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Re: Hall of the Mountain King (CC ALL/Mature) Pt19 - 11/22/1

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:45 pm
by PML
Well, I am back after a tiny visit with my family for Thanksgiving. For those who celebrate it, I hope it was happy and blessed.

begonia9508- Thanks. Basically she really was destined to be with Max. It really was what she was made for. But as the saying goes, the best laid plans often go astray. The Antarans didnt see Max falling for Liz. When he did, they tried to alter it all by having her die young. Once Max healed her, their plans were irretrievably ruined....

Mary mary- Thanks. I agree with you.

Mt. Gazer- Thanks. Hope the family is well? I believe I left a comment somewhere that you might not approve of this Alex and isabel. They DO love each other. And you are right about what happened to Isabel, even if she had stayed on Earth she would have changed and become a darker version of herself.

As for the Norse stuff, I just find it fascinating. Any one can die, and mistakes made have lingering consequences. The Gods don't meddle in day to day life, they have their own lives. (In my stories, I treat them more as simply highly advance beings, not actual deities) They have this massive war they know they will not win and struggle to balance the odds as their opposition does the same. Not a religion I believe in, but a fascinating mythology to raid.

In the Hall of the Mountain King part 20


Max watched his wife with worried eyes. She was driving their SUV with seeming abandon, gone was the stickler to rules. He could count on his hand the number of times she had broken the speed limit. They had been driving over eighty miles per hour for the last three hours.

Worse they had passed several police cars on the way. And were ignored.

Was Liz affecting them somehow? She seemed so different since she had been contacted by whatever beings.

Liz snapped, “The last of the Valkoiset Ruusut, the White Roses. They were,” She tossed her head, “Are a group of Ljosalfar who have been trying to maintain the balance and freedom of the Alfar race. They are friends to mankind too. Basically we are their cousins so to speak, and our fates are tied together in the Great War.”

“Did you read my mind?” Max wasn’t really sure what to make of Liz now. He could sense she was powerful. Perhaps more powerful than he was now. But her power felt… different. Before it had felt similar to his, not the same, but similar.

Now not so much.

“No, but I know you Max. You worry.” Liz sighed. “The problem is that we have a lot to do and not a lot of time. I know this. But I don’t know exactly what we should do first. God, I HATE not having a plan!”

Max smiled slightly, that was more like his Liz. “So share with me. We are always stronger together Liz. You taught me that.”

Liz’s voice was droll, “I have been trying to think of where to start. None of this makes sense. Hell, half of what I know is apparently wrong, or only correct under certain circumstances.” She shook her head, “Max there is so much I still don’t know. And they packed my brain. But I feel like I have a ton of answers, but I don’t know the questions. I don’t know where it all fits together.”

Max nodded. He would have to try a different tack. “Okay, so our first goal is to contact Michael and Maria. Who will be waiting for us at some hotel further up the road?”

“Yes.” Liz shivered. “No. God, we need to hurry.” Liz pushed the accelerator down. “We have to get there in time.”

“What did you see?”

“I saw death. Lots of lots of death.” She glanced over at Max. “Have you ever heard of the Comanche?”

Max frowned, “Their an Indian tribe right. I seem to remember they had some sort of deal with New Mexico from New Mexican state history. Can’t remember it all.”

Liz lifted an eyebrow.

“I was more concerned about Topolsky and not getting caught at the time. And it was boring.”

Liz sighed, “So very long ago. Life seemed so complicated then, how could we know we had it so easy?” She shook her head, “My grandmother studied the various Southwestern tribes. More the settled tribes like the Hopi, but she was also fascinated by the Navajo and Apache. They were somewhat settled and rooted in the Southwest. The Comanche… They were a horse culture, sort of a primitive American version of the Huns or the Mongols. They were dangerous and hard to deal with. They existed without a true political center.”

“Ok. That’s fascinating, but I don’t see the relevance.”

Liz shuddered, her hands firmly controlling the vehicle as it now sped along the road. “Well, Max. One of the things I have recently learned is that there are multiple worlds connected to Earth. One of them is a world called Nidavellir. It is kind of a grab bag world with lots of different peoples, many of whom migrated there when their own homes became to difficult for them to survive.” She sighed again, “About one hundred years ago one of the far southern tribes of the Comanche was being pummeled by some changing tactics coming out of Texas. The Dokkalfar offered them a new home and gifts to help them fight their wars. Apparently that branch thrived and a small band is coming through a portal between worlds to conduct a raid on Roswell.”

Max blinked. “Roswell is about to be invaded by Indians? As in bow and arrow, cowboy and Indians, Indians.”

“Yes. And left to their devices they will do more damage than you would think. They will also draw a ton of attention to the portal. That will make it very hard for us to do what we must.”

“And that is?”

“We have to kill a friend,” Her voice was thick but her eyes were dry, “We have to destroy Alex. I think the real Alex; the one we knew and loved would thank us.”

Max stared at her in silence.

And so they drove on for some time.

Re: Hall of the Mountain King (CC ALL/Mature) Pt20 - 11/24/1

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:17 pm
by PML
Back again. Might have another part later tonight, might have to wait til tomorrow.

begonia9508- Thanks. That is always a problem. Just because you know the correct answer doesn't always help if you don't know the right question.

Mary mary- Thanks. Yeah, the idea they might have to tangle with Isabel won't cheer up anyones day.

Keepsmiling7-Thanks. The Comanches are merely a distraction for Isabel while she does what she needs to do. And to kill someone who looks like and almost acts like someone you love? That would have to be hard.

Mt. Gazer- Thanks. They have to deal with Alex, or they will be dealing with the End of the World in a couple generations. And this time the bad guys will win because of him. Game. Set. Match. He has to be stopped.

In the Hall of the Mountain King part 21


Ava got out of the now cool water. She had thought on what Tess was offering her. And although it frightened her, she was willing to take it. Both for the sheer mercy it would show to Tess, and also the possibilities it provided.

Ava could help Kyle, and Kyle could definitely help Ava. Perhaps even Tess’s mad plan would work and they would fall in love. In truth she was already attracted to the man, and with the memories she had been given…

Hard to not be smitten to some degree. But Ava was an adult, an Alfar of more than fifty years. Sure that was young amongst her kind, but she was no wide-eyed child. It would take work to bridge the gaps between their origins.

Ava grabbed some of the incredibly finely woven towels that were hanging up. She looked around and did not see any clothing for her. So she wrapped the large comfortable towels around her, and fastened them with magic.

