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Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:03 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 21

“Now!” Khivar ordered his men to attack the group that was slowly making their way towards his hideout.

Shots flew every where, as Khivar’s minions seemed to rise up out of the ground in front of the rescuers. “Take cover!” Jordan yelled at the group. “I knew something was wrong. He was just waiting for us.” Jordan said to himself as the rest of the group dispersed and took cover.

“Take cover he says like we don’t know to take cover. There’s gun fire all around us and the man tells us to take cover. Does he think we’re freaking idiots!” Kyle was muttering to himself in between taking the occasional shot himself. “How do I get myself into this kind of predicament? I hate this alien crap.” Just then a flying elbow connected to his rib cage. “Tess! That hurt.”

“Well then I think you need to rephrase that last comment.” She smiled sweetly at the love of this life.

“What baby… You know I love you and I would do anything for you. Don’t you? You know I don’t hate ALL things alien, right?” Kyle’s eyebrows wiggled up and down and Tess giggled.

“I know… Let’s get this over so we can start the rest of our life together.” She concentrated on the scene in front of her. Men were hiding behind trees and well placed rocks. “They were prepared for us… They knew we were coming.” She mumbled to Kyle. She aimed and fired taking out the man that had his sights on Kyle.

Kyle and Tess were pinned behind a torn down wall of the old city. Michael and Maria were about ten feet to their left next to the corner of a brick building. Alex and Isabel were to the right neatly placed behind a stone monument and Jordan was working his way slowly to the building that Max and Liz were in.

Jordan stopped and pointed two fingers to his eyes and then fanned them out. He was telling the group to cover him. He was going in. They weren’t able to communicate to each other. Something was blocking them from the one thing that should have given them the edge against Khivar’s men, their connection to each other. Jordan’s journey was a slow one. Between shooting men, dodging incoming fire and trying to run from cover to cover; he slowly made his way to the edge of the building.

Alex and Isabel kept a constant fire on the field. The way it was going it was shaping up to be a stalemate. Everyone was neatly tucked away and no gunfire was going to penetrate their hiding spots. “This is going to take forever.”

Alex continued to scan the area in front of him seeming to ignore Isabel. “Alex are you listening to me? There’s no way we are going to get out of this.”

“Isabel. I always listen to you. I just don’t see the need to answer every time.” He took a side-glance at his lovely partner and smiled his one of kind Alex Whitman smiles.

“What are you looking at?” she asked him.

“We can’t communicate to one another. There’s something blocking us. I’m looking for a device that would enable Khivar to block our connection. It’s got to be around here somewhere.” Alex continued to look at everything that looked out of place and with one blast of the gun he was wielding he would destroy it and take it out of the equation.

“Michael you missed again. Even I have better aim than that. God, you really suck at this. And you call yourself a soldier?” Maria kept up a constant stream of comments hounding Michael and the more she hounded him the worse his aim got.

Finally Michael had had enough of Maria and alien weapons and threw the gun down. “Damn this thing.” He yelled just before he began shooting Khivar’s defenders with his power blasts.

“Now that’s my Space Boy. Go get ‘em Tiger.” Maria’s face was full of pride and ownership. Michael had come a long way since that day he killed Agent Pierce with his blast.

Gunfire ran rampant throughout the old Town Square as Khivar looked on with a smile on his face. It was all coming together just like he planned.


The room had gone pitch black. There was nothing left of the red glow that was shining so brightly only seconds before. “Liz?” He didn’t know why he was calling for her. He had to act fast and calling for her was only wasting time. Max pulled himself off the floor, holding out his hand he created a soft blue glowing light and looked down into the peaceful expression on his beloved’s face. She knew that he would come. Her faith in him was boundless. It was greater than his faith in himself. She knew.

