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Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:47 am
by Bubblegal
I’m Back! And thank the lord for that! I now have a computer and a laptop so if one thing goes wrong, I’ll have a back up waiting for me, so cross your fingers and knock on wood that both of them don’t crack down on me. Plus, I have finally finished this story; I wanted to get it done just in case I got a mind block so be happy!

Back to the story: Here’s a recap on what happened: Max and Liz and co goes on holiday to help Liz get over her ordeal of what happened back in Roswell but it seems like that Fate is not finish with her yet as she is being stalked, first she gets a dead cat hanging from it’s tail in the bathroom now her boyfriend has been drugged and nearly been raped, thanks to his best friends getting there in time but its not over yet plus add in the fact that Kyle seems to be a little obsess with Liz.

Chapter 11


I woke up the next morning to sunlight shining on my face and groaned as I turned on my other side, I saw that Liz was missing and bolted up. Everything last night was a blank, I remember having a drink and feeling dizzy then this blonde coming over to me and telling me that she was going to take care of me. I looked around and sighed in relief when I realised that I was back in my motel room but could have I brought her here?

The bathroom door opened and I looked to see Liz stepping out and the relief swam right through, almost making me pass out from the intensity of it.

“Hey, you’re awake,” Liz greeted as she sat down next to me.

“What happened to me?” I asked and she sighed.

“Someone drugged your drink last night, Tammy thinks it might be the person who hung the cat up,” Liz explained and I shook my head.

“Drugged?” I asked and she nodded.

“Date rape, the guys told me that they intervened before a blonde could take you up the stairs,” she explained and I shook my head once more, shock numbing my brain.

“Why would they drug me?” I asked.

“We talked about it last night, we think it might have something to do with my past, apparently this person is trying to get back at me for something, so by using you by drugging, they would be hurting me,” she explained and I looked at her.

“Who on earth would want to hurt you?” I demanded. “Your parents are in jail and there was no way they would have found out about us coming here!” I exclaimed and she nodded.

“I know,” she told me. “Come on, you better have a shower, you’ll feel better,” she told me and I nodded as I got up and made my way over to the shower, wondering what was going to happen next.


God, Max looks so confused, I can’t understand it either, I don’t get why someone would want to do this to me, what have I ever done? I got up and made my way over to the balcony where I looked out over at the beach and such, I couldn’t understand why this was happening to us, all we ever wanted was to come on holiday so we could get a break but it seems like it wasn’t going to happen, someone didn’t want it to happen. Was I meant to suffer like this?

I made my way back into the bedroom and walked over to my closet so I could grab some clothes to put on, I set them on the bed and made my way over to the dresser to grab some underwear when there was a knock at the door and I opened it only to see a parcel sitting on the floor, puzzled I picked up and looked at the tag, it had my name on it and I opened it to see a gold ring sitting in it, I looked at it, puzzled. Max knows I love white gold or silver, I never really liked gold and I looked around. There was no way that Kyle would give this to me either, he knows I don’t like gold and he hasn’t been giving me gifts either.

“Liz?” I heard Max asked and I turned around and showed him the box.

“Someone gave me a ring,” I told him and he looked at it, puzzled.

“Have a look to see if someone left a note,” he told me and I looked around and felt a note under the cotton, I picked it up and unfolded it.

“You’ll be mine soon,” I stated and my face paled when it hit me, someone is sending me gifts.


Okay, this is getting curious and curious as we go along, first Liz gets threatening messages like the cat and Max getting drugged now all of a sudden she is getting gifts.

A memory came back to me and it hit me, sometime stalkers who are intent getting on revenge can sometimes turn to love; this stalker is now falling for Liz or at least an image of Liz.

Jake came into the room and looked at me.

“Are you going to get ready? We have dinner to get to; your mother wants us to go out for the night,” He explained and I nodded as I headed into the bathroom to get ready while I sorted out my thoughts.

We all sat down at the table for our dinner, I looked around and I could see that Liz was slightly nervous, it was understandable considering what she is going through, I just wished I knew who was after her, it just didn’t make sense.

“So, are we going to order or what?” Kyle asked and I glared at him.

“Give us a minute to actually look over the menu,” Alex told him and he scoffed as he looked over the menu as everyone else look at us.

“Who do you think is after Liz?” Jake asked and Liz looked at him, she was puzzled as everyone else, there was nothing she could have done during her past that could have provoked this but I knew better, it only takes a minute for this to happen.

“No one knows, all we can do is keep our eyes peels and hope that we can catch this person soon,” I told them and Maria sighed.

“So, what do we do?” Mari asked and none of us answered.


My sweet dear Rosa, how could I have been so stupid, I should have know it was her from the beginning, those people have brainwashed her and her parents were also brained washed into thinking she had died, those people have made Rosa so confused that she doesn’t know who she is, but I swear, I will help her know who she is and those people will live to regret changing my Rosa.


Told you that the thoughts would change. See You either Weds or Friday, depending on when you want it up.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:42 am
by Bubblegal
Thanks for the reviews!

Chapter 12


“Why are we going on this tour anyway?” I heard Maria asked from behind me and I turned around to face her from where I was sitting on the bus.

“Because we are tourist?” I asked and she stuck her tongue out at me before rolling her eyes as I laughed. “Because we needed to get out of that motel before I screamed.”

“And Max wanted to see the buildings,” Liz told her from where she was sitting next to Max. I rolled my eyes.

“Oh come on, a bunch of boring buildings,” I muttered and Liz shrugged.

“They’ll be fine,” Liz told me and I shrugged as I turned back to the front before smirking as I got up and made myself comfortable in the seat behind Max, causing him to look at me.

“What are you doing now, nutter?” he asked and I arched my brow.

“Excuse me, just making myself comfortable,” I told him and he let out a snort of disbelief.

“Couldn’t make yourself comfortable over at your own seats?” he asked and I shook my head.

“Nope,” I told him before flicking my magazine up and ignored him.


This has got to be the most annoying day ever; Maria and Michael were either throwing glares or hot glances. Tess and Kyle…don’t get me started and my sister is really trying to get under my skin.

“Will you quit it!” I snapped and turned around to face her after she flicked my ear once more.

“Oh come on Maxie!” she whined. “I’m bored,” she told me and I glared at her.

“Then annoy someone else, leave me alone,” I told her and she rolled her eyes and pulled out her cd player and pressed play, nodding her head to the music, I turned back to the front only to glare at Liz when she bit her bottom lip, trying to stop herself from laughing.

“Don’t even think about it,” I told her and she nodded as she turned to the window and looked out of it while Jake was sniggering behind me. “Why is it Tammy has to annoy me?” I asked.

“Because you got off easy over the year,” she replied and I turned around to see her smirking as she closed her eyes, her foot moving to the beat when all of a sudden, it happened.

There was a clunk and all of a sudden, one side of the bus tipped.

“What the hell?” Maria asked.

“Blow out Tyre,” Tammy stated in a bored tone as she picked up her bag and walked off the bus, moving her hips to the beat of the music and I shook my head and looked out of the window and rolled my eyes at the sight.

“Just our luck,” I muttered as I stared at the haunted building before shrugging. “Come on, let’s have a look around.”


“Oh you have got to be kidding me,” Tess muttered as she moved closer to the door and stared at the building with a sense of fear in her voice.

“It’ll be fun,” Tammy replied as she stepped over to the door and went to open it when all of a sudden it creaked open, causing Maria to jump.

“That’s just too freaky,” Maria muttered and Tammy smiled.

“I thought it was cool,” she told us before stepping into the house and Max groaned from behind me.

“Tell me again, why did I have to get a sister who’s practically fearless?” he asked and I shrugged.

“That’s what you get,” I told him and he glared at me as he took my hand and we both followed the rest into the building.

“Still not fun,” Max stated and I laughed as we looked around the building, it was the creepy place which you would expect, white sheets covering everything, dust-layering top of the sheets.

“This is way too cool!” Tammy exclaimed as she swung her torch back and forth and I had to take a double look when I saw the torch.

“Where the hell did you get that torch from?” Kyle demanded and Tammy looked at him.

“My back pack, is that alright with you?” she asked and he shook his head in disbelief.

“How the hell do you know what to bring?” he asked and Tammy shrugged.

“Like the girls’ scouts, always be prepared,” she told him and Kyle snorted.

“You were never in the girls scouts,” he replied and she shrugged.

“Still the same thing when you grow up with Max as your brother,” she
replied and I giggled behind my hand while Max looked at her.

“Hey!” he shouted in offence and she looked at him.

