soppysophs fanfics- ALL of them

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Post by soppysophs »

Toy House
This trail’s off from the scene at the Crashdown

~Crashdown Max & Liz are talking~
“So now your using jealousy?” Max inquired
“No, i know what your doing, how your doing it how much it hurts, I also know what its like to love someone for 10years & say nothing & watch them with other people & now I know what’s its like as an ‘ex’ & I know i deserved to be hurt & you want me to feel as mutch pain as you feel because of me & im sorry it just hurts, I never……….”
“……I neva wanted to hurt you, I never wanted to make you jealous, I neva wanted to hurt you so that it feels like someone just ripped out your heart & tore it into a million pieces. I never realised I was hurting you when I was just going out with Kyle over the summer”
“Liz I’ve got to go”
“Im sorry”
“Me to” Max whispered to himself as he left the Crashdown, leaving an upset Liz

~soppysophs :mad:
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Post by soppysophs »

I know everyone has been ill, so here’s a fanfic for ya
Ya’ll no dat Liz had a cold, what if that cold turned into the flu?!??!?
* Means thought

~Crashdown, Max has just walked in looking For Liz~
“Hey Maria where’s Liz, I thought she worked today??”
“You love her to mutch dude”
“Yeah; I know. Where is she?”
“Up-stairs, look Max knock; if there’s no reply then don’t go in ok?”
“Um, sure”

~Liz Room~
/Knock, knock\
“Come in” Liz wheezed
“Er, Liz, OhMiGod are you okay?”
“You have a cold, you don’t need your dad dragging up off camping”
“Oh, so you have…”
“…The flu”
“Oh, so your not well??”
“Nothing gets past you”
“No im sorry, im just unhappy thats all, I shouldn’t have lashed out”
Liz coughed again this time ducking her head & closing her eyes, when she opened them again she found Max sitting next to her on the bed.
“I, I wana help” Max said placing his hand right hand on her forehead & his left hand on the gap between her lungs, & focused all his energy. When he removed his hands, Liz was better.
“I er, don’t like to see you unhappy”
“Max, you don’t have to go around healing people”
“Im not, just you”
“I shouldn’t of said that!”
“I just think I should go”
“Why did you come?”
“You know I forgot about something I gota do, so I should definitely go”

~soppysophs :mad:
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Post by soppysophs »

~Out Side U.F.O. Centre~
“Come with me” Liz said forcefully taking hold of ‘The Green Alien’
“Huh, what huh???” Liz had managed to pull Max into a little corner & pulled his head of
“Why do you keep staring at me? Why, huh, why?!?”
“I have to”
“No you don’t”
“Yes I do”
“You don’t get it, 10years, 10years of watching you, never getting to close. Never telling you how I feel. Never having a conversation with you outside of bio-lab. Never. & we were together, & I broke up with you. I just have to go back, you know. Pretend I didn’t save you. & going back involves staring at you, never getting to close”
“Max I”
“Whatever I do, I always hurt you”
“No you don’t”
“Yes I do”
“Max you don’t”
“I can prove it” Max said as he leaned over & kissed Liz on the cheak
“Max” Liz sighed
“Now im going to walk away & hurt you, Liz I, I, I, hate the idea of hurtin you; but its all I ever seem to do”
“I have to get back to work, bye Liz”


~soppysophs :mad:
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Post by soppysophs »

Blind Date (after)
Rating= mild swearing, no sex
* Means thought
/ \ Means scene change in a dream

“I don’t remember, what did I say. Im sorry if I ruined your night”
“You didn’t” said a very deflated Liz as she watched Max run away from her.

~Outside Club~
Max got out of that club as soon as he could in his sober state.
*How could I have done that!!!! How could I hav been so stupid!!!! Maybe I should tell her the truth?? Maybe I should go back there & tell Liz I meant everything I said??? How could I do that to her, all I seen to do is hurt her, im useless!!!* Max thought to himself as he got into his trusty jeep (Bob) *I can’t’ believe he didn’t remember, I wish, I wish I knew wat he was thinking. OMG I think he saw me & Doug kiss; I still cant believe that happened BUT when I looked up I saw Max I could feel his eye’s burning into my soul. I need to talk to Max, I have to talk to Max. I need to tell him what he said BUT I don’t think I can without bursting into tears or dieing of embarrassment; maybe max could connect to me & see everything like I saw, feel everything that I felt* Max got home & flopped down on his bed with one word circling his mind *Liz, Liz, Liz, Liz, LIZ!!!!* “Im sorry” Max whispered to himself

