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Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:05 am
by Earth2Mama
kismet wrote:Hi !

Thank you for your concern :D We just got back home. He had virus infection, but we got the right treatment at hospidal and he is ok now.
The Children's is the best place indeed. Tommy didn't want to leave there :lol:

So happy to hear that! That's strange ... usually hospitals frighten children and they scream to go home.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:17 am
by SidneyAce
A professor kicked me out of his office to day for asking politly to see my paper. I wasn't even asking him to correct the grade, i was simply asking him to point out the mistake so that i can do better in the final. What a jerk! I have less than two months to graduate, i can't wait.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:27 am
by Earth2Mama
SidneyAce wrote:A professor kicked me out of his office to day for asking politly to see my paper. I wasn't even asking him to correct the grade, i was simply asking him to point out the mistake so that i can do better in the final. What a jerk! I have less than two months to graduate, i can't wait.
God, what the hell is with stupid ass professors? You are paying to learn and when you want them to help you to, they treat you like they don't have the time?

Can you take this to the Dean or someone in a higher authority? Cause, that just isn't right.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:56 am
by SidneyAce
Earth2Mama wrote:
SidneyAce wrote:A professor kicked me out of his office to day for asking politly to see my paper. I wasn't even asking him to correct the grade, i was simply asking him to point out the mistake so that i can do better in the final. What a jerk! I have less than two months to graduate, i can't wait.
God, what the hell is with stupid ass professors? You are paying to learn and when you want them to help you to, they treat you like they don't have the time?

Can you take this to the Dean or someone in a higher authority? Cause, that just isn't right.
This profesor is very respected and he's very old. I think he's 75 years old and this is his last year so complaining about it won't do any good. Normally i wouldn't care as much but i really killed myself for this exam and i thought that i was 100% right about everything. So i'm pretty sure i would make the same mistake again. Ugh!

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:02 pm
by jake17
kismet wrote:Hi !

Thank you for your concern We just got back home. He had virus infection, but we got the right treatment at hospidal and he is ok now.
The Children's is the best place indeed. Tommy didn't want to leave there

Kismet I am so happy Tommy is doing better, that must've been so scary, escpecially having him away from you in the hospital for four days... I hope they let you stay with him.

I just went through my own nightmare concerning doctors and my ten year old daughter...

Back in October almost a full seven months ago she hit her ankle very hard on our coffee table, she was in a lot of pain but after about a half hour everything seemed fine so we never gave it much thought.

Then one day I see her limping up the driveway from the bus. I asked to look at it and it's extremly swollen. She goes on to tell me that it really hurt below the ankle bone (right where its swollen) and there are certain motions she can't do at all.

Now my daughter works out for the fun of it! that's how athletic she is, she does or "did'" every sport there was. Soccer, basketball, baseball (that is until they forced to be on the girls softball team this year because she's a girl and she boycotted it :) ) yes she is the coolest !! she also was worked her way striving to get a black belt in karate.

anyway she is as tough as nails (nothing like me :oops: ) and never EVER complains. All of a sudden she's telling me it hurts too much to even participate in gym at school.

this is a girl who at age seven was pitching on a all boys baseball team and got smacked right in the eyes with a ball and refused to leave the mound. She had a huge shinner later but told me that it was her job to finish out the game, that if she didn't the boys would have no respect for her. :shock:

anyway I took her to her pediatrician, who immediately told me from plain x-rays that she stretched or pulled a ligament and would have to be completely off the foot until it healed. So she had to wobble around on crutches and an ace bandage for two months. Halloween sucked, even though we tried to make the best of it by me my mom and my daughter all going as punk rock zombies. :lol:

ok so after all this time the ankle is not ANY better, so they refer us to an orthopedic surgeon... needless to say I was thrilled thinking finally someone who specializes in this!

after five minutes with her he tells me that she damaged ligaments and tendons around the bone of her ankle. they place her in a cast for two weeks and send us on our way. Happy thanksgiving everyone!

Ok so after the two weeks he takes off the cast and puts an air cast on her, which is just basically a brace made of air. :roll: if your still wondering yes she is STILL on the crutches.

he sends he for physical therapy, which of course they tell us that she has been doing everything wrong since the beginning and probably has caused MORE damage :shock: :?

