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Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:40 am
by StormWolfstone
Shalimar and Serafina JP by Lou and storm

Shalimar left Alex and Rafe at the hotel where they would meet up again later so that she could go on the hunt in darkness for Daemons but also locate the Were Huntress they were sent to find. This was bound to be an interesting meeting since she knew very well that to the Arcadians and Katagaria kind, Dark Hunters were the bogeymen. She could well see it being a struggle to explain that they were there on the behest of Artemis herself. Though, it would be interesting if a fight ensued before the explanations could be given, she would prefer the fight to be with Daemons however.

Then again, humans seemed to have the ability to be caught up in the drop dead gorgeous blonde warriors that would end up stealing their souls, so Shal knew she'd always have Daemons to slay. She sighed as she walked down the streets of Roswell, garbed in her leathers and feeling at home with all the weapons that were hidden well upon her person. If I were a Were, where would I be? She thought to herself, knowing it wasn't like New Orleans where they had a sanctuary for Were's to safely exist.

The hairs on her neck stood on end as she sensed the Daemon presence and a gleam filled her coal black eyes. Eyes were always black without a soul; all Dark Hunters had black eyes, except Ash and Raze. Ash was something else, but Raze was... well Shal wasn't really certain. Laughter sounded nearby and as she turned down the alley, she knew well what she'd find, Daemons sporting with a victim. "You know, I really don't have time for you Barbie types tonight." She called out as she approached them, bringing their attention to her. She couldn't see their victim other then to know she could sense the life, but the Daemons were now focused on her which was just how she wanted them.

"You've got to be kidding me. A female Dark Hunter?"

"Oh... you are new... well, Daemon bastard, let me teach you your first lesson." Shal returned and in a swift move she had pulled a dagger and sent it flying straight into his chest, watching as he exploded in a slight golden dust. She looked at the others, "Who's next?"

Instead of any moving up to battle her, they fled like all new Daemons were known to do. Shaking her head, she moved to the figure of the victim they'd been attempting to mess with and was already working on making a connection with the mind to cloud her memory.

Sticking to the shadows she had believed she was safe, for she could walk around silently and not draw attention to herself, but today things hadn't gone as planned, she had knocked over some bins while walking down an alley. Of course this had brought attention upon her instantly. A Daemon had approached her, and as hard as she had tried to fight them before she knew it a whole group of Daemons had surrounded her. Sera had tried to fight them off but as no matter what she had done more Daemons appeared around her.

It was not in her to give up, she was a fighter and the last thing she planned to do was let the Daemons win, she had even considered to shape shift. Although she knew deep down that really wasn't an option.

Grabbing her dagger she thrust it into the chest of one of the Daemons, just as another Daemon lashed out at her, she fell to the floor and within seconds the Daemons had surrounded her once more.

Hearing a female voice she kept still, hoping the Daemons would believe she was dead. As the Daemons fled she slowly lifted her head, her dark hair falling over her face, hiding it. She got to her feet, a tight hold on her dagger as she tossed her head back slightly, causing her hair to remove itself from her face.

Revealing her face to the female who stood before her for the first time. Sera's eyes were filled with a mixture of fear and also anger, her face expressionless.

Shal would recognize a Were's eyes anywhere, so as the girl moved to stand and look at her, dagger still in hand, she shook her head and laughed slightly. "Well, it certainly was easier to find you then I'd expected. You must be Serafina. I'm Shalimar and I've been sent to locate you and have you join us in a larger battle with the Daemons." She bent and picked up the dagger that had fallen when she'd taken down the one Daemon and placed it back in its sheath.

Once finished she looked at the Were and spoke again, "You can choose either to put that away and come with me so I can explain what we know, little panther, or you can use it. But, I assure you, I'm not here to kill you however if you attack, you are fair game."

Sera's eyes were fixed on the female before her, she watched her carefully, her eyes following the females every movement. Her dagger remained in her hand, even as she listened to the females words. Hearing the female say her name and then tell Sera her own her ears pricked up.

Thinking on the words for a moment she nodded and slowly lowered her dagger, "Who sent you? How do you know of me?" she asked curiously, her voice was strong yet also soft, she put her dagger away and ran her hand down the large graze on her arm. Though her eyes didn't leave Shal once.

Shalimar simply looked at her for a moment before she turned to start walking away, "Roderick sent me on his orders from Artemis. She seems to think that you are a needed part of our force in order to save humanity from what is coming. I'll wait until another time before I decide if the bitch goddess is right on that. I can heal that wound you have, if you wish but we need to get going." She started walking down the alleyway, slowly but alert for all things around her. A Dark Hunter knew that to be off guard was a mistake.

Listening carefully to her words Sera started walking behind her, she kept a distance not trusting anyone that she didn't know. "I'm sure a little wound isn't going to kill me." she said simply as she walked, her eyes not leaving Shalimar. She listened out for any movement around them. She knew of the dangers, hell she'd seen most of the dangers and been involved more than once. Though she was uncertain of where they were going she still chose to follow, though she was cautious.

Shal turned to look behind her as she continued to walk, "I'm not going to harm you, little panther." She stated carefully even as she sensed another presence, her weapons instantly in her hands as she whirled toward whoever it was. "Raze, you damned idiot. I could have done some serious damage to you."

Raze laughed as he looked at her before looking at the Were Panther, "We had some trouble at the hotel. I came to make certain you weren't having any trouble yourself. This her?" He motioned toward the girl, his inner animals all smelling her as he smirked when he saw Shal nod from the corner of his eye, "She doesn't look like much."

"Neither do you, Raze." Shal taunted bringing a low laugh from his throat.

"Yeah, well... I'll catch you later." He gave a final grin and vanished in a
Storm: form of mist.

Serafina nodded "I'll make my own judgment of that." she said, sensing another presence she found her dagger back in her hand, quicker than she'd even realized getting it out. Her eyes on Shal for a moment longer before they diverted to the male.

She listened to Shal and the man talk, her face expressionless, realizing that he was obviously known by Shal she lowered her dagger once more, returning it to where she kept it. She watched as the man vanished.

She stared at where he had stood just seconds before, for a moment, before her eyes returned to Shal. "Friend of yours?" she asked after a minute or two.

Shal shrugged, "Raze doesn't really befriend anyone. He is an ally at the moment, but I wouldn't trust him once this thing was over. Though, he does have a way about him." She grinned as she turned to look at Serafina. "He's not bad to look at though. We need to move and I hope you can keep up. The longer we're out here, the longer it takes before I can return to do a regular patrol. I'll let Alex and Raze fill you in once we get to the hotel where we're holding up until Rod and whoever he's got arrive."

Sera nodded as she listened, seeing Shal grin Serafina's face remained expressionless, "Well, I wouldn't say he was good to look at either, though I've been proved wrong before." she said simply, "Lead the way, I'm sure I can keep up." Sera said nodded at Shal's words, she said no more, taking a look around before her eyes fell on Shal once more, as she waited for her to begin walking again.

Shal simply moved on, not walking slowly anymore, using the speed and grace that being a Dark Hunter could give her. She didn't want to waste anymore time when there were still many hours left and she was ready to dust more Daemons. She paid little attention to whether the girl kept up or not, it wasn't her job to babysit and she certainly wasn't going to start now. Serafina would either learn or she wouldn't about the way things worked when around a Dark Hunter. The fact that they were even working together was odd in itself since it had been considered a faux pas for Were and Dark's to be around each other, though in some cases they did end up owing favors or something of the sort.

She didn't stop walking until the reached the hotel room where she simply opened the door and stepped in.

She turned, waiting for the girl to enter as she spoke to Alex, "Okay, shows yours. You explain things to her."

Sera walked at a quick pace, keeping up pretty well with Shal. Though she still kept a distance, which she had done by choice, she folded her arms across her chest as her eyes remained fixed on Shal's back, not wanting to risk losing sight of the girl for even a minute.

As they reached the building she followed Shal inside, hearing Shal talking to someone she moved into the room, her eyes quickly scanning to see who else was present. It was then that her eyes met Alex's. She was shocked to see him there, though her face didn't show this.

After Shal left, Alex found himself at a loss about what to say. Raze had decided to leave again so it really was left up to him. He should have known that he would be in this position since there really was no way the Serafina being mentioned could be any other then the lovely girl that Kyle was dating, but still... seeing her when he knew she like the others had believed him dead was strange. "Go ahead and sit down, relax, Sera. I'm not going to bite you." Alex attempted to joke, feeling really awkward. He was supposed to have died in that car accident, yet here he stood alive and he didn't know what to say.

Sera's gaze remained on Alex, she heard Shal leave but her gaze remained on Alex. Hearing his words she nodded "Relax? You're meant to be dead." she said as she moved over to one of the chairs, her eyes never leaving Alex. She had no idea what was going on, and although nothing ever shocked her anymore, even she would admit that walking in and seeing Alex had taken her by surprise. He was the last person she ever expected to see, especially since to her knowledge he had died.

