Heart's Desire (CC,M/L,Teen) - New Chapter 18B 4-29-07 [WIP]

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Heart's Desire (CC,M/L,Teen) - New Chapter 18B 4-29-07 [WIP]

Post by Ladeia3 »


I must apologize for my extended absence. When I first took a break from writing this, it was with the intention of finding a beta to look it over and fix the grammar and spelling mistakes and make it easier to read because I had discovered a very embarrassing mistake that I didn't want repeated and wanted to make sure there were no others. No one has volunteered for the job, unfortunately, and instead of just doing it myself; I put the fic on hold for a few weeks. Real life decided to interfere and kick my a** and the few weeks turned into a few months.... and then some how or another, two years. I really didn't think it had been that long. Anyway, I'm back once again. I have a new part just about ready to post. I am going through and replacing parts 1-16 first. There isn't any major differences. I just tried to clean it up a bit. So if you don't feel like rereading 140 pages, you're not going to be missing anything new.

One of these days, I'll be able to post without a novel length author's note at the beginning... *sigh*

Okay I’ve never tried to write a fic before so please be kind. I’m going to try to write a fic starting right after the Pilot. I don’t know where it’s going to go or what all I’m going to include in the story or if it will even have much of a plot. There will be some things that are included from later on in the series but at this point I don’t know what. Tess and Nesado might exist but there will be no Tex/SPOT. Liz will develop powers but much sooner than she did in the series. Begins the night of the festival but I’m changing a couple of details. Before Liz meets Max, she meets with Kyle and breaks up with him and then goes off to where Max gives Liz the speech about not being able to be with her because they are different… this starts later on that night. Also I’m changing Valenti’s scenes a little too. Instead of calling in the Feds he covers up the shooting but still wants answers. He still has the dress but hasn't given it to anyone or done anything with it as of yet. So no FBI crawling around which means there won’t be any Topolsky or Pierce. I’m going to try for ADULT but it will be Teen for most of the fic.

Quick apology... Um, somewhere I got the date as Liz writing in her journal as September 24, 1999 but the other day I finally manged to download the pilot and watch it and it said September 23, 1999 so just excuse my ignorance and pretend that it was a day later than it was in the pilot.


Banner by Annie

Summary: Liz and Max start developing similar symptoms which they realize start to fade when they are in close proximity or touching. They discover there were more consequences to her being healed than they first thought.

Disclaimer: If I owned them Season 2 and 3 would have never happened.
Rating: MATURE - ADULT (I’m gonna try to write some smut but you never know. I don’t expect too much angst just because I don’t think I could do it justice.)
Couples: Mostly M/L and if I’m feeling brave a little of M/M and A/I

Italics denote flashes
‘’ denote thought
Bold denotes telepathic speech

Chapter 1

September 24, 1999
11:30pm – Liz’s bedroom

Liz finished writing in her journal and put it up. Sighing she got ready for bed wondering where she stood with Max and what the future held. ‘Why is it so hot in here?’ Liz thought to herself. Fanning herself she got into bed but was unable to sleep. Tossing and turning, but unable to get comfortable Liz wondered if she was coming down with something.

Her thoughts returned to Max. ‘I wonder what he’s doing. Duh! He’s probably sleeping which is what I should be doing. I doubt he’s over there obsessing about me. I just wish I could see him again. I wish he would give us a chance. How can I get him to give us a chance?’

Sweating, Liz tossed and turned wishing her body would get comfortable. Moaning softly, she felt like crawling out of her skin. She didn’t know what was wrong but it hurt.

Feeling something change, Liz looked at her window. “Max?”

11:30pm – Max’s bedroom

Max lay in bed thinking about Liz. Of course, that’s usually what he thought about but now thoughts of her were even more vivid. Liz now knew the truth about him and wasn’t horrified at what he was. He didn’t know what to do. His greatest dream had just come true. Liz knew what he was and hadn’t run from him… but now he had no idea on whether he should give them a chance or stay away from her. One part of him wanted to run as far away from her as possible. He didn’t want her to get hurt and he honestly didn’t know what would happen if they did get together. Another part of him realized that this was a dream come true and he wanted to explore it. He wanted to ask her out and be with her and see if something could happen between them. His thoughts were too jumbled to figure out anything.

Sweating, Max tried to get comfortable. ‘What’s wrong with me? I never get sick.’ Max thought to himself. He felt way too hot and felt like he was uncomfortable in his own skin. Something was wrong but he didn’t know what.

Getting up, Max dressed hurriedly and climbed out the window. ‘I just have to check on Liz to make sure she’s okay, and then I can get some sleep.’ Max told himself but even he knew that he just wanted to see her again. He walked to the Crashdown and just stood there staring for several minutes before making his way around to Liz’s balcony. Quickly climbing up he went to her window expecting to find Liz asleep. He was startled to realize she was tossing and turning quietly moaning. She turned and looked at him. “Max?”


Liz opened the window and stood there looking at Max. “Max what are you doing here?”

“I couldn’t sleep. I don’t know what’s wrong I just felt off. I had to see you. Are you alright?” Max said softly reaching out to touch Liz’s hair.

Liz sighed, closing her eyes, “I couldn’t sleep either. It’s too hot in here. Maybe I’m coming down with something.” Opening her eyes, she saw Max’s surprise.

“I felt the same way.” ‘Oh God, No! Did I hurt Liz by healing her? Is something wrong with her because of me? What about me? Why am I feeling the same as her?’ “Liz, I was feeling the same way. Did it feel like you were too hot and couldn’t get comfortable and where you felt like you were coming out of your skin?”

Nodding her head slowly, Liz stared at him with her big doe eyes. “Do you know what’s wrong with me?”

“No, only that’s the way I was feeling before I decided to come over here. I feel a little better now that I’m here. How about you?” Max continued to absently play with her hair watching her concerned. ‘What if I did something to her? How do I fix this? I can’t let Liz get hurt because of what I am.’ Already he could feel the guilt churning in his gut. He just knew this was his fault but he didn’t know how to fix it. How do you fix something when you don’t know what you’ve done wrong?

“I feel a little better now. Would you like to come in?” Liz stepped back to give Max room to enter. After he climbed in the window, Liz went and sat on the edge of the bed. “Do you think this has something to do with you healing me? Maybe this is a side effect of whatever you did.”

“I don’t know, Liz. I’ve never healed anyone before. Well, except myself, Isabel, and Michael of minor things like bruises and small cuts.” Pausing to think a moment Max tries to think of a way to fix whatever’s wrong. “Can I try something?” Max sat down next to Liz begging her with his eyes to trust him while hoping that he knew what he was doing.

Liz nodded her head instinctively trusting Max. Max reached out and cupped her face in his heads and initiated a connection. Trying to see if he could find what was wrong with her. This time they both saw flashes.

Liz breaking up with Kyle.

Max nearly being arrested by Sheriff Valenti.

Liz telling Maria the truth and chasing her down the alley.

Max being confronted by Michael and Isabel about Liz.

Unable to discover anything he broke off the connection. “Umm.. did you see anything when I connected with you?”

“Yeah, I did. Did you?” Max nods.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t find anything wrong but I’ve never really tried this before so..” he trailed off looking apologetic.

It’s okay Max. I feel better now.” Liz looked around nervously for a moment. “Could you maybe stay for a little while until I fell asleep? I’ll set the alarm in case so you can leave before my parents get up?” Liz rushed out feeling embarrassed but hopeful.

“Sure I can do that.” Max smiled. Taking off his shoes he laid down on the bed with Liz next to him. Max wrapped his arm around Liz’s waist and buried his nose in her hair. He loved the way her hair smelled. She snuggled into him and lay there listening to him breathe. For the first time that night, they both felt comfortable and drifted off to sleep.

September 25, 1999
5:00am – Liz’s bedroom

The alarm going off woke them both up. Stretching they lay there for awhile just content to lay in each other’s arms. “How do you feel this morning, Liz?” Max murmured in her ear.

“Good” Sitting up, she watched while Max got his shoes on. They sat in silence just staring at each for what seemed like forever before Liz suddenly jumped up. “Oh, maybe I could try something.” Going over to her desk, Liz pulled her microscope out and grabbed a slide. “Since you healed me I’ve felt, like, different somehow. I mean, you don’t know what healing someone does so maybe when you healed me you changed me.” Liz explained while preparing a slide with cells from her cheek. “I’m just going to check my cells and see if they look any different than they did before.”

“You mean, you think I changed you into an alien?” Max looked horrified that he might have done something to her.

“I don’t know. I’ve just felt different since you healed me. The feeling has gotten stronger and last night it felt like I was ill. Maybe that was, like part of my body adjusting to whatever you did.” Liz smiled softly, “Even if you did change me Max, you saved my life. I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for you.” Turning back to her microscope she looked into it and gasped. “Look!”

Leaning over Liz’s shoulder, Max peered into the microscope. “Oh my God!” Max muttered looking at the cells. “They look more like mine now. They weren’t like this the other day when we looked at them were they?”

“I think whatever you did to heal me, changed me. Maybe I’m becoming an alien too.” Liz said softly. A part of Liz was scared at what that meant but another part was excited. She liked her life planned out but here was something that was definitely not in her plan. What was going to happen to her now? Was she going to die or was she just different now? Her scientific mind was already thinking of all the possibilities and problems while her romantic side was wondering if this meant that she and Max could be together. If she became more like him he wouldn’t be able to tell her they were too different.

“Oh God Liz, I’m so sorry.” Looking tortured he looked away feeling like a monster. “I did this to you.” Max felt like his world had just ended. He didn’t know what to do. Here was his worst nightmare come to life. Something he had done had harmed Liz Parker.

“Max… Max! Look at me!” Liz took his face between her hands. “Max, I would be dead if you hadn’t healed me. DEAD! If this means that I’m becoming an alien or maybe even part alien, I don’t care. Yes, I’m worried about what this means but I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for you. Please don’t feel guilty. This could turn out to be something good.” Liz watched his face closely realizing that it wasn’t that easy for him to accept.

“I know… it’s just I didn’t want to hurt you. What if this kills you? Even if it doesn’t, if your cells remain like this it means your life is forever changed. You’ll have to hide like us. You’ll never be able to go to a doctor. You’ll always have to watch what you say or do around others. I just… I didn’t want your life to be in danger because of me.” He argued knowing that she was right too.

Before Liz could say anything else she heard her parents starting to get up. “Max, you have to go now. We’ll talk about this later, okay. Don’t worry about it. It’ll work out in the end.” Pushing him to the window, he turned and touched her face softly before climbing out and disappearing down the ladder.

Liz returned to her microscope looking at the cells for another moment before completely destroying any evidence that they existed.

Later that same day – Max’s bedroom

Michael, Isabel and Max were all gathered in Max’s room. “Okay, Maxwell, we’re here what did you want to talk to us about?” Michael demanded. Michael didn’t want to be here. He was still pissed off at Max and he wanted to find out more about Valenti and that picture he had in his office. Not sit here and listen to Max talk about Liz or continue with ‘we’ve got to act normal’ speeches.

“We’ve got a slight complication.” Max stared at the floor not willing to meet their eyes. The guilt eating at his gut was even stronger now that he had time to think about all the things that could go wrong. Just knowing about them put Liz and Maria in danger but now it looked like Liz would be a permanent part of their lives. He wondered how she felt about it and if she was really going to be okay.

“Spit it out Max. We haven’t got all day.” Isabel looked annoyed. She had better things to do than sit here watching Max stare at the floor like shopping or even reorganizing her make up.

“Liz may have been changed by me healing her.” Max rushed out quietly.

“WHAT?” Michael shouted.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY?” Isabel shrieked.

Flinching Max looked up at them. “Last night I was feeling horrible, like I was getting sick. So I went over to Liz’s just to check up on her. She was feeling the exact same way only when we got closer to each other we both felt better. Anyway, we fell asleep and this morning she tested her cells under a microscope. They look more like mine now. They don’t look the way did when she tested them the day after I healed her.”

“Oh, God!” Isabel collapsed on the bed. “How? What? I mean… How could this have happened?” Isabel muttered looking shell shocked.

Michael stared at Max. He wasn’t sure what to make of this. Was this another problem? Would Liz develop powers like them? Was she going to be able to handle this? How were they going to deal with this? “What do you mean her cells were changed? What is she an alien now? Does she have powers?”

“I don’t know Michael, okay. I just don’t know. All I know is her cells are different and until I showed up last night we were both feeling ill.” Max starts pacing shaking his head. “We were both feeling hot and uncomfortable and unable to sleep. I went over there and as soon as we were within a few feet of each other we started feeling better.” Running his hands through his hair Max stopped to stare out the window. “I tried to connect with her to see if I find out what was wrong but I couldn’t find anything. So we ended up falling asleep. This morning we got up early and she decided to look under the microscope. She said that since I healed her she felt different or changed somehow.”

Falling silent the three of them sat there looking anywhere but at each other. You could almost see them thinking. “Max, honey? Liz is here to see you.” Diane Evans called from down the hall.

“Okay mom, I’m coming.” Max yelled. “I’m going to go bring her back here. Are you guys sticking around or leaving?”

“I’m staying.” Isabel whispered.

“Me, too.” Michael sat down at Max’s desk. ‘This ought to be interesting.’ He thought.

Max hurried down the hall stopping when he caught sight of Liz. “Hi”

“Hi… I… um… Sorry to just drop in like this.” Embarrassed Liz looked down at the ground. “I… um… I can leave if this is a bad time.”

“No... um... don’t go. Come on back.” Max led Liz back to his room and showed her in. Liz nodded at Michael and Isabel before checking out his room.

“So, um, well… I thought I could like compare our cells under a microscope to see the obvious changes.” Liz pulled out her microscope blushing. She knew she sounded like a nerd but with everyone staring at her she felt really self-conscious. Setting up her microscope she turned to the others. “Okay, if you guys could just, um, give me a small blood sample.” Liz handed Michael, Isabel and Max a slide each.

Waiting for them to give her the sample, Liz nervously chewed on her bottom lip. She hadn’t really had time to process everything yet, but she knew that her life was irrevocably changed now. She wondered what this would mean for her future. Would she still be able to have a quasi-normal life or would she have to give up her dreams of going into science research? She didn’t know what the ramifications of change would be. Finally done, the others handed her the slides. She placed them in order and slowly compared each slide to the others and to hers.

After what seemed forever of watching Liz look in the microscope, make notes, and worry her bottom lip, Michael finally muttered exasperated, “Liz, would you just tell us already!”

“Oh, um… sorry. Well, it looks like you guys all have similar blood. Mine is still essentially human but it isn’t normal but it doesn’t look exactly like yours either.” Liz explained.

“So what exactly does that mean? Do you have powers now? Are you like half alien or something?” Isabel asked quietly.

“P-powers..” Liz stuttered, “Well, um, I don’t know. I haven’t even thought about it. I don’t really know what this means. I don’t even know if this is permanent or just a temporary side effect of Max healing me like the silver handprint. It’s not like I have a guide book for this. I’m just as clueless as you guys. I guess I could try to see if I have powers but I don’t even know if I would be doing it right or if they even exist for me to try..” Liz trailed off looking a little overwhelmed.

“We can get together later and try. It’s not like this is something that has to be figured out right now.” Max soothed her. “I’m going to take Liz home. I’ll see you guys later okay.” Max addressed the others. At their nods, he helped Liz pack up her stuff and guided her out of the house. Getting into the jeep, Max looked over at Liz. She hadn’t said anything since leaving his room and he was starting to get worried. She looked like she was about to have a breakdown. The guilt came crashing back down on him. Logically, he knew that if he hadn’t healed her she would be dead, but now because he had; her life would irrevocably be changed. Who knew what the long term affects of this would be. There were just so many problems that could arise from this.

“Stop it, Max! This isn’t your fault. We’ll figure it out as we go. Okay?” Max nodded at her. “So just stop with the guilt trip.” Liz scolded Max.

“I’m sorry. It’s just your life is being turned upside down because of me. I can’t help feeling like this is my fault even though I know if I hadn’t healed you, you would be dead.” With effort Max got his guilt under control. “I know we’ll figure it out. I’m just worried this is going to hurt you somehow. I couldn’t live with myself if something about what I am hurt you.” He fervently claimed. Starting up the jeep he drove back to the Crashdown.

“I know Max but I don’t feel sick at all. Who knows, maybe this will be a good thing.” Liz giggled softly.

“What?” Max looked over at her questioningly half smiling at hearing her.
“Well, now you can’t say that we are too different. Our cells a lot more alike than they were a few days ago.” Laughing out loud at the stunned expression on Max’s face, Liz couldn’t help but be a little excited about the possibility of not having to stay away from Max because of the different species aspect.

Max pulled the jeep into the parking lot at the Crashdown and just sat there looking at Liz completely stunned. Here he was nearly having a guilt ridden breakdown about ruining her life and she was sitting there thinking about being together. Granted he wasn’t against being together. It was literally a dream come true but he wasn’t sure what to make of her right now. “Liz…” Max sighed frustrated, “Liz, can we, um, just talk about that later after we’ve figured out the rest of this?”

Giggling at Max’s pained expression, “Sure, Max.” Getting out of the jeep, Liz whispered goodbye and headed inside.


She had to work later so she went straight up to her room to get ready and finish some homework. After working on her homework for awhile, Liz gave up trying to study and pulled out her journal. After cataloging everything that had happened and what she felt about it, she sat there contemplating everything. Finally, giving into the overwhelming urge to find out if she did indeed have powers, Liz grabbed a pen and paper and sat on the bed. ‘Okay, what should I try to do? Hmm, well they all seem to be able to manipulate the molecular structure of things so I guess I should start there.’ Liz thought to herself. Writing on the paper her, she set up several columns and wrote down a few experiments she wanted to try.

Getting up, she went to her closet and found an old shirt that she never wore anymore. Returning to sit on the bed, she held her hand over the shirt and tried to make it do something. “Geez, I feel like a dork.” Liz mumbled to herself. Clearing her head, she clearly imagined the color of Max’s amber eyes. Feeling, a tingle in her hand she looked down to find the shirt exactly the color she had been imagining. “OH MY GOD!” Liz shrieked. “I did it.” Listening to make sure her parents hadn’t heard her she sat down and noted on her paper her success.

Looking at the clock, Liz realized she had to get ready for work or she was going to be late. Putting up her journal and her notes she got ready and went down to the Crashdown to get her shift started.

Hours later, Liz started feeling the same symptoms from the night before. She felt too hot and restless. ‘What is wrong with me? This is the second night in the row I’ve felt like this.’ Liz thought to herself. Wondering if Max was feeling the same way, Liz was grateful that her shift was almost over. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could stand to wait on customers and feel like this.

The minutes until her shift was over seemed to drag but finally she was free. Breathing a sigh of relief, Liz made her way upstairs. Taking a cold shower, she got ready for bed wondering if she was going to get any sleep at all. Thankfully, tomorrow was Sunday so she didn’t have to worry about getting up early. Sitting on her bed feeling terrible Liz tried to think of what to do. She didn’t know what was causing these symptoms but they just couldn’t go on. She needed to find something that would make her feel better. As if hearing her thoughts, she felt Max. Turning she saw him standing outside her window. Going over to the window and motioning him in, “Max, what are you doing here?”

“Are you feeling what you felt last night again?” Max asked reaching out to stroke her bare arm.

“Yes I was. I’m feeling better again. What about you?” Max nodded. “Max, how are we going to stop this? We aren’t going to be able to spend every night together. One of these days our parents are going to catch us.”

“I know.” He whispered softly. “We’ll figure it out, but right now I just want to hold you if that’s alright.”

Liz nodded. Taking Max’s hand, she led him to the bed. Laying down they got comfortable and just listened to each other breathe.

“It’s going to be okay, Liz. We’ll figure it out somehow.” Max whispered into her hair.

“I know. Goodnight Max”

“Night Liz”
Last edited by Ladeia3 on Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:20 pm, edited 33 times in total.
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Chapter 2

Post by Ladeia3 »

See beginning of Chapter 1 for disclaimer and summary stuff. Okay here's the next part.

Chapter 2

(I may be using some dialogue from the series)


The following morning, Max and Liz got up before the sun so Max could get home before his parents discovered him missing and before the Parkers could discover him in Liz’s bed. He really didn’t want to stick around for that. He somehow didn’t think Mr. Parker would take it innocently. Saying goodbye to each other, Liz returned to bed to get a few more hours sleep while Max headed home. Climbing through his window, Max nearly had a heart attack seeing Michael sitting on his bed. “Michael, what are you doing here?”

“Un-freaking-believable!” Michael exclaimed.

“What are you talking about Michael?” Max demanded sitting on the edge of his bed watching Michael warily. He wondered what trouble was brewing in his friend’s head now.

“You! You spent the night with Liz again doing who knows what, while the key to our existence is right within our reach.”

“First off, our symptoms came back and we just slept last night. Nothing else Michael, so get your head out of the gutter. Secondly, what the hell are you talking about?” Max looked at Michael confused and slightly annoyed at his attitude.

“Valenti is what I’m talking about. That picture he has in his office with the silver handprint. It could be the key to finding out where we’re from.” Michael started pacing back and forth agitated now. “But instead of looking for answers you’re off making nice with Liz.”

“Michael, shut up and sit down. We don’t know if that picture or if the person involved has anything to do with us. Even if it was an alien involved, do you really want to find a possible killer? What are you going to do if said alien decides to kill us?” Max tried to reason with Michael but he had the sinking feeling that it was a losing battle.

“We don’t know why he killed that person. Maybe he had a good reason to.” Michael stated. Refusing to sit down, he continued to pace. Trying to figure out why he even bothered convincing Max. Max was comfortable with his life. Hell, he was getting his fondest wish with Liz being part alien now. He and Liz could live happily ever after for all he cared. He just wanted to find out where he came from and go there. It had to be better than living where he was at now.

“Okay, using that logic Michael, let’s say it was necessary to take that person out. Why did he use such an obvious method of killing him? Why didn’t he either hide the body if that was the only way he could kill him or use a way that wouldn’t bring attention to the existence of aliens?” Max watched Michael closely. He knew Michael was obsessed with finding answers but he was worried about what would happen if he did find those answers. Would the answers bring them closer to a better existence or were they threatening their own lives by looking? “Besides, do you really want to go stirring up things right now? You go breaking into Valenti’s office he’s going to know that one of us is responsible for it and it’s just going to bring more attention to us. What if you get caught in the act?”

“Damn it, Maxwell!” Michael slumped down on the bed. “I just want to find the truth. Is that so hard for you to understand? You have a family. Hell, you probably have your biggest dream come true with Liz knowing who you are and probably becoming one of us. There’s nothing standing between you and Liz getting together now. I have nothing here. I don’t have any family here, but maybe, just maybe out there somewhere I have family, a place that I belong. I have to find the answers Max. I don’t belong here.” Michael’s impassioned speech came to an end and he just sat there looking at the wall, hoping Max understood but already feeling the letdown of knowing Max wasn’t going to understand and wasn’t going to help him with those answers.