“It’s true!” she protested in defence with a shrug. “I’m looking upstairs, you always get better things,” she told them and Maria grabbed her arm.

“Are you kidding?” she demanded. “Everyone knows that if you go upstairs, you are more likely to be killed off!” she told her and Tammy looked at her like she had lost it.

“Chill Maria, it’s not a film,” she told Maria and Maria shook her head.

“Still applies to reality,” Maria told her and Tammy shrugged.

“I’ll be fine, I grew up with Max,” she informed and I shook my head while biting my bottom lip, trying to keep my laugher at bay.

Michael, Alex, Kyle and Jake didn’t even bother while Max glared at his little sister.

“Count on payback,” Max told her and Tammy saluted.

“Wouldn’t have expected any other,” she replied before making her way up the stairs and Max groaned as he shook his head.

“Shoot me right now,” he muttered as he made his way into what looked like the dinning room while I saw the library.

I stepped into the library and gasped when I saw all the books, there were shelves reaching all the way to the ceilings and I shook my head. I couldn’t understand why anyone would abandon a place like this; it was amazing. I could stay in this library for months!

I looked around once more before leaving the room and bumped into Maria, who let out a shriek before slapping my arm.

“Will you stop that!” she exclaimed and I looked at her.

“I’ve only done this once!” I told her and she rolled her eyes as she linked her arm in mine and we both walked around the castle.

“Figures Tammy would make us come to a place like this,” she muttered and I laughed.

“Hey, I wanted to ask, how is it going with you and Michael?” I asked and she looked at me before sighing.

“Alright,” she told me and I looked at her and she rolled her eyes. “I love him Liz, you know that,” she told me and I nodded. “But I am a little wary.” I nodded in understanding.

“If it was me, I would be the same but Michael really loves you, sometimes it easier to deny your love instead of confronting it,” I told her and she looked at me.

“Is that what you did with your feelings for Max?” she asked and I nodded.

“Yeah, I love Max so much that it hurts, it didn’t help that my parents were beating me up, I was petrified that he would agree with my parents and turn his back on me,” I admitted and Maria rolled her eyes.

“The day Max turned his back on you is the day when the devil comes on to earth complaining that Hell has frozen over and the whole world had come to an end, so I don’t see that happening,” she told me and I laughed.

“I know but let me tell you something, fear is a pretty strong emotion, it can override any other emotion,” I told her and she nodded as she rested her head on my shoulder, I rested my head on her head and we moved closer to the guys when all of a sudden there was a noise.

“Hi ya!” a voice came from up the stairs then there was a scream and a loud thud. All I could think was that Tammy was up the stairs!


See you later! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:57 am
by Bubblegal
Thanks For The Reviews:

roswell3053: Here you go but i'm warning you, there will be more cliff hangers.

Erina: Do you really see Tammy as a girl who screams? :? Anyway, here you go.

Chapter 13


“I HATE HOSPITAL!” Tammy exclaimed as she pushed the doctor away. “I'm fine!” she exclaimed.

“Tammy...” Liz started and Tammy shook her head.

“No seriously, I’m fine, I’m not the one who fell down the stairs.” Tammy told us and we all looked at her.

“WHAT!” we all asked and she nodded.

“That what I was trying to tell you, I never fell down the stairs, someone tried to attack me but I gave them a high kick and they fell down the stairs, I ran down the stairs to see who it was but you guys caught me and I never had the chance.” Tammy explained.

“So, it could have been the person stalking Liz?” I asked and she nodded.

“Has to be, no one else is going to attack me just cause I got closer to Liz’s stalker.” She told me and I swore.

“I don’t get it, who would go after Liz, I mean, her parents are locked up right?” Kyle asked and we all nodded. “Rosa is dead so it’s unlikely it’s a
ghost, James doesn’t know where we are let alone Pam, so who does that leave?” Kyle asked.

“Could it be someone who is after one of us, we just assumed it was Liz because of the cat, but the stalker could be targeting us all, attacking Tammy, drugging Max, scaring Liz,” Maria told them and Liz looked at her.

“Who would go after your all?” she asked. “You haven’t exactly annoyed anyone this much,” Liz reminded and Tammy nodded.

“Though I wouldn’t be surprise about Tammy,” I stated and ended up getting a glare for my troubles as Tammy glared at me. “I’m just saying!” I told her and she rolled her eyes.

“Don’t,” she muttered. “It’s Liz, I just get this feeling that Liz’s danger isn’t over yet, with her parents and now this stalker, I have a feeling it’s the same thing,” Tammy stated.

“Hey, what about the ‘boyfriend’ Rosa had, does anyone actually know who he is?” Isabel asked.

“Nope, I never met Rosa’s boyfriend,” Liz told them.

“Didn’t he have like blonde hair?” Kyle asked. “I remembered some guys talking about Rosa being with some guy, Marty, Matty?” Kyle murmured out looking around till his eyes landed on. “Martin!” he blurted out and rolled his eyes. “Figures I would forget the second name,” he muttered.

“Martin?” Tess asked and Kyle nodded.

“Yeah, but I don’t remember the last name, it was ages since I’ve heard it,” Kyle admitted and everyone nodded.

Kyle turned to us and sighed. “Can I talk to you two for a minute?” he asked, I felt Liz tense up as she squeezed my hand a little tighter, I felt wary but I wanted to know what he had to say.

“Okay,” I told him and he led the way out of the hospital. “What do you want?” I asked.

“I wanted to apologise,” he told us and Liz looked at him.

“For what?” she asked.

“For perusing you, I’m not in love with you,” he admitted and I watched as Liz’s eyes closed with relief.

“What made you realise that?” I asked and he turned to me.

“Tammy, believe it or not, when I heard the attack, all I could think what if it was Tess who went up those stairs, she wouldn’t have been able to fight off the attacker like Tammy and it scared me to the bone,” he explained and I nodded.

“You do realise that Tess is not going to take you right back, that you’ll need to work for it?” Liz told him and he nodded.

“I know and she’s worth it,” Kyle told him before leaving us alone.

I turned to Liz and she threw herself into my arms.

“Thank god,” she muttered from my chest and I nodded as I hugged her hard, I knew what she was talking about, she was glad that Michael and Kyle had finally realised their feel feelings and that Tammy was alright.


“Come on, we better go and see Tammy again,” I told him and he nodded as he kissed my forehead, he wrapped his arm around my waist and we stepped into the room only to see the police standing off in a distance and a man talking to Tammy.

“What’s going on?” Max asked Tess.

“Diane phoned the police, she wants to know who tried to attack Tammy,” she explained and we nodded as moved closer to the brunette guy who was talking to Tammy.

“And what happened?” he asked.

“I kicked him and he fell down the stairs, but he was gone before I got there,” she explained and he nodded.

“Do you have any idea who may want to attack you?” he asked.

“Liz’s stalker,” Tammy replied and looked at me. “Everything okay?” she asked and I nodded with a smile.

“He came to his senses,” I told him and she sighed with relief.

“Thank God,” she muttered before looking at the policeman.

“Stalker?” he asked and she nodded.

“Liz has been the victim of the cat killer joke in the bathroom and the whole presents things,” Tammy explained and his face cleared with understanding.

“Oh yes,” he remembered before looking at me, I felt a chill go down my back when we locked eyes and I moved closer to Max, wanting to get warm.

Max wrapped his arms around my body, holding me close and I let one hand link with his as the guy turned back to Tammy. “Do you have a name for the stalker?” he asked.

“We think it might be Liz’s eldest sister, Rosa’s boyfriend, she died a couple of years ago and some people said that the guy hadn’t really got over it,” Tammy explained.

“Name,” he asked.

“Martin,” Kyle jumped in.

“So you think it’s a Martin who is stalking Liz?” the policeman asked.

“No, it’s a guess,” Tammy told him and shrugged. “We have no idea who would be stalking Liz so that’s why we are telling you our guess so you can find out.”

“Right,” he informed and Tammy looked at him.

“I never did get your name,” she told him and he looked at her, startled.

“Oh, I’m Ron, Ron Chapshaw,” he introduced and she nodded, still looking at him, I looked at her but she shook her head at me.

“Okay,” Captain Jim stated as he moved over to us. “We have transferred you to another motel, it turns out the stalker had put spy cameras in your room,” he told us and I felt the blood rushing from my face.

“WHAT?” Max demanded. “Where?”

“The bathroom, just over the shower, in the bedroom, it was in the TV and one was over the bed,” he explained and I turned to Max, he turned to me and we both knew we were thinking the same thing, he had been watching us while we made love.

