The Perfect Stranger (AU; M/L; Mature) Ch.9 - (8-02-06)[WIP]

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The Perfect Stranger (AU; M/L; Mature) Ch.9 - (8-02-06)[WIP]

Post by Crashdown_51 »

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The Perfect Stranger (AU-No Aliens; M/L; Mature)</center>

Author: Crashdown_51

Summary: For the love of a child, a phrase Elizabeth Parker became familiar with after receiving a letter from her eight-year old son, Riley. It's what made her realize, that she was capable of doing anything for him, including what she reserved one day out of her life to do. But it's that one day, the one day she hoped to be forgettable and short-lived, that ends up taking her on a downward spiral of deceit, fear, and heartache.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. :(

A/N: Another fic! I know I know. I got this idea from a movie I was watching a few weeks ago (which is only going to be the basis of the first two chapters of my fic, after that, it's all me :twisted: ).

And I can't even post this fic without thanking Jazzy, who's helped me with every square inch of this fic, from helping me pick out the title to unknowningly becoming my beta, lol.


Chapter One

"It'll be okay. It'll be okay." It's all I could tell myself for support as I nervously looked around the dark bar.

With the exception of the two bar flies at the end, and the bartender, who was pre-occupied behind the register drying off the rack of beer mugs, the bar was pretty secluded. Taken, it was two in the afternoon.

"It'll be fine," continuing with my bantering, this time rubbing the smoothness of my locket before I notice that my absentminded rocking back and forth on the bar stool, attained the bartender's attention.

It's the second time I had ever stepped foot into a bar, and the Lucky Shamrock happened to be the bar that was graced with my presence both times. It was owned and run by Lucky Leon, a heavyweight old man, probably in his late 50's, who had a terrible limp that he would desperately try to hide whenever someone had their immediate attention on him.

"How you holdin' up, kiddo?" He asks while walking down the narrow path behind the bar, drying a mug with an off-white dishrag.

Smiling in courtesy before I look down at my fingernails, I realize that I have managed to pick and peel away the Passion Purple fingernail polish that I had put on this very morning from the apprehensive position I managed to put myself in.

"Shouldn't worry, Liz," he whispers as he lifts my chin in order to get me to look at him, "you're doing a good thing here."

"I really hope so", I mouse out and then lower my head again to wallow in my helplessness.

The feeling was rare to me, being helpless, that and the longing for a drink, a cigarette, anything to occupy me from the burden of waiting and worrying. I have already served 8 years of waiting and worrying in my life, but it was always the same person I invision in my mind to give me the strength to survive, Riley, my son.

Pulling out his latest letter from my purse, I look over his shakey but legible writing and smile on how intelligent he sounds for an eight year old.

<center>'Please come, just for a day. I promise I'll never ask for anything else.' </center>

I knew the day would come. It was more a wonder of why hadn't it come sooner.

If only things would have been different for us.

While tucking the letter back inside its wrinkled envelope, the jingle of the door chimes causes me to immediately hold my breath in panic before I lift my head to see a middle-aged blonde man, at the entrance, stomping the snow off his shoes.

For that brief moment, I was in Riley's shoes, and everything became oblivious to me, everything but the vibration of the man's shoes tapping against the hardwood floors.

The heel.

The complete sole.

The toes.

One step after another, making his way towards me as slow as I have ever seen anyone walk.

"It's not him darlin'," Leon spoke.

Much to my dissappointment, right? He reminds me so much of Kevin.

Despite it, I still evaluate the man, watching him as he sits on the bar stool opposite to the duo bar flies, leaving me flat dab in the middle.

"He'll be here soon," Leon assures me before he squeezes my forearm for support.

Nodding in acceptance, I returned my sights to Leon and watch him hobble to the blonde customer to get his drink order.

"Ten more minutes Liz," I vow to myself, "ten more minutes."

Ten is what I waited, and ten more was what I promised myself again when he still didn't show up. By then, Leon had become as tense as I was and brought it upon himself to call around to see what was the delay. Watching him intently, I couldn't make heads or tail of what he was whispering on the phone and thought to myself, 'if only Riley were here'.

It was my thoughts of Riley that momentarily distracted me before I finally realized someone was standing behind me when I heard they cleared their throat. 'It's him', I thought, feeling my heart start to palpitate as I turned half way, to see a tall brunette sitting down to the right of me.

I expected a guy in a suit, that or a leather jacket, never did I imagine him wearing something as simple as a pair of jeans and a Kordaroy jacket over some warmers and flannel.

"You're Liz, right?" He asks in a cool manner that made me tense up in my stool and my eyes narrow on his lips. It was presumable of me to think that Leon had mentioned my name to him when they had spoken, but it was still unexpected to hear. "It won't go away," he spoke again, with a rough tone that made me blink out of my tranz.

Furring my eyebrows, I shake my head lightly in confusion and ask with hesitation, "what won't go away?"

"My scar," he answers back defensively.

"Scar?" I repeat before he turns completely to face me.

I didn't notice it before, but now that he mentioned was a deep scar, definitely emergency room worthy and definitely not new.

I tried hard not to stare, but I just couldn't help but let my eyes gaze upon the jagged life line that was etched down from beneath the cover of his hair, over the horizon of his eyebrow to the bottom of his cheek, where it started to camoflauge itself with his very early five o'clock shadow that complimented his features nicely.

Looking away before I cross the thin line between looking and gwaking, I clear my throat and reply, "I didn't notice," before looking to him again.

He simply sat there, looking at me skeptically.

It's when we both turn to see Leon infront of us when he coughed to get our attention.

"Can I get you a drink?" he asks the stranger as I quickly glance over his features again, noticing how stiff he was.

"No thanks," he replies indifferently and then turns back to face me while I give Leon a lost look, that he doesn't acknowledge and simply walks away again.

It was, to my understanding, that Leon knew him. He never said they were "friends" per say, but I couldn't help but wonder why he would recommend him in the first place, if there wasn't some form of secure acquaintance between the two?

"It's better this way," he states, explaining himself right away before I have the chance to ask, "I don't know you, you don't know me. That way, we can go our separate ways without there being any..."

"Any what?" I ask, looking at him with curious wonder as I tilt my head to the side.

"It's just better this way," he repeats point-blank.

His coldness unsettles me. It's what brings my attention back to his scar to wonder what happened or more like what he did to deserve such a permanent reminder. No doubt it was something shameful or he wouldn't be so insecure and defensive about people looking at him directly, which explains the hair.

Don't get me wrong, it's groomed, but meant to be used to cover his face mostly.

It reminds me of Leon...and myself.

We all have something to hide.

Everyone does.

It's just his knowledge of how to handle my situation that makes me suspicious enough to ask, "have you ever done something, like this, before?"

"No," he answers calmly, "but when you're in my line of work, it's better to not know anyone or about any place, that way when you leave-"

"You can leave it behind conscience cleared," I interrupt with my head lowered.

"Because you never knew it was there in the first place," he shrugs, almost as emotionless as his creedo, but it was by that very creedo that I have been living the majority of my life. "What's his name?"

The questioned startles me.

I didn't know why, but I felt this nagging need to evaluate him further to see if he could be deemed worthy enough to know such fragile information.

While looking at him skeptically, I found myself rubbing the smoothness of my locket again, that had unknowingling managed to appear between my fingers, and immediately thought of Riley. 'This is for him,' I thought to myself, 'It all is. This cold small talk. This meeting. My embarassment. It's all for him.'

"Riley," I finally respond with a sudden rush of hopefulness. "He's eight," I add as I start to rummage through my bag and pull out his letters, "he writes a letter every 3 weeks."

He unaffectedly nods and then looks to the letters that I realize I'm still clutching on to possessively in my hands.

It was almost a near minute before I muster the will power to hand them over to him and the restraint to watch him put them in the inline of his coat pocket. But when I finally do, I quickly look away to compose myself and then readdress him with a knot in the center of my throat, that I try and clear out with a cough before I speak again.

"He's an A student," I enlighten him as I open my locket and then lean towards him, as he does towards me to see. "Riley is very intelligent. He's as normal as any other kid his age, despite what people think." Pausing, I see his eyes look up from the locket to mine, insinuating for me to elaborate. "Riley's deaf," I confess, lowering my head to look at the contents of my locket. Two oval shape pictures of me and Riley imitating the spaghetti scene from The Lady and the Tramp. "Is that going to be a problem?" I ask softly as I watch the locket slip out of his finger tips when I slowly pull away.

"How do I talk to him then?" He responds instead, letting me know he was still interested.

"Um, he reads lips," I answer with a smile and nod as I pick at my nails once again, adding, "extremely well," at the end of my statement before a tense moment of silence settled between us.

It was within that moment that my smile slowly disappeared, thinking on the reason of why I was telling him about Riley in the first place.

"You don't know how much this will mean to him," I dolefully admit before looking to him, to see him bare the same indifferent facial expression he's worn throughout our entire conversation."I-I don't have much," I stammer as I strip my finger of my wedding ring. "I don't know how much it's worth," I confess as I quickly hand the ring over to him and then look away to hide the tear that rolled down my cheek, despite my attempts to stop it. "But I get paid tonight," I add before I face him again, "I can give you some more then."

He nods artlessly and then stands up, pulling out a hat from his pocket and adjusts it to the side so it hid the majority of his scar. "I'll be there by one."

I nod quickly and answer, "yeah, that's fine," before he nods to confirm and then moves towards the door. When he opens it, the door chimes jingle once again and I stand up, shouting, "wait," with my hand extended.

He stops, standing with his hands on both the door handle and the frame of the door. I can see him shiver from the gust of cold wind that evaded it's way inside, before he looks to me from the brim of his shoulder.

I wanted to explain my reasons, to ask him why he would even consider helping me in the first place, but I chicken out and decide to say, "thank you," instead.

He doesn't smile, he doesn't nod, he says absolutely nothing, all he does is look out into the snowy scenary before he glances back to me and then leaves.
Last edited by Crashdown_51 on Wed Aug 02, 2006 3:09 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by Crashdown_51 »

Author's Note: The movie I'm "springboarding" from is called Dear Frankie, I didn't want to reveal it until this chapter, but oh well. :( Anywho, after this chapter it doens't matter b/c the movie won't have absolutely nothing to do with my fic anymore. Thanks for reading by the way and the feedback.

P.S. I'll be having an Author's Chat on the 29th, 8pm EST at DAS in case you guys wanted to ask me anything about any of my fics. :wink:


Chapter Two

I barely slept. How could I after what I did? Maybe if I would have told Riley the truth from the beginning, I wouldn't be waiting for a complete stranger to come into our lives today.

Turning off the stove and taking the pot off the burner, I then nervously walk to Riley's room, with one hand behind my back and the other tapping my lips lightly as I plot on what to say to him.

He was noticeably quiet this morning and it was not far-fetched to assume the reason why. Any other morning, the aroma of breakfast would awaken him, which we would then eat together in the breakfast nook before he would run off to watch his morning cartoons in the living room. But today, I awoke to find him already dressed and ready for his last day of school before christmas break.

When I reached his room, I was stunned to see him sitting quietly at his desk, writing yet another letter that I'm sure spelled out his disappointment.

Sucking up the urge to cry, I clear my throat and look up at the ceiling to compose myself, making sure Riley didn't see me in my gloomy state before I moved beside him and tapped his shoulder. "Rylee," I call out with a smile as I cup his cheeks and squat down to his level. I wait for his eyes to look to my lips before I speak again, "breakfast is ready," I told him with a tone of adoration, "let's go eat so you can watch some TV before we go, okay?"

