Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) COMPLETE 5/5/17 + A/N 5/5/19

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 17, 7/13/15, p. 13

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Sean is very creep. I'm glad that Max wants to finish healing Liz. I hope Max will answer all the questions Liz has. I hope Max will answer Liz truthfully.

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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 17, 7/13/15, p. 13

Post by dreamon »

Loving this beyond words! I dont know why but I got the impression that sean is royalty in this mess and Liz is his betrothed.
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 17, 7/13/15, p. 13

Post by begonia9508 »

I don't like Sean who must be a skin! So I said it... :lol: because he tried to warp her and it didn't work... :idea: :?:

But with Max! Oh, there are interests, in both of them for the other, that's for sure!!! :shock: :wink:

Waiting for more and especially Max's explanations! :roll:

EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 17, 7/13/15, p. 13

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Sean's presence is frightening.
Lucky Liz......Max taking liberties with her body.
Wonder why he considers her his responsibility ?? I would let him heal my wounds.
As far as rendezvous in confined spaces........Liz, plenty of other girls would go for that.
But I agree, they do need to have a talk, soon!
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 17, 7/13/15, p. 13

Post by AlysLuv »

Oohhh creepy Sean. His mojo don't work here anymore. Glad Max and Liz had a quick talk.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 17, 7/13/15, p. 13

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Please please come back and post more really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next between Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76
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Post by max and liz believer »

Roswelllostcause - Yeah, Sean really was a bit thrown off about that, wasn't he? Wonder what that is about :roll:
Is Max going to answer Liz's questions?
Hmm... Weeeell... :oops:

Thank you for the feedback!
saori_1902 - Hihi, see answer above :wink: Thank you :D
Natalie36 - Yup, I'm with you. Creepy Sean gotta go. But, unfortunately, he might not be that easy to get rid off. thank you for the feedback!
L-J-L 76 - Wouldn't it be great if Max actually gave us some answers :roll: Thank you for the feedback and a big hug for the bump :D
Loving this beyond words!
:oops: :oops: :oops: Thank you
I dont know why but I got the impression that sean is royalty in this mess and Liz is his betrothed.
Hmmm... interesting thought :idea: Thank you for the feedback!

Eve (begonia9508) - Maybe Sean is a skin. He's creepy enough... And yes, there's strong mutual feelings between Max and Liz. Unfortunately, so much is standing in between them. Thank you for the feedback!

Carolyn (keepsmiling7)
Lucky Liz......Max taking liberties with her body.
Wonder why he considers her his responsibility ?? I would let him heal my wounds.
Your comments make me smile. I know what you mean :D I would basically let Max do anything with me too.
As far as rendezvous in confined spaces........Liz, plenty of other girls would go for that.
She's just too stubborn for her own good 8)

Thank you for the feedback!

AlysLuv - Poor poor Sean, with his dysfunctional mojo. Thank you for the feedback!


“What, Liz?” he asked quietly, looking worried all of the sudden.

“I need some answers, you know.” I watched his face grow pale underneath his tan and hurried to add, “I have so many questions.”

“Yeah,” he breathed, suddenly looking like he was about to throw up.

I tentatively closed the small distance between us, coming to a hesitant stop in front of him, feeling small in his tall presence. “Could we talk? Later?”

I hated to beg. I was used to not needing anything from another person.

But I desperately needed information. About the healing. About my mom. About who (or what) Max really was.

And Max Evans was the only one - that I knew of - that could provide me with that said information.

I imagined hearing a tremble in his voice as he breathed, “Yeah.”

“Okay,” I agreed, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth.

His eyes flickered to my mouth, sending a blast of heat through me, and continued downwards, making my legs shake. He hitched his head towards my abdomen and said in that normal, stable and confident voice of his, “Let me know if that hurts,” referring to the burn left on my stomach. The burn he seemed to know about even without actually
looking at my stomach.

Another question that needed an answer.

I nodded mutely and watched him turn and disappear down the corridor.


The spray from the hot water accidentally hit the abraded skin on my abdomen, just below my ribs, and a jolt of pain shot through me. I bit down on a scream and quickly whipped my back into the stream of water, letting the water pelt my healed neck instead.

Pain continued to flow and ebb around the wound for another minute, and I wrapped myself up in the thorny and prickly blanket of reality that pain brought.

Keeping the wound, holding onto the pain it brought, must be kind of why some people cut themselves. When the emotional pain grew to such magnitudes that it could no longer be contained, it needed a physical release. By slicing through your skin, by focusing your attention on that pain, you finally got some relief from the suffocating emotional distress as physical pain momentarily drowned everything else out.

But as the pain diminished, my mom’s face swam in front of my eyes. Her laughter echoed around me, bouncing between the tiled walls of the shower, and her hand lovingly brushed through my wet hair.

The pain was building in my chest, the pain of my heart being ground into a cold mix of muscle, reverberating through my body. My fists closed along my body and I pressed my lips tightly closed to suppress the screams.

