When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L ADULT) Ch 20 Repost 7/31 [WIP]

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Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L MATURE) Chapter 20 ~ 4/24 Pg 14

Post by Whimsicality »

A/N: So I have good news and bad news. Good news is NEW CHAPTER!!!! :D I know its horribly late and I am so sorry about that, the bad news is it may be a while before there's another one. I don't want to officially place it on Hiatus or anything because I am still working on it and I have it plotted out chapter by chapter until the end but I've just hit a bit of a roadblock inspiration wise and feel like my last few chapters haven't been up to the spirit of the rest of the story so I'm taking a bit of a break. I'm still posting my other story on the Crossover boards and I'm working on a couple other projects as well as this one so I won't be disappearing but I want this story to have the end it deserves and I've just lost my enthusiasm for it right now.
So I promise it shouldn't be more than a month or so but expect 2-4 weeks before another chapter and again I am sorry for all the delays and I am so greatful for all the patience and support you guys have given me as I wrote this. Now onto the reviews and the chapter!

Synera: I definitely see your point about the civilians being the main force but I figured if the Queen Mother was still involved as the 'hologram' indicated there would still be some upper echelon individuals loyal to the original Royals. Plus I hadn't seen Royal Guards done before and thought it would be fun! I definitely wanted to show more of how Michael's grown from his internal perspective, we've seen it in actions and have had lots of Liz intropsective scenes so even though it was brief I wanted to show what Michael's been thinking about all of this. I am so glad you liked it and I know this chapter isn't really plot based but I hope you like it!
KiaraAlexisKlay: Yes the Royal Six, thought about making it eight for the whole square purpose but decided against making more new characters, at least for now ;-) I definitely want to explore more about the guards and their perspective on everything so that will come into play more in later chapters. You may be right about Rath just being a General but if he was Zan's second in command and part of the Royal Four Square I assumed he would be head of, or co head of the armies. Although in another story I'm working on he's not so hey :-D totally changeable! There will definitely be more about their bond and powers to come, just not in this chapter, lol, anyways, thank you for one of your fabulous reviews and I hope you enjoy this very belated chapter!
polar4eva: I completely agree! Michael is definitely suited for leadership, and Liz definitely knows how to work her magic on him ;-) Thank you for your review and I'm glad you liked it! I promise I will be reviewing your story soon!
cjsl8ne: Well it wasn't soon but here's some more and thank you for your feedback, I love the feedback! :-D
ashesfall01: Yay! I'm so glad to hear you liked the action, I was worried about writing that, almost as much as I was worried about writing this chapter ;-). I'm glad the little 'mystery' intrigued you, that was my goal and we will learn more about the Guards in the chapters to come as well as the situation on Antar. I am also glad you liked Michael because you said I've really developed Liz and shown all of her changes and growth as the story has moved and I feel like I've neglected Michael a bit and wanted to bring him in. and LOL! yes, Khivar had better watch out! Thank you so much for your feedback, wonderful as always, and I hope you like this chapter too!

A/N the 2nd: Warning, sex scene approaching dead ahead, if that’s not your cup of tea I advise skipping to the end of the chapter and very carefully scrolling up.

So this was originally supposed to just be one small scene in the chapter but the smut muse would not let go of me and this is the result. This is my very first sex scene so please give me lots of constructive criticism :-) And I hope all of you who were begging for more nookie are happy with yourselves, I know Michael and Liz are! ;-)

~Chapter 21~

Liz collapsed into her chair with an exhausted but happy sigh; finally her apartment was quiet. For a very very long week everyone had been living in their apartment and only the fact that she was at work most of the time kept her from tearing her hair out. Finally, with the college students gone for the summer two apartments in the same complex had opened up; the Guards took one and Kyle and Isabel took the other, no one bothering to pretend anymore that Michael would be staying with anyone but Liz.

So while she was still sharing her apartment with three other people, two she had already lived with and one she was greatly looking forward to having some alone time with.

In the past week they had managed a few stolen moments, but it was not nearly enough. Those moments had merely increased their aching desire rather than sating it.

Remembering her declaration to future Max that she wasn’t ready to go all the way she couldn’t help but smile; she wasn’t just ready she was downright impatient.

Their interactions on the dream plane had been wonderful and nowhere near as good as the real thing. For months they had been together without ever really touching and without ever crossing certain lines that she was now dying to break. The few moments they had spent together in the real world had been, she shivered and smiled, so intense that every prior intimacy in her life paled in comparison.

With Kyle things had never gone beyond some heavy making out and the two times he had gotten his hands up her shirt before she noticed and stopped him. Her time with Max had been more intense but they had gone even less far physically, nothing more serious than kissing and Max was the only one who had ever been shirtless. Both times it had been more about the physical than the emotional and as a result she hadn’t wanted to do more.

With Michael things were intrinsically different because their friendship and their feelings for each other had developed long before they moved to physical affection.

In the dream plane she and Michael had explored more; as their bond grew and their emotions for each other intensified they couldn’t help but express their feelings physically despite their reservations about things occurring there. Hands had wandered places that she had never touched before and places she had never been touched before and it had been wonderful once they were past her initial awkwardness.

Sighing again she closed her eyes. Now, here she was alone and with nothing to do on her day off. Alex was at work and Ava was out with Isabel helping her shop for their apartment in an effort to bond. Kyle was looking for work with several mechanics in the area and Michael was with him also looking for work while their Guards did whatever they did when they were alone.

