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Carnival Of Souls M/L Pg13 Updated Chapter 11 7/31/03

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 3:39 am
by cherie
Author's Note: Thanks to all of you who nominated my story. I'm going to swipe part of Kyle's line from Blind Date. "I'm just happy to be nominated." Thank you so much.

Carnival Of Souls

Chapter 11

Serena watched through the small window as Max and Liz approached. They looked radiant in the moonlight as they held hands , exchanging glances and small intimate touches. She smiled in satisfaction , grateful that they had crossed the void of seperation. Max's face held a smile only Liz could have put there.

The door opened quietly as Max lifted Liz up the small step, setting her inside, his eyes following the sway of her body as she turned to see Serena sitting in the chair.

Serena extended her hand in a gesture of friendship, and Liz accepted it without hesitation. It was a small thing, but it cleared the way, and Liz knew she had nothing to fear from Serena. The soft voice that accompanied the touch put Liz at ease. She felt no competition or rivalry from Serena.

Max and Liz both blushed as Serena's eyes surveyed their disheveled appearance and wet clothes. It was obvious something had happened between them. Max quickly waved his hand between their bodies, drying their clothes, evaporating the wetness, a small glow eminating from his fingers.

"Max," your manners, remember?" Serena said, chiding him just enough to tear his eyes away from Liz.

Max cleared his throat, somewhat abashed, wondering how Serena always managed to make the most difficult situations seem ordinary. If the world were on fire, she would draw cool water from the calm reserve that pooled inside her generous heart and try to put it out. She held no ill will for any person, not even the man who had gotten her pregnant. She simply lived life, meeting it head on. Even the night he had first met her she had not thought of herself, only her unborn child.

"Liz," he said, the lump leaving his throat. "This is Serena. Serena, this is Liz."

"You're the dreamgirl," Serena said, squeezing Liz's hand. "I'm so happy to meet you. I assume Max has explained the nature of our relatiionship?"

"I know Max is not the Father of your baby," Liz said, "and that you've cared for him and been at his side when I couldn't be."

Serena did not mistake the look of thanks that filled Liz's brown eyes. "It was never my intention to replace you. I want you to know that."

"I do know that." Liz replied. "But there's something I have to tell you. It's important." She looked deeply into Serena's green eyes. "We've been friends before--in another time and place. Max told me about you two years ago."

Confusion clouded Serena's face as Liz continued. "You know all about Max and the others, but there was another Max, an older Max, who came back from the future. He said you would be a friend of mine someday."

"And you beleive I'm the Serena that Max..not this Max." she nodded her head toward him, "the future Max told you about? And this Max never knew about him?"

"Max didn't know about him until tonight." Liz said. "Michael told him, and he saw what happened through a flash, when we ..we connected. I do beleive you're her. It's the only explanation for your being with Max, this Max, now."

Max's mind was whirling, mentally adjusting the series of events, walking his brain through the maze of incidents as he listened to Liz and Serena talk, their voices becoming distant.

He, his future version, had manipulated Liz into deceiving him, causing him to leave Roswell. His chance meeting with Serena Carver, her Grandfather's role in the crash, Michael's connection to Hal. A second set of pods, Courtney. A Skin and a shapeshifter still out there. The *cementing* with Liz. The map. He arranged the images side by side, rotated them, turned them over, flipped them sideways. Somehow they were all connected. Disarranged, but still creating a pattern. There was a consistency, a flow, like an invisible thread that was linking them together-roping them in-like a noose. A sudden flash sliced across his thoughts. His spine became syrupy and his knees felt like they were coming unhinged. He saw the pulsating pods, heard the low hum, like a memory.
A memory that belonged to someone else. The flash diminshed as quickly as it had come.

"Everybody's coming, I can hardly wait." He heard Liz's voice through the
haze as he fought his way back from the flash. He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind, not wanting Liz or Serena to feel his uneasiness.

"Are you talking about the barbecue at Michael's on Sunday?" he asked.

Both Liz and Serena nodded yes, and he thought they acted like they had known each other forever.

"Oh, Max, it's going to be so great for all of us to be together after so long, Isabelle is going to be so happy to see you, and Serena's going to meet everybody." Liz's voice was full of excitement one second, turning to stern the next as she pointed her finger at Max. "You need to call your Mom and Dad. Tomorrow."

"I will, Liz, tomorrow." Max said, throwing his hands up in a mock defense against her accusing finger. "After I tell my boss I won't be travelling the circuit when we load up on Monday night. Then I'll have to find a temporary place, an RV park, to stay until Serena has the baby. I can't leave her alone until I'm sure she's safe."

Liz thought a moment, her eyes brightening as she looked back and forth between Max and Serena. "I think I have a solution. Michael and Maria's driveway runs the length of the side of the house. I'm sure he'd let you park there until the baby's born. Then we can get Serena an apartment, make sure she's not alone. She's part of this now, Max."

"That sounds good, LIz, but I'll have to talk to Michael about it. I can't just drive up and park without asking." Max said.

Liz barely heard him. "And there's an extra bedroom, the one I'm staying know" she shot Max a look, her face flushing. "I mean.." she stammered.

Serena giggled at Liz's attempt to recover from the not so subtle hint that she had just invited Max to share her bedroom.

Max narrowed his eyes, giving Liz a look that made her heart flip. "There's nothing more I'd like to do than stay in your bedroom, Liz." he said, his voice dripping like honey.

The thoughts that had worried him earlier were replaced with visions of Liz and a bed-just the two of them-alone together. *Cementing* He briefly thought about bricks, and how hard..masonery was going to be a prominent factor in his life from now on. Remembering the passing grade she had given him earlier for their mutual experiment in biology, he wondered what full scale research would earn him. The possibilities were endless.

"I'm just going to step outside a minute, girls," Max mumbled as his thoughts travelled down to his groin. "It's really warm in here."


After the three of them talked until almost daylight, Max walked Liz to her car. She had to help Maria shop, everyone had to be called and informed that Max was back. She explained all this to him between breathless kisses that it just wasn't a good idea to have him appear suddenly in their midst with a pregnant woman without some prior warning. With a promise to return later that evening, Liz blew him a kiss as she entered her car. He caught it playfully, closing it in his fist, clasping it to his heart. His entire life had changed in the span of twenty four hours. What a difference a day makes, Max thought.

Maria was waiting for Liz, fidgeting on the couch, fanning magazine pages mindlessly. She had been pissed at Liz for sneaking out like that, so damn determined to talk to Max. When Michael had come home, she had met him at the door, with every intention of sending him back to retreive her best friend from the clutches of that low, scum sucking two-timing waste of flesh. Michael had managed to calm her down, as he repeated his conversation with Max and Serena, giving her time to process the information.

"I'm not apologizing." she told Michael adamantly. "He deserved it."

"Didn't think you would," Michael acknowledged,"but you could cut Max some slack. The baby's not his, Maria, and Serena's really good people. You'll see for yourself whrn you meet her."

"Maybe so," Maria mused,"but the punch I gave Max was for Liz, for leaving her."

"It wasn't all Max's fault, Maria." Michael said firmly. "Liz had a hand in his leaving."

"Spoken like a true male." Maria huffed. "And I"m still not apologizing."

The existence of the map filled her with fear. She feared losing Michael. Just leave it to Max to upset the apple cart. To come back dragging alien baggage with him. She'd almost forgotten about foursquares, orbs and destiny books. If Michael even thought about digging shit up in the desert she'd hit him over the head with the shovel.

Maria watched in amazement as Liz floated through the door, a dreamy smile on her face, looking thoroughly ravaged. And damn well pleased about it.

"You did it, you had sex with him." Maria cried, jumping from the couch, as she confronted Liz. "Why did you do that?"

"For the same reason you have sex with Michael. Because I love him. Can we talk about this later?" Liz said, floating into her room, shutting the door behind her, leaving Maria swimming in a sea of frustration.

Because I love him. she repeated these words in a whisper as she lay on her bed. It all came back to her in bounces off the ceiling, as dawn slipped through the windowpane bringing with it her favorite shade of outside.

The only once in a lifetime experience had been shared with him. A bit of the wanderer's dust that he had brushed against her still carressed her heart. She had no doubts he loved her. He wasn't a shy unsure teenager anymore. He was a man, and he was her lover. She closed her eyes, and through the fuzzy veil of sleep dreamed how golden his body would look in the sun's fire.


Saturday went by quickly , with Maria and Liz doing the shopping, after dropping Michael off to help Max unhook the RV. As Michael drove away with Serena, Max sought out Marty to break the news he would be leaving the circuit.

Max opened the office door, and Marty greeted him with a smile.

"Come to say goodbye, Max?" Marty asked.

"How did you know?" Max answered, surprised at Marty's question.

"Saw your friend take Serena and the RV away." He grinned at Max. "And I saw you with that pretty girl. Just figured some changes were coming.
When will you be leaving?"

Max made a quick decision. "I'd like tonight to be my last, if it's okay. Dirk can take over. He's good , real good at running the coaster."

"Okay by me." Marty said. "And, Max, If you ever need a job, come see me. Give the folks a good ride tonight."

Max did just that. He gave a good ride. Liz watched as he worked the controls, his large hands sure and steady, sending the dragon screeching as it plunged the dip and whirled around the giant curve. It soared across the night sky, an assorted pitch of screams from the riders melded together as they collided in mid air, matching the squeal of the brake as Max brought the lead car in, sending up a shower of sparks that flew from the metal wheels like the flames from the mouth of a dragon.

As they walked the midway toward the gate, Max couldn't keep his eyes off her. She was beautiful. Just holding her hand made his body quiver. Just sharing the same space with her heightened all his senses. Even the food smelled good. The colors around her were enhanced with the hue of her body passing by them. The carousel horses danced, unfettered by the poles that held them in place. And she loved him. Enough to call his vagabond heart home, to retrace the steps along the path that had led him away. Hope fluttered on his heart, along with dreams of the life he would build with her.


The desert hummed with life only the shapeshifter could hear. Tiny lives that burrowed beneath the sand, a scurrying assortment of small creatures that ran across her view. She was weary, eyes clouded not only by age, but ages. She knelt before the circle of stones. What had begun as a mission to save her planet had escalated into a travesty. It was her duty to complete the task that had been entrusted to her. She was the only original suirvivor of the crash. The Skin, Courtney,once an enemy, now an ally, lay huddled against the rock wall, the husk she wore
disintigrating at a rapid rate. She rose and placed her palm on Courtney's chest, the silver glow of her hand pulsating as it sent the energy needed to sustain the Skin. Just one more nudge, one more pull against their minds should bring them here.


Carnival Of Souls M/L PG13 Updated Chapter 12 8/05/03

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 2:54 am
by cherie
AN: Thanks again to all of you for the nominations.

Remember, things are not always what they seem. As Buddah says, in order to achieve clarity, you must be first confused.

Carnival Of Souls

Chapter 12

Max stood on the porch, seeking reassurance from Liz's eyes. He could hear the muffled laughter and familiar voices behind the door. This was his family and friends waiting inside to greet him, to welcome him home.
But he couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety that made his knees weak and his heart flutter. He had let them them down in so many ways. His cowardly act of running away had cost him two years without their friendship and company. But then again, he thought, they had thrived. In his absence they had built new lives and formed bonds together. How were they going to react to him, and the map? He was back alright, he thought, with a pang of guilt. Danger folded in his pocket and an overwhelming thirst for answers.

Liz could feel the apprehension that filled him, his unwillingness to face what lay beyond the door. She put one hand behind his neck, pulling his head down, kissing his fears away, as the other hand turned the knob on the door slowly.

"It'll be alright, Max, I promise." she whispered, pushing him inside with a slight forward motion as he sucked in his breath, a look of disquiet covering his face.