From Tess’s memories, Ava knew of a small stock of women’s clothing that Kyle still had from a previous relationship. Time to get them. Being dressed, even in local garb, would give her a measure more strength in her dealings with Kyle.

She walked out in the living room quietly, trying not to disturb Kyle, when she heard a groan. She cautiously walked over and looked at Kyle. He was mostly undressed himself now. The buttons on his shirt undone and his fly opened. His erect dick lay exposed and throbbing. Tiny bits of light were racing across his body.

Tess. Ava knew that Kyle and Tess were finally being together. A tiny little giggle escaped. Maybe Kyle was a better match for a Dokkalfar that Ava thought. The dead were not to be feared, but rather revered. Their wisdom was to be cherished.

Ava sighed. But to live in his world, Ava would have to give that up as well. What connections did the Ljosa have to their ancestors?

Ava would soon find out.

Ava stiffened as she felt the dark presence approach the house. The Sending was here. Her voice was weak and wavering as she said, “Kyle?” Somehow she doubted Kyle’s house had the standard wards woven into every Alfar’s.

Ava’s eyes whipped around, looking for something to protect herself with.

She could hear it rustling about the house, looking for an easy way in. Ava walked over to Kyle, “Please wake up. Please!”

She was answered with dreamy incoherent statements. She shook him again and then stopped.

Silence. Everything was silence. Had it given up or….

It came around the corner. Looking every inch a business man of Earth. Assuming that a business man in a suit also had the jaws of a shark, and two inch diamond hard claws. “Avelinda. Such a long chase you have given me. You of all people are the last of you kin. Soft and kind Ava. Quite the surprise really. I expected to have more trouble with your elder brother. But he just stood and blubbered while I cut him down.”

Avelinde stood there, tears welling down her face. “Why. Why are you doing this.”

The creature smiled, “The King of the Mountain made me specifically to weed out the cowards and traitors to the Dokkalfar cause. The Dokkalfar are a race of warriors. Warriors! Not meek farmers, those are for the other races. For the thralls and slaves. And it is time that they recovered their brilliant history.” The creature cackled. “But your father was adamant. He was determined to have the life he had known and so he defied Alex. And now the last of the judgment against him is being paid. Come to me and I will spare the human’s life. Come to me willing that I may feast.”

With one last sorrow full look down at Kyle, she walked over to the creature.

It did not reach out with its hands, but rather a series of muscular tentacles rippled from his back. One grabbed each limb and held it tight. Another one casually undid her spells holding the towels together, and they slumped to the ground. The sixth wrapped around her naked waist and carried her to him.

“Alex prefers whole bodies. They make much better servants, and don’t smell quite as bad. Don’t worry that your body will be idle, my dear. In fact, given your daring and resourcefulness, the spirit that will occupy your Draugr is likely to be quite successful.” He laughed. “But first things first. I need permission to remove your alfstone.”

Without it Ava would no longer be Alfar. Her powers would be gone, her magic inaccessible. The voices of her ancestors mute. She wasn’t sure exactly what she would be. Human perhaps.

What did it matter now?

She nodded, sobbing.

The creature casually reached over and cut open her shoulder. He swiftly removed the gem and ate it.

Ava suddenly felt crushingly alone. Nothing spoke to her anymore. Her ancestors were silent. The world itself had ceased to speak with her. And a whole color cast to the world suddenly faded to black. She could no longer sense this creature, other than the fact that it held here.

All she had left were her normal physical senses. And they told her that the suckers were feeding on her. She didn’t know what exactly they were doing but it was draining her of heat and life.

The creature smiled at her. At her suffering and pain. “I wish I could have your eyes my dear. Such beautiful eyes.” He placed one of his clawed hands on her cheeks, a claw rasping gently at her brow line. “But Alex said you would need them. But that you had something much more precious to consume.” His other hand slipped into her chest. It didn’t cut into it, just phased past her skin, past her rib cage. “Your heart.”

She could feel him inside her, somehow a ghostly hand holding and caressing her heart. Pain began to pour through her as his caresses began to make her heart stutter and slow.

“But he told me not to just rip it out. But to savor the sensations as your heart slowly dies. To feel the emotions roll off of you.”

Ava’s heart was fluttering in distress and she began to struggle weakly in the grasp of the creature.

The monster crooned softly at the sounds of her desperate struggle, wrapping a tentacle around her mouth to muffle her screams. “Such pretty screams. Ah, AH! Such a feast of emotion! You living put so much focus on your hearts as the source of your emotions. And physically that is wrong, but so much magic is tied into perspective. Oh, my dear Lord Alex, such a grand gift you have given me!”

“Get away from her you bastard!”

Kyle had apparently awoken. She wished she could tell him to leave her. To live out another day and to find someone else who might be worthy of him. This creature was more than a match for any human artifice, no matter how complicated their devices may have gotten.

“Stand aside mortal. These are things that do not concern you. You involve yourself at your peril.”

There was a loud booming sound and the creature suddenly shuddered. It turned its face to her, “I will finish you in a moment dear.” It then flung her against the wall.

She lay naked and helpless on the floor, weakly raising her head. It was strange. Every time the creature almost grappled with Kyle it was suddenly flung away.

Tess. Tess was openly helping the man she loved.

There was another loud booming sound behind her.

She had to help him. There had to be a way.

Ava looked around and spotted a window not more than two feet away. And there was light on the screen.

A ripple of dread washed through her. Sunlight. It was anathema to the creatures that walked the night. Such as the Sending Kyle was fighting.

Or such as herself.

No matter the cost, she had to save Kyle. She crawled on her hands and knees to the window. She stopped for a moment when she heard an unearthly howl of pain.

From Kyle’s shotgun there was a whirlwind of flame being flung at the Sending, hitting him all across his body and leaving horrible burns. Would it be enough?

The creature was slowed and hurt to be sure, but it moved implacably towards Kyle once again. Tess flung it back, but not as far.

Tess was weakening.

Ava stood up on weakened limbs and raised the blind, feeling as the warm rays of the sun poured across her skin. There was another shriek behind her, but she was simply unable to move.

To bear the light of the sun, to feel it’s warm embrace. This should have been her death. Instead she could feel its glorious warmth even from the winter sun as it poured into her. It filled the cold emptiness that had been left from the Sending’s feeding off of her.

It filled her full of a simple and sublime joy.

She couldn’t help it. She giggled. It felt so good. So warm and….

Her legs gave out and she collapsed.

Re: Hall of the Mountain King (CC ALL/Mature) Pt21 - 11/27/1

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:58 pm
by PML
Must. Finish. Story.

keepsmiling7- Thanks. You never trust Tess do you?