Her mind wandered back to the last moment she and Michael had stolen together and her breathing quickened as she remembered the feelings of his large hands on her fevered skin, of his lips as they trailed across the sensitive skin of her stomach. Groaning she clenched her fists and considered a cold shower, cursing her hormones under her breath as her mind conjured more pleasant images of what she could be doing with Michael in the empty apartment.

The door slammed open with a bang and she jumped, eyes flying open to meet Michael’s burning gaze. “Wha-…” His lips on hers prevented her from finishing the word and she moaned as he lifted her bodily from the chair, hands cupping her bottom as he ravished her mouth with his own. Their connection opened and she blushed as she realized he had seen every single one of her hormone driven fantasies, the hard length pressing against her attesting to just how much they had affected him.

His lips trailed across her jaw and down to her pulse point, which he sucked in between his teeth, dragging another moan out of her throat. “Damn you, Parker. The Denny’s manager thought I was hitting on him.”

She giggled then gasped as his mouth moved to her ear, his tongue doing things that made all her muscles turn to jelly. At his satisfied chuckle she slipped her hands under his shirt, raking her nails down his back in retaliation and grinning as he gave a little moan.

Turning abruptly, he carried her towards the bedroom, and dropped her unceremoniously on the bed.

When her vision cleared from the haze of lust and her eyes turned up towards him he smiled and pulled off his shirt, slowly. Humming softly, she grinned. “Giving me a strip tease?”

He shook his head and pointed to her, or rather her shirt. “Mine for yours.”

Her eyes widened in surprise at this before filling with another emotion entirely. This could be fun. Standing up she curled her fingers under the bottom edge of her shirt, pulling it up inch-by-tantalizing-inch to reveal the golden skin underneath. By the time she had reached the level of her bra he was growling slightly under her breath and she was starting to tingle all over. Pulling it over her head she dropped it on the floor and pointed at his pants. “Your turn.”

He groaned slightly, staring hungrily at the black lace bra that cupped her small perky breasts before reaching down to undo his belt. He started slowly unbuttoning his jean but the look of wanton desire on her face cause him to speed up, shimmying them off and kicking off his shoes in less than thirty seconds until he was standing before her in nothing but his socks and boxers. His fingers itched with the urge to help her do the same but he settled for pointing, not trusting his voice to speak.

Liz didn’t speak either, determined to go through with their little game but desperately wanting to just tackle him. She had no belt so she settled for slipping her pants off as slowly as she could, revealing the matching black underwear she had worn just in case.

Her jeans hit the floor just as his self control broke and suddenly he was right in front of her, pulling her flush against his body as his hands roamed the bare skin displayed so copiously in front of him.

Her hands returned the favor and for several blissful minutes their world was nothing but sensation, heated skin sliding like silk underneath their fingers as lips found each other again and again before moving to claim new territory. When Michael’s fingers found his way to the clasp on her bra she giggled and pushed him away, shaking her finger. “Nuh uh. Yours first.”

Michael groaned but complied, unable to resist the flushed temptress in front of him. Just to be contrary he pulled off the socks first, dumping them with the rest of his clothes before resting his fingers on the elastic waistband of his boxers. Locking his gaze on Liz’s face he yanked them off in one quick jerk, his little soldier standing to attention. Glancing down he amended with a smirk, his big soldier.

A small sound caught his attention and he looked back up to see Liz licking her lips and eyeing him with what could only be called a predatory look. This time it was he who flushed and when their eyes met he swallowed, hard.

Liz smirked at him, trying to stop her own nervous blush at the sight of him so proudly displayed before her, then reached one hand behind her back and unhooked her bra before sliding it off her shoulders one strap at a time. The lace fell unnoticed from her fingers to the floor, and his gaze was drawn to the dusky nipples that were as hard as little pebbles, begging to be touched.

Then she was walking towards him, her breasts shifting with every step and he realized with a detached clinical part of his brain that he had stopped breathing. Her small hands touched his chest and pushed him down on the bed so that their eyes were at the same level.

He remembered to breathe again when her fingers drifted down to her underwear, a sharp gasp escaping from his lips as they disappeared under the black lace. The tiny scrap of material slid down her legs with insufferable slowness. As they reached her thighs she had to bend and her hair brushed against the sensitive skin of his cock, eliciting a low groan.

Liz’s head tilted up and she flashed Michael a grin as she dropped the underwear on the floor before gathering her courage and darting in to place a heated, wet, kiss on the tip of his penis.

Before her tongue could explore the soft skin any further his large hands reached out and wrapped around her arms, picking her up easily he pulled her into his lap before rolling over so they were both laying on the bed, her slight body pinned beneath his. Raising up on his arms he let his eyes rove over her, a sinfully delicious feast laid out just for him.

Leaning down his pressed his lips against hers, a soft caress before moving on. He dropped kisses down her jaw line and gave the hollow of her throat a slow lick that caused goose bumps to appear on her arms. Ever so slowly he continued kissing his way down her throat and sternum until he reached the valley between her breasts, her breathy little moans sending satisfied signals to the most primal part of his psyche.

Michael’s mouth claimed her left nipple with a savage gentleness that had her arching off the bed, her arms moving restlessly under the grip of his hands. He teased the nub with his tongue before sucking it between his teeth and worrying it gently.

“Michael.” Liz gasped, her voice low and thready with desire.

Releasing one of her arms he slid his right hand down the smooth silky skin of her stomach, fingertips barely touching the skin until he reached the warm nook between her legs. He slid one finger into her wet folds and was rewarded with a gasp, her free hand gripping his shoulder tightly as her body wriggled beneath him.

