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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 55 11/3/16

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 4:52 am
by Lillmonster
Meeting a mother from earlier life. That would be weird. When can they go after Khivar?

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 55 11/3/16

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:23 am
by keepsmiling7
Kivar must die!
To think he has doctors that will take from Liz to create a special child for him just gives me the creeps.
Kivar must die before he continues to abuse women and girls.
Love the purple lizard people, and can't wait to meet Elexa's mother.

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 55 11/3/16

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:31 am
by L-J-L 76
Thanks to Zan and Lonnie's mom Liz lost that thing on her wrist. Wow so Liz is remembering more and more of her past. Poor Nancy she feels so bad for what is going on. But Nancy knows she needs to help Max, Liz and friends. Hopefully Max and everyone will find out that Liz is safe.

L-J-L 76

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 55 11/3/16

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:24 am
by Roswelllostcause
Lillmonster Yes things are really weird right now for Liz. It won't be to long before they go after Kivar.

Carolyn Yes Kivar is pure evil. The purple lizard people are different right?

L-J-L 76 Yes thanks to Zan and Lonnie's mom Liz lost the inhibitor. Nancy feels guilty that she didn't do more to help the kids.

Part 56

Serena sat on the Valenti's couch watching the Sheriff pace back and forth. Kyle sat next to her waiting for his dad to say something.

"Now let me get this straight. Nancy Parker who I have known for nearly 25 years is an alien that was sent here to act as one of the guardians of the Royal court of a planet named Antar. Max and Liz are the rightful King and Queen of that planet." Said Jim
"Yes sir." Said Serena
"On top of that my son, is a member of this royal court and was married to you and she is Liz's sister and a princess."
"Yes sir." Said Serena
"Kyle, don't you have anything to say?"
"Well dad. I just want you to know none of this changes anything." Said Kyle
"Oh this changes a lot. You aren't human. Your life is in danger! Kyle there are people out there trying to kill you!"
"Dad, I know this. But right now we are trying to come up with away to go after Liz. She was abducted and taken back to Antar." Said Kyle
"What are Jeff and Nancy doing about it? Does Jeff even know any of this?"
"Yes. Sheriff, I know you are upset about what you walked in on. But the fact is Kyle and I are much stronger now that we bonded. Normally on Antar if a couple chooses to bond it is done after the wedding. But the fact is we couldn't wait that long. The stronger we are the better chance we have at defeating our enemies. But the only way to bond is through the freely giving of ourselves to the other for the first time. If you are worried about becoming a grandfather, don't. It's hard to explain but until we are legally married by either Antar or Earth laws it impossible for me to become pregnant." Said Serena
"Look, I don't even pretend to understand what is going on any more. But Kyle if you ever leave this planet you sure as hell better tell me. Oh and Serena please inform Nancy that I want to talk to her and get more answers."
"Yes sir." Said Serena
"Now Kyle make sure she gets home safely. Then you and I will have a little talk."
"Sure dad." Said Kyle


Liz followed Lyndra through the caves to a room. They went in and found a girl about Liz's age sitting by the bed of a woman. Liz knew right away who the woman was.

"Come closer my daughter. Let me see you." Said the woman

Liz walked closer and the girl turned to look at her. The soft purple eyes told Liz who the girl was.

"Kira?" Asked Liz
"Been a long time cousin. We can speak later. Your mother needs you." Said Kira

Kira got up and left with Lyndra. Liz went over and took the chair next to the bed.

"You are so beautiful my daughter." Said Shave
"Thank you. What is wrong?"
"I am sick."
"Yes, I am dying."
"Is there anything I can do to help you mother?"
"Are you willing to connect with me?"
"I don't know if I am strong enough to do this on my own. The only healing power I have is what I can borrow from Max. But at this distance it is not easy."
"Elizabeth, you don't have to fully heal me. That would be too much for you. All you need to do is slow down the sickness."
"I don't even know how."
"Elizabeth, if you are anything like Elexa then you are very smart. Just connect with me and you will know what to do. But I am thinking that you may need an energy boost. Ask Kira if she will help you."
"I don't remember her very well."
"I understand. But her strongest power is that she can share her energy. That is why you should ask her."
"I will. You will be OK while I do?"
"Yes. You still have that warm heart. Too bad your father never bothered to get to know you or your sister."