Max worked quickly to get the cuffs off. He made sure not to make the connection to Liz until the cuffs were completely off of her. Working quickly at her wrists and then moving to her ankles the cuffs clanked to the floor. “Hang on Liz. Hang on.” Max kept repeating his mantra as he moved from one cuff to the other. When the fourth and final cuff hit the floor with a loud clank the first breath of relief was released. Max scooped Liz up into his arms to get her off the cold metal table. Her body hung limp in his strong arms and she felt so fragile as he crushed her to his chest. There was no sign that she was still in the shell that he held. Her body heat was quickly diminishing and Max hurriedly sat them both down on the floor

He held her lifeless body in his lap and tried to make the connection he needed to heal her. Then it dawned on him. He had always connected with Liz while looking in her eyes. What if he wouldn’t be able to connect with her because he couldn’t see into her eyes? Max shook his head and started yelling.

“Why didn’t you think of this Liz? I can’t heal you because I can’t form a connection. I can’t, I can’t. Why didn’t you just wait for the others?” Max wailed. “We should have waited. I should have come down here and made you wait. You were scared. So scared and I left you alone. I should have stayed with you. I should have stayed.” Max began to sob and his body began to shake with every breath he took. Max stumbled to his feet with his precious burden cradled in his arms and began to ascend the stairs.

He no longer cared if Khivar caught him. He had nothing to live for. The one and only person that had ever held his heart, his soul and completed the person he was, was gone. Liz’s head lulled over his arm as he walked up the stairs and he shifted her petite weight a little so her head now rested on his shoulder. The door to the basement was still open from when he ran down the stairs to save her. He didn’t look around to see if anyone had come to the commotion he had stirred when he ran to her rescue.

Once out of the basement Max took a right and left the building that Liz had lived her last few moments in. Max was oblivious to the chaos that was surrounding him the minute he set foot into the real world. A war was going on and he didn’t even notice. Tears were streaming down his face and he just kept on walking. He didn’t care if he was shot; he didn’t care if he took another step to some destination unknown. He just didn’t care.


After minutes of searching and destroying everything that looked out of place, Alex finally had no choice but to give up when he saw Max carrying Liz. The look on Max’s face saying it all. Something had gone terribly wrong and Max couldn’t save her. Alex directed his gunfire to help protect them. He tried once more to connect with Isabel who had moved to a better location to help keep Jordan safe. But was unable to. Looking to the others he realized that there was no need to contact them they were already moving into position to try to protect Max.

Max continued to walk away from Khivar’s lair and the others fell into place encasing him and Liz in a protective circle. Once the circle was complete and everyone joined hands they were able to create a protective shield around them.

The shield went up and the gunfire ricocheted off of it. “Max! I told you not to go near her.” Jordan was yelling at him. Max continued walking oblivious to what was being said to him.

“Max, are you ok?” His sister asked.

Still Max didn’t answer.

“Hey buddy. Can you hear me?” Alex said as he also attempted to make contact. The look that Isabel had on her face made scared him.

“Stop.” Jordan had a worried look on his face. “We have to stop and do the transfer quickly or she’s lost forever.”

“Out in the open Jordan? We have to get under some cover. How about that farmhouse over there?” Michael argued.

“No, Michael, it has to be done immediately. We can’t wait or Liz will definitely die.”

Max woke from his nightmare when he had heard that there was still may be some hope for Liz. “Jordan?” Max’s eyes were red from crying and his voice cracked with emotion.

“Max. You have to tell me what happened. How did you get the cuffs off of her?”

“I stayed up top like you told me. She was so scared Jordan I almost couldn’t stay away from her. She wanted me close by but when I told her I couldn't she began to think of ways to get the cuffs off. She came up with the idea that if she let the cuffs collect all of her energy that they would turn themselves off and then I could bring her back. She was right, when all of her energy was gone the force field shut down and I was able to get the cuffs off of her. She was right but she didn’t think far enough ahead. I can’t connect with her because I can’t look into her eyes. I’ve never made a connection with her unless I was looking into her eyes.” Max’s voice fell to a low whisper as if he was talking to himself but out loud.

“I’ve never seen anyone that could force their entire energy into the cuffs and force the machine to shutdown. She is absolutely amazing.” Jordan was talking out load but it was for himself more than anyone. Shaking himself out of his state of awe, he brusquely continued, “Ok this is what we are going to do. I’m not sure if it’s going to work or not but we’ll see. Max lay Liz down here and you lay beside her.”

