Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 70&Epilogue Complete 11/18/16

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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 49 10/28/16

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Gee I missed out on a lot when I was out of the country......
But think I am now caught up.
The bonding was lovely, they are now officially the King and Queen.
Nasedo surprised me, but I'm trilled Tess was finally gone.
The granolith was found but Nicholas is a real concern.
Max found out Liz/Elexia was remembering things on Antar.
So funny, Kal is protecting horny teenagers.
But now you leave us with Liz in Nasedo and Kivar's possession.
Hurry Max, you need to save Liz!
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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 49 10/28/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Oh Max will be pleased to learn that Kivar has his Queen.

Carolyn Welcome backYes the bond is complete. Tess is gone. Nicholas may be trouble, Kivar has Liz but it may not be for long!

Part 50

Everyone gathered in the Crashdown. Serena just glared at Kal who was using a communicator to talk with someone on Antar. Kyle made his way over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"We will get Liz back." Said Kyle
"I know." Said Serena

Just then Kal ended his communication and turned to them.

"Here's the deal. Liz, is on Antar and being held by Kivar in the Royal Palace. There are spies in the palace that will help her. But the thing is it will be a while before she can be sent back here or anyone from here can go after her. The portal takes a lot of power. Plus we need to recreat the drug needed so that none of you will be harmed going through it. But once our people inside the palace get Liz to the rebel base she will be safe. One thing you should know is that because she is now bonded to Max and it was blessed by the granalith Kivar can't rape her. If he tries even with an inhibitor on he will be repealed from her. But that doesn't mean that he won't hurt her." Said Kal
"Can't we use the granalith to open a portal?" Asked Isabel
"No we can't. We have no way to hide the energy sign. So it would be very dangerous to try that." Said Diane
"So what just sit here waiting to see if Liz can escape before Kivar beats the shit out of her?" Asked Michael
"Liz, will be OK. I know it. Kivar won't kill her. He has wanted her forever. He will send someone to kill me so that he can mate with her and have an heir with his blood." Said Max
"Max, is right. But all you boys are in danger of being killed too. Kivar will want Serena and Isabel alive. They are the only ones that can use the power of the granalith. Having Maria alive would be a bonus. He could then sell her to be a concubine." Said Nancy
"Concubine?" Asked Maria
"Personal sex toy." Said Alex
"Hell no! There is no way in fucking hell I will let anyone use me like that!" Said Maria
"Relax pixie, they have to go through me first. I am not going to let anyone hurt you." Said Michael
"Yeah they ain't getting you without going through me too. Or Serena for that matter." Said Kyle
"Good save bonehead." Said Serena

Kyle leaned over and gave her a soft kiss.

"So we just wait?" Asked Isabel
"We wait. Our people on Antar will let me know when our Queen is safe." Said Kal

Serena got up and walked over to Kal.

"Let's have a talk in private." Said Serena

Kal nodded knowing that he had avoided the young princess long enough. He followed her to the store room and she closed the door. He stood there waiting for Serena to rip into him.

"Why did you keep me locked behind that gate?" Asked Serena softly

Kal was taken aback by her soft tone.

"I admit I messed up there. Serena, I am a soldier. I don't know how to raise a kid. Maybe I should have let you go to school with other kids. But I was scared you would expose yourself. I couldn't let that happen. You have no idea what I went through when the government held me. I couldn't let that happen to you."
"You know when you were out of town Rosa took me to the Zoo a couple times. She also took me to the park and beach."
"I know all about those trips. You were happy on those trips."
"Did Rosa tell you?"
"No. But you had a guard that followed you. To make sure you were safe. He took pictures and gave them to me. Let me show you my favorite."

Serena nodded. Kal reached for his wallet and pulled out a worn photo. He handed it to Serena. She looked at it and smiled. It had been taken at the LA Zoo when she was eight. She had a big smile on her face as she watched a polar bear catch a fish in it's jaw. Sure the fish was already dead. But at eight she thought it was the coolest thing ever.

"You don't just carry this do you? You actually look at it." Said Serena
"I do Princess. I am not good at expressing my feelings. I was trained from a young age to be a protector. That means I am not to let my charge to close. But the thing is Princess, Serena you and your strong willed hot temper worked your way into my heart."
"Are you saying you love me?"
"Yeah, I am. Serena, I love you. You are the best thing in my life. Please forgive me for being a bad guardian and protector."

Serena let the tears fall she had been holding back fall down her face and threw her arms around Kal in a hug.


Liz heard the door open and then closed. She was in too much pain to look at who it was. She heard something being placed on the table next to the bed behind her. Then a soft voice.

"My Queen, it is Zandra. I am going to clean and treat your cuts. Are you able to lay on your stomach without much pain?"
"Yes." Said Liz

Liz rolled off her side and onto her stomach with a slight wince.

