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Re: Liz Come Back adult m/l m/m pg 14 Chapter 22 may 8

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 10:29 am
by ken_r
L-J-L 76

There are problems with Jeff Parker. We will see later. Hindsight is what all the characters must face. No one knows the effect until they reach hindsight then they must judge themselves. My experience with loss is sometimes you do consider just how the loss effects you. In this case Max must transfer to what the loss has done to Liz.

Max had guilt both at the pleasure, no matter how carnal, he felt from his affair with Tess and the fact that his dreams to have had his first child with Liz were dashed. That was triggered at the crassness of them taking what he said were Liz’s reproduction rights in the lab.

There is a place in a man, where the object of his affections, is always a little girl. To think of her being hurt, is to him, like the abuse of a child. His love for Liz still deep down was beartiful compared with the affair with Tess which in the morning became cheap.

At this point I want to point out That Maria’s love for Liz and Michael’s love for Maria are what found and saved Liz. Maria was human and she used human methods. All the alien magic he knew didn’t help Max. Just as later Jeff will have to learn that even a parent’s love can't beat perseverance.

At the death of a child a parent faces anger about what this death does to them, because we have no real understanding of death and what happened to the child. Can we sit and contemplate the last moments of the child’s life? The horror of facing death?

Maybe, we can’t consider that. The abduction of anyone I can only conjecture from dramas and essays, but I still think the first feeling is what this is doing to those present. Occasionally I shudder as I think what happened to the victim, whether rescued of not. This consideration can drive a person mad. Greywolf wrote about this. It was driving Max.

Incubus, Succubus, & Demon ... 38&t=16043

Chapter 23 Day 20

At the island

The boat arrived at 10:00 that morning. Isabel had packed one piece of luggage and was waiting on the dock. The difference was that Michael, Ava and Liz all walked down to see her off. Things were going so well that Michael didn’t think about hiding Liz. The three remaining people all hugged Isabel as she got into the boat and grasped the seat. The boat returned to land taking Isabel to heaven or to hell. She just didn’t know which.

Michael, Liz and Ava went back to the cabin. Michael was clearly moping. Liz looked at him. Ava leaned over and, in a false whisper, said, “He is missing Maria too much. I haven’t been able to get a smile out of him since I got here.”

Liz looked down she could feel herself start to shut down again. “I offered all I knew how to help.”

Michael looked up. “Well, now Guerin, if you wouldn’t take a woman up on an offer like that, it is your own fault.”

Liz had lowered her head. She couldn’t think why she had said that. It had been something she had shut up in her heart. She had been with Michael almost 3 weeks. She knew he was lonesome and, come to think of it, so was she. After Michael had had that talk about how it would be hurting Max and Maria, she had closed her mind to that thought she had been developing.

Ava looked at the both of them. “This is what I mean that you make too much about sex. Neither of you has done anything together that would hurt Max or Maria, but your conscious is bothering you because you, sort of wanted to. No, Liz, do not go to Michael. But do not turn Max away, when he gets here. Do not try to make some sort of self pity for yourself. Don’t turn anything from Max because of some sort of feeling that you don’t deserve it. When Max comes for you, go to him immediately. When he asks about what you have done, tell him to read the journal. Outside of that just, take from him what he gives and ask for more.

Liz looked at both Ava and Michael, “Do you think Max would want me now? I remember when I was with those men so many times, I kept saying if I couldn’t have Max, I didn’t want any man to look at me the way he did. That night, I was in Redding California with Tex, I could see that he was falling for me. That was why I ran. He wasn’t Max and I didn’t want that look from somebody else. As a whore, men seldom looked at me for more than my body. Tex was getting feelings of love and I didn’t want that. Have I ruined myself so much that Max won’t have that same look he did when we were in high school?

Ava put her arm around Liz, “No, Max, won’t have the same look he had in high school. He will look at you with a hunger that he never knew in high school. Remember, for him, you were dead, also. He will remember what he lost and anything he sees, will be so much more than he expected. Since he hasn’t felt you, he is still worried that you may still be dead, at least to him.”

Isabel on her own

Isabel was taken to the mainland. They let her off and the boat master and his assistant left her there. Isabel called a taxi. There was only one man who ran a taxi service in this town, so she had to wait awhile. Normally, she would have been impatient. This time, she was willing to put this off as long as she could. What if she had not seen what Jesse really thought? What if he did have something else going on and he was here to let her down as easy as he could? Her logic cut in. Then, why did he give Maria and Michael so much money to find Liz? She could understand Ava when she said, “Jesse wouldn’t want her to think he was trying to buy her back.” Isabel was just in a dither.

Finally the Reynalds Taxi arrived. Isabel loaded her one piece of luggage and gave the driver the address. When she arrived, there was no one at the small house. The key was in the mailbox as promised. Isabel entered and sat waiting nervously. There was no reason to unpack. She had no positive assurance that Jesse would even be with her long enough to unpack. The negligee and dresses she had carefully picked out could or maybe could not, see use. If things went badly she was sure that Jesse would leave soon. She had prepared sleep shorts and aTee top to wear if she was to spend the night alone.

Isabel heard the crunch of a car turning in the small driveway in front of the house. Isabel could see out the window, an obvious rental car, pulling in. Isabel made sure the door was unlocked and she took a seat under a floor lamp across the room.

There was a knock on the door followed by, “Come in. The door is unlocked.”

Jesse entered. There was nothing in his hands. Isabel thought as she viewed him that he would not be planning to spend the night. The voice she heard was a practiced one, cultured from the many hours in court, “Isabel it is so good for you to meet with me.”

The response from Isabel had been intended to be just as cultivated, but when she opened her mouth, out came the desire and angst she had been storing up, “Jesse, I so much wanted to see you.” Isabel stood up. She was waiting for some movement that would indicate what her next phrase would be.

Jesse, for several seconds, stood drinking in the vision of the woman he wooed when she was barely legal with the Pygmalion feeling that she would grow to be as strong as he and stand beside him in the battles of life. The surprise of the true alien nature of her, at first, had scared him. Then, as he was coming to terms with this, he was confronted the need to offer her protection which finally led to her departure with four other teens on a road trip of fear, which Jesse at his age and wisdom, could not face.

To Jesse, when confronted, you took your case to court. The confidence that he had in the court system could not be shared with any of the others of the group. They saw only the system, in any form, as danger. Isabel couldn’t leave her brother and it was clear to Jesse that he couldn’t live their way, on the run, even if he did make the offer to accompany them.

They stood there, several feet apart. looking at each other. Someone had to take the first step. Finally, it was the Latin blood in Jesse’s veins that won. Swallowing his pride in two strides, he crossed the room. Taking Isabel in his arms, he pulled her to him. Before Isabel could say anything to either help her cause or hurt it, Jesse smothered her mouth with kisses. He wanted no words. Only actions. He swept her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. Pushing off the suitcase he found on the bed, Jesse deposited his arms-full of intended love.

Wearing a three-piece suit, the uniform of his chosen profession, Jesse forced her back on the bed as his arms embraced her body. Jesse’s hands were framing her face. He was kissing exposed flesh where ever he saw it. Jesse, still without saying anything, stood up and began to undress. He removed his coat and vest, throwing them on the floor something Isabel had never seen in the time she was married to him. He kicked off his Italian shoes and for a few minutes stood looking at her.

To Jesse, he suddenly worried that he had read the situation wrongly. Isabel hadn’t put up any struggle, but is this what she came for. She could have just as easily come to sign the divorce papers. True, she could have just as easily done this by mail, but Jesse didn’t have that clear an understanding of a woman’s mind.

The indecision was cleared up as Isabel quickly sat up and began to remove her blouse. She stood and dropped her skirt. Now, only dressed in bra, panties and hose she stood looking at him. Jesse loosened his belt and felt his pants slide down his legs. His eyes were riveted on Isabel. He threw off his shirt and on his knees, he proceeded across the bed to Isabel. She just as quickly crawled to him. Both clad in underwear, they mutually embraced. As Jesse removed her bra and she caressed his torso, only separated by their lower clothes, they made tactile love.

Isabel’s, hose and panties in a bunch, were pushed off the end of the bed and with Jesse’s shorts kicked somewhere across the room, they made truly alien love. They shared visions and emotions. Isabel no longer trying to hold her self in check, allowed Jesse to completely see into her life. He saw the insecurity, the sadness of loss of Alex and the rescue Isabel believed she had found when she went to him. Jesse, also, saw the darkness that the loss of Liz had caused. He saw guilt, which seemed to be floating in Isabel’s mind, attaching itself to various actions that she had done. Then, Jesse saw a bright light so bright that he had trouble looking at it. The light was of last several minutes, minutes when Isabel thought that Jesse wanted her home with him.

Isabel saw into Jesse, also. She saw several women who had been in his life. Some of them had been with Jesse before, but there were two who were very distinct. Isabel was sure they had been somewhere in his life recently. Isabel thought of what Ava had said. She renewed her passion to Jesse. It was not for her to question what had happened when she had been gone and pushed Jesse so forcefully away. It was for her to only make a present and future so secure that Jesse would want no other. In searching her own mind she was sure she wanted no other.

The boat master’s assistant
In a bar at a small town outside International Falls, Minnesota

The assistant who had helped the boat master was named Jake. He lusted for what must be going on at that island. As he saw the classy Isabel waiting on the dock, he was tempted to return. If she had been the doxy of the man on the island, maybe, she wouldn’t mind individual attention given by him.

She was gone. It had taken Jake a lot more time than he intended to finish his duties getting the boat ready for the next outing. The boat master insisted they always prepared the boat to go out before they left her docked. Jake saw that the classy woman was not where they had left her. Some one had beaten him to pick her up. Jake did the only thing a man of his class knew. He went to the nearest bar and was drinking his troubles away.

Tiny Williams was very miniscule in the mob world. His sister was married to Big John Elkins. Now, Big John was important. He made people disappear and he made people, who were lost, reappear. When his wife told him that her baby brother had a whore stolen from him, Big John agreed that he would look for her.

