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Post by Zanssoulmate08 »

Nope, I can pull a Tay and be really neurotic about having my characters' relationship be exactly as i want it. lol! :lol: I love making fun of my sister...


Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom,
Man made up a story, said that I should believe him.
Go and tell your white knight that he’s handsome in hindsight,
But I don’t want the next best thing.
So I sing, I hold my head down, and I break these walls ’round me.
Can’t take no more of your fairytale love.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

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Post by Anna-Liisa »

Aw damn, I though I'd hook Kyle with Pierce ;)
Just kidding. I'll see where his heart leads him and all that. He loses his girlfriend so I bet he'll be alone quite a while.
The only "ism" Hollywood believes in is plagiarism.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

Okay! We have all the characters we need to start! I am currently writing the first post to start us going. It should be ready sometime tomorrow
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Post by AntarPrince04 »


Footsteps echoed softly around the Ganolith Chamber, were Michael Guarin could be found pacing. He came here whenever he needed time alone or to cool off and think. He used to go to Max whenever he found himself like this, but that was before.... He clenched his fist and then released it and continued his trek, he faintly heard the growl he issued.

He was angry. Okay so it was possible; he feely admitted that. There were bad aliens on the planet. He knew this having run into several in the last seven months or so, Okay, so he didn't think Alex would kill himself either - it just wasn't in the boys nature to do something like that, but Liz had all but accused one of the four of them of the crime, one of his family and that pissed him off.

He felt his temper raise at the very thought of the raven haired human. He never applied that label to any of the others; and he always kept his tongue in check around the others. She was Maria's best friend true, but he Hated her. He mostly avoided her for Max.

Max knew he didn't like her and he knew why Michael didn't like her. It started simple; and he could admit it a least alone. He was Jealous and not of Max, but Liz herself. He'd always liked Max, and Max knew it, had sincethey were kids. Max had always been there. He'd always taken Care of Michael, even when he'd pushed him away, but no...

"That little bitch has always had his attention", he snarled.

He stopped and took a deep breath. He had to calm down, he could feel his power rising. Granted, he had a better control over his abilities but he still wasn't the best. The Calm didn't last. Ten minutes later he was in a snit ranting again, he could fee his power pulsing under his skin as if it was just waiting for him to lose control.

He didn't see why Max liked her. She was a nosey, self-involved know it all. Today alone should have said something about her. She always acted as if every little thing that happened was her concern. That fact alone annoyed Michael to no end, then the minute something actually does concern her she goes shooting accusations.

"Arrogant brat", he snapped. "I wish Max had let you die!" His power pulsed in reaction to the Venom in that single statement and he never noticed as the chamber itself began to pulse in response. Slowly at first, them more and more as he continued in anger.

He would never riase a hand to Liz himself. He would never physically harm her, but he had to wonder... If he had that day in the Diner again, would he have let Max go as easily as he had? Granted, Max was stronger than im in power, but Michael knew that as far as strength went he had Max - that said, would he have let Liz Parker live?

After all, everything that happened last year was her fault anyway. She was the reason pierce found us, and she was the reason Max - the Max who protectedand took care him, even though apparently HE was sopposed to do that for Max- ended up in the White Room!

Suddenly there was an ear shattering bang and a flash of white light, and Michael backed out...

When Michael Next woke, he was in bed. He slowly opened his eyes and then groaned and shut them tight again, His head was pounding. "Oh... What the hell happened", was all he said as he scrubbed his face with his hands. He felt like what he imagined it would feel like being stepped on by a Very large animal...repeatedly.

When he felt he had the energy he opened his eyes and looked at the clock by his bed and groaned again. 11:53am, he had to be at the crash in seven minutes for the lunch rush.

"Wonderful", he grumbled. He was halfway up and out of bed when he stopped dead, frozen in shock. "What the Fuck!", he yelled. This wasn't his apprtment, but he knew this place. This was Hanks trailor.

He jumped up out of te bed, "What the hell is it boy!"

That was Hanks voice. Okay what the hell is going on, he thought - his head going ninty mile a minute. "Okay, think this though", he mttered to himself pacing his room. "Alight Mikey what's the last thing yo remember?...Shariff,Max, Alex..." He stopped dead again as it all came in a flash, and he felt a little dizzy.