Stunned, Max sat there absorbing what Michael had said trying to figure out what he should say or do. There were so many things that could go wrong but Max knew that he couldn’t stand in Michael’s way but he had to think of the safety issues. How could they find answers without jeopardizing their own lives? “Michael, it’s not that I don’t want answers,” Max ran his hands through their hair frustrated, “it’s just that I’m concerned about keeping us out of trouble while doing it. We go off half-cocked and who knows what attention we’re going to bring to ourselves. We have Valenti on our trail right now. Who knows if the Feds will be after us soon? What if there are more aliens out there than just the good guys? What if we aren’t the good guys? Do you really want to find out that we were designed to take over the planet? There are so many things that we have to think about here. I know that you think I don’t want answers. I do want them. I just don’t want anyone to get hurt in the process.” Sighing, Max got up and went to the window to look out. “I’m also scared of what those answers will tell us. We have no idea of who we are or what we are, Michael. What the hell was that ship doing in Earth’s space to begin with? We don’t know, Michael. I’m just worried that the answers we do find won’t be ones that we want to hear.”

Michael stared at him shocked. He had never thought that Max actually even thought about any of this. Max always seemed to want things to be as normal as possible. He never acted like the answers mattered to him at all. “I never realized you even thought of this Max. You always acted like you would rather be normal and pretend that you were than find out the truth.”

“I know. I’m scared of the answers Michael. Yes, I want normal. I wish I could be normal. I won’t deny that but I do want answers just like you. I’m just not as optimistic that those answers are going to be ones that we want. Now, I have to think about Liz as well. Where does she fit into all this?” Frustrated Max started pacing. “We aren’t even close to being able to handle what comes our way Michael. How do we protect ourselves if this alien you’re looking for is still alive and wants nothing more than to kill us or if the government finds out about us? There are just so many possibilities I don’t know what we should do. I really don’t know Michael but I do know that breaking into the Sheriff’s office just days after he confronted Liz with a picture with a silver handprint on it isn’t a real good idea.”

“I know it’s not Max. It’s just this is the first time we’ve had a clue about where we’ve come from or someone else like us. I don’t want to wait too long and have it slip through our fingers.” Michael ran his hand through his hair and huffed. “I guess we’ve waited this long we can wait a little longer before we do anything.”

“We’ll think of something Michael. We’ll figure out how to get the information. Now I don’t know about you but I got up too early this morning. I want to get some sleep.” Stripping down to his t-shirt and boxers, Max got into bed while Michael got into the sleeping bag.


Unbeknownst to the boys, Mrs. Evans stood outside the door and heard every word that had been spoken. Stunned and confused she didn’t know what to do. She loved her kids that was not in question but how could she help her kids and why hadn’t they ever told her? And what was this about Liz? What did Max mean? Going into the kitchen, Mrs. Evans began to fix a big breakfast. She needed something to keep her hands occupied while she thought over what she had heard the boys talk about. No wonder Max had always been shy and quiet. All those times Isabel looked like she wanted to tell her something but couldn’t. All the strange occurrences that couldn’t be explained were now explainable. Mrs. Evans was relieved in a way to know the truth but now she was as terrified as Max of what those revelations held. How was this going to affect her family? How could she help her kids? There were so many things to think about and consider but first she had to finish breakfast. She also had to figure out how best to tell Phillip and get the kids to trust her enough to let her in.


After waking up, Liz dressed and pulled out her journal and notes again. Deciding to practice her powers for a little while she tried out changing molecular structure for awhile. She had more failures than successes but she figured that it would probably take her awhile before she could really do it as well as the others. Heating or chilling a glass of water was easy, changing the color of an object was easy, but changing the shape or actually changing an object into something else was hard. She managed to warp more objects than not but was very excited about what she had accomplished so far. Exhausted from using what little powers she had and unable to think of anything else to try until she had time to do more research, Liz put up her notes and concentrated on writing in her journal until time to go to work.

After working for a few hours, Maria showed up for her shift and after a few words with her, Liz took off for the library. Liz felt guilty for not telling Maria everything but she knew Maria would probably freak out and with her having to work right now it wasn’t a good idea to give her the bombshell that she may have been turned into an alien. She promised herself she would tell her later over ice cream.

Arriving at the library, Liz looked up anything to do with powers. Researching topics such as metaphysical, new age, aliens, and even science fiction books she made a list of things. She listed the various powers she wanted to see if she or one of the others had or could develop. She figured that since she was still at least part human than some of the powers might relate to her. Plus she figured it wouldn’t hurt to see if they could do them as well. If they could do what she had heard and seen so far than it was just possible they had other abilities they weren’t aware of since they had no reason to try them.

She checked out books on chemistry and molecular biology. She figured that if they could change things on the molecular level than having an understanding of it would help her figure out how to do it better. Maybe she would have less warped objects if she actually knew more about the science of what she was doing. She made a list of items she wanted to check into further and checked into what information was available on the crash and subsequent UFO sightings. She figured that most were hoaxes but maybe there were some truths mixed in that could help Max, Michael and Isabel learn where they came from.

Surprised when the lights flicked off and on signaling the library was about to close, Liz put up her research materials and left the library deep in thought. Sorting through the information she had learned she headed over to Max’s to share with him what she had learned and to find out when she could get with one of them to practice her powers.

Arriving at the Evans’, Liz knocked and waited for someone to answer the door. She was nervous about what their reactions would be to finding out she was developing powers and all the research she had done today. She knew there was a lot that she still had to look into. There was only so much she could do in one day. The door opened to reveal Mrs. Evans wearing an apron. Mrs. Evans was startled to see the girl occupying her thoughts for most of the day standing on the other side of the door. ‘Oh my, she’s so tiny. I wonder what Max meant. How does she fit into this?’ Mrs. Evans thought to herself. Realizing she was staring, she waved Liz in.

“Hi Liz, I guess you’re here to see Max.” Liz nodded. “Would you like something to drink or some cookies?”

“No thanks, Mrs. Evans. Is it okay if I go on back?” When Mrs. Evans nodded, Liz headed back to Max’s room and knocked on his door. Smiling at Max’s startled expression; she stepped past him into the room. Staring into each other’s eyes, they whispered hi to each other.

“Liz? Not that I’m not glad to see you, but what are you doing here?” Max smiled reaching out to stroke Liz’s hair.

“Well, we didn’t get a chance to talk this morning before you left and well I decided to go to the library to do a little research.” Smiling a little embarrassed, Liz took out her notes. “First off, I guess I should say that I definitely have powers. I’ve been able to change a few things so far. That’s part of why I went to the library. It made me wonder what else I could try. Anyway, I looked up various topics. Most of them were, like, new age-y type topics but I figured that it would give me an idea. Like have you guys ever tried telepathy or telekinesis? There’s also pyrokinesis, teleportation, illusionist, mind control, dream walking, levitation and a bunch of others that I found. I was also trying to see if there was anything I could find out about the crash and other UFO sightings. I know they’re probably more fiction than truth, but I figured there might be something truthful in them.” Liz looked up realizing she had lost Max in her long speech. “Sorry, I guess I went overboard, huh?” Smiling self-consciously, Liz handed Max the notes she had made.

“I, uh, wow. Some of these things I’ve never even thought of.” Max read over her notes. “Um, maybe we should all get together soon and go over this. Also, Michael wants to come up with some plan to go through Valenti’s office to see if he can get any more information on that picture. He thinks it might be the key to finding out where we come from. So, I guess we should get together and go over what you’ve got and to see if we can come up with a plan.” Max looked up and lost himself in Liz’s eyes. Thinking how beautiful she looked, he reached up and touched her cheek. Leaning forward, he brought his lips down to Liz’s and softly kissed her. Losing himself in the kiss, he dropped her notes and brought both his hands up to cup her face.

‘Wow’ Liz thought at the first touch of Max’s lips against her own. It felt like magic. Then all thought fled as he deepened the kiss. Several moments passed before Max pulled back. Dazed, Liz reached up and pulled him back down to kiss him again. The knocking at the door brought them out of their daze. Liz bent down to pick up her notes while Max answered the door.

“Oh, uh, didn’t know Liz was here. I’ll just go.” Isabel turned to move on down the hall but Max stopped her and pulled her in the room closing the door.

“We need to all get together and go over some things. Will you both be available after school tomorrow?” Max looked to Isabel and Liz. When they both nodded he continued, “Let’s meet out at the quarry. I’ll tell Michael when I see him. Liz if Maria isn’t working you can bring her as well.”

“Okay, I, um, better go. I still haven’t filled in Maria on me developing powers. I think I better tell her before the meeting so she has time to freak out and get it out of the way.” Liz smiled biting her lip. “Bye Isabel, see you tomorrow at school.”

“Bye, Liz”

After Liz had left, Isabel turned on Max. “What’s going on Max? What did Liz mean by developing power?”

“Just what she said Isabel. She can change things on the molecular level so far. She says she’s not very good yet. We don’t know what all she’s going to be able to do but that is part of what the meeting is about tomorrow. It will be better if we just go over it once, okay Iz. There are some other things that we have to decide on as well and I would rather get it all done at once.” Max sighed, “I’m going to try to get some sleep. Hopefully, we won’t be having any problems later on.”

Isabel nodded and left. She wasn’t happy about not finding out right now but she understood the only wanting to go over it all once. She went to her room worrying about what was going to happen.


Liz had Maria come up for ice cream. Fortunately, her parents were going to be out late so she could tell Maria and let her freak out. She figured Max would show up in a couple of hours. Hopefully, by then she could satisfy Maria’s curiosity and help her over her freak out before she started feeling to ill to concentrate. Handing Maria her bowl, Liz sat on her bed and started eating hers waiting for Maria to get comfortable.

“Okay, chica, spill. What’s going on?” Maria demanded.

“Well, a lot has gone on the last couple of days and I wanted to tell you.” Liz started. She stopped long enough to take another bite watching Maria getting antsy for details, Liz smiled. “Okay, well the short version is that I’m changed. I don’t know if that means I’m part alien now but I have powers and whenever I’m apart from Max too long we both start feeling sick.” Liz rushed out.

Maria sat there for 10 seconds totally stunned. “WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN CHANGED? WHAT ARE YOU ALIEN NOW? POWERS? WHAT POWERS?” Maria shrieked.

“Breathe Maria, Breathe. Remember breathing is good.” Liz calmly replied taking another bite of her ice cream. “The night of the festival I started feeling ill, anyway, Max came over and he was feeling the same. As soon as we got close to each other, we both felt better. We went to sleep holding each other. Just slept, Maria!” Liz reiterated seeing the look on Maria’s face. “Anyway, the next morning I decided to test my cells and compared them to Max’s. Mine are different than what they were the day after he healed me. They aren’t normal anymore. I don’t know what that means. Neither does Max. Anyway, I went over to his house later on and Michael and Isabel were there too. I tested their cells and compared them to Max’s and mine. My cells are not completely like theirs but I’m not normal anymore either. Anyway, Michael asked if I had powers. I didn’t have an answer then but I decided to test it out later. Anyway, I did change the color of a shirt. Later that night, I started feeling ill again and Max came back over. We just slept again. After my shift was over this afternoon, I went to the library for some research and then went over to his house. He wants everyone together tomorrow so we can go over things and you know make a plan.” Liz explained.

“Oh My God, Chica, are you like okay? You’re not going to die are you? I mean what if you’re dying? What if you’re really sick? Maybe you should go to a doctor. Oh wait you can’t go to a doctor. What are you going to do? Oh my God, I’m losing my best friend.” Maria pulled out her cedar oil and sniffed it several times.

“Maria, calm down okay. I’m not dying. I’m fine, okay. We’re going to figure this out. So relax okay. I would be dead if Max hadn’t healed me.” Liz took another bite of her ice cream wishing she could kick Maria out now. She was starting to feel the effects of Max withdrawal. She couldn’t wait till Max got here. Now how could she get Maria to go home and not freak out too much? “Maria we’re going to meet out the quarry to talk about all this. I just wanted to tell you before we got there okay. Everything’s going to be fine. It’s getting late and you need to get home before you get into trouble with your mother okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Liz promised.

Muttering about aliens and other stuff Maria nodded and gathered her things. “We aren’t done with this conversation yet. We are going to have to have a long talk about this later. I’ll see you tomorrow Lizzie.” Maria rambled and squeezed Liz. Looking at Liz like she might never see her again Maria finally left.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Liz got ready for bed and waited for Max to show up. Sitting on her balcony she wrote some more in her journal. Pulling out her notes she went over them and added things she wanted to try out or talk to the group about. Finally, hearing Max climb the ladder she headed for the window. Getting into bed she waited for him to join her before whispering hi and goodnight to him. Kissing her forehead, he snuggled up against her. Moments later they were both fast asleep wondering what tomorrow would bring.

Last edited by Ladeia3 on Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 3

Post by Ladeia3 »


A/N: First off, I forgot to mention that even though I got the impression from the TV show that Mrs. Evans didn’t know who Liz was until she met her at the hospital for this fic I’m just going to assume that at some point in time Mrs. Evans had met Liz at the Crashdown. With how much time her kids spent there, I’m sure that she ate there at least once in awhile and at least knows Liz by sight.


Chapter 3

Yawning, Liz and Max got up extra early. They whispered goodbye and lightly kissed before going their separate ways. After getting ready, Liz sat down to eat her breakfast and sort through her thoughts. Taking a bite of her cereal, Liz frowned down at her bowl. Getting up Liz pulled out the sugar and dumped several spoonfuls onto her cereal. Taking another bite, she scowled. It tasted a little better but it was still bland. Suddenly the light bulb went off in her head. She remembered always seeing Max, Michael and Isabel eating Tabasco on their food. Getting up she headed to the kitchen to snag a bottle. Returning to her cereal she prayed she was wrong. She really didn’t want to be stuck putting Tabasco on everything she ate. Picking up her spoonful of cereal, Liz shook out a few drops onto it. Taking a deep breath, whispering, “Here goes nothing” Liz popped it into her mouth and chewed. Carefully, chewing and swallowing, Liz sat back and stared at her bowl. ‘No this can’t be happening. Powers are cool. Being half-alien is cool. Messing up my taste buds is NOT cool!’ Liz’s internal rant came to a stop when she realized the time. ‘Don’t have time for a freak out. Have to finish eating. Maria will be here soon.’ Liz convinced herself. Grimacing, Liz dumped more Tabasco over her cereal and finished eating. Heading downstairs to wait for Maria she continued her internal rant about Tabasco.

Maria pulled up shortly after Liz made it downstairs. Getting in, Liz looked over at Maria. She looked way too calm this morning. Maria was never this calm in the morning even when she wasn’t dealing with the revelation that there are aliens among us and the possibility of her best friend becoming one. Liz was becoming worried wondering what was going on inside her head. “Um, Maria, are you, um, okay?” Liz questioned softly.

Maria looked at her for several seconds before pulling the car to the side of the road. Resting her head against the steering wheel, Maria breathed deeply for several minutes. Finally sitting up, Maria looked at Liz and burst into tears. “I’m sorry but I can’t help it. I’m just confused. I don’t know what to think or feel. I mean I know you would be dead if Max hadn’t healed you, but now we don’t know what this is doing to you. You could be sick or dying, but even if you’re not; you’ll have to hide like them for the rest of your life… and I’m afraid I’m going to lose my best friend and I don’t know what to do. And... and...” Maria sobbed harder. Her imagination was on overdrive thinking of everything that could go wrong causing her to nearly hyperventilate.

Liz reached over and pulled Maria into a hug. “Listen Maria, I’m not dying, okay. I’m just fine. Yes, my life may change some but I’m not going to stop being your best friend. Not unless you don’t want to have anything to do with me now that I’m not completely human? I mean I would completely understand.” Liz felt her heart squeeze. Would she lose Maria because of this? She didn’t know if she could handle that. Maria and her had been best friends forever. She wouldn’t be able to handle this if she didn’t have Maria by her side. She didn’t know what she was going to do about Alex yet. On one side, she wanted to keep her promise not to say anything, but on the other hand this was now her secret too and she needed and wanted her other best friend by her side.

Horrified, Maria sat up and looked at Liz shocked. “How can you even think that? I’m scared of what all this means, YES! But I am not letting my best friend go. I mean, yes you’re different now but you’re still Liz, my best friend. I’m not giving you up to this. Not now, not ever do you understand me?” Maria demanded, half outraged that Liz could even think something like that and half sympathetic. She suddenly realized how scary this must be for Liz. Liz’s life had changed quite a bit over the past few days. Understanding the position Liz was coming from, Maria understood that Liz needed her right now. Probably more than either of them knew yet, but Liz also realized that this was a big change and didn’t want to force Maria to stick around.

Sniffling, Liz nodded, “Thanks, Maria you’re the best. We, um, better get to school or we’re going to be late.”

The first part of the day passed by quietly, with there being no sign of the others in the morning and because of their late arrival Maria and Liz missed Alex. Liz was preoccupied most of the day. She kept arguing with herself over what to tell or not tell Alex. She knew if she said anything to the others they would immediately demand she promise not to tell. She figured Maria would want to tell Alex. Maria would need as much moral support as herself dealing with this. She knew Alex was trustworthy and would keep their secret, but would she be betraying everyone’s trust by telling him? It was a no-win situation. Either way, she was going to have to deal with some serious consequences.

Finding Maria and Alex already at their lunch table, Liz sat down with them. Alex was being his usual hilarious self. Liz half-heartedly listened to Alex cracking jokes even cracking a smile here and there, but she wasn’t really paying attention. Being this close to Alex just made her dilemma even harder to solve. She was no closer to solving her moral dilemma now than she was an hour ago. She felt guilty not telling him, but she also felt guilty about telling him. Alex deserved to know but she also didn’t want to betray Max’s trust. He didn’t want this secret to get out and she knew Michael and Isabel were upset that she knew. She also knew they were beyond pissed that she had told Maria. Now, here she was contemplating telling someone else.

Alex looked between Liz and Maria and knew something was up. They were both unnaturally quiet and not even his comedic routine was getting through. He couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. Did this have something to do with what happened in the Crashdown the other day? He had heard the rumors the same as everybody else, but since he was close to Liz and Maria, he also knew that something happened that day that changed them both. Whatever it was, it was big and causing rapid changes in his friends. He was determined to figure out what exactly was going on with them even if he had to do a little spying. Grinning to himself, he started making a new list of favorite badass spy characters. Feeling better now that he had a plan, Alex decided to stick close to either Maria or Liz and hope that he would get the chance to figure out what was going on.

Feeling the affects of Max withdrawal as she was calling it now, Liz said goodbye to Alex and Maria and headed off to find Max. Passing by the janitor’s closet, Liz nearly screamed when she was suddenly yanked back into the room. Turning Liz saw Max standing there. He reached out and sealed the door before turning to Liz and pulling her into his arms. “This is getting out of control, Max. How are we going to keep this a secret if we can’t even keep our hands off of each other?” Liz complained while moving closer and wrapping her arms around Max’s neck. Breathing in his scent she rested her forehead against his shoulder. It amazed her how safe she could feel securely wrapped in his arms.

“I know, Liz. We’ll figure it out but for now we just have to deal with it the best we can.” Burying his nose in her hair, Max inhaled deeply. He loved the way she smelled, like strawberries and vanilla. Running his hands through her hair he realized how soft it was, he pulled back until he could see her eyes. “Hi” He whispered leaning down to kiss her softly.

“Hi” she whispered right as his mouth touched hers. Losing herself in the kiss, Liz forgot all about Tabasco, whether or not to tell Alex, her being changed, and this weird addiction she had to being close to Max. She only cared about being in his arms and feeling his lips pressed against hers. Max and Liz spent the rest of lunch period just touching and kissing in the janitor’s closet. There hadn’t been any heavy making out just a comforting session of feeling each other close by. Feeling better by the time the bell rang they separated and headed to class.

Max was feeling nearly euphoric for the rest of the school day. He was actually getting to touch Liz and kiss her. Something he had dreamed about since third grade. Several teachers and students gave him odd looks throughout the afternoon. He knew he had a stupid dorky grin pasted on his face, but he really couldn’t help it. Yes, he still felt guilty about changing Liz, but he also couldn’t help but be very, very happy that he was getting to be with her right now. Whatever was going to happen was worth it in his book just for the time they had been able to spend together. Grinning even more while thinking about being with her later on this afternoon, Max hardly noticed the whispered stares he got as he headed for the last class of the day.


After school Max, Michael, Isabel, Liz and Maria gathered in the quarry to go over everything they knew so far. Max brought them up to speed on his and Liz’s simultaneous symptoms if separated too long, her developing powers and cells being changed to at least part alien because of his healing her. He answered the questions he could, but they were really all just as clueless. He also informed them of Michael’s desire to break into Valenti’s office to find that photo and any related information. Max explained how Michael felt it could be an important clue in figuring out who they are and where they came from. Liz and Maria were slightly less enthusiastic about that but agreed to help them come up with a plan. They needed to find a time when they could enter Valenti’s office without having to worry about anyone catching them. They decided they would wait until this weekend and make sure that Valenti was out before they broke in. After making a loose plan, Max motioned for Liz to take over.

Liz explained how she went to the library to do research. She explained her ideas about her powers and theirs. She told them of the variety of different things mentioned in new age books and also about ideas she got from a few books. They laughed and made snide comments about that but she informed them that aliens were only supposed to be in books as well. After discussing different powers they wanted to try, she made plans to practice a couple nights a week with at least one of them to practice her own powers and to try out something new with them. She also explained her idea about looking into various unexplained phenomenon and UFO sightings. Ignoring their disbelieving snorts, Liz explained that although the information she had gathered was more fabrication than fact, there was still a chance they could find out something that would help them find answers. She also suggested that there might be items or files of interest in the UFO Museum. It had quite a collection of UFO sightings and objects and Liz reasoned that there might be some actual facts mixed in with the rubbish.

Max decided he would go the UFO Museum after school tomorrow and look around. Isabel refused to enter the place. It still gave her nightmares. So while he was checking out the museum, Michael and Liz would work on their powers while Isabel would go to the library to check on finding out if there was a blueprint of the Sheriff’s office. Liz also suggested finding a detailed map of the area. She told them that if they had come out of some kind of incubation pod than it still had to be around somewhere. Maybe going off of the area where they were found they could narrow down where the pods might be located. If they could find them than they just might have more information or clues located with them.

Max listened to Liz in awe. He really hadn’t been paying attention to everything she said. He enjoyed just listening to her voice. He was very impressed with the amount of thought she had put into finding out answers. Even with living with this his whole and wondering where he came from and what his purpose was for being on Earth, he still hadn’t thought of half the things Liz had. If he hadn’t realized how smart she was before, he definitely did now. Gently playing with a couple of loose strands of her hair, he waited for her to finish explaining her ideas so he could disappear with her somewhere to be alone. He knew he should be focusing on what was going on around him, but right now her strawberry and vanilla scent was driving him crazy. She was so animated and passionate about finding out the truth that she just took his breathe away. How could she look even more beautiful to him now than she did just a month ago?