Alex shrugged, looking chagrined as he replied, "Yeah... well I hope I never have to feel death again. I am dead, Sera. I'm just... I'm a Dark Hunter now. I just can't believe that I never put it together that you were a Were Hunter when I was still alive and a squire." He sat down himself, removing the sun glasses he'd been wearing. His once normal eyes were now the same piercing black of a Dark Hunters. "This thing that's happened here is bad, Sera. Really bad."

His words hit her like a ton of bricks, her eyes finally leaving him as she looked downwards, still listening to him. "Why would you have? Sure to some it is obvious, but to most it isn't." she said shrugging, looking at him when he removed his sun glasses she looked him in the eyes, his eyes seemed lifeless now, it unsettled her somewhat just knowing what he had become. "Well maybe you should explain, so I know just how bad." she said moving in her seat slightly.

She glanced around the room as she awaited his words.

"The Gods and Goddesses are unable to leave the Mount, they are trapped there. Obviously something has weakened Apollo because the sun no longer shines as long as it should. Most of the powers that the Greek Gods were known for are being blocked in some manner allowing the Daemons to have more freedom. Were and Dark Hunter alike are being hunted in a way like never before. Unless we can find out what's happening, humanity will be eliminated within months." Alex replied, sadness and horror edging his voice.

Sera listened, trying to make sense of his words, though it was all to much for her to take in. She opened her mouth but no words came out, she had watched her clan be destroyed and the thought of that happening to others sent a chill down her spine. "So what is the plan?" she asked looking at him. She was just one Were, one Were with such desire to help and do good, yet she couldn't even imagine how she could help. Not with everything she'd just been told.

Alex was silent for several long moments before he replied, "Once Roderick returns with another Were he's gone for, he's going to tell us the plan in more detail. The most we know right now is that Artemis told him we needed the aid of specific people in order to get to the bottom of this. He made mention of even being told to get aid from a specific group of humans here in Roswell. I don't know who yet, but I can only think of a select group that would be able to do something." And he knew he couldn't mention which group to Sera because she'd never been let in on the secrets within the hybrids.

At the mention of a group of humans in Roswell Sera's eyes locked on Alex's, she said nothing as she simply sat in silence, trying to get her head around what was going on. Sure her life had never been easier, but now, now she faced what could turn out to be the end of the world as she knew it. Sera had no idea what to do with the knowledge as it whirled around in her head. Suddenly all her thoughts went to Kyle, he didn't know she was a Were and if she had anything to do with it, he never would. She just wished she had some way of contacting him, but it was now clear that she probably wouldn't see him again.

"Sera..." Alex began, looking at her carefully. "I know that there's supposed to be this ancient code about Were's and Dark Hunters not getting on... but I was always a friend before I became a Dark Hunter... I hope my undead status won't change the friendship we had. I'm still here..." He didn't want to have things change so greatly that they didn't have the chance to be friends when before his 'death' they had been forging a friendship.

Sera listened and stood up, stretching she folded her arms and looked at Alex for a moment. "It does not matter to me what you have become. To me you will always be Alex, and nothing will change that, not even you being a Dark Hunter. Our friendship won't fail because of this." she said as she stepped over and crouched down infront of his chair, looking at him "I'm only sorry that you had to go through what you did to find out who and what I really am." she said truthfully.

Alex reached out a hand and placed it on Sera's shoulder as he shook his head, "Knowing who and what you are doesn't change anything for me, Sera. We've all had secrets. This situation we're in... it's not going to end badly, I won't let it. We won't fail. We can't... I may never be able to see Isabel, Maria or Liz again, but I won't fail to keep them safe." He moved to embrace her, wanting her to know that he meant everything he said.

Glancing at his hand then back at him, Sera listened carefully. She didn't say anything, simply because she couldn't seem to find any words, wrapping her arms around him she closed her eyes, welcoming the embrace and somehow taking comfort in it. "I hope you're right." she whispered, not making any effort to pull away from him. She was so relieved he was still 'alive' even if he had become a Dark Hunter.

Alex simply held onto her for long moments, feeling somewhat at peace with the fact that at least one person from his mortal life knew who and what he was now, knew he was alive and he had something he could keep hold of from his mortal life. "Let's rest while we can, Sera. When Roderick returns we're bound not to get much rest at all." He told her softly, though he made no move to pull back just yet. Silently he swore that he would do anything he had to in order to keep her safe as well.

Sera nodded when she heard what he said, "Yeah, we should." she said softly, though she still made no effort to move. She wasn't scared for her own life, she was scared for the other Were and her friends. Lifting her head she looked at him and sighed, "We will be ok, won't we?" she said feeling the need for reassurance.

Alex nodded, giving her a slight smile, "Yes, we will. We'll make it through this, save the world and our friends." He was pleased that he sounded more confident then he felt. Being a Dark Hunter really made one think differently. "Come on, since I doubt either of us trust Raze, why don't we share the bed. I'll stay by you while you rest." He slowly moved back just enough to stand and hold a hand out. He would always remember how he'd been the guy all the girls would talk to about just about anything and how he'd wished Isabel would be the same. Sometimes she did talk, but he never really knew if she could ever love him the way he loved her.

A small smiled played across her lips for the first time since Shal had found her, as much as she wanted to believe him a small part of her couldn't. Hearing his words she looked up at him, taking his hand she rose to her feet once more. "Thanks." she said softly, remembering her cut she looked at her arm, "Do you have anything for me to clean this up with?" she asked curiously, not wanting her arm to get infected.

Alex smiled at her, nodding, "You go ahead and sit on the bed, I'll get the antiseptic and then once you rest, you'll be healed." He remembered being told while he was a squire that sometimes a Were could get an infection but that their wounds all healed when they rested, sometimes in animal form. He stepped away from her and went to one of the bags that he'd brought with him and got the things out that were needed for tending her wound before walking back over toward the bed and smiling at her, "I'm sure you can handle pain, but I still am going to say it... this could hurt a little." He prepared to pour the cleanser on her wound.

Sera smiled slightly, moving over to the bed she sat down. Glancing around the room she looked over at Alex, watching him as he walked over to the bed she slid the strap of her top down so he could access the wound better. She smirked when she heard his words "If I bite your head off, sorry in advance." she teased, as she waited for him to pour the cleanser on her wound.

Alex laughed as he shook his head, and placed a bit of gauze beneath the wound so the cleansing liquid wouldn't end up soaking her shirt. He poured it over slowly and watched as the liquid bubbled only a small amount as he said, "Man, what I wouldn't have given to have so much immunity as you have and well... now I have..." He laughed as he pressed the gauze over the wound just enough to dab at the remaining liquid before capping the bottle and setting it on the bedside table. "If you need to take animal form, go ahead. I understand it takes a great deal of energy for you to maintain human form at times during the night... or for Were's I should say."

Watching him pour the liquid onto her arm she smiled when she heard his words, "It does come in handy." she said softly, she nodded when he laughed, "I guess you have." she said as she moved her strap back up her arm. Hearing his words she shook her head "I have no problem staying in human form." she said as she moved to remove her boots, placing them out of the way she stood up. Removing her weapons from her body, which consisted of a number of daggers, some different sizes, placing them down beside her boots she looked at Alex "Will you hold me at least until I'm asleep?" she asked softly, she hated asking, but for some reason she felt safer when he was close by, more than likely because she was familiar with him.

Alex couldn't refuse her request, even knowing that he himself would rest better knowing she was safe. "Of course, I will." He'd already removed his boots and weaponry before she'd arrived, though he'd also placed some weapons in easy to get to spots for when they all rested, just to be safe.

Moving onto the bed, he settled back and opened his arms for her, knowing that if Kyle ever saw them like this, he'd have problems on his hands but also knowing that she was a friend and he would always be there for a friend.

Sera was surprised that he accepted her request so quickly, though she was also glad. She knew that if she had time to lay around thinking she'd never get to sleep, she just hoped that she would in fact be able to sleep, "Thanks." she said softly, watching him get onto the bed she sat back down on it and settled down, moving into his arms she wrapped her arm around him, her head resting against his chest.

Alex didn't answer, knew he really didn't need to and instead simply let his arms hold her, wanting to help her relax and also wanting her to feel comfort from him. He knew she was worried about what would happen next and so was he, but he also knew that the best thing they could do was rest. His duty was to stay with her in the room while the other two patrolled, he just hoped that whatever was going to happen was something they all could really make it through. Without even thinking, his hand stroked her hair much like one would do for a child or an animal, his mind wasn't on his actions.