I shivered, what was something private between us has now been tainted; this stalker had used it for their own pleasure.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” I mumbled out before bolting for the bathroom, leaving everyone behind.


“Okay, I want you to catch this sicker and I want you to do it now!” I told them and Jim shook his head.

“We can’t, this guy used the master key to get into their room, he copied the managers one and took it with him,” he explained and I sighed as I rested my head in my hands. This was going from bad to worse and I have a feeling that it’s going to get even worst.

“Max, go and check on Liz,” I told him and he nodded and headed into the girl’s toilet and I turned to the Captain. “What were the camera like?” I asked and he paled slightly.

“Video,” he told me and I cursed.

“Fucker,” I hissed out as I punched the wall. “He’s been taping them, its alright if it was a flipping camera that just shoots but video,” I shook my head. “Find this guy before I do or I’m warning you, if I get to him first, there is not going to be anything to fill a body bag,” I warned him, he started to protest when my dad spoke up.

“Trust her on this, just do it,” dad whispered to him and he nodded before tipping his head and he walked off with the other policeman – Ron. I narrowed my eyes at him, there was something familiar about him but I couldn’t place it.

“So, what do we do?” Kyle asked as everyone turned to me.

“When we move to the new motel, you guys will sweep every room that we are sleeping in and made sure there is nothing like this again,” I told them and they nodded.

Max and Liz came out and looked at us.

“What?” Liz asked and I shook my head and pasted a smile on my face.

“Nothing, just can’t wait to get out of this hospital and into a nice pool,” I told them and mom rounded on me.

“You are going no where near the pool with that cast,” she told me and I rolled my eyes, glad to see that Max and Liz was looking a bit more better, it just resolved my vow, I was going to get this guy.


Remember when Liz found the cat and the unknown person knew what her reaction was, you just got the answer to how they knew.

Can you please review and let me know what you think? i really like hearing what people thoughts of my story. Thanks.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:31 am
by Bubblegal
Thanks to everyone who left me reviews:

roswell3053: You are a smart one for sure, you pick up on things. Here's the next part.

Grace52373: Glad to see that you liked it and do you really think i would make it easy on the boys? No, the girls are going to milk this for all their worth, just you wait and see how they do it.

mlover25: Glad you're loving this.

pandas2001: No, Kyle heard about the guys at the age when he was Liz's age, the boyfriend was older than Rosa at the time and the guys were talking about how Rosa went for older guys, Kyle pushed it to the back of his mind because he thought Liz already knew about Rosa's boyfriend.

Glad you guys liked the last chapter and here you go

Chapter 14


I sighed as I sat at the lounger, looking at the sparkling pool; Liz was on the lounger next to me.

“Hey, where are the guys?” she asked.

“Checking out the rooms,” I told her and she nodded.

“Do you think Tess/Kyle, Maria/Michael will get back together?” she asked I looked at her.

“Yes, I do. It will take a while for the boys to gain the girls trust back but I have no doubt that they will get back together, now that they know why the guys turned away from them,” I told her and she nodded.

“Do you have the stuff for the wedding?” Isabel asked as she made her way over to us and Liz nodded as she picked up the bag and sat at the end of her lounger, Isabel opened the bag and went through it, taking out the papers of notes and dresses and such and the girls went over them.

“Do you think we’ll live?” I asked and she laughed as she looked at me.

“Come on Tammy, they’re not that dangerous,” she told me.

“Uh huh,” I replied before looking at the girls and picked up one of the magazine, whatever you want to believe I thought to myself.


I could hear the girls arguing over the dress, I looked at Tammy, who was looking bored as she flicked through a magazine.

“How about that one?” she asked as she showed a picture of a bridal dress, I looked at it and wrinkled my nose.

“No,” I told her and she sighed.

“We’ve looked through all the magazines they have and you didn’t like any of the dresses,” she told me and I nodded.

“I know, I’m just looking for the dress I want,” told her and she nodded.

“Hey, your wedding is easy, you know what you want, it’s just the dress; they’re wedding? I don’t even want to know,” she told me as she pointed toward the girls and I nodded in agreement.

“I have to agree with you on that one,” I admitted and she nodded.

“Come on, there has to be a dress that you like!” Tammy exclaimed as she flicked through another magazine till one caught her eyes, she turned it to me. “How about this one?” I looked at it and my eyes brightened.

“Yes! That’s it!” I exclaimed as I grabbed the magazine and I watched Tammy fell back on the lounger.

“Thank the lord for that,” she muttered as she looked at the sky above, I smiled as I watched her before looking at the other girls and rolled my eyes before storming over to them, I picked out the colour chart.

“This is the colour you are going to be wearing, modify the dress to your own desire,” I told them as I held out the colour and they grabbed it and started arguing over how they were going design their dress and I rolled my eyes as I made my way over to Tammy. “I can’t win!” I exclaimed and she laughed.


“No cameras in any of the rooms,” Kyle reported as he came out of the last bedroom and Alex nodded in agreement.

“I even used the camera sensor, they haven’t picked up on any except the security cameras,” Alex told me and I nodded in relief.

“At least there’s something we can relax about,” I told him and Jake snorted as we looked at him.

“Tammy will make you check the room every day while we’re here,” he reminded and I groaned.

“I suppose having an paranoid sister is a good thing,” I muttered and Alex nodded.

“How is Liz?” he asked and I shook my head.

“Scared, the fact that there were cameras…” I trailed off and they nodded.

“I just wished we though to look for the cameras in the first place, there had to be a way how the stalker knew about the cat,” Kyle pointed out and I nodded.

“Yeah, but we had everything else on top of us so it just slipped our mind,” I admitted and they nodded.

“Yeah, it’s just not fair on Liz though, she is getting the brunt of it, we’re the one who are getting hurt just to get through to her and that’s not fair on her,” Michael stated and I scoffed.

“I hate to see what the guy will be like when Tammy catches up with them,” I told them and smiled.

“But you gotta love it when she gets like this, I love it when she starts kicking asses, makes me glad that she’s on our side,” Kyle pointed out and Jake let out an amen.

“Let just hope that the wedding will go smoothly,” Alex stated and we all nodded as we headed out toward the pool.


She is looking more and more like Rosa than ever, my heart just fills with joy whenever I see her but it also fills with pain when I know she is being led astray by that man and his group of friends, they are making her think she is Liz when she isn’t, she is my Rosa and she belongs to no one but me, count on it.


Sorry that it was short. Reviews please :D

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:15 am
by Bubblegal
Thanks for the reviews:
roswell3053: You'll find out in this part.

mlover25: You'll see

Chapter 15


I felt my bed bouncing and I woke up straight away only to fall of the bed with laugher following it, I looked over at my bed and saw Liz kneeling there, her eyes bright with excitement and she was glowing, I looked at the clock and groaned.

“Liz, it’s five!” I exclaimed and she shook her head, still excited.

“It’s my wedding!” she exclaimed before getting up on the bed and bouncing once more and I had to smile at the sight, there she was in her p.j. Bouncing like a five year old at Christmas.

“Still five in the morning,” I told her and she laughed as she fell on the bed and looked up at the ceiling, I managed to get off the floor and I laid on the bed, looking at the ceiling too.

“I have been waiting for this moment for practically my entire life and now it’s here, I can hardly stop jumping,” she told me and I laughed.

“I can see that,” I told her and she nudged me.

“Seriously, Tammy, I want to thank you,” she told me and I looked at her. “You have been there for me when no one else has been, you saved my life on more than one occasion, you know how to make me laugh and forget the entire world, even if it’s just for a moment,” she told me and I grinned.

“I’m pretty sure that Max does a good job,” I told her and she rolled her eyes in amusement. “Hey, you do the same thing to me,” I told her and she nodded.

“Yeah, I know but if it wasn’t for you, I have no idea where I would be right now,” she told me and I sighed.

“You are just determined to make me cry aren’t you?” I asked and she laughed.

“Like hell we can make you cry, you are too tough for that,” Liz told me before hugging me. “Thanks for being the best sister and best friend a girl could ever have,” she told me and I hugged her back.

“Thanks for making my brother happy,” I told her and she giggled as she pulled away.

“I’m pretty sure it’s mutual,” she told me and I laughed too.

“Okay, lets go and wake up all the other girls!” I told them and we both hurried off the bed and headed into the other girl’s rooms to wait them up.


I smiled as I watched the guys sitting around watching TV, my dad was sitting next to me and he turned to Max.