Finally done outlining everything she had thought of so far, Liz nervously bit her bottom lip slightly embarrassed at how carried away she had gotten. She knew that they probably thought she was insane or at least a geek. Looking around to see everyone’s reactions, Liz noticed Max was probably not paying attention to what she was saying. He had that look on his face that she was coming to recognize as his obsessed with her look. Michael just looked like he had been hit by a two-by-four. Isabel didn’t look happy at all. “Isabel? What’s wrong?” Liz looked at her questioningly.

“Nothing’s wrong.” Isabel snapped. She wasn’t mad at Liz but at herself and Max and Michael. Here Liz was coming up with all of these ideas and she had only been apart of this secret for a week while they had lived their wholes with it and had never come close to thinking about some of these things. Okay, so she was a little peeved that it was Lizzy “Perfect” Parker that had thought of them. ‘Darn it! It should have been one of us that thought to check on these things.’

“Are you sure Isabel? Did I do something wrong?” Liz worriedly asked. She didn’t want to make Isabel upset. She really wasn’t trying to step on anyone’s toes or get anyone in trouble but she felt that she had as much need to know the answers as they did. She did realize that she was new to all of this and just maybe Isabel might feel like she was interfering in her life but Liz felt that she had as much right to know the truth as Isabel did. After all, Max healing her and with her being changed and having powers irrevocably changed her life and they still hadn’t figured what all that meant or what was going to happen to her now. She needed answers and soon. She needed to know what was wrong with her and Max and how she ended up being changed. She also needed to find out if there was something wrong with her since she and Max couldn’t seem to be able to spend any time away from each other without feeling ill.

“No, I’m not mad at you Liz. Well, a little peeved that you thought of this stuff but it’s just we’ve spent our entire lives looking for answers but some of your suggestions we hadn’t even thought of. We’ve never even tried to find out what else we could do with our powers. It never seemed important. You’ve known less than a week and you’ve asked questions and made suggestions we should have thought of years ago.” Isabel sullenly answered.

Isabel wasn’t comfortable with Liz and Maria knowing their secret but even she had to admit that there was some good coming out of it, if for no other reason than it was spurring Max into finding answers and out of his comfort zone. He wanted to find out for Liz since whatever he did to her caused a big change in her life. Liz wanted to find out for Max and she also wanted to find out for herself. So it was good in a way but Isabel was never going to admit it out loud to anyone. Her ice princess persona firmly back in place, Isabel turned to Max. “Is that everything or is there more we have to discuss?”

Max looked lost for a moment before he shook his head; “No I think that covers everything for now.”

“Oh, wait, I have a quick question.” Liz waited until she had Michael and Isabel’s attention again. “What’s with the Tabasco sauce? I mean, this morning I couldn’t even eat my cereal without it or extra sugar.”

“Well, it’s kind of a dietary quirk. We all have it. We like things extra sweet and spicy. We pretty much put Tabasco or extra sugar on everything.” Isabel explained.

“Oh right, thanks. I guess that’s it. We can get together Wednesday after my shift to go over things again.” Liz took Max’s hand and followed Maria down to her car. Liz half listened as Maria found one thing after another to gripe about. It was too far to walk, her car was not made for the desert, Michael had bad hair, it was too hot to be out here this time of the day, Michael needed a shower, her shoes weren’t made for walking, and Michael needed to learn manners. The list kept going on and on but Liz just tuned it out. A part of her mind noticed Maria’s constant mention of Michael and wondered if maybe she was interested. She would catch Maria later and grill her about her sudden interest in Michael, but for now she was just enjoying the feel of Max’s hand in hers.

Telling Max she would see him later, Liz left with Maria. They both had to work tonight. She really didn’t want to work but it was too late to find someone to cover her shift. She hoped that it was really slow so they could catch up on things and just chat. She still thought Maria was taking this way too well. Maria had run down the street screaming when she found out aliens were among us, but finding out her best friend was turning into an alien didn’t seem to cause much more than some concern over her health? Liz wondered if she was just being paranoid. Maybe Maria really was taking this better than she thought she would.

Arriving at the Crashdown, the girls got ready for their shift and got down to work. In between customers they gossiped about normal things but by unspoken mutual consent nothing was uttered about otherworldly things. Maria didn’t ask about anything and Liz decided not to force it down her throat some more. She figured Maria was probably in denial right now and mentioning it was not a good idea. Finally, their shifts were over. Maria hurriedly said goodbye and headed home while Liz headed upstairs to get ready for the night.

After getting ready for bed, Liz pulled out her journal and notes. Writing in her journal, she detailed everything that had happened that day. After she was done, she sat back and studied her notes she had made. She added some ideas and thoughts that were added during the meeting. Going over everything she made a couple more notations and set up her practice sheet. She grabbed several objects and practiced making changes to them. She realized that she was able to do more than before but she still tired very quickly. Making a note to ask the others how much they could do before tiring, she finished noting her progress or lack thereof in some cases. Cleaning up everything, Liz opened her window and waited for Max to get there.


After dropping Michael off at the trailer park, Max drove home deep in thought. He was currently trying to figure out what to do about Liz. He knew they couldn’t keep sneaking into each other’s beds… well, okay he was so far the only sneaking into her bed, but still sooner or later one of the parents were going to catch them. He really didn’t want that to happen. How would he explain that only by touching each other could they make the symptoms go away for a while? That was just not something he wanted to discuss with either his parents or the Parkers, even if he had been willing to talk about the alien side to them. Glancing over at Isabel, he wondered what she was thinking about. She had been awfully quiet since leaving the quarry. “Iz, you okay?”

“Yeah, I just… God, it’s just a lot to take in, you know? Why haven’t we ever tried to find where the pods were? I just don’t understand how we all completely spaced on that, yet we hear of a 30 or 40-year-old photo and immediately we’re trying to get it regardless of the attention it will bring to do so.” Isabel shook her head and returned to staring out the window.

“I don’t know. I guess we never really thought about the pods or what might have been near them. We’ll find the answers, Iz. You’re not too upset with Liz because she thought of it are you?” Max knew there was still something bothering Isabel, he just didn’t know what it was. He figured it most likely had do with Liz or his relationship with her. Although, what his relationship to her was still a mystery even to him because he and Liz hadn’t had time to really sit and talk yet. Most of their time was either making themselves feel better or trying to figure out the answers to things. Max figured he was going to have to get Liz alone and actually have a conversation with her instead of just playing with her hair. He sighed as his brain rapidly descended into Liz-land until Isabel continued speaking. With effort he pulled himself back and listened to her.

“I don’t know Max. I’m not really mad at her for thinking of it. I guess I’m feeling a little jealous. Even though I’ve always wanted to be normal, I’ve always felt kind of special at the same time. Now Liz is becoming like us and well it’s stupid I know. I’m just jealous I guess. Don’t worry about it Max. I’ll get over.” Isabel waited until the jeep came to a stop and hopped out. “I’ve got homework to do Max. I would suggest you get yours done as well, especially if you’re planning on spending another night at Liz’s.”

Max just nodded and followed his sister into the house. He figured by the time he was ready to go to sleep he would be feeling those withdrawal symptoms. Walking into the kitchen to see if there was anything interesting to eat. he was surprised to see his mom and dad both sitting at the table. It looked like whatever had happened was bad. His mom had obviously been crying and his dad looked as if his world had just collapsed. “Mom, Dad? What’s going on? What happened?” Max asked worriedly.

“Oh honey, it’s nothing for you to be concerned about. I just had a bad day. Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” Mrs. Evans told her son. She and Mr. Evans had decided to wait a few days before saying anything to the kids. It would give them both time to get over the initial shock, so they didn’t say anything they would regret. It would also give them time to think of intelligent questions. She didn’t want to lose her kids so she knew that however they handled this they would have to be very careful. Surprisingly, her husband had taken it better than she had expected. She thought she would have trouble convincing him but he just nodded and said “It explained a lot.” They had then tried to come up with ways to help their kids. They both realized their kids needed some kind of answers, so Mr. Evans was planning on hiring a private detective to track down what information he could.

Max nodded and headed off to his room. He was still very concerned. Something was definitely wrong and he had a feeling it was going to affect him and Isabel. Getting comfortable Max did his homework and cleaned his room. Dinnertime was slightly strained, Mr. Evans was quieter than normal and Mrs. Evans was trying too hard to be upbeat. Max was preoccupied with thoughts of Liz and Isabel was just trying to wrap her head around all of the revelations of the day. Finally, after what seemed an eternity Max escaped to his room. Pretending to go to sleep he waited until his parents had gone to bed before he slipped out and headed to Liz’s.

Quickly becoming a nightly ritual, they whispered hi while sweetly kissing before slipping into bed and falling almost instantly asleep. Max started dreaming of one of his favorite Liz fantasies when his dream Liz changed.

Liz stood there slightly confused. How did she get here? ‘Oh wait this was a dream but what am I dreaming of?’ Looking around Liz realized the only other occupant was Max. “Hi Max, what are you doing here?”

“Um, well this was my dream. Maybe you’re dreamwalking me, Liz.” Max’s voice showed equal parts pride that Liz may have developed another power, and embarrassment that she had to walk in this fantasy.

”Oh, umm… okay” Liz just looked befuddled. Listening to the music in the background, she smiled shyly at Max, “Would you care to dance with me, Max?”

Nodding, Max pulled her into his embrace. Slowly dancing, they gazed into each other eyes. Moments like these, made everything else fade away. The dream slowly ended as they fell further asleep.


Alex had followed the others out to the quarry. Unfortunately, he couldn’t get close enough to hear everything, but he heard enough. Whatever they were involved in had to do with aliens and powers and something about Valenti? He figured that he would have to do some more investigative work before he figured it out, and could confront Maria or Liz. If he had enough details then he was sure he could get Maria to crack, if not Liz. With a plan in his head for sticking close to one of the five members of the secret, Alex went home to dream about Isabel and convincing her that he was more than just a computer geek.

Last edited by Ladeia3 on Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Chapter 4

Post by Ladeia3 »

A/N: Just a quick note. Again thank you for all the lovely feedback. I really appreciate it. I also just want to say if you do see something in my fic that you just outright have a serious problem with please tell me. I’m new to writing fanfic but I’m really hoping that I don’t screw it up too much. I hope that I can create a story that leaves you wanting more. In a good way of course. *grin*

Also just a little detail I’m changing: In the show, Kyle basically turns into a stalker after Liz dumps him with him winding up getting shot etc. In my fic, sorry Kyle will not be a stalker. I’m not saying whether or not he will be joining the alien abyss but I just had a hard time seeing Kyle as a stalker. So forgive me if you think I’m just taking too many liberties here but Kyle will not be stalking Liz and Max. (No Kyle doesn't make an appearance in this chapter but I thought I would explain why he hasn't been seen yet.)

(Some dialogue is taken directly from the series.)

Chapter 4

Tuesday morning came too quickly for Max and Liz. Barely awake they lay cuddling in bed listening to each other breath. The peaceful sensation left them feeling like nothing could go wrong in their world. Liz knew it was kind of strange that she was so comfortable sharing a bed with a guy that up until eight days ago she barely knew, even if she had had a secret crush on him for years.

Remembering her dream from last night, Liz rolled over to face Max. “Um, Max, uh last night did we, um share the same dream or was that just my imagination?” Anxiously biting her lip, Liz was not sure she really wanted the answer. If she hadn’t dreamwalked Max, then she had a very vivid dream of meeting Max and then dancing with him all night. She didn’t really want to share those details if it had all been in her head. On the other hand, if she had been in a dream with the real Max, that meant she had another power she had to learn to control. Although, if she could go into his dreams and be with Max whenever she wanted it could be kind of cool. She could already think of things she wanted to try out in the dream world.

”Yes, you did. Isabel can dream walk. I’ve been the recipient enough times to recognize someone in my dream. Although, I’ve never known her to interact to that extent with the dreamer before, but I honestly don’t know if she’s even tried. Do you know how you did it?” Max gently stroked her arm, breathing in the scent of her hair. He was quickly becoming addicted to strawberries and vanilla.

”No, I just remember falling asleep wondering what you were thinking about. Next thing I know I’m in your dream.” Liz smiled remembering what had happened next. “Well, your dream self is definitely a great dancer.” Liz giggled mischievously. Rolling over she faced him. “I wonder if you’re waking self is as good?”

Grinning, Max leaned forward kissing her on the nose. “Well, you’re just going to have to find out the hard way.” Groaning, Max pulled away from Liz to get up. “I would love nothing more than to just lie here holding you, but we have school soon, not to mention the parental units will soon be up and moving about. I should get home before anyone realizes I didn’t come home last night.”

Nodding her head, Liz kissed him softly holding onto him for as long as possible. “I’ll see you later at school, okay?”

”Um hmm..” Burying his nose into her hair for one last moment, Max pulled away, kissed her softly on the lips, and quickly made his escape before he forgot himself and stayed.


Disappearing over the balcony, Max quickly made his way home. His thoughts returned to Liz and everything that was going on right now. He really was getting concerned about this need for him and Liz to be physically close together so often. He couldn’t help wonder what it was he did to cause this. If he ever had to heal anyone else, would they also have the same problems? It was a frightening thought. He hoped they could solve whatever the problem was soon; otherwise he had a feeling they were going to get caught, which was definitely not a very nice scenario to contemplate this early in the morning.

Arriving at home, he quickly got ready for school while daydreaming about Liz. Trying to wipe off his silly grin, he headed to the kitchen to get breakfast. Stopping in the kitchen door he watched his mother apprehensively flutter around the kitchen. She had made a full course breakfast on a school day. Max felt the first flutters of panic in his stomach. His mother didn’t cook on a weekday unless something was terribly wrong.

Looking at her, he realized that she didn’t look like she had slept well at all. She had dark circles under her eyes, and if he wasn’t mistaken, her eyes were also blood shot too. She hadn’t even fixed her hair or dressed in her usual business suit for work. Right now she was dressed in baggy sweats and an old t-shirt of his dad’s. He was growing more concerned by the minute. His mom was nearly as compulsive as Isabel about fashion and looking her best all the time. She never just went around like this.

”Mom, what’s going on? What happened? Please tell me, mom.” Max pleaded when his mother just shook her head.

”It’s nothing, Max. I swear everything is fine. Go and sit down and eat your breakfast while I get your sister up.” Mrs. Evans hugged her son tightly then pushed him towards the table. Heading down the hall she headed to Isabel’s room to get her up.

She knew that her kids were starting to worry about her, but she couldn’t help it. She knew she was overreacting, but all she could think about were her kids being in danger or going away. She had nightmares all night long about mobs chasing down her kids and killing them and of space ships coming to pick them up promising them a much better life than the one they had with her. She knew she was being irrational.

Waking Isabel up, Mrs. Evans went back to her room and got ready to face the day. Pulling herself together she reprimanded herself for being so emotional. Her kids needed her to be strong. She needed to be tough so she didn’t scare them to death.

Back in the kitchen Max was just finishing his breakfast when Isabel walked in. “Morning, Iz. How’d you sleep?”

”Good, I guess I don’t have to wonder where you were.” Isabel teased Max. Grinning at his red ears, she ruffled his hair on the way to fix herself some breakfast. “So what’s with the breakfast?”

Sighing, “I think something’s wrong with mom. She looked a wreck this morning and fixed all of this. Since when does mom fix blueberry pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, and fresh cut fruit on a school day?” Max ran a hand through his hair staring against the wall. “I’m just worried. I mean what has mom so upset that she won’t tell us about it?”

”I’m sure it’s nothing, Max. It’s probably just something at work or maybe she is getting sentimental about us growing up. She’ll tell us when she’s ready.” Isabel knew that if Max was that worried, than more than likely it was something serious, but for whatever reason Isabel was in too good a mood today to let her brother’s paranoia rub off on her. She had enough things to stress over without adding things to worry about. She figured mom was just stressed.

Finished with breakfast, the Evans siblings headed off to school. Max wanted to get there early enough that he and Liz could spend a few minutes together before classes. He really hoped they could get through the whole day without having withdrawal symptoms. He really didn’t want the symptoms to come back while they were in class and unable to do anything about it. He really didn’t want to know what would happen if they waited too long to get together.

Isabel just hoped she could get through the day without too many gag worthy moments. She was really starting to dislike that goofy grin her brother sported every time he thought of or looked at Liz Parker. It was really disturbing. She was so not willing to admit to some feelings of jealously. She wouldn’t allow the small part of her that wanted what he and Liz had to take root. She couldn’t allow it too. She couldn’t allow it to. Slipping on her ice queen persona, Isabel pushed everything to back of her mind.


After Max left, Liz started getting ready for school. Pulling on some hip huggers and a baby tee she ran into the kitchen and fixed a bowl of cereal and grabbed the Tabasco. Since she was ready early and still had a while to wait for Maria to get there, she pulled out her journal and caught up on last night’s events in between bites. After finishing
updating her journal, she pulled out her notes and made notations about her dream walking experience. She made a note to ask Isabel how she dreamwalked and what it was like for her. She wondered if the abilities were the same or if they were slightly different in nature. She wrote down a few ideas on experiments to try both on her own and with Isabel.

Realizing, Maria was going to be here soon, Liz put up her journal and notes and went to the kitchen to clean up her dishes. Heading downstairs, Liz waited for Maria wondering how the training session with Michael was going to go today. She didn’t know him all that well and was a little bit apprehensive about being alone with him for a couple of hours. Even with being a little nervous about Michael, she was a more than little excited at the prospect of practicing her powers to see what else she could do but at the same time she felt scared as well.

She knew that her life had changed so dramatically in the past couple of weeks and she hadn’t had a chance to process everything with things changing as fast as they were. She knew she was going to have to take time to really sort through everything and how she was feeling about it, but right now wasn’t the time.

Maria arrived and Liz hopped in the jetta. “Hey, Maria! How are you this morning?” She wanted to know how her best friend was this morning and if she was handling everything as well as she had seemed to the last few days. She didn’t know whether she should be walking on eggshells waiting for Mount Maria to erupt or if Maria had processed and could stay calm about it all.

Glancing over at Liz before returning her attention to the road, Maria considered how best to answer that question. “I’m okay. I’m still freaked about the whole alien thing. I’m worried about you and what you’re going through. I’m worried about the Sheriff. I’m worried about someone finding out about them or you. I’m worried being with them is dangerous for your health. I mean, we don’t know anything about them. What if they eat their mates? What if they have extra parts or do it some weird way that hurts you? You already have to be around Max because of this withdrawal stuff. Wha-“

Slapping her hand over Maria’s mouth, Liz didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Breathe Maria breathe. Breathing?” At Maria’s nod, Liz continued. ”Good, first, they don’t eat anybody. Geez, Maria, Max would never hurt me. He feels guilty about the changes he’s caused in my life as it is. I saw into Max’s soul. I know he could never hurt me. He has a beautiful soul Maria.” Seeing Maria’s look, Liz continued on hurriedly before Maria could interrupt. “Everything is going to be okay. I don’t know what’s going on yet but we’ll figure it out. Besides Maria, if they had extra parts I’m sure the Evans would have discovered it when they found them wondering the desert completely naked.” Liz giggled at Maria’s expression.

Maria didn’t know whether to be mad that Liz wasn’t taking her seriously or envious about the way Liz talked about Max. Liz lit up when she started talking about Max. She was obviously gaga over him. She was a little amused at Liz’s last statement. Obviously, if they had something different on the outside it would have been discovered years ago so she knew she was being a little foolish but Liz was just being way too calm about all this. The most Liz had freaked out was when she was worried that Maria would no longer want to be around her.

Pulling out her cedar oil she inhaled deeply. Smiling a little, Maria teased Liz, “So, what is going on with you and Max? Sounds like you two are getting pretty close.”

Embarrassed, Liz shrugged. “Nothing’s going on, Maria. We’ve really been too busy dealing with all of this other stuff to think about a relationship. Besides, I just broke up with Kyle, what three days ago. It’s too soon to be thinking about dating.” Liz stared out the window. She didn’t know what her and Max were right now. They had only kissed a few times and they had only been soft, sweet kisses more about comfort than desire.

She knew from the flashes Max gave her that he thought she was beautiful, but she didn’t know if he was really interested in a relationship with her. Besides, with everything else going on, she wasn’t sure she wanted to bring that topic up with him until things quieted down. The last thing she need was Max to withdraw or be tense around her all the time. Guys got freaked over the weirdest things.

Maria snorted, “Sure, you keep telling yourself that.” Parking, Maria just gave Liz an ‘I’m not that stupid’ look and exited the car. “Come on, let’s get to class.

Heading for their lockers, they met up with Alex. “Hey, Alex. What are you up to?”

”Nothing much, just hanging out with my two favorite ladies. So what have you lovely ladies planned for tonight?” Alex draped an arm around Liz and Maria and grinned charmingly at them.

”Well, Maria had to work and I was planning on going to the library.” Liz lied. She felt guilty as hell about lying, but she still had not come to a decision regarding telling or not telling Alex.

Alex nodded, “Well, ladies unfortunately class calls. I have to swing by my locker first so if you’ll excuse me. I will see you ladies later.” Alex called over his shoulder as he hurriedly walked to his locker. He thought about what Liz said and how she said it. Liz couldn’t lie very well. He knew that whatever she was doing it had nothing to do with the library. He planned on following Liz after school to see where she was going. He felt a little guilty about spying on his friends but after witnessing what looked like Maria nearly about to go into hysterics the other day and Liz acting so weird he decided that finding out what was hurting his friends was more important than privacy.


Valenti sat in his office staring at the photo of with the silver handprint burned into the corpse’s chest. He only had his suspicions but he believed that Max and quite possibly Isabel and Michael were aliens. He didn’t believe they had anything to do with the guy in the photo, but he didn’t trust them. It was his job to keep an eye on this town and he was determined that the aliens would not be a problem.

Picking up the phone he dialed a number, “You get that information for me yet?” Nodding his head at something that was said, Valenti made some notes and hung up the phone. It was time to do a little field work.


Mrs. Evans barely got through her day. She and Mr. Evans had still not figured out how to broach the subject to their kids. Judging by the conversation she had overheard, this needed to be handled delicately or she stood the chance of loosing both of her kids. She refused to let that happen. Meeting up with Mr. Evans for lunch, they decided to wait until Friday night when they would call a family dinner. Then they would both tell their children what they overheard and convince them that they still loved them. Feeling better once their plans were decided, they spent the rest of the afternoon just taking some time for them.


Mr. Parker sat in the Crashdown office wondering where he went wrong with his little girl. He had noticed a dramatic change in her behavior over the last week and he knew something was going on. He just wished she would come to him. He had a feeling that whatever was troubling his little girl was serious. Unable to shake the feeling of having already lost her, Mr. Parker went back to work.


Mrs. Deluca sat on her daughter’s bed wondering for the millionth time what had her daughter so freaked. Maria had tried to hide it, but Mrs. Deluca could tell that Maria was scared. Concerned about her daughter, Mrs. Deluca sat in her daughter’s room running through all the possible reasons. The longer she sat there, the more ridiculous and crazy they became. Not knowing the truth was crazier and more ridiculous than all the ones she had managed to think of.


Once school let out, the three aliens, Liz and Maria met up in the parking lot. Maria gave Max a ride to the UFO Museum on her way to her shift at the Crashdown. Michael, Isabel and Liz took the jeep. Isabel was dropped off at the library on their way out of town.