Big John had connections in hundreds of unions. That was his secret. Jake was sitting in the bar nursing the loss, in his mind, of Isabel. They were passing around a picture of a woman. Thinking about the secrecy of Isabel on the island, Jake went over to look at the picture. He had only seen her once, but that was today at the dock. She was one of those who had bid Isabel goodbye. She was the frail lady. Jake would have beer money for quite some time now.

Maria and Max in Roswell

Maria was sitting with Max. They had finished the journal yesterday. Max agreed that the journal should be destroyed. He had so many questions. Maria was not the person to answer them, but there was no one else who knew their present secret.

“I do not know what happened to our connection. We, normally, knew when anything happened to the other. She felt me die in the chemistry lab all the way from Vermont. According to the journal, she had been in the Southwest all the time she was in the white room. Why didn’t I feel anything when they first took her? Why did they, apparently, target Liz above anyone else? They knew that if they hurt Isabel, I would go to her aid, leaving Liz unprotected. Why didn’t they go after you or Kyle?” Max asked.

Maria had to shiver at that question. That was something she had wondered, but knowing what happened to Liz, Maria wasn’t sure she could have lived. Of Kyle, she had no idea. Neither she nor Kyle had shown any signs of aberrations or powers. Maybe, someway, they had heard about Liz. Maria wondered how deep their tendrils went. Were there people in Roswell who would turn them in?

That afternoon, Maria received the phone call she had been waiting for. “Izzy is off. For good or bad, we do not know. What do you think about Max?” Michael asked.

“Max is full of questions. I think that most of them would need Jesse to answer. He is curious about why they grabbed Liz. Was she the target after all? How did they sever the connection he had with her? Who is telling things to the feds from Roswell? Is there a spy somewhere here? These are all things he wants to know. I think he is ready to face Liz if she will face him. What is the plan?” Maria said.

“Well, we do not have enough space here. I am thinking about asking our benefactor on the mainland to see about a rural setting somewhere, where we can all gather and there will be enough room for privacy,” Michael stated.

“Yeah, If we might have a spy in Roswell, I hate to leave Kyle here alone. He hasn’t shown any signs of powers, but he was saved by Max and if Max and I come there, he would be alone here.” Maria was thinking that they had no idea for what was going on. The unit had been dismantled, but any of them alone was at risk.

Maria turned to something that she should have brought up earlier. “How is Liz doing about Max seeing her?” I guess, I should have asked that first,” Maria said.

“We have talked about him coming in general terms. I think that when I give her a date, things could be different,” Michael responded.

Michael was determined that, one way or the other, they needed to settle this problem. He felt that there was something that he couldn’t define that was close. Until Isabel returned, if she returned, he and Ava were all that was here to protect Liz. Michael couldn’t define what he felt, but definitely, there was something out there that was trouble. That feeling he had had before was, now, stronger. Michael didn’t forget to wish Maria many erotic things as soon as they saw each other.

Liz had been out that afternoon. She was talking about going alone. With the feelings he was having, Michael was going to ask her to please take Ava with her for at least a while. Michael met Liz outside the cabin. “Liz, honey, what do you think about seeing Max this week?

Liz sat down in a chair beside the dock. She didn’t say anything. Michael pulled up another chair and sat with her. It was some time later when Liz finally spoke. “Does Max have any idea of what he would be getting?”

Michael spoke, “Maria says that they have been reading and discussing the journal ever since they received it. I am sure he understands what you went through. I am, also, sure that if Maria didn’t think he would be a positive influence, she would scratch his eyes out before she let him come. He still doesn’t know where you are. Maria told him he would see when they got off the plane. She is bringing Kyle because we don’t want to leave him alone until we understand how the FBI got so much information on you.”

Liz said, “It is going to get crowded here, fast. This cabin will be awful small with all those people. I wonder if I will have privacy when I meet Max. I don’t think I could meet him with everyone else looking on.”

“Got it covered doll. We are going to rent a house, hopefully, in a more rural area. Isabel and Jesse, may or may not be back with us. It depends on how things go. We will get plenty of beds set up and rooms so there will be privacy. All you have to do is promise not to run away. If you want to leave, either Maria, or I, will take you wherever you want to go, but do not make me have to chase you down.” Michael was looking at her all the while. “One more thing, Liz, I am getting bad feelings. I do not know why, but I would feel better if you would always take someone with you wherever you go. There is something out there. I just wish I understood it.”

Liz just nodded. Michael wondered if she just thought they didn’t trust her. Michael just shook his head. There was a danger feeling somewhere. It wasn’t alien related.
for fun read Cowgirl Princess

Re: Liz Come Back adult m/l m/m pg 15 Chapter 23 may 16

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 9:40 am
by ken_r
L-J-L 76

I pondered over this a long time. In our society sex and love are officially the same. Sex was officially to produce children but in modern times when the population is not desperately needing to be replenished, sex and love are affirmations of bonding and mutual care. If you look at what I am trying to show in Ava, this is what she is missing. This was hard for me to do and I might have failed. Later I try to make Ava grow as she finds something in sex beyond just an action. Of course we know that many do not make this connection and sex just becomes a recreation.

I watch friends who had active sex lives in their youth and measure them against others who essentially married their first love. The percentage who seek to get laid by a stranger, when they are angry, against those who don’t, seems similar in both cases. This suggests to me that using sex as a tool of vengeance has roots in something else than discrete or indiscrete earlier behavior. This is a question to think about when considering Liz.

Chapter 24 Day 21 three weeks officially

Jesse and Isabel were sitting in the kitchen of the little house. Izzy hadn’t called anyone. They still hadn’t talked about what they were going to do. With the energy of last night’s love making, Isabel was hoping she would be back with Jesse. There in his mind, she had seen two women. Isabel wasn’t going to mention them. That would be up to Jesse and Isabel promised that if possible, she would be a dutiful wife and not hold anything against Jesse. She would wait until he brought the subject up. They had rented the house for three days. There was no food supplied. There was coffee, but it wasn’t very good. Isabel, carefully, didn’t say anything about it. They showered and dressed. Then, they left to find a café where they could get breakfast.

Isabel was sipping her orange juice and playing with a bagel. Jesse was attacking a slice of ham, eggs and a short stack of pancakes. Last night had left him hungry. “You know, Isabel, we were separated for over two years. I hadn’t heard from you at all. I was considering moving on, if you longer wanted me. Your father called me and told me he needed help. He told me of the trouble you all were having and that Liz had vanished. We decided to close down on the FBI, for once and all.”

“Jesse, it wasn’t that I didn’t want you. Liz was just proof that being with us was just too dangerous. That you would help dad was just so unexpected. I didn’t really understand about that until Ava, another alien that we all knew, told me. Don’t ask how she knew. She is pretty canny when she wants to be.” That he was thinking of moving on, bothered Isabel. She knew that she had no right to say anything, but she was so worried. What did everything last night mean?

Jesse was now driving the last piece of pancake through the melted butter and syrup with his fork. “Isabel, I want to be upfront. I have been out with a few women. It was just a few dates. We never came back home or anything. There were two that, given time, I might have formed a stronger relationship with, one or the other. When they asked, I always said I was separated and we hadn’t decided, yet, what we wanted to do.”

Isabel’s heart was beating so fast that she felt she was going to loose her presence of mind. What did this all mean? Was Jesse telling her that he had, in his mind already moved on. Maybe last night was just a sort of goodbye. “What are you saying, Jesse? Are you ready to move on? Was the help you were giving just your way of lessening the blow? Do you want me to sign the papers?” Isabel was so confused she had to hold herself back. She didn’t want to say the wrong thing.

“No, Isabel, I just wanted you to know, in case someone said anything. I helped you and your friends because they needed help. Michael came to me and asked me to help him find Liz. I had the file from the white room. I was sure it was about Liz, but there was no identification on it. Michael documented every cent he spent. He let me know the minute he found Liz. You still do not know what she is going to do, do you? I hope we will return to Boston, after a time, and you will go back to school and we will have a long happy life and many children. I think that is what your parents want also, now.” Jesse had told Isabel how things were with her absent. Now, he declared that he wanted her with him. Soon, they left the small café and, arm in arm, they walked back to the house. They still had two more days.

Maria in Roswell

Maria had booked her flight. There was no easy way to get from Roswell to much of anywhere else. They had to go through Albuquerque. They would make 5 stops. With connections it would take over 15 hours. She made the tickets one way because they had no idea of how long they would be there or how they wanted to come back. Of the 15 plus hours they would spend, nine and a half in the air, the rest would be waiting or running for the next terminal. In all they would be on three different airlines. Maria told them to all pack light and take carry on because they didn’t have time to chase luggage lost in flight. They would leave in three days, at 6:00 PM.

New York City

Big John received the news that Liz had been spotted, “Where the hell is International Falls? Where the hell is Minnesota? The men surrounding him were busy looking in a road atlas. “Here it is, boss. It would cost a fortune to take the limos there. We better fly and rent Ford Crown Victorias like the police.” It was settled. They would leave in four days.

On the island

Liz hadn’t gone out today. She sat at a window just watching the ducks. Again, they were going in circles. She, now, wished she could just travel in circles always being familiar with where she was and looking forward to the comfortable place she would soon be. For Liz, every day was filled with a dread. She had not slept last night. She was thinking what would she do if Max wouldn’t be there for her? No matter how hard Max tried, she needed something from him that she wasn’t sensing. She couldn’t describe it, but if she couldn’t get it, she wanted to move on, but to where. She was wondering if Jesse and Isabel could help her. Liz had realized that she could no longer exist without help.

Then, she would lie there thinking that Max came to her. She had felt just like she had when she was in high school. Her body was virginal and she was offering it to Max, her one and true love. Her body had not been virginal for years and the last few years she had no memory of how many men she had known. What would Max say? They said he had read the journal. Did he really understand it?