“What are you going to do?” Tess was looking over her shoulder so that she could see what was going on. She still didn’t trust Jordan that much but she didn’t have much choice in the matter. Either Jordan could help Max bring Liz back or Liz was lost forever.

“Well.” He looked up at the group and was amazed that they were all looking at Max and Liz. The expressions that each one held was like the other. Concern. Deep concern. Jordan could understand why. Max was their leader and if Liz didn’t pull through then he wouldn’t survive for long. He shook his head to get rid of that thought. “Just like Liz had forced all the energy that she held inside we are going to force Max to force part of the energy that he is carrying into her.”

“Will that work? How will Max know what part to give Liz?” Michael was probably the most concerned not only was he losing his sister that he had just found out that he had but there was a possibility of losing his best friend as well.

“We are going to connect with them both to anchor him in his own body, and to provide him with the power he needs to make the transfer.” Jordan responded to Michael. He then turned to Max to tell him the rest of the plan. “I want you to think of yourself as healing someone but instead of someone else you will be healing yourself. Do you understand Max?”

“Not really but kind of.”

“Ok, I don’t have time for a long explanation so here’s the short one, you are carrying a part of Liz inside of you just like she was carrying a part of you inside of her. If you connect with that part of yourself that is actually her and then separate it from the other part that’s you, you will be able to see what I am talking about. Got it?”

“Ok… “ Max closed his eyes and search deep inside of him. He searched for the essence of Liz. He was amazed at how easily he was able to find it… It called to him. No. It sang. The glorious glow that was deep inside him nestled close to his heart was singing loud and was begging to be let loose. Max opened his eyes and smiled for the first time since Khivar had taken Liz hostage. “I see her. She’s beautiful.” He finished in a low awe-inspiring whisper.

“Good Max. We won’t have much time to do the transfer because we will have to lower the shield and connect with you to give you enough power to force Liz’s energy into her body. Ok.” Jordan looked at everyone. They understood what was being asked.

“How long will it take?” Isabel asked almost too quietly.

“Not long. Liz’s energy is calling to her body and once we nudge it a little it will flow into her rapidly. Everyone ready?” Everyone nodded their head.

“Wait, stop!” Max cried. “I can’t risk all of you. You can’t let the shield down they will kill all of you and I wont – we won’t do it.” Max was talking for both himself and Liz. He knew that she wouldn’t want the others to risk their lives just to save hers. “There has to be another way. Think of something else.”

“Can’t we take one hand and touch both Max and Liz and then keep the other one connected to the circle so we won’t break the connection and the shield can stay in place for the entire transfer?” Alex suggested.

“I don’t know but it’s worth a shot Alex. Ok… everyone put your right hand on Max and Liz. Some of you will have a hard time but if we move Max’s hands here and Liz’s hand here it just might work. Ok? That looks good.” Jordan fully concentrated on what was about to be attempted. He was making sure that everyone’s hands were in proper position and that they were all ready to try the impossible. It had never been done before but if anyone could merge their power and complete a transfer like this it would be this group of kids.

Max closed his eyes and went in search of Liz’s essence once more. “On the count of three everyone give what they can to Max. Max you then focus on wrapping up Liz’s essence and sending it to her. Will her to live. Give her the life you hold inside you. Make her sing so to speak.” Jordan was the one taking charge and everyone did as he said. Max concentrated on Liz’s essence as Jordan began to count.

“One –“

“Two –“

“Jordan!” Khivar yelled into the group.

“Oh my God!” Maria said in a shrill voice that made Jordan stop the count. Everyone looked up to see Khivar.

“I think you will want to take a look at what I have here. There’s someone here that wants to see you.” Khivar had been watching the scene unfold in front of him desperate for some way of stopping it. Lucky for him Kara had been coming to save her husband from the war that was raging here in the old city. Otherwise he wouldn’t be able to get to the others so easily. It never hurt to have an ace in the hole… never.

Jordan looked over his shoulder to see Khivar clutching Kara who looked like she had been crying for quite some time. He stood up and turned so he could face his old enemy. While looking at Khivar he made contact with the group. ‘When I say three drop the shield and do the transfer. Don’t worry about me. And don’t worry about Kara. Once the transfer is complete put the shield back up.’

