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Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 2:49 am
by madroswellfan
Why thank you Faith :oops:
LizandZackfan I'm not sure you've rpged with Faith before so if you could send us both a sample that would be great :)

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 4:40 pm
by madroswellfan
LizandZackFan, Willow's yours! Okay I will start this tommorrow as I've written my starter posts but there not on this computer!|

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 2:57 am
by madroswellfan
Okay so I am starting this then :D


I always seem to be so these days. Well, apart from the days I let Tess hang around with me. I just… I don’t want to be alone… but I don’t want to spend my time with Tess either. She’s probably the only person who seems to understand me and yet also clearly knows so little about me. But she’s not the one I want around me. No there’s only one person I would want around me… but only if she somehow could turn back the clock.

How could she sleep with Kyle? How could she do it to me? I always imagined we’d be each others firsts… I know we weren’t together (not that that was my choice) but still… she said she loved me… how could that just… disappear? How could that just go, in an instant…

I feel a tear start to form in my eye but I simply won’t let it. No, I will not let myself cry. I stare at the cave wall opposite me, right where I have only ever seen my mother. I wonder if her and my dad had an easy time with love… maybe it was just a royal marriage, not a marriage of love…

I could never do that. I could never marry someone I didn’t love…
And right now I think that means I’m destined to be alone. Because the only girl I think I’ll ever love broke my heart. I know we’re sort of friends now… but I don’t know I’ll ever really forgive her…

I sigh as I force myself to stand up. There’s no point in wallowing anymore. I should go home, do some sort of studying. I would probably have been at the crash right now, staring at Liz if she hadn’t…

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and leave the cave. As I start to walk down the cliff face I thank who ever created us that at least I have Maria. She’s the only one I seem to be close to anymore. But Maria is friends with Liz. I would spend even more time with her but; Maria tends to be where Liz is. And although we’re ‘friends’, I really need limited contact with her right now.