Staring at the wall to the side of the bed, all that was going through Sera's head were thoughts of what could and possibly would happen, though she wasn't worried for herself, she was worried for her friends, and for Kyle, he meant a lot to her, she had let herself get close to him and in doing so she had let her guard down slightly. Feeling Alex stroking her hair she lifted her head slightly and looked at him for a moment, before resting her head back down.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:53 am
by StormWolfstone

Being visited by a Goddess was strange for me, being told the many things she would need me to do when I made my way to Roswell was even stranger. She told me several things I could never have imagined being real. Yet, here I was, entering Roswell with Buffy and Angel under the darkness. I hadn’t been able to fully explain the reasons for making the trip other then the fact that I needed their help to find out what was happening with the sudden loss of hours in the sun.

The Goddess, Artemis had been clear on the fact that there were some things that she had told me that I wasn’t to speak of to anyone. And the promise she’d made me should we succeed was going to be completely worth it to me. She told me she’d return Kennedy to me or Tara, all I’d have to do once the Powers were free is decide whom I wanted back. Thinking about them made the anger hit again. I wanted to damn the Fates for taking anyone I ever loved away from me. First Oz had left, then Tara was killed and more recently Kennedy.

To think about the chance to hold one of them in my arms again, to know that one of them was returned to me, I would do whatever I could. Driving through the town, I pulled up in front of the UFO Center and turned off the car, “We’ll go in here.” I told Buffy and Angel, getting out of the car without waiting for their reply. I knew from my research that the UFO Center was an old shelter, which meant there would be more safety for Angel when the sun rose, plus when those strange blonde soul suckers tried to attack again, it would be a better area to defend.

Walking in through the doors, I glance around surprised to see that there are still tourists wandering through the building. Still, I turn back to the entrance and focus on the spell I’m going to cast on the building to keep certain things from being able to enter. “Let my will upon this stronghold be in place, only mortals may enter unless otherwise invited to enter by me.” I murmured as I lifted my hands only slightly, feeling the power slide through me. “As I will it!” I exclaimed softly and watched as a ward of protection appeared on the doorway for a moment, shimmering and then fading.

Once the spell was complete, I spoke again, “Angel, I invite you in.” He didn’t have to be there in front of me to hear me and for the spell to allow him in. Turning around again, I saw a few people looking at me and smiled, “Haven’t you ever seen a witch?” What surprised me then was suddenly watching as some of those very blonde soul suckers suddenly exploded into dust.

It only showed me that the spell would truly work and that meant I could do what I needed to do here. “Excuse me, I’m the owner of this place, Brody Davis and I’d appreciate an explanation of what I just saw.”

I turned to look at the man who spoke, “What you just saw, Mr. Davis, was a witch putting a protective spell around your place in order to keep out the type of vampires that feed not from blood, but off souls from being able to enter your establishment. And as soon as that spell was activated, those said types of vampires that had already been inside had their invitation revoked and it killed them.” I kept my voice low, “Now, I would appreciate it if you’d allow my friends and I to stay here so we can remain safe from those things outside. And, I would suggest that you close this establishment down for a while, until the sun returns to normal. Otherwise, patrons will leave here and die before they can get home.”

I saw the fear and uncertainty written plainly on his face, “And I would suggest, you go home and never invite anyone into your home that you don’t already know.” I added, watching him nod.

He turned away and moved to the PA system, “Excuse me, ladies and gentleman. Sorry for the inconvenience, but the UFO Center is closing and will be closed until further notice. Please, return to your homes and stay safe.”

It was strange to me, how he accepted what I said without question. Still, I was also pleased that he did. It meant I would have free access to the computer systems he had as well as the satellite link I might have needed. It also meant that this would make a good base of operations for when I located the people I was told to find.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:46 am
by StormWolfstone
Joint Post by Nightshadeisis and Myself for Ceriman and Willow along with bits of Shal

As far as assignments went, things could have been a hell of a lot worse. The town itself was mostly quiet, people going about their daily lives...except during the crazy "Alien" festivals. Ceriman had to remind himself that he was, sadly, in the epicenter of the Green Man landing platform. Restaurants were dedicated to the little space freaks, gift shops had little tokens of every shape, form and fashion for little Martian men....Hell, he was walking through a UFO Tour Center right now. But still, with the exception of the weirdness of the "spaceman" rubbish surrounding him, the natural surroundings of New Mexico reminded him at times of home.

Ceriman hadn't thought about his first years of his real life in centuries. He hadn't allowed himself to. It wasn't until he'd found himself in Roswell that he did. It was the place that did it...the sand, the hills, the beautiful was just as gorgeous as the home he'd left behind. The home he'd been taken from ripped from. Clearing his throat, Ceriman blinked sharply, wondering where that sudden burst of anger towards that moment had come from. It had been awhile since he'd even thought about those moments, let along gotten so riled up about them. Damn this place. And Damn Ash for sending him here. If he had the gumption to, he'd give that man a mouthful, he swore it. But there were very few that really dared to do that.

Ceriman had seen many stand toe to toe with dozens of Daimons at once, some even Gods. But daring to give Acheron lip seemed to be equal to drinking Gas and pissing on a lit match. Not a valid idea that anyone, save for Zarek, dared to entertain.

Ceriman was one of the ones who would rather piss on the match.

Making way further through the UFO Center, Ceriman still failed to see what it was about this place that was so entertaining, so interesting. The concept of Aliens didn't make much sense. But centuries ago, the concept of being an immortal who would hunt soul-sucking ink-blots wasn't something he'd buy into either. So for all he knew, it could be possible. He wasn't one to disbelieve anything anymore after standing face to face with Gods and Goddesses now. As Ceriman reached a hand out to touch a rather disturbing display of a man cutting into an alien on an operating table, Ceriman’s cell rang. Fishing it from his black leather jacket pocket, he turned it on.


"You sound chipper." Ceriman sighed.

Harrison. His squire. The young man was a good guy. And dependable. Thank God for it. He was surprised that the guy put up with him for all that Ceriman put him through

"Are you really, being stuck in Green Man Hell? I love this town, but not this building."

"Good point. Listen. Reports are slow tonight on the other end of town, so that might mean you could see some action on yours."

“Since when did YOU become the resident Daimon Inquirer?"

"Since Ash had nothing better to do, and put me as the one to do the dirty work. Just giving you the heads up. Later."

"Yeah. Later." Turning off the cell, Ceriman sighed. Well, at least that would give him something to do. Better than staring at fake dead aliens. As he placed the cell phone in his pocket, he turned, his eyes narrowing as he caught sight of exactly what Harrison had told him about. Bingo. A small group of lovely little pretty boys, scouting the group in the Center like a bunch of soul filled Happy Meals. At least the night wasn't going to be boring.

But before he could move, Ceriman felt a sudden lurch from behind his belly-button, a low grunt escaping his throat. The familiar sensation he'd felt in rare times that he'd been teleported by others. And in the next instant, he found himself standing outside of the entrance of the UFO Center, the doors shut, the sidewalk lit by the neo lights in the night. Ceriman looked around in shock, firstly wondering in a panic if anyone had seen what had just happened, and secondly, wondering who in the hell had just displaced him from the fight inside. This was not good. Not good at all...

Willow noted something different about a man who wasn't there one second and was the next. She stepped past Angel and Buffy and right up to him. "Are you a Hunter." She asked, keeping her voice low. She wasn't afraid of him or anything at that moment considering that she had just finished protecting the building and he was right outside of the door which she was still touching.

Ceriman had positioned himself in front of the doors of the building, ready to blow them open to get back inside, when a woman suddenly approached him. She was young. Very young. She couldn't be anymore than mid-twenties, if any than that. Younger, even. Her question would have floored him to the ground, had he not been completely dumbstruck by the power that he could feel flowing from her. Damn...she had an aura about her that said "I'm a sweet kid that can kick your ass...but do you want a cookie?" Scary as hell.

She was the one that took him out the building. She had to have been. But when the initial shock of her strength wore off, the question that she had just asked him rose a new shock in Ceriman. She had just asked him if he were a Dark Hunter?

"Maybe if you care to tell me how you're familiar with that term, than I'll tell you if you're crazy or not," Ceriman answered. "And maybe I'll tell you later. Right now, my dear lady, and I meant no disrespect, but I do have to get back inside this building. So if you don't mind, I'm going to do my damndest to try. I...left something valuable in there that I can't leave behind." Ceriman knew that he couldn't use his powers to get in, and he couldn't do it in front of this woman. He would have to find a side entrance, and quick. Those Daimons wouldn't hang around for long. He didn't have much time. And he would have to find her later, as well. This one knew too much, and had too much power, to not be either a threat, or someone that yet again, Ash just hadn't filled them in on.

Willow simply stood there and grinned, "First, my name is Willow and your words speak enough. Artemis gave me an idea of what to look for. Second, the Daemons are dusted. And third..." She stepped back into the building and spoke, "I invite you to enter." Once she felt the spell respond, she smiled even wider, "Now, can I get your name or do I have to just call you DH for short. I'm here to help. To figure out why we only have four hours of sunlight and why the Powers are so weakened now."

