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Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 2:35 pm
by Loxyanissa14
Yes I think we can start.......I can tempt. as Kyle intill we find a replacement.......

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 11:27 am
by Dreamer_Dreaming
OCC: Who's going to start? BIC:


Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:50 pm
by Loxyanissa14
I will

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 3:34 pm
by Loxyanissa14
Starting post for Vayla, Leelynn and Kyria

Location- A spaceship in the Antarian solar system
Destination- Wenda

His hands became sweaty at the thought of seeing Kyria again. 60 years since Khivar took over Antar. 60 years since the king was reborn into human form and sent to earth. 60 years Kyria has been exiled.

“What are your thoughts Leelynn?” The Queen mother Alexandria spoke to him.

“Hmm…oh nothing,” Leelynn replied. “I was just thinking how everything was going as planned until Ava returned to Antar with that child, who she claimed was Zan’s. If she would have just stayed on Earth like she had been told, she wouldn’t have died and we wouldn’t be in this predicament.”

“True…but if she hadn’t have died and the skins hadn’t had seen a weakness in the Royal Four and if they were not planning on attacking Earth than you my friend would never be reunited with your beloved Kyria.” Alexandria smiled at Leelynn’s shocked expressed. “Yes I know how much you cared about her and I know how much you still care for her, that is why you must find her and bring her back to the ship. We must explain to her what we have done with the Royal Four and explain how much they need her. I’m sure once she realizes how desperate our situation is she will be happy to help us.”

Leelynn had nothing to say to this. He wasn’t so sure it was going to be as easy as the Queen Mother had said it would be but Leelynn pushed his doubt to the back of his mind as the ship landed and the doors opened.

Wenda is a wild planet filled with thieves, murderers, prostitutes, criminals and Kyria. There is only one small village in the center of it. The village is then surrounded by a dense forest that appears to never end.

Leelynn pulled his sword from its sheath and walked forward off of the ships platform and into an untamed world. 10 of Leelynn’s men followed him and for their sake Leelynn hoped Kyria could be found easily.

It took Leelynn and his men no more than an hour to search the small town in search for Kyria and Vayla. Leelynn decided to then extend his search to the forest. After 3 days the group of men hadn’t even made it 2 miles into the deep forest, Leelynn decided to go back to the village in hopes to find a lead. Leelynn’s luck turned around when a small man with dark skin and tattoos said that he might know where to find the girl and if Leelynn paid enough he would take them through the forest.

After weeks of walking through the dense wet forest. Fighting not only insects as large as a man’s head and animals as large as spaceships as well as men wanting the search party’s food and money and small dark man who never said his name stopped immediately in front of two large trees with glowing silver designs on them.

“This is as far as I go…..walk through these trees and you should find what you are looking for if not…,” the small dark man said with a shrug, “I have done what I said I would.” And with that the man walked back the way we had come.

Leelynn looked at the large trees in front of him. Something about them made his mind scream run away and run fast but if this is where Kyria is than this is where he will go and with that Leelynn walked through the great big trees that reminded Leelynn of a gate. Not a gate of welcome but a gate of warning for what might lay inside of it.

The men hadn’t been on the path long before Leelynn thought he heard something in the forest. Leelynn sent four men of his towards the sound as him and the rest of the men continue forward. It wasn’t long before another sound came from the opposite direction of the last. Leelynn sent four more of his men after this sound. Leelynn and the two of the remaining men continue forward and for hours they saw nothing but forest until they came to a small waterfall with a large tree growing from the center of the lake the waterfall had made.

Leelynn studied the large tree carefully. His men were silent with wonder. At the top of this tree appeared to be a house. “Have you ever seen anything like this?” Leelynn asked his men and when he turned around to see what was wrong he found his men dead on the floor of the forest and Vayla pulling a knife from one of their stomachs.

Leelynn stared at Vayla, Vayla’s dark skin glowed with silver tattoos. The lines traveled up Vayla’s arms and across her back. They intertwined around her small wrists and continued to form intricate patterns across her skin. Vayla’s hair was wild, it looked as if it hadn’t been brushed in years. Vayla walked towards Leelynn with the grace of a predator. Her clothes were made of animal skin; they were splattered with the blood of Leelynn’s men. It reminded Leelynn of the Amazon women of Earth.

“You shouldn’t have come here.” Vayla said with a smirk. Leelynn new he was no match for Vayla and hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

“Vayla I must speak with Kyria. It is very important. I have brought news from her mother.” Leelynn said

“Really………now why would Kyria’s mother want to contact her after 60 years……….hmmm?” Vayla asked in a sweet tone while till advancing toward Leelynn.

“We…..I mean she has something to tell her……..something about her brother.” Leelynn answered.