The first finger was followed by a second and with her moans encouraging him he soon had a rhythm as he slid them in and out, his thumb rubbing against her clitoris. Several minutes later she suddenly stiffened, her head tilting back as she shuddered before collapsing back against the pillows.

Slowly opening her eyes Liz saw the cat ate the canary smile on his face and couldn’t help but laugh at his obvious pride. His hands had wandered here before but in the dream plane they had always, consciously or subconsciously, kept things dark so they weren’t able to see each other as well as they could now. It was exciting if slightly embarrassing and fighting another blush she pulled him for a kiss.

Things between them were so intense she sometimes had trouble thinking and a small part of her wondered if they were only so attracted to each other because of the bond between King and Queen. She felt his instant denial of that thought and widened her side of the connection so they could hear each other. Surprisingly, it was Michael who kept his bond open most of the time where she preferred to keep her thoughts private unless she wanted to talk to him or the intensity of their physical actions removed her control

So when she did open it fully, the reality of his feelings always overwhelmed her. Michael may not have had the flowery words that Max had but the depth of his emotions were staggering and feeling them directed at her made her feel so loved, so real, it took her breath away. He loved her - Liz Parker- not Liz, Queen of Antar, and he wanted her with every fiber of his being. Smiling, she pulled on every bit of love she felt for him and pushed it towards him through their connection.

Feeling his contentment through the bond, and his hard length pressed against her inner thigh she pulled on her telekinetic powers and flipped them so quickly he couldn’t stop her. Hovering over him she grinned as his eyes raked over her body before returning to her face, then winked at him before sliding down his body until her mouth was level with a certain part of his anatomy. While she had touched it before he had never let her go so far and she was anxious to give him the same pleasure he had given her.

Pursing her lips she blew on it, eyes lighting up when it twitched in response before lowering her head and sliding her lips all the way down its length until the tip hit the back of her throat, then pulling back and repeating the process while applying pressure with her tongue. Her hand was resting on his thigh and she could feel the muscles clench as she swirled her tongue around the underside of the head before pulling it farther into her mouth and lightly scraping her teeth against him.

Liz had approached sex with the same studious nature she approached everything and had read all sorts of material about the act of making love including the one she was performing now and she had a list of things she’d wanted to try. Her experiments continued for several minutes until without warning Michael sat up and pulled her mouth up to meet his then rolled over so once again she was pinned beneath his larger body. “You drive me crazy” he growled before positioning himself over her entrance. His body burned with the urge to take her but he met her eyes first, silently asking if she was ready if this was okay.

The sensations flooding through her both from her own body and his were intoxicating and any doubts she had over her readiness for this were long gone. Burying her fingers in his hair she pulled his head down until their forehead’s were touching and spoke in a low purring voice that sent shivers all the way down to his toes. “I want this Michael. I want you.” Then she pulled his mouth against hers with bruising force.

Despite the complete desire he felt from her he reluctantly pulled away before leaning off the bed to rummage in his jeans pocket. Liz looked at him with confusion for a moment before her eyes lit up with understanding and she smiled then reached out one tanned arm to pull open the drawer in her bedside table. Looking inside he saw a two-inch deep pile of little foil squares and laughed. “Well aren’t you prepared.”

Liz shook her head and grinned. “Ava got them for me a month ago. I think she hoped I would let it slip to you and you guys would come out here sooner.” Reaching in to the drawer she grabbed a purple one and threw it at him. “Now hurry up mister, before they get home.”

Realizing the high possibility of that occurring he detoured to the bedroom door, sealing it with his powers before returned to the bed and opening the condom wrapper. The moment it had been fully unrolled Liz pulled him back on top of her, her lips finding his as her legs wrapped around his hips.

Michael slid into her slowly, watching her expression carefully to make sure he wasn’t hurting her. When he reached her barrier he paused until he heard her voice in his mind urging him on. It broke swiftly and he felt her pain but before he could worry more than a moment he felt it washed away by pleasure.

An hour later when Ava and Isabel walked into the apartment they both turned to each other and blushed before walking back out again, the wave of pleased contentment emanating from the bedroom almost overwhelming to those of alien persuasion.
Last edited by Whimsicality on Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

Whimsicality's Fics

There was nothing more she wanted to do than crawl back into bed, wrap herself in Michael, and spend the day trading kisses and learning what made him sigh, what made his breath catch, what made him purr in the back of his throat. - Liz in Hunted by Ashita

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Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L ADULT) Ch 21 5/20 Pg 14 A/N 7/10

Post by Whimsicality »

A/N: Well it has been a really really long time but I have not forgotten this story and as proof I have a new chapter (if a little short)! The next one should not take as long to get out :-)

Thank you too all you reviewers for your support and patience, and thank you to Kathy for her fabulous betaing.

~Chapter 22~

“Thanks, Brody. We may have some good news for your daughter. I’ll get back to you,” Michael said into the phone as he unsuccessfully tried to push away Liz’s wandering hands. A moment later he said goodbye and hung up, then grabbed Liz’s hands and tried to glare as she gave him her best pouty lipped innocent face. Eventually he gave up and dropped a kiss on her lips while Kyle jeered.

“So whipped,” the other boy said with a smirk until he noticed Isabel watching him a raised eyebrow. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that!” he hastened to add causing Alex to laugh.

Everyone turned to look at Alex who just grinned and wrapped his arm around Ava who sat next to him on the couch. “Hey, I’m whipped and proud of it.”