A mass of long blonde hair tumbled across his shoulders as Isabelle's arms flew around his neck, her voice full of sobs. "Oh, Max, it's so good to see you. Where have you been?"

Max hugged her tightly. "Don't cry, Isabelle, it's okay. I"m home now. Everything's okay." Max said , letting her go as he looked in her eyes. "I missed you."

"I tried to dreamwalk you. Every night. Why wouldn't you let me in?" Isabelle asked. "Why did you just leave like that? You almost drove Mom and Dad crazy. Not to mention how it made me feel." she added.

"Well, I'm back now,and I've already talked to Mom and Dad." Max replied, hurt to hear the tinge of anger in her voice. "Please don't make this hard for me. "I've been a little crazy, too."

Isabelle gave him a small smile. "I'm just glad you're alright. And that Liz found you." she added.

Max felt like he was on display as he glanced into each set of eyes scrutinizing his appearance. Alex rushed forward, extending his hand, and as they shook, Alex pulled him in for a bear hug. "I'm so glad you're back, Max. It's good to see you. You've made Isabelle's day." Alex said.

Tess's blue eyes were brighter than Max remembered, but they held a different sort of brilliance now. Not hard and determined, but softer and mellow. She stood beside Kyle, and Max couldn't help but notice that the position of Kyle's arm around her waist was a direct signal to him. An air of possessivness , almost as if Kyle were guarding her. There was a mixture of guilt and uncertainty in Kyle's eyes as they locked with Max's.

Tess spoke first, her voice sounding small. "Hey, Max, you look good. Are you back to stay?"

"Yes I am," Max replied. "So you and Kyle are together now?"

Kyle stepped closer to Tess. "Yes. We are, Evans, and we're happy." The implication in his voice did not escape Max.

Of all the group, Kyle was the most unnerved by Max's return. His feelings were conflicted about the whole turn of events. He owed Max his life, and had done him an injustice by going along with Liz that night. And the worst part was that he now loved the woman that supposedly had been destined to be Max's wife. He had no intention of losing Tess now. Not for some damn book, or map that Max had. Not to Max Evans. Not ever.

Kyle spit out his next words like venom. "What's with the map Michael told us about? Shit, Max, can't you just let sleeping dogs lie?"

Max answered Kyle's question as he reluctantly withdrew the map from his pocket. "I'm not here for Tess, Kyle. Liz is all I want. She's my destiny. And I'm not here to ask any of you to go with me because of this." Max shook the map at him. "But I need to know. I need answers, and this is where I'll find them."

"Max," Kyle said, the stress showing in his voice, "I'm sorry,'s just you're being here. Tess has been having strange dreams-flashes. She needs answers too. I think we all do." he said, shrugging his shoulders helplessly.

Serena gasped under her breath as evey head in the room looked in Max's direction. She could feel the bond that held this group together. It was tighter than she had imagined. The knowledge that they would run any risk, even an uncertain future to help Max filled her with awe.

Max closed his eyes for a moment, remembering other days and images. All they had been through. They were strong together, always had been. But he didn't want to put them in danger. He opened his eyes and stared intently at each of them.

"It's my responsibility to do this." Max said emphatically. "No one else is going."

"Not on your life, Maxwell," Michael's voice exploded, as he grabbed the map from Max's hand. "If you go, I go." he said, his eyes avoiding Maria's harsh glare.

Isabelle tightened her grip on Alex's hand as she rose. "I'm going. They're my answers too, Max." she said as Alex nodded his head in affirmation.

Tess removed herself from Kyle's side to stand next to Isabelle. "The four of us will go." she said, her voice echoing across the groan that escaped Kyle's throat.

Liz took Max's hand, lacing their fingers together. Max opened his mouth to protest, but she silenced him by placing her finger against his lips.

"Don't even think about telling me not to go," Liz said, determination flowing through her voice. "My place is with you."

Serena studied the gamut of emotions that spread across their faces as each of them waited for a reaction from Max. It was a mixture of fear and loyalty and resolve.

Maria's voice was low and fell on the silence with a heavy thud of defeat as she slipped her arm through Michael's.

"We'll be needing eight shovels then, right?" she questioned, sending Max a look of stone meant for his eyes only.

Max read the look and nodded at Maria in understanding, knowing that if anything happened to Michael or any of her friends he wouldn't have to worry about what lay beneath the desert floor. It would be him.

"Fine," Max said, giving in. "We'll do this together. We'll leave on Monday morning, and Serena goes with us. We'll get her a motel room in Roswell while we go dig for our answers. Do you all agree?" he asked.

The group agreed with one voice.

It had been a long day for all of them. Kyle and Tess began to make up the hide-a-bed, and Alex and Isabelle agreed to sleep in the RV with Serena. The need to not be seperated filled them all. Lights were switched off and the house grew quiet.


Max leaned against the back of the bedroom door with a sigh of relief. He was grateful the reunion had gone as well as it had, amazed at the way they had all joined together again. God, he was so lucky to have such good friends.

He could hear Liz in the bathroom as he surveyed the room that was decorated with her life. Pictures, books, it was almost like being in her room again in Roswell. He wandered through her treasures, touching them-remembering-smelling the candle burning on the dresser. He ran his fingers across the dried petals of the roses that hung from the mirror. When his gaze reached the strip of photos beneath the roses, his eyes stung with tears, and he fought to control them. He had barely won the battle when he felt her by his side.

She placed her head in the hollow of his shoulder like it was instinct. "I never gave up on you, Max. I always knew I'd find you." she said with a smile. She brushed back the dark hair that fell across his forehead as she led him away from the mirror.

They sat together on the bed, and she took his hand, placing it between both of hers., gently rubbing the top of his hand with the tips of her fingers. He hadn't realized knuckles could be so sensual, or thumbs so erotic. The stimulation swamped his senses, and he went wild with desire. She leaned against him, sending a hiss of wind as her hair brushed against his cheek.

"Why did you keep the roses?" he mumbled against her ear.

"To remember you by." she mumbled back.

Her neck was in danger. She thought of glowing hickies. The thought faded as the heat rose up inside her.

She caressed him, grazing her fingers along his powerful back, feeling the flow of muscle. The sweet hunger surrounded her, and she ate him with her eyes.

He pushed her back on the bed, his eyes turning to smoke, The momentum of his passion increasing with every breath. She surrendered herself to him as they fought to reach the pinnacle of the mountain they were climbing. Winds of desire whipped the air, careening through the curves and crevices of their bodies as they clung to the thin line of ecstasy that would send them soaring to the peak. The fury of her heartbeat spread across his thighs as love struck home. Flames consumed them and his eyes crumbled as she melted under love's impact.

The descent from the heights of rapture was slow and unhurried as they lingered in the velvet limbo that was hesitant to release them from the intimacy they had shared. They fell asleep, his mouth full of kisses, his hands tangled in her hair. The rose of his life that only came into bloom with his touch.


The shapeshifter fashioned the dream and sent it across the currents of air. A tiny tendril, the finest wisp of energy. It slipped beneath the doorway and found it's way into the muscle and sinew of their bodies. It skipped along the arteries and veins, permeating their cells, coming to rest in the recesses of their minds. It connected them, whispering repeatedly---*Hurry, you must hurry. Time is short.*

Max woke with a start, fumbling for his pants, Liz following quickly, her eyes wide. Michael's knock never reached the door as Max swung it open to find Maria and Michael,along with Kyle and Tess, staring at him with mouths agape. The front door opened suddenly as Isabelle and Alex rushed through, Serena on their heels, her eyes filled with confusion.

"Did you.." Max began

"Yes." Michael responded

"We all did." Isabelle said with a shudder. "We've been dreamwalked, and connected to share the dream."

"Serena, you too?" Max asked, noticing the look in her eyes.

"Yes," she whispered shakily. "I saw it."

Four green pulsating pods, the circle of stones. All of them standing together beneath the desert sky. Serena glowing as she smiled at each of them in turn, beckoning them to follow her to the pod chamber.

Michael opened his mouth to speak, and Max raised his hand to silence him. Max's eyes were dark at first, then flickered with a flame that rested just below the surface of his expressive stare. His face became hard and his voice was full of authority when he spoke, startling them all.

"That's it," Max said, the sense of urgency rising in his chest. "whatever's out there waiting, calling us, we need to go now."


Carnival Of Souls M/L PG13 Updated Chapter 13 8/12/03

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 1:21 am
by cherie
Carnival Of Souls

Chapter 13

The Granolith responded to Courtney's touch with a steady hum of recognition, it's ebb and flow calming her, filling her soul with it's fluent rhythm. She could feel the damage that had been caused by the modifications applied by the future version of Max Evans. She sensed the disruption in it's vibrations, yet still it sang to her. Melodies of the ancients, songs of her people.

Even here on Earth, in another timeline, the King had chosen to use his gifts to prevent chaos. Had he known, she wondered, the predicament he would leave behind when he ceased to exist. Of course he had, she reasoned. He had known full well the ramifications of his actions. She didn't know whether to curse him or praise him.

Courtney watched the shapeshifter moving silently between the pods, grateful that the uneasy alliance they had formed would allow her to complete her mission. Of the group who had been sent to Earth to regain possession of the Granolith, only she still lived. The husks had decayed with the passage of time and the others had returned to the dust. Even Vanessa had been destroyed. What a fool, Courtney thought, confronting Isabelle like that. Vanessa should have known better.

Remembering how her own errors in judgement had come close to causing her own destruction, Courtney sighed with regret as she circled the Granolith. The boy named Michael may have known her in another lifetime, but he had no memory of her in his present form. The realization of how little knowledge the four royals had of their origins or purpose had truly shocked her. Michael had even tried to kill her. Jumping from the window to save herself had been the only means of

Only after following the surviving shapeshifter did she realize how terribly wrong things had gone. The map had been entrusted to a human-and she had followed him to Tampa to retreive it. When the old man died, she continued her quest, the determination fueling the need to stalk his Granddaughter and break into her apartment, hoping to find the map there.

She had been intercepted by the shapeshifter at the bus depot, and after listening with a great amount of trepadition, had reluctantly agreed to assist the old woman. It was the only way. Courtney felt an empathy towards her companion. They did, after all, share a common goal, each of them desperate to bring this long journey to an end. Hers to return the Granolith to the Temple of her people, the shapeshifter's to ensure the return of the royals to the throne.

How ironic, Courtney thought, that the young Max Evans was the key. The intregal piece of the puzzle. Even had she been successful in securing the map, it would have been useless to her. Only he could set in motion the fragile plan to redeem them all and restore the balance. He alone held the power that would release the crystal she needed to repair the Granolith, and the secrets the shapeshifter required to complete her mission. Max Evans held the fate of two worlds in his hands. He was the catalyst-the force that had created this dilemma from beginning to end.

The shapeshifter's words cut through Courtney's thoughts, and she stopped, removing her hand from the Granolith, a trace of it's song still clinging to her fingertips.

"They will be here soon," the old woman said, her eyes dark as she glanced towards Courtney. "Do you require more energy?"

"Not now," Courtney replied, " but later, when they arrive. I will need to be at full strength to repair the damage for the journey.." Her voice faltered. "For your journey home." She finished the sentence with a bitter tone on her tongue.

The shapeshifter ignored the harsh retort. "I did not expect such resistance at this point," she said.

"Just what did you expect?" Courtney snapped. "You could be lying to me, using me."

The old woman approached her, touching her arm gently, her voice suddenly warm. "I expect you to fulfill your part of the bargain. In exchange for returning the royals I have given you my pledge that the Granolith will be placed once again in the Temple where it belongs. It will be the first order of the King when he claims the throne. That is not a lie." she told her firmly.

