prince "The greatest romance ever sold"
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 172
Joined: Sat May 21, 2005 11:17 am

Post by touched by an alien »

Hi guys 8) I want to thank you all so much for all the feedback. It means so much. I've decided to continue since all of your nice words :lol: Let me know what ya think. Thank you again guys

Chapter 5- Meeting the Boss

“Maxwell Evans, I would like you to meet Elizabeth Parker,” Maria introduced with a smile. The two strangers stared at one another from across the room with staggered eyes.

“Max is an old friend of the family,” she explained completely oblivious to the looks being tossed around in the room while Liz was cursing the night before. She couldn’t believe this. Her photographer was the man she’d slept with only hours ago not to mention the quick exit she had taken this morning, and here she was thinking he was just one night stand… a very hot, sexy, passionate one night stand, but a one night stand none the less.

“… So he’s used to doing hand me outs all the time for old friends,” Maria rambled.

“I’ll bet,” Liz returned with fiery black eyes boring into his. He must have known she was his client; Maria even supposedly sent him a photograph of her, but he didn’t even seem to be intimidated or feeling guilty, though he did have that small smile painted on his lips the entire time. It wasn’t a sleazy or even an arrogant smile, but actually kind of charming which only made Liz more furious.

Holding out his hand, he spoke softly, “Liz Parker,” he emphasized her first name she supposed because that’s what she’d told him the night before, “It’s a great pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from Maria…” Liz smiled tightly; anyone in the room could have told you her smile was completely forced on the count of Maria’s sake.

“Well,” Maria chipped in with a sigh and a snatch of her purse, “It seems like you kitties will have no problems with out me so I should actually be going. My damn one o’clock meeting is probably getting ancy so… Oh, Liz. You look great, and remember to be a good girl and do what Max says.”

With a hug to Liz, she walked over to Max with a smirk, “Max you take care of this one okay. She’s a special one.”

“Yes… she is,” he agreed with one more look her way he smiled sincerely. Liz wanted to role her eyes, and maybe even poke out his for being such a jack ass.

“See you two kids later,” Maria finally waved before closing the door, leaving the two completely and hazardly, she might add, alone.

Silence filled the room, and that’s when Liz choose to speak before the quiet became even more unbearable. “So, Maxwell Evans,” she remarked.

“Max,” he corrected with a bright smile.

Max,” she corrected with distain. Shaking her head in unbelief and anger she spoke again, “You’re unbelievable.”

“What?” he questioned.

“You, you’re unbelievable. You know last night I thought you were actually a good guy, and this morning I find out your complete liar.”

“A good guy huh… so do you always have one night stands with the good guys, and disappear without a word in the middle of the night?”

“Actually it was morning,” she corrected in a smart-ass tone with assurance.

“Right,” he nodded mockingly not once taking his sparkling eyes off of her face, “Gez, I’d hate to see what you actually do to the true bastards in New York City.”

“You’re not a good guy!” she exclaimed.

“I am a good guy,” he returned with a cross of his muscular arms assuredly.

“A good guy would have told me he was my photographer before he decided to sleep with me,” she swallowed.

“Liz… if I had told you that I was your photographer, everything would have gone south… south as in dull talks and making good impression because we’d be working together, not south like it went last night,” he grinned referring to a much more physical activity that had happen only hours ago. She wanted to slap that cocky smile off of his face, and make him stop looking at her like that with those piercing eyes, but some how she couldn’t get herself to move an inch.

“So Max Evens, is this how you get laid, using your job to sleep with your models the day before you actually get to business? Or is this how you always do things- mix business with pleasure?” she asked hotly.

“As impossible as it may be for you to grasp, I don’t actually have a lot of one night stands,” he defended himself, walking towards her slowly. She didn’t even realize she had backed away from him until her back grazed against the wall.

“Nor have I ever,” he continued, “gotten less than professional with a client… until now.” She swallowed and licked her sudden dry lips, and when she gazed back up at him again his attention was still on her mouth temptingly.

Trapping her with his arms placed firmly against the wall, he took one final step until they were breath-to-breath and skin-to-skin. Oh G*d, she couldn’t breathe; she couldn’t even move. She could see his strong adams apple move as he swallowed with a heavy pulse. Liz closed her eyes when his words grazed against her flesh, “You could have stayed,” he whispered.