~Max Dream~
“When im not with you I go crazy But when your here; your my dreamgirl” Max said fiddling with a car alarm never taking his eye’s from Liz. Max edged closer to Liz reading her emotions threw her eye’s; happiness, joy, love, fear, surprise
/Liz Balcony\
“We don’t belong together”
“Don’t say that” The words were stinging Max so much that they hurt to say BUT they had to be said for Izzy & Michael’s sake.
/UFO Centre ‘UFO Convention\
Liz in slow-motion
“Pie, Mud Pie. I was thinking for the luncheon”
“Ill see if I can arrange that”
“I’ve got to go im really busy”
/School Halls [Missing]\
Michael dragging Max away wen Liz was trying to talk to him
/Scholl Halls [Leaving Normal]\
Max being really harsh to Liz & running to the bathroom
/Outside Crashdown [The Morning After]\
Max walked off leaving Liz just standing outside the Crashdown
/Crash Festival [Pilot]\
“Max I never thanked you. For saving my life”
“Thank-you. See you in school”
/Crashdown [Pilot]\
Max running out after healing Liz, the scene re-winded & Max was purely concentration on Liz still body. His eye’s fixed on Liz polka-dot-bra
/Liz & Max just standing in the middle of the stars\
*I love you* the words were in the back of his brain & he was about to say them wen he heard a shrill ringing

~Max Room (Max has just woken up)~
Max muttered a profanity under his breath as he awoke & hit his alarm clock *I never told her that I love her. I’ve hurt her so badly!!* Max jumped into a pair of jeans, threw on a t-shirt & ran out into Bob. Once Max arrived at Liz’ house he hurled himself out of Bob & ran up her ladder. Where he found a very peaceful Liz sleeping on her chair with a blanket up to her waist & her journal open on her lap *Liz what am I going to do? Should I just tell you?? Should I talk to you later???* Max looked at his watch *5:23am, I know*
Max wandered over to Liz. He gently took her journal, closed it & placed it on the table next to her. He opened her window climbed threw, pulled the covers back on her bed & climbed back threw her window. Max pulled the blanket down to her ankles. He gently hoisted her into his arms, squeezed threw her window careful NOT to disturb Liz. He lightly placed her on her bed & eased her covers up to her waist. “Sweet dreams” & brushed his lips over her forehead. Just as Max was heading to the window he heard a buzzing *All that for nothing, DamIt!!* “Ugh” Liz said sleepily
“M…Max?” *What am I supposed it say?*
“Morning” Max said as he turned round slowly
“What are you doing here Max?”
“Standing” *Oh, Way to go Evans*
“Other than the basics”
“Um, about last night” Max responded seeing how dazed Liz looked *Good, the best time to tell her; when she’s still out of it* *Your my dreamgirl* The conversations of the night before kept going round her head
“Max it doesn’t matter, you didn’t say anything that important anyway” *She’s embarrassed* “Your my dreamgirl” Liz looked dumfounded “I meant it, you know” *He rememb…he lied!!*
“I understand that your gona be angry & hurt at how I treated you”
“I didn’t think you remembered” Liz said dryly
“Im sorry I lied”
“Max, I thought you trusted me”
“I did, er, I do, really, I do, I was just scared”
“Max you shouldn’t of li…” Liz trailed off
“Why am I in my clothes, I don’t remember coming in last night” Liz saw the guilty look in Max’s eye’s
“You did this?”
“Yeah I did, would you of preferred to stay outside?”
“No, um, thanx”
“No problem, I’ll just be going”
“Not that fast!” *He meant it, Oh God he meant it!!* Liz got up & casually walked over to Max, placed a hand delicately on his wrist & kissed him eva so carefully. She broke away from the short kiss & asked
“Um, were you going somewhere?”
“No, im done running from the woman I love”
“Im glad to hear it” Max looked at Liz devilishly & swooped her into his arms for a full-on-snog


~soppysophs :mad:
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Post by soppysophs »

Polar Fic, After Blind DateOk, uv all gone off Maria, so polar fic here we come. Ummmm good fic 4Polarists, Dreamers & Candy’s enjoyJ
Title: ?
Rating:TEEN, im not sure about american ratings, but its a tame fic
Disclamer:I own nada, if i did colin would permantly be tied-up, if you know what i mean
Summary:It's after Blind Date, thats about it really