Heading to the quarry, Michael figured it was the best place to practice alien powers without being spotted by anyone. Part of him thought this was a waste of time, but he couldn’t help wondering if maybe he could learn a few new tricks and maybe gain some control over the abilities he did have. Pulling up to the quarry, Michael and Liz headed to a remote spot.

“Okay, well I’m made a chart to help us.” Liz bit her lip nervously. She wasn’t sure what she was doing and Michael standing there scowling at her was not helping at all. “I guess, you should, um, go ahead and do what it is you do.” Liz waved her hand expansively and waited for some reaction from Michael.

Michael stared off in the distance for a moment before searching for a decent sized rock. Finding one, he lifted his hand and pointed at the rock and concentrated. It took him what felt like forever, but finally he was able to release energy at it. Unfortunately, it blew up the shrub standing five feet away from it. “Damn it that’s not what I was aiming at. You should be doing this with Max or Isabel. I don’t have any control over my powers.” Scowling turned away from the mangled shrub to look at Liz.

“Um, well according to, uh, what little I’ve been able to find out it seems that it’s the mind that controls your abilities. Maybe learning some meditation techniques would help you. Plus, um, do you have to use your hand? Maybe if you just focused on the rock instead of aiming it might work better.” Backing away from Michael when he started looking pissed off, Liz anxiously waited for his response.

Scowling Michael considered what Liz said. “I don’t know about the hand thing. It’s what we’ve always done. What good is meditation going to do with my powers?” Michael turned to her and demanded. He thought meditation was totally dumb and wasn’t going to go meditating like some new age hippy. He barely refrained from shuddering at the image that brought to mind.

“Meditation is good for helping you control you mind. It’s just a thought, Michael. If you’re having control issues, maybe learning how to calm your mind down and focus will help you master your powers better. I’m not saying it will work, but I’m just saying it’s an idea.” Liz babbled. Biting her lip nervously, Liz pulled out some of her notes she had taken from the library. “Most every source I found that talked about any kind of powers mentioned meditation as a technique to help. Here.” Handing him her notes she pointed to a couple of paragraphs containing the information she wanted him to see. “Here is the most popular recommendation on how to meditate, and here I listed the various benefits associated with meditation.”

Michael glanced up at Liz as she backed up a couple of steps to wait for him to read her notes. Glancing back down, he scanned the information she had found. It pretty much stated what she had said so far, plus had the various sources she had gotten it from. Thinking it was still a pretty stupid idea, Michael figured he didn’t have anything to lose by trying it.

Sitting down on the ground, he passed Liz her notes back. “Fine, I’ll try it. Just be quiet and go look at something else.” He grumbled. Getting comfortable he tried to follow what he had read in her notes. Ten minutes later he huffed and got up. “I can’t do this. This is stupid.” He glared at Liz daring her to object.

“Did you even try, Michael? I mean really try and not some half-hearted attempt.” Liz shot back at him. She wished Max was here. She didn’t know how to handle Michael but surely Max would know how to deal with him.

“Whatever!” Michael growled and sat back down. Trying again, this time he put more effort into. Concentrating on breathing and relaxing he finally succeeded in calming his mind and emotions. After about fifteen minutes, Michael opened his eyes and looked straight at the rock he had missed earlier and concentrated. A second later, the rock exploded in a cloud of dust. Stunned, Michael just stared at it.

Liz looked over at Michael and grinned at him. “Told you it would help!” Smug now that her idea had paid off she set to work on practicing her powers and watching Michael practice some more with his. After a couple of hours, they called it quits and headed to the library to pick up Isabel.


Isabel had flirted with one of the librarians on duty to find out where maps and blueprints were kept. After searching for nearly an hour she managed to find the blueprints to the Sheriff’s office and copied them. Finding various maps of Roswell, she copied all of them and put them in her bag with the blueprints. Finished early and realizing it would still be another hour before Michael and Liz showed up, Isabel decided to do some research on her own. Checking out the newspaper archives she searched for articles on the crash of ’47 and during the year they had been found. After copying all relevant articles, she turned her attention to searching for anything alien related in the years between. Only finding a short article about the corpse in ’59, Isabel copied it and moved on to checking if there has been anything since they came out of the pods. Finding nothing, Isabel realizes her ride was going to be there soon and clears up her research materials.


Max entered the UFO Museum and looked around. He shuddered at several of the displays. The alien autopsy one was enough to give him nightmares. He wondered if there had been any aliens that were captured by the government and possibly tortured. He quickly shrugged off that horrifying thought.

Max followed the tour guide while searching what was displayed hoping something there would grab him.

Listening to the tour guide, Max called out, “What about ’59?”

The tour guide stopped and looked around. “Who said that?” When nobody answered, Milton returned to his tour guide spiel. After the tour was over, Max headed for the doors when his arm was snagged by someone. “What do you know about ’59?” Milton demanded looking around to make sure nobody was listening.

Pondering how best to answer, Max finally decides it’s best to just tell the truth. “I heard there was some dead guy found with a silver handprint on his chest. Know anything about it?”

Milton looked at him suspiciously. “No, I haven’t. Where did you get your information from?”

Max just shook his head. “Nevermind.”

“Look, I know you're hooked. I can see it in your eyes. And I could use a guy like you around here. Minimum wage. Long hard hours. But just think of the rewards when we make the discovery of a lifetime. You a non-smoker?”

“Yeah” Max nodded.

“Good. I can't take any chances with my archives so close.”


“Just the most complete collection of UFO facts and findings ever compiled. Right up those stairs.” Milton bragged.

“You have information on sightings?” Interested despite knowing this place was nothing but a tourist trap, Max waited impatiently for Milton’s answer.

Looking around to make sure no one was listening, Milton leaned forward, “Look, I know it's a tourist trap cash cow, but every penny I make goes to my research. Everything you've ever wanted to know about extraterrestrials since 1947 waits for you behind that door.”

“Your archives, are they open to the public?”

“Oh you're hungrier than I thought, and you remind me of myself as a confused, pained adolescent. Ever since then, I've spent my entire life searching for aliens. And I swear on my mother's grave that one day I will stand face to face with one of these creatures, and I will say, ‘I told you so!’ ” Pointing his finger at Max's face he grinned, “Now what about my offer? What do you think?”


(Okay I’m taking creative license with this next part. I don’t even know if Alex would have had access to this stuff or if he even would have thought about it but humor me. Please? *best puppy dog face*)

Alex played hooky from his last class so he would have the chance to get in place before the others left. Desperate times call for desperate measures. At least that was what he was telling himself. He wasn’t going to sit back while his friends were getting hurt.

Sitting in his car, he pulled out the bag he had carefully packed that morning before school. Sometimes being a computer geek had its rewards. Pulling out a camera, binoculars and a long range listening device, Alex made sure everything was ready to go.

Waiting until the bell rang he watched as Max, Michael, Isabel, Liz and Maria gathered together. They said a few words and then separated. Maria and Max in the jetta. Michael, Isabel and Liz left in the jeep. Deciding to follow the jeep, Alex carefully followed at a safe distance. He didn’t want them to know he was back there. Watching as they dropped off Isabel, he decided to follow the jeep. He wouldn’t be able to get anything off of Isabel at the library. The jeep led him out to the quarry. Wondering what was so important about the quarry that they would meet there twice in one week, Alex followed at a safe distance.

Passing the quarry by a little ways, Alex parked his car and trekked back to where he had last seen Michael and Liz. Finding them talking and looking at some notes, Alex pulled out his binoculars and the listening device. Starting to set it up, he was startled at the explosion coming from their direction. Looking up, he saw what looked like a shrub in flames.

‘What the hell?’ Alex murmured. Quickly finishing setting up his equipment, he tuned in and as listened as Michael and Liz discussed powers. Feeling even more confused, Alex waited impatiently while Michael tried to meditate. Alex realized that whatever was going on Liz was waiting on Michael, so he kept the binoculars trained in his direction. Finally seeing Michael open his eyes, he nearly fell over when a rock sitting near the demolished shrub exploded.

Totally confused and a little freaked now, Alex didn’t think he could get anymore shocked until he saw what happened next. When Liz started using powers, he nearly had a heart attack. ‘Oh my God!’ Unable to coherently think now, Alex packed up his stuff in a daze and left. After arriving at home, he locked himself in his room and tried to rationally think through everything he had seen and heard the last few days.


After picking up Isabel, Michael and Liz headed to the Crashdown to meet up with Max and Maria. Maria had to work until closing tonight and Liz had to work for a couple hours tonight as well. Getting to the Crashdown, Michael, Isabel, and Liz went inside where Max was waiting. Joining him at a booth, they decided to eat while they waited.

After a silent tension filled dinner, the aliens left with the promise that Max would come back by later to see Liz and everyone would get together tomorrow afternoon to discuss what had been learned today. The Crashdown had been too packed to discuss alien matters while they ate.

After her shift was over Liz headed upstairs to get ready for bed but had to stop off to spend some “quality” time with the parents. She felt bad about not being able to tell them what was going on and she knew her dad was suspicious of her recent behavior, but Liz didn’t know how to reassure him when she couldn’t reassure herself. Finally managing to go to her room, Liz readied herself for bed and waited for Max to show up. They had both been feeling the effects of the withdrawals at dinner but they seemed to have dimmed from the time they had spent next to each other eating.

Hearing Max on her balcony, she opened the window and moved back for him to enter. “Hey Max.”

“Hey, how are you feeling?” Reaching out to pull Liz into his arms, he walked them back to the bed where they sat and cuddled against each other.

“Much better now that you’re here. How were things at home?” Liz whispered against Max’s neck.

“Hmm... well, my mom seemed better. She didn’t seem as upset as this morning or last night.” Stroking her back gently, Max buried his nose in her hair.

“Hmm... I’m glad.” Liz whispered as she drifted off to sleep. Not long after, Max joined her in slumber. Neither dreamed or if they did they didn’t remember it.

Last edited by Ladeia3 on Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 5

Post by Ladeia3 »

Chapter 5
September 29, 1999

Sleeping through the alarm clock, neither woke up until the sound of Mrs. Parker’s voice carried into the room. “Liz, are you up? You’re going to be late.”

“Oh crap!” Max muttered falling out of bed.

“Liz, you okay in there?” Mrs. Parker’s concerned voice carried through the door.

“Yeah, mom I’m fine. I just fell off the bed. I’m getting dressed now.” Liz hurriedly explained while pulling out clothes she was going to wear that day. This was not how she wanted to start her day. Hopefully, her mother would not try to come in.

Max rushed to get dressed as Liz was answering her mother. Once dressed, Max pressed his lips against Liz’s before rushing out the window. Turning one last time, Max gave Liz another quick kiss before hurrying off. They had seriously overslept this morning and had nearly been caught. He really hoped that he could get home before his mother came into his room looking for him. Just thinking about the hell he and Liz would be subjected to if they were discovered sleeping in the same bed made him shudder. He knew that both sets of parents would probably ban them from seeing each other, no matter how innocent they had spent their nights.

Arriving at home, Max quickly showered and readied for school. Grabbing a quick breakfast of toast and juice, he met Isabel at the jeep. Arriving just in time for first period, he didn’t have a chance to stop and see Liz. He hoped she hadn’t gotten into any trouble this morning.

His day passed by very slowly. He missed Liz at lunch because Isabel was worried about where Michael had disappeared to, so he spent lunch period searching for him only to find him in the library doing his homework of all things. Wondering what parallel universe he stumbled into, Max shook his head and returned to class.

Halfway through the day, Max started feeling the effects of being away from Liz too long but was unable to do anything about it. He really was beginning to dislike whatever was happening to his and Liz’s bodies.

After a nearly excruciating long day, Max met up with the others so they could head out to the quarry. Letting Isabel drive, Max sat in the back cuddling with Liz hoping it would be enough to get them through the rest of the day.


Rushing to get ready, Liz cursed herself for not waking up on time. She so didn’t want to get busted, but that was going to happen if they didn’t figure something else out. After eating a quick breakfast, Liz met Maria downstairs and they headed to school. Arriving only a few minutes before their first period, they didn’t have time to meet up with the others or wonder where Alex was this morning.

The day dragged for Liz, even lunch didn’t improve her mood. Max, Isabel, and Michael had disappeared for lunch so she was stuck with just Maria. She wondered where Alex was but figured he either was at home sick or was off playing with a computer somewhere. He usually ate lunch with them but he was occasionally known for getting so tied up in some computer deal that he forgot the time.

She groaned as she realized she was starting to feel the effects of not having been close to Max in too long. She didn’t know whether to complain about the injustice of having to deal with it or have a panic attack wondering if she was going to end up dead because of it.

Last period finally came to a close allowing the group to meet up at the quarry. Fortunately, Liz was able to sit with Max in the back of the jeep which helped soothe whatever was causing the really icky feelings.

Arriving at the quarry, Max nodded at Liz to begin. “Okay, um, we have a lot to go over and I have to work in a couple of hours, so let’s just get started.” Liz pulled out her notes. “I’ll start with me and Michael and then Max can go after and then Isabel last.”

Looking around to make sure everyone was following her, she continued. “Well, from practice yesterday, Michael was able to achieve better aim and more explosive results after he learned to meditate. I checked out a few books on meditation at the library for everyone to go over and learn to do on their own. Let me know if it helps or not. Michael also realized he didn’t have to aim with his hand to make something explode just focus on it. I was able to do minor blasts but nothing close to Michael’s firepower. I couldn’t make a rock explode but I had no problem with cactus. Um, well that’s really all we tried yesterday along with some molecular manipulation. With a little practice I think I’ll be able to do it about the same level as you guys.” Checking to see if everyone was still with her or had any questions, Liz turned to Michael. “Michael, was there anything you wanted to add?”

“Nope.” Michael stared at the ground pensively. He had a lot on his mind and was only half listening to what was going on.

Maria glared at Michael wondering why he had to be such a jerk. Not even paying attention to the rest of the meeting, Maria ranted in her head about Michael’s deficiencies. ‘What is up with that hair? Oh and don’t get me started on those fashion reject clothes! When was the last time he took a bath? He needs to learn how to have correct posture. Geez, slouching all the time is bad for your health. Although he’s an alien maybe he doesn’t have any health. He needs to build up some muscles. He is just too scrawny. And what’s with that stupid smirk he’s always showing? Ugh, and that scowl… the guy needs to learn how to smile. You know that thing where his lips turn up not down.’ Michael didn’t even notice the pissed off glare Maria was giving him.

“Okay, well, um, your turn Max.”

“Well, I have a job at the UFO Museum now.” Seeing Isabel’s cringe and Michael’s smirk, he explained. “He has archives that aren’t available to the public. The only way I can get access is to work there. Yeah, the guy is a total nut but if the files he has locked away has any useful information, it’ll be worth the humiliation of working there.” Max cringed at the irony of an alien working at an alien themed tourist trap. “Anyway, I wasn’t able to find out anything useful from the tour or looking around. Isabel? What did you find at the library?”

Opening her bag, Isabel removed a stack of papers. “Okay, here are the blueprints for the Sheriff’s office.” Handing the papers she had to Max she pointed to the blueprints. “I also made copies of three different maps of Roswell and the surrounding desert. I pinpointed on the maps where we were found and where Michael was found.” Pointing at the red marks, she circled with her finger the surrounding area. “We weren’t outside for very long since we weren’t hungry, tired, or anything so I estimated this area to be where we need to search. I figure if we search in about a ten mile radius of where we were originally found we should have a good chance of finding the pods.”

Flipping through the stack, Isabel came to the articles she printed out. “Here are some articles I found dating back to the crash. Here are the articles about the crash itself. Here is an article about the guy in ’59 found with a silver handprint on his chest. Guess who was Sheriff at the time.” Isabel glanced up at Max and Liz, but neither could tell her the answer. “Sheriff Valenti’s father was Sheriff at the time of the murder. He investigated it and this is what led to him losing his job and pretty much becoming the local nut chasing after aliens.”

“Hmm, that might explain Valenti’s obsession with Max. He probably grew up on the stories from his dad. Now here he is possibly with one or more aliens running around.” Liz looked over at Max concerned. He had that ‘It’s all my fault.’ Look on his face. “Max, this isn’t your fault. This was before you were even born, hatched, whatever.” Taking his hand and squeezing it gently, she returned her attention to Isabel. “What else do you have on this guy that died? Was there a reason why he was killed?”

Isabel nodded, “The guy is none other than James Atherton. He wrote a book about aliens being among us. He was definitely a UFO nut.”

“Maybe he found a real alien and tried to expose him. The alien killed him to keep his identity a secret.” Liz mused softly. Biting her lip nervously, “I still don’t see that as a good enough incentive to kill but then again I haven’t spent my whole life in fear of people finding out. What else did you find out?”

“Well, other than the articles about us, not much. Other than Atherton’s murder and few anniversary pieces of the crash, the next article I could find dealing with anything alien related were about us being found wandering the desert naked and alone.”

“Wow. You did really good Isabel. This is great. This helps us a lot.” Smiling at Isabel with pride Max couldn’t help but wonder why they had never thought to do this on their own.

“Maybe Saturday or Sunday we can start looking in the desert for the pods. Now let’s go over the blueprints to the Sheriff’s office. Maria will have her car breakdown in the middle of nowhere and call it in. With the Sheriff’s interest in us, he will probably be the one to come out. If not, we can wait until the next night when he is not on duty. Hopefully, that late at night on the weekend there won’t be too many people left in the building. Michael and I can go through the window here and search Valenti’s office. We’ll copy everything we find and put back everything like we found it so the Sheriff doesn’t know we were there.”

“Don’t forget to wear gloves so you don’t leave any fingerprints. It would be really ironic to get in and out with no problems only to have the Sheriff find your fingerprints on things that you never had access to.” Liz warned them.

“Right. Anyway, I think we should give ourselves an hour to thoroughly go through his office but I really don’t want to be in there longer than 15 minutes. The longer we’re there the higher the chance of someone coming by and catching us or the Sheriff returning.” Max went over the blueprints one more time before putting them up. Turning his attention to the articles Isabel had printed out he read over them quickly. “Hmm, we need to find out some more about Atherton. Maybe we can figure out what he found out that cost him his life. We can look into him this weekend after we search for the pods.”

“Hmm, okay I think that covers everything. I have to be at work soon. Anything else we need to talk about or discuss?” Liz began putting up her notes while looking at everyone shaking their heads.

“Oh do you work tomorrow Liz? If you don’t, maybe we can get together after school to work on our powers?” Isabel asked hopefully. She really hoped that she could learn more about her powers and after Max telling her about Liz’s dreamwalking, she wanted to try it out with her.

“Sure, no I don’t work tomorrow. Maybe you can see if you can do blasts like Michael. It’ll probably be too early to try dreamwalking anybody but maybe we can try out some of the powers I listed in my notes see if you can do any of those.” Liz nodded. Waving good bye to the others, she and Maria took off in the jetta for the Crashdown.


Michael was having a very bad day. He wondered why he even bothered showing up for school today. Oh right, there was a meeting right after and Max wanted him there. What a waste of time. Wandering in the halls, he made sure that he didn’t show up for class too early. He really didn’t see the point in going to school. Why should he? He wasn’t staying on Earth. As soon as he found a way home, he was off of this rock. What did he care about Shakespeare or Algebra? Who cared who signed the Constitution and what year? All of it was irrelevant anyway.

Making an appearance in English class, he was surprised to realize he had Maria in there with him. Not that he ever showed up for class anyway but he was still surprised to see her. Sitting there bored, he allowed himself to daydream, he was startled when the teacher handed him some papers.

“Mr. Guerin, I expect you to be in class on time everyday. Now the papers I have just handed everyone are your projects. You have all been assigned a partner. You will have until October 13 to complete them. This is worth 30% of your semester grade.”

The teacher droned on about the importance of this project but Michael was staring at the project in horror. He had to work with Maria DeLuca. Someone was out to get him that’s all he could think of. Why else would he be suffering through this? Looking over at Maria, he quietly groaned knowing he was going to go through hell. Why did he have to get stuck with her?

Nearly running out of class at the sound of the bell, Michael hoped to avoid Maria for a little while longer but his luck had run out. Maria had chased after him and was now standing in front of him yelling at him. Ignoring her, he went out to the quad where it fortunately had few students lingering.

“Did you hear me Michael Guerin??! How dare you ignore me? We have to do this project together and I will not allow you to screw this up. Michael? MICHAEL? Are you listening to me?” Fuming Maria marched after Michael determined not to be ignored… especially by an alien reject with bad hair.

“NO! I’m not listening to you. I don’t care about some stupid English project. School doesn’t matter. Eventually, I’m going to find my way home and all this will not matter.” Michael stated firmly, scowling at Maria.

“What do you mean school isn’t going to matter? How idiotic can you be Michael? Your people have obviously used space travel, which means they have at least Earth’s level of technology but they’re probably more advanced. You need an education to be able to handle that technology. You’ll have to ask Liz or somebody about everything necessary to learn about space travel but the point is you have to be trained and need to know stuff. Do you really want to go back there only to find yourself considered a retard because you don’t know simple math or science?” Maria ranted at Michael. Giving up in a huff, Maria stormed off not realizing the impact her words had made.

Michael stood there dumbfounded. He had never thought of it that way but suddenly he realized what she said was true. Wherever he came from they were at least able to get into space that meant that even though Earth history and language skills were probably not that necessary, math and science at the least were. Resolving to ask Liz about it later on he headed off to brood until the meeting.

Fortunately, he was able to get through the meeting with only having to say one word. The rest of the meeting he barely paid any attention to, choosing instead to ponder what Maria had told him and what that meant for him.


Alex had spent much of the night tossing and turning. On one hand, he was freaked out and scared for Maria and Liz. On the other hand, he thought this was kind of cool. How many people could say they had super powers or were best friends with someone who did? If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed his best friend since 5th grade could suddenly blast cacti and change the appearance of things.

With what he had learned so far, he figured that he had at least had a rough idea of what was going on. He assumed that during the shooting Liz had really been shot. One of them, probably Max, had healed her. Since she had been healed, they had to tell her the truth. More than likely Maria had just pushed until Liz broke down and told her. On the powers, he figured that healing Liz must have changed her somehow. How she was changed and what that meant he didn’t know yet.

Now the problem was figuring out if he really wanted to get involved or not. Stupid question actually. He couldn’t let Maria and Liz handle this by themselves. They were going to need him. He just had to figure out how to approach them to get the full story and become part of the group. Hopefully without facing Michael and the power he had seen him do.

He played hooky from school not wanting to face any of them until he had decided what he was going to do and how he was going to do it. He just didn’t think he could pull off normal with the way he was feeling right now and knew that he would blurt out something stupid as soon as he saw either Liz or Maria. He sat down at his computer and worked on research and finishing his homework from last night instead.


Arriving a couple hours later at the Crashdown, Max, Michael, and Isabel got something to eat and made small talk with Liz and Maria. Max had dropped by his home earlier only to find his parents had decided to go out for a romantic dinner and were not expected back until very late, so instead of going home to wait until they were asleep he was just going to stay at Liz’s. He enjoyed just relaxing watching Liz work while waiting until she got off so he could go upstairs.