“Her brother’s dead…..remember Leelynn? Remember 60 years ago? Kyria thought something was wrong. Kyria tried to help Zan. Kyria tried to tell you but you just wouldn’t listen would you?” Vayla began to teleporting around Leelynn slowly leaving black puffs of smoke where she had last been. “All she wanted was to talk to her brother. You should have listened Leelynn. It’s your fought Zan died.”

Leelynn closed his eyes. The memory of that night vividly came back to him. Kyria begging him to just speak to her brother, Kyria’s description of events that hadn’t happened yet. If Leelynn would have only told Rath what Kyria said but that was in the past Leelynn had forgiven himself for his actions even if Vayla hadn’t forgiven him.

“Vayla I must speak to Kyria,” Leelynn said as forcefully as he could.

“You’ll have to go through me,” Vayla said with a smile as she unsheathed her sword. Leelynn did the same. The next moments were filled with lounges and parries from both people but then Vayla attacked with full speed blocking Leelynn’s lounge and throwing her elbow into his stomach. Leelynn doubled over in pain.

“You know I expected better sword skills from some one who use to guard the king……..Oh but look what happen to him.” Vayla said to Leelynn. Leelynn stood as much as he could, still holding his side from where Vayla’s elbow had been. Leelynn lounged for Vayla again. Vayla easily side stepped his attempt throwing him off balance. Leelynn tried again but Vayla was faster. Locking swords with him she made him lose his grip on the sword throwing it to the side. Vayla’s fist made contact with Leelynn’s lower lip slicing it open which made blood drip down his chin. The last blow came from behind him knocking him out and when he awoke it appeared as if he was inside the tree house tied to the large tree trunk with Kyria standing in front of him.

“Vayla said you had some news from my mother…”Leelynn still a bit groggy from his head injury didn’t answer Kyria’s question. “Speak now before I let Vayla cut out your tongue.” At this statement Vayla pulled her hunting knife from its holder. Leelynn immediately began to speak afraid of losing his tongue.

“Alexandria has news to tell you but she wants to be the one to tell you not I…If you will come back to the ship with me then we can begin to explain things to you.” Leelynn said.

“Or you can tell me what she wants or we can kill you.” Kyria said without any emotion in her voice. Leelynn realized this wasn’t going good. He had hoped that even if Kyria was still pissed about being exiled she would still have feelings for him and not want to harm him…he was wrong. The only choice he had now was to tell them every thing and hope they would not harm him.

“After Khivar took over Antar, Alexandria had a plan that would allow the royal four to be reborn but they were to be reborn into human’s and sent to Earth in pod chambers. We would send a shape shifter to protect each set. We made two sets to insure that Zan would live again but things were screwed up when Ava’s human form returned to Antar with a baby she claimed was Zan’s. After Ava’s human form returned to Earth it died. Her death left the royal four weak. A weakness the skins hope to take full advantage of and with out the royal four Zan, Rath and Vilondra will surly die again. That is why we need you Kyria. The 2nd Ava that was made isn’t strong enough to help. She was too dependent on her Zan. So you see you are the only hope we have to insure Zan stays alive and that the skins don’t attack Earth. We are hoping that once they hear the Royal Four have been reunited they will call off their plans. So what do you say Kyria? Will you help your twin brother this time?” Leelynn asked.

Kyria looked at Leelynn and smiled, “Go save him yourself,” and with that Kyria turned to leave with Vayla right behind her.

“And what about you Vayla?” Leelynn asked in hopes she would agree to come.

“What about me,” Vayla asked a little surprised by his question.

“Rath will need your help as much as Zan needs Kyria.” Leelynn had never been sure what Vayla and Rath’s relationship had been. All he knew was Rath looked at Vayla the way Leelynn looked at Kyria and that was something Leelynn hoped Vayla would remember.

Vayla said nothing to him but instead looked at Kyria. They didn’t speak for what seemed like a long time and when they did seem to come to a silent agreement it was Kyria who spoke. “So what’s in it for me?”

It took only seconds to get to the spaceship. Although teleporting made you feel sick after you had done it, it was in fact better than spending weeks walking back through the forest and for that Leelynn was thankful for Vayla’s powers.

Leelynn walked into the ship first. He had a lot to convince the Queen Mother of. Alexandria was the one who must confirm Kyria’s wishes. After a long conference Alexandria walked off the ship followed by Leelynn. She didn’t try to hug Kyria but her eyes filled with tears as she same the young women in front of her. Kyria looked so much like her brother it was uncanny. Alexandria realized how much her youngest daughter was a stranger to her. “You may have what you wish Kyria as long as you bring Zan back alive and unharmed.” Kyria nodded and she and Vayla loaded onto the ship.

Kyria and Vayla wash and brushed their hair as the ship made its way to Earth. They both changed into their usual black leather corsets with matching pants and knee high boots. When they had finished Kyria left their compartments in search of Leelynn she found him in the kitchen.