He nods in compliance and then scurries off to the kitchen, leaving me behind in his room, shaking my head in amusement before I spot the letter he was writing, laid out in the open.

Standing up, I look down at the heartbreaking writing and felt a rueful feeling of guilt grumbling in the pity of my stomach.

<center>'Dear Dad,

What did I do?


Moving to his door, I survey Riley from the distance, seeing him sitting quietly in the kitchen, with his chin on the table, waiting for me to serve him until I hear a moderate knock at the door.

When I step out into the hallway, Riley immediately notices me and I motion with my hands, "stay there," before I rush to the door.

Standing on my toes, I look through the peephole and gasp at the sight of the Leon's friend pacing back and forth outside the door. Flattening my feet on the floor, I quickly look to Riley, who was looking curiously at me and asking me who it was with his hands.

Again, he knocks, making me take a startled step back as I look to the door in panic and nervously rub my palms on the sides of my jeans before I slowly unlock the door.

"I'll be right back," I mouth to Riley before I open the door, enough for me to slip out. "What are you doing here?" I immediately question once outside, with my back pressed up against the door and my hand on the door knob incase Riley wanted to come out.

I could barely make out his facial features from that hat he wore. It covered the upper right side of his face while the lifted collar of his Kordaroy coat covered the bottom half.

"You said 1," I remind.

"I know," he answers neutrally as he pulls out a folded sheet of paper from his inside coat pocket and then hands it to me.

Looking at him skepitcally, I take the paper from his hand and open it carefully to discover that it was one of my letters that I had sent in response to one of Riley's.

"According to this, I promised him that I'd take him to school if I ever came to visit him," he explains as he shoves his hands in his pockets and shrugs.

I look at him in bewilderment for a moment before I skim through the bad handwriting, that was the result of me writing with my left hand to disguise my true handwriting from Riley, and see that I indeed promised him that.

I start to tear up as I fold the letter once again and slip it inside my back pocket of my jeans. "We were about to eat breakfast," I mumble, motioning for him to follow me before I freeze in place and then quickly turn around, just in time to see him taking off his hat. "I-I'm sorry," I whisper as I shake my head, "I uh-I don't know what your name is."

"Just call me whatever you called Riley's father by," he replies with a careless shrug. The suggestion sent an uncomfortable shiver down my spine, one that I'm sure he noticed by his sigh of defeat. "Max," he mumbles as he rubs the stubble on his cheek, "just call me Max."

Nodding appreciatively, I turn back around and lead the way inside, connecting eyes instantly with Riley, who was standing nervously by his chair, questioning Max's presence, when he came out from behind the door and stood beside me.

"Riley," I call out as I take a step forward, "Riley, this is-this is your dad," I inform him as I point to Max like a display.

"Hi...Riley," Max coughs out as he take a few steps closer to him.

"Riley?" I call out again as I move pass Max and kneel down infront of him. "He came to take you to school, like he promised," I enunciate with a hopeful smile.

But Riley just stands there, looking back to him in wonder, while he twists the end of his hooded jacket nervously. I shoot a worried look to Max, who is visably tense, and then look back to Riley, who much to my relief, let a soft smile slowly stretch across his face, before he bolts pass me and wraps his arms around Max's legs.

The reaction was as unexpected to me as it was to Max, who had his hands up in surrender, looking at me to insinuate he didn't know what to do. "Riley," I quickly call out with surprise, touching his shoulder as I stand up to get him to release his death grip from Max legs.

"It's-it's alright," Max excuses with a stammer before he hesitantly lowers his hands to complete the hug that Riley has been longing for, for as long as I can remember.

"Riley," I squeak out as I pull him away from Max by his shoulders and then turn him to face me. "Why don't you show your dad your room?" I sign to him as I force myself to maintain my phony enthusiasm.

Riley nods in compliance and then signs to me with his eyebrows furrying with conviction.

"What did he say?" Max questioned without a trace of curiosity in his tone.

"He said that smoking is bad for you," I answer with a small laugh. I know it surprises him that Riley's capable of such and evaluation, but it's really not a special talent to know that he smokes. Riley pulls on my sleeve to get me to look at him again and then starts to sign again. "Um...I don't think he'd like that, Riley," I reply to him pensively as I brush his hair back off his forehead.


"He, um, he said that if you go to his room, you can't bring your cigarettes," I relay with a proud smile.

I watch in entertainment as Max and Riley exchange dominant looks and then both cross their arms stubbornly as they face me. I don't know anything about Max, but Riley has always been a take-charge type of kid, despite his enabilities. He's always trying to ensure everyone's safety and happiness, that sometimes, it makes him come off as an old soul trapped in an eight year old's body. It's probably why Max is so unsure of how to respond to him, so I cover Riley's eyes and see him look quizzically at me.

"I can buy you another pack later on."

His eyebrows straighten at my offer and he takes a breath while Riley fights me playfully to get me to uncover his eyes. It isn't until he tries to tickle me that I hop away laughing and quickly hold up the peace sign to show I surrender while he smiles in victory.

Clearing his throat, Max finally responds, "well then, I guess you win," with the same dry tone he's been using for each answer.

"He has to look at you," I remind him as I turn Riley to face him.

He loosens his collar and rotates his shoulders before he looks down to Riley and addresses him again, "I said," he repeats in a louder tone as he pulls out his crushed packet of cigarettes from his coat pocket and shows it to him, "you win...Riley." Both Riley and me watch him toss the packet effortlessly into the garbage bin beside the stove and then return to his standing postion, with his hand holding his wrist infront of him.

Straight off, Riley looks to me with a content smile and then takes a step forward to pull on Max's hand to follow him before he runs off to his room.

"Thank you," I say softly with a blush of gratitude.

"I should..." lingering on his word, he points in the direction Riley ran off to and takes a step back before he turns on his heel.

"Uh, Max," I call out when he takes the first step forward. He stops and I move to him as I pull out a small, folded envelope from my front pocket, "it's..." I can't say it even though it's what we're doing. I just shake my head and hand the envelope to him before I walk ahead of him to Riley's room.

"Five minutes and then breakfast, Riley," I warn, leaning against the door frame as I cross my arms and then look to Max, when he appears behind me, and notice his drawn reaction to Riley's space-themed room. "He loves science," I tell him with a small laugh and then step aside to let Max by.

Riley immedately takes the floor while I rest my head on the door frame and watch with mixed emotions as Riley attempts to communicate with Max over the details of his room.

It's gonna be a hard day to bear, but for Riley, I will.
Last edited by Crashdown_51 on Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Crashdown_51 »

<center>Chapter Three

Coffee, the balance to any awkward situation. Any, except the one I found myself in, after we dropped Riley off at school, one full of uncomfortable silences and needs. The need to explain to him without compromising our previous arrangement of "don't ask, don't tell". That and to satisfy my curiousity that lied along the lines of who Max was, besides the perfect stranger that sat before me, sipping on a cup of coffee and bearing the same expression he's had since we first met.

One of stone.

"How long has he been writing?" He asks softly before taking another sip from his cup.

"Um, just about a year," I answer with a nod as I fold my hands between my knees to keep them warm. "I never knew why he wanted to talk to-um, his father, b-but I didn't have the heart to tell him that I haven't seen his father for seven years. Then on his 8th birthday, he wished to speak to him again, so...I wrote him instead." I shrug "I thought-I thought that once he's heard from him, it would be the end of it. I mean," rolling my eyes I try to hold back the tears and then continue, "by then it was eight years and not a word from Kev...from Kevin." I sigh, cupping the sides of my styrafoam cup and shaking my head at my naive assumption. "I'd just figure that-that I'm all he needs, you know. That we're a team and that we're all we need. I don't know, maybe it's just selfish of me to think that."

Looking from my cup to him, I realize that I had rambled across the "don't ask, don't tell" line with a piece of my life story, that still doesn't manage to drive an emotion out of him. Instead, he responds by asking, "Should I walk you back? I got something to do right now."

"Oh," I mouth in surprise and then nod as I collect my things, "okay."

We both stand up simultaneously from the small table and get ready to walk in the cold, snowy weather again, that has been threatening this town with signs of a storm coming.

While I tuck my scarf inside my coat before zippering it up, I look to Max from behind the cover of my hair, to see him adjust his hat over his eye again, using his reflection from one of the photographs mounted on the wall.

"Let's go," he orders after and then moves ahead of me to hold open the door.

Once outside, I feel the cold wind through the material of my jeans and I immediatly think of Riley, wondering if he's warm enough with what he wore. My face was numb and probably even red from the artic breeze hitting me that's also making my eyes watery. We're not even a minute into the walk and my fingers feel like they're liable to snap off for how cold my hands are, despite my gloves and the hot coffee I'm holding.

Cliff notes version, it's cold.

Holding the styrafoam cup close to my lips, feeling the warm steam and aroma of the coffee go up my nostrils, I glance from time to time to Max as we walk the remainder of the two blocks to my apartment and see he's pensively pre-occupied with something other than the weather.

'It's none of my business', I chant to myself and press myself to look straight ahead.

It's when we get a block away, that we run into Courtney Banks, a rockstar-type nurse from the hospital I've been working at for the past 3 weeks. And by run into, I mean she spotted us from across the street and made it her priority to cross over and say 'hello'.


"Courtney," I respond stunned as I stop abruptly, which makes Max stop as well.

"You live around here? That's so weird, I've never seen you hanging around before."

"Well, I was just going home." I answer her before I notice from her open coat, that she's dressed in her nurse's scrubs. "You work today?"

"Tonight," she corrects as she flashes us her uniform, "I got a date with the bo right now, just got ready so I wouldn't have to change. What about you?"

"No, I-I'm off today," I reply and then look to Max, who glanced at his wrist watch to imply he really had to leave. "Listen, Courtney, maybe we can hang out later, okay? But right now I really gotta go."

"Oh, okay, well, me too, but I'll hold you to the chilling session."

"Um, okay," I reply, not know exactly what I agreed to from her slang, but quickly cut around her with Max following closely behind.

When we reach the building of my apartment, I expected him to take off right away, but instead, much to my surprise, he walked me all the way upstairs to my door and waited until I opened my door before he stepped down the first step.

"Um," I hum, stopping him from taking the next step down, "what time will you be back?"

"One," he answers back firmly and then motions to leave before he turns back around again, which stops me from closing the door fully to hear what he wanted to add. "You live too close to the bar," he points out and...and that's it, he just turns around and leaves.

I'm left standing by the door, wondering why he would even make a remark about something like that.

It was very odd, but I shake the puzzling thought and head inside, stripping myself of all my winter gear.

Rubbing the back of my head, I look around the kitchen, and sigh unenergetically at the sight of the oatmeal mess I made for breakfast. "Great," I huff, tapping my fingers at the edge of the sink, staring at the pile for a moment before I finally roll up my sleeves and wash them.

The rest of the place was pretty much in order so I decided to tune into a mellow radio station and relax in my room as I stared up at the ceiling. Not exactly entertainment, but it keeps me zen, not having to worry about anything else except Riley and my job, which were pretty much taken care of for the moment.

It's when the mind-boggling comment resurfaces in my thoughts and I waste 5 minutes of my time trying to decipher what he meant by living to close to a bar. If he meant danger-wise, I really don't see a problem when the crime rate in this town is pretty much slim-to-none.

No, that can't be it, after all, he said the bar, not a bar.