"You ask much of me," Courtney replied, a shudder shaking her body. "You realize what it means for me?"

"I ask no more than you were willing to sacrifice when you offered your life to return the Granolith. You accepted that responsibility with honor. Why do you question it now? the shapeshifter asked.

Courtney squared her shoulders, remembering her vow. "I am resigned to my fate," she said. "I will do whatever is neccessary. You know that. The part I play in this plan is equally as important as yours" Her voice was full of pride.

The old woman regarded her kindly. "I cannot prevent what is going to happen, but I honor you for your courage. And I will keep my promise." she said, the pride in her own voice matching that of the Skin.

In the shadow of the eerie green glow of the chamber the Grqnolith sang as the pods pulsated. Once enemies, now allies, united by the oaths they had taken on another world, the two aliens waited.


They took all the vehicles, for safety's sake, parking them in different locations leaving the keys in the ignitions. The RV was hidden behind a large rock for Serena to stay in. To keep her distanced from the actual area they would be digging in. Serena was not happy with that decision.

Serena tapped Max angrily on the shoulder, interuppting his conversation with Michael.

"You will not leave me here, Max." Serena exploded, her eyes ablaze. "I'm in the dream, I'm connected to you, all of you" she said as she swept the group with her arm. "I don't care if you like it or not, I'm going with you."

Max opened his mouth.

"Don't even," Serena snarled, moving closer to him, her head high and defiant, her pregnant belly pressed into his stomach. "I don't genuflect well."

Michael stared at Serena in complete awe. No way Max was going to win this one. She was stubborn, he thought. Just like Hal.

Max looked at the group, beseeching them with his eyes, seeing the *You're on your own* look returned to him seven fold. He shrugged his shoulders with a helpless sigh to accompany the gesture.

Shaking a finger at her, Max attempted to regain control. ""Fine, but you stay with one of us at all times." he told her. "You don't go wandering off alone, and you get out of here immediatley if there's any show of force, Understand?"

Serena's defensive air melted as she nodded her head in agreement. "I'll be fine, Max," she said as she stood beside Liz.

Maria and Serena rode in the Jetta behind the group as they trudged towards their destination. The headlights bouncing across their back as they talked among themselves.

"Michael," Max questioned, "did any of you go back to the pod chamber, to the Granolith after I left?"

Michael thought for a moment, remembering that Max had only been there once after Isabelle had discovered the Granolith the night she killed the Congresswoman.

"Twice." Michael replied. "Once to show Maria. It was the day I met Hal Carver. After you left, Isabelle, Tess and I took everything alien related, you know, the orbs, the healing stones, the destiny book. We left them inside. None of us have been been back.." Michael's voice trailed off.

Isabelle took up his sentence. "It didn't seem right, Max, without you there. I mean, to go back."

"After Liz told all of us about the other you coming from the future, and you left Roswell," Tess continued, "I realized you and I had no destiny. Whatever happened between us--before--in that other life didn't seem to matter. With Nasedo gone, we just moved on. And I fell in love with Kyle."

Max nodded his head in understanding. "We don't even know what a Skin is or why they are our enemies," Max told them. Nasedo told us nothing. We're more in the dark now than we were then."

"Max, " Isabelle said, her voice faltering, "there's something I need to tell you. Before I killed Whitaker she told me I had betrayed you in that other life. That I had loved another, an enemy." She glanced at Michael. "And my betrayal cost us all our lives." She began to cry.

Max took her in his arms. "I don't believe that, Isabelle, not for a minute." he said.

"But how do you know that I didn't,Max?" Isabelle sobbed. "We don't know anything about what happened there or what's going on here. Why did the old woman give Hal the map?" Her voice shook. "God, I can't believe we're back where we started. Searching for answers. Why can't things just stay normal?"

"Because we're not normal," Max said with a tremulous sigh. "And someone wants us to know the truth. That's why we've all been brought here. I can feel it., I just know it."


The lights from the jetta beamed on the progress as they dug and the hole began to deepen. Small piles of dirt grew inch by inch, as the desert struggled to hold it's secret. Their breathing became ragged and only the occasional clink of one shovel banging another could be heard.

Max jumped when he felt the reverberation travel through the handle, making his palms tingle as the shovel head hit the solid mass. Michael, Kyle and Alex joined him as they fell to their knees and began to rake the dirt furiously from the object, pulling it from the depths of the ground.

Gathering around the object they were struck by it's beauty. It appeared to be made of the same metal as the tiny shred Hal Carver had recovered from the crash site.

It gleamed, the silver finish reflecting the moonlight, tiny prizms rose from the intricatly marked designs that decorated it. Some familiar shapes they recognized, others were new. It was small, about the size of a briefcase, but with no handle. And no apparant openings, seams, clasps or latches.

Michael looked at Max quizically. "Any ideas on how we open this?" he asked.

Max turned the box over again and again, running his hands across the metal, fingers searching for an opening. "I haven't got a clue." he said, clearly frustrated.

"Maybe we can zap it." Michael suggested, raising his hand, eliciting a barrage of protests from the group. Maria rushed to his side quickly pulling his arm down.

"Don't you dare, Michael," Maria shouted. "You don't know what could happen. You could blow us all to Hell."

"Max," Kyle hollered, "tell him, order him if you have to. Tell him to leave the damn thing alone."

Max turned his head to confront Michael, and from the corner of his eye he caught the tiny red glow against the outcrop of rocks that housed the pod chamber. The others followed the direction of his gaze as the glow advanced along the trail downward. Suddenly the glow began to arc across the desert sky, becoming a shower of flashing red sparks, giving off just enough light to catch the two shadowy figures descending the path.

Max motioned for the others to back up as he, Michael, Isabelle and Tess took their stand, hands outstretched , ready to shield against or blast whatever appeared.

The cigarette landed at Max's feet and he raised his eyes as Agnes stepped forward, followed by Courtney. The air tightened around the lungs of the individuals who were clustered together in that small area, astonishment covering their faces.

Agnes spoke directly to Max. "You have found the box, I see." she said, pointing toward the jetta where it lay on the hood.

Max felt a sudden jolt of panic sizzle through his body as he faced the woman he had always thought of as a grouchy, lazy, insolent waitress from the Crashdown Cafe. It was inconcievable she could be a shapeshifter, a protector.

Michael pitched forward, his hand raised, stepping in front of Max. "Move back, now," he said vehemently, "or I swear I"ll kill you. And that bitch, too." he added, nodding towards Courtney.

Agnes flashed him a sardonic smile. "You would kill me?" she asked "Before hearing me out? How human you've become, Michael," she said cynically. "Distrusting everyone and everything around you. Fearing that which you do not understand."

Max recovered from the state of astonishment he had been thrown into, his fingers stroking his temples as he eyed Agnes warily. "Was it you who brought us here?" he asked. "Did you bring us all together?"

Agnes stood silent, as she studied the man who stood before her. She did not want to agitate him any more than was neccessary.

"Answer me." Max said, his voice as cold as stone.

Agnes did as she was commanded. "Yes, I orchestrated the events that drew you all here," she said with no emotion in her voice. "But not to harm you in any way. I want to help you. But," she added tensely, "you must assist me in return."

"In what way?" Max questioned. "Why do you require our help? Isn't it your job as protector to help us?"

"It is our duty." Agnes replied.

"Then I hope you have a better understanding of duty than Nasedo did." Max told her, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Realizing the danger of provoking him, and the unstable atmosphere of the situation, Agnes changed her demeanor. "The Granolith and the royals must be sent home." she stated matter of factly. "I need you to open the box in order to do that."

"I'm not opening anything," Max told her. "And we are not going anywhere. Not in the Granolith, not in a space ship. Earth is our home now, and we're not leaving."

"No, you are not going." Agnes replied, a hint of sorrow in her voice. "You can never go back. You are too.." she searched their eyes hoping they would understand. "Too alien." she said in a whisper.

Michael was stunned as the word slipped from her mouth, his mind heaving with mental indigestion as he thumped his palms against either side of his head.

"Are you crazy?" Michael shouted. "It wasn't enough that we're aliens in this world, but we're aliens on our own world as well? Jesus, what were you people thinking? Or were you fucking thinking at all?"

"Please," Agnes pleaded, as she measured the reaction to her words as it registered on their faces. "I want to help you."

"What are you going to do?" Michael sneered. "Dazzle us with crop circles, mutilate a few cows?" He hesitated. "Oh, I get it. You're damage control, right?"

"Be quiet, Michael." Max said fiercely. "Let's hear what she's got to say. And if we don't like it," he added, giving Agnes and Courtney a look that promised utter destruction, "I'll kill them myself."


Carnival Of Souls M/L PG13 Chapter 14 8/19/03

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 7:21 pm
by cherie
Carnival Of Souls

Chapter 14

In the center of Max's brain a light exploded, then blinked out with a ferocity that pulled him down into the inky blackness. Max felt his mind corkscrew into darkness, spiraling down as an inner voice scraped across his memory like the dull edge of a blunt knife. *You caused this* the voice mocked. *with your desire to live in two worlds.* Strong, the pull was strong as Max was plunging into the black hole that was calling his name.

"Max. MAX. For God's sake, Max. wake up." The roar of many voices surrounded him, but the rich tones of Liz's voice broke through the clamor as it wrenched him from the gloom that enveloped him. The beacon that was her eyes urging him, guiding him upward as he fought with all his strength to reach her. Propelling his body out of the darkness, Max felt her catch him as he landed in the safety of her arms.

"Liz," he whispered, his voice dazed, "what happened??

Looking around, he realized with a start where he was. In the pod chamber. Everyone was here. He vaguely remembered the trek up the path, the whooshing sound his heart had made as it pumped adreniline through his body while he stared into his own face lying inside the pulsating pod. He recalled the tremble in his knees as he stumbled towards the Granolith, falling against it, only to be repelled the instant he touched it. His body had been hurled against the solid rock of the wall, pitching him into the black void.

He lay on the floor in Liz's arms as the faces above him spun round and round. Arms were pulling at him as he struggled to get to his feet. Michael's hand circled around his wrist, jerking him up. He steadied himself against the cool surface of the wall, closing his eyes to test his memory and regain his equilibrium.

I'm no good to anyone like this, Max thought to himself. I can't protect them in this weakened state. Determination welled up inside him as he opened his eyes to meet Courtney's grim smile.

"Explain to me what just happened." Max instructed as he advanced toward the Skin.

Courtney stood next to the Granolith, her eyes unwavering as she stared at him. "It remembers you, recognizes your touch. You hurt it, you know." she said softly, her eyes wide.

'But I've touched it before," Max said defensivly, "and it didn't react like that. What did I do to hurt it?"

"This vessel is a living thing." Courtney informed him. "It holds the souls of my people. When you modified it-came back to change the future, you inflicted damage and interuppted the harmony it creates. You had no right to meddle with time." she admonished, her voice sullen as she continued to run her hands gently across the Granolith's surface as if she were seeking to ease it's pain.

Max glanced across the chamber to the spot where the four pods lay side by side. Tess, Isabelle and Michael were staring intently at the exact replicas of themselves encased in the pulsating hulls. Maria, Alex and Kyle were at their sides. Abandoning Courtney to her ministrations, Max stood over the likeness of himself once again, watching the steady rise and fall of his duplicate's chest , Liz and Serena flanking him on either side.

"Agnes, you need to tell me what's going on." Max said, his voice echoing across the chamber to where Agnes stood, her dark eyes never blinking as she leaned against the wall, studying the group as a whole.

"As you wish." Agnes replied. "Where would you like me to start?"

"Let's start with the crash and work our way forward," Max told her, "and don't leave any gaps or spaces that have to be filled in later. I'm not in the mood for games. I expect, no, I demand the truth from you." Max said harshly.

