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Re: What does Roswell mean for you?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:11 pm
by spacegirl23
Interesting topic! Here's my story:

I started watching Roswell when I was in high school. I wasn't THAT obsessed, I just really liked it and discussed it with one of my girlfriends back then. We were both Candy fans, and were arguing who gets "to be" Maria. :lol:

I wasn't that addicted in college, till the middle of my first semester. My high school boyfriend and I had broken up, but were in the process of getting back together. That was when I started getting back to the show's episodes, and I realized how much I liked it. Roswell had been cancelled (it was 2002 when I was a college freshman) and I resorted to fanfic to get over the cancellation.

There, in the middle of reading and rereading the show's transcripts, and reading and rereading my fave Roswell fanfic, I realized that I was just settling with my then-ex-trying-to-be-my-boyfriend-again. I was kinda immature then that I compared him to Michael (:lol: I'm sorry, I'm a crazy bitch). But, beyond that, I realized he didn't interest me enough to bicker with him. I just wasn't into the relationship so much so I stopped arguing with him because I stopped caring. I'm not saying arguments make a relationship better, but when you start getting sick of a person, you don't disagree with him at all coz he stops to matter.

And that happened again with my last boyfriend. I was rethinking our relationship (last year), and I realized that I was settling. I had fallen out of love with him, and I knew in the near future I would start hating him. And that was when I really really got active in this site.

The funny thing is, on both occasions, Roswell sites helped me toughen up and break off both relationships. I realize Roswell was like my fallback, and my "model" for what I wanted out of a romance.

So, to sum it up, Roswell and the Michael-Maria team shaped what I want out of a man, and out of a relationship. It's pretty much taught me that I should never settle, that true love means you don't hesitate for THAT ONE PERSON. Love is fire, passion, attraction, chemistry and the occasional crazy things, and Michael and Maria were testament to that.

(Is this a non-judgment circle? I think I should've asked that before I spilled my guts. :lol: )

Re: What does Roswell mean for you?

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:09 pm
by dreamer19
It's totally nonjudgmental. We accept all ships here. I'm a Michael and Maria fan, just not as much as Max and Liz. :D

Thanks for sharing. This thread is all about what Roswell meant to you and that could mean anything.

Re: What does Roswell mean for you?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:22 am
by NotYourChick
I was 12 when the first ep came on the WB. I started to watch it at first, because there was nothing else to do. I fell in love with Max and Liz. They were my first big couple.

Roswell was a place where I could feel normal. Teen years are hard on everyone. I was finding my place when the show started. Roswell fan-fics helped with me forgetting some things for a little bit.

I do think I may be too into M/L. I cried to my mom when EOTW came on t.v. Thinking that they would never be together again. I still can't watch season 2 of the show. Thanks Roswell writers.

Re: What does Roswell mean for you?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:22 pm
by dreamer19
NotYourChick wrote:I was 12 when the first ep came on the WB. I started to watch it at first, because there was nothing else to do. I fell in love with Max and Liz. They were my first big couple.

Roswell was a place where I could feel normal. Teen years are hard on everyone. I was finding my place when the show started. Roswell fan-fics helped with me forgetting some things for a little bit.

I do think I may be too into M/L. I cried to my mom when EOTW came on t.v. Thinking that they would never be together again. I still can't watch season 2 of the show. Thanks Roswell writers.
I totally relate!!! I have only seen certain episodes once of season 2. I just got the nerve to order season 2 on dvd. I'm hoping to get over my fears and realize its just a show. But I honestly haven't watched any episodes in a long time. I needed to realize my life does not revolve around Roswell, even though it did for a long time. I want it to be a fun escape now and then, not one full of heartache, though I don't think I can ever watch the episode of Tess and Max....ugh that tears my heart out.

Re: What does Roswell mean for you?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:43 pm
by NotYourChick
I can't watch any Tess/Max ep. Sorry in my head it is something I can't believe.