After the laughter died down and Alex got a kiss from Ava, Michael cleared his throat. “So, Brody has managed to pinpoint the location of the other signature in California and he thinks it’s in LA. I still have to talk to Athan but as long as he agrees Liz and I will go down there with two of the guards to check it out while the rest of you stay here.”

Isabel opened her mouth to protest and Liz held up her hand with a smile. “After Isabel takes a look on the dream plane with Kyle’s help and makes sure we’re not walking into a trap. Athan agrees with Ava that it’s probably the other protector but we will check first.”

“Could it be Max and Tess?” Alex asked but Isabel shook her head.

“I haven’t been able to find them. I think Tess is hiding them somehow, even on the dream plane, but if they were that close I would know. Max has always been the easiest for me to find.”

“Also, I think if any Skins were that close they would have found us by now. After all Nicholas did,” Ava said soberly as she glanced at Liz, both of them remembering that night with a shudder.

Alex never talked about it but every now and then he would get a look in his eyes that showed he remembered too.

“In other news,” Kyle said, imitating a local newscaster’s voice perfectly, “Michael got the job at Denny’s. Turns out the manager liked getting hit on by our brawny leader.”

Michael glared at him as everyone else laughed, tension effectively broken. “What is this, pick on Michael day?”

Kyle shrugged and grinned easily. “I’ve got to get them in when I can. Liva glares at me if I do it when they’re around. She’s one scary alien lady.”

When Alex nodded vigorously in agreement Liz protested: “Hey, I like Liva,” She shot a sideways glance at Michael and grinned. “She’s been very helpful in learning about certain Antarian customs.”

Michael looked at her warily, “I think you just made her scarier.”

All three girls exchanged glances before bursting into laughter, Isabel managing to gasp out: “You have no idea.”

Now all the boys looked a little frightened, which just set the girls off even more. “I think we need to have some just boys’ chats with Athan and Razir,” Michael said slowly, and Alex and Kyle both giving sharp nods.

“Well, Ava and I have to get ready for work now,” Liz said as her giggles subsided. She gave Michael a quick kiss and a wink before heading for the bedroom. Ava following shortly after.

Michael still looked wary but stood up as well. “The talk will have to wait. I need to get to work too. Want a ride Kyle?” Kyle had gotten a job at the same Denny’s as a dishwasher and he nodded.

Michael grabbed his keys and the two of them headed out the door, Michael sending an ‘I love you’ to Liz through their bond while Kyle gave Isabel a lingering farewell kiss.

When the door closed behind them Alex and Isabel were left in the living room, staring awkwardly at each other.

“Can we talk?” Isabel asked hesitantly after a few tense moments.

Alex hesitated and then nodded and sat up straighter on the couch, not sure what to expect.

“What happened with us in your world? What did I do?” she asked softly. “I know I did something wrong. You barely look at me.”

The room was silent for a few minutes, with only a few muffled sounds from the back of the apartment where Liz and Ava were getting ready. “You… she," he corrected himself, "didn’t believe me when I said Tess was doing something to Liz. Then when we proved it she left with Tess and Max anyways, left Liz to die, left me.”

Alex looked at her, not quite smiling. “I get the impression that here you and I never really worked out. In my timeline we had been dating for five months when everything happened. It hurt that despite all of that my Isabel still trusted Tess more than me, just because she was an alien.”

He sighed and looked back down at his hands. “You’re not her though. You didn’t make her mistakes and I don’t think you would have.” He shrugged and looked back up and this time he did smile at her, “anymore than you would make Vilondra’s mistakes. It’s not fair of me to treat you as a ghost of her and I’m sorry.”

Isabel blinked back tears and smiled back at him. “Thank you. It means a lot to me that you think I’m different.”

He nodded and smiled again, a small smile but a real one. “Do you need help looking for a job? It’s my day off.”

Isabel shook her head. “Thanks but no. Liz has me working on a special project. However when I’m done with that for the day I will come kidnap you for a training session with the Guards. It’s not fair that I’m the only one they get to torture today.”

“Deal,” he said with a grin just as Liz and Ava came back into the living room, both looking decidedly sexy in their low slung jeans and tight tops.

“You’re lucky Michael already left,” Alex said with a smirk, “or you’d never get out of here.”

Liz just raised an eyebrow. “Like you wouldn’t be dragging Ava off caveman style right now if Izzy and I weren’t here.”

Alex grinned and nodded. “Touché!”

They bantered a few more minutes and Alex got a goodbye kiss and then he and Isabel were alone in the apartment again.

Isabel gave him one more grateful smile before surprising him with a brief hug. “I will be back for our torture session!”

Alex hugged her back and grinned. “Aye, aye, princess! I will be here working on Liz’s laptop and waiting for you while you do your ‘special project,’” he said, infusing the last two words with a questioning tone.

“It’s a secret,” was all she said and gave him one last smile before disappearing out the door.

“Of course it is,” Alex told the empty room before dropping back down on the couch and grabbing Liz’s laptop off the end table.


Four hours later he and Isabel were sitting on the floor of the Guard’s apartment, panting after a grueling workout. Athan watched them with opaque eyes as Liva gave them each a cold bottle of water. The royals had been lacking in training in these incarnations, both physically and with their other abilities. Despite this however they were proving to be fast learners, even for those who did not have the benefit of a past life’s experience to drawn on and he had been impressed with their determination to master everything that he and the other guards could teach them.

They weren’t quite ready to take charge of the war effort but they were close. He caught Alex watching him thoughtfully and smiled to himself, remembering Liz giving him a similar look two days earlier during Michael’s and her last session. Those two seemed to be the only ones to actively notice that his training wasn’t focusing on war and armies but on tactics more suited to assassination.