The chamber grew silent as Agnes weaved her way between the pods, touching each one gently.

"There were four of us on the ship." Agnes began. "There was a malfunction. When we crashed, two died instantly. Only myself and the one you called Nasedo survived. He was hurt, but still able to assist me. The humans were at the site before we had a chance to remove your pods to safety. We hid and watched as they took you away. We followed only after you were in their possession."

Agnes paused, nodding toward Serena. "Had it not been for your Grandfather's intervention, we would all have been exterminated. When he tripped the alarm, we created a mind warp and removed the pods, bringing them here, to this place. Unfortunately, Nasedo returned to the base to retrieve the remaining materials needed for your incubation period. On the last return, he was captured." Agnes shuddered. "I can only imagine the horrors he suffered at their hands." she said with a tremor in her voice.

Max knew, but he swallowed the bile that crept into his throat, and quickly surpressed the wave of naseau that welled up in his gut.

The small group listened to Agnes's tale, engrossed by her voice as she spoke, her narrative broken with an occasional sigh.

"I became the person you see before you," Agnes continued. "I worked various jobs, became a part of the Roswell community. I learned to blend in with the humans. That is how I came to work at the Crashdown.
I bought a house with a basement, and made a choice. A difficult choice." she mumbled, almost to herself. "I choose four pods and kept them in my basement, nourishing them and teaching them as I was instructed. I returned them to this place only six months ago, to make the final preperations for their journey home."

Isabelle eyed Agnes coldly. "You mean to tell me that you just left us here, abandoned us, after cloning..or engineering..whatever the hell you did.. to fend for ourselves? While these others-"-Isabelle waved her arm wildly at the pods, "were cared for and deemed perfect by your standards to be sent to our home planet? God, that's just insane. You're insane." she shouted, pacing back and forth angrily.

Agnes shifted her weight uncomfortably. "only four of you could have been returned in the end." she told Isabelle. "Provisions were made to ensure the remaining four a full life on Earth."

Tess was furious, her voice shrill as she confronted Agnes. "What about the destiny book?" she questioned, her blue eyes flashing. "Why was I left alone while the others broke free? And when Nasedo found me, why was I led to believe my destiny was to be with Max? "

Agnes voiced her choice of words carefully as she struggled to make a valid case for her position as protector to the royals.

"Nasedo was broken," Agnes said, returning Tess's glare. "The damage done to him at the hands of his captors was irreparable. He retained only bits and pieces of what our mission was about. The message from the orbs was correct, but it was not meant for you. It was meant for my charges. Nasedo planted memories in Liz's mind that caused the orbs to be found and used before their intended time." Her voice faded as she took a deep breath.

Michael lost the battle with his voice to be silent, questions burning on his tongue, aching to be answered.

"How long have you known about us?" Michael asked, his voice splitting the air.

"I've always known who you were." Agnes replied, her tone low.

"Then why didn't you make yourself known to us? Help us?" Michael was seething. "Do you have any idea of the shit we've been through? The FBI? Max being captured?" his anger was rising as he spoke.

"It was not my place to interfere with your growth and development." Agnes answered him quietly. "I had my own agenda to consider. My own responsibilities were of a higher priority than your problems." her body stiffened , knowing how heartless she must seem in their eyes.

"Then why the fuck are you so interested in our 'growth and development' now?" Michael said, making quotation marks in the air with his fingers. "Why are we so vital to your so called agenda, since these four seem all packed and ready for a rocket ride home?" He shot a look of disdain toward the pods.

Courtney stepped up to stand beside Agnes, sensing the old woman was losing ground and needed her help.

"Michael," Courtney said, "you were never meant to be less than these four. Had it not been for Max's interference by crossing timelines, you would be the ones going home. Max chose this path you are on now. He created a different future so you could remain on Earth with the ones you have chosen to love." Courtney's gaze fell on Maria.

"I did not mean to hurt you," Courtney apologized to the small blonde standing by Michael's side. "I only needed the information from Michael where the Granolith was hidden."

Maria gave Courtney a look full of animosity. She can apologize all day long as far as I'm concerned, she's still a skanky bitch, Maria thought to herself. But Maria held her tongue.

"You see," Courtney explained, "The Granolith was sent to bring the royals home. A treaty was signed between the warring races. Since it's movement cannot be detected by radar or other human technologies , it was sent to this cave by the shapeshifters, and when the orbs were activated, my people, the Skins, began to search for the Granolith. It is our most revered religious artifact."

Courtney's voice began to weaken, but she continued. "The allotted time the shapeshifter race asked for when the use of the Granolith was granted to them ran out over fifty years ago. A group of my people were sent to bring it home. I am the only one of my kind left here with the knowledge to send it back."

"What about Whitaker?" Max asked, confused. If she was only after the Granolith to return it to your people, why did she kill Nasedo and kidnap Tess?"

"I killed Nasedo," Courtney confessed, witthout a trace of remorse or explanation in her voice. "And Vanessa's biggest mistake was to confront Isabelle, knowing she had no knowledge of the Granolith's whereabouts." Courtney snickered a little, much to the surprise of the group. "Vanessa hated you, Vilandra, in your previous life. What she told you the night you killed her was not the truth. You never betrayed your brother."

Every eye in the room turned to Isabelle, whose face wore a look of bewilderment as Max searched her eyes for an answer to the question
she never gave him a chance to ask.

"My name, her name, actually," Isabelle said shakily. pointing toward her duplicate, is Vilandra."

"What are their names?" Max asked, as he moved toward the pods. "These other three?"

'Ava," Agnes answered, indicating Tess. "Rath, your second," pointing to Michael. "and Zan. Your name was Zan."

"And our planet?" Max continued.

"Antar, in the Whirlwind Galaxy," Agnes replied.

Liz had remained silent, content to let Max and the others question the two women, but her mind was filling with questions as well.

"What exactly did Max do to change the timeline. Agnes? I mean, besides his visit to me?" Liz asked the woman she had worked beside for so many years.

Agnes looked at Liz and her eyes softened. "Max came to see me as well. He brought me the map and told me to give it to Captain Carver. To reveal myself to him. I did as I was instructed." There was more to tell, but the time was not right, Agnes thought to herself, deciding to wait before revealing everything.

"Let me show you something." Agnes said to all of them, as she waved her hand over a space on the ground. A small pool of water appeared. She picked a pebble off the floor of the cave and dropped it into the pool. The water began to ripple, tiny wavelets flowing outward to the edge of the water. "Cause and effect." Agnes said. "When Max came through the Granolith, he ripped the fabric of time, and the tear went outward weakening the pods. Tess's pod was the farthest out, so it was the least affected. Which is why the three of you emerged first. Tess was left behind, and when Nasedo finally remembered where the pods had been hidden, she was the only one he found." Agnes told them. " As I told you before, he was damaged." she said this in the form of an apology for her misguided companion.

The sound of Max's sharp intake of breath could be heard as the slow understanding of what he had done began to creep into his mind.

"And, Tess," Agnes asked ,her voice curious. "what did you call this book? The destiny book?" Agnes held the book out for Tess to see.

"That's what Nasedo said it was." Tess answered. "The pictures show Max and I together, as well as Isabelle and Michael. And in the book, I'm pregnant. Nasedo said it was what was meant to be."

There was a hint of sympathy in Agnes's voice as she faced them all. "I am sorry you were so misled. This book has nothing to do with destiny. At least not in the sense you were led to believe." she said gently.

"Well, what the hell is it, then?" Kyle asked. All this alien shit was getting out of hand, and he had come to the conclusion after all he'd heard this evening, that for a supposedly superior race of beings, Agnes and Courtney were not the best represenatives they could have sent.

"It's a manual for genetic coding," Agnes told them. "to make it possible for the four remaining on Earth to reproduce--to have children with humans. You do wish to procreate, do you not?" she questioned, her eyes sweeping the four couples as they gaped at her in astonishment.

"That's where I come in, isn't it?" Serena said as she stepped from the shadows. "That's why I'm in the dream."


Carnival Of Souls M/L PG13 Chapter 15 Updated 8/28/03

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 3:47 pm
by cherie
Carnival Of Souls

Chapter 15

Max and the others were stunned by Serena's question. As Serena walked toward Agnes, Max reached out, grabbing her by the elbow trying desperately to pull her back into the safety of the group. Serena wrenched her arm free, continuing forward as if every moment in her life had led her to this destination.

"I remember you now." Serena said, her eyes sliding over the shapeshifter slowly. "You were in the bar the night I was drunk. The night my child was concieved." Serena rubbed her hands across the swollen expanse of her stomach, her voice low pitched and somber. "What did you have to do with the orchestration of this blessed event?" she asked with a smirk.

Agnes seemed to shrink as she suffered under the glare from the green eyes that pierced her. She splayed her hands apart in a forlorn gesture of helplessness.

"Your Grandfather was a good man, a compassionate human. You carry his strength. That is why you were chosen." Agnes said, her voice calm. "I meant you no disrespect when I planted the desire for mating in your mind, as well as the man's you were dancing with. I needed you to be with child to complete what must be done."

Agnes's voice faltered as Max and Michael edged closer to Serena, prepared to move her out of danger if it became neccessary.

"Is my baby human?" Serena asked.

"Of course he's human." Agnes replied. "Why would you think otherwise?"

"Maybe because you've taken it upon yourself to manipulate every person.." Serena glanced around the chamber fleetingly. "Every alien, hybrid, human and whatever in God's name you've created in those artificial wombs." she said, continuing to berate the old woman. "Including the man who fathered this child."

Agnes took a deep breath. She was tired. So goddamn tired. And angry. Suddenly she was angry. The agony and frustration began to rise in her chest as the children-yes, they were children still, she reminded herself.
Children who had the audacity to question her motives. She had dedicated over fifty years of her life for them. Had been stranded on this planet, left alone to pick up the pieces and complete a mission that had been almost doomed from the start. Almost, but not quite. And now, with success within her reach and the prospect of returning home a real possibility, this small group threatened everything she had struggled to achieve. Even their own existence.

Agnes moved towards Max , her voice determined and her dark eyes black as coal. "You," she said, "need to listen closely to what I have to tell you, if you wish to live." Her eyes surveyed the people who stood before her. "All of you, each and every one, needs to gather your strength, make a decision. If ever a test of your loyalties to one another needs to be affirmed, now is the time."

"This," Agnes said, her gaze encompassing the entire chamber, "is the real alien abyss, not the one you are so fond of joking about. And we have work to do."

Max felt conflicted by Agnes's outburst. He not only sensed the anger she was feeling, but also the truth that rang in her words. He knew in his heart that she was truly trying to help them, to right the wrongs that had been done to them all, herself and Courtney included. He realized she was nothing like Nasedo. An inner calm seemed to fill him and he could feel his respect for the shapeshifter growing as he watched her retreat to the back of the chamber, returning with the box in her hands, offering it to him.

"I need you to open this, Max." Agnes said. "There isn't much time." She pointed to Courtney who was leaning motionless against the Granolith. "She's weakening, and the husk will disengrate soon."

"Can I heal her?" Max questioned, his eyes full of pity as he looked at the Skin. "Or at least help her in some way?"

"No." Agnes replied. "Nothing we do will save her. She knows that. When the time comes, she will advise us on how to activate the Granolith."

Michael pulled Max aside with an urgent tug. "Why are you letting her take over, Max? Aren't you supposed to be in charge here? You're the King, right?" Michael huffed. "Act like one. She has to do what you say."

Upon hearing the remarks, Agnes gave Michael a look that made him feel like he was a child. He lowered his eyes to the ground to escape Agnes's scathing look.

