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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:28 am
by Roslover39
<center>When Max Met Liz</center>

Peering at the door, she hollers to the mystery male,
“You can come in now cousin!”

All eyes are on the door when I get the shock of my life. A vision waltzes in and suddenly I feel faint as he positions himself next to Isabel flashing a mega-watt smile.

Isabel makes the introduction.

“Liz this is my cousin Max.”

Ring Ring Ring
The ringing coming from his pants stops his train of thought.

“Max, your ass is ringing.”

“ Ha ha, good one! I’m sorry Liz I’ll just be a minute, ok?”

He reaches into the back pocket of his black slacks, retrieves a sleek metallic silver Motorola Razor phone and answers it.

LIZ in voiceover
Strike 1, A man should never answer his cell phone while in full seduction mode.

“Oh Natasha what’s up doll?” Max speaks into the phone as I cringe.

LIZ in voiceover
Strike 2, A man should never let on that he’s talking to a woman when already in the presence of a woman.

“Oh shit I totally forgot! Ok ciao baby.”

Max puts his phone back in his pocket as he turns to me slowly

LIZ in voiceover.
Oh shit, I know with everything within me that I'm not going to like what he has to say.

“Liz, it’s been great meeting and spending time with you but I have a prior engagement tonight. Would it be possible for us to get together again and soon because I meant what I said about getting together.”

<center>End Of Scene</center>

The first day of filming goes well and the girls and I decide to skip the studio commissary and try a ritzy bistro for a change. The one we pick looks like it should be named "Chez Big Shot" from the way the maitre d' looks us over. He's trying to determine if we're important. It's a slow afternoon so he shows us to a table.

Tess surveys the room and declares with a big frown on her face,
"If this isn't the land of the six foot bitch!"

She's in rare form today.

"What's wrong Tess, is jealousy rearing its ugly head?"

"Maria, I'm not jealous of any female on this Earth. It's just that I hate to feel I could be in competition for any man's attention."

Yes, time has definitely marched on. The girls and I are in our thirties but we've kept our figures and youthful outlook on life. Hell, I think we look damn good!

"Oh stop it, you still got it going on babe."
Maria gives her two snaps up to make her point as I nod in agreement. Maria's comment seems to make Tess feel somewhat better but then again you never know.

When a waiter comes to take our orders, she notices a blonde wiggle by with boobs big enough to be used as flotation devises. She glares at the woman and makes a face with her hands folded. Then she gets up and takes off running with her hand clutching her mouth with a vise like grip.

Maria and I whirl around to watch Tess haul ass to the restroom. Then Maria wonders out loud,
"Wow I knew she was vain but getting sick because we're stuck in Babeland is letting your emotions go to the extreme don't you think?"

I nod my answer to Maria. But then again, I always expect the unexpected when dealing with Tess.

Then the conversation turns to today's shoot. I must admit that hearing those words being spoken by Mason to Sheri brought back a lot of memories.

Maria has thoughts about that situation.
"Wow it's so amazing how Max has changed from a self indulgent cock hound to the perfect husband and father. Liz, you've always said that you saw more in Max and I'm glad you stuck to your guns and ignored me. I can admit I was wrong in that particular situation. Usually I'm usually not."

I stick my tongue out at Maria and her comment.
"Yeah I'm glad you were wrong about Max too."

I start to giggle and then get very serious.
"What could I say, I wanted him so bad. But you know as well as I do that I could have been wrong about him."

Tess offers a revelation to everyone.
"Liz, I knew that Max was the guy for you after the night Isabel made the introduction."

Maria and I almost risk whiplash when we hear Tess say that.
"How could you know that," I ask anxiously waiting to hear her answer.

"Liz, it has been my experience to find that the majority of men are assholes. I can't tell you how many girlfriends have introduced me to their men and then I get a call from a mystery heavy breather that night or the next day asking for a date.

Some of the imbeciles came right out and told me that they loved my friend but just couldn't pass up fucking me. When Max came over that night and I didn't get that I gotta have you in my bed call later, I knew he was alright."

Maria takes what Tess said as her being conceited.
"Well, I have to play devil's advocate on this one. What if Max just didn't find you attractive?"

She looks at Maria and states calmly without a doubt,
"Nonsense, I appeal to all men."

Not in the mood for a long drawn out debate, Maria concludes the conversation nicely.
"Right, well let's finish this overpriced chow and get back to the studio. But before we do I say a toast is in order. We wouldn't be in Hollywood if it were not for the talented Mrs. Parker-Evans. To Liz!"

Tess raises her glass to exclaim,
"To Liz! She's the shit!

At about nine in the evening, I notice Tess on the phone.
"Yes, I'd like to order The Big Bang.

I overhear her selection before she hangs up the phone. Yes, I have to ask,
"Please tell me that's not a porn flick you just ordered."

She turns to me to say,
"Ok but I would be lying."

Tess heads to the TV giggling as I shake my head. Then within minutes I hear moaning and groaning.Tess sprawls out on the couch while Maria and I take a minute to check out the film for ourselves.

I decide I'm not in the mood to get hot and bothered since my lusty husband is in New York.
"Tess, I'm going to bed. Have fun."

"Yeah, and be careful with the power tools," Maria adds with a chuckle. "I'm gonna call it a night too."

She throws her hand up to wave Maria and I off. I'm sure that by now, nothing about Tess shocks you but I've got something else to tell you. That girl watched that flick and grumbled to herself all night about looking and being just as good or better than the girls doing the guy in the movie. Then she comes up with a plan to prove herself.

Earlier that day, Tess noticed a casting call for a new porn flick called The School Girl's Seduction. At that minute she decided she was going to audition for that flick. That's why she ordered the porn flick later that evening, she wanted a refresher on her technique.

The next day the producer calls and informs her that she's not needed on the set that day, so she gets a driver to take her to the nearest naughty store to buy a school girl uniform, sexy Mary Janes. Then she heads to Wide Open studios for the audition.

She gets inside to find girls of every shape, size and color, and they all look like they just got out of high school. Not one to let that get her down, Tess sashays into the room and patiently waits for her name to be called. When her time comes, she looks around to find she's the last girl in the room.

She walks into the room wearing: a green plaid skirt so short that a minor gust of wind could uncover everything it pretends to cover. A white blouse so tight it seems like her breasts are threatening to pop the buttons, and four inch black Mary Janes that makes her ass stick out more than it normally does.

She's introduced to the director, a young hottie who makes her feel right in the mood to do what he asks.

"Ms. Harding, can I get you to take off your clothes?"

"Surely," Tess purrs back.

Slowly she takes off each piece of clothing while looking the director right in the eye. However, his eyes roam lustfully over her body. He licks his lips then informs her,
"Oh you're just what we've been looking for. If you'll agree to do one more thing, the part is yours."

"What do I have to do," she asks grinning from ear to ear. What she's felt all along has been confirmed. She still has what it takes.

The director yells out, John and a naked man walks into the room. Tess takes a look at his rod and thinks,That guy is in porn? He's gorgeous but his equipment doesn't look the least bit impressive. The guy stares at her lustfully and then his rod morphs into the longest, thickest bat she's ever seen.

The man picked to do the audition is John Schlong,not his real name. His cock currently holds the record of " most bodacious dick".

The director gets back her attention.
"Ok doll, I need you to have sex with him."
Then he searches her face to see if she's the least bit intimidated; which she's not.

She continues to stare at Mr. Schlong's shlong and for a minute she seriously considers getting it on with him.

The director stands to his feet and walks over to Tess while the porn star walks over to a huge bed. He lays down on it and starts stroking himself.

She runs her eyes over the porn star one last time, then tells the director, No thanks, I've changed my mind."

The director is in shock.
"Why, you're perfect for the part. You'll be doing your scenes with him anyway, why not get acquainted now?"

Tess looks back at Mr. Schlong who doesn't say a word but is still stroking his pole. She sighs and says,
"But I don't know who he's been in."

"What?" The director can't believe his ears.

Quickly she grabs her clothes with a self assured grin knowing the part was hers for the taking.

As she heads out the door, she hears a low and seductive baritone ask,
"You're not gonna let me have the pleasure baby?"

Tess turns and looks back at the man.
"Sorry Charlie, but I'm not in the mood."

She struts off the set and towards the chauffeur driven car. She gives the chauffeur an eyeful as she heads for the car naked as the day she was born. He almost brakes his neck getting out of the car to open the door for her. She really made his day when she gave him a hundred dollar tip for continuously peering at her body from the rear view mirror.

That and getting her back to the hotel without crashing into something.

By the way:
This is porn so I'm sure it shouldn't surprise you when I tell you that she made both the director and the porn star so hard that they stayed on the set. They did each other.

Ah, show biz!

When Maria and I get back to the hotel, Tess has a robe on with the naughty school girl outfit hanging on the couch. She's reclining in a chair with a self satisfied look on her face.

Maria takes a good look at her and asks,
"Enroll in school today?"

She leans up and answers,
"Would you believe me if I told you I auditioned for a porn flick?"

Maria nods her head.
"Knowing you, yes I would."

I look at her and say,
"Tess, tell me you didn't.

"But I did and the director wanted to give me the part."

"What did you have to do," Maria asks as she and I sit on opposite sides of her on the couch while she tells us everything.

"At first he said all I had to do was take my clothes off. Then he said the role was mine if I slept with the movie's leading man. This big porn star, and when I say big you have no idea."

"How big was he." Yes I want to know.

"It looked like he was balancing a tree trunk between his legs. Newsflash, I didn't screw the guy."

"Tess, I gotta ask. Were you tempted to screw him?" Yeah I'm nosy.

"Oh yeah, I was tempted. On top of having the biggest dick I've ever seen, he was gorgeous and had a body that made you want to cum all over yourself."

Naughty girl starts to shiver as she reminisces about the body she turned down.

Maria pats her on the back.
"Well, I'm proud of you. You've come a long way babe!"