“I’m proud of you,” dad told me and I looked at him.

“Dad?” I asked and he smiled.

“You are the son I have ever wanted, you really do make me proud, especially the way you treat Liz. Especially after when we found out the truth about what was really going on with her. You didn’t turn your back on her like any other male would have done,” he told me and I shook my head.

“I love her,” I told him and he nodded.

“I know and you can see it pretty well that she loves you too, that’s why I’m proud of you, you fell for the best girl your mother could ever love, you do realise that mothers aren’t really suppose to like the girls your son go out with,” he told me and I nodded with a smile. “So count it as a blessing that your mother loves Liz too. So make me proud again and marry the woman you love and happy her happy,” he told me before clapping a hand on my shoulder and walking off, leaving me happy. My dad and I are not really close but to know that he is proud of me makes me happy.

I turned back to the guys and smiled once more, I was finally getting married.

“Okay guys, let’s get ready,” I told them and they all cheered as they got up and we all fought for the bathroom, I smiled at the sight; at least some things never change.

We finally made it to the chapel. The guys were pacing nervously and Alex smirked.

“Gee, are we doing this the wrong way or what?” he asked and we all looked at him. “Isn’t it suppose to be the groom that nervous?” he asked and I laughed as I hit him on the shoulder, the door opened and we turned to see Tammy standing there in her pink dress.

“Are you guys ready?” she asked with a bright smile and the guys nodded as they left, she turned to me and winked. “Time to meet the girl of you dreams and turn her into the woman of your life,” she told me and laughed as I walked over to her and kissed her forehead.

“Thanks for everything,” I told her and she rolled her eyes.

“Is everyone going to try and make me cry?” she asked and I looked at her, curiously and she shook her head. “Never mind,” she told me and I nodded.

“I wanted to thank you for getting Liz and I together, if it wasn’t for you, well I have a feeling that Liz and I would still be fighting our feelings,” I admitted and she smiled.

“No prob big bro, just make her happy,” she told me and I nodded.

“Shall We?” I asked as I held out my arm and she smiled as she placed her arm through mine.

“We shall,” she told me and we both left the room and made our way into the main part of the chapel, ready to marry the one woman I’ve ever loved.


She looks gorgeous in her white dress, her hair was piled up on top of her head, her smile was bright as she fingered the band on her finger, I sneered in disgust, she deserves a better ring than that one and I intend to be the one to put it on her finger, I moved closer to her, careful to keep my footsteps light.


I looked around the room before looking down at my dress and I smiled, it was time. I was going to marry Max and we are going to spend the rest of our lives together. I could feel the excitement bubble up inside of me.

She will marry no one but me.

I gasped when I felt a cloth cover my mouth, I struggled but the scent of the cloth soon overwhelmed me and my eyes rolled up into the back of my head, dragging me down into darkness.

She’s mine and I will make her see that.


No throwing things!

Sorry that it was short, and did you honestly think I would give them an easy wedding?

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:47 am
by Bubblegal
Thanks for the reviews:

roswell3053: Flip out? you'll see

mlover25: I have to be mean sometimes

Erina: Here you go.

In this part you will learn something new about Tammy, which will be explained further later.

Chapter 16


I woke up, my head felt woozy and my stomach felt like I was going to be sick, I looked around only to see that I was surrounded by darkness. My heart clenched when I remembered what happened, I was in the chapel ready to get married to the love of my life when someone placed a cloth over my mouth and knocked me out.

I went to stand up when I felt metal along my ankles; I reached down only to encounter a chain and the fear rose up more inside of me. I’m trapped.


“Okay Lizzie, time to get…” I trailed off when I saw that Liz was no longer in the chapel any more, confused I looked around only to see a small white cloth on the floor, my heart clenched for some reason and my stomach tightened as I moved closer to the cloth, I bent down only to stand straight back up and took a step back when the scent over whelmed me, I knew that scent no problem, Chloroform. “Shit,” I cursed before running out of the room and headed into the church, I slammed the door open, causing everyone to look at me. “Liz has been kidnapped,” I gasped out and I watched as Max’s face paled while everyone else stood up, fear evident on his or her faces.

We are now in our street clothes, the Crime people were in the chapel taking pictures and picking up evidences while the police spoke to the vicar and to other people.

I stood up from where I was sitting and paced the floor. I had a feeling that if I didn’t do something soon, none of us were ever going to see Liz again and that scared me more than anything.

“Excuse me,” a male voice asked and I turned to see the blonde guy in front of me again, I looked at him, wondering where I had seen him before.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“I’m Ron, the police man you spoke to when you were attacked,” he reminded and I it hit me, but there was still something putting me off.

“Oh yeah,” I replied and he nodded.

“I just wanted to ask some questions about Miss Parker’s routine, you say she was suppose to wait for you in the chapel?” he asked and I nodded.

“Is it possible that she may had cold feet?” he asked and I shook my head.

“Nope, Liz has been waiting for this day practically her whole life, she loves Max and couldn’t wait to get married to him,” I told him and watched him carefully.

“Still, she could have cold feet, it’s not unusual for a girl of Miss Parker’s age,” he told me and I nodded.

“Yeah, for other girls but Liz isn’t like other girls, she was the one who woke up 5 this morning just so we could get to the wedding on time,” I told him and I noticed a small tick in the side of his mouth and realised that he was grinding his teeth. “If you finished asking questions, I need to get back to my family,” I told him and he nodded.

I walked back over to my family and pulled the gang aside.

“What?” Kyle asked.

“I need a computer,” I told them and they looked at me.

“Use your laptop,” Max told me and shook his head. “How could you think about a computer right now?” he asked and I shook my head.

“I can’t use my laptop for this, I need to use the police computer and
trust me, I have a feeling that it will help me find Liz,” I told them and
Max looked at me.

“The police computer?” he asked and I nodded. “How the hell do you expect to use one?” he asked and I winced.

“We need to break into the police station to use their computers and I need Alex with me as he is the computer hacker,” I explained and they just looked at me, wondering if I just grew another head and I smiled weakly, hoping that they’ll go along with the plan.


I just spent god knows how long trying to get out of this chain but no avails, I looked around the room, hoping that I could see a light or something to let me know what time of day it was.

I heard a noise and I looked up to see the door opening, the figure stepped through and turned to look at me with a smirk.

I gasped when I recognised the person.

“YOU?” I demanded.


No one has ever said that my sister was sane. We managed to break into the Police station without tripping any alarms, not that it stopped Tammy from fiddling with the alarms and managed to turn the alarm into accepting the password and leaving us alarm freed.

“How the hell did you know to turn the alarm?” Kyle demanded and Tammy blushed slightly.

“Erm, I kinda went out with this guy when I was younger,” she told us and I looked at her.

“Who?” I asked and she blushed harder.

“Ben?” she whispered and I looked at her.

“You went out with Ben Caswell?” I demanded. “The Resident bad boy, the one who kept getting thrown into jail?” I demanded and she rolled her eyes.

“God Max, have kittens while you’re at it,” she muttered as she led the way into the computer lab.

“Oh sorry for being a little upset that my sister went out with him, how the hell did you managed to get that past us?” I asked and she rolled her

“God Max, I went out with for a total of two months, it wasn’t even serious, just making out. He taught me how to have fun and how to do things without getting caught, plus add in all the stuff you taught me, you guys kinda made me invincible,” she told me.

“TWO MONTHS?” I exclaimed and I shook my head. “Forget it, once we have Liz back safe and sound, we are going to be talking about him,” I told her and she nodded as we arrived at a computer and turned to Alex.

“Okay buddy, get us into the computer,” she told him and Alex cracked his knuckles as he sat down on the chair and booted up the computer, once he accessed it, he got off the chair and Tammy sat on the chair, typing away, she typed in Ron Chapshaw.

“Is that the police man I saw you talking to earlier and the one who questioned you when you got attacked?” Maria asked and Tammy rolled her eyes.

“Why does everyone keep asking about my attack? I wasn’t attacked, the guy was!” she exclaimed and nodded. “Yeah, that’s him, something about him keeps putting me on an edge,” she explained and it beeped, showing a complete different picture and she smirked. “Gotcha,” she muttered before she grabbed her cell phone and grabbed the cable from her bag, she plugged one side of the cable into the back of the computer before plugging the other end into her phone and brought up the picture of ‘Ron’ and transferred it into the computer. “Now, lets see who you are,” she told him as she clicked the button and it started whirring as it processed files.

“Why would anyone pretend to be someone else?” Tess asked and Tammy looked at her.