"I will do as Max asks to a certain point." Agnes said. "But not because he is a King. The moment he stepped into the Granolith and changed the future, he abdicated the throne. He gave up his kingdom for the love of a woman. For Liz." she said softly.

It was all true, Max thought. In the end, he had brought about the events that were unfolding. He met Liz's eyes, hoping to draw from them the strength and support he needed. Whatever he had done to change the future involved every being inside this chamber, alien and human alike.
The destiny that had once been meant for Michael, Tess, Isabelle and himself now belonged to the four who lay encased in the pods. Somehow, someway, in a future life, he had made a choice to remain on Earth. And in doing so, had forever changed the course of every life that was entwined with his.

Tearing his eyes away from Liz, Max took the box from Agnes, his breath heavy and his heart racing in his chest. He wasn't sure how to open it, but maybe the tried and true method would work, he thought, as he placed the box on the ground and fell to his knees, searching the cool metal with his hand. Finding a small indentation between the symbols, he pressed his palm against it. Without a warning or even a sound, the box flew open, revealing it's contents.

Eight glass vials, each about six inches long, filled half full with a silver liquid that seemed to be boiling, small drops beading against the side, like the mercury in a thermometer. And a crystal. The shape cylindrical, smooth on one end, the opposite end recessed containing a small slot. An opening, like a key was made to fit there.

At the sight of the crystal, Courtney's eyes widened and a look of tranquility spread across her face. She moved from her position and knelt beside Max, as she pulled the crystal from the box. Max did not object, fascinated by the rapture in her eyes. Everyone watched as she carressed the crystal between her palms, twirling it slowly releasing a rainbow of colors that bounced across the walls and ceiling of the chamber. The colors kaleidoscoped around their bodies, quivering as it played against their skin, overwhelming their senses with it's beauty.

The Granolith responded with a faint melody that opened the air as it shimmered slightly, accepting the brilliance of the rainbow as it filtered through the passageway and came to rest in a pool of gleaming colors against it's base.

The sound of Courtney's body hitting the floor with a dull thud pulled them from the eerie display of lights around them. The flesh that covered her was peeling and she looked to be in great pain.

"Michael, Maria," Courtney called weakly, "I need your help."

There was such a faraway look in Courtney's eyes Michael wasn't sure his voice would even reach her.

"What can I do?" Michael asked gently, all anger from their previous encounters forgotten.

Maria could not imagine why Courtney would be asking for her help, but she lowered herself to the ground, a sudden rush of sympathy crossing her heart, as she settled Courtney's head in her lap, recieving a small smile of gratitude from the dying girl.

Taking Michael's hand in hers, Courtney placed it just behind her back at the waist line.

"Here, You have to push here. Hard." Courtney emphasized, running his palm across the small metal disc embedded there. "When you push," she instructed, "be sure to grasp the edges so it rests firmly in your hand."

Courtney pointed to the crystal lying next to her. "The slotted end, the disc fits inside like a key." Her voice was weak. "Insert it, turn it until you hear the click. Once Agnes has completed her tasks and is ready to leave, turn it again for the second click. Once that is completed,drop the crystal into the pool of colors at the base. This will send the Granolith home. Do you understand?" she said, her voice fading.

Michael shook his head slowly as he tried to comprehend why she had chosen him to release her from her pain. Though his mind fought against what she was asking him to do, a part of him accepted that it had to be done. He felt it, knew it instinctivly, like a memory from another time.

"We were friends once, Michael." Courtney told him in a voice barely more than a whisper. "Please help me now."

Michael pulled Courtney gently from Maria and draped her body across his chest, resting her head in the crook of his shoulder as he pushed with all his might against her back, freeing the disc. As the dust that once had been a living breathing entity slipped from his arms and fell to the floor of the chamber, A tiny beam of light floated upward as Courtney's soul entered the Granolith.

The others stood transfixed as they watched the scene unfold before them. It was heartbreaking. Even Agnes felt the loss.

But a sense of pride filled Agnes as well. It had been an honorable death, and the Skin had faced it with courage. In another time and place Courtney's sacrifice would be honored. But not today.

Michael leaned against the rock wall, his eyes blurred with tears as he inserted the disc into the end of the crystal, turning it slowly until the small click reached his ears. The light faded from the Granolith and the surface grew dark as the faint melody faded away.

Agnes broke the silence. "We have twelve hours." she said.


Carnival Of Souls M/L PG 13 Chapter 16 9/11/03

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 7:53 pm
by cherie
AN: I know I got a little behind on this, but I moved and the new server I got just wouldn't cooperate, and I kept tripping over boxes, so I thought it best to put a few things away before I hurt myself. Thank you guys for the nominations on the board. You are so great.

Carnival Of Souls

Chapter 16

There was dead silence for a few seconds. Still shaken by Courtney's death the group stood huddled against the wall. Michael was clearly in despair over what he had done, and Maria was comforting him as best she could.

Isabelle slumped against Alex, and Kyle tucked Tess's head beneath his chin. Max held Liz and Serena close to him under the protection of his arms, Liz on the right and Serena on the left.

"Twelve hours to do what?" Max asked, his voice shaking witth emotion as the silence was finally broken.

Agnes pointed toward the vials still laying inside the box, the liquid boiling slowly. "I need to change your blood. And you lack two chromosones that are required in the human body to reproduce. If your friends are willing," Agnes continued, "I can alter the composition of your blood cells. If this is not done, the four of you will cease to exist."

"You mean we'll turn to dust like Nasedo and Courtney?" Tess asked, remembering that Nasedo had once told her there would be no evidence that they ever existed once they died.

"Exactly." the shapeshifter replied, watching their faces for a reaction, only to be met with nine unbelieving stares.

"It's really quite simple, Agnes said, confident that the group was now hanging on to her every word. "I need blood. From Kyle, Alex, Liz and Maria. It must be male to male, female to female."

"And from me?" Serena asked quietly. "What is it that you need from me?"

"Ambiotic fluid, and a small amount of your skin cells." Agnes told her as she lowered her eyes.

"What else?" Serena prodded, feeling the hesitance in Agnes's voice.

"I need skin cells from the child as well." Agnes replied flatly.

"Oh, my God-" Liz gasped as her hand flew to her mouth. "The chromosones. You're going to create them from Serena and the baby."

Liz's voice was filled with excitement. "Max, do you understand what she's going to do?"

"I think so." Max said, turning his attention to the shapeshifter. "Since we were engineered, or cloned with human DNA, we only have one parent. The original human you cloned us from." Max glanced at Serena. "So by adding Serena's DNA to the mix, she would, in a sense be mine and Michael's mother, right?"

"Yes, yes." Agnes said, pleased that they were beginning to understand her plan.

"And the baby--his DNA added to Tess and Isabelle would give them a father." Max said, moving the pieces around in his mind. The puzzle was coming together.

"So you're going to make genetic cocktails?" Michael said sharply as he snapped his fingers. "Just like that? You haven't even asked Serena how she feels about this." He was still stinging from Courtney's sacrifice.

Serena loosened herself from the safety of Max's arm and crossed the room to stand in front of Agnes. "You take whatever you need." Serena said looking directly into the old woman's dark eyes. "I'll do anything to help them." She glanced at Max with a soft smile, remembering the night he had saved her and the vow she had made to repay his kindness.

Max heard the finality in Serena's voice and knew he could not dissuade her. He had learned from past experience that once her mind was set, no amount of arguing could change it. He shrugged his shoulders in defeat under Michael's cold stare.

"Once I have the blood, the fluid and the skin cells, I can mix it in the vials and make your blood as human as theirs." Agnes told them. "There will be subtle differences, but your blood type will be the same as your donor's. You may wish to discuss among yourselves who your donor will be." she added.

Alex couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Well, I've already saved Max's ass once, so I guess I'll go with Michael this time around." he said dryly as Michael nodded his head to accept the offer.

Kyle stepped up quickly to stand beside Max. "You saved my life, guess I owe you one." he said a grin crossing his lips. Max returned the grin along with a solid pat on the back.

Maria placed her hand on Isabelle's arm. "You can have my blood." she told the tall blonde. "If you want it." Isabelle squeezed Maria's hand as she wondered how they had been so lucky to have found such loyal friends.

Liz and Tess exchanged a small smile. A moment of contact that did not go unnoticed by the others. "I'll be Tess's donor." she said, draping her arm across the small blonde's shoulder.

Agnes was not surprised at how quickly the humans had risen to the occasion without hesitation or doubt. "You have chosen your friends well." she told them.

The air in the chamber had become dank and the musty smell of the closed space surrounded them like a thick blanket. Max realized with a start everyone needed fresh air. He moved to the entrance and placed his hand on the wall, rolling the stone back. The rush of cool desert air filtered into the chamber and Max could smell the pungent odor of dust and sagebrush.

The others followed him out and breathed in the sweet velvet atmosphere.The moon was high and Max glanced at his watch. Midnight. Marty had told him once that midnight always hovered in the dark of the soul, held safe by sleep and dreams, waiting for the break of dawn.

It wasn't the break of the coming dawn that filled him with wonder. It was the willingness of those he held most dear to take the leap of faith Agnes had asked of them. There was no going back. All of the things he had done in the last two years had altered the outcome of the original plan. He knew these people, and marvelled at how unselfish they were. Christ, he thought, twelve hours from now they would be changed--set free. No longer held prisoner by the remnants of a life lived before.

Agnes approached him, placing her hand on his shoulder. "I have much to do." she told him. "You need some rest, all of you do. So go, get some sleep and nourishment. I'll wait for your return in the morning. Can you be here by eight?"

The group responded by nodding their heads yes.

"Are you sure about this, Agnes?" Max asked as he drew her aside. "And Serena and the baby, this isn't going to hurt them in any way, is it?"

"I am almost certain I can do this," Agnes said, keeping her voice low. "and Serena and the child can only benefit from it. You must have faith, Max."

Almost, almost. The word echoed in Max's mind all the way to Roswell, when the rooms were rented and after the goodnights were said.


The shower had refreshed Max's body, but had failed to bring him peace of mind. If Agnes's plan didn't work, his life on earth would end. Every dream he had for a future with Liz would be gone.

He opened the bathroom door, his eyes falling on Liz as she sat on the bed hugging her knees, the wide expanse of the mattress making her seem very small.

"A penny for your thoughts." he said, wishing he were her knees.

She lifted her eyes to his as the shadows of the room danced across her face, and shot him a smile that sent shivers down his spine.

"How is it, Max," she asked, her voice soft, "that someone with such a beautiful soul has such sad eyes?"

"I'm not sad," he told her as he lay on the bed next to her. "just worried. What if it doesn't work? What if Agnes can't help us?" He grasped her hand, closing his eyes as he kissed her palm tenderly. "I love you, Liz. God, how I love you." he whispered to her fingers.

She released her knees and fell back on the pillow, her face resting against his shoulder, aware of the heat from his damp skin. Taking her hand back, she caressed his face, feeling the smoothness of his newly shaven jaw.

Wishing they could live without breathing, Max lowered his head, brushing her lips, wanting to take away all the pain and hurt he had ever caused her. "Liz," he murmured, "no matter what happens tomorrow, remember I love you."

"Then show me." she answered, her voice pulsing with desire.

Her hands traced the muscles along his back, like a shadow drifting across the moon, while she watched his eyes darken to black, like satin.
As the rhytmic thunder of the gathering clouds moved across their bodies like a sudden summer storm, the lightning sizzled through their veins and their lovemaking was becoming combustible. She was glowing with the fire, his breath became the rising breeze that fanned the flames. They bent together like a willow in the wind, no longer two, but one.

He lifted her higher, the powerful muscles in his arms pulling her up as the heat rolled across his groin, crying out for relief. She answered his call with the final sensation, soft as rain, triggering a shuddering reaction like a million shimmering droplets on the surface of their skin. Outside body love sinking inside, cooling the raging inferno to a slow burn.