Mt. Gazer- Thanks.

Mary mary- Thanks. The good news is the bad guys don't have access to a lot of these critters. Of couse they do have Isabel, so....

begonia9508- Thanks.

In the Hall of the Mountain King part 22
Liz rushed out of the SUV, the keys left in the ignition. She could sense Max’s confusion, but she really didn’t have time to tell him….

The sight that greeted her at Kyle’s home was not what she expected. A battered Kyle, maybe a devastated neighborhood….

Laying on a blanket on the desert landscaping of Kyle’s front yard lay a girl in a bikini basking in the winter sun. Liz shook her head. She was what Liz expected from someone Kyle would date, athletic build but still with some curves. Bright blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

Liz shuddered. Why did he always go for Tess clones? This one was nearly the spitting image of her old foe. In fact if Liz imagined it, she almost felt like Tess.


Liz shook her head, she was in a hurry. She rushed to the door.

“Sorry, Liz, Kyle is busy.” The blonde sunbather said as she rolled off the hard ground with feline grace. He is stressed out over everything that happened last night. Her grin was wide and possessive. “Now, if he can only get over the fact that I was not in fact possessed this morning by the ghost of girlfriends past, things will get much better.”

Liz felt more than saw Max leave the SUV. She focused her gaze on the girl, and used her new abilities to truly see what was there. And what she saw was a dying girl, a being who should be writhing and melting in the sun, being held together by a fading soul she knew all too well.

Liz quietly said, “Tess?”

“Partly. She is more of me than she originally planned I think. I think she just wanted to fade away and ride along with me until I finally traveled Beyond.” She shrugged, “My name is Avalinde, you could call me Linde I suppose, but both of us feel more comfortable with Ava.”

“Of course you do.” Liz sighed, “I still need to talk with Kyle. There is a powerful curse active here. I saw it attack him…” She looked at Avalinde, “Of course, it wasn’t aimed at him, was it?”

Ava shook her head. She nodded to Max. “My family angered Alex and he set out to destroy us.” Tears formed in Ava’s eyes, “My damn fault. How could I have done that to the best of us? Twisted his mind like that. All to find out what I pretty much already knew. I am so sorry! I never said that when I was alive but I mean it, I really do!” Her face was desperate as she faced Max, “Please, I am so sorry. I didn’t realize how precious it all was. I didn’t know what would happen, I, I am sorry!”

Max stammered, “Tess?”

Liz said, “Sort of.”

Ava said, “Our baby. Do you ever visit him? Is he safe? I know you had to give him up, I know all that. But do you know where he is? I know, if you want to see him. And could you take me. He’s not really mine any more, but I would love to know if he was loved and safe.” Ava was shaking, “I always wanted to visit him. To go to him… But he was too far. I couldn’t go that far, and I never found a way to get Kyle to go to New York. I suppose I should have asked him, but I ruined his life as much as yours.”

Liz’s heart actually went out to the broken spirit of Tess that was animating the young Dokkalfar girl, the girl who was letting the fading spirit a full opportunity to mend old fences. “Honey, I need to speak with Kyle. Why don’t you show Ava some of the pictures we got from Sam last summer?”

Max just looked at Liz as if she was insane.

Liz simply said, “Please.”

Max nodded and pulled out his smart phone and shared the pictures with his dead lover.

Liz walked into the house.

Kyle was loading a couple of backs full of gear.

Liz asked, “Going somewhere? Nidavellir maybe?”

“What of it?”

“No hi? How are you doing?” Liz said putting her hands across her chest.

“Liz, why don’t you cut to the chase and tell me what hellish plot you are about to get me involved in. Assuming that I am not already involved.”

Liz sadly smiled, “Yep. The girl. You were going off to try to kill Alex. To stop the curse.”

Kyle sighed, “Yes. I owe her Liz. Hell, what I should do is turn myself in for rape. But Ava doesn’t see it that way. She says she was just as eager for it as I was. As was Tess.”

“They seem like they get along, Ava and Tess.”

“I hope so. Tess said she was going to fade away into Ava. I don’t know if I like that. I will miss her. I mean I know she caused us a ton of trouble. She certainly has made my current life complicated. But, well is it going to sound strange that I love her? That I can still feel her and still feel her essence in Ava.”

Liz shook her head, “I don’t know what crazy plan she had cooked up, but whatever it was failed. Because right now the two are blending, Tess literally filling the holes that were ripped in Ava’s soul. She would be dead now without Tess’s support.”

Kyle sat down heavily, “She was, is Tess’s last hope.”

“What was their plan? Do you know?”

“Some sort of Ritual. I don’t know. Supposedly it would purify Ava enough to bear the light of day or something.”

And it hit her. It was so SIMPLE. So very simple.

Alex was nearly invincible in his Mountain Hall. But how well was he defended against himself?

Liz went out to fetch Ava/Tess. They had a Ritual to plan.

Re: Hall of the Mountain King (CC ALL/Mature) Pt22 - 12/03/1

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:39 pm
by PML
Failing the contest this was part of is not going me from finishing this. I am however going to keep plugging away on my other stories as well. Hopefully I can get a Whisper part up in the next couple days. Wish me luck.

Keepsmiling7- Thanks. The Ritual itself should be in a part or two.

begonia9508- Thanks. Yes. Everything that happened up to Graduation happened as it did in the show. So he was quietly adopted through Philip's contacts. Which makes you wonder about Philip now, doesn't it.

Yasmania- Thanks. Hope you continue to enjoy.

mary mary- Thanks. Liz is a thoughtful person.

In the Hall of the Mountain King part 23

Max walked into Kyle’s house. What he saw was not what he was expecting.

The house was a wreck for one reason. And not from day to day activities either. A fight had obviously taken place here. Broken and burned furniture and belongings lay strewn around the edges of the living room.

Liz was drawing a series of complicated diagrams in the center of the room. And whenever she completed a geometric figure it would flash and glow a deep gold.

Kyle was pacing around the room, eyes bright and vigilant, waving around what looked to be a heavy shotgun. He saw Max enter and a wave of various emotions washed across his face until they stopped at the usual inscrutable grin he usually offered Max. He held the shotgun close and motioned to be quiet.

Max nodded. Had he truly strewn such a disaster for so many people in his time here in Roswell? He knew reconnecting with Michael would be hard, but now with Kyle…. Did he even want to meet his parents again? Did he want to give them some semblance of closure, but would it simply cause more damage to them in the process.