Tess scratches her head appearing to be as surprised as we are.
"Yeah, I'm into safe sex now. You can't mess around with every Tom, Dick or Harry you see...anymore. The good times are over kiddies!"


Did Tess Harding say that?

Well, I want you to know that I think there's more to this story than just the safe sex issue. Come on, we're talking about Tess, the woman who brought fifty condoms just in case. Just between you and me,I think Kyle had something to do with her not screwing that guy.


Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:09 pm
by Roslover39
Max drops off Miria and Christian at Diane's on his way to the airport. My beautiful god daughter is feeling ill at ease about staying there for two reasons. Diane is always trying to get her to do or buy things she deems as girlie. The last time Miria was over there, Diane tried to buy her a new wardrobe of dresses, skirts and flounsy blouses.

The other thing that's making Miria uncomfortable is Christian being there. Yeah she's spent alot of time with Christian at our house but somehow she senses this experience is gonna get weird fast.

She's in the room Diane picked for her unpacking her clothes and hoping she won't be staying there long. She turns up her nose at the pink flowered wallpaper and the huge cotton candy pink canopy bed.

Just my luck, she thinks to herself. I get stuck in a Pepto Bismol colored room and all I wanna do is hurl.

"How did I get stuck in this perdicament!"
Just as those words fly out of her mouth, her situation takes a turn for the worst.

"What's wrong Ria?"

Slowly Miria turns around to see Christian posed up in the doorway with no shirt on.

She can't decide if she wants to scream or laugh at him.
"What's this Squirt?" She's thinking that somehow the testosterone surge has drove Christian insane.

Yes, did I tell you that Testosterone is poison? Back to the story.

Christian sticks his still boyish chest out and replies,
"Oh it just got hot in here, so I took off my shirt," Christian tries to give Miria a wink but it just doesn't come out right.

"You got something in your eye," she asks staring at his one lowly chest hair.

Christian shakes his head sadly knowing his plan of seduction didn't bring the desired result. He knows that he's going to get a oh no you didn't speech from Miria.

"Look Squirt, I think we need to have a little talk."

Christian bounds over to the bed, plops down and explodes.
"Yes, we do need to have a talk. Why do you call me Squirt, you're only a year or so older than me. You've called me that as long as I can remember and I hate it!"

Now he's red in the face.

Miria looks at him surprised.
"Why Squirt....sorry. I've always looked at you as a little brother."

"But I don't see you as a sister Ria. I've had a crush on you for the longest time."

Now It all comes together for her.
"So, that's the reason you've been staring and weirding me out! I can't change the way I feel about you. I'm glad we're friends and that's all I want our relationship to be."

Christian jumps off the bed.
"Well, that's not what I want. I can't change the way I feel about you either.What's wrong, do you like girls?"

Miria's eyes get huge,
"Hell no I don't like girls. Damn, it seems that all I'm gonna get is a huge headache from being here. Look, If your grandmother asks me to go to the mall with her one more time, I'm going to turn violent. Fuck, I feel a headache coming on right now. So why don't you do me a favor just leave me alone ok?"
She sits down on the pink monstrosity that is the bed and starts to rub her temples.

"Like a good little boy, sure Ria."
Christian heads for the door. Before walking out he turns to say,
"I'm not giving up on you. I know I can make you change your mind about me."

Miria watches the door close and then falls back on the bed exasperated.

Max and the gang's road trip rolls into Roswell. He called my parents and they are delighted to have Gabby stay with them. Max didn't tell them about my being the featured subject of the number one tabloid in the country when he spoke to them. Thank goodness my parents don't read such garbage.

They would arrive right in the middle of the fiftieth anniversary of the Roswell crash. The UFO festival across the street and the Crashdown are abuzz with tourists.

Gabby notices the merriment first.
"Daddy, Daddy look at that!"

She's pointing at the crowd of people in front of the UFO museum.

"This is my kind of place. Who wouldn't want to be a part of a fun filled atmosphere. We all know that aliens don't exist but seeing crazy people dressed up like that is hilarious!" Kyle states as he gets out of Max's rental car.

Isabel is next out the car next. She takes a good look at Kyle, then the busy tourists and frowns.
"Why on Earth would anyone want to celebrate a fabricated alien sighting?"

Alex tries to have a rational conversation with her.
"Izzie, some people actually believe that the crash really happened and that this town still has sightings."

"Well, If I were an alien I would have done my homework and picked a more civilized place to land such as London or Paris."

That's our Izzie!

Max offers his idea of why the aliens picked Roswell.
"If I were an alien, I'd want to be able to hide in plain sight. Maybe they deemed this place enough of a hick town to allow them to do that."

Max clarifies himself,
"That is if they truly exist."

Michael gets out, folds his arms over his chest and declares,
"Let me go on record as being someone that doesn't believe in aliens."

Kyle puts himself out on a limb with this statement.
"Who's to say you never came face to face with one. I'm sure they're not three feet tall, green and slimey looking. I'd love to meet one and discuss their mating rituals."

Isabel is not amused by that thought.
"Eww, is sex always on your mind?"

Kyle answers with a wink.
"What else is there?"

Isabel shakes her head and tells him,
"It was destiny that you and Tess found each other. It's like you both share the same brain."

"That's not all we share."
Kyle blows a kiss at Isabel.

She gets so frustrated that Max decides to put a stop to the conversation.
"Ok guys we're going in to see my in-laws. Please pretend to be normal while we're here. And please remember we have my child with us."

As the gang head into the cafe, a museum employee, dressed in a neon green costume with a large green head walks out. He bumps into Max while shouting,

"Help me, I'm trapped in an alien's body!" Then he runs off.

Being the calm, cool and collected person he is, Max takes the accidental collision in stride. It's Gabby that makes a big deal out of it.

"Daddy, what is that?
She's pointing at the costumed employee.

Max looks down at his daughter and explains.
"It's a man dressed up in an alien costume."

"But why does he have that on Daddy," she asks while scratching a mosquito bump on her knee.

"Some people think the thought of aliens funny sweetheart."

Gabby is just not ready to let the issue go.
"I think the face you made when he hit you was funny."

Max looks down at Gabby and nods.
"Always glad to amuse you honey."
He tweaks her nose which makes her laugh.

My mother is the first to notice them. She greets them as she makes her way over to them.

"Hello and welcome to Roswell!"

She rushes over and picks up Gabby.
"It's so good to see everyone; especially my little honey bunny. You look just like your mommy when she was your age."

Gabby hugs Nancy then asks,
"Hi Grandma, where is Grandpa?"

"He's in the back honey."

Nancy pivots towards the kitchen.
"Jeff, there's someone asking for you out here."

While Daddy makes his way out of the kitchen, Isabel takes a look at the alien themed menu. She's not impressed with the actors that the food are named after.
" Personally I think they should have picked enduring actors like Elizabeth Taylor or Paul Newman or that still sexy Robert Redford. Now those are people worthy of naming food after."

Max opens his mouth to explain but Daddy stops him by shaking his head. He was around Isabel in England enough to know it would be a waste of time trying to explain. She wouldn't get the concept of the menu items being named after actors who were in alien blockbuster films.

The gang decide to get a bite to eat while there. Everyone seems to be enjoying the atmosphere but Isabel for obvious reasons and Max. Max can't enjoy his Alien Blast because of cameras going off and people asking if they can take his picture.

Kyle finds all of this amusing.
"Wow Max, I knew you had star quality but this is ridiculous. Have we landed on a parallel universe where your life could be better than it already is?"

"Kyle, I wish I knew what was going on."

Max's question gets answered when a big, busty blonde approaches the table.
"I loved your show, would you autograph my picture please?"

The blonde bends down in front of Max. It's sheer gravity that's preventing her boobs from spilling out of her skimpy pink top as she presents the picture to Max. He stares at the picture and wonders if all of this is a cruel joke.

The guy in the picture looks just like Max in every detail except that the actor has gray eyes. He wants to tell the blonde that he's not the guy in the picture but figures she'd never believe him. Not wanting to disappoint her, he goes with it and scribbles something totally unrecognizable on the picture."

The blonde thanks Max by calling him the name of the actor in the picture, kissing him quickly on the cheek and leaving. The name sparks Izzie's memory.

"Max, that's the name of the guy that's pictured in the tabloid item with Liz. They think you're that actor."

"Now that's what I call a fu... messed up situation!" Michael remembers that Gabby and the Parkers are gathered around him. He shakes his head thinking of the faux pas he narrowly avoided.

Max agrees with Michael then wonders to himself.
Can this situation get any worst?


Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:58 pm
by Roslover39
Max loses his pants.

It's the second day of filming and the director is giving the cast their direction.
"Mason, I want you to breathe life into this scene. From the part when you seduce Liz in the elevator to the mortification of being caught by the paparazzi literally with your pants down."

Mason nods and takes his mark to start the shoot. The director conveys the same directions to the beautiful young lady who plays me.

"Sheri, I need a myriad of emotions from you; arousal, anger and then guilt. I need the camera to pick up all those nuances."

"You got it!"
Sheri goes over to Mason who's already on the dance floor.

I'm getting goose bumps!

Then the director shouts,
Is everybody ready? And action!"

LIZ voiceover
We're moving on the dance floor and his hands are getting a bit too familiar with my ass. Then he dips me while placing a soft kiss on my neck. Ok, now my panties are moist.

Just when I‘m about to thank him for the dance and leave the party before turning into a pumpkin, he tilts up my chin and kisses me. Oh shit did my panties just melt away? Then he escorts me from the dance floor. I ask where we're going.
I ask where we're going and he says,
“Somewhere to do what we really wanna do.”

LIZ voiceover
We stop at a bank of elevators so shiny that I can see Max and I in them. He’s holding on to me from behind placing kisses all over my neck.

The doors open and he softly scoots me into the elevator. When the doors close he pushes a button and the elevator stops. I look at Max then the back at the elevator which is totally transparent and I wonder what is scaring me more my acrophobia or being trapped in an elevator with my fantasy man.

