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Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 10:06 pm
by Asianbehr
"Well I wonder who started that rumor?" Tess said coming back over to the group.

"Gee I wonder." Isabel said rolling her eyes. "I could only guess Tess."

"What's that suppose to mean Isabel?" Tess asked.

Liz looked at her, "What do you think it means?"

"Quit it you guys...Let the guy clear the air...." Michael said.

"Why thank you Michael." Max said. "I am not sleeping..With..with that." He said stumbling over the right words all the while pointing at Tess.

Alex looked at Max then Tess then back at Max and cracked up laughing. "Hey man, I believe ya, who knows how many times she opened those legs." He said slapping him on the back. This caused Michael to spit his coffee out back on Tess.

"Oh my God.." Tess gritted out. "What do I look like a sink?"

Maria looked at her, "Do you really want me to answer that?"

Tess glarred at her. "Shut your mouth." She said storming back into her trailer.

"Perfect aim Mikey." Maria said then turning her attention back to Max. "Fine then how do you explain this?" Shoving the undergarments in his face. Max went pale and Liz choked on her bagel.

Kyle patted her on the back, "You okay?" Liz nodded. Isabel scunched her nose up.

"Erm, they're..Isabel's?" Max said quickly. This earned a slap from Isabel. "Ow, what.."

"Those are not mine.." She said. "Please..Like I would be sane enough to keep my underwear anywhere near you. Maria where did you find those."

"His trailer." She said shrugging her arms. "Now please explain."

"What were you doing there?" Michael asked curiously. "Are ypu some private dick?"

She rolled her eyes. His mind was always in the gutter. Maria saw the looks that were cast her way. "I was um..Look that's not the point, All I know is I found some girls underwear in your trailer and Tess was saying you and her were having hot kinky sex the other day. So you better start explaining."

Max rolled his eyes as he caught Liz's look pleading. "Look, fine Maria you really want an explanation?" Maria nodded. "I'm..I'm..A..a cross dresser."

Michael, Alex and Kyle took a step back, "Whoah, man listen..If..erm, I gotta go." Kyle said pointing to the set. "I think Devin wants me to do..erm, something."

"Yeah..I'll help with that something," Michael said following him. 'Man, you thought you knew the guy..Wait girl? OR is it guy?' He thought.

Maria, Liz, Alex, and Isabel were looking at him as if he was crazy. "Yo..Your gay?" Maria mumbled.

"Not gay..Just a cross dresser..I wanted to see how hard it was to wear a thong." Liz was biting her tounge. 'Man did Liz owe him!'

"I see." Alex said looking at him. Isabel just shook her head. 'Poor Alex.'

"Alex um, can you help me with my lines. I got a few issues to work out." Isabel said as she caught Liz's eye. "Maybe I'll explain Max's new cross dressing." Liz nodded.

Max saw her and thought that she was almost ready to come out with the relationship. Just maybe. "Call ya' later man!" Alex nodded hestiantly.

"Okay, Evans. What's the scoop?" Maria said looking at the three who stood left.

"No scoop." Max said holding his hands up. "I know how women where those thongs. "Some girl left them and I tried them on and it was more uncomfortable then I thought." Max said lying.

Liz shook her head. "Anyhow, Maria listen, why are you so desprate to know what's going on with Max?" Liz asked acting confused.

"Yeah." Max said defensively.

"Because I know there's something going on with you two. And I'm going to find out!" Maria said crossing her arms and storming off.

"Well, that was a close one." Liz said starring after her.

"So..Alex and Serena are going to know to huh?" Max said.

Liz nodded. "I figure Alex has been a good friend why not." Max shrugged. "I'm trying Max."

"I know. I just hate this sneaking around. Are relationship is already based on a lie."

"To them. Not to us." Liz said looking down. "I understand if you want to break up..But.."

"No Liz..It's just I think that I'm just worried that this secrecy will ruin us and not the press." He said stepping closer. Liz nodded.

"Just give me a little bit longer." Liz said before walking off with Max starring after her. Max turned to walk to his trailer not noticing the person behind him.