Ceriman turned again, staring at the woman in utter shock. And it took quite a bit to ever shock him. Good bloody Lord...WHY was he always the last to ever know about anything? He was almost willing to bet that he could call Harrison and HE would know all about this! Blood hell...

Staring at the woman for a second more, he tried to find any trace of a lie, any hint of malice, in her eyes. All he saw was the power surging through her that had pulled him from the building. And what was she meaning by inviting him to enter, and Daimons dusted? What was she doing interfering in Dark Hunter business? Did Artemis invite humans into this mess to join the fight that weren't squires? Did Ash know about this? Hell...this was going to make for a fight. He would be pissed if that were the case.<C>

Looking from Willow to the building, and then back again, he leaned in to her, realizing that now, it was obviously pointless to hide anything from neither her, nor her from him. "I think you and I need to get inside and have a bit of a talk," he said curtly, lifting a hand towards the UFO Center doors and willing them open. He didn't bother to wait for her as he turned to walk inside, pulling his leather jacket closer to him. Part of him was ready to make a call on his cell right then and there. But before he did, he needed to get more information for his own sanity, understand what was going on. For the first time in centuries since he was turned, he was beginning to question his own sanity. And he didn't like that feeling in the slightest.

Willow couldn't keep from laughing and as she passed Buffy and Angel on the way back in, she told them, "I'll be back." She walked further in and muttered a brief spell clearing out the rest of the people so that it was only herself, the Hunter and her friends. "Look, this could be interesting DH, but I'll cut to the chase. Artemis used the last of her available energies to come to me and explain a few things. It seems somehow all the Gods are stuck on the Mount and unable to completely aid anymore and that Ash is stuck with her. Her exact words were, 'If anyone asks, Ash is with me and he's unable to leave nor can his pet.' So, does this give you enough to know that I'm for real? Oh and by the way... I'm a witch, I'm not just some human off the streets but she did say that with the situation at hand, we might have to garner some aid from humans."

Oh wonderful. Just wonderful. Ash was definitely going to be pissed. He had to spend the next conceivable amount of time with Artemis. That was just lovely. That would explain the lack of contact in the past few hours, and why Harrison had played go-to boy. And the Gods were trapped? What was that about? What could be powerful enough to be limiting their power? The same thing that had been adjusting the daylight hours? But enlisting human aid outside of their circle...that mean serious business. It wasn't like them to even utter the loosest of terms outside of their circle. To enlist more than their group meant this wasn't good. And for the Gods to be trapped, for Ash of all people to even be unable to return- unless that was just the will of good old Artemis- meant a serious issue.

Ceriman needed to get in contact with the others in Roswell. There needed to be a serious pow-wow.

Turning to Willow, Ceriman sighed, shaking his head. "First of all, the name is Ceriman. The DH thing, while PC as it is, is annoying. And while this is a bit much to swallow, it's also shocking as hell, and I'm going to need to talk with the you say...DH'ers. And by the way, for a witch, you're one hell of a talent."

Willow listened to the name she was given and grinned, "Yeah, well for a Hunter, you look a great deal 'yummier' then I'd expected. I wasn't expecting..." She motioned toward him and grinned. "Still, it's nice. Go ahead and check all you need to. Others will be joining us soon and..."

"What the hell, how the hell am I being kept out of a damned public place?" A female voice sounded and one angry Shalimar stared through the entrance, "Ceriman, mind telling me why you're in there and I can't get in?"

Yummier? Ceriman raised a cocked eyebrow at the woman. He had never been called that in his life. He was half tempted to be insulted. He wasn't one to ignore the fact that he had bedded many...and he meant many...women, in his centuries. But never had one been this powerful that stood in front of him. And never had one sat in front of him that would call him something like that.

Willow had been quite right when he had looked around; there wasn't any trace of any of those damned pests in the building when he'd came back in. What she had done was something impressive. She looked so innocent, so unassuming. But underneath it, she was she something and someone obviously not to mess with. It was the biggest turn on...

Ceriman was about to take Willow up on exactly what he was going to do in the first place and call Harrison back, trying to get more information from him, and then start tracking down every bloody one of his mates, and even the other Hunters that he couldn't really stand, when a voice sounded from the UFO Center entrance. One of the doors hung open, and Ceriman grinned, despite himself. Shal.

Chuckling, he shook his head, pointing to Willow.

"That would be our little spell-caster here," he said. "Looks like there's been trouble, Shal, and good old Art has decided to bend some rules and get us some human help. This ones not your average one, though." Turning to Willow, he smiled warmly. "Let her in. She's one of my kind."

Willow heard the woman yelling and turned to look at her, noticing that there was something in her aura that was similar to the man beside her. She listened, as Ceriman obviously knew who she was and found herself smirking at his comment regarding her.

Shalimar called back, “Yeah, there’s been trouble alright. That’s why I’m here Iman.” She used the nickname she’d given him over a thousand years ago when she’d been assigned to the same area he was and they’d had to hope they wouldn’t feel a drain in their energies. “Raze and Roderick are also around… or I should say Rod will be when he gets back with someone.”

Willow listened quietly, then slowly lifted her hand, “I invite you, to enter.”

Shal looked at the girl oddly before attempting to step through again, finding herself able she lifted a brow, “Yeah, I’d say she’s not average.” Turning to the witch, she commented, “Name’s Shalimar.” She continued forward until she stood in front of her colleague

“Willow.” Willow began and glanced between them, their aura’s seemed to be feeding from each other and weakening. “Let’s see if I can do something about the weakening you two are experiencing.” She reached out her hands, placing one on each of them. She chanted something in Sumerian and felt the energy flow through her and between them before she was thrown back, barely stopping herself from hitting the floor. “Now, that was fun.” She commented sarcastically as she levitated herself into a standing position and nodded. “That should be better.” She noted that their aura’s no longer seemed to meld or feed.

Shalimar had been wary at first when the witch had said something, but she had noticed the drain already beginning to take effect by being around Ceriman. As the witch did her thing however, she suddenly felt a strange power flow through her, spreading warmth and strength. “Impressive.” She commented once Willow stood next to them again. She then looked at Ceriman. “Here’s the deal, Roderick was called to the Mount, informed that something drained Apollo and has since caused all the Gods and Ash to be stuck in the Mount, their powers are now very limited. So, he was sent to gather a selected bunch of us to find out what the hell happened.”

Looking at Willow she added, “And I’m guessing that you are one of the humans we were meant to enlist so that makes our job easier.”

Willow smirked, “Yes, well… whether you’d enlisted me or not, Artemis has already visited me and enlisted my aid and I intend to do what needs to be done. And all I have to say is that everyone, including you Hunters had better not get in my way.” With that, she stepped away from them and walked over to Angel and Buffy.

Shalimar watched after her a moment, amusement apparent in her expression. “It’s been a long time since any human ever surprised me.” She turned to Ceriman, “So, how have the ages treated you?”

Ceriman looked at Shalimar with a raised eyebrow of curiosity. The question in him didn't last long before the smirk came to his lips, a light chuckle escaping. How did she always know these things when it came to him? They had always gotten along so well. Almost better than anyone. She'd been one of few people that he considered a friend in the two thousand plus years that he'd been a Dark Hunter. But for her to realize that he was already spotting some eye candy in the middle of a hellish battle that, so far as he could see, was already breaking every single damn rule in the Dark Hunter Code, was just low. And so like Shalimar.

Ceriman only shook his head in response, choosing to skip the question. So he thought she was sexy. Big deal. And Shal already knew the answer, so there was no need to bother. Instead, he focused on the second question.

"Best places to hide? In this town, you can take your pick. There are a lot of good places to populate in the daylight hours, mostly just outside of town in the desert. Lots of caves in the mountain areas that go deep. Really far so that sunlight isn't an issue."

Ceriman waved a hand around the building that they stood in, sighing. "This USED to be a good place during the early day...people populated this place at night, and during the Alien Festival from what I hear. But Willow's taken care of that for us. We might want to check some of the typicals too...Library boiler rooms, things like that."

Shar nodded and grinned, "Oh and hey... Iman... great to see you. And to see your taste has improved..." She teased, laughing as she stepped back to playfully avoid any jabs that might come her way. After all, she wasn't stupid, sometimes she seriously enjoyed their get together’s to train even if they did drain themselves... a little wrestling with him and training had been interesting... more so when she could tease him about a recent lay.

Ceriman couldn't help but laugh as he looked at his old friend. Good lord, did she always have to be so brutal, yet cute about it? Blast her, it was annoying as hell, but too cute at the same time. "And if you even had some taste to begin with, then maybe that would be something that I could take as a compliment." Ceriman winked playfully, grinning as he looked around the building curiously. "Well first thing is first. We need to figure out how many of us are going to be playing along in this fun game we're stuck in. Looks like someone is dicking with all of us...even with the other Gods. Yet another rogue God on their hands, you think?" He looked at Shalimar in curiosity. "And without Ash, you can rest assured that between all of us, the ranks are going to go to hell.