Max had honestly never expected to be back in Roswell again, or even New Mexico for that matter. He had simply decided to do the best he could with what had been given him.

He was pretty sure that the life he had shared with Liz had been happy. He certainly had been.

But so much damage from his time here. One friend lost and abandoned. One sister torn from his life. He had been certain that she had been taken so far he would never see her again. He had thought it had been Khivar. That she had simply chosen differently at the end.

It had been closer than he had thought in San Diego, and with the marital problems and her near death… No things had not been going well for her, but with the gap that had formed between them from her last year at school, he had not been certain how to approach her and find out.

And then it was simply too late.

Liz broke his reverie, “It’s a good thing I love you Max. You twirl our lives around like leaves in a whirlwind.” She laughed, “I remember when I planned on being a scientist, being certain that I would be somewhat certain about what I know. And now I am a wizard playing around with half understood magic.” She shook her head. “And I am the lucky one I think.” She smiled at him.

Max smiled back, “What is all this?”

Kyle simply continued his vigil.

Liz looked over at Kyle and turned back to Max, “Alex has given us a gift of sorts. The Sending he sent against Avalinde can be turned against him if caught. Both Kyle and Ava thought they could simply get rid of it by sending Ava through a Ritual to break the ancestral curse that is placed on Dokkalfar through their magic. That might have worked to some degree, although the Sending would still be free, and who knows what it might have gotten up to here on Earth. Now without her Alfstone she is technically not and Alfar and so is not under the ban. But the dark energies are still there, and getting rid of them is a good idea.”


“She will incredibly vulnerable when this Ritual is performed. The Sending won’t be able to help itself, it will want to finish consuming the girl’s soul….”

“Consuming her soul?”

Liz smiled at Max, “Oh yeah, they definitely exist. There is an afterlife too, although they don’t really understand it truthfully any more than we do.” She shook her head again, “Anyway, when it attacks we capture it. And turn it.”

Kyle spoke up, “Okay, the rest of what you’ve got planned seems pretty straight, but this whole turning thing. What exactly do you mean? I mean, she will be free of it right?”

Liz said softly, “Not exactly. Sendings are dangerous. Much better to simply walk up and blast someone directly with power.” Liz shuddered, “No, with a Sending, you put part of yourself into the curse. And if it gets captured, it can be turned against you. And it is much more powerful in recoil than it was “

The door opened behind Max. Ava walked past him along with a harried Eddie. “I have already chosen. I want to give him the peace I took from him as Tess. Can we channel the cleansing power of the Ritual not only through me but into the Sending as well? To purify him as well?”

Liz only smiled.

Eddie spoke up, looking worried. “Hey, Kyle. The Elders sent an expeditionary force into the Cave.”

Kyle groaned, “That can’t be all or you wouldn’t be here.”

“There had been no contact with them… And a few very nasty murders have happened. They, we, were wondering if you could contact your dad and quiet-like send some Deputies up there. We have a few of our guys up there already, but we don’t have the same amount of resources. And we don’t want the Feds involved if we can avoid it.”

Liz shook and trembled. Max recognized it as a vision hitting her. He ran over to hold her. As he moved across the various glowing geometric figures, he could feel their odd power flow through him. An odd mixture of sunlight and his Liz’s soul’s light flowing from them.

How he loved her! He sent a burst of all that he was into her, to support her and let her know she was not alone.

She looked up at him, “Change of plans. Isabel has returned.”

Kyle said quietly, “Huh? That would be good thing, right?”

Max said quietly, “No. My sister being back is not a good thing. What do you need me to do, dear?”

Liz nodded, “We do this ritual and then Max and Kyle are going to go with Eddie to the Reservation. Things are going to be hectic.”

“What about Michael and Maria? We drove past them because you said we needed to be here more.”

Liz bit her lips and said softly, “They will have to wait. I need to be at the mall in a couple of hours.”

Eddie said uncomfortably, “Okay, what am I missing?”

Kyle’s laugh brayed, “A lot, my friend.” He glanced at Max and Liz, “Mind if I fill in my friend here? Another poor life tossed into the Abyss.” He looked at Liz, “And where do I tell Dad to send his poor boys in khaki?”

“Don’t. There will be problems closer to home. The Comanche raid will be halted mostly in Lincoln County, not Chavez.” She cocked her head to the side, “Tell him to have a bomb reported at the Mall. That will give me free reign.”

Kyle looked at her blankly, “Bomb? During the Christmas season? Oh, that is subtle.”

Eddie’s jaw dropped, “Comanche raid?”

Liz’s grin was wry, “Verses a lightning duel between two magicians? You bet it’s subtle. Let’s get to work people.” She turned and started talking quietly with Ava.

Kyle took Eddie aside and told him of the ever increasing spiral that was the Abyss.

Max thought of his sister. He had caught the context Liz had not stressed. That she was going to be fighting his sister at the Mall while he was off chasing Indians from another world.

For just a moment he felt that sick feeling he had had when he had been going through that horrible Junior year in High School. When everything had seemed to be spiraling completely out of control.

And he took a deep sigh and looked at Liz. She was worth it. Always had been and always would be.

So he walked over and offered his help.

Re: Hall of the Mountain King (CC ALL/Mature) Pt23 - 12/15/1

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:41 pm
by PML
Here we go again. IN this part we find out what the charming Isabel is up to.

keepsmiling7- Thanks What a choice, huh.

begonia9508- Thanks. Max is capable of more than you think.

In the Hall of the Mountain King part 24


Isabel lead the warriors brave enough to follow her. They were a bit dismayed when they learned she wouldn’t be leading them.

Tough. She had too much to do to hold their hands. They were simply a distraction anyway. Not that they needed to know that. She pointed them towards the nearest towns and shifted shape.

It was harder here on Earth. She had been told that magic was difficult here, particularly in direct sunlight. And she could feel it. It was like the world itself was trying to break her illusions and alterations. To show only what was fully real.

Her older powers, the ones she had shared with her podmates felt as strong or stronger here. But the magic she had come to enjoy and employ was weak. She would have to watch that.

Some of her plans hinged on her magical prowess. She would have to avoid direct sunlight when she was casting and keep the target out of the same.

Still something would simply have to be born. She shifted into a bird, a much smaller one as she left the Comanche raiders. They were still milling in the valley she was leaving them in.

Good luck guys. Wreck havoc.

She flew east, towards Roswell. She used her alien powers to provide her with a beneficial tailwind to speed her trip.

The dead she had tortured for information had revealed that Amy still dwelt in that little old house. One that she fully owned now.