“Because he wants to get close to Liz, I have a feeling that ‘Ron’ is our little stalker and has been impersonating a police officer just to get closer to Liz,” she explained and it beeped once more, she turned and smirked. “Hello Martin Henderson, Rosa’s boyfriend,” she told us as she turned the picture of face us. “He was put into a Psychiatric Ward because he witness the death of Rosa and guess who were his regular visitors,” she told us.

“Mrs and Mr Parker,” Kyle stated and she nodded.

“Yep and they gave him all the little details of Liz being ‘involved’ in Rosa’s death and he’s now out for revenge because he found out that Liz has put them in jail.”

“Why go after her?” I asked.

“First, he went after he because he thought she was the reason Rosa drove herself to death but with all the presents and loves notes, I have a feeling that Liz has taken place for Rosa, he no longer sees Liz as Liz, but as Rosa and I don’t know if you guys realise this but Liz does look a hell a like Rosa,” Tammy told us and shook her head. “We need to get to her as soon as possible before he goes nuts and tries to take her out of the country.”

She pulled up the e-mail and typed in the details and added the picture of Martin and his details to the e-mail before typing in an e-mail address and clicked send. “Now my informant has the details, they will be able to inform the police and we need get to get a move on and try and rescue Liz.”

“Where the hell are we going to find her?” Michael asked and Tammy smiled.

“That’s the beauty of this little machine,” Tammy told us as she pulled out a small machine that was no bigger than a small note pad, switched it on and there was a small red dot blinking. “I bugged our little police man before leaving him so that if he was our kidnapper, then we have him.”

“You scare me.” Michael remarked to Tammy and she glared at him.

“I should, I’m a girl.” Tammy retorted back before grabbing her cell phone and walked off, leaving us stunned.

“She's your sister.” Jake told me when I looked at him and I scoffed.

“Your girlfriend” I shot back and we both hurried after her, wanting to get to Liz as soon as possible.


Monday. Reviews Please

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:30 am
by Bubblegal
Thanks for the reviews:

Erina: She's suppose to scare everyone, i was actually thinking about Lawyer for her but we'll see.

roswell3053: Glad you like Tammy, hope you like her in this chapter.

Warning: Major Cliffhanger ahead!

Chapter 17


“Why are you doing this?” I demanded and he smirked as he made his way over to me and stroked my cheek, I pulled my cheek away from him only for him to grab my chin and pull it back to me.

“Now that wasn’t nice Rosa,” he breathed out and I froze. “Didn’t you miss me?” he asked.

“I’m not Rosa, I’m Liz!” I told him and he slapped me.

My head jerked back from the force of it and I could feel my cheek stinging.

“I don’t know what those people have put into your head, you are Rosa, my girlfriend and I’ll damned if I’ll stand by and let your marry that jerk who doesn’t deserves you,” he swore.

“I love Max!” I told him. “They haven’t put anything into my head at all!” I told and he shoved me backward, I grimaced as my back hit the wall painfully.

“You’ll see, you’ll see that I’m only here to save you Rosa and you’ll love me once more,” he promised me before storming out of the room, leaving me in fear, wondering what the hell he would do.


“Is this the place?” Maria asked and Michael clapped a hand around her mouth.

“Yes and keep your voice down, I don’t want anyone to know we are here!” I hissed at her, keeping my voice low.

“What’s he doing?” Max asked and I looked at the computer.

“He’s moving, oh hell,” I whispered and grabbed Max, making sure that all of us were in the shadows.

Martin stormed by us, muttering in anger and I closed my eyes in relief when he went round the corner. “Okay, lets move it fast and quick, we need to find Liz as soon as possible because I really don’t want to meet up with Martin,” I told them and they all nodded as they slipped out one by one, checking out each rooms as we went by.

I looked into a room and saw a foot and white dress. “Gotcha!” I hissed out and motioned everyone to come over, Max ran into the room and made his way over to Liz while everyone else followed him and I shut the door behind me and moved over to Liz.

“It’s…” Liz started off.

“Ron, I know, his real name is Martin, he’s was Rosa’s girlfriend, I will explain it later as we need to get a move…” I trailed off when I felt a chill go up the back of my neck and I spun around only to see Martin standing in the doorway, his face furious.

“Go where?” Martin asked. “I don’t think anyone is going anywhere as Rosa and I are going to be married,” Martin smirked and I scowled.

“Her name is Liz,” I told him and he made his way over to me as he raised his hand, he expect me to flinch but I just stuck my face up. “Go ahead, show ‘Rosa’ just how much of a man you are, hitting a woman,” I told him, daring him.

He took a deep breath and took a step back.

“None of you are leaving, Rosa and I are going to leave this country and live our lives happily away from you,” he spat at me and I smirked.

“I’m sure you and Rosa will be happy…six feet under ground considering that’s where Rosa is right now,” I told him and he lost it, he backhanded me across the face, causing gaps from everyone.

I lifted my face back up and touched my lip; I could feel the blood. “Oh, now he hits me,” I teased and I shook my head. “Bad move,” I told him.


I groaned when Tammy said that, I knew how much she loved to provoke guys into anger so that they will finally lose their temper, allowing her to strike them down at the right moment, she told me that their anger may be strong to them, it was always their weakness.

I watched as Tammy coiled herself up, reading to get back on to Ron/Martin whatever the hell his name was when all of a sudden I saw a flash of light and my heart stopped as my breath was caught in my throat.

He wouldn’t…


I breathed heavily as I stared at the gun that was now pointing at my chest, fear clutching my body.

“You shouldn’t have come here!” Martin breathed out.

“You shouldn’t have kidnapped Liz,” Tammy shot out and he swung the gun round to face her.

“Her name is ROSA!” he shouted and he swung the gun around to me once more. “And no one is taking her from me!” he hissed out as he squeezed the trigger.

“DUCK!” a voice ran out.



Now throwing things again. Sorry it was short!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:42 am
by Bubblegal
Erina: I'm Back and you can relax.

Thanks for the reviews and i hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 18


“Duck!” I shouted; everyone behind Max ducked as I tackled him to the ground just as a bullet rang out, I heard it hitting the wall before getting onto my side and kicking my leg out, it connected with Martin’s ankles, causing him to fall to the ground, dropping the gun at the same time.

I managed to get up and turned him onto his front before pulling his arms behind him and tied it with the rope he left at the side. “Count yourself arrested buddy.” I told him with a smirk as the door burst open, revealing the police. “Nice to see you guys, you are awfully slow in this country aren’t cha?” I asked as they came over and hauled Martin out as my mother came over to us.

“What happened?” She demanded.

“Psycho here,” Max stated, nodding his head to me, “told everyone to duck as she tackled me to the ground as Martin shot at me and kicked him to the ground before telling him that he was arrested.” Max explained and my mother turned to me.

“You are gonna give my grey hairs.” She told me and I smiled. At least I didn’t get shouted at this time.


We found ourselves at the hospital, we were all getting patched up, Max had a scrape on his arm when he fell to the ground, thanks to Tammy, we were all pretty lucky that we didn’t get any worse injury.

“How are you feeling?” Max asked from where he was sitting next to me and I smiled up at him.

“Considering I had been kidnapped and practically stalked, I feel fine.” I told him and he nodded as he kissed my forehead.

“I don’t think Mom is gonna get over this for a long time.” Max stated and I snorted back a laugh.

“How about Jake? You should have seen his face when he saw Tammy tackle you; I thought he was going to kill her.” I told him and he smiled slightly.

“That’s Tammy, the hero.” He stated and I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t go handing out the awards.” I told him and he laughed slightly.

I looked up when I heard Tammy speaking.

“Oh give me a break Jake, I was perfectly safe.” She told him and Jake snorted.

“Yeah, perfectly safe that you tackled Max to ground so that he wouldn’t get shot!” He exclaimed. “You could have been shot!”

“I made sure that I hit his legs, can’t shoot me if I’m practically on the ground can he?” she asked and he made a frustrated sound as he shook his head and she rolled her eyes. “I know that you were worried and you are sweet for it, but it still stands, you can’t protect me all the time, things are gonna happen while you like or not.” Tammy told him and he softened slightly and Max decided to make a comment.

“Maybe if you stop putting yourself in danger, maybe we would all live a bit better.” He remarked and she threw him a glare while I backhanded him on his chest.

“Be quiet.” I told him and he pouted down at me, causing me to roll my eyes before looking at Tammy.