Max held her close for a long time as she slept, amazed at how her love filled the air, filled his heart. He touched the warmth of her beautiful flesh with his lips, breathing in the wild sweet scent of her before sleep finally claimed him.


Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 10:47 pm
by cherie
AN: I'd like to say that I was abducted by aliens to explain my absence, but that's not true. Real life just reared it's ugly head, and I had to smack it down. Thanks for your patience, and the great FB. And the nominations on the board.

Carnival Of Souls

Chapter 17

Agnes had watched the four couples and Serena as they made their way down the steep incline. She lit a cigarette, sucking hard to pull the nicotine into her lungs. Tobacco. It was one of the few earthly things she would miss.

Perhaps she had done them an injustice, she admonished herself. But it couldn't be changed now. She should have been just a little kinder, stepped in when Nasedo failed to protect them. She rolled the cigarette between her fingers. The fault did not lie with his blunders alone, nor hers, she reasoned.

Max Evans had fallen in love with a human, ripped time and devised the plan that would save them all. Maybe her own methods had been as selfish as his in bringing them all together. She had indeed caused a moral dilemma for Hal Carver's Granddaughter, and she deeply regretted that.

She hoped that Serena would accept the trust fund she had set up for her and the child. She had retired from work, sold the house and all ties to this planet had been severed. She felt a sudden rush of emotion, almost human, as she thought of Hal Carver. She remembered his kind eyes on that night so long ago when he had saved them after the crash.

She sighed heavily, dropping the cigarette, crushing it out with the heel of her shoe. It was time to prepare the pods for the journey. She raised her head to the sky, staring back at the frosty stars. In less than twelve hours she would be going home, taking the hierarchy and the Granolith with her. But first she had to repair the hybrids, and make them as human as she could. It was up to her now to close the rip in time and tie the paradox in a knot, so to speak.


Max jerked the lever with all his strength, sending the coaster up the rail, laughing as the couples inside smiled and waved at him from the cars. He could see their faces, the people he cared about were going to get a fine ride. Michael and Maria, Tess and Kyle, Isabelle and Alex. He waved again at Liz and Serena.

Serena. Something was wrong. She shouldn't be in the car. Pregnant women couldn't ride the coaster. He heard the thud as the coaster plummeted down, and he was powerless to stop it. Thud. Thud. It hammered against his head, and his heart was threatning to leave his chest as the ground shook around him.

"Max, wake up." He heard Liz's voice through the roar in his head. He sat up with a jerk, grabbing Liz and pulling her to his chest, realizing it had only been a dream. Liz had been shaking him.

"There's someone at the door," Liz told him, puzzled at the terrified look on his face.

He could hear the knock now. It was the thud he had heard in his dream. His body trembling, he released Liz, puled his levis on and opened the door just a crack,not sure what was on the other side.

His eyes grew wide as Serena came into view, clutching her stomach, and obviously in pain. Her breath was coming in sharp gasps.

"I'm in labor," Serena told him, her voice ragged. "We need to go now."

Liz, already dressed, appeared beside him at the door. "Get everybody up." Max told her as he guided Serena into the room.

"We need to get you to a hospital," Max told Serena as he lay her on the bed. He checked his watch. It was 6:30. "How far apart are you contractions?" he asked, brushing back the hair from her forehead.

"Eight, maybe six minutes." Serena told him. "But I'm not going to any hospital. We have to get to the pod chamber. Agnes needs me."

"No way.." Max said, shaking his head back and forth.

"You need me." Serena said with determination, grasping his arm, digging her nails in to get her point across.

Before Max had a chance to protest, the others were filing into the room.
Michael caught the look in Max's eyes. It was a look of sheer desperation.

The women surrounded Serena, pushing the men aside to get to her.

Max ran his hand through his hair, unsure what to do. If they took her to a hospital they would never make it to the pod chamber. But if they went to the chamber.. Jesus, he couldn't think.

Michael could feel Max's frustration. "Max, what does she want?" Michael asked, motioning towards Serena.

"She wants to go to the podchamber. So she can help us." Max replied, his voice unsure. "But it's just not right the baby should be born there."

Max was pacing the floor. "It's just not right." he repeated, more to himself than Michael.

"Take me to Agnes." Serena said, looking at Liz, her green eyes flashing. "Make Max take me there..please."

Max heard Serena and crossed the room, kneeling by the bed, taking her hand in his. "Are you sure? What if something goes wrong?" Max asked in a worried voice.

"What could go wrong, Max?" Serena said softly, holding his eyes locked to hers. "You'll be there. And Liz. All of you. I trust you. Nothing will go wrong, I'm just going to have a baby." She squeezed his hand. "It's something women do all the time. No big deal."

Max flinched as another contraction raced through Serena's body. He placed his hand on her stomach, easing the pain just a little. They had talked about this before. Serena wanted the birth to be as natural as possible, so he sent just enough warmth to keep her out of agony.
He could feel the tiny life stirring inside her.

Max leaned down and kissed Serena's cheek. "Alright," he said, knowing she had won again., "we'll go to the pod chamber."

"Michael," Max said as he rose from his kneeling position, "you, Liz and I will take Serena. Isabelle, Tess and Maria need to go to the RV and get blankets and towels. There's a bag in the closet with the baby's things in it that Serena packed."

"Alex, we'll need some food. And coffee." Max continued. "Can you and Kyle take care of that?"

Kyle and Alex headed for the door, as the rest of the group moved swiftly, feeling the urgency in Max's voice. Liz gathered their bags and headed for the car, opening the back door as Michael and Max held Serena between them and placed her in the back seat. Max slid in beside her and Serena lay down and cradled her head in Max's lap.

Liz drove as fast as she dared. She could hear Serena's harsh uneven breathing, and watched through the rear view mirror as Max comforted her. Michael's eyes darted back and forth between the road ahead and the back seat, his knuckles white as he clutched the dashboard until they reached their destination.

Once at the podchamber, Max rushed up the path, placing his hand on the wall and rolling the rock back. Michael and Liz were attempting to help Serena, and Max almost had to laugh. As serious as the situation was, Serena was slapping their hands away,insisting she could climb the hill by herself.

"I'm not helpless." Max heard Serena tell them in that stubborn voice of hers. "I'm quite capable of walking by myself."

Somehow Max knew she would be alright. She was fiesty, headstrong and full of determination. And she was doing a damn good job of intimidating Michael. Max smiled inwardly as he entered the chamber.

Agnes raised her head from the book as Max entered, followed by Serena, Liz and Michael. It was evident that the woman was in labor. She hadn't expected this, but maybe it was just as well. The process could be finished quicker if the child was actually outside the womb.

Max was surprised to see how much Agnes had accomplished during the night. The Granolith was humming again, and the soft melody it sang wafted through the air of the chamber. He could see the pods inside, nestled tightly together in the four compartments that now housed them.

Against the far wall Agnes had created a table that resembled the one he and Liz had shared in biology class. The box containing the vials was open, and several empty vials were lined up in a rack. There was surgical tubing and syringes neatly packaged and as yet unopened.

Both Agnes and Max turned as Isabelle, Maria and Tess came through the entrance, their arms full of blankets and towels and the baby's bag that Serena had packed. They quickly prepared a place for Serena to lay and she had barely made it to the makeshift pallet of blankets when another contraction hit her.

Alex and Kyle came through, and Max closed the entrance. For a moment, the only sound that filled the chamber was Serena's groan and the plop, plop of the dripping liquid from the vials as it edged toward the tubes that Agnes had inserted into each one.

Agnes stepped from behind the table, moving toward Serena. She raised one hand tenatively and touched Serena's face, the other hand making an all encompassing sweep across Serena's midsection. A small stream of fluid pooled in the vial Agnes was holding. Agnes handed the vial to Max and he placed it on the table.

Serena's eyes became large and she gasped as her water broke. She could feel the liquid flowing down her legs. But it was the glow that began to eminate from her body that brought a gasp to Max, and stunned the others.

Serena's body began to shimmer as a complex pattern of lights danced around her, encircling her small form. Agnes motioned to Max. With a swift movement, he joined her, and the two of them stepped inside the dazzling, prismatic light that surrounded Serena. The aura expanded and all of the group were drawn into the circle of brilliant color.

Sweat had formed along Serena's forehead, and her face was pale. But Max noticed how calm her eyes were as she placed her hand on her stomach, her breath coming in small pants.

"Push!" Max heard Agnes say, as the shapeshifter raised her head from underneath the blanket she had draped across Serena's knees.

"Dammit, I am pushing.." Serena grunted, grabbing Max's hand and squeezing it so tight he actually gritted his teeth against the pain.

"I can see the head." Agnes cried, excitement in her voice. "He's almost here."

Max's heart was thumping fast, and he sent Serena another wave of warmth as Agnes told her to push again.

Serena's body suddenly became rigid as the final pain hit, and she pushed with every ounce of strength she had. She raised her fist to her mouth, biting hard on the skin around her knuckles as she felt the scream escape her throat, and her son slipped from her body into Agnes's hands. The brilliant light faded to a soft glow.

Agnes quickly cut the umbilical cord with a wave of her hand, and cleaned
Serena and the baby. She held the tiny being in her arms and was awestruck. He was beautiful. Agnes nodded to Max and he immediatly ran his hands along the length of Serena's body, healing her.

The baby's wail pierced the air and Serena craned her neck, looking for her son. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Agnes rose as Max gently pushed Serena to a sitting position. Serena held out her arms as Agnes relenquished the child to it's mother.

Serena nuzzled the baby's face with her own. "So good to see you at last." she whispered into the tiny ear. Max and the others laughed a little as she studied his little face and counted his fingers and toes.

"What?" Serena said, looking up as she felt evey eye in the small space focused on her and the baby. "Just checking." she said, surpressing a small giggle.

As everyone swarmed around Serena to welcome the newest addition to their tightly knit group, Agnes returned to the table. She opened the book and flipped through the pages. She found the small instruments she needed and held them in her hands.

"Liz," Agnes called, making her voice rise above the happy sounds everyone was making, "Would you care to assist me?"

The scientist in Liz bubbled to the surface. "Of course." Liz replied, thrilled that not only had she just witnessed the miracle of birth, but she would also play a part in Max's and the others transformation.

Agnes handed Liz two small blades. "I need skin cells from Serena and the child. Would you get them for me?" Agnes asked.

Liz nodded, and approached the new Mother and her baby. "This might sting a little." Liz said as Serena offered her arm for the scrape. When it was done, Serena held the baby tightly as Liz scraped his small arm. A red welt appearered and Liz frowned.

"Make that better, Max." Liz said as the baby began to whimper. "And would one of you get a small blanket to wrap him in? He could be cold."
Liz barely noticed Maria get up, as she went to give Agnes the samples.

Maria looked around the chamber, and her heart almost burst with joy. Liz was scurrying around helping Agnes. Michael and Max were fluffing pillows to put behind Serena's back. Alex and Kyle were rolling up their sleeves as Isabelle and Tess prepared to draw their blood.

Maria closed her eyes as the prayer crossed her lips. "Please let everything be okay." she whispered to herself.


Carnival Of Souls Chapter 18

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 6:13 pm
by cherie
AN: Sorry about being so late in my updates. Real Life and all that crap. I'd like to thank all of you for the nominations for both this story and September And Other Sorrows. Just that I was mentioned fills my heart with joy. You guys are awesome. Thanks again, Cherie.
P.S. This chapter is kinda short, but I wanted to get it out.