Liz leaned over and placed a kiss on Shava's cheek then headed out to find her cousin.


Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 56 11/4/16

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:41 am
by L-J-L 76
Poor Jim he just found his son in bed with a girl. Both Kyle and Serena have bonded. That his son Kyle and Nancy are not even human. That is a lot to take in for Jim. Hopefully Jim can handle it all. So Liz meet her mom and she is sick. Hopefully Liz and Kira can help her mom get better.

L-J-L 76

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 56 11/4/16

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:40 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Jim really did get a shock!

Part 57

Liz walked out into the tunnel and found Kira waiting. Liz really looked at the other girl she was about the same height as she was. With should length reddish brown hair and purple eyes.

"I know you don't go by Elexa. So what would you like to be call you?" Asked Kira
"Short for Elizabeth. I see the irony in the name Nanra chose for you. There have been two human Queens in the region of Earth known as England. You are the rightful Queen of Antar. Very fitting name."
"Yeah. Uh I was wondering if you are willing to help me?"
"You need an energy jump to bring Shava out of danger of death until your mate can come to fully heal her."
"Liz, I understand that you don't remember me. But we weren't just cousins we were friends."
"Do you remember things from before?"
"Before I died? Yes and I want Kivar to die for what he did to our family and friends. It is because of him I didn't have a child."
"What do you mean?"
"Kivar believes that only a boy can be an heir. I was pregnant three times and each time it was a girl. He blamed me. And ended it before she had a chance to live. Then he would beat me saying that I was no good as a wife. That I should be nothing but a whore. I hated him. He never wanted me. He wanted you."
"He will never have me."
"You're bonded. That is why he beat you."
"You were always a strong person. Kivar wanted to break you. Had you married him after your father died Kivar would have ruled. You would have been Queen of Pantar in name only. He would have been the real ruler and things would not have been good for the people."
"Kira, I promise that we will free Antar of Kivar and bring peace to the people again."
"I know you will. Now let's go see what we can do for your mother."

Liz and Kira headed back to Shava's room in the underground caves.


Kal ended the communication with Antar. The good news was that Liz was now safe in the underground base. But the bad news was that they now needed to head to Antar to take out Kivar once and for all. He had also gotten word that all the skins except for Nicholas had been destroyed. Nicholas had escaped through a portal back to Antar. Now all he had to do was inform everyone else. Not that he wanted to go back to Antar. But these kids were going to need all the help they could get. He could only hope that Nancy and Diane felt the same way.


Claudia sat in her cell knowing that Kivar was not going to be happy when he finally figures out the escape tunnels. But Liz would be safe in the underground base by then. She hated that she had tricked Liz into believing that she died. But that was easier then trying to explain to Jeff that she really wasn't his mother. Not by blood any way. But she loved and raised him as if he was. Unlike her son from here on Antar Jeff had grown up a loving man who would do anything for his daughter.


Kal hung up his phone his men in Copper Summit had just reported that the harvest and all Nex except for Nicholas had been destroyed. Nicholas had escaped at the last moment through a portal back to Antar. He had also heard from Lyndra that the young Queen had been freed from Kivar and was safe at the underground base. He would report to the King shortly the new information.


Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 57 11/5/16

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:11 am
by Natalie36
glad liz is safe but who is Claudia's :shock: son

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 57 11/5/16

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:43 am
by Lillmonster
I have the same question as Natalie. Who is Claudias son?
I don't think Nancy will be too happy to leave for Antar. Or Diane for that matter.

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 57 11/5/16

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:08 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz was not able to completely heal.......but to slow down the sickness.....
She is now safe in the underground caves.....
But the real task lies ahead!