Alex. Alex was dead "...But..if I'm here..." He shot across the room on a hunch. Michael may not show if often, but he was quite smart and those that mattered knew it. He looked at the date on the crumbled calandar that hung on the wall, "September 18th...", he said in awe.

"I need air".

He left the trailor without a backward glance.

He walked down the streets of Roswell moments later lost in thought. He'd Time-traveled, fucking time-traveled. He didn't know how but he'd done it.

He had no idea how long he walked, but he looked up at the sound of his Name. "Michael!" It was Max in his jeep. He pulled up to Michael and slowed to keep pace with him. "You wanna go catch some lunch at the Crash my treat."

Michael looked back at Max, silent a moment and then smiled. "Sure." Max stopped the jeep and Michael rounded it and got in...
OOC: Well thats post 1. Um, Magikhands darlin, I was wondering if you could be Liz, just long enough for her to bight it...? *Puppy eyes*
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Post by magikhands »

:lol: of course my dear... Let me gather my wits (or rather remember the pilot episode :wink: ) and I'll make a Liz post. One question... what tense are we writing this in? You wrote your Michael's post in third person. Did you want to stick with that?
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

I do 3rd because its easier for me, but you just do whichever is easier on you. Makes no diff to me
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

When I was planning this I pictured Tess as being in Roswell and knowing about Michael, Is ad Max (They don't know about her) but not being IN the group.

Does that make sense?
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

Thats up to you, as we have no Necado yet
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Post by magikhands »

ooc: I've used some of the pilot's actual dialogue to recreate this scene. Liz's thoughts are mine ;). And I'm doing this in first person cuz it helps me get into the character. :) I hope this is ok Chris.


The Crash was busy, which was good. Of course it was that time of year…again. The crash festival is just days away and that always drew a huge crowd. Of course, that crowd wasn’t always the sanest of the Earth’s population. The festival drew anyone who believed in aliens and a lot that loved to disprove it. No one could really complain that it was dull around Roswell during that time.

“Okay, I have got one Sigourney Weaver, that's for you. And one Will Smith. Can I get you guys anything else? Green Martian Shake? Blood of Alien smoothie??” I ask the couple.

“No, thanks. We're good.” The man answers.

“Are you guys here for the crash festival?” I ask though I already know the answer. Tourists. It is written all over them. I was raised in this restaurant, I knew out-of-towners when I saw them.

“Yea, can't wait.” The woman says with a smile. The excitement was written all over her face. “So...does your family come from Roswell??”

“Just four generations.” I can’t help but feel the pride in knowing that my family has history here in this small, yet at times strange town.

“Uh, well, does anyone in your family have stories about the UFO crash?” The man asked me.

Perfect, I couldn’t help thinking as I reach into a pocket of my uniform. “Well, I guess it would be O.K. to show you guys this....”

I show them a picture and let them stare in awe of it. I am aware of Maria walking behind me and out of the corner of my eye I see her shaking her head and smiling. It’s the oldest trick in the book and I can’t help but love seeing the expressions of the enthusiasts as they study my fake alien picture.

I barely notice the two men arguing across the café. They were in Maria’s section. I’ll let her deal with it and turn back to the man and woman in front of me.

“My grandmother took this picture at the crash sight RIGHT before the government cleaned it up.” I prompt their further interest. It gets them every time and I bite back a smile of amusement.

“Do people know about this photograph?” The woman asks.

“Well, I know about it, and now you know about it.” I say quietly like it’s a big secret. Yeah, like I’d actually tell complete strangers about something like this. Sheesh, like there were really aliens. But wouldn’t it be interesting if they resided right here in Roswell. In plain sight, but blending in. I shake the silly thought from my head knowing that I’ve been spending too much time with the tourists that visit us.

“Woah!” The man says.

“Wow!!” The woman says at the same time.

Hook, line, and sinker. What suckers, I snicker to myself. “I'm gonna be right back, don't show that to anyone.”

The woman shakes her head. “No....”

I join Maria at the cash register and smile at her.
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