’What about you? We can’t leave you out there. Khivar will kill you.’ Max sent his feelings to the group.

’I’m dead already. He has Kara. Not everyone can survive without their other half. You are special. He’ll kill her at least this way I will be with her. Just do it.’

’Ready?’ Jordan called out. “Ok Khivar. I will come see you. Just don’t hurt Kara.”

“What me? I wouldn’t do such a thing.” Khivar said sarcastically. “Besides I owe it all to her for getting the Royal family back to Antar and for delivering the Granolith back to its rightful place.” Kara began to struggle to free herself from Khivar’s grasp but his grip was like iron.

“Jordan I can’t let you do this.” Max was sitting up still holding onto Liz’s hand as if he were afraid of losing her for good.

“Max there is nothing left to discuss. We all know what we are here for. I’ve always been here to protect Kayla and what better way for me to go than for my death to ensure that she lives. I love her as if she were my own sister and I would do anything to make sure that she lives. Now if you don’t tell them to drop the shield and let me go through to be with my wife I will kill myself right here and end all discussion. Please Max let me go. I promised you that if she ever interfered in saving Liz that you wouldn’t have to deal with her, I would. Please let me do it my way.” Jordan pleaded with Max with solemn looking eyes. Max could see that the man in front of him hated what he had to do but he wouldn’t want it any other way.

“Ok. On three.” Max finally conceded.

“Max are you crazy?… We can’t drop the shield to let him go. They’ll be waiting for us to do just that.” Tess was trying to talk some sense into him. He didn’t want to jeopardize the rest of the group but he was doing just that. “Letting Jordan out of the protection of the shield will put us all in harm’s way. Let's save Liz and then do it. If it will be like Jordan says the transfer will be complete and then we can return to the fight. Think about it…”

She was right. Max hadn’t thought about that. That’s why Khivar was waiting so patiently. He didn’t want Jordan; he wanted an open shot at the group. “She’s right. Let’s do the transfer and then if it’s possible save Kara. Any arguments?” Seeing that there were none but Jordan’s, Max laid back down next Liz… “Lets do this.”

“Ok… on the count of three.” One – Two – Three!” Max didn’t hear three but he felt the surge of energy from everyone as it flowed into him. There was Maria’s cool refreshing blue power accompanied by Michael’s strong and solid red. Alex’s cheerful orange and Isabel’s vibrant purple together it was the most energetic and soothing feeling that Max had felt. Next was Kyle’s pale yellow and Tess’ hot pink. Max felt the peace and trust that the two had found as one unit and had sent to him. He was smiling on the inside and as he looked for Liz’s essence, he found it glowing a rich amber color. He channeled all the combined power to it and watched in wonder as Liz mixed with it like she was rolling around and basking in all of its glory…

It was time. Max collected that part of himself that was Liz’s essence and sent it to where he was connected to her. The last thing he thought as he felt all the power drain from his body was that he hoped that it worked.


Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:04 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 22

The transfer was in progress and Khivar was getting extremely angry that the group still resisted his demand to lower their shield. He hadn’t expected them to let one of their own be left out to die but then again Kara wasn’t really one of them. She had betrayed them. Yet the group still held Jordan in their trust. Humans were so confusing he thought to himself. He’d be glad when he succeeded in killing them all.

The shield that was encircling his enemies turned from a green to glorious golden sheen. The power was building. “Where do they get all this power from? They should be getting weaker. Kayla depleted her entire energy system. If they are trying to revive they should have to use their power to feed hers and be getting weaker, not stronger.”

“That’s what you are scared of. That’s what you should be scared of Khivar. They can defeat you just by being together. That’s why you had them all destroyed. You felt Kayla’s potential so very long ago and that’s why you pressed the issue for your daughter to marry Zan. You knew that if the union between them was ever completed that nothing would ever shake the walls of the palace. Their power, once combined, would be indestructible. As long as they were together you would never have your chance to rule.” Kara gave a light chuckle. “I never thought I would see the day that Khivar would be scared. This is great.”