"So that's how it is?" She said harshly. "We'll just see about that." She said dialing the number on her cell phone.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 10:07 pm
by Asianbehr
"We are standing outside the production of "The Crash." I am Nancy Cragier waiting here for an interview with Mr. Evans to see if the rumors are true about him and Ms. Parker. We recieved an anymous phone call earlier today that him and Ms. Parker have been dating. Oh here they are now. Mr. Evans!" The camera crew followed her.

Max turned around to see a camera and the noisy Nancy Cragier he rolled his eyes, "Mrs. Cragier how can I help you?"

"Are the rumors true?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "The rumors?"

Nancy smiled, "Don't be vague, you can tell us, we recieved an anynomous tip about you and Elizabeth this afternoon." His face paled. "Are true? Do you have anything to add?"

"Yes, do you Max?" Tess said coming out putting her sunglasses on. "If you want to talk to my friend Liz, she is heading this way." Nancy motioned to her camera man to follow her.

"What did you do Tess?" He asked her when they were alone.

Tess threw a hand to her chest. "What ever do you mean Max?"

"You know exactly what I mean." Max said grabbing her arm.

"Ms. Parker, what do you have to say about you and Mr. Evans?" As Max heard this he spun around. He met Liz's eye's, she shook her head.

She started to say something but, stopped herself. "All I can say is what Mr. Evans and I had was simply platonic. We once had something special, but we broke it off a couple weeks ago."

Nancy looked at her camera man, "Would you mind explaining more?"

Liz looked over at Max who was shaking his head, "Well, we had a minor disagreement about working together and having a relationship. That's all I have to say." Liz said before walking towards her car.

Max starred at Tess before walking off towards his own car, 'Damn it.' He whispered harshly.

Later that Night-

"Liz please open the door!" Max said through the closed door of Liz's house.

Liz listened as Max knocked on it and pounded. She knew that Max hadn't said anything to the press, but now that it was out, they couldn't go back. It was out, nothing was safe. They would tear them up. Liz slowly stood up and open the door, "Max..."

"Liz thank god, I swear I never said anything!" Max said dropping to his knees to hug her.

"I know." She said crying.

He looked up at her wiping the tear away that had fallen down his face, "Then why won't you talk to me?"

"Because everythings changed. We can't go back to the way things were Max. They would tears us up, just like they do every other couple." Liz explained.

"We won't let them," Max stated standing up. "Please I can't lose you."

Liz shook her head, "I can't either, but Max...Both of us never been in a relationship longer than six months. We've been dating quietly a year, and now that its out and the pressure is on us...I don't..."

"What can I do to prove to you I won't be like I was before. I'm not a player Liz." Max tried explaining.

"I know your not. It's me Max. It's all me. I can't handle the scares with the press." She stated.

Max looked at her confused. "Your going to cheat on me?"

"No, I'm worried that we won't have enough faith in each other and the press will do that to us. It will dwindle us down to nothing." Liz stated.

Max shook his head. "I won't allow you to walk away from me." He said firmly. He kissed her hard and passionately. She tried to refuse at first but Max wouldn't let her. Slowly Liz's hands traveled up around his neck.

Liz slowly woke up to see the sun in her eyes and Max's arm around her arm around her waist. Liz turned to look Max over before slowly getting out of bed, "Good-bye my love." She said kissing him on the lips gently.

As she got dressed she packed her bag she watched as Max turned in his sleep she couldn't help cry at the little thing. She slowly crept out the door and to her car.

And when Max woke up Liz was know where to be found, "Liz?" Max wrapped the sheet around his waist and started walking around her house with a smile on his face and it slowly started to fade when he found she was no where to be found.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 10:08 pm
by Asianbehr
Three Years Down the Road

"Any luck?" A young woman asked him. The man shook his head as he X'ed off another stated.

She nodded, "You should get some rest Max."

"I can't not until I find her." He said. "Isabel, why did she leave me? I mean she just left?"

She sighed, "I don't know Max, nobody can answer that for you. But..."

"I would have gave everything up for her you know." He said going towards the window. "I did. I'm not the same without her. I mean I'm 23, a lawyer, single, bitter and alone."

"Maria called, her and Michael are coming down for visit." She said trying to change the subject.

Max nodded. "How's Alex?"

"Good. He's still having a hard time over the divorce." Isabel said looking down. "I still can't believe she would do that to him."