She lifted her head and added to the change of subject, “You could have told me.”

He watched her closely, taking his time before even speaking, and when he finally opened his mouth to speak, a slam of the door broke the moment completely as they both turned.

“Ugh, sorry I’m late. Traffic was a bitch and half today. Oh hi, you must be Liz! I’m Sophia, but you can call me Sophie,” a tall brunette smiled as she reached out her hand. Liz smiled shortly and shook her hand glancing back at Max.

“I’m your cosmetics… for the evening anyways. So this is just a basic photo job then as I was told, we’re just working on your portpholio correct?” she asked lifting an eyebrow towards Max after putting down her bag and waiting for an answer.

“Gez, Max rest your lips already, they must be killing you by all the talking you’ve been doing,” she remarked with a smile, “So are we gonna do this thing or what? I’m kind of in a hurry.”

“Isn’t everyone in New York,” he offered with a hand slipping into his pocket uncomfortably.

“Great,” she smiled taking that as a yes before leading Liz to the bathroom. It felt a little odd though she noted having her makeup done by a complete stranger on the bathroom sink.

“I hate doing these things here,” Sophie sighed standing in front of her as Liz sat on the counter.

“You mean you don’t usually do girls make up on a bathroom sink?” she asked sarcastically. Sophie laughed.

“Well, Max insists, when he can, to have these kind of things in his apartment. I guess it's because he’s familiar with the atmosphere,” Sophie said while finishing up on consealer, “So… how’s the fashion business treating you so far?”

“It’s certainly not what I expected,” she remarked with a look outside towards the dark headed male in the other room. She swallowed and turned away when he glanced her way.

“Your telling me,” she agreed with a smile putting on the eye liner and mascara, “And what do you think of our broody young photographer?” she asked with half smile.

Not what I expected,” she repeated.

“He’s actually a pretty good guy. One of the remaining decent photographers who won’t try to get into your pants just because you work for him,” Sophie told her assuredly.

“Is that right?” she asked almost passing for a sarcastic tone.

“Uh huh, okay. Done!” she smiled before packing up, “Well, Max my work here is done,” she called out to him.

“That was quick,” he smiled with a look towards Liz.

“Well, what can I say? I’m a genius, plus the girl doesn’t need much make up with that angelic face of hers. Anyways, if you don’t need me for anything else I’m late for another gig down town so… It was great meeting you Liz. I’ll see ya next time,” she smiled before almost running out the door.

Liz sighed and looked across the apartment to find him staring at her yet again with a smile. ‘Alone again,’ she thought to herself. “I’m just gonna get changed,” she explained with a point of her finger to the bathroom, caring her bag with her as she went.

Sighing, she flipped through the bag of clothes that Maria had brought with her. She never felt more stupid in her life, getting all fixed up like some doll and then being photographed uncomfortably by a man she had slept with, but whom she hardly knew. She just felt stupid.

With a sigh she decided on the top and pulled off her old t-shirt to replace it with the new. The top was red and off the shoulders but was three quarter lengthen and very loose but was made in a way that made it accentuated the right place. It looked pretty good with the dark blue jeans she had on.

Giving one final glance in the mirror, Liz closed her eyes and decided to just get it over and done with. When she opened the door, she took another long breath and pushed herself out the door, but when she came out she didn’t see him anywhere. She did here music that she guessed he had put on. The Fixx’s “Saved by Zero” was playing on the speakers gently.

Liz's breath was caught in her throat when a gentle caress of the neck brought a shiver down her spine. Her eyes shut gently when she heard his deep voice whisper into her ear from behind, “I thought the music might relax you a little.”

“Who… who says I need relaxing?” she muttered. She cursed when he chuckled quietly next to her ear before handing her a glass of wine. She gave him a ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ look when he offered her a glass.

He laughed and brought his hand up in assurance, “I’m not making a pass at you Liz or trying to take advantage of you. It’s just wine. I promise. Some people get nervous their first couple of shoots. I thought this might calm you a bit.”

After carefully giving it and him a few good looks, she took it, and when his back was turned she took a big swig. She didn’t want to admit it nor would she ever admit it to him, but he did make her nervous.