“Fool. Prepare to die and with you your precious husband. And once you and your husband are dead, I will kill the rest of them off one by one. I wish you would be able to watch their demise since it is all because of you.” He started to move closer to the glowing field that was growing in intensity. Right as he took hold of Kara and was preparing to blast her the field expanded and then separated from the group.

The energy spread like a shock wave flattening everything in its path. It knocked everyone that was on the outside to the ground.


The group inside was oblivious to what was going on, they were basking in the power that they had created together. Liz’s essence was growing by leaps and bounds.

Liz became aware of life being forced into her. She connected with Max. “What’s going on Max?”

“Liz? Is that you?”

“Yes silly it’s me… You did it! I knew when I saw you standing there that everything was going to be ok. I knew. You told me not to worry that everything would be better this way. To give everything I had to the cuffs. You were right. I love you and I was so scared that I would die in those cuffs.”

“What are you talking about Liz. I didn’t come down to you? I stayed upstairs like Jordan had said to.”

The image of being mind warped came into the mix from the group. They were all thinking that somehow Max or Liz had been mind warped into killing themselves. Max’s anger grew and with his anger the field that surround the group expanded and then shot out to reach everyone and everything and to destroy it.


Liz was the first one to waken and her first thought as she laid there was that it was all just a horrible dream. With the shield now gone and the group laying unconscious on the ground. She searched the situation and reached for Max. His eyes were still closed as well as all the rest.

“Man Liz. You sure know how to make things dramatic.” Kyle was the first to wake up rubbing his head. He had picked up Tess and had her head resting in his lap.

“What happened Kyle?” She had proceeded to do the same with Max. Something felt different, something inside had changed.

“Max saved you like he always does.” Plain and simple.

The rest of the group began to struggle into sitting positions. Smiles on their face when they first laid eyes on Liz. Liz was stroking Max’s hair as everyone was awake a smile on her face as well. She began to worry because Max had yet to move from his unconscious state. She looked down at him worry written all over her face and the minute her eyes locked with his the worry dissipated.

“I was worried. Why didn’t you give me some sign that you were awake?”

Max sat up. “I was enjoying the view. The smile on your face. It feels like a lifetime since you have held me. I didn’t want to ruin the moment.” She leaned down and the two of them locked into a passionate kiss.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve kissed too. I’ve missed you Max.” She sent these thoughts to him through the connection that they shared.

“Ahhh.” Maria, Isabel and Tess all said in unison. However, Michael, Alex and Kyle all turned their backs. All thinking God, get a room. This thought of course allowed all three girls to elbow their respective partner in the side.

“We heard that.” They said. The connection between the group was solid now. Their combining their energy had united them on another plane.

“Jordan!” Liz was the first to break the reunion. “Where’s Jordan?” She began looking around for him when she saw him sprawled out against a partial wall of the old city ruins. Max and Liz both struggled to their feet and ran over to him. The others followed close on their heels.

“What happened to him. I thought he was safe behind the field.” Max began assessing the damage. He made the connection to Jordan quite easily. “He’s ok. He’s been knocked out because the shock wave knocked out Kara.” Max looked around and spotted Khivar getting up from where they had last seen him. Kara was to the left of him still unconscious. Pulling Jordan to his feet and heaving him onto his shoulder Max began to say, “We’ve got to get to safety. Khivar’s not dead yet.”

“No. We aren’t running any more Max.” Liz hissed. “Khivar can’t do any damage to us anymore. We are more powerful than he can ever be. We make our stand now.” Liz was beginning to stalk towards Khivar as he fumbled to drag Kara off the ground.

“Khivar hear me out. Let Kara go and we will spare your life.” Liz was concentrating and as she concentrated she began to draw strength from the group. They released what she called for easily and they all knew why she was doing it. She was trying to intimidate him. Make him feel her power.

“Never. I will never surrender.” Pleadingly, he looked toward Tess. “Is this what you want for your father Ava?”

Tess stood rigidly. “You are not my father. The man that I call father is at home on Earth. You will never be my father.” She yelled forcefully at him while Kyle put a supportive arm around her shoulders.