Re: What does Roswell mean for you?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:13 am
by April
spacegirl23 wrote: I started watching Roswell when I was in high school. I wasn't THAT obsessed, I just really liked it and discussed it with one of my girlfriends back then. We were both Candy fans, and were arguing who gets "to be" Maria. :lol:
:lol: That's funny. My friends and I did the same thing. We were, like, back in eighth grade or something. We were all obsessed with the show, but I was the one who got them started watching the show. I got "to be" Maria ( :lol: that sounds funny), and my other friends got "to be" Isabel and Liz and Tess. And we assigned all our middle school crushes roles as the guys. It was so much fun. Some of the best days of my life have been spent watching and discussing Roswell with this group of girls that, sadly, I'm no longer friends with. It's nice to have the memories of the times before we drifted apart, though.


Re: What does Roswell mean for you?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:09 am
by Roswell 10/2/00
Roswell is celebrating it's 10 year anniversary on Fan Forum on October 6th so stop the board and join in on the celebration post your memories or why this show still touches you after 10 years. ... -62913050/

Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00

Re: What does Roswell mean for you?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:31 pm
by Roswellian117
I remember watching the very first episode of Roswell on the WB. I was enthralled right then and there. I was in 8th grade. I grew up with these charcters, cried with them, laughed with them, loved with them. I lost Roswell for a little bit when it was cancelled. I found it when I started reading fanfiction then watched it on SciFi. Lost it again then found my way back home. I felt as though something was stolen from me. Dawson's Creek ran it's course. Why not Roswell? If they brought it back now with new characters and decided to take the plot the way it should've been, NO ALEX DYING. Them going to their planet and exploring all that, it would do excellent. It would be new yet faniliar. I would be ok with new Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Isabel, Alex, Kyle, Tess and Valenti if they just brought back the essence. I say we do it! We sent in the hot sauce bottles! We should bring it back. We deserve to show the new generation what it was like before Bella and Edward. Max and Liz were the original!

Re: What does Roswell mean for you?

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:32 pm
by zaneri1
When I first saw the preview of the show and heard the critics I wanted to see it but was not able to because of my schedule. So I finally saw it on the episode when Tess first mindwarps Max. My husband & I were hooked :D I could not believe a simple show had so capture me to the point where i did not want to miss an episoide so would start recording. I was afraid of getting obessed. Needless to say my husband & I were dissapointed in parts of season 2. Season 3 was confusing and heartbreaking. So I did not see the show for a while. Every so often I would think of the show and 3 years ago my husband saw a rerun on a cable. The show would always come back to my mind. Last year I got the dvd's as a present and that was it. I am throughly hooked. Max & Liz represent a pure simple love. I think of the ideal of the desire of what i believed love between a man & woman should be. I loved the connection, the willingness to do anything for the other to be happy even if it means your own happiness. I think of Max when he told Liz "I think you should get to see Sweeden. We (no) I hold you back. I don't want you to 5 years from now to look back and think you missed out because you were part of the group" It stills gets me. Especially later when Max finds Liz with Sean. Making me think of how badly at times I've treated my husband. I kind of see Liz silent support of Max as how I am to help my husband to be all that he should be. I have been tremendously blessed with a husband that has supported all my endeavors and more than anything trusts me. Seeing Liz in the show and most fanfics how she runs from Max reminds me of me. I love this show so sad it was cancelled. MAZ & LIZ ARE THE ORIGINAL! Forget all the other shows and movies none can compare to the simplicity that was/is ROSWELL :D

Re: What does Roswell mean for you?

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:47 am
by killjoy
Well sadly Roswell will always be for me the show that could have been.

What I mean is no other show out there has pissed me off more than what the people in charge did with it and how it ended up.I have a severe LOVE/HATE relationship with this show.

I spend all my time saying things like "Why did they do that?!"... Or ... "Why oh why didn't they do it this way?!"

No other show has made me so mad on how large parts of it was ruined by the writters and no other show has made me love so many of the characters.