The Queen Mother had been successfully directing the war effort all on her own. Not only had she been a true partner to her husband the late King but she was relying heavily on the advice of the loyal military staff that remained after Khivar’s attack on the palace.

The populace had never ceased to be loyal to the memory of the Royal Four despite the fact that, in truth, Zan had been king for merely hours before Khivar slaughtered him. If Khivar had taken time to solidify some popularity with the civilians, to curtail his soldier’s excesses, it was quite possible that he could have eliminated that loyalty and become King by right rather than just by force.

But he had not and so, while he still ruled, his actual authority did not extend far from the Capital; the only thing preventing a full out revolt was the strength and loyalty of the armed forces occupying the Capital. Cut off the head and the army would fall. They didn’t need these six to lead armies and wage battles; that would be a foolish waste of resources and lives and would needlessly ravage the planet. They needed a strike force to go into the palace itself and take out Khivar and his advisors. Without orders the army would fall into chaos and the casualties would be low as they cleaned up the mess.

Liz had seen that and approached him with Michael at her side after their last session, confronting him with her observations. He had confirmed her thoughts and been pleased when both she and Michael had some good questions and suggestions for future training.

Yes, he thought, after giving Alex a small acknowledging nod, their reincarnated leaders and their human mates were exceeding his expectations.
Last edited by Whimsicality on Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

Whimsicality's Fics

There was nothing more she wanted to do than crawl back into bed, wrap herself in Michael, and spend the day trading kisses and learning what made him sigh, what made his breath catch, what made him purr in the back of his throat. - Liz in Hunted by Ashita

Polar Attraction - Not just for Polarists...
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Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L ADULT) Ch 22 9/22 Pg 15

Post by Whimsicality »

A/N: My muse has just been on a crazy strike for this story which is so frustrating because I know everything I want to happen from now until the end and the words just won’t come. BUT, I was able to finally complete another chapter and I’m hoping this is a sign that missy muse is cooperating with me once more so please enjoy this part and I am unbelievably sorry for how long its taken.
Also many thanks go to my beta Kathy aka sablaine, for the fastest beta job ever. She totally rocks and you should all praise her!

Dziumka: Thanks for the review! I had a lot of fun writing the Alex/Isabel part and definitely felt it was a long time coming, as was this part which I hope you enjoy!
KiaraAlexisKlay I just love seeing your reviews, they are always so long and lovely :-D I definitely wanted to showcase that this is a tightknit group instead of the shattered bunch of barely friends in the real season three and I’m glad that’s coming through. I’m definitely having fun writing the guards and the things they add to the group dynamic especially on the girls versus guys front ;-) I too love Alex/Ava, the little buggers wrote themselves, lol, but this chapter has more of our favorite couple interacting so I hope that helps feed the Michal/Liz cravings. Thanks for the review and I hope you like this part even though it took me freaking forever to write…
Alysluv: Thanks for the feedback!
cjsl8ne: There will definitely be some more suspensful moments coming up, this chapters largely fluff but the plot will be picking up again soon and have plenty of action :-D Thank you so much for the reviews, you are one of the most loyal feedbackers on this board and I love it! Sorry about the wait :oops:
frackandbonechick: I’m so glad you like the story and I’m so sorry I disappeared right after you discovered it! Thanks for the review!

~Chapter 23~

Liz traced her fingers down Michael’s bare chest, listening to his even breathing with a smile on her face as she remembered a year of glares after she had been shot, glares interrupted by moments of perfect sweetness when he returned her journal and comforted her when Max was taken. Even in those moments though, she’d never had a glimpse of a future that could lead to this path, to the two of them curled up in bed together as so much more than friends.

She didn’t know what they were exactly, she realized with a small frown; boyfriend and girlfriend seemed wrong and lover didn’t seem nearly enough. To the Guards they were in essence married, King and Queen. Liz shivered, the hair on her arms standing up.

If she hadn’t pictured a future with Michael in the leading man’s role, she certainly had never pictured a future as royalty. She’d never been one to read romance novels or fantasize about a white knight or prince sweeping her off her feet; she had much more pragmatic fantasies. That was why Max had come as such as surprise, even before she knew he wasn’t just an alien but an alien King.

That had been one of the reasons she ran so far and so fast that day in the desert. Yes, she truly believed at the time that he needed to focus on his destiny, on the entire planet that was waiting for him, but she had also been afraid. Her life had a plan, a plan that falling in love with an alien hadn’t originally contained, but she had been willing to deal with because she did truly love Max.

But loving an alien was a far cry from loving alien royalty, from tying herself to someone whose life also had a plan, a plan so much larger than she had ever envisioned or wanted.

Of course, she thought with a chuckle, rolling on to her back and letting her hand fall from Michael’s chest to curl around his fingers, she had ended up a part of that plan anyways.

It still scared her sometimes to realize how much the scope of her life had changed. For instance, today she was leaving on a road trip to confront a possible alien shape shifter and determine his loyalties. Nasedo had betrayed them despite his status as a protector. As far as they knew this other alien was only guilty of abandonment, but they didn’t really know even that.

They did know that Max had found someone before Tess came back, someone who showed him more about his abilities, and they needed to know if it was this Shifter or if there was someone else involved.

After that it would be back for more training and trying to figure out the maddeningly vague dreams the Granolith was sending her. At some point she would be leaving for another planet to fight in a war, without even knowing if they would be able to come back home, and before she even reached that point they would be hunting down what enemies they could find on this planet.