Max steps into my personal space, kissing me while thrusting his manliness into my right thigh. His hands make their way back to my ass. the more he squeezes me the more I can feel him on my thigh.

He’s more than ready for the main event as he shoves his velvety tongue down my throat.

He backs me up into the elevator wall as one hand travels from my ass down to the back of my leg, the leg that his hardness is thrusting against.

He runs his hand a little further down then up my dress where his hand makes contact with my black silky thong. It is then that I try thinking my way out of this situation.

Don't get me wrong I want this man so bad that I ache for him inside of me but not this way. We know nothing about each other.

I stop the kiss and try reasoning with him before we get to the point of no return.

“Max, I…I don't think we should be…”

LIZ voiceover
He stops me mid sentence by placing a tapered finger on my lips as he purrs in my ear
“Liz baby don't think…. feel!”

LIZ voiceover
He kneels down in front of me; his beautiful hazel eyes never leave mine until his head goes under my dress. I almost hyperventilate as I inch my dress up to get a good look at what he attempts to do down there.

No man has ever been down there besides my primary care doctor. As Max goes for my thong, I stop him,

“Alright Max you've worn me down; you win. Just let me take off my thong while you take off your pants. We can start our little party right here right now!”

LIZ voiceover
Max grins like a Cheshire cat as he takes his pants off. He throws them my way as he moves towards me. He's invading my personal space when I inch over to where he threw his pants.

“Hey baby where you going,” he asks totally clueless to what’s about to happen to him.

"Feel this you Ass!"


LIZ voiceover
I grab Max’s tuxedo pants;presses the button to open the elevator and run out like a bat out of hell.

“Shit Liz, come back with my pants damn it! What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

LIZ voiceover
As a reply to him I sing,
“For all the girls you've screwed before!”

LIZ voiceover
I didn't waste any time looking back but I could tell by the collective gasps I heard that Max had become the spectacle of the shindig.

Trying not to laugh so hard that I lose my breath, I make it out to the sidewalk to hail a cab. The thought of those people ogling big daddy Max without his pants made me almost run to the now waiting cab with his pants still in my hand.

Promptly I throw the pants onto the sidewalk while glancing at the front entrance one last time before getting into the cab.

Just as the cab pulls off, something tells me to look back. It is then I find Max in front of the hotel making the paparazzi very happy taking his picture. But wait it gets better.

It’s bad enough that Max finds a skid row bum modeling his pants for the cameras. But then while he’s trying to figure out how he could head to his car and get the hell out of dodge, a gust of wind blows. Max’s tuxedo shirt flies up revealing his lack of underwear and his still raging hard on for the photographers to capture and all the world to see.

Totally mortified, Max faints dead away as the busty blonde catches up with him. She pats his face trying to bring him around but to no avail.

The director nods his approval and then hollers,
"Cut! That's a print!"

While Tess, Maria and I watched this scene being filmed, I still felt so bad about what happened to Max that night.

Sensing my anxiety, Maria tries to lighten the moment. Her attempt doesn't work.
"Hey Liz, sorry the word got around that Max was a big man in New York. At least that's better than being the size of a Vienna sausage."

I tell her,
"Yeah but I didn't want every woman in the country to find that out."

"Why not, a lot of girls in New York already knew! Word like that gets around the jet set crowd like wildfire babe!"

It's still just after ten PM and filming has commenced for the day. Everyone is wired and not ready to go home, so we decide to go to a nice restaurant to have dinner. I should have went to the hotel.

Anyhoo, we choose a quaint little Italian restaurant which is great because Maria and I just adore Italian food. When we get inside we find a fat little man with a monkey on his shoulder playing an accordion and singing 'Feelings'.

We get seated by the maitre d' and discover we're the only people there. It's so dead in there(how dead is it?) that you can hear echoes when people speak, so Maria decides to pep things up a bit.
"Look guys, I'm not gonna spend my time here staring at you people while we're here. So, let's make a long table and do something fun."

"What if the owners don't want us to move the tables," I ask not wanting to cause any trouble.

"Hell, they should be glad there are human beings in this establishment. Let's do this guys!"

Maria has spoken!

As everyone move the tables together, Tess gets a gleam in her eyes and exclaims,
"I got it, what's the weirdest place you've ever had sex?"

Of course Tess would ask that question.

Kate (Isabel's look alike) doesn't hesitate to answer the question.
"Shea Stadium's dug out. I was a model before I was an actress and I used to go out wit a baseball player. He had dis thing about having sex before each game fa good luck. Hey, wat can I say, da sex was great and he ended up pitching his best games."

"Ohhh how interesting!"Tess likes the sound of that and wants to get the discussion rolling along.
"Will there be anyone else? I would think that an attractive bunch such as ourselves would all have interesting experiences to share."

Maria thinks about it and takes the bait,
"Well, I shouldn't be telling you this but Michael and I had sex in the New York Ranger's locker room before we were married."

"Oh yeah I remember that!" I start to laugh. "Hey, Michael broke an arm or a leg right?"

"Yeah, and I was the perfect Florence Nightingale. I wore a candy stripper costume made of rubber, but that's another story entirely."

"Woo hoo, hey I want to go next," calls out Sheri (my look alike). I've got the feeling that she's got a dozy in store for us.

"When I was pledging my sorority, Lama Lama Ding Dong, I was ordered to sit on my boyfriend's lap and screw him on the stadium bleachers in the middle of the day. Anyone could have caught us and we would have been expelled. But, I gotta tell you, it was very exciting to say the least."

Emily's (Tess' look alike) jaws are so tight from what she's heard so far, it looks like she sucked on the sourest lemon known to man. She finds the conversation very offensive, but decides to say nothing.

Tess giggles,
"Been there, done that!"

Yep, she was quite the girl on campus as I recall.

Then she asks,
"Who will be next, you Liz?"

"Oh, I'll let someone else go for now. Gotta think of a good one." Yep, I'm gonna try stalling my way out of an answer.

Tess nods reluctantly and bids someone else to tell their story.

Lyric (Maria's look alike), decides she wants to be next.
"I had sex on the stage at the Woodstock anniversary concert. Nobody noticed us because things was so out of control by that time. People were either trying to leave or getting violent in the mosh pit."

That's it, Emily can't hold back her disdain any longer.

"Ewww, you two had public?" She seems as if she's about to faint dead away.

Lyric wastes no time admonishing her,
"I see nothing wrong with the human body."

Then she starts moving her fingers around like those psychedelic singers from the 60's.
"Through Sex you become one with the universe while connected to a person soul to soul. Why not do it in the open, it's beautiful yeah."

Oh my gosh, Tess has a summer of love soul mate! Upon hearing that, Maria turned her neck to Lyric like she was about to get whiplash. She can't believe there is another one out here just like Tess, but wackier.

Well Miss. Emily is not finished.
"Sorry, but I can't contribute to this conversation because I haven't had sex yet." She smiles proudly as Mason gets a damn why did you have to remind me I'm not getting any look on his face.

Tess zeros in on that.
"Mason, why don't you tell us the weirdest place you've had sex."

You know she loves to start shit.

He looks at Emily and says,
"No, I'd rather not say."

Maria is having none of that,
"Look buster, everyone else is spilling their guts. So spill!"

He thinks about it for a moment and then declares,
"The lingerie department of Neiman Marcus in the middle of the day."

Low mumbles can be heard from Mason's declaration.

"Shhhh, I wanna hear every single word of this," Tess declares anxiously.

We quiet down as Mason clears his throat and tells us,
"The girlfriend I had before Emily loved lingerie. Doing it in places we could get caught turned her on. So, she dared me to sneak into her changing room and have sex with her. Mind you there were at least five ladies in the stalls, so I had to crawl on my hands and knees to get in there. Then once my girl and I got going, I had to cover her mouth with both hands. She was a notorious screamer. Well that's my story."

Mason's face turned bright red from telling that story. Tess looked under the table and shouted,
"And we have lift off. Those were the days eh?"

Meanwhile Emily's lips are so tight from jealousy of Mason's past that she slides her chair away from him.

Kate stares at her annoyed and tells her,
"Don't be like dat honey. He had a sex life before ya. And looking at him, I bet it was a very healthy one."

She looks like she's going to start drooling. Wow, I never thought she'd find him attractive. I also thought that Mason would like Sheri. Their chemistry together is awesome. But hey, you live and learn.

Tess is next to tell her sorted story,
"Ladies and gentlemen, before I start, I want to tell Liz I'm so sorry.What I did I had to do, I was compelled."

"I'm befuddled,
"Sorry for what Tess, what could you have done to warrant an apology?"

My mind is racing as I wonder what she could possibly be sorry about. And then it comes to me. I stand up and stare right into her eyes to say,

"I did!" Tess backs away from me slowly.

Everyone in the room is tense while Maria tries her best to calm me down.
"Calm down, it can't be what you think. It just can't be that."

I shrug away from Maria,
"When Tess, when did it happen?"
I ask not wanting to know but needing to know.

"It happened last summer."

"But why, you know how I feel."
I feel myself getting very emotional but I fight it. And then it all comes out.
"We couldn't help ourselves that night. We were in your backyard and we just decided to do it."

"Oh my God, you and Max had sex? In the yard my children play in?"

Tess' eyes get huge as she confesses,
"Oh no Liz, you big dummy! I didn't have sex with Max, I'd never do that. You'd hunt me down like a dog."

Sweat starts to bead on my forehead as I realize she never touched my husband. But I should have known that right? Anyway now I'm really curious,
"Ok, you didn't have sex with Max, so what did you do in my backyard?"

Everyone at the table leans into Tess. We all are eager to hear her confession.

She gets a look on her face like Gabby does when she's caught doing something wrong, and then she says,
"Kyle and I came back to your house late one night and ....and had sex in Gabby's playhouse."

"You did what?" I don't know what to say. Neither does Maria and everybody else because they're laughing so hard.