"I am afraid that this may sting. I am sorry."

Liz didn't say anything. Just winced as Zandra began to clean the cut left by the belt. She heard the girl gasp when she saw the Royal Seal.

"I am sorry Blessed Queen."
"Zandra, you aren't on his side are you?"
"No You're Highness, I am not. I spy on him for those loyal to you. You need to get stronger. I will help you escape through the tunnels and take you to your mother."

Liz, knew that she meant Shava, by mother. Elexa's mother. She was scared but knew that this girl was her only chance to get away from this monster.

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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 50 10/29/16

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Poor Max and friends they have to wait to save Liz. And they have to be ready for when Kivar and his men attacked. Thank god for Zandra who is helping Liz with her cut the belt made. Hopefully Liz and Zandra will leave through the secret passage really soon.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 50 10/29/16

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I really did like Kal showing Serena he cared for her even though it was difficult for him to show it.
So glad Max and Liz are bonded, but still want her away from Kivar.
Great news, Zandra will help Liz escape when she is better.
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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 50 10/29/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Yes Max and the others have to wait to go after Liz. Don't worry Liz will escape before to long.

Carolyn Kal really does love his princess. Yes Liz will have help to escape soon.

Part 51

Lyndra closed her eyes after getting the report from Earth. This was not good. She did not want to tell her friend that Kivar had one of her daughters. Even though they both knew deep down that these kids were not the same as the children they had lost. But they were as close as they had to being their children. She got up and left the transmission center of their hidden base. She. Knew her friend was resting. She had been growing ill over the last few weeks. She walked into Shava's bed chamber and sat next to her friend.

"Lyndra, what is troubling you?" Asked Shava
"I just got word from Kaldon. Elexa, or Elizabeth as she is now known has been brought here and handed over to Kivar by that Braydon who works for him."
"We must get word to Zandra to help her escape and bring her here."
"I already sent the coded message. But it maybe a few days before she will get here."
"I know. But she must be gotten to safety. We both know that Kivar will not be too happy to learn of her bond with the rightful King."
"No he won't."


Kivar was beyond mad! How dare that stupid Zan take what was his! He was to be the one that took Elexa's purity. But that bastard had to go and turn his future wife into a slut. Not that it truly mattered. As soon as Zan took his last breath he would have Elexa. He would spill his seed into her until she carried his son. A son he would raise to rule with an iron fist. A son he would raise to understand that women were only of two uses. One of good breeding to be a wife who's only job would be to have an heir, and those of lesser breeding to be used to fulfil their needs. The door to his bed chamber opened and his concubine walked wearing only a robe. She took off the robe as soon as the door was closed. He grabbed her roughly and threw her onto the bed. He climbed on top of her and entered her roughly. She winced at first but then began to move to meet his thrusts she knew that if she could help him with his release the sooner it would be over for her. She had been raised from a little girl to be used to please men. She had been eight when she had been taken from her family. She finally felt him thrust one last time into and heard him grunt as his seed poured into her body. It saded her to know that she would never experience love. That she would never have a child of her own to hold in her arms. They took care of that shortly after taking her from her family. She had been thirteen when she became this man's whore. She could barely read or write. They liked to keep girls like her uneducated. She waited until he fell to sleep before getting out of bed and grabbing her robe to make her way back to her room to soak in a warm bath. At seventeen it would be years before she would no longer be of use anyone. It would be then she would be forced to train another young girl how to please a man.


Liz watched Zandra as she helped her dress. She had to wonder what her story was.

"You have a question my Queen?" Asked Zandra
"You are wondering why I am here?"
"How did you know that?" Asked Liz
"I am an empath and have have minor thelapath powers. No offensive or defensive powers. You are very strong. But right now you can't use your powers. That inhibitor prevents you from using your powers. I can't get it off. But your mother can once we get you to her."
"Why did you agree to spy on Kivar? I mean you are so young."
"I am older than you my Queen. I am nineteen. I have my reasons. Besides this is the only way I maybe able to save my younger sister."
"What happened to her?"
"My father was not able to pay his taxes nearly ten years ago. So she was taken as part of the payment. She is now Kivar's concubine."
"Concubine? You mean she is forced to have sex with him?"
"Yes. She is only seventeen."
"She is in the palace?"
"Yes. But it is too dangerous to go after her with you powerless. She is kept locked up unless she is with him. A guard brings her to him and waits until he is done with her so he can return her to her room. Though I know that Kivar has at times let some of his high ranking men use her. The Nex can be real brutal. I was once sent to clean her up after one them had been with her. She had a lot of bleeding and was in pain. A healer came and repaired the damage. But she was not healed she was in a lot of pain."
"I promise, you help me and I will make sure that your sister is set free. What is her name?"
"Alexa. My parents were very loyal to Elexa and Zan. So they named us in their honor."
"I will do what I can to help both of you."
"Thank you my Queen."