~Crashdown, after closing, Michael & Liz are there~
“You can go home Michael”
“Nah, I will stay & help you”
“Thanx!” Liz said un-enthusiastically
“Why are you so pissed?”
“Oh, Maximillon”
“Yeah, you no the blind date it was great, every-thing he said, then he didn’t remember, it was horrible, then he apologised for ruining my nite” Liz said tears forming in her eyes
“It could be worse”
”How? How??”
“He could of screwed you & then forgotten”
“’Could have, I guess your right”
“Could have, fine!”
“Sorry, just you no”
“You just like good grammar”
“I don’t get Maxwell, I mean how can he break up with you??”
“What do you mean?”
“Look at you, your beautiful & smart & funny” Michael said stepping closer to Liz, so that the were centimetres apart
“Ummmm, well it’s the same for Maria, I mean your ummm handsome & fun&…” But Michael’s cut off Liz by putting his mouth over hers & pushing her up against the wall, Liz replied by wrapping her legs around his waist & leaning into both Michael & the kiss.

~5Minutes Later~
“Umm, er OhMiGod” was all Liz could stammer out before pulling away from Michael & walking away
“Look um Liz”
“Geez, calm down, you love him huh?”
“Lucky Maxwell, look im sorry for like talking advantage”
“No, don’t, it takes two to tango & anyway…” Liz trailed off
“What, Liz what is it?”
“You want Maria back? & I want Max back” Liz said an evil grin spreading across her face
“Yeah, so?”
“So we use jealousy”
“Max thinks im dating you, Maria thinks I’m dating you. It’s a mean trick But it will work”
“Liz ‘im-a-Bitch-to-the-people-I-love-to-get-wot-I-want’ Parker”

~West Roswell High, Tuesday, Lunch time, Maria & Max are sitting at a table & Liz & Michael walk up to them hand-in-hand~
“Here we go Michael, ready?” Liz whispered to her ‘boyfriend’
“What do you think?”
“Hey guys” Liz called out snuggling closer to Michael
“Hey” Max said not looking up.
“Sup Maxwell?” Michael asked sitting on the bench sitting Liz on his lap
“What the hell?” Maria asked out loud
“Sorry I thought that was in my head”
“What’s your problem Blondie?”
“You & Liz are together?????” Max’ head shot up on hearing this & saw Liz gazing into Michael’s eyes
“Your going out? Why?? When???” Max asked hurt
“It just happened the other day”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t think you would care” Liz casually said, she hated lying, what’s more she hated hurting people she cared about, but hopefully they’d be happy in the end. Maria’s jaw dropped to the ground when she heard this.
“I can’t believe you!” Maria shouted at her ex-best friend & then ran off
“Bye Michael, Liz” Max said & shot Liz a hurt look which seamed to slice threw her soul
“Now what?” an agitated Michael asked a girl on the verge off tears sitting on his lap
“Now, now we try something different & I think I know what, listen”

~Max Room, Night, a seemingly drunk Liz crawls threw Max’ window~
“Liz what are you doing?”
“Saying hi” Liz, said looking giddy
“Are you feeling ok?”
“Me, im fine, just a little um…” Liz said unable to finish becuse she fell on Max’ bed
“You know alcohol tastes nice”
“You didn’t”
“If you can, why cant I?” Liz asked climbing up Max’ body so she was straddling his waist, kissing his neck
“Because” Max’ whispered before closing his eyes trying to control himself
“Max will you make love to me?” Liz questioned kissing all-over Max’ face apart from his mouth
“Liz? Your drunk you don’t know what you are saying”
“Like you?”
“I don’t know, I’m sorry about that, but we’re not together, your with Michael now”
“Yes we are, I’m not with Michael, I was trying to make you jealous & he was trying to make Maria jealous”
“You were?”
“Yes” Liz assured, kissing Max deeply
“You are not drunk!”
“I want you back, I want you, I love you, and I really want you to make love to me”
“You do? You do?? You do??? You do????”
“Quadruple yes”
“Um, I want you, I always have, I love you so mutch & I really want to make love to you” Max said grinning like a fool
“So we’re gona do this?”
“Only if your sure?”
“50000% sure”
“Ok, um when do actually do, um, its gona hurt, but I will take the hurt away ok? So are you sure?”
“I love you Max”
“Ill take that as a yes”