Maria stops laughing long enough to ask,
"Why Tess why?"

"Because we were at one of Max's fabulous cookouts and Kyle took one look at Gabby's playhouse and said, I bet we can get it on in there.

"I told him it was too small and he said, We'll just see about that. I told him that I wouldn't do it but he withheld sex until I accompanied him into your backyard that night to try it. That was the worst two days of my life. Anyway, he was right. We did fit and the sex was pretty good considering....."

"Ok, now that's enough info Tess." I gotta stop her. Oh my dear Lord in heaven. I felt a terrible migraine coming on and I don't get migraines.

Needless to say, that revelation concluded our little sex topic for the night. Fortunately, I didn't have to say anything about the weirdest place Max and I had sex. Her revelation gave me a get out the conversation scott free card.

Well we get back to the hotel and settle in for the night and I have the weirdest dream about Dorothyfrom the Wizard Of Oz and a house being picked up off the ground and smashed to pieces by a tornado. I woke up in a cold sweat wondering what that dream meant and wondered if Gabby was the Dorothy character.

Anyway, I don't mind telling you that it's going to be a bonfire in my yard the minute I get back!


Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:17 am
by Roslover39
Maria has the baby.

Seasoned (soap opera) actress Donna Neer is brought in to play Maria's mom Amy for the big hospital scene. Before we got started, I had to ask her what would possess someone so glamorous to play such a minor part considering.

She looked at me steely eyed and told me,
"My dear, there is no such thing as small parts. Only actors without the imagination needed to give it life."

Then she told me that it's been her dream to break into movies. She also added that she felt that her perceived diva demeanor has been a stumbling block.
"I can't help it if people wrongfully perceive me as shallow and vain. Of course I'm neither of those things but, people will think what they like."

I also asked her if she would ever give up soap operas if she could make it in movies. She said,
"Oh no, why would I do that? Soaps are my bread and butter, besides, I acquired two husbands and a myriad of lovers on soap sets. You see, the turnover rate is much greater on soap operas. I've just begun my search for my one true love!"

The industry doesn't call her the 'Liz Taylor' of soaps for nothing. Oh and by the way, she's only thirty-four years old.
I must admit that although Ms. Neer and Lyric are very talented, the only way to get a true Oscar winning performance from this scene would be to have Maria and Amy reprise their roles on film. Speaking of the spirited mother/daughter, having a baby is wonderful but having a mother that loves you enough to bust in a hospital and battle nurses to be by your side is ~ PRICELESS!

LIZ voiceover
Just when the argument heats up everyone's attention goes to a streak of light heading towards the room Maria is in. The gang jumps up and runs to the maternity room door. By the time they get to the door, the commotion begins in the room.

The streak of light makes it over to Maria, who jumps up in bed. She is clearly not pleased.

"Mother, what are you doing here?"

LIZ voiceover
Amy Deluca is surprised that her daughter isn't pleased to see her.

"Why wouldn't I be here, you're my daughter and you're having my grandchild. Did you think you could keep that fact from me?"

LIZ voiceover
Just then an army of nurses enter the room in an effort to regain order in the room. One speaks to Maria.
"Mrs. Guerin, are you alright? We allow only two people to be with you when you're about to have the baby. You have your husband and your birthing coach here; I'm afraid this woman will have to leave immediately."

Amy is one feisty broad, she's not going anywhere without a fight.
"You will not kick me out of here, I'm this woman's mother. She needs her mother at a time like this!"

The head nurse looks down her glasses at Amy.

"Ma'am what she doesn't need is an environment of dissension. "

Amy places her hands on her hips while sneering at the nurse.
"Oh so I'm a troublemaker, I'm causing trouble eh?"

LIZ voiceover
The nurse and Amy are about to square off when I decide that I'll leave so that Maria's mother can stay. She's right, a woman needs her mother at that time in her life.

"Ladies, I think it would be best for me to leave. You said only two people are allowed so I'll go."

Too bad Maria isn't in agreement.
"Yo Parker, where the hell are you going?"

Ever the mother, Amy chastises Maria.
"Maria, watch your mouth young lady!"

"Mother, I'm a grown married woman having a baby...."

I decide that now is the time to run out the room while Maria's attention is on her mother.

<center> End</center>
The director shouts,
"Cut! That's a wrap!"

After the scene is shot I look over at Maria who has her head down.
"What's wrong honey," I ask her.

She looks at me full of remorse,
"I never thought about how seeing my life on film would affect me. It looks like I don't love my mom at all. I didn't even call to tell her that I was having her grandchild. Why did I do that, am I some kind of cold bitch?"

Tess hears the conversation, comes over, and gives her moral support.
"No Maria, you wanted to have an uncomplicated delivery and you knew how animated your mother is. There is nothing wrong with looking out for yourself at that special time."

I agree with what was said,
"So true, at that time you have to look out for yourself. We all know that your mother would be the first person notified of Ria's birth if she weren't already there.Also, you had all you needed in Michael at that time. Mothers don't want to feel that their daughters can have babies without them but often times it happens just that way. My mom wasn't around when I had Christian or Gabby but she knew I had everything I needed in Max...and my best girlfriends. I felt guilty about her not being there, so I make sure the kids visit her and dad often."

A slight smile graces Maria's face and she thanks us for being such "kickass friends" to her.Then we get on with the business at hand while our unexpected love ones make their way to us.

After a long and exasperating trip (don't forget Kyle is with them)Max and the gang arrive in LA. They get to the hotel but Maria, Tess and I are still at the set. They decide to hang out in the hotel lobby for a while.

That's when Michael watches two teenaged girls peek, giggle and stare at Max. He goes over to him to say,
"Hey Max, it seems you got more admirers."

Then he points them out to Max, which makes the girls giggle even more.

Max turns to Michael with a bewildered look on his face,
"Man, has the world gone totally insane?"

That's when the girls make their move over to their favorite actor. A boyish looking girl reaches him first and asks,
"Can..can I get your autograph?"

The other girl, a black haired beauty with gray eyes rushes over.
"Yeah, can I have one too please?"

Max finds himself at a loss. He regards their enthusiasm and wants to comply with their wishes, but can't bare to lie to them. So he tries to let them down gently.
"Sorry but I'm not the actor you're looking for ladies. Actually, I'm not an actor at all!"

His honesty produces nothing but sneers from the girls because they think he is blatantly lying to them.To the girls Max has gone from favorite actor to nothing more than another stuck up celebrity punk with the nerve to neglect his fans.

The boyish looking girl shouts angrily,
"I'm not buying that shit! You're a fucking buzz kill dude! If you didn't want to be recognized, you shouldn't have become a fucking actor, asshole!"

Max can't believe what he's hearing but is gentleman enough to let it go. I'm sure if it were someone else who will remain nameless, it would have quickly escalated into a series of 'your mama' insults. The other girl nods in agreement to what her boyish friend said and gives Max the finger along with a very angry "You suck" and then they both storm off.

Luckily there weren't any passersby to witness what happened, just the usual suspects. Of course Max feels really bad that he disappointed the girls as he slumps down in the nearest chair.
"Can you believe what just happened? I had to tell them the truth. Is it my fault they didn't believe me?"

Isabel looks at her cousin and tells him,
"Max, don't give it a second thought. I mean you can't help it if you resemble their favorite actor. Actually, I'd enjoy that kind of attention and would have signed anything for them if I were you. I get the feeling they would have never known it wasn't authentic."

That's Isabel for you. She's into anything that draws attention to herself.

Kyle walks over to Max and blabs out something.
"Hey, in everyone's life some rain must fall. It's good to see that even Max Evans can have a shitty day just like the rest of us."

Kyle just being Kyle.

Max looks up at him like he just can't get a break. Then he reaches into his jacket pocket and puts on the signature sunglasses that he's worn since college. That's when Michael directs a question to Kyle.
"Damn dude, you didn't make things any better. You know, you sound jealous of Max."

Kyle takes offense to Michael's statement,
"Look Michael, I'll admit that Max seems more entitled than most guys out here. Saying that, let me state for the record that I have no need to be jealous of him or any man as long as my dick works."

Those words hit Isabel's ears like sledge hammers,
Clearly Isabel didn't want to hear anything like that come from out of Kyle's mouth.

"Watch it Kyle," Alex warns Kyle forcefully as he guides Isabel into a chair and starts to rub her temples. Kyle being Kyle, he doesn't take the warning seriously. In fact he starts to stare at Isabel's boobs again while laughing.

Later in the day:

The girls and I enter the hotel lobby to hear Michael and Kyle seemingly arguing over a game of poker. Then we see Kyle, Michael and Alex huddled by an end table. Kyle is asking Michael if he's cheating because he's managed to win the last three hands. I turn to find Isabel at the Concierge desk asking how far the hotel is she from Rodeo drive.

Then Maria shouts with glee,
"Michael, baby."

Michael recognizes his wife's voice and rushes to his feet while Maria rushes into his open arms.
"Oh I missed the hell out of you baby,"He tells her between passionate kisses.

Those kisses are so passionate that Kyle of all people shouts,
"Hey, go get a room!"

That's when Tess sneaks behind him and pinches him hard on the ass.
"Oww,that shit hurt! Who the hell did that?"

Tess makes her presence known and then winks at him.
"It's me and it gets better when I get you alone. Hey, since everyone has reunited with their mate, we need to get our own room."

Kyle pats her on her ass.
"Lead the way baby! Hey, were you a good girl while 'Big Daddy' was away?"

"More than you would ever believe, now let's go!"
Tess takes Kyle by the hand and they head to the desk for a room.

I look around to see everyone having beautiful reunions with their loved ones. Everyone that is but me. That's when I notice someone sitting in a chair wearing sunglasses. I come in for closer inspection and that's when I hear him snoring. I whisper softly in his ear,
"Are you dreaming of me lover?"

My question startles him like I knew it would. He jumps up in the chair and peers at me.