They felt that she should've been moving her ankle doing strengthening exercises the whole time and since she hasn't the ankle mucscles have now atrophied, becoming weaker and stiffer and now it will take even more time to recover. :shock:

oh they also yelled at me making me feel like an idiot because she was still on the crutches that no one told me to took her off of... UMM EXCUSE ME, I AM NOT THE FRIGGIN DOCTOR, ITS NOT UP TO ME TO TREAT ME DAUGHTER! EXACTLY WHAT AM I PAYING THESE IDIOTS FOR!

This bitch then proceeds to tell me that she is going to speak to this genius and tell him she is using the crutches...

we go for out follow up appointment with him, or I like to call it, pay me so I can spout nonsense at you and collect my fee... so I can live in my mansion and go to Europe with my family appointment.

He looks me right in the eyes and says ...hmmm maybe we should try putting her in a cast...

I seriously thought my head was going to explode all over the examination room. My daughter looked at me like 'holy shit!"

I said very politely as I dug my fingernails into the palm of my hand, '' you already put her in a cast a month ago"

:x :x :x WTF!!!!!!

waving it all off he says that we should get an MRI! which is what I suggested four months ago to the pediatrician ... :?

merry xmas!

ok got the MRI , he tells us that it may show something abnormal and then he just stares at us. "HMM I'm not really sure, see this spot? this could mean something or ir could be nothing at all..."

after many uncomfortable moments of silence he suggests another cast....

that was went I insisted that we see some kind of specialist.

So today we go to see this woman, she is they say the "best" she specializes in childrens injuries regaring the foot and ankle, and is head of orthopedic surgery for the CT Childrens hospital! :D

yes there is hope!!

So today we go and it she said she noticed a bone disloged in her ankle, which makes total sense considering how she injured it.

My only question is ....WHY DIDN'T ANYONE NOTICE THIS BEFORE????? :x :x

So now she has to have a catscan to determine the severity of the injury, either she''ll be back in a cast for 3 to 4 months or and I'm scared to death to even type! :( :( :( :(

I just can't believe after 7 months of this child suffering and being shoved around from one place to another, we are still dealing with this.

oh and i haven't even gotten into what the friggin school nurse put us through with her rules and proper notes and basic bullshit that drove me insane the entire time!

I guess Kismet is right, Children's hospital is the very best... at least lets hope so...

all I have to say is that as crude as this next statement is DOCTORS SUCK!!!

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:23 pm
by RiceKrispy
SidneyAce wrote:A professor kicked me out of his office to day for asking politly to see my paper. I wasn't even asking him to correct the grade, i was simply asking him to point out the mistake so that i can do better in the final. What a jerk! I have less than two months to graduate, i can't wait.
When I read this, I wanted to click 'like' (as if I was on facebook).

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:36 am
by SidneyAce
RiceKrispy wrote:
SidneyAce wrote:A professor kicked me out of his office to day for asking politly to see my paper. I wasn't even asking him to correct the grade, i was simply asking him to point out the mistake so that i can do better in the final. What a jerk! I have less than two months to graduate, i can't wait.
When I read this, I wanted to click 'like' (as if I was on facebook).
My college life is full of stories like that one. A professor failed me once for not flirting with him. You think i'm kidding? I wish! :roll:
jake17 wrote:
I just went through my own nightmare concerning doctors and my ten year old daughter...

Your story is horrible! I am really sorry that you're going through all of that with your daughter. I'll keep my fingers crossed that she won't need surgery.

The baseball stories are funny. She sounds like a cool kid. 8)

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:55 am
by kismet
Carrie I'm so sorry to hear, that your daughter has to go through all this. I hope the last doctor knows what to do and makes her ok soon.
In Estonia, if some doctor makes that kind of mistake, he or she gets fired and because Estonia is so little, they usually can't get new job as doctor. I know it because that happend with the doctor who treated my cousin. She broke her armbone and the doctor put it back dogether wrong. She had to have two more operations because of him. He got fired and it was all over news in Estonia.
Earth2Mama wrote:That's strange ... usually hospitals frighten children and they scream to go home.
The doctors and personnel is kind and caring there. There are play areas and with children under 10 years have to be parent with them all the time. They serve very good food and if the child has nothing contagious, he or she can play with other children. And Tommy likes, that daddy and grandparents and our friends bring him all kind of cool staff :lol: Oh and the doctors say that he has high pain level. For example Tommy likes when they take blood from his vein - hi's weird that way :lol:


Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:49 pm
by killjoy
Yes I've had my own bad times with doctors before.