The key to controlling people was knowing what they truly prized. What they would fight to protect even when cornered. What would bend them to your cause even when they hated you.

Maria had two potential weaknesses. Weaknesses that could not be gained in Nidavellir itself. The woman was intensely loyal, and there were those who she would fight for on Nidavellir itself. But the woman was moved intensely by family. Isabel could understand that herself. That was why before she visited Amy’s house she needed to see her mother.

Her father had died of a heart attack at the disappearance and seeming death of his children. From what Isabel had been able to wrest from the wailing and tortured spirits, her mother had taken up her father’s mantel, brushed off her legal degree’s and PUNISHED the Feds.

It almost made her want to bring Diane Evans back with her.

But no. Family was a weakness. And for now, neither she nor Alex, could allow such. The old woman was resting now, enjoying pleasant dreams from which she would not awake.

A shame but necessary.

She landed and transformed back into her normal form. She removed the mask and shook out her long blond hair. Isabel wanted Amy to recognize her, even in her odd dress. She cast a spell to clasp her feathered cloak close about her.

A boy answered the door. He looked an odd mix of Maria, with large green eyes framed in a solid blocky body. Kyle. So. Her son was a mix of two of the people who were causing her the most trouble. What was to happen to her was justified, if only because of all the trouble those two had caused her.

The boy said, “Uh, hello? Can I help you?”

“Tell you mother that an old friend Is here.”

“Um, who?” The boy was looking at her strangely.

Part of it was her beauty of course, and the fact that she was bare-legged didn’t help. At least it closed up above her upper thighs. The last thing she needed was to provide a prepubescent boy with more of a show.

“My name was Isabel Evans. She will recognize it. Go!” The last was with a trace of the Domination power she had developed over the years. It was similar to Tess’s Mind warping, only it didn’t blur the senses, only forced action.

He scurried off to complete her order.

Isabel heard a tired Amy argue briefly with the boy. But Isabel watched as Amy staggered toward the door. Isabel reached up to her earring and pulled out one of the gems. Isabel was fairly sure this would work.

Amy stopped at the door and stared at her. After a hushed moment she said, “Isabel?”

“In the flesh. I am here to bring you to Maria.”

“Maria is alive?” Amy asked plaintively.

“Oh, yes. Do you want me to take you to her?” Isabel put a bright and sunny smile on her face. “Do you come to me with your free will?”

“Yes, yes. To see my daughter again…. Is she safe?”

“Oh yes, very safe. Here take this.” Isabel handed her the gem she had pulled out of her right earing. It was a trap, but there was no way Amy could know.

Amy took it and absently held it, rolling it around in her fingers. Her other hand ran through her hair. “Um, I must look horrible. I need just a couple of minutes to get ready.”

“Sure thing. I would like some coffee if you have it. May I come in?”

Amy smiled. “Yes, yes. Come in.” She ran into the kitchen.

Isabel stepped in, feeling the magical defenses part about the house. Maria’s work. That could have spoiled things.

She could feel the boys glare at her. He could sense something about her. Strange. Maria had been fairly perceptive as well. Kyle too. Hmm.

She shook her head. It wasn’t really important. Getting Amy to help her was. She followed the woman into the kitchen. “So you will come to me, by your own free will.” Isabel could see the woman had not yet let go of the soul gem. That her spell was working.

“Yes, yes, of course.”

Isabel grinned wider. She whispered an incantation under her breath.

Amy screamed as her soul was torn from her body and deposited into the soul gem. In her anguished convulsions the gem slipped from Amy’s fingers.

Isabel was waiting and used her powers to catch the gem in midair and bring it to her. She held it up and said the last few bits of the spell loudly in the ancient dwarvish tongue it had been written in.

The boy ran to his mother to sooth her. But it was much too late.

“Now what shall I do with you?” Isabel smiled at the boy.

“What did you do to my mother?!”

“I have killed her of course.” She smiled wickedly, “But as you shall find, death is not the end most think it is.” She aimed her voice at Amy’s body. “Awake my servant.”

Amy grumbled and got up.

“Time to see Maria,” she told Amy. Isabel looked at the boy and smiled. She had a plan for him too.

Everything was going according to plan….

Re: Hall of the Mountain King (CC ALL/Mature) Pt24 - 12/20/1

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:30 pm
by PML
Well for whatever reason the part storm continues. Maybe it will hit this story and I will be able to wrap it up soon too. Wish me luck, although I do want to post for End as well. And I do apologize for just freezing my stories, I simply hit a brick wall my muse would not work through. Hope you folks enjoy.

begonia9508- Thanks. Yeah, but on the show she wasn't ripping people's souls out! Trust me she is much more dangerous as the witch!

keepsmiling7- Thanks. Bad guys get plans too. Just remember that they are up against 'got to have a plan' Liz and 'indy ploy specialist' Max Evans. Don't count our heroes out just yet....

Of course, that isn't going to help Isabel's plans from doing damage, as they continue to in this part.

In the Hall of the Mountain King part 25


They had meant to be good. Maria knew that at any moment Liz and Max would be coming to pick them up. The Rhbus had promised her. Promised they would call them and send them here. That Liz would be drawn to where ever she was.

But she had expected it to be so much sooner than this. Last night with Michael, finally being with him…. It had opened something up inside her that she simply had never expected. She had known she had once loved him. But she hadn’t realized just how deep that love had been.

She thought she had. But no, she really hadn’t. She was Bonded to Michael. Just as deeply as Isabel had been to Alex.

Maria had been certain that level of bond required more intimacy than she had ever shared with Michael. But not the Bond had been there. He had claimed her at some point, and she had done the same.

No wonder she had never had a stable relationship on Nidavellir, even when she had been certain that she would never return.

Michael was simply the one for her. It had been one thing to think it, and another to simply know.

Now it was so hard to keep her hands off of him. To be good while they waited.

Breakfast had been easy. Both of them had been hungry and they were still sated from an early morning romp. But the hours passed and they were still here in the hotel room.

Michael had gone to get them something for lunch. And Maria had used the time to prepare some entertainment for his return.

It wasn’t that she actually needed to do anything to seduce Michael, it was just fun to watch his eyes widen as he saw her. Needless to say lunch was forgotten.

She still lay on his chest stroking his torso with one hand while listening to his heartbeat. If Liz and Max came they could simply deal. She and Michael had been kept apart for too long.

Maria felt a searing pain on her abdomen. She cautiously slipped out of bed to see what was wrong. In the mirror she saw a small glowing light on her lower belly. One of the alfstones that had formed when she had accepted the carbuncle from that dying Ljosalfar.