He takes off his sunglasses, wipes his eyes and then gives me a very strange look.
"You know, you look just like my wife."

Figuring Max was just being his usual sarcastic self, I pay no attention to what he said.
"I'm so glad you're here honey, I missed you so much".
I plop myself on the lap that I've missed so much.

"Where are the kids, and why were you wearing sunglasses indoors?"

Max answers the questions but his expression hasn't changed one bit.
"Christian is with my mother and Gabby is with your parents in Roswell. I've got on sunglasses because I find myself being constantly mistaken for an actor. An actor I think you know very well."
His tone is less than amorous I might add. I still can't figure out why.

Then he asks,
"Liz, are you really glad to see me? According to the tabloids someone else has taken my place."

I maneuver myself so my lips are a breath away from his and promptly inform him,
Nonsense, you are and will always be the only one for me."

I try to kiss him but he gently pushes me away.

"We need to talk!"
Gently he eases me off his lap and gets out the chair.

What did I do to get the cold shoulder, or should I say lap. Max didn't even seem happy to see me.

Maria and Tess can tell that something is wrong between us and gives me the eye.
I gesture for them not to worry and that I have things under control. Hmm, but do I?
The ride in the elevator was tense and very quiet. Max didn't say a word, he just stared at me. Not wanting to say anything that could upset him more, I decided to remain silent.

We arrive at the door of the suite and I hand Max the key card. He opens the door and then steps aside to let me enter first. After all these years, he's still my knight in shinning armor. When he gets inside and closes the door, the first thing he notices are the colorful bouquets of fading Orchids, Roses, and Tulips.

He scans the room, has a seat on the bed and asks,
Did 'what's his name' send you those flowers?"

I turn to find those beautiful hazel eyes peering seriously at me. Ok, what's going on and who is 'what's his name'?

I attempt take a seat on the bed beside him and he scoots away from me. Oh shit what on Earth did I do for him to act this way? I thought my first day back with Max would be a sex-fest. Now I'm wondering if I'll get any at all tonight.

"Max,what's going on baby? I have no idea what you're talking about."

He reaches into the right pocket of his Black suit jacket to retrieve a piece of paper. On closer inspection I notice it's from one of those supermarket gossip rags. Max opens it up and directs my attention to an interesting little tidbit. The item must be important because the caption is written in bold print. I still have no idea what any of this has to do with me.

"Max, you know I don't read the tabloids."

"Ah, then maybe that's why you have no idea what I'm getting at."
He points his finger at the article which states, Star Of Nineties Teen Show Caught with Mystery Woman.

"I hope you're not going to tell me you have no idea how you got into this rag."
Max is the angriest I've ever seen him as he begins tearing the paper to shreds.

"Max, what on Earth did I do to upset you so?"
I start to explain what really happened when there's a knock on the door. Before I can get up to get it, Max orders,
"No Liz, don't open it."

His normally sexy baritone voice is now chillingly disconcerting as he raises his voice a tad below an atomic blast to demand,

From the scurrying sounds outside the door, whoever it was figured it best to get the hell out of dodge quick as you please. This conversation is going to be far from pleasant.

Max regains my attention and gets back to the issue at hand.
"Now, who is that man you've been reportedly spending so much time with?"

Now I get it, he must have been referring to Mason all the time.
"Max, he's the actor the studio hired to play you in the movie. It was his idea that we spend so much time together."

Damn, now I said the wrong thing. Now Max's face is really red. Gotta get out of this bind quick, fast and in a hurry.

"Now honey , what I'm about to tell you is the truth. Mason~the actor met with me the day he got cast in the role. He went on and on telling me that he was a method actor, and he wanted to know everything about you in preparation for the role. He was babbling something about 'capturing a bit of your essence and projecting it on screen for all to see'. I was delighted that he cared enough about the role and I never tire of talking about you. So, we started spending lunches and a few dinners together so he could get the just of the man he knows I love."

I can tell from the look on Max's face that he's still very upset.
"Are you sure he didn't tell you that as a way of getting you alone. I've heard about those sly Hollywood actors. They think they can seduce any woman."

I throw Max a very disappointed frown.
"If that was the case, he wouldn't have had his girlfriend meet with us most nights. I think there are some pictures I need to show you."

I rush into the bedroom to get the pictures out of my purse. Then I hand them to Max.

I add full of conviction,
"Of course I'm sure the paparazzi didn't want his girlfriend in any of the pictures they took, they wouldn't have a story then."

Max's face drops as he looks at the pictures of me, Mason and Emily.
Compared to Mason's blonde and busty girlfriend, I'm looking like a member of the Lollipop Guild. Anyhoo, Max asks for a picture for closer inspection.
"Hey that woman looks just like Tess."

He raises his eyebrow,
"From all I know it could be her."

I see he's still not ready to admit defeat.

He gets up and turns his back to me while examining the picture while I tell him,
"I assure you, Emily and Tess are like night and day. She was so shocked and disappointed that Emily was going to play her, that she complained to the director and the producer. She didn't think that Emily could convey all the heat and passion that Tess prides herself on. If you still don't believe me, you can meet with both of them tomorrow on set."

Max shakes his head vigorously,
"Oh no, I don't want to go anywhere near a movie studio."

Not comprehending what Max meant by that, my face takes on a hurt expression as I tell of how wonderful I think Mason's girlfriend is.
"Well ok Max. I must say that Mason's girlfriend was very nice considering I was spending more time with him than she was at times. She never complained about it ever.
I wish you could have witnessed how her eyes sparkled whenever she expressed her pride in his accomplishments. And how happy he was when he told me he was thinking about marrying her. I remember thinking to myself, 'if they're lucky enough, maybe they can end up as happy as we.....are."

I run my fingers through my hair overwhelmed by this terrible argument.
"Ok I admit it, I did have an ' adolescent like' crush on Mason. Maybe it was karma that brought all of this about but I would never, ever cheat on you."

I look at him with all the sadness I feel in my heart as I ask,
Max, where is your faith in me; in our love?"

A single tear falls from my left eye. Before it makes its way past my cheek, Max gets up from the bed and rushes to my side to claim it.
"Babe, I'm so sorry that I thought that something was going on. I saw that article and all logic flew out of my head. I just love you so much. Sometimes it makes me act like an imbecile."

Hey why not agree with him when he's right.
"But Max,how could you ever fathom that I could be with anyone else? I'm hurt that you didn't trust me."

It is then when all the love he has for me returns in his eyes as he looks at me.
"I did trust you Liz, it was that actor that I didn't trust. I have female friends that have dated actors and they told me about how some of those filthy bastards operate."

I look up at him to state,
"But Max, Mason definitely wasn't like that at all. He was nothing but honorable. Hmm, do you not remember how canine you were when I first met you? You can't even use the 'actor' excuse for your shenanigans."

Max rubs my arms while stating,
"Well, maybe I was scared that karma was working on me too. You know the old sayings: every dog has his day and payback can be a bitch!"

He tries to take me in his arms but I back away from him.
"Yeah you definitely had canine tendencies when we met. While we're on the subject of man's best friend, which breed of dog would you be if the man upstairs decided to change you?"

Max uses his eyes to try and soften my heart.
"I'd have to say a Labrador because they can be ferocious and are very loyal."

Hell, I'm not gonna lie to you. The eyes worked, they always do.
"Yeah you were ferocious with the ladies and now you're very loyal to me."

"Til death do us part baby!"
Max reaches for me again and this time I melt willingly into his arms. He picks me up and carries me over to the bed. He sits me down and then pulls away from my arms.

"Hey, the plan is to come to me."

"I think you'll like my plan much better."
Max then kicks his shoes off and begins to unbutton his black silk shirt slowly button by button. My temperature climbs higher and high with each inch of skin that in uncovered under the sensuously smooth fabric. In a flash my my purple silk dress and stockings are off of me and on the floor. When he gets to the last button, he licks his lips and slowly shrugs the shirt off both of his shoulders and on to the floor. I gaze at my beautiful husband and wonder what part of his body I want to touch first. His abs have never been more defined. His pectorals seem like they were crafted out of the finest marble. His shoulders and arms testify to each and every appointment he kept with his trainer.

Then he leans into me to and I pull him on top of me.
"How dare you tease me this way Max Evans!"

He chuckles and then I kiss him passionately while running my fingers through his still lustrous hair. He has a few gray hairs peeking through here and there, but he's still the sexiest man I've ever seen.

My kiss seems to have overwhelmed his senses as he comes up for air to declare,
"Wow, maybe we should think about separate vacations every now and then. "

"Oh no buster, I'm used to getting nookie on demand. You know, I've got a lot of itches that need to be scratched."
That's when I bring my hands down to the button and zipper of his pants.

"Can't wait my little Playboy bunny?"

"Excuse me, but I think I've waited long enough. How about you?"

Just when he's about to answer, he feels my hands glide inside his pants and come around until they are firmly squeezing his beautifully sculpted ass.

"Ohhhh, hey didn't you miss something on your way there," he asks by whispering in my ear.

"Like what," I ask trying to be coy. I know good and well what he means.

"Oh, something that stays nice and hard for no one but you."

"So, it wants my attention?"

"Baby it needs your attention."

"Well, never let it be said that I neglect you in any way. Do me a favor and get up."
He does as I ask and I get off the bed and down on my knees. I push his black pants and snow white boxers down his legs. They end up bagging at his ankles and that's when he steps out of them. Then I get up and position Max's back to the bed and pushes him down onto it. I follow him back onto the bed and then I grab his impressive cock. I stroke it firmly with my hands and a smile forms on his face and he closes his eyes. Then before he knows what's happening I straddle him and take it inside me.

"How's that," I ask as I begin the ride I've been longing for since I left Max in New York.

"Oh, damn it's so good Liz."

I tell him,
"Hold on, because it gets much better."