Liz had been working on her homework between customers when she was startled by Michael’s question. “Can I ask you something?”

“Um, sure, what is it?” Curious, Liz watched Michael rub his eyebrow. He looked almost nervous, but Liz thought she must be wrong. What would he have to be nervous about around her?

“Well, I was kind of wondering what kind of education someone would need that was interested in space travel and the level of technology.” Michael quickly asked looking around to make sure no one had overheard him.

“I’m assuming you’re wondering about the people you come from?” At his nod, Liz thought for a moment. “Well, they would at least have to have our level of technology but from what little we know so far, I think several hundred years more advanced would be closer to the mark. Space travel is dependent on a lot of things. It depends on what aspect you’re looking into. Off the top of my head, the subjects most likely to be needed would be advanced math, physics, astronomy, probably some engineering, and I’m sure there are other subjects that would need to be learned that I just don’t know about. I could look further into it for you?” Liz wondered where this was going. Michael asking about education was just twilight zone strange.

“No, that’s okay. Maria just made a point earlier that my education was necessary since the aliens had better technology than Earth and if I didn’t bother learning anything than I would be considered retarded by their standards.” Michael shrugged self-consciously.

“Hmm, well, Maria has a point. If there technology is far more advanced than ours than at least knowing the basics here will help you when and if you get to go back. Besides, you don’t know if you’ll ever go back or when Michael. Do you really want to be living on the streets or always having to crash at other people’s homes because you can’t afford one for yourself?” Liz hoped Michael really thought about everything. She knew that his playing hooky from school all the time bothered Max.

“Sure, yeah, whatever. Thanks, Liz.” Michael mumbled and moved off.

Staring after him, Liz wondered if she should say anything to Max but after a moment of contemplation decided if Michael wanted them to know anything he would tell them on his own.

Isabel and Michael left shortly after while Max decided to stick around and do a little homework. Although he paid more attention to what Liz was doing than what he was doing until he happened to look towards the back. Noticing Mr. Parker glaring at him for staring at Liz, Max returned his attention to his homework sitting in front of him. Cringing to his self, he wondered how much Mr. Parker hated him and what his reaction would be if he did learn that Max was spending the night with Liz.

Finished with her shift, Liz went upstairs. Eating dinner with her parents, she kept to light topics and avoided the questions about what was going on in her life and what was going on with her and Max.

Finally free of the parents, Liz escaped to her room to already find Max on her balcony waiting for her. While Max finished his homework, Liz updated her journal and notes. After putting them up, Liz got ready for bed and invited Max in. Getting comfortable they quickly fell asleep from exhaustion.

Their dreams that night were filled with hopes for the future.
Last edited by Ladeia3 on Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 6

Post by Ladeia3 »

Chapter 6
September 30, 1999

Alex woke up Thursday morning with a purpose but not an actual plan. He was going to go to Liz today and tell her what he knew. He didn’t really know what he was going to do after that though. He hoped Liz would just come clean and not try to lie about it but he was determined that no matter what he would know everything by tonight. He wasn’t going to let Liz and Maria face this all by themselves. They needed him and he was going to be there. Now it was just a matter of keeping his cool until the opportunity to get Liz by herself presented itself.

Arriving at school, he saw Liz, Maria, Max, and Isabel at Liz’s locker. There were too many students milling around so he couldn’t just walk up and ask her about aliens and her powers. Deciding to wait until he could talk to her without worrying about anyone eavesdropping, Alex avoided being spotted and headed off to class.


Thursday morning found Max and Liz waking up on time. Max did not want to take the chance of getting caught, especially since he didn’t know whether being apart too long could be life threatening. He realized they really hadn’t tried to stay apart once the symptoms appeared, but he didn’t even want to consider it. They had only suffered from withdrawal symptoms for a little over an hour yesterday. Eventually if the symptoms didn’t let up they were going to find out the hard way what could happen if they were separated too long.

“Morning” Max whispered quietly against Liz’s ear.

“Good morning to you. Did you sleep well?” Yawning Liz sat up and stretched.

“Hmm, Yeah I did. How did you sleep?” Max stood up and grabbed his discarded clothes.

“Good” Liz watched Max as he dressed. She had to keep herself from drooling. She wondered what she did in a past life to get such a hunk of a guy. Liz knew that she wasn’t ugly but she also knew she wasn’t gorgeous. She was like she claimed, ‘just a small town girl’. She thought she was pretty much ordinary in looks. So how did she get so lucky to have someone as special and gorgeous as Max Evans want her?

Max finished dressing unaware of Liz’s thoughts and kissed her sweetly. “I’ll see you later, okay.” At Liz’s nod, Max headed home.

After getting ready for school, Max sat in his room thinking. Things seemed to be happening too quickly around here lately. He couldn’t help but feel a little helpless and guilty. He wondered where all of this would lead. He worried about the alien responsible for killing Atherton. He worried about what answers they would find. He was worried about what he did to Liz that caused them to get sick if they didn’t get physically close every few hours. He worried about his parents. He worried about Valenti and what he was up too. Valenti hadn’t harassed him in a few days. There didn’t seem to be anyone paying too much attention to him or the others. Not that he wanted there to be anyone harassing him, but it just seemed odd no one was following them. It also looked as if Valenti had dropped his investigation and from what little Max knew of the guy, that was not his style. So Valenti had to be up to something and that had him very worried.

Blocking out all of his worries and concerns, Max hurried through breakfast and drove Isabel to school. Getting there early enough, they met up with Liz and Maria at their lockers.

Meeting Liz’s eyes, Max forgot about everyone and everything else. He lost himself in her big doe eyes wishing the world would just go away.

*cough, cough* “Hmph! MAX! LIZ! We’re in the hallway man. Stop with the staring into each other’s eyes thing.” Maria elbowed Max. “Geez, guys, if you don’t want the whole world to know that you too are hopelessly in love, lose the star-crossed lovers stares.”

Looking away from Liz, Max mumbled, “Sorry, um, gotta get to class.” Hurrying off with one last soulful glance at Liz, Max began another boring day of classes.


Liz waited until Max left before she got up to get ready. After getting dressed, Liz hurried through her breakfast so she would have time to write in her journal and look over her notes. Isabel was going to practice her powers with her tonight and she wanted to refresh herself on what she had already done and what she wanted to try. She also had tons of questions she wanted to ask. After updating her journal and packing away her notes to take with her to the quarry, Liz sat down in the Crashdown to wait for Maria to show up.

Sitting there, she had time to think about everything happening. She was starting to get worried. Too many things were happening and everything seemed to be going too well. She wondered when things were going to go bad. Not that she was necessarily a pessimist, but Liz couldn’t help but worry about when the other shoe would drop. Valenti hadn’t tried to talk to her or Maria since before the festival. He hadn’t bothered Max since that night. She couldn’t help but wonder what Valenti was up to.

If that wasn’t enough to worry about she was becoming more concerned about this need to be around Max. What was going on inside her body? Was it a part of the change she was undergoing? Or was it a completely unrelated problem? How were they going to fix it, especially before her parents caught them? Yesterday had been close. If her mother had tried to open the door instead of just calling through it they would have been busted. What if her parents decided to check up on her in the middle of the night when they were asleep?

What were they going to find on Saturday when they broke into Valenti’s office? Would the search for the pods be successful? And if they did find them, what would they find near them? What answers would they find this weekend and what problems would arise from those problems? Too many unknowns were driving her crazy with worry.

Finally, Maria was there and they made it to school early enough to wait at their lockers for the others. Seeing Max and Isabel enter the building, Liz waited for them to make their way over to them.

Looking into Max’s eyes, she couldn’t help but think how beautiful they were. Thinking how soulful they were, Liz lost herself in them until she heard Maria practically yelling at them. Embarrassed, Liz looked away but couldn’t help but feel a little sad when Max hurriedly said goodbye and went to class. Staring off after him, Liz didn’t notice the bell until Maria dragged her off.

“I swear, you two are lovesick idiots. Staring into each other’s eyes, making those dopey faces at each other, and constantly holding hands. It’s sickening. It’s a wonder the whole school hasn’t been talking about you two.” Maria continued to rant on their way to class.

Liz just tuned her out. She really wasn’t in the mood to turn on her Maria filter. Instead she mentally went over what tests she had today and what classes she had homework due in.


Michael was on time for class today. He really didn’t want to be here but what Maria and Liz had said made a lot of sense. If he was going to be able to go back home someday he would at least need a basic education. During his free period he was going to spend in the library checking out books on science, math, physics and astronomy. He would start with that and work his way from there.

Michael ignored the surprised and shocked expressions of his teachers and fellow students when he showed up on time for all his classes and turned in his homework. To say the teachers wondered if Michael had been abducted by aliens was an understatement. Michael could care less what others thought and glared at anyone who stared at him too long. He paid attention in class and even made notes. Well, a few notes. Michael wasn’t going to become the perfect student overnight.

During free period, Michael spent his time in the library. He smirked as the librarian kept checking up on him. He was sure the librarian thought he was there to either make out with a girl or to destroy school property. He almost thought it was amusing how everyone reacted to him actually paying attention in class and handing in his homework. He wondered if he should make it a point to surprise people more often. The amusement factor alone made up for the punishment of being in school all day. Checking out a stack of books to study later, Michael left the library and returned to the last class of the day.


After school, the gang all headed out to the quarry. Michael, Max, Isabel, and Liz were going to work on powers and try some new things. Maria was going along for moral support and in case they needed a guinea pig. Liz also hoped that being around them and watching them play with their powers would help her to become more comfortable. Maybe it wouldn’t be so *alien* if she saw them in action for awhile. Plus maybe having someone else there could help them with ideas on things to try.

Pulling out her notes, Liz showed the others the chart she made. On the chart she had listed everyone’s names in the left column and across the top all the powers that they had already tried and those that she wanted to try. She had marked what each person already knew they could do.

“Okay here is what I thought we could do. Michael already knows he can blast but what else can he do besides that? Isabel knows she can dreamwalk but can she also blast? Max knows he can heal but can he blast or dreamwalk? Since it’s so early we probably won’t be able to do the dreamwalking part. I guess we’ll have to figure out something else on that. Anyway, I listed a bunch of other powers that I wanted to test out. Can any of you do telekinesis, pyrokinesis, telepathy, mind warping, teleportation, cyrokinesis, phasing, hydrokinesis, invisibility, levitation, psychometry, weather control, shielding, astral projection or mind control?” Liz looked around and noticed their bewildered expressions. Liz bit her lip trying to contain her mirth.

“Um, Liz, we haven’t even heard of most of what you just listed or even know what it means.” Max looked at Liz in confusion. ‘Where did she even come up with this stuff?’ Max wondered in bewilderment.

Michael and Isabel just shook their heads but both couldn’t help a spark of interest. “Liz, can you explain what some of these powers are? Like Max said, we haven’t heard of most of them.” Isabel questioned softly intrigued. They had never really explored their powers. Since they were little they had tried not to use their abilities. The ones they could do were powers that just made an appearance.

“Well, let’s see. Pyrokinesis is being able to start and/or control fires with your mind which probably ties into the molecular manipulation power you guys have. Telekinesis is moving objects with your mind. Telepathy is the ability to speak with just your mind or even be able to read other’s thoughts. Mind warping is like projecting an illusion over an area, making someone ‘see’ something that isn’t there. Teleportation is being able to transport yourself over a distance without physically moving there with just your mind. Um, Cyrokinesis is the same as pyrokinesis except it’s with ice. Hydrokinesis is the same as pyrokinesis except with water.

There’s also electro magnetic manipulation which is the same as pyrokinesis except using electrical currents or ley lines, thermo kinesis is the same except it is manipulating temperature of yourself or surroundings, aero kinesis which is manipulating air, and specktrakinesis which is manipulating light. Phasing is being able to walk through solid objects or even able to cause other objects to phase through other objects. Invisibility is either being able to make yourself invisible or using an ability like specktrakinesis to manipulate light around you so that you appear invisible to those around you.

Levitation is either making yourself or an object just float in mid air. Mind control is obviously controlling someone’s mind, making them do or say something they wouldn’t normally. Also if someone is able to do mind control or mind warping we need to find out if there is a way for the person to break through it or keep someone from being able to do it. Weather control is obviously controlling the weather, making it rain or storm or sunny, etc. Psychometry is touching an object and getting information about it like in a vision or just knowing something about its owner. A shield is just being able to put up some kind of barrier to keep something from hitting you or another object.

We already know you can manipulate molecular structure of objects which probably ties in with some of the above like the thermokinesis or pyrokinesis for example. I’ve seen you heat up your food so that would be an example of one of those abilities. We need to figure out what all you’re capable of with that ability and what the limits of using it are. For example, do you have to be in close proximity or in actual contact to change something? Can you manipulate anything, like air and turn it into something else? Is there a limit to how much you can change the original form? Do you need to have a template to change something, or will it change to what you want it to even if you don’t have a template to work from? If you change something, is it permanent and are there any side affects that we need to be aware of? For example, if you change something, can modern technology discover the object had been changed?

We just have to figure out what else you’re capable of and work on practicing them.” Liz explained to the group. Looking around she could tell she had gotten them all thinking about the possibilities and probably had lost them somewhere half way through her speech. She really needed a way to break the information down into smaller sections because even she had trouble keeping up with everything even with lists and charts.

Maria was looking a little freaked out. She hadn’t actually seen them use their powers yet. She had heard them talk about them and knew that Max had healed Liz but other than that she hadn’t seen them in action. Now here she was listening to a long list of possible abilities they had that made her more and more nervous. What if they decided to take over the planet? What if they enslaved Roswell? Liz mentioned mind control and mind warping. What if they mind warped the whole town as seeing them as gods? Or if they controlled everyone into being their slaves?

Liz interrupted Maria’s internal freak out by handing out a practice sheet to Max, Michael and Isabel. “Here is a chart I made so you can mark what you can do and what you were unable to do. Maria, why don’t you come over and help me.” At Maria’s jerky nod, Liz handed her another chart she had made. “Here you can make note of what I can do or can’t do.

Liz stepped away from the group to practice on her own. Noticing the others take up various positions and work on their own charts, Liz got to work. Working on the physical powers first, Liz knew she could do very small blasts so she decided to try something else on her list and practice that ability later. Quieting her mind, Liz concentrated on a small rock about ten feet away. After several minutes of focusing, the rock began to shake and then lifted up into the air and moved towards her. Excited over having moved it, she lost her concentration causing the rock to fall. It took several tries before she was able to move the rock much more than a few feet. Liz figured it would probably have to be practiced awhile before she would be able to do anything more with it.

Liz tried the next ability on her list but wasn’t able to produce a shield. She wasn’t even sure how to go about producing a shield. She tried imagining one into place or manipulating the air into becoming solid but nothing she did worked. Unsure of whether it was because she didn’t have the ability or whether she just didn’t have the right trigger, Liz moved onto the next ability.

After nearly an hour and a half, the group of teens called it quits on practicing and gathered around to share details. Michael, Max, and Isabel were all able to blast to varying degrees. Michael’s was the strongest with Isabel’s being the weakest. Her blasts were barely stronger than what Liz had been able to do before. All the aliens and Liz were able to use telekinesis but none had any control. It was apparently an ability that would take some work to make it useful. If they were in close contact, they could make things burst into flames but could not use this ability from a distance.

Max had tried to make a shield and had been somewhat successful. It had wavered and flickered before dying seconds after being activated but it was there. Michael, Isabel, and Liz had not able to make a shield but they weren’t sure if it was because they didn’t have the ability or didn’t know how to trigger it as Max had done. Michael had not had much success on any of the powers but the blasts. Isabel was not able to do any more of the physical abilities listed unless they could be considered a part of the molecular manipulation.

No one had been able to levitate themselves or an object. They had all tried aerokinesis, thermokinesis, terrakinesis, hydrokinesis and weather control but were unable to do any unless they related to molecular manipulation which usually meant being in direct or close contact with the object they were trying to manipulate. After practicing the ones they had and giving themselves headaches trying the others, they were all wiped out after that and hadn’t had the energy to try out the rest of the abilities on the list.

“Maybe it has something to do with gender.” At Isabel’s irritated look, Max hurriedly explained. “What I mean by that is both Michael and I have more ability to do physical things. Our blasts are much stronger than either you or Liz’s and neither one of you were able to produce a shield. You and Liz are the only ones that can dreamwalk. What if our powers are kind of divided by gender? I’m sure when we start working on trying out mental abilities you’ll discover that you can do them but we won’t be able to or not very well anyway.”

“That makes sense. That Isabel’s powers and mine would be more cerebral based and you and Michael’s would be more physical. We’ll just have to practice them to find out for sure. Maybe this weekend we can try out some of the more mental abilities like dreamwalking, mind warping or astral projection.” Liz packed up her notes and charts. “Well need to plan some time to work together in pairs or as a group to see how our abilities are affected by helping each other.”

“Okay so can we go now? I can’t be out too late. It’s a school night and my mom is going to be wondering where I am soon.” Maria looked ready to run despite her somewhat calm tone. Nervously shifting from foot to foot, Maria waited until everyone nodded. Sighing in relief, Maria rushed to her car. “Liz? Are you riding with me or them?”

Liz glanced at Max, “Um, I’ll ride with you, Maria. I need to get home and finish my homework. I’ll see you later Max.” Max nodded and headed for the jeep.

“Bye Liz and thanks.” Isabel quickly said before turning away and heading for the jeep. She didn’t want things to get mushy and she really didn’t want Liz to think they were suddenly friends. Isabel wasn’t sure how she thought of Liz anymore. Until Liz started turning into one of them, Isabel just thought of Liz as a science geek and the girl who her brother was obsessed with. Now Liz was not only coming up with ideas that one of them should have come up with, she was developing powers and was getting involved with her brother. She felt a little jealous at that. She didn’t want to lose her brother to Liz Parker. Unfortunately, she had a sinking feeling that there wasn’t anything she could do about it, at least not if she didn’t want to loose her brother.

Maria dropped Liz off at the Crashdown and headed home to freak in private. ‘She so didn’t need to let Liz know how badly she was really taking this. Liz was just way too calm. It just wasn’t right! Liz should be freaking out or ranting or crying or something more than making lists and gleefully trying to use her newfound powers.’ Maria internally ranted.

Liz made her way upstairs, avoiding her parents. She was thinking about what to do about Maria. She knew Maria wasn’t as okay as she was pretending, but Liz didn’t know how to get Maria to the point of being okay. Maria was still holding everything inside and that wasn’t good. Liz entered her bedroom and stopped when she realized she wasn’t alone. Liz was surprised to see Alex waiting in her room. “Alex! What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to talk to you about some stuff that I’ve found out.” Alex started to pace trying to find the best way to say what he had to say. “I know you were shot that day in the Crashdown. I know Max healed you. I know you have powers. I know Michael has powers as well.” Alex blurted out. Turning around he faced Liz.

Liz was stunned. How had Alex found out about this? She hadn’t told him. “Who told you all of this? Was it Maria?” ‘I’m so going to kick Maria’s ass for this.’ Liz fumed to herself. She had promised not to tell anyone.

“No, Maria didn’t tell me. I saw how weird you two were acting so I followed you guys. I was out at the quarry the other day and heard some of what you guys talked about. Not enough to know everything but enough to make me suspicious. Then the other day I followed you and Michael out to the quarry. Imagine my surprise when my best friend since 5th grade suddenly blew up a cactus.” Alex started pacing again. “So after putting together all the pieces this is what I came up with. You were shot so Max healed you. Whatever he did to heal you changed you. You now have powers like them. I’m assuming that Isabel is the same as Max. So how am I doing so far?” Facing Liz again he stared at her. “And don’t try and tell me I’m imagining things or try to lie to me Liz. I want to know everything. I’m not going to let my two best friends handle this by themselves.” Alex pleaded with Liz.

Liz stared at him startled for a moment at how easy he had caught them but then the realization that she didn’t have to break a promise to Max but didn’t have to betray her best friend either had just been granted. “You’re right, Alex. I wanted to tell you the truth sooner but I didn’t want to break my promise to Max not tell anyone. You’ve pretty much figured out most of it.”

Liz explained everything that happened over the last couple of weeks about her developing powers, being changed, the withdrawals from Max, and their origins. She explained about Valenti and the photo he had from ’59 with a silver handprint and their intentions to break into his office to find out more information. She told him about exploring their powers and the plan to search for Max, Michael, and Isabel’s pods over the weekend. Finished explaining, Liz sat there worriedly waiting on Alex’s reaction. Maria hadn’t reacted all that well and she was afraid that Alex wouldn’t be able to handle. Would he not want to be her friend anymore now that she wasn’t normal? If he decided not to be her friend, would he take Maria with him? She needn’t have worried.

Alex sat through the explanation absorbing everything. He had managed to figure out the basics all by himself so it wasn’t a complete shock although to hear it confirmed threw him slightly. “Well, I gotta say you don’t do anything easy do you, Parker.” Grinning, he sat down. “So what happens now? I want to help. I don’t want to be kept in the dark anymore, Liz.”

Nodding, “I’ll tell you everything from now on. Um, maybe you might want to talk to Maria. I know she is like totally freaked right now and I don’t think she wants to vent to me. I mean, I’m part of the problem so maybe if she can talk to you it will make her feel better.” Shutting up when she realized she was rambling she waited for Alex’s reply. She really thought it would help Maria to talk to Alex. Alex wasn’t part of the problem and he was a calming influence on Maria.

“Sure, I was going to head over there next anyway. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Maybe then I can get to see some of those cool alien powers in action.” Grinning, Alex hugged Liz, reassuring her once again he was okay with everything before leaving to see Maria.

Once Alex was gone, Liz wrote in her journal and waited for Max. She couldn’t help but wonder how Max was going to take Alex knowing the truth. She was just glad that Alex figured it out all on his own. She hadn’t wanted to betray Max’s trust by telling someone else but Alex had been one of her best friends for years. She couldn’t imagine not eventually confiding everything to him. She wondered how Alex’s talk with Maria was going. She hoped that he was able to help Maria before she cracked and ended up telling the wrong person.

Sitting out on her balcony, Liz heard Max climb up the ladder. “Hey Max. I, um, have to tell you something.”

“Sure, what’s going on?” Max sat down next to Liz and waited for her to continue. Reaching out he played with a lock of her hair.

Anxiously biting her lip, she hurriedly spilled the beans, “Well, Alex came to see me, and well, he had followed us around and he saw Michael and me use our powers, and he overheard parts of our conversation out at the quarry the other day, and pretty much had figured out what was going on so I kinda had to tell him everything. So Alex knows everything now.” ‘Maybe she had been hanging out with Maria just a little too much. She didn’t know anyone other than Maria who say all that in one breath.’ Liz internally giggled.

Liz looked at Max and waited for his response. He didn’t say anything for a moment just sat there absently playing with her hair and staring off into the night.

“Max? Are you mad at me? I wouldn’t have told him anything if he hadn’t already figured out most of it for his self.”

“No, I’m not mad. I understand. Besides, I’m sure Maria will be glad to have Alex to talk too. If you think he can be trusted I believe you.”