A child. Or the potential of one. A warning for the mother. For the stone would not implant itself into the child for several months, connecting her and her child through ancient Alfar magic. It could be stopped her. Conception could be halted. A simple spell would render it moot.

The timing was bad, but a child… Michael’s child.

The door burst inward and Isabel waltzed in. Why hadn’t the Vaettir warnedher?

Isabel’s first spell hit the still sleeping Michael on the bed. He grunted and was flung against the wall.

He did not get up.

Maria quickly grabbed a dagger she had hidden and charged Isabel. She was not more than a dozen feet away. Surely she could at least cut the bitch before the end!

But she was blocked the last person she ever would have expected. For Amy rushed in front of Isabel to save her.

Maria felt as the magically sharpened dagger cut through her mother’s ribs and into her center torso. She let go in horror, her mind almost shattering at the idea that she could have killed the one who had given her birth.

Amy grabbed Maria by the throat and lifted her up, her grip throttling her daughter. Amy’s face was impassive, but the eyes spoke of nameless horror.

Maria struggled against her mother’s grasp, but nothing she did seemed to faze her. Where had she gotten such strength?

Maria noticed that the dagger she had stabbed into Amy was still there. And there was very little blood.

Her mother was Draugr. But how? The sunlight should have killed it already? How?

Isabel was examining Michael laying against the wall. It too little power to break through the Glamorie Isabel was using. None of the clothing she was wearing was real. Only her jewelry.

Including a necklace of iridescent pearls. Some of which gleamed with an inner light. One of those pearls seemed familiar to her.

Souls. Amy wasn’t Draugr, or rather not completely. Not yet. She was Soultaken. She was still alive, but her body was dead. The connection between her body and soul not completely severed. It was almost impossible to reverse and time was critical. Any moment now a threshold would be passed and Amy’s body would truly be empty and she would be a regular Draug.

The soul would still be trapped inside of the gem, for use in whatever manner the necromancer wanted.

Isabel carried Michael back to bed, examining him closely. “So was he any good? He and I never did test each other out, although I know that he was interested. Pity.”

Maria could feel the room begin to darken.

Isabel continued, “I just wish I had a little more time. But will take a little while before he wakes up. And I do have things I need to do. Like killing Liz.” She glanced over at Maria, “And you my dear are going to help me.” She looked at Amy, “Let her go before you kill her.”

“Yes, Isabel.” Amy said dropping Maria to the floor. Her eyes screamed forgiveness, but the woman did nothing to help her.

Maria coughed out weakly, “I will never serve you!”

Isabel smiled, “Now see that is where you are dead wrong.” She fondled one of the pearls on her necklace. “I have your mother’s soul. If we hurry and kill Liz quickly, I might still be able to place it back In her body before the bond is completely gone.” She shrugged, “And even if we don’t, surely you do not wish to use your mother’s soul as my plaything? Or better, she was always clamoring for peace. How about I use her to enchant a weapon? She will be up there on the front lines killing person after person. Yes, yes, I think that is what I will do. Maybe I will even wield it myself.”


Isabel smiled, “All you have to do is follow my orders and I will give you the Pearl. It is that simple.”

Maria’s mind raced. There had to be another option….

Didn’t there?

Re: Hall of the Mountain King (CC ALL/Mature) Pt25 - 02/14/1

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:25 pm
by PML
Amazingly enough, I am still on a roll. Hope it continues.

Begonia9508- Thanks. Oh Isabel will fail at some point. Unfortunately it will not by at Maria's hand...

Natalie36- Thanks.

Keepsmiling7- Thanks. The tide is about ready to turn for the bad guys...

In the Hall of the Mountain King part 26


Kyle felt awkward in the small circle he was supposed to stay in for the Ritual. In fact a part of him was giggling at the whole idea he was actually involved in some high magic ritual.

Had someone asked him last week if he would participate in a magical ritual being cast by an old flame from high school on his new elvish girlfriend so that she could break an curse….

He would have asked three things: Was the new girlfriend hot? Did she get along with his long dead true love? And how Max Evans was involved in it all?

Yep. His life had been topsy-turvy for a long, long time. And while he really thought this current situation was in fact beyond insane didn’t stop him from being fully ready to participate to his fullest. Whining about it did not good at all. All you could do is roll with the flow.

Who knew? Maybe something good would come out of this.

In fact, he was fairly certain that something good would come from this. For the elvish girlfriend was hot. Tess loved Kyle enough to not only save him, but the girl as well, sacrificing herself in the process.

Kyle felt a lump in his throat. If Liz were right, Tess would be gone. Not as in dead. Gone. There would be remnants of her in Avalinde, in fact part of Avalinde would actually BE Tess. But as a distinct being, her soul would be gone.


Kyle fidgeted a little in the protective circle he was in. He couldn’t see Avalinde. She was in a larger circle near the center of the whole diagram Liz had drawn on his floor.

If they lived through this, fixing the house was going to take quite a bit of work.

Kyle’s job in this was to provide support and protection for Avelinde. How he was supposed to do so, Kyle had not a clue.

Liz had simply told him to do what felt natural?


He heard Avalinde chanting behind him in some foreign language. He just let her voice wash over him. And through the Bond they had he sent her his love and confidence in her. How good it felt to watch her soul bloom with his touch! To know that she trusted him and loved him. That they shared this.

He quietly savored it. But there was a blot forming. Something hungry coming to feed. To finish what it started.

Kyle could feel it. So could Ava, but she could do nothing but the Ritual. If she faltered it would fail, potentially killing her. And quite possibly him.

He felt around the room. How he did this he didn’t know. It was like sight, only he knew he was not looking with his eyes.

He could sense the evil presence slowly filling the room, stealthily moving past the protections Liz has set.

She was powerful but inexperienced. And this creature was so old. So adept at evading an enemy’s defenses. To slip in and kill without warning.

Kyle could feel his hackles rise as he truly felt and saw the monster that he had faced before. A clot of shadow shaped and given purpose. Feeding on life, on the very energies that allowed life to be more than a simple series of chemical reactions.

It fed on memories and sensations and emotions. It fed on the very fabric of life.

Simply put, it ate souls. It had already ripped and torn much of what had been Avelinde. It wanted to finish the meal.


This was something Kyle could not, would not allow. Somehow he would stop it, stop this horrible evil. Not only because it was evil, not only because it would feed on the one that he loved, that it would consume the world if its masters let it.

It needed to be stopped.