I head over to the stream and cup my hands to take a drink of the cool water. As I raise my hands to my lip, I see something blue out of the corner of my eye, floating down the stream. As I turn to look at it, the thing jumps out of the water and charges towards me before I can react. I feel pain for a moment as I hit the dirt.

~~~~~Dark Max~~~~~
My eyes shot open, my eyes now a deep black. I stand swiftly. I have never felt so… strong. So… free. I can do whatever I want. I can hurt who I like, and I can give revenge on those who have hurt me… those who have completely ruined my life…

Tess. This is all her fault. She should have never even existed. A plan forms in my mind, knowing exactly who will be my first victim. I roll my head to the left and right thoughtfully. Yes, she will pay for her existence.

I can feel the power crackle in my hands. I can feel that I can bring this freedom to others. But why should I share such power to be free? Why should I show everyone the taste of strength? No… this is mine. All mine. No one else.

At least not for now… but I can think of at least one person I can make an exception for. Someone who deserves a taste of freedom.

I growl angrily as I grab my leather jacket off the couch I have… acquired. I put it over my shoulders and turn towards my very, very uninvited guest. I head towards the door, but she’s blocking it. I grab her by the shoulders and trying to be firm but not actually kill her or anything I push her against the wall.

“Listen up Chloe.” I tell her firmly. “STOP following me! I have a life that doesn’t involve Smallville anymore. Get use to it. You and everyone else in that town mean nothing to me now. So get back to your small town life and leave me the fuck alone!” I give her one more little shove against the wall before heading out of my apartment door and heading towards my motorbike. In my mind I’m contemplating running. But I want my bike. I like my bike. Black… it suits me. I hop on my bike, thinking that if she dares to come down to stop me I can grab my bike and lift it and run. Maybe that way she’ll stop tracking me.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 10:56 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Using the only real skill I have…investigating I track Clark down to the last place I would have ever imagined him to go. Roswell, New Mexico. What is he doing out here? Looking for Aliens? I laugh that thought off. That’s my job. I am ‘She who seeks out the strange’. I have an entire wall dedicated to the weird back at home. Home. That’s a funny word. Without my best friend, Smallville feels vacant. There is a void I just cannot fill.

Why is he acting like this? I know things have been tough to say the least, but I’ve never seen him be so unnaturally cold. This just can’t be happening. I’ve got to do something. I won’t lose him. I watch in shock as he growls angrily and shoves on a black leather jacket. I take my place in front of the exit blocking his way out. I’m going to force him to physically remove me. In an act that both startles and frightens me he grabs me by the shoulders and quite literally lifts me off of the ground.

Slamming me into the wall he spits,” Listen up Chloe.” I bite my bottom lip to cover up a sob. The slight pain in my body is nothing compared to the internal torment. His eyes are so icy. That warmth of friendship no longer resides there. I close my own eyes for a moment and try to forget the chilling void I just witnessed. “STOP following me! I have a life that doesn’t involve Smallville anymore. Get use to it. You and everyone else in that town mean nothing to me now. So get back to your small town life and leave me the fuck alone!”

His harsh words scare me but not enough to flinch. I won’t give him the satisfaction of a reaction. Bestowing upon me one final shove he drops me to the ground and storms out. Silent tears stream down my pink cheeks. I am broken but still determined. I will get through to him if it’s the last thing I do. I falter a bit in rising but steady my knees by leaning against the wall. It isn’t over. As a matter of a fact, it’s only just begun.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 11:21 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

So…I am a little bit crazy. No, it’s okay to think it. Hell sometimes I even wonder where my head is. Christmas was especially emotional this year. First I was desperate for Michael to show me some kind of sign that we aren’t just strangers who occasionally shack up in the Eraser Room together. I wanted him to show that he cared about me. Somehow I got it in my head that I need some sort of show of good faith. I had decided that his present choice would clue me in as to where we were in our relationship.

Then I found out about Sydney and forgot all about that materialistic nonsense. All I wanted to do was to be there for Brody and his little girl. I even entertained the idea of marrying the slightly eccentric UFO Museum Owner. Liz quickly talked me out of it. After that Michael and Max went to that hospital and saved all those poor children and it really put it in prospective for me. Michael is a wonderful guy. He later did give me a very beautiful present. Pearl Earrings.

I absolute adore them. Still It got me to wondering I was ready to give up Space Boy on the off chance that I might help someone in need. What does that say about me? Better yet what does that say about our relationship? It’s safe to say that even our on again/ off again status has been incredibly frustrating. I want to start this new year off with a clean slate. I am going to attempt to spend more time doing things I want to do and less time chasing after a certain formerly spiky haired hottie.

I need some independence. I have been shadowing him for far too long. If it’s meant to be then it will be. If not then I am sure there is someone out there who can appreciate my flaws as well as my numerous amazing qualities. I wonder what Max is doing tonight. He’s been pretty down lately and with all that’s been going on with Liz I sort of got spread a little too thin. Liz is my Chica but Max is my Girlfriend. I shouldn’t be allowing my friendship with her damage my closeness to him.

I wonder if he’ll show at the crash tonight. I am closing and I could use the company. Especially if I am going to try to distance myself from Michael.


Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:53 pm
by lizandzackfan

As I look down at a dying Giles I can't help but smile. Smile that he got what he deserved and of the power thats now flowing through every inch of me it is so consuming. I kneel down looking Giles straight in the eyes.

"Aw somebodys dying, poor weak Giles" I pout as the words leave my mouth. Giles trys to talk but can't get the words out of his mouth and I just laugh.

My fun is cut short as I feel the presence of two people with as much power as I have. How is that possible? I look at Giles and glare at him, I will make his death as painful as possible if he has something to do with this.

"Giles open your eyes" He opens his eyes. "Is it possible for anyone else to have this kind of power? Did you have anything to do with this?" He shakes his head and I stand up and give him one last kick to the head. "Thank you" I say with a cruel smile on my face.

Then I close my eyes and search for them and I frown I can only find one of them. It is like the other one is too fast to track.

I say to myself, "No worries I will find him later" I close my eyes and gather up enough power to teleport to him.

In an instant all that remains is Giles dying body.

(Roswell, New Mexico)

I open my eyes to see a dark haired boy standing in front of me, staring at me in shock.

I smile evily "Hello" and I send him a small blasts causing him to fly back. "This is fun" I say as I start walking over to him.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 3:01 pm
by madroswellfan
Tess... she's gonna pay. I turn towards the jeep, planning my destination - The Valenti's. It's time for her to die. She will pay for everything she has done to me. She ruined things for Liz and I. And now I'm going to ruin her.

Suddenly theres this twirl of molecules before me. I stop, and watched amazed as they form a girl with black hair. I blink for a moment and stare at the girl before me. She's hot in a evil sexy way. How on earth did she do that...

She smirks evily and says, "Hello", but before I can respond she sends me hurling backwards with a blast. As I hit the dirt I realise this girl is a) very powerful, and b) a threat. "This is fun" She starts to walk towards me but before she reaches me I quickly put up my hand and blast her hard, causing he to hit the rock face nearby. I cock my head as I stand up and look at her. "Who the hell are you? Because you wont be anyone when I've finished with you."

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 3:42 pm
by lizandzackfan

I start to walk up to him but before I reach him, he blasts me and I can feel myself flying through the air only to be stopped by something hard. I scowl that wasn't what I was planning, and I watch as he stands up and says "Who the hell are you? Because you wont be anyone when I've finished with you."

I can't help but laugh at his words, he actually thinks he can beat me. And knowing it will piss him off I say "You actually think you can beat me" I shake my head "Please you may be hot as hell" I say with a smirk "but your not a match for me." Before he could react I teleport right behind him and send a bolt of energy to him causing him to yell in pain. I smile evily I knew this was going to be fun.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 3:53 pm
by madroswellfan
"You actually think you can beat me" she shakes her head at me in a taunting manner. Oh she has NO idea...
"Please you may be hot as hell" she says with a smirk "but your not a match for me."

And then shes gone. What? What on earth happened then....
I suddenly feel pain in my back which causes me to yell out, and I immediately realize shes behind me and just blasted me once more. I quickly whirl around and growl. "Girl, you have no idea who your dealing with!" I say as I quickly put my hand on her arm. Very quickly, before she can react, instead of healing her, I start to cause her stomach to churn. "I am the King of Darkness. The world will crumble at my feet and NO ONE will stop me!"


Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:53 pm
by lizandzackfan

As he cause my stomach to churn I hear him say "I am the King of Darkness. The world will crumble at my feet and NO ONE will stop me!" But he doesn't scare me and I try as hard as I can not to let myself scream from the pain hes causing me. Instead I look up at him, smile and say "Your going to have to do better than that." Then I quietly say a spell "Turn the pain away from me. Turn it on my enemie" and I smile evily as what seems to be black smoke gather around him and before even I could say anything all of the smoke goes into him causing him unthinkable pain.

As this happens I say "I can stop you, if anyone is to destroy this world it will be ME!" and with that said I turn around and start walking away from him.