Carnival Of Souls

Chapter 18

Max stood beside Agnes as she carefully poured the blood into the vials. A small amount of ambiotic fluid and miniscule skin cells were measured and added as well. The mixture bubbled a bit and the once silver liquid became dark red, almost syrupy, both in color and texture alike.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Max asked. He couldn't help but notice how tired Agnes looked. More than tired, he thought. Weary.

"It's almost done." Agnes told him, arching her back just a little to relieve the ache between her shoulders. She was exhausted, but she gave Max a smile, the fine lines at the corners of her eyes crinkling as she looked into his face.

Max put his hand on her shoulder as he returned her smile. "I just wanted to thank you," he said. "for everything you've done. For making it possible for us to stay on Earth."

"It isn't over yet, Max." Agnes replied, shaking her head. "The four of you will have to be asleep,you need to be completly immobile in order for the process to work. Do you think everyone will agree to that?" the old woman questioned.

"For how long?" Max asked warily, removing his hand from her shoulder. He wanted so desperatley to trust her,to believe in what she was doing.
But concern for the group rushed foremost to his mind. Their safety and wellbeing was his primary concern.

"No longer than twenty minutes." Agnes replied. "Go now and talk to them. I need to have their trust in order to do this."

Max walked across the chamber, approaching the others as they sat in a circle around Serena and the baby talking in hushed tones.

"We need to talk." Max said, joining them as he sank to the floor next to Liz.

Michael's jaw began to clench tightly as he studied Max's face. He could see clearly that Max was concerned about something.

"Just spit it out, Max." Michael said, drawing Maria close to him. He could feel her tension and he hoped his gesture would calm her. Maria leaned into his side with a heavy sigh as Michael kissed her lightly on the cheek and felt her relax just a little.

"Agnes says we'll be asleep. We have to be completely still while the change takes effect." Max told them, his eyes scanning their faces for a reaction. It was swift in coming.

Alex and Kyle stiffened and Maria released a gasp, followed by looks of disbelief from the others. Serena shifted a little to rise, and the baby let out a tiny cry. Liz stared at Max, open mouthed, and he caught the spark of uncertainty that filled her eyes. It was gone as quickly as it had come, as Liz reaced out and brushed the top of his hand.

"Not all four of us at once." Michael stated, his voice crackling with doubt.
"If all of us are down for the count, it leaves the others vulnerable."

Michael leaned forward, grabbing Max by the arm. "That can't happen, Max. I won't allow it. I'm not leaving Maria or anyone else unprotected while Agnes works her hocus pocus. I still don't trust her." he said, setting his jaw.

"I agree," Max said quietly. "But there's not much time." Two hours, he noted as he glanced at his watch. "We need to decide who goes first. You still have the crystal, don't you?" Max asked.

Michael nodded his head silently, wrapping his fingers around the length of the object in his pocket. He suddenly realized where Max was going with this. Effectively, the crystal could be used as a bargaining chip. If anything went wrong, he would destroy it, eliminating any chance of Agnes activating the Granolith and leaving.

"Two at a time," Michael declared."you and Isabelle first." He felt Maria's body go rigid as the words left his mouth. "And I want everyone else outside."

Michael shot a glance at Kyle and Alex and they nodded in understanding.
"Tess, while we're in here, I need you to protect everyone else outside. And this," he said, placing the crystal in Tess's hands. "If that entrance doesn't open in thirty minutes, you destroy the crystal and get everyone the hell away from here."

The look on Michael's face left no doubt as to how serious he was, and even though Maria and the others began to protest, Max raised his voice, silencing them all.

"Do as Michael says," Max said forcefully. "Everyone but the three of us goes outside."

Agnes watched them discuss the matter, her keen ears not missing a word of their heated conversation. She understood their hesitation.
Despite all they had been through, they were fiercly loyal to one another.
Even Max, whose two year absence had almost brought about the failure of her mission, had once again claimed his position as leader with a fluid grace that amazed her.

And Agnes was immmensly pleased with Michael for his obvious dedication to his duty. To protect them at all costs. She admired his willingness to step up and place himself in the line of fire for their safety.

Even though there was no longer any doubt in her mind that the mission would suceed, she listened quietly and without protest as Max and Michael instructed her as to how their plan was going to be carried out. She would let them have their due. They had been through enough to get to this point, and it wouldn't hurt her a bit to acknowledge that, she decided. She nodded in agreement as the two men explained what was going to happen.

"Isabelle and I will go first," Max said, his eyes never leaving Agnes's face.
"Michael will stay inside to make sure everything goes the way it's supposed to. The others will be outside the chamber. With Tess protecting them. And the crystal will be outside as well," he emphasized, watching her face closely for any change in expression.

"As you wish." Agnes told him, making her voice sound as humble as she could. "But we need to hurry."

The chamber suddenly became alive with a flurry of activity as the group hurriedly gathered Serena and the baby. Max opened the entrance for them to step outside. One by one, they filed out into the brilliant sunshine, adjusting their eyes to the light.

Maria clung to Michael as he ushered her through the doorway. "This won't take long, I promise." he told her, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Maria nodded, stepping back as she squared her shoulders and presented Michael with her bravest front. "I know. Now go be a soldier, or a second in command..Whatever." she said, waving him away with a small flip of her wrist. "Just remember I love you, Michael." she called after him, as he stepped out of her view.

Isabelle stood quietly in the circle of Alex's arms as he stroked her back with gentle fingers, until Michael's voice pulled her from his embrace.
"I expect you to be right here in this spot when I get back." Isabelle said.

"I'll be here." Alex promised, as he watched Isabelle disappear into the chamber, shoving his hands in his pockets and finally letting go of the little puff of fear that had gripped him.

Serena smiled at Max, the newborn baby resting in her arms. She watched his eyes gathering in every movement that each person was making. Every blink he made reminded her of a camera, like he was trying to etch their faces into his memory, cataloging every special thing about them he wanted to capture, to remember. She took a tiny step toward him, and he studied her for a moment.

"It'll be okay, Max," Serena reassured him. "You'll be just fine."

"I hope so." Max whispered, leaning down to to brush a kiss on the baby's cheek. "What are you going to name him?" he asked, tucking the blanket underneath the tiny chin.

"Hal." Serena replied. "Hal Carver. And I want all of you to be around for a long time, to watch him grow. Go kiss Liz, and get this thing over with. I've had a hard day and I'm a little hungry. So get a move on, and I'll let you buy me lunch."

Max couldn't help but chuckle as Serena moved away. She had been the one bright spot in his darkest days away from Liz, and she never failed to amaze him with her optomistic attitude.

Looking up, he saw Liz standing before him, her arms wrapped around herself. He could tell she was bracing her mind against whatever was going to happen, be it failure or success. She was biting her lower lip in the nervous way that was so characteristic of her. Just for a brief moment he caught the wild fear that flew across her eyes.

Max felt a sudden shimmer of panic just below the surface of his skin, but he fought against it as he reached out and took her arms, running his hands along them. He didn't want her to sense his tension, but no matter how hard he tried, he knew full well she would. He felt her body shudder just a little as he pulled her close and buried his face in her hair, breathing in the fragrance. So much like summer rain, he thought, and wildflowers.

"I love you." he whispered into her ear, wishing this moment could last forever. That time would hold still and the world would just stop.

Liz molded her body to his. "I love you, too, Max. With all my heart."

Max was shocked when Liz shoved against him lightly, pushing him backwards toward the chamber. "Hurry, She said, her voice shaking.
"I know it's only thirty minutes for you, but it's going to be a lifetime for me until you walk out here again."

Max gave her a long look, then turned on his heel and entered the chamber, sealing it as he stepped inside.

Kyle watched silently as Tess made sure Liz, Maria, Serena and the baby were shaded from the sun underneath the outcropping of rocks. He held his hand out as Tess returned to his side. She laced her fingers through his. Together, the two of them stood facing the chamber as the sun beat down on their backs.


Carnival Of Souls

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 7:51 pm
by cherie
A/N: Guys, I'm sorry that my updates have been so sporadic. I've had some very personal real life issues to deal with and I apologize for leaving you hanging. There are only two chapters left in this story, so I'll post this one today and finish up next week. THEN, I've got a new story floating in the wasteland that I call my brain. I have so appreciated all your feedback throughout this story, and all you lurkers as well.

Carnival Of Souls

Chapter 19

Inside the chamber, Max, Michael and Isabelle waited impatiently as Agnes combined the contents of the remaining vials with the syrupy mixture of the other four. They watched with curious eyes the deft, swift movements of Agnes's fingers as she transferred the liquid into the syringes.

Agnes motioned the two of them forward, and Max offered his arm to her, Isabelle following his example as they stood side by side. Max's heart was thumping wildly in his chest and he could sense Isabelle's apprehension as well. The brother and sister exchanged a quiet look, expressing the love they had for one another in the small smile they shared. The smile calmed Max somewhat and he held Isabelle's eyes steadily as Agnes injected the needle into his arm. Max felt a warmth flowing through his body, and his eyelids fluttered as he watched from what seemed to be far away as Agnes Injected Isabelle.

"Michael, we need to lay them down. Now." Agnes called to him in a loud voice.

The scowl covering Michael's face changed suddenly to a look of concern. He quickly gathered Isabelle in his arms as she began to slump forward.
Max also fell heavily against the shapeshifter's body as she eased him down onto the pallet that she had prepared earlier. Once the two of them were lying prone, a soft glow cocooned them, and Michael studied it intently as he leaned back against the rock wall. Agnes leaned against the wall as well, and Michael shifted a little as her shoulder brushed his upper arm. Michael made no effort to move away from her, however, and it surprised the old woman.

The question that had been burning in Michael's mind finally slipped from his mouth. "Will we keep our powers?" he asked, pressing his spine closer to the wall.

"Yes." Agnes replied, her eyes thoughtful as she regarded his stance. He appeared relaxed, but she sensed he was wound tightly, like a coiled spring, ready to leap into action if he suspected things were not going as planned.

"The powers you possess will remain." Agnes told him. "They are human ablilities as yet untapped by the beings on Earth. Your gifts were enhanced by genetic coding. But you must learn to use them wisely, and not draw attention to yourselves. You must learn to harness them. To hone them, so that they may serve you in times of need."

"How do I do that?" Michael asked, knowing how out of control his powers became when he was angry or frustrated.

"Maria will help you, ground you, and give you balance." Agnes said. "She has been changed by the power of the Granolith."

Michael gave the shapeshifter a stunned look as she continued. "The humans you care for were blessed as well when the light from the Granolith surrounded all of you. It was Courtney's last wish. That her essence would be imparted to your human counterparts."

Michael cocked his eyebrow and tried in vain to repress the grin that began to sneak across his mouth. "Courtney gave Maria powers?" he asked incredulously. The thought of Maria DeLuca with blasting abilities scared the hell out of him. His mind conjured up a mental picture of himself being zapped repeatedly by his spitfire girlfriend.

"No way." Michael spouted, shaking his head in disbelief. "She's gonna kill me."

"They'll be minimal powers, Michael." Agnes chuckled. "They were divided equally among Maria, Kyle, Liz and Alex. They are meant to compliment and seal the bonds between you as mates."

"Well, I'm not telling her until you're gone." Michael complained. "And don't you say a word to her. Promise?"

"I promise." Agnes said, barely able to contain her composure as she regarded the man standing beside her. Once he had been a soldier, a warrior, and she knew he would always be protective of his charges even in this life. It struck her as funny that only Maria could put fear in his heart. It was a light moment between them, and she cherished it.

"So what happens now?" Michael asked, quickly changing the subject. "Is there anything we should be doing?"

"We wait." Agnes said softly. "Until they wake up."

Michael nodded and Agnes closed her eyes in relief. The two of them stood together as they waited for Max and Isabelle to awaken.