That had definitely never been in her plans. Her biggest dream had always been to become the head of molecular biology at Harvard and maybe start a family with a husband and a dog and two point five kids. Nothing that prepared her for wars or coronations or responsibilities that just the thought of was almost enough to send her into another panic attack.

Sometimes she couldn’t help but wonder if an alternate version of her had attained that dream, a version that never knew Max or Michael. She also wondered if she would be jealous of that life, or sad for it. Was the love she had found with Michael and the family she had found with the other four members of their group worth all the pain and betrayal and death of the past three years?

Michael let out a soft snore and she smiled, turning on her side as she watched his lips twitch. What ifs could drive you crazy, even if you didn’t have the undeniable proof of alternate timelines that she did, but she was happy with hers, despite the sacrifices they had made and would probably continue to make.

After a few more minutes of silently contemplating her lover, his eyes cracked open and he shot her a grumpy glare. “Stop staring at me, Parker, you're disturbing my beauty sleep.”

Liz laughed and rolled over on top of him, her lips hovering just above his. “Like you need beauty sleep.”

“Mmm, more like energy recovery then. You’re insatiable,” he replied with a smirk and, when her eyes widened with mock indignation, he closed the inches between them for a searing kiss. “That’s one of the things I love about you,” he said when they parted for air and she rolled her eyes dramatically.

“You just want me for my sex drive. I see how it is.”

Before he could reply someone pounded on their bedroom door. “Come on, you nymphos, Liva and Athan will be here any minute and I am not explaining to them why you’re not up yet!”

“Is poor little Alex afraid of Liva?” Michael asked with a pointed tone, his arms still possessively wrapped around her, clearly not intending to let her go just yet.

“So are you, my tall and brooding friend, just remember that.”

Michael frowned, pulled her in for one more quick kiss, then pushed her off of him gently and stood up, heading for the closet while Liz started to laugh.

“You wimp. I never thought I’d see you turn down a morning quickie.”

“Liva likes you and takes a lot more care to not turn you black and blue during training. She has no such compunction about beating me up.”

Liz just shook her head and stood up, the blanket falling onto the ground and revealing the nothing that lay underneath. Walking slowly towards him she felt his eyes skim her entire form and smiled as his breath sucked in when she leaned past him to grab the clothes she’d laid out the night before. “I guess I’ll take my shower alone then.”

He growled and picked her up, throwing her in a fireman’s carry over his shoulder as he carried her laughing towards the bathroom. “Liva be damned.”


When they finally emerged into the living room, clean but slightly disheveled, Alex just shook his head while Ava smirked. “They decided to wait in the car. You forgot you agreed to activate the bond with the guards last night didn’t you?”

“Oh my god.” Liz said as she blushed furiously and Michael blanched, their eyes locking as they stared at each other in horror. Alex fell over laughing, almost knocking Ava over as she stared at them with a wide grin splitting her face. “Want to learn how to block it before you go down there?”

Liz nodded frantically, still beet red at the thought of Liva and Athan feeling every surge of emotion and physical sensation of the past hour. Thank god Razir was bonded to Isabel as the current next in line for the throne or she wouldn’t be able to face any of them again without dying of humiliation.

It was an important security measure for the royals so the guards would know where they were and if they were injured or being threatened at all times but neither of them had really thought through the ramifications in regards to privacy for other things.

She collapsed weakly on the couch next to Ava, burying her head in her hands and trying desperately to recall any of the collected confidence she usually displayed in hopes of not melting into a puddle of embarrassment as soon as they walked up to the car.

Ava chuckled and pulled her hands away from her face. “It’s not as bad as you think; they can block on their side too and I’m sure they did as soon as they realized what was happening.”

“Unless they wanted a free porn show,” Alex said slyly, recovered from his laughing fit and now sitting on the floor at Ava’s feet. Ava reached down and smacked him across the back of his head; he winced but kept his mouth shut after seeing the glare Michael was directing his way.

“Blocking that bond is the same as blocking the bond with each other, only you need to go a little deeper. Your bond with each other is based on emotions; your bond with the guards is based on your actual physical state.”

It took a little coaching to be able to sink deep enough inside themselves to form the block. It helped that Ava could form a connection with them and show them her memories of the same bond she had been part of in their first life. Eventually they were able to block it and unblock it at will and while they currently both deeply wanted to leave it blocked out of sheer embarrassment they knew that unless they were ‘alone’ that it needed to remain open or its entire purpose would be rendered useless.

It just brought home once again how different their lives had become and how they no longer got to think in terms of "I" or even "us", but rather in terms of every single person tied to them. It was more than a little overwhelming.

Ava pulled Liz into a hug when she picked up on the emotions coming through their still open connection, letting the other girl catch a glimpse of the same fears she’d had when she was the one feeling the weight of the crown, as well as the confidence she had that Liz and Michael were more than up to the challenge.

Liz let out a slightly soggy laugh and hugged her back before pulling away and trying to compose herself. “I don’t know what we’d do without you, Ava.”

Ava blushed faintly but then laughed it off, tossing her hair back with a coquettish smile. “I know. I’m the best thing that ever happened to you, cornball.”

This time Liz’s laugh wasn’t marred by tears at all and she shot a faintly naughty glance at the tall and still brooding alien standing behind her. “I think Michael might disagree with you there.”

“Chicks before dicks, Liz.”

Liz almost fell off the couch laughing; the look on the boys’ faces was absolutely priceless while the blond hybrid just smirked smugly.