Finally, just before sleep claimed her, she saw Ava in her mind. If Max loves you, he will take you for the here and now. He will not care what has happened to you except to wipe away the sorrow and make your life good in the future.

That was last night. Now she was back watching the ducks. Did they have anything to tell her?

Ava was helping Michael. Michael had called early that morning and they found a house they could rent for a week. It was a fishing house and this time of the year, there was no one there. Michael booked the whole house and had it stocked with food. It was set up as a rooming house so there were plenty of beds. Ava and Michael had been putting away dishes and food that had been brought the day they picked up Isabel.

“How will I face him when he comes? Will he have questions that I can’t answer? Will I see anything in his face that accepts me as I now am?” Liz was voicing questions that were plaguing her. Then, she almost whispered, “Will I be able to face him knowing that he left me to the trials of the white room?”

Michael thought. No matter what Max had done and no matter what Liz had done, it would finally come down to how they both felt about each other at that minute when they were face to face with each other.

When Liz decided to go outside, Ava caught Michael’s eye and at his nod she cheerfully said, “Come on, let’s take a walk. We have been cooped up for way too long.”

Michael tossed them each a water bottle. With that, Liz and Ava headed to the far side to watch the ships for the rest of the afternoon.

“Cornball, I would give anything to have a chance to meet someone who would have the relationship that you had with Max,” Ava said.

“But was that relationship only in the past? There might have been other ways I could have survived. I deliberately trashed my self because I thought I had caused all of them to be killed. I remember how we felt when we found that Tess had killed Alex. I don’t believe she did it on purpose. But, in her struggle for survival, she demanded more of him than he was able to give. Here, because of my need to see my father, I brought down death on everyone. I just couldn’t face that same hatred we all had toward Tess, being brought down on myself. Even if I was the only one left to bring it down.” Liz was again slipping into a morose mood.

“Tess only had minor feelings about what she had done. She was sorry. It was an inconvenience, but she had no true sorrow. You may have, on the other hand, taken more responsibility than was right for what you thought happened. Even though Michael is satisfied about your journal, I have this feeling that there is something else. Maria and Michael are worried about a spy back in Roswell. To me, this story just doesn’t make sense yet. There was something back there in Roswell, but we do not know yet what it was.”

Ava was thinking that the puzzle was far from over. Michael and Maria had decided that they had enough of the story to present to first Isabel and, then, Max to show them how Liz had suffered. Ava thought there was still something more to be learned. She just didn’t know what was the key to this knowledge.

While they were sitting, Ava, with her sharper vision, was watching a fishing boat sitting off the shore several hundred yards. She had seen a flash of reflection off of glass or something. Carefully looking, she perceived the man in the boat was looking at the shore and, especially, the two women with field glasses. This gave Ava a very bad feeling.

As soon as Liz looked like she would be amendable, Ava suggested they return. Ava would be sure to inform Michael what she had seen.
Cowgirl Princess is a story just for fun.
coming soon is the third story of "Liz of the Desert." It is back on the Navajo reservation and Liz finds new people to help in her fight against Kivar.

Re: Liz Come Back adult m/l m/m pg 17 Chapter 25 May 29

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 9:29 am
by ken_r
L-J-L 76

Chapter 25 Day 22

Liz was getting more nervous as the time got closer. Given a chance, she would have run. Michael told her that they would be on land tomorrow. He had, over and over, asked her not to run away, and put him through the search he had endured for so long, again. Liz was thinking, Michael had hurt her that first night, but since then he had been so understanding. She hoped she didn’t put him through the stress he had felt for so many years. Ava and Michael had accepted her. Isabel had even apologized to her for things that Liz didn’t completely understand. Michael had assured her that Maria was supportive and that Maria wouldn’t let Max near her unless he was completely supportive.

Jessie had extended his stay to be present when Max and Liz came together. He wouldn’t tell Isabel, but he felt that it was important that he was present. Isabel had the feeling that he knew something that he wasn’t being totally forthcoming about. Their reunion was coming together perfectly.

Jeff Parker in Roswell

Jeff had noticed that the young people who had always been close to his daughter seem very preoccupied. He had talked to Jim Valenti about this. “Jeff, Liz has been found. She was in pretty bad shape mentally. Maria says that she is a lot better now. Maria, Max and Kyle are leaving to go to her this evening. Maria says that she will inform us as soon as she has any news,” Jim told him.

Jeff was very excited. “Jim where is she? A girl needs her parents if she is in trouble. Let me go to see her.”

Jim just shook his head. “Jeff, your going now wouldn’t be a good idea. The main person she needs to see is her husband, Max. Maria left word that if Liz decides not to return to Roswell, Maria will try to talk her into at least meeting with you and Nancy.”

“Not return to Roswell? Jim, that is just not acceptable! She should be made to return. We should have been the first to be notified when she was found.”

“Jeff, this wasn’t my decision. Liz has been found by the extensive search of a private enterprise. No lawman would have been able to do this. The search has been financed by Philip Evans and his son-in-law, Jesse.”

Jeff frowned, “I thought that Jesse had left Isabel. Why is he in the picture?”

“Don’t let appearances fool you Jeff. Jesse and Isabel are well on the way to rebuilding their life. We are just waiting to see if Liz and Max can do like wise,” Jim Valenti stated.

“I am not sure I want that Max near my little girl again. All he has caused her is to get her in trouble. First, there was that jail thing and then this shooting, that made Liz disappear and caused Isabel to be hurt. I am not sure I want her to continue to be with him,” Jeff said.

Jim took a deep breath, “Jeff, Liz isn’t a little girl now. Max would be her legal guardian in a court of law. This is why Maria doesn’t want you to see her before she and Max solve their differences. If all works well then they will return with in a few weeks. If it doesn’t work well, Maria will try to arrange for you both to see her at a place of Liz’s choosing.”

Jeff was clearly angry. To him, Liz would forever be his little girl. Her mother once said don’t ever grow up, don’t ever have sex, don’t ever quit being my little girl. To Jeff she hadn’t. It bothered Jeff that all these other people had had the finances and ability to find Liz when he never even knew where to start. He was turning to leave.

“One more thing, Liz sent you her journal. She told you to burn it. Did you?” Jim asked.

At first, Jeff bristled. He considered that journal as private between Liz and himself. He had been reluctant to let others who Liz wanted to read it, have custody of it, but at last he relented to her wishes. To burn the journal was just something he couldn’t do. Jeff slowly shook his head.

“Maria asked me to check. If you didn’t burn it, where is it?” Jim asked.

Jeff’s face took a stubborn set, “It is in a safe place,” he answered.

Maria was afraid that you wouldn’t do as Liz requested. She asked me to verify that it is still safe,” Jim repeated.

Jeff, with a still stubborn stance, just glared at the sheriff. “Please check, I need to be sure before I talk to Maria again.” Jim stated.

Jeff was angry. These kids were questioning him through Jim. He felt that they had no right. Looking at Jim’s pleading eyes, Jeff finally turned and went back to his living quarters. He went to his drawer, the one where he kept his checks and things. He rifled through the drawer for several minutes. It wasn’t there. Jeff yanked the drawer out of the desk. He turned it upside down on the floor, spilling the blank check books and the miscellaneous bank stubs all over.

Jeff returned to Jim. He was white as a sheet. “It is gone,” he stated.

Jim stood, that was what Maria had been afraid of. He must get this bit of information to her as soon as possible. Jim left Jeff sitting, wondering what he had done.

Back in Minnesota

The minute Maria heard about the journal she called Michael. She wasn’t sure what this meant but it might be important. Even though he was sure that calling Jesse would be inconvenient, Michael did so as soon as Maria hung up.

Jesse was under the covers savoring Isabel’s body. He was glad that he hadn’t given in to the women who had offered themselves, even though he informed all of them that he was just separated. The delicious texture of Isabel had been felt with a freedom that he had not known before. Isabel let all of her powers roam free and, with every tantalizing touch she broadcast passions that Jesse could only imagine before. The phone rang.

Isabel reached to throw the cell phone from the end table. Jesse caught her hand. “The only people who have this number would have a message of importance,” he said.

“Jesse, I am sure I caught you at a bad time, but I have information that is important,” Michael was heard say over the phone.

“Michael, you can say that again. It better be important,” Jesse stated.

“Well, we just found out that Jeff didn’t burn Liz’s journal. He hid it and we think it has been stolen.” Michael hoped this information was important enough to interrupt. He could hear Isabel breathing and Jesse yelp as she bit something that was tender.

On the phone, Jesse was all business. “Thanks, Michael. No you did right. It is very important that I talk to both Max and Liz when they come together. You just found out another piece of the puzzle.” Jesse hung up. He was now sitting in bed. Isabel was nibbling at the tender parts of his chest. Jesse just lay there, his hand idly stroking her breast, “They wanted Liz. They weren’t after you and Max. They shot you to divert Max. They wanted Liz. The whole operation was to capture Liz. They probably drugged her immediately so Max couldn’t find her. Everything that happened was because they wanted Liz.”

Cowgirl Princess

Did Max actually kiss Tess after the Prom? Did he actually get Tess pregnant? How many times did Tess actually appear to Max and the others. Remember the shape shifters. Answers and me rewriting the third season. That couldn't be that hard. Anything is better than what we had in the episodes. Coming soon "The Second Crash"

Re: Liz Come Back adult m/l m/m pg 17 Chapter 25 may 29

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:51 pm
by ken_r
L-J-L 76

You are exactly right Eve

Chapter 26 Day 23

The Roswell group would leave this evening at 6:00 pm. They would arrive at International Falls Minnesota about 11:00 the next morning. They would drive with the directions that Michael had given them to the boarding house he had rented and arrive sometime in the afternoon, tomorrow.