So what could he mean?


I don't know why I do this to myself, especially today, but I desperately need someone's opinion, someone's I can trust. "Yes, on hold for Claudia Jacob's please," I squeak out as I twirl the phone cord with my fingers. The waiting music starts to play again and I pace back and forth as far, as the wall-mounted phone lets me, and wait patiently for her.

"Claudia Jacob's speaking."


"Liz, how are you? How's Riley?" She asks with a hint of panic in her voice.

"Fine, fine. I was just wondering if there was any possiblity of talking to you...face-to-face I mean."

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, no, nothing professionally serious, just, just, I really don't know anyone here and you have been so kind with me..."

"Liz, I would be delighted to talk with you. I do however have a meeting with another seeker in a few moments, but I can come by after then. Would that be alright?"

"Yes, yes, it will be fine. Riley doesn't come home until 1."

"Good, then I'll see you then."


"I can't say I agree with what you've done Liz," Claudia advises me over coffee, my third cup for the day, yet I feel utterly exhausted for some reason.

"I'm not proud of what I've done either, but I thought it would protect Riley," I reply in my defense, looking anywhere but in her eyes. She has the ability to make me feel like I'm 4 years old again, getting in trouble by my Nana Parker.

"But you're setting him up for bigger heartache when he finds out the truth," she says, touching my hand to get me to look at her and then looks at me with assurance, "and he will find out, Liz."

"I know that."

"Just who exactly is this Max character?"

"I-I don't know exactly," I answer truthfully, "he's an aquaintance of Leon, the man I rent this place from."

"Liz, I really don't like this one bit," she voices as she shakes her head in disappointment, "how did he find out about Riley?"

"He doesn't exactly know the entire truth either," I answer as innocent as I could, "I just told him I needed a separate mailbox to recieve Riley's letters, when he asked why, I told him part of the truth."

"Do you know what I think Liz?" She asks rhetorically as she taps her cigarette pack on the table.

The side...

...the bottom

...the top

...the opposite side, over and over again...

"I think that 8 years of being secluded from the world has gotten you into this predicament. Kevin may not be here, but through your letters, you're filling his void. Like it or not, deep down inside you're writing those letters for yourself and just using Riley as an excuse to be writing them. Hiring this Max to play daddy for a day is not going to be the end of it, the question is, how far are you willing to let this go? How far before you finally realize the damage you're inflicting on yourself and your son, because you are hurting him, Liz."

Her words were like a pile of bricks, hitting me where I'm weak the most, my son, but it only affected me this harshly because it's the honest truth. Kevin's not here and through my letters, he is. He's the perfect father unable to be with his family because he's a pilot for the government.

Wow, what the hell was I drinking when I came up with that whopper of a story?

But Claudia's visit wasn't exactly a downer. She also congratulated me on my eight years of independence, eight years of being Kevin-free and staying that way. She asked what was my secret, and that's when I showed her.

I disappear into my room, digging deep into the back of my closet and pulling out the cherry wood music box, that had gotten heavier throughout the years. I came out into the living room again and then carefully set it on the coffee table, bracing myself before I lift the lid open.

"The music box is an old present of Kevin's," I tell her as we watch a ceramic couple, spin slowly on a revolving disc, to the music. "The Mummer's Dance", is what the song's called. I always asked Kevin, why would he get me something with such a sad song. He would always laugh. Stupid me," I huff in annoyance, "he was condescending my entire life the entire time." Shaking my head, I laugh off the thought and then return my attention to the contents of the box. "My first pay check," I tell her with a proud smile, handing her a copy of my pay stub, dated 8 years ago. "You got me that job remember?"

"You were the best," she smiles supportively before handing the stub back to me.

I set it to the side and then show her her business card before I look at it and read off it, "Claudia Jacob's, Here to Help a Seeker Find What She Truely Needs," I laugh and then look at her inquisitively, "what exactly is a seeker, Claudia?"

"Those that seek a better life then what they live," she answers humbly.

"Mmm," I hum with enlightenment and then set her card on top of my pay stub before I pull out a bundle of papers bound with a rubberband and then tap it against the palm of my hand, looking to Claudia as she rubbed my back for support. "How many girls report it?"

"Not many," she answers back sadly.

"Well, maybe you can tell them what I do...maybe you can tell them my story, and it might help," I suggest before I look to the bundle again and then pull off the rubberbands, letting a collection of polaroids slip out from the loose side.

"Tell me what you do," she requisitions as she scoots closer to me and guides my head down to her shoulder as I flip through the gruesome images and then set them aside to read the yellow form that was wrapped around the polaroids. "Patient, Elizabeth Parker Verone, arrived in the ER at 1 o'clock in the morning, severly beaten with 2 month old son, Riley James Verone, also beaten." My voice starts to crack and my lips start to shiver, but Claudia supports me to read on, "Elizabeth suffered from 3 broken ribs, a broken finger, and a spranged ankle. Her left eye was bruised in and signs of a concussion are visible." I know what the paper reads next, I practically memorized every word, comma and space on the form, but when I get to it, I start to cry, making it impossible for me to read on.

Claudia soothes me with a "shh," and then takes the form from my hand and finishes the diagnosis, "Riley James Verone, showed visible signs of being shakened brutally, along side with a laceration on his arm, possibly from a belt. Final diagnosis for Riley James Verone: As a result to the beating inflicted on a child of such a young age, and the manner, tests prove permanent damage to both temperal ear lobes, indicating loss of hearing, indefinitely."

I was a mess after that. It took Claudia nearly two hours to calm my cries into sniffles and by the time she left, I was so worn out that I just laid on the couch, listening to the soft sounds of the music box playing before a slowly drifted to sleep.
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Post by Crashdown_51 »

1. Is Liz still hiding from Kevin?
Hmm, this is a complicated subject. So far all you guys know is that Kevin was the source of Riley being deaf and the reason why Liz is so paranoid, but Liz's reason for going in hiding is a little more deeper than just hiding from her hubby.

2. Where is Kevin now?
Kevin's whereabouts are still unknown, maybe he in jail or maybe he's looking for Liz and Riley. For now, just aknowledge he's out there...somewhere.*wink wink*

3. Does Riley notices how cold Max is?
Good question. Gotta quote from the first chapter that might help:
"He's an A student," I enlighten him as I open my locket and then lean towards him, as he does towards me to see. "Riley is very intelligent. He's as normal as any other kid his age, despite what people think."
4. How much time is Max being paid for?
Just one day and that's it, then it's bye-bye for Max.

5. What was the bar comment about?
The million dollar question. It's a simple statement, yet it irks your curiosity as to why Max said it. Excellent. <twiddling fingers like Mr. Burns>

Chapter Four

I don't know if it was the sound of a familiar laugh echoing in my ears or the burning scent of cigarettes stinging my nostrils, but when I woke up, the first thing that my eyes were able to focus on was the digital clock on top of the TV.

2:13 p.m.

I've never been so scared in my life before, well not exactly, but just the sight, made me sit up quickly and call Riley's name, only to see him lying down in front of the coffee table, with his feet kicking playfully in the air as he laid on his stomach doing his homework. "Riley!" I call out as I slide down from the couch and touch his leg, which makes him turn around quickly, and smile as he waves 'hello'. "Riley," I call out again on my knees before I wrap my arms around him and sway side-to-side, probably suffocating him from the smothering of kisses I did next.

"Mah," he protests as he tries to pull away, and when he finally does, he signs to me that I'm messing up his hair.

"I'm sorry," I laugh as I wipe the tears of joy off my cheeks, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep," I voice as I sign and then hear a cough behind me.

I turn half way to see Max standing in the doorway of the kitchen before he steps out and says, "I got him."

I know I should be grateful, but at that moment I was far from it, I stand up instantly and hold my hair back as I try to avoid making a scene in front of Riley. "What do you mean you got him? How?" I question with urgency.

"When I got to his school, he was waiting outside already..."

"And, and, and they just let you take him? Just like that?" I exclaim as I start to pace in the small section between the couch and coffee table.

"Mah," Riley calls out for me, standing in front of me to get me to stop pacing, to ask me why I'm mad with his hands.

"Because Riley," I sign to him as I speak, "they can't let you go off like that with a complete stranger."

"Buh Mah," he argues, "id's Dah."

I am literally speechless.

I mean, how do you react to an eight year old proving you wrong?

"You're right," I reply in defeat.

My features soften and I smile at him in adoration as I pull him to me and rest my cheek on top of his head as I hug him. He's basing his facts on what I told him, that Max is his father, end of discussion. But it still didn't give the school the right to hand Riley off like that, something I'm definitely gonna address them on once school's back in session.

"I didn't know he could talk," Max finally speaks, making me turn my head to look at him, and then laugh lightly at the common misconception.

"He's deaf," I remind, "not mute."

"I didn't-he just hasn't said anything at all..."

"He doesn't like to speak around anyone else but me," I inform him as I brush Riley's hair back, "especially around other kids," I add before I look back to Max, "they don't understand that he can't pronounce words correctly because he's never heard them before, so he doesn't speak to avoid being made fun of."

"I didn't know," he establishes once again with a shrug as my eyes move to the Corduroy jacket that's hanging off the edge of the couch.

I lean over and pick it up, realizing it's the source of the smell of cigarettes I smelled when I was sleeping. And thinking of me sleeping, is what reminded me of my music box, that started a sweat of panic in me when I realized I had left it out in the open for anyone to see...for Riley to see.

"Oh my God, my music box," I hyperventilate as I look on the coffee table to see it was gone. "Riley, where's my music box?" I ask cupping his cheeks.

"I put it in your room," Max answers instead as he steps into the living room.

My head turns to him as my hands slowly slide down Riley's cheeks to his shoulders and I straighten up, asking him, "did he see it," in a tone of despair.

"No," he answers with his hands shoved in his pockets as he takes another step closer, "I saw it on the coffee table before him, so I told him to wait by the kitchen while I put it away."

I nod appreciatively, but then look at him confused when I ask him, "how did you know to..."

"His letters," he answers coolly, "he mentioned about a music box you play and how he didn't like it, so I put it away so he wouldn't see it."

I remember that letter, because it was one of many that made me cry.

<center>'Mom was sad again today. She smiles when I look at her but I know she always gets sad when she looks at her music box. I don't touch it. If I don't touch it, the music won't play, and mom won't get sad.' </center>

"Thank you," I mouse out as I chew on my bottom lip nervously and then look to Riley before I kiss the top of his head. Riley then takes a step back and then signs to me with enthusiasm, what we were going to do today. "Um, I don't know Riley, it all depends on what, M-um, it depends on what your dad can do, remember he has to leave tonight." Riley nods and then leans his back against me as I wrap my arms around him and then join him in the expecting look to Max.

"I thought you had this day planned out," he responds to me with an indifferent shrug and then looks to Riley, "what do you want to do," he asks as we both look to Riley, who's stroking his chin in wonder.


The Museum of Science is not exactly what I would have chosen, but as long as Riley's happy, and he is, I'm fine.

Holding Riley's hand, while Max walked to the right of us, we headed into the exhibit that Riley has been anticipating since we got here, the Shuttle 5000 model. Joined by two other families to meet the required "groups of ten" standards, we carefully stepped on to the lift and looked over the railing to the onlookers looking up at us.

Stopping at the entrance of the shuttle, we're greeted by yet another tour guide that guides us inside and around the shuttle.

"Not exactly as interesting as it was back when we were their age, huh?" A man comments to me as we move to the next exhibit.