I up the tempo of my horsy back ride as Max grabs my hips. Then he flips the script by turning me on my back while our bodies never lose contact. He takes my left leg and gently places it on his left shoulder. Then he begins to stroke like there is no tomorrow.

Unable to hold back I declare,
"oh Oh OH Max!"

He utters without missing a beat.
"I can't hear you!"

He's such an egomaniac but hey, when you're good you're good! Then he reaches down with one hand and starts to play with my love button.


He always knows instinctively what to do and when to do it. It's always been this way. Yep, I'm a big winner in the sex-lottery.

From then on it's like I've lost the ability to speak, all I am is a moaning mass about to short circuit from pleasure overload.When I finally climax it's like my body caught hold of a live wire. Everything is convulsing and my mind registers nothing but the pure pleasure that I'm experiencing. Max cums along with me and more forcefully than I did. Damn, how is it that I never tire of having sex with him considering we've been together over seventeen years? Did he put a voodoo spell on me? Hell, if he did, I don't want to come out of it....ever!

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that because of my vocal exploits, we got knocks from both rooms to the right and left of us. We just didn't care because we were too busy surrendering to ecstasy and making up for lost time all night.


Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:39 am
by Roslover39
The next day:

I gave Isabel the rundown on how the shoot was going when she called me at the crack of dawn. What she really wanted was to find out if we hired the actress to play her without her being there. I told her that the producer and director refused to wait and so we did the best we could. I also told her that I thought she would be pleased with the actress we picked.

Well, she's upset that production progressed as far as it did without her, so she told me she didn't want to go to the studio and for me and the girls to run things the way we have. She said something about me and the girls conspiring over casting and that "what's done is done" and hung up.

Well that's the way my day began but it got better after I got off the phone. After last night, Max wanted me to stay in bed with him. I told him that there was nothing I'd rather do than make love to him all day long but that I had to go to the studio by myself and check out the dailies. With a face that could make his mother cry, he accepted defeat.

I ask him to come with me and get the full studio treatment. He told me about his getting the studio treatment several times on the way here and a very special greeting in the lobby yesterday. He's tired of being mistaken for Mason, so he thought it best to lay low at the hotel. I told him I'd make it up to him when I got back. Why did I tell him that, he almost wouldn't let me get dressed and leave the suite.

Tess has special plans for Kyle. God only knows what that could be. She quipped that she's been a good girl for far too long, and that Mt. Vagina, as she calls herself is about to erupt. That's our Tess, supplying entirely too much information.

After a beautiful reunion last night, Michael wakes to the smell of breakfast food. He's got an appetite all right, but not just for the food. He rises up in bed and gets a good stretch. Then he looks around to bellow,
"Was last night a beautiful dream or am I here with my sexy wife?Ummm, what's that I smell?"

Hearing her husbands masterful voice, Maria makes her way into the room and over to the bed with a tray of food wearing nothing but a sunny smile.
"As you can see I'm very real. It's your morning nourishment, my love. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, I'm hungry but don't know what I want to do first, eat you or the food?"

That statement makes Maria giggle as she places the tray on the bed and has a seat by Michael.
"Well, make up your mind. I don't want your breakfast to get cold."

Michael flashes a mischievous grin and then glances over the tray that displays all his favorites: fluffy Belgium waffles, hard scrambled eggs, country bacon, ham, sausage and assorted danishes. Maria glances at the tray and then it dawns on her,
"Oh shit, I forgot the orange juice and coffee."

She runs out of the bedroom giving Michael a tantalizing glimpse of her bouncing backside which is still firm even after having Miria and being well into her thirties. This sight also makes his stunning morning erection that much more insistent on release. When she returns to the bedroom, Maria finds him sitting on the edge of the bed as naked as the day he was born. She's being saluted.

"Come here,"he commands with a voice rumbling with a sexual energy that makes Maria melt.

"But Michael, what about your breakfast," she asks with a coy grin.

"You let me worry about that. Now get over here woman!"

A now fully engaged Maria saunters over to the bed slowly as Michael takes the tray of food to the end table by the bed. Before he turns his full attention to his wife, he notices a small container of maple syrup. He takes a finger full of it and then goes to work placing a generous dab of it on her left nipple. He goes on to sample his handiwork and it makes Maria giggle.
"Oh Michael that tickles."

He grins and remains silent as he lingers on his dessert. Then he commands,
"Lay back!"

Maria happily does as he requests and soon she feels something cool being lathered over her womanliness. Then she senses the warm sensation of her husband's tongue licking up every drop of the sweet, sticky stuff. Maria is beside herself writhing in pleasure as her husband makes her his breakfast.

" Ahhhhh Miccccchael ohhh shhhittt! Damn I missed you!"

Needless to say that Michael spent the rest of the morning finishing the job he started to Maria's delight and complete satisfaction. Oh yeah, they sent back the cold breakfast and devoured a substantial lunch.

Alex wants to check out the studio so I invite him to come along with me. He asked Isabel to come along but she refused. Instead she kisses him, tells him not to worry about her and that she'll find a way to amuse herself.

So as planned, Alex and I head to the studio. When we get there I'm worried about how the director will feel about my bringing a guest along.

"Just play it cool," I tell him. " These people are so pampered and spoiled that I never know how they will react from day to day. They don't give me attitude because it's my project but I've seen the producer and director reduce flunkies to tears more than once."

Alex smiles but inside he's wondering if coming to the studio was worth any potential stress and aggravation.
"Don't worry Liz, I won't embarrass you."

I rub him on his shoulder while looking into his eyes.
"That was never a concern hon. You're a bigwig in your own right, even if these prima donnas don't realize it. It's a thrill knowing you."

My compliment made him blush brightly.
"Awww Liz, come on now...."

Just then the producer wanders over to us. I can see the windmills in his mind working overtime trying to get a fix on if Alex is a "somebody".
"Ms. Parker, glad to see you're on time, we have a lot to do today. Oh I'm sorry, who's the gentleman with you?"

While we're talking, one of the many assistants notices Alex and starts to stare at him with her mouth open. Then she runs to the producer to whisper in his ear.
"Do you know who that is....."

"It can't be," the producer barks out to the assistant.

The assistant bellows,
"But it is! Believe me, I know the man I admire more than anyone else in the world."
The young girl is almost swooning as she continues to stare at Alex. It's almost as if she's having a religious experience.

Wow! What the hell is going on, Alex thinks to himself while looking down at me.

Considering the faux pas he made earlier, the producer back tracks and starts kissing major ass.
"Mr. Whitman, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. Everyone here is in awe of your technological advances for the movie making process. Welcome to Supreme Studios, we're proud to have you here."

The producer holds out his hand to Alex who reluctantly shakes it. Then he turns his attention to me.
"Ms. Parker, I had no idea that you had such connections."

I'm happy to tell him that we go way back.
"Yes, we met at New York University. We got to know each other as he dated one of my roommates."
I guess it would really blow his mind if he realized that I'm married to 'Mr. New York' and that I socialize with a future inductee to the hockey hall of fame on a regular basis. But hey, it shows he doesn't do much research.

Now on with the ass kissing!

"So he watched you and your fabulous friends in action before the book?"

"Oh yes, he was right in the thick of things. Isn't that right Alex?"

"Oh yes I watched many things unfold."

Then the assistant pulls herself together to ask,
"Mr. Whitman, may I get your autograph?"

It's clear from the expression on his face that he can't believe what he's hearing as he almost stammers over his words.
"Autograph, you want my autograph?"

The assistant clears the lump in her throat and explains why she admires him.
"Yes sir! It was your innovations that made it cool to be a computer geek."

That comment sends Alex into a state of shock. He doesn't speak or move so I nudge his brain back to planet Earth by whispering in his ear,
"You're not gonna deny this young lady what she wants, are you?"

"Definitely not! Do you have a pen and paper Miss," he replies with conviction.

Quickly, the assistant presents a pen and paper to Alex with a request.
"Will you please sign it I love you Willie?"

He chuckles at the request,
"Ok, but I'm not sure my girlfriend would appreciate that. Hey your name is Willie?"

She laughs,
"Yeah, it's short for Willamina. I hate it but what can you do?"
She gives him an embarrassed grin. In return Alex gives her a sly smile and signs the autograph. That experience more so than winning a technical Oscar for his computer innovations is the high point in his life. After signing the autograph he goes on to talk to the young lady and answer all her questions.

I find it amazing how far Alex has come from that poor but brilliant student that got caught in the buff with Isabel by Tess and I at the brownstone. Times have definitely changed, but I'm glad to say that he didn't. Alex is still that kind soul I met all those years ago.

Yes, Tess has plans as well. She's in the mood to shop, but not your average boring run of the mill mall browsing. She happened to overhear two girls talking about "the best sex shop" in LA when she went for that porn audition. That thought has been in the back of her mind ever since. Now that her partner in debauchery is with her, she figured there is no time like the present to indulge her desire.

Onward and Upward! (pun intended)

While getting dressed Tess inquires,
"Kyle, ever been to a sex shop?"

"No I don't think I have. Never needed to buy anything to get off. I'm a fan of letting your fingers do the walking."

That answer makes her frown.
"Oh Kyle will you please allow yourself entrée into the twenty-first century? There are a lot of interesting toys that can be used to increase your pleasure. For instance, had I never gone to that sex shop on the upper west side, I wouldn't have known how wonderful the Rabbit is.Come with me and I'll introduce you to a whole new world!"

"Ok. You know me babe, I'll try anything once." Kyle grins brightly while thinking of what his lover has in store for him.

"Oh, I hope you mean that. There is one toy I would love to use on you if you're not the squeamish type."

Kyle throws his right hand into the air and exclaims,
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself! Lead the way babe!" Kyle pats Tess on the ass and off they go out the door of their hotel suite.

They made a stop to the front desk clerk for a car to take them to the shop. When they get to their destination, they notice that the building is made of reddish brown brick and totally devoid of a sign providing a name or address.