Big john would leave tomorrow in the morning. With stops and routing, he would be in International Falls about 3:00 PM. There would be three Ford Crown Victorias waiting for him. He should meet his informant by 4:00. He hoped to have the stolen item back for his brother-in-law by 6:00. There was a catch. The first flight out that he could make, would be the next day in the morning. Big John would have to spend another whole day in this project. That woman better be ready for him. He married her because of her abilities. He had set out to do this favor for her brother because of these favors.

Ava helped Liz pack her things. Since Ava had almost nothing, she didn’t have much to pack. Michael did not know if they would be back to the cabin, so he went about getting it ready to shut down.

Jake was excited. He was assured a reward and he, in his mind, saw that there would be two other women he might pick up on. He was surprised when his boss called him late that afternoon. They had a job.

When the boat arrived Michael, Liz and Ava were waiting for it. Jake was surprised. Were they going to leave. This would cost him and it had been implied that the people looking for the frail little woman were not the kind to take disappointment.

When they returned to the dock, the boat master would expect Jake to help him refit the boat. Jake didn’t care if he lost his job. He had to know where the two women and the man went. Jake jumped the boat and disappeared. The boat master was angry, but Jake wasn’t that good, anyhow.

Michael was met by the friend of Jesse. He returned the keys to the Volvo. Soon with the directions in hand, Michael was looking for the house they would be using for the next week. He didn’t notice the beat up old pickup that was following them.

The house was all that had been promised, from the keys in the mailbox to the several rooms that they would use. Michael directed Liz to a room away from the others. He picked out a room for himself and Maria.

Ava thought she had come here to help the Cornball. Liz, was on her own from now on. Unless Liz was rejected by Max or Liz rejected Max herself, things should be going smoothly. Ava had no intention of staying for the week in the sexual intensity that was promised for everyone else. She knew that Michael could hardly contain himself. She hoped that Max and Liz would work things out. Isabel and Jesse, if they stayed there, already had a head start. Ava started making plans for her departure. She would wait until tomorrow night to make sure Max didn’t do something stupid.

It took a little over an hour and a half for the three to get to Albuquerque. It would have saved a lot of money to drive to Albuquerque instead of flying out of the Roswell airport. Maria wanted to get to Minnesota with the least effort. She had no idea of when or how they would be getting home. There was over a two hour wait at the Albuquerque Sunport. They would change planes at Las Vegas, and change airlines at Chicago. They would change planes again at Minneapolis and arrive at International Falls about 11:00 the next morning. That was a horrible flight plan but it was the best she could do. They would probably be at the house Michael had rented a little after noon. Michael wanted every one to rest before Max saw Liz. He told Maria that Liz would remain in her room until late that afternoon. Max would be a wreck, but Michael hoped a rest would help tempers.

Did Max actually kiss Tess after the Prom? Did he actually get Tess pregnant? How many times did Tess actually appear to Max and the others. Remember the shape shifters. Answers and me rewriting the third season. That couldn't be that hard. Anything is better than what we had in the episodes. Coming soon "The Second Crash"

Liz of the Desert 3. Liz is married into the alien household. She and Max stop the dope smuggling and stop the war on Antar. Now they have angry prince Kivar after them. He wants vengence. They are back on Navajo land, making friends who will help them in their battle.

Re: Liz Come Back adult m/l m/m pg 17 Chapter 26 june 1

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:05 am
by ken_r
L-J-L 76

Chapter 27 Day 24

The day started out bad for Big John and company. First off, the plane flight cost almost $600 apiece. They had to start at 8:00 that morning and would get to Minnesota at almost 4:00 that afternoon. Big John couldn’t understand, why all the way to Minnesota. Hell if he had stolen a woman he would have just hid out in the outskirts of New Jersey. They would have to hold up somewhere because for the return trip, the earliest they could get off, would be 6:00 the next morning. He intended to grab the woman and have her back in New York City by 3:00 the next afternoon. So much for his idea of hit and run. Big John took five wise guys with him. His wife better put out every night he wanted her to, for the next year, for what he was doing for her baby brother.

The three from Roswell were in International Fallls by 11:00 that morning on schedule. They rented a car and found the house by 1:00 that afternoon. Max was anxious, but Maria’s word was law. They would wait until 4:00 that afternoon. Jesse wanted to talk to everyone before Max and Liz got together and tried to settle their differences, if there were any. Michael told them there were some startling new things that should be understood.

As Max walked up to the door, he was greeted by Michael. He had had all the rules phoned to him so he didn’t expect to see Liz. Max didn’t expect to see Tess, either. Max had only met Ava for a short time, when she was in Roswell. He immediately went to defensive mode when he saw her sitting there. Kyle stepped from behind Max and just stared at Ava. Maria had told Max that Ava was here, but logic failed for sometime.

“Greetings, Your highness,” Ava slightly bowed. “Although with Tess dead, I guess I would be the reigning queen.”

Max sternly looked at her, “There will never be any queen except for Liz. Besides, the throne nonsense should be done away with, anyhow.”

Ava laughed, “Yes, the queen in rags, that would be a laugh,” as she spun around showing the many patches on her skirt.

Maria broke the shock. She went forward and took Ava’s hands and kissed them. Then she embraced the woman, “I am so happy you could come and help Liz. I hoped that advertisement in the paper would get to you.” Maria and Michael had placed an advertisement asking for the queen of Antar to call the mothership her help was needed. Ava had laughed when she saw it, but she answered the call in her own way. How she found out about Liz would remain a mystery. Ava was very capable when she wanted to be.

Kyle was still standing there staring. Ava went to him. She took his face in her hands and, then, she dropped them. Ava stepped away from Kyle, but she said nothing. For the rest of the afternoon, Ava was deep in thought.

After lunch, they were shown to rooms that they would use until things changed. Maria, again, cautioned Max not to try to find Liz. Waiting until everything was in place was the best way for them to get back together.

At 3:00PM, Jesse and Isabel came over. This was the first time that Jesse had seen Ava. He remembered that time they were discussing Tess’s execution. He had abstained because he knew neither, Tess or Alex. There had been a slight burn in his feelings, that later he learned, was the strong emotion of Isabel. Now seeing the dup, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. It was making her nervous.

Seeing that he was making Ava upset, Jesse apologized, “It is just that now that I am faced with you, I realize the story that there is a dup of Isabel. Is she so exact that I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference?”

Ava laughed, “You get Lonnie in the sack and you would soon see the difference. Lonnie was interested only in her self. She, even once, offered to kill her mate if it would get her back to Antar.”

Jesse shook his head. These aliens always gave him something else to learn. Isabel, Ava and Maria went back to Liz’s room. It was some time, but they brought Liz into the room with the others. They had combed her hair and washed her face, since she had been crying. Isabel had touched up her make up and as she came into the room Max rose. Michael put his hand on his friend’s shoulder and Max sat again. Liz was almost afraid to look at Max. When she did look, she saw how much he wanted to be with her.

Jesse stood up. He was wearing his three-piece suit, indicating that for the moment, he was their lawyer. First, he turned to Liz, “Everyone here, except Kyle, has read the journal about what happened to you. The journal is what you think happened and, to an extent, it is accurate. What you do not know is that the attack was not made on Max, Michael and Isabel. The raid was for the single objective of capturing you. Isabel was shot because they knew that would distract Max long enough for them to take and drug you. Max didn’t feel you behind him, so in his mind even if he can’t remember that, he probably thought you had taken off with Kyle. To Max, the plan in force was to scatter and meet at the safe houses. I am the only one who has read the lab journals. Liz, with your permission, I would like to keep it that way. If I didn’t fear that we might need the lab journals someday to prosecute some of the technicians, I would suggest burning them. I do think we should burn the journal that you dictated to Michael. Maria sent it to me, Fedex over night, yesterday. That leaves the question of why did they want you, Liz? What would indicate anything special about you that wasn’t special about, say Maria or Kyle?”

Jesse paused for several minutes. Max had to understand why he hadn’t thought of Liz. She had been eliminated from his person by the drugs they quickly forced in her. Aliens depended on their powers as much as humans did on their senses. Cripple these powers and they became partially blind. Liz, out of his mind and the distraction of caring for Isabel made him abandon her, at least in his mind.

Liz was seeing something that had worried her. Max didn’t just run off and leave her. She had been snatched the first thing. What was the attraction to her?

Jesse, still standing, continued, “How did they learn so much about Liz? We do not have all the answer. But, we have some of it. Jeff couldn’t burn the document, Liz’s journal, written all through high school. The journal was all he had of his daughter when you left. He hid it. Somehow it was found and stolen. Stolen by who, is left to later. Right now, you, have to look at the raid in a totally different manner. Liz and Max were faced with totally unexpected situations. All along, we were assuming that the target was the aliens, but no, the target intended and the target obtained, was Liz. It is doubtful without knowing this, that you could have prevented her abduction.” With that, Jesse sat down.

Max stood up. This time, Michael did not attempt to restrain him. Max went to Liz. He was crying with the tears of a man who had lost the most valuable thing he knew and now was hoping to find it again. Liz slowly rose as he took her hands. The whole room was silent. Max opened his mouth to say “…

The door burst open and Big John shouted. “I want the whore.”

Airport International Falls Minnesota.

Big John got off the plane. He was cramped and he was angry. He hated flying and he had another trip just like this one to look forward to tomorrow morning. He hated to think of getting up at the ungodly time to be ready to leave the airport at 6:00 tomorrow morning.

He was met by the men he had contacted. They furnished the group with pistols. Big John wasn’t a gun enthusiast and he didn’t care what make the pistols were. They were a symbol that he could easily take a life and that was all he cared about. John’s man brought Jake to the forefront. Jake was terrified. It was one thing to talk to a man about a reward for knowing where the woman was and it was another thing, to be pushed into the midst of these men.

“You sure where the whore is?” John questioned Jake.

“Yeah, she was on an island, but yesterday, they moved to a house. I can show you where it is,” Jake nervously said.