"Yeah well, you hang out with trash like Tess, you can get into dirty business." Max stated taking a sip of whiskey.

Isabel sighed, "Kyle said that him and detective Cain are working on every other state that you haven't checked yet."

"I know. I think it's useless. You know Liz. If she doesn't want to be foundm she won't." Max said sitting his glass down.

Isabel nodded. "I'm thinking about telling Alex how I feel." She said hoping to get something out of him.

"That's good, I hope it works out," He said sitting at his desk looking through the pictures and letters on his desk.

"Max maybe you should just give up," she said backing up knowing he would explode.

His head snapped up, "NO!" He yelled. "GET OUT!" He shouted pointing to the door.

LA, California-

"Hush baby. Momma's here." Liz said rocking Nadia Bella Evans. "Everything's going to be alright." She sat next to Aidan's crib while she sang to Nadia. It was hard raising twins by herself, but it was her choice.

Roswell, NM

"Max, man..Hey." Michael said as him and Kyle came in.

Max looked up from his desk. "What?" He said grimmly.

"We thought you might want to come see Maria and the baby." Michael said pointing towards the living room. Max shook his head. "Alright, um, how bout this..How bout you stop acting like an ass."

"Look, I got work to do." Max said ignoring him.

"Max, I think I might have found her." Kyle said quietly. Michael looked at him but Max kept his head down. "She's somewhere in the LA area."

"Do you have an address?" Max said looking at the map.

Kyle shook his head. "No, someone called stating they'd spotted her. But they don't know where she lived."

Max nodded. "Thanks Kyle."

"No problem." Kyle said leaving the room. Kyle had helped him throughout this stuck by him knowing what he had gone through and hadn't given him a problem.

"What are you thinking Max?" Michael asked hestiantly.

Max got up grabbing the map. "I'll see guys later." He just said.

"So what your just packing and heading to search LA?" Michael said grabbing his arm.

"I need peace in my life, and the only way I'm going to get that is if I find out why she left me." Max said angrily.

"You know why, she couldn't handle the pressure." Max starred at him for minute before walking off.


"Plane 244 to LA is now boarding. Last call for Plane 244 to LA is now boarding." Max looked down at his ticket as he handed it to the lady. "Have a nice trip." She said. He just nodded.

LA., California

Aidan sat in front of the tv watching bob the builder while Liz bathed Nadia in the bathroom. "How's momma's girl?" Liz asked Nadia.

"Momma." Nadia laughed splashing the water.

"That's water, your getting a bath." Liz said smiling. Nadia and Aidan were now one and very smart for there age. She was very proud of them but missed Max very much. She told them everyday about they're father. They even learned how to say dada and Max. She showed them pictures of him and they knew who he was. They watched the old episodes of the show so they could see him.

Aidan wobbled in to see Liz and Nadia, "Momma." He screamed. Liz turned around, "Momma."

"Aidan, is bob over?" She asked picking Nadia up.

"Bob." He said jumping up and down.

She smiled, "Come on mister its time for your snack."

"Snack." The two screamed.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 10:08 pm
by Asianbehr
Max drove down the streets of LA waiting to hear from the detective he had got in touch with at the police station downtown. He said he would have news with a location on Liz, luckily they knew where she was staying and was willing to help him out.

"Hello?" Max said into his cell phone lifelessy.

"Any luck?" Isabel asked hopefully.

Max sighed, ", no luck, I got in touch with a detective down here who was willing to help out, so I should know within the hour."

"That's good news. I wish you would have told me you were going to LA though Max." She said upset.

"Would you have let me go?"

Isabel thought a minute. "It wouldn't have stopped you." She said.

"Look I better go, I'll call you later okay." He said hanging up. Just as he did, the phone rang again, "Isabel I told you I would call you later."

"This is Detective Cain." He said.

Max sat up, "What do you have?"

"216 Willow Dr." He said hanging up. Max starred at the phone before making a u turn he just passed Willow Dr.

As Max passed the old house he notice that it was something Liz had always talked about, exactly what she described. This house. Something perfect. Down to the mailbox. A two story house with a backyard and frontyard for kids to play in. The neighborhood quiet. A little mailbox. As he parked the car across the street he sat there to get his thoughts together, what now?