Kyle Valenti KNEW he was not the man for the job. That it required some mystical and magical hero. That he was nothing like that. He was an ex-soldier and mechanic who sometimes dabbled in meditation and had gotten involved in the bizarre before.

No he was not the man for this job. But he had learned in his life that it doesn’t take the one Destined to stand up against evil to stand against evil. That he would do what he could for as long as he could so long as it would aid his friends and his lover.

He would do anything to protect her. To protect them.

And so with an act of will he projected himself at it. He threw all he was and all he would be at it. To hold the line. To give his love enough time to purge and cleanse herself of the ancient darkness that filled her and her race.
And so when the ancient evil came to finish the job it had started, to complete the task it had been given by the master who had summoned it; it found its way bared.

By a simple human. But there was nothing simple about this man. Whether by quirk of history or some hidden destiny, Kyle Valenti was at this moment this monsters match.

Two spirits fighting over the soul of one young woman, who was unwittingly enough tying her soul to that of what would have been in her world so very far away, a goddess.

At first it sought to brush past and overwhelm Kyle. When that failed it sought to kill or disable him. Finally it sought only to escape.

And in every regard it failed utterly.

Re: Hall of the Mountain King (CC ALL/Mature) Pt26 - 02/15/1

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:51 pm
by PML
This is a transition chapter of sorts, as will the next couple I think. All part of the wind up. Hope you folks enjoy.

begonia9508- Thanks.

Keepsmiling7- Thanks.

Mt. Gazer- Thanks. Isabel's soul is linked to Alex's. He was made into an evil undead monster. This connection was NOT good for Isabel's psyche. We see more of Kyle and what he wrought in the next couple following chapters.

In the Hall of the Mountain King part 27


Maria walked through the refurbished Roswell Mall. It looked very little like the tacky mall she remembered. Not that it wasn’t tacky now; it was, just in different ways. The stores that had been popular when she had left were mostly gone or barely populated.

And cellphones were everywhere. She remembered when she had been proud of her fairly basic phone, but everyone had one.

The options she had been given when she had picked one up were amazing. It could do just about anything!

Too bad she was spending her time in the mall with Isabel. Oh, she had come to like the woman before the whole Nidavellir nightmare had happened. But Isabel had changed considerably over the years.

From a woman who had done considerable amounts of community service to an evil witch who enjoyed committing war crimes? The darkness that had seeped into her from Alex was incredibly virulent.

But something’s never change. The woman still loved to shop. And she had good taste. Even now with more Spartan darker colors. Isabel still looked wonderful.

Her mouth quirked up, not that she looked bad herself. And both of them looked far younger than they actually were. A couple of brainless teens had already tried to pick them up.

Isabel’s put downs were just as cold and just as haughty as they had been in High School.

In fact this whole scenario just seemed to weird, to alienated from the life she had lived the past ten years. It almost made the old feelings come back. Her old friendship with the woman. She could tell from the occasional glance that Isabel felt the same.

So very strange.

But it would never happen. What Isabel had done to her mother…. What she threatened to do with her brother…

No at the end of the day there would be no forgiveness. Not even watching the Warlord of the Mountain curse futilely at a level of the addictive Angry Birds would stop that.

Nothing would.

But it didn’t stop this strange feeling of déjà vu.

Isabel looked up at her. “You will hold to your promise. You know what will happen if you do not.”

“I will be an oathbreaker. My powers will turn against me. Trust me, I know.” Maria turned away.

Isabel continued, “Just because this is Earth won’t change that. Both of us swore an oath.”

Maria closed her eyes, “You know it applies to you as well.”

Isabel was quiet, “I know. But if you do what you promised I will go home. I will release your brother. I will try to save you mother. I cannot promise more than that.” She sighed, “I will even hold to my bargain if I accidently kill her myself. It is possible.”

“Why are you so afraid of her? You’ve been using your powers for so much longer than her. You are one of the most powerful people on Nidavellir. You can’t tell me that one little wizard who has just gotten her full powers is so much of a threat that I…”

“She is not a threat to me, Maria. I could probably beat her easily. But Alex… Alex is vulnerable to her.” She glanced at Maria, “You know this. It is why you came here. It is just too bad for you that we have infiltrated your side as deeply as we have. Just as we know that she will be drawn to you. Not the equipment that you brought her, but to your own person.”

Maria shook her head, “I am not in her league or in yours. She is much too powerful, even now. And each day she will grow stronger.”

Isabel smiled, “Which is why I am here. To defeat her now before she grows powerful enough to be a true threat. But I would rather not kill her. If only because of Max. And…”

“Prophecy. You have a prophecy about this. That you can’t stop her. That she is Alex’s bane.”

Isabel smiled one last time, “Yes. That is why I have you. And remember the cost of breaking your word, Maria.

Maria only nodded. And from the loudspeaker came a voice telling everyone to calmly head to the nearest exit.

Isabel laughed lightly, “She is here.”

Re: Hall of the Mountain King (CC ALL/Mature) Pt27 - 02/16/1

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:01 am
by PML
Huh. I was supposed to have this burst of story telling a couple months ago. Here is another part to Hall.

In the Hall of the Mountain King part 28


Max stared at the semi –familiar scenery. It had been so long ago since he had driven these roads.

Eddie said quietly, “Do you know where we need to go?”

“Liz told me.” Max replied. He hadn’t really liked leaving his wife to do this. But she had told him he would regret it if he wasted any time. She had been right most of the time before she had been invaded by those strange powers. He doubted that had changed.

How he longed to go back to his little Bed and Breakfast. Back to their normal life.

Particularly as he doubted it would ever happen. He doubted now that he would ever see that piece of property again.


Destiny. He could feel it moving. Moving in a way he hadn’t felt since he had been a teen. Since he had escaped it at the cost of his sister and one of his best friends. Both of whom were back.

Then there were the changes he could feel inside of him. He could still feel Liz change on her side of the Bond. Moreover he could feel himself change. Power called to power. As her powers were being woken up, so were his.

Sure he had kept up with his molecular manipulation and healing. Occasionally he was even able to help someone, not usually to the degree he had when he was younger. But he still knew those deep wells of power were there.

If anything they had only deepened and expanded as he had gotten older. Things that had been difficult becoming easier.

But now…. Now he could feel things moving inside of him. Changing him. And he didn’t know exactly what he was changing into or how severe the changes might become.

“Max stop!”

Max shook his head and stopped the car.

Eddie got out of the car, pulling the pistol from the holster Kyle had given him.

Max watched perplexed as the man rushed several other nearly naked men. They were doing something to an old man. They were cutting at his head.