Big John didn’t have any luggage to check. Any tools he would have brought would have been illegal, anyway. The men walked to the desk and picked up the keys for the three Fords they had rented. Jake was pulled in to sit beside Big John. He directed them through the communities. It was about the time that Jesse had started talking about what had happened to Liz.

“There was a strange thing about where they were keeping the woman. First, the man and woman were taken to the island. Then, a little hippy girl appeared. Next, this lady of pure class went over. After a few days, the classy lady came back and someone picked her up. Then, the rest came back yesterday and they drove to a boarding house that they have rented. I don’t have any idea what is going on, but she is there right now.” Jake was so nervous he could feel a wet spot at the crotch of his pants.

Jake pointed out the house. They parked their cars and all got out. Big John walked up to the door and kicked it in. “I want the whore,” he cried.

When the door burst open, Max instinctively pulled Liz behind him. He raised a green shield between himself and Big John. With the statement “I want the whore,” the green shield went down and a flash of yellow light traveled instantaneously to punch Big John in the gut. Jesse had also reacted to pull Isabel back, but as he did, he saw that she had her hand raised pointing to the men. Michael pulled Maria behind him and, likewise went into defensive stance.

Ava was surprised that Kyle grabbed her and taking a wrestler’s stance, he stood before her without regard that she could well protect herself.

Two men were trying to help Big John stand, again. “I just want the whore. She belongs to my brother-in-law,” he whined.

This time, when the green shield went down, lightning came from all of Max’s fingers and all of the men in the forefront went over kicked in the middle by some kind of energy.

As all the men crowded around Big John, he heard a voice that he knew well. “Big John, I whipped your ass in court and I got that chickenshit attorney disbarred for life. Now, meet the rest of the family. You say one more thing about this man’s wife and he will burn you to death right where you stand. I will defend him because he is my brother-in-law and, to me, family is everything.” Jesse was back to where he was in total control. Big John, well knew, that Jesse was every bit as able as his brag.

“Rammerrreeeeze, what the hell are you doing here?” Big John croaked.

The blood was rushing to Max’s face as he was powering up for the big one. Except now, Michael, Isabel and Ava had sparking hands. Jesse knew that it would take very little to set all of them off. Big john started to raise his pistol. Jesse wound up and the paperweight from the small desk he had been standing beside, burned over home plate. Little league had served Jesse well. Home plate was about knee level from Big John’s face, which is where the paperweight went. The men grabbed Big John and dragged him back to the cars. Jesse went over to the phone and called the International Falls police department. He gave his name, also stating he was an officer of the court. Jesse told the police department who Big John was and that he was, probably, headed back to New York. They were ready when the men came to the airport the next morning. The ranting of Big John about flashes of light made them quarantine him until he could be fully checked for hallucinogens. Later, when they met the couple Big John was accusing, they asked if Max and Liz wanted to have them hold Big John and company, so they could sue for slander.

Michael went to the door and, using powers, he repaired the hinges. He turned. Max was holding Liz in his arms. They were not talking, but the language they were speaking was universal. Liz, slowly, led Max back to the room they were to have. They had a lot to talk over. Maybe tomorrow, they would. Jesse and Isabel took their leave. Jesse would have to return soon and he wanted to have all the time he could to assure that Isabel would be returning with him. As for Maria and Michael, they had already disappeared. They had 24 days of phone sex to catch up on.

It was left for Kyle and Ava to sadly return to their rooms alone. Kyle entered and shut his door. He should be happy that all the couples had been brought back together. Jesse and Isabel had sealed the fate of him ever getting with her. Max and Liz had a long way to go, but for now, they were content to lie in each other’s arms. Maria was almost a sister since his dad was still carrying on with her mother. Oh well, Kyle hadn’t had anyone since Evans took Liz. When he thought about it, Kyle wasn’t sure that he would have carried that much further, anyway. He had tried to get Liz into the sack and she wasn’t ready. As soon as she met Max, her mind changed. She was all over him. Except for that instant when he felt her naked leg brush his when they were trying to fake Evans out, Kyle was never to get close to her again. Kyle removed his shirt. He was taking off his shoes and pants, throwing them on the chair. He heard a knock at the door. It probably was Michael having something to tell him. Kyle walked to the door and opened it.

Ava was waiting for him. She walked in. As she passed Kyle she snapped the waistband of his shorts. When Tess did it to Kyle he had almost lost it in his shorts. When this Tess look-alike did the same thing, Kyle had to swallow. He grabbed his shirt to cover his obvious interest.

Tess… or Ava… Kyle was very confused, walked past him and sat on the bed. Kyle was clutching his shirt to his front to keep from embarrassing himself. He sat down looking at Ava.

Ava, in her perfectly blunt way, asked, “Why did you step in front of me to night? You must know that I am able to protect myself.”

Kyle looked at her, “I had a thing for Tess. There was a lot of good in her that I saw when Nasado wasn’t pushing her. When things happened, I just reacted.”

Ava laughed, “Like Max, what you did was just reflex. I kinda like that. Don’t think I ever had someone put themselves in front of me before. Did you and queenie ever do it?”

Kyle shook his head. “Every time we got close, something would set her off on Max. She just couldn’t get him out of her head.”

Ava looked at Kyle. She leaned forward. She took his face in her hands and kissed him. Kyle was surrounded by all sorts of visions. Many mean things had happened to Ava. She was so different from Tess. There was no one else in her mind. The man she had been raised to be with, was dead. Her feelings were not that strong for him anyway. She just opened herself to Kyle.

Kyle’s love life had been so dry that he hadn’t carried a rubber for years. He looked at Ava and explained. “That is all right, Kyle. If it turns out to be a boy, we will name him Jim after your father. If it turns out to be a girl, I will let you pick a name. If nothing happens, then maybe, we can try again.

With that, they entwined and Kyle was given a trip through the galaxy and Ava, Ava was given a tour of what human love could be like. As he gazed upon Ava, Kyle just thought of having sex with a girl he thought he liked. As their hands stimulated their bodies and finally they coupled Kyle now understood why he hadn’t had a chance with Liz after she met Max. Alien sex there was no substitute.

As they closed the door, Michael took Maria in his arms. Maria just couldn’t resist, “Weren’t three women enough to keep you busy?” she asked.

Michael would punish Maria for that comment. His arm swept under her legs and he carried her to their bed. Michael began to undress as fast as he could. For a minute, Maria just looked at him. Then, she thought, he would make love with her clothes still on her if she didn’t catch up. As Michael was pulling off his pants, Maria was unbuttoning her blouse. Michael was down to his boxers when she still was in her panties and bra. With one sweep Michael, kicked off his shorts. Now, the evidence of his longing for her was evident. To Maria, it seemed that he was swollen even more than normal.

She barely got her panties off when Michael was giving her kisses. All the time, he was at her mouth, her throat, her breasts. She could feel his manhood pulsing with desire. Maria spread her legs and Michael was between them. As he entered her, he continued kissing every part of her body he could.

Michael had not even thought of using a condom. Right now, he wanted Maria as naturally as he could have her. They had lost so much time while he was searching for Liz. Both of them had felt the pressure of being, he with Liz and she with Max. After their passion climaxed, Michael was still holding Maria, kissing her.

There would be no mistake about Michael having anyone else in her absence. Michael wanted Maria. As he told, Liz, it wasn’t sex or a release he wanted. Michael wanted to feel the love of his life in his arms and he wanted to feel her desire for him.

This time Michael made sure he held back nothing from Maria. He also searched deep into her mind to glean her feelings. Their enforced separation needed reassurance. The whole time they were making love and also holding each other, the 24 days of phone sex reiterated itself through both their minds. It was like a broken record but one they enjoyed seeing/hearing again and again. For a long time in their lives these almost forgotten phone conversations that concluded the only contact they had with each other would now take on their own life. As time went on and their love for each other grew the memory of the phone sex would now grow and become permutated into stories that became heroic in the annals of romance.

"Liz Come Back" is winding down to an end. I was surprised at the number of readers it generated. I can’t compete with the younger writers and their emotion. Trying to do so would be silly. I just offer the best my mind can write, in adventure. Cowgirl Princess is going strong. Liz has a lot to learn from her new friends. The third part of Liz of the desert should come soon. It will continue Liz’s war against Kivar and again she will be back on the Navajo Nation. I want to try another take on canon with the “Second Crash.” In the background there is “Roswell 1891.” Just like canon but Nasado missed bringing the children by almost 100 years. Could Max Evans compete with Joe Friday from Dragnet. We will soon see.

Re: Liz Come Back adult m/l m/m pg 18 Chapter 27 June 9

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:05 am
by ken_r
L-J-L 76

How does a boy/man convince a girl/woman that he is a person she should be interested in with out being a conceited slob? This is what Max is facing. Liz knows all about him or she thinks she does. Max has to take their romance back to a lower level. She doesn’t need to think he is the greatest lover but rather she needs to be genuinely convinced that he cares for her more than anything else.

Eve I know how hard it is to work in a supermarket. Good luck.

Chapter 28 Day 25

As they all got up the next morning, it was Maria and Michael who made breakfast. As they worked in the kitchen, they would pause as they passed each other and briefly kiss. Liz and Max came in holding hands. Their expressions were unreadable. Maria went to Ava’s room looking for her. She was nowhere to be found. The bed hadn’t been slept in all night. There was no sign of her. It wasn’t until someone went to wake Kyle up that the mystery was solved. As they walked in for breakfast, Kyle was leading Ava; holding to his hand. Maria said. “Is there something I should know?”

“Not really, but I am thinking about going to Roswell for a while,” Ava answered.

The three couples ate quietly. Maria’s cell phone rang. It was Jesse. He wanted to talk to Max and Liz before they got too deeply into any discussions. He would be there soon.

Jesse wanted to talk to Liz and Max alone. Even Isabel was told to wait outside. “Liz, you have expressed wonder at how you fell into the porn movies and the prostitution. I think I have the answer. According to the lab records, you were given a drug to make you docile. It is a drug that is used for treating violent patients in institutions. It causes the loss of free will. For over a year, you were kept under this drug. It is only considered usable for a short time in institutions.