“Okay, lets get you over here,” he motioned to the area of pillows and couches, “Just a… sit right here and… here,” he motioned pushing a few pillows out of the way before patting the spot down with is hands as he crouched on the floor.


“Ah, yeah perfect,” he smiled before picking up the camera in his hands. After a few shouts, he let his hands fall and seemed to be studying her as if something was wrong.

She sucked in air sharply when his hand reached over to her shoulder, and a shudder fell through her entire body as his rough hands grazed against her soft skin. His fingertips slipped through her shirt and she forgot to breathe. His breath was only a mere inch away as he slid closer to her. And as he bent down she had to restrain the moan threatening to escape as she breathed in his scent. The male spicy, sweet smell had her gulping for air. The man smelled like pure sex.

She looked down to where he was staring at her shoulder, and swallowed when his fingers laced around the loose bra strap that had fallen off of her shoulders. He pulled away a little when he was done pulling the strap up. She didn’t miss the extra moment his hand lingered either as it grazed her collarbone accidentally. When he looked back into her eyes, he swallowed now realizing how close they were. His eyes fell to her lips, and began to pull back into her breathing her in quietly, but the second before his lips touched hers he pulled away and apologized quietly.

She nodded and remembered to breathe.

“I think were done for the day,” Max informed her as he laid down the camera.

She nodded and began to pack up, completely ready to leave. She knew she’d see him tomorrow and the day after that, but still she needed a break from hindering breaths and secret looks towards Mr. Maxwell Evans. The whole entire time he’d been photographing her, she’d felt completely exposed and naked. She supposed it was the way he looked at her with those soulful eyes so confident and in-depth... She most definitely needed a break.

Just when she was almost out of the door she heard him ask, “Liz?”

“Yeah,” she turned.

“I should have told you,” he admitted, “… I’m sorry that I didn’t.”

The only thing she could do was node before leaving. She finally breathed when she was outside his door. Mother of Troy, what had she done, she swore to herself as she shook her head and started down the stairs.

At the last step she almost tripped before stopping as she nearly ran into someone else going up the stairway. “Sorry,” she apologized before she could even process who the person was. When she glanced up, she saw a very tall blonde in white and sunglasses.

“It’s fine,” the blonde returned and as she passed, it hit Liz where she had seen the cruvy blonde before. It was the girl that Max had been with last night. The very gorgeous blonde girl he’d been so calm and gentle with.

Liz sighed and kept on walking, just adding among other things, reasons to hate Max Evans. So far she had liar, arrogant, irritatingly cool, and now she could add player to it too.

“Have you talked to Clive yet?” Serena asked across the waiting room. Liz was waiting for Maria and been stuck in the damn room for at least a half an hour ago

“Yeah,” she nodded glancing to the dark red head over her Vogue magazine. Serena was another model she had met a few days ago, and she was just about the most normal person in the company besides herself.

“Actually he was the one to pick me out of the crowd. He’s the one how got me here,” Liz mentioned.

“Ah, well, then you know just about everyone don’t cha around her,” she remarked before sitting up straightly, “Soon you’ll be with the big boys like Michael Guerin.”

“Michael Guerin?” she asked.

“Yeah, he works at VS… Victoria Secret. That’s where all the good money comes in especially if you’re an angel for their commercials,” Serena explained with a laugh at how green Liz was around the edges when it came to the buis, but Liz was barely listening to her when a picture paused her fingers from turning to the next page.

“Who is this?” Liz asked showing the picture to Serena. It was the girl from the apartment and the club wearing a one piece swim suit on the beach in Vogue

“Oh, her?” she pointed.

Liz nodded.

“That’s Isabel. Just Isabel, she doesn’t have a second name. You know like Madonna or Cheer. Cliché, I know, but she’s been around for like forever so… why?”

Liz just shook her head, “No reason,” she mumbled, "No reason at all."
Last edited by touched by an alien on Sun Jun 18, 2006 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
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Post by touched by an alien »

Hola! Update is here, I'm so sorry guys for the wait. Life as usual is crazy and... oh hell you don't want to know-lol :P . Anyways I just want to thank you guys all for the feedback. It was awesome as always. I hope you guys enjoy the new part, although I haven't a clue when the next part will be posted. Let me know what you think :D
Sarah 8)

Chapter 6- Groped and Haggled

"Liz, maybe this is a bad idea,” he hesitated.