“Thanks Max. I trust Alex. He won’t tell anyone. He’s also really great with computers. He may be able to help you do some research or something.” Relieved Liz snuggled back against Max. Making themselves comfortable, they talked for a couple hours about anything and everything before drifting off to sleep.


Alex arrived at Maria’s unsure of what he was going to do now that he was here. He hoped Maria’s mother was out otherwise he wasn’t going to be able to bring up the alien stuff. Maria was bound to need to rant and she could get loud when upset. Knocking on the door, he was glad Maria answered the door instead of her mother. “Hey Maria! I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute. Is your mom home?”

“Hey, um, sure, and no my mom isn’t home. Come on in.” Maria led Alex into the living room and she sat down nervously wringing her hands. She wanted to talk to Alex but she was afraid of what she might say. Waiting for Alex to start, Maria stared pensively at the carpet.

“Well, I’m just going to say it. I know everything. I know about Max, Michael, and Isabel being aliens and Liz being healed and changed.” Alex sat down in the chair across from Maria.

Jerking her head up, she stared at Alex in shock. “What? How? Who told you?”

“I saw how freaked you were and noticed how strange you and Liz were acting so I decided to do a little spying. I overheard enough talk to put the general pieces together and then I saw Michael and Liz practicing their powers. I went over to Liz’s before I came over here and got her to tell me the whole story. So here I am. I figured you would want someone to talk to.”

Alex listened as Maria poured everything out for the next hour. She told Alex about her fears of the aliens and of how she was worried about losing her best friend. She told him how freaked out she was about all of this alien mess. Alex let her rant until she was done and held her while she sobbed. When she had calmed down, Alex told her she wasn’t going to lose Liz and she wasn’t going to get over her fear of the aliens if she didn’t hang out with them and get to know them. He told her, Liz wasn’t going to let them hurt her and Liz needed Maria. Alex and Maria stayed up late talking until Maria’s mother got home. Alex went home wondering what tomorrow would bring.
Last edited by Ladeia3 on Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 7

Post by Ladeia3 »

Chapter 7
October 1, 1999

Max woke up earlier than normal on Friday. He had the feeling something was going to happen today. He didn’t know what it was but he had a feeling it was going to change his life. He just didn’t know whether it was going to change his life for the better or if it was going to make it worse. He hoped that it wasn’t going to make it worse. There were already too many things to worry about as it was.

Sighing, he looked down at Liz sleeping peacefully next to him. He stroked her hair softly and kissed her lightly on the forehead. Getting up he wrote her a note and headed home. He had woken up almost two hours before he normally would have gotten up since he started spending nights with Liz but he felt restless. He didn’t want to chance waking her so he decided just to go on home. He could always get ready for school early. He wanted to beat Isabel to the shower. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t get very much hot water; which admittedly some days was a good thing.

After getting ready for school, eating breakfast and finishing what little homework he had left, Max discovered he still had nearly an hour before school started. Still feeling restless, Max wandered around the house trying to figure out why he felt so restless. Max found his parents sitting in the living room talking softly to each other. When he walked in they both stopped talking and looked up at him.

“Max, we’re having a family dinner tonight. I expect you and Isabel home by 7pm at the latest. No buts!” Phillip Evans ordered his son. He knew Max and Isabel would both rather go anywhere else on a Friday night but he needed to have this talk with his kids tonight. They needed the whole weekend to deal with whatever fall out there might be. He just couldn’t take the waiting anymore either. He needed to know everything and needed his kids to know that he knew. This couldn’t wait another night no matter what Max and Isabel’s social calendar looked like. “Tell your sister as well in case I miss her. There are some things we need to discuss as a family and they can’t wait till later. Is that understood?”

“Yes sir.” Max nodded pensively. He wondered what was going on. Both of his parents looked very serious and worried. He hoped that whatever was going on wasn’t going to bring more problems into his life. He really didn’t think he could deal with anymore. Heading off to his room, he brooded while waiting for Isabel to finish getting ready. Ready barely in time, Max and Isabel made it to school early enough for Max to wait at Liz’s locker for her.


Liz woke up instantly aware she was alone and Max was long gone. Looking over, Liz found Max’s note and quickly read it. Smiling to herself, she got herself ready for school in record time. She sat down to write in her journal. After updating her journal, Liz realized she still had plenty of time until Maria showed up so she turned the pages back on her journal and reread everything that had happened over the last couple of weeks.

She couldn’t believe how much had transpired over just a few days. She was shot, brought back from the brink of death by an alien, learned about aliens, became one or at least half one, started developing powers, brought both of her best friends into it, and was helping said aliens find answers by helping them plan on breaking into Valenti’s office and search for their missing incubation pods. Oh and let’s not forget that she was having feelings for one of those aliens and it looked like she couldn’t be far apart from him for too long without feeling sick.

Yep, that about covered the last two weeks. She wondered what the next two weeks would bring. She couldn’t help but feel like things were about to change again. She wondered if that was an “alien” premonition or if she was just being paranoid since things seemed to be calming down a little.

Hearing Maria honk, Liz put up her journal and ran downstairs. Maria was in full Maria babble mode this morning. ‘Apparently talking to Alex was a good thing for her.’ Liz grinned to herself. It was nice to see Maria bubbly again and not looking like she was about to hyperventilate.

“Hey, girl! I am soo glad it’s Friday. We should do something tonight after your shift you know. Maybe Alex, you and me can hang out, watch some chick flicks, and pig out on ice cream. What do you say? Just a night for the three of us without the whole alien stuff, that is if you’re not having more practice sessions or something?” Maria rambled. She was feeling better today after her late night chat with Alex. She had been able to get so much off her chest and really talk about it all with someone. Alex had listened to her all her silly inane fears and made her really think about things. She couldn’t wait until they could have a night together to discuss everything as they used to.

“Sure, we can Maria and no there are no alien things scheduled for today. I have to work and we didn’t make any plans to practice today and we aren’t doing anything until tomorrow on the searches or Valenti’s office.” Liz grinned in amusement. “ You’re in a good mood today.” Liz nudged her best friend’s shoulder mischievously.

“Yep, I am in a good mood. Thanks for telling Alex everything. He came over last night and we talked for most of the night. He’s being even more laid back about all of this alien stuff than you are. I’m just happy that I don’t have to lie to him anymore and that I can tell him about all of this now.” Maria pulled into the parking lot at the school and looked over at Liz. “You’re not mad at Alex for spying on us are you?”

“What? No, Maria I’m not. Besides I owe you an apology.” Liz bit her lip pensively staring out at the school parking lot. She hoped Maria wouldn’t be too mad at her but she had to tell her.

“An apology for what?” Curious Maria wondered what Liz did that she felt the need to apologize for.

“Well, when, um, Alex first said he knew I thought you had blabbed. I mean I shouldn’t have just assumed you would go behind my back and tell Alex when I told you not tell anyone. I’m so sorry Maria. I know I can trust you and I know you wouldn’t have gone to Alex and told him even if he hadn’t figured it out on his own.” Unwilling to look at Maria, she waited for Maria to blow up at her. She hoped Maria wouldn’t hold it against her. “I’ll understand if you would rather not come over tonight.” Liz whispered softly, nervously playing with her purse strap.

Maria sat there for several moments after Liz’s confession almost in shock. Her first reaction was to make a big deal out of it and yell at Liz but then she realized Liz didn’t have to tell her. Alex didn’t say anything and if Liz hadn’t confessed, she would have never known that for a second Liz thought she was the one that blabbed. Although, she had to admit she was hurt by it. She knew Liz was a little stressed. What about this situation wasn’t stressful? Sighing, she reached over and touched Liz’s shoulder. “Liz, look at me.” When she had Liz’s attention, she continued on seriously. “Okay, I’m a little hurt that you thought I would do that but I guess I can understand it. I’m not exactly known for keeping secrets. I guess what I’m trying to say is no, I’m not mad. I do understand why you thought what you did but I hope you know that I won’t tell anyone. You’re secret and their secret is safe with me.”

“Thanks Maria. I know I can trust you and that you won’t tell anyone. I think in a way I only thought you did because I’ve been debating with myself for days about telling Alex everything. I just couldn’t decide what I should do. I had promised Max not to tell anyone and I had already broken it by telling you but that was before it became my secret as well. I wanted to tell Alex because I needed him to know and I knew you needed him too. I was stuck in a no-win situation. I know Alex can be trusted with the truth but I didn’t want to break my promise either.” Liz had tears in her eyes during the whole speech. She felt relieved to have told Maria the truth and was glad Maria had taken it so well.

“It’s okay Liz. Now let’s get to class.” Maria jumped out the car followed by Liz. They made their way into school and went to their lockers to find Max waiting by Liz’s.

“Hi Liz”

“Hey Max”

“Okay none of this staring into each other’s eyes stuff.” Maria grumbled before they could get lost in one another.

“So Max, anything on the agenda for today, you know, alien related.” Maria lowered her voice to make sure no one could overhear her.

“Um, nothing today. Isabel and I have to attend a family dinner so we’re going to be home probably all night. I don’t know what Michael is up to. Why?”

“Well, because we’re having a non-alien get together tonight and I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t going to interfere with other plans. Liz, Alex and I are going to sit around watching movies and eating ice cream and forget about anything otherworldly.” Maria stated. She was not going to let anything get in the way of her plans tonight. They needed this night of normalcy. The last couple of weeks had been anything but normal.

“That’s good. I’ll walk you to class Liz” Waving goodbye to Maria the twosome walked slowly towards her first class. “Liz, I, um, well I was wondering if you had any plans Sunday afternoon. Maybe we could hang out without discussing or doing anything otherworldly as Maria put it.” Shyly Max glanced over at Liz to see how she was taking this. He didn’t know if she even wanted to hang out with him without the alien stuff coming up. They really hadn’t talked about where they were or what they were to each other. He hoped that Sunday afternoon they could really talk about it.

“Sure, I have to work Sunday morning but I’m off at 2. We can do something after that.”

“Great. Well, I’ll see you later.” Max mumbled and hurried off. He had to start planning on where he was taking Liz and what they were going to do.


Michael surprised all of his teachers and fellow students again by not only showing up on time but having completed all of his homework assignments as well. Nobody knew what to think of Michael, least of all himself. Michael still didn’t really care for school but he was kind of surprised that he enjoyed learning. He had spent the previous evening after practicing, studying and completing his homework. He had given more thought to what Maria and Liz had said after looking through some of the books he had checked out. He couldn’t help but wonder why he had never thought about education in regards to his alien ancestry or why Max or Isabel had never thought about it either. They were always on his case about missing classes and not doing his homework but it took an outsider, a human, to think about the necessity of having a decent education in case he ever did go home.

Meeting up with Max and Isabel for lunch, Max explained about the family dinner tonight. Michael thought the whole family dinner thing was very lame and was glad he didn’t have to go. He figured he could find some time to practice his powers alone. He wanted to try out some meditation techniques to see if they helped but he didn’t want an audience when he was doing so. He was surprised when not only Liz and Maria joined them but Alex as well. Glaring at Alex, “What are you doing here?”

“Well, that is the question isn’t it. What am I doing here? Let’s see my parents decided they wanted a kid, so I was born and well, the government makes us go to school and since we happen to live in Roswell that means here.” Alex explained while keeping his face straight. He knew he was annoying Michael but he couldn’t seem to help it. Liz and Maria giggled and Liz swatted his arm.

“I think what Michael meant Alex, is what are you doing sitting here at the alien table?” Liz grinned and bit into her sandwich. Watching Michael react was just too funny.

“Wh-What? You told Alex?!” Michael demanded.

“Nope, Alex is a genius. He figured it out on his own. Besides, you aren’t the most of observant of people, Michael. For being totally paranoid you would think you would check the rearview mirror every once in awhile.” Liz barely kept a straight face through her explanation. She resumed munching on her sandwich to keep from laughing at him.

‘What do you mean I’m not observant? And how the hell did he figure it out without you telling him?” Michael glared at Liz knowing she was laughing at him and he was not liking it at all.

“Um, I’m right here. I can answer that.” Alex gulped when Michael turned his glare onto him. “You see, Liz and Maria both started acting weird and suddenly hanging out with you guys and they would totally clam up whenever I came near. I knew something was up. So I decided to follow them and find out what. I followed you guys to the quarry on two different days. The first day I didn’t get too much. I only overheard a few bits and pieces but enough to make me even more curious. The second, well, let’s just say that watching rocks and cacti explode was a definite eye opener. I confronted Liz last night with what I had figured out. Surprisingly, I had figured out the basics of what happened.” Alex explained, warily watching Michael to see what his reaction was going to be.

“Great! That’s just great! So who else knows everything about us? Maybe Valenti. Has he been spying on us too?” Michael grumbled running his fingers through his hair. This was quickly getting out of control. First Liz knew their secret, then Maria, now Alex.. who would be next? Valenti? The FBI? The military? The Evans? The whole freaking town? This was just great. Their lives depending on them blending in and nobody knowing who and what they were and now they suddenly had three people that knew. Maybe they should just call up the National Enquirer and give them the full scoop.

“What’s done is done Michael. You would have done the same as Alex if Isabel and I had suddenly started acting weird and hanging out with a totally different crowd. He’s not going to tell anyone. Besides, we can use all the help we can get in searching for answers.” Max tried placating Michael. He knew Michael wanted answers and Liz had said Alex was really good with computers. Alex’s skills might just come in handy.

“Whatever.” Michael shrugged and left the table. He went to the library for the rest of his lunch period to brood and managed to avoid the others for the rest of the day. He wasn’t really in the mood to deal with them right now. He understood why Alex had done what he had done, but it brought home the point if Alex could follow him and spy on him then who else could as well or had done so already. They had to be more careful and take more precautions. They couldn’t take the risk of the wrong person like Valenti following them and seeing them practice their powers.


After school was over, Max and Isabel hung out at the Crashdown for a couple of hours before heading home to face the family dinner. Neither was very anxious to get home to see what it was about. Max kept thinking about the way his parents had been acting the past few days and Isabel kept wondering if there was something to Max’s paranoia. Isabel couldn’t help but think of all the bad things that might be behind this meeting. Was one of her parents dying? Mom had a doctor’s appointment a few weeks ago; did they find something wrong with her? Did something really bad happen at work?

Max interrupted her panic induced thoughts when he slammed the jeep door getting out. She climbed out behind him and followed him into the house. They found their mother already in the kitchen. She had obviously been in the kitchen for awhile. The smell of spaghetti and garlic bread filled the air. Mouths watering, they temporarily forgot the seriousness of the dinner and helped get everything ready.

After a quiet dinner with only a few stilted conversations, the Evans settled themselves in the living room. Mr. and Mrs. Evans looked at each other and then at their kids. Now that the moment had arrived, neither knew how to bring the subject up, at least not without panicking their kids. Taking a deep breath, Mrs. Evans decided since she was the one to overhear the conversation she should be the one to bring it up. “Max, Isabel, you know we love both of you so much.” Diane began, only to be interrupted by Isabel.

“Oh My God! You guys aren’t getting divorced, are you?” Isabel cried.

“Honey, no we’re not getting divorced. It’s nothing bad. I promise, sweetie.” Diane soothed. Taking a deep breath, she continued. “You know you guys can tell us anything and it won’t change how we feel about you, right?” Waiting for her kids to nod their heads, she noticed they looked at each other in confusion before returning their attention to their mother.

Looking over to Philip for support, Diane continued. “The other night, I got up because I heard a noise and decided to check out it out. Max, your door was cracked open. I, well, I overheard your conversation with Michael.”

Max and Isabel stared at their parents in shock. This was the last thing they had expected this meeting about. “Um, mom, what exactly did you hear?” Max could feel his stomach tying in knots. This couldn’t be what he thought it was about could it? Oh God, his parents knew he was a freak. He and Isabel would have to leave their home. This was absolutely horrible.

“I heard you and Michael talking about being aliens and trying to find answers. I heard you talking about a photo Sheriff Valenti has of someone from ’59 that had a silver handprint on his chest. I heard you talking about Liz being changed.” Taking another deep breath, Diane reached and cupped Max’s face. “Max, you and Isabel are my kids. I’ve always known you two were special. Granted I never considered you being from another planet but I, we still love you. We want to help you, Isabel and Michael anyway that we can. Please don’t be scared of us.” Diane whispered tearfully to her son.

Philip had remained quiet up till now but thought it was time he came into the conversation. “What your mother said holds true for me as well. You’re my kids. It doesn’t matter where you came from. We want to help you find answers and any other way that we can.”

“Oh mom. I wanted to tell you so many times but we, *sob* we were afraid that you wouldn’t love or want us anymore.” Isabel flung her arms around her mother’s neck and cried happily. She couldn’t believe that she could finally tell her mother everything. There was so much she wanted to share with her that she hadn’t been able to over the years.

“Isabel always wanted to tell you but I was the one that was too scared that you would see us, me, as a freak and not love us anymore.” Max explained. Tears running down his face he hugged his dad and then his mom when Isabel finally let her go. Maybe this wasn’t as horrible as he thought. Maybe this could be a good thing?

“Would you tell us more about what you know? Other than the conversation I overheard with Michael, we don’t know all that much.” Diane had her arm around Isabel and gripped Max’s hand firmly in hers. She was not going to let anything or anyone stand in the way of her being there for her kids and knowing the truth. She would handle whatever they had to say or wherever they may have to go because she didn’t want to lose them.

The next couple of hours were spent telling the parents everything they knew which wasn’t all that much. They explained about the night in the desert, the shooting at the Crashdown, Liz changing and developing powers, and the ideas she had so far. They explained about the photo and their hopes that they could get more information on it. Maybe they could find a lead on who the alien responsible was and maybe track him or her down. Since his mom already knew about the symptoms with Liz, he explained them in more detail and how they had started. They also told them about their plans to start searching for their pods. If they could find them, then maybe there were more clues or information near them that would give them the answers they were looking for.

Finally, deciding that everyone had, had enough for the night, Mr. and Mrs. Evans headed off to bed and Max headed over to Liz’s. Max snuck up to Liz’s balcony and waited until she appeared. Alex, Maria, and Liz had finished watching a movie and talking awhile ago. They had both gone home leaving Liz to wait for Max.

“Just give me a minute to get changed.” Liz called out to him. She hurried through her nighttime ritual and headed out to the balcony to sit with Max. Looking closely at Max, Liz could tell something major had happened tonight. “Max? What happened at the family dinner? Is everything okay?” Leaning back against him, she could feel his conflicting emotions. Later she would question how she felt them but right now she paid no attention to the new development.

“My parents know. They overheard me and Michael talking the other night. I think it was last Sunday morning. Michael was a little upset. He wants to find answers and felt that I didn’t care or want to find any. Mom overheard everything. We basically gave her the whole story that morning. Anyway, that’s what the dinner was about. They told us they knew and still loved us and wanted to be there for us. They’re going to try to help us anyway they can.” Max was still a little awed that his parents had accepted all of this so easily. It seemed that everyone that had found out so far had taken it much better than what he would have thought.

“Oh Max. That’s great. I know you and Isabel didn’t like lying to her all the time. It’ll be good to have them on your side.” They sat there holding each other for awhile, until Liz started yawning. Getting up they went inside and got into bed. Curling up against each other, they just listened to each other breath until both drifted off to sleep.


Maria headed home after their movie and ice cream fest. She felt much better than she had in days. Liz was still the same person. She may have been different on the inside but she was still Liz Parker her best friend since forever. Maria happily sang her way into the house and started towards her room.

“Maria, I need to talk to you.” Maria’s mother stood in the kitchen doorway looking at her suddenly cheerful daughter. She wondered what had happened to change in the last 24 hours. Yesterday her daughter had that ‘ready to panic’ look on her face. Today, Maria looked as she hadn’t a care in the world.

“Sure, what’s up mom?” Curious, Maria joined her mother in the kitchen. She wondered what she did now. She wasn’t out past curfew. She had done her chores and cleaned her room. She couldn’t think of anything she had done wrong. She guessed she was about to find out though.

“I want to know what’s going on with you. For the past couple of weeks, you’ve walked around like you’re on the verge of a meltdown. Tonight you’re suddenly chipper. I want to know what’s got you so scared.” Mrs. Deluca demanded. She needed to know what was going on with her daughter and she wasn’t going to take any avoidance of the topic.

Thinking fast Maria answered with the only plausible lie she could think of. “Well, I have been kind of freaked out. I mean just two weeks ago, I thought my best friend had been shot. Thankfully she wasn’t, but that so totally freaked me out and then the guys who fired that gun were never caught. What if they decide to come back and someone really does get hurt this time?” Maria managed to look successfully freaked out about the possibility. Not that she hadn’t thought about it or slightly panicked about it but with finding out about aliens and Liz changing and all it wasn’t like really high on her panic about list. “But its okay mom, because after talking about it to both Liz and Alex, I realized that they would be really stupid to like come back here where the Sheriff is sure to arrest them so I have nothing to worry about. Liz is fine and those guys are gone so I’m okay now. I’m sorry I worried you but really I’m okay now.”

“Oh honey. Why didn’t you say anything to me about this? I was just so worried about you. I didn’t know you were worried about those gunmen coming back or losing Liz. I just saw you acting like you were scared out of your mind about something and I didn’t like that. Next time tell me about stuff like this okay.” Mrs. Deluca hugged her daughter and headed off to bed. She was reassured that her daughter was okay and everything was back to normal.

Maria breathed a sigh of relief and headed off to bed. She couldn’t believe how easily she got off with that story. She hoped the next time she had to think of something, she would come up with a story just as believable.

Last edited by Ladeia3 on Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 8

Post by Ladeia3 »

Chapter 8
October 2, 1999

The group met out at the quarry at 9am. Max wanted to have the meeting early. He needed to let Michael, Maria, and Alex know that his parents knew everything now. He knew Michael was not going to be happy, especially after Alex found out by spying on them. If Alex had been Valenti or a Fed, well, no telling what would have happened to them. Looking around, he wondered if he shouldn’t have called the meeting so early. It was obvious that he and Liz were the only ones really awake or in a fairly good mood if not slightly pensive.

“Okay, we have some things to go over. I know nobody wants to be here this early but let’s just get this out of the way and you can all go home for a few hours.”

“Just get on with it Maxwell. What did you want to meet here this early in the morning?” Michael demanded. Crossing his arms over his chest, he just knew that whatever had prompted Max to call this meeting he was not going to like.

“Our parents know the truth, Michael. That was what the family dinner was about last night.” Max looked up at Michael waiting for the explosion he knew was coming.

“WHAT? Why did you tell them the truth? I don’t believe you Maxwell. How many more people are we going to tell? Maybe we should just put out an ad in the newspaper. It would save some time.”

“Michael, shut up. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself. Mom heard you last weekend and came to investigate. That’s when she heard everything. What was I supposed to say when we pretty much told her everything? What kind of story would be believable after talking about aliens, the photo with the handprint, Liz being changed, you wanting to find answers, and whatever else we said in that conversation. She overheard everything. If she hadn’t heard so much or had already had some suspicions about us before then, I might have been able to lie about it, but she already believed we were different. She just didn’t know how different.” Taking a deep breath to calm down, Max continued in lower voice. “Look Michael, they were actually pretty cool about the whole thing. They even want to help us find some answers. It will make our lives a little easier if we don’t have to come up with cover stories to tell my parents any time we need to stay out late or go searching for more clues. But yes, Michael, you have a point. Too many people are finding out too easily. I’m not blaming anyone. We’re just too careless.”