"I'm sorry," I apologize with a confused expression.

"Space," he clarifies with a chuckle, "it seemed a lot more mysterious when I was ten than it does now," he explains and then extends his hand to me, "Curt Culp."

"Um, Elizabeth," I reply, shaking his hand and then setting my hand back on Riley's shoulder to guide him into the next exhibit. "It was nice meeting you," I bid once I see an opening in the crowd.

"Yeah, you too," he answers quickly as I rush off into the crowd, not really knowing where Max was at that point. It's not until we get to the food court that Riley spots him, trying to get through to the crowd to us. "Riley," I laugh with some authority as I watch Riley wave frantically to Max, so he could know where we are, "Riley," I call out again, pulling his hands down before I sign to him, "I think he sees us."

Just then, Max reaches our table, with a museum bag in hand, and the same unreadable expression.

"I thought we lost you back at the shuttle," I tell him, almost shouting so he could hear me over the loud crowd.

"I went to get something," he answers back neutrally as he sets the bag on the table.

Riley curiously reaches for the bag and I quickly stop him as I mouth, "no Riley, that's not yours."

"Actually, it is," Max corrects, pointing to the bag with his chin when he looks to Riley and then shoves his hands in his pocket, "go ahead Riley."

Looking at me for permission first, I nod in acceptance and watch as he eagerly digs insides and smiles with excitement when he pulls out a miniature version of the Shuttle 5000.

"You hang it over your bed, like this," he explains to Riley, dangling the shuttle by the black rope that was attached to it.

"You didn't have to get him anything," I declare to Max from behind Riley.

"I know," he replies coolly and then redirects his attention to Riley, who's making odd noises as he flies the shuttle in his personal space. "No, Riley," Max calls out as he holds Riley's hand and then takes the shuttle from him, "like this," he tells him as he points to his mouth and then makes shuttle noises himself before handing the shuttle back to Riley, "try it."

Riley takes the shuttle from his hand and then shoots a worried look to me before he imitates Max's mouth movements, making his shuttle noises sound like a cross between a car changing gears and a dog growling.

"Close enough," he comments before he glances at his watch and then looks back to Riley, "come on, let's get out of here," he tells him as he signals him with his head to follow him.

"Where are we going?" I ask, establishing my presence as I watch Max effortlessly pick Riley up from his seat and set him down on the ground before Riley laces his finger with his to follow him while he continues to play with the shuttle.
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<center>Chapter Five

I played my part for a short while, the part where all I did was ask where we were going and got no answer in return. Eventually, I just stop asking and simply followed behind them for a reason that eventually came back to bite me in the ass.

Just seeing the two, hand-in-hand, drove me crazy. Which was mostly Riley's doing because whenever Max would try to shove his hands in his pockets, Riley would pull them out and entwine his fingers with his securely.

It was only when we would come up to street crossing, that Max wouldn't put up a struggle to hold Riley's hand and it was trivial moments like that that made me feel...

Okay, I admit it, I'm jealous of Max. Jealous that just in half a day, he's managed to get the one thing I had, that no one else did...Riley's love. But my jealousy didn't start with Max. It started with the letters. Each month, I'd tell myself that he'd stop writing, but he never did and I envied that need that Riley had for the person I made up.

Crazy, I know, to be jealous of Riley's made-up father and his hired one, but I can't help it.

"Mah! Mah!" I hear Riley shout from the center of the frozen pond.

Blocking the setting sun with my hand, I see Riley waving at me and I immediately wave back and reply, "I see you," with enthusiasm as I watch Max guide him around the pond, teaching him how to ice skate.

It's an impressive sight, which is making me rethink my theories on who Max is and how he got his scar. Before, my theories all started with his hat. I noticed that the hat guise is almost an impulse with him, an impulse with a bizarre indication of courtesy. It's a crazy thing to scrutinize about, as to why he takes off the very thing he uses to cover his scar with, indoors, when he so desperately tries to keep his scar hidden from curious eyes at all times.

Well, my theory about it was, true, I can assume he just has manners that were a result of a proper upbringing, but he lacks the ability to refer to me as "ma'am". Not that I'm complaining or anything, because the last thing I need is to have someone older than me treat me like I'm older than them. But my point being, yeah, he opens the door for me, and let's me go in first, but he doesn't go the whole nine yards as to pulling out my chair for me or standing up when I'm about to leave the table.

So charm school is out.

It's when I assumed military upbringing.

Why military?

Well, the hat tipped me off.

He takes it off when he's indoors and puts it on before he leaves a room, definitely a military habit. Now, he could've been a soldier, who got wounded or something, a speculation I'll get back to later...or...he could be the son of a strict soldier. It explains why he gets so uncomfortable when Riley hugs him or tries to hold his hand.

I don't have conclusive evidence to support my theory, like dog-tags or some patriotic tattoo. I mean, I know it's snowing and everything, but the man wears so many layers of clothing, it's hard to find out without tipping him off that I'm looking for something in particular.

Yep, absolutely no good leads. All I have to work with is a hat habit and a scar that, now that I know he can skate, makes me shift my military assumption to a veteran hockey player that retired due to catching a skate to the eye and damaging his eye sight.

God, I gotta lay off the CSI.

Anyway, why should I care? He leaves tonight, so it's not like it matters. The only thing that I should be caring about is my knee that I fell on.

Damn, it hurts and Max, the saint with his heart of gold, just helped me get to this bench and then went back to skating with Riley, when here I thought chivalry is dead. After all, he had to literally drop me on this cold bench and leave me alone as fast as he did because the city of Gotham beckons his help to save kittens from a burning building and join David Hasselhoff on his rescue beach run.

Rolling my eyes, I glare at Max's back and then see, when he slightly turns, that he's looking at his watch again, meaning it was time to go.


The train ride back was quiet and quite serene I might add. It's why I love taking the train to work, it relieves tension and right now, that's all there is. Riley fell asleep in Max's arms and I'm using every ounce of restraint I have left in me to stop myself from taking Riley from him. And I'm pretty sure that if my knee wasn't so banged up, I would've carried Riley too when our stop came.

I follow slowly behind Max, holding me knee and wincing whenever my leg bent. The stairs were a piece of cake because of the railing, but when it came walking on my own again, I just couldn't.

"Wait, Max, wait," I plead as I rest against the brick wall on the building adjacent to the corner split-level, that housed Leon's bar and other small businesses below, and apartments above like mine.

"It's cold," he points out with a cloud of cold breath veiling his face.

"I know, but my knee really hurts," I answer with a wince as I rub my knee and then see Riley cuddling to him for warmth. He's right, we are almost there, I mean, all we have to do is turn the corner and walk to the end of the building, and we're there, but my knee is really killing me.

"I can't carry you both," he declares firmly as he looks around the deserted neighborhood, shivering, and then releases a cloud of cold smoke from his nostrils before he looks to me again. "Give me your keys," he orders as he maneuvers Riley in his arms and holds out his cold, red hand. I slip off my glove, barely telling the difference that I had it on in the first place, and then pulled out my keys from my coat pocket, handing them over to him before he tells me, "I'll come back for you", and then leaves.

If he would've held on a minute, he would've seen Leon coming out of his bar like I did and asked him for help.

"Leon!" I call out as I wave.

"Liz?" He questions as he hobbles to me, worse than before because of the snow. "What are you doing out here? There's a storm coming you know."

"Ugh, I hurt my knee pretty bad," I tell him as I rub my knee, "do you think you can help me walk to my apartment?"

"Sure thing lil' darlin'," he replies with a chuckle and positions himself beside me, where I drape my arm over his shoulders and he wraps his around my waste. "How'd this happen?" He asks as we start walking.

"Ice skating," I answer as we pass his bar and turn the corner. "You closed the bar?"

"Yeah, no one will be coming tonight with the storm comin' and all," he answers as we pass the dry cleaners, "how're things working out for you so far?"

"Great," I reply with a phony smile, "just great."

"Good. Good."

It's when we get about 5 feet away from the apartment entrance, that Max finally comes out, in which I notice, that the sight of Leon erases what little visible emotion Max had, instantly.

"I got it," Max mutters to Leon coldly and then scoops me up effortlessly from where I stood.

"Bye, Leon. Thank you," I wave as he does, no longer in the good mood he was in when I first saw him, and then watch him hobble back the way we came before Max takes me inside.


"Oh my God," I gasp before covering my mouth at the pink and purple masterpiece covering my entire swollen knee.

"What is it?" I hear Max ask from outside my closed door.

"This is not a normal bruise," I shout to him as I carefully slip into my loose pajama bottoms.

"How would you know?"

"I work in a hospital," I answer back in annoyance and then flip out my hair from the collar of my t-shirt. "Okay, I'm ready," I notify him. He opens the door cautiously before coming in fully and then walks to me, picks me up, and takes me to the living room where he sits me on the couch to look at my knee.

"I think your kneecap shifted," he tells me as if it were nothing. "I can move it back to place," he tells me before his cool eyes connect with my worried ones. "It's gonna hurt."

I know this, so I nod.

"Do you have anything to drink? For the pain?"

"In the kitchen maybe?" I reply with an unsure shrug.

He nods and then leaves.

I slouch down on the couch, resting my head against the backrest as I look up at the ceiling, and start to think, thinking if he has further intentions if I'm all liquored up. It's a conscience debate on my shoulders, that negative devil making me suspicious while the angel on the opposite side is telling me that if he intended to do any harm to me, he had plenty of opportunities and didn't.

So naturally, I side with the halo-bearing opinion.

"This is all I could find," I hear him say before I see him walk around the couch, showing me an unopened bottle of tequila with a ribbon still wrapped around the neck of the bottle. "You don't look like a drinker," he comments before he sits in front of me on the coffee table and unties the bow.

"I'm not," I answer as I straighten up, "Leon gave it to me the day I moved in here."

My answer makes him blink in response, but he quickly recovers his blank expression, practically as fast as he blinked, and then sets the bottle beside him. Again, he rolls up my pant leg above my knee and then twists the cap off the bottle before he hands it to me, "it'll help," he advises as he pulls out one of my kitchen decorative towels from his back pocket and twists it as tight as he could, "when you're done, you bite on this." Nodding, I put the nuzzle of the bottle against my lips and he adds, "it'll keep you from waking up Riley."


I've gotten drunk before. Prom night to be more precise, and now that I am again, I'm suddenly reminded of my Health Ed classes back in high school, where they tell you alcohol is a drug because it's a downer as much as it is an upper. My upper phase ended about ten minutes ago and my downer phase...well, it isn't pretty.

"According to every married PTA mother I've met at that school, when they find out that I'm a single parent, they always tell me that a father figure is crucial to Riley's childhood. Like I don't know that." I point to him with the half empty bottle of tequila, that I had no help drinking thank you very much. I then sigh and rest my head on the backrest as I tell him, "God, I'm so sick of hearing them tell me that I'm not good enough to raise Riley on my own." Shaking my head, I feel a tear trail down my cheek before I wipe it away and look to Max, who's still holding his unreadable expression as he sits on my coffee table. "Is like me knowing that I'm alone isn't good enough for them," I ponder as I point to myself, "sometimes, sometimes I think that if I wear a big, scarlet "A" on my chest, for "alone", or-or "abandoned", then and only then would they let me live my life without the pointing and whispering." I take another swig of the tequila as I start laughing and then wave the laughter away as I continue with my drunken rambling. "Oh, and the hook ups! If I have to even meet another brother, or friend, or brother's friend, I'm mmm mmm-"

I find myself objecting to the towel in my mouth and reaching for the bottle Max snatches away before he scoots to the edged of the coffee table.