I didn’t want to frighten my dad. He was outside, seated in the small couch, in one of the three rooms of our small rented apartment.

While my fingernails dug into the center of my palms, drawing blood, I pictured my dad. Daddy, who silently cried in front of the TV every night since the death of his wife. Sometimes I wished for him to scream, to throw things around him, to curse God. Just make a lot of noise.

Instead, the tears silently rolled down his cheeks. One after the other. Second by second. Minute by minute. Hour by hour. There was barely a sob, not even a sniffle.

So who was I to scream in the shower?

Tears were streaming down my cheeks now as well. They were perfectly contained within the tear ducts throughout the day, but come night, come shower time, and it was a waterfall of salty sorrow mixing with the almost scolding water of the shower.

I bit my lower lip, bending my head back, letting the water disguise my tears and wash away the sound of my sobs. I was having trouble breathing, the sensation of an elephant sitting on my chest becoming increasingly present, as my breath caught on my sobs.

I’d never had a panic attack or an anxiety attack, but I realized then that I was dangerously close to one.

My throat wanted to close up, not letting my lungs expel the carbon dioxide, making my breaths shorter and shorter and my panic build.

I tried to redirect my thoughts, but I seemed to have lost control.

My life was at the mercy of my emotions.


I gasped as Max’s voice filled my head. The fleeting - ghostly - caress across the top of my chest shocked my body out of the building anxiety attack, and instead switched to fear as I was overcome with the strongest feeling that Max was standing right behind me.

Behind my very naked body.

Calm down.

I whipped my head around, convinced now that he was in fact standing behind me. He wasn’t.

Instead my thoughtless movement placed my wound straight back into the stream of hot water and, this time, I cried out loudly.


I bit the inside of my cheek at my father’s voice. He had moved to the outside of the bathroom door in the fraction of a second.

“Are you okay, honey?”

I surveyed the empty space around me, my hands shaking in the cascade of water, droplets of blood from the raw abrasion on my abdomen being watered out in long light pink trials down my left thigh.

“Yeah,” I yelled over the sound of the water, my voice catching on the aftermath of pain. “I’m fine, dad.” I looked around me again, searching. Irrationally searching for him. “There was a burst of cold water, that’s all.”

“Okay,” my dad said, the apprehension conspicuous in his voice, but apparently believing my explanation.

I heard him shuffle away from the door. My breathing was harsh in my ears as I looked at the tiled blue wall in front of me, my back yet again protecting my abdomen from the water, and whispered, “Max?”

Of course, there was no answer. There was no one there.

I shook my head at my own insanity, swallowed a big gulp of air, and angled my face into the water by pushing away my lower body to protect it from the water, as I tried my best to finish my shower.
Dad was positioned in front of the TV.

It was the same position I had found him in every night since I’d moved out of the temporary stay at Maria’s and moved in with him in the rental apartment.

The lower part of his face was slowly becoming covered in a dark brown beard, his hair was dark and shiny with greasy buildup, there were dark purple circles under his red tear-stricken eyes and the prominence of his cheekbones told me that he was not eating properly.

My dad was broken.

At least I had school to distract me, but dad had lost his business in the fire. Which meant that he had a horrible amount of time to do nothing but obsess and analyze what had happened. Even though he didn’t mention it, I was pretty sure the ‘What ifs’ were eating him up on the inside.

So I had to be the strong one. I had to be the one that cried in the roar of the shower and swallowed my screams. I had to repress and deny what had happened, just so that I could function when my dad didn’t.

Someone had to get groceries, after all.

Maybe it was a good thing that in the midst of losing my mom, I had found out that a boy at my school had healing abilities. It was a very welcomed distraction to the chaos and grief that was now my life.

Had I not found that little detail out at the same time as my house was burning down, taking mom with it, I’d probably be a lot more freaked out. Instead, I almost cherished the fiction; the escape from reality.

Because that’s what it was. That’s what it still felt like. Fiction.

Even though I knew that it had happened - knew that I had been badly burnt and Max had healed me - my rational and scientific mind was really having an uphill battle trying to accept it.

Which is why I needed answers. I needed more information from Max to help me wrap my head around what had happened. I needed to make sure that Max Evans was not a threat. That he could be trusted. Because my instincts were too messed up to come to a decision based on the current information.

I moved up to my dad on the couch and sank down next to him on the couch. Wordlessly, I curled up against his side, burrowing my face in his shirt and breathed in the smell of childhood and safety.

Dad put his arm around my shoulders, squeezed me tightly against his side, and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

“I love you, Daddy,” I whispered, struggling to keep my voice even.

“Love you too, Ella,” he replied and my heart clenched.

Ella. He hadn’t called me that since I was little.

A tear escaped my eye and I fisted his shirt in my hands. It was just the two of us now. Dad and I.
Ever since I requested that Max should answer my questions, Max had been the perfect magician. He kept on disappearing on me, dodging around corners as I approached and moving seats in the classroom to avoid being in my vicinity.