“So what do we do about it?” Alex piped up when Max stopped lecturing Michael. “It’s not like you knew your mom was on the other side of the door. I mean, you guys should be more careful about people following you but even that isn’t a guarantee.”

Michael stared at the ground feeling his gut churn. He had already been thinking about this since he found out Alex knew. “We need to be careful of what we say in places that we can be overheard in and we need to be careful we aren’t tailed anywhere. I guess, we have to find a new place to practice our powers at and have group meetings.”

“This spot is secluded. What’s wrong with here?” Maria looked at Michael a little confused. “This was why you came out here to practice wasn’t it?”

“Yes, Maria, that’s why we were coming out here but Alex was able to follow us and get close enough to catch some of our conversation the first time he followed and the second time he got close enough to watch Michael and I practice our powers. If he can do that than someone who actually knows how to spy, no offense Alex, would be able to do it. Next time, it may not be someone as harmless as Alex. Like Max said, what if Valenti decides to follow us and hears a conversation he shouldn’t? We need to come up with someway to talk about alien matters where if someone is listening they don’t know we’re talking about it.” Liz worried her bottom lip trying to think of a solution.

Around her everyone was doing the same. They all realized the importance of taking better precautions. They were lucky with Alex and the Evans finding out. Next time they might not be so lucky.

“I know I know.” Maria trilled. “We can use like a code name like they use in the movies. Instead of saying alien we can say something like Czech or Czechoslovakian.” Maria beamed thinking her idea was perfect. Nobody would suspect that being related to anything alien.

The rest of the group mulled it over. Max nodded. “It could work. It’s a little bit of a mouthful though. What does everyone else think?” After everyone nodded, it was agreed to use Czech in public instead of alien. “What does everyone else want to do for the rest of the morning?”

“It’s too early to be doing anything yet. I say we go home and sleep.” Maria yawned to make her point.

“We’re already up we should start looking for the pods.” Michael supplied still looking ticked off.

“We’re still planning on breaking into Valenti’s office later on today, so I say we don’t do anything this morning except relax.” Isabel added to the list.

Alex nodded, “I’m with Isabel on this.”

“I say we leave the pods until tomorrow. It’s been over a decade since you’ve been there so one more day isn’t going to make much difference.” Liz thought for a moment. “We should just relax for awhile. We’ve been doing a lot the past couple of weeks, so we should just take a break and unwind for a couple of hours.”

Max looked around and nodded. “I agree with Liz and Isabel. We need to relax.”

“Of course you would take her side.” Michael muttered just loud enough for everyone to hear.

“I’m not taking sides, Michael.” Max sighed frustrated that everything had to turn into a confrontation with Michael. “It just so happens that Liz and Isabel have the best idea in this situation. We’ve already had so much happen that we need to unwind especially since this evening is going to be stressful.”

“Fine, whatever Maxwell.”


After spending the rest of the day doing normal teen things, the group met back up at the Crashdown. Even Michael had to admit it was a good idea to unwind, although he would never say it out loud. After eating dinner, everyone went over their plan for the night one more time. They could only hope that the risks they were taking would be worth it.

As planned ahead of time Maria left the Crashdown and drove out into the desert followed by Isabel in the jeep. Once there, Isabel disabled the Jetta and Maria’s cell phone. Leaving Maria alone, Isabel returned to town and called from a payphone to the Sheriff’s office to let them know there was a Jetta broke down outside of town while disguising her voice.

After Maria left, Max and Michael left to stake out the Sheriff’s office. They had called earlier in the day to find out if the Sheriff was going to be working and thanks to Alex they knew there would only be three or four people in the building including the Sheriff. All they needed to do was to get the Sheriff out of the building and they were crossing their fingers that the Sheriff would be the one to go pick up Maria.

Isabel called Max on his cell phone to let him know she called the station. Now he just had to wait to see if the Sheriff took the bait. If not, they were going to have to go to plan B which they really didn’t want to have to do. Sitting there waiting to see who would go out to check was driving Max crazy. He couldn’t help but think of everything that could go wrong.

Michael tapped Max on the shoulder and pointed towards the front of the station. Sighing in relief, Max was relieved to see Sheriff Valenti leave the office and drive off in the direction of Maria. Max and Michael headed to the window outside of Valenti’s office and used their powers to open it. Quietly entering, Max pointed Michael to check Valenti’s desk while he stepped over to the files. For the next few minutes, they rummaged through Valenti’s office as quietly as possible.

Michael looked through everything in Valenti’s desk and found the folder on Atherton. Quickly copying it, he replaced the file where he found it. After several more minutes of looking, Michael was about to give up when he checked under the drawer and found a key taped to the underside. Curious, Michael removed it only to nearly fall over when the vision hit.

A large white dome sitting in a field.

A hidden room with a lock.

Max had looked through Valenti’s files and found a couple from his father’s days of victims with silver handprints. He quickly copied them. Just as he was finishing, he heard Michael crash into the desk. Turning around, he quickly grabbed Michael. “Come on, we have to get out of here.” He whispered furiously, already hearing someone coming to check out the noise. Quickly they made their way out the window, resealing it. Hiding in the dumpster until deputy left, Max turned to Michael. “What the hell was that?”

“I saw something when I touched the key.” Michael looked down at the key in his hand still a little dazed from the vision.

“Come on, let’s get out of here. We can talk about this later.”


Maria hated sitting out in the desert by herself in the dark. ‘Why did she have to be the bait? Why couldn’t Isabel or Liz be the bait? Oh that’s right, Liz had to work so she couldn’t do it and she doesn’t have a car! Isabel couldn’t do it because she’s the ice queen. ARGH!!’ Mentally berating herself for agreeing to do this, Maria waited impatiently for the Sheriff or someone to show up.

After nearly half an hour of waiting, she didn’t know whether to be relieved or terrified when the Sheriff himself showed up. “Hey Sheriff. What are you doing here?” Trying to control the squeak in her voice, she tried to give herself a pep talk and keep from blowing this.

“I got an anonymous tip that there was a stranded motorist out here. Why didn’t you call for a tow truck or for someone to come pick you up, Miss Deluca?”

“Well, I couldn’t call because my cell phone isn’t working and I don’t know what’s wrong with my car and I well, I didn’t want to walk all the way back into town and I was hoping that Liz would remember I was supposed to meet her soon and she would know that I was out here and come and look for me or someone would come by and I could hitch a ride and well I was just sitting here waiting.” Out of breath, Maria stopped rambling and just looked at the Sheriff hoping she didn’t look as freaked out as she felt. Taking out her cedar oil, she took a big whiff. “I’m so glad you showed up Sheriff, so I didn’t have to spend anymore time out here by myself.”

“Let me just call a tow truck to come pick up your car and then I will give you a ride back into town, Miss Deluca.” Returning to his car, the Sheriff called dispatch and had a tow truck sent out. After that was done, the Sheriff motioned for Maria to come and opened the door for her.

“Thanks Sheriff, I really appreciate it.” Maria mumbled while still trying to keep her cool. ‘This shouldn’t be so hard. I can do this. Just breathe, breathing is good. I can not freak out. Liz should have done this. She’s the cool headed one. I’m still freaked out about the aliens and now my best friend might not even be human anymore. I can’t say anything to the Sheriff or he might hurt Liz and I can’t let my best friend get hurt. I have to be cool. I have to be calm. Okay I’m freaking out here. I’m alone in the car with the Sheriff. What am I supposed to talk about for thirty minutes? Oh crap, he’s talking to me.’

“I’m sorry, what did you say Sheriff Valenti?”

“I said, Are you all right, Miss Deluca? You seem a little stressed out.”

“Oh I’m fine. I, um, I’m just thinking about how my mom’s going to freak about the car. It’s going to cost money to get it fixed and well, it’s the only car we have right now and she’s not going to be happy that it needs work and I’m not sure we can afford it.” Maria rambled, amazed that she had been able to think of any coherent response.

“I’m sure it will be fine, Miss Deluca. Your mother isn’t going to blame you for her car breaking down in the middle of nowhere.” Pausing for a few minutes, the Sheriff waited to see if Maria was going to say anything else. When nothing else was said, he continued. “You know that you can come to me if you have anything you need to talk about, right?” Valenti paused a moment to let that sink in before continuing. “You know what I think? I think someone is controlling you, controlling you through fear. Am I right? I'm here to help you. You know that, don't you? Then tell me what's frightening you so badly. What you saw the night of the crash festival? You were in that parking lot to meet whom?”

Panicking Maria just stared at the Sheriff opening and closing her mouth. “Uh, um, nothing, just headlights.”

“Was there someone waiting for you?”

“I don’t know I was unconscious.” Maria babbled. She was desperately trying to get her mind to work. She knew she was panicking but couldn’t help herself.

“Maria. We both know why we're here, right? So what do you say we stop lying to each other? Okay?” The Sheriff Valenti soothingly said.

“Okay” Maria muttered still not sure what to say.

“Now, who is Isabel Evans?”

“Uh, she’s a girl at school.”

“Why does she make you so nervous?” Valenti tried again.

“I'm not nervous.” Terrified now, Maria just clenched her bottle of cedar oil in her hand and tried to think.

“Isabel and her brother Max. How well do you know them?” Sheriff Valenti knew he was getting to her. She was practically wetting her pants in fear.

“Not well, not well at all.”

“You know, I think you and I have something in common. I never really got to know my father very well either. He was the sheriff around here about forty years ago. Did you know that?” Trying for the sympathetic paternal role, he tried to get Maria to identify with him.

Maria shook her head no.

“Strong man. Strong hands. And he had this theory, you know? About aliens? That they were real. Sounds awfully silly, doesn't it?” Valenti smiled slightly.

“Yeah” Nodding, Maria just waited for what the Sheriff was going to say next.

“That's what everybody thought. But my father, he was a very stubborn man, and he wouldn't let it go. He believed, and he lost his job over it. And, uh, he lost his family over it. Now I would hate to see that happen to any other family in this town, wouldn't you? Now there's one more thing that you and I have in common, isn't it?”

Maria begins to cry softly thinking about what he was saying.

“We've both seen things recently. Things that have made us start to wonder, made us question ourselves, our beliefs, and I think that if we share those things with each other, we're both going to feel a little bit safer. Now Isabel Evans she's just a girl?”

“She’s a special girl.”

“What makes her special?”

“Where she comes from.”

“Where is she from? Maria, where are they from? Where did they come from?”

Maria thought of all that she had seen and heard over the last two weeks and makes her decision. Looking over at the Sheriff she firmly states, “A very nice family. And like you said sheriff, we wouldn't want to destroy any other families in this town, would we?”

Pulling up in front of the Crashdown, Maria thanks the Sheriff and heads inside.


The group all gathered at the Crashdown. They only had to wait about 45 minutes for Maria to arrive. Sitting around they ate dinner and quietly discussed normal things until the Crashdown closed. Once Liz was done cleaning up and everyone else had left, Liz locked the doors and closed the blinds. Her parents were on an overnight trip to Albuquerque so they would have the place to themselves. They pulled a couple of tables together and pulled out what they had found at Sheriff Valenti’s office.

“Okay, there isn’t much more information than what we already had. The 1959 guy with a silver handprint was named Atherton which we already knew. There was one other murder of a pregnant woman by the name of Sheila Hubble. Her husband became obsessed with finding her killer believing the guy was an alien. This was actually when the Sheriff lost his job. It was the final straw that broke the camel’s back so to speak. What I have here, is the woman’s husband killed a man that he thought was responsible for killing his wife but left the then Sheriff Valenti to take the fall when he realized he was wrong. After the years of being obsessed with aliens, this was just too much for the town’s people to accept. There are a few other murders that are suspicious but no more that were found with an actual handprint on them but the way they died was similar to Hubble and Atherton.” Max explained going through his notes. “I guess that’s about it.”

“No that’s not it Maxwell. I found this key and when I touched I had a vision. It means something. Maybe it belonged to that Atherton guy. This could be important Maxwell.” Michael looked over at Max upset he wasn’t taking him seriously.

“It could be Michael but we don’t know that for sure. None of the rest of us had visions from that key. It could just be a fluke or have nothing to do with us at all.” Max tried to reason with Michael. He didn’t want him to get his hopes up.

“What was in the vision you had Michael?” Alex asked curiously. “Just to be on the safe side I can do a little research to see if it’s linked to Atherton.”

“It was of a dome with a secret room in it. I’m telling you this could be important. Maybe Atherton did find out the truth about aliens and that’s why he was killed.”

“Okay, I’ll get more information on Atherton and see if there was anything about a dome in regards to him.” Alex nodded, already thinking of what he could look into.

“Look, we’ve already had a long day. Tomorrow we’re going to start looking for the pods so let’s go home and get some rest. Alex can research Atherton tomorrow and see if Michael’s vision means anything. Also before I forget, mom and dad want all of you to come over sometime this week. They want to get to know all of you and probably want to talk about the alien stuff some more.” Max looked around and wasn’t surprised to see Michael grimace. “It’s not that bad Michael. Although, mom will probably want to mother you a little since we told her you were there the night they picked us up. Everyone else she’ll probably just want to talk to, especially Liz.”

Liz looked at Max startled. “Why me?”

“Um, well, part of the conversation mom overheard and I had to explain was how you’ve been changed. So they are probably going to want to talk to you about that and mom knows that I’ve been staying with you. I haven’t said anything but I’m pretty sure she’s guessed that you’re important to me so she’s going to want to get to know you.”


“I’m outta here. I’ll be at your house early in the morning Maxwell.” Michael got up and left rudely.

“Isabel, can you give Maria and Alex a ride home? I’m going to stay with Liz tonight.”

“Of course you are. Come on, let’s go.” Isabel, Alex and Maria all got up to leave. Maria and Alex said good bye to Liz and hugged.

After they left, Max and Liz sat there quietly for a few minutes. “Do you maybe want to watch a movie upstairs?” Liz quietly asked, playing with her hair.

Max nodded slightly, “Sure, let me just put the tables back the way they’re supposed to be.”

“Um, okay, I’m just going to go change out this uniform.” Liz blushed slightly and headed upstairs. She quickly changed into her pajamas and headed for the living room. She mentally scolded herself for suddenly becoming shy. They had been sleeping in the same bed for a week now and suddenly she was blushing because she had to go change.

Max finished putting the table and chairs the way they were supposed to go and headed up. He found Liz already in the living room going through movies. “So what are our options?”

“Um, well, we have Sleepless in Seattle, The Mirror has two faces, Devil’s Advocate, Sense and Sensibility, um… well most of our options are just chick flicks.” Liz nervously bit her lip and looked over at Max for his suggestion.

“How about we watch Devil’s Advocate?” He smiled at Liz’s nod. She was so nervous. Well, for that matter he was too. He couldn’t understand what he was nervous about. It wasn’t like they hadn’t spent time alone together; although, if you wanted to be technical about it they had always had someone that could interrupt them. Tonight they were all alone.

After starting the movie, Max and Liz settled against the couch holding each other. Before the previews had even finished rolling, both were feeling the effects of being close together and alone. Playing with Liz’s hair he couldn’t help but notice how soft it was or how great it smelled. Max stopped paying attention to the movie and started paying attention to the girl in his arms. He wanted to kiss her and he could feel she wanted to as well. They had only shared a few brief non-passionate kisses so far but he wanted to really kiss her.

Moving her so he could reach her mouth better, Max leaned in and brushed his lips against Liz’s. Staring into each other’s eyes, they couldn’t help but sigh softly at the first contact. Moving forward again they met in the middle, firmly pressing their lips together. Kissing her intently, he could feel desire well up inside him. He wanted more. His whole body was humming with anticipation and desire. He wanted nothing more than to stay like this forever.

Liz couldn’t think, only feel. Her whole body felt like it was on fire and only from a simple kiss. What would happen if they ever did do the deed? Max brushed his tongue against her lips and she opened for him. They continued to kiss, feeling each other through this connection they had. Liz could feel Max’s desire for her and Max could feel her desire for him. They lay there kissing for what seemed like hours but in reality was only a few minutes.

Pulling back Max, looked at Liz’s desired filled eyes. He groaned realizing this was very bad idea. They were alone for the rest of the night which was playing havoc with his self-control. He wanted nothing better than to take Liz to bed and learn every inch of her body but it was too soon yet. They hadn’t even been on a real date yet.

Liz lay there in Max’s arms trying to get her head to clear. Some part of her was insisting that they needed to stop but she couldn’t remember what the reason could be. She wanted Max. Her entire body was on fire and all she could think about was being with Max in every way. She could feel him trying to get control of himself but it wasn’t helping her with his hands running up and down her sides to just under her breast.

Pulling farther away, Max closed his eyes for a moment. “I, uh, I, um, I’m going to uh go take a shower.” Getting up, Max hurriedly left muttering to himself about a cold very cold shower.

Sighing, Liz sat up and tried to get herself back together. She really wanted Max and was frustrated that he had so much control. She wondered how long it was going to be before he let go and just let nature take its course.

After nearly an hour, Max returned from taking his shower looking slightly more in control than he had been. They finished the movie in tension filled silence and headed for bed both feeling nervous and edgy. Curling up together, it took all of Max’s control not to turn Liz over and kiss her senseless again.

“Goodnight Max”

“Night Liz”

It took a long time before either was able to fall asleep. Their bodies finally calmed down from the desire running rampant through them. Drifting off, they dreamed of white picket fences and little dark haired dark eyed children running around the yard.

Last edited by Ladeia3 on Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 9a

Post by Ladeia3 »

Chapter 9a
October 3, 1999

Max woke up Sunday morning to find Liz sprawled across his chest. Running his hand up and down her arm, Max couldn’t help but thank whatever higher power was out there that made it possible for him to be here right now with Liz. He didn’t know what was going to happen, but he couldn’t help but think it would all be worth it just for these precious moments with Liz in his arms.

Feeling her stir, Max could feel his body respond to her nearness. He wanted her. He wanted to make love to her and claim her in every way, but there was a part of his mind that told him he didn’t deserve even this brief moment with Liz and one day she would realize she deserved better and leave him.

Liz came awake to feel Max’s turbulent emotions and his warm body underneath hers. She wanted him. She wanted Max to make love to her but first she had to figure out what was going on in Max’s head. “Max… Max! What’s wrong?”

Startled, Max looked down at Liz. “I... uh, didn’t know you were awake.”

“Max, I felt your emotions. What’s wrong?” Liz pressed for an answer. She could feel guilt added to the rest and wondered what could be making him feel this way.

“It’s nothing Liz.” When Liz just glared at him and waited he sighed, “It’s just I can’t help feeling guilty about… well... wanting you... when just knowing me puts you in danger and now with you being changed your life is becoming like mine. I always wished I was normal growing up so I could be in your life and give you the white picket fence and kids and a normal life but instead of giving you that; I’ve made your life just like mine. Then I wake up feeling you in my arms and I just want to kiss you senseless and make love to you and claim you as mine and I feel guilty for thinking that.” Breathing deeply, Max braved a look at Liz. She didn’t seem to be horrified that he was thinking about making love with her, but he wasn’t sure what she thought about it. She had a thoughtful look on her face and was just watching him not saying anything. “Sexist and chauvinistic, right?”

“Max, first off I would be dead if you didn’t heal me. Second, I don’t mind being changed. Yes, it’s a little scary and disconcerting but it’s also a little exciting and makes me feel closer to you. I can’t help but feel like this means we belong together. Remember what you told me at the Crash Festival? You told me we couldn’t be together because we were different. Now that I’m changed, I don’t feel so different and it gives me hope that we are meant to be together. You’re not the only one that wants to make love Max. I want you too, but I also know that it’s too soon. We haven’t even been on a real date but I know that my heart belongs to you and when we’re both ready we’ll take that step.” Liz stopped talking and looked up at Max mischievously. “Until then I can think of a few things I want to do.”

“Like what?” Max asked still in awe over what Liz had told him. He missed her mischievous look and was totally caught off guard when she pressed her lips against his. Instantly forgetting what he had been thinking or what they had been talking about Max lost himself in the feel of her lips against his. Deepening the kiss, he couldn’t help but groan at the way she tasted and felt. Pulling her closer, he kissed her ravenously, growling softly when he heard her slight whimper of pleasure.

Liz felt like she had died and gone to heaven. Max was a good kisser, make that a great kisser. Liz forgot about everything but Max’s lips pressed against her own. When he deepened the kiss, she sighed in pleasure at his taste. Losing herself in the kiss, she wanted it to go on and on. Hearing a ringing sound, she tried to ignore it. Kissing Max was much more important than whatever was making that noise.

After several rings, Max and Liz pulled apart breathing heavily. They just sat there and stared at one another until the ringing of the phone drew her attention. Realizing she had to get that in case it was her parents, Liz rushed to answer it. “H..hello?”

“Liz, hey chica, what are you doing? Why are you so out of breath? Wait! Don’t tell me you and Max are you know, doing anything are you? No you can’t be. You wouldn’t be doing that would you? I mean really you’ve only been together what a week? There’s no…”

“Maria, MARIA! We’re not doing anything. I was in the shower when you called and had to run to catch the phone. Now why are you calling me so early on a Sunday morning when I know you don’t have to be at work until the afternoon?” Liz grinned over at Max who was blushing bright red having been able to hear Maria screaming over the phone.

“Oh, right, yeah, um, well, Michael is here and he wants to start looking for the pods now but he needs a vehicle and well Isabel has the jeep and she isn’t at home and the Evans aren’t there either, and well I wanted to see if you and Max wanted us to pick you up on the way to look for the pod thingies?” Maria’s nervous babble finally ended.

“Um, let me ask Max. Uh Max, Michael is at Maria’s and he wants to go looking for the pods now, and he apparently couldn’t find Isabel. Do you want Maria to pick us up on the way out to the desert?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. Tell her to give us 30 minutes to get ready, okay.”

“Give us about half an hour to get ready Maria okay? Yeah, I’ll see you when you get here. Sniff some cedar oil Maria. You’re hyperventilating.” Shaking her head, Liz hung up the phone. She looked over at Max to find him grinning. “What?”

“Oh it’s nothing. Why don’t you go take a shower and get dressed? She’ll be here pretty soon.” Liz nodded; stopping at her dresser she grabbed some clothes and headed to the showers. Ten minutes later, she reappeared in the room.

“Uh, the shower’s all yours.” Smiling shyly at Max, she waited until he entered the bathroom and then tried out her powers on drying her hair. Grinning to herself in the mirror when she succeeded Liz quickly put on her make up and waited for Max to come out.


Exactly thirty minutes after she hung up the phone with Liz, Maria parked the Jetta in the alley and honked. She was extremely nervous being in the car alone with Michael. He hadn’t said anything after he showed up unexpectedly at her window this morning wanting a ride out to the desert and now it was starting to make her paranoid. She had babbled almost non-stop since they had got into the car and she couldn’t help but wish he would say something. His silence was unnerving. She wondered why he came to her and hadn’t gone looking for Max and where was Isabel this morning?