A whole year and there are no studies about what it would do to you. When you got out of the white room, you would have done almost anything anyone told you to do. You were susceptible to any suggestion. It wasn’t until you got with Michael that, mentally, you began to break free from that drug. We are looking for the leaders of this rogue group. They left little evidence of their identity.”

Liz looked at Jesse and asked, “What about the men who came after me last night?”

Jesse just smiled. “Big John has more than his own troubles. Several of the men he had with him were on parole. Being in Minnesota, without permission from their parole officer, is a serious offense. All were in possession of a firearm and, being felons, that is a federal offense. I have already brought charges of assault against them without using your name. I just named myself as the victim.”

Max looked at Jesse, “Will any of the effects come back to Liz at some later time?”

“I don’t know. I am giving you the name of a doctor who I know in Roswell if that is where you are going to be. You need to be close to someone you can trust for some time. If you are going to be somewhere other than Roswell, then I will have to find some one who would understand your case,” Jesse stated. He continued. “I think that Isabel is going with me. We are going to return to Boston. You, of course, would be welcome to live somewhere near us if you want.”

Liz looked at Max, “We are going to start talking. If we can, we want to return to Roswell, but if both of us are welcome, we might consider Boston and going to school somewhere in the area.”

Jesse turned to Liz, “I think I will go ahead and destroy the journal you made with Michael. I wish we could find your journal from when you were growing up. It might be dangerous if it surfaced some time.

Chapter 29 Redemption.

Michael and Maria were going take the Volvo back to Roswell in two days. Ava and Kyle decided to go with them. Isabel had already decided to return to Boston with Jesse. They were going to put everything they had into making their relationship work. There would be no more secrets. Isabel would trust Jesse. Probably next year, she would start school. That Left Max and Liz. They needed some time just by themselves. They decided to rent a car and drive at their own pace to Roswell. Liz promised everyone that she would come to Roswell, but she and Max would decide what was best for both of them after that. They didn’t know if it would be continuing living together, separate or together go somewhere else. Michael voiced his worry that they were all separating and whether they would be strong enough.

Driving a Ford Escape.

They had spent three nights together in Minnesota. Now, they needed to talk. They had rented a small SUV. They would proceed toward Roswell at their own pace and own schedule. Liz had voiced the fear that she would never have feelings like she had before. That was one reason that Jesse wanted her to get treatment, when she settled down, where ever that would be. Max had to understand that Liz’s lack of passion was not his fault. Liz had the skill found over her year of “freedom” to incite passion in Max. In fact, she was an expert at it. Liz had no fear about being wanted. Men had wanted her from the beginning.

It was Max who had to learn something that men had been looking for, for centuries. He had to find it soon. For Max, his craving for Liz could be shown in his desire for sex, and how he treated her while making love, but to Liz, sex had had so little meaning for so long that Max had to find something else to show how much he wanted her with him. Max had to find something beyond sex that would make Liz desperately want him.

Max was on track when he stepped in front of Liz when Big John kicked in the door. That was a start. She needed to understand that, in no way, did he deliberately leave her. That was one reason that Max and Liz wanted to be alone. They didn’t want any other person to be there as they tried to make, not a dependence on each other, but an acceptance and a longing for each other. Together, they didn’t need others to further interpret why things had happened. They wanted to build trust in each other. They had to seek their connection.

Max didn’t need details about the men she had gone to, but rather, he needed to know the loneliness she’d had in her heart that whole time. Liz needed to see that the same was in Max. At first when they were in school, they had gotten use to the connection. Now, loosing it had been very devastating. Both of them had to try to understand why they couldn’t reestablish this connection. Michael thought that this might be the most important thing in resolving their conflict.

The first three nights they had made love like they had before the disaster, at least Max had. Liz had just, with her professional ability, done her best for Max. The fourth night, when Liz came to him, Max just held her. At first, Liz was confused. “Max, have I done something to anger you?”

“No, Liz, I just want to feel how wonderful it is to be with you.” Max told her. In some sort of wisdom, Max had decided that what Liz needed was to go through the non-sexual side of courtship. Her skills in bed were the last thing that needed exploitation right now. He had to see if he could cause feelings within her. To do this he had to make her his entire focus.

Liz mentally shrugged, her life for a year was to do whatever the man she was with wanted. With his arms, Max pinned her hands. He held her motionless as he nuzzled her hair with his face. When he was sure she was going to be still, Max began to stroke her body with his hands. Max wanted her to have feelings that did not demand sex in response. He made no move to intercourse. He hummed a tune, she couldn’t quite recognize it at first. When she tried to move or return some of the petting Max was giving, he said “Just lay still. I want to savior the fact that I have you back in my arms.”

When Liz awakened the next morning, she remembered the song that Max was trying to hum. It was “Some Enchanted Evening,” the Rogers and Hammerstein song from South Pacific.

Max was already up. Liz quickly showered. When she went into the small dinette that their room had, she found that Max had a carafe of hot coffee, a half pint of cream, a quart of orange juice and a hot cereal that he remembered once she said her father made sometimes for the family. They slowly ate breakfast. Max was saying very little but doing all he could to show Liz how much he cared. By the time Liz had packed her things, Max had packed all of his in the car so he carried her luggage to the car. They drove heading in the general direction of Roswell.

Max stayed off the freeways. He drove through rural communities. One time, they stopped at a park where there were several families in groups eating picnic lunches. Max took out a bag he had bought that morning. Liz looked at Max with at question.

“Liz it is Sunday. They are all enjoying the pleasure of being families.” After they finished eating, Max put every thing back in the car. Taking Liz’s hand, he led her as they walked through the park. Couples and families all nodded to them as they passed. Max pulled Liz close to him as a slight breeze blew through the park.

A ball landed at their feet. Liz looked up and saw several boys about ten or twelve. They were playing catch. Max stooped and picked the ball. He pointed to one of the boys who was sporting a baseball mitt. Max threw him the ball and when he caught it, Max gave him the thumbs up.

There was a soccer game going on at one place. The little boys were all about eight. There were two girls on the team. Max sat with the parents and pulled Liz down to sit in his lap. They watched the game as the little girls dove into the fray, making the boys earn every time that they had to play the ball. Liz cheered as one of the girls and a boy both broke through the pack and, passing the ball back and forth, they made their way down the field. The poor goalie had to look both ways and the boy ran at the ball. But, instead of kicking it into the goal, he passed it to the girl and she booted it in behind the goalie’s back.

When Max was holding her as she cheered, he whispered in her ear, “That is the way we used to be. We knew of everything the other was going to do.”

The very fact that Liz was being excited about seeing the children as they played was important. After the game, the children all came in for bragging and snacks. Since Liz and Max were sitting with the parents, some one brought them juice and a cookies. When the game broke up, Max and Liz went back to their car. They were able to make another 200 miles on their way to Roswell. They stopped at a small motel. There was a diner that reminded Max of the Crashdown. They ate dinner there. The cook, noticing they were strangers, came out to talk to them.

“We don’t get many non-regulars here ‘bouts. Where do you hale from?” he asked.

Max smiled, “Roswell, New Mexico. My wife’s father runs a place like yours. We just wanted to stop and think of home.”

“Name’s Reynalds. Yes, my daughter and her friends used to work here. Not too many places like this any more. What’s your daddy’s shop named?” he said.

Liz answered, “It is called the Crashdown. It is an alien theme restaurant. We wore little bouncy antennae, with pictures of ET all over the place.”

Reynalds laughed, “Sounds about right for a place like Roswell. Well you young folks enjoy yourselves. We gonna close up pretty soon.”

When they left, Max left a tip and a note on the napkin. “Thank you,” it read.

As they walked back to the motel, Max held Liz’s hand. He was swinging it back and forth twisting to face her with every back swing, like they had done in high school.

When they got back to their room, Max changed clothes in the bathroom. He was wearing shorts and a tee shirt. Liz looked at him and he pulled out a pair of shorts and a tee for her. She also went into the bathroom to change.

Liz was feeling very strange as she climbed into bed with Max. He wanted to hold her, but he was making no demands for sex. The fact that Liz was having any feelings, was an advancement. They cuddled; Max being careful to position himself so that his pulsing desire wouldn’t be pressing on Liz.

The next morning, Max was up first again. By the time Liz was dressed, Max was back with breakfast. He had an addition. No, it wasn’t a long stemmed rose but, it was a white rose that he had bought from the store where he bought breakfast. Liz was still confused.

Max wasn’t taking her in bed, but he was doing everything he could to show her how much he cared. Max was treating her like he would a beloved who he was courting. Liz was beginning to understand this.

They slowly wound their way through the villages. Max would choose a road that went west and then one which traveled south. Liz knew that he had a road atlas in the back seat of the car, but that was more to see where they were at, than to see where they were going.

They stopped most of the time at small cafes and restaurants that were run as mom and pop operations. Max tried to find treasures like the one in one mid-western town; a real soda fountain or, once when they were traveling, a general store.

At the store, there were many farmers and their families. Max bought something that he clearly didn’t need and Liz sat talking to a farm wife. They talked about children and the future women all were looking for. This was another milestone. Liz was talking to strangers about their futures. Max noticed that Liz brightened up many times when she was with other married women and they were discussing things that he and Liz had, at one time, hoped to gain for themselves.

As they were walking down a street crowded for that town at least, Max swung Liz around to him and in the middle of a crowd, he took her face in his hands and kissed her passionately. There were whistles, atta-boys and a few catcalls as the foot traffic, all brought attention to Max and Liz, their approval of the act. Whenever they would pass a place where they might sell flowers, Max would always stop and buy another white rose.