“Of course it is. That’s the idea,” she returned as he caught a special twinkle in her eye.

“Liz, do you even know what you’re doing?”

“Of course I do. It’s not like I’m going to get pregnant by doing it,”

“I’m serious. You remember the last time we did this?”

“So what? I was drunk, you were drunk that’s how it’s suppose to go.”

“I just think that maybe we’re going too fast. Maybe we just need to think about this.”

“There’s nothing to think about. Why? Are you going to make me do it all by myself?”

He sighed ruggedly. Already she could see his tolerance slipping away with every flash of her not so innocent smiles and pleads.

“You really want to do this?

“Oh, come off of it Evans. Either do it or not!” she argued finally as she glanced up at the bar in front of them. She was trying to convince the stick in the mud next to her to come with her. They’d probably been arguing for the last half hour, and she was starting to think that their conversation was actually sounding like they were talking about something else entirely.

In any case, they had worked twelve hours in his loft endlessly; and at the end of the day at two o’clock in morning, she had finally dragged him over there when he smugly asked her if it was past her bedtime yet.

He had been reloading the camera with such concentration that she had been starting to think that the man never ever needed sleep. Okay she knew that already… especially when considering in the bedroom. ‘Doh, bad Liz. Bad, bad Liz' she scolded herself.

With a finally sigh, she decided to go in by herself and see if he followed. He did.

“I’m just saying there’s a nice bar only a few blocks away from here,” he suggested calmly when they both came to the bar table.

“What’s wrong with this place?” she questioned. He raised an eyebrow when he realized she was serious. Max smiled while she was waiting for the bar tender to come over. She really was a bad girl he finally realized. He guessed that some part of him just thought it was an act, but he supposed he was wrong.

In any account, the place was called Groped and Haggled, and he’d be lying if he said it was at all nice. Dirty smoke and unclean floors covered the place while biker foes and dark figures in the corners watched them from their places. It was friendly really.

“Nice place,” Max complimented to the bar tender. He tried to at least sound sincere but apparently his sarcasm slipped out.

“Yeah, you like it?” he sneered, “You should have been here an hour ago. My decorator was just here redoing the flowed wallpaper and linen settings.” The mans smart ass remark seemed to put a smug smile on Liz’s face before she ordered her drink.

“What about you…” the man glanced him over, “Pretty boy?”

“I’ll have the same,” he sighed.

“Hey honey, you wanna dance,” a voice asked behind them. When Max looked, he saw a man with sandy hair who was just about as short as Liz. He nearly chocked after she looked back at him with an eyebrow raised and glanced back at the man with a ‘yes.’

It was about an hour later that Max was still in the same seat watching the two go at it with a game of pool.

“Kyle, you’re a pretty funny guy,” she chuckled sitting on the side of the pool table as he made his shot.

“I’m the full package darlin,” he winked to her. Max tried to keep a straight face, as he heard the boy’s very southern accent once again. Where was the guy from New Mexico for crying out loud?

“It’s your shot doll,” he returned.

“So ah… Kyle,” Max asked over to him casually as they were the only ones left in the whole entire place, “Where exactly are you from.”

“Well, shit. I guess I’m just regular outsider. Where do you think I’m from?”

“Texas, Arizona, New Mexico…?”

“And right you are,” he smiled before laughing while helping Liz up when she tripped in her step almost falling all the way down to the floor. She was laughing the whole entire time.

“Damn girl, by the looks of you, I would have guessed ya could hold er’ licker,” he laughed holding her up. Max shifted in his seat, but didn’t say anything. He just kept a close eye on the man hands and where he put them.

“Liz, I think it’s about time for us to head home. What do you think?”

“No,” she shook her head, “I’m having fun here.” She swung her way to the jux box and pushed a few buttons before the song "Superman" by Stereophonics came on. A smile graced her lips as she swung her hips completly forgetting about the boys.

“I’ll tell you what pal,” Kyle laughed as she snickered and tripped again, “I’ll make sure she gets home alright. I’ll take care of this little darlin.”

“I bet,” he returned. An unpleasant staring contest played out between the two men, and Liz apparently was the only one who found it hilarious.