I idly wondered if I smelled bad, if the wound on my stomach had started putrefying, emitting a strong smell of dead tissue and infection. But since no one else seemed to complain, I figured he was just plainly avoiding me.

Unfortunately, Sean Carter wasn’t.

Sean Carter was the glue under my shoe, the shadow behind my back, the smiling waving doofus as I searched for an empty seat in the canteen. Suddenly, he seemed to be taking classes that I had never seen him in before. My classes.

His presence irked me. Made me feel nauseous and disgusted. Made me feel stalked.

And this time Max Evans was too busy avoiding me to warn me about Sean, as he had been so eager to do before.

I jumped as Michael plopped down opposite me, rudely catapulting me out of my reverie.

“Um hi?” I mumbled questioningly as he wordlessly helped himself to a French fry from my plate, folding it slowly into his mouth while the whole time keeping his eyes trained on me.

I swallowed. So it wasn’t enough with Max and Sean behaving weirdly? Now I had to deal with Michael too?

One corner of Michael’s mouth twitched in dark amusement at my discomfort and I corrected my inner monologue.

Michael wasn’t really acting more weirdly than usual.

“Can I help you?” I asked, struggling to keep the shiver out of my voice. Michael always threw me off. With his dark, challenging eyes and the way in which he kept his calculating words to a minimum.

He pursed his lips in an expression of innocence and mutely shook his head while making a grab for another fry.

“Can’t get your own food?” I asked.

He smiled at me, sending a cold shiver down my spine. “I prefer yours.”

Fatigue mixed with annoyance began to build inside me. Why couldn’t these people just leave me alone?

I grabbed my tray and snapped it out of his reach, the juice bottle tilted in its spot but eventually managed to remain standing.

Michael raised an amused eyebrow. “Testy.”

“If you’re only here to steal my food, then-“

Michael scoffed. “Don’t get your fucking panties in a twist, Parker.”

I glared at him the best I could, with my heart in my stomach. Michael freaked me out. I almost expected him to suddenly morph into an evil monster, propel himself across the table, put his hands around my neck and strangle the life out of me. Just for fun.

Those were just the vibes he was sending out on a regular day.

“Then what?” I snapped, the wound on my abdomen throbbing with my elevated body temperature.

“I want you to come to a party,” Michael said simply, reached out and yanked my tray towards him.

Not this again, I thought, as I distractedly watched him continue to eat my fries. Why were people so intent on inviting the wallflower to their parties?

“Not interested,” I mumbled, giving up on eating my lunch and crossing my arms defensively across my chest.

“I want you to bring that crazy friend of yours,” Michael continued evenly, as if I had accepted his invitation rather than refused it.

I frowned. “Maria?” Why would Michael Guerin want me to bring Maria?

Michael leaned back against the backrest, staring at something next to my ear in contemplation. “Is that her name?”

“My crazy friend is Maria, yes,” I said acidly. Michael had, if possible, managed to piss me off more in the last three minutes than Sean had done in the last three days.

“Bring her,” Michael practically demanded.

She can go if she wants. I won’t.”

Michael’s features changed into the same amused ‘Now, now, little girl’-expression that Max sometimes donned. “We’ll see.”

He pushed back from the table, grabbed one fry in the movement, and said, “Andrew Young. Tomorrow. Around 8-9:ish. His parents are gone for the weekend.”

“I’m not sure why you’re telling me this,” I said darkly. No way I was going to a party on an invitation by Michael Freaking Guerin.

“Tell her,” Michael ordered, hitching his head at something behind me.

“Tell me what?”

I sighed at Maria’s voice, looking over my shoulder to confirm that it was indeed my best friend standing there. By the time I turned my head back to grace Michael with the glare of death, he was gone.

TBC... :roll:
Last edited by max and liz believer on Sun Jul 02, 2017 6:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 18, 7/17/15, p. 14

Post by Roswelllostcause »

OK what is Michael up to? He must have a thing for Maria. Why is Max avoiding Liz? I really wish someone would do something about that creep Sean! He is so stalking Liz now! Liz should go go to the party it might be a chance to get Max alone for some answers to the ten million questions in her head.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 18, 7/17/15, p. 14

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Roswelllostcause wrote:OK what is Michael up to? He must have a thing for Maria. Why is Max avoiding Liz? I really wish someone would do something about that creep Sean! He is so stalking Liz now! Liz should go go to the party it might be a chance to get Max alone for some answers to the ten million questions in her head.
I totally agree with Roswelllostcause! Really great chapter by the way!

L-J-L 76
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 18, 7/17/15, p. 14

Post by AlysLuv »

Poor Jeff. And I caught your Ella hint. Atleast I hope it was one. I'm working wondering if it's more than a kid nickname. Sean is a creep. Michael is being weird. Another party? I can only imagine what will happen at this one compared to the first one.
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