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Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:05 am
by martine
I didn't meet Cherie in person, but I can't forget the pm she left me once to tell me what she thought about my work. That was so nice and gentle that I kept it until now. I'm sure that she is with the angels now cause she was certainly one of them. I'm thinking about her family and I want to tell them that even for people like me who never met Cherie she will be missed.
with my deep respects.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:49 am
by pure_spunk
I never met Cherie, I admit I don't think I even ever spoke with her, however, I did follow her work, and I am so sad to hear of her passing. My condolences go out to her family and to the other Ros-fic writers/readers who knew her well.


Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:33 pm
by rar1942
I cannot claim to have known Cherie - although if I could, I'd be proud to make the claim.

I was a great fan of her writing, and her way with words; the emotion she could pack into the simplest of statements, the love she held for her craft - these will be ever with me.

It was my good fortune to have been able to do something for her once that gave her some joy - I wish it could have been more. For as long as we corresonded, I never had a clue as to her state of health, for she never complained, and never was sad about anything - at least not that I could detect.

She had a marvelous wit, and I for one will sorely miss her. I feel some kinship in having a birthday 12 days after hers - but the fact that we are, for all intents and purposes the same age gives me no pleasure at all, as I am still here, but I'll never again get to start one of her stories, try to anticipate where it will go, and be brought to tears by some truly beautiful prose.

My heartfelt condolences to those who loved her - there's a hole in the universe where Cherie had been, and it'll never be filled. I am pleased that her passing was peaceful, and that she could be among those who loved her at the end, but I will miss her.

We never spoke; we never met, but I feel a hole in my soul from her passing. Wherever she is, she is loved by many, and although she has left (if I may borrow the concept) she has not left us - and the Universe is a better place for her having shared herself with us.

I shall cherish the memory of having known her, minimally thought it had to be - if we call the Rockies 'the mountain' she had the morning side in California and I in Maryland lived on the twilight side.

She was one of a kind.

With all of love to those remaining,

Bob Rudolph

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:58 pm
by Shiesty23
Words can not express how much I'll miss her. She was a wonderful friend... :cry:


Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:00 pm
by BelevnDreamsToo
I just got a call from Cherie's son Beau. Obviously we could barely talk, but he's such a sweetheart and he wanted me to tell you he's trying to get on and thank everyone himself for all the notes and messages about his darling mama!

He kept apologizing for his emotions, but I know there's something so special between mother and son and he had such a very special Mama!!

Take care, Beau and your whole family!!

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:40 pm
by jero

This is a combination of an email and a Fan Forum post from Cherie's sister...

I am having problems responding to e-mails. I am on Cherie's computer and e-mails will not send for some strange reason?!? So I am forced to respond on the Fan Forum. Maybe my sis is trying to tell me something. She always wanted me to get involved, so here I am. Anyway, the celebration of Cherie will be held on Wednesday around 1:00 pm. Please bring your eloquent words or just "whatever" to share with us.
I can read my e-mails, and if you have any questions you can call me on my cell phone 832-385-5909

There will be time for everyone to talk about Cherie, and we will be reading some of her pomes. We have created a cd of her life, and will be glad to send you one. Please let others know that if they would like one, we would gladly send them one.

Again, Thanks for being a part of Cherie's Life
She is a very nice lady. How could she be otherwise? She's Cherie's sister. :) I called her (at Beau's house) because the phone number she posted doesn't work. She said "Well you know I am a blonde!" :lol:

If you want a copy of the CD send your address to her at

EDITED to correct the phone number.



Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:02 pm
by Island Breeze
I was reading back through feedbacks and PM's to and from Cherie, and they still make me smile. Feedbacks from when I was reading Carnival Of Souls and other stories of hers and when she was reading my stories. She is going to be so missed! Cherie was such an incredible, awesome person. I never had the opportunity to meet her in person like so many did, but I still feel that I know her well from our many "connections" online. And Cherie was so humble. She truly was a great writer, but she was always like, "Oh my! You liked my story? I am so pleased and honored!" And she was totally sincere. I wrote a review of one of her stories at Foundlings, and she was just thrilled. And yet... I only wish I were half as good a writer as she was. So poetic and beautiful! Our loss is Heaven's gain. Someone said that Cherie will still be there at all the conventions, and I believe that. She was an extraordinarily social person and a friend to all. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she's not already planning her next expedition. She was just such a delightful person to know. Her beautifully crafted stories will live on beyond us all for the pleasure of generations to come. And I would just say this to Cherie if I could... Remember us up there, because we will not be forgetting you here.


Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:34 pm
by Michelle in LA
Cherie's daughter-in-law said that the service will be on their property, at home, and that they'd welcome Cherie's friends.

She also said that Cherie's son (I think) had posted a number somewhere, so that people who were planning to attend could call for directions, but I haven't seen it.

I told her that if all the people who cared and wished they could be by their side could attend, they'd have an army on their hands, and that they will be held up by our love and prayers throughout the day.

She said they were definitely feeling it, all the love and support pouring in from the fandom, and that it was warming their hearts to know how many people had appreciated Cherie and loved her.


Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:20 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
I'm just.... so sad, after hearing this. I didn't know her personally, but she's left feedback for some of my stories, and I've read some of hers. I remember seeing her respond to one of the threads, telling us her age, and I just remembered how fun she sounded. It makes me sad that I never got to witness that for myself.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:48 pm
by jero
Michelle, you are definitely right! There would be too many people to count. :)

I haven't seen Beau post anywhere, but peeps could call Cherie's sister for directions...
if you have any questions you can call me on my cell phone 832-385-5909
That is the corrected phone number. ;)

Her sister, Myrle, wanted to post these pictures... She didn't send any captions with them, so based on our conversation, I'm labeling them as to who I think is in the picture... If anyone knows otherwise, please post the corrections.

Cherie and Myrle

Charles and Cherie

Carla, Cherie, and Beau

Edited to correct the names on the 3rd pic.