“You don’t know what you are saying Ava. This is what you’ve always wanted.” Khivar whined, trying to get her to join forces with him. “You wanted to rule, you wanted power. I can give you those things all you have to do is come here.” Khivar was standing with Kara shielding him. He looked like he was terrified of them and Tess knew that he was the fear could be felt rolling off of him in waves. They were connected. She could feel that now. The power of the group had combined and had made her aware of what was inside her, who was inside her. A piece of him was inside her and she hated that feeling. It made her feel violated, dirty, and wanted to get rid of the thing immediately.

“I know what I am saying and I know who you are but know this Khivar you will never have anything to do with me again.” Tess reached down inside of her grabbing that essence that made the bile from her stomach crawl up her throat and she knew what she wanted to do and she looked to the group for assistance. Joining hands once more, less Liz, they took the unwanted essence and squeezed the life out of it.

Khivar faltered a little relying on Kara to keep him standing upright as he felt a part of himself die. “No!” He screamed in agony.

Liz took another step closer to him. “I repeat. Release Kara and we will spare you the life that you have left. I will give you the life that you gave me to live. A life spent in eternity in a set of your own collector cuffs.” Liz smiled a wicked smile at him. She didn’t know who that thought had come from but she liked it. She liked it a lot.


Liz noticing Khivar’s frightened stance stiffen as she approached, she began to think of a different approach. She pushed all the power that she had been pooling back to the others. She wanted to make Khivar feel that she was no threat. The others looked on questioningly wondering what she was doing. A feeling of trust was pushed to them from her. She wanted them to feel confident in what she was doing. While the connection was opened a familiar essence floated by it. It was Jordan. He was smiling at her, and he was full of pride. She smiled back and then continued towards Khivar.

“I will do you no harm Khivar if you just release her. Take me instead. I am worth much more and you know it. If you have me I can make you powerful. You felt the power that I am able to call and you want it.” Khivar licked his lips. It was true he felt her call to an unknown power and it was glorious. If he could just connect with her and mind rape her into doing what he wanted her to do that power would be his.

He took a step closer to her still using Kara as a shield to make sure that no one could get a shot off at him. He looked around and saw his troops just standing there watching him as well as the others. They wanted to be on the winning side and would wait to see who won. ‘They’re all idiots and as soon as I have her power they will pay for their insubordination. They will all pay!’ He was scheming in his head what he would do with all that power. He couldn’t wait any longer so he pushed Kara out into the opening and the minute he did he grabbed Liz.

She went willingly but what happened next she didn’t expect and couldn’t stop because it happened so fast. As Kara stumbled to get her footing Khivar sent a power blast to her back. The blast threw her ten feet from where she originally was and her body landed hard on a metal flagpole that had been severed so many years ago. “No!” Liz screamed and her eyes followed her friend’s body flying through the air. The minute it was impaled on the jagged pole Liz’s eyes went directly to Jordan.

She was too late. The life force had fled from both of them and Liz’s anger began to build. Khivar had turned Liz around so that he would be able to make contact with her for the mind warp. Liz looked into his eyes begging him to see her wrath… He would pay for his treachery. As the connection between her and Khivar opened and the first throb of pain began in her mind she began calling the power of the others.

She fiercely grabbed his arms immobilizing him. He was unable to move them but he didn’t care. He didn’t care because Liz made him believe that he would be getting her power very soon. And he would be but not in the way that he thought. As the power began pool inside of Liz, Khivar’s smile broadened. “So very soon we will rule this planet as well as the others. I was a fool to get rid of you in your other life. I won’t be a fool now.”

Khivar leaned in to kiss Liz and she willingly let him do so. The power inside her was at its fullest and it was begging to be released. It was begging to destroy this alien in front of her. She revelled in the feeling of what the power wanted to do and she couldn’t wait to release it. She grabbed Khivar’s head and forced his lips onto hers. Just before they met she whispered. “I hope you enjoy the rest of eternity in Hell Khivar.” And she smiled before the connection was formed.

The power surged at the close proximity of what it wanted and leaped from Liz into Khivar. He froze in place, eyes wide open in shock. He couldn’t believe that he had thought that he could control the power that she held. He realized that he was a fool and because of that he was going to die. Khivar made one futile effort to break free from Liz but even though the lip contact broke, the power continued to flow into him making him start to writhe in pain.