Once as they were walking down a street, Liz pulled at Max. There were benches outside the shop where several men were waiting. She pushed Max down and asked for his wallet. As she went into the shop, a man sitting side Max said, “That is the best way, son. Just let her go and spend what she wants. We can sit here and be surprised when they come out. And, boy, don’t you forget to tell’er how good she looks when she wears it, you hear!”

Max had to laugh. He was a bit nervous. What if this was a ploy of Liz’s to run away again. Michael would be furious if Max let her get away again. Max need not to have worried though. In about 30 minutes, Liz came out with a package. The man beside Max jabbed him in the ribs, “Boy, you got a good ‘un there. Mine has been in there over an hour. I just hope she leaves enough in the wallet to buy gas to get home.”

Max laughed and with Liz, now on his arm and swinging her package, they made it back to the car. Max, again, was looking for a small motel when Liz pointed to a big chain place. “Could we stay there tonight, Max?”

Max got a room and there was also a quality restaurant attached to it. The restaurant was dim and the tables were all lit with dripping candles. Liz had always enjoyed the candles. When she was a girl and the few times her father took the family to someone else’s restaurant, Liz would always play with the dripping wax. While they were eating, Liz looked at Max. “Could I buy a nice dress somewhere, tomorrow?” she asked.

That was a fair request. It also was the first time, except for whatever she bought this afternoon, that Liz had taken enough interest to want something.

On the way back to their room, Liz stopped at the DVD rental shop for the motel. She rented “Steel Magnolias.” With this under her arm they walked back to their room. The rooms were spacious. Liz placed the DVD in the slot and gently pushed Max back against the bed.

Liz was gone for about ten minutes. Max hoped she wasn’t going to make him watch this movie alone. He had seen it before with Liz and it was tolerable, but not as entertainment for himself.

Liz returned. She had bought a nightgown. It was not overtly sexy, but rather elegant. The satin material clinging to her body was of a light tan color. It wasn’t that far off Liz’s natural skin color. The sleeves and the collar had lace ruffles. The neck was high showing very little cleavage, but the over all effect was electric.

Liz crawled up against Max and put her arms around him. With the previews, advertisements, and promotions, Liz had returned just in time to see the men shooting at the pigeons and to see ‘Weezy’ yelling about scaring her dog. They set through most of the movie. Liz would adjust her position from time to time. Once she bent down to pull Max’s shoes off. And once, she loosened his shirt so he would be more comfortable. They laughed at the funny parts and Liz cried when the Julie Roberts character, Shelby, died. When the movie was over, Liz got up and took the DVD out of the machine and turned it off. On her way back to the bed she turned off the lights. She climbed back on the bed beside Max.

“Max, we are married. We made love the first nights were back together, I am here if you want me.”

Max stood up. He dropped his pants and threw his shirt on the floor. He crawled back on the bed as he pulled off his socks. Liz sat up. “Please help me, Max, I do not want to soil my new gown. Liz lifted her hands and Max gently lifted the gown from her body. He carefully laid it at the foot of the bed.

Max reached into his luggage for a condom, but Liz put her hand on his. “No, Max, we are married. If anything comes of our love, it will be a blessing, a blessing that we will care for together.”

As tenderly as he could, Max made love with Liz. At this time ,this was so much better than any wild sex, that both of them gloried in their union. Liz was, now, coming home.

When they were exhausted Liz went to the bathroom to clean up. She returned and, then, Max went. By the time he had returned to put back on his shorts, Liz was in her gown and they snuggled together. Max had a feeling of comfort. Thinking, he recognized this as the connection they shared. It was weak, but it was there. For the first time in over two years, Max felt Liz and could tell of her feelings.

For Liz, sex would never be the same as it had been before her capture. There had been to many things done to her during the last two years. She did her best to pleasure Max and she took her pleasure from the love that she was seeing in him. The visions of the families at the park that Sunday were very strong.

The next day, Max did look at his road atlas. He picked out a fairly large city. When they got there, Max stopped for information, asking for a good women’s clothing store. The clothes that Maria had picked out were simple dresses and slacks with tops and tees. Maria had sent underwear that would be easy to care for. Now, Liz wanted to indulge herself in things for the joy of luxury. Liz bought things that she felt she would enjoy. Things like the dresses she had back in New York which were to present to the various clients a women of class. Liz bought three dresses that would have been the type she would have worn to parties back in Roswell. She bought two pairs of designer jeans, just because they made her feel like something special. Then, she bought several pair of underwear that were soft and silky. It just felt good against her skin. With several night gowns, Liz felt that she, finally had the clothes that a beautiful married lady would enjoy wearing. She also bought one set of medium high-heeled shoes and two pairs of penny loafers.

When she got back in the car, she kissed Max on the cheek and said, “Lets go home.” They were back in Roswell in a day and a half.
If you so desire go back and see that each time Liz took a step it was at the direct suggestion of somebody.
The last chapter of Liz come back on the next posting
Be watching for new stories coming soon.

Re: Liz Come Back adult m/l m/m pg 19 Chapter 28 June 18

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:04 pm
by ken_r
L-J-L 76

Chapter 29

Ava and Kyle had to find a place to stay. Kyle’s father had been staying mostly at Maria’s mother, Amy’s, place. They cleaned up the old house and settled in. Kyle didn’t want to go back to Toby’s garage, but he had to find a job. Because Tess had been known before in Roswell, Ava in public, went by that name.

When Liz and Max arrived, they found that Michael and Maria had rented them an apartment. It was late when they came in. They didn’t call Jeff and Nancy until almost noon.

Jeff, when he heard her voice, was ecstatic. He was also demanding. Liz consented to come over to their house just after noon. Jeff and Nancy let José run the restaurant the rest of the day. Max stayed below in the restaurant while Liz went into the living quarters with her parents.

“Why didn’t you call us and return home?” was the first question her father asked.

“Daddy, I was captured and held by the FBI for a long time,” Liz responded.

“What do you mean FBI? Why would they do that to you? Did that Max have anything to do with it?” Jeff asked.

“No, daddy, they weren’t looking for Max. They wanted me. They wanted to see what living with Max had done to me. They kept me drugged for a long time. When I finally got out, I had a really hard time of it,” Liz explained.

Jeff was shaking his head, “I just can’t believe the FBI would do things like that. They are supposed to protect people, not capture them.”

“Daddy, there are all kinds off FBI, just like there are all kinds of people,” Liz said.

“How did they find out about you?” Jeff asked.

“We don’t know for sure, Daddy. We are looking into that now,” Liz lied.

“Well, you are not going to go back to living with those people again, are you?” Jeff asked.

“Daddy, I am not sure where I am going. I owe a lot to these people. I will tell you my plans later when I have made them.” Liz was thinking that she was gaining her relationship with Max and they had a lot of questions yet to answer.

In the next week or so, they all had to find jobs and decide what would be their futures. Kyle and Ava were having a good relationship. Much better than Kyle ever would have had with Tess. Ava had no pretensions as to Kyle. She enjoyed Kyle for just who he was. She was perplexed as to his feeling about having a job. Men she had been with before hadn’t worried about that. When searching his mind one night she was frightened. Kyle was in love with her. This wasn’t just sex or some passing feeling. Kyle was thinking of children and home with a picket fence and all.

When Ava made the comment about having children because of unprotected sex, she was half joking. Kyle didn’t know it, but if they knew what they were doing alien women could prevent pregnancy easily. As she spent more time with Kyle, Ava wondered what it would be like to be a mother. She knew what to do in a way. She would just look at her own life and do everything different.

Kyle had taken Ava dancing. As far as Ava could see, social dancing was the pantomiming and alluding to sexual acts in a socially accepted way. Ava thought that this was a little unreasonable. Why not just go somewhere and experience the real thing? Dancing did make Kyle happy. Ava thought that he might be a little like the dups, enjoying showing what he had, off to his friends.

Ava had felt sick this morning and that was strange for her. All day, she felt something different that she hadn’t felt before. She begged off when Kyle suggested they go out that evening. She didn’t want Kyle to stay at home, so she insisted he go alone. Ava had no fear of Kyle finding someone better than she. Ava had no feelings of jealousy, yet.

Kyle had no intention of going dancing stag. Those days were long behind him, but it might be fun to go to the local bar and have a few beers with his buddies.

Tommy and Pauley were friends of Kyle’s from football. Both had tried out for college teams, but though they were good players at Roswell High, even at Junior colleges there were just so many bigger and better players. They had tried a year each, but finally, came home to dead end jobs, making time with a few local girls that they could still convince of their greatness and drinking beer on weekends.

Kyle was sitting with the two friends. They were talking about high school when they all were great. “You, finally, made it with that blonde chick that was living at your house, I see. I thought that she beat it out of town even before graduation. There were rumors that she was pregnant with someone’s kid.” Pauley was talking off his fourth beer.

Kyle just shrugged. Pauley didn’t know anything most of the time.

“Yeah, remember that other chick you used to know? The one, whose daddy had a café. Well, she was one weird chick! I broke into their house a couple years ago and you should have seen what I found! There was this book. She wrote all the things she had done in high school. She even mentioned you. She was running around with aliens or something like that. I turned the writings over to a guy I knew who worked with FBI. He gave me a hundred bucks.” Tommy was catching up with Pauley. This was really a piece of news.

“Look, fellows, I gotta go see a guy about a horse. I will be back in a minute.” Kyle said as he stood up.

As he left, Pauley leaned over to Tommy. “He still has a bladder that is too small and too weak.” They both laughed.

Right outside the men’s restroom, there was a pay phone. “Michael, we need to pull a snatch on two guys. No do not get Max. He would end up killing them. They are the men who stole Liz’s journal. Remember that old alien trick with the rubber masks and the helium. You used it on that Air Force civilian guy one time. Well, how about that trick? They are pretty drunk, I think it would work.”

Kyle returned as Pauley and Tommy were assassinating some other girl’s reputation. Kyle sat with them, appearing to nurse beers at the same rate they did. Pauley and Tommy were way too gone for them to notice. At the end of the night, they staggered out of the bar together. Kyle stood by their car, telling stories and making jokes as most of the other patrons left to stagger and crash their way home.