“Whoa, boys, there will be no pissing contests in this bar, but if you two insist why don’t you whip’em out on the table now and see who’s bigger,” she laughed with a roll of her eyes and a toss of her brown locks.

“Liz, you’ve had your fun. We’re leaving now,” Max told her forcefully as he grabbed one of her wrists.

“Hey pal,” the man chipped in, “the girls not ready to go home yet. Ain’t that right sweetheart?”

She didn’t answer but clutched the table for dear life like the room was spinning. Her only response was a moan.

“Maybe you oughta’ mind your own business,” he returned with a cross of this arms.

She is my business,” Max returned coldly. Where did this guy get off? Did he actually think he was going to leave her here with this creep’s greedy hands?

“Relax pal, she’s going home with me. You’ve got nothing to worry about,” he smiled behind Liz and encircled her with his arms smugly, coldly looking at Max the whole entire time.

“Like hell,” he returned before the last thing that was heard in the bar was Max’s fist swinging into Kyle’s face. He fell flat on the floor next to Liz in a flash.

“What the hell Max!” she exclaimed but before she could even turn, she already found herself being swung up in the air and tossed over his broad shoulders.

Swinging through the doors, he walked calmly outside completely unaffected by the force of Liz’s wiggling and screaming. He sighed while having to deal with being half angry and half frustrated the entire time. Trying to walk around in New York at four A.M. with a very beautiful and angry brunette on your shoulders was harder than he thought it would be. He was just trying to think of something other than the way her hips moved as she struggled against him.

“Max I’m gonna kick you ass!”

“Really?” he asked sarcastically.

“Yes,” she declared, “just as soon as I get down from here…”

“Save it doll. The only ass that we’re dealing with is the one in my arms… I can’t believe you were stupid enough to flirt with that guy,” he scolded angrily.

“Well he seemed to be enjoying my ass,”

“He was enjoying the ass right next to you too. Where did she say she worked at? Hooters?”

“You’re an ass!”

“Are we there yet?” she asked with exhaustion almost as if she’d been the one walking. Max had to hold back a smart remark and keep on trudging.

“Why didn’t you just hail a cab anyways?” she asked with mumble.

“And what? Miss caring your lovely ass up the streets of New York all night?” he asked sarcastically. A laugh with a bit of surprise came from his lips when she smacked him to the only place she had access to… his ass.

“Damn girl, you didn’t tell me you got kinkie when you get drunk… oh wait I already knew that,” he laughed before she elicited another angry growl.

“Just put me down Max,” she swallowed, “I’m getting dizzy again.”

“We’re in front of the stairs Liz. We’re almost there,” he complained but complied when she made a whimper of fatigue.

“Whew,” she exclaimed leaning against the wall. She was so worn out that she didn’t even notice that he was watching her with indecision. Thoughts of the last time they’d been together flashed through his overheated body. He did walk two miles with an extra 100 pounds over his shoulder. Yeah that was why his breathing was erratic and his body was overheating. That was it.

He swallowed and tried to clear his thoughts, “So do you think you can make it up those?” he asked pointing to the flight of stairs to his apartment.

“No problem. I do Stairmasters in my sleep,” she chided confidently. He nodded and was about a step behind her just in case she tripped in those long black boots of hers, and being the gentlemen that he was he had to look to the side instead of up since she was wearing a very short red dress. She would have been cold tonight if she didn’t have his leather jacket on her right now. He couldn’t possibly say what she did to him at the sights of her… he’d think about it, but she’d never really know what she was doing to him. She never did.

Just when he began to think they were almost there, he saw her stumble before she fell arms wide against him. Catching her quickly, he swore loudly when he saw that she was completely out.

When he scooped her up into his arms with ease, he couldn’t help the rumble in his stomach when he smelled her sweet perfume. The warmth and sweetness was intoxicating him bringing back the repressed memories.

With a troubled sigh, he finally got up the stairs and through the door. And by the time he was inside he felt and in fact was completely tired and sweaty. His leg kicked the door closed quietly, as he carefully made his way to the bedroom with a sleeping beauty in his arms.

She mumbled something softly that he couldn’t understand before he walked over to the bed. Max was so careful with her when he crouched over the bed to place her on the bed that she didn’t even make a sound when her back slid against the covers.