Zandra finished and left Liz alone.

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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 51 10/30/16

Post by Natalie36 »

oh man this is going to take some time to save liz :cry: :shock:
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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 51 10/30/16

Post by keepsmiling7 »

This can't happen fast enough........plans for Liz's escape from Kivar
Sad story about Zandra's sister, hope Liz can soon help her.
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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 51 10/30/16

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So both the queens know that Liz is on Antar and is Kivar's prisoner. Queens need to save Liz before things get worse for Liz. Really hate Kivar and the way he is thinking about women. Men like Kivar should be dead or in prison. So Zandra has a sister. Poor Zandra the first time she saw her sister was when she had to clean her up from Kivar's men. Glad Liz wants Zandra's sister to come with them when they leave.

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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 51 10/30/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Natalie36 Don't worry about Liz.

Carolyn It is nearly time for Liz's escape.

L-J-L 76 Yes the former Queens know Liz is on Antar. Help is coming to Liz.

Part 52

Serena and Kal returned to the Crashdown to find everyone waiting for them. Serena sat down with Kyle who pulled her into his arms.

"There isn't a lot we can do until we hear from Antar. But you all need to remember that Kivar won't kill Liz. He still sees her as Elexa. He wants nothing more then to marry her so that she will be able to give birth to his heir." Said Kal
"Liz and Max did that bonding thing. So does that mean that Kivar can still marry her?" Asked Maria
"No. Anytime anyone who is not bonded to Liz they will be repelled. Max is the only one that can now be with her sexually. It is the same for him." Said Diane
"Mom are you and daddy bonded?" Asked Isabel
"No honey we aren't. Antarians can only bond with each other as far as I know. But I love him more than anything." Said Diane
"You had no one on Antar?" Asked Max
"I was part of an arranged marriage on Antar. The man I married was killed the night Kivar attacked. But there was no love between us. We rarely even shared a bed. He knew I would never love him just as he would never love me. He was a soldier so he was away much of the time." Said Diane

Isabel and Max both hugged Diane. She had missed the close family bond they had on Antar.


Liz winced in pain as she rolled onto her back. She had tried to get some sleep but it was hard. Her body was in pain from the beating. She heard the door open. She closed her eyes hoping it wasn't Kivar. She relaxed when she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"We need to move now. You are in too much danger." Said Zandra

Liz nodded and sat up wincing.

"I know you are in pain. But we can't wait any longer. Kivar won't kill you but he will beat you again. Without your ability to use the King's healing you may not be able to live through too many of the beatings."
"I will be fine. I know there are escape tunnels. Is there a way into from this room?"
"Yes. But it will be a long walk. I have food and water stored in the part of the tunnel near the kitchen. I am afraid it will not be food you are use to on Earth. But it is all I have for you."
"I will deal with it."
"We will pick up my sister on the way. I need to take some clothes for her. She has very few of her own, and she only gets them when she goes to a medical exam."
"She and I are close in size?"
"She is the same hight as you. A little thinner though. But my clothes are too big for her."
"It's fine."

Five minutes later they entered the tunnel and slowly made their way through the dark tunnel.


Kivar woke not at all surprised that his whore was gone. He pulled on his pants left his room to go and see if his Elexa was ready to talk. If not he might just have to give her another beating to try and get her to open her mouth. He knew she knew what the mark on her back was. She had to tell him. He walked right into her room not caring if she was undressed or not. In his mind she had better grow use to displaying her body in front of him. As his wife she would spend much of her time in bed with him pounding hard into her between her legs. He had to make sure that she carried his son. Only a son could be his heir. But before he could start on creating his heir he had to see Zan dead. Zan had no right to bond to his mate! Oh if that slut Elexa gave him daughters then he would use them to gain even more power by marrying them off to men with power he needed. He walked in the room and saw the bed had been slept in. But no sign of his future mate. The door to the bathroom was open but she was not there either.

"Luk where the hell is Elexa!" He yelled at one of the guards.
"Sire, she never came out of the room." Said Luk
"Well she is not in there now! So what happened to her? She does not have the ablilty to mind warp! Besides even if she did she has an inhibitor on!"
"Sire, all I know is she never came out the door."
"Did anyone enter the room?"
"No sire. Not for hours anyway. Only that servant girl who was sent to care for her after you left last time."
"I see. Seems I may have a traitor in my mist. Luk, have Xatred go pull information from the old woman in the dungan. I want to know how in the hell Elexa got out of this room!"

Luk ran off. Kivar was beyond pissed off. He was going to find Elexa and make her pay for thinking that she could run from him.

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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 52 10/31/16

Post by keepsmiling7 »

There better be some fast moving with regards to an escape for Liz and the others.
Kivar is already mad......
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