Max and Liz appeared and quickly got in the jetta. After quick greetings, Maria put the jetta in motion and they were on their way to the desert.

“Uh, Max, where’s uh Isabel this morning?” Maria asked when it looked like no one was going to start a conversation.

“I don’t know. She didn’t tell me she was going anywhere.” Max shrugged. Knowing his sister she was probably at the mall shopping or over at a friends getting make up tips. He wasn’t all that concerned about where she was. He hoped she wouldn’t be gone all day with the jeep.

“Oh, okay, but um, shouldn’t she be out here helping you guys? I mean, it was her that narrowed down where the pod thingies could be right? So shouldn’t she be here to help look for them?”

“Maria, breathe okay. Isabel will probably show up later. It’s probably going to take time to find them. They could be pretty much anywhere and we don’t know how well they are hidden.” Liz reached up and patted Maria’s shoulder.

Reaching the area of the road where Max and Isabel were found, Maria pulled over to the side and parked. “Okay we’re here so where do we start looking.”

Pulling out the map Isabel had printed out for them, Michael looked it over again. “This area in red is the most likely area of the pods. We’ll start here and two can go in one direction and the other two in the other direction. We’ll search for a couple of hours and meet back up here.” Getting out of the car, Michael headed off in the first direction. Stopping after a few feet he turned and looked at Maria. “Are you coming or you just going to sit there all day?”

“Argh! What is with him? Fine I’m coming. I so don’t like wandering around in the desert. There could be snakes or bugs or wild animals. Ick.. I so don’t like nature…”

Hearing Maria’s ranting slowly becoming fainter, Max and Liz finally roused themselves and headed off in the other direction. Grinning Liz looked over at Max, “So, um, Max what do you think about Michael and Maria?”

Confused, “What do you mean?”

“I mean, it’s obvious Maria likes Michael. She’s always talking about him and he makes her nervous. What do you think of them ever hooking up?”

Laughing, Max couldn’t answer her for several minutes. “I think that they’ll be fun to watch.” Smirking, he couldn’t help but think that it would be entirely too poetic for Michael and Maria to hook up. He could just picture the fireworks now.

After a couple of hours of searching, Max and Liz head back to the jetta. After about half an hour of waiting, Michael and Maria returned. After discussing where they searched and not finding anything of significance, Liz mentioned she and Maria were going to have to work soon. Piling in the jetta, Maria dropped Max and Michael off at his place and drove Liz and herself to the Crashdown.


Max and Michael entered the Evans home to find Isabel and his parents sitting in the living room talking. “Hey, Izzy, mom, dad. What’s going on?” Max looked curiously between Isabel and his parents. He couldn’t help the slight twinge of apprehension. He knew they now knew his secret, but old habits died hard and of course now they knew his secret he still couldn’t help worrying about their reaction even though, they so far had been very supportive.

“Hi, honey. Isabel was just telling us that you guys were going to start searching for, what did you call it Isabel? The pod chamber, right?” Mrs. Evans looked over at Isabel for confirmation and then turned her attention back to Max. “We thought maybe your dad and I could tag along for a couple of hours. Maybe with all of us looking it won’t take too long to find the pods.”

“Uh, that sounds great mom but we are going to be hiking out in the desert. Are you sure you want to do that?” To say Max was surprised to have his parents wanting to help search for something alien was an understatement. He couldn’t believe they wanted to help do this. He just assumed that they would not really want to know all that much about their alien ancestry much less help them find those answers.

“Yes, we’re up for it, son. Besides, we may have a fresh pair of eyes to give a different perspective.” Mr. Evans piped in. He had always wondered why Max and Isabel had been slightly secretive with him and had been such good friends with a kid like Michael. He never understood how they had anything in common but now that he knew the truth, he could understand it. He felt a little guilty that they hadn’t found Michael even though Max and Isabel had both assured him that Michael was the one that ran off, but he still felt guilty about leaving a little kid out in the desert that later ended up with Hank.

“What kind of perspective?” Michael looked annoyed. He was not very happy about the parents knowing and now they wanted to be involved. He was already annoyed at having the other humans involved in their lives. ‘What was it with humans and wanting to stick their noses in our business? It has nothing to do with them. What kind of perspective could they possibly have?’

“From what I gathered, you guys didn’t even think to look for these pods until, who was it? Liz, right? She was the one that asked about it. We might see something that you guys wouldn’t. If nothing else we’re a couple extra pair of eyes to help look for places that might conceal these pods you remembered.

“Fine, whatever, enough talking. Are we going back out to the desert now Maxwell?”

“Yeah, sorry, we just dropped by to get some snacks and drinks to take with us while we’re looking.”

“Actually, I already have a few things packed up, Max. Why don’t you go to the kitchen and get it and we can all go out there together.”

Nodding, Max did as she asked. Taking two vehicles they drove out to the desert. Everyone was silent thinking their own thoughts while wondering what, if anything they would find today.

“Mom, I have to head back in a couple of hours so can you take Isabel and Michael back so I can take the jeep?”

“Sure honey. It’s not a problem.” Mrs. Evans responded looking at her son curiously. She wondered if he was going to be spending time with Liz again?

After arriving at the desert, they split up with Isabel going with her mother, Mr. Evans going with Michael, and Max was going by himself. Mr. Evans figured it was a good time to start to get to know Michael better and maybe get him a little more comfortable with him.

Setting off, Michael couldn’t help but mutter under his breath about parents and people who obviously couldn’t keep a secret and now wanting in on the action. He wasn’t sure if he was more pissed off that they knew their secret or whether it was because they were insisting on tagging along. He just didn’t like having them in his business. He just knew that it was going to be bad news with this many people knowing their secret.

“So, Michael, how’s school going?” Mr. Evan’s tentatively tried to start a conversation. He wasn’t sure what things Michael was into but it obviously wasn’t talking.


“What kind of things do you like to do for fun?”

“Trying to find a way to my home.” Michael answered curtly. He wanted the inquisition to stop. He hated answering questions and knowing Mr. Evans now knew the truth didn’t make him like talking to him anymore than he had three weeks ago before any of this mess started.

Sighing, Mr. Evans continued scanning the area looking for any kind of sign of where the pods could be. Not that he really knew what to look for but now that he knew his kids secret he wasn’t going to back off and let them search for answers by themselves. Mr. Evans tried to think of something to get Michael talking but was having a hard time coming up with anything. “What happens if you do find the answers but you have no way back to your home planet?”

“What?” Michael glanced over at him. ‘When was he going to quit with the q&a? Damn it!’

“What are you going to do Michael, if it turns out you’re stuck on planet Earth and can’t get back to wherever you came from? The shipped you were on crashed, and that was 50 years ago. What happens if there isn’t a way back and no ships come to pick you guys up?” Mr. Evans didn’t want to tick Michael off more but it seemed that the kids hadn’t really thought about the fact they had already been stuck on this planet for 50 years, and no one had come for them. He wanted Michael to think about the idea of actually being here on Earth permanently.

“I don’t believe that. There has to be a way to get back home and I’m going to find it. I don’t belong here, neither does Isabel or Max.” Michael angrily muttered and walked away from Mr. Evans. He didn’t want to admit to anyone not even himself that what Mr. Evans had said made sense and nothing he had said was anything he hadn’t thought of before. They had been here for fifty years and during that time there weren’t any clues as to anyone looking for them. The closest they had to another person like them out there was some mysterious possible killer from over twenty years ago but Michael couldn’t let go of the possibility of getting home. Max and Isabel may be content to stay here and live normal lives but he couldn’t let go of the hope of finding his real family or a place he really belonged.

“Wait, Michael. Do you have any memories of coming of the pods that could help us figure out where they are? I’m assuming since you guys went unnoticed for 40 years that you were in a cave or hidden somehow. Do you remember anything that might help us figure out how your pods were hidden?”

Michael stared off into the desert trying to concentrate on what he could remember of the first memories.

Pushing through the membrane of the pod to get out.

Landing on the cave floor and seeing Max and Isabel trying to get out of their pods.

Moving to an opening and stepping out into the night.

“It was some kind of cave. We had to climb out of it. I don’t remember much else. There were lots of rocks we had to climb over and down from them to get to the sand.”

“Well, we need to look for rock formations and see if we can find any caves around them. Do you know if the opening was hidden in anyway?” Mr. Evans asked glad to just be able to get Michael to talk.

Shaking his head, “I don’t know. I don’t remember if there was or not.” Heading over in the direction of a largest rock formation in sight, Michael continued to try to remember if there was any thing else that might help find them.

Mr. Evans followed Michael as they approached the rocks. He wondered if he was really ready to deal with what they could find. It was one thing to be told your kids were aliens and see them show their abilities, it was quite another thing to see where they were born and see obvious alien technology. He couldn’t help the selfish thought that they would not be able to find anything or if they did it would not lead to them finding a way home. He didn’t want to lose his kids to another planet.

Michael started climbing the rocks looking into every hole and crevice looking for anything that might help them. He kept up an internal monologue begging anyone that might be listening that he could find the pods and there would be more answers with them. Not that he really believed in God or higher powers but right now he was willing to pray to any that might be listening to help him find the truth.


After searching for an hour, Max headed back to the jeep and headed home. He took a quick shower and went to the Crashdown. Liz would be getting off in a couple of hours and if it wasn’t too busy he could spend some time with her. He planned on taking them on a picnic later on when she got off work. The search for the pods was completely forgotten as he sat there and watched Liz work. Every once in awhile she would come over and talk to him briefly before heading back to another customer. Before he knew it, hours had passed and Liz was off work. He waited for her to change and then lead her out to the jeep. As always, she looked incredible.

“Where are we going Max?” Liz asked curious. He hadn’t mentioned where they were going to go on their date but she didn’t think he had a whole lot of time to prepare since they had been so busy lately.

“I thought we could have a picnic at this place I know. We can just have some time together to just talk and hang out without having to worry about anyone else and can forget about everything else going on in our lives.” Max couldn’t help but sneak quick glances at Liz while driving. He could never get enough of looking at her. He had spent a lifetime watching her and he didn’t think anything could change that. He hoped he had a lifetime to continue watching her even though he didn’t that even that amount of time was long enough.

“Sure, it sounds great. It’ll be nice to be away from everyone and everything. Maria has been driving me crazy. It’ll be nice to have some time just for ourselves.” Liz watched Max out of the corner of her eye. She loved looking at him. He was good looking and for now he was hers. She hoped he would always be hers.

Arriving in Frasier woods, Max helped Liz out of the jeep and reached into the back for the picnic basket. Taking Liz’s hand, he headed out into the woods. After hiking a ways, they came upon a small pond. Max quickly set everything up and led Liz to the blanket.

“It’s peaceful here. It feels like we’re the only two people in the world.” Liz breathed. It was a beautiful site. The only noises that could be heard were natural ones of the forest. It was hard to believe that a spot existed so close to the desert.

Max and Liz silently munched on fried chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, and for desert had strawberry shortcake while enjoying their peaceful surroundings. After cleaning up, they lay back on the blanket and stared up at the clouds. “Max?”


“Do you, um, like ever regret healing me at the Crashdown that day?” Liz nervously bit her lip and waited for his answer.

“What? How could you ask that? NO! I don’t regret healing you. No matter what happens because of it. Why? Do you regret me healing you that day?” Max suddenly looked worried himself. Her life had been radically changed in just the couple weeks since he had healed her. Did she regret what she was going through because of it?

“No, of course not, Max. I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop you know. It just seems things are happening pretty fast and so far pretty easy. That’s all.”

“We’ll handle it together whatever comes up. Besides, this afternoon is just for you and me. No talking about aliens or finding answers. Now is just for you and me to talk about mundane, normal stuff.” Stroking her hair softly, Max tried to keep himself focused on talking and not other activities.

“Um, well okay. I think I can handle that.” Liz grinned mischievously. “So, Max tell me something about yourself that is normal and mundane.”

“Uh okay I um… Geez this is hard.” Max shook his head trying to think of something that didn’t lead back to his alien ancestry.

Liz giggled at the expression on Max’s face. “Oh come on it can’t be that bad. What kind of sports do you like? What kind of movies? Favorite color? Favorite hobbies besides searching for answers? Things like that.”

“Hmm… well I like basketball, action movies but I’m not really into alien movies, my favorite color would have to be red, and favorite hobby would be watching you.” He grinned at the last part. “Let’s see if I can answer yours. You favorite movie is Casablanca, your favorite color is white, favorite ice cream is vanilla, favorite flower is a white rose, your favorite scent is vanilla, favorite subject in school is science, and you like to plan things ahead of time. How am I doing?”

Stunned, Liz sat up and looked at him. “Maria used to tell me all that the time that you were watching me but I didn’t realize you paid that much attention to me, Max.”

Embarrassed, “Yeah, well, I’ve been in love with you since the third grade. I could never get enough of watching you or learning things about you. I had your home number memorized by the fourth grade. When you started working at the Crashdown, it became my favorite place to eat just so I could get a glimpse of you. Until you were shot, I never thought we would ever get a chance to be together. I knew I could trust you with my secret but I always thought it was too dangerous or I was listening to Michael and Isabel who said I couldn’t tell you. That you wouldn’t understand and freak out and then we would have to run.” Shrugging, Max looked up at the sky remembering the many arguments he had over the years with Michael and Isabel over Liz. They had never understood his obsession with her or his need to bring her into the secret. He couldn’t regret her getting shot because it gave him the perfect excuse to tell her the truth. Yes, he felt a little guilty about the changes in her life because of it, but he knew if even he had known before she was shot that healing her would change her, he would have still healed her.

“Wow… I guess I can understand a little why Michael and Isabel don’t want any of us to know. The wrong person knows and your life could be over.” Snuggling against Max’s chest, Liz wondered what was in store for them in the future. What would happen if Max, Michael and Isabel found a way home? Would she have to stay behind or could she go with them? Would Max stay on Earth for her?

Leaning down, Liz gently kissed Max. She had wanted to do that all day but hadn’t had the chance. Deepening the kiss, Max pulled her closer. He couldn’t get enough of her. She felt so good in his arms.

The shrill ringing of the phone startled them out of the moment. “It’s my phone. Hold on while I get it.” Max scrambled to find the phone in his jacket. “Hello? WHAT? Are you sure? Of course, we’ll be there shortly.” Hanging up, Max turned to Liz. “We have to go.”

“Why? What’s going on? What happened?” Worried, Liz helped him start packing up their stuff.

“Michael found something.”
Last edited by Ladeia3 on Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 9B

Post by Ladeia3 »

Chapter 9b
October 3, 1999

Previously on Heart’s Desire:
The shrill ringing of the phone startled them out of the moment. “It’s my phone. Hold on while I get it.” Max scrambled to find the phone in his jacket. “Hello? WHAT? Are you sure? Of course, we’ll be there shortly.” Hanging up, Max turned to Liz. “We have to go.”

“Why? What’s going on? What happened?” Worried, Liz helped him start packing up their stuff.

“Michael found something.”


Max and Liz pulled up next to the Evans vehicle and headed over to where Isabel was impatiently waiting. “It’s about time you two got here. Michael found something but he wanted to wait until we were all here before finding out what all is there.”

“Well let’s go see what he found. This had better good.” Max muttered just loud enough for Liz to hear.

Liz giggled and grabbed Max’s hand to drag him along as she followed Isabel out into the desert. After a thirty minute hike they came to a cluster of rocks where Mr. and Mrs. Evans and Michael were waiting. Michael was pacing back and forth, clearly agitated while the Evans just stood there staring at the rocks.

“Okay, Michael we’re here what did you find?” Max asked his friend.

“Finally! Over here.” Michael abruptly turned and headed over to a section of the rocks. He pointed down into a cave. “Down here. It looks like a pod from here. I wanted to wait until you were here before I went down there.”

Max looked at Michael in surprise. He didn’t think Michael would be patient enough to wait for him. “You didn’t have to wait for me Michael. You could have already gone down there and looked.” Max said quietly.

Looking over at Max, Michael looked startled for a minute before responding. “Well, it has to do with all of us. We came out of the pods together; I figure we can find them again together.”

Nodding, Max motioned for Michael to go down first. “You found it. You get to go in first.”

One by one the group entered the cave after Michael. There was just enough light from the outside to see the shadows against the wall. Reaching down, Max picked up a rock and concentrated. He made it light up to illuminate the rest of the cave. Surprised gasps and ‘Oh My God’s were muttered as the group took in the cave. On one side of the wall there were eight pods. Two sets of four pods with four on top and four on the bottom. Five of the pods were empty. Three had the remains of small children. Four of the pods had obviously been torn from the inside out but one pod was not like them.

“Those poor babies.” Mrs. Evans whispered brokenly. Clasping Isabel’s hand she softly cried. She couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to them and what would have happened if Isabel had been one of those babies.

Liz walked closer to look at the pods. “They never had a chance. They look like they were barely more than infants when they died. Maybe it was some kind of equipment failure.” Liz speculated. She gently reached up to touch one of the pods.

Mr. Evans looked at the other pods on the wall. “Which ones belong to you three do you know?”

“Um, I think this one is mine.” Max reached up to touch a pod. It faintly glowed at his touch.

“It glowed! Touch one of the others and see if it glows for you too.” Liz looked at the pod Max had touched and reached up to touch it herself but there was no response to her touch. Max touched one of the other pods but there was no reaction. Max motioned for Isabel to come up. She reached out and touched Max’s pod but again there was no reaction. Leaning down she touched the pod directly under Max’s and watched in awe as the pod glowed for her. Max and Isabel both looked over at Michael. He came forward and touched his pod and watched as it too glowed at his touch. The group stood there for a long moment overcome with emotion. They had found where they had been born but there was sadness to find that not all of them had made it out.

Liz examined the last two empty pods. “Max, look at this!” Liz pointed to one of the empty pods.

“What is it Liz? It’s another pod. What about it?” Max looked at Liz confused. He realized that it meant there was possibly two more like them out there but he didn’t get what had Liz so interested.

“Max, look at the other four pods. The membranes were torn from the inside. See.” Liz pointed to the torn membranes on the other pods. Pointing at the pod that held her fascination, she explained “This one hasn’t been torn from the inside. This is like a surgical cut, Max. Someone cut this pod open.”

“What does that mean?” Michael demanded still not sure where she was going with this.

“I don’t know Michael. It just means that unlike the other four pods, whoever was in this one didn’t break out. He or she was cut out.”

“Oh” Max quietly uttered.

“So what are you saying, Liz? That someone took this one like the military or something?” Isabel demanded suddenly looking frightened.

“If it was the military they wouldn’t have left all of this here Isabel. They would have taken these pods with them and would have wanted to autopsy these three.” Looking around the cave, Liz pointed to several boxes stacked in a corner and waved her at symbols engraved in the wall across from the pods. “They wouldn’t have left these boxes either. I don’t know what it means. Maybe someone found this cave and tried to help the baby inside and cut him or her out to help or maybe it was another alien. I don’t know but I doubt it was the government.” Liz explained.

“Liz is right, Isabel. The military wouldn’t have left this cave with all of this in here. At the very least they would have taken the pods to study and the bodies of those that didn’t make it to study. It probably was an alien that knew that the pods were here. Maybe he was trying to save the one inside. There had to be a reason these three died.” Mr. Evans gently rubbed Isabel’s shoulders while she sobbed quietly.

“I know daddy. It’s just… where are they? Why haven’t we met them before? Why haven’t they found us?” Isabel asked what everyone had on their minds. Where were these two missing children and what happened to the alien or aliens that had put the pods here?

“We’ll come back later and give these three a proper burial. Okay guys?” Mr. Evans softly stated. When they nodded, he pointed to the rest of the cave. “Guys, I know we just found this cave, but it’s pretty late already and you all have school tomorrow. This stuff has been here this long so we should just leave it and come back another day.” Seeing they were about to object, he raised his hand to quiet them. “You’ve already had a shock seeing the pods. We know there are at least two more of you guys out there. Everyone is tired and I don’t really think you’ll be able to handle any more revelations tonight. Let’s just go home and sleep on this. We can come back another day when you have time to properly go through everything.”

Max looked around and realized his dad was right. The cave had been here this long. It would be here another day to go through all the contents in the boxes. Besides, he could feel how tired Liz was and he wasn’t that much more awake then she was. Only adrenaline was keeping them on their feet right now. Isabel looked shattered and Michael just looked spaced out. “He’s right. Come on Michael and Isabel. We’ll come back when we have time to see what else in here.”

Slowly filing out the cave, a sense of sadness lingered with the entire group. They were leaving those poor children in there another day and even though it was for the best they all felt a little upset over doing so. After everyone left the cave, Michael and Max carefully covered the entrance and marked it where only they would be able to tell.

The group quietly hiked back to their cars and drove back into Roswell. Michael, Isabel and the Evans headed back to their house while Max and Liz went to the Crashdown.

Saying goodnight to her parents, Liz slipped into her room and locked the door. Turning on some music to drown out any sounds made, Liz got ready for bed quickly. Max joined her and they just held each other tightly. Neither spoke but it was a long time before they drifted off to sleep.


Alex woke up with a purpose today. He didn’t have much to contribute to the others except his computer skills but he was determined to make the most of it. He realized the aliens needed answers and even though he didn’t like it, Liz was now apart of that group. She needed to know what was happening to her and what to expect. It didn’t hurt that he was secretly in love with Isabel and hoped that he could prove to her that he was worth paying attention to. Not that he believed that she would ever give him the time of day but he could dream. Boy, could he dream. Shaking off the remnants of last night’s fantasy dream, he got down to business.

Sitting down in front of his computer, Alex settled into a long day of computer research. He began by researching the backgrounds of Atherton and the Hubbles. Printing out everything he was able to learn he moved on to searching for domes that was related to either of the victims. After printing out the results of his search, he moved on to mysterious deaths that could be alien related.

Exhausted and cramped, Alex looked at the clock surprised to see it was already in the evening. He had been sitting at his computer for hours and had even skipped lunch. Heading to the kitchen, Alex fixed himself something to eat and tried to call Isabel to let her know what he had found. When there was no answer he tried Liz, but again got no answer. Shrugging, Alex decided to just tell them tomorrow when he saw them in school.

After eating and stretching out his cramped muscles, Alex gathered up everything he had printed and organized it before place it in his backpack. Deciding he had done enough for the day, Alex got ready for bed and dreamed once again of Isabel.


Maria was seriously pissed. Max and Liz had deserted her and she couldn’t find Michael and Alex wasn’t answering his phone. “Where is everyone?” She raged out loud. ‘Damn, Michael! I bet he is out there finding something and left me all alone here. Max and Liz are probably making googily eyes at each other, and Alex is probably following Isabel around like a puppy or dreaming about her. Damn it! I want to know what’s going on. It’s just like Michael to not tell me what he’s doing. He should have taken me with him.’

The day finally ended and Maria swore to let Michael know just how pissed off she was that he didn’t come back for her to continue searching for the pods. She conveniently forgot she had not really wanted to go this morning, or that she had not enjoyed trekking through the desert looking for long lost alien artifacts in the first place.

Last edited by Ladeia3 on Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.