Alliances (ADULT/CC) Thread 2

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Post by madroswellfan »

"You know what? This is a bit ridiculous. I'm trying to communicate in this day and age with my fiance through his guard. We should just arrange to talk over a communicator. Do you think you could set that up?"

Crap. Okay mustn't panic....uh...
I quickly put a sad face on. "I'm afraid not Princess.... Xan is currently very pre-occupied with... visiting some of the sick people in his country. Every year he goes to visit the main hospitals to see everyone. He won't be done from his travels for a while yet."

Not an absolute lie. I do that.... its just that I did that last month. "Forgive him Princess, he does love his country and he is just as anxious to meet you as you are, but in the immediate future it can not be so." I swallow before adding, "He says however I am to make you feel as accustomed to Antarians and our ways as you would like. He says that I am to do absolute anything your heart desires Princess."

I wish she desired to kiss me... because I sooo want to kiss her right now...
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Post by littleroswell »


Uh oh. Now I still managed to annoy him. I usually don't affect people this badly. I give him a sheepish smile. "Well, I was going to suggest that when my ankle gets better then I could help you work on your dancing but then I realized that you might not want to..." I trail off as I realize how silly I sound and that we're standing outside the door to the music room. "Here we are!" I say a little too brightly. What's with me lately?


I smile at my sister and then see my wife standing in the room behind her. "Hello. I just came to see what the two of you are up to. Dinner will be soon and I had hoped to spend some time with you both if you didn't already have plans. Otherwise, I suppose I can see you both at dinner," I say. I frown slightly. I sound pathetic. What kind of king begs to spend time with his wife and sister? But then I don't want to upset this delicate peace in my family. I'm so mixed up inside. My instincts pull me in one direction, part of my brain in the same direction but part of it in another. I don't know who I'm becoming or who I used to be. All of this is in my head as I continue to stand outside Ava's door and smile at her and my Lonnie.
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Post by littleroswell »


I know my face falls somewhat. I try to recover but my smile is now flat. I was hoping this would help me clear my head and my heart. "Oh. Well, that's...that's nice of him, very noble for him to take care of his people that way. And how thoughtful for him to have instructed that you are to help take care of me." Now for some reason I feel angry. Maybe it's the fact that my fiance hasn't bothered to try to contact me in all the years we've been betrothed or maybe it's the fact that he sent two guards to "watch over" me instead of coming to meet me in person himself...or maybe it's the fact that for the first time in my life, I can't seem to get a handle on my emotions and it's just when I need to the most.

I stand up and move to the case that holds my crown. I only wear it on formal occasions and ceremonies. Soon it will be replaced with another, more elaborate crown. Somehow the thought saddens me. I finger the case and stare at the jewels on it as I murmur, "Tell me, Max, do you think Xan and I will be able to have a good marriage as well as rule well together? I so wish to be happy in my marriage as my parents were, but it is hard to imagine it so when I've never spoken or even seen my future husband."
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Post by madroswellfan »

Thats exactly what I thought too...before I met her that is. Its the main reason I begged with my father to arrange this. Because I wanted to meet her. But he wouldn't let me go as me. I feel rather deceitful going about it this way but I agreed to it purely because I knew I had to see her.

I swallow as I look at her. "He's tryed to contact you in the past you know." I watch her carefully as I continue. "He's constantly asking his father if he could write you a letter or if he could visit you or if he could just hear your voice. But the King says it wouldn't be correct ettiquette. He's just as anxious to meet you." Or I was.

"But in answer to your question miss... I know that he will like you, so the real question would be if you like him and what he stands for. Xan and I... we have similar tastes in many things. I feel certain that from the moment he meets you he will never want to let you go."

I swallow hard as I look at her. "So to answer you... I know it would work from his side to yours. But whether it works... I guess that will depend on if you think he is the right one for you like I know he will that you are for him."
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Post by littleroswell »


I'm startled to hear that my fiance is actually anxious to meet me and I watch Max as he answers my questions. I'm overwhelmed by the feeling of love and desire that I feel and I suddenly don't care if it's wrong to feel for this man in front of me or for him to feel for me. I am drawn to stand in front of him as if by some invisible force. My heart starts to pound and every fiber of my being is telling me to kiss him. I swallow hard, not sure of what to do or how to stop myself from crossing that line.
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Post by madroswellfan »

She doesn't say anything but she comes to stand infront of me...
Is she planning on kissing me? 99% of me REALLY wants her too. But that 1% is saying... if she had fell for someone who wasn't me and kissed them how would Xan...I feel?

"Is everything ok Princess?" I murmur as I stand up.
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Post by littleroswell »


When he stands up, it puts us even closer together and I feel my heart skip before it starts to speed up even more. "Max," I murmur, not entirely sure what I want to say. Before anything more can happen, however, there is a sharp knock on my door. Startled back into myself, I jump back a little and try to compose myself. I will my face to cool down as I call out calmly, "Come in."

My maid, Rose, sticks her head in and says that people have begun assembling for the audience. "Do you want some help dressing, your highness?" she asks.

Not meeting Max's eyes because I'm so ashamed of my previous behavior, I hurriedly nod to Rose. "Yes, Rose, thank you. Max, would you mind stepping outside while I change," I ask in the same tone I used to address Rose. I must keep an emotional as well as a physical distance between us.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I don't know what hurts more... the fact we didn't kiss... the fact we almost kissed... or the fact that she just pushed me away.

"Yes your highness..." I mutter. "As you wish..."
I turn in a slightly military style and walk out of the room. I walk a few steps down the hall before sitting on the floor. I put my head in my hands and sigh loudly.
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Post by KarenEvans »


I panic when I see Kivar in the doorway. My first thought is that he has found out and has come to confront me but then I notice the calm look on his face and realise that never in a hundred years would he look so unfazed had he known about our plan.

"Hello. I just came to see what the two of you are up to. Dinner will be soon and I had hoped to spend some time with you both if you didn't already have plans. Otherwise, I suppose I can see you both at dinner."

Not wanting to seem like I want to get rid of him I smile and take a deep breath,"Don't be silly Kivar,stay and talk. Tess and I were just talking about the latest fashions on Valentia but I'm sure you're not interested in all that. Where have you been all day apart from when you were out with Tess?"
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Post by littleroswell »


I can tell by his change in demeanor that he noticed my sudden coolness and he is either disgusted by my actions a few minutes ago or disappointed. Either way, I feel a little ill with myself. How could I allow myself to forget my place and my future path so easily? Yes, Max is handsome and he seems very nice but am I willing to throw away everything I know for him? I feel like I could burst into tears any minute. Swallowing, I allow Rose to pull out a suitable gown for the audience and as I let the material fall down over my head and she fastens it close, I make a firm determination that I cannot allow another lapse in judgment like the one I just made. Maybe I should talk to Max about it.

I sit at the vanity as Rose brushes out my long hair and styles it so that my crown will fit on top. As she walks over and pulls the crown out of the display case and places it on my head, it feels somewhat heavier than usual...or maybe it's the idea of what I almost did. "Thank you, Rose. Would you mind sending Max back in before I go?" I murmur.


I don't miss the look of surprise on Vilandra's face but I don't have time to think much of it when she asks where I've been. "Well, I had a couple of meetings," I begin. Then inspiration strikes and I add, "One of my advisors, I'm not at liberty to say which one, seems to be having health problems and I went to talk to the doctor about his options with him." There! That way if anyone leaks to Lonnie that I visited the clinic she won't wonder why.
Just call me Phoenix...cause I'm back from the dead!
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