He swallowed and looked down upon her peaceful face. A sigh escaped his lips, as he once again wished that things were different between the two of them. He wished that she didn’t resent that night they’d spent together; he didn’t.

And as he watched her sleep above her, one hand on each side of her frame, he realized that she was something more to this than just a beautiful woman to him.

When he looked down at her sleeping form, he swore to himself when he realized that she was still fully clothed. After a few moments of deciding on whether or not he should undress her, he decided that he’d be the complete gentleman and close his eyes the whole time while taking her stuff off.

He started with the boots, slowly sliding down the sipper quietly so as to not wake her. He closed his eyes tightly and took a breath when he realized she was wearing hose. This was going to be more difficult than he thought.

Deciding that the hose should come off first he slid his hand up her dress carefully to make sure it didn’t brush up against her leg. It took all the will power and some agility to pull it off. He paused and just watched her beautiful legs shine in the moonlight before he softly rolled her to her side.

He slid down the zipper to her dress, probably a little more slowly than needed, but he was trying the best he could to keep his thoughts in check. He froze immediately when she rolled back onto her side and moaned quietly.

Okay this was going to be a lot more difficult than he thought. Hesitantly his hand came to her shoulder and very carefully pulled it out of the strap. He had to basically hover over her as he did the other one. He realized now this was a mistake, knowing fully well his body shouldn’t be this close to hers, especially when he was undressing her.

Closing his eyes softly, his hands pulled at the hem of her dress from her thighs all the way down her legs. He sighed with exhaustion when he realized the hardest part was done. Still he as he grasped a blanket at the edge of the bed, his eyes seemed to have a mind of their own. “J*s*s Ch*ist,” he swore to himself. This was definitely a bad idea. What was he thinking?

He eyes seemed glued to her body, and for a moment he actually wondered if he should undress the rest of her. He scolded himself immediately after, feeling like a jerk already. Getting a grip he closed his eyes for a second before the blanket covered her.

“Max,” she moaned as her head fell to the side, showing her beautiful luscious neck. He cleared his thoughts and started to straighten up from the bed. He looked down slowly when he felt a pull on his shirt stopping him from leaving. Her small hand was clutched to his shirt, and he didn’t even need to look up to know that she was looking at him, even though he did, as his hand traced up to her tiny fingertips with his own.

“Liz,” he breathed watching her black eyes burn and glow in the soft darkness. ‘Not now,’ he thought to himself, ‘Please not now.’ He was trying to show her who he really was. He didn’t have one-night stands or use girls for some itch he had that needed to be scratched. He wasn’t that guy, even though that was what she thought of him. And that’s exactly what she’d think in the morning if he did this, if he let her take him now.

“I can’t,” he warned weekly. Smelling her and feeling her soft touch was so tormenting and tempting that for a second he began forget the reason why he shouldn’t just give in., but when her eyes shifted quickly from warm to confused, he remembered again.

He swallowed rigidly before looking up to her again a mere breath away. G*d, he could even feel the light warm puffy of air escaping from her lips as they grazed against his cheek. “Liz don’t make me do this,” he whispered hoarsely.

He could see all of her guards down at this very moment. He could see the real her with one single look into her eyes, and that’s what brought the courage for him to move away from the bed. She was so vulnerable now. How could he touch her tonight when everything about her looked so innocent? He knew tomorrow that she’d probably be right back to where she was before: cold, stubborn, and a pain in the ass. And she probably wouldn’t remember a thing about tonight, but still he’d take his chances and do what was right.

Standing in his spot, he stood and watched her eyes, sleepy but open half way, before finally saying goodnight and leaving her in his bed with almost nothing on but her under where.

He shook his head after a few moments slumped at the closed door, before whipping off his sweaty face and heading straight to bed on the couch.

She moaned hoarsely when a familiar ache in her head and a beam of sunshine woke her up in the mess of sheets and comforters. Throwing a pillow over her head, she cursed the night and day for a little more sleep. “Shit,” she breathed finally throwing the pillow off of her face.

After a few moments moaning and trying to breath without it hurting, she decided to get up and find something to stop the pain. “Ouch!” she swore loudly when the first step she took she tripped over her shows, and that’s exactly when it hit her.