“I swear to god, this is the last time we get ourselves in danger, I really do not want grey hair before my time.” Tammy muttered as she glared at the doctor who brought the injection over. “Stick that in my arm, I will shove it where the sun doesn’t shine and I don’t mean the backside buddy.” She told him, dangerously, and I smiled, glad to see that she was back. She turned to look at me, her expression turned to one of puzzlement. “What are you smiling at?” she asked, curiously, I just got up and hugged her.

“Glad to have you back.” I whispered and she pulled away slightly and looked at me like I was insane.

“Are you sure you’re not losing it?” she asked and I laughed.

“I’ll tell you later.” I promised her and she nodded.

“You better.” She stated before turning around and she snapped at the doctor. “I told you; come anywhere near me with that and you’ll find it inside you.” She warned and he rolled his eyes.

“You need to have it if you are going to have stitches.” He warned and she rolled her eyes.

“I’m a big girl; I think I can take the pain.” She told him and he sighed.

“Whatever.” He muttered out in frustration as he took the needle and thread and proceeded to stitch her up.

Once he was finished, she looked at him like he was insane.

“And that was suppose to be painful?” she demanded, he just looked at her in a stunned shock before shaking his head and walking off, muttering how stubborn girls could be.

The doors opened once more and the gang stepped in, they all stepped over to me and pulled me into a hug before pulling away.

“Stop getting yourself into danger!” they all exclaimed and I laughed.

“Hey, at least this time you guys knew the truth from the beginning,” I told them and they rolled their eyes as they stepped back and I walked back into Max’s arms, feeling safe once more.

Martin is now under police arrest, none of us were seriously hurt and I was free of my past, no one is coming back to haunt me because of Rosa and I had a feeling that Rosa was now resting in peace that everyone has laid her memory to rest.


“Of all the stupid things you have done, this certainly takes the cake!” my mother exclaimed. “All you had to do was let the police know that you knew where Liz was they would have saved her! You didn’t need to go in, barging your way and almost getting shot!”

“We didn’t know where Liz was,” Tammy spoke up from where she was lounging on the chair and our mother turned to her.

“What on earth do you mean you didn’t know where Liz was?” she demanded.

“I had a feeling that the police man wasn’t who he said he was so I bugged him, we broke into the police station,” Tammy informed before looking at the police. “You need to get better security, a five year old could have bypassed the alarm,” she told them before turning back to our mother. “Alex got us into the computer and I typed up the name only to get a complete different picture of ‘Ron’, so I took the picture from my cell phone and placed it in the computer and asked the computer to get me matches, which ended up spitting out Martin’s true name and picture. I didn’t really know if he was the one who actually kidnapped Liz; it was pure guessing on my part.”

“You almost got yourselves killed on a guess?” Mom exploded and Tammy shook her head.

“No, once we got confirmation that it was Martin, we knew without a doubt that it was Liz’s stalker/kidnapper and no offence, the police are pretty slow and we were faster.”

Mom just looked at her, stunned as her mouth was slightly hanging open.

“And pray tell, how did you managed to bypass the alarms?” dad asked and Tammy blushed and Liz looked at her.

“Oh you are kidding!” she exclaimed. “You never told them?” I looked at her.

“You knew she went out with Ben?” I demanded and Liz looked at me.

“Yeah, everyone at school knew,” Liz, told them and the gang looked at each other before looking at her.

“Not us,” they told her.

“Obviously, you guys throw a fit when one guy looks at us, there were no way in hell Tammy was going to tell you she was going out with the bad boy of Roswell, beside it only lasted two months, they hardly did anything except making out and Ben teaching her stuff,” Liz explained.

“What stuff?” Jake demanded as he looked at Tammy and she rolled her eyes.

“Not that kind of stuff,” she shot at him. “He taught me how to drive, how to ride a motorbike and how to break into places without tripping the alarms, pick locks and how to bypass alarms,” she explained and dad shook his head.

“We are certainly learning new things today, aren’t we?” he asked and Alex looked at her.

“Hey, who is your source?” Alex asked.

“Some guy I know back in Roswell, he’s the one who taught me how to use a computer and all that, he wants to work for the police force,” Tammy explained and Alex nodded.

“Can you introduce us? I would like to learn some more things,” he told her and she nodded while the rest of us look on in disbelief.

Tammy looked over at us and smiled.

“You know what, why don’t all of us go to bed, I’m sure Liz would like to get washed and change into something more comfortable and I’m sure that the rest of us would like to process everything that happened,” she told us and Liz nodded as she stood up and pulled on my hand.

“Yep, Tammy’s right, beside, bed really sounds good right now,” she told them before smiling and tugged on my hand as she lead me up to our hotel room.

Once Liz had gotten washed, by hands by the way, we both got dried and got into bed, I was lying on my back as I looked up at the ceiling, and Liz’s head was resting on my chest as she drew invisible patterns on my chest.

I felt her head move as she looked up at me. “Are you okay?” she asked and I looked down at her.

“When Tammy told me you were missing…I don’t ever want to feel that way again,” I told her and she leaned up on her elbow.

“And you will never have to,” she promised as she leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. “Martin is in jail and he had admitted that he is guilty and he will get the help that he needs, my parents are in jail and they won’t be coming any where us again, we are free to live our lives now,” she told me and I pulled her down on my body.

“How about some celebrating?” I asked and she smiled as she pulled the covers over our head as she took my lips in hers once more.


Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:40 am
by Bubblegal
Thanks for the reviews!:

roswell3053: You'll see

kittens: They thought it was just a sick joke and there was no reason to think that anyone had cameras in the room at the time.

Erina: I'm pretty sure you'll love this chapter.

pandas2001: I'm afraid you won't get to see Sooty in this story, in the Sequel you will but right now he is in Roswell being looked after.

Here the chapter you've been waiting for!

Chapter 19


I muttered as I straightened my dress, I was wearing a baby pink dress, it was floor length and it was a halter neck style, while looking in the mirror.

Liz was annoyed with Isabel, Tess and Maria arguing over their dresses so she gave them the colour that she picked out and told them to get it designed the way they wanted it, I was quite happy to stick with the halter neck style.

I guess you are wondering what day it is? Well, welcome to the wedding of Liz Parker and Max Evans, that’s right, they are finally getting married and I swear, if someone tried to stuff it up, I’m stomping on them with my high heels, when I get some, and that is a promise.

I looked in the mirror and smirked at the sight of Liz pacing nervously and I rolled my eyes.

“Will you quit being nervous?” I told her and she turned to me with a smile, I smiled, I knew that Max was going to fall over his feet when he saw her, she was looking amazing in her floor length white dress, it was a simple dress with the straps hanging on her shoulders, her hair was curled and some of them were pinned back with flowers, she had on her necklace that Max had given her and I noticed that she kept fiddling around with her engagement and promise ring. “Max isn’t going to run, if he is running, the only place he’ll be running is up the aisle.” I told her and she laughed as she walked over to me, we were both bare feet, as Liz was getting married near the ocean on the beach, there was no need to have high heels.

I turned to her and titled my head slightly. “Why are you so nervous?” I asked, “You have been waiting for this moment all your life.” I told her and she sighed.

“I don’t know, I guess that everything is so perfect, I just can’t help but feel that something is going to go wrong.” She told me and I smiled.

“Nothing is going to go wrong, I told Michael, Kyle, Alex and Jake that if they got Max completely drunk and chained him to a lamppost somewhere, they were going to be sleeping on the couch for the rest of their life and to start thinking about getting a new girlfriend cause we weren’t gonna be putting out for them.” I told her and she looked at me and I shrugged. “You should have heard them, started whining like I threatened to cut their balls off.” I stated, shaking my head and she laughed. “And the flowers have arrived, everyone is here and waiting at their seats, the minister had shown up on time, the rest of the girls are ready and the boys are ready too. All we need is the bride to walk down the aisle and get you and Max married.” I stated and she smiled as she hugged me.

“Thanks.” She told me and I pulled away from her and looked at her puzzled.

“For making sure that everything and everyone is here?” I asked and she laughed.

“No, for being there for me during my whole secret and for not telling anyone when I practically blackmailed you, for getting Max and I together, for saving me from you know who and for being there for me through everything.” She told me with tears in her eyes, I laughed as I felt my eyes watered.

“Come on, we can’t start crying now otherwise Isabel would kill us for ruining our face.” I told her and she laughed as she wiped her tears away, we didn’t have any make up on, as there was no point. “Beside, you would have done the same for me.” I told her ands she nodded.

“Thanks.” She said and I shrugged.