"We'll have to find some way to keep order amongst all the Dark Hunters gathering here for this. Otherwise there won't be any of us left, but a hell of lot of ink blots to suck these Alien lovers."

Shal shook her head, “Actually, Iman… Ash put Rod in charge of this mission. Which I admit doesn’t make me all that comfortable, considering that Raze is also involved.” She glanced around and shrugged, “Looks to me like with a witch like that Willow, we might not have that much of an issue. She’s damned powerful. Makes me wonder if she’s even actually a human or if she’s somehow in league with the Gods. Stranger things have happened.”

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:47 am
by StormWolfstone
JP for Marina/Clark by Madroswellfan and Storm

Roderick was a scary person; Marina couldn't help but think as she made her way to Clark's. She had to see him, had to say goodbye, but that wasn't going to be easy for her to do. She'd spent the last few years getting to know him, really getting attached to him and she wasn't going to lie to him or hide anything from now on. In fact, as she made that decision, she glanced around and decided to simply teleport to the Kent farm. Once there, she took a moment to adjust and went to the door, knocking lightly as she felt the nervousness fill her. She was scared to say the least. Afraid that by sharing her secret, she would lose everything she had found with Clark. But, she was willing to take that chance because she couldn't leave things as they were.

"I'll get it," Clark shouted as he dashed down the stairs. He would have super sped, but he decided he'd better not...just in case someone was in the house or if whoever was outside saw through the door. He did however take the stairs two at a time. It was a compromise. He quickly walked into the hall and saw Marina. He gave a big smile to her as he crossed the hallway and opened the door. "Hey..." He leaned in and kissed her gently. "I didn't think I'd see you today... how are you?"

Marina enjoyed the gentle reprieve from her thoughts as he kissed her and smiled at him, though the smile wasn't as full as it would have been since she was nervous. "I... I have to talk to you... but somewhere private. There are some things I need to tell you... and I... can't do it where we might be seen." The magic that kept her in human form was straining from the effort, she could feel the animal part of her wanting to be free. It was always a constant battle, but the same battle she would continue to fight. Then again, looking at Clark, the tigress in her wanted him, longed for him. She'd known him for most of the five years she'd lived in Roswell and they'd been dating for nearly a year of that time, but she hadn't tried for that level of intimacy because she knew humans were different about how they viewed things. "I know... I hadn't planned on coming by... but... I needed to see you..."

Clark gave her an odd look for a moment, but then gave a small smile. "Uh...well I'm glad you came whatever the reason." His smile widened as he took her hand. "How about we go to the barn? Mom and Dad won't come in without knocking. Whatever you need to talk to me one will hear us there. Come on." He went outside and closed the door behind them. Clark gave her gentle smile before leading her towards the barn. "My Mom's at the Talon, and Dad's working in the fields... they won't disturb us. Clark was rather nervous that she hadn't planned to see him but came to talk to him... it didn't bode well... especially if it was in private. Had she discovered his secret? Clark opened the barn doors and led them up to the top. He moved over towards the barn window and looked back at her.

" what's up?" he asked, hoping he didn't sound as nervous as he felt.

Marina was silent at first as she walked at his side, letting him lead the way to the loft in the barn. She couldn't stop her heart from hammering nervously in her chest at the different scenarios that were going through her head. "I have to leave Smallville, Clark... I've been called to fight in a battle that's been waging for centuries. You know how we've had less sunlight the last few days..." Marina felt herself shake as she realized she wasn't explaining things the way she'd practiced. "I'm not what you think I am..." She nibbled her lower lip nervously and began pacing slightly, the tigress in her also pacing as though awaiting release from its cage. She couldn't think about how best to say this...

Clark looked at her, watching her every movement. Did she mean she was someone who was after him? Or from his planet? Or even a different planet? But the question that was going over and over in his mind was.... did she mean she was leaving him? "Marina... I don't care what you think or say you are... but... what are you saying?" He swallowed before asking, "Are you leaving me?" He stared at her, praying that she would tell him no.

Marina stopped and looked at him, "No. I don't want to lose you... That's why I decided that I needed to be honest with you... tell you something that I've never told another person here." She began, her eyes misting as she stepped over to him. "I'm not human, Clark... I'm a Were Tigress..." She sighed, unable to say anything more as she waited to see what he would say to that.

Clark looked at her for a moment before saying. "Ok." He smiled at her gently. "Uh, I don't really know what one of those is but..." He swallows and says, "Um... so what exactly is a Were Tigress?" He wanted to check that that wasn't some fancy name for someone who wanted to kill aliens or something.

Marina stepped back from him having to remove her clothing as the tigress in her purred as she let the magic of her change take over, changing into the Bengal tiger form. Using her magic’s, she sent a telepathic message to Clark, "I'm an ancient breed that was cursed by the Gods because of something that an ancestor of mine did."

Clark blinks, stunned. "Oh... okay..." He bites his lip before saying, "Is that all wanted to talk about?" He asked. A huge part of him couldn't help but sigh with relief. The other part of him was curious... his girlfriend wasn't human either... or at least she wasn’t 'normal'. He smiles at her. "Your secret's safe with me... uh...what’s this about a war?" he asked nervously.

It took a moment, the tigress in her fighting her control, wanting to take over. The tigress padded over to Clark and sniffed his scent before finally letting the human regain control as she shifted back into human form, though she needed to move behind a bale of hay in order to get her clothing back on before she explained. "There are creatures that stalk humanity, stealing human souls. They are called Daemons. Most times, we stay out of the fight but I am a Were Hunter and it is my duty to go when I am called. Since the loss of sunlight, there has been an uprising, more humans are losing their souls and the Gods are trapped on their Mount unable to aid us as they once would have."

She paused and looked at him, “I’ve been called to go with others that hunt these Daemons and I have to go. I’m to meet the one commanding this team being gathered around Midnight. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone and I… I wasn’t certain once you knew you’d want me to come back.”

Clark looked at her stunned. "Wh...what?" He gently cupped her face. "Marina, I'm sorry if you really think I would react that way... but I have to say...theres no way I'm letting you go." He smiled at her gently. He couldn't tell her the whole truth...something was pulling him back. But maybe he could show her that he isn't completely normal too...

He leans in and gives her a sweet, small kiss. After a moment he pulled away and murmured, "I'll always want you back.... and uh... since we're sharing things... I can't tell you everything but... I'm not exactly uh...." Clark looked at the ground, not sure what to say.

Marina looked at him, surprised when he cupped her face and listened as he spoke. "I have to..." She'd begun to protest when he leaned in and kissed her, her eyes closed as she instantly responded. How could she ever resist a kiss from him? When he drew away, she opened her eyes and found herself smiling at his mention of always wanting her back.

When he continued, she reached out and put a hand on his shoulder, "What is it, Clark?" She asked, concerned at how nervous he seemed and curious about what he was wanting to tell her.

Clark looked up at her slowly. He had to just do it...get it over and done with. "I can't... tell you everything but...if it helps..." He swallowed before super speeding to behind her. "I'm not exactly an average farm boy either." He bit his lip before super speeding to the tractor on the ground level of the barn and picking it up, so that it was high above his head. He slowly lowered it to the ground once more before moving back to where Marina stood. He looked at her with a faint, nervous smile. He hoped she wouldn't ask too many questions. Because he couldn't answer her. She would be in too much danger.

Marina barely was able to gather how quickly Clark was moving as she turned to look behind her when he spoke and then turned to look around, seeing him pick up the tractor. Her eyes were wide with surprise and she wanted to ask several questions but he'd said he couldn't tell her and she wouldn't make him. She turned to see him looking at her and took a moment to process what she'd seen before she smiled, "I won't ask, Clark... and I won't tell anyone."

She reached out to take his hand in hers as she looked at him sadly, "I really do have to go though, I don't want to... Fates know I'd rather stay here with you. You've given me so much, the chance to really know what it's like to feel as though I belong somewhere." She closed the distance between them and pressed her lips against his in a tender kiss before drawing back just enough to look in his eyes, "Both parts of me, human and animal would rather be here in your arms."

Clark smiled at her before pulling her into another lingering kiss. He rested his forehead against her and murmured, "Promise me... promise me you'll come back to me." He looked into her eyes, worrying that he would never see her again. "I won't tell anyone...and I'll be right here when you get back. I'll always wait." He wanted to kiss her again and again, so that she would never ever leave him. But he knew that he couldn't. By the sounds of it, she really had to go. "I love you" he murmurs quietly before kissing her forehead.