A sudden sense of amused impatience pinged in the back of her mind and she sobered instantly, standing up and straightening her clothes while Michael grabbed their bags. She and Ava exchanged looks and then she leaned down to give Alex a quick hug before following Michael out of the apartment, smiling slightly as she heard the soft, dual, “Good luck,” before the door closed behind them.

A/N2: Also Kathy pointed out to me that the reference to them knowing about another alien Max isn't quite clear so here's some clarification.
When Max was put into the Roswell jail Michael caught him in their dreams trying to plany sympathy for himself, that's what lead to the confrontation where he temporarily bound his powers. Michael and the others discussed that he hadn't know how to do that before so either Tess or another alien had been teaching him. I haven't really mentioned it since then so we're going withthe assumption that in one of their talks with Tess they asked her and she confirmed that she wasn't the one teaching him, leaving them to assume that he found another alien somewhere who may or may not be the one in LA (Kal).

Edit: Just to clarify while we knew about the bond between Michael and Liz before now the bond with the guards is brand new, never mentioned before this chapter. Sorry if this caused any confusion :-)
Last edited by Whimsicality on Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Whimsicality's Fics

There was nothing more she wanted to do than crawl back into bed, wrap herself in Michael, and spend the day trading kisses and learning what made him sigh, what made his breath catch, what made him purr in the back of his throat. - Liz in Hunted by Ashita

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Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L ADULT) Ch 23 12/22 Pg 16

Post by Whimsicality »

behrstars: Thanks for the feedback, hope you enjoy this chapter!
Ashita: Mmm, I think we all need a Michael fix, that’s my favorite thing about your stories, lots and lots of Michael! I definitely had fun writing Michael’s reaction to Liva and at some point, probably next chapter, I want to actually give Liva some screen time. I couldn’t agree more about Liz, I definitely wanted to pull in the Liz that confronted the podsquad after learning the truth and pursued Alex’s death regardless of the consequences, no doormats here! Thank you so much for the feedback, I love reading your comments, and I hope you enjoy this chapter too!
cjsl8ne: Thank you! I’m glad my muse is cooperating again too! I definitely want to keep a mix of humor and angst and hopefully this chapter keeps that up. Thank you so much for your reviews!
AlysLuv: Thank you so much for the feedback! I love Michael and Liz too :-D
Synera: Thanks for the feedback and please enjoy the new chapter!
DollyF: Here you go! Thanks for the bump!
sablaine: Wow, thank you, while I don’t mind the occasional sex scene I too usually prefer to have romantic and sexy without the full details and I’m glad I was able to pull that off in a way that came across to the readers. I loved your review as always, and thank you for the beta! You’ve already seen the new chapter, lol, but enjoy it anyways!
thetvgeneral: That is such a compliment to read it all in one go, thank you for the review and here’s some more! :-D

A/N: I just have to say first of all, thank you for the nomination guys, I am so unbelievably honored and grateful. You all rock!

And thank you to Kathy for her awesome betaing skills and making sure I don’t make too many mistakes :-D You rock!

~Chapter 24~

Los Angeles at night was nearly as bright as Los Angeles by day, yet it still took them until the wee hours of the morning to get through the traffic and reach Kal’s home, deep in the Hills.

He was waiting for them, standing on his porch and staring at the stars with a resigned and slightly bitter expression on his face, an expression that turned briefly to surprise as he took in their small group, Athan and Liva eyeing him warily from their protective stance behind their royals.

“So the jumped up general comes to see little old me. I was expecting Zan.” Kal drawled as he shifted his cold gaze to the two teenagers, flicking over Michael briefly before focusing on Liz. “And you, my new queen,” he stated mockingly, “What do you want with me?”

They just looked at him and eventually he turned and walked back inside, the open door behind him the only invitation they would receive.

The four filed in and followed him towards the spacious living room where he was already sitting in the center of a large couch, face blank and eyes empty. He waved grandiosely at the variety of seating options available, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smirk.

Liz and Michael sat on the loveseat across from him while the guards remained standing, not trusting the shapeshifter’s seeming passivity.

“We would like to know why you abandoned your charges.” Liz stated firmly, her gaze clear and direct. They had decided to lead up to the questions about Max and instead start with finding out the extent of his involvement with any other Antarians. Besides, Ava deserved to know why their protector had not been there to stop Zan’s death.

The protector was silent for a moment, his head cocked slightly to the side as he eyed her before relaxing slightly back into his seat. “I did not abandon them. I placed them in a secure area away from prying eyes, I checked on them regularly until they hatched and left them enough money to secure their financial needs. It is not my fault they lacked the ability to control their spending. I ensured that no skins attacked them and I left them to enjoy their lives here on Earth.”

Liz frowned and opened her mouth to speak again when he interrupted. “Yes, I know Zan was killed. I was tied to him and I felt it when he died.” Something in his dark eyes indicated that he felt the loss more deeply than his blasé tone implied and Liz closed her mouth as he continued.

“I was not expecting to have to defend him from internal threats, that was my mistake. But with his death the foursquare was incomplete and was no longer my charge. Nasedo was caring for your foursquare and I felt no need to offer assistance where it would not be welcomed.”

His smirk returned and a hint of maliciousness entered his voice, “Not that my anonymity protected me from your Zan poking his nose where it didn’t belong, but I suspect you already knew that so why don’t you get to the point.”

“So Max did visit you. What did he want?”