The only reason Tess knows she has the right place is because the desk clerk said there was a big white with pink Orchid painted on the front door along with two white marble obelisks on either side of the door.

"Just look at the symbolism; this has got to be the place," Tess declares as she dashes out of the car and runs her hands up and down the cool marble of one of the obelisks.

Kyle is eyeing Tess' hands move up and down the fake phallus as he gets out the car. When he reaches her he tells her,
"Control yourself baby, you're almost drooling. There's no way I can compete with those huge things."

"You do me just fine Big boy! Oh by the way, I want to take a trip to Iceland for our next vacation."

"Ok but why," Kyle asks having no idea why should would want to go there.

"Because I found out there is such thing as The Icelandic Phallological Museum. It contains over eighty penises and penile parts. Now that is something worth seeing."

Kyle on the other hand begs to differ,
"Not if you already own one baby."

"Oh be a sport and go with me."
Tess moves her hands from the obelisk to Kyle's muscular chest. From there they travel downward.

"Oh no you don't! Let's just go inside before you wake up Godzilla."

Tess laughs, takes Kyle's hand and they go inside the store. On the outside it looks small and unassuming but inside it's like a kinky Disneyland for adults. While checking out the merchandise, she notices several well built people dressed up in black rubber and presenting display items. It brought to mind a pornographic version of "The Matrix."

Vibrators, handcuffs, and blindfolds. Oh my!
Tess and Kyle quickly separate which is good because she is in heaven as she peruses the aisles. She's so deep in thought that she doesn't notice a woman who seems to be in her mid fifties and they bump into each other.

"Oh so sorry my dear," the lady utters with a warm smile.

"No harm done. Is this your first time here," Tess asks. She's just too nosy not to.

"Yes as a matter of fact. I'm looking for something to rev up my sex life. Let me tell ya, growing old is a bitch! My husband used to be hard as steel but now he's soft as play-doh. Age has definitely taken its toll.

I figure I better see what I can do to remedy that. He can't use Viagra which really sucks so, I can either buy a vibrator for me or get a young stud to do the job. The last option is really not feasible. I love my husband, but I could really use a high hard one every now and then."

"Well, happy hunting!" Tess giggles and she watches the woman do a thorough search of everything offered then head over to one of the leather clad men for advise. She wonders what she would do if she was a man and the mojo was a no go.

Anyway, before she gets too deep in thought about men and their shortcomings, she passes an aisle with dildos and vibrators of many colors and sizes piled up like you would see vegetables in a grocery store.

Tess looks around and then she gets a thought. She rushes over to one of the rubber clad men to ask for assistance. Then she's ushered to the item she's looking for. She thanks the guy for his assistance and he turns to leave. Before clearing her presence fully, the guy feels her hand palming his ass. He turns to look at her with a expression of bewilderment and arousal.

"Oops!" Tess grins impishly and goes off on her way before she gets herself in trouble in one of the aisles or the stock room.

Next she finds and grabs the exact item she was looking for.Then she heads for the checkout counter. Just as the item is put in a bag and given to her, Kyle comes up behind her bearing gifts.

"Look what I have for you?"
He puts a black rubber outfit and a whip on the counter and produces his credit card to pay for it."

"Kyle, you shouldn't have," Tess says with a frown while glaring at the hot outfit.

"I couldn't help myself, just looking at the female employees in it made me too horny. I know you'll look sex-o-licious in it."

"But Kyle honey..."

"Oh come on babe, if you get too hot I'll turn on the AC. Besides, I don't intend for you to have it on that long."
Kyle winks and pats her on the ass as the cashier hands him his package.

After a few more errands, they make it back to the hotel. Kyle is more than ready to get the party started.
"Babe why don't you slide into that outfit and then I'll slide into you!"

Tess is in no mood to pull and stretch herself into a rubber outfit but she wants to appease Kyle and have sex.
"That's gonna be so hot I tell ya. Please turn up the AC," She blurts out none too happy.

Kyle rushes across the room to turn up the AC. Then he positions himself to take in the best view of Tess in the rubber suit. The thought of her in the outfit has him so horny that he pulls his clothes off as she powders herself to put it on in the bathroom.

She steps into the room with the suit on and all Kyle can say is,
"Now take it off!"

Annoyed, she pulls the hot suit off. She only had it on a few minutes but it's left her a mess of sweat and talc.
"Just look at me, I've got to take a shower now."

Kyle walks toward her with his dick in his hand but she's too upset to let him shower with her.
"No, I'm doing this alone!"

Disappointed, he huffs and slumps down on the bed.

When Tess returns to the bedroom she sees the whip that Kyle bought. She figures that would be the perfect way to rid herself of the aggression that damned rubber outfit caused. She picks it up and turns to face Kyle. Would you believe me if I told you that she flicked the whip once in the air and the whip part flew off almost hitting the poor guy in the face?

She runs to him and strokes his face.
"Oh I'm so sorry baby. Come on lets do this before we both hurt ourselves in the process."

They both run to the bed hand in hand. Tess lands on it first and Kyle lands on top of her. After much foreplay, he enters her which make her purr with delight. After a while she starts playing with his back door, if you know what I mean, ECK!!!

All the while she figures that he'll get her to stop what she is doing, but he didn't. So, feeling braver, she does something that gets a shocked response from him. He stops thrusting immediately and looks her right in her eyes.

"Babe, what did you put in my ass?"

"Nothing honey, it's just a butt plug."

"A what," Kyle asks truly surprised that she would do that.

Tess gives him a childish pout while asking,
"You don't like it?"

I didn't say that, it's just that I didn't see it coming. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, but you told me you'd try anything once Kyle. I took you at your word."

Finally he comes clean about the situation.
"I've got to tell you that it's not the fact that you did that but the fact that I liked it. Also that I felt comfortable enough with you to admit that."

That confession surprises Tess,
"So what are you saying? Are you about to get all mushy and tell me you love me and that I'm your soul mate?"

"Would it be a bad thing if I did," Kyle asks in all sincerity.

Tess is speechless. To end the awkward moment she kisses Kyle and they resume making love.


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:19 pm
by Roslover39
Wedding in Vegas Dailies

Maria stares down at them demanding,
"I want both of you to shush so the Elvis impersonator can do his job!"

Kyle and Tess nod their heads in conformity, as the preacher looks Maria way dismayed.

When Maria returns her attention back to the preacher, he informs her very curtly,
"I'm a tribute artist! Not an impersonator!"

"Michael, do you pledge to love Maria through the Hard Knocks,to take her into your Lovin’ Arms? Do you pledge to Make The World Go Away when she comes home from a hard day? Do you pledge to be Steadfast, Loyal and True, to take good care of her and be her Teddy Bear all the days of her life?”

Michael answers Elvis style with a resounding,
“ahhhhhhh ha!”

For a minute there I thought he was gonna swivel his hips.

If Maria knew I was looking over the dailies of the Elvis wedding scene, I'm sure she would be here to relive it. But then again I'm sure in this instance once is more than enough. Deciding that I can't let this situation pass without at least mentioning it, I call her cell phone.

For a minute I'm thinking that Maria isn't going to answer. Just when I'm about to hang up my cell phone, she picks up.
"Hey Maria, did I call at the wrong time?"

"Actually no, Michael and I are on our way to get Laker tickets. How are things going at the studio?"

"Great, so far the dailies look wonderful."

Then I hear hilarious laughter. It's Maria telling Michael about the scene and then they share a laugh. Maria gets back to me,
"Wow, now that was some wedding. Good thing I wanted to get married before Ria was born. I gotta tell you Liz, I don't know if I would have went along with that otherwise."

"Really, I thought you were ok with the idea."

"Liz, when you're pregnant and the good Lord has you pumped up with plenty feel good hormones, I doubt I would have said no to anything at that time. Especially if Michael wanted it; I just wanted him to feel like it was our wedding."

"Right, I understand what you're saying. Ok, hey the director is calling me about something. Gotta go, I'll see ya later."

"Ok chica hold down the fort girlfriend."

After Maria hangs up her cell phone, Michael gives her a brilliant smile.

Maria asked, "what that was for?"

"Just for being a kickass, sexy wife, the mother of my beautiful child and for letting me get married Elvis style."

"Ah, you make it so easy to be me!" Maria places her hand lovingly on his thigh and they proceed on in their journey to pick up the tickets.

With everybody else so busy, Isabel wasn't going to let her being alone spoil her fun. She started her day by going to the front desk to ask for a car to take her around. After going to all the big named designer clothing boutiques, she decides to pick up a couple of trinkets from the store that has the cute little robin egg blue boxes.

She sashays into the posh boutique and takes a leisurely spin around the exorbitantly priced items. Then she stops to gaze at a counter that houses pearl necklaces the size of Wilma Flintstone's. She peers down at each strand as if they're long lost friends that she needs to liberate from captivity. After she makes her selection, she opens her designer handbag and pulls out her matching designer checkbook.

Like magic, as soon as Izzie takes her Uranium credit card out, a sales associate appears behind the partition. Then a woman with a fidgety toddler walks over to glance at the pearl display case.

BTW: only Isabel's family, Bill Gates, and Oprah owns them.

"Are these the largest strands you have," Isabel asks as she points to the one she wants.

"Yes ma'am."

Isabel smiles brightly,
"Wonderful, I have my heart set on the white choker with the rose' undertone."

"Yes ma'am, would you like to inspect it?"

Isabel nods with an expression some people only get as they climax.

The sales associate locates the necklace Izzie wants and presents it to her. She caresses it and nods her approval. Then it's wrapped up after Izzie's credit card is ran through the machine. The associate hands Izzie the package and merrily she heads for the front entrance thinking about which outfit she should coordinate the pearls with for the first showing. That's when the boutique's alarm system starts to blare.

Hearing the alarm but totally unconcerned, she turns the door handle to leave but the door is locked. It is then that she realizes that she and everyone else in the store is stuck there for the moment.
"What's going on here," Izzie asks in a frantic tone.