Marina melted into the kiss, the tigress inside her roaring at the intensity while the human side of her just wanted to remain lost in the sensations. When he spoke, she held onto him, her arms wrapping around his neck as she spoke, "I promise, Clark. I will come back to you. I love you." She took one of his hands in hers and lifted it to press it above her heart, "No matter how hard a fight might be, no matter how hopeless things might begin to seem, I'll be carrying my love for you with me and it will give me strength. I don't know where I'll end up, but right now, I know my journey is taking me to Roswell, New Mexico. I'll call you anytime that I can." She couldn't make herself step away from him, couldn't stand the thought of walking away from the only man she'd ever let herself trust.

Clark swallowed painfully as he looked into her eyes. He knew he had to let her go... but every part of him was telling him that he couldn't let her go. "I can't let you go Marina....." He gently stroked her cheek. "I know I'm being selfish but I...I can't let you go...." He swallowed hard, "Is there anyway you can.... can stay?" he asked, needing her. He couldn't let her go. Especially now he knew she wasn't going to freak about him being not normal.

Marina's eyes filled with unshed tears as she saw the same pain from him as she felt at the idea of being apart. "I can't stay, Clark. If there were a way, I would." She closed her eyes, both tigress and human enjoying the gentleness of his touch, "I have some time before I need to go..." She began, opening her eyes to look into his. "I know we've never discussed things... intimacy... but... I love you so much..." She really wasn't certain how to ask, but she wanted another memory to hold onto, another memory that would strengthen her determination to remain alive to return to him. "Clark... make love to me, please?" In her years of life, she had never let anyone get close enough for what she wanted with Clark.

Clark looked at her for a moment and murmured, "Are you sure...I mean... I could hurt you..." He swallowed looking at her. He longed to be with her. He had imagined it so many times in his mind. But he would do anything to avoid hurting her. He kissed her neck gently. "I just...I don't want to hurt you." He wrapped his arms around her tighter. "Um... I mean... I want to... but only if..." he kissed her neck again. "Only if your sure.” He looked up at her slowly, waiting her answer.

Marina listened to him, smiling in response to his obvious concern. When his lips pressed against her neck she felt an instant surge of desire flare through her. How could she not want to? She had thought about it often but had known that humans tended to be more emotionally attached and she hadn't wanted to press things until she knew that her human side was also ready and that Clark was. As he kissed her neck again she released a soft sigh as she looked into his eyes, "I'm sure, Clark. I'm not fragile so hurting me isn't going to be an issue. I want you, Clark... I want you to be my first. I've wanted you for a long time." As she finished speaking, she kissed him slowly and deeply, letting her kiss reveal the depth of her passion and desire for him. Even her tigress added to her desire,
Storm: the animal side making her feel as though she was in heat.

Clark couldn't help but release a groan of desire from the back of his throat. He couldn't help but let her hands wander her back, wanting to touch all of her. Clark slowly moved them over to the couch nearby and gently sat them down on it. "Marina..." he whispered huskily before kissing her neck. He trailed kissed down her bare skin as far as her top would allow. One of his hands gently caressed her skin of her back from where her top had moved up slightly.

Marina's tigress roared within her mind, pacing to get out but the human side of her was determined to let things go slowly. As his lips trailed a path of fire with each kiss along her neck and over her skin, she moaned softly, throwing her head back while her hands slid along his back, sliding under his shirt to enjoy the sensation of his skin beneath her palm.

The tigress wanted to take control, but the human wanted Clark to have control of how quickly things went between them. Even as her hands slid along his back beneath the shirt he wore, her nails trailing lightly. "Oh, Clark..." She sighed out as the heated pleasure was fanning to life within her.

Clark sighed at the incredible waves of pleasure she was making him feel. Slowly he moved his kisses to her stomach and slowly rolled up her shirt, kissing her as he moved it up. He trailed kisses up her body slowly so that if she wanted to stop him she could. Part of him wanted her to take control. He was so nervous that he wouldn't do what she wanted. Where as for him, all he wanted was her. However it was didn't matter to him. He wanted her.

When her shirt reached her breasts, he gently moved the shirt up over them. The back of his throat made a low growl. "So good..."

Marina lifted her head, unable to fight the need to look at Clark as he kissed along her stomach and slowly moved over her skin even while lifting her shirt. The sound he made and his words caused her to be suffused with pleasure. And the tigress was straining against her control.

Marina arched her back, her hands lifting his shirt off of him so she could see his skin as she tried not to lose complete control to the tigress in her. Moaning, she spoke out softly, "Don't stop, Clark... please... I want you."

Clark murmured, "I have no intention of stopping unless you tell me..." He lifted her shirt off her completely and snaked his hands around her so that he can unhook her bra. He slowly took it off and let it drop. Immediately Clark moaned at the glorious sight of her. "So sexy...." he leaned in and took one of her nipples in his mouth, whilst massaging her other one.

Moaning in response, Marina had all she could do to keep her nails from digging into his back, her back arching forward. She had never felt anything as intense as what she was feeling at that moment and the sensations simply rocketed through her. Despite her earlier decision that she wanted Clark to have control she found one of her hands sliding around to the front of him and down to cup him through his pants, massaging his length while enjoying his attention. "Clark." She gasped out, knowing that had she been in true heat there was no way their clothing would still be on.

Without realizing it, that thought was taken into action, her magic deciding to aid and she found her hand no longer had a barrier between her touching him. She also felt the air whispering over her own now bared form.

Clark for a moment was taken aback by there nakedness. He leaned his head away from her slightly and looked into her eyes and smiled. "Nice move..." he murmured..." He looked down at her beautiful form. "Mmmm..... " he quickly kissed her passionately again as he pulled her on top of him. He puts his arms around her, holding her tighter. "Marina... mmm Marina..." he moaned quietly as he kissed her passionately.

Marina was slightly shocked at his reply to her inadvertent magic. Still, she couldn't keep from smiling. When he kissed her, she responded in kind. The passion between them igniting a fire unlike anything she had ever dreamed of feeling. The tigress purred in pleasure when he brought her form above him and she felt his length pressing against her core. A soft hiss of pleasure escaped her throat as she moved against him, enjoying the newness of the sensation.

Still kissing him, not wanting to break the passion that they shared in that sensational kiss, Marina reached between their bodies enough to guide him to her core and slid slowly onto him, taking him inside her with a mixture of the tigress growl and the human cry of pleasure. "Clark."

Animal and human were of one mind as she began a rhythm, slow and steady, the brief flash of pain that moved through her once her barrier was broken was instantly ruled over by pleasure.

Clark groaned as the waves of pleasure hit him. He looked at her to check she was ok, but as she seemed fine, he joined her in the steady rhythm she was creating.

Clark wanted to have her right now...he wanted to make love to her...he wanted her to cum so much. But he kept up the slow and steady pace, even if to him it seemed painstakingly slow. "Marina...Oh Marina..." he moaned as he continued.

As he joined her, she lifted her upper body slightly and looked into his eyes, wanting to watch him, wanting to experience her pleasure and see his as she slowly sped her movements, "Clark," she gasped out his name as she felt the pressure at her apex begin to turn into a throb that felt so good it ached. The tigress urged Marina to speed her movements more and she did. The entire time, her eyes hazy with desire stayed on Clarks.

Clark groaned as she sped up. The desire in her eyes was so overwhelming, and his eyes responded with lust and love for her. But the slow speed they were going was driving him crazy... and as she had gone faster, he decided to speed up too, making them faster.

"Marina," Clark moaned louder. His hands traced her sides lovingly, rubbing her skin gently at first, but getting harder and more urgent in sync with every movement he made within her.

Gasping, Marina felt herself begin to quiver at the urgent pace with which they now went. She cried out her pleasure as she met his pace, her body arching with the intensity. Bracing her upper body with one hand, she used the other to trace over his chest, her nails lightly scraping across his skin while her mouth captured his after she moaned, "Clark."

Her muscles began to clench around his length, drawing him deeper with each move and causing the intensity to build even more.

Clark began to sweat at the incredible feelings he was having. The only time he had ever sweat was when he was ill... She's like a drug Clark though to himself. A drug I can never get enough of. Clark moaned loudly, "Marina... oh MARINA...."

Although Clark had never done this before he knew that he was reaching his peak. He couldn't hold out much longer... not with the amazing sensations she was causing within him. "Marina I love you..." Clark groaned as he looked into her beautiful eyes.

Marina found herself speeding their pace even more, unable to fathom how they could actually move so much faster, but her body was filling with so much pressure and pleasure, that she just reacted. As Clark's moans filled her senses, she moaned herself, looking in his eyes at his words of love.

She smiled, "I... love... you too, Clark... so much." She gasped between breath's as she felt the tremors in her body begin, felt herself sliding over whatever the edge was. She felt it as though she was exploding in the white heat and her cries echoed in the loft.