Carefully, he arches my leg and glances at me before he starts to massage up my calf, softening his touch when he reaches my knee and looks to me again. I prepare myself for what his eyes are insinuating by biting on the towel and clutching the seat of the couch, seeing him lean towards me before I close my eyes tightly and he pops my knee back into place.


If it wasn't for the towel and his shoulder muzzling my cry, I think the entire neighborhood would've heard me scream.

"This should help," he prescribes, handing me ice wrapped in a towel, to put on my knee.

"Thank you," I sniffle and watch as he carefully holds the ice on my knee. "Max," I call out with another sniffle and wait 'til his eyes connect with mine, "my music box..."

I pause and he takes the intermission as his cue, telling me, "I have to go," before he stands up, grabs his coat from beside me and then walks around to the door.

"Thank you," I tell him when he reaches for the door knob. He simply nods and then opens the door, making me chew on my bottom lip when he closes it behind him.

I slowly get up from the couch and then limp my way to the door to lock it before I limp pass the living room and my bedroom, and head right into Riley's room, seeing him still sound asleep.

Carefully, I climb in his bed and smile when he instinctively cuddles close to me.

Tomorrow, he's going to be a mess for not having a chance to say good-bye, but hopefully it'll be something we can get through together.
Last edited by Crashdown_51 on Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Crashdown_51 »

A/N: I wanted to thank those who nominated The Perfect Stranger this round. I really appreciate it. Hugs. :D

1. Who's Curt Culp and is he important? Like icequeen suspects, of course he is. :twisted: How and why is the mystery of it all.

2. Is the 'placing of the knee' in any relation to Max having a medical background? Wow, love that theory, and I'm also glad that it was pointed out too. I was surprised that no one noticed that Liz works in a hospital and that she had no clue as to what was wrong with her knee. My point with that is, that perhaps Max isn't someone who has a medical background, but perhaps someone who's familar with dislocated joints and other injuries. :wink:


Chapter Six

I was having a good dream.

I was a queen, Riley was a prince, and an astronaut was the king.

Hey, I said it was a dream, not a logical dream.

Anyway, like I said, I was having a good dream, when I was rudely awakened by the irritating sound of the phone ringing. I glace to Riley's moon clock on his nightstand and see it’s been almost an hour since Max has left. "They'll leave a message," I wave off before I turn back to go to sleep, but the phone keeps ringing over and over again. It's when I remember that I still haven't unpacked my answering machine that's on the bottom of the list of things I'm dreading to finish.

Drowsily and not to mention hung over, I drag my feet all the way to the phone in the kitchen that doesn't stop ringing until I pick it up. "Hello?" I ask with an obvious huff of frustration.

"Liz? It's me, Courtney." I hear with a trace of panic in her voice when she answers back.

"Courtney?" I repeat in surprise "What is it?"


"Ms. Parker," the night security guard greets as he tips his hat in courtesy and then looks to Riley, who was dressed in his spaceship pajamas beneath his coat, and waves.

"Hi, Bill," I reply with a forced smile as we continue walking to the elevators. Well, I'm still limping; Riley's the one doing the walking.

I was still puzzled by Courtney's urgent call to go to meet her in recovery level of the hospital, it being the only thing she could say before she was called away on an emergency.

"Up," I say to Riley, when he looks to me quizzically by the touchpad of the elevator buttons. With his toy spacecraft clutched closely to him, Riley presses the "up" button and smiles in triumph when he sees the button light up in orange.

He then mischievously glances to me, thinking I wouldn't notice him from the corner of my eye, pressing the "up" button again as I looked at the numbers above the elevator.

I figure it's a child impulse to do it, so I let it go and pretend I didn't see him, meanwhile the slow elevator is getting on my last nerve. "Come on," I huff as I stretch out my hand and continuously pressed the button, displaying my impatience publicly.

"Wan," Riley spoke as he points one finger at me.

"I know Riley," I answer with a small laugh, knowing at some point I taught him to only push the buttons once, something neither of us obeyed. "I'm just worried," I confess before a bell was heard and the doors open before we step in. "Four," I request seeing Riley looking back at me as his finger lingers over the buttons.

Pressing the four, Riley smiles again at the sight of the orange light and then takes a step back, holding on tightly to my hand when the elevator starts to move.


"Three...four," I count along with more anxiousness and then look down from the floor notifier to the door, when it opens.

I spot Courtney right away, sitting behind the reception desk, and the bell of the elevator doors makes her notice me.


"What happened?" I questioned, pulling Riley along by his hand as I move towards the desk while Courtney came out from behind it.

"I thought I should call you," Courtney answers truthfully as she fidgets with her fingers.

"For what? What happened?" I ask demandingly, stopping dead on my tracks to let Courtney close the remainder of space between us. Meanwhile, Riley playfully made shuttle noises beside me as he waved his toy spaceship model about.

"The guy I saw you with," Courtney explains, pinching the material of my coat to make me follow her, "he got in an accident."

"An accident?" I repeated with shock, stopping again and then look to Riley, who was tugging down on my sleeve apprehensively. "No, no Riley, he's fine," I assure him, kicking myself for not being more discreet.

"His ID-"

"Hold on," I implore before I look down to Riley, who was looking back at me with concern, "Riley," I say, seeing his eyes look to my lips, "I need you to go to the daycare okay? I have some Mommy things to take care of, okay?"

Nodding, Riley takes out his ear piece from his pocket and sets it in his ear before he continues to charter his spacecraft towards the familiar hallway that led to the daycare center I drop him off at every day after school, while I work.


"It's weird, seeing someone you know being wheeled in through those doors," Courtney reminisces as she stares absentmindedly to the elevator doors, "I mean I know I didn't know him know him, but you know, it's still weird. Yet, that wasn't what made me call you," she adds, triggering my curiosity.

"What did then?"

"Dr. Wall," she answers in a gossiping manner, "he's requested all types of tests and scans on this guy, adding to the weirdness. I figured it must've been serious, so I called you."

"What exactly happened to him?" I ask as I look at her skeptically.

"From what the paramedics told us, another truck driver rammed into the back of his truck."

"Truck?" I repeat confused as I shake my head.

"The other truck driver," she elaborates, clueing me into what Max does, "he's in intensive care and we moved your friend into the room next to his."


"Are you kidding me? Reporters are all over this," Courtney enlightens me with her eyes widened from the shock. "From what I heard, the companies they're working for are big, and someone mentioned one being intoxicated..."

"Which explains the tests," I conclude, thinking back on the tequila bottle and wondered if he had any, but Courtney immediately shakes her head in disagreement.

"Dr. Wall ordered extensive X-rays for your friend and requested his medical records."

"Courtney," I exhale as I cover my face with my hands and squat down against the wall to take in what she said, "you shouldn't have called me."

I don't mean to be cold-hearted, but despite it all sounding very intriguing, it's none of my business. One day was all I needed and all I could offer without having Riley get too attached to him. I shouldn't be here and neither should Riley, because the more Riley sees him, the closer I am to achieving what Claudia said I would, hurting Riley.

"I'm sorry, Liz," Courtney blinked with surprise, "I thought you'd want to know since you two know each other."

"We don't," I answer back firmly as I stand up, "I mean, I do, but," overwhelmed, I run my hands through my hair and sigh in exhaustion of trying to explain my situation. "It's just complicated, Courtney," I declare, tucking my hair behind my ears and then head towards the daycare center, "it's really, really, complicated and it was a big mistake on my part bringing Riley here."

"Why?" Courtney questions as she tries to keep up with me.

"Courtney, things are beyond explainable right now," I stress as I turn the corner.

"Well, try," Courtney pleads, "after all it's me, I practically tell you everything about my life."

"No, Courtney," I shout as I spin around abruptly to face her, "don't you see, that's just it, I can't afford to take that luxury. I can't be you and tell you every single waking moment of my life. "

"What are you talking about? What luxury?"

"Look," I voice after letting out a frustrated breath to stabilize my adrenaline, "I'm not like you, okay? I can't--let--anyone in." Turning on my heel, I turn the corner once again and head inside the daycare center with Janice, the daycare nurse, and two kids lying on puzzle mats, sleeping. "Janice?" I question as I look around the room from where I stand, not seeing Riley anywhere in sight. "Um, where's Riley?"

"Riley?" She repeats confused.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Courtney questions as she walks in, immediately noticing the look of despair on my face, "What?"

"Riley?" I call out on instinct as I look beneath the table, "Riley!"

"Liz, it's okay, we can call him over the intercom," Courtney suggests as she holds me by my shoulders.

"Courtney, he's deaf! He can't hear it." I remind her angrily and then run out the daycare center.


Opening the door to the room, I walk in to see the curtains drawn around one of the two beds in front of me, while the other is exposed and unoccupied. Courtney was the one that suggested looking in Max's room, but I already knew that's where Riley was.

It’s amazing, how I've only worked here three weeks and he knows this place better than I do.

Walking nervously to the curtain, I let my hand linger near the thin fabric and then take a deep breath before I pull the curtain slightly to confirm my suspicion.

I nearly broke into tears at the sight of Riley cuddled between the bed rail and Max's arm, while they both slept.

The guilt aside, I wondered how Riley managed to slip into Max's bed without waking him up or without hurting him for that matter. The brace on his hoisted leg was noticeable, as was the cast that covered most of his hand and forearm, an accessory I once wore a long time ago, only his was an accident and mine...wasn't.

Quietly, I limp to the side of the bed Riley was on and then cautiously try to get Riley, without waking Max up. "Riley," I whisper as I nudge him softly. His eyes suddenly squeeze tight to keep from flinching, a terrible attempt to pretend being asleep I must say. "Riley," I call out again, but more demanding as I try to pick him up.

It was a mistake on my part because Riley fights to stay where he is.

"Please Riley," I beg, almost in tears when he starts to cry to stay. I pull on his waist, but he continues to fight by holding on to the rail and calling out, "Dah" really loud, which in the end, finally wakes Max up.

"Uh," I mouth when his eyes lock on me and then to Riley, who's hugging him tightly and crying. "I'm-I'm, this is such a mistake," I ramble before trying to get Riley off him again. "Riley," I call out with frustration, "you have to let him go now," I plead as my voice starts to crack.

"No," Riley argues before the curtains are slightly drawn and all of our attentions are moved to Dr. Wall, who's just as surprised to see us as we are to see him.


"Dr. Wall," I squeak out as I finally pull Riley off Max, who then stomps off to the corner of the room, while I straighten my coat and pajamas and smile in courtesy.

"What are you doing here?" He asks as he closes the folder in his hand and moves to the opposite side of the bed, where his attention is redirected to Max, "Mr. Evans, nice to see you awake."

Quickly, I look to Riley at the sound of Max’s last name, and then exhale in relief, when I see Riley is pre-occupied by adjusting one of the seats near the window.

"What time is it?" Max asks with a hoarse tone, recapturing my attention.

"You were in an accident, Mr. Evans," Dr. Wall responds instead as he pulls out his flashlight and checks Max's pupils, "do you remember anything?"

Again I check Riley, but luckily he’s entertained by the snow storm, that has unfortunately picked up.

"I asked what time it is," Max replies in the same indifferent tone he's been speaking to me in since I've met him, and oddly, it's good to see he talks to everyone the same way. I was beginning to think it was personal.