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 57 11/5/16

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:29 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Who is Claudia's son? Good question. But it will be a little while before you get that answer.

Lillmonster Who Claudia's son was will come out in time. Max will give both Nancy and Diane a choice about going to Antar. But if they go that doesn't mean they will have to stay once Kivar is taken down.

Carolyn Liz is not able to heal complely. Remember she can only heal by borrowing the power from her mate, Max!

Part 58

Liz and Kira walked back into Shava's room together. Shava gave both girls a smile. The two girls moved to the bedside. Both sat down Liz took Shava's hand in hers and Kira placed her hand on Liz's arm.

"I am still new at this. So I need you to look into my eyes." Said Liz
"Of course my daughter." Said Shava

Liz opened the connection with the woman that had in a past life been her mother. Liz pushed the flashes aside and searched for what was making the woman so sick. It didn't take long for her to find the tumor in the woman's brain. Liz knew she didn't have the skill to heal something like this. But she focused on shrinking it. She felt Kira feeding her energy. Finally Liz had to break the connection. She was worn out. She looked over at Kira and saw sweat on the other girl's forehead.

"You OK Kira?" Asked Liz
"I am fine. You are so much like Elexa. More worried about others then yourself." Said Kira
"She is much like my daughter. Though I can see she is very much a different person. I am doing much better. But only your mate will fully be able to heal me." Said Shava
"But you are no longer in danger of dying Aunt Shava?" Asked Kira
"No. Elizabeth was able to shrink the tumor enough. Kira, take her to one of the other chambers to rest." Said Shava
"Yes my lady." Said Kira

Kira helped Liz to her feet and led her in a chamber not far from Shava's. Liz laid down in bed and it wasn't long before she was asleep. Kira left her cousin to sleep.


Max hung up the phone and let out a sigh of relief. Kal had just heard back from his people on both Antar and in Copper Summit. Liz was now safe. The skins had been dealt with. But he was missing Liz. He grabbed his keys jumped in the jeep and drove out to the pod chamber. He entered and went right to the granalith chamber.

"Greeting You're Highness. What questions do you have for me?" Asked the granalith
"Is Liz really safe?"
"The young Queen is safe and with family."
"Whose family?"
"She is with the mother of who she once was. The mother of who you once were is also there. As is her cousin."
"Her cousin?"
"Elexa and Trina had a cousin named Kira. She has been reborn as well."
"Why was she kept on Antar?"
"Kira, was kept on Antar because Kivar would never look for her."
"Why would he look for her?"
"In her past life Kira was married to Kivar. It was not a marriage of love. It was a very unhappy marrige that ended with Kira's death at Kivar's hand for not giving him a son."
"Granalith why did we not know about this cousin?"
"It was not nessary. Kira is following her destiny to help the young Queen to become who she truly is. Though you and the others must go to Antar soon and take the throne back."
"I understand."
"I can help you no more tonight. Your Queen is in no danger at this time."

The granalith powered down and Max headed for home.


Kivar sent another blast at the wall. He wanted to know how in hell Elexa and his whore got away. He also wanted to know what happened to that maid that had also disappeared. That old bitch was no help always talking in riddles and calling him stupid. He watched as the old woman was brought back in.

"Claudia, are you ready to give me real answers?"
"Kivar, I gave you real answers. You just don't know how to understand my answers."
"Woman why haven't I killed you?"
"You kill me and you will lose power. That is the one thing you have craved from the time you were a boy. You wanted my granddaughter that the royal bloodline went through. You could not be happy with the wife you were given."
"Kira was a bad wife. She could not give me a proper heir."
"You are stupid! The father is the one that determines gender of the child. You are the one that impregnated her with daughters."

Kivar glared at Claudia. This woman always made him mad.

"Just tell me how they got away woman!"
"There is away to get out of the palace for the royals if it was attacked undetected. It is up to you to find out what it is."

Kivar knew that there was no way he was going to get the answer he wanted out of her.