Knowing without reason how, she knew she had just reached a climax something unlike anything she had ever imagined and yet, she wasn't done yet. Her movements continued, determined that Clark would have his own experience. She captured
Storm: his lips hungrily, kissing him, nibbling on his lips and drawing the kiss deeply as she continued to take him in and out of her folds rapidly, the scent of her pleasure reaching her senses and drawing out another moan as the tigress purred happily.
Clark felt her climax and Clark groaned in response as he felt how wet she was. "MARINA...." he yelled out, not caring if anyone could hear him.... which was fortunate since no one could. He reached his edge and immediately his extreme feelings caused him to yell out in ecstasy. His head moved back as the waves moved throughout his whole body. "Wow... God you’re amazing..." he murmured as he pulled her down so that she rested on him. "I love you so much..." he murmured.

Marina could still feel her muscles convulsing around him, each time drawing him a bit more within her causing her to gasp or moan. As she rested above him, she smiled lightly, "I've never felt anything... like this before..." She spoke softly, lifting her head just enough to look at him, "I love you, Clark."

She found herself lifting her hands enough to look at her palms, feeling slightly disappointed when she noted that she had no mating mark. How could he not be her destined mate when he made her feel so exquisite? Damn the Fates! She didn't care if she had a mark or not, she loved him. Placing her head on his chest, she listened to his heart beating, noting how it beat in time with her own.

They were one, their bodies still joined and she didn't want to move, didn't want to let go.

Clark looked at her slowly and murmured, "I can't let you go Marina..." He swallows as he thinks about their incredible experience with her. He couldn't let her go. He knew that now. He knew what he had to do. She couldn't that left one option... he knew he was breaking his parents hearts... but he had to do what he felt was right. He gently cupped her cheek so she looked at him. "I can't just have one taste of you Marina...let me come with you."

Marina heard his first words and felt the ache in her heart as he cupped her cheek. Looking in his eyes, she heard his words and felt herself drop her jaw in surprise, "What about your parents? You have your family to consider. I... I would be lying if I said it wouldn’t break my heart to leave you here to wait. I would love nothing more then to have you at my side no matter where I am... but your family might need you." Oh, what it would be like to know he was there at her side... she could well imagine how much happier she would be knowing that he was there, but she didn't want him to do anything he might regret.

Clark sighed. He wished he could just keep her here with him. But he knew that was selfish. He had to make a choice. His parents had always said that he was to make his own destiny. His Mom in particular had said that just because they ran a farm didn't mean his future had been decided for him. "I know... I know I do. But I can zip back here and see them whenever...its not as if it will take me long. I can come back and do my chores everyday..." He looked deep into her eyes and murmured, "I can't lose you Marina. Not now... I need you."

Marina's already misty eyes blurred even more as she smiled and nodded, "I love you, Clark. I'd love to have you with me. I... just need to convince Roderick to allow you to join me." That was the part she was expecting to have problems with. In fact, she was certain she would have a bit of a fight on her hands. Kissing his lips gently, she knew the sooner she moved the better, but she still had time and she didn't want to move. Their bodies were still joined and she couldn't make herself part right then. Years from now she might have to watch as Clark grew older and died, but she was going to enjoy every day she had with him. Lifting her head, she brought a hand up and traced his lips with her fingertip. "I don't care what the Fates proclaim, I'm with my soul mate." She found herself saying aloud though she hadn't meant to.

Clark leaned back slightly and looked at her. "Soul mate? Someone told you I'm not your soul mate?" Clark couldn't help but feel a small bubble of disappointment and possibly even hurt within him. If he wasn’t her soul mate.... what did that mean? And did that mean he had a soul mate out there... or worse yet... that because he was an alien he didn't?

Marina sighed as he questioned her, "My race of people... when we're... we... when we mate with someone... if they are supposed to be our soul mate, usually we'll end up with a mark on our palms. They may not always show up immediately, there have been cases where they didn't... but I wouldn't know, because I've never been with anyone else." She bit her lip lightly, "In over two hundred years, I've only seen a few cases where the mark wasn't immediate."

Clark swallowed for a moment before murmuring, "Oh..." As much as Clark couldn't help feeling a little hurt, he knew immediately that he didn't care. He knew that she was the one for him whether the fates told him she was or wasnt. No, what Clark was more worried was... did she really mean that she didn't care? Or was she just being nice. "So I'm not your soul mate huh..." Clark couldn't help bite his lip and murmur, "Tell me honestly....does that bother you?"

Marina didn't hesitate as she shook her head and smiled, "In my heart, you are my soul mate. With or without the mating mark I'm with exactly who I want to be with. I left my clan because I knew that when I first went into our version of heat, they would pass me around until I was mated. I wanted something different and when I first met you, I knew that I wanted to be with you. You have no idea how hard it was when I went through my cycle of heat and you were around. We were only friends then, but every time you were near the tigress and myself wanted you with a fury." She felt herself blush as she made the admission. That ordeal had been three years earlier. She was a late bloomer with her cycle because it should have come on thirty years before.

Clark smiled slowly. "Marina... I wanted you too... I've always wanted you..." He gently stroked her cheek. He looked at her lovingly and murmured, "Whatever your....Roderic guy says...I'm still coming with you. He can't stop me. I do what I want to. And I want to come with you."

Marina couldn't keep from laughing softly from joy which ended in a slight moan from the contraction of her muscles around him. "I don't think I'll have too much trouble convincing him. Especially since no one would want the tigress angry and she really likes you. You're the only reason I manage to maintain my human form for so long." She was amazed by how her body already wanted him again.

Clark smiled at her gently. "So where exactly are you going? Where am I following you to?" he said with a smile. "You know some people would kind of think that as somewhat stalkerish... me following you...." He grinned. "Personally....I like it...what about you?"

Marina laughed again, the movement once more causing a moan and as much as she didn't want to, she slid off of Clark and moved to lay against him with her head on his shoulder so she could look at him. "I most definitely like it. We're going to Roswell first. After that, I don't know. With your speed you could probably beat me there." She grinned and idly traced circles on his chest. "We should get dressed." She commented and her magic did the rest, dressing them both in what they'd had on when they began. "There, now I won't be as distracted," she winked.

Clark gave a faint smile, although pert of him longed for her right now again. "Well how fast can you get there? Is that one of your things you can do or... can you just become a tiger?" He bit his lip realizing the question was rather personal. "You don' don't have to answer that..."

Marina lifted her hand and caressed his cheek as she smiled, "It's alright, Clark. I can teleport, but I've never been there so it's not quite as easy to do. Though I can set a teleportation to a specific person's energy. I have the ability to travel through time, that's how I got here. I can use telepathy, which you kind of saw when I was in my tigress form. There are other minor abilities. Were's are not constrained to time and space. We exist between dimensions I guess you could say." She paused a moment, "And we age differently. I'm over two hundred years old but in terminology of human life I'm as much a seventeen year old as any human would be."

Clark nodded slowly. "Wow...I" He swallowed. "Impressive..." He really didn't know what to say. He looked at her slowly. "" He looks nervous. "Sorry I just...I don't know what to say. But I think your powers are cool and I love you." He gave a small smile.

Marina smiled at him, "I love you too. I should probably go home and get what I'll be taking with me so that when I return we can go meet Roderick. And, if he won't agree then I'll end up meeting you in Roswell anyway. He'll just deal with it. If I'm going to help save humanity, I'm going to have the man I love at my side whether he likes it or not."

Clark smiled. "Ok.... I'll be here when you need me." He kissed her lips gently. "And I'll be here when you get back... I just need to my parents." He swallowed hard. "I don't think that they will take it too well at first but...I'm sure they'll change their minds... they have to..." He smiled at her. "No matter what, I'm coming Marina."

Marina smiled kissing his lips in a slow and lingering passion before rolling and getting to her feet. "I'll be back in about an hour. Of course, I'll probably just teleport into the loft here and then I can teleport us to where Roderick is meeting me." She told him as she looked at him feeling this intense desire not to leave even though she knew she was coming back. "If... if they change you're mind, it's okay... I'll come back either way."

Clark cupped her cheek and murmured, "NOTHING could change my mind. Nothing." He kissed her passionately for a moment. "Nothing." I smile at her. "I will be here packed when you get back."

Marina nodded, smiling as she stepped back, "I'll be back in almost a flash." She joked and with one last long look, she teleported out of the loft and into her place. It didn't take her very long to get what she needed, but she had told him an hour so she wanted to give him that time. She wanted him to have that time with his family. So, she teleported to Roderick only to find that he wasn't there yet. Shrugging she returned home and glanced around. She hadn't thought she'd ever have to leave her home. It made her feel sad and yet she knew that wherever she went as long as Clark was with her she'd feel like she was home.

Clark went to talk to his parents, but found his mother busy making apple pie. She told him to call his father in for dinner. Five minutes later they were sitted around the table eating. His mother and father knew something was wrong even before Clark started to tell them. Martha tried to be strong, but Clark could see she was forcibly holding her tears back. Even Jonathon seemed close to crying. Jonathon kept telling him that they trust his judgment, but that he should take time to think about such an important decision. But Clark had made up his mind. They had an emotional exchange before Clark left the main house. His super hearing immediately picked up his mothers sobs.

