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Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 10:28 pm
by sydneymorgan

Um. what else do you need?

Oh by the way, totally love Max and Liz. .....See ya later! :lol:

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 2:35 pm
by ~~Dreamer~~

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 1:27 pm
by Mickey Fanatic
okay here goes nothing

Name: Debbie
Location: Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Age: older than all of you
Profession: I work in television news
Thoughts: I think that the chemistry between M/L and J/S is amazing. I think that Max and Liz are the perfect couple! I love them and the show!

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 9:47 am
by FallenMagic
Hi all! This seems like a good idea!

Name: Rida
Age: 18
Location: Pakistan
Intersts: Roswell, reading, writing, internet, tv and music, theatre productions!
Fav. Roswell episode: Heat wave, destiny, Cry your name (it was so sad :cry: ), the end of the world, 4AAAB, Graduation!
Anything else: Love Jensen Ackles! The boy is almost as hot as JB :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 2:00 am
by liason
hello Everyone!

Name: Alyshia
Age: 24
Intrests: Roswell, Reading, Internet, Movies
Fave Episodes: Pilot, Sexual Healing,Blind Date, Destiny, EOTW, VLV, Departure, WDAMYK,Crash,4AAAB,Graduation

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 12:44 pm
by Beautifully Raediant
Hey guys.

Wow, when I disappeared the thread sure did liven up pretty well, didn't it? :) I just want to give a nice welcome to everyone. Especially to Zans Desire - good to know there is someone on this thread my age. lol. :roll:

Well, not sure what else I should say. :lol:


Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 4:37 am
by Applebylicious
Name: Lindsay aKa "The Lindsanator"
Age: 21
Location: Hmm... currently living in Japan, but I'm from B'ham, Alabama. Dirty South all the way, biznotch!
Interests: Writing, ballet, my family and friends
Favourite Dreamer episode: Pilot, Heatwave, Sexual Healing, Graduation.
Anything else: not much... just currently struggling to overcome my writing insecurities and get published before I turn 25. 'Tis my dream.

This is a great idea! Hmm... I don't really have much else to add, except that it's nice to meet you all, and hope to see you around Fanatics sometime!
And Rae, I hope you feel better soon! I'll add a new part to The Jade Tower if it will get you back up and runnin'! :D



Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 10:39 am
by Beautifully Raediant
Hey....Lindsanator. :lol: I could use that nickname so much, you may end up hating it. Hehe. Is there a story behind it? :)

What? Jade Tower - but, but, I'm so behind on my part! *mutters to self* Why did I have to mention it as my favorite. :roll:...Such leverage she has now. ;)

Okay, I shall work diligently. Yes, work, work, work...*scoff* Who am I kidding? I'm trying to catch up with the "new" fics you know, the ones with, like, over fifteen parts to 'em. *groans* My weakness...

Of course I'm referring to Risque Business, which by the way, I had no idea was yours until I accidently stumbled into, noticed your name just as I was Xing out, and thought "Ahhh screw". So, I sat down for two hours, reading all I could - which wasn't much, being as I was at work and had a many interuptions. :roll:

I shouldnt' be on here now....But yeah...I know me.

Oh, and thanks for wishing me well. :? I don't know what's been wrong with my lately. :roll: I woke up this morning feeling like crap again, but trudged off to work anywho...

Leaving now, before I stay on here for entirely too long.... :roll:


Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 2:51 pm
by marteloise
Hi everyone!!

Name: Angélique
Age: 19
Location: France
Interests: Roswell, internet, reading, movies..
Favourite Dreamer episode: Pilot, Heatwave, Blind Date, Sexual Healing, Destiny...
Anything else: Worship JB.. :lol: and study English (2 nd year) when I'm not drooling in front of a picture of JB.. :lol: :roll: Have a really fascinating life.. :lol: :lol: :roll:

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 3:05 pm
by Beautifully Raediant
First, Angélique - wow, beautiful name. :) And you're from France...Which means you speak French. :( Oh, how envious I am. ;)

Hmm, I may have to keep you in mind if I need help with writing in French. ;) Is that okay? :lol: The chances of that happening in the first place are pretty slim - but I like to keep my doors open.

Welcome! :-)