"It's a little after midnight," Dr. Wall replies and then continues to question him. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Where are my clothes?" Max questions instead as he slowly sits up, obviously in pain, despite his attempts to hide it.

"Careful," I plead instinctively as a take a step forward.

"I gotta go," Max answers firmly, just as Riley regroups by me, tear-free, and tugs on my scarf before asking me what was going on with his hands.

"I'm afraid that's impossible," Dr. Wall replies with an amused chuckle that quickly dies down when he realizes Max is serious. "You can't leave," he states in distress as Riley continues to tug on my scarf.

"Riley, wait," I snicker with my eyes on Max when he starts to undo the pulley that's holding his leg up.

"Watch me," Max answers in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone just as the pulley snaps and his leg is lowered abruptly, making him wince in pain when his heel hit the mattress, "ugh."

"Max," I call out in alarm as I try to reach him from the left side of the bed while Dr. Wall attempts to hold him from the right.

"Sir, you can't leave," Dr. Wall orders as he struggles to keep Max on the bed and push the nurse's buzzard at the same time.

"Get off me," Max commands with anger, the first emotion I've heard his voice adapt with.


"Get the hell off me!"

"Max," I call out again, with my hands attempting to pry Dr. Wall's hands off the hospital gown.

It's a mess with just the three of us, but the situation intensifies when Courtney storms in the room, accompanied by an RA, to help hold Max down.

But Max continues to fight, repeating that he has to go.

I can't figure out for the life of me where he wants to go with an injured leg and arm, but it's obvious he's desperate to leave.

And Riley…I can hear him yelling, but it all sounds like gibberish since everyone else’s voices are over his.

"Stop it," I shout in the mix.

"Sir, please," Dr. Wall pleads again, this time with Courtney backing him up with the negotiations.

"Max," she calls him by his first name and it was pauses my attempts for a brief second to eye her. "You gotta relax. We're just trying to help you."


From all his rage, he manages to free his injured arm that had the least restraint and elbowed Dr. Wall straight in the mouth, causing him to stumble back against the IV stand. Courtney quickly takes over Dr. Wall’s position and grabs Max's injured arm carefully, but not careful enough because I see him wince from the hold.

"Just leave him alone," I yell at her before I see a little body jump off from the bed onto the RA's back. It's when I see that it's Riley, rotating attack modes between pounding on the RA's shoulder with all his might and pulling the RA's hair. "Riley," I call out as the RA tries to shake him off.

Courtney leaves Max unattended, to stop me from trying to get to the RA, that's getting the crap kicked out of him by my eight year old.

"Liz wait."

"Courtney, get out of the way," I retort as I push her aside and then grab Riley's waist with attempts to pull him off. But the RA spun around quickly, where all I saw was next was the bottom of Riley's sneakers and a flash of light, before I fall back and hit the back of my head on the wall.

It was quiet for a moment, but I hear a pop echo in my ears before the noise finally comes rushing in again.

Everyone's yelling, speaking at the same time. I look up and see Riley's in Max's arms as the pulling and pushing continues. I place my palms on the wall and slowly lift myself up, feeling a bit dizzy before I shake my head and then focus on the Riley and Max.

A day was all I needed...all I planned.

I didn't plan for Riley to connect with Max as much as he apparently has.

I didn't want anyone else to hold Riley, in the protective manner Max was holding him in, nor did I want Riley to need anyone’s protection that wasn't mine.

This day has gone to hell, and I say it with assertion because when I fight my way through the giants to get to my son, the door is swung open without warning. Our heads all turn to the door at the sound of it colliding against the door-stopper attached to the wall, which is immediately followed by the sight of a bright light.

The irony of seeing two bright lights in a hospital is without saying, especially when everything is apparently coming at me in double doses. The irony of the lights and the irony of it being a news crew barging through those doors, camera's drawn and mike at hand, probably exposing me to the very person I paid a complete stranger to be for a day.
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Post by Crashdown_51 »

g7silvers wrote:What would make the news media come out in a snow storm for just a truck accident. They are there for Max, right? Thats why he wants to get out in a hurry., somethings up. Is he hiding from someone?

Everything has an explanation, even as to why a "news crew" would be stuck in a middle of a snow storm JUST for a simple truck accident.
icequeen wrote:Why is Max always in a rush to leave?? Where the heck does he always have to go? Is he leading a double life or something???
Who isn't these days?? LOL. I think it's safe to say that practically everyone I've introduced in this fic isn't being 100% truthful, and thats including Riley. :twisted: :wink:
anonymousarfan wrote:So, who's really Liz? And whos' she hiding from? and Who's Max??
You asked a mouthful kiddo, lol. Well, their identities will soon be revealed, Max before Liz's.


Chapter Seven

Whoever said slow motion moments occur only in fairytales was wrong. They occur in the real world as well, only they don’t prolong glamorous kisses or couples running into each other arms on the beach. Instead, they extend perilous moments like this. Moments that put both mine and Riley’s lives in jeopardy.

“How does it feel knowing you almost lost your life to a fellow truck driver that’s been accused of being intoxicated? Are you suing?”

“You can’t be here,” Dr. Wall commands as he steps in front of the camera and covers the camera lens while the RA keeps the reporter back.

“Hey,” the cameraman protested as he pulls back and tries to recapture his shot of Max, who turns his back to the camera the second the news crew barged in.

“Are you being accused of anything?”

“Get out!” Dr. Wall shouts as I maneuver my way to Max and reach for Riley.

“Is this your family?” The intrusive news reporter asks before the light from the camera is lit on me and Riley, just as I take Riley from Max’s arms and desperately try to hide our faces from the exposure. “Ma’am, how does it feel knowing you could’ve lost him in the blink of an eye?”

Cornering me into a position where I seek Max’s frame to cover us from the cameras, I make it a point to make sure Riley’s face is kept completely out of view before my own.

“Get out now,” Dr. Wall shouts with more order just as a duo of security guards come in and help literally drag the news crew out.

It’s then that all logic is out the window and I’m completely consumed with fear, something I haven’t felt in years, not this kind of fear.

“They’re gone,” I hear Courtney announce before I slowly look up and see Max looking down at me with a stone expression.

Did I say Max?

I meant irony.

Or call it symbolism if you want. Staring into the eyes of the illusion I spent years trying to stay clear from but yet paid to have stand before me, but I call it a warning in the flesh. How else would this moment be interpreted?

I don’t know what I was thinking, but I know that now, all that seems to be in my head is that I have to get out of here as fast as I can.

“I-I have to go,” I stammer, still with my hand shielding Riley’s face, and then step out from Max’s cover to see Courtney peeking out the glass section of the door.

“They’re probably waiting outside though,” Courtney advises before she turns around and presses her back against the door, “I’d wait here for a-“

“No-God Courtney, don’t you understand that I can’t?” I shout before setting Riley down and rubbing my knee, “I can’t stay here, okay? We have to-we have to go now before it’s too late.”

“Liz, take a look outside,” Courtney orders in disbelief as she points to the window.

I don’t need to look, because I can just hear the brutal wind making the tree branches whip against the glass, but when I do, there is absolutely zero visibility through the thick snow.

“Do you really want to take Riley through that?”

I look to Riley, who’s gazing back to me with concern, and then shake my head. Lord knows I would walk through fire to get away from Kevin, but I would never drag Riley into that world. I don’t ever want him to feel like he’s not safe, no matter if that’s how I feel. I never thought it would be something that I would need Courtney, from all people, to put into perspective for me from the red of panic that seems to be blinding me. But she did, along with the fact as to why it is that I’m here in the first place.

“I wouldn’t of had to if you would’ve just-if you would’ve just,” I feel short of breath, my hand starts to tremble, and my vision becomes fuzzy from the tears I’m desperately trying to hold back, “just-“

I guess it would be easy just to blame her, to blame this all on her for calling me, but the steps all lead back to me and my lies.

If I would’ve just told the truth from the beginning, none of this would’ve happened, but if I would’ve actually told him…what would Riley think of me then?

Don’t cry.

Not in front of Riley.

Just keep it together.

“Liz you’re shaking,” Courtney points out as she cautiously steps towards me like we do towards patients that seem to be on the brink of a nervous breakdown.

“Don’t touch me,” I shout, yanking my arm out from her reach and then fall to the floor, again on my knee, and cry, using the physical pain as an excuse to cry in the way I so desperately need to.

Two astronaut slippers then appear before me and I look up to see Riley, looking down at me with concern before he touches my shoulder.

“I’m sorry Riley,” I sob in failure before I rise to my knees, despite the pain, and hug Riley as tight as I can.

They let me cry, for what felt like an hour, but in reality was nothing more than a mere minute.

Courtney kneels down beside me and touches my shoulder. I let it settle there for a brief moment before I finally face her. “I have no idea what’s going on in your life, but I can fetch a clue that it’s something you don’t want to talk about, so I won’t ask you to. The only thing I ask is that you don’t drag Riley outside right now.”

“You don’t understand,” I say softly with a chuckle of defeat. It’s beyond me why she’s been nice to me after all this time, when in return I’ve been nothing but distant and cold towards her.

“And I probably never will,” she responds, “but if you really want to go home, I can give you a ride back when I get off okay?”

I look at her pensively. For this brief heart-to-heart, she wasn’t the rock-and-roll, knitted-sock wearing nurse I’ve known for the past few weeks, but a younger version of Claudia.

Seeing her eyes hint that she was awaiting a response, I smile weakly and accept.


Throughout the entire commotion, Max had remained silent. Not one peep uttered from him which has heightened my curiosity of him even more.

He wanted to leave, it’s the only fact I was sure of before my brief melt down. But now, he’s settled back in his bed like he had absolutely no intention of leaving in the first place. His change of heart had managed to convince Dr. Wall to decline the use of restraints, but I was far from convinced.

Occupying the bed beside his, until Courtney’s shift ended, I watched as he sat on his bed and gawked at the clock. I could almost swear that he never even blinked, let alone tear his sights away from the clock’s hands, a clear indication that he was pressed for time. For what, it beats the hell out of me, but it must be something urgent if it drives him to count the seconds of each minute that past by.


The crying, the drinking…things that made me fall asleep faster than I expected and caused my dreams to be themed in something far from castles and princesses.

I was back in that one bedroom apartment that I had grown accustomed to calling ‘home’ since I was 18 years old.

The conditions of the apartment were neither better nor worse than the one I rent from Leon, but the memories, definitely no sunshine and lollipops.

I remember the first night I was free of that place. All I did was wonder, wonder where I had gone wrong to let my life slowly slip out of my control and how Kevin managed to change before my very eyes and I not notice it sooner.

I can’t say it was a shame to be awakened by the clattering sounds of the TV and the metal bed rails being adjusted, because I, frankly, had had enough trips down memory lane. Squinting, I look to Riley, who’s still fast asleep beside me, and then look to Max’s bed when I hear the slow screech of the bed rail being lowered again.

It wasn’t a surprise to me that Max would try and sneak off in the middle of the night, especially after that dramatic display he put on earlier, but what managed to surprise me was the husky figure I was able to make out, from the faint blue florescent light from the TV, helping Max sit up on the bed and slip on his coat before he moved to the door, to glance out the small glass section.

It wasn’t until the husky figure moved back to Max, that I notice something…a familiar hobble.

“No one’s around,” I hear, confirming my suspicions.

It was Leon.

I’m torn between watching them and asking them what’s going on, something I would definitely like to know because with the brief interaction the two had had in my presence, I was under the impression that there was a cold rift between them. But now, before me, I watch in astonishment as Leon closes up Max’s coat and then helps him up off the bed.