~Maria’s Room, Michael has just fallen threw her window~
“Hey sexy”
“Ugh, what is up with you?”
”If Maxwell can get drunk so cans I”
“Oh, what do you want?”
“What about my darling best friend?” Maria asked sarcastically
“You act like she isn’t your friend”
“Well she isn’t”
“Why not?”
“Because she has you. Shit”
“HEY! No one has me anyway that was an act, so I got drunk & now I’m here to get laid”
“No you are not!”
“& why may I ask, not?”
“Your drunk & Liz told me what happened when Max was…wait your not together?????????”
“Nope, we kissed, it was weird not right but when we make-out, that’s right ah, naked Maria”
“Sorry” Michael apologised smiling
“Wait, your not drunk, are you?”
“No, sorry, I, well Liz just thought it would help, she’s doing the same thing with Maximillon”
“Michael before we do any-thing”
“Do you love me?”
“I don’t know mutch about love, all I know is what I fell when I’m around you. When I’m with you I fell, ummm, well happy, no one makes me feel as good as you do & some-times I think about you & get butterflies. Look I know Max loves Liz, I have known ever since I met him, he’s been drooling over her & I don’t think I drool over you But I like you, I like you a lot, I like more that any-other human, I’m not sure But I think I like you more that Max & Izzy”
“So, um I’d like it if we could get back together, & maybe go like steady, or some-thing”
“I’d like that to”
/& guess what, that’s right they all did it that night \


~soppysophs :mad:
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Post by soppysophs »

Independence Day
Ok, ID dreamer style
* Means thought

~School Halls~
“Hey Liz”
“Um hey Max”
“Um do you want to talk about the um the Blind Date?”
“Yeah, um, but im the bell is um”
“Er how about I come over to yours later?”
“Only if you want thow”
“See ya later”

~Liz House~
“Er we have to talk”
“About the”
“You getting drunk”
“Yeah, I don’t remember”
“Yeah you um you said”
“I do, um do remember some things”
“Um like what?”
“That you looked really beautiful, & I remember kissing you”
“I remember um a heart & a picture & Kyle & you there was um, strange lighting like a disco ball”
“Yeah um you did that”
“What, how?”
“You put a heart on my wall, changed a picture & used your powers to create strange lighting & you um, you said some stuff”
“Like what?”
“Romantic stuff”
“Look it doesn’t matter”
“You were drunk, you said & did some things, you didn’t mean them it’s in the past. It was just a mistake you made”
“Yeah, look Max I have to go to work”
“Oh, ok sure, er, see ya”
“Bye” *Ok Liz keep lying to Max, he doesn’t need to know about the mistake he made, just keep everything to yourself, how difficult can that be, your in love with an alien, strange things are bound to happen*


~soppysophs :mad:
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Post by soppysophs »

Sexual HealingOh yeah!!!!!!!!!!
NO sex (weird huh?)(Well im not gona right about it)

~Out side Crashdown~
“Oh god, that’s your parents car isn’t it?” Liz asked Max
“Yup, we are soooooo dead” (Maria line huh?)
“& We’re going to feel so guilty, we didn’t even do anything wrong!”
“Prepare to be grounded”
“I think we should go back to your house”
“Oh, OH”
“Yeah, my house is defiantly a good idea”
“Lets go”

~Max House~
“So Izzy isn’t in”
“So we’re home alone?”
“Um, yeah”
“That’s good, right?” Liz asked very unsure if herself
“Yeah, yeah really good, are you nervous?”
“More than last night”
“Do you really want to do this?”
“Yea, why wouldn’t I?”
“Because of my non-human, well me?”
“Are you usually this unconfident?”
“Um well shall we?…………”
“………..Yeah, yeah”

~2Hours L8R~
“Ok now we really are gona feel guilty”
“Yeah more so than if we would of just done it once”
“Yeah” Liz said giggling
“Now we’re gona be REALLY grounded”

~Crashdown, Max & Liz just walked in holding hands~
“Where have you been?”
“We were tired of everyone saying we couldn’t be together, so we went for a drive, talked, feel asleep, talked some more & drove back”
“Did you have sex?”
“Did I include that in what we did?”
“Don’t talk back to me!”
“Don’t treat us like kids!”
“You are kids”
“We’re adults”
“Your to young to have sex”
“We’re both 16, that’s legal”
“Please just trust us” Liz said on the verge on crying & loosing Max
“Why should we when we don’t have reason to?”
“’Because I love Max” Liz said & immediately covered her mouth
“You, you really love me, your not just saying that?”
“I love you Max, really I do” Liz said completely becoming absorbed in Max & not caring about their parents
“I love you to”
“Oh sorry”
“Your both grounded for one month & forbidden to see each other”

~2weks L8R, Bio~
“Max my parents are out for the rest of the week”
“Do you want some company tonight?”
“That would be nice”