Two burley men head to her with metal detectors.
"Sorry,but we need to check your belongings Miss."

Isabel can't believe what she's hearing.
"What, are you crazy? Can't you see I just bought something, maybe the employee forgot to make sure my package would go through the anti-theft device properly."

"No matter Miss, we need to check your belongings."
Reluctantly Isabel surrenders her package. The senior security guard takes and carefully checks it. He finds that the sales associate did what she needed to do to the package.

Then he states,
"It's not the package you just bought, so it has to be something else. May we look through your purse please?"

Isabel is starting to feel lightheaded as she asks,
"Are you insinuating that I might be a shop....a shoplifter?"
Her face is flushed from sheer indignation.

The cops think they got another Wynona Ryder on their hands.

She's quick to add insult to injury by informing the security men,
"Oh no, no, no! I'll have you know that I am a member of New York society. I can buy and sell you two rent-a-cops in a heartbeat!"

The senior security guard replies sternly,
"Insults will not improve your situation Miss."

After a few tense minutes, Izzie roughly hands her purse to the senior security officer. He riffles thought it thoroughly. It's not long before he notices and produces two trademark sterling silver key chains. They both still have the tags on them, so it's not looking good for our Isabel.

The senior guard smirks as he peers at his partner and then at Isabel.
"Well now, how did these get into your bag?"

Izzie's eyes are bulging out of her head as she tries to come up with a plausible answer.
"I...I have no idea how those key chains got into my bag. Besides, if I were to steal anything it wouldn't be those things."

She turns up her nose in disgust as she declares with conviction,
"Those key chains are so nineties."
Then she frowns at them like she tasted something sour.

Needless to say that the security men aren't finding Izzie's repartee amusing in the least. So they shuffle her to the back of the boutique until the Beverly Hills Police show up.They arrive about twenty minutes later to handcuff and take her to the hoosegow. As the police lead Izzie out of the boutique, she feels feverish and nauseated.

Feeling it only polite, she informs them,
"Gentlemen, I need you to unhand me. I'm feeling very sick."

A member of the BHP tells her rudely,
"Oh no deary, you're not gonna do the old mad dash on us! Not on our watch!"

With no other choice, Isabel procedes to vomit on the rude officer's shoes.

Michael and Maria are in bed basking in afterglow when her cell phone goes off. She's about to get out of bed when Michael stops her.

"Oh come on babe, let it ring."

She turns to her husband,
"What if it's Ria; no I have to answer it."

She rushes over to the dresser and pulls her phone out of her purse. She looks at the caller id to see ISABEL.

Maria turns back to Michael to say,
"Damn, I should have paid attention to you. It's Izzie."

Michael chuckles,
"Then don't answer it baby. Now get back over here!"

Being a good friend, Maria shrugs and answers the phone anyway.
"Izzie this better be good!"

Frantically she answers,
"Maria I need you, I'm in jail."

"You're in what; what happened? Who did you slap or insult?" Maria can't believe what she's hearing.

Izzie can be heard sniveling loudly into the phone.
"I've been falsely accused of"

Maria holds out the phone and looks at it while Michael gestures for her to hang it up.
"Izzie, if this turns out to be some kind of mind fuck, I'm gonna get you good!"

"Maria, I assure you everything I say is true. I need you to come down and bail me out."

"But Iz, my expertise is entertainment law and you need a Criminal Attorney. Why don't you use some of your millions and buy yourself a kickass criminal lawyer."

Isabel is desperate to get out of jail and not about to accept any excuses from Maria.
"You've always had a flare for the dramatic, now get here, put up a good front and get me the hell out of here!"

Maria holds the phone and stares at it again. The deafening silence makes Izzie realize she needs to back up and kiss major ass.

"Ok Maria I'm so sorry. Will you please come and get me out of here, please?"

Maria places the phone back on her ear.
" Ok Iz, tell me where you are and I'll be right there."

Maria runs into the bathroom to take a shower. Michael rushes in after her.
"What are you doing Michael?"

"I'm getting ready to go with you. There's no way in the world I'm gonna have ole acid tongue go into a police department without me. You might get yourself locked up right along with Izzie."

"Suit yourself bucko."

Maria and Michael get dressed, get down to the lobby, and ask the doorman to hail them a taxi. When they get inside the police station, they can hear Izzie bellowing,
"How dare you lock me up with prostitutes and homeless people. I don't deserve this, I did nothing wrong. The only thing I'm guilty of is having good taste!"

She continues to run her mouth until a loud pop is heard. And then the sound of something hitting the ground. A couple of officers rush to the jail cell. They come back grinning,
"The duchess got decked good by someone in the cell."

In a flash, Maria turns into Super Attorney.
"I have no problem informing you that if my client is injured in any way, I will do all in my power to bring this department up on charges."

She seems all business on the outside, but on the inside she's giggling her ass off . Almost from day one, Maria warned Izzie her that karma was gonna bite her on the ass big time one day. Looks like today is that day. As Maria continues to go through her legal jargon,Michael grabs his wife from the back of her navy colored suit jacket and whispers in her ear.
"Watch what you say babe, autographs might not get us out of a fix this time."

She nods, turns and greets the commanding officer. They speak for a minute and then they head into the lock up area of the station.

Michael has a seat and sweats. After about twenty minutes, Maria emerges with the commanding officer and Isabel. She shakes the officer's hand as Michael looks up and wipes the beads of sweat off his brow. He stands as the girls reach him.

"What happened to you," Michael asks.

"What does it look like,"Isabel replies. "I got hit in the eye by what looked like a homeless prostitute."

Michael wants to laugh but figures Izzie has been humiliated enough.

So the three of them head back to the hotel without further incident. Oh, on the way back, Isabel begged them not to discuss what happened and that she'd tell everyone in their own time. It's funny to see if the secret gets out before Isabel can spin it and by whom. Will it be "real men don't gossip" Michael or Acid tongue Maria? Only time will tell.

I make it back to the hotel after a hard day of listening to the director and producer bitch and moan about this and that. As I cross the lobby on my way to the bank of elevators is two thoughts, taking a hot bath(with or without Max) and getting into bed (with Max).

Well that idea is shot right to hell when I get to the door of the suite. I put my key card in the door and before I open it, I hear a man holler,
"Put up or shut up!"

What the hell, I think to myself as I open the door and enter the room. I lay my eyes on Max, Michael, Kyle and Alex playing cards in the dinning area of the suite.

That's when Max peers up from his cards to greet me.
"Oh hi baby! I got bored in here all by my lonesome, so I called the guys over to play a hand or two or ten of poker. I hope you don't mind."
Then he gives me that 'gotta love me' grin of his.

The rest of the guys throw me lazy waves while their eyes never leave their cards. That's when I notice that the suite reeks of nasty cigars. Wouldn't you know it, there are huge ciggies stuck in all four of their mouths.

I may be tired but I'm still a nice human being. I tell my husband,
"Oh no honey, live it up. I'll just go into the bedroom and collapse from exhaustion."

"Oh that's nice baby."
Now it's clear he didn't hear a word I said, because if he did he would have given the guys the old heave ho!

So,I trudge into the bedroom making sure the door is closed. Remember that Kyle is in the suite. I don't want him to 'accidentally' catch me changing clothes. After taking off my dark gray pencil skirt and light gray short sleeved silk blouse, I get ready for bed.

After that, I sit there wondering just how long the guys will be here. How long I will have to listen to them holler, scream and catcall. Well, then I rationalize that since Max hasn't had too good a time since he's been in LA, that they can play as long as they want. So I get into bed and soon I'm sound asleep.

Then all of a sudden I hear someone shout,
"You better come up with some money or I'll have to make arrangements to settle things with Maria on your behalf!"

Not liking how that sounds, Michael bangs his hands on the table. Good thing it's made of wood.

He replies brusquely,
"What, if you wanna keep you teeth you won't go anywhere near my wife about this. Ya got that?"

Come from both Max and Alex as they wonder if it will come to blows.

Anyway those sonic booms not only wake me up but makes me jump up in bed. I look over at the clock to find that it's well after midnight. Ok, that's it, I tell myself as I think of a way to get the guys out of the suite quick, fast, and in a hurry.

So I put on one of Max's shirts and head out front to see if I can stop this party. He takes one look at me and the cigar falls right out of his mouth.
"Ok guys, playtime is over. You ain't gotta go home but ya gotta get the hell outta here!"

"What, the game was just getting good Max."
Alex wants to stay and win back all his money.

"Yeah, Maria is gonna kill me when she finds out how much dough I've lost to you clowns."
Maria asked him to stop playing poker because he loses every time.

Max puts his cards down and informs everybody,
"Well, sorry guys but it's high time that you hit the bricks. Besides "card shark" Kyle took all my funds too. You don't see me bitching like a girl over it. You win a few and you lose a few, right baby?"

I walk over to Max's chair and he puts his arm around my waist.
"That's right baby. You know what they say, unlucky at cards, lucky in love."

Then Kyle gives me the saddest face.

I lean down to kiss my beautiful husband and then I hear Michael complain.
"Oh geez, go get a room!"

"DUH! I'm in my room Michael. I'm trying to get you out of it. I got to Max."
Max begins to grin and then gestures for everyone to get out for the last time.

Well after a few hectic minutes, the guys pack up their stuff and leave. I'm still standing at Max's side watching as he unbuttons his shirt that I'm wearing.
"Sorry, the game went longer than planned."

"Oh that's ok. I'm glad you had a good time today. You know if my appearance hadn't worked, I was prepared to go to desperate measures in the name of getting you alone."

Max looks up at me as he nudges the shirt off my shoulders and it falls effortlessly to the ground.
"I hope by desperate you don't mean naked. Oh, that would have been a no no Mrs. Evans! Nobody ogles your goodies but me!"

I giggle as he picks me up and takes me to the bed. Then he begins to show me how much it pays to stay in his good graces....over and over again. Oh how I Iove my life!!!