Leelynn looked up when he heard the footsteps of anther person and found Kyria standing in the door way. She had bathed and dressed in different clothing. Leelynn noticed something he hadn’t before. On Kyria’s right wrist was a glowing silver tattoo. It looked like a piece of Vayla’s skin had been placed on Kyria. The tattoo looked like vines encircling small tribal designs. Kyria spoke first.

“I need to know everything you know about the new Zan. Will he remember me? Will he know we are coming? How human is he? Is his powers the same?” Kyria question quickly as if she had rehearsed this.

“I don’t know much about him. I know his memories of Antar can me remembered but I doubt that he remembers you or me for that matter. He might know that we are coming but I doubt it. The only thing not human about him is his powers which are his shield and healing power. That’s all I know about him and his location of course. Speaking of location it should only be a few more days to Earth.” Leelynn answered all of Kyria’s questions and after he had finished he looked down at his food and then back to the door frame to find Kyria had already left.

The ship landed on Earth in a desert that Kyria was told that it is close to Zan’s location. Kyria, Vayla and Leelynn watched as the ship left them behind. Leelynn lead the group through the desert. He said it should only take a day or so to get to the town Zan lived in. So the group walked the rest of the way.

Starting post for Kyle

The radio played lightly in the background at the shop. “Dang it,” Kyle screamed as he brought his hand up off of the motor to reveal a cut that had begun to bleed. Kyle walk to the first add kit and began to wash off his new wound and place a band aid over it.

Kyle had been working hard since the group had moved. He had found him a job at Motors with Miles. The only hard part about the move is sharing a room with Michael. Since Max and Liz were married they got one bedroom and then Isabel and Maria decided to share a room so that meant Kyle was stuck with Michael.

Kyle went back to work quickly. He hoped to get this car working before lunch so that he could eat at Liz’s new place of work.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:17 pm
by Loxyanissa14
Just Bumping

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 3:51 pm
by POM
[occ: I'll post in a bit :) Hard to top that post :lol:]

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:16 pm
by Loxyanissa14
Just Bumping

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:28 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming

Here we are living our lives in a different state and differ way. Max and I only been married for a few months and so far it has been hard. I don’t think I have even seen him as much since the move. I think only time I do see him is at night and most of the time when I come home he asleep.

I sigh. I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling. It’s another day at work where I’m not too happy to go to. I never thought my life would be like this. I thought I’ll be in college studying to be a scientist, but it funny how it turns out so far. I to my right where Max is still asleep, it the first time I see him in the morning. Usually when I get up for work he is out somewhere helping people.

I slowly got out of bed and slip into my uniform. It’s my turn open up the café today, slipping on my shoes and walk to the bathroom in the hallway. I go inside and brush my teeth and wash my face. I looked in the mirror and brush my hair. I walk back to the bed room to grab my purse. I usually don’t have time to eat breakfast and I don’t want to wake up Max. He looks too peaceful to be bother.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:16 pm
by Loxyanissa14
Great 1st post

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:17 pm
by StormWolfstone

Some parts of my life had turned out just as I’d wanted them to at times, but modeling and going to the local community college were only a part of my life. I can’t help but wonder what mom and dad are doing and how Jesse is. I know I can dream walk them, and I have at different times but it doesn’t make anything feel better. It makes me wish that we could do some things differently.

I miss my husband, it hurts so much not having him to wake up beside me. It didn’t make it any easier when I watched Liz and Max get married and saw Michael and Maria happy. It just reminds me that the man I love, the one that despite all of his misgivings had been willing to throw his life aside wasn’t with me. It had been my decision. I know that it was. But, the fact was, being separated from him was a great deal harder then I had expected it to be.

I look in the mirror and finish fixing my hair since I’ve got a morning shoot before going to a couple of my afternoon classes and sigh. I still remember the day I’d used my powers and changed my hair style and Jesse had walked in shortly after learning the truth. He’d been disgusted, or at least I thought it had been disgust. Now, I’m not so sure. Maybe it was just hard for him to accept the fact that I was different.

A knock sounds on the door, “Miss Alexander. The photographer is ready for you.”

“I’ll be right out, Joan.” I tell the assistant and double check the arms of the evening gown I’m wearing. It’s a sky blue off the shoulder gown with a few rhinestones that flares in the back, form fitting. The skirt is ankle length, with a small amount of silken lace along the bottom of the satin hem.

I never thought I’d be modeling this sort of outfit, but I’d lengthened my hair when we were running and I’d changed it to a strawberry blonde, with waves. Stepping from the room, I make my way out to begin the shoot. “Brandy, you look absolutely fantabulous.” The photographer says and I simply smile, though I often wonder where he gets his words from.

I had decided because of the safety issue, that it was best if I modeled under an alias in order to keep from having to worry too much about the FBI should they still be looking for us. So, I’d used Brandy Alexander which only my friends would understand the reasoning behind it.