“Can you walk?”

“If I have to,” Max whispers coldly.

Why would he be helping Max?

Come to think of it, why the hell would Max help Leon with my situation in the first place?

What the hell is going on?

“I got you,” I hear Leon’s raspy voice whisper. “I got you.”

“What about them?”

I quickly close my eyes and fake I’m asleep when I see them about to look my way.

“They’re not your problem,” Leon answers indifferently.

I let a second pass before I open one eye and see the door slowly closing after them.

They’re gone.

But why?

What’s so damn important that Max nearly fought off the entire night staff to get too? Something so important that Max and Leon would put their obvious falling out aside, in order to get Max out of here?
Last edited by Crashdown_51 on Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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<center>Chapter Eight

By morning, word had gotten around that Max had managed to sneak out undetected.

Sitting quietly in the far corner of the cafeteria with Riley as he eats his cereal, I watch vicariously as a couple of middle-aged nurses whisper on and on about the reasons as to why Max left and how he did it.

“I’m just shocked to know that people here are so surprised to hear someone walked out carefree, when the only security we have at night is Bob, who he isn’t exactly as spry as the hospital staff make him out to be.”

“It’s not his fault, Matilda. There just isn’t enough funding to get the proper security-“

“Funding? Oh, Gladys, don’t be so naïve. Sure this place isn’t exactly Fort Knox to have 50 guards watching it around the clock, day and night, I’ll give you that. But tell me Gladys, when have you ever heard of another hospital only having one security guard one duty at night? When?”


“Never, that’s when, and you and I both know why. Heck the first week I signed on to work here, someone had broken into the hospital twice, stealing insulin and pain killers. Not enough funding? Bologna! The truth is no one is willing to take the chance after what happened to Clyde.”

My ears itch in curiosity once Gladys desperately tries to silence Matilda’s hasty conspiracies.

“Matilda! Hush.”

“It’s the God’s honest truth, Gladys. This town has gone to hell and it’s about bloody time someone has the courage to say so.”

It’s the first time I’ve ever heard mention of the man Clyde, but the looting is something that I was told right off the bat. According to Dr. Wall, the police concluded that the looters were homeless people that hang around the garbage bins at night. But from the stuff Matilda said they stole, insulin…pain killers…it seems highly unlikely.

But I’m not too keen on basing my knowledge solely on what these small town lunch maids have to say, when the top two reasons why Max escaped last night were: one, he didn’t have insurance, which is reasonable, but hanging around him for a day, insurance seemed to be the least of his worries. And the second reason being an interesting one, where he was on the run from the law, for what, I don’t know, far-fetched, perhaps, but not impractical.

“What of this trucker character? Hear any news of him?”

“I heard he beat Dr. Wall pretty bad and that’s how he broke his arm.”

“Good Lord.”

Idiots really, and the more I hear them talk, the more I’m starting to suspect in everyone being on hallucinogens.

It truly is hysterical to hear how sure they are of themselves and they’re theories, when I, being theoretically the closest person to Max in this entire hospital, have absolutely no clue as to why he needed to leave.

“Yes ma’am, a damn shame too, because I just caught a glimpse of the young man when I was heading to the ladies room. He sure didn’t look like trouble.”

“Did you happen to catch his name? Maybe he’s a local?”

“No, I can’t say that I did. But before I go to my station, I’ll take a quick peek at his records.”

Apparently he makes it a habit to be unknown, to those he avoids, as well as to those he speaks with.

All I have is a name…Max Evans.

Maybe I can ask Claudia for a favor and find out more about him, something I’m sure she would’ve done if I would’ve had his name handy when she visited.


Looking up, I see Courtney heading towards us, coat and purse at hand as she wore the biggest grin across her face. “What?” I ask suspiciously as she sits down in front of us.

“How are you feeling?”

“Um, fine,” I reply, unsure of her reasons for asking.

“Fine, huh? I figured you’d be a bit more neurotic seeing how it is that you were being held at gun point by your maniac friend and having you son save your life.”

“Ugh,” I grunt as I roll my eyes in annoyance, “who the hell said that?”

“Something about having to clean up pools of heroic blood from the hospital floors makes me think it was one of the janitors,” she laughs.

“God, I feel like I’m in high school again.” I huff as I look around at the gossipers in disgust.

“Are you ready to go?” Courtney asks with a giggle.

“Yes, please.” I reply in desperation and then stand up, which makes Riley look at me. “Come on, Riley. Let’s get you some French toast and vanilla shake from Tony’s.”


Tony’s, one of the family owned restaurants on my block that I had the pleasure of experiencing when I first moved to this isolated little town. Unlike the city, if you go into an establishment like this, chances are, when you step inside, you’ll definitely find someone named Tony working here, if he’s not already the first person to greet you when you first walk in anyway.

And sure, the town does have a few kinks in it, seeing how it’s made up mostly of factories and a population smaller than what I’m use to, but it’s a town where no one knows me and most importantly, easy to spot people that seem to be looking for something more than this place has to offer.

…easy to spot Kevin if he ever found me…

“Piece of junk“, I hear Tony curse as he pounds on the side of his dated TV, attempting to regain the picture through all the interference that seems to be breaking up the weather broadcast.

Despite the peppered snow that’s covering the screen from time-to-time in between Tony’s hits, I keep my eyes locked on the screen, looking at all the highlights, all the commercials, everything to see if what the violating reporter caught on film last night, made it on today’s news.

But so far…nothing.

Channel 5 News is what the microphone and camera had labeled on them. Maybe they ran the story last night and that’s it? Maybe since they were kicked out in the middle of the storm, their equipment and footage got damaged? Maybe they found a better story?

And maybe all those maybes’ sound a little too good to be true. With the news spreading around that Max escaped and the other guy is still in intensive care, they’ll be sure to run it again.

“Come on! Work damn you!” Tony vents again, this time hurting his hand when he hits the side again.

The man’s desperate and I can see why. The place was relatively empty, making it almost unruly to eat without the company of factory workers chattering and bar flies loitering on the counter as they linger over 8 cups of coffee, with hard attempts to sober up.

“Damn storm.”

I subconsciously look out the window and see that the snow has lightened a bit since last night, but the cold had yet to loose any intensity.

“Damn alcoholics,” Tony spats, getting my attention, “not even a blizzard stops them.”

I look behind me, and from my seat, I can see a trio of grungy men peering through the Lucky Shamrock’s stained-glass windows before they shake off the frost and then walk away. My eyes avert back to the Lucky Shamrock’s door, where I notice it still had the “closed due to weather” sign hanging on the door.

“Odd time to want a drink,” I whisper to myself.

It’s nowhere near noon and nowhere near the time Leon would normally would open his doors.

“What’s this town come to? Where a working man prefers a cold one over a nice hardy breakfast?”

I look to Tony, and see that this time his question is directed towards me.

“A breakfast won’t help them forget their problems,” I answer bluely as I stir my coffee.

“Neither can a drink,” he answers back confidently.

“Not permanently,” I reply with a shrug, “but just enough to get you by.”

I probably sounded like an alcoholic; with my hollow attempt to justify a 9 A.M. drinking binge. But it sort of explains what a person would be doing at Leon’s at this hour. Lord knows I should be the one over there, beating down Leon’s door after the night I’ve had. But after chugging down half a bottle of tequila, I think I’ve managed to consume all the liquor my body can possibly thirst for, for a very long time.

“Sweetie, the day my worries go away at a bar, I’d have to ask ‘what are they mixing in the drinks’,” he chuckles before he leans on the counter top and points to me in lecture. “A drink can sure help you forget temporarily, but once you sober up, your problems will still be there. Only way to get rid of your problems is by dealing with them head on.”

I take a moment to regard his opinion and then look to Riley when his pushes his plate away from him to insinuate he was finished. I rub his back as he chugs down on the remainder of his shake and then turns to smile at me with a whip crème mustache sketched above his lip that drives a snort of laughter out of me.

“Clean your mouth,” I sign to him with a giggle before I hand him a napkin.

It’s good to see him smiling again, especially after last night. Things have gotten so out of hand, and not just for Riley and me, but for Max and Leon as well.

“That’s a good boy you got there,” Tony comments out of the blue.

“Thank you,” I answer back with a proud smile before the loud sound of static caused us both to look back to the TV, startled, seeing it lost its’ reception once again.

“Not again!” Tony curses as he returns once again to bang on the television.

With his back turned towards us, I quickly unfold a twenty-dollar bill from the pocket of my coat that hung behind my seat, smooth it out on top of my bill and beeline straight out the door with Riley.


‘Home’ wasn’t necessarily on my list of particular places I wanted to be at the moment, but I’m exhausted and the throbbing pain in my knee isn’t exactly making matters any better. But I knew if I stayed any longer at Tony’s, it would’ve been just a matter of time before his casual conversations started to tread dangerously towards the personal side.

Meanwhile, Riley on the other hand seems to be rested just fine, since he’s done nothing but charter his spaceship back and forth, around the entire apartment.

Holding to account that I had to practically rip Riley away from Max, kicking and screaming no less, it’s uncanny that he has yet to ask for Max. He probably thinks that Max’s is still back at the hospital and that he could visit him when I go into work later on tonight.

“Ma,” I hear Riley call out to me from his room after the sound of a small clatter.

He didn’t sound distressed, but I still rush to his call. “What happened,” I asked before seeing the nose of his shuttle, broken, and on the carpet, while the remainder of the shuttle was clenched protectively in his hands. “Riley, what happened?” I repeat, this time on my knees beside him as I pick up the shuttle nose and then examine the edges.

“I drop et,” Riley answered back in disappointment before he started to sniffle.

Lifting his head up by his chin, I say, “Riley, it was an accident,” with a small chuckle and then brush his hair back. “I can probably fix it,” I say confidently as I take a second look at the damage, only there in lied the problem, there was no damage. There were no signs of how the nose could’ve possibly broken off. It wasn’t cracked nor were there any signs that the shuttle could be voluntarily be detached.

“Ma,” Riley called out again, this time touching and shaking my shoulder a bit before he displayed the other piece of the shuttle to me.

Stunned, I slowly lower the nose beside me and then at the same speed, reach for the body of the shuttle.

“Ma, wad is id?” Riley asks as he maneuvers beside me with curiosity.


Some how, I had an idea of what it could be, but it was too much of a surprise for me to actual confirm my assumption without pulling it out.


Busy pulling out the thick, rolled up paper material from the belly of the shuttle, I didn’t even realize that something had fallen out until Riley hopped in front of me like a frog, with his hand on the carpet as if he had just caught a bug, and then brought back his capture to me.

Slowly, like the gates of a castle, Riley opens his small hands and I literally gasp at the sight of my wedding ring resting on his palm.

Stunned, I couldn’t stop myself from voicing, “he gave it back,” aloud and then look within the folded papers to see that the money I offered Max was all accounted for as well. “He gave it all back.”


Thanks for everyone that nominated The Perfect Strangers banner this round and Strangers Again.
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Post by Crashdown_51 »

Icequeen wrote:Would it be at all possible for you to post ONE chapter where i'm not asking WTH?
I'm afraid my evilness is preventing me from writing such a chapter. :twisted:
anonymousarfan wrote:And why is that they decided to do this for Liz if Max is runnning away from something or someone?
Maybe he's running away from Liz???? :twisted: Just a thought. LOL.
anonymousarfan wrote:He planned it all before, I wonder why??

