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Re: Tess: Evil or Misguided?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:39 am
by Cocogurl
It's cool. It's a sign that we all still care about the show and our fav couple if we can debate like this. :) :wink:

But, back on topic. Tess was evil. Enough said. People have tried to give me many excuses for why she did what she did, but in my eyes it feels like it's actually just trying to turn the bad guy into the victim. I mean, she might have been misguided as well, but she it's not like she didn't have a choice. Kyle and Valenti took her into their house, treated her like family. She started to actually become a member of the group. But she decided that Nasedo's plan was more important. And her actions cost Alex's life and almost Leanna's since she set this poor, clueless girl up to look like the alien killer. So, I just can't come up with any excuse for her.