Just as Pauley opened his car door, there was a aura of green light. Kyle stepped back and Tommy grabbed Pauley. They were both too scared to do more than piss in their respective pants. There was a booming voice with mechanical overtones, the helium really effected Michael’s voice. “To the two Earthlings known as Tommy and Pauley, why have you interfered in things that do not concern you?” At the end of the speech, there was a power blast that shook the car they were leaning against. The green haze pressed against them, pushing them against the rocking car. “Who did you give the stolen property that accused us of association with humans?’

Both Tommy and Pauley had lost control of their bladders, which after a night of beer drinking, was considerable.

Pauley knew about the theft, but it was Tommy who had actually found the journal. They had turned it over to a friend who was connected with the agency.

Michael surrounded the two men with a orange glow. He was prepared to turn up the heat on the glow and reduce the problems to dust. Kyle grabbed his arm. “If you kill someone, Liz will be furious,” Kyle informed him.

Michael had to discharge so he just released the energy to points between their legs. Michael had become much better at controling his aim. The blast still threw the men several feet up and backwards, scorching the insides of their legs up to their crotch.

When Tommy and Pauley came to the next morning, they had that bitter taste of last night’s liquor. They remembered something, but it was not clear. That they were parked in the middle of a cactus field ten miles from Carlsbad, their car completely out of gas and there were no tracks as to how they got there. That combined with whopping headaches didn’t help either.

For the rest of their lives, they both were very careful about going out drinking. The never told anyone of what happened to them. Sometimes when they were down town and passing a certain dress shop where Ava worked part time, they had irrational shivers. They never understood that.

A few years later when they were walking by some school children, Tommy and Pauley suddenly fell sick. They rolled on the ground foaming at their mouths. The kindergarten teacher called the little boy watching them. “Edward, Eddie, Valenti get away from those men. They may have something catching. It, now, had been over four years since Ava had had that case of morning sickness.


They had all been back for several weeks. Word from Boston was that Isabel and Jesse were starting a relationship of total trust. Isabel no longer kept anything back from Jesse and he saw how difficult her life had been. Max and Liz were, for the minute, remaining in Roswell. Liz wanted to think about going to either west coast or east coast because of the danger of meeting some man, by accident, who she had known in her past. Max was standing by her, but he was also telling her that if they did meet somebody, they would just deny everything. If they met the mob, wise guys, then they would call Jesse to take care of them.

The letter came in. It was addressed to Jesse. It was probably the most difficult letter he had ever read. It was marked from, “The estate of Ronny O’rosco.”

Mr. Ramirez:
I can no longer keep quiet. He is the most evil man I have ever known . It is rumored that his family formerly had ties with Europe during the unpleasantness that erupted in 1930’s.

When his brother Daniel disappeared, he annoyed the whole department about aliens being responsible. Maybe they were, but if so, I wouldn’t blame them. Daniel always wanted to be just like his older brother. Steven Pierce had attained a very high position in national security. He always fueled Daniel’s drive to avenge the missing agents who, reportably, disappeared while searching for aliens in the Roswell area. When Daniel also disappeared, Steven was convinced that we were facing a conspiracy heading toward an alien invasion.

When he reported to the agency, he was always careful to coach his reports to look like investigations into illegal aliens crossing the border. But, in the unit he headed, we were assured that the aliens Steven was after, were from another world.

His evidence was pretty clear. There was no doubt that some sort of abnormality was present at Roswell. When the Air Force base just outside of Roswell was blown up under strange circumstances, Steven just affirmed that he was correct. For a while, he was content to study the alien menace, his words not mine. When he was summoned by certain officers of the defunct base, Steven took a new tact.

No longer did he want to capture the aliens, that was way too dangerous. He made it clear that assassinating them was his goal. After the attempt failed, Steven changed his direction. He decided the girl was the weakest of the four. She was the one he wanted to study. There was argument that she might be human. He didn’t care. She had associated with them for a long time.

There had been reports that she had some powers. If she was human and had inherited these traits form association, that was so much the better. We were never allowed to know or use her name only to call her the “Subject.”

It was reported that there was some document that reported her skills. The raid carried out on the alien group was to kill as many of the aliens as possible, but most of all, to capture the girl. Steven had an obsession with her. The first few days we had her in custody, as soon as the drugs were allowed to wear off, she wrecked hell on our labs. Agents just kept agitating her until she passed out from exhaustion. Then they re-drugged her. From then on the drugs used guaranteed her calmness and compliance. They were experimental drugs used to control violent mental patients. The drugs made her do anything she was told to do. It only took a suggestion and she complied docilely.

The drugs had only been investigated for short time use. The subject was kept under them the year that she was in custody.

It must be stated that Steven was one of those who assaulted her regularly. That sort of activity was completely foreign to any scientific method known. For some reason, nothing that was done could create a pregnancy. She was tested and determined to be totally fertile, but nothing in the lab could exploit that.

In the end, word came down that everything was toppling. Steven left early. He left orders for the subject to be destroyed.

The orders fell to me. I had made the fatale mistake of talking to the subject personally. She wasn’t alien or anything. She was just a scared little girl. I was charged to be the last to leave. I was to shut down all the power and incinerate both the lab report and the body of the subject.

I wasn’t a killer of little girls. In the end, I left the lab report where it could be found and put a time lock on her cell. Everyone would be long gone when she managed to walk out.

I am only sorry my courage didn’t extend to walking her out myself. That has plagued me since that time. I have been on medical leave since that day. Last night, my courage returned just enough so that when I went to see my former director, I killed him. I emptied the whole 16 rounds of my Glock 9mm into his chest. There is no chance of any medical facility being able to save him.

I am sending this to you Mr. Ramirez because I understand that you represent Ms. Elizabeth Evans. See now I can say her name.

Roswell: Jesse had called all interested parties together.

Jesse was standing before the four aliens, their companions and Jim Valenti. “Max, there was never a chance to save Liz. She had been taken the first seconds of the attack. By saving yourselves, you were able to re-form and rescue her later. Liz, Max didn’t abandon you. The drugs they gave you, immediately removed you from his awareness. How you all feel about Ronny O’rasco is your business. He did prevent Liz from being destroyed. He did terminate the agency from further interest in any of you.”

Jesse had a newspaper article that he had taken from an east coast paper. Ronny O’rasco took his own life after a long illnesss. He had been a former agent of the FBI agency and was on long time medical leave. There was no mention of the murder of agent Steven Pierce. The agency preferred to bury their own.

A lot of time had been lost. Colleges had been missed. Parents had suffered almost as much as the young people themselves. Time since high school graduation had now slipped by, but the Roswell youth had to, someway, integrate themselves back into the community.

The Parkers had to get used to the fact that Liz was legally married to Max. The Evans were ecstatic about the fact. Max had a wife. All their worries about his social orientation could, maybe, be laid to rest.

Isabel was back with her husband, Jesse. Mr. Evans had always liked Jesse even though Jesse had stolen away his daughter, Isabel.

Maria and Michael could concentrate on a normal relationship of fighting and making up. There was education to get and jobs to find. They would succeed.

Kyle found that Ava was a different person than Tess. She had so much more experience with humans than Tess and she had seen the need to have someone to be near. Ava no longer had to face the alien earth world alone.

Liz did have one fear. What if she met a man who had known her when she was a prostitute? Max always told her that was in another life and he intended to always be near her so she shouldn’t worry.

Several years later, Max and Liz were at a graduation party celebrating their four years at Harvard. Of course, Jesse and Isabel were there also. Jesse had represented both Liz and Max in several things that had happened later from the year she was in the lab. Now, he was enjoying his inlaws excitement on graduation and his wife’s excitement that she had to interrupt her senior year with maternity leave.

“Beth, Beth, don’t you remember me?” the man was standing in front of her holding a drink. Yes, Liz did remember him. He had been a nice man who came to her, when he could find her, while she was still in New Jersey. He was married, but he always felt that his wife wasn’t enough for him.

“Beth, are you still around? I haven’t seen you for years. Could we get together sometime?”

Liz looked at him coldly. Inside, she was terrified. “Do I know you?” she inquired.

The man looked confused. Standing behind Liz her companion, a man with dark hair and eyes. He was drilling holes with his stare. The man who knew Liz formally saw the ring on her hand. He stammered, “I thought I knew you, but maybe, I made a mistake.”

Liz gave him that slight smile, “Maybe, in another life, just not this one,” she replied.

About that time, Jesse came over. He extended his hand. “I am Jesse Ramirez from the Ramirez law firm. I represent Mr. and Mrs. Evans. Is there any problem?”

Jesse Ramirez was well known. He had just completed a high profile law suit against the FBI agency for clients un-named. The actual case had been tried behind closed doors for national security reasons. It had been reported that he had obtained millions of dollars for his clients, whoever they were. Anyone who had Jesse as a representive must be a very important person.

The man was so sure. He remembered that smile, but the dark eyes standing behind her and the high profile attorney standing with her convinced him that, no, he must have made a mistake.

Liz had faced one of her fears. She had no intention of living where she had worked before. Liz knew that with people being so mobile, this wasn’t the only meeting she would have. Liz was, now, more interested in where she and Max were going to graduate school. Liz would meet future problems the same way, with Max standing behind her and other friends standing beside her. Liz wasn’t going to be a captive of the “Agency.” She was going to continue with her life.


Thankyou for those who followed this story. It wasn’t supposed to be a story to be enjoyed but rather one to think about. I was trying to show how a person could sink to the lowest depths and with help of friends rebuild their life. This story generated the about the most hits ever in a story I have written while being posted.

It did generate the most comments I believe. The story also stirred up several thoughtful discussions. I may have angered some readers and for this I am sorry. I wrote the story as I saw it.

I have started a new canon story, Second Crash .

i also still have the Cowgirl Princess .