For just a moment Max froze, unable to accept that people could do that to one another. He watched as a girl running from the nearby brush was cut down not more than ten feet from him. She had been running for the safety of his car.

He could have saved her. He should have saved her.

Instead he shook. How could this be possible? How could someone do something like this?

Max was still stunned as he got out of the car.

The man who had cut down the girl smiled and said screamed something at him. And charged.

Max didn’t even notice his raised palm. Didn’t even feel the killing pulse of energy leave him. He just watched as the target shook in pain and fell to the ground, body steaming.

It had been so easy. Like something he had done before.

But he had never killed before. Not as Max.

And that was the key. For once upon a time there had lived a Prince named Zan. And he had been a soldier, a good one. He and his closest ally had fought on countless battle fields at the behest of his father. Had killed so very many.

His hands had once been black with all the blood that he had spilled. Max could feel his eyes tear as he remembered. Remembered his long forgotten past. He had fought and killed until all thoughts of glory had paled. Until all he desired was to somehow atone for all the death. Had sought to heal rather than kill.

He walked over to the girl. A balance. There always had to be a balance. He reached out to the dying spirit of the girl and asked her if she wanted to live. If she wanted to stay in this world of light and love and pain. To look into his eyes.

And with a gasp she awoke, eyes wide. “Who are you?”

Max/Zan smiled down at the girl. It was so good to do that. To bring back life. “I am the King.” At her confusion, “Not of this world. Although this is my world now. My home.”

“Did you stop them?” Her look was fierce and scared at the same time.

“Not yet, young one. But I will.” He stood up and rolled his shoulders, his eyes solid black, “I will.”

Eddie ran back. “I chased a couple of them away.” His voice was full of disgust, “They were scalping that poor man.” He sighed, “Not that he will ever know. He was already dead.”

Max spoke, not concerned that his voice sounded… odd, “Eddie, I need you to take this girl to safety.”

“We can take her with us, I suppose, but we need to hurry. This is probably happening in other spots too.”

“Yes it is. So take her to safety. I will stop this travesty.”

Eddie said softly, “Max I know you are special, that you have gifts. But even you can’t seriously say that you can’t stop something like this by yourself. This is more than any single man can possibly stop.”

Max shook his head, “I am not a man. I am the King. Now go.”

Eddie gathered the girl and carried her to the car. He then drove off.

Max hadn’t liked pushing Eddie. But he had work to do. So he rolled his shoulders and got to it.

And within twelve hours all strife in that area had ceased. Legends would be told of this day. Of the King from the Sky who held life in one hand and death in the other.

One tale of many that would come of this day. For it was far from over.

Re: Hall of the Mountain King (CC ALL/Mature) Pt28 - 02/16/1

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:03 am
by PML
Probably not going to be writing another one today, but hopefully tomorrow... This story is finally moving towards the end game. Hope you all enjoy and sorry for the long wait!

Mt. Gazer- Thanks. It is a pity that this isnt ten years ago with them simply doing a mall crawl. But unfortunately its not. I like this Zan/Max too. Wish I could give him some more screen time.

keepsmiling7- Thanks. There's always next year. Yep.

mary mary- Thanks. Max/Zan verses Isabel as she is now. Shudder. Liz deliberately set it up so that Max didn't have to fight his sister. He likely would have ended up killing her, and would have hurt Max badly.

In the Hall of the Mountain King part 29


Avalinde opened her eyes to the sunlight that streamed onto her body. It felt so good, so warm and pure. How could her ancestors have given up something so simple and necessary?

Knowing the possibilities of the future was nice, but was it truly worth giving up access to half of the day? Was the knowledge the dead keep truly that much worth knowing? To lock out not just the practitioners but to doom your family and your people to untold hardship simply for a few shards of forbidden knowledge?

It simply seemed insane to her.

But then so too did the actions of Tess Harding. To try and force her family to turn against their own lives so that the life she had been promised could be given to her. She had gone so far as to kill one of the few people who had been kind to her, to kill the one who Isabel had loved.

She blinked. Tragic. All of it was so tragic.

She turned to see Liz smiling at her and at Kyle behind her.

Liz said, “Perfect. Both of you did perfect.”

Avelinde turned to look at Kyle. It was a stunned Kyle that had a fist wrapped around a glowing ball of energy. He kept looking at it in amazement. She said, “Hi. Thanks. Thank you for everything.”

He looked up at her and his face lit up. “I will do anything to protect you. Anything. Tell me I need to storm hell to save you and I am there. My love. My true love.”

Avelinde reached out to him. He reached out with one arm to hold her, his eyes switching to Liz.

Liz said, “You can let it go now. It knows it has been mastered.” She addressed the glowing ball of light. “You do understand, right?”

“Yes Magister. I will serve until my mission is completed. And then I will retreat unto my world and do no further harm in this one.”

Kyle let his hand open and pulled Ava closer.

Ava only giggled as she felt herself crushed against his chest. Her mouth naturally reached up and met his in a steamy kiss. How long they held there, she didn’t know. But neither Liz nor the strange Sending had left.

Liz sighed, “I wish I could leave you too lovers here while I go face Isabel….”

“We will help you!” Kyle said.

Avelinde felt oddly conflicted. It was partly her fault that Isabel was the way she was now. That she had changed so much. If the part of her who had been Tess had not killed Alex…. So she asked Liz quietly, “Is there no way she can be saved? Is it too late for her?”

Liz smiled softly, “Almost. There is one more chance, one that you can give her. But it will entail some risk for you and Kyle.”

Avelinde looked over at Kyle. “Please?”

He gave her a brief fierce kiss, “Anything, Ava. I told you. I will do anything for you.”

Avelinde turned to face Liz, her whole being filled with love, “What do we need to do?”

And Liz told her. So simple. Dangerous but simple.

It took a few minutes to get ready, for Liz and Avelinde to change the nature of the Circle that occupied the living room. She felt as Kyle gathered things as well, to ready himself.

They would succeed. She simply had too much to lose for any other option!


Liz stared at the two smiling people inside the now glowing circle. This would succeed, she was pretty sure.

Now it was her turn to face Destiny. And Death.

Yes, these two would succeed. But would it be in time?

She turned to west, where Max was. She could feel him changing, feel his old hidden self finally rise to the top. She hoped that he would forgive her. But it was the only way.

She hoped she would be alive for him to forgive her. Because while she had made sure and set in motion situations to save everyone else, she had no one to save her.

She got into her car and drove off to face her Destiny.