Max began to stir, and his eyes flew open as he struggled to raise his head from the floor. He was weak, but finally managed to bend his elbow and raise up enough to prop his head on his open hand. He watched the color return to Isabelle's face as her eyes opened slowly. Michael and Agnes were kneeling beside them, and quickly raised them both to a sitting position.

"Is it done?" Max asked, his voice a little slurred.

"It is done." Agnes replied, a hint of concern in her voice. "How do you feel?"

"A little groggy." Max said, flexing his fingers and stretching his arms out. He could feel his strength returning as he focused on his sister. Michael was helping Isabelle as she rose to her feet, a little shaky, but relatively steady.

"No nasuea, blurred vision or muscle weakness?" Agnes asked.

""None." Max said, as he rose to his feet as well. "Just a little tired."

"Excellent." Agnes said, her voice triumphant. "Now we need to take care of Michael and Tess."

Michael nodded, guiding Isabelle to the entrance, rolling back the rock as Max stayed behind with Agnes.

Every eye spun to the opening as Michael and Isabelle emerged from the chamber. Alex rushed forward and took Isabelle in his arms.

"No time for questions." Michael informed the group curtly. "We need to get this over with." There was no way he was going to chit-chat with Maria right now. She had a way of wheedling things out of him, and he didn't want to think about her having powers right now.

Tess handed the crystal to Isabelle, and the guard was changed. Alex and the tall blonde took their positions at the entrance, as Michael and Tess disappeared behind the sliding rock. Kyle replaced Alex to watch over Liz, Maria, Serena and the baby.

Inside, Agnes repeated the process and now Michael and Tess lay on the pallet.

Max joined Agnes in the vigil watching the two sleeping figures as the silver glow encompassed their bodies.

"Was I good person?" Max asked, breaking the silence that hung between them. "Did I treat people fairly? Was I a good King?"

"You were, Max." Agnes said softly, her eyes holding his questioning gaze. "You were young, and caught up in a time of war and conflict that was not of your making." She sighed as she placed her hand on his. "My generation was responsible for the death and destruction that ravaged our planet."

"And will they be able to finish what I failed to do?" Max asked, nodding his head toward the four pods inside the Granolith.

"I cannot predict the future for Antar." Agnes replied. "I can only hope and pray they will be able unite our people and bring us peace."

"I hope so, too." Max said, his voice quiet.

"I have a favor to ask of you, Max." Agnes said as she pulled a small key from her pocket and held it between her thumb and forefinger. "This is for Serena and the child. It is the key to a safety deposit box at the bank. I've set up a trust fund for the two of them with you as administrator. Will you see to it that they are well provided for?"

Max nodded his head as he took the key from her. "I will, he said. "I give you my word."

"There are stipends for each of you as well." Agnes told him, watching with wonder as his emotions flashed across his face.

"You didn't have to do that," Max said, "it wasn't neccesary for..."

"It was necessary." Agnes spoke quickly, not allowing him to finish his protest. "Besides," she shrugged, giving him a knowing look,"Earth currency would serve no purpose on Antar."

As they waited, Agnes told Max about Courtney and how her essence had been divided among the four humans. She cautioned him not to say a word to Maria, and they shared a laugh at Michael's expense.

"I will leave behind a part of my powers for Serena and the child as well before I go." Agnes said, her voice soft as a whisper. "In payment for the gift of life from Hal Carver. And I will rely on you to guard them and keep them safe from harm."

Max felt tears welling up in his eyes, and he fought to control them. "I wish things had been different." he said. "That you could have revealed yourself to us before..before.."

His sentence was cut short as Michael and Tess began to wake up. Agnes rushed to them, asking questions and checking them over, just as she had done for Max and Isabelle. Once they were on their feet, the four made their way to the entrance, rolled the rock back, and stepped out into the bright sunlight.

The smiles of relief were evident on everyone's faces as they hugged one another. Agnes watched and was pleased when Liz came to her and and pulled her in for a hug.

"Thank you." Liz whispered in Agnes's ear. "Thank you so much. What you've done is just amazing."

Agnes laughed a little to herself, remembering all the times Liz and Maria had admonished her for the frequent cigarette breaks she had taken.

"I think I'll have a smoke." Agnes said, turning away before anyone could see how affected she was by their happiness. She pulled the nicotine deep into her lungs, enjoying the taste. It would be her last one, so she savored it. Once it was out and crushed beneath her heel, she informed the group it was time. Time for them to live their lives, and time for her to return home. Home. She rolled the word on her tongue slowly. Home.

Without question, the small group followed her back into the chamber, to help her prepare the Granolith for it's journey.


Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 1:32 am
by cherie
Well, the end is here. I just wanted to take this moment to thank all of you that have read and enjoyed this story. It has been a pleasure to be welcomed to this board and to be able to share my little pieces of the Roswell mystery with you. I am thankful for the new friends I have made, the wonderful fanfiction that I have been priveleged to read,and I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. Cherie

Carnival Of Souls

Chapter 20 (Conclusion)

Max held the crystal tightly in his hands as he waited for Agnes to say her goodbyes. She stood before each one of the induviduals in the chamber and in what Max could only think of as some sort of ceremony, she raised her hand above each of their heads for a moment, not touching them at all. She softly chanted in a language that sounded oddly familiar to him but he couldn't understand the words. Perhaps it was a blessing of some sort, Max thought, or maybe the Antarian way of saying farewell.

When Agnes reached Serena and the baby, her hand began to glow and Max and the others watched with fascination as she placed a hand on each of their foreheads. Tiny sparks from her palms hung in the air for a moment before dissolving into their skin. Max knew what she was doing. As she had promised, she was giving Serena and the baby a part of herself and her powers.

As Agnes turned towards Max, Serena reached out and grabbed the old woman's hand.

"I want you to have this." Serena told her, pressing a small piece of metal into her palm. "It was my Grandfather's."

Agnes smiled and folded her fingers around the metal, rubbing the edges of it with her thumb. "Thank you." the old woman told Serena softly. "I am honored."

With a final nod to the group, Agnes approached Max who was standing beside the Granolith. "Are you ready?" she asked, giving him a quiet smile.

"I'm ready." Max told her, his voice low as he looked into her dark eyes. Taking a step forward, he pulled Agnes into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Max asked, his concern for her evident in his voice.

"I'll be just fine. And so will you." Agnes told him as she pulled back from his arms and placed her hand above his head, repeating the alien chant.
When she was finished, she bowed to him. "It's time for me to leave." she said. "To finish my journey."

Max sighed, and watched with a heavy heart as Agnes entered the Granolith, and the opening slid shut without a sound. As everyone else backed against the wall, Max knelt and dropped the crystal into the shimmering pool at the base of the Granolith. He stirred the water for a moment with his hand as Agnes had instructed. The water grew cold, and Max withdrew his hand quickly as it turned to ice. He could see the crystal spinning wildly before it broke to the surface, becoming embedded upright almost like a lever.

Max thought instantly of the roller coaster as he jerked the crystal back with all his might, and the Granolith began to shudder and rose off the floor of the chamber. The machine came alive. It began to swell with a soft sea of colors surrounding it. The rainbow of light moved swiftly across the surface, then burst into a monstrous sheet of flame that obscured it from view momentarily.

When the machine reappeared, the glowing fire flashed and licked at the Granolith, storming it with a beauty that was violent and chaotic in it's intensity. Just as quickly as it had appeared, the flame faded and the Granolith began to whirl, the bright shiny metal sparkling with energy.

Then suddenly, it was gone. Not even the floor of the chamber showed any evidence it had ever existed. It simply vanished before their very eyes.

"Holy Shit." Kyle's voice echoed across the now empty chamber they were standing in as light streamed in from outside. The rock that had hidden the entrance was open and Max led the small band of people from the confines of the cave. Once outside, he pressed his palm against the silver handprint to close it, hoping silently that this would be the last time any of them would come here again.


"Dance, Mrs. Evans?" Max asked.

Liz could hardly hear him above the music that blared from the CD player.
Once again the group had gathered in the desert with their cars and the small RV parked in a circle with the headlights gleaming.

Liz nodded, accepting his invitation to dance. Since their wedding earlier this afternoon at the small chapel in Las Cruces, she had been waiting for this moment. For her wedding dance.

Even though Isabelle had been disappointed that all her plans for a big wedding and reception had been rejected, Liz knew this was right. After explaining to Max why she wanted it this way, Max had stood by her and informed everyone that their wedding would be simple and whatever the reasons for Liz's descisions, they were hers to make.

When Liz placed her hand in his, Max couldn't help the feelings that overwhelmed him as he glanced at the familiar faces watching them as they stood together waiting for the music. All his dreams were finally coming true.

Since the Granolith and Agnes had left Earth, the last six months had been a flurry of activity. Kyle and Tess had married, as well as Isabelle and Alex. Michael and Maria were engaged, though Michael was still trying to adjust to Maria's joy of being able to put him firmly in his place with her newfound powers.

With the trust fund that Agnes had left her, Serena had bought a house in Las Cruces, and was fulfilling her lifelong dream of becoming a surgical nurse. She had even met a young man, and the relationship was growing deeper day by day. The baby was a constant joy to all of them.

Even he had started school, studying to become a biologist alongside Liz.
And here he was, on their wedding day, surrounded by all his family and friends. Maria's voice pulled him from his reverie.

"So what song should it be, guys?" Maria asked as Max took Liz into his arms. "I shall believe?"

"No, Maria." Liz answered softly. "That song belongs to another pair of souls that had their moment in time. Play the CD that I put in your purse."

Liz smiled as Max hung the chain with the tiny silver butterfly around her neck. The one he had bought so long ago for her. It nestled against the hollow of her throat just as he had once imagined it would. Slowly, they began to dance to the song Liz had chosen.

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic "til I'm safely gathered in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone
Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon
Show me slowly what I only know the limits of
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on
Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long
We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the children who are asking to be born
Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn
Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to your beauty like a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm safely gathered in
Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love


Max carried Liz through the door of their small apartment, setting her gently on the floor as he locked it and turned to face her. For just a moment all was still. Then the sound of small footsteps and the rustling of satin reached his ears as she pressed her body to his..her voice breathless as she whispered. "At last." Then her arms came up and met around his neck.

Her eyes blazed out of her face and she was beautiful. And he loved her. This woman, his wife.

He lowered his hands to her hips and began walking her backwards toward the bedroom, lowering his head against hers.

His eyes were smoldering as he undressed her, his breath like the wind as he kissed her, and her body was on fire everywhere he touched her. Unbuttoning his shirt, she could feel his heartbeat through his skin, almost feel the blood rushing through his veins, matching her own pulse.

Together, they set up a rhythm that belonged to only them. All the explanations, the distant past, words of forgiveness and words of love were layed bare as their souls crashed together in unison. They were one. Flesh and bone and blood coming together like liquid wildfire, melting their senses. He whispered her name over and over as the world exploded around them and they lay trembling in release.

For a long time after she had fallen asleep, he lay awake and came to the realization that he no longer lived in a twilight world. His world was brilliant now. Lit up by the fire in her eyes and the generosity of a heart that truly knew what forgiveness and acceptance was. And he had a lifetime to spend with her.


Underneath the light of the Antarian moons, Agnes knelt beside the small white cross she had carefully placed in the ground. Directly behind her stood the King. Earlier in the day, Courtney had been honored by her people. Now, in this quiet hallowed place she finally felt at peace.

Placing his hand on the cross, Zan burned the mark of the Antarian Royals into the wood. Agnes then carefully placed the small medal of honor Serena had given her in the center of the cross, embedding it beneath the name of the only human soul that had ever been honored by her race. She smiled as she ran her hands across the letters that spelled out Hal Carver.

The End.

(Lyrics of the song are by Leonard Cohen)