He walked slowly into the barn to wait for Marina. He sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands. He didn't want to leave... but his desire to go was stronger. A solitary tear trickled down his face as he waited.

When time had finally neared, Marina double checked her belongings, including making certain she had the weapons she'd need for the battle ahead. She loved Clark, but she feared how he would look at her once he saw the brutality with which she fought. Taking a deep breath, she took a final look around and concentrated on teleporting into the barn, instantly her gaze falling on Clark and seeing his sadness. Letting her things drop, she walked over and stood in front of him, wrapping her arms around him, which placed his head against her lower abdomen. "Are you certain about this, love?" She questioned softly. If she left the town, she knew he was the only one that would miss her, but he had so many people that would miss him.

Clark quickly looked up at her slowly. He stood up and gently brushed a stray hair back from her face. "More sure than I have ever been in my entire life." He looked into her eyes and gave a small smile. "Your not going anywhere without me." He gave a little sigh and wiped the tear off his face. "It's's just hard. I didn't get to say goodbye to Pete or Chloe... and I.... I'm gonna miss everyone so much. But nothing on this earth is stopping me coming with you now."

Marina leaned up and pressed her lips against Clark’s for a brief moment. “Do you want to say goodbye? I can teleport us discreetly to their homes and you can… but I swear to you, we’ll be coming back here, together.” She knew that Roderick would be growing annoyed with her soon, but she didn’t care. She would do anything to help ease the mind of the man she loved.

Clark shook his head. "No... they would be going to sleep shortly... besides.. I think it will just make things harder. No... no I'm ready when you are." He said with a smile. "They will understand." He kissed her lips gently.

Marina smiled softly, returning the kiss for a moment before she said, "Alright, let's get our things together. I'm going to be taking you on a trip of your life." She smirked slightly as she thought about the slight time slip along with teleportation. Stepping away from him reluctantly, she moved to get her things she'd dropped and then waited for him, as she strapped her bags around her so that her arms were free.

Clark picked up his things with ease and looked at her. He wented over to her and said, "Are you sure you don't want me to carry something of yours....its not like it would be hard." He said with a grin. "Please let me?" he asked, wanting to help in anyway he could.

Marina smiled at his offer and removed her weapons bag which was the heaviest of her belongings, knowing that she could easily have handled the weight because of her inhuman strength but not wanting Clark to feel like she didn't appreciate his help. "My weapons bag, would ease some of the burden." She commented softly. Her other hand reached out for him and her hand rested on his cheek while she waited for him to be settled.

Clark takes it with ease and smiles at her. He checks his things are all packed before nodding at her slowly. He wasn't sure exactly what she wanted him to do. So, he gently took her hand from his cheek and held it. "Um...sorry but there something I need to do or..." he said nervously.

Marina laughed softly and shook her head, stepping closer, "Just hold me, Clark. I'll do the rest." She lifted his hand to her lips, brushing her lips across his knuckles before releasing his hand in order to wrap her arms around his neck.

Clark slowly moved closer and put his arms round her. He smiled at her gently. "Ready when you are." He said with a smile. He looked deep into her eyes.

Marina smiled and leaned up to kiss him deeply and passionately allowing herself to get caught up in the kiss as she concentrated on shifting the spatial air around them, opening the time slip and taking them forward a few hours, to midnight and teleporting them right in front of Roderick. She didn't break the kiss until the shift was complete and she heard Roderick curse from behind her.

"What the fuck, Marina?"

Slowly drawing back from the kiss she smiled at Clark and turned to look at Rod without leaving Clark's arms. "Rod, this is Clark... my boyfriend and he's coming along."

"Like hell he is, Tiger." Rod announced, she saw his eyes flash. The tigress in her growled at him, her own eyes flashing.

"That's right, I am a tigress and he knows who and what I am. He can help and I'm
Storm: not leaving without him." Marina said, her voice was deep as the tigress looked out of her eyes toward him. "So, play nice, asshole."

Roderick swore, she watched his aura flare and braced herself for the energy burst she knew was coming. When it hit, she was glad she was still in Clark's arms otherwise she would have gone flying. Grunting, she drew away from Clark and looked at him a moment, "I'll be just a moment here."

"You aren't bringing a human, Katagaria." Roderick said firmly.

"You're right, Rod... I'm not bringing him. He's coming on his own, whether you like it or not. Look at his aura, asshole." She realized she hadn't mentioned to Clark that she had an idea he wasn't completely human because of his aura.

Roderick looked at Clark, the tigress getting on his last nerve. "What
Storm: do you think of all of what this Kat has told you?"

Clark looked at him. He was slightly nervous as he always was with people he didnt know. "I'm here to help." He shrugged. "I'm here to stay with my girlfriend. I'm not going anywhere and I will be useful to you if you let me." He smiles at him. "I'm here to help if you want me, and if not...well I'll just do things my way without you."

Roderick lifted a hand, the attitude of this man enough to make Rod want to teach him to respect the ancient warrior. Marina stepped in front of him, her eyes challenging him as the tigress growled out, "Both sides of me love him, Rod. Mess with my mate and I'll kill you." Her tone held promise.

Rod paused as though hearing something and shook his head, "Fine. He can come, but it'll be his blood on your hands if the Daimons get him." He turned and climbed onto his motorcycle, motioning toward the other one that he'd picked up for her. "Let's ride. We have things to do."

Clark swallows as he looks between the two of them. He doesn't say anything as he has not a clue what to say. Hearing the words that she will kill someone come out of her mouth made him jumpy. He couldn't help but feel bad that he didn't like the way that she said it. He kept his mouth shut as he waits for her to do something.

Marina turned to look at Clark, giving him a smile as the tigress abated, "Do you want to drive?" She asked, giving him the option simply because she knew some men didn't like to sit on the back when on a Harley.

Clark swallowed. "Uh...well I don't know where I'm going so... no its ok. You drive." He knew he should feel weirder about being driven by his girlfriend but strangely, he didn't. He smiled at her as he jumped on the back.

Marina smiled as she climbed on the bike and started the engine, listening to the lovely purr. She turned her head to look at Clark as she said, "Hold on tight, love." Once Roderick pulled off, she followed suit and wondered how long it would take for them to get to Roswell. More then likely, they'd have to stop for the time when Daylight arrived.

Clark swallowed. He could get to Roswell in minutes if he ran. But he was enjoying the feeling of having his arms around her as they drove along. He smiled as he put his cheek on her back and watched the world go by. He was starting a new life today. He knew that his life was truly going to begin in Roswell. He could feel it.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:17 pm
by StormWolfstone
Is everyone still interested???????????????????

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:36 pm
by StormWolfstone
Where is everyone?

Consider this a casting call!

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:55 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: I am still here! Not a very long post. Sorry :oops:


Into every generation a slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One.

Notice the word is chosen and not volunteered. I certainly didn’t offer myself up for this particular position. Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love what I do. Helping people. Protecting those in need is not only a duty but a privilege. I want to make a difference. I guess sometimes the job just gets a little lonely. I steal a glance at Angel who has remained silent for most of the car ride to Roswell. I wonder what he’s thinking. I hate that we’ve dragged him away from his business and friends but Willow’s little visit from a Goddess didn’t leave us much of a choice.

Giles decided to settle down. To be honest he deserves the break from all of this chaos. I asked him to take care of Dawn for me while I’m gone. This mission is far to dangerous for Dawnie to tag along. I do miss her terribly. I feel a lot better knowing that Xander is there to watch after her. I am jolted from my thoughts when Willow stops at what appears to be the UFO Center. I guess we’re here. “We’ll go in here.” She instructs before getting out of the vehicle. I follow behind her silently.

Angel appears at my side so quickly that it startles me. I should be used to his other worldliness by now but when it comes Angel I am constantly off my game. Willow casts a spell so that nonhumans can’t come into the building except those that she allows entrance. I watch in awe of her power as she invites Angel in. Every since we defeated The First my best friend has gained control over her gifts. I am so proud of all that she’s accomplished.

I watch as Will gets into what appears to be a serious conversation with a mysterious stranger. I turn to Angel curiously, “What do you make of all this?” :D

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:41 pm
by madroswellfan
ooc: Im still interested I just dnt reallly know what to put!!!!!! *Mind is a blank!!!*

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:23 am
by StormWolfstone
As much as I have loved Rping here, I’m afraid I will not be able to continue. This game is not closing however, I have convinced a friend, savitaromegrion to take over the game. If the first post needs to be changed, then she’ll message me and I will change it.

She will be taking over, some… of my characters, but that will mean casting will be needed for others.

She may also be making some changes to the set up, with my permission.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 1:59 pm
by StormWolfstone
This game is going to be restarted by Sav with some changes here soon. So, if people still want to keep characters please post here.