It was searching within him now. Searching for his life force and finding the black heart that it was; it encircled it and began to slowly collapse on it. It was over in mere moments and Khivar died almost instantly. He fell to the ground and took Liz with him. His hands locked in a death grip on her arms so fierce that she couldn’t break free. Thinking that Khivar may still be able to injure Liz the group ran to her aid and was there almost instantly.

“Liz. Are you ok?” Max was the first one there. He was prying Khivar’s dead fingers off of Liz’s arm while he was trying to search her as well for any other damage. Liz was crying, great sobs escaping her body. Tears streaming down her face.

“Get him off of me. Get him off!” She was screaming as she frantically tried to break away from Khivar’s grip. She had to get to Jordan. Something inside him was calling to her and it was growing weaker with every passing second. “Get him off of me!” She screamed once more.

Max had successfully freed her and knowing that she was free Liz got up and ran towards Jordan. Collapsing to her knees she cradled his head on her lap. She began rocking back and forth willing him to hang on. It was going to be ok. She was there. She was there now and everything was ok. “Please Jordan don’t go. Please. Stay with us. You’re family and we don’t want you to leave. Please…” Jordan looked up at Liz one last time and with great effort he raised his hand and caressed her cheek.

Liz was crying even harder and had clasped his hand so it wouldn’t move. “It’s ok Anna.” Jordan’s memory had reverted back to who he remembered best. Anna his sister. His sister on Earth that he had loved and protected until she was strong enough to conquer. He smiled at her. “I love you Anna. You make me proud but I need to be with Kara. Please don’t make me stay here without her. It’s my time to let you go and I’m asking you to let me go too. I have no regrets so don’t you either.” Jordan closed his eyes and a smile broke across his lips. The hand that Liz was holding to her cheek went limp.

“NO!!” Liz tilted her head up to the sky for she knew that is where Kara was waiting for him she was there because that is where he deserved to be and he wanted to be with her.


Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:05 pm
by Bordersinsanity

Jordan was given a hero’s burial and Kara’s final resting-place was beside him. Liz had wanted it that way for she knew that is what Jordan had wanted.

Khivar is finally dead and the royal family was once again the ruling family on Antar.

The Granolith was ready for their departure. The device back in the hands of it’s rightful owners. There were mixed feelings amongst the group. Most of them happy to be going home because they couldn’t wait to start a normal life back on Earth. They felt out of place on this planet. This planet that they once thought of as home was now alien to them. They knew that their real home was Earth and that their families were waiting for their return.

But there was one decision that had to be made before they could leave. Antar was faced with a serious crisis now that ruling was returned to its rightful place. If everyone in the group were to leave Antar, it wouldn’t have a standing ruler and the next ‘Khivar’ would be able to take advantage of them. Max knew what he needed to do but he knew he couldn’t do it without Liz at his side. She was more than just a lover, more than just a companion. She was half of his soul. Half of who he was. He needed her if he was to rule Antar properly.

As he looked into her eyes as they said their I do’s, she made her decision and through their connection gave him her answer. “Where ever you go I will be there.”

As Max gathered Liz into a crushing embrace, the crowd cheered and the friends and family of the two new rulers of Antar had tears in the eyes. Tears of joy, tears of happiness and most of all tears filled with love.

The other six left Antar soon after the bonding ceremony of their two friends and four of them have since tied the knot. Alex and Isabel are expecting their first child any day now and Alex couldn’t be happier that it’s almost over.

Michael seeing how Isabel had been during the whole pregnancy has sworn off having sex with Maria. Maria was bad enough as it was without having to contend with raging hormones. He doesn’t know that it’s already too late. She’ll let him wait it out.

Kyle and Tess have decided to take things slow. They had spent so much time ignoring their feelings that now that they get to express them openly they don’t want to change a thing.

Max and Liz came home for the birth of Whitman’s first born and broke the news that they too were expecting. The eight of them were finally happy. As a group they had fought the FBI, skins and even defeated the dreaded Khivar and the fear of being exposed or hunted no longer lay waiting in the back of their minds.

Everything was finally normal.

The End.