“I’m gonna check on the boys, make sure they are still in one piece.” I told her with a grin before winking and leaving the room, leaving her to her thoughts.

I made my way into the other room and saw Max pacing while the guys were lounging about. “Oh not you as well.” I told him and he looked at me.

“What?” he asked and I arched my eyebrow at him.

“Don’t you ‘What’ me, are you thinking that something is going to go wrong?” I asked and he laughed slightly.

“Okay, you got me, but can you blame me?” he asked and I shook my head.

“Nope but I’m gonna say the same thing I told Liz, nothing is going to go wrong, Martin is in jail and can’t come anywhere near you, dad made sure of that, the minister is here and all we need is you to stand at the aisle and Liz to walk up it and get you married off so you can have your honeymoon and so I can get back home to my bed, god, I never thought I see the day I miss Roswell.” I muttered and he laughed as he hugged me.

“You look great little sis.” He told me and I smiled up at him.

“Of course I do,” I told him and he smiled. “You look great yourself big bro.” I told him before turning to the rest of the rest. “Come on you four, get a move on.” I told them and they, grudgingly, got up and exited to the room. “See you outside.” I told Max with a wink before leaving the room and shutting the door, leaving him to his thoughts.


I was finally going to get married, a little shocking while we are at it though but I’m getting married…today…to Liz Parker, the only girl I ever loved.

I sat down and looked into the mirror and smile in delight, I couldn’t believe that I was finally going to marry Liz Parker, the girl of my dream but it was finally happening, I was going to marry Liz and nothing was going to stop us now.

After everything we’ve been through, it was worth it, I got the girl of my dreams in the end and we were both happy and in love.

There was a knock at the door and I looked up to see my dad standing there with a proud smile.

“You ready?” he asked, I stood up and looked in the mirror once more before smiling at him.

“Been waiting for this moment all of my life.” I told him and he smiled as he opened the door wider and I stepped out and we both headed out to the beach where we were going to get to married.

My mother walked down the path and winked as she moved over to sit next to Amy Deluca, yes, she made it as well, a long with Jim, Ed and Sarah Harding, Hank and Mary Gurien, Mark and Janet Johnson, Gloria and Charles Whitman, a few of our family who managed to make it to see our wedding.

The music started up and I looked up to see Maria, Isabel and Tess heading down, Maria was wearing a baby pink dress that had no straps, Isabel had the straps hanging slightly over her shoulders. Tess had the straps crisscrossing over her back, they all smiled as they held on to the baby pink roses, Isabel had red roses, and stood on the other side of me, Tammy walked down, she winked at me and I couldn’t help but admire my little sister, her dark hair was pinned up, she wore the baby pink halter dress and she had the light purples roses in her hands before standing next to Jake.

Soon another music started up and I looked eagerly to see my future wife walking toward me.
#Oooooh - oh oh
Oh yeah
Do do do do do do do
Lovin' you is not just luck or illusion
It's in the makeup of our D-N-A
It's not by chance we make the perfect solution
Don't fight it baby - you know that it's just destiny's way

I watched as she walked down the aisle, she looked gorgeous in her dress; her hands were, nervously, holding the white roses as she smiled nervously at me as she made her way to me, she reached me and I lifted my hand, she slipped her small hand into mine and we both stood in front of the minister, ready to say our vows.

“We’re here today to watch these people join in holy matrimony, Max Evans and Liz Parker decided that they will do their own vows today. Max?” he stated as he looked at me and I took a deep breath and faced Liz.

#Baby lovin' you
Comes easily to me
It's what I'm living for
It's all in the chemistry
Baby lovin' you
Is how it's meant to be
It's something' that is oh-so-natural to me
We've got the answers - but there's no explanation (no explanation)
We got each other baby - come what may (come what may)
It's in the science - it's genetically proven (genetically proven)
Cause when you touch me the reaction it just blows me away

“The first moment I met you, I knew that my life was going to change for the good.” I told her. “I was confused when I first met you, there was something about you that set me in a twirl, I had no idea what I was feeling and it wasn’t till later I realised that I had fallen hopelessly in love with you and wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, even though you joined up with my sister and annoyed the life out of me,’ she let out a small laugh while Tammy rolled her eyes, ‘I still loved you and I promise to love you from this moment onward, no matter what.” I told her and she smiled up at me.

“Now, it’s the bride’s turn.” The minister told her and she looked back up at me once more and opened her mouth to speak.

#Baby lovin' you
Comes easily to me
It's what I'm living for
It's all in the chemistry
Baby lovin' you
Is how it's meant to be
It's something' that is oh-so-natural to me


When Tammy left the room, I looked into the mirror and smiled at the sight. I was getting married to Max Evans, the only guy that I had ever loved. I was still having a hard time believing it, all I could think about was the last time we were due to get married, I was kidnapped but it wasn’t going to happen this time, we were finally going to get married and I couldn’t wait.

There was a knock at the door and I turned to see Diane looking in, she smiled when she caught sight of me.

“Are you ready?” she asked, I looked in the mirror once more and smiled as I turned back to her.

“I’ve been waiting for this my whole life.” I told her as I moved toward the door, she smiled as she stepped back and let me through and we both walked over to where the girls were waiting.

“Okay, let’s go and get you married.” Tammy stated with a wink and I laughed as the music started off, Maria, Isabel and Tess started off first, Tammy turned to me and smiled before handing me something, I took it and opened my hand to see the silver locket that my Grandma Claudia had left me before she died, I had lost it.

“Where did you find this?” I asked and she smiled.

“It found me.” She told me, cryptically, before winking and setting off to do her walk, I smiled as pulled the locket on and I could feel my grandma surrounding me.

“Follow your heart honeybear, it will always lead you to Max.” I heard her whisper in my ear and I set off to walk down to Max as the music changed.

When I first got my look at Max, I felt my breath get caught, he looked amazing in his tux, his shirt was unbuttoned and he was bared foot, just like the others, I smiled as I reached him, he lifted his hand and I took his hand, ready to face my future with him at my side.

#Baby lovin' you
Comes easily to me
It's what I'm living for
It's all in the chemistry
Baby lovin' you
Is how it's meant to be
It's something' that is oh-so-natural to me

“When I first met you, you were so different from all the other boys, yes you protected me whenever you had the chance but you also let me walk my own path, you were there for me whenever I needed you and I loved you for that. As I got older, I fell more and more in love with you, that was the moment when I realised that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you and I promise to do so, no matter what, forever.” I finished; I could see Tammy smiling while Tess, Maria, Isabel and mom wipe their tears and the boys shaking their heads at them.

“Max, please take the ring and repeat after me.” The minister told him, Max took the ring from Michael and placed it on the tip of my wedding ring finger. “I, Maxwell Alexander Evans, take thee, Elizabeth Claudia Parker, to be my lawfully wedded wife.” He informed and Max repeated it, not once looking from my eyes. “To have and to hold, to honour and cherish for as long as I may live.”

#Turn off the light - lay your head next to mine (next to mine)
Take it slowly - a step at a time (step at a time)
C'mon get close - closer to me (closer to me)
It's all so natural - it's all so easy to see

Max repeated it and slid the ring all the way onto my fingers, the Minster turned to me. “Liz, please take the ring and repeat after me.” The minister told me and I took the ring from Tammy before placing it on the tip of Max’s wedding ring finger. “I, Elizabeth Claudia Parker, take thee, Maxwell Alexander Evans, to be my lawfully wedded husband.” I repeated it, not once looking away from Max. “To have and to hold, to honour and cherish for as long as I may live.”

I repeated it and slid the ring all the way onto his finger, the minister looked with a bright smile. “I now announce that Maxwell Alexander Evans and Elizabeth Claudia Parker are now joined in Holy matrimony,’ he looked down at Max. ‘You may kiss the bride.” He told him and Max smiled at me before leaning into kiss me, I wrapped my arms around his neck, revelling in the fact that I was sharing my first kiss with Max as his wife.

#Baby lovin' you
Comes easily to me
It's what I'm living for
It's all in the chemistry
Baby lovin' you
Is how it's meant to be
It's something' that is oh-so-natural to me

I waited to feel the rice falling on us when we pulled away, we saw bubbles floating in the air and I laughed as I looked at them blowing bubbles from the wand.

“Bubbles?” I asked and Tammy shrugged.

“I couldn’t find any rice.” She muttered and I laughed as I hugged her. “Welcome to the family, legally this time.” She whispered.