A few years ago I woke up with a real bad head ache and not even the strength to get out of bed.Later I started running a hundred and two temp.At first I thought it was just another round of the flu and no need to go to the doctor,but after a week I still had the head ache and had to call in sick all week to work.My strength stayed gone and I was sleeping 12 to 15 hrs a day.Later I started having shortness of breath that got so bad my parents had to rush me to the hospital. I had to stay there over night with that mask thing over my mouth and nose breathing in that gas mixture.To make it even more fun I had no hunger pains at all and went the entire week without eaing and lost twenty or so pounds.The doctors had to put an IV in my hand and pump fluids into me that way when I was there because I was getting dehydrated and malnurished.

Not only did the docs never figure out what was wrong with me the meds they gave me made me feel even worse.Luckly slowly over time whatever I had finally went away.I know docs are only human and have a ton on them but when they can't even tell you what's wrong with you you get upset.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:18 pm
by jake17
kismet wrote:In Estonia, if some doctor makes that kind of mistake, he or she gets fired and because Estonia is so little, they usually can't get new job as doctor. I know it because that happend with the doctor who treated my cousin. She broke her armbone and the doctor put it back dogether wrong. She had to have two more operations because of him. He got fired and it was all over news in Estonia.
Thank you kismet, yeah that would never happen here, dontors here are so protected they would drag you to court, which they know that the average joe wouldn't be able to afford because it would drag out for years, with legal fees and fighting much better lawyers than the normal person could afford the average person would be toast. and they know that... :?
SidneyAce wrote:Your story is horrible! I am really sorry that you're going through all of that with your daughter. I'll keep my fingers crossed that she won't need surgery.

The baseball stories are funny. She sounds like a cool kid.
thank you so much sidneyAce!

omg you have no idea! She is so awesome, when she was just starting to talk she would go up to the tv screen while the yankees were playing and say all mad "Where are the girls??" :lol: She was so mad, ever since then she tells me she's going to be the first female pitcher for the New york yankees. "It's discrimination Mom!"

one day at the park we walked by these teenage boys playing basketball... they were probably 18 or around that age... she was five... she lets go of my hand and makes a bee line towards the court. "I want to play!" absolutely no fear at all.. she was so upset that she couldn't play with them! :lol: "I can do it Mommy!" of course the kids started to laugh which really pissed her off! :roll: :lol:

She is just the ulimate woman, but at the same time the warmest most caring person in the world.. I am so lucky!

killjoy wrote:Not only did the docs never figure out what was wrong with me the meds they gave me made me feel even worse.Luckly slowly over time whatever I had finally went away.I know docs are only human and have a ton on them but when they can't even tell you what's wrong with you you get upset.
So sorry that happened to you KJ,
See what really upsets me is when they clearly have no idea what's wrong with you, but continue to treat you anyway until it's obvious that nothing they are doing is working, its only then that they refer you out to another doctor ...
its like a game ...lets see how long we can get them to come and pay for office visits before they figure out we're completely clueless..
and what's worse is when your the mom and its your kid going through this for some reason EVERYONE blames you. Like somehow being a mother you should have this special talent for seeing through the bullshit. Everytime we would get screwed over someone would always say to me "well if that was MY kid I would've found the right doctor or I would've gotten some answers!

like I have special powers or something! POOF! You doctors better watch out now! Ive got my special mommy liar detector shield up now! assholes beware mommy here!! :x :x I believe i'm at least intitled to a cape if i'm supposed to be a superhero ! :roll:

like if I REALLY loved my daughter I would've gotten her better care. :shock: :x like I don't feel bad enough that she's going through this...don't they know that as mothers we're already born with powerful mommy guilt for absolutely EVERYTHING ! :roll:

One doctor even had the nerve to tell me that her injury didn't add up to how she said she hurt it! :shock: wtf does that mean???
of course the lastest doctor told me that a disloged bone would absolutely be directily related to a blow to the ankle...
:shock: is your head spinning yet??? :roll:

of course my little sweet pea just stays completely calm and does exactly what all the quackes tell her to do. "It will all work out mommy" yes when the ten year old has to calm the parent you are definitely in line for the mother of the year's coming any day... I"m waiting... :wink:

sorry for the ramblings...Just wanted to thank everyone for their concern,

carrie :)