Seeing that the money and ring are inside the shuttle, it's obvious that he must've put it inside the shuttle when he disappeared in the museum. So, technically, he wasn't going to give the money and ring back, but something must've changed his mind. Maybe he read what happened to Liz and Riley in the past and felt bad?? Maybe he's attracted to Liz??? His reasons are unknown for the moment, but rest assured, you will find out why he did it. :wink:


<center>Chapter Nine

Since this morning, I’ve thought of nothing but Max and his possible reasons for returning the money and my ring. Yeah, I know it’s something that just shouldn’t matter to me anymore, I mean, after all, he’s gone. But I can’t. I just can’t get out of my head, wanting to know his reasons for him helping me, and in the end resulting in doing it for nothing in return.

Its just not settling with me right, all of this.

“Did you happen to catch his name? Maybe he’s a local?”

“No, I can’t say that I did. But before I go to my station, I’ll take a quick peek at his records.”

Tapping my pen against the stack of papers before me, I chew on my lip nervously and watch as the snow starts to build up again, hoping I can rid the urge to check Max’s file myself if I distract myself long enough.

Before I got here, all I did was watch the news, trying to see if last nights story of Max aired. But nothing. All that seemed to be on was updates on the snow storm that apparently isn’t prepared to move on, which gives me a small sense of hope that we’re okay and maybe this time we won’t have to move again.

'Distraction. Distraction.'

Slowly, my eyes land on my wedding ring, that’s back in its rightful place, and ironically, I think of Max and not Kevin. I wonder what it is about him, what is it that made Riley react the way he did yesterday. He barely spent a day with him, they barely spoke to each other, and Max never showed any emotion towards any of us, so how exactly did that capture my son’s heart? He was sort of like the Terminator in the sequel. Cold, emotionless, but yet gained the love and trust of young John Connor.

"It's better this way… I don't know you, you don't know me. That way, we can go our separate ways without there being any..."

"Any what?"

"It's just better this way."

Maybe just a quick peek. A quick peek wouldn’t hurt anybody and it definitely wouldn’t change my mind about never seeing him again.

No one’s around me, but yet I still make it a point to hide my intent to look at the file cabinets behind me with a simple yawn and stretch.

‘No. Curiosity killed the cat. So just get it out of your head Liz. He’s gone, so drop it. He doesn’t know me, and…and I…’

I find myself slipping out of my chair and cautiously moving to the file cabinet labeled D-F.

‘Evans. Max Evans,’ I repeat over and over in my head as I thumb through the file labels. ‘Evans. Evans. Ev…’ And there it was. Max Evans.

I look around guardedly as I pull out his file, and then quickly return to my seat. I sit still for a moment, my hands folded over the file, giving myself one last chance to stop.

The moment ends…and the chance passes.

‘Max Evans,’ I read. ‘He’s 28. His birthday is March 13th...’ I drag my finger down, noticing his charts…his file dates back since he was born. “So he’s a local.” The pensive thought escapes me. I look around from underneath my lashes and remember what I’m doing. ‘Read silently,’ I tell myself and then look back down at the file. Something’s off. He has heavy paper work when he was nine, but after that, there’s this huge gap…until now.

I lick my finger and then thumb through the forms. Shot records, physicals, all normal until a certain form catches my eye.

‘October 31st, he was brought in to the emergency room…’

I look out the window again to think...

Snow…there’s a lot of snow now.

“What are you thinking about?” I hear.

“Jesus,” I yelp as I whip my head around to see Dr. Wall staring curiously at me.

“Sorry,” he chuckled, resting his clip board on the counter, “did I scare you?”

“Dr. Wall—yeah—God, you startled me,” I ramble in a breath as I clutch my heart and then look to the floor to see that I’ve knocked over Max’s file along with the stack of release forms I was working on earlier. “I didn’t know you were here already,” I confess with gulp and a nervous chuckle as I hold my tawny sweater closed.

He simply smiles.

He had to be a few years younger than Leon, maybe in his early 40’s. The crows feet at the corners of his eyes were now engravings and the skin on his face practically drooped from fatigue and old age.

Seconds pass, and we’re still holding our smiles of courtesy as we both fidget from the awkward silence that settles between us.

I will myself not to look down, because if I look, I’ll focus on Max’s file.

“Damn storm,” he mutters as he looks out the window, but I just remain silent, thinking…and keeping my eyes focused on him. He’s beating around the bush and I guess I know why. He wants to question me if I had any involvement with Max’s escape last night, and he probably knows that I know what he wants to ask, just neither of us know how to approach it.

And of course my answer is going to be “no, I didn’t help him”, but the funny thing about that is…I think I did help. I mean, I did watch Leon help Max out last night, and I could’ve said something…but I didn’t.

I guess after seeing how attached Riley’s become towards Max, I was sort of hoping that he’d leave.

“Liz? Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m still here,” I answer quickly as I shake my head. “Just thinking about Riley…and how we’re gonna get home if the storm builds up.”

“Oh, that’s right. He’s here in the Day Care right?”


“Well, I’m sure the storm will let up—“ just as he tries to assure me, the tapping sounds of the branches hitting the window cause us both to look to the window, and he chuckles looking back to me, “okay, so maybe it won’t let up.”

“No, I guess not,” I respond solemnly with my courteous smile. I try to look anywhere but floor, but his eyes land on the mess and I quickly move to cover up Max’s file. “Oh, let me just-” I kneel down to pile them together but sudden feel a sharp pain throbbing in my knee, “ugh.”

“Your knee’s still acting up?”

“Huh?” I grunt, looking to him as I successfully slip Max’s file in between the forms in my arms and then unaffectedly slip back in my seat, shaking my head to hint off it’s not a bother, “Oh yeah, just a little sore, that’s all.”

“Let me take a look at it,” he offers, slipping behind the booth before I have a chance to decline his offer.

“Oh, uh, it’s uh really—it’s not—necessary—“

“Free of charge,” he chuckles and then kneels down beside me.

I hug the paperwork tightly and just look at him in trepidation. ‘Free of charge? Funny how that seems to be everyone’s going rate,’ I think to myself with a chuckle of amusement.

“So…,” he hums as he pokes around my knee.

“I didn’t help him,” I speak solemnly, knowing that’s what he was about to ask me.

He studies my face for a moment and then continues to check my knee. “Exactly, how do you two know each other?”

“We just met yesterday,” I answer honestly with a shrug, “…at a coffee shop.”

Okay, so maybe not so honestly, but he’s on a need-to-know bases, and he does not need to know that I hired a perfect stranger to play my son’s father for a day.

“Seemed like you’ve know him longer after the way you defended him.”

I bite my lip, recalling the way I behaved yesterday, especially towards him, and I can see how he could assume I’ve known Max longer. I wish I had an answer, because I really don’t. I truly have no idea why I reacted the way I did when he was attempting to restrain Max.

“That whole situation was blown out of proportion. I hurt my knee, Courtney dragged us out here in the middle of a snow storm, everything was just…crazy.”

“Courtney?” He repeats curiously.

“Yeah, um, she saw us…me and Max I mean, outside the coffee shop. So when he was brought here, she called me on the assumption that I knew him.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“And I didn’t know he was that eager to leave,” I clarify.

“Not everyone handles staying in hospital very well,” he shrugs and then focuses on my knee again.

“What about the police? Are they looking for him now, because of the accident?”

“The accident,” he questions, looking up at me almost as if he had no clue as to what I was talking about. “Oh, yes. The accident,” he nods in recollection, “Well, the guilty party is still here, so the police are fine. I guess they’re accustomed to having witnesses skip out on them,” he shrugs as he massages around the swollen part of my knee.

I look at him skeptically, but he avoids looking at me.

“Paging Dr. Wall.”

We both look to the intercom…then to each other. He smiles and then grunts as he stands up.

“Well, duty calls,” he chuckles as he straightens himself up, “you should ice down your knee for an hour. Wrap a towel around the bag,” he advises before turning on his heal and grabbing his clip board from the counter. “Oh,” he grunts, snapping his fingers before he spins to face me again, “If the storm doesn’t let up, I can give you a ride home if you want?”

“Um, thank you…Dr. Wall, but I, uh, I think we’ll be fine.”

“No harm in asking,” he shrugged before turning on his heel again and then leaving.

I slouch back against my seat, and let out a deep breath of release before I look down into my arms, noticing the color coding of Max’s file peeking out from all the jumbled paperwork.

I nearly got caught. ‘I can’t risk losing my job,’ I think to myself as I shake my head in disbelief.

I warily look in the direction Dr. Wall left in, seeing no sign of him or anyone, and then quickly return the file to it’s original place before I rush to sit down again. I tidy up the forms in my hands, straighten up my clothes, and then fold my hands on top of the new formed pile of release forms.

‘Everything’s fine,’ I assure myself as I look around casually.


The truth of the matter was…everything was not fine, because looking into that file was the worst mistake I possibly make.

‘He was nine years old when he got that scar,’ I think to myself as I watch the tunnel lights whisk by.

Usually the train ride back home clears my head, but now, my mind is cluttered with medical accounts of that Halloween night Max endured. There was an order of morphine, so he must’ve been in pain. Poor guy, he was only a year older then Riley.

I look to Riley, who’s chartering his super glued shuttle in his seat, and then look around the compartment we’re in. It’s relatively empty, and with the snow storm coming down as it is, it’s not a surprise. Just an elderly couple in the middle and a man at the far end, with his back turned toward us. I look to Riley again and then rattle his hair to get his attention.

‘Can I talk to you,’ I say to myself as I sign to him.

He nods and then slides back on his seat in wonder.

I turn to him, thinking on how to approach my interest before I smile and sign, ‘what did you think about your Daddy?’

He turns his head slightly in consideration, looks to his shuttle, and then sets it down between us so he can answer.

“He’s sad,” he mumbles as he signs.

“Why do you say that?”

He thinks again and then shrugs. We stay quiet for a moment and then Riley signs to me again. I’m taken back by what he says, recalling that Max had said the same thing to me.

“What do you mean he said we live to close to the bar?”

Riley shrugs again and then lowers his head. I don’t know what to make of the warning, if it even is a warning. Riley shakes my forearm and I look at him pensively while he asks the question I’m surprised he didn’t ask sooner….if his Daddy was coming back.

“I don’t know Riley,” I answer as I shake my head. “I really don’t know.”


Working the second shift, 5 to midnight, I can understand why when we got home, Riley crashed right away. But what I don’t understand is how, in all that is holy, he can get up at 7 in the morning to watch T.V.

I flip the covers off of me and lay there, contemplating whether to get 15 extra minutes of sleep or just give up all attempts and just get up. The ruckus I hear, followed by the pitter-patter sounds of Riley running make me result in giving up. Yawning, I stretch in my bed and then get up sluggishly to see what the commotions about.

Opening the door, I look out and notice that the TV’s off and Riley’s no where in sight. It took a second for calmness to subside and be immediately replaced by panic. I know I heard voices…it’s what woke me up in the first place. I rush to Riley’s room, despite the aching pain in my knee, and then clutch my heart in relief when I see him lying down on his bed.

“I’m loosing my mind,” I say out loud with a chuckle and then turn half way, ready to leave, if it wasn’t for the knitted material that caught my eye. Squatting down, I pick up the black material and then look in alarm to Riley, who’s still asleep.

Opening it further, it’s no mistaking it…its Max’s hat…the same one he wore when he fled the hospital the night before.
Last edited by Crashdown_51 on Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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