She whipped her head around and froze when she realized that she wasn’t in her apartment. “Oh holy mother of fucking troy!” she cursed loud enough for her head to response with a thump.

Blasting through the door, she walked out until she saw him across the apartment in the kitchen with a smooth smile on his face.


What do ya think? Continue?
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
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Post by touched by an alien »

Hi guys 8) First of all I just want to thank you so much for the long wait. I really do apologize for it. And thought I can't promise you when the next part might be posted, I do hope you enjoy this one. Thank you SOO much for the feed back. It means so much :D

Chapter 7- The morning after... again

“Liz I think…” he started calmly before a sharp interruption from Liz cut him off.

“You think? You think? Yeah, well I’ll give a piece of my mind of what I think!” she raged towards the kitchen, “You manipulative bastard who happens to have a habit of taking advantage of me after halfing the bottle.”

He inhaled a breath ready to say something finally when she yet again put him to a stop. She grew even more angry when he remained calm and maybe even a bit amused with her fit, “You know what? You’re an ass! And an even a bigger ass then I thought you were. And you’re three times the ass with that sensitive guy act that you put on….”


That you put on constantly,” she finished heatedly, scolding him for interrupting her.

“Are you done?” he question calmly with a cross of his arms.

“No! And you know what else…”

“Shut up,” he ordered as he leaned against the counter.

“What?” she questioned angrily.

“Shut… up,” he stated firmly. She swallowed but held her ground as he began to walk towards her irritatingly so that by the time he had her trapped against a wall she was boiling with furry. His gaze, slightly smoldered and glazed all at once, didn’t once falter from hers as his two strong hands came up on each side of her.

“You don’t get to tell me to shut up! You’re the one who tricked me into sleeping with you again,” she returned earnestly despite his masculine form a mere inch away from her. Despite the hot breath grazing against her neck, despite the warmth that enraptured her from the inside out, she stood fearless and firm.

“Liz… what happened last night was special. Pretending that you don’t remember it, isn’t going to change the fact that it happened.”

“Oh, G*d I can’t believe this happened again. I hate this. I hate you!”

“From the sounds you were making last night,” he reminded roughly in her ear, “you had a very different opinion.”

“Ugh, I was drunk and you took advantage…”

“Who said we slept together?” he muttered burning a piercing gaze into her eyes. Liz swallowed and stumbled for words as he came even closer, his skin scraping and burning heat into hers.

“Wh… what?” she breathed

“Hmm,” he answered dipping his head into her shoulder as the stubble from his face stroked against her cheek. Her eyes fluttering closed for a mere moment unnoticed by him thankfully as soon as the scent of his aftershave paralyzed her in a melancholy daze.

“You heard me,” he spoke again, leaning farther down to her face tauntingly and almost eye to eye, “You know I thought you’d be a least a little more grateful.” His arm grazing her warm-blooded body ‘unintentionally.’ She hated that she jumped in reaction. She hated that she couldn’t move, but most of all she hated the warm feeling she got every time the man’s eyes looked upon her.

“Grateful?” she returned finally with a strong enough voice.

“You really don’t remember?” he questioned pausing a little when she shook her head.

“You don’t remember the bar? The cowboy that had his hands on you all night? The five blocks walk with you on my shoulder? You don’t remember any of it?”

“I…” realization hit and vague scenes played into Liz’s throbbing head. Max realized she remembered just a quickly as she did, and rose his eyebrows in some kind of wait for an apology.

“But… I woke up in your bed… in my underwear,” she started raising another accusing tone.

“Yes you did,” he smirked charmingly glancing down her body and back up to her face. When he saw fire begin to boil in the small but commanding brunette, he sighed, “I hate to break it to you Elizabeth since your jonsing to have some reason to hate me, but I was a complete gentlemen last night.”

Liz snorted, “A gentlemen?” she asked with unbelief.

“Yes,” he answered nodding his head sternly. He watched her eyes before raising his tone, “G*d, you act like every man in New York is total crap.”

“I know they are,” she returned heated glaring up at him with accusing eyes, “and if you were such a gentlemen then how the hell did I end up in my underwear?”

“I thought…” he returned, “You would have been a little more comfortable.”