Kal shrugged, his expression shifting to boredom. “The same thing you want, information. Only he was a lot more clueless than you are. I didn’t particularly want to help him but my genetic coding,” here his lips twisted bitterly, “doesn’t allow me to refuse his orders. So I taught him a few tricks and sacrificed my happiness to try and start a spaceship that had less chance of flying again than a toaster. Then he left and I went back to being a major producer instead of a boy-king’s peon. Until you showed up that is.”

Michael rolled his eyes, irritated with the protector’s put upon act. “It’s your job. Suck it up. While you’ve been living the life of the rich and famous we’ve been dealing with our enemies, without a protector since your friend turned out traitor.”

The shifter ignored his rant and raised a placid eyebrow, “You are king now. If you’re here to order me back into service then do so. It’s not my fault Zan was too stupid to order Nasedo not to betray you.”

Liz felt the rage building in Michael and spoke up before he could reply. “We won’t be needing your protection; we have guards we trust far more than you. Thank you for the information.” She stood and Michael rose with her, still glaring at the balding alien.

They turned to go and Michael paused, then turned with a smirk that rivaled Kal’s own. “I order you to find Max and Tess and their son and see to all of their financial needs. I order you to protect them from all enemies. Do not help either of them contact any other aliens or pursue other means to leave the planet.” He looked down at Liz with a near angelic smile. “Did I forget anything honey?”

Liz repressed a laugh and smiled before moving her gaze to a fuming Kal. “You are to make sure that once Zan is of age he is given the Shard of the Granolith that is currently in Tess’s care. Give him the best education possible and teach him that being human is his only job. Do not allow either of his parents, or any other aliens, to try and turn him into the next King.”

She paused and tapped her finger against her lip, silently enjoying the shocked look on the protector’s face at her revelation of the Granolith’s involvement. “Oh and Kal? You do not have to respond to any of Max or Tess’s orders. Have a great day!”

They could barely contain their amusement at the half flabbergasted, half furious look on his face as they finally turned to go, unable to meet their guard’s gazes for fear of bursting into laughter.

They had almost reached the door when a chuckle reached their ears and they heard Kal call out in an almost admiring tone, “I almost wish I was going to be there to see Khivar’s reaction when you two show up.”

He chuckled again as they closed the door behind him and then shook his head with a sigh. “Babysitting, oh joy.”


Liz stared at her car in distaste, not looking forward to another long trip so soon after her last one. And this one wasn’t likely to near as simple as the visit to Kal had turned out to be.

Somehow she had never seen herself becoming an alien hunter after high school; it had certainly never been in any of her career profiles. Yet here she was, combining road trips with battles (if only her guidance counselor could see her now). Then again, considering who her guidance counselor really was, well, her life was just doomed to be insane, wasn’t it?

Yesterday had been Ava's and her last night at the bar; it wasn’t fair to Matt for them to continue working there while constantly disappearing to deal with extraterrestrial emergencies. So they had trained their replacements and said goodbye with one last drink, all three of them close to tears by the time he locked the door behind them for the last time.

Alex and Kyle were the only ones still holding down jobs in fact, as their hours were more flexible, and in Alex’s case he could do a lot of the work at their apartment, just taking the computers home with him.

Today, however, none of them were working; instead they were heading out at the god-awful hour of three in the morning to take out two of the Skin cells Kyle had picked up from the mind of the leader of the group that had attacked on them on their way out of Roswell.

They had purchased a second sedan and after some friendly bickering, Kyle, Isabel, Alex, and Ava were riding in it with Razir, while Michael and the other two guards rode with her. Each car had one of the two shards and the guards had hidden a few other weapon-like items in them, some she knew of and some she didn’t. They had all learned that the royal guards made boy scouts look like amateurs when it came to preparedness.

Michael was upstairs locking the apartment more securely than a deadbolt could provide and she took the opportunity to slide into the driver’s seat, he would complain but he wouldn’t actually make her get out, and between Athan and him she missed driving.

As expected Michael frowned at her when he reached the parking lot and she could feel his irritation and amusement through their bond as he got into the front seat. Instead of commenting though he leaned over and gave her a searing kiss, sending tingles all the way to her toes as her eyes fluttered closed until the backdoors of the car slammed shut as Athan and Liva climbed in.

Then her eyes snapped open and she took a deep breath, flushing slightly and shooting Michael a mock glare. He knew all too well just how much he affected her. Damn him, now driving was the last thing on her mind.

She decided it was a good thing their first stop was Roswell. That was one drive she could make easily and, when they switched drivers at lunch, she planned to make sure to 'distract' him as well.

Reaching through the group bond she tugged lightly on Kyle’s strand in the connection, the mental equivalent of clearing her throat. ‘You ready?'

‘We’re good to go.’ He replied cheerily, sending her an image of a rather uncomfortable looking Razir sitting sandwiched between Isabel and Ava, whom had become fast friends once they were over the uncomfortableness of the Alex situation.

Liz chuckled and pulled away from the connection, and then out of the parking lot into the street, almost hopping the curb when Michael started humming ‘a hunting we will go’ under his breath.

She was definitely doomed to insanity.

A/N: I just had to say that I love Kal and wish it would have fit with the story to include him more. Oh and is anyone else incredibly amused by the term Skin cells? Because it cracks me up every time I write it…
Last edited by Whimsicality on Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

Whimsicality's Fics

There was nothing more she wanted to do than crawl back into bed, wrap herself in Michael, and spend the day trading kisses and learning what made him sigh, what made his breath catch, what made him purr in the back of his throat. - Liz in Hunted by Ashita

Polar Attraction - Not just for Polarists...