~Next Day~
“Hey Max these are yours” Liz said meeting Max on the quad & giving him a bag
“What are they?”
“Your boxers, you left them at my house last night”
“ByTheWay the little aliens on the front, nice” Liz said as their whole group dissolved into laughter
“Now after I’ve been embarrassed in front of all our friends, do you want me to come over again?”
“Are you an alien?”
“Ill take that as a ‘yes’”

~Liz House Night, her & Max are, you can guess~
“Mum, dad?” Liz nervously said peering from under her covers
“Um, Mr, Mrs Parker, how are you?” Max asked pepping from under Liz
“What are you doing?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Another two months apart & Max, get out of my daughters bed!”

~Crashdown Max has come to talk 2Mr Parker~
“Mr Parker please can I see your daughter?”



~soppysophs :mad: :mad:
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Post by soppysophs »

Title: Crazy, Y Max got the pocket knifeAuthor: soppysophs
Disclaimer: I own nothing, if i did Max & Liz would b happy & Tess
wouldn’t exist, not for getting Alex is alive & living with me, hehe,
Pairing: Max & Liz, is there any-other?
Rating: YTEEN
Feed-back: Always appreciated, please
Author's Note: Just a little fic before Crazy

~Liz' Room~
"Oh hey Max, im glad you came" Liz said with a smile on her face
"Yeah, you sounded important on the phone"
"Um, sit down"
"Whats wrong?"
"Are you...?"
"...No, of course not, um this is about christmas"
"What about it, it was three months ago"
"Well I never gave you a present"
"Why, would you of, we had just broken-up?"
"Yeah. But I wanted to get you something, so I kinda did"
"Liz, you shouldn't have"
"Here" Liz said nervously giving Max a small box
"Open it" Liz instructed, & Max could only comply
"Max & Liz 4eva" Max recited, a smile playing his lips
"I just thought you know"
"I know"
"Look Liz"
"Look Max I just want you to know that, um, we belong together,
whatever happens, I will always stick by you"
"No, thank-you, just dont break-up with me again!"
"Dont worry, Max&Liz4eva. Always"


~soppysophs :mad:
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Tess Lies & Videotape
After Max gives Liz the ‘The One’ talk
I need him not to do anything with Tess

~Crashdown Night~
“Your the one”
“Max you can’t say that”
“Liz I know it, I know it in my heart, iv known it since the first moment I laid eyes on you”
“Max I”
“No, I, I love you”
“I love you too” Liz replied a solemn tear cascading out of her left eye
“I never thought you could”
“Max, why?”
“Your there, you know being you, you know all perfect & I come along all well alien, I just, someone like you loving someone like me, it isn’t real”
“It’s the only real thing i have ever felt”
“So we’re good?”
“Yeah, really good”
“Wot time does your shift finish?”
“Its over”
“You need a hand?”

~5Minutes L8R~
“Yeah, you do that every-night?”
“I don’t envy you, where are you parents?”
“Catering conference”
“So your home, a-a-al-alone?”
“You want some company?”
“Are you asking me if I want someone to share my bed with me?”
“Well, a little more than that”
“How mutch more?” Liz asked sounding totally oblivious
“Oh, no don’t do this?”
“Do wot?” Liz asked sweetly
*GULP!* “Can I please make love to you?”

~soppysophs :mad:
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Post by soppysophs »

Four Square
Um, couldn’t do a fic, so what someone said makes Max think
*Means thought

~Evans Kitchen~
ISABEL: The night you were drunk, Michael and I went to the public library. That’s where the symbol was supposed to lead. We though that if Nasado left us a symbol at the cave, then we should send one back to him.
*Oh god the night I was drunk. I need to tell Liz*

~Liz’ Room~
“Um Liz”
“I remember the Blind Date I remember what I said, what I did”
“Max, you, you lied?”
“No, I didn’t remember, but I do now, & I’m sorry I didn’t tell you when I remembered, I was scared I’d loose you again”
“Max, did you mean what you said?”
“Yes, you know I did, I, I, I, love you. I love you Elizabeth Claudia Parker!”
“What’s going on, um, its wrong, not right, I know my life & I know I love you, like I always have, I cant loose you, not know not ever. Um that’s why I want us to be together, um completely, like um, cemented”
“Well I’d only sleep with someone I love so I cant have sex with you” Liz said watching Max’ face fall
“Only kidding, sorry I couldn’t resist”
“You, you, you, love me”
“With all my heart & soul”

~soppysophs :mad:
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