With one smart-ass and disbelieving look from Liz, he rolled his eyes at her and spoke again, “You know the least you could do is thank me. After all, if it weren’t for me you’d probably be waking up next to that creep from the bar… probably not even remembering who the hell he is… or where you were… like I said. The least you could is thank me.”

She crossed her arms and remained silent with a deadly stare and a stubborn mouth.

And as he watched with some expression that couldn’t be read by Liz, he shook his head in foolishness before backing away from her.

“Where the hell are you going?” she questioned following him with a huff.

When Liz felt a towel being pushed into her hand, she raised an eyebrow in question.

“Shower,” he pointed to the room he came from, “Now! We’re leaving in an hour.”

“What? Why?

“Because you’ve just gotten you’re first gig and it’s at 1.”

“Ugh, you’ve got to be kidding me!” She became even more enraged after crashing into something in the bathroom when she heard a small crackle of laughter outside.

“You need some help princess?” he questioned not too far from the door.

Swinging it open, Liz intended to give him a piece of her mind, but let out a loud puff of air as she nearly ran over him in the process. And for one split second his arms were around her, holding her in place before they immediatly pushed her away and fell to his side within too quick of moments to be thought of.

“Let’s get something straight,” she clarified, “from now on, I never want your help again. And as for seeing me naked, I really hope you have a good memory of last night Mr. Evans, because it was the last time you will ever see me that way again!”

And with that she was gone with a slam of the door and a locked bolt behind her.


“You okay?” he questioned paying off the taxi driver.

“No! These damn heals are the devil reincarnated!”

“Yeah, well you better be able to grow agile within the next few minutes. You think the cloths are horrific wait until you meet the people,” he mumbled as they paced their way towards the building.

“Damn it!” she swore leaning against one of the other buildings before she tripped on the strap that had just come undone.

An inhale of breath blew through her as soon as she felt his warm hands around her waist holding her firm in his arms, “I got it,” he mumbled to her before kneeling down on the ground and taking her foot in his hands.

“So are you ready for this?” he questioned as he looked up to her while lacing the heal.

“Wh… what?” she question with confusion as the softness of his touch momentarily distracted her.

“For the shoot… are you nervous?”

She nodded her head with nothing else to say, with nothing to think.

He nodded and Liz could have sworn his thumb caressed her ankle on purpose for comfort. And the strange thing was that it was. It was strangely comforting.

A moment before he stood, a strong breeze blew through the cold air and brushed her dress farther up her thigh. Before Liz could take hold of the material, she felt a strong warmth of strong hands cover over the sides of her thighs, holding the material down gently. She gazed down and met his in a long moment of silence.

The moment broke however when a voice shattered their stare and forced them both to look above.

“Maxwell Evans?”

“Yes,” he answered.

The man out the window looked past him and down to Liz, “Is that the model?”

“Yes,” he returned finally standing and clearing his throat.

The man sighed after studying her figure almost in disappointment, “Fine. Get up here before the second coming would you. You’re late by the way!”

Max and Liz exchanged one final look before heading towards the door.

“Are you okay?” he questioned when he saw her breathing increase in the elevator.

“Yeah,” she nodded out of breath in nervousness, “I’m… I’m good. Piece of cake right?” she nodded intensely.

“Hey,” he nudged, “you remember what Maria said? Just keep quiet and…”

“Keeping it smooth,” she sighed finishing the rest of what Maria had advised her on how to act during shooting. Liz pulled the dress down nervously and waited for another degrading speech.

“Yeah well… don’t.”

She turned to him with his unexpected words and waited, but he said nothing more and smiled to her mischievously. “You mean a loud mouth Liz Parker from Queens?” she questioned half hazardly.

“Yeah…” he answered softly, “ I like her.” Smiling as his attention stayed straight ahead, he sighed and said nothing more despite the intense look from Liz.

Not knowing what to say, she swallowed and again glared at the elevator’s numbers. Mary and Joseph, was this the longest freaking elevator ride in the world or what?

“And I didn’t look…”

Her head turned and froze at his words.

Swallowing and making some small glance to her side of the elevator, he sighed, “I undressed you, but I didn’t look.”

Liz studied him in silence, watching his gaze as it fell towards the door and far from her. She raised her lips hesitantly to say something despite her better judgment. “I…” she began.


‘Oh thank God! The bulimic and statistic models are here!’
Life is an occasion... rise to it.