"Oh my god." Liz said to herself. "It can't be."

She just put the kids to bed when she had started cleaning the house up. As she went to open the windows she noticed a green jeep driving around the neighborhood as she went to take a closer look she noticed it was none other then Max Evans. She leaned against the cool glass. "What now?"


Max slowly walked up the driveway complentating on what to say. After three years he felt as if it was a first date and meeting parents. 'God get a grip Evans. What if this isn't the right address?' Just as he got to the door it flew open. "Hello." The voice said.

"Hi. Liz." He said quietly.

Liz stepped aside inviting him in. "I'm not surprised you found me."

"Your not?" He said looking around the house.

Liz smiled, "No, after all, you are the stubborn one."

"Well, it was tough. I do have to give you credit. When you don't want to be found you hide very well." Liz looked down sadly.

Max saw this. "So is this your house?" He asked curiously noticing all the baby stuff.

"Yes." She said as she took in the observation.

"Oh," He said.

"Why don't you have a seat." Liz said. "I'll go get us a drink and something to eat."

"A drink is just fine." Max said taking a seat.

Liz nodded heading into the kitchen. "Okay..Coke fine."

"Yeah perfect."

"So, how long you been looking?" Liz asked curiously from the kitchen.

"Since you left." He said whispering where she couldn't hear.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 10:09 pm
by Asianbehr
"I'm sorry what did you say?" She asked coming out from the kitchen with the drinks.

Max swallowed. "Since you left."

Liz dropped down on the couch. "Oh."

"Look I can't act like this." Max said getting up to pace.

"Like what?" Liz asked confused.

"Act as if everything is normal. Because its not." Liz nodded. "I need to have peace in my life."

"Well, exactly how can I help with that?" She asked standing up.

Max sighed. "You can tell me why you left that night because I thought everything was alright."

Liz looked down. "You know why. I couldn't handle the pressure of the press Max. It tore my parents up.."

"Thats bullshit and you know it."

"It is not. I was scared Max. You the all american player and me...who was I? Some actress whose parents were divorced because they believed some lies...Yeah that's real good." Liz said sarcastically.

"So you just picked up and left. You just gave up on us?" Max said angrily.

"You knew we wouldn't have survived Max." She said pointing at him.

Max shook his head, "How would you have known? You wouldn't even stay to fight for us Liz. God..."

"Max, what do you want me to say. The only thing I know about love is giving up." She said desperately shouting.

"Momma?" A little voice said coming out of the corner. Both heads turned.

A little while later the two of them were sitting on the couch side by side. Liz had tucked the back in bed whiled Max had watched. 'He was a father.' "Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered.

"The same reason. I was scared." She said. "They know you though."

Max looked at her, "How?"

"Pictures, video's from the films, me." She said looking down. "I tried to call you, but I just ended up hanging up at the sound of your voice."

"Christmas, that was you?" She nodded. "And New Years?" She nodded again.

"Max, I'm sorry. You can't imagine how many times I thought about going back or just picking up the phone but when they were born I had more to think about then just us." Max nodded.

"I know, but it still hurts." Max said taking her hand. "I want to be part of my kids lives Liz."

Liz smiled looking at him, "I figured as much. You going to take them from me?"

"No, I want to fight for you though." Liz looked at him confused.

He pulled her to him, "WE have alot to work out Liz. Alot, but that doesn't mean we have to let the kids suffer and it doesn't mean we can't have a bright future."

"What are you saying?" Liz asked playing with his shirt button.

"I'm saying everythings going to be okay baby." Max said kissing her head.

End of flashback

When I look back now I wouldn't turn back the hands of time. I have my husband and my two kids. What more could a wife asked for? In a way fame worked out best for me. I wouldn't say I would do things differently if I had the chance to...But I'm glad the fame is over. I'm in love and this is real fame.

"Ready to go back to bed love?" Max asked kissing Liz's head.

Liz looked over her shoulder, "Yeah."

"Everything's going to be okay baby." Max said leading her towards their bedroom.

"I know that now." Liz said. "I got to tell you something Max." Max looked at her as they laid down. "I'm pregnant.

The End.