“Thanks for everything Tammy.” I whispered back before pulling away to look at her in the eyes. “Especially for coming into my life and saving me from Doug.” I told her and she laughed as she hugged me back.

“Ditto for me.” She whispered and I pulled away and hugged everyone else before turning back to my husband, I couldn’t help the bright smile that followed by that thought and he took my hand. “Okay, time to get you off to your honeymoon and us lot to get back to Roswell.” Tammy stated as she ushered us all over to the car.

“Our suitcases…” mom started.

“Taken care of.” Tammy told her as we all made our way into the Limo. “Airport please.” Tammy stated.

“No Problem Miss Evans.” He driver stated with a salute and we all looked at Tammy in confusion, wondering what she has done.


We all arrived at the airport and followed Tammy as we made our way through the building, I could see everyone looking at us, shaking their heads in amusement at our outfits and had to suppress the grin that was threatening to erupt on to my face, no wonder, I bet it wasn’t exactly an a normal occurrence to see people rushing while in their wedding outfits.
We came to a stop and Tammy turned to Liz and I and handed us a set of tickets.

“Tammy?” I asked and she smirked.

“Open it.” She told me, and Liz opened her tickets before squealing and jumping into Tammy’s arms and hugging her tightly, I was confused and curious that I opened my tickets only to laugh.

“Disney Land?” I asked and she smirked.

“I knew that you and Liz had always wanted to go to Disney Land since you were kids so I decided to send you there but that’s not all, look at the other ticket.” She told me and I lifted the top ticket to look at the bottom ticket and my eyes widen and mouth opened in shock.

“HAWAII?!” Liz squealed.

“Yep, you will go to Disney Land for a week then head over to Hawaii for a week.” Tammy informed us and smiled. “Everything is booked, so all you need to do is board the plane and enjoy your honeymoon.” Tammy told us.

Liz, promptly, burst into tears, startling everyone while Tammy laughed and hugged Liz.

“You are the best friend ever.” Liz sobbed and Tammy smiled as she pulled away and wiped Liz’s tears.

“You deserve this.” Tammy whispered before hugging her once more before turning to me and I enveloped her in a bear hug.

“You’re the best sister ever.” I whispered and she laughed.

“And you’re the best brother ever.” She told me before kissing me on the cheek and pulling away, she pushed Liz, slightly, into my arms and pushed us in the direction. “Have fun.” She stated with a wink and we both laughed as we linked hands and headed over to the boarding section, we were finally going on our honeymoon.


Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:58 am
by Bubblegal
Thanks for all the reviews!


roswell3053: The honeymoon went smoothly :wink:

pandas2001: No problem.

Chapter 20


I sighed as I got on the plane and I looked over at my wife, who was sitting contentedly in her chair, she looked over at me and smiled brightly, her dark hair and eyes stood out from her gorgeous tan, it still amazes me that we actually managed to get a tan during our honeymoon but it was great.

“Glad to be going home?” I asked and she laughed.

“Yeah, as much I as loved our honeymoon, I missed the gang,” she told me and I nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, I missed them too but we have to promise that we will get a house far away from them because I don’t want them dropping in any time they want,” I told her as I moved closer to her and giggled as she wrapped an arm around my neck and pulled me down so she could kiss me.

“I love you,” she whispered and I grinned.

“I love you too,” I whispered back and we kissed once more till we heard some coughing, we broke apart to see the stewardess standing there with an amused grin on her face.

“We need you to buckle in as we’re now lifting off,” she told us and we both nodded as we sat back in our own seats and buckled ourselves in and held hands as we waited for the lift off, I looked over at Liz and couldn’t help but grin at the excitement shining in her eyes.


We finally landed on Roswell, it was a long flight that Max was bored that he even suggested that we join the mile high club, not that I disagreed but I did tell him that we weren’t going to do it anymore after being caught, being caught again was the last thing I need.

“Solid Land!” Max exclaimed as we got of the plane and I laughed.

“Remember we have to get back on the plane in a couple of days considering we’re heading over to Boston for college,” I reminded and he groaned.

“Why on earth did humans have to invent planes?” he muttered and I laughed as I leaned up and kissed him.

“Because it was the only we could get to other places,” I told him and he looked at me.

“What about boats?” he asked and I looked at him.

“Do you honestly think I will get on a boat?” I asked and he laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my nose before burying his face into my neck. I sighed as I rested my forehead on his shoulder, both of us just relaxing before grabbing our suitcases and we headed outside where the Jeep was sitting.

“Ready to go home?” Max asked and I nodded as we both got in the jeep.
We pulled up outside the Evans’ house and Max turned to me.

“Home sweet home babe,” he told me and I grinned.

“You are not carrying me over that threshold, you can wait till we have a home together then we can baptise the place together,” I told him with a wink before getting out of the car, leaving my poor husband shocked. I smiled as the door opened and I saw the gang file out together.

“Hi guys!” I greeted as Max got out of the car and stood next to me, smiling as well.


“Look at your two, you’re absolutely glowing!” I told them and Liz grinned as she hugged me.

“Thanks for the fabulous honeymoon.” She told me and I winked.

“No problem, you guys deserved it after everything you’ve been though.” I told her as she pulled away and I hugged Max.

“Seriously, thanks, it was just what Liz needed after everything we’ve been through,” he told me and I nodded.

“That’s why I did it but I’m pretty sure you helped Liz get over what happened to her over the summer as well,” I told him and he laughed as he shook his head.

“You don’t change do you?” he asked and I scoffed.

“Am I suppose to?” I asked and he grinned.

“Nope baby sister, you stay just the same as you are,” he told me as he kissed my forehead and ruffled my hair, causing me to laugh as I pinched him.

“Maxwell,” a female voice stated and we both turned to see our mom standing there with a smile on her face.


I turned to look at my mother and I smiled when I saw her.

“Hey momma,” I greeted and she smiled as she walked over to me and hugged me, she pulled away from me and looked at me.

“You’ve lost weight.” Mom stated and I blushed slightly while Tammy snickered behind me.

“Wonder why.” She stated before walking off, leaving me glaring at the back of her head.

“Behave.” I heard Liz tell me and I looked at her before looking at my mom.

“There were a lot of activities to do.” I explained and she nodded before walking off while Jake walked up to me with a smirk on his face.

“Lot’s of bed activities?” Jake asked and I punched him on the arm before pushing him away, leaving him laughing.

“Did you get any pictures?” Tess asked and Liz nodded as she pulled out all the photographs, we must have taken about 40 rolls, give or take 10.

“Yep,” Liz told them and Kyle perked up.

“Did you take any pictures of Mickey?” he asked and everyone laughed as Liz handed out the pictures so that everyone could see.

“Oh, Hawaii looks gorgeous,” Tess, exclaimed as she looked at the beach and such.

“Yeah, it was great, it was so relaxing,” Liz told her as she rested her head on my chest.

“It’s the best place you could ever go,” I told them, backing up Liz’s statement and Tess sighed before turning to Kyle.

“That’s what you can do to make up to me,” she told him and he looked at her startled, wondering where that had came from.

“Excuse me?” He asked, puzzled.

“You want to make it up to me for chasing Liz, you can take me to Hawaii,” she told him and Kyle’s eyes grew wide as he gulped, causing Tammy to snicker as she made her way into the kitchen and I saw Maria’s eyes lighten up as well as she turned to Michael, who also looked at her light a deer in the headlights.

“You too!” she told him, the boys looked at each other before sighing.

“When?” they asked and the girls squealed as they jumped up and down, Tammy turned to Jake and he shook his head.

“Don’t even think about it,” he told her and she looked at him, puzzled.

“I was going to ask if you wanted a drink,” she told him and he blushed causing me to laugh.

“Don’t ever try and figure out what a girl is thinking before she tells you, you always gets it wrong,” I told him and he rolled his eyes at me as I smirked.

Tammy caught on and looked at Jake.

“You thought I was going to ask for a trip to Hawaii,” she told him and rolled her eyes as she made her way into the kitchen and I smirked.

“Yep, never try and guess what a woman is thinking, you get surprises that way,” I told him and Liz laughed as she reached up and kissed my cheek.

“So you like surprises,” she asked and I smirked down at her.

“Did you not realise that during our honeymoon?” I asked and she blushed slightly as I kissed her before looking up at everyone else, seeing that they were looking interested. “Nothing for you,” I told them. “Just a little secret between a husband and his wife.” Liz elbowed me and I looked at her. “Watch it woman!” I exclaimed and she laughed, causing everyone else to laugh and I smiled, we were finally